24 minute read
The Plunge returns to Canton

Puzzles can be found on page 38
These are only the answers. The Champion Credit Union racoon takes the leap during a previous Plunge. Donated photo

The Plunge returns to Canton
The 11th annual Plunge Benefit-t-t-ting Kids in the Creek and Environmental Education will take place 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11, at the Champion Credit Union Aquatics Center in Canton.
The depth of the plunge is a personal choice, ranging from a dip of the toe to full immersion off the diving board, and costumes are encouraged.
Prizes will be given to the winners in five separate categories: Top fundraiser for a school team (three awards), top fundraiser for an individual (three awards), top fundraiser for a community team (three awards), best costume (top three) and team with the most plungers (one award).
In addition to the Plunge, activities will include the Base Camp on the Go outdoor activities truck, equipped with Zorb balls, an obstacle course, a GaGa Ball pit and more; bonfires, DJ Master P, Bona Fide bluegrass band and all the amenities of Canton Recreation Park.
The cost to participate is $10 for youth under 18, $35 for adults, or free by raising sponsorships. All proceeds go to Haywood Waterways Association’s Kids in the Creek and environmental education programs. Walk-ins welcome. To register or donate, visit goplunge.org. For a hard copy registration form, contact Haywood Waterways at 828.476.4667 or info@haywoodwaterways.org.
New signage coming to Highlands greenway
New signposts are up along the Highlands Plateau Greenway.
These posts will soon host new, updated directional signage. The greenway organization has been working with designers and fabricators to develop better, clearer signage along the trail.
Efforts are also underway to design a new map for the Greenway to help visitors and new hikers navigate the Greenway and plan their adventures.
Sea turtle rescue founder wins wildlife award
Jean Beasley, founding director of the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, was named winner of this year’s Thomas L. Quay Wildlife Diversity Award from the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission.
“Since opening the Beasley Center in 1996, over 1,000 sick and injured sea turtles have been rehabilitated and returned to the wild,” said Wildlife Commission Executive Director Cameron Ingram. “That incredible work, along with establishing the volunteer-based Topsail Turtle Project and improving conservation measures benefitting sea turtles, makes her most deserving of this distinguished conservationist award.”
The Wildlife Commission annually gives the Quay Award to individuals who make outstanding contributions to wildlife diversity in North Carolina. Beasley is the 17th Quay Award recipient.
The award is named after Thomas Quay, who passed away in 2012 and was a professor in NC State’s Department of Zoology for 32 years. A self-described “full-time volunteer, and unpaid environmental activist, Quay was the first recipient of the award in honor of his passion for wildlife, ornithology and teaching.
• The Jackson County Farmers Market meets every Saturday November through March 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and April through October 9 a.m.-noon at Bridge Park in Sylva, 110 Railroad St. Special events listed on Facebook and Instagram. • The Jackson Arts Market takes place from 1-5 p.m. every Saturday at 533 West Main St. in Sylva with live music and an array of local artists. • Cowee School Farmer’s Market is held Wednesdays from 3-6 p.m., at 51 Cowee School Drive in Franklin. The market has produce, plant starts, eggs, baked goods, flowers, food trucks and music. For more information or for an application, visit www.coweeschool.org or call 828.369.4080. • “Art After Dark” will be held from 6-9 p.m. each first Friday of the month (May-December) in downtown Waynesville. For more information, go to facebook.com/galleriesofhaywoodcounty. • Jackson County Green Energy Park is once again welcoming visitors. It is open to the public each week 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday through Friday. Public classes will resume this spring. JCGEP will also host live glassblowing demonstrations at Innovation Station during the Lights and Luminaries festival in Dillsboro. For more information email info@jacksonnc.org or 828.631.0271.
• Smoky Mountain Christmas Light Spectacular will take place 6-10 p.m. Nov. 10-Dec. 31, at the Great Smoky Mountain Event Park. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays in November, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. BrysonCityChristman.com
• Haywood Waterways Association and The Town of Canton are hosting the 11th annual Plunge and Plunge Challenge till take place at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 11, at the Champion Credit Union Aquatic Center (Canton Pool). The event raises funds for Kids in the Creek and other Haywood Waterways’ other community education activities. For more information contact 828.476.4667 or info@haywoodwaterways.org.
• The Canton Branch Creative Writing Group meets 10:30 a.m.-noon on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. For more information, email Jennifer at jennifer.stuart@haywoodcountync.gov or call 828.356.2561. • Knit Night takes place at 5:30-7:30 p.m. every second Tuesday of the month at The Stecoah Valley Center. The event is free and open to the public. RSVP is recommended: 828.479.3364 or amber@stecoahvalleycenter.com. • Sylva Writers Group meets at 10:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, starting Jan. 11, at City Lights Bookstore. For more information contact sylvawriters@gmail.com.
Sunday, and at 9 a.m. Saturday. Zoom meetings are available at noon on Monday, at 7 p.m. Monday and Wednesday and at 9 a.m. Saturday (ID# 921 817 2966, password CVG2020). For more information, please visit www.aawnc80.org or to speak with a member of AA 24/7 at 828.349.4357. • The SHARE Project and RISE Resources in Support of Empowerment bring you Smart Recovery Friends and Family at 6:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of every month in the Haywood Regional Health and Fitness Center Upstairs Classroom. • Free support meeting for families and friends who are struggling in their relationships with loved ones in addiction. Meetings provide concerned significant others the tools needed to effectively support loved ones without supporting the addictive behavior. These tools help family and friends better cope with loved one’s situation and regain peace of mind. Meetings take place from 6-7:30 p.m. every other Thursday at RISE, located at 926 East Main St. in Sylva. More information at www.risewnc.org or 828.477.4136. • Haywood Hospice & Palliative Care is sponsoring a Community Grief Gathering at 1 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month at the Canton Library in the meeting room. Each month will feature a different grief topic. The Haywood County Public Library and Haywood Hospice require that masks be worn inside the building. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Dan Pyles at 828.452.5039 or email Daniel.pyles@lhcgroup.com • Dementia Caregivers Support Group, for those providing care for folks who are dealing with dementia, meets from 4:30-6 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of every month at the Haywood Senior Resource Center (81 Elmwood Way, Waynesville). For additional information call 828.476.7985. • Al-Anon, for families and friends of alcoholics, meets every Monday night from 7-8 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 77 Jackson St., Sylva. Enter at front of church through the door to the left of the sanctuary; meeting is first door on the right. The Church requests that you wear a mask if you are not vaccinated. • Narcotics Anonymous meetings are back “live” inperson after a year of being on Zoom only. Local meetings are at noon on Mondays and Wednesdays at Sylva First United Methodist Church in downtown Sylva. Entrance at back of building. • Grief Gathering, hosted by Haywood Hospice & Palliative Care take place at 1 p.m. on the second Wednesdays of the month at the Haywood Regional Fitness Center. Designed to offer support to anyone in the community who has recently experienced a loss. For more information, contact Haywood Hospice at 828.452.5039.
n All phone numbers area code 828 unless otherwise noted. n To have your item listed email to calendar@smokymountainnews.com
• Move and Groove Storytime takes place 10:30-11 a.m. every Thursday, at the Canton branch of the Haywood County Public Library. Exciting, interactive music and movement story time ideal for children 2-6 years old. For more information contact Ashlyn at ashlyn.godleski@haywoodcountync.gov or at 828.356.2567. • Mother Goose Storytime takes place 10:30-11 a.m. every Wednesday, at the Waynesville branch of the Haywood County Public Library. Ideal for children from birth to 2 years old. For more information, contact Lisa at lisa.hartzell@haywoodcountync.gov or call 828.356.2511. • Wiggle Worms Storytime takes place 10:30-11 a.m. every Tuesday, at the Waynesville branch of the Haywood County Public Library. Ideal for children 2-6 years old. For more information contact Lisa at lisa.hartzell@haywoodcountync.gov or call 828.356.2511. • Next Chapter Book Club Haywood is a fun, energetic and highly interactive book club, ideal for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The group meets every second and fourth Monday of the month. For more information, email Jennifer at jennifer.stuart@haywoodcountync.gov or call 828.356.2561. • Storytime takes place at 10 a.m. every Tuesday at the Macon County Library. For more information visit fontanalib.org or call 828.524.3600. • Toddler’s Rock takes place at 10 a.m. every Monday at the Macon County Library. Get ready to rock with songs, books, rhymes and playing with instruments. For more information visit fontanalib.org or call 828.524.3600.
Visit www.smokymountainnews.com and click on Calendar for:
n Complete listings of local music scene n Regional festivals n Art gallery events and openings n Complete listings of recreational offerings at health and fitness centers n Civic and social club gatherings
A&E • Maggie Valley Ice Festival will take place 3-8 p.m. Jan. 28, at the Maggie Valley Festival Grounds. • Karaoke takes place at 7 p.m. every Friday at the Meadowlark Motel in Maggie Valley. Call 828.926.1717 or visit meadowlarkmotel.com. • Paint and Sip at Waynesville Art School will be held every Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 7-9:30 p.m. To learn more and register call 828.246.9869 or visit PaintAndSipWaynesville.com/upcoming-events. Registration is required, $45. • Mountain Makers Craft Market will be held from noon-4 p.m. the first Sunday of each month at 308 North Haywood St. in downtown Waynesville. Over two dozen artisans selling handmade and vintage goods. Special events will be held when scheduled. mountainmakersmarket.com.
• BBQ and Live Music takes place at 6 p.m. every Saturday at the Meadowlark Motel. Call 828.926.1717 or visit meadowlarkmotel.com. • “Flights & Bites” will be held starting at 4 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays at Bosu’s Wine Shop in downtown Waynesville. For more information on upcoming events, wine tastings and special dinners, click on waynesvillewine.com. • A free wine tasting will be held from 6-8 p.m. every Thursday and 2-5 p.m. every Saturday at The Wine Bar & Cellar in Sylva. 828.631.3075. • Take a trip around the world with four different wines every Friday 11 a.m.-8 p.m. and Saturday 11a.m.-6 p.m. at the Bryson City Wine Market. Pick from artisan Charcuterie Foods to enjoy with wines. 828.538.0420 • Cooking classes take place at the McKinley Edwards Inn from 6-8:30 p.m. on Thursday nights. To reserve your spot call 828.488.9626.
• “Thursday Painters” group will be held from 10 a.m.3 p.m. on Thursdays at The Uptown Gallery in Franklin. Free and open to the public. All skill levels and mediums are welcome. Participants are responsible for their own project and a bag lunch. 828.349.4607 or pm14034@yahoo.com. Outdoors • Tickets are now on sale for Winter Lights, an open-air walk-through light show of more than 1 million lights running Nov. 18-Dec. 31 at the N.C. Arboretum in Asheville. Ticket prices range from $30 to $60 per car depending on the date and entry time, with members receiving a $5 discount. Flex tickets are $75. For more information or to reserve tickets, visit ncarboretum.org/winter-lights. • Hike the 3.2-mile entrance road to Chimney Rock State Park at 8 a.m. Jan. 1, from the Old Rock Café. The park superintendent will lead an informative discussion about the park’s history along a route that is typically restricted to vehicular traffic only. 828.625.1823 or www.ncparks.gov/first-day-hikes. • Hike from Bearwallow Falls Picnic Area to the Bearwallow Overlook and then down to the Upper Bearwallow Falls observation deck at 10 a.m. Jan. 1. The hike is about half of a mile. 828.966.9099 or www.ncparks.gov/first-day-hikes. • The Sylva Chapter of Trout Unlimited is holding its monthly meeting from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, January 3, at the United Methodist Church in Sylva. Shannon Messer is speaking on his years of work running Trout in the classroom. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about this innovative conservation project for schools. The classes raise trout from eggs to release in local rivers and learn chemistry, biology and conservation on the way. Raffles and more, everyone is invited. For more information contact tu.sylva.373@gmail.com.
Public Library. No registration required, for more information call 828.648.2924. • Wired Wednesday, one-on-one technology help is available at 3-5 p.m. every Wednesday at the Canton Branch of the Haywood County Library. For more information or to register, call 828.648.2924. • Uptown Gallery, 30 East Main St. Franklin, will be offering Children’s Art Classes Wednesdays afternoons. Adult workshops in watercolor, acrylic paint pouring, encaustic and glass fusing are also offered. Free painting is available 10 a.m.-3 p.m. every Monday in the classroom. A membership meeting takes place on the second Sunday of the month at 3 p.m. All are welcome. Call 828.349.4607 for more information.
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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HAYWOOD IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NO. 22 JT 65 In Re: MCCALL a female minor child NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION TO: WHITNEY NOVA PARR Last Known Address: 252 Francis Asbury Road Waynesville, NC 28785 Take notice that a pleading seeking relief above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The Petitioner, Larry E. McCall, II is seeking to terminate the parental rights of Respondent Mother, Whitney Nova Parr concerning the above named female child that was born on the 25 th day of July, 2019 in Haywood County, North Carolina to Petitioner, Larry E. McCall, II and Respondent, Whitney Nova Parr. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than FEBRUARY 6, 2023 being forty (40) days publication of this notice, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This 20TH day of DECEMBER, 2022. DONALD N. PATTEN, PLLC Attorney for Petitioner 46 South Main Street Waynesville , NC 28786 828-452-1454 By:_____ Donald N. Patten _________ DONALD N. PATTEN
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE COUNTY OF HAYWOOD DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NO. 22-CVD-1024 AMBER DUNCAN, Plaintiff, v. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION JOHN THADUES HUNTER CHAFIN, Defendant, Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Complaint for Permanent Custody You are required to make defense to such pleading no later than January 27, 2023 upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This 20 day of December, 2022 NIELSEN LAW, PLLC Joshua D. Nielsen 413 Walnut St Waynesville, NC 28786 (828) 246-9360
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Tax and Health Justice Advocate HEOP Tax Credit Advocate and Health Justice Advocate - Waynesville or Highlands Pisgah Legal Services (PLS) is a communi aid agency governed by a local Board of Directors. Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina (WNC), Pisgah Legal Services provides free civil legal assistance to low-income people in WNC. With over 100 dedicated staff, including over 30 attorneys plus program staff, and an active group of 300 volunteer attorneys, we provide free services to nearly 20,000 people per year to meet their basic needs, primarily in the poverty law areas of housing, public bene prevention, health care, immigration, and consumer law. We are currently hiring a Tax Credit and Health Justice Advocate for our WNC Health and Economic Opportunity Program (HEOP), which supports our mission in 18 Western North Carolina counties as part of a multi-year grant funded expansion of anti-poverty work
within the broad areas of free tax preparation/ tax credits and outreach/ enrollment for Affordable Care Act health insurance. The WNC HEOP Tax Credit and Health Justice Advocate will be responsible for ensuring that families and individuals gain access to quality health insurance coverage, as well as quality tax preparation services throughout the assigned region. The responsibilities will be split between providing tax preparation services, which includes informing potential clients of free tax clinics, col records, inputting data into tax return databases of tax documents with appropriate agencies and responsibilities as a health justice advocate, which includes helping clients make informed decisions about healthcare coverage by providing one-on-one enrollment assistance. This position is full-time and can be based out of our Waynesville or High hybrid work schedule is available. This position requires travel within the Western region, which includes Clay, Cherokee, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon and Swain counties and the Qualla Boundary. Position requires presence at onsite and offsite tax and health insurance enrollment clinics within service region. Salary range is $36,327 - $67,953 annually. Employees are eligible for medical, dental, vision

and life insurance coverage the 1st of the month following the start date. Pisgah Legal Services (PLS) pays 100% of the Employee and 50% of the Dependent Cost for BCBS Medical and Dental coverage. PLS pays 50% of the Employee Coverage Cost for BCBS Vision coverage. PLS pays 100% of Long-Term & Short-Term Disability Coverage, Life Insurance Coverage of 5x base salary + an additional $15,000 Life & AD&D Coverage. 401k Retirement Plan after 6 months of employment. includes Pet Insurance, Paid Parental Leave, 12.5 Company Holidays, 22 Paid Leave Days, Paid Sabbatical Leave for eligible employees, Employee Assistance Program for entire household and a great working environment with work life balance! Pet Insurance also offered. To view the full job posting & to apply, please visit https://www.pisgahlegal.org/jobs

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“WORKING CATS” Asheville Humane Society has cats available who are best suited to life in a barn, warehouse, etc. Ready to mousehunt! (828) 761-2001 adoptions@ashevillehumane.org
BLACK MALE CAT, ARTU 10 year old, sweet house-panther; loves toys and high places. Sometimes lap cat, sometimes independent. Asheville Humane Society (828) 761-2001 adoptions@ ashevillehumane.org
Real Estate Announcements
PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise ‘any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination’. Familial status includes children under 18 living with parents or legal guardians and pregnant women. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate in violation of this law. All dwellings advertised on equal opportunity basis.
TIMESHARE CANCELLATION EXPERTS. Wesley Financial Group, LLC Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational

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Haywood Co. Real Estate Agents
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate- Heritage
• Carolyn Lauter - carolyn@bhgheritage.com Beverly Hanks & Associates- beverly-hanks.com
• Billie Green - bgreen@beverly-hanks.com • Brian K. Noland - brianknoland.com • Anne Page - apage@beverly-hanks.com • Jerry Powell - jpowell@beverly-hanks.com • Catherine Proben - cproben@beverly-hanks.com • Ellen Sither - esither@beverly-hanks.com • Mike Stamey - mikestamey@beverly-hanks.com • Karen Hollingsed- khollingsed@beverly-hanks.com • Billy Case- billycase@beverly-hanks.com • Laura Thomas - lthomas@beverly-hanks.com • John Keith - jkeith@beverly-hanks.com • Randall Rogers - rrogers@beverly-hanks.com • Susan Hooper - shooper@beverly-hanks.com • Hunter Wyman - hwyman@beverly-hanks.com • Julie Lapkoff - julielapkoff@beverly-hanks.com • Darrin Graves - dgraves@beverly-hanks.com Emerson Group - emersongroupus.com • George Escaravage - george@emersongroupus.com • Chuck Brown - chuck@emersongroupus.com ERA Sunburst Realty - sunburstrealty.com
• Amy Spivey - amyspivey.com • Rick Border - sunburstrealty.com • Randy Flanigan - 706-207-9436 • Steve Mauldin - 828-734-4864 Keller Williams Realty - kellerwilliamswaynesville.com • The Morris Team - www.themorristeamnc.com Lakeshore Realty
• Phyllis Robinson - lakeshore@lakejunaluska.com Mountain Dreams Realty- maggievalleyhomesales.com • Lyndia Massey- buyfromlyndia@yahoo.com Mountain Creek Real Estate
• Ron Rosendahl - 828-593-8700 McGovern Real Estate & Property Management
• Bruce McGovern - shamrock13.com Premier Sotheby's International Realty
• DeAnn Suchy - deann.suchy@premiersir.com • Kaye Matthews - kaye.matthews@premiersir.com RE/MAX Executive - remax-waynesvillenc.com remax-maggievalleync.com • The Real Team - TheRealTeamNC.com • Ron Breese - ronbreese.com • Landen Stevenson- landen@landenkstevenson.com • Dan Womack - womackdan@aol.com • Mary Hansen - mwhansen@charter.net • David Willet - davidwillet1@live.com • Sara Sherman - sarashermanncrealtor@gmail.com • David Rogers- davidr@remax-waynesville.com • Judy Meyers - jameyers@charter.net Rob Roland Realty
• Rob Roland - 828-400-1923 Smoky Mountain Retreat Realty
• Tom Johnson - tomsj7@gmail.com • Sherell Johnson - Sherellwj@aol.com
1 Many musical melanges 8 Modular homes 15 Two-time Washington senator Gorton 20 Airplane flier 21 Cannes area 22 Relaxes 23 Wife of Henry VIII who was always mimicking people? 25 One of five womb-mates 26 Cookout pest 27 Photo -- (PR events) 28 Ripen 30 Suffix with govern 33 Computer game family 35 Guy who directs films in a very mechanical manner? 38 Bashful 39 Intensely cold 40 "Falstaff" and "Fidelio" 42 Madrid cheer 43 King Arthur's chauffeur? 46 Pro song selectors 47 Giant bird of lore 50 Rock concert gear 51 Dog command 52 Python's kin 53 Je ne sais -- 54 War general George 57 Apportion something erroneously? 62 Glam rocker Brian 63 XI less IV 65 Actress Esther 66 Young girl 67 What Archie Bunker said when a discriminatory comment got him in trouble? 73 Up until now 75 Stood up 76 Auditing gp. 77 Year, in Rio de Janeiro 80 Walk around with a voting slip? 85 Einstein's language 87 War deity 88 Reel go-with 89 Singer India.-- 91 Omar of "Juice" 92 Mao -- -tung 93 Coll. dorm monitors 94 High rubber footwear item worn while catching crustaceans? 99 Jan. preceder 100 Food scarcity 101 High no. for a valedictorian 102 Suffix with pay 103 Wine with a childproof lock on its bottle? 107 Get really wet 108 Knight's title 109 Primitive calculators 110 Valuable strike 112 Parlay, say 114 One staring 115 Actress Brigitte who lives in Stratford? 123 Didn't dine out 124 Subscription extension 125 High-fat fruit 126 Hatchlings' hangouts 127 In the optimal case 128 Made a duplicate of, in a way
1 Buddy 2 Gardner or DuVernay of the screen 3 Dog command 4 "Funny!" 5 Ladle, for one 6 Colonnaded entrance 7 -- Lanka 8 Get set, for short 9 Splits 10 Actress Mendes 11 Pine relative 12 -- Lingus 13 Fizzy stomach settlers 14 Occupied, as a booth 15 Films with a "II" appended 16 "House" actor Hugh 17 Chinese, e.g. 18 Al -- (pasta order) 19 Aromatic compound 24 Rejections 29 "Iliad" figure 30 Bust out of 31 Tribal healer 32 Enjoying the benefits of an effective medication 34 Folklore tale 35 Give gas to 36 Valuable strike 37 Gin mill 40 Hershiser of the diamond 41 Tylenol unit 44 Part of i.e. 45 Drug bust gp. 46 Scale starter 47 Liquid carpet cleaners 48 -- and aahs 49 Dot on a map 52 Nut go-with 53 Conk out 55 Female organ 56 Diarist Anais 58 Balcony window 59 Dress smartly, with "out" 60 "Alice" spinoff 61 Tickle 64 Popular potatoes 68 Acoustic pair 69 TV horse of the '60s 70 Age-revealing stat 71 Troop gp. 72 Pt. of NOW 73 Sing jazzily 74 Boat movers 78 Port of Italia 79 GM assistance system 81 Actor Morgan and singer Chapman 82 Been abed 83 "It's either you --" 84 Bit of advice 86 Yank's foe 90 Name in frozen waffles 93 See 119-Down 94 -- Remo 95 Med. plan 96 Household dye brand 97 In heaven, say 98 Go toward 99 Subterfuge 100 Did some angling 103 "Cosmos" author Carl 104 Drop off 105 Unsettles 106 -- dish 107 -- -pitch 110 Using speech 111 In a lazy way 113 Tortilla snack 116 Ethyl ending 117 TV's Arthur 118 Piercing tool 119 With 93-Down, many mid-April mailings 120 Preventive shot, for short 121 Lofty verse 122 Drop off

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Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Answers on 34