APRIL 2018 | 3 Rainbow Promotions, LLC and Payne Pest Management Present SATURDAY, JUne 30, 2018 eRiC BRiAn JAzz FUnk SoUL ft. The SAx PACk ft. STeve DARiUS CULBeRTSon JeFF LoRBeR, eveReTTe hARP JeFF kAShiwA, STeve CoLe oLiveR AnD PAUL JACkSon JR AnD JACkieM JoYneR DAve koz SUMMeR hoRnS hiRoShiMA PeTeR whiTe neSToR ToRReS MARCUS AnDeRSon ft. GeRALD ALBRiGhT, RiCk BRAUn, RiChARD eLLioT and inTRoDUCinG AUBReY LoGAn SUnDAY, JULY 1, 2018 Benoit Entertainment Group, llc hosted by eric Darius embarcadero Marina Park north | 400 kettner Blvd | San Diego, CA 92101 FRiDAY, JUne 29, 2018 An i ntimate e vening of Smooth Jazz with Monty Seward and Jessy J h osted by e ric Darius All acts and times are subject to change without prior notice. 2n D Ann UAL For Tickets and information: Rainbow Promotions, LLC (562) 424-0013 | www.sandiegosmoothjazzfestival.com

APRIL 2018 | 5

GRAMMY-winning guitarist Earl Klugh is hosting his 15th Annual Weekend of Jazz at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, April 12-14. For information on this and other events happening this month, check out our calendar, beginning on page 24.
Smooth Jazz News is published seven times annually: Monthly: April and May; Bimonthly: June-July, August-September, October-November, December-January and February-March.
The publisher assumes no responsibility for claims or actions of its advertisers. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publisher, staff or advertisers. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publisher.
6 | SMOOTH JAZZ NEWS Publisher and Managing Editor Melanie Maxwell Operations & Distribution Manager Craig Collier Copy Editors JoAnn Armke Kerri De Rosier Barbara Knox Brad Sondak Contributors KenCashmiraCapobianco Graphic Design Gina Mancini New logo design by Andrew Harner Contributing Photographers Chyna DescribeJimPhotographyClarkTheFaunaAntonioDixonDavidHopleyDanielRayKinyaTiaSinclairLoriStoll Smooth Jazz News 5519 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., #134 San Diego, CA www.smoothjazznews.comsmoothjazznews@aol.com858-541-191992117
Publisher The
20 Brian Culbertson Orchestrates a knock-out show for his Colors of Love tour
24 Calendar of smooth jazz events Concerts, festivals, cruises and brunches nationwide and beyond 33 Cashmira’s Starguide April horoscopes 34 Smooth Jazz News merchandise Get fashion-ready for festival season with our apparel: classic jazz shirts, fleece jackets, golf shirts, T-shirts, tank tops and hats 38 Smooth Jazz News home delivery Subscribe today: Online, by phone, by mail or at our booths during the Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest or Seabreeze Jazz Festival this month!
©2018, Smooth Jazz News | All rights reserved. Smooth-Jazz @SmoothJazzNewsNews/123513291125001
8 Notes from the challenge of capturing the smooth jazz lifestyle in words is beyond description 20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival perfect pitch for its 20th Anniversary in Panama City Beach, Florida Receive FREE CD or DVD you subscribe to Smooth Jazz News at the 20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival 16 Violinist Damien Escobar Brings his boundless virtuosity and unrestrained creativity to the smooth jazz festival circuit this season 18 DISCover New Music What’s new and hot!

APRIL 2018 | 7

During the first of two 18th anniversary brunch parties at Spaghettini in January, I was chatting with saxophonist Justin Young before all of our guests arrived. Suddenly, two of our loyal subscribers, Fran and Dean Willis, joined the conversation with hugs and smiles. It turns out that when Young lived in Southern California, he and Dean were co-workers at The Boeing Company, his day job. I also discovered that Young, who currently lives in Seattle and works as a global sales and marketing manager for Boeing (where he has been employed for more
Connecting genre enthusiasts with all things smooth jazz through the various platforms of this magazine has become my life’s mission, and, thankfully, my occupation. Building bonds with our readers by distributing Smooth Jazz News at concerts and festivals as well as circulation at outlets throughout San Diego County, other venues nationwide, paid subscribers and online, is a top priority.
Brunchgoers enjoying the vibe during the Smooth Jazz News 18th Anniversary party at Spaghettini in Seal Beach, California
8 | SMOOTH JAZZ NEWS than 11 years), holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Michigan State University, and an MBA from the University of Oklahoma. Young got to indulge his passion of playing music when he and his band performed at company Christmas parties, where Dean became a big fan. Our second celebration on Feb. 25 was timed perfectly for Jazmin Ghent’s studio recording session in Los Angeles with Euge Groove, who s a writer and magazine publisher, I try to convey through printed words the music I hear, the performances I see, and the travel destinations I visit for concerts and festivals. I then rely on vivid photographic images to complete my stories. This effort makes “Don’t believe me? Just Watch!” more than a verse from the Bruno Mars hit song “Uptown Funk.” It’s also a basic fact of influential communication. People believe and connect more immediately with what they experience personally.
Angela Puchala and Adam Sanchez from Catalina Express Saxophonist Justin Young with Fran and Dean Willis and Canadian guitarist Rob Tardik Willie Payne (Payne Pest Management), Craig Collier Smooth Jazz News) and Peter White Saxophonist Justin Young, keyboardist Patrick Bradley and guitarist Rob Tardik Bill Dudley interviewing Peter White during 94.7 The WAVE’s live broadcast at the Smooth Jazz News 18th Anniversary Brunch Party & Jam Session on Jan. 28
This month, we will have booths at the 20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival in Panama City Beach, Florida, and the 28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest in Reading, Pennsylvania. Our April issue will also be circulated at Earl Klugh’s Weekend of Jazz at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. However, one of our most popular bonding activities is our annual anniversary brunch parties and jam sessions at Spaghettini in Seal Beach, California. There, we invite our advertisers (from the prior year) and guest artists to enjoy brunch and live music in our reserved section of the performance lounge. The rest of the lounge and the entire restaurant are open to the public, and, they always sell out.

Spaghettini entertainment director Q, with saxophonist Jazmin Ghent and Cary Hardwick, Spaghettini co-owner Debra Harner (Bud Harner’s wife), Bane Grove (Euge Groove’s wife) and Lisa Singer
Front row: Marilyn James, Eric Mondragon, Jazmin Ghent and Rebecca Milkey
APRIL 2018 | 9 is producing the Florida-based saxophonist’s third CD. Although we featured the now 26-year-old rising star in the April 2016 issue of Smooth Jazz News, her mesmerizing live performance sitting in with DW3 at our party’s jam eclipsed that magazine article. I was not surprised to hear the audience’s cheers and see the standing ovation she earned from just one song. Ghent made such an impression on Cary Hardwick (Spaghettini co-owner) and Q (Spaghettini entertainment director) that they are booking her for her own show in the lounge!
Back row: Al Williams, Sandy Williams, Gail Jhonson, Deborah Ghent, Bud Harner, Billy Mondragon, Rick Phetteplace, DamonReel, Willie Payne, Euge Groove and Ozzie Benoit Middle row: Kim Benoit, Craig Collier and Kathy Payne
During that same Sunday brunch, I finally got to meet in person Rebecca Milkey, Hornblower Cruises & Events’ director of marketing for Southern California. All of the advertising business we have conducted together over the past year promoting Hornblower’s jazz brunch cruises in Long Beach, Marina del Rey, Newport Beach and San Diego, had been via email and phone. So, sitting together enjoying face-to-face conversations with champagne, piles of pasta and other dishes from the buffet, Parmesan-crusted sea bass ordered off the menu, and music was so fun! Plus, with Kim and Ozzie Benoit of Rainbow Promotions (producers of the San Diego Smooth Jazz Festival and Long Beach Jazz Festival) and Kathy and Willie Payne of Payne Pest Management (sponsors of both festivals) seated at the same table, there were definitely some business opportunities to chat about. By the time DW3 finished their last set, we all seemed like old friends chatting away as we sipped coffee and leaned in to hear Milkey explain the changing migration patterns of West Coast whales and the delightful sightings of them and dolphins during recent Hornblower winter whale-watching sailings. I posted several images of both brunches on Facebook, to which we received hundreds of “Likes” and comments from people wishing they wereForthere.18years, Smooth Jazz News has connected genre enthusiasts with the best festivals, concerts, cruises and CDs through advertisements, editorial and, now, social media platforms. However, nothing beats the in-person intimacy and soulful feelings we all enjoy when we are experiencing connections live and in the moment. Don’t believe me? Just watch, smile and, if you’re feelin’ it, dance!
The 19th annual Smooth Jazz News anniversary brunch parties and jam sessions at Spaghettini in Seal Beach, California, are in the planning stages for 2019. Stay tuned for dates to be announced in this magazine and posted on our social media pages, all of which can be accessed on our website, www.smoothjazznews.com.

When Mark Carter was planning the lineup for his 20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival, he wanted to kick it off with a vibe that screamed celebration, so he hired Kool & The Gang. He also wanted to bring back some of the artists who performed at the inaugural event––so he booked Brian Culbertson and Spyro Gyra. And, to create a lineup featuring the new, the old and the classic for this milestone year, Carter added a few rising stars, a dozen fan favorites and a handful of acts that have never appeared at the festival before.
By Melanie Maxwell
Seabreeze Jazz Festival

Rising Star showcase As a radio station owner, Carter is always excited about breaking new artists on the air, but it’s even more fulfilling when he gets to showcase them at his festival. That’s why he always includes the Seabreeze Rising Stars each year. Lindsey Webster, who showcased her vocal skills a few years back, is returning with saxophonist Vincent Ingala. Carter is also introducing flautist Ragan Whiteside to the Panama City Beach audience this year.
“Ragan Whiteside’s new single, ‘Corey’s Bop,’ is just starting to climb up the Billboard charts,” said Carter. “Plus, she’s from Atlanta, and we liked the idea of a Southern artist that’s up and coming. She fits the bill with the flute and her real breezy sound, and she’s never performed at SeabreezeHowever,before.”themost buzzed about artist this year is Damien Escobar, who gained notoriety with his brother Tourie as the violin duo Nuttin’ But Stringz when they placed third on “America’s Got Talent” in 2008.
“The Damien Escobar thing has just been a phenomenon,” said Carter. “He’s got such a young, fresh audience, but they’re not your typical smooth jazz fans, so we’re very intrigued by that. We’ve seen the same artists coming through the format in some way or another, and the new ones are really hard to break through. He’s somebody who’s getting attention from a completely different genre of listeners. They’re following him from show to show, and they’re traveling all over the country to see him, so he’s not just an internet or YouTube sensation. He’s someone who’s selling out shows in New York. And, he played some pretty big halls in the Northeast and out West.”
APRIL 2018 | 11
Foodies rejoice Of course, great music is the star of any festival. But delicious food is also an essential Boney James (scheduled to perform April 22) Vincent Ingala (scheduled to perform April 22)
Big buzz for Damien Escobar
As a bonus, Carter also likes to sprinkle some off-site extracurricular events to his main venue at Aaron Bessant Park Amphitheater adjacent to Pier Park. These include a dinner cruise with Eric Darius on Wednesday; a lunch sailing with Nick Colionne on Thursday; Chris Standring’s CD-Release Party, which includes a performance, after-show meet-and-greet, signed copy of his new CD and a lunch buffet at Pompano Joe’s on Friday; and nightly afterparties at Pompano Joe’s on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, hosted by Eric Darius, Nick Colionne and Brian Culbertson, respectively. Unfortunately, all of these events sold-out way before we went to press. However, there is a free End-of-Festival After-Party and All-Star Jam featuring Peter White and Vincent Ingala at Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville on Sunday. Entrance to that will be on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Bonus events
Kool & The Gang (scheduled to perform April 19)
SinclairTiaPhoto: Webster (scheduled to perform April 22)
continued on page 12 Lindsey
“The 20th anniversary is all about party, so Kool & The Gang was a natural fit to kick off the festival with a real uptempo party theme,” said Carter, the festival’s producer and owner of radio station The Seabreeze-WSBZ-FM-106.3 based in Destin,“UrbanFlorida.JazzCoalition is also performing. They’ve played three or four times over the years, and they’re a really big favorite. Phil Denny, a saxophonist from Lansing, Michigan, who’s hitting the touring circuit, will be playing with Urban Jazz Coalition as their special guest. And, Nick Colionne, who has had six No. 1 songs on his last album, which has never happened in the genre, is on the bill as well,” Carter explained. Rachelle Ferrell, a first-timer at Seabreeze, was recently added to the roster. “She has a really impressive octave range. We put her on Thursday to make it a powerful first day. It’s a mixture of all of those elements,” CarterReminiscingadded. about the first festival he produced in 1998 with his wife of 38 years, Renee’, and their six children (now ranging in age from 21 to 37), Carter recalled seeing Culbertson perform live for the first time. “Brian was so shy. He didn’t want to look up from the keyboard or interface with the audience very much. It was a completely different Brian Culbertson. He really has changed his entire persona. Now, Brian’s show is always one of the favorites of the festival. He’s a mainstay for sure. I think he’s only missed one year in the last 20. This year, he’ll be the Friday night headliner, and it will be with a full light show, playing to nearly 7,500 people, as opposed to the 250 we had in the audience with our very first festival.”

Because of a policy change implemented a few years ago, outside food, beverages and coolers are not allowed inside the festival grounds, so be prepared to buy all of your meals and drinks within this system.
Some people are renting festivalisShoresisfromdirectlytheCalypsoCarter,20accommodateofResortQuest,vacationbeachfronthomesthroughandsomethosehousescanasmanyaspeople,reportsMarkfestivalproducer.Resort&Towers,condocomplexacrossthestreetthefestivalgrounds,buildinganothertower.ofPanamaresortofferinga20percentdiscount.
“For those who are upset about not having a cooler, we will have a Seabreeze six-pack cooler that is free with the purchase of six beers or six wines, and it has a scoop of ice in it, so you can have a beverage cooler at your seat,” explained Carter. “We will have those available at the different bars, and it can be a souvenir that they can take home withCarterthem.”also said that festivalgoers can bring in an empty sports bottle, and that there will be stations for free water fill-ups inside. He also added that they sell bottled water for $1 at the Seabreeze concession stands. “There will be three of them set up out there,” Carter said. “It’s a yellow cart with a yellow flag that also sells soft drinks, continued from page 11
Euge Groove (scheduled to perform April 22) Shores of Panama resort
Accommodation tips
Keiko Matsui (scheduled to perform April 22)
SMOOTH JAZZ NEWS attraction. And, this Northwest Florida venue offers cuisine with Southern flair, along with seafood from the Gulf waters, barbecue and typical festival fare. “We’re excited that Joe’s Gourmet Fish Fry is coming back,” said Carter. “He’s been coming for the past seven or eight years, but he just got a deal on ‘Shark Tank’ with Daymond John in January. Now, he’s basically selling his bags of fish fry batter mix in all these major grocery stores, and isn’t doing festivals anymore. But, he made the comment to me that we’re the only festival that he will continue to do, even though now, I guess you can say, he’s big time. That’s exciting to hear!” Gumbo, jambalaya and other Louisiana style dishes such as po’ boys and shrimp-and-grits will also be served. The festival fare will also include Caribbean island delights such as conch salad and conch fritters and oxtail, as well as empanadas, turkey legs, wood-fired pizza baked in portable ovens, fried chicken and fish, pulled pork, fish and shrimp tacos and crepes. There will also be a gourmet cupcake truck onsite, ice cream vendors, pineapple smoothie, lemonade, beer and wine booths, and the Daiquiri Wagon. “We’re also trying to get more healthy options in like the Veggie Planet, a vendor that serves wraps and salads and that kind of stuff. We try to make it better with more variety every year. We’re still putting the list together and getting their menus to post on the festival app,” said Carter. Mobile app convenience The mobile app, which can be downloaded for free at the Apple or GooglePlay stores, includes the entire festival show schedule and a map with vendors. The food menus and prices are being added and updated daily. It also allows patrons to load and manage their funds for the cashless wristband system. These wristbands, with RFID technology, serve as your ticket into the event as well as your digital wallet once inside, and are the only method of payment accepted for all purchases onsite (see festival website for details).
12 |

Gerald Albright (scheduled to perform April 21) continued on page 14 Najee (scheduled to perform April 21)
Beach vacation + festival
Local attractions
A smooth jazz village “We want our patrons to feel like they’re part of this big family that everyone’s connected with,” said Carter. “It has nothing to do with whether you’re rich or whether you’re sophisticated, this music brings everyone together, and we all relate to it and everyone becomes friends with everyone else. People come and they meet new people, starting lifelong friendships at the festival, even though we’re all from different walks of life and different parts of the country. It’s a great feeling to be around people that connect over and above just an artist or a song. They’re not all fans who buy a suite on the jazz-themed cruises. Some of them save all year for this experience. But, everybody’s the same when we all get together.
“They can spend the first three days shopping, going to all of the seafood restaurants and checking out Shell Island and all the stuff around there, then they’ll concentrate on the festival on Thursday through Sunday. And, having those 155 stores and all those attractions at Pier Park were a natural shoo-in because now we have something for people to do after the event. Plus, we have this 100-mile stretch of 99-percent white quartz sand beaches. We’ve got fresh-water coastal lakes, world-class fishing and world-class golf
Jeff Lorber, Everette Harp and Paul Jackson Jr. performing as Jazz Funk Soul (scheduled for April 20)
“But,courses.most of all, we want to provide a really well-rounded show, with Southern hospitality, that fans can leave and feel like they were a part of something really big and exciting,” Carter concluded.
Peter White (scheduled to perform April 22)
“They’re doing a 10 percent promotion now, but they offered up to 20 percent early in the season,” said Carter. “Counts-Oakes Resort Properties, one of our new sponsors, is doing 20 percent off (with promo code “Seabreeze2018”) all the way through the festival weekend, at Shores of Panama. It’s got a stunning lagoon pool that has a stage next to it. I was looking at the photos and thinking, ‘Does that make sense for a Seabreeze after-party in the pool? I don’t know?’ It’s impressive, and one of the newer, more luxurious properties. It’s a little bit further away from Pier Park, about 8 miles. They’ve got some interesting places there for someone who’s looking for a tropicalgetaway-type of experience.” Carter said that some people are also renting beachfront vacation homes through ResortQuest, and that some of those houses can accommodate up to 20 people. He also mentioned that Calypso Resort & Towers, the condo complex directly across the street from the festival grounds, is building another tower across the street from the original property, next to the parking garage. With a 7,500-person capacity at the Seabreeze Jazz Festival (which usually sells out), that certainly is a welcome development. And with that many people attending such an event, it’s always their goal to make sure everyone feels welcome and included.
“And, when you combine a beach vacation with a jazz festival, somebody can come with their wife, their kids, their grandkids. The kids can go across the street to the movies or to the amusement park. Somebody can fish or play golf; the options are so much more than just the entertainment. So that encourages people to stay longer. Now, they typically arrive on Monday and stay till the next Monday. We’re seeing more of that.
Regardless of one’s thoughts on some of the policies and procedures, a few things that festivalgoers can all agree with are the conveniences of this festival, such as plenty of running-water restroom facilities, free general admission parking, proximity to the airport (only 10 miles away), and amazing Gulf views from the coastal condominium accommodations. ResortQuest, the festival’s presenting sponsor, offers discounts and packages that fit nearly any budget.
APRIL 2018 | 13 juices and potato chips. Other vendors sell water at different prices, which was confusing a lot of people last year. It’s $1 through the Seabreeze concession stands, though.”

Saturday, April 21 On festival grounds (gates open at 9:30 a.m.) Music in the Schools 10 a.m. Cindy Bradley and Chris Standring 11 a.m. Eric Darius 12:30 p.m. Damien Escobar 2:30 p.m. Najee ............................................................................. 4:30 p.m. Jeffrey Osborne and Peabo Bryson.................................. 6:30 p.m. Gerald Albright 9 p.m.
On festival grounds (gates open at noon) Urban Jazz Coalition featuring Phil Denny 1:30 p.m. Spyro Gyra 2:50 p.m. Rachelle Ferrell 4:45 p.m. Nick Colionne 6:30 p.m. Kool & The Gang 8:30 p.m.
Pompano Joe’s Seafood House at Pier Park After-Party All-Star Jam hosted by Eric Darius (sold-out) 11 p.m.
GETTING THERE Flights are available to the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport (ECP) in Panama City Beach, and Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport (VPS) in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. The venue is approximately 10 miles from ECP and 55 miles from VPS.
*Seabreeze Dinner Cruise featuring Eric Darius (sold-out), boards at 6:30 p.m., sails at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 19
Pompano Joe’s Seafood House at Pier Park All-Star After-Party Jam hosted by Brian Culbertson (sold-out) 11 p.m.
TICKETS AND INFORMATION Wristbands, with embedded RFID technology, are issued in lieu of paper tickets, and are also the digital currency for all festival purchases inside the venue. For complete Seabreeze Jazz Festival details and more information about the cashless system, visit www.seabreezejazzfestival.com or call 850-267-3279. To order tickets by phone, call 877-987-6487.
Sunday, April 22 On festival grounds (gates open at 9:30 a.m.) Music in the Schools 10 a.m. Ben Tankard 11 a.m.
Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville, 16230 Front Beach Road
The Best of the Seabreeze Rising Stars featuring Vincent Ingala and Lindsey Webster 12:30 p.m. Rick Braun and Richard Elliot 2:30 p.m.
STAYING THERE ResortQuest by Wyndham Vacation Rentals is the official accommodations provider. This presenting sponsor is offering festivalgoers a 10 percent discount (mention promo code “Seabreeze2018”) on condo and beach home rentals for the Seabreeze Jazz Festival. For reservations and information, visit www.seabreezejazzfestival.com/ accommodations/resortquest/ or call 877-238-1971. Additional accommodations sponsors can also be found on the festival website.
Peter White, Euge Groove and Keiko Matsui 4:30 p.m. Commodores 6:30 p.m. Boney James 8:30 p.m. Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville at Pier Park End-of-Festival After-Party and All-Star Jam featuring Peter White and Vincent Ingala (free admission) ................ 11 p.m. continued from page 13
Wednesday,LINEUP April 18
Eric Darius performing on a VIP tabletop at the 2017 Seabreeze Jazz Festival 2017 Seabreeze Jazz Festival venue at Aaron Bessant Park Amphitheater in Panama City Beach, Florida
*Seabreeze Jazzy Lunch Cruise featuring Nick Colionne (sold-out), boards at 10 a.m., sails at 10:30 a.m.
Pompano Joe’s Seafood House at Pier Park After-Party All-Star Jam hosted by Nick Colionne (sold-out)
Friday, April 20 Pompano Joe’s Seafood House at Pier Park Chris Standring CD-Release Party (sold-out)....................... 11 a.m. On festival grounds (gates open at noon) Ragan Whiteside 1:30 p.m. Michael J. Thomas 2:50 p.m. Jazz Funk Soul featuring Jeff Lorber, Paul Jackson Jr. and Everette Harp 4:30 p.m. The Family Stone 6:30 p.m. Brian Culbertson 8:30 p.m.
WHEN April 18-22 WHERE Panama City Beach, Florida Festival: Aaron Bessant Park Amphitheater, 600 Pier Park Dr. After-Parties at Pier Park: Pompano Joe’s Seafood House, 16202 Front Beach Road
*Dining cruises aboard the Solaris entertainment yacht sail around St. Andrews Bay. Boarding at the Lighthouse Marina, 5325 N. Lagoon Dr., Panama City Beach, Florida.

APRIL 2018 | 15 CD Compliments of Sony Masterworks DVD Compliments of Eagle Rock Entertainment CD Compliments of Justin Young FREE CD/DVDs from SMooth Jazz News Going to the 20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival? Receive one CD or DVD FREE * (while supplies last) when you renew or subscribe to Smooth Jazz News at our booth during the 20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival April 19-22 Aaron Bessant Park Amphitheater Panama City Beach, www.seabreezejazzfestival.comFlorida *This free-CD/DVD offer is a special promotion only available at the 2018 Seabreeze Jazz Festival, while supplies last, and CD/DVD selection is subject to change without notice. This offer is not available when ordering by phone, mail or online. CD/DVDs are provided compliments of record labels.

“The real motivation with the group in the beginning was to get out of Jamaica and make money. If you know what Jamaica is like, then you know you want to escape it, and that’s what my focus was.
“That five- or six-month period after the group broke up was the best and worst part of my life—it made me who I am today,” he said. “And that’s why I think it was horrible and amazing all at the same time. In situations like that, you learn so much about yourself and figure out who you are and what you want out of life.”
I wanted a better life for me and my family, but money can’t be the sole motivating factor in your life. “When we broke up, it was like ‘who am I?’ I had no idea who I was and what I was supposed to be because what was driving me was gone,” Escobar continued. “You think you can adjust, but it’s really not that easy. I had to find my purpose again, and, of course, it was what I loved—the music. I fell in love with it again.”
His epiphany has produced some of the most compelling genre-bending music of the last few years. With his mixtape, Sensual Melodies (2014), and Boundless (2017), his first album of original music, Escobar flashes his virtuoso violin skills as he recontextualizes classical music with inventive hip-hop beats.
Over the past few years, violinist Damien Escobar has seen his career soar as he continues to capture the hearts and ears of different generations of music fans with his audacious fusion of classical music, hip-hop and pop.
For the 32-year-old, the breakout can be best described in the immortal words of Yogi Berra as “Deja vu all over again,” as this is his second go around with success. Way before he was legally able to drink, Escobar was a star as a member of the violin duo Nuttin’ But Stringz with his brother, Tourie. They sold more than a million records, collaborated with pop luminaries and played in the White House for President George W. Bush.
In an era when melody has disappeared from a pop world dominated by trap music, Escobar brings a true devotion to grand, sweeping melodies and a sweeping romanticism to his sound that probably would have won the hearts of Keats and Shelley. The music’s finds purpose and reprises his success story
The violinist has come to terms with that dark period in his life, which also found him living in his mother’s home. It makes his comeback even more remarkable, and his newfound perspective on life more poignant and revealing.
“I learned a lot from the first time, and I see things very differently now. Money and fame doesn’t determine success for me anymore. I made my first million dollars by the time I was 20, so I know what that’s like, but my perspective now is very different.
For me, success is defined by happiness and the simple things in life—being present with my family, friends and all my fans who have embraced what I’m doing these days. That’s where I find meaning, and how I determine whether or not I’m successful.”
Escobar’s humility stems from a life story that began in Jamaica, New York, a working-class, urban area in Queens, and became both a triumph over circumstances and a warning against the perils of early, fast fame and fortune. A mere five years ago, after he and his brother disbanded Nuttin’ But Stringz, Escobar was homeless, sleeping on the New York trains and suffering from a deep depression that sapped him of his love for the violin— an instrument that helped him become the youngest person ever to be admitted to Juilliard (he graduated at 13).
Escobar said that when he and his brother disbanded, he lost his footing when he began to question his identity and drive.
So it should come as no surprise that Escobar has a unique perspective on success while he rides the wave of his crossover, chart-topping album, Boundless, and a year’s worth of electrifying concerts. “You have to ask yourself, ‘what determines success?’” the engaging and talkative musician said recently via phone.

He picked up the violin when he was 6, but said he found his passion for it two years later. “It was all part of the school program. That’s really where it started. And, once I realized the music I could make with it, like I said, I could make it sing, I became obsessed with the instrument. My whole life was all about practicing. While everyone else was doing things kids do, I was practicing eight hours a day, sometimes more,” he said with a small laugh.
APRIL 2018 | 17
“It was a love, an obsession.” Escobar, who made a return visit with his brother to the White House to play for President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama for the 2009 inauguration, is using his clout and financial success to give back to the community. He started his own nonprofit organization, The Damien Escobar Music & Arts Foundation (D.E.M.A.F), which is geared to nurturing music programs in urban communities, and The Damien Escobar Academy of Music, a music program for students from fourth through 12th grades that focuses on improvisation, songwriting and performing.
He has also designed and developed his own line of violins, The Damien Escobar Collection. Ten percent of all the proceeds go to D.E.M.A.F and his Academy. “Giving back gives me so much satisfaction,” he said. “I know the struggles people go through—you realize some people just need someone to reach out and connect with them. I was down, and things could have gone two ways for me, but I’m here now with the opportunity to make a difference in some of these kids’ lives. That means so much to me. I know it’s so important for each of us to contribute to another human being’s life. That’s so powerful. If you don’t act on that chance to make a difference, you’re missing out. I’m going to act on it, and, hopefully, help change lives. It’s special—it’s really something that has meaning. That’s what it’s all about.”
For more information on Escobar, visit www.damienescobar.com.
Escobar said it’s difficult for him to properly articulate how he creates, and what inspires the writing. “I guess it’s all about the energy. It’s the feel. You can’t intellectualize it. The music is kind of therapeutic for me,” he said. “But I honestly can’t tell you, it’s about some kind of process. I write about what’s going on in my life, and when the moment to write comes, I have to capture it. “I’m definitely not the kind of songwriter who writes 40 songs for a record and chooses from them,” he added with a laugh. “Nah, what I create is on the record. I know some artists will think, ‘OK this one is for the radio or this one is for a certain audience,’ but I can’t work that way. It’s just not in me.”
“We live in a time when everyone wants to put you into a box and define what you do because that makes it easier to sell, but I’ve never been about that.”
passion and power come from a deep place—somewhere inside the soul of someone who has lived and loved with intensity.
Boundless, with its luxurious strings and expressive horns underlined by imaginatively designed beats, defies classification and refuses to pander to easy hooks or simplistic arrangements. The visceral, funky music swings just as often as it adheres to a more classic New York hip-hop aesthetic. Escobar’s ambition is as big as his talent. “We live in a time when everyone wants to put you into a box and define what you do because that makes it easier to sell, but I’ve never been about that,” the father of two said.
Boundless, the title of the record works on two levels to me— musically, it has no boundaries, and I’m creating without restraint,” he continued. “There’s great freedom there. On the personal side, I feel like I’m breaking free—this is a true breakthrough, and it’s emotionally raw. I moved past what I’ve done, and who I was. There’s something great about that.” Despite the dexterity and lucidity of his string work, Escobar views himself a bit differently than most violinists. “I never saw myself as an instrumentalist. I always thought more like a vocalist. My affinity was to make the violin sing. I wasn’t interested in being Itzhak Perlman. I loved Whitney Houston or Chaka Khan, and that’s still how I hear things—I want to make the instrument sing and capture that beauty and soul.”

AvAilAble At: https://clgd.lnk.to/bEbZ0 Website: www.williebradley.net
Bold, yet simultaneously charming; edgy, yet at the same time beautiful. These seemingly opposing adjectives might well describe the music of artist-trumpeter Willie Bradley, but also fittingly tell about the man! Bradley’s music brings together many varied styles, but takes smooth jazz to a whole new level. Check out his latest release, Going With The Flow
AvAilAble At: iTunes, www.amazon.com, www.cdbaby.com Website: www.lowellhopper.com
• Motion (Get Jazzed Records)
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Willie Bradley • Going With The Flow (Willie Bradley)
ForwardMotion, from guitarist/multi-instrumentalist Lowell Hopper, is packed with a rich selection of funky grooves and soulful instrumental tracks. Over the course of 14 albums, stretching back to 1993, the multi-talented composer and producer has carved out a powerful indie niche via his colorful blend of crisp electric guitar, jubilant bass, haunting melodies and fresh beats.
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APRIL 2018 | 19
Boney James

compositions are complex, and his intricate production utilizes effects and reverb, creating lush, often enchanting music.
Brian Culbertson Brian Culbertson
“I’ve done so many live band recordings in recent years, and I’m coming off the record, so I thought I’d switch it up. Actually, I’ve been switching around a lot over the years.
With his latest record, Colors of Love, Culbertson explores his romantic side with an impressionistic set of songs heavy on mood and atmosphere. It’s a sharp diversion from his last effort, and more dreamlike than anything he’s recorded. Filled with nuanced, sonically sumptuous, midtempo songs evoking the many shades of amour, the beautifully produced and executed effort is a genuine headphones album that reveals a different color of Culbertson’s musical persona.
He played every instrument on the record except guitar, and wrote all the songs during a month’s burst of inspiration.
“I don’t like to make the same record over and over, and I have many creative ideas that lead me to experimenting and exploring interesting soundscapes,” Culbertson said via phone recently.
“I wrote all of the music in March of last year while I was in Chicago. I left the windows open in the studio. It was dark and rainy and cold, so I lit candles, and I could smell the air outside,”
“This is different, but it’s not like I’m coming out of left field. If you go to my records It’s On Tonight are similarities in them, but this is just more of a sustained concept.”
“My wife and I celebrated our 20th anniversary this past year, so I was thinking about that and definitely looking to the romantic side of things. I was using different sounds to create an atmosphere and vibe. If you are in the right mood for the record, it’s really cool, but you have to be in the mood, no doubt. If you’re thinking, ‘Hey, it’s midafternoon, I’m going out to work,’ it’s probably not going to work as well for you, but if you are in for romance, it definitelyCulbertson’sdoes.”
Rolls out a grand piano to showcase the vibe of his new songs
The 45-year-old Illinois native said the album was a love letter to his wife, Michelle.

“The record is cohesive, and I made it so once you are into it, that headspace, you are there for an hour and four minutes––or whatever it is. If you are in a romantic mood with someone or if you are just trying to relax, you’re gonna feel the music, and it will keep you there. In that way, it’s conceptual.” Even though it’s an instrumental album, it works as a song cycle, revealing how love unfolds and evolves. Culbertson had a very specific story and meaning in mind when he conceived each cut. “Track two, ‘I Want You,’ is more of a lustful, early-in-the-relationship kind of song, and track six, ‘Through the Years,’ is about a couple that has been together for a long time. They’re sitting drinking wine and“Thereminiscing.recordlooks at many different shades and colors of love. I named these as I wrote them, which doesn’t happen frequently. With instrumentals, I often don’t name the songs until much later, but these I knew what they were evoking. I had the feeling and visuals in my head while I was writing. And I knew I was going to release it on Valentine’s Day the following year.” While his records usually feature a broad array of musicians and contributors, Culbertson understood that this one demanded a different approach. “This was such an intimate style of record, it didn’t make sense to bring other people in on it because it was so personal.“Itwasthe opposite of the record, which had a million musicians and felt like a party. Trust me, there’s a reason behind how these records are made. I felt I needed to play every instrument here, but I’m just not a good enough guitar player so that’s why I hired a guitarist to take care of it, and I like how it all worked out.” The much-lauded artist, who recorded for a major label throughout the first two decades of his career, decided to skip the label association and crowdfund Colors of Love “I’ve had it with labels,” he said. “I was with them for 20 years straight, and they are a great thing when you are getting started. For me, they paid for some amazing records, but the landscape of the music business has changed so drastically.
Colors of Love album is a love letter to his wife, Michelle. They recently celebrated their 20th anniversary.
wardrobe will go accordingly. I’m bringing out three video screens all timed to the music, and we have a giant lighting rig—we spent weeks programming the lighting and video element. It is a visual, complicated show I’m excited about.”
APRIL 2018 | 21 the hyper-articulate and friendly musician said. “Location certainly has a lot to do with how it turned out. It always does.
The romanticatmospherically
“Chicago is my favorite big city in the U.S.––the downtown is my favorite place to hang out and walk around. There’s just so much there,” he said, overflowing with enthusiasm. “The artwork, the music, the food, the whole feel. It’s so much different than a New York or San Francisco. So I knew I always wanted to expand the Jazz Getaway brand, and Chicago was the best city. I went to college and lived here for many continued on page 22
“I don’t know if sub-genre musicians need labels anymore. If you are making mass pop, you still need the labels to push those buttons for you and spend millions of dollars on marketing. Labels for jazz artists aren’t doing that, though. I realized I really didn’t need a label at thisHepoint.”added that having creative control was a crucial component in his decision to eschew the label route a few years ago. “I have more creative freedom, and that’s really important. I was often pulling teeth to get a label to agree with a concept. My first funk record (Bring on the Funk in 2008) almost didn’t get made. Universal said, ‘You’re a jazz artist, not a funk artist.’ And, of course, after it came out and was successful, they said, ‘Great idea, fantastic,’” he said with a laugh. “I was coming up on a renewal four years ago, and I did the math
When he’s not recording and touring, Culbertson is focused on his Jazz Getaway franchise, which this year expands beyond its Napa Valley roots to Chicago. He chose the Windy City for good reasons.

For more information on Culbertson, including his complete tour
Brian Culbertson performing a piano solo at the Lincoln Theater during his 2017 Napa Valley Jazz Getaway the studio. Like always, I’ll discover the sound, and that’s part of the fun.
7th Annual Brian Culbertson’s Napa Valley Jazz Getaway Various venues Napa, www.jazzgetaway.comCalifornia
June 6-10
22 |
“The next regular record will probably be an upbeat dance record with modern dance production and funk elements over the top of it. I love the Bruno Mars stuff––he’s got that modern production with old school elements. My record was party-style music, but part of it was midtempo. I want to take the tempo up––I mean really take it up a notch.”
April 20 20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival
SMOOTH JAZZ NEWS years. For me, the concept of Jazz Getaway is whatever city we do one in; we bring in the local flavor.
He hesitated as if he was already getting a bit ahead of himself.
“Napa is about wine and jazz pairing. Everyone loves it, and it’s a great time, but it’s different. In Chicago, we’re going to do a jam will ultimately go where his muse leads him.
Santander Performing Arts Center Reading, www.berksjazzfest.comPennsylvania800-745-3000
Brian Culbertson thrilling fans at The Westin Verasa Courtyard during his “Wine Down” at the 2017 Napa Valley Jazz Getaway Napa is about wine and jazz pairing.
“That’s just an idea. Who knows? It may totally change when I get into continued from page 21 show at the Lincoln Theater in Yountville, California, during his 2017 Napa Valley Jazz Getaway
Aaron Bessant Park Amphitheater Panama City Beach, www.seabreezejazzfestival.comFlorida877-987-6487


28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest presents Boney James, 7pm, Santander Performing Arts Center, 136 N. 6th St., Reading, Pennsylvania, www.berksjazzfest.com, 800-745-3000
APRIL 3 Hil St. Soul, 8pm, Rams Head Tavern, 33 West St., Annapolis, 410-268-4545www.ramsheadonstage.com,Maryland, 5 Lowell Hopper, 6:30pm, Uncle Ernie’s, 1151 Bayview Ave., Panama City, 850-763-8427http://uncleerniesbayfrontgrill.com/,Florida, DW3, 8pm, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, California, www.spaghettinisb.com, 562-596-2199 6 DOTSERO, 9:30pm, Live at Jack’s, 500 16th St., #320, Denver, Colorado, www.liveatjacks.com, 303-433-1000 Lowell Hopper, 6pm, The Office at Ms. Newby’s, 8711 Thomas Dr., Panama City Beach, Florida, www.msnewbys.com/, 850-234-0030
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest featuring Rick Braun with special guest Dave Koz, 10pm, DoubleTree by Hilton Reading, Grand Ballroom, 701 Penn St., Reading, www.berksjazzfest.com,Pennsylvania,800-745-3000
Lowell Hopper, 6:30pm, Uncle Ernie’s, 1151 Bayview Ave., Panama City 850-763-8427http://uncleerniesbayfrontgrill.com/,Florida,
Paul Brown, 8pm, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, California, www.spaghettinisb.com, 562-596-2199
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest featuring Special EFX All-Stars with Chieli Minucci, Eric Marienthal, Lao Tizer, Karen Briggs & Gerald Veasley, 7:30pm; Gerald Veasley’s Midnight Jam featuring Nick Colionne, Lao Tizer, Karen Briggs, Chieli Minucci, Eric Marienthal, Kim Waters, Brian Bromberg, Albert Rivera, Andrew Neu, Donald Robinson, Richard Waller, Adam Hawley & more, midnight, The Inn at Reading Ballroom, 1040 N. Park Road, Wyomissing, www.berksjazzfest.com,Pennsylvania,800-745-3000
7 28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest featuring Pieces of a Dream with special guests Kim Waters, Nick Colionne & Eric Roberson, 2pm; Fourplay (Bob James, Nathan East, Harvey Mason & Kirk Whalum), 10pm, DoubleTree by Hilton Reading, Grand Ballroom, 701 Penn St., Reading, www.berksjazzfest.com,Pennsylvania,800-745-3000
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest presents Brian Culbertson’s Colors of Love Tour, 7:30pm, Santander Performing Arts Center, 136 N. 6th St., Reading, Pennsylvania, www.berksjazzfest.com, 800-745-3000
8 Jazz in the Park Homewood featuring Willie Bradley, 3pm, Homewood Central Park, 1632 Oxmoor Road, Homewood, Alabama, www.williebradley.net, 205-616-1735
Justin Young, 6pm, Lauren Ashton Cellars, 14545 148th Ave. N.E., Suite 211, Woodinville, www.justinyoungsax.comWashington, 28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest featuring Gerald Veasley’s Midnight Jam with Andy Snitzer, Nick Colionne, Karen Briggs, Chieli Minucci, Eric Marienthal, Kim Waters, Brian Bromberg, Albert Rivera, Andrew Neu, Donald Robinson, Richard Waller, Adam Hawley & more, midnight, The Inn at Reading Ballroom, 1040 N. Park Road, Wyomissing, www.berksjazzfest.com,Pennsylvania,800-745-3000

APRIL 2018 | 25 continued on page 26 Whalum, Maceo Parker, Gerald Albright, Everette Harp, Elan Trotman, Bernie Williams, Eric Marienthal, Nick Colionne, Rayford Griffin, Kevin Whalum, JJ Sansaverino, Jay Rowe, Chris “Big Dog” Davis, Selina Albright, Nestor Torres & Paul Bollenback, 8pm, DoubleTree by Hilton Reading, Grand Ballroom, 701 Penn St., Reading, www.berksjazzfest.com,Pennsylvania,800-745-3000
12 Earl Klugh’s 15th Annual Weekend of Jazz at The Broadmoor featuring Peter White, Lindsey Webster & Vincent Ingala, 8pm, The Broadmoor, 1 Lake Ave., Colorado Springs, Colorado, 844-810-8205www.weekendofjazz.com, Lowell Hopper, 6:30pm, Uncle Ernie’s, 1151 Bayview Ave., Panama City, Florida, http://uncleerniesbayfrontgrill. com/, 850-763-8427
13 Earl Klugh’s 15th Annual Weekend of Jazz at The Broadmoor featuring West Coast Jam with Richard Elliot, Rick Braun & Norman Brown; & Al Turner, 8pm, The Broadmoor, 1 Lake Ave., Colorado Springs, Colorado, www.weekendofjazz.com, 844-810-8205
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest featuring Gerald Veasley’s Midnight Jam with Andy Snitzer, Nestor Torres, Elan Trotman, Nick Colionne, Grace Kelly, Brian Bromberg, Kevin Whalum, JJ Sansaverino, Jay Rowe, Slam Allen, Donald Robinson, Richard Waller, Jack Semple & more, midnight, The Inn at Reading Ballroom, 1040 N. Park Road, Wyomissing, www.berksjazzfest.com,Pennsylvania,800-745-3000
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest featuring An Evening with Lisa Fischer & Grand Baton, 7:30pm, Miller Center for the Arts, Reading Area Community College, 4 N. 2nd St., Reading, www.berksjazzfest.com,Pennsylvania,800-745-3000
14 David Benoit & Marc Antoine, 6:30 & 9:30pm, Rams Head Tavern, 33 West St., Annapolis, Maryland,
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest featuring Brian Bromberg Pre-Jam CD-Release Concert (solo), 6pm, DoubleTree by Hilton Reading, Amphitheater, 701 Penn St., Reading, Pennsylvania, www.berksjazzfest.com, 800-745-3000 (free admission)
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest All-Star Jazz Jam featuring Rick Braun, Gerald Veasley, Randy Brecker, Brian Bromberg, Kirk
RAINBOW LAGOON PARK East Shoreline Drive • Long Beach, California 31st Annual For tickets and information, contact Rainbow Promotions LLC (562) 424-0013 •andwww.longbeachjazzfestival.commanymore!Cabanas available! |Benoit Enter ainment Group, llc
10 28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest featuring Eric Marienthal: The Music of Cannonball Adderley with Rick Braun, Brian Bromberg, Mitch Forman & Lionel Cordew, 7:30pm, DoubleTree by Hilton Reading, 701 Penn St., Reading, www.berksjazzfest.com,Pennsylvania,800-745-3000
DW3, 8pm, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, www.spaghettinisb.com,California,562-596-2199
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest featuring The Heart & Soul of Sax with Kirk Whalum & Everette Harp, with special guests Maceo Parker, Dee Dee Bridgewater, plus The Berks Horns, 7pm, Scottish Rite Cathedral, 310 S. 7th Ave., West Reading, Pennsylvania, www.berksjazzfest.com, 800-745-3000
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest presents Gerald Albright with special guests Kenny Lattimore & Selina Albright, 10pm, DoubleTree by Hilton Reading, Grand Ballroom, 701 Penn St., Reading, www.berksjazzfest.com,Pennsylvania,800-745-3000
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest presents Berks Bop Night featuring Jeff Lorber, Gerald Albright, Rick Braun, Eric Marienthal, Randy Brecker, Brian Bromberg, Everette Harp, Rayford Griffin, Paul Bollenback plus Berks High School All-Star Jazz Band directed by Gunnar Mossblab, 7:30pm, DoubleTree by Hilton Reading, Grand Ballroom, 701 Penn St., Reading, Pennsylvania, www.berksjazzfest.com, 800-745-3000
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest presents “Remembering Chuck Loeb” featuring Eric Marienthal, Rick Braun, Bob James, Nathan East, Harvey Mason, Kirk Whalum, Will Lee, Michael Franks, Dave Koz, Everette Harp, Jeff Lorber, Randy Brecker, Paul Jackson Jr., Chieli Minucci, Nick Colionne, Kim Waters, Gerald Veasley, Wolfgang Hafner, Mitch Forman, Brian Bromberg, Andy Snitzer, Lionel Cordew, Ron Jenkins, David Charles, Matt King, Adam Hawley, The Berks Horns & special guests Carmen, Lizzy & Christina Loeb, 7pm, Santander Performing Arts Center, 136 N. 6th St., Reading, Pennsylvania, www.berksjazzfest. com, 800-745-3000 (A portion of the proceeds is slated to establish the Chuck Loeb Scholarship Fund)
Maysa Kim Waters and Marion Meadows Everette Harp Chante Moore Doc Powell Nick Colionne
Happy Hour with DOTSERO, 5:30pm, Live at Jack’s, 500 16th St., #320, Denver, www.liveatjacks.com,Colorado,303-433-1000
Eric Roberson Stanley Clarke Kirk Whalum Keiko Matsui David Benoit and Marc Antoine

28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest featuring EPK with Euge Groove, Peter White & Keiko Matsui, 7pm, Scottish Rite Cathedral, 310 S. 7th Ave., West Reading, www.berksjazzfest.com,Pennsylvania,800-745-3000
17 Always & Forever: An Evening of Luther Vandross starring Ruben Studdard, 6:30 & 9:30pm, Soiled Dove Underground, 7401 E. 1st Ave., Denver, Colorado, www.soileddove.com, 303-830-9214
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest featuring Kirk Whalum’s Gospel According to Jazz Celebration with Jonathan Butler, Maysa, Wycliffe Gordon, plus Kevin Whalum, John Stoddard & DOXA Gospel Ensemble, 6pm, Scottish Rite Cathedral, 310 S. 7th Ave., West Reading, Pennsylvania, www.berksjazzfest.com, 800-745-3000
continued from page 25
Kenny G, 9:30pm, Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley, 2033 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington, 206-441-9729www.jazzalley.com,
19 Average White Band, 8pm, Rams Head Tavern, 33 West St., Annapolis, Maryland, 410-268-4545www.ramsheadonstage.com, 20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival featuring Urban Jazz Coalition with Phil Denny, 1:30pm; Spyro Gyra, 2:50pm; Rachelle Ferrell, 4:45pm; Nick Colionne, 6:30pm; Kool & the Gang, 8:30pm, Aaron Bessant Park Amphitheater, 500 W. Park Dr., Panama City Beach, 877-987-6487www.seabreezejazzfestival.com,Florida, 20th Annual Seabreeze After-Party hosted by Eric Darius, 11pm, Pompano Joe’s, Pier Park, 16202 Front Beach Road, Panama City Beach, Florida, 877-987-6487www.seabreezejazzfestival.com, Lowell Hopper, 6:30pm, Uncle Ernie’s, 1151 Bayview Ave., Panama City, 850-763-8427http://uncleerniesbayfrontgrill.com/,Florida, DW3, 8pm, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, www.spaghettinisb.com,California,562-596-2199
An Evening with Ottmar Liebert & Luna Negra, 7:30pm, Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley, 2033 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington, 206-441-9729www.jazzalley.com, 20 Average White Band, 7:30pm, The Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, Virginia, www.birchmere.com, 703-549-7500 Selina Albright, 8pm, Soiled Dove Underground, 7401 E. 1st Ave., Denver, Colorado, www.soileddove.com, 303-830-9214
15 Lowell Hopper, 6:30pm, Uncle Ernie’s, 1151 Bayview Ave., Panama City, 850-763-8427http://uncleerniesbayfrontgrill.com/,Florida,
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest featuring David Benoit & Marc Antoine, 3pm, Miller Center for the Arts, Reading Area Community College, 4 N. 2nd St., Reading, Pennsylvania, www.berksjazzfest.com, 800-745-3000
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest presents The Caribbean Connection with Bernie Williams, Elan Trotman & Nestor Torres, featuring Kareem Thompson, 2 & 7:30pm; The Rippingtons featuring Russ Freeman, plus Grace Kelly, 2pm; Incognito with Maysa, 10pm, DoubleTree by Hilton Reading, 701 Penn St., Reading, Pennsylvania, www.berksjazzfest.com, 800-745-3000 Jackiem Joyner, 8pm, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, California, www.spaghettinisb.com, 562-596-2199
Dave Bradshaw Jr., 7pm, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, California, 562-596-2199www.spaghettinisb.com,
18 Incognito with special guest Maysa, 7:30pm, The Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, Virginia, www.birchmere.com, 703-549-7500
26 | SMOOTH JAZZ NEWS 410-268-4545www.ramsheadonstage.com, Earl Klugh’s 15th Annual Weekend of Jazz at The Broadmoor featuring Vanessa Williams, Bob James Trio & Earl Klugh, 8pm, The Broadmoor, 1 Lake Ave., Colorado Springs, Colorado, 844-810-8205www.weekendofjazz.com, DOTSERO, 9:15pm, Live at Jack’s, 500 16th St., #320, Denver, Colorado, www.liveatjacks.com, 303-433-1000
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest featuring Gerald Veasley’s Midnight Jam with Steve Cole, Nestor Torres, Elan Trotman, Nick Colionne, Brian Bromberg, Rayford Griffin, Kevin Whalum, JJ Sansaverino, Jay Rowe, Slam Allen, Donald Robinson, Richard Waller, Jack Semple & more, midnight, The Inn at Reading Ballroom, 1040 N. Park Road, Wyomissing, www.berksjazzfest.com,Pennsylvania,800-745-3000

25 Brian Culbertson’s Colors of Love Tour, 7:30pm, The Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, Virginia, www.birchmere.com, 703-549-7500
7th Annual Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival featuring Smooth Jazz AllStars, 9pm, Església Nova unfinished historic church (open-air), Son Servera, Illes Balears, Mallorca, (+34)www.mallorca.smoothjazzfestival.de,Spain,971-587-520
Rebecca Jade, 8pm, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, California, www.spaghettinisb.com, 562-596-2199
Brian Culbertson’s Colors of Love Tour, 8pm, Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, 801 Chase St., Annapolis, www.brianculbertson.comMaryland, DOTSERO, 9:30pm, Live at Jack’s, 500 16th St., #320, Denver, Colorado, www.liveatjacks.com, 303-433-1000
20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival featuring Music in the Schools, 10am; Ben Tankard, 11am; The Best of the Seabreeze Rising Stars with Vincent Ingala & Lindsey Webster, 12:30pm; Rick Braun & Richard Elliot, 2:30pm; Peter White, Euge Groove & Keiko Matsui, 4:30pm; Commodores, 6:30pm; Boney James, 8:30pm, Aaron Bessant Park Amphitheater, 500 W. Park Dr., Panama City Beach, 877-987-6487www.seabreezejazzfestival.com,Florida,
APRIL 2018 | 27 continued on page 29 DAUPHIN Commissioners Jeff Haste | Mike Pries | George P. Hartwick, III September 7 - 9 Fort Hunter Park | Harrisburg, PA For tickets and more information dauphincounty.orgvisitNickColionneMikePhillipsCarlAndersonBandfeaturingRonnieQueen&
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., 6th District DR Reception featuring Willie Bradley, 8pm, Embassy Suites Hotel, 5055 International Blvd., N. Charleston, South Carolina, www. williebradley.net Lowell Hopper, 6:30pm, Uncle Ernie’s, 1151 Bayview Ave., Panama City, 850-763-8427http://uncleerniesbayfrontgrill.com/,Florida,
20th Annual Seabreeze End-ofFestival After-Party & All-Star Jam hosted by Peter White & Vincent Ingala, 11pm, Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville, 16230 Front Beach Road, Panama City Beach, 877-987-6487www.seabreezejazzfestival.com,Florida,(freeadmission)
7th Annual Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival featuring Tim Bowman, 8:45pm; Euge Groove, 10:15pm; after-show chill-out, midnight, Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa, Sa Coma, Majorca, Spain, www.mallorca. smoothjazzfestival.de, (+34) 971-587-520
20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival featuring Chris Standring CDRelease Party, 11am, Pompano Joe’s, Pier Park, 16202 Front Beach Road, Panama City Beach, 877-987-6487www.seabreezejazzfestival.com,Florida,
21 New Mexico Amplified Jazz Experience featuring Willie Bradley CD-Release Party, 8pm, African American Performing Arts Center, 310 San Pedro Dr. N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico, www.williebradley.net Average White Band, 7:30pm, The Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, Virginia, www.birchmere.com, 703-549-7500
24 Brian Culbertson’s Colors of Love Tour, 7:30pm, The Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, Virginia, www.birchmere.com, 703-549-7500
27 Najee, 7:30pm, The Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, Virginia, www.birchmere.com, 703-549-7500
20th Annual Seabreeze After-Party hosted by Brian Culbertson, 11pm, Pompano Joe’s, Pier Park, 16202 Front Beach Road, Panama City Beach, Florida, 877-987-6487www.seabreezejazzfestival.com, Michael Paulo, 8pm, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, California, www.spaghettinisb.com, 562-596-2199 An Evening with Ottmar Liebert & Luna Negra, 7:30 & 9:30pm, Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley, 2033 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington, www.jazzalley.com, 206-441-9729 22 Kenny Lattimore, 7:30pm, The Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, Virginia, www.birchmere.com, 703-549-7500
20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival featuring Music in the Schools, 10am; Cindy Bradley & Chris Standring, 11am; Eric Darius , 12:30pm; Damien Escobar, 2:30pm; Najee, 4:30pm; Jeffrey Osborne & Peabo Bryson, 6:30pm; Gerald Albright, 8:30pm, Aaron Bessant Park Amphitheater, 500 W. Park Dr., Panama City Beach, 877-987-6487www.seabreezejazzfestival.com,Florida,
Justin Young, Live Television Performance, 7pm, Ford Community & Performing Arts Center, 15801 Michigan Ave., Dearborn, Michigan, www.dearborntheater.com, 313-943-2354
Diane Wilson-Bedford Peter White Luther Re-lives with William Smooth Wardlaw Oli TeenJackiemSilkJoynerTown&more!
23 Brian Culbertson’s Colors of Love Tour, 7:30pm, The Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Ave., Alexandria, Virginia, www.birchmere.com, 703-549-7500
DOTSERO, 9pm, Live at Jack’s, 500 16th St., #320, Denver, Colorado, www.liveatjacks.com, 303-433-1000 Justin Young, 11am, Kyle Denham Memorial Scholarship Event, Glen Oaks Country Club, 30500 W. 13 Mile Road, Farmington Hills, www.justinyoungsax.comMichigan,
20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival featuring Ragan Whiteside, 1:30pm; Michael J. Thomas, 2:50pm; Jazz Funk Soul with Jeff Lorber, Paul Jackson Jr. & Everette Harp, 4:30pm; The Family Stone, 6:30pm; Brian Culbertson, 8:30pm, Aaron Bessant Park Amphitheater, 500 W. Park Dr., Panama City Beach, 877-987-6487www.seabreezejazzfestival.com,Florida,
An Evening with Ottmar Liebert & Luna Negra, 7:30 & 9:30pm, Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley, 2033 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington, 206-441-9729www.jazzalley.com,
Lowell Hopper, 6:30pm, Uncle Ernie’s, 1151 Bayview Ave., Panama City, 850-763-8427http://uncleerniesbayfrontgrill.com/,Florida, Adam Hawley, 6pm, Mediterranean Jazz & Supper Club, 8878 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego, www.whatsupdaygo.comCalifornia, An Evening with Ottmar Liebert & Luna Negra, 7:30pm, Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley, 2033 6th Ave., Seattle, Washington, www.jazzalley.com, 206-441-9729
26 Jarrod Lawson, 8 & 10pm, Scullers Jazz Club, DoubleTree Suites by Hilton, 400 Soldiers Field Road, Boston, www.scullersjazz.com,Massachusetts,617-562-4111

28 | SMOOTH JAZZ NEWS 3 Cruises 3 Contests 3 Jazz Buzz 3 Festival and concert lineups stay connected TO The laTesT On The smOOTh jazz scene Smooth Jazz News Links you to updates and breaking news! www.smoothjazznews.com engage with us! Comment on our posts

Lowell Hopper, 6:30pm, Uncle Ernie’s, 1151 Bayview Ave., Panama City, 850-763-8427http://uncleerniesbayfrontgrill.com/,Florida, 30 7th Annual Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival featuring Althea René, 8:45pm; Shakatak, 10:15pm; after-show chill-out, midnight, Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa, Sa Coma, Majorca, (+34)www.mallorca.smoothjazzfestival.de,Spain,971-587-520
DW3, Tributes to the Legends of Music, 8pm, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, California, www.spaghettinisb.com, 562-596-2199
Justin Young, 4:30pm, Columbia Winery, 14030 N.E. 145th St., Woodinville, www.justinyoungsax.comWashington, 28 DOTSERO, 9pm, Live at Jack’s, 500 16th St., #320, Denver, Colorado, www.liveatjacks.com, 303-433-1000
NOTE: Artists, events, venues, dates and show times are subject to change without notice. Smooth Jazz News is not responsible for any cancellations or changes or the accuracy of any concert or festival information contained in this magazine in advertisements and/ or editorial, which has been provided by outside sources. Please contact each venue directly to confirm all information. continued from page 27 continued on page 30
29 7th Annual Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival featuring Jazmin Ghent, 11am; Bob James Trio, 12:30pm; Vincent Ingala, 8:45pm; C&C Soul Factory with Cindy Bradley & Chris Standring, 10:15pm; after-show chillout, midnight, Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa, Sa Coma, Majorca, (+34)www.mallorca.smoothjazzfestival.de,Spain,971-587-520
APRIL 2018 | 29 Tickets, Hotel and Boat 866-Traxwww.JazzTrax.cominformation Tix (866-872-9849) Get the 1 hour across the Sea on board CatalinaExpress.com Opening Weekend: October 11-14 Closing Weekend: October 18-21 Candy dulfEr damiEnHirosEsCobarHima Also richard Elliot, Peter White, david benoit & marc antoine, Tim Bowman, marcus anderson, Jazmin Ghent, urban Jazz Coalition, Skinny Hightower, Vincent ingala & lindsey Webster, Dan Siegel, Jonathan fritzén, Peter ‘Peet’ Ferencz from Peet Project AND MORE !
Eric Marienthal, 8pm, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, California, 562-596-2199www.spaghettinisb.com, Justin Young, 5pm, Obelisco Winery, 14525 148th Ave. N.E., Suite 121, Woodinville, http://obelisco.com/,Washington,425-485-2472
7th Annual Mallorca Smooth Jazz Festival featuring Marcus Anderson, 11am; Nick Colionne, 12:30pm; James Lloyd, 8:45pm; Incognito, 10:15pm; after-show chill-out, midnight, Protur Biomar Gran Hotel & Spa, Sa Coma, Majorca, (+34)www.mallorca.smoothjazzfestival.de,Spain,971-587-520

Hornblower San Diego Easter Champagne Brunch Cruise, 4 sailings: VIP Easter Champagne Brunch Cruise, 11am-1pm & noon2pm; Easter Champagne Brunch Cruise, 11am-1pm & noon-2pm, boards at 10am, 10:30am, 11am & 11:30am, respectively, from Pier 1 Hornblower Landing, 1800 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego, California, www.hornblower.com, 619-686-8700 94.7 The WAVE welcomes Spaghettini’s Legendary Champagne Brunch with live broadcast and performances by DW3, 10am, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, California, www.spaghettini.com, 562-596-2199
KJAZZ Champagne Jazz Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower featuring performances by Michael Whitman, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from 2431 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, California, www.hornblower.com, 949-650-2412, 888-HORNBLOWER
KJAZZ Champagne Jazz Brunch
KJAZZ Champagne Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower featuring performances by Mat Gurman, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from Fisherman’s Village Marina, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey, California, www.hornblower.com, 310-301-9900, 888-HORNBLOWER
Hornblower San Diego Champagne Brunch Cruise, sails 11am-1pm, boards at 10:30am from Pier 1 Hornblower Landing, 1800 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego, California, www.hornblower.com, 619-686-8700
94.7 The WAVE welcomes Spaghettini’s Legendary Champagne Brunch with live broadcast and performances by DW3, 10am, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, California, www.spaghettini.com, 562-596-2199
94.7 The WAVE welcomes Spaghettini’s Legendary Champagne Brunch with live broadcast and performances by DW3, 10am, Spaghettini Fine
Hornblower San Diego Champagne Brunch Cruise, sails 11am-1pm, boards at 10:30am from Pier 1 Hornblower Landing, 1800 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego, California, www.hornblower.com, 619-686-8700
KJAZZ Champagne Jazz Brunch
Hornblower San Diego Champagne Brunch Cruise, sails 11am-1pm, boards at 10:30am from Pier 1 Hornblower Landing, 1800 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego, California, www.hornblower.com, 619-686-8700
Easter Champagne Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower, 3 sailings: 10am-noon (aboard the Wild Goose), 11am-1pm & 2:30-4:30pm, boards at 9:30am, 10:30am & 2pm, respectively, from 2431 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, California, 949-650-2412,www.hornblower.com,888-HORNBLOWER
Easter Champagne Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower, 2 sailings: 10am-noon & 11am-1pm, boards at 9:30 & 10:30am, respectively, from Fisherman’s Village Marina, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey, California, www.hornblower.com, 310-301-9900, 888-HORNBLOWER
KJAZZ Champagne Jazz Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower featuring performances by Michael Whitman, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from 2431 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, California, continued from page 29 continued on page 32
Hornblower Cruises & Events yacht sailing on San Diego Bay www.hornblower.com, 949-650-2412, 888-HORNBLOWER
Cruise aboard Hornblower featuring performances by Michael Whitman, noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from 2431 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, California, www.hornblower.com, 949-650-2412, 888-HORNBLOWER 28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest presents Smooth Jazz JJZ Sunday Brunch featuring Jazz Funk Soul with Jeff Lorber, Everette Harp & Paul Jackson Jr., buffet, 10am; show, 11:15am, DoubleTree by Hilton Reading, Grand Ballroom, 701 Penn St., Reading, www.berksjazzfest.com,Pennsylvania,800-745-3000
SUNDAY, APRIL 8 KJAZZ Champagne Jazz Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower featuring performances by Mat Gurman, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from Fisherman’s Village Marina, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey, 888-HORNBLOWERwww.hornblower.com,California,310-301-9900,
Cruise aboard Hornblower featuring performances by Mat Gurman, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from Fisherman’s Village Marina, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey, 888-HORNBLOWERwww.hornblower.com,California,310-301-9900,
Easter Brunch at The Abbey On Fifth Avenue, 11am, 2825 5th Ave., San Diego, California, 619-686-8700www.hornblower.com,
KJAZZ Champagne Jazz Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower featuring performances by Michael Whitman, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from 2431 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, California, www.hornblower.com, 949-650-2412, 888-HORNBLOWER Hornblower San Diego Champagne Brunch Cruise, sails 11am-1pm, boards at 10:30am from Pier 1 Hornblower Landing, 1800 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego, California, www.hornblower.com, 619-686-8700

APRIL 2018 | 31

by Jackiem Joyner A NIGHT OF WINE TASTING, FINE DINING AND INTOXICATING SMOOTH JAZZ Join us for an exclusive Kick-off Event for the 2018 San Diego Smooth Jazz Festival with Jackiem Joyner at Wilson Creek Winery SUNDAY, MAY 6, 2018 Wilson Creek Winery 35960 Rancho California Rd, Temecula CA 92591Benoit Entertainment Group, llc continued from page 30
Meet and 5:00-6:00 Dinner: 6:00-7:30 PM Show: 7:30-9:00 For tickets and information Rainbow Promotions (562) www.sandiegosmoothjazzfestival.com424-0013
Hornblower San Diego Champagne Brunch Cruise, sails 11am-1pm, boards at 10:30am from Pier 1 Hornblower Landing, 1800 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego, California, www.hornblower.com, 619-686-8700
32 |
KJAZZ Champagne Jazz Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower featuring performances by Michael Whitman, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from 2431 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, California, www.hornblower.com, 949-650-2412, 888-HORNBLOWER
SUNDAY, APRIL 22 KJAZZ Champagne Jazz Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower featuring performances by Mat Gurman, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from Fisherman’s Village Marina, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey, 888-HORNBLOWERwww.hornblower.com,California,310-301-9900,
KJAZZ Champagne Jazz Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower featuring performances by Michael Whitman, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from 2431 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, California, www.hornblower.com, 949-650-2412, 888-HORNBLOWER
John Wayne Birthday Champagne Jazz Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from 2431 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, California, 949-640-2412,www.hornblower.com,888-HORNBLOWER
KJAZZ Champagne Jazz Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower featuring performances by Mat Gurman, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from Fisherman’s Village Marina, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey, 888-HORNBLOWERwww.hornblower.com,California,310-301-9900,
SMOOTH JAZZ NEWS Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, California, www.spaghettini.com, 562-596-2199
KJAZZ Champagne Jazz Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower featuring performances by Mat Gurman, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from Fisherman’s Village Marina, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey, 888-HORNBLOWERwww.hornblower.com,California,310-301-9900,
Hornblower San Diego Champagne Brunch Cruise, sails 11am-1pm, boards at 10:30am from Pier 1 Hornblower Landing, 1800 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego, California, www.hornblower.com, 619-686-8700 94.7 The WAVE welcomes Spaghettini’s Legendary Champagne Brunch with live broadcast and performances by DW3, 10am, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, California, www.spaghettini.com, 562-596-2199
28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest presents Smooth Jazz JJZ Sunday Brunch featuring Steve Cole & Friends with Nick Colionne, Kevin Whalum, Jay Rowe, JJ Sansaverino, David Dyson & Carl Anderson, buffet, 10am; show, 11:30am, The Inn at Reading Ballroom, 1040 N. Park Road, Wyomissing, (sold-out)www.berksjazzfest.com,Pennsylvania,800-745-3000
KJAZZ Champagne Jazz Brunch
John Wayne Birthday Champagne Jazz Brunch Cruise aboard Hornblower with KJAZZ host Bubba Jackson, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from 2431 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, California, 949-650-2412,www.hornblower.com,888-HORNBLOWER
Hornblower San Diego Champagne Brunch Cruise, sails 11am-1pm, boards at 10:30am from Pier 1 Hornblower Landing, 1800 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego, California, www.hornblower.com, 619-686-8700
94.7 The WAVE welcomes Spaghettini’s Legendary Champagne Brunch with live broadcast and performances by DW3, 10am, Spaghettini Fine Dining & Entertainment, 3005 Old Ranch Pkwy., Seal Beach, California, www.spaghettini.com, 562-596-2199
Cruise aboard Hornblower featuring performances by Mat Gurman, sails noon-2pm, boards at 11:30am from Fisherman’s Village Marina, 13755 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey, 888-HORNBLOWERwww.hornblower.com,California,310-301-9900,
Hornblower San Diego Champagne Brunch Cruise, sails 11am-1pm, boards at 10:30am from Pier 1 Hornblower Landing, 1800 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego, California, www.hornblower.com, 619-686-8700

Sagittarius Nov. 22 - Dec. 21
You’ve been procrastinating too much lately. Too many projects remain undone, and the dust is settling on others you’ve left behind. It’s time to clean up and catch up on everything. Try to get organized and just tackle things as they come.
You have been so busy these past few weeks. It’s time for you to get a little R&R. Enjoy some time off with some friends who matter to you. Relationships need tending, and some leisure time with pals can be relaxing.
Capricorn Dec. 22 - Jan. 19
APRIL 2018 | 33
Frustration at the workplace? Isn’t it time to sit down and consider making some big changes? Of course, it won’t be easy, but an entirely different path would be just what you need. Consider all the time you spend at the job. This is your life!
Cancer June 22 - July 22 You’ve been sharing responsibilities, which is good, but try not to always be the follower. You have good ideas and plans of attack. Speak up, you will feel better about getting all those projects done together.
Libra Sept. 23 - Oct. 22
Aquarius Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 You’ve had a desire to try something for a while, but had put that idea on the back burner. This is the time to break out some of those old plans and try again. You’ve got some time to get into the project and be successful.
Taurus April 20 - May 20
Leo July 23 - Aug. 22 This month is the time to finally have that talk. Your relationship just can’t go on without facing some of the harder issues. Communication has been lacking between the two of you, and now is the time to be as clear as possible regarding your needs.
Pisces Feb. 19 - March 20
Gemini May 21 - June 21
You’ve had some issues with your partner lately. It’s time to gather yourself together and have a face-to-face discussion. It’s not that bad, but some of these things can fester and destroy something you value.
Have you been feeling overwhelmed lately? There are so many things that need some attention. This month is the perfect time to get organized so that you can accomplish all those tasks and still leave a little time for you to breathe.
Scorpio Oct. 23 - Nov. 21
Have you been wondering how your finances are going? Just a little nagging thought that something is off? Take charge this month, and do a thorough job of reviewing that checkbook, and you will find the issue. Do it now!
Exciting times are ahead. You’ve got something cooking with a friend that will make a huge impact on your lives. Be sure to stick with it, and you will see some great results. Your plans may be a little different, but they are all yours!
Aries March 21 - April 19
Virgo Aug. 23 - Sept. 22
Don’t get caught up in the same old rut. You need to bust out a little and grab some time for yourself. A quick weekend away might do the trick. You can make it happen and still come back to your responsibilities.
You have your own views on topics close to your heart. You may be challenged this month, but don’t be afraid to state your case. Discussion can’t hurt. And, if you truly believe you have cause for your feelings, you should be able to defend them.

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April 19-22
’s Berks Jazz Fest (www.berksjazzfest.com)
Enter to win FREE cool stuff from Smooth Jazz News and our participating advertisers and vendors! Each month we offer our readers the chance to win tickets* to concerts and festivals, othermerchandiseCDs,orfunthings.
APRIL 2018 | 35 at www.smoothjazznews.comwww.smoothjazznews.com
DixonAntonioPhoto:Rick Braun Dave Koz StollLoriPhoto:Chieli
NOTE: Artists, events, venues, dates and show times are subject to change without notice. Smooth Jazz News is not responsible for any cancellations or changes. Please contact each venue directly to confirm all information.
The Inn at Reading Wyomissing, Pennsylvania April 13, 7 p.m. The Heart & Soul of Sax featuring Kirk Whalum, Everette Harp and special guests Dee Dee Bridgewater and Maceo Parker Scottish Rite Cathedral West Reading, Pennsylvania April 14, 2 p.m. The Rippingtons featuring Russ Freeman, plus Grace Kelly DoubleTree by Hilton Reading Reading, Pennsylvania
To enter, simply visit www.smoothjazznews.com and complete the form on the “FREE Cool Stuff” page (one entry per person). We will draw one entry per prize each month. Must have a valid email address and telephone number to enter. Please note that Smooth Jazz News DOES NOT sell or share its email database or information with any other organizations. Please see contest rules posted on *Concertwww.smoothjazznews.com.ticketsonly;doesnotincludetransportationoraccommodations
StollLoriPhoto:Kirk Whalum Everette Harp Minucci Marienthal
A pair of tickets to one of these shows at the 28th Annual Boscov
A pair of four-day passes* to the 20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival (www.seabreezejazzfestival.com)
Aaron Bessant Park Panama City Beach, Florida or The Rippingtons
April 6, 10 p.m. Rick Braun with special guest Dave Koz DoubleTree by Hilton Reading Reading, Pennsylvania April 6, 7:30 p.m. Special EFX All-Stars featuring Chieli Minucci, Eric Marienthal, Lao Tizer, Karen Briggs, Gerald Veasley

STEPUP Spotlight your talent with a featured page in Smooth Jazz News
Get featured in Smooth Jazz News We are offering one-page advertorial spaces to artists who want to boost their careers. Reach our readers: 30,000 jazz fans read the print magazine. Plus, a digital edition of the entire magazine is posted on our website and is accessible on mobile devices. It’s your page. Tell your story your way — your background, what music means to you, what your inspirations are. You’ll be interviewed by a professional journalist who will write an article of approximately 600 words that will be accompanied by your color photo. Added value. An advertorial placement includes a banner ad space on www.smoothjazznews.com and complimentary calendar listings for your live gigs happening during the ad campaign. For package price, contact Melanie Maxwell 858-541-1919smoothjazzads@aol.com

sandiegozoo.org/africarocks sdzsafaripark.org/walkaboutaustralia

38 | SMOOTH JAZZ NEWS I want Smooth Jazz News delivered to my mailbox (seven issues per year) Complete this form, and send it with a check or money order for $25* (or use the credit card option) to Smooth Jazz News, 5519 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., #134, San Diego, CA 92117. Home delivery is available to U.S. addresses only. *Price effective through April 30, 2018 CityAddressName State ZIP Phone Email Credit card option (MasterCard, Visa and American Express) Card no. CVC Exp. date Exact name on card Billing Signatureaddress GET HOME DELIVERY! •ONLINE at www.smoothjazznews.com •CALL 858-541-1919 to charge by phone •MAIL the form on this page •AT OUR BOOTH DURING THE 28th Annual Boscov’s Berks Jazz Fest Various venues and select dates (April 6-15) www.berksjazzfest.comAND 20th Annual Seabreeze Jazz Festival April www.seabreezejazzfestival.com19-22 Yes! 2018April

APRIL 2018 | 39

40 | SMOOTH JAZZ NEWS Tickets On Sale Now! www.capitaljazz.com PLUS, MANY MORE ARTISTS! The Jazz Festival with Soul! JUNE 1–3, 2018 COLUMBIA, MARYLAND OVER 25 JAZZ AND SOUL ARTISTS ON TWO BIG STAGES! Anita Baker: “The Farewell Tour” Joss Stone Smokey Robinson Earth, Wind & Fire DianaLedisiKrall Keiko Matsui Lizz WrightDamien “AsEscobarYou Are”: A Tribute to Phyllis Hyman “Luther Re-Lives”: A Tribute to LutherMichaelVandrossFranksBoney James Bob KeithJamesSweat BrandyFantasiaLarry Graham & Graham Central Station Snarky Puppy