Smooth Style - Magazine of Europe's only Smooth Jazz Festivals

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Smooth Style Magazine of the Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival on 27. - 29. April 2012 at Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa

Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival Rendezvous of Soul, Jazz, Funk and Lounge Music

starring Eric Darius | Jeff Lorber Marc Antoine | Warren Hill UnĂŠ | David Benoit

Contenido Inhalt Content

presents Best of Michael


Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival Intro ........................................................................................................................3 Salutación / Begrüßung / Salutation ...........................................................4 Hechos y cifras / Zahlen, Daten, Fakten / Facts and Figures ................5

The Songbook Collection

Artistas / Künstler / Artists Eric Darius..............................................................................................................6 Jeff Lorber .............................................................................................................7 Marc Antoine........................................................................................................8 Warren Hill.............................................................................................................9 Uné ........................................................................................................................10 David Benoit .......................................................................................................11

Best of tion

The Songbook Collec

Ubicación / Location / Location Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa ..................................................................12 Smooth Lifestyle CD reseñas / CD-Tipps / CD Reviews ..........................................................14 Reseñas / Rückblick / Review Smooth Jazz Festival Augsburg 2011 ........................................................16


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Get it here at the festival! 2

Festival Partner & Imprint


Impresión Impressum Imprint Editor / Herausgeber / Editor smooth entertainment GmbH, Perzheimstraße 48, D-86150 Augsburg Tel. +49 (0)821 2292711, Fax +49 (0)821 2292712, Redacción / Redaktion / Editorial Staff: Sandra Hoffmann, Christian Bößner Director de proyecto / Projektleiter / Project Manager: Christian Bößner Diseño / Gestaltung / Layout: Christian Bößner Ventas de anuncios / Anzeigenverkauf / Ad Sales: Christian Bößner Imprenta / Druck / Print: büchel PRINT & MEDIA, Wiebelsheidestraße 51, D-59757 Arnsberg Fecha de edición / Erscheinungstermin / Date of publication: 03/2012 Alle Angaben trotz sorgfältiger Bearbeitung ohne Gewähr. No responsibility is taken for the correctness of the details provided. Fotos / Abbildungen / Images: Peter Böhi, Christian Nordström, Sascha Brezina, Hans Schenkel, Kurhaus Göggingen & smooth entertainment GmbH


Presentada por: / Präsentiert von: / Presented by:

Sponsors / Sponsoren / Sponsors

Media Partner / Medienpartner / Media Partner

Intro | Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival


Bienvenidos al MALLORCA SMOOTH JAZZ FESTIVAL, primer festival de smooth jazz celebrado en el Mediterráneo, en la atractiva zona turística de Sa Coma (costa este de la isla). Un evento único con música en directo, en el exclusivo ambiente de Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa. Hotel de 5 estrellas de elegantes instalaciones, que cuenta con una completa área de spa, extensos jardines ornamentales, piscina exterior y cubierta. Situado a tan sólo 300 metros de la playa, al lado del parque natural “Sa Punta de n’Amer”. Unas breves vacaciones pensadas para disfrutar de la cara más positiva de la vida. Buena música. Buena comida. Buen vino. Buen entretenimiento. Buen tiempo. Una experiencia única con el impresionante paisaje Mediterráneo como telón de fondo. La noche del viernes y del sábado damos la bienvenida a las estrellas actualmente más destacadas del panorama internacional del Jazz Contemporáneo y del Smooth Jazz. En la tarde del último día, domingo, finalizará el festival de música. Espero que lo disfruten, Christian Bößner

Willkommen beim MALLORCA SMOOTH JAZZ FESTVAL – dem ersten Smooth Jazz Festival im europäischen Mittelmeerraum. Genau genommen in Sa Coma, an der wunderschönen Ostküste der spanischen Insel Mallorca. Ein Musikfestival mit einzigartiger Live-Musik im exklusiven Ambiente des Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa. Das 5-Sterne-Hotel ist zugleich Veranstaltungsort und besticht durch seine elegante und moderne Ausstattung, einen vollwertig-ausgestatteten Spa-Bereich sowie gepflegte Garten- und Poolanlagen (outdoor/indoor). Direkt gelegen am Naturpark Punta de n’Amer, ist der Strand von Sa Coma nur 300 Meter entfernt. In diesem musikalischen (Kurz-) Urlaub gilt es, die schönen Dinge des Lebens zu genießen. Gute Musik. Gutes Essen. Guter Wein. Gute Unterhaltung. Gutes Wetter. Gute Aussichten auf Erholung und ein einzigartiges Erlebnis vor der atemberaubenden Kulisse des Mittelmeers. Auf den Konzerten am Freitag- und Samstagabend begrüßen wir einige der größten und erfolgreichsten Stars der internationalen Contemporary und Smooth Jazz-Szene. Am Sonntagnachmittag findet das Festival seinen musikalischen Abschluss. Ich freue mich auf eine tolle Zeit, Christian Bößner

Smooth Jazz in a new Dimension

Welcome to the MALLORCA SMOOTH JAZZ FESTIVAL – the first smooth jazz festival in the European Mediterranean area. Actually, in Sa Coma, on the beautiful east coast of the Spanish island Mallorca. A music festival with unique live music in the exclusive ambience of the Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa. The 5-star hotel is also the venue and is characterized by an elegant and modern equipment, a full-equipped spa area as well as landscaped gardens and swimming pools (indoor / outdoor). Located only 300 metres from the beach, right on the Punta de n’Amer natural park. This musical (short) vacation is all about enjoying the finer things in life. Good music. Good food. Good wine. Good entertainment. Good weather. Good prospects for recovery and a unique experience in the breathtaking scenery of the Mediterranean Sea. At the concerts on Friday and Saturday evening we welcome some of the biggest and most successful international stars of the Contemporary and Smooth Jazz scene. On Sunday afternoon the festival celebrates its musical finale. I look forward to having a great time, Christian Bößner


Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival | Salutation

Agenda y cifras Zahlen, Daten, Fakten Facts and Figures

TicketHotline : (+34) 9 71 587 52 0

Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival Lugar del evento / Veranstaltungsort / Venue

Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa | C./ Baladres, 5 | 07560 Sa Coma, Mallorca

Programa / Programm / Program Viernes, 27 de abril / Freitag, 27. April / Friday, April 27 20:15 h Entrada / Einlass / Entrance 21:00 h ERIC DARIUS en directo / live Pausa / Pause 22:30 h JEFF LORBER en directo / live Pausa / Pause 24:00 h Aftershow partido / Aftershow-Party Sábado, 28 de abril / Samstag, 28. April / Saturday, April 28 20:15 h Entrada / Einlass / Entrance 21:00 h MARC ANTOINE en directo / live Pausa / Pause 22:30 h WARREN HILL en directo / live Pausa / Pause 24:00 h Aftershow partido / Aftershow-Party Domingo, 29 de abril / Sonntag, 29. April / Sunday, April 29 11:00 h Entrada / Einlass / Entrance 11:45 h UNÉ en directo / live Pausa / Pause 14:15 h DAVID BENOIT en directo / live

Entradas para conciertos / Konzerttickets / Concert Tickets Viernes | Sábado | Domingo: Entrada de dia 49,00 Euro por persona Freitag | Samstag | Sonntag: Tagesticket 49,00 Euro pro Person Friday | Saturday | Sunday: Day Ticket 49,00 Euro per Person

Paquetes de hotel / Hotelpakete / Hotel Packages Entrada(s) de dia y 1 noche: Habitación individual desde 127,30 Euro | Habitación doble desde 213,20 Euro Tagesticket(s) & 1 Übernachtung: Einzelzimmer ab 127,30 Euro | Doppelzimmer ab 213,00 Euro | Zusatznächte möglich Day Ticket(s) & 1 Overnight Stay: Single Room from 127,30 Euro | Double Room from 213,20 Euro | Extra Nights available

Reservación / Reservierung / Reservation Ticket-Hotline: (+34) 971 587 520 |

Facts and Figures | Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival


ERIC DARIUS Discography On A Mission (2010) Goin‘ All Out (2008) Just Getting Started (2006) Night On The Town (2004)

On A Mission To Party


Artists | Eric Darius

Solo de vez en cuando un artista salta con fuerza al panorama musical, cambiando las reglas y desafiando el status quo. Así es Eric Darius, un artista desafiante que reta todas las fronteras musicales. Es uno de los artistas más dinámicos e interesantes que ha ofrecido el mundo del jazz contemporáneo en la última década. No es de extrañar, entonces, que este ambicioso músico haya compartido escenario con artistas de gran renombre como Prince, Wynton Marsalis, George Benson y Brian McKnight. Avanzando un poco en el tiempo, le encontramos con un número 1 en la cartelera de la música jazz contemporánea, seguido de unos cuantos éxitos más en los primeros puestos de las listas... el éxito estaba garantizado. Hoy Eric Darius sigue siendo una fuerza sin igual en el nuevo panorama musical.

Hin und wieder mischt ein Künstler die Musikszene auf, indem er sich aufmacht, die Regeln zu ändern und den Status quo herauszufordern. Der Saxophonist, Produzent und Komponist aus Tampa (Florida), Eric Darius, ist einer jener Künstler, der furchtlos alle musikalischen Grenzen überschreitet. Er ist einer der aufregendsten Musiker, der in den letzten zehn Jahren die Bühne des zeitgenössischen Jazz betreten hat. Seine Mission: jeden Musikstil aus Jazz, R&B, Pop und Reggae bis HipHop, Rock und Gospel feiern. Sein kometenhafter Einstieg ins Musikgeschäft im Alter von 17 Jahren hat für Furore gesorgt – was nicht weiter verwundert, hat der ehrgeizige Musiker doch bereits mit großen Namen wie Prince, Wynton Marsalis, George Benson und Brian McKnight die Bühne geteilt. Sein bisheriges Resümee: ein # 1 Hit in den Billboard Contemporary Jazz-Charts sowie mehrere Top-Ten-Hits.

Every now and then an artist bursts onto the scene, changing the rules and challenging the status quo. The Tampa, Floridabased urban instrumentalist, producer and composer, Eric Darius, is one of those artists fearlessly pushing all musical boundaries. He’s one of the most exciting musicians to enter the contemporary jazz scene in the last decade. His Mission: to celebrate every style of music from Jazz, R&B, Pop and Reggae to Hip-Hop, Rock and Gospel. His explosive arrival as a recording artist at the age of 17 caused a frenzy. Not surprising as the ambitious musician eventually shared the stage with big names such as Prince, Wynton Marsalis, George Benson and Brian McKnight. Fast-forward to a #1 Billboard Contemporary Jazz hit and several more top ten’s.

Eric Darius live Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival 2012 el viernes, 27 de abril, 21:00 hrs am Freitag, 27. April, 21:00 Uhr on Friday, April 27, 9:00 pm

JEFF LORBER Discography Galaxy (2012) Now Is The Time (2010) Heard That (2008) He Had A Hat (2007) Flipside (2005) Philly Style (2003) The Very Best Of Jeff Lorber (2002) Kickin‘ It (2001) The Definitive Collection (2000) Midnight (1998) State of Grace (1996) West Side Stories (1994) Worth Waiting For (1993) etc.

Pioneer of Contemporary Jazz Con un sonido suave, incorporando elementos de funk, R&B, rock y jazz eléctrico, el teclista, compositor y productor Jeff Lorber fue uno de los pioneros de un género musical que más tarde tomaría la forma de jazz contemporáneo. Nacido en Filadelfia, empezó a tocar el piano con 4 años y en su adolescencia tocó con varios conjuntos locales de R&B. Su amor ciego a la música jazz comenzó durante su estancia en el ‚Berklee College of Music‘ y después de formar el Jeff Forber Fusion, lanzó su primer álbum en 1997 bajo el mismo nombre. Durante la primera parte de la siguiente década, el conjunto se convirtió en uno de los grupos de jazz más populares del momento, realizando un gran número de giras. Consiguió ser nominado a los premios Grammy en la categoría de ‚Best R&B Instrumental‘ por su éxito radiofónico “Pacific Coast Highway”. Hizo grabaciones con diferentes compañías discográficas en los años ‚90 y lanzó varios álbumes de ‚smooth jazz‘ durante la década del 2000. Más de tres décadas después de sus primeras grabaciones, Lorber ha vuelto a sus comienzos. Su álbum número 24, “Galaxy”, que salió a la venta el 31 de enero de 2012, vuelve a un sonido del cual él había sido pionero. Este álbum sigue con el experimento que empezó con su último CD nominado a los premios Grammy, “Now is the Time” – ahora es el momento – lanzado en el 2010.

Jeff Lorber live Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival 2012 el viernes, 27 de abril, 22:30 hrs am Freitag, 27. April, 22:30 Uhr on Friday, April 27, 10:30 pm

Keyboarder, Komponist und Produzent Jeff Lorber vereint in seinem smoothen Sound Elemente aus Funk, R&B, Rock und Elektro-Jazz und gilt als Pionier des Genres „Fusion“, später umbenannt in „Contemporary Jazz“. Geboren in Philadelphia begann er mit vier Jahren, Klavier zu spielen. Als Teenager trat er mit einer Vielzahl von lokalen R&B-Bands auf. Für Jazz entbrannte Lorber während seines Studiums am Berklee College of Music. Er gründete die Band „Jeff Lorber Fusion“ und veröffentlichte das gleichnamige Debütalbum im Jahre 1977. In der ersten Hälfte des folgenden Jahrzehnts avancierte die Band zu einem der populärsten Jazz-Acts überhaupt. Ständig auf Tour sind sie für den Radio-Hit “Pacific Coast Highway“ sogar für den Best R&B Instrumental-Grammy nominiert worden. In den 2000er Jahren veröffentlichte er mehrere erfolgreiche Smooth Jazz-Alben. Mehr als drei Jahrzehnte nach seinen ersten Aufnahmen schließt Lorber nun den Kreis wieder und kehrt zu seinen musikalischen Wurzeln zurück: mit seinem 24. Album “Galaxy”, widmet er sich wieder dem Sound, den er einst mit definiert hat: Contemporary Jazz. Dabei führt das Album das Experiment fort, das er mit seiner letzten Grammy-nominierten CD „Now is the Time“ (2010) begonnen hat. With a smooth sound bringing together elements of funk, R&B, rock and electric jazz, keyboardist, composer and producer Jeff Lorber helped pioneer a genre of fusion later formatted in contemporary jazz. Born in Philadelphia, he began playing the piano at the age of four, and as a teen performed with a variety of local R&B bands. Lorber’s infatuation with jazz began during his stay at the Berklee College of Music, and after forming the Jeff Lorber Fusion he issued the group’s self-titled debut in 1977. During the first half of the following decade, the band became one of the most popular jazz acts of the period, touring nonstop and even scoring a Best R&B Instrumental Grammy nomination for the radio hit “Pacific Coast Highway.” He released several successful smooth jazz albums in the 2000s. More than three decades after his earliest recordings, Lorber has come full circle. His 24th Album, “Galaxy”, revisits a sound he helped pioneer. The album takes the experiment that he started with his last Grammy-nominated CD, “Now is the Time” (2010). Jeff Lorber | Artists


Gitarrist, Komponist und Produzent Marc Antoine wurde 1963 in Paris geboren und bekam seine erste Gitarre, als er 11 Jahre alt war – sehr schnell wurde sie zu seinem „dritten Arm“. 1988 ging er nach London, wurde später ein gefeierter Session-Musiker in Tokyo und zog in den späten 90ern schließlich nach Los Angeles. Dort blieb er zwölf Jahre lang und spielte für Musikgrößen wie Sting, Celine Dion, Rod Stewart, Cher und George Benson. Derzeit lebt Marc in Madrid. Seine erfolgreiche Solo-Karriere begann Marc 1994 mit seinem ersten Album „Classical Soul“. Nach einer erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit mit Gitarrist Paul Brown, “Foreign Xchange” (2009), folgte 2010 sein aktuelles Album “My Classical Way”. Marc landete einige #1 Hits in den R&R Contemporary Jazz-Charts und erreichte vordere Platzierungen in den Billboard-Charts. 1995 ernannte ihn R&R zum „Best New Artist of The Year“. Dieser Ernennung folgte 1998 sein Gavin-Award. 2010 wurde er „International Artist of the Year” bei den American Smooth Jazz Awards.

MARC ANTOINE Discography My Classical Way (2010) Foreign Xchange (2009) Hi-Lo Split (2007) Modern Times (2005) Mediterráneo (2003) The Very Best Of Marc Antoine (2003) Cruisin‘ (2001) Universal Language (2000) Madrid (1998) Urban Gypsy (1995) Classical Soul (1994)

Cosmopolitan With Three Arms

El guitarrista, compositor y productor Marc Antoine nació en París (Francia) en 1963. Cuando cumplió 11 años sus padres le regalaron su primera guitarra que pronto se convirtió en su tercer brazo. En 1988 se trasladó a Londres y más tarde fue aclamado en Tokio, a finales de los 90, aterrizó en Los Ángeles. Se quedó allí 12 años, tocando para la “realeza” del mundo de la música, como Sting, Rod Stewart, Cher y George Benson entre otros. Compuso e interpretó la banda sonora de películas como ‚Get Shorty‘, ‚The Fan‘, ‚Patch Adams‘ y ‚Demolition Man‘.

Marc Antoine live Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival 2012 el sábado, 28 de abril, 21:00 hrs am Samstag, 28. April, 21:00 Uhr on Saturday, April 28, 9:00 pm

Marc empezó una exitosa carrera en solitario en 1994 con su primer álbum “Classical Soul”. En 2007 lanzó “Hi-Lo Split” (nominado en el ‚Billboard‘ latino al mejor álbum de jazz del año) seguido de su último álbum hasta la fecha, “Foreign Xchange”, una colaboración acertada y exitosa con el guitarrista Paul Brown.

Guitarist, composer and producer Marc Antoine was born in Paris (France) in 1963. When he was 11 years old his parents bought him his first guitar which quickly became his third arm. In 1988 he moved to London, later on became an acclaimed session player in Tokyo and landed in Los Angeles in the late 90ies. He stayed there for 12 years playing for music royalty such as Sting, Celine Dion, Rod Stewart, Cher and George Benson. Actually, Marc lives in Madrid.

En su carrera hasta la fecha, Marc puede presumir de haber conseguido muchos números 1 en las listas de éxitos de ventas de R&R y jazz contemporáneo, así como los Billboard. En 1995 fue elegido “Best New Artist of the Year”- Mejor Artista Revelación del Año-. También ha sido nominado en numerosas ocasiones para galardones en el mundo de jazz tanto en Los Estados Unidos como Canadá, incluyendo “International Artist of the Year” - Artista Internacional del Año - en los “American Smooth Jazz Awards 2010”.

Marc began his successful solo career in 1994 with his first album “Classical Soul”. After a successful cooperation with the guitarist Paul Brown, “Foreign Xchange” (2009), he released his latest album “My Classical Way” in 2010. Marc’s career boasts many #1 hits on the R&R contemporary jazz charts, as well as topping the Billboard charts. In 1995, R&R elected him Best New Artist of The Year, which was followed by his Gavin Award in 1998. He has also received numerous nominations for jazz awards in the US and Canada, including “International Artist of the Year” at the 2010 American Smooth Jazz Awards.


Artists | Marc Antoine

Nacido y criado en Toronto, Warren Hill empezó su tanteo en el mundo de la música a la temprana edad de 7 años, cantando con su guitarra. Durante todo aquel verano estaba tan entusiasmado con el saxofón que su guitarra se quedó en el armario. De nuevo en Toronto, dejó la banda de rock para formar una banda de fusión tocando con Weather Report, Pat Metheny, Spyro Gyra, Grover Washington Jr y David Sanborn. Su primer CD “Kiss Under The Moon” (1991) – besar bajo la luna – cautivó la atención de la industria de la música y también la de Natalie Cole, que buscaba una banda para abrir su gira “Unforgettable”. De pronto Warren se encontró que en el espacio de dos meses había tocado ante un público de 250.000 personas. Fue la base de su carrera en solitario. Sus conciertos en directo se consideran entre los mejores en este género y le han permitido viajar por todo el mundo. Ha ganado premios de diversas instituciones incluyendo: seis “Smooth Jazz Awards” canadienses, numerosos “SESAC Songwriter Awards” y ha sido # 1 en “Radio & Records”, “USA Today” y “Billboard”. Ha actuado como artista invitado para muchos artistas, incluyendo el éxito pop “Baby I Love Your Way” con Big Mountain y “Tell Me What You Dream” con Restless Heart.

Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Warren Hill began his musical journey on the guitar and vocals at the age of 7. On a Summer Music Camp, he finally came into contact with jazz and the saxophone. Back in Toronto, he formed a fusion band, playing Weather Report, Pat Metheny, Spyro Gyra, Grover Washington Jr. and David Sanborn. The debut CD “Kiss Under the Moon” (1991) quickly caught the attention of the industry and Natalie Cole, who was looking for an opening act for her “Unforgettable” tour. Suddenly Warren found himself performing in front of 250,000 people in 2 months. Since then, Warren has released 11 solo CD’s which have reached combined worldwide sales of over 1 million copies. With 1997ies “Shelter”, Hill began featuring his vocals as well as his instrumental skills. In 2002 Warren created the concept for the world’s first Smooth Jazz Cruise. His latest album release is “La Dolce Vita” (2008). His live show is critically acclaimed as one of the best in his genre and has taken him around the globe. He has earned accolades from a variety of institutions including: 6 Canadian Smooth Jazz Awards, multiple SESAC Songwriter Awards, multiple #1 songs at R&R, USA Today and Billboard. He has performed as a special guest for many Artists, including the #1 Pop hits “Baby I Love Your Way” with Big Mountain, “Tell Me What You Dream” with Restless Heart.

La Dolce Vita Made In Canada Warren Hill live Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival 2012 el sábado, 28 de abril, 22:30 hrs am Samstag, 28. April, 22:30 Uhr on Saturday, April 28, 10:30 pm

WARREN HILL Discography La Dolce Vita (2008) A Saxophone For Christmas (2006) PopJazz (2005) A Warren Hill Christmas (2003) Love Songs (2002) Love Life (2000) Life Thru Rose Colored Glasses (1998) Shelter (1997) Truth (1995) Devotion (1993) Kiss Under The Moon (1991)

Geboren und aufgewachsen in Toronto, hat Warren Hill seine musikalische Reise im Alter von 7 Jahren auf der Gitarre und mit Gesang begonnen. Auf einem Summer Music Camp kam er in Kontakt mit Jazz und dem Saxophonspiel. Zurück in Toronto gründete er eine Fusionband, die Stücke von Weather Report, Pat Metheny, Spyro Gyra, Grover Washington Jr. und David Sanborn spielte. Seine Debüt-CD „Kiss Under the Moon” (1991) erregte schnell die Aufmerksamkeit der Branche und im besonderen von Natalie Cole. Sie war für ihre „Unforgettable Tour” auf der Suche nach einer Vorgruppe und plötzlich spielte Warren vor 250.000 Menschen innerhalb von zwei Monaten. Seitdem hat Warren elf Solo-Alben veröffentlicht und insgesamt über eine Million Tonträger verkauft. 1997 begann Hill mit „Shelter“, neben seinem instrumentalen Können auch seine Stimme mit einzubringen. 2002 hat Warren das Konzept für die weltweit erste Smooth Jazz Cruise entwickelt. Sein letztes Album heißt “La Dolce Vita” (2008). Seine Live-Show gilt als eine der besten des Genres, was ihm zahlreiche Auszeichnungen beschert hat: unter anderem sechs kanadische Smooth Jazz Awards, mehrere SESAC Songwriter Awards sowie mehrere Nr. 1 Songs bei R&R, USA Today und Billboard. Er hat schon als Special Guest vieler Künstler performed, z. B. mit Big Mountain (Nr. 1 Pop-Hit „Baby I love your way“) oder Restless Heart („Tell me what you dream”).

Warren Hill | Artists


UNÉ El talento musical de Uné (you-nay) se dio a conocer en el “Jeffries Project” en Detroit, MI. Animado por su madre a utilizar el talento que Dios le había dado, Uné, junto con sus hermanos e íntimos amigos, actuó en varios lugares de Detroit. Después de vivir unos cuantos años en el medio oeste, Uné decidió trasladarse a la zona de Los Ángeles para avanzar en su carrera como artista independiente. Se juntó con Ernest Thomas y Carmela C. Martin, formando Unet Music & Entertainment, donde terminó el CD “UNE”. Recientemente Uné ha formado UneMusic para seguir creciendo como artista independiente.

Discography Uné (2010)

Uné ha dicho: “Mi meta es hacer una música que llegue al alma de las personas y que les lleve de viaje junto a mí, a veces de amor y a veces de sufrimiento.” En estilo Uné se parece a Marvin Gaye y a Luther Vandross pero también evoca el ambiente neosoul de John Legend y Anthony Hamilton. Ha tocado su música en varios escenarios en USA y Gran Bretaña y ha acompañado a artistas como Jesse J y Eric Darius. Une’s (you-nay) musical talent began in the Jeffrey Projects in Detroit. Encouraged by his mother to use his God given talent, Une along with his brothers performed at various venues in Detroit. Finally he decided to move to the LA area and further his career as an independent artist. He completed his album “UNE”, which was produced by Sterling G. and co-produced by Carmela C. Martin and formed „UneMusic“. “My goal is to make music that touches the very soul of a person. My music stems from bittersweet realities of life - the love, the hurt and joy.“ Uné’s style is reminiscent of Marvin Gaye & Luther Vandross but evokes the neo-soul vibe of John Legend & Anthony Hamilton. He has played his music at various venues in the U.S. and England and performed with artists such as Jessy J and Eric Darius.

Uné’s Songs Uné live Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival 2012 el domingo, 29 de abril, 11:45 hrs am Sonntag, 29. April, 11:45 Uhr on Sunday, April 29, 11:45 am

10 Artists | Uné

Die musikalische Karriere des Sängers und Songwriters Uné (ausgesprochen you-nay) begann beim Jeffrey Project in Detroit. Seine Mutter ermutigte ihn schon früh, sein gottgegebenes Talent, seine Stimme, zu nutzen und zu verbessern. Zusammen mit seinen Brüdern gab er erste Konzerte in Detroit. Dabei entwickelte sich seine Stimme stetig weiter und er beschloss schließlich nach Los Angeles zu ziehen, um seine Karriere als unabhängiger Künstler voranzutreiben. Dort veröffentlichte er sein erstes Album „Uné“ und gründete „UneMusic“. „Ich möchte mit meiner Musik die Seele des Menschen berühren. Meine Musik erzählt von den bittersüßen Realitäten des Seelenlebens - der Liebe sowie von Freud und Leid.“ Uné‘s Stil erinnert zum einen an Größen wie Marvin Gaye und Luther Vandross, orientiert sich zum anderen aber am Neo-Soul-Vibe von John Legend und Anthony Hamilton. Neben zahlreichen Konzerten in den USA und England stand er mit Künstlern wie Jessy J und Eric Darius auf der Bühne.

Friend Of „Charlie Brown“ Desde el lanzamiento de su carrera en solitario en 1997, la trayectoria como pianista contemporáneo y de ‚smooth jazz‘ de David Benoit incluye más de 25 grabaciones. Sus discos editados en los años 80 “This Side Up”, “Freedom at Midnight y “Every Step of the Way”, este último nominado para un premio Grammy, son considerados clásicos influyentes de su género. Entre sus otras nominaciones los Grammy (5 en total) hay una a “Best Instrumental Composition “ - Mejor Composición Musical y a “Best Large Jazz Ensemble Performance” - Mejor Interpretación de un Gran Conjunto de Jazz. Siendo muy prolífico sobretodo desde el año 2000, se involucra en varios proyectos prominentes relacionados con Charlie Brown que reflejan su pasión, de toda la vida, por Vince Guaraldi, el compositor de la música original de la serie “Peanuts”. Esto le consolidó a Benoit como su heredero musical. Benoit también ha sacado los álbumes “Fuzzy Logic”, “Right here, Right Now”, “Full Circle” y “Heroes”, que han figurado en primera fila en la lista Billboard de éxitos de Jazz Contemporáneo y donde él ha querido rendir homenaje a sus influencias de jazz y pop. Benoit es también director de la ‚Asia America Symphony Orchestra‘ y ha dirigido ‚Los Angeles Philharmonic‘, las ‚symphonies‘ de Londres, Nuremburg, San Francisco, Atlanta, San Antonio y San José. En 2009 Benoit tocó y dirigió el “West Side Story” de Leonard Bernstein con la ‚ Asia America Symphony Orchestra‘ en un espectáculo que incluyó la estrella de Broadway Lea Salonga. A lo largo del 2010, Benoit lanzó su último álbum “Earthglow” y fue galardonado con el premio “Lifetime Achievement Award” – premiando toda una vida de éxitos – por parte de “The American Smooth Jazz Awards”. Die außergewöhnliche Karriere des Contemporary und Smooth Jazz-Pianisten David Benoit begann im Jahr 1977 und brachte über 25 Solo-Alben hervor. Seine Veröffentlichungen in den 80er Jahren, „This Side Up“, „Freedom at Midnight“ und das Grammy nominierte „Every Step of the Way“, gelten als einflussreiche Genre-Klassiker. Insgesamt wurde er fünfmal für einen Grammy nomiert, u. a. für Best Instrumental Composition und Best Large Jazz Ensemble Performance. Als Resultat seiner lebenslangen Passion für die Musik der Peanuts, hat er seit dem Jahr 2000 einige „Charlie Brown-Projekte“ veröffentlicht und das musikalische Erbe des ursprünglichen Komponisten Vince Guaraldi angetreten. Die Alben „Fuzzy Logic“, „Right Here, Right Now“, „Full Circle“ und „Heroes“ eroberten die Billboard Contemporary Jazz Charts und sind eine Homage des Pianisten an das Jazz- und Pop-Genre. Benoit hat eine Vorliebe für Orchestermusik: Er leitet u. a. die Los Angeles‘ Philharmonie sowie die Symphoniker von London, Nürnberg, San Francisco, Atlanta, San Antonio und San Jose. 2009 dirigierte er das Asia America Symphony Orchestra in Leonard Bernstein‘s „West Side Story“ - mit dabei war Broadway-Größe Lea Salonga. 2010 veröffentlichte Benoit sein bislang letztes Album „Earthglow“ und wurde mit dem Lifetime Achievement Award bei den American Smooth Jazz Awards ausgezeichnet.

Since launching his recording career in 1977, David Benoit’s expansive career as a contemporary and smooth jazz pianist has included over 25 solo recordings. His ‘80s releases “This Side Up”, “Freedom at Midnight” and the GRAMMY nominated “Every Step of the Way” are considered influential genre classics. Among his other Grammy nominations (5 in total) are those for Best Instrumental Composition and Best Large Jazz Ensemble Performance. His prolific output since 2000 includes several prominent Charlie Brown related projects that reflect his lifelong passion for the music of original Peanuts composer Vince Guaraldi and solidify Benoit’s role as his musical heir. Benoit has also released the Billboard Contemporary Jazz charting albums “Fuzzy Logic”, “Right Here, Right Now”, “Full Circle” and “Heroes”, which paid homage to the pianist’s top jazz and pop influences. Benoit’s ever expanding slate of orchestral music endeavors include his ongoing role as conductor of the Asia America Symphony Orchestra and leading such eminent orchestras as the Los Angeles Philharmonic and the symphonies of London, Nuremberg, San Francisco, Atlanta, San Antonio and San Jose. In 2009, Benoit performed and conducted Leonard Bernstein’s “West Side Story” with the Asia America Symphony Orchestra in a show that included Broadway great Lea Salonga. Through 2010, Benoit released his latest album “Earthglow“ and was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award at The American Smooth Jazz Awards.

DAVID BENOIT Discography Earthglow (2010) Jazz For Peanuts (2008) Heroes (2008) Full Circle (2006) Orchestral Stories (2006) Right Here, Right Now (2003) Fuzzy Logic (2002) Here‘s To You, Charlie Brown! (2000) Professional Dreamer (1999) American Landscape (1997) Remembering Christmas (1996) The Best of David Benoit (1995) Shaken Not Stirred (1994) etc.

David Benoit live Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival 2012 el domingo, 29 de abril, 14:15 hrs am Sonntag, 29. April, 14:15 Uhr on Sunday, April 29, 2:15 pm

David Benoit | Artists 11

Ubicaci贸n y el Hotel Veranstaltungsort & Hotel Concert Venue & Hotel

***** Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa

12 Location | Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa

El Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa de 5 estrellas es un magnífico hotel en Sa Coma. Se encuentra junto al parque natural de Punta de n’Amer y a tan sólo 300 metros de la playa de Sa Coma, Mallorca. Dispone de 216 habitaciones distribuidas en 2 suites presidenciales, junior suites, habitaciones dobles deluxe, habitaciones dobles e individuales. Perfecto para pasar unas vacaciones en pareja, el Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa dispone de todo tipo de comodidades y servicios para que no le falte de nada durante su estancia en este hotel de 5 estrellas. Entre los cuidados jardines del hotel encontramos dos piscinas exteriores en las que descansar durante sus vacaciones, al tiempo que aprovecha el sol de Mallorca en una de las camas balinesas o tomando un refrescante tentempié, sin salir de la piscina, en el bar piscina principal. La singular piscina interior permite nadar en los meses en los que la temperatura no acompaña. En cualquier momento del año en el Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa podrá relajarse en el Biomar Spa, un centro de spa y wellness de más de 3.500 m2, en donde encontrará todo tipo de masajes y tratamientos para relajarse y reequilibrar cuerpo y mente. La gastronomía del Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa también le seducirá. El show cooking del buffet del restaurante principal ofrece sabores internacionales que se elaboran en vivo por el chef con las mejores carnes y pescados frescos. Más íntimo y personal resulta el restaurante Azafrán, de cocina española y con el toque personal de nuestro chef. Para disfrutar de la mejor pasta y productos italianos tiene el restaurante La Toscana. La cocina asiática en el restaurante Asian y por último, The Terrace Grill, una barbacoa con las mejores carnes y pescados que van directamente de la parrilla al plato.

Das hochwertige Fünf-Sterne Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa in Sa Coma, Mallorca, liegt nur 300 Meter vom Strand entfernt direkt am Naturpark Punta de n’Amer. Es bietet 216 Zimmer, darunter zwei Präsidentensuiten, Junior Suiten, DeluxeDoppelzimmer, Doppelzimmer und Einzelzimmer. Perfekt für einen Urlaub zu zweit geeignet, offeriert das Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa Anlagen, Ambiente und Services, die aus dem bloßen Aufenthalt ein wahres Erlebnis machen. Zwischen den gepflegten Gärten des Hotels liegen zwei stilvoll angelegte und exklusive Außenpools mit Liegestühlen. Hier können sich die Gäste von der mallorquinischen Sonne verwöhnen lassen oder an der Poolbar leckere Cocktails und Snacks genießen – wenn sie möchten, auch direkt vom Wasser aus. Der Innenpool erlaubt es Gästen, selbst in den kälteren Monaten schwimmen zu gehen. Auf einer Fläche von mehr als 3.500 m² steht Entspannungssuchenden zudem das ganze Jahr über das Spa- und Wellness-Zentrum des Hotels zur Verfügung, das mit zahlreichen Massagen und Behandlungen aufwartet. Hier findet der Körper Entspannung, der Geist Ruhe und die Seele Balance. Die Gastronomie des Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa ist auf Genuss gepolt, verführt den Gast in verschiedenen Restaurants mit exquisiten Gerichten. Im zentralen Buffet-Restaurant bereiten Köche live internationale Gerichte zu. Intimer und persönlicher ist das Restaurant „Azafrán“, das typisch spanische Küche, zubereitet nach persönlichem Rezept des Küchenchefs, bietet. Um beste Pasta und italienische Produkte hingegen dreht sich alles im Restaurant „La Toscana“, während asiatische Küche auf dem Speiseplan des Restaurants „Asian“ steht. Zu guter Letzt gibt es das „The Terrace Grill“, ein Grill-Restaurant, in dem bestes Fleisch und frischer Fisch direkt vom Grill auf den Teller des Gasts wandern.

The high-quality 5-star Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa in Sa Coma, Mallorca, lies only 300 metres from the beach, right on the Punta de n’Amer natural park. It offers 216 rooms, including two presidential suites, junior suites, deluxe double rooms, double rooms and single rooms. Perfectly suited for a vacation for two, the Protur Gran Hotel & Spa offers facilities, ambience and services that turn the mere stay into a wonderful experience. Between the hotel’s landscaped gardens two stylish and exclusive outdoor pools are arranged with deck chairs and Balinese beds. Here, guests can take advantage of the Mallorcan sun or enjoy delicious cocktails and snacks at the main pool bar, without leaving the pool. The indoor pool enables swimming during the months when temperatures are low. At the Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa you can relax any time of the year in the Biomar Spa, a spa and wellness centre of more than 3,500 m² with all types of massages and treatments for relaxing and rebalancing body and mind. The Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa’s cuisine will also seduce you. The main buffet restaurant’s show cooking display offers international flavours. The intimate Azafrán restaurant offers typical Spanish cuisine made with our chef’s personal touch. The restaurant La Toscana is all about best pasta and Italian products, while Asian cuisine can be found at the Asian restaurant. Finally, there’s the Terrace Grill, a barbecue serving the best quality meat and fresh fish directly from the grill to the plate.

Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa | Location 13

Hans-Bernd Hülsmann presents his Top Favourite Smooth Jazz Albums of 2012

It‘s a great year for Smooth Music ... wonderful jazz, introspective vocals, lifestyle soundtracks for us all to incorporate into our days, nights and weekends. Here is a list of my personal favorites so far this year! Reviews by Hans-Bernd Hülsmann of

KIM SCOTT – Crossing Over

PETER WHITE – Here We Go Peter White is a smooth jazz icon with an incredible radiance. He combines stunning stage presence with musical professionalism. „Here We Go“ is his upcoming album on Heads Up International, a division of Concord Music Group. Peter‘s specialty is working on an emotional base. White‘s soothing guitar melodies embodies all of the qualities of a romantic guitarist. White freely admits. “I just go with the moment – what feels good, what sounds good. The vision comes out of the music. The music doesn’t come out of the vision.” From the reggae tinged „My Lucky Day“ to the soulful „Time Never Sleeps“, from the inspiring „Desert Nights“ to the infectious title song, this album offers great tunes to explore. Thus proving Peter‘s album „Here We Go“ as a comforter, entertainment or as something, what everyone wants to hear in his music. Is music not just created for this?

14 Smooth Lifestyle | CD Reviews

Hailing from Birmingham, Alabama, Kim Scott already toured around the world with her flute and harp ensemble Kimoni Duo, with Monica Hargrave, harp, and as a soloist with professional combos and orchestras across the United States and South America. She is teaching flute at the Alabama School of Fine Arts as Chair of the Department of Music.

NAJEE – The Smooth Side Of Soul Master of tenderness, saxophonist Najee is one of the most famous musicians in the smooth jazz genre. Since his debut album „Najees Theme“ (1986) he constantly released his music. His newest album is entitled „The Smooth Side Of Soul“ (2012).

Her debut album „Crossing Over“ was produced by Keith “Cashmere” Williams, who played guitar on the lead track, „Rain and Olivia“. Also, Dave Crenshaw of the Lionns Den produced, co-wrote and played keys on „Crossing Over“. In addition, I‘d like to acknowledge Kelvin Benion on keys for his work on the Bob Baldwin tune, „Meu Amigo, Meu Amante“. The starting track „Crossing Over“ has the right groove to keep you captivated from first to last note. Kim‘s divine flute play is perfectly framed by keyboards, guitar and other instruments.

The album offers ten tracks, produced by Chris „Big Dog“ Davis, Jeff Lorber and Darren Rahn, who are working wonders in this business. Chris „Big Dog“ Davis already teamed up with Najee on his previous albums „My Point Of View“ and „Rising Sun“. He delivers funky bass, urban beat and the complete sound environment for Najee‘s sax wizardry on „Dis N‘ Dat“. „Perfect Nites“ is just pure melting sax and the groove is flowing perfectly. The uplifting moments of „In The Clouds“ infuses the room with emphasized sounds.

Kim Scott‘s album „Crossing Over“ combines excellent performance with a collection of superb songs. A successful debut.

Najee‘s new album „The Smooth Side Of Soul“ is like a fine grocery and general store of music. There‘s a lot diversity to explore.

KIRK WHALUM – Romance Language Kirk Whalum has been one of the leading saxophonists in gospel music and smooth jazz since decades. With his friendly attitude and his expressive benevolence he permanently conquers the hearts of his audience. His new album „Romance Language“ was released on February 14, 2012, just in time for Valentine‘s day. In 1963 saxophonist John Coltrane and singer Johnny Hartman recorded the same titled album presenting six captivating songs over only half an hour. Scott Yanow described the jazz album as classic and essential. Whalum creates with „Romance Language“ a remake of this project adding four more songs to his album. If you are on the search for a romantic album for your best hours, Kirk Whalum‘s „Romance Language“ is with a wide margin the best recommendation for you. Our passion: play the world’s finest smooth music. 24/7 on your iPhone, iPad, iTunes, Windows Media Player, PURE-Radio, NOXON, TuneIn-Player, WinAmp and many more. Smooth Music Radio is proud to be partner of Smooth Jazz Festival Augsburg (producer of the Smooth Jazz Festival radio spots).

Festival Partner 15

Smooth Jazz Festival Augsburg 2011

Dance The Night Away Review by Peter Bรถhi of

Jessy J

16 Smooth Lifestyle | Review Smooth Jazz Festival Augsburg 2011

Park Theater

September 16-18, 2011, the 4th annual Smooth Jazz Festival took place in Augsburg, Germany. After Bregenz and Munich, the festival now found its permanent home in Augsburg, Germany, where the festival was held for the second consecutive time in the Park Theater at Kurhaus Göggingen, a historic building which provided the perfect backdrop for the concerts. There were plenty of bars and catering areas to take care of our needs.

Friday night, the festival was opened by the lovely Jessy J on tenor saxophone, her soft and smooth saxophone sound reminded me of John Klemmer and in parts of Gato Barbieri, she played several songs from her brand new album Hot Sauce and more material from her previous catalog - like the classic „Tequila Moon“ - she was joined in the middle of her show by Swedish keyboardist Jonathan Fritzén who she collaborated with on one of his albums. Later her mentor, producer and friend Paul Brown entered the stage to play a couple of songs with her on guitar, kicking things up another notch. Jessy J proved to be not only a good looking woman, but to be most of all a credible sax player that was well in command of her instrument. Her performance was well received.

Images P.20: Peter Böhi Image P.21: Christian Nordström

Like last year, the headlining players were backed by a local band of professionals who played with many great smooth jazz instrumentalists over the years and had extensive experience from musicals, tv and touring, so we had to make no deductions from quality and overall experience, this band delivered and was always up to the task at hand. Musical director Lutz Deterra on keys, Günter Asbeck on bass, Andy Pilger on drums and Martin Weiss on guitar provided the perfect accompaniment to the smooth jazz stars who came over from the US to play for us.

Review Smooth Jazz Festival Augsburg 2011 | Smooth Lifestyle 17

Paul Brown

Next was guitarist Paul Brown, who started his career as a producer and luckily decided to step away from the mixing console into the spotlight onto a stage, his guitar playing comes straight from the George Benson/Wes Montgomery school, but with a contemporary and funky twist. This was my first time seeing Paul Brown doing an own show, it was a total treat to see this man immerse himself into grooves and melodies and play his heart out. He did a song originally recorded with Marc Antoine, having Martin Weiss on acoustic guitar stepping in, it was total bliss. Not totally unexpected, Jessy J came back to the stage to return the favor, also Jonathan Fritzén joined the party, along with Italian sax player Rocco Ventrella, to end the night in an exciting fashion. This was another special evening of smooth jazz by some outstanding players. Saturday night was opened by Rocco Ventrella on sax, who hails from Bari, Italy. Rocco Ventrella is a regular of the festival and almost played at each one, he is a crowd pleaser with his emotional and

Martin Weiss & Rocco Ventrella

18 Smooth Lifestyle | Review Smooth Jazz Festival Augsburg 2011

Rocco Ventrella

energetic style. He opened with „Soulful Strut“ and got the audience in the palm of his hand right away. During his short set, he invited Paul Brown on guitar for one song, before he had to make way for the next performer. Rocco Ventrella sounds better each time I see him and I always look forward to hearing him. He has a new album to be released soon. Swedish keyboardist Jonathan Fritzén is the son of a Swedish mother and American father, he lives in Stockholm and is a rising smooth jazz star. He plays his keys with an emotional intensity that is very special, his songs are catchy and groovy, making you feel good. He played songs from his first three releases, among them one track he did with Jessy J on sax. It was done over the Internet without the two actually having met, and tonight it was the first time for the two players to perform this song together live, which was a truly special affair. Another highlight of the show was his stroll with a little Korg synth strapped around his neck wandering into the audience. I was totally blown away by this player and hope to be able to experience him live soon again.

Gerald Albright

Next was probably the biggest star of the whole festival, legendary saxophonist extraordinaire Gerald Albright. He was in a relaxed mood and played flawlessly, his clean sound and trademark staccato lines were a joy to listen to. He did his trademark song „George On My Mind“, „My My My“ and other tracks from his vast catalog. At the end of his show, Jessy J, Rocco Ventrella and Paul Brown joined the stage to end the show in an all-star frenzy. As expected, this show was the highlight of the festival and it was great to have Gerald Albright playing at our shores. Like Friday night, after the show our beloved DJ Ralph „Jazzcrusader“ Schulz took care of the after party with a mix of smooth jazz, funk and disco for those not ready to hit the sack yet. Sunday morning we got the Martin Ehlers Trio featuring trumpet player Ingolf Burkhardt, the acoustic piano trio did their program of acoustic, very melodious and easy on the ear songs, which was just the right thing for an easy Sunday morning.

Martin Ehlers

Christian Bössner

This was another great festival and I applaud Christian Bössner to pull it all off. The next Smooth Jazz Festival Augsburg will take place Sept 14-16, 2012, so mark your calendars!

Coming soon:

SMOOTH JAZZ FESTIVAL AUGSBURG 2012 14. - 16. September 2012 Park Theater at the Kurhaus Göggingen Augsburg, Germany Ticket and Hotel Package sale starts in May 2012.

Image P.22 bottom left: Christian Nordström Images P.22&23 top: Sascha Brezina Images P.23 buttom: Peter Böhi

Jonathan Fritzén

Review Smooth Jazz Festival Augsburg 2011 | Smooth Lifestyle 19

Sensational Memories!

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