Smritika adaptive architecture

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A DISSERTATION Submitted by SMRITIKA 2011701508 In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of




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A DISSERTATION Submitted by SMRITIKA 2011701508 In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of




DECLARATION I declare that this Dissertation titled “ADAPTIVE ARCHITECTURE� is the result of my work and prepared by me under the guidance of Ar. Swapnil Valvatkar and that work reported herein does not form part of any other dissertation of this or any other University. Due acknowledgement have been made wherever anything has been borrowed from other sources.

Date: 6th April 2015

Signature of the Candidate Name Smritika Roll Number 2011701508

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6 t hAp r i l2 0 1 5 Ar . Swa p n i lVa l v a t k a r St u d i oHe a d


This dissertation of mine would not be possible without the inputs and support of the following people: 

Ar. Swapnil Valvatkar, for taking time off from his busy schedule and guiding me through the topic and providing valuable inputs which was a driving force for me.

Nilofer Afza and Sanjana Maria John, my friends and classmates, for helping me through the structure of the dissertation and for being a moral support through the process.

Also, I would like to thank my college, School of Architecture and Planning, Anna University for providing me an opportunity to complete my dissertation.

Finally, my parents who have always been a constant support throughout the journey.


Adaptation is a process by which an organism or a body transforms itself to suit the changes in the external environment. This has been evident in nature as well as other spheres. Adaptation to the changes in the surroundings has led to the concept of evolution, where the most adaptive organism survives in the environment. So is the case with architecture. Buildings have been constantly evolving and changing in accordance to the environment since time immemorial. This has led to the different forms and styles of architecture. The buildings that are designed in the recent times also need to be adaptive in order to survive the changing conditions of the environment, humans, activities etc. The energy crisis that we are facing is predominantly due to the fact that our buildings are not adaptive in nature. Technology has played a vital role in the development of architecture and developing adaptable buildings. As of now, we have looked at this process in our buildings in a very broad and general sense, generated based on the activities, context, users etc. The type which has not been considered so far is the form wise adaptation, where the building itself transforms in its structure in order to accommodate the changing external conditions. This research paper deals with transformable structures as an adaptive form of architecture. Transformable structures have always existed in the past, but these structures were not termed as such or the technology was not well developed in order to execute these and hence they remained in the conceptual stage. The dissertation explores the different types of transformable structures and studies the components involved in it. The architect must have a basic knowledge about the working of such structures in order to be able to design and execute them. Sustainability is a major factor that architects consider in their designs. Transformable structures are also sustainable in nature as they can adapt to the changing needs in contrast

to the rigid and static architecture. Transformable structures are being developed and accepted in the current times due to all these factors apart from their efficient functioning. These factors put together gives credibility to these structures being the possible future of architecture.


List of figures

1. Adaptive Architecture 1.1.Adaptation-in nature…………………………………………………………1 1.2.Adaptation in architecture……………………………………………………2 1.3.Form wise adaptation-transformable structures……………………………...3

2. Transformable structures 2.1.History of transformation……………………………………………………6 2.2.Current trend with technology……………………………………………….10 2.3.Types of transformable structures 2.3.1. Flat packed…………………………………………………………...21 2.3.2. Pantograph…………………………………………………………...22 2.3.3. Membrane system……………………………………………………25 2.3.4. Pneumatics…………………………………………………………...25 2.3.5. Tensegrity……………………………………………………………26 2.3.6. Pods or capsules………………………………………………….…..27

3. Transformable Building Components 3.1. Movement Mechanisms……………………………………………………..28 3.1.1. Movement principles………………………………………………....28 3.1.2. Movable connections…………………………………………………29 Joints…………………………………………………30…………………………………………………………..31 3.1.3. Control Mechanisms………………….………………………………32 and Transmission……….………………………………….34……………………….…………………………………34 3.2.Load bearing structure…………………….………………………………….37 3.2.1. Kinetic Components………………………………………….……….37 Structure…………………………………………………….38 components………………………………………………..38 3.2.2. Dynamically self-erecting structures…………………………………..40 3.2.3. Expandable architecture……………………………………………….41 3.3.Surface elements………………………………………………………………42 3.3.1. Materials……………………………………………………………….42 Materials………………………………………………42 Materials………………………………………………43 3.3.2. Joins and Sealants……………………………………………………..44 3.3.3. Installation systems……………………………………………………44

4. Case Studies 4.1.Alcoy community Hall………………………………………………………...45 4.2. Rolling Bridge………………………………………………………………...51 4.3. Sliding House…………………………………………………………………55 4.4. Guklhupf………………………………………………………………………60

5. Conclusion and Inference………………………………………………………….64 6. Bibliography……………………………………………………………………….67


Figure 1.1: Evolution of Human Settlements Figure 1.2: Schroder house-adaptive to the clients use and environment Figure 2.1: Mobile automatic theatre of Heron Figure 2.2: Transformable mechanical systems developed by Roman engineers Figure 2.3: Functioning of stage for the play of Orpheus by Da Vinci Figure 2.4: Da Vinci‘s sketches on transformable structures Figure 2.5: The Roman amphitheatres‘ removable tension roof of canvas Figure 2.6: Transformation of Manek Chowk throughout the day Figure 2.7: King Iron Bridge- could transform to serve dual purpose Figure 2.8: Bridge over Harlem Ship Canal that could rotate Figure 2.9: The living pod-integration of technology for a living space Figure 2.10: Fun Palace by Cedric Price Figure 2.11: Nagakin Capsule Tower Figure 2.12: Working of the tower- a theory of constant mobility and change in the built environment Figure 2.13: The link developed for Hoberman‘s Structure Figure 2.14: Hoberman‘s Sphere- transforming in size Figure 2.15: Hoberman‘s Dome- concept of Hoberman‘s Sphere extended to a larger scale Figure 2.16: The IRIS Dome- through the process of transformation Figure 2.17: Milwaukee art museum- resembles a bird Figure 2.18: The wings of the museum during transformation Figure 2.19: Linear elements: Rigid surfaces, flexible surfaces

Figure 2.20: Flat-packed structures Figure 2.21: Working of Pantographic structure Figure 2.22: Pantographic structures Figure 2.23: Pinero‘s foldable theatre Figure 2.24: The IRIS Dome- pantographic structure Figure 2.25: Transformable membrane structures Figure 2.26: Pneumatic structures Figure 2.27: Concept of tensegrity Figure 2.28: Pods and Capsule transformable structures Figure 3.1: Degrees for freedom of rotation Figure 3.2: Degrees for freedom of translation Figure 3.3: Basic understanding of a Revolution Joint Figure 3.4: Sliding bearing Figure 3.5: Roller bearing Figure 3.6: Roller bearing in a rail system with an external case Figure 3.7: Control mechanisms Figure 3.8: House N°19 during transformation Figure 3.9: Working of the components of House N°19 with rope and hinge connections Figure 3.10: Gears and transmission that can change and control the direction of applied force Figure 3.11: Infiniti pod by Maynard architects uses pneumatic pistons to open and support the panel components Figure 3.12: Dynamic façade of the Thematic Pavilion Figure 3.13: Working of the façade- Lamella connected to the actuators

Figure 3.14: The static frame, where the loads are at the corners Figure 3.15: Top hung system with hydraulic cylinders as actuators Figure 3.16: Cocobello, the project uses hydraulic cylinders as a lifting method to open the envelope horizontally and vertically Figure 3.17: Scissor mechanism for self-erecting structures Figure 3.18: The opening and closing of the scissor structure Figure 3.19: Composite material structure Figure 3.20: Membrane materials Figure 3.21: Preformed sealants example- Rubber strip Figure 4.1: View of the plaza with the community hall Figure 4.2: Plan of the Alcoy Community Hall Figure 4.3: Section of the community hall Figure 4.4: West entrance in the closed and open positions Figure 4.5: East entrance during transformation Figure 4.6: Entrance Drawings Figure 4.7: Position of the rod where all the objects are articulated Figure 4.8: East entrance at different stages of transformation Figure 4.9: Balustrades and tread Figure 4.10: Transformation of the rolling bridge Figure 4.11: Design inspired by the tail of an animatronic dinosaur which used a steel mechanism to bend fluidity Figure 4.12: Rolled out section of the bridge Figure 4.13: The hydraulic equipment Figure 4.14: The Sliding House Faรงade

Figure 4.15: Combination of colours and materials that resemble the barns Figure 4.16: Parts of the Sliding House Figure 4.17: Motor on rails that move the Sleeve Figure 4.18: The house during the different stages of its transformation Figure 4.19: Lower level and upper level plan Figure 4.20: Gucklhupf House Figure 4.21: Gucklhupf house under transformation

1. Adaptive Architecture 1.1. Adaptation in Nature “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.�- Charles Darwin The theory of natural selection, by Charles Darwin, is one of the most famous theories accepted by scientists worldwide. It states that evolutionary change comes through the production of variation in each generation and differential survival of individuals with different combinations of these variable characters. It is this theory that accounts for the adaptations of organisms, those innumerable features that equip them for survival. Adaptation enhances the endurance of organisms and natural selection is the only mechanism known to cause the evolution of adaptations, hence adaptation is defined as a characteristic that has evolved by natural selection. The word adaptation also refers to the process whereby the members of a population become better suited to some feature of their environment through change in a trait that affects their survival or reproduction. It refers to the efforts by the society or ecosystem to prepare for or adjust to changes in the environment, in order to survive. Human beings, like all other organisms have faced the adaptive challenges. Throughout history, man is known to have adapted to the various changes in the environment. The earliest ancestors of humans diverged from apes about 8 million years ago and this was necessary in order for these organisms to survive the extreme changes in the environment. Adaptation was in the form of physical appearance, behavior, survival skills, growth, etc. The human body readily responds to changing environmental stresses in a variety of biological and cultural way. The ability to rapidly adapt to varying environmental conditions has made it possible for us to survive most regions of the world. We live successfully in humid tropical forests, harsh desserts, arctic wastelands, and even densely


populated cities. Also because of cultural adaptations, people have adapted to almost all of the earth‘s terrestrial habitats. 1.2. Adaptation in architecture Apart from the bodily adaptations, man adapted his shelter to the changing environment. The earliest man did not settle anywhere as they wandered around in search of food. They were unaware of the art of construction, hence they lived in the open. Occasionally they took shelter on top of trees to protect themselves from the wild animals. Later man began to live in caves by the side of rivers, springs and other water bodies. But these caves were not permanent shelters as man still hadn‘t learnt the art of cultivation and hence had to move around in search of food. Once man learnt the art of cultivation, he decided to settle down. This called for permanent structures and hence he started constructing shelters with the locally available materials. The initial houses were made out of mud which was available from the riverbed. The type and form of the shelter varied from place to place according to the changes in the environment. The colder regions had houses with thicker walls to protect themselves from the harsh weather conditions. The tropical houses had thinner walls with larger openings to allow maximum amount of ventilation through the shelter. Also the building materials used for construction became more permanent in nature. From thatch, man shifted to a more permanent building material like stones and mud blocks. In case of floods, man learnt the construction of houses on stilts to protect himself and belongings. It is evident from the evolution of human settlements that the structures are constantly evolving and adapting to suit the changes in the environment.


Figure 1.1: Evolution of Human Settlements

1.3. Form-wise adaptation So what is adaptation? Adaptation broadly refers to the act of adapting to the necessary changes in order to suit the environment. Adaptation takes place in every sphere and also in buildings as discussed above. Adaptation in architectural design has been considered ever since man built the first building structure. Even till date we have been following the process of adaptation in our own architectural designs, consciously or unconsciously. This adaptation can be with respect to the climate, user, functions, activities, site, etc. For example, a school in general serves a wide spectrum of students. Whereas, a school for the disabled, serves a particular section of the society. In this case, the usual design strategies will be adapted to serve the new users in order to make them feel comfortable within the space. The doors, for example, will be designed in such a way that it does not cause any particular hindrance to the movement of children on wheelchairs. This shows that the basic idea and functionality of a simple element, such as a door, has been adapted to serve the new users. “By the time the built actually gets manifested in the environment, the needs of the people are likely to have undergone some degree of change. Hence, buildings need to be adaptable to evolving needs at all times. Irrespective of the building typology or its


expected lifespan, creating something that can adapt to changing times should be the priority for architects and engineers.�- Ar.Karan Grover With new developments in the construction field, buildings can become more adaptable in nature. Also, the technological advancements and inventions have made their way through the construction field and have changed the traditional perception of buildings. Hence architecture in combination with technology, can give rise to more interactive and adaptable buildings which are best suited for the environment. Adaptive architecture, in my terms, refers to the adaptation of buildings to the change in the external environment with the help of technology. By being adaptive, buildings can respond to the changes in nature on their own, without having to demolish the building and come up with new forms, unlike the past where the smallest change in the environment meant that a new form of structure had to be designed in order to serve their purpose. Adaptive architecture is a broad class, within which different styles and methods of architectural design fall under. Adaptation of architecture can be as simple as the windows, blinds and sliding screens, as seen in Gerrit Rietveld‘s Schroder House, 1924, where the first floor transforms from spaciousness to intimacy in the hands of its occupants. The versatility of the elements inside came as a natural consequence to adapt to the changing needs of the organic family and the environment.

Figure 1.2: Schroder house-adaptive to the clients use and environment


“Adaptation is essential for survival and success: This is as true for our buildings as it is for all other aspects of our lives‌Today buildings represent the single largest contributor to carbon output; their owners and occupants pay the price in higher energy costs and reduced comfort and flexibility. Rising energy demands, along with the lack of design solutions that sufficiently respond to the changes in our environment, may well be the defining problems of our century. Adaptation is the means by which we can begin to address these daunting challenges and enter a new era of innovation.â€?-Chuck Hoberman Adaptation, as discussed earlier, has always been a part of architecture. But this adaptation has always been related only to the interior spaces and utilitarian aspect of architecture. Adaptation of a building as a whole (form wise adaptation) is a new emerging idea in the field of architecture. The world that surrounds us is characterized as a dynamic, evolving framework in continuous flow. The artificial surroundings remain stable and rigid. Until recently, architecture primarily dealt with only static forms. With the introduction of technology in architecture, dynamic forms have been developed. The new revolution in architecture is to now look at buildings that can transform as a whole and be able to adapt to the environment. This leads us to two major topics of architecture namelytransformable structures and dynamic facades. Transformable structures are those in which the building as a whole will respond to the changes in the environment. These changes can change the interior as well as the exterior of the building and make them adaptive in nature. Changes in the transformable structures can be brought about with the use of technology, which will be discussed in the later chapters of this research paper. In dynamic facades, the exterior of the building will change in order to make the building adapt to its surroundings. These changes may or may not cause changes in the internal spaces, but will definitely have an effect on them. These two topics mainly look at the adaptive aspects of a building as a whole and the exterior respectively and aids in generating a responsive structure. This research paper will cover the topic of transformable structures as an adaptive architecture technique. 5

2. Transformable Structures Transformable structures are those that can adapt their shape or function according to changing circumstances, to meet rapidly evolving needs, induced by a society which increasingly embraces the concept of sustainable design. This is further supported by the understanding that structures are not designed in an end state, but in a transition state, hence ‗transformable structures‘. Architecture perpetually undergoes transformations on all its scales. Buildings are being worn out, renovated, remodeled, torn down and rebuilt, while their functions may frequently change in the process. In this way architecture not only adapts to changes in its content and context but it can also be continuously improved and adjusted, answering to changing needs of its users and permanent transformations of its surrounding environment. This can be done by integrating technology with architectural design. The recent developments in architectural design are to create transformable structures which can change shape and form in accordance to the nature.

2.1. History of transformation Transformable structures have always existed in the past, but since these transformations were limited to a small scale, structures were not particularly classified as transformable structures. Transformability was a practice which was predominantly adopted in specialized product design and design of vessels, automotive and general industrial machinery. Transformation found its way much later into architecture, though it was quite popular in other fields of design. The earliest example of a transformable structure was in the field of theatre automation introduced by the Greeks. Heron of Alexandria developed mechanisms for planned movement and came up with the idea of an automatic theatre. These theatres were designed in such a way that it had the opportunity to present an entire theatre, on a small theatre, with automatic gates, alternating scenes in any action and


animated forms depicting a myth. This was one of the first successful examples of a structure that could transform in the early times.

Figure 2.1: Mobile automatic theatre of Heron

Figure 2.2: Transformable mechanical systems developed by Roman engineers


From the perspective of architecture, sketches of da Vinci has been one of the catalysts to create a more dynamic and morphogenetic architecture. Da Vinci states that Life includes infinite changing processes, which means that the human being is dynamic. A system, therefore, for which time is irrelevant and which does not show any change is considered unnatural. Da Vinci was the one who promoted the theory of movement and its usefulness to human activity through medium and large scale construction. But the technological requirement for the construction and the operation of these projects was huge and hence these ideas remained in the conceptual stage and nothing went to the feasibility stage. The knowledge of automation at that time was still at a very early stage and could not cover the complexity of the proposed structures.

Figure 2.3: Functioning of stage for the play of Orpheus by Da Vinci


Figure 2.4: Da Vinci‘s sketches on transformable structures

The idea of allowing a building to adapt to the changing environment conditions is an old tradition. Even in ancient times removable tension roof of canvas were used as a protection against the sun and to regulate the climate. Coverings were placed over small courtyards and right up to the Roman custom of roofing large theatres and amphitheaters with removable tension roof of canvas. Nomadic tribes also used transformable structures because they were small, light and compact structures.

Figure 2.5: The Roman amphitheaters‘ removable tension roof of canvas

Transformation in architecture has always been visualized as the transformation of spaces, by the simple movement of elements or through a change in the utilitarian aspect of the space. People have always been transforming spaces in order to suit their requirements. These transformations can be small scale ones to a much larger scale transformations. For example, a simple architectural element such as a partition wall can transform a smaller


space into a larger one. Another example of spatial transformations are the market places. Some spaces serve as markets during the day and have a completely different purpose by the night. An example of a large space transforming is Manek Chowk, which is a prominent city square in the city of Ahmedabad. It serves as a vegetable market during the day, a bullion market in the noon and a street food market at night. Even before the vegetable market, it serves as a grazing ground for the cattle. The adaptive nature of this space to serve different purposes at different times of the day, makes it efficient in nature.

Figure 2.6: Transformation of Manek Chowk throughout the day

It is clearly evident that people have been considering spatial transformations since time immemorial. Transformability and flexibility ensures effective use of the space and is also adaptable in nature since it‘s capable of transforming according to the users requirements and the surrounding environment. But the spatial transformations discussed above, are predominantly due to human intervention and not through the use of machines and technology. 2.2. Current trend with technology The Industrial Revolution marks a major turning point in world history. This period marked the transition from hand production to machines and saw a major breakthrough in the field of science and technology. Various fields were becoming increasingly dependent on these machines and technology in order to function efficiently. This was also seen in the field of construction and architecture. Technology was also important in the functioning of the building systems. Simple concepts which was applied to other fields of design, when adapted into architecture, required technology in order to work efficiently. For example, 10

the concept of a pulley system was used to lift weights since ancient times. But the same concept, taken to a larger scale, as in the case of architecture, to lift heavy items and human beings through various heights, saw the invention of the lift which uses the simple concept of a pulley along with the system of hydraulics to ensure efficient functioning of the building system. Designers aimed to break down the conventional boundaries of architecture by the use of technology. The logical next step after the representation of the concept of motion was to achieve actual motion in buildings. The idea of transformation was applied into the construction of bridges even before it was applied to architectural design. The concept of movable bridges changed the perspective towards application of transformability in all other fields. Movable bridges were adaptive in nature as they helped establish a connection across regions without obstructing the movement of ships below. These bridges were designed in such a way that they could retract when required (when ships had to pass through) and regain their original form in order to restore the initial connection that was intended.

` Figure 2.7: King Iron Bridge - could transform to serve dual purpose


Figure 2.8: Bridge over Harlem Ship Canal that could rotate

During the 1960s The Archigram Group bought about radical ideas to change the way we perceive architecture by integrating it with technology. Plug-In, Capsules, Blow out, FoldIn architecture created a revolution of future concepts. The group was formed by AA graduates-Warren Chalk, Peter Cook, Dennis Crompton, David Greene, Ron Herron and Michael Webb. The unifying element of the group was to dream an ideal architecture, freed from the mental barriers of the past, but mainly open to what technology had to offer in the field of architecture. Living pod was an experimental project developed by Archigram. This model of an experimental living pod combines and explores the contrasting demands of our daily lives with the help of a biologically determined organism. The interior is zoned into living spaces for work, sleep and play, the space being modified by inflatable furniture or dividers as required. Machines attached to the exterior of the pod provide necessary services: such as eating machine, wash capsule, clothing dispensers and climate control. The pod can be freestanding and self-contained, or plugged into a service structure, clustering together to create a community. The house was regarded as consisting of two 12

major components: a living pod and attached machines. The pod consisted of twelve support nodes (6 tension and 6 compression), four apertures and one access aperture, all with vacuum sealing panels, inner bonded sandwich of insulation. Forty percent of the floor space was a multi-purpose inflating area.

Figure 2.9: The living pod- integration of technology for a living space

The works of Archigram were among the most influential shock vibrations of the 1960s for architects and planners around the world. They faced a lot of criticism as their ideas were futuristic and completely different from the traditional style of architecture that existed. Following this, many architects and planners tried to infuse technology into architecture in order to make it more adaptable and transformable in nature. One such example was the Fun Palace by Cedric Price. Initiated with Joan Littlewood, the theatre director, the idea was to build a ‗laboratory of fun‘ with facilities for dancing, music, drama and fireworks. Central to Price‘s practice was the belief that through the correct use of new technology the public could have unprecedented control over their environment, resulting in a building which could be responsive to visitors‘ needs and the many activities intended to take place there. Miss Littlewood wanted a theatre in which versatility might be maximized. This building was designed to reshuffle its movable parts- walls, floors, ramps and walks, steerable escalators, seating and roofing, stages and movie screens, lighting and sound systems – sometimes with only a small part walled in, and had buttons which could be pressed in order to make things happen themselves. Although never built, The Fun Palace


was one of his most influential projects and inspired Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano‘s early 1970s project, Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.

Figure 2.10: Fun Palace by Cedric Price

Another example of a building that tried to infuse technology in architecture but failed is Architect Kisho Kurokava‘s The Nagakin Capsule Tower Building in Tokyo. The building was the world's first example of capsule architecture built for permanent and practical use. The building is actually composed of two interconnected concrete towers, respectively eleven and thirteen floors, which house 140 prefabricated modules (or "capsules") which are each self-contained units. Each capsule measures 2.3 m × 3.8 m × 2.1 m and functions as a small living or office space. Capsules can be connected and combined to create larger spaces. Each capsule is connected to one of the two main shafts only by four high-tension bolts and is designed to be replaceable. No units have been replaced since the original 14

construction. The building still exists but has fallen into disrepair. As of October 2012, around thirty of the 140 capsules remained in use as apartments, while others were used for storage or office space, or simply abandoned and allowed to deteriorate. The reason why this building failed was because they weren‘t transformable or adaptive in nature. The plain use of technology, without considering the transformable needs, (for which the building was initially designed) led to the abandonment of this structure. The capsules were never updated and had no scope for transforming in order to meet the requirements of the users. The materials used did not withstand the test of time as they were supposed to. Hence all these factors put together led to the failure of this particular building.

Figure 2.11: Nagakin Capsule Tower


Figure 2.12: Working of the tower-a theory of constant mobility and change in the built environment.

Design has expanded into new fields, including the interactions between people and objects. Responsive design features are objects that need to respond to our needs rather than awaiting our instructions. Over the past twenty years, there has been a great development in the creation of such structures. Architect Chuck Hoberman has pioneered and innovated in this field of design and coined the term transformable architecture, a style his firm, Hoberman Associates, majorly specializes in. His style of design focuses on creating transformable structures which are adaptive in nature and the designs range from product design to architectural design. Through his products, patents and structures, 16

Hoberman demonstrates how objects can be foldable, retractable, or shape-shifting. Such capabilities lead to functional benefits such as portability, instantaneous opening, and intelligent responsiveness to the built environment.

―The idea of time-based, transformable buildings is not new. What is new is that the technology to implement this idea is now readily available. A building mediates between the occupant and the environment, both of which are highly dynamic. Why should the building itself be static? In my view, there are two overarching factors driving building design today: the critical need for sustainable solutions, and the power of computation. The convergence of these two is leading to a new generation of adaptive technologies�-Chuck Hoberman

Chuck Hoberman started using the concept of transformation in design through small scale projects such as art installations. He first calculated the connection and movement pattern of a single element and later multiplied this to develop a systematic link, which in turn gave rise to the design of the structure. The link transformed into a ring which then transformed into spheres and domes, giving rise to his first art installation, The Expanding Geodesic Sphere, at Liberty Science Center in 1992. He took forward this concept and applied into product design, where he designed a toy which was known as the Hoberman Sphere.

Figure 2.13: The link developed for Hoberman‘s Structures


Figure 2.14: Hoberman‘s Sphere – transforming in size

Figure 2.15: Hoberman‘s Dome – concept of the Hoberan‘s Sphere extended to a larger scale


Chuck Hoberman‘s first architectural intervention was when he applied the concept of the Hoberman Sphere to design a different kind of roof. This exhibit at MoMA(Museum of Modern Art) signaled the introduction of a new type of retractable roof that opens and closes like the iris of an eye, transforming the space between indoors and outdoors. The dome has rigid covering panels attached to its structure and they glide smoothly over one another to form a continuous skin covering the dome, when fully extended. Two pieces were installed for the exhibit: a 1:100 working scale model of a 100-meter dome, and a 1/8th operable section of the same dome at 1:5 scale. The larger piece spanned 30-feet extending over the visitors to the museum.

Figure 2.16: The IRIS Dome-through the process of transformation

The most exciting work in Hoberman‘s portfolio includes architectural designs, many of which use extendable latticework frames similar to that of the Iris Dome. Hoberman envisions concert pavilions, for instance, whose roofs could close for rain, giving audience members a visual treat as an intricate pattern of sheaths glide shut overhead. Many other architects have tried to incorporate transformability into their designs. The renowned Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, has also tried to bring in the concept of transformability through technology in his buildings. Santiago Calatrava's work is inspired 19

by the things he sees around him, momentary images and happenings. The smooth and sweeping flight of an elegant bird inspired the spectacular extension for the Milwaukee Art Museum (1994-2001) whose immense 'wings' open and close with the museum.

Figure 2.17: Milwaukee art museum-resembles a bird

Figure 2.18: The wings of the museum during transformation


Currently transformable structures are being employed and conceived by many architects all over the world. But these are usually restricted to small scale projects as the concept of transformability of large structures with the help of technology is fairly a new idea. Also the architects do not have a clear picture as to how such structures can be designed and perceived. This is a fairly new concept which needs to be further understood in order to design efficient building structures.

2.3. Types of transformable Structures “If architects designed a building like a body, it would have a system of bones and muscles and tendons and a brain that knows how to respond. If a building could change its posture, tighten its muscles and brace itself against the wind, its structural mass could literally be cut in half‌â€? -Guy Nordenson, Ove Arup and Partner [Fox] Over the years, many researchers have developed classifications for transformable architecture. The buildings that fall under the category of transformable structures may be classified into these subcategories. The most important consideration to be made is that a single building does not necessarily have to belong to a single class, and its characteristics and systems can be diverse and can fall under more than one of the sub-categories. 2.3.1. Flat packed Pre-hinged construction systems, are usually complemented with a kit form of auxiliary parts. The folding mechanism is commonly used in this system. The movable element can be a linear element, a surface, or an elastic backbone or a rib. In each case, the foldable element is designed in such a way that it can be folded or unfolded when a force is exerted directly on it at the right time. The structure is generally the connection of separate surfaces or elements with flexible joints or uniform surfaces with elasticity and 21

creases(which accounts to the folding mechanism of the structure). Many small structures such as shopping stands, interior partitions, facades of shops, temporary structures on beaches are a few examples of the pre-hinged transformable structures.

Figure 2.19: Linear elements, Rigid surfaces, flexible surfaces

Figure 2.20: Flat- Packed structures

2.3.2. Pantograph The use of scissors mechanisms as a deployable structure (structures that can transform in size), is a large and complex field in architecture with several research groups and publications regarding it.

Figure 2.21: Working of pantographic structure


A large number of structures that can be opened and closed are based on the concept of the lazy tong system. The minimum component of this system is the scissor-like element (SLE). The SLE consists of two bars connected to each other with a revolute joint. By the parallel connection of SLEs the simplest 2D deployable structure, the lazy tong is constructed. Connecting at least three of SLEs through complete pin joints a ring is formed, providing a secondary unit of this frame structure. By the further connection of secondary units almost all kind of 3D-shapes can be formed folding into bundle. Adding tension components like wire or membrane to its developed form, it becomes a 3D-truss and gets effective strength, thus towers, bridges, domes and space structures can be rapidly constructed.

Figure 2.22: Pantographic structures

A Spanish engineer, E. P. Pi単ero, presented a foldable theatre in 1961, using scissor-like deployable structures and elaborated several other deployable designs. The biggest drawbacks of his designs were the relatively heavy and big joints due to eccentric connections and necessary temporary support as the structure was stiffened by intermediate bars or tension elements that were added after the structure was deployed into the desired configuration. Despite of all the disadvantages of his structures, Pi単ero inspired several researchers.


Figure 2.23: PiĂąero‘s foldable theatre

As discussed earlier, using angulated elements Hoberman created the retractable roof of the Iris Dome, at the EXPO 2000. The exhibition dome was formed by the connection of the angulated elements on concentric circles. Powered by four computer-controlled hydraulic cylinders, the 6.2 m tall and 10.2 m high retractable dome smoothly retracts towards its perimeter and unfolds. One of the drawbacks of this design is that the structure does not maintain a constant perimeter, thus to connect it to a permanent foundation is a challenge especially in the case of a larger scale structure. On the other hand, for the construction of the relatively small span structure, more than 11,400 machined pieces [Whitehead, 2000] were used, which can cause potential problems with reliability and a laborious and expensive manufacturing. The complexity of the hinges is due to the special geometric configuration coming from the implementation of a 2D mechanism into a 3D structure.

Figure 2.24: The IRIS Dome-pantographic structure

Pantographic structures are the most common forms of transformable structures that architects have been experimenting with, since these are easier to work with structurally as most of the pantographic structures do not carry heavy loads. 24

2.3.3. Membrane systems A combination of pre-stress membrane with structure (movable or stationary) that can change its geometry or shape in a deployment movement by modifying the application of tension. The main difficulty concerning transformable membrane structures is the stabilization of the membrane in all the possible configurations (folded, during transformation, open configuration). In the extended position, the membrane can be secured with pre-tensioning, which can be achieved either by the drive system itself or by special tensioning devices at the edge of the roof.

Figure 2.25: Transformable membrane structures

2.3.4. Pneumatics Inflatable or air supported structures fall under the category of pneumatic transformable structures. The supporting medium of pneumatic structures is compressed air or gas that creates tension forces on the elastic membrane, thus ensures the strength and the stability of the structure.

Figure 2.26: Pneumatic structures

In construction practice the first inflatable structures appeared in the 1950‘s. These were mainly shelters with single-wall inflatable ―bubbles‖, called air-supported structures constructed from a single layer of pliable material that is supported by the internal 25

compressed air. This internal air pressure slightly has to exceed the external pressure. Consequently, this system requires an air lock, a continuous pressurization system that balances the air leakage, and an anchorage that fixes the structure to the ground or to the substructure. Other inflatable designs use double-layer inflatable configurations. These airinflated structures use tubular (air-beam structure) or cellular (air-cell building) shaped membrane skin with an internal pressurization that form together structural elements similar to the conventional ones. The skin takes the tension forces whereas the air is responsible for compression forces in a manner like the reinforced concrete. This new generation of inflatable structures has in general no steel, no aluminum, and no traditional supports and yet can handle large structural loads.

2.3.5. Tensegrity Structures composed of cables and bars in a pure tension and pure compression mode, which permits the transformation process can be classified under this category. It gives the possibility of a high degree of transformability, but there are still no suitable built examples of transformable tensegrity structure. The idea to have only tendons connected to struts is probably the most innovative concept of this type of structures resulting extremely simple joints. Beyond the difficulty of form finding, the main problem of this type of nonconventional structure is the difficulty of manufacturing as the geometry of spherical and domical structures are pretty complex. Other big disadvantage, similarly to all tensile systems, is the poor load response (relatively high deflections and low material efficiency) as compared with conventional, geometrically rigid structures and the lack of resistance to concentrated loads.


Figure 2.27: Concept of tensegrity

2.3.6. Pods or capsules Pods are essentially skin supports used as transportation and static structure. Commonly in a container volume and shape, it is the most used in the construction field. Besides the basic movement elements-rotation and translation, it is used as a hybrid, where it integrates the exterior skin with another of the transformable system.

Figure 2.28: Pods and Capsule transformable structures


3. Transformable building components

The study of the components of a transformable building is necessary for a better understanding of how these buildings work. A transformable building can be divided into three parts: structural (rigidity, stability, balance and endurance), functional (transformability) and technical (modulation of elements, lightness of system and assemblage between elements). And that the most common malfunctions in transformations are the operation of movable mechanisms, the functioning of joints and sealing joints and the finishes between movable panels or components in the relation of interior/exterior. Therefore, the transformable buildings components are divided into movement mechanisms, load bearing structure and planar surface components.

3.1. Movement Mechanisms Analyzing the practical, functional and stability criteria and designing a movable joint, for a kinetic connection, is an extensive and technical work, which usually marks a lack of classified information and knowledge of the area by most architects. Industry catalogues have been providing this information and also aids in developing custom made products for the required structure. Indifferent if the project is using standard or custom-made products, the professionals must have previous knowledge of connection elements and their relation with type of movement desired to make the correct choice. And it is this lack of knowledge that creates difficulty in the design process and is responsible for most of the construction malfunctions. For further understanding and design support, an analysis of types and uses of mobile connections will be developed.

3.1.1. Movement principles Based on axis of movement and degrees of freedom, three basic movements can be identified: rotation, translation and rotation and translation. The first, rotation, is realized when an object changes its orientation by rotating along the coordinate axes; the second,


translation, is a linear movement, parallel to the coordinate axes; the third is the combination of both. Axes of movement have three degrees of freedom (x, y, z) and the combination of movements means that a connection can have one to six degrees of freedom, which can be achieved with a simple rotation hinge and spatial revolution joint. The combination of them with flexible materials permits a variety of movements in connections with change of axis, strength and direction.

Figure 3.1: Degrees for freedom of rotation

Figure 3.2: Degrees for freedom of translation

3.1.2. Movable connections In a transformable building, in order to permit the movement, static elements are connected by movable joints, converting them into kinetic components. These kinetic independent components that form the building must be load bearing of, at least, its own weight and gravity. The kinetic joints not only form a connection between two elements but must also


be able to transfer the loads and permit relative motion in a certain directions, and at the same time restrict it in other directions. The type and direction of motion are related to the degrees of freedoms permitted by each joint, developed from the combination of the axis and the typology of movement. The first thing to observe while choosing a connection is if it is self-load bearing or if it becomes part of the whole structure. Many movable structures after transformation, constraint the connections and become a static structure, in a reversible process. There comes the importance of the adequate distribution of loads also when the element is stationary. Revolution Joints Revolution joints are the typical connections of hinged elements that turn around an axis. Some examples are hinges, flaps and turning pair which are used in opening and closing of components they are connected to. For design purposes, it is important to know the axis of rotation, the load that the hinge must stand and it relation with size and material and the angle of movement. These first specifications are probably the most important; the load can determine the number and size of joints needed, and the axis the necessity of angle and torque control- that can be made with detention and friction hinges or by a supporting pneumatic actuator.

Figure 3.3: Basic understanding of a Revolution Joint

30 Bearings Sliding and rolling bearings, by containing fluids to separate the surfaces of contact, are used to reduce friction between connections. Sliding bearing uses only fluid, support high loads with high speed revolution and are impact-resistant, noise-absorbent and highly durable but with higher degree of maintenance.

Figure 3.4: Sliding bearing

Roller bearing use intermediary elements to transfer forces, requiring lower lubrication and maintenance, but they are susceptible to impact damage. They are cheaper and of more common use, and sometimes can be insert into a case that can offer protection and motion control.

Figure 3.5: Roller bearing


Figure 3.6: Roller bearing in a rail system with an external case

Roller bearings can be also used to rotational movements , in larger buildings elements, to distribute the load in parallel or perpendicular axis of rotation. Common bearings are mostly used to translation movements with the basic principle of wheel-rail systems, where the combination of rollers distributes the load into the profile of the rail accordingly with the axis of movement.

3.1.3. Control Mechanisms A control mechanism connects the components, puts a body in motion, adjusts its force and speed and changes direction of movements. Control means include sliders, gears, pneumatics, actuators, hinges and linkages. The basic principles of these mechanisms can be divided in four main types of simple machines: 1-Rope and rod- allow rigid objects to be pushed or pulled using a rope and bar, applying the same amount of force in the same direction but at a different point. 2- Rope and pulley- direction of the force can be changed 3- Lever- allow to change the magnitude of the force 4- Inclined plane- change magnitude of force.


Figure 3.7: Control mechanisms

The combinations of these principles generate compound machines that help to achieve the necessary transformations in the structure. For example, the House N°19 uses the principles of rope and winches to realize the opening, it‘s a simple rotation movement with hinge connections, but the ropes compound permits the movement, controls the angle of opening and helps the load support of the hinges.

Figure 3.8: House N°19 during transformation


Figure 3.9: Working of the components of House N°19 with rope and hinge connections Gears and Transmission Gears provide adjust of power and change direction of applied force, is possible to convert translation into rotation and vice-versa.

Figure 3.10: Gears and transmission that can change and control the direction of applied force Actuators Actuators are the mechanical elements required to put a body in motion. It is operated by a source of energy, typically electric current, hydraulic fluid pressure, or pneumatic pressure, and converts that energy into motion. Electromechanical actuator produces different kinds of movements – rotation and translation- through the arrangement and articulation of the static part (stator) and the


moving parts (rotor) that compose the electric motor. A local provider or energy carrier must provide the energy input to activate the operation. Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators are fluid based and have a high power output in relation with their size. These systems, depending on the size and fluid used, need the support of a pump and a pressure accumulator or fluid reservoir that can be connected to the machines by pressure lines and placed somewhere else.

Figure 3.11: Infiniti pod by Maynard architects uses pneumatic pistons to open and support the panel components

An example of a structure that uses actuators is the Thematic Pavilion designed by SOMA Architecture or the South Korea Expo 2012. The faรงade consists of 108 lamella, which are held at the top and bottom, with actuators, which is responsible for the dynamic faรงade. The lamella opens and closes with the help of these actuators and each lamella has its own actuator that controls its movements. Compression applied at the upper and lower ends of the lamellae causes an elastic bending and the faรงade opens.


Figure 3.12: Dynamic faรงade of the Thematic Pavilion

Figure 3.13: Working of the faรงade-Lamella connected to the actuators


Also, sometimes actuators are combined with sensors, which can detect or sense a change in the surroundings and alters the working of the actuators accordingly. These sensors instigate the working of the kinetic components of the transformable structure.

3.2. Load bearing structure Unlike static structures, the requirements of mobile structures differ because movements are necessary and are part of its transformations, and issues such as stiffness, stability and resistance must not be simply addressed, but controlled. Stability is essential both in its ―closed‖ and in its ―open‖ positions, but is unlikely to be achieved during transformation process. The building structure needs to be capable to bear the load in three different moments: the closed position- the initial stable condition of the building; the opening position- when transformation is taking place and structure is not stable; and the open position- where the transformation has been completed and components are locked in place and the stable structure is once again reached. This is important to understand this because it helps to clarify why the pod/capsules system typology is the most used when projecting and the pantographic are the more explored in research groups. The first incorporates a secondary static structure that is stable at all times, irrespective of the transformation and the second is not fully stable during the process of transformation. Transformable structures can be further classified as Kinetic components, Dynamically Self erecting structures, and Deformable architecture based on the structural and load bearing capacity.

3.2.1. Kinetic components Kinetic components refer to the transformable buildings that have a frame structure divided into several movable parts that are independently supported by a secondary structure that remain intact during movement. While the mobile components are responsible for the transformation of the space, the static structure supports the internal load and the force generated by these movements, and usually incorporates the transport method (lifting or


hull). The typology commonly associated with this type of structure is Flat packed and Pods/Capsules. Static Structure The static structure is a tridimensional frame, with load distributions on post and beans, normally in steel and with little variation in its rectangular form. The movable components are connected to the structure and the type and direction of movement have a direct influence in the structure that not only assumes the overall load, but also the forces as a result of movements and transformations.

Figure 3.14: The static frame, where the loads are at the corners Kinetic components Kinetic Components are load bearing of at least its own weight, and in this case, of interaction with static structure frame, they are responsible for building transformations. Two main objectives can be observed in the transformations of a pod: the interaction with the exterior, where the internal space is a utility or storage of equipment, and the opening permits integration between interior and exterior; or it can promote the change of volume, in which case, the area of internal space is multiplied for occupancy. The load distribution in these structures can be top-hung or standing system. Standing system is when the load is transferred through the connections into the bottom of the


frame. In top-hung system the element hangs from the upper part of the frame which impacts structurally on the frame and its anchorage.

Figure 3.15: Top hung system with hydraulic cylinders as actuators

Figure 3.16: Cocobello, the project uses hydraulic cylinders as a lifting method to open the envelope horizontally and vertically


3.2.2. Dynamically Self-erecting Structures This concept includes the buildings that through the joints and connections can deploy without auxiliary structures or equipment. In order to achieve this, linked, folding supports in a cross-cross ―X‖ pattern, known as a pantograph (or scissor mechanism) are employed. The upward motion is achieved by the application of pressure to the outside of the lowest set of supports, elongating the crossing pattern, and propelling the structure in the deployable direction. The direction and form of the deployed structure can be defined by the angle and position of linkage between the bars. These structures can be operated manually or with the use of automation.

Figure 3.17: Scissor mechanism for self-erecting structures

Hand-operations have a simple mechanism and use joints-hinges with control of degrees of freedom; turnbuckles which work as a tensor and control de deployment amplitude to achieve transformation.


Figure 3.18: The opening and closing of the scissor structure

The use of automation and electronic control of openings is increasing, and with it computer programs specially developed for this purpose. The contraction of the scissor action can be hydraulic, pneumatic or mechanical (via a lead screw or rack and pinion system) and with the right control, specifications and leveling in site these applications can, not only put the structure in motion, but also control the opening of each mechanism.

3.2.3. Expandable architecture Expandable architecture refers to an architecture transformation which fundamentally affects the whole building form and where the components parts are pre-hinged and continuous, and remains so through transformation. The major difference between kinetic components and self-erecting structure is that in expandable architecture the basic elements are connected at all times and depend of each other to achieve transformation. Besides this, this architecture may be referred as ―expandable‖ and takes advantages of the combination of rigid and deformable elements for construction. The rigid elements consist of the hinge and lock system as seen in the case of Pre-hinged transformable structures. The folding mechanism is commonly used in this system. Deformable elements constitute a major portion of expandable structures. An important advantage of flexible materials (textiles and membranes) over rigid elements with hinges or pivots is that in the folded position they occupy less relative space and are extremely light and flexible in their application as surface cover. However, the structural capacity is


limited and structural rigidity has to be achieved by an external influence: a separate structure, pneumatics or chemically changing the material once erected.

3.3. Surface Elements Surface elements addresses the last of the three components that sub-divide transformable buildings, representing the active layer and inquiring the specifications necessity of covering materials, sealing joints and installation systems.

3.3.1. Materials Materials can serve as cover components, structural and operational components, but in this case of buildings, skin and structures overlap at many points, where the structure elements are inserted in the skin or a unique element exercises the function of both layersload-bearing and enclosure. Structural and operational components are mainly materials such as metals, which are malleable enough to allow bends that form bars with high load capacity and rigidity. Structures that work with membranes need achieve structural rigidity in the form through the tension in the membranes; it can be through the addition of some outside influence- a separate structure, pneumatics and chemically changing the material once it is erected. Covering materials in buildings should not only perform properly as enclosure, but they should also resist repeated movement and environmental changes before, during and after transformation. Also, the skin contributes to the self-weight of the construction and in the dimensions of movable elements and light-weight materials should be considered at all times. Composite Materials Composites are forming by combining materials together to form an overall structure that is better than the individual material. They can be classified by: L—reinforcing; describes fibers that are strategically oriented to increase the strength of the matrix, and R—particle inclusion by which the matrix is changed at its base through the manipulation of the mix. 42

The panels created by composite materials can have a better development in structure, insulation, bending capacity among others, depending on the basic materials and the other used in the layering.

Figure 3.19: Composite material structure Membrane Materials Most fabric structures are made of actual fabric, typically coated and laminated with synthetic materials for increased strength, durability, and environmental resistance. The combination between the fabric type – cotton, polyester, fiberglass, with the topcoat – PVC, PTEFE, is what determines the final properties of each membranes. The fabric is responsible for tensile, tear and adhesion strength, color variation, better preservation of properties and flexibility and self-cleaning properties. When choosing a fabric, it should be consider the stress versus strain -load x elongation, expected service life, the joining -like welding and gluing, the behavior around fire and shading coefficients.

Figure 3.20: Membrane materials


3.3.2. Joins and Sealants The biggest challenge in transformable architecture design is to find the proper method to fill the gap generate between connections of movable element. Two main families of sealants can be identified: fluid sealants and preformed products. Fluid and gel sealants are poured into joint gaps with the help of a caulking gun in order to prevent the infiltration of water, air, insects and dust. They present a good elasticity and tear resistant, being excellent in order to fill gaps between components, but not in order to permit movement between then. They can be found as latex, silicone, polyurethane and acrylic products. Preformed products are join sealants usually available in strips or continuous lengths in rolls. They are more common in rubber, fiber, foam and plastic materials in general. They don‘t fill the gap, but as a flexible material, once the elements are moved into place they provide a physical barrier for the pass of water and air.

Figure 3.21: Preformed sealants example-Rubber strip

3.3.3. Installation systems As the other component of transformable architecture, installations systems have to be flexible enough to adjust to elements movements. When the transformable system is set into motion by power, the wiring of electrical and hydraulic mechanisms installation have to be foreseen, and also the equipment needs to work properly. Usually these installations are located together in an easy access place inside the building, with a unique system of control panel located on one of the buildings sides.


4. Case Studies

4.1. Alcoy Community Hall

Project: Alcoy Community Hall Architect: Santiago Calatrava Location: Alcoy, Spain Completion: 1995 Working principle: Rods folding mechanically, guided by the movement of a curved rod. In 1992, the Spanish architect, Santiago Calatrava was commissioned to remodel the central public square in Alcoy, Spain. Calatrava, known for his structurally expressive designs, which are incorporated by movement in nature, applied this in the design of the Alcoy Community hall. This civic hall, located in the plaza which comes to life during the festival of St. George, weaves into the urban fabric in which it is placed. The Spanish town houses a strong historical identity for community events and the design of this structure is done in such a way that it does not interfere with the activities that take place on the plaza. This is done by strategically designing the community hall underground, which helps maintain the historic importance of the plaza along with the two important landmarks, the church Santa Maria and the historic Town Hall.


Figure 4.1: View of the Plaza with the community hall

Since the community hall was designed below the ground, the main issue faced during the design process was to provide sufficient lighting in a dark and dingy space. The solution was to provide a different paving pattern on the plaza, which included opaque glass panels, which could admit light into the hall during the day and illuminate the surface of the plaza at night. The mode of access to community hall that was built below the street level, posed a problem. An entry had to be designed in such a way that the monuments around would not be undermined by the presence of a new building in the middle of the square. To solve for this, two entrances, one on the west and other on the east, were designed. The entry to the hall is through a grand stair at the church end of the plaza or down a stair which were accessible when the roof structure was open. The transformable roof was a crucial part of the design, which merges with the plaza when closed and hints at a submerged presence when open.


Figure 4.2: Plan of the Alcoy Community hall

Figure 4.3: Section of the community hall

The west entrance takes the form of a pentagon consisting of rafters that during transformation creates a polygonal recess (like an artificial cave entrance) revealing the staircase. The east entrance is located along with a fountain and has a circular shape. Bars of unequal length, connected to a bendable shaft tucked creating a tent like form during its development. Uneven stainless-steel beams, pivoted on a bent axis, fold to create a curved, shell-like for that covers the pedestrian entrance as well as the fountain. This input opens a hole in the floor in the center of the fountain, which leads to a further stairway to the room underground. Also, the idea was to create a fountain on top of which people could stand. The fountain‘s motion is possible by two plates that cause the parts to move in a certain manner.


Figure 4.4: West entrance in the closed and open position

Figure 4.5: East entrance during transformation

The transformation occurs through a hydraulic system that guides the articulated movement of folding elements and the position of the structure can be frozen at any stage which is a major advantage of this structure. The rods of stainless steel propped on the edge with the possibility of the freedom of movement, allows the efficient transformation of this structure. The kinetic attribute of the entrances generates a memorable ambience, a most inviting characteristic for an open public space.


Figure 4.6: Entrance Drawings

The unfolding envelope that covers the fountain also has the same basic structural configuration with the unfolding doors and roofs. The slats placed side by side have ‗fixed points‘ on the ground, ‗points of unfolding‘ at their junction peaks and ‗free points‘ at their ends where they are connected to a mobile beam. The beam is an arched tube that sweeps a circular path through its imaginary orbit. The circular move enables the slats to protrude towards the air and fold the structure.

Figure 4.7: Position of the rod where all the objects are articulated


Figure 4.8: East entrance at different stages of transformation

This structure adapts to the surrounding context, by transforming itself and opens up only when required, and does not hinder with the surrounding buildings and spaces. Also the opening and closing of the entry way, controls the amount of light entering into the space and hence the structure also adapts itself in order to control the amount of light entering into the substructure.


4.2. Rolling Bridge

Project: Rolling Bridge Architect: Thomas Heatherwick Location: Paddington Basin, west London, UK Function: Footbridge Bridge Dimensions: 12m*1.4m Materials: Steel frame and hard wood timber deck, aluminum treads, Stainless steel cables No of sections: 8 No of hydraulic Cylinders: 14 on bridge, 15 underground Completion: Sep 2004 Thomas Heatherwick‘s studio was commissioned to design a pedestrian bridge to span an inlet of the Grand Union Canal at Paddington Basin, London. This bridge was designed to create an access route for the pedestrians and the boats that crossed the inlet. To achieve this, the bridge was designed in such a way that it could literally transform and create and access path when required and operates every Friday at noon.


Figure 4.9: Balustrades and tread

Figure 4.10: Transformation of the rolling bridge


Rather than designing a single rigid element that fractures to allow river traffic through, the studio‘s Rolling Bridge opens by slowly and smoothly curling until it transforms from a conventional pedestrian platform into a circular sculpture which sits on the bank of the canal.

Figure 4.11: Design inspired by the tail of an animatronic dinosaur which used a steel mechanism to bend fluidly

Designed to open within 180 seconds, the structure opens using a series of hydraulic rams set into the timber platform of the bridge. As it curls, each of its eight segments simultaneously lifts, causing it to roll until the two ends touch and form a circle. The bridge can be stopped at any point along its journey, whether at the very start, when it looks as though it is hovering or half way through its opening path.

Figure 4.12: Rolled out section of the bridge


The deck of the bridge, which people walk on, 12.9m long, is made in 8 sections. There are seven pairs of hydraulic rams set within balustrades, which correspond with the joints between each deck section. Most of the time, the bridge is down and the hydraulic rams just look like the posts that hold up the handrail. But these rams are powerful extending mechanisms and as they lengthen, they push upwards on the handrail, causing it to fold. Folding of the handrail folds the deck sections in on themselves and makes the bridge roll up. The 14 rams are powered by one mechanism, a single large ram which is set in an underground box next to the bridge. When in position the elements are configured so as to form a structure without the need for the power hydraulics. When rolled the machine has all the appearance of a Leonardo sketch. This structure is adaptable in nature as it is designed to adapt to the different flow of movement through the same space. It adapts according to the users in this case-unfolds for the pedestrians to walk, and folds up for the movement of boats through the waterways.

Figure 4.13: The hydraulic equipment


4.3. The Sliding House Project: The Sliding House Architect: DRMM architects Location: Suffolk, UK Working Principle: Concept of Rails, with four silent electric motors The Sliding house was a self-build house, which was designed to retire to in order to grow food, entertain and enjoy the landscape. Located in the flatlands of rural Suffolk, England, the site offers picturesque views and vernacular farm buildings were the source of inspiration for the design of this structure.

Figure 4.14: The Sliding House Facade


The outcome is three conventional building forms with unconventional detailing, radical performance, and a big surprise. A linear building, 28 metres long, of apparent simplicity is sliced into three programmes; house, garage and annex. The garage is pulled off axis to create a courtyard between the three. The composition is further defined by material and colour; red rubber membrane and glass, red and black stained larch.

Figure 4.15: Combination of colours and materials that resemble the barns

The surprise: the separated forms are transformed by a 20 ton mobile roof/wall enclosure which traverses the site, creating combinations of enclosure, open-air living and framing of views according to position. This is an autonomous structure; steel, timber, insulation and unstained larch spanning recessed railway tracks which is actually a second skin that slides 56

across to reveal the second facade. It is operated by four electric motors powered by car batteries, which are charged by photovoltaic cells on the roof. The entire mechanism is concealed in the walls of this highly insulated section of the house. The movement takes six minutes in all, but the structure can be stopped in any intermediate position. In this way, internal spaces can be transformed into outdoor realms, resulting in various lighting moods and views. The outer skin has an insulating function in winter and provides shade during the summers. The tracks have a possibility of expansion in the future when the client requires to build a swimming pool, which can allow the extension of the occasional shelter for the pool.

Figure 4.16: Parts of the Sliding house


Figure 4.17: Motor on Rails that moves the Sleeve

What appears to be the house‘s exterior walls and roof is actually a second skin that slides across a longitudinal axis to reveal the second façade. This is a(larch) structure of roof and walls that travels on hidden rails over the fixed units, offering the chance to alter the lighting, mood and heating of the whole building according to different times of the day or different seasons of the year. Sliding back and forth, the mobile exterior offers the residents flexibility in terms of appearance and space. The ―sleeve‖, as the moving part of the house is known, encases the house in a completely noiseless manner. Glass and red rubber works in unison with the timber of the roof/wall enclosure to create a pleasing and unassuming shape that resembles the barns and sheds of the rural countryside. The interior of the house is simple and sensible, with low maintenance surfaces and interior walls painted red to match the exterior red and black stained starch larch wood. The entire house sits on a concrete bed, which partially hides the mechanism that allows the home to reveal a second façade. The intention of this unique architectural idea was the concept of adaptability in terms of the performance of the building with respect to the climate and the utilitarian aspect of the


building. The ―Sleeve‖ defined the space internally with temperature and ambient levels, but at the same time framed the space, views of the outside, and revealed the essence of illumination during the night either with the sleeve retracted over the main house and annex revealing the glass house almost like a lantern shining bright in the dark atmosphere or trapped the light within the glass house when its over it.

Figure 4.18: The house during the different stages of its transformation


4.4. Gucklhupf

Project: Gucklhupf Architect: Hans Peter Womdl Location: Mondsee, Austria Working Principle: Pleated webs Completion: 1993 Through a very sculptural design approach Hans Peter Wörndl built the ―GucklHupf‖ Mobile Lookout to participate in the Upper Austrian ‗Festival of the Regions‘ in Mondsee. It was actually a small summerhouse (4mX6mX7m) that also hosted local music and poetry performances. The main objective of the architect was to provide the inhabitants with the ability to modify their living space, the lighting conditions within and the views of the surrounding environment according to their needs and wishes. The wooden structure followed a simple geometry. Its most interesting aspect was manifested through its ability to transform from a solid box to an intricate lookout with its moving partitions opening and closing in different settings. The structure could be closed down to be a solid and void less rectangular box, but then could be opened up in a variety of different forms to create different spatial and light conditions.


Figure 4.19: Lower level and upper level plan

Figure 4.20: Gucklhupf House


For six weeks in summer, the structure was used for music performances, poetry readings, and small gatherings. During the other summer weeks, it was used as a weekend lake house. During the winter months, it was transformed to hold and store a boat. The folding of the panels relied on simple mechanisms that allowed for a variety of building shapes and frames of the exterior views. Despite the fact that the architect envisioned the structure in a state of constant transformation, it was denied permission to remain on site and therefore it was dismantled. The Gucklhupf is an experimental home, 2.5 storeys high is built upon three assembled squares and moves around a very simple structural system. The house consists of three large rooms on three floors but can be separated to create smaller rooms on the upper floors and the terrace. The whole structure can be transformed into a closed box when all the elements constrict into the main volume, thereby increasing the safety of the structure in the absence of the owner.

Materiality Marine grade plywood panels clad the structure. These finished wood panels give an appearance of a wood box that was carefully and exactly fitted together. The notion of a box that slides, pivots, swings and moves agrees with the nature of the wood panels. The plywood panels act as a wrapping that can be peeled away or pulled up to open and close the space. It is an ideal material for this since it is relatively light weight, has an appearance of solid wood and it is relatively uniform in its appearance and shape. The system of gliding, folding, raising, and retracting wooden panels was attached to the frame with bolts, hinges, and stainless steel wire. By pushing and shifting walls, views and lighting shift. Interior spaces become exterior with the lift of a panel or sliding out a section of wall. Technical The wood framework for this project was built of 12X12 cm posts and 6X12 cm joists. Cladding was made of sandwich panels composed of plywood with Okume, an African 62

hardwood, on the inner and outer faces with a rigid foam insulation core, all on a pine frame with some steel reinforcement. The sandwich assembly improved thermal performance and moderated the inherent tendency for the plywood to distort out of plane. A system of automatic devices and retracting panels positioned at variable heights is united to the structure through a series of dowels, flaps and stainless steel cables allow this structure to move, transform and concert to different conditions. The principle of variability of construction panels are supported on hinges so as to function as doors, controlled by wires carrying the tensile forces enabling the posts of panels to open in the spaces. The changing elements can be controlled manually and automatically. The marine grade plywood used knot-free veneers and fully waterproof structural adhesive, making it a premium panel where strength is a priority. Panels were 125X250 cm, secured with Philips drive screws. A high-quality clear marine sealer was applied to the wood.

Figure 4.21: Gucklhupf house under transformation


5. Conclusion and Inference The rising energy crisis in the construction field is due to the fact that the buildings designed are not adaptive in nature. Being responsive to the surroundings and adapting accordingly, is an important and necessary feature of the buildings. Adaptive Architecture is an important theme in contemporary architecture and engineering, from harnessing the technological potential to making dynamic and responsive building fabric to taking urgent societal needs such as adaptation for climate change. Adaptive architecture is as much about process as well as product and outcome. The stages involved in achieving the adaptable building are as important as the building and its performance.

Architecture has always been inventive and adaptable. Our current era, however, is unique in its technical potential and in the formidable challenges that societies and environments face today. The built environment is becoming responsive in terms of physical, real-time changes acting under intelligent controls. At the same time, the design of adaptive architecture might involve a dilemma that alternates between searching for materials and systems to be able to do so much more and perform so much better, while at the same time dwelling on substantial concerns about the potent implications of active, regenerative systems.

Because a building is traditionally conceived as a rigid object, its configuration is often fixed once design choices are made. This model, however, is inflexible, unresponsive, and unsustainable. Today buildings represent the single largest contributor to carbon output; their owners and occupants pay the price in higher energy costs and reduced comfort and flexibility. Rising energy demands, along with the lack of design solutions that sufficiently respond to the changes in our environment, may well be the defining problems of our century. Adaptation is the means by which we can begin to address these daunting challenges and enter a new era of innovation.

The ability to implement adaptive systems from a series of technological advances has 64

been of prime concern over the last 10 years. Diverse computational tools, sensors, have aided in generating and creating buildings that are self-optimizing and adaptive to the dynamic environments. Transformable structures, which have existed in the past, have always been designed to be adaptable in nature in response to the changing environment and the usage of spaces. As discussed in the previous sections, an effective transformable structure combines with the technology in order to give rise to a more resourceful and interactive building structure. Transformation of structures has been proved to be effective in many spheres. Also these transformable structures are not only restricted to the field of architecture but is also applicable in the field of product design, industrial design, urban design, interior design and so on. The wide range of application of this concept helps generate a more effective and efficient use of the transformable element or structure. Apart from the above mentioned areas, these structures have been used in various other fields and styles of architecture such as origami architecture, parametric architecture etc. The design and workability of these structures can be made more efficient by combining it with these styles as well. The use of parametrics to develop transformable structures is a new emerging technique in the field of architecture. The idea of creating structures that can respond to the environment have existed in the past, but have failed miserably due to the lack of proper technological equipments, knowledge and maintenance of these structures. This was the case of Metabolism architecture, which was a movement initiated in Japan after the Second World War. The idea was to create buildings that could respond to the environment, basically considering buildings as living organisms. This movement was a failure since the maintenance aspect of these structures was not considered and hence these ideas and concepts eventually died down. But in the case of transformable structures in this era, due consideration is given to the performance and maintenance of the buildings, which has ensured the survival of these structures. The design and generation of these structures are done with the use of 65

technology which is designed with the architects and engineers in collaboration. Simple technological elements can also give rise to the best solutions for a transformable structure, and complicated mechanisms does not necessarily mean the most desirable response to the design brief. A futuristic city has been envisioned in the past by the Archigram group, but these ideas were criticized as people were not aware of the possibilities of using technology in architecture and hence creating an adaptable and effective environment to live in. But with the recent technological developments, it is possible for these futuristic ideas and concepts to come to life and be executed in the real world. Architects still do not have in-depth knowledge about the concepts of transformable structures or buildings that can physically respond to the environment. Even if these ideas are conceived, they remain in the conceptual stage as the architects are not aware of the technological advances that can help put these structures into the real world. Very few radical architects have adopted this and have created effective structures, facing a lot of criticism. This new field has to be further explored with an open mind set for it to be accepted by the clients and users. The importance of the concept of sustainability in the field of architecture has been rising over the years due to the growing energy crisis. Transformable adaptable structures have also proved to be sustainable, and are more responsive and interactive with the users. This reason gives further credibility to the idea of transformable structures being the future of architecture.



Bibliography Books 

Santiago Calatrava: Complete works, Expanded Edition

ACADIA 2013: Adaptive architecture

Thomas Heatherwick by Thames and Hudson

Design Detail-Architectural magazine, March 2015

Internet Sources 

  CEPT online thesis journal on ―Transience and the Flexible Habitat‖

Transformations: Paradigms for Designing Transformable Spaces by Konstantinos Oungrinis Transformable and Transportable architecture by Carolina Werner


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