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Title of Presentation
Anna Lotan PRO featuring Barbara Devlin (@anna lotan pro usa)
SUNDAY 10:30 - 11:30a | Room Sunny Slope
This is where the blurb about what the presentation is going to be about
Title of Presentation
The Bonner Institute featuring Terrance Bonner (@the bonnerinstitute)
SUNDAY 10:30 - 11:30a | Room Fairview
This is where the blurb about what the presentation is going to be about.
How To Win High-Value Clients Without Advertising
SUNDAY 10:30 - 11:30a | Room Hillhaven
In the highly competitive business landscape, attracting high-value clients is a crucial goal for any spa business However, traditional advertising methods may not always be the most effective or cost-efficient approach This dynamic and informative talk, "Winning High-Value Clients Through Strategic Approaches and Outstanding Customer Service," is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to secure valuable clients without relying on traditional advertising methods.
Title of Presentation
SUNDAY 10:30 - 11:30a | Room Spring Glade
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Maxine will help you explore alternative strategies that prioritize high-end services and exceptional customer service as key drivers for attracting and retaining high-value clients. By focusing on cultivating strong relationships, building trust, and delivering exceptional experiences, participants will learn how to differentiate themselves from competitors and position their businesses as the go-to choice for discerning clients
Title of Presentation
Global Skin Solutions featuring Pamela Springer (@globalskinsolutions)
SUNDAY 10:30 - 11:30a | Room Lavon
This is where the blurb about what the presentation is going to be about.
Title of Presentation
Se-Brazil featuring Stephanie Laynes (@sebrazilwax)
SUNDAY 10:30 - 11:30a | Room Northbrook
This is where the blurb about what the presentation is going to be about
Title of Presentation
The Bonner Institute featuring Terrance Bonner (@the bonnerinstitute)
SUNDAY 1:30 - 2:30p | Room Fairview
This is where the blurb about what the presentation is going to be about
Title of Presentation
WISH Skin Health featuring David Valenzuela (@wishskinhealth)
SUNDAY 1:30 - 2:30p | Room Spring Glade
This is where the blurb about what the presentation is going to be about.
Title of Presentation
Hale & Hush featuring Kris Campbell (@haleandhush)
SUNDAY 1:30 - 2:30p | Room Sunny Slope
This is where the blurb about what the presentation is going to be about
Title of Presentation
Holistic Dermal Professionals featuring Michelle Valeri (@holisticdermalpros)
SUNDAY 1:30 - 2:30p | Room Hillhaven
This is where the blurb about what the presentation is going to be about.