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Għeżież klijenti, Sewwa jgħidu li ż-żmien itir u ma jistenna lil ħadd, għaliex reġgħet għaddiet sena oħra, u reġa wasal iżżmien li noffrulkom għażla kbira ta’ ġiti għal ħafna destinazzjonijiet differenti biex tgawdu minnhom tul is-sajf li ġej. Għal dan l-istaġun li ġej ħdimna biex noffrulkom destinazzjonijiet ġodda u permezz ta’ arranġamenti ta’ ajruplani chartered u titjiriet skedati mal-Air Malta kif ukoll linji tal-ajru oħra, nistgħu noffru prezzijiet mill-aqwa bħala parti millpakkett tal-vjaġġ tagħkom. Bħal dejjem il-Britannia ħasbet għall-aqwa ġiti blaħjar prezzijiet.
Minbarra dan, qegħdin nerġgħu noffrulkom, b’kollaborazzjoni mal-PAMA u PAVI, vouchers li jingħataw ma’ kull booking għal kbar fuq vjaġġi ta’ aktar minn sitt iljieli u li tistgħu tibbenefikaw minnhom meta tagħżlu l-ġita tagħkom sat-30 ta’ April li ġej.Iżda din is-sena wkoll, għamilna ftehim ma’ Puttinu Cares fejn il-Britannia ser tkun qed toffrilhom donazzjoni fuq kull booking li jsir minn fuq il-brochure tas-summer holidays u l-long haul holidays biex aħna wkoll ngħinu lil Puttinu fuq il-proġett nobbli li għandom għaddej ġewwa Londra.
Ilni nmexxi l-Britannia għal dawn l-aħħar 41 sena. Snin li nħares lura lejhom bħala żmien mill-isbaħ fejn kelli x-xorti
niltaqa’ ma ħafna u ħafna persuni u flimkien għamilna esperjenzi uniċi. Issa qiegħed inħares il-quddiem bl-istess entużjażmu u ħeġġa sabiex il-Britannia tkompli tkun in-numru wieħed fejn jidħol l-għażla tas-safar tiegħek sabiex ittik “good value for money packages whilst keeping high standards of service”.
U hu propju għalhekk li fit-tim talBritannia ingħaqad magħna James Drury fil-kariga ta’ General Manager sabiex ikompli jimbotta dan permezz tal-ideat u enerġija li għandu. Minbarra dan, il-Britannia, flimkien malkumplament tal-istaff kollu, għandha żewġ pilastri oħra mportanti – lil Catherine li ilha magħna minn meta kellha 16-il sena u tmexxi b’għaqal kbir l-istaff tekniku biex ifasslu l-ġiti u lil Michelle, li ukoll ilha għal ħafna snin magħna u li tieħu ħsieb is-sales staff kollha mferxin mal-fergħat tagħna.
Persważ li James flimkien ma’ Catherine u Michelle, u kull membru tal-istaff tagħna ser ikompli jimbotta l-quddiem dak li dejjem emmint fiħ jien - One Team, One Britannia. U dan għaliex nemmnu li int ħaqqek l-isbaħ esperjenzi, għaliex verament li l-vjaġġ tiegħek jibda hawn.
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DATES DESTINATION 23 AUGUST - 8 SEPTEMBER Grand Tour of South Africa 28 AUGUST - 11 SEPTEMBER Journey to South America 2 - 18 SEPTEMBER Sri Lanka 9 - 22 OCTOBER Vietnam Discovery (new departure) 25 OCTOBER - 9 NOVEMBER Incredible India 8 - 22 NOVEMBER Nepal Tours DATES DESTINATION 28 NOVEMBER - 17 DECEMBER Mediterranean, Oman & the Emirates 9 - 24 DECEMBER India, Sri Lanka, Thailand & Malaysia Cruises ASK FOR OUR BROCHURE 4 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79 LONG HAUL TOURS & CRUISES 2023
Vouchers are given on every adult booked on the 6 nights+ packages shown on our brochures and on bookings made up till the 31st April 2023. Vouchers are redeemable up to 31st December 2023. They are not redeemable for cash.
5 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79 SHORT BREAKS DESTINATION PAGE 1st May Break Ljubljana, Charming Slovenia 6 1st May Break Kranjska Gora, Slovenia 7 1st May Break Medjugorje, Bosnia 8 1st May Break Sarajevo, Bosnia 9 Unspoilt Puglia, Italy 10 & 11 Sardegna, Italy 12 Gardaland, Italy 13 Italian Lakes 14 Krakow, Poland 15 Athens, Greece 16 Costa Blanca - Benidorm, Spain 17 Bucharest, Romania 18 Bratislava, Slovakia 19 Budapest, Hungary 20 & 21 San Giovannni Rotondo, Italy 69 SLOVENIA, NORTH MACEDONIA, SERBIA, BOSNIA DESTINATION PAGE Lake Bled, Slovenia 22 & 23 Sensational Slovenia 24 & 25 Kranjska Gora, Slovenia 27 Moravske Toplice, Slovenia 29 Exploring North Macedonia 30 Serbian Lakes & Mountains 31 Banja Luka, Bosnia 32 CZECH REPUBLIC & POLAND DESTINATION PAGE Prague, Czech Republic 33 Zakopane & Krakow, Poland 34 ITALY, FRANCE, SPAIN, UK & HOLLAND DESTINATION PAGE Bella Italia 36 Sorrento, Capri & Amalfi, Italy 37 Dolomites - Trento, Italy 38 Dolomites - Pinzolo, Italy 39 Lago di Garda, Italy 40 Scenic Italy & Switzerland 41 Toscana & Cinque Terre, Italy 42 Italian Alps & Valle d' Aosta, Italy 43 Sardegna & Corsica 62 French Riviera - Nice, France 48 Normandy, France 49 Loire Valley, France 50 Brittany, France 51 Costa Brava, Spain 52 Lake District, Blackpool and Scotland 53 Grand Holland Tour 35 AUSTRIA & GERMANY DESTINATION PAGE Lakes & Mountains, Austrian Tyrol 44 Austrian Delights & Germany 45 Zell Am See, Austria 46 Black Forest Magic, Germany 47 TüRKIYE, MOROCCO & GREECE DESTINATION PAGE Grand Tour Turkiye 54 Antalya & Istanbul, Turkiye 55 Special Grand Turkiye Tour 56 & 57 Colourful Morocco 58 & 59 Classical Greece Tour 60 Treasures of Northern Greece 61 RELIGIOUS DESTINATION PAGE Lourdes & Costa Brava 63 Lourdes 64 & 65 Fatima 66 & 67 San Giovanni Rotondo & Naples 68 Rome & Assisi 70 Holy Land 71 CRUISES River Cruise - Danube 74 & 75 Malta to Malta cruise 76 CONCERTS Andre Rieu in Maastricht, Netherlands 72 Cello Rebel in Munich, Germany 73 Insurance Information 77 Booking Conditions 78 & 79
Charming Slovenia
28 April - 2 May (1 May - Public Holiday)
Caves &
Air Malta return direct flights to Ljubljana airport 4 nights in 4-star Austria Trend hotel in Ljubljana
Daily breakfast
Rooms with private facilities, central
Adult in Triple €529 €479
Adult in Twin €549 €499
Adult in Single €719 €669
Children sharing with 2 adults €499 €449
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken. **There are many restaurants in the vicinity from which one can choose from
Ljubljana €22 €11
Kranjska Gora/Lake Jasna €45 €23
Bled/Bohinj/Mount Vogel €45 €23
Postonja Caves/Predjama Castle €33 €17
City tax of €3.13 per person per night is to be paid directly at the hotel
Ljubljanica river boat €12 per person
Bled Castle €12 Adults/€5 Children
Mt Vogel Cable Car (return) €28 Adults/€14 Children
Postonja Caves and Predjama Castle €32.90 Adults/€21.40 Children
FRIDAY, 28TH APRIL | We meet at the airport at 4.25pm for our Air Malta flight departing at 6.55pm. On arrival in Ljubljana Airport at 8.55pm, we will be transferred to our 4-star Austria Trend Hotel which is very popular and newly renovated. It is situated 3.4km from city centre. It has a spa, wellness centre and onsite restaurants.
SATURDAY, 29TH APRIL | This morning we shall go on an optional full-day excursion to visit Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia. This friendly city has a baroque section of the old town, with narrow, cobbled streets nestled between the castle slopes and the river Ljubljanica. Particular highlights of the old town include the Cathedral of St Nikolai, City Hall, and the three bridges. We will begin with a panoramic city tour followed by a walking tour. We have some free time where one can either take a boat ride (extra – weather permitting) on the River Ljubljanica or enjoy some shopping.
SUNDAY, 30TH APRIL | Our full-day optional excursion today takes us to our first stop at Kranjska Gora. Set near the borders with Austria and Italy, this winter and summer resort touches Triglav National Park. We will walk around this small but quality village and enjoy the beautiful scenery surrounding it. We can also take the cable chairs up to the mountain (extra – weather permitting). Before heading to our hotel, we will make a short stop at Lake Jasna with high mountain peaks
as a dramatic backdrop.
MONDAY, 1ST MAY | This morning, we will proceed on a full-day optional excursion to explore in the town of Bled, known as the Pearl of the Slovenian Alpine region due to its emerald-green Lake. We shall visit Bled Castle (entrance extra) and admire the precious Lake view from up there. We will then proceed to Bohinj, to visit a breath-taking Lake known as the largest glacier lake in Slovenia, situated in the region of the Julian Alps. After which we will proceed to Mount Vogel where we will have the opportunity to take a cable car up to Mount Vogel (extra – weather permitting) and admire the stupendous view till we reach the summit and breath fresh air on the top of the mountain.
TUESDAY, 2ND MAY | Today, we shall go on a fullday fascinating optional excursion to Postojna and Predjama. Postojna caves (entrance extra) are amongst the largest in the world. There are 22km of amazing stalagmite and stalactite structures. This underground world was created by nature with the help of the river Pivka. An electric train will take us into the caves and then a guide will walk us through the most dramatic parts of the caves. We will also visit Predjama Castle (entrance extra), a unique structure in Gothic style, built right in the mountains. Later, we will make our way to Ljubljana airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 9.20pm and arriving in Malta at 11.20pm.
u 6 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Insolvency fund PRICE
u u u u u u
heating & TV Return airport transfers Services of tour leader
taxes & service charge
Ljubljana, Kranjska
Lake Jasna, Lake Bled, Bohinj, Mount Vogel, Postonja
Predjama Castle
Kranjska Gora, Slovenia
28 April - 2 May (1 May - Public Holiday)
Bled, Bohinj, Mount Vogel, Lago di Fusine, Monte Lussari, Tarvisio, Lake Jasna, Ljubljana & Skocjan Caves
(6-11 yrs) €419 €369
Child sharing with 2 adults (2-5 yrs) €329 €279
Half Board (4 dinners) Adult/Child €68/€34
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken.
Bled/Bohinj/Mt Vogel €41 €21
Lago di Fusine/Monte Lussari/
Tarvisio & Lake Jasna €37 €19
Ljubljana €43 €22
Skocjan Caves €25 €13
City tax of €3.13 per person per day is to be paid directly at the hotel
Bled Castle €12 Adult/€5 Children
Mt Vogel Cable Car (return) €28 Adult/€14 Children
Monte Lussari Cable Car €14 Adult/€7 Children
Ljubljanica river boat €12 per person
Skocjan Caves €12 Adults/€6 Children
FRIDAY, 28TH APRIL | We meet at the airport at 4.25pm for our Air Malta flight departing at 6.55pm. On arrival in Ljubljana Airport at 8.55pm, we will be transferred to Kranjska Gora and check-in at our hotel.
SATURDAY, 29TH APRIL | Today, we go for a relaxing full-day optional excursion to Bled, known as the “Pearl of the Slovenian Alpine region”, due to its emeraldgreen lake and the church on the small island in the middle of the lake. We shall visit Bled Castle (entrance extra) up on the hill above the lake. We then proceed to Bohinj, the largest glacier lake in Slovenia, situated in the region of the Julian Alps where we will have enough time to relax at the side of the peaceful Bohinj Lake and take in the natural beauty all around. Afterwards, we will take a cable car (extra – weather permitting) up to Mount Vogel where we can admire the magnificent view from the summit.
SUNDAY, 30TH APRIL | On today’s full-day optional excursion we will cross over to Italy driving towards Lago di Fusine and Tarvisio. We will first stop at Lago di Fusine where we will find two breath-taking lakes; Lago Inferiore and Lago Superiore. These places transmit a feeling of serenity that immediately allows to be one with nature. The colours of the lakes’ water vary from sapphire to turquoise. We later proceed to Tarvisio and visit Piazza di Unità. Time for lunch (extra) before proceeding towards the foot of Monte Lussari where we can opt to take a cable car (extra – weather
permitting) and admire the stunning views. Monte Lussari is famous with pilgrims due to the tradition related to the discovery of a statue of the Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus. Later we proceed to Lake Jasna, a stunning alpine lake with breath-taking views of the high mountain peaks as a dramatic backdrop. The lake is guarded by a statue of ‘Zlatorog’, the Golden Horn, the legendary chamois of Mt. Triglav.
MONDAY, 1ST MAY | This morning we shall go on an optional full-day excursion to visit Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia. This friendly city has a baroque section of the old town, with narrow, cobbled streets nestled between the castle slopes and the river Ljubljanica. Particular highlights of the old town include the Cathedral of St Nikolai, City Hall, and the three bridges. We will begin with a panoramic city tour followed by a walking tour. Here we have some free time where one can either take a boat ride (extra – weather permitting) on the River Ljubljanica or enjoy some shopping.
TUESDAY, 2ND MAY | Breakfast and check out then we can join the leader for a half-day excursion to Skocjan Caves (entrance extra). Ranking among the most important caves in the world, the Skocjan Caves represent the most significant underground phenomena in both the Karst region and Slovenia. We will then make our way to Ljubljana airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 9.20pm and arriving in Malta at 11.20pm.
7 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
FROM WHEN €449 VISITING Air Malta return direct flights to Ljubljana airport 4 nights in 4-star Hotel Ramada & Suites in Kranjska Gora or similar Rooms with private facilities, TV & A/C Rich daily buffet breakfasts Return airport transfers Services of tour leader Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency
u u u u u u u PRICE
Adult in Triple €499 €449 Adult in Twin €519 €469 Adult in Single €619 €569 Child sharing with 2 adults
FRIDAY, 28TH APRIL | We meet at the airport at 11.55am for our Air Malta direct flight to Sarajevo departing at 1.55pm On arrival at 3.55pm we proceed to our Hotel in Medjugorje. Check-in and familiarization walk with group leader.
SATURDAY, 29TH APRIL | Our first full-day excursion will take us to Apparition Hill. It is the place where the first apparitions of Our Lady took place, a bare and stony hill overlooking Bijakovici, the area of Medjugorje where the little visionaries lived. We proceed to “Mothers’ Village”. After we head to Etno Selo. Herceg etno village Medjugorje is situated only 3 kilometers from the center of Medjugorje and it represents an ideal opportunity to experience traditional Hercegovina. This vast complex represents a Herzegovinian village that is lost in time. There is a chapel, stable with animals, watermill, traditional shops and many other attractions. In the very heart of the village there is restaurant Herceg that already established itself as a true gourmet and wine tasting paradise. Back to hotel, free time then at 19:00 hrs proceed to St. James Church for Adoration of The Holy Sacrament. Back to hotel for dinner.
SUNDAY, 30TH APRIL | Today’s full-day excursion will start with a visit to Tihaljina situated 35 km from Medjugorje. Here we can see the statue of Our Lady of Grace (that of Radio Maria worldwide) in the church of Immaculate Conception. After lunch, we will
appreciate the underrated natural wealth of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ceveljusa waterfall. Then we go to the “CROSS MAUNTAIN” for a short prayer and visit the souvenir shops. Back to hotel, free time followed by dinner.
MONDAY, 1ST MAY | After breakfast, we will have a full-day excursion starting with visiting Mostar bridge also known as the “STARI MOST” (old bridge). Then leave Mostar to the small village of Blagaj. The village is famous for its dervish monastery and is nestled beneath a vast jagged cliff and the gentle flow of a beautiful river, with a truly serene backdrop. After lunch, we proceed to Mother`s village for Mass and return to hotel. After dinner we will head to Blue Cross, this is where Our Lady appeared to the visionaries when they were hiding from the communist police in the first days of the apparitions. A blue cross was erected to mark the location of the apparitions, which led to the name of the place, “Blue Cross”.
TUESDAY, 2ND MAY | After breakfast we checkout and proceed to Sarajevo, the capital and cultural centre of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ringed by mountains, Sarajevo is a singular city with an enticing East-meets-West vibe all its own. It was once renowned as a religious melting pot, earning it the epithet the Jerusalem of Europe. We then proceed to Sarajevo airport for our return flight departing at 4.05pm and arriving in Malta at
8 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Weekend in Medjugorje FROM WHEN €549 VISITING Medugorje, Mostar, Blagaj, Tihaljina, Ceveljusa & Sarajevo Air Malta direct return flight to Sarajevo airport 4 nights in Hotel Luna 4 star on half board basis (4 breakfasts and 4 dinners) Rooms with private facilities and TV Return airport transfers All excursions as programme Free walking city tour of Sarajevo Services of tour leader Services of spiritual director Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund PRICE INCLUDES u u u u 28 April - 2 May (1 May - Public Holiday) u u u PRICE PER PERSON Adult in Triple €549 Adult in Twin €579 Adult in Single €619 Child sharing with 2 adults €449 u u u 1ST MAY LONG WEEKEND BREAK
Weekend in Sarajevo
28 April - 2 May (1 May - Public Holiday)
VISITING Sarajevo, Jahorina Mountain, Mostar, Blagaj & Kravice waterfalls
u u u u
Air Malta direct flight to Sarajevo
4 nights in hotel (4 or 5-star as booked) in central Sarajevo
4 breakfasts
Rooms with private facilities and TV
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes and service charge
Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €499/€399* €577/€477*
Adult in Twin €549/€449* €599/€499*
Adult in Single €649/€549* €739/€639*
Child sharing w/2 adults €499/€399* €519/€419*
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken. **There are many restaurants in the vicinity from which one can choose from
Half day city tour €20 €10
Full day Jajce €30 €15
Full day Mostar €45 €23
Half day Jahorina €30 €15
FRIDAY, 28TH APRIL | We meet at the airport at 11.55am for our Air Malta direct flight to Sarajevo departing at 1.55pm. On arrival at 3.55pm we proceed to our hotel in Sarajevo. Check-in and familiarization walk with group leader.
SATURDAY, 29TH APRIL | After breakfast, we go on an optional half-day guided city tour of the city of Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a place where different cultures meet and make Sarajevo a unique multicultural centre. The scent of authentic coffee, the smell of a traditional kitchen, the historical appearance of the old part of the town, the friendly citizens, and the soul of the city itself will guarantee an excellent vacation. After the excursion the group can enjoy shopping from the Grand Bazaar in the town centre or else take the Cable car Trebevic to the mountain overlooking the city of Sarajevo.
SUNDAY, 30TH APRIL | After breakfast, we go on an optional full-day excursion to Travnik City. The city was once the capital of the Bosnian Eyalet and is home to more than two dozen protected cultural and historic buildings. We visit the town centre and the important landmarks before we go to Jajce, a city of stone, light, and water that was once the capital of the Kingdom of Bosnia. We visit the Old City and see its mix of architectural styles and cultural influences. We make stops at Jajce and Pliva lakes popular with their windmills. We return
back to Sarajevo.
MONDAY, 1ST MAY I Breakfast and today we go on an optional and long full-day excursion to discover the Herzegovina region. Our excursion will take us to Mostar and its UNESCO protected bridge. We discover the beauty of nature, extraordinary landscapes, historical sites and charming cities. Next stop is in the town of Blagaj with its Ottoman culture and history. We visit the source of the Buna River, the site of Vrelo Bune, We then reach the town of Počitelj, a medieval town built near the Neretva River. Finally, reach the Kravica waterfall, located in the southwestern part of the region. Admire its 28m high waterfall and beautiful natural pools (the Kravica waterfalls is not easily accessible to slow walkers.)
TUESDAY, 2ND MAY | Breakfast and halfday optional excursion to the Olympic Village and mount Jahorina. It is a mountain in Bosnia and Herzegovina belonging to the Dinaric Alps chain 1916m high as it is part of themountains surrounding Sarajevo. The Jahorina area, together with the Igman and Bjelašnica mountains, is one of the main ski areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have time to enjoy the splendour of the area and the chance to take the cable care to the top of the mountain. We later return to our hotel, after which we proceed to Sarajevo airport for our return flight departing at 4.05pm and arriving in Malta at 5.45pm.
9 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
WHEN €399
Unspoilt Puglia The land of the Trulli & Tenuta Albano Carrisi
6 - 10 July
Bari, Mesagne, Tenuta Albano, Ostuni, Cisternino, Alberobello, Matera, Castellana Caves & Polignano a Mare
Ryanair return flights to Bari airport including 10kg luggage
2 nights in Masseria Martuccio
2 nights in a Trullo in Alberobello
Rooms with private facilities & TV
Daily breakfast
Free visit to Bari
Free visits to Cisternino with olive oil
tasting, Ostuni & Polignano a Mare
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge
Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €629 €579
Adult in Twin €649 €599
Adult in Single €749 €699
Child sharing with 2 adults €589 €539
Half board (4 meals) €100
* Special price applies when half board and all excursions are taken
** Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other, this may incur a charge. An additional charge applies for extra luggage
Tenuta Al Bano Carrisi including lunch €89 €55
Alberobello guided walking tour €20 €10
Matera/Castellana Caves (with guide) €50 €25
City tax of €1.50 per person per night to be paid at the Masseria & €1.00 per person per night is to be paid directly at the Trulli reception
Alberobello Trullo Sovrano - €2 per person
Matera Cave Church & Cave House - €4.50 per person
Castellana Caves - €12 per person
THURSDAY, 6TH JULY | We meet at the airport at 3.35am for our Ryanair flight departing at 6.05am to Bari airport. We start our trip by visiting St. Nicholas’ city of Bari, well-known for its port and University. Visits to the Basilica of St. Nicholas, the Bari Cathedral (dedicated to St. Sabinus of Canos) and Petruzzelli Theatre are a must. We can stroll the streets of Barivecchia (Old Bari) from Piazza Mercantile to Piazza Ferrarese. We start our trip towards Mesagne with a stop for olive oil tasting in Cisterino for free. Then, we continue to the Masseria Martuccio in Mesagne for dinner (extra) and overnight.
FRIDAY, 7TH JULY | Today, after breakfast, we visit the beautiful Tenuta Albano Carrisi (optional), a journey in the heart of nature and tradition. We will go on a guided tour of the Estate, and the oasis created by the singer. We will visit the beautiful, consecrated church, the “Curtipitrizzi”, a walk in the forest, and the charming “bottaia” where we can admire and listen to the explanation about the various stages of wine making, bottling, and ageing of the wine. The visit ends with a “Sharazan”, a characteristic lunch in Don Carmelo restaurant where it’s possible to enjoy typical dishes from the region accompanied with wine from Albano Carrisi cellar. We return to Masseria in time for dinner (extra).
SATURDAY, 8TH JULY | After breakfast, we checkout and start our journey towards our Trullo in Alberobello. On the way, we will stop in Ostuni, better known for its whitewashed old town. Later, we arrive
in Alberobello, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and an unusual trulli district with its characteristic whitewashed conical roofed houses. We check-in for a once in a lifetime experience as we will be sleeping in one of these trulli located in various parts of Alberbello. Afterwards, we can join the leader for a guided walking tour, during which we will discover the pretty town of Alberobello. Walking around is enjoyable as we head up Via Monte Michele, and we can also visit Alberobello’s 20th century trullo church, and the Chiesa di Sant’Antoni.
SUNDAY, 9TH JULY | Today, after breakfast, we go on an optional full-day excursion to Matera (the European Capital of Culture 2019) and Castellana Caves. Our first stop will be in Matera. The Sassi are houses dug into the calcarenitic rock itself. The ancient town stands on one slope of the ravine created by a river that is now a small stream. In the afternoon, we then proceed to Castellana Caves (entrance extra). This is famous for the network of caves found here. These vast caves were created by underground rivers which filtered down through the limestone soil of the Murge Hills. We shall visit the numerous caves with their richly coloured stalactites and stalagmites.
MONDAY, 10TH JULY | Our last day starts with breakfast and check-out. We start our trip back to Bari airport with a stop in Polignano a Mare for our Ryanair flight departing at 4.20pm and arriving in Malta at 5.40pm.
10 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u u u u u u
Unspoilt Puglia the land of the Trulli & Tenuta Albano Carrisi
Group 1 4 - 8 September
(8 September - National Holiday)
Group 2 18 - 22 September
(21 September - National Holiday)
Bari, Mesagne, Tenuta Albano, Ostuni, Cisternino, Alberobello, Matera, Castellana Caves & Polignano a Mare
Ryanair return flights to Bari airport including 10kg luggage
2 nights in Masseria Martuccio
2 nights in a Trullo in Alberobello
Rooms with private facilities & TV
Daily breakfast
Return airport transfers
Free visit to Bari
Free visits to Cisternino with olive oil tasting, Ostuni & Polignano a Mare
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge
Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €629 €579
Adult in Twin €649 €599
Adult in Single €749 €699
Child sharing with 2 adults €589 €539
Half Board (4 meals) €100
* Special price applies when half board and all excursions are taken
**Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats next to each other, this many incur a charge. Note that extra luggage can be bought at an extra charge.
Tenuta Albano Carrisi including lunch €89 €55
Alberobello guided walking tour €20 €10
Matera/Castellana Grotte (with guide) €50 €25
City tax of €1.50 per person per night to be paid at the Masseria & €1.00 per person per night is to be paid directly at the Trulli reception
Alberobello Trullo Sovrano - €2 per person
Matera Cave Church & Cave House - €4.50 per person
Castellana Caves - €12 per person
MONDAY | We meet at the airport at 12.05pm for our Ryanair flight departing at 2.35pm to Bari airport. We start our trip towards Mesagne with a stop for olive oil tasting in Cisterino for free. Then, we continue to the Masseria Martuccio in Mesagne for dinner (extra) and overnight.
TUESDAY | Today, after breakfast, we visit the beautiful Tenuta Albano Carrisi (optional), a journey in the heart of nature and tradition. We will go on a guided tour of the Estate, and the oasis created by the singer. We will visit the beautiful, consecrated church, the “Curtipitrizzi”, a walk in the forest, and the charming “bottaia” where we can admire and listen to the explanation about the various stages of wine making, bottling, and ageing of the wine. The visit ends with a “Sharazan”, a characteristic lunch in Don Carmelo restaurant where it’s possible to enjoy typical dishes from the region accompanied with wine from Albano Carrisi cellar. We return to Masseria in time for dinner (extra).
WEDNESDAY | After breakfast, we check-out and start our journey towards our Trullo in Alberobello. On the way, we will stop in Ostuni, better known for its whitewashed old town. Later, we arrive in Alberobello, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and an unusual trulli district with its characteristic white-washed conicalroofed houses. We check-in for a once in a lifetime experience as we will be sleeping in one of these trulli located in various parts of Alberbello. Afterwards, we can join the leader for a guided
walking tour, during which we will discover the pretty town of Alberobello. Walking around is enjoyable as we head up Via Monte Michele, and we can also visit Alberobello’s 20th century trullo church, and the Chiesa di Sant’Antoni.
THURSDAY | Today, after breakfast, we go on an optional full-day excursion to Matera (the European Capital of Culture 2019) and Castellana Caves. Our first stop will be in Matera. The Sassi are houses dug into the calcarenitic rock itself. The ancient town stands on one slope of the ravine created by a river that is now a small stream. In the afternoon, we then proceed to Castellana Caves (entrance extra). This is famous for the network of caves found here. These vast caves were created by underground rivers which filtered down through the limestone soil of the Murge Hills. We shall visit the numerous caves with their richly coloured stalactites and stalagmites.
FRIDAY | Our last day starts with breakfast and check-out. We will proceed to Bari with a stop in Polignano a Mare. In Bari, we will start by visiting St. Nicholas’ city of Bari, well-known for its port and University. Visits to the Basilica of St. Nicholas, the Bari Cathedral (dedicated to St. Sabinus of Canos) and Petruzzelli Theatre are a must. We can stroll the streets of Barivecchia (Old Bari) from Piazza Mercantile to Piazza Ferrarese. We will then make our way to Bari airport for our Ryanair flight departing at 7.30pm and arriving in Malta at 8.50pm.
11 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u
u u
u u u
Sardegna Escape
Group 1 29 June - 2 July (29 June - Public Holiday)
Group 2 7 - 10 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Group 3 21 - 24 September (21 September - National Holiday)
return flights to Cagliari airport including 10kg luggage 3 nights in 4-star Hotel hotel or similar
Airport u u u
Rooms with private facilities, TV, A/C & Wi-Fi
Daily buffet breakfast Return airport transfers
taxes & service charge
Adult in Triple €529 €479
Adult in Twin €549 €499
Adult in Single €649 €599
Child sharing with 2 adults €459 €409
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken.
**Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other, this may incur a charge. An additional charge applies for extra luggage
Cagliari €45 €23
Carloforte/St. Antioco including ferry €49 €33
Sinis Peninsula – Tharros/Oristano €45 €23
Barumini/Sardegna in Miniatura €30 €15
City tax of €2 per person per night is to be paid directly at hotel
Tharros Escavation €5 per person
Nuraghe complex €8 per person
THURSDAY | We meet at the airport at 4.15am for our Ryanair flight to Cagliari airport departing at 6.45am and arriving at 8.05am. We go on an optional half day excursion to Cagliari, Poetto and Monte Urpino. Cagliari is the capital city of this Italian Island of Sardegna and it’s known for the hilltop Castello, a medieval walled quarter situated high over the rest of the town. Architectural highlights include the 13th century Cagliari Cathedral, and the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cagliari displays bronze objects and Roman ceramics. Then we head to Poetto, to take a nice walk along one of the largest city beaches in Europe. On the way back to the hotel, we will stop at the urban park Monte Urpino.
FRIDAY | After breakfast today we join the leader for a full day excursion and visit Carloforte and St. Antioco. Our coach will take us to porto Vesme where we will board the ferry (included) that takes us to Carloforte a fishing and resort town located on Isola di San Pietro. Along the rocky coastline, one can find several caves, cliffs and rock pools with a number of small beaches. According to a legend, a local church was founded in the early 14th century in honor of hundreds of participants to the so called Children’s Crusade, who perished in a shipwreck just off the island on their way to North Africa during a gale. We will have some free time and then board again the ferry which takes us to calasetta and visit St. Antioco the second largest island of the Sardinian region. Here we will have the opportunity to see the basilica of Sant’ Antioco, the Roman Bridge and the Ancient Acropolis.
SATURDAY | Today we join the leader on an optional excursion to the Sinis Peninsula visiting Tharros and Oristano. We start by exploring Tharros which was an ancient city on the west coast of Sardegna, an archaeological site near the village of San Giovanni di Sinis. Until some years ago the archaeological findings in Tharros (ent. extra) supported the theory that Phoenicians founded the town. A submerged 100m wall seems to be part of a port structure much older than the Phoenician one. We then proceed to Oristano, which during medieval times vied power over the whole island of Sardegna. Here we have free time to visit the Tower of St. Christophoros the most striking remaining evidence of the old walls St. Mary Cathedral and the Gothic Chapel of the Rimediom, which houses some medieval sculptures.
SUNDAY | Today, we will check- out and head on an optional excursion to Barumini, home to Su Nuraxi di Barumini – a Nuraghe complex listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites (entr. extra). The oldest part of the nuraghe consists of a central tower with three superimposed chambers, which were built in blocks of basalt between the 7th and the 13th centuries BC. There is no consenus on the function of the nuraghes, they could have been rulers’ residences, military strongholds, meeting halls, religious temples, ordinary dwellings or a combination of the former. We then proceed to Cagliari Airport for our Ryanair flight departing at 6.20pm and arriving in Malta at 4.25pm.
12 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
VISITING Cagliari, Poetto, Monte Urpino, Carloforte and St. Antioco, Tharros, Oristano & Barumini Ryanair
Services of tour leader u u u u
Fun in Gardaland
21 - 24 September (21 September - National Holiday)
VISITING Sirmione, Gardaland Park & Desenzano
Air Malta return direct flights to Milan Linate airport
3 nights in 4-star Gardaland Hotel Rooms with private facilities, TV & A/C
Daily buffet breakfast Return airport transfers Free visit in Desenzano
2-day Gardaland Entrance Ticket Services of tour leader Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
THURSDAY, 21ST SEPTEMBER | We meet at the airport at 10.30am for our Air Malta flight departing at 2.50pm and arriving in Milan Linate Airport at 2.50pm. On arrival, we will proceed to our 4-star Gardaland Hotel situated at Castelnuovo del Garda. In the evening, an optional excursion takes us to Sirmione, known as the ‘Pearl of the Lake’ perched on a peninsula on the southern shore of Lake Garda. We will enjoy its beautiful pedestrian quarter with cobbled streets lined with boutiques, cafés, cake and ice-cream shops.
FRIDAY, 22ND SEPTEMBER | We will enjoy the first of two full days at Gardaland Park. Gardaland is one of the most popular entertainment parks in Europe,
and perhaps the most popular in Italy, nestled on the Eastern shore of Lake Garda near the town of Castelnuovo del Garda. Let yourself get carried away by a river of fantasy by choosing the type of attraction that suits you best. Enjoy the spectacular shows and amazing adventures!
SATURDAY, 23RD SEPTEMBER | Full-day at Gardaland Park.
SUNDAY, 24TH SEPTEMBER | Today, we will checkout and head to Desenzano, a pleasant town on the southern shore of Lake Garda. We will later make our way to Milan Linate Airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 08.45pm arriving in Malta at 10.35pm.
u u u u u u u u
u PRICE PER PERSON Adult in Triple €629 Adult in Twin €679 Adult in Single €949 Child sharing with 2 adults €419 EXCURSIONS ADULT CHILD Sirmione €20 €10 NOT INCLUDED IN PRICE City tax of €1.65 per
hotel Baby Cot at €15
u FREE VISIT IN DESENZANO 13 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
adult per night is to be paid directly at
per night
Italian Lakes Short Break
7 - 10 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Como, Bellagio, Lago Maggiore, Stresa, Isola Bella, Isola dei Pescatori & Milan
Air Malta return direct flights to Milan
Linate airport
3 nights in 4-star Hotel Atlantic Arona or similar
Rooms with private facilities, TV & A/C
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Free visit to Arese shopping centre
Welcome cocktail
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €497 €447
Adult in Twin €527 €477
Adult in Single €617 €567
Child sharing with 2 adults €349 €299
Supplement Lake view room per person €45
Half Board €69
* Special price applies when half board and all excursions are taken
Como/Bellagio €48 €24
Stresa/Borromean Islands (boat & Borromeo Palace entrance included) €52 €33
City tax of €2.10 per person per night (from 6 years upwards) is to be paid directly at hotel
Lago di Como boat trip €12 per adult/€8 per child under 12 yrs
Bellagio boat trip €13 per adult/€8 per child under 12 yrs
THURSDAY, 7TH SEPTEMBER | We will meet at the airport at 10.30am for our Air Malta flight departing at 1.00pm and arriving in Milan Linate airport at 2.50pm. We shall proceed to our 4-star Hotel Atlantic Arona in Arona to check-in. Later, we can join the tour leader for a familiarisation walk.
FRIDAY, 8TH SEPTEMBER | Today’s full-day optional excursion takes us to Como. We will stop and admire the Duomo and also enjoy a boat trip (extra) on the world-famous Lago. In the afternoon, we shall proceed towards the village of Tremezzo located on the western shore of Lake Como from where we will board a boat (extra) to Bellagio, one of the most attractive lake resorts. Bellagio is a small village at the tip of a long hilly promontory between the two southern branches of Lake Como. We will have lunch (extra) and spend a relaxing afternoon in this tiny town with lovely views and classy boutiques.
is on today’s programme for our optional full-day relaxing excursion to explore the islands on the lake. Our coach will take us to Stresa where we will go by boat (included) with the tour leader to Isola Bella for a visit to the sumptuous Borromeo Palace and its Italian-style gardens. We will then make a short stop to Isola dei Pescatori, a tiny, quiet island with an old church dedicated to San Vittore. Finally, we will cruise around Isola Madre, the largest island on the lake dominated by Villa Borromeo, an aristocratic place surrounded by beautiful gardens. We shall then return to Stresa for lunch (extra) and have some free time for shopping and sightseeing.
SUNDAY, 10TH SEPTEMBER | After check-out, we will head to Milan, the capital of Lombardia. We will proceed to Arese Shopping Center and have some free time for shopping. We will then make our way to Milan Linate airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 8.45pm arriving in Malta at 10.35pm.
PRICE INCLUDES u u u u u u
u u
u u FREE
14 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Short Break in Krakow, Poland
7 - 11 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Krakow, Rynek Glowny, Energylandia Theme Park, Morskie Oko, Tatra Mountains horse carriages, Ojcow Natural Park, Boronówka historic water mill and sawmill, Wadowice, Pope John Paul’s Museum.
Ryanair flights to Krakow Airport including 10kg luggage
4 nights in 3*** Hotel Matejko or similar in Krakow
Rooms with private facilities & TV
Daily breakfast
Return airport transfers.
Services of tour leader
All taxes
Insolvency Fund
Adult in Triple €609 €559
Adult in Twin €629 €589
Adult in Single €749 €699
Child sharing with 2 adults €579 €529
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken. **There are many restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel that offer a variety of tourist menus at very convenient prices. ***Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other, this may incur a charge. An additional charge applies for extra luggage
Krakow City Tour €20 €10
Moskie Oko €45 €23
Energylandia Theme Park €30 €15
Ojcow Natural Park €45 €23
Horse Drawn Carriage Ride €30 per person
Pope John Paul’s Museum €7 per person
Entrance Energylandia - €38 per person
THURSDAY, 7TH SEPTEMBER | We will meet at the airport at 07.00am for our Ryanair flight departing at 9.30am and arriving in Krakow airport at 12.05am. Transfer to our Mtejko hotel. In the afternoon we go on an optional half day excursion for city walking tour accompanied by our tour leader around the old town where we will take the chance to view the Rynek Glowny which is the largest medieval square in Europe. In the center is the Cloth Hall and on the square are churches, fine building which have been converted into restaurants and shops. It's stunningly impressive. Here one can admire the world go by beautiful architecture, and the amazing history behind the buildings. We will pass by Wawel Castle, also we will enjoy the panorama of the city and river.
FRIDAY, 8TH SEPTEMBER | Today, we will have an optional full day excursion taking us to Energylandia Theme Park (ent. extra), which is the largest entertainment park in Poland, covering an area of 35 hectares and offering several dozen attractions. Energylandia is the first full-fledged Amusement Park in Poland, which offers world class, highest quality services for all ages: children, teenagers, and adults. It does not have only the best and most modern devices, but it has a lot of great shows and attractions, making our stay an unforgettable experience.
SATURDAY, 9TH SEPTEMBER | Today we will visit Morskie Oko or Eye of the Sea (translated in English). It is the largest and fourth deepest lake in the Tatra Mountains, in southern Poland. It is located deep within the Tatra National Park in the Rybi Potok (the Fish Brook) Valley, of the High Tatras mountain range. Morskie Oko is one of the most popular destinations in the Tatras, often receiving over 50,000 visitors during the vacation season. Then, we will experience a horse drawn carriage ride (extra) that will take us most of the way up the mountain.
SUNDAY, 10TH SEPTEMBER | Today, we will have an optional full day excursion taking us to Ojcow Natural Park, it is one of the smallest and most beautiful parks in Poland, particularly famous due to its proximity to Krakow and the fact that it is part of the historic tourist route called Trail of the Eagle’s Nests, an ancient defensive line dotted with wonderful fortresses. Here we will take the chance to visit the Boronówka historic water mill and sawmill. The mill’s history dates back to the 15th century. Its first owner were the Poor Clares from Grodzisk. The sisters transferred the mill and the water sawmill into private hands in 1816. The current residential and farming buildings were erected in 1850. They constitute a wonderful example of wooden industrial architecture with preserved original equipment and old machinery which is still in operation. It is a particularly popular destination for families, for nature walks and to spend a quiet day exploring the park’s more than 50 kilometres of trails. We will walk through the beautiful Valley of the swift river called Prądnik and explore a huge cave. After our eventful trip, we can enjoy lunch (extra) in one of the regional restaurants of the area. In the afternoon we will stop in Wadowice to visit the Pope John Paul’s Museum (extra) in which John Paul was born and raised. The visit begins on the ground level and ascends by ramps to the top of the museum. The museum includes personal items that were meaningful in John Paul’s life, including the Vatican clock and the Polish bible, which was read to him by the sisters in his final moments. It is a modern, multimedia museum which immerses visitors in the great man's life and accomplishments.
MONDAY, 11TH SEPTEMBER | Today, we shall have an early breakfast before we proceed to the airport for our Ryanair flight departing at 9.10am and arriving in Malta at 11.45am.
u u
u u u
15 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Short Break in Athens, Greece
7 - 11 June (7 June - National Holiday)
Ryanair return direct flights to Athens airport including 10kg luggage
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken. **There are many restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel that offer a variety of tourist menus at very convenient prices. ***Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other, this may incur a charge. An additional charge applies for extra luggage
WEDNESDAY, 7TH JUNE | We meet at the airport at 12.15pm for our Ryanair flight to Athens departing at 2.45pm. On arrival at 5.20pm, we are transferred to our 4-star Coral Hotel in Palaio Faliro Athens. Check-in, and we go for a familiarization walk in the city centre.
THURSDAY, 8TH JUNE After breakfast we can join the leader for an optional city tour of Athens, the Acropolis, and the museum. Our day will start by exploring Athens with a panoramic tour passing from the main sights of the city. We then continue and visit the Acropolis Hill (ent. extra) and its museum (ent. extra). Some free time in the beautiful Plaka square and its ancient temples, with narrow cobbled streets lined with tiny shops.
tax of €3 per person per night
FRIDAY, 9TH JUNE After breakfast and we join the leader for an optional excursion to visit Mycenae, Epidaurus and Nafplio. We start our trip by making a short stop at the Corinth Canal, which connects the Gulf of Corinth in the Ionian Sea with the Saronic Gf in the Aegean Sea. It cuts through the narrow Isthmus of Corinth and separates the Peloponnese from the
Greek mainland, arguably making the peninsula an island. We then depart to Mycenae, one of the major centers of Greek civilization and home to the kingdom of the mythical king, Agamemnon. We then proceed to Epidaurus, UNESCO’s world heritagelisted monument, which is known as the birthplace of Apollo’s son Asklepios, the healer. It is also famous for its theatre, one of the best preserved classical Greek buildings. Our last stop will be in Nafplio, a coastal city located in the Peloponnese and the capital of the regional unit of Argolis. We return to our hotel in time for dinner (extra).
SATURDAY, 10TH JUNE Today after breakfast we can join the leader for an optional excursion to the archaeological site of Delphi, which lies between two towering rocks of Mt. Parnassus, known as the Phaidriades (Shining) Rocks. Here lies the PanHellenic sanctuary of Apollo, the Olympian god of light, knowledge and harmony.
SUNDAY, 11TH JUNE Breakfast and check out then we proceed to Athens airport for our flight departing at 11.35am and arriving in Malta at 12.20pm.
Acropolis, Corinth
Mycenae, Epidaurus, Nafplio & Delphi
facilities Daily breakfast Return airport transfers Services of tour leader Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund PRICE INCLUDES u u u u u u u u PRICE PER PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE Adult in
€579 €529 Adult in Twin €599 €549 Adult in Single €749 €699 Child
€429 €379
nights in 4-star Coral Hotel in Palaio
Athens or similar
with private
sharing with 2 adults
Tour Athens & Acropolis €55 €28 Mycenae, Epidaurus & Nafpolis €55 €28
€49 €25
Acropolis €20 per person
museum €15 per person Mycenae €12 per person Edidavrus €12 per person
16 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Short Break in Costa Blanca Benidorm
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken. **Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other this may incur a charge. ***An additional charge applies for extra luggage.
Murcia & Alicante €45 €23
Valencia €45 €23
Guadalest €35 €18
Valencia cathedral - €5 per person
Valencia Oceanographic - Adults €33.70/Children €25
Benidorm Palace (incl. entrance) - TBA
THURSDAY, 7TH SEPTEMBER | We meet our group leader at 5.15PM for our Ryanair flight to Valencia departing at 7.40Pm. On arrival we are transferred by coach to our 3 star Hotel Rosamar in Benidorm for check-in, one of the most popular resorts in Spain. This resort is a Las Vegas type city with its modern high-rise buildings which mushroomed from a quiet fishing village and now dwarf the old part situated on a rocky peninsula. Over five million tourists visit Benidorm each year.
FRIDAY, 8TH SEPTEMBER | Breakfast and a free morning followed by an optional full-day excursion to Murcia and Alicante. We will drive to Murcia where we will visit the cathedral and the town centre framed by the Sierra Mountains. We will see the 15th century Cathedral de Santa Maria. The city is divided by the Segura River and is known for its beautiful baroque Cathedral, Almudi Palace and the castle of Monteagudo, (an 11th century fortress), the Market of Veronicas, the Malecon Gardens, the University of Murcia and the Museum Ramon Gaya. We will then proceed to Alicante, one of the three main cities of the province of Valencia and the Capital of the Costa Blanca. With a population of around 400,000, Alicante continues to grow and define itself as one of the prime tourist cities of the world. We later return to our hotel.
In the evening we can opt for an optional spectacular show of international cabaret at the Benidorm Palace with fabulous dancers in exotic, feathered costumes
and a full programme of top artists is a must-do in Benidorm.
SATURDAY, 9TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast we will go on a full day optional excursion to the city of Valencia, Spain’s third largest city. The historic centre of this city has outstanding Arab architecture and Gothic monuments. Our city tour will take us to see the town hall, the cathedral with harmonious mixture of Roman, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements. The octagonal bell tower is the landmark of the city. Exhibited within the Cathedral is a Roman chalice which Jesus Christ and the apostles are said to have drunk from during the Last Supper. We will have free time for shopping to visit the famous ‘Oceanographic’ (extra) before returning to our hotel later in the afternoon.
SUNDAY, 10TH SEPTEMBER | The morning is free to enjoy Benidorm and the Sunday market in the city centre. In the afternoon we go on an optional half day excursion to Guadalest. This small village is ranked amongst the top tourist attractions in all Spain because of the many artisan workshops and rock high above the river. The castle sits high above in this unique setting surrounded by spectacular views. We then make our way to the hotel and straight away to the airport of Valencia for our return Ryanair flight to Malta departing at 10.40pm and arriving at 00.50am (Monday 11 th September)
Return airport transfers Services of tour leader All taxes & service charge Insolvency fund PRICE INCLUDES u u u u u
VISITING Benidorm, Murcia, Alicante, Valencia & Guadalest Return Ryanair flights to Valencia including 10kg luggage
nights in 3 star Hotel Rosamar in Benidorm
with private facilities
7 - 10 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Adult in Triple €449 €399
Adult in Twin €479 €429 Adult in Single €639 €589
Child sharing with 2 adults €419 €369 Half Board €55 €35
17 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79 u
Short Break in Bucharest, Romania
Group 1 28 June - 2 July
Group 2 6 - 10 September
(8 September - National Holiday)
Group 3 20 - 24 September
VISITING Bucharest, Lipscani, Primaverii, Sinaia, Bran & Brasov
(21 September - National Holiday) u
Ryanair direct flights to Bucharest airport including 10 kg luggage
Adult in Twin €609 €559
Adult in Single €829 €779
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
** Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other, this may incur a charge. An additional charge applies for extra luggage
Bucharest City tour €45 €35
Primaverii €35 €18
Sinaia €55 €28
Bran & Brasov €55 €28
All excursions are with a local English-speaking guide and entrances. They may vary from day to day.
City tax of €2 per person per night to be paid directly at the hotel
WEDNESDAY | We meet at the airport at 11am for our Ryanair flight to Bucharest departing Malta 1.40pm and arriving at 4.50pm. On arrival we are transferred to our 5* Grand Hotel Bucharest. Check-in and then we can join the leader for a familiarization walk.
THURSDAY | Breakfast and then we can go on an optional panoramic city tour of Bucharest. Our coach will drive by the main sights of the city. These include the Parliament Palace (known as the “People’s House”), which is considered to be the largest building in Romania, Patriarchal Cathedral dedicated to Saints Constantine and Helen, and the Old city Lipscani. Some free time for lunch (extra) and later we can also opt to take another half day excursion to Primaverii Palace, after being closed for more than 27 years after the Revolution of 1989 we can visit the home of the last Romanian dictator. There we will see the lavish rooms, gold-plated bathrooms and even the personal clothes of Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife, Elena, all well preserved in a villa worth more than 25 million Euros.
FRIDAY | Today, after breakfast, we join the tour leader & guide for a full day optional excursion to the mountain resort of Sinaia. From here we will
have the opportunity to visit the elegant 19th century Peleș Castle, which was the former residence of the Royal Family. We then proceed to the beautiful Byzantine Sinaia Monastery, founded by Price Mihail Cantacuzino in 1965 and named after the great Sinai Monastery on Mount Sinai, some free time for souvenir shopping before we head back to our hotel.
SATURDAY | After breakfast, today we go on an optional excursion with the tour leader & guide to the village of Bran and visit the well-known Bran Castle. This castle became famous due to the legend of Count Dracula, written in 1897 by Bram Stoker, and later adapted into a film by Francis Ford Coppola. This castle has a very strategic position, being on the border between Transylvania and Wallachia. Nowadays, it houses a museum with a collection of ceramics, silver, furniture, weapons, and folk costumes. We then proceed and cross the Transylvanian mountains to the city of Brasov, where we have some free time for personal sightseeing or shopping.
SUNDAY | Breakfast and then we are transferred to Bucharest airport for our flight back to Malta departing at 10.45am and arriving in Malta noon.
WHEN €559
Daily breakfasts Return airport transfers Excursions Services of tour leader All taxes Insolvency Fund PRICE INCLUDES u u u u u u
4 nights in 5 star Grand Hotel Bucharest or similar
rooms with private facilities and TV
u u
18 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Short Break in Bratislava introducing Slovakian Charms
8 - 12 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Bratislava, Smolenice Castle, Driny Caves, Modra, Sväfy Jur, River Vah, Lake Slnava, Nitra Castle & Devin Castle
Ryanair return flights to Bratislava
Airport including 10 kg luggage
4 nights in 4 star Hotel Marriott Old Town Hotel in Bratislava or similar
Rooms with private facilities, A/C & TV
Daily breakfast
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency Fund
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
** There are many restaurants in the vicinity of hotel offering various tourist menus at reasonable prices. *** Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other, this may incur a charge. An additional charge applies for extra luggage
Bratislava city tour € 15 €8
Smolenice Castle, Driny Caves, Modra & Svaty Jur €45 €23
River Vah, Lake Slnava & Nitra Castle €45 €23
Devin Castle €25 €13
All above excursions include the services of an English speaking guide
City tax of €1.70 per person per night to be paid directly at the hotel Bratislava Castle - €10 per person
FRIDAY, 8TH SEPTEMBER | We meet at the airport at 4.00pm for our Air Ryanair flight to Bratislava departing at 6.25pm. On arrival at 8.40pm, our coach will take us directly to Bratislava to our 4 star Hotel AC Marriott Old Town in Bratislava or similar and check-in.
SATURDAY, 9TH SEPTEMBER | Breakfast and off for a half day optional guided city tour of Bratislava. We will walk around the historic city centre to see the pedestrian are of Bratislava full of cafes, bars, restaurants, and shopping opportunities! Our tour will also take us up the hill to Bratislava castle and visit the newly renovated Bratislava castle garden (entrance to the castle is extra). We will then walk by the Parliament house and the former Jewish district of the town. After some free time to enjoy free time to ourselves around Slovakian’s Capital!
SUNDAY, 10TH SEPTEMBER | Our full day optional excursion today takes us first to visit Smolenice Castle in the Lesser Carpathians area. Its biggest lure is the 33-metre-high castle tower that offers a spectacular view of its surroundings. We will enjoy a guided tour before heading towards Driny Cave, the only show cave in western Slovakia and one of the main tourist attractions of the Lesser Carpathians. As compared with other show caves in Slovakia, where usually larger underground spaces prevail, it represents a system of narrow fissure passages with beautiful
dripstone decoration. We will then continue to Modra, a little wine town, and enjoy lunch (extra) before visiting a ceramic production. Finally, we will taste the fine wines of the region in Sväty Jur!
MONDAY, 11TH SEPTEMBER | A lovely full day optional excursion awaits us today, taking us towards River Vah, Lake Slnava & then visiting Nitra Castle. The Trajan sightseeing boat will take us on a 55-minute over Lake Slnava and discover the beauty of the landscape and nature directly from its surface. We will then proceed to Nitra, one of Slovakia’s most historically significant cities, a must-see city that will not disappoint: it is filled with stunning churches, beautiful hilltop views, ancient legends, and exciting history! Nitra Castle is one of the most popular attractions in Nitra, offering picturesque views of the entire city from one of its highest points.
TUESDAY, 12TH SEPTEMBER | After checking out of our rooms, we will head back towards the outskirts of Bratislava for an optional visit Devin Castle, the remains of one of the oldest castles of Slovakia, which lies on confluence of Morava River and the Danube on the border line of the three countries Austria, Slovakia and Czech Republic. We then make our way to Bratislava airport for our Ryanair flight departing at 6.35pm and arriving in Malta at 8.50pm.
PRICE INCLUDES u u u u u u
€529 €479 Adult
€549 €499 Adult
€699 €649 Child sharing
adults €459 €409
in Twin
in Single
with 2
u 19 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Short Break in Budapest, Hungary
8 - 11 September
Budapest, Godollo, Danube Bend, Szentendre, Visegrad, Esztergom & Danube Cruise
u u u
Ryanair return direct flights to Budapest airport including 10kg luggage
3 nights in 4-star Hotel Intercity in Budapest or similar
u u
Rooms with private facilities
Daily breakfast
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge
(8 September - National Holiday) u u u
Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €509 €459
Adult in Twin €539 €489
Adult in Single €699 €649
Child sharing with 2 adults €439 €389
*Special price applies when all excursions are taken.
**There are many restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel that offer a variety of tourist menus at a very convenient price.
***Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other, this may incur a charge. An additional charge applies for extra luggage.
Danube Cruise €25 €20
City Tour Budapest €30 €15
Godollo €35 €18
Danube Bend €45 €23
City tax of €3 per person per night to be paid directly at the hotel
Godollo Palace €15 per person
FRIDAY, 8TH SEPTEMBER | We meet at the airport at 10.30am for our Ryanair flight to Budapest departing at 1.05pm. On arrival at 3.20pm, we are transferred to our 4-star Hotel Intercity in Budapest for check-in. We can then join the leader for an optional Danube cruise.
SATURDAY, 9TH SEPTEMBER | Breakfast and then we can join the leader and for a half-day optional guided city tour of Budapest. We start on the Pest side of the Capital. We shall see St. Stephen’s Basilica, the neo-gothic Parliament building and the Heroes’ Square. Then, we drive up to the Castle District and visit the marvellous Matthias Church (entr. included). We also have a look at the former Royal Palace and the Fisherman’s Bastion (entr. included). The afternoon is free or we can join leader for an optional excursion to the beautiful Godollo castle (entrance extra) which is the world’s second largest Baroque castle. After a guided tour of the castle, we can have a walk in the gardens and enjoy a cup of coffee and
some cake in the Palace Café (extra).
SUNDAY, 10TH SEPTEMBER | Our full-day optional excursion takes us to the Danube Bend. This special area, where the great river changes course and known as the Dunakanyar, will make our day unforgettable. This lovely town of Szentendre with its vivid Baroque architecture and vivid colours, is amongst the highlights of this trip. We will also see the town of Visegrad, a former royal seat of medieval Hungarian monarch where count Draculas was imprisoned by King Matthias Corvin. Moreover, we shall visit the city of Esztergom which is the seat of the Hungarian Roman Catholic Archbishop.
MONDAY, 11TH SEPTEMBER | Breakfast, check-out and today we enjoy a relaxed morning in Budapest to do personal sightseeing or shopping or join the leader for Later we proceed to the airport for our flight departing at 6.55pm and arriving in Malta at 9.20pm.
20 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Short break in Budapest, Hungary
u u u u
Budapest, Danube Bend,
Hungarian Puszta, Eger, Holloko & Godollo
Ryanair return direct flights to Budapest airport including 10kg luggage
5 nights in 4-star Hotel Intercity in Budapest or similar
u u
Rooms with private facilities
Daily breakfast
Return airport transfers
20 - 25 September (21 September - National Holiday) u u
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €689 €639
Adult in Twin €709 €659
Adult in Single €989 €939
Child sharing with 2 adults €559 €509
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken. **There are many restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel that offer a variety of tourist menus at a very convenient prices. *** Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other, this may incur a charge. An additional charge applies for extra luggage
City Tour Budapest €30 €15
Danube Bend €45 €23
Puszta incl. lunch €55 €35
Eger & Holloko €45 €23
Godollo €35 €18
Danube Cruise €25 €20
City tax of €3 per person per night to be paid directly at the hotel Godollo Palace €15 per person
WEDNESDAY, 20TH SEPTEMBER | We meet at the airport at 6.30am for our Ryanair flight to Budapest departing at 9.05am. On arrival at 11.20am, we are transferred to our 4-star Hotel Intercity in Budapest for check-in. In the afternoon we can join the leader and for a half-day optional guided city tour of Budapest. We start on the Pest side of the Capital. We shall see St. Stephen’s Basilica, the neo-gothic Parliament building and the Heroes’ Square. Then, we drive up to the Castle District and visit the marvellous Matthias Church (entr. included). We also have a look at the former Royal Palace and the Fisherman’s Bastion (entr. included).
THURSDAY, 21ST SEPTEMBER | Our full-day optional excursion takes us to the Danube Bend. This special area, where the great river changes course and known as the Dunakanyar, will make our day unforgettable. This lovely town of Szentendre with its vivid Baroque architecture and vivid colours, is amongst the highlights of this trip. We will also see the town of Visegrad, a former royal seat of medieval Hungarian monarch where count Draculas was imprisoned by King Matthias Corvin. Moreover, we shall visit the city of Esztergom which is the seat of the Hungarian Roman Catholic Archbishop.
FRIDAY, 22ND SEPTEMBER | We will enjoy another full-day optional excursion, this time taking us to the Hungarian Puszta with a visit to Kecskemet, the capital city of the Puszta. After a guided walking our during which we will see some of the most representative attractions of this beautiful city, we will visit an authentic Hungarian horse ranch. We are greeted with a traditional strong locally brewed spirit, called Palinka. We can experience a horse carriage
ride and enjoy the unique equestrian show held at the ranch. Then, we taste a traditional Hungarian flavour of a 3-course lunch, including drinks.
SATURDAY, 23RD SEPTEMBER | Today, after breakfast, we can join the tour leader for a full-day optional excursion to Eger and Holloko. Our first stop will be in Eger, a nice baroque town in the Northern part of Hungary. It is best known for its castle, thermal baths, baroque buildings and red wines. Here, we will see the Basilica, the Lyceum, and the charming Dobo Square. Free time for lunch (extra), and then we proceed to the ethnographic village of Holloko, part of the UNESCO World Heritage which has been constructed to become an open-air museum, keeping the original appearance. We will be seeing some tiny museums like the Post Office Museum, Village Museum, Doll Museum, and the Roman Catholic Church. We are then hosted to taste homemade strudel with cottage cheese, poppy seeds, cherry, apple and one glass of wine.
SUNDAY, 24TH SEPTEMBER | After a relaxed morning, we will go for an optional half-day excursion to the beautiful Godollo castle (ent. extra) which is the world’s second largest Baroque castle. After a guided tour of the castle, we can have a walk in the gardens and enjoy a cup of coffee and some cake in the Palace Café (extra). The afternoon is free to enjoy Budapest.
MONDAY, 25TH SEPTEMBER | Breakfast, check-out and today we enjoy a relaxed morning in Budapest to do personal sightseeing or shopping or join the leader for an optional Danube cruise. Later we proceed to the airport for our flight departing at 6.55pm and arriving in Malta at 9.20pm.
Szentendre, Visegrad, Esztergom, Kecskemet,
21 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Lake Bled in Slovenia with a touch of Italy & Austria
Group 1 4 - 11 July
Group 2 11 - 18 July
Group 3 1 - 8 August
Group 4 8 - 15 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 5 15 - 22 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 6 29 August - 5 September
Group 7 5 - 12 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Bled, Bohinj, Mount Vogel, Matjaz’s Homestead, Skofja Loka, Velden, Klagenfurt, Ljubljana, Kranjska Gora,Lake Jasna, Lago di Fusine, Tarvisio, Monte Lussari, Postojna Caves & Predjama Castle
TUESDAY | We will meet at the airport at 3.30pm for our direct Air Malta flight to Ljubljana departing at 6.00pm and arriving in Slovenia at 8.00pm. Upon arrival, we will proceed to our central hotel in Bled and check-in.
WEDNESDAY | We will start off our stay with a full-day optional excursion to explore the town of Bled, known as the pearl of the Slovenian Alpine region. We shall visit Bled Castle (entrance extra), and then proceed to Bohinj, the largest glacier lake in Slovenia, situated in the region of the Julian Alps. We will take a cable car (extra – weather permitting) up to Mount Vogel and admire the stupendous view till we reach the summit.
St. Nikolai, City Hall, Ljubljana Castle, and the three bridges. We shall first have a panoramic city tour followed by a walking tour. We will later have some free time to enjoy this beautiful city at leisure.
u u
Air Malta return direct flights to Ljubljana airport
7 nights in 4-star Hotel in Bled or similar
Rooms with private facilities, TV & A/C
Daily buffet breakfasts
u u u
Return airport transfers
Use of swimming pool
Services of tour leader
Bled/Bohinj/Mt Vogel €39 €19
Matjaz’s Homestead/Skofja Loka €42 €21
Velden/Klagenfurt €45 €21
Ljubljana €39 €19
Kranjska Gora/Lake Jasna €41 €20
Lago di Fusine/Tarvisio/Monte Lussari €40 €38
Predjama Castle/Postojna Caves €33 €16
City tax of €3.13 per person per night is to be paid directly at hotel
Bled Castle €12 Adults/€5 Children
Mount Vogel Cable Car (return) €28 Adult/€14 Children
Matjaz’s Homestead €15 Adults/€6 Children
Monte Lussari €14 Adults/€7 Children
THURSDAY | Our second full-day optional excursion takes us in the area of Novo Mesto visiting the traditional 150-year-old Matjaz's Homestead (extra) where you can learn about life in the countryside of Dolenjska. This country house was restored and refurbished in the traditional way. After touring the homestead and the old wine cellar, we will attend to a multi-vision presentation about the history of wine. All this is followed by a snack of home-made bread, cheese and obviously wine (fruit juice for children) and learn about the mysteries of a special wine variety of Cvicek Wine. Our next stop will be in the beautiful, mystical and medieval Skofja Loka where inspiration from the past can be used to create new memories for the future.
FRIDAY | Today, we will board our coach and go on an optional full-day excursion crossing Austria. First, we will visit Velden, the famous and vibrant village on the shore of Lake Wörthersee. We then proceed to the 17th century town of Klagenfurt in the southern part of Austria. Located on the eastern bank of Lake Wörthersee, Carinthia’s capital makes a wonderful destination thanks to its cultural treasures and nearby mountains. The Neuer Platz is dominated by the Lindwurm, a winged dragon, which is the emblem of the city and was modelled on the dragon of a local legend.
SATURDAY | This morning, we shall go on an optional full-day excursion to visit Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia. This friendly city has a baroque section of the old town, with narrow, cobbled streets nestled between the castle slopes and the river Ljubljanica. Highlights of the old town include the Cathedral of
SUNDAY | An enjoyable full-day optional excursion takes us to visit Kranjska Gora. Set near the borders with Austria and Italy, this winter and summer tourist resort touches Triglav National Park. The day spent here is a fun day, with loads to do (fun activities are extra), or just enjoying the beautiful scenery around. We shall then make a stop at the beautiful Lake Jasna, located just 2km from Kranjska Gora. Lake Jasna is a stunning alpine lake with breathtaking views of the high mountain peaks as a dramatic backdrop. The lake is guarded by a statue of ‘Zlatorog’, the Golden Horn, the legendary chamois of Mount Triglav.
MONDAY | On today’s full-day optional excursion, we will cross over to Italy driving towards Lago di Fusine and Tarvisio. We will first stop at Lago di Fusine where we will find two breathtaking lakes. We later proceed to Tarvisio and visit Piazza di Unità. We will have time for lunch (extra) before proceeding towards Monte Lussari where we take a cable car (extra – weather permitting) and admire the absolute heavenly panoramic views from a height of 1,789m. The mountain is located where Italy, Austria and Slovenia meet. On top there is a quaint village around a stunning 14th century Sanctuary. Legend has it that the Madonna appeared where the Sanctuary is built which made it famous with pilgrims due to the traditional related to the discovery of a statue of the Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus. At the elevation there is also a village wth attractive narrow alleys, restaurants and cafes.
TUESDAY | Today, our full-day optional excursion takes us to Predjama Castle and Postojna caves (entrances extra). We first visit Predjama Castle, a unique structure in Gothic style built right in the mountains under a natural rocky arch with a curious history. Our next stop will be a visit to the Postojna caves which feature 24km of amazing stalactite and stalagmite structures. An electric train will take us into the caves, and then a guide will walk us through the most dramatic parts of the caves. We return to Bled and later we make our way to Ljubljana airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 8.50pm and arriving in Malta at 10.50pm.
22 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
FROM €599
u u
Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund u
Postojna Caves & Predjama Castle €32.90 Adults/€21.40 Children
Group 8 12 - 19 September
4-Star Hotel Park
Adult in Twin €769 €669
Adult in Single €1149 €1049
Half board €140
Lake view supplement €70
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken.
4 Star Hotel Park
Hotel Park, the refurbishment of Bled's largest hotel, the Hotel Park, is situated right on the lake shore in the heart of Bled, on Bled's famous promenade. For relaxation, visit the SpaPark, where you will find a large indoor swimming pool with heated thermal water, as well as a Finnish and infrared sauna, all with incredible panoramic views of Lake Bled and the clifftop castle. Hotel Facts for wellness: indoor swimming pool, Spa Park with Saunas, Thai-Center, fitness, conference hall, restaurant.
4 Star Hotel Savica Garni
Hotel Savica Garni, is dedicated to protecting nature and the environment. This eco-hotel is family friendly and you are sure to leave it with plenty of new information on how to continue contributing to a cleaner environment and protecting nature after your return home. You are entitled to free admission to the Živa Wellness swimming pools in the neighbouring Sava hotels.
Adult in Triple €699 €599
Adult in Twin €789 €689
Adult in Single €1039 €939
Child sharing (6-11 years) €559 €459
Child sharing (2-5 years) €399 €299
Half board Adult/Child €140/€70
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken. **Third bed is a sofa bed and ideal for either youths or children
23 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
4-Star Hotel Savica Garni (Family Hotel)
Sensational Slovenia
Group 1 4 - 11 July
Group 2 11 - 18 July
Group 3 18 - 25 July
Group 4 25 July - 1 August
Group 5 1 - 8 August
Group 6 8 - 15 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 7 15 - 22 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 8 22 - 29 August
Group 9 29 August - 5 September
Group 10 5 - 12 September (8 September - Public Holiday)
Group 11 12 - 19 September
Ljubljana, Maribor, Ptuj, Velden, Klagenfurt, Bled, Bohinj, Mount Vogel, Kranjska Gora, Piran, Koper, Postojna Caves & Predjama Castle
Air Malta return direct flights to Ljubljana airport
7 nights in 3-star City Hotel in Ljubljana or Hotel Austria Trend** or similar Rooms with private facilities, TV & A/C
Rich daily buffet breakfasts
Return airport transfers Services of tour leader
Airport taxes and service charge Insolvency fund
Adult in Twin €759/€659* €849/€749*
Adult in Single €969/€869* €999/€899*
Child sharing w/2 adults €399/€299* €489/€389*
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken. **Austria Trend Ljubljana is situated 3.4km from city centre. It has a spa, wellness centre and on-site restaurants
Ljubljana €22 €11
Maribor/Ptuj €43 €22
Velden/Klagenfurt €43 €22
Bled/Bohinj/Mount Vogel €45 €23
Kranjska Gora/Lake Jasna €45 €23
Piran/Koper €44 €22
Postojna Caves/Predjama Castle €33 €17
City tax of €3.13 per person per night is to be paid directly at the hotel
Ptuj Castle €8 Adults/€3 Children
Bled Castle €12 Adults/€5 Children
Mt Vogel Cable Car (return) €28 Adults/€14 Children
Postojna Caves & Predjama Castle €32.90 Adults/€21.40 Children
TUESDAY | We will meet at the airport at 3.30pm for our direct Air Malta flight to Ljubljana departing at 6.00pm and arriving in Slovenia at 8.00pm. Then, we will check-in in our hotel in Ljubljana.
WEDNESDAY | We shall start our tour with an optional half-day guided city tour of Ljubljana. One can notice the baroque influence in the old part of town, with narrow cobbled streets nestled between the castle slopes and the river Ljubljanica. Highlights of the old town include the Cathedral of St. Nikolai, City Hall, the three bridges and Ljubljana Castle. The rest of the day is free to enjoy this beautiful city at leisure.
THURSDAY | Today, our optional full-day excursion will take us to visit Maribor and Ptuj. Maribor is the second biggest town in Slovenia, and in character, it is totally different from Ljubljana and the western parts of the country. We will then have some free time to enjoy Maribor before we proceed to visit the oldest town in Slovenia, Ptuj, which is located just a short drive away. We will explore its beauty in a walking
tour through the town and visit Ptuj Castle (entrance extra), the Provost church and the old City Hall.
FRIDAY | We will board our coach for a full-day optional excursion and cross over to Austria. First, we will visit Velden, the famous and vibrant village on the shore of Lake Wörthersee. We then proceed to the 17th century town of Klagenfurt in the southern part of Austria which has been awarded the prestigious Europa Nostra Diploma for its restored arcaded Renaissance courtyards. Located on the eastern bank of Lake Wörthersee, Carinthia's capital makes a wonderful destination thanks to its cultural treasures and nearby mountains. The Neuer Platz is dominated by the Lindwurm, a winged dragon, which is the emblem of the city and was modelled on the dragon of a local legend.
SATURDAY | Today, we go for a relaxing full-day optional excursion to Bled, known as the “Pearl of the Slovenian Alpine region”, due to its emerald-green lake and the church on the small island in the middle of the lake. We shall visit Bled Castle (entrance extra)
4 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 82 and 83
u u u u u u
PRICE PER PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE *SPECIAL PRICE GROUP 1 -3 & 6-11 GROUP 4-5 Adult in Triple €699/599* €789/€689*
u u
24 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
up on the hill above the lake. We then proceed to Bohinj, the largest glacier lake in Slovenia, situated in the region of the Julian Alps where we will have enough time to relax at the side of the peaceful Bohinj Lake and take in the natural beauty all around. Afterwards, we will take a cable car (extra – weather permitting) up to Mount Vogel where we can admire the magnificent view from the summit.
SUNDAY | Today, we will spend a relaxing full-day optional excursion at the famous Slovenian skiing resort of Kranjska Gora. Set near the borders with Austria and Italy, this winter and summer tourist resort touches Triglav National Park to the south. This picturesque village still retains its identity - traditional mountain homeliness and athletic dynamism are united here. The day spent here is a fun day, with loads to do (fun activities are extra) or just enjoying the beautiful scenery around. Later, we visit Lake Jasna before we make our way back to the hotel.
MONDAY | Another optional full-day excursion takes us towards the Adriatic Coast! We will first drive towards the oldest coastal town in Slovenia, Piran, where we admire its charming Venetian architecture whilst enjoying a walking tour. Piran is renowned for the delicious fish dishes and one can enjoy lunch (extra) in one of the various restaurants. We will later proceed to Koper (known as Capodistria for the Italians), famous for its interwinding streets, squares, remnants of an ancient city wall and the largest Cathedral in Slovenia.
TUESDAY | Today, we shall go on a full-day fascinating optional excursion to Postojna and Predjama. Postojna caves (entrance extra) are amongst the largest in the world. There are 22km of amazing stalagmite and stalactite structures. This underground world was created by nature with the help of the river Pivka. An electric train will take us into the caves and then a guide will walk us through the most dramatic parts of the caves. We will also visit Predjama Castle (entrance extra), a unique structure in Gothic style, built right in the mountains. Later, we will make our way to Ljubljana airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 8.50pm and arriving in Malta at 10.50pm.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 6
Group 7
Group 11
Group 4
Group 5
Group 8
Group 9
Group 10
5 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 82 and 83
25 All the above prices are subject to change.
There are million ways to feel Slovenia. Everywhere and any time you go you’ll always run into something that reflects your unique taste and view of the world. The only question that remains is: what’s going to be your way of feeling Slovenia?
Kranjska Gora in Slovenia
Group 1 4 - 11 July
Group 2 11 - 18 July
Group 3 18 - 25 July
Group 4 25 July - 1 August
Group 5 1- 8 August
Group 6 8 - 15 August (15 August - National Holiday)
Group 7 15 -22 August (15 August - National Holiday)
Group 8 22 - 29 August
Group 9 29 August - 5 September
Group 10 5 - 12 September (8 September - Public Holiday)
Group 11 12 - 19 September
Kranjska Gora, Lago di Fusine, Tarvisio, Monte Lussari, Bled, Bohinj, Mount Vogel, Vintgar Gorge, Velika Planina, Velden, Klagenfurt, Predil Pass, Kozjak Waterfalls, Ljubljana & Skocjan Caves
Air Malta return direct flights to Ljubljana airport
7 nights in 4-star Hotel Ramada Hotel & Suites or similar in Kranjska Gora
Rooms with private facilities & TV
Daily buffet breakfasts
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge
Insolvency fund
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken.
Lago di Fusine/Tarvisio/Monte Lussari €37 €19
Bled/Bohinj/Mount Vogel €41 €21
Vintgar Gorge/Velika Planina €37 €19
Velden/Klagenfurt €40 €20
Predil Pass/Beekeeping, BBQ & Kozjak
Waterfalls (includes Bee Keeping House, lunch & drinks) €58 €38
Ljubljana €43 €22
Skocjan Caves €25 €13
City tax of €3.13 per person per night is to be paid directly at hotel
Cable Car Monte Lussari €14 Adult/€7 Children
Bled Castle €12 Adults/€5 Children
Pletna Boat €18 Adults/€9 children
Cable Car Mount Vogel (return) €28 Adult/€14 Children
Vintgar Gorge €10 Adults/€6 Children
Cable Car Velika Planina €21 Adult/€12 Children
Pyramidenkogel €13Adults/€8 Children
Kozjak Waterfalls €5 Adults/ €3 Children
TUESDAY | We will meet at the airport at 3.30pm for our direct Air Malta flight to Ljubljana departing at 6.00pm and arriving in Slovenia at 8.00pm. Upon arrival, we will proceed to our central hotel in Kranjska Gora and check-in.
WEDNESDAY | On today’s full-day optional excursion, we will cross over to Italy and drive towards Lago di Fusine and Tarvisio. On our way, we will first make a stop at Lake Jasna, located just 2km from Kranjska Gora. Lake Jasna is a stunning alpine lake with breathtaking views of the high mountain peaks as a dramatic backdrop. We will then proceed to Lago di Fusine, where we will find two breathtaking lakes. We later make our way to Tarvisio and visit Piazza di Unità. Time for lunch (extra) before proceeding towards the foot of Monte Lussari where we can opt to take a cable car (extra) and admire the stunning views. Monte Lussari is famous with pilgrims due to the tradition related to the discovery of a statue of the Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus.
THURSDAY | Today, our optional full-day excursion will take us to explore the town of Bled, known as the pearl of the Slovenian Alpine region. We will be visiting Bled Castle (entrance extra) to see the magnificent view of Bled Island and the Emerald Lake from above. Afterwards we will enjoy a boat ride by making use of a Pletna boat (extra) to visit Bled island itself before proceeding to lake Bohinj, the largest glacier lake in Slovenia, situated in the region of the Julian Alps. We will take a cable car (extra – weather permitting) up to Mount Vogel and admire the stupendous view as we reach the summit.
FRIDAY | Today, our optional full-day excursion will take us to Vintgar Gorge (extra) to experience the most unspoilt nature of Bled and enjoy in the unmissable scenery of the gorge. The highlight is a 1600m wooden walkway through the gorge, built in 1893 and continually rebuilt since. It crisscrosses the swirling Radovna River four times over rapids, waterfalls, and pools before reaching 16m-high Šum Waterfall. Then we proceed to Velika Planina, a dispersed high-elevation settlement made up mostly of herders’ dwellings on the Karst Big Pasture Plateau in the Kamnik Alps. We will board a cable car (extra) and get to enjoy some stunning views.
SATURDAY | We will board our coach for a full-day optional excursion and cross over to Austria. First, we visit Velden, the famous and vibrant village on
the shore of Lake Wörthersee. We will later drive to the popular Pyramidenkogel (entrance extra), a wooden steel structure overlooking Lake Wörthersee. Pyramidenkogel is the highest observation tower in the world with a total height of 100metres. We then proceed to the 17th century town of Klagenfurt in the southern part of Austria which has been awarded the prestigious Europa Nostra Diploma for its restored arcaded Renaissance courtyards. Located on the eastern bank of Lake Wörthersee, Carinthia’s capital makes a wonderful destination thanks to its cultural treasures and nearby mountains. The Neuer Platz is dominated by the Lindwurm, a winged dragon, which is the emblem of the city and was modelled on the dragon of a local legend.
SUNDAY | Today, our full-day optional excursion will take us through Predil Pass and towards a Beekeeping house, where we will learn about their methods and also enjoy a tasting of their products (included). This will be followed by a lovely barbeque in this incredibly beautiful setting (drinks and lunch included). We will then proceed to Kozjak Waterfalls (extra), nicely set through a gorge where we will first cross an interesting wooden suspension bridge whilst admiring some more stunning views (the walk to the waterfalls is easy to moderate, however the last path to the waterfalls does not have any handles to hold on to).
MONDAY | This morning, we shall go on an optional full-day excursion to visit Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia. This friendly city has a baroque section of the old town, with narrow, cobbled streets nestled between the castle slopes and the river Ljubljanica. Highlights of the old town include the Cathedral of St. Nikolai, City Hall, Ljubljana Castle, and the three bridges. We shall first have a panoramic city tour followed by a walking tour. We will later have some free time to enjoy this beautiful city at leisure before proceeding for some shopping at one of the best malls Ljubljana has to offer with more than 450 shops(extra).
TUESDAY | For our last day, we have the morning free then after check out we proceed with an optional half-day excursion to Skocjan Caves (entrance extra). Ranking among the most important caves in the world, the Skocjan Caves represent the most significant underground phenomena in both the Karst region and Slovenia. After we explore the caves, we make our way to Ljubljana airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 8.50pm and arriving in Malta at 10.50pm
27 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u
u u u PRICE PER PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE *SPECIAL PRICE GROUP 1 & 9-11 GROUP 2-8 Adult in Triple €599/€499* €649/€549* Adult in Twin €649/€549* €699/€599* Adult in Single €779/€679* €829/€729* Child with 2 adults (6-11 yrs) €449/€349* €479/€379* Child with 2 adults (2-5 yrs) €399/€299* €449/€349* Half board Adult /Child €129/€60 €129/€60
4 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 82 and 83 in Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 82 and 83 More people want spontaneous and immersive entertainment that says something unique about them, which they can talk about with their friends and followers. An active holiday offers that in spades. Not only is it about where you are but what you do. Add an activity while on tour or tailor make your own holiday. … and so much more! For more details kindly call us on 21238039 or send us an e-mail: Activities are not covered by insurance
are all about you...
Moravske Toplice with a touch of Croatia, Austria & Hungary
Group 1 18 - 25 July
Group 2 25 July - 1 August
Group 3 1 - 8 August
Group 4 22 - 29 August
Group 5 29 August - 5 September
Bukovnika Lake, Lendava, Zagreb, Graz, Keszthely, Tihany, Szantod & Ptuj
Air Malta return direct flights to Ljubljana airport
7 nights in 4-star Terme Vivat Hotel in Moravske Toplice or similar
Rooms with private facilities, TV, A/C, bathrobe & bath towels
Rich daily buffet breakfasts
Unlimited entrance to the thermal pool complex
Night swimming on Friday until 9pm Return airport transfers Services of tour leader
taxes and service charge
Child sharing/2 adults (2-9 yrs) €569 €469
Half Board Adult/Child €109/€55
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken
Bukovnika Lake/Lendava €35 €18
Zagreb €45 €23
Graz €45 €23
Keszthely/Tihany/Szantod (incl. ferry) €49 €25
Ptuj €25 €13
City tax of €2 per person per night is to be paid directly at the hotel
Vinarium Lendava €6 Adults/ free for children under 6 years
Cuk Wine House - €31 per Adult
Zotter Chocolate Factory €19.90 Adults/€16.90 11-17years/€13.90
6-10years/€7.90 4-5years/Free 0-3 years
Helikon Palace Museum (Castle + 1 exhibition) 3 200 ft (approx. €8.40) Adult/1 600 Ft (approx. €4.20) 6 – 26 years & over 62 years
Ptuj Castle €8 Adults / €3 Children
TUESDAY | We will meet at the airport at 3.30pm for our direct Air Malta flight to Ljubljana departing at 6.00pm and arriving in Slovenia at 8.00pm. Then, we will check-in in our 4-star hotel Terme Vivat in Moravske Toplice.
WEDNESDAY | Our half day optional excursion today takes us for a lovely drive towards Bukovnika Lake, an artificial lake which was originally intended for aquaculture, and later evolved in fishing and sport fishing. The Bukovnika Lake is also known amongst Slovenians for the energy points and relaxation points and since it is the source of St. Vid, drinking water supposedly gives you eternal youth! We continue our day by stopping at the watchtower Vinarium Lendava (extra) standing 53.3 meters tall, which offers an incredible 360° view of the colorful landscape that stretches from the settlement of Lendavske gorice, where the tower proudly stands, all the way to the river basin of Mura, and encompasses a wonderful view of the plains and hills of Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, and Austria. We proceed to Cuk Wine House (extra), were we treat ourselves to their local specialties, for example cold cuts from their farm or the rustic retaš strudel based on their grandmother’s recipe and enjoy a professional tasting of white, rosé and red wines.
THURSDAY | Our full-day optional excursion today we cross the border to Croatia to the city of Zagreb. Upon arrival, we will have a city tour of Zagreb where we will walk around the historic monuments, green parks and vibrant streets of Croatia’s capital. We will walk around upper and lower Zagreb, the Cathedral, St Mark’s church and square, the Stone Gate, the main square and Zrinjevac park.
FRIDAY | Free Day to enjoy the hotel Terme Vivat. The pool complex features white and black thermal water which has unique therapeutic properties. One can choose from a recreational indoor pool, whirlpools, an outdoor Olympic swimming pool, nature pool, kids pool as well as indoor swimming pool complex only for adults (some services may incur an extra charge).
SATURDAY | Today, our full-day optional excursion
will take us to visit the second largest city of Austria, Graz. This city provides visitors with an incredible mix of historical sites to visit, cultural centres to explore, shopping centres and a thriving modern cafe and restaurant scene. Later we will proceed to Zotter Chocolate Factory (extra), were we step into the world of chocolate and experience first-hand how chocolate is made. We go around the factory at our own pace with an audio guide giving us the most important facts and lots of additional information, featuring hundreds of chocolate samples for nibbling and tasting. We have the opportunity to also visit the Edible Zoo were we can explore the adventurous organic farm experience, where rare animal breeds live and regional fruit and vegetable varieties thrive.
SUNDAY | Free Day to enjoy the hotel Terme Vivat. The pool complex features white and black thermal water which has unique therapeutic properties. One can choose from a recreational indoor pool, whirlpools, an outdoor Olympic swimming pool, nature pool, kids pool as well as indoor swimming pool complex only for adults (some services may incur an extra charge).
MONDAY | Today, for our full-day optional excursion we cross the border to Hungary, where first we visit The Festetics Palace, a Baroque palace located in the town of Keszthely one of the largest buildings of its kind in Hungary. The building now houses the Helikon Palace Museum (extra). We continue towards Tihany, a peninsula jutting 5km into the lake on the northern shore of Lake Balaton. From here we take a ferry boat (included) to the other side of the lake to Szantod. This village is known for its ferry, ferryboats, views of Tihany from Szántód and the Szántódpuszta Tourist and Cultural Center which is a village museum.
TUESDAY | Our half day optional excursion takes us to visit the town of Ptuj. We will explore its beauty in a walking tour through the town and visit Ptuj Castle (extra), the Provost church and the old city hall. Here we also have time for lunch (extra) and return to Moravske Toplice. Later, we will make our way to Ljubljana airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 8.50pm and arriving in Malta at 10.50pm.
29 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u u PRICE PER PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE Adult in Triple €669 €569 Adult in Twin €699 €599 Adult in Single €839 €739 Child sharing/2 adults (10-13 yrs) €599
u u u u
Exploring North Macedonia
Group 1 6 - 13 July
Group 2 24 - 31 August
Skopje, Matka Canyon, Mount Vodno, Ohrid, Vevcani Springs, Struga, Bitola & St Naum
Wizz Air return direct flights to Skopje including 10kg hand luggage and 20kg checked-in luggage
2 nights in 4-star hotel Next Door Park in Skopje or similar
5 nights in 4-star hotel Belvedere in Ohrid or similar
Rooms with private facilities & TV
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
Adult in Triple €659 €559
Adult in Twin €679 €579
Adult in Single €849 €749
Child sharing/2 adults (7-12 yrs) €589 €489
Child sharing/2 adults (3-6 yrs) €559 €459
Half Board (6 meals) €99
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken.
Matka Canyon (incl. boat ride)/Vodno €59 €39
Skopje €35 €18
Ohrid (incl. boat ride) €39 €25
Vevcani Springs (incl. Lunch)/Struga €59 €39
Bitola €45 €23
St Naum €45 €23
City tax of €2.10 per person per night (from 6 years upwards) is to be paid directly at hotel
THURSDAY | We meet at 7.20pm for Our Wizz Air flight to Skopje departing at 9.50pm. On arrival at 11.30pm, we are transferred to our hotel in Skopje and check-in.
FRIDAY | Today after breakfast we go on a full day optional excursion to Matka canyon. The Canyon is famous for its green peaceful lake in the middle of the Mountain with a stone path that takes us into the forest. The Matka Lake within the Matka Canyon is the oldest artificial lake in the country. We will see the Monastery of St. Andrew (14th century) situated in its vicinity. After we will take a boat trip to visit the Cave Vrelo with its stalactites and stalagmites, one of the deepest underwater caves in Europe. Later we will visit the Mountain of Vodno. There we will catch the millennium ropeway cable car to the top where we will find the Millennium Cross and admire the spectacular views of the capital of Republic of Macedonia, Skopje.
SATURDAY | We will start our day with a halfday Skopje optional city tour visiting the famous Macedonian square with its historical 136 monuments from Project Skopje 2014, the Mother Theresa Memorial House, The Old Bazaar, The Stone Bridge and The Museum of the Holocaust. Later, we checkout and we proceed with our drive to Lake Ohrid and check-in at our hotel.
SUNDAY | We will start off our stay in Ohrid with a full day optional sightseeing tour of Ohrid which is one of the most beautiful Macedonian cities and famous for its Lake. Ohrid is one of the few Unesco heritage sites that is both a natural world heritage (the lake) and a cultural world heritage (the Old Town). Lake Ohrid is one of the deepest and oldest lakes in the world. We will have the possibility to see Samoil Fortress, the Antique Theatre, Perivlepta Church and the Gallery of Icons. Among the famous churches of Ohrid we will see the Church of Saints Clement and Panteleimon, The church of St Sophia and the famous church of St John at Kaneo with its stunning views. We make a stop at Ohrid pearls Filevi, one of the oldest and original pearl makers of Ohrid and are shown the process in making of these pearls. After lunch (extra) and some free time for shopping we take a boat trip(included) around the lake.
MONDAY | Our full day optional excursion takes us to
Struga, a vivid and vibrant village visited by merchants and travellers throughout the centuries. Struga hasn’t lost any of its charm with its bridges on the river Drim, its shops and food market bustling with people. We will then proceed to the Monastery of Kalishta, lying at the shore of Lake Ohrid. This monastery consists of four churches, one of which is famous for being in a cave and has one of the 450 icons in Europe that has a ‘Black Madonna’. We will then proceed to the Western side of Lake Ohrid, where we will have time to enjoy a traditional Macedonian lunch in a lovely restaurant surrounded by nature. Afterwards, we will walk through the forest till we reach the waterfalls, enjoying the greenery around us and listening to the relaxing sound of the springs.
TUESDAY | We start off with an optional full-day excursion taking us to Bitola, the second largest city in Northern Macedonia. Here, we will enjoy a sightseeing tour of the archaeological site Heraclea - the most beautiful roman and early Christian centre in Macedonia, with its mosaic floors and marble statues. We will then make our way towards Bitola’s famous square and main pedestrian street. After our guided tour of the centre we can enjoy some free time walking through the old stone streets of the Old Bazaar and taste some Balkan food from the lovely restaurants/stalls or the Food market.
WEDNESDAY | This morning we will visit (optional) the Eastern side of the lake namely the famous Museum on Water otherwise known as the bay of bones situated next to a peninsula in Ohrid. These dwellings represent the reconstruction of a Neolitic pile-dwelling settlement. We will continue driving towards The Monastery of St. Naum which is situated close to the springs of the Black Drim River, which then flows out of the Lake at Struga. With a wonderful surrounding area, the St. Naum Monastery is a popular day trip where you can enjoy both nature and religious heritage. Here we enjoy a relaxing afternoon where we can enjoy a lovely lunch at one of the lovely river restaurants (extra).
THURSDAY | After breakfast we will proceed to Skopje and on arrival, . We will then have some free time for lunch or shopping at the Skopje city Mall before we proceed to the airport for our flight leaving at 7.30pm and arriving at 9.15pm
30 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u u u u u
All taxes Insolvency fund
Serbian Lakes & Mountains
Group 1 5 - 12 July
Group 2 12 - 19 July
Group 3 19 - 26 July
Group 4 26 July - 2 August
Group 5 2 - 9 August
Group 6 9 - 16 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 7 16 - 23 August
Group 8 23 - 30 August
Group 9 30 August - 6 September
Group 10 6 - 13 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Zlatibor, Mokra Gora, Gostilje Waterfalls, Sirogojno, Ovca, Kablar, Tara National Park, Spajici Lake, Mitrovac, Uvac Lake, Negbina, Stopica Cave & Uzice
WEDNESDAY | We meet at 12.05pm for our Air Serbia flight departing to Belgrade at 2.35pm and arriving at 4.30pm. On arrival, we check in at our 4-star Hotel Zlatibor Mona in Zlatibor for our buffet dinner.
Air Serbia return direct flights to Belgrade airport including 8kg hand luggage and 23kg checked-in luggage
7 nights in 4-star Hotel Zlatibor Mona in Zlatibor or similar Rooms with private facilities, TV & WiFi
7 buffet breakfasts
Return airport transfers
Usage of Wellness Centre in Hotel Zlatibor Mona
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes and service charge
Insolvency fund
Adult in Twin €699 €599
Adult in Single €949 €849
Child sharing/2 adults (10-13 yrs) €449 €349
Child sharing/2 adults (2-9 yrs) €429 €329
Half Board (7 meals) Adult/Child €109/€55
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken.
Zlatibor guided city tour €39 €20
Mokra Gora (incl. train ride) €49 €30
Gostilje Waterfalls /Zlatibor Mountain/Sirogojno €41 €20
Ovcar-Kablar Gorge (incl. boat ride) €52 €32
Tara National Park/ Mitrovac €46 €30
Uvac Lake (incl. boat ride & lunch)/Negbina €55 €35
Stopica Cave/Uzice €41 €20
City tax of €1.30 per person per night is to be paid directly at hotel.
Gold Gondola €12 per person
Stopica Cave €3 Adult/€2 Child
THURSDAY | We start off our day with a short walk to the beautiful Zlatibor Lake which is surrounded with boutique shops. Our next stop will be the local market where one can buy traditional products such as woodcarvings, handcrafts and souvenirs, smoked ham, and kaymak, a traditional creamy Serbian cheese. We will then make a short stop at St John the Baptist church and Stone bridge and continue our drive towards Mokra Gora and enjoy an Archaic Sargan Eight train ride by narrow-gauge railway which passes through gorgeous Tara Mountain landscapes with various stops along the way. Afterwards we will visit the Wooden Town located on the top of Mecavnik Hill, a traditional settlement founded by famous film director Emir Kusturica.
FRIDAY | We start off our stay with an optional fullday excursion taking us to the beautiful Gostilje Waterfalls. Later, we will drive to Sirogojno and visit the “Staro Selo Sirogojno”, an open-air museum or “ethno village” known as the Old Village Museum. The ethno village displays a set of traditional wooden buildings, including a bakery, a dairy, and an inn, all in authentic form. The village of Sirogojno was declared a Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1983, and it is protected by the Republic of Serbia. We make our way back to Zlatibor and have time for lunch (extra). Later we will take a ride on Zlatibor’s Panoramic Gold Gondola (extra) which will take us on a 9km ride to the peak of Tornik where we can admire magnificent views.
SATURDAY | Today, our optional full-day excursion will take us towards a location situated in central Serbia, where the Zapadna Morava river has carved a gorge, impressive in scale, between the mountains of Ovcar and Kablar (also called the Holy Mountain). Here, we will have a boat ride (included) which makes a stop at a medieval monastery along the banks which is unique for its location and the era in which it came into being. In terms of its cultural and spiritual significance, as well as its artistic value, this monastery is second only to the monasteries of Fruka Gora. After the boat trip we will have time for lunch at the riverside restaurant (extra) or a swim in the river. On the way we make a stop at a local pottery shop in the village of Zlakusa and get first-hand experience in how local pottery is made (included).
SUNDAY | Today, we will go for a very pleasant fullday optional excursion, taking us to the Tara National Park. The Park is especially famous for its fascinating nature. We will enjoy a tour of Lazici Dam (photo stop) while observing Spajici Lake and the area where the famous Pancic’s Spruce was discovered in 1875. We will next make a stop in Mitrovac where we take a walk through the protected woods along the Red Creek to the natural phenomenon Carpet Meadow. Moving on we stop at Perucac which is reputedly Serbia smallest river- the Vrelo, also known as the yearlong river due to its length-365m-from source to end with the length in metres corresponding to the number of days in a year. Our last stop will be at River Drina where we will see the famous and beautiful House on the rock.
MONDAY | Today, we can enjoy a day surrounded by nature! Our full-day optional excursion will take us to visit Uvac Lake. The lake consists of a compound of unreal meanders that nature carved in a miraculous way, showing off the most beautiful color of crystal-clear waters. Our day will help us forget about civilization for a short while, and we can relax whilst hearing the sounds of nature and enjoying the unspoiled natural wealth. We shall have a boat ride (included) on Zlatar Lake (Kokin Brod) and we have time for lunch (included) by the river. On the way back to Zlatibor, we make a stop in the village of Negbina, where we visit a magical forest with pine trees of very unusual shapes over 100 years old which are associated with several local legends.
TUESDAY | Our last full-day optional excursion will take us first to Stopica Cave (extra), famous for its 10m high subterranean waterfall, but also its climate. The Stopica cave, on the left bank of the Pristavica River, is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Western Serbia. We will then make our way to Uzice, stopping at Kadinjaca Memorial Complex. This is Serbia’s most grandiose spomenik (Yugoslav-era memorial) and commemorates the Partisans from the Workers's Battalion who perished on this spot fighting the Germans in November 1941. Set in the valley of Detinja River, surrounded by magnificent beauties of mountains Tara and Zlatibor. Many people pass by this city which holds a long and wild history.
WEDNESDAY | This morning, we will check-out of our rooms and make our way to Belgrade airport for our Air Serbia flight departing at 11.55am and arriving in Malta at 1.50pm.
u u u u u u
u u u
Adult in Quad
€499 Adult in Triple €659
31 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Bihac & Banja Luka beauty!
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken.
**Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats next to each other, this many incur a charge. An additional charge applies for extra luggage.
Banja Luka €35 €18
Jajce €35 €18
Vrbas €35 €18
National Park Luna €4 per person
Ethno Village Ljubacke Doline €2 per person
Jajce waterfall €6 per person Castle €2.50 per person
Catacoms €3 per person
Mitras temple €1 per person
Dayak tour €10 per person
TUESDAY | We will meet at the airport at 11.15 am for our Ryanair flight departing at 1.45pm and arriving in Zagreb airport at 3.35pm. Transfer to our Emporium hotel. After check in. We join our tour leader for a short familiarization walk in the evening to discover the city of Bihac.
WEDNESDAY | Today, we will have an optional full day excursion taking us to Plitvice. We will be visiting the Plitvice Lakes which are UNESCO protected and are one of the most unique places to visit in Croatia. Later, we can take either the panoramic train tour or boat trip which are a great way to see the park and learn about its history and ecology of the park. The train makes several stops along the way to get out and explore the park.
THURSDAY | Early breakfast, check out from our hotel and we start our trip towards Banja Luka in Bosnia Herzegovina. On the way, we will visit the National Park Una which is all about water with a network of river streams, pools. We will walk around River Una with its clean and clear water, many waterfalls, and white water rapids. Later on in the afternoon, we carry on our trip to Banja Luka, in Bosnia Herzegovina and to our Courtyard Marriot hotel and check-in. We join our tour leader for a short evening familiarization walk in Banja Luka centre.
FRIDAY | This morning we go on an optional guided city tour of Banja Luka. We will explore this beautiful small town where we will see the landmark city sights, architectural wonders, and staggering views. Later,
we stop in the famous Fortress Kastel, the largest fortress and the oldest monument in Banja Luka, and the Franciscian Monastery Marija Zvijeda. We visit an Ethno Village Ljubacke Doline, where we have lunch. The rest of the afternoon is free for personal sightseeing.
SATURDAY | After breakfast we go on an optional guided excursion to Jajce. This small town is located in the central part of Bosnia and Herzegovina Here we visit the most interesting places, like Savior, Ferhadija Mosque, and the Church of the Holy Trinity, the Jajce waterfall, a 3rd century temple and catacombs. A really interesting day to get to know the history of Bosnia.
SUNDAY | Today’s optional guided full-day excursion begins with a visit to Vrbas. It is one of the most beautiful rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the main Banja Luka watercourse passing through its center. We board a boat, called dayak. We then proceed to Piskavianda and we discover the panoramic city and the different old buildings. Some free time for personal sightseeing before we return to our hotel.
MONDAY | After breakfast we check out and start our drive to Zagreb. We make a short stop on the way before we proceed to the city of Zagreb for a short visit and enjoy the beautiful city centre. We later make our way to the airport for our flight departing at 8.45pm and arriving in Malta at 10.20pm.
32 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
FROM WHEN €499 VISITING Zagreb, Bihac, Plitvice lakes, the National Park & Banja Luka Ryanair flights to Zagreb airport including 10kg luggage 2 nights in 3-star Hotel Emporium or similar in Bihac 4 nights in 4-star Hotel Courtyard Marriot or similar in Banja Luka Rooms with private facilities & TV Daily breakfast Return airport transfers Services of tour leader Guide services All taxes Insolvency fund PRICE INCLUDES u u u u u
1 11
28 August
3 5
September u u u PRICE PER PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE Adult in Triple €599 €499 Adult in Twin €689 €589 Adult in Single €799 €699 Child sharing w/2 adults (6-11yrs) €499 €399 Child sharing w/2 adults (2-5yrs) €399 €299
- 17
22 -
- 11
19 - 25
Half board supplement
National Park Plivice (ent. included) €60 €30
Prague plus a touch of Germany
Group 2 11 – 18 July
Group 3 8 – 15 August 15 August - Public Holiday
Group 4 15 – 22 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 5 22 – 29 August
Group 6 29 August – 5 September
Prague, Dresden, Cesky Krumlov, Konopiste Castle, Kutna Hora, Karlovy Vary & Terezin Concentration Camp
Daily u u
buffet breakfast u
airport transfers
taxes & service charge
€679/€579* €749/€649*
Adult in Single €939/€839* €1009/€909*
Prague City Tour €25 €15
Dresden €49 €25
Cesky Krumlov €49 €25
Konopiste Castle €40 €20
Kutna Hora €49 €25
Karlovy Vary €49 €25
Terezin Concentration Camp €49 €25
City tax of €2 per person per night is to be paid directly at hotel
Prague Zoo CZK250/€10 per adult CZK200/€8 per child
Prague boat trip €14 per adult/€8 per child
Konopiste Castle CZK340/€14 per adult CZK250/€10 per child
Kutna Hora – St. Barbara’s Cathedral/Ossuary CZK150/€6 per person/CZK100/€4 per person
Funicular to Diana Tower - CZK50/€6 per person
TUESDAY | We will meet at the airport at 4.10pm for our Air Malta flight departing at 6.40pm and arriving in Prague airport at 9.10pm. We are transferred to our 4-star Hotel in Prague.
WEDNESDAY | We will start the day by joining our tour leader for an optional city tour of beautiful Prague. We will see interesting places such as the Castle, the lovely Cathedral of St. Vitus and walk along Charles’ Bridge, famous for its 30 statues. In the evening, we have some free time where one can stroll around the Old Time Square and Wenceslas Square, go to Prague Zoo (tram and entrance extra) which is considered to be the 4th best zoo in the world, or take a boat trip on Vltava River (extra).
THURSDAY | Our full-day optional excursion takes us to Dresden in Germany, where notable art treasures, architectural sights and charming landscapes merge to form a truly fascinating city. We see the main attractions, such as the Semper Opera House and the Frauenkirche Lutheran Church amongst others, and afterwards we have time for shopping and personal sightseeing.
FRIDAY | Today’s full-day optional excursion takes us to the south of Bohemia, to Cesky Krumlov, the most attractive historical town of the Bohemian region. On our way to this town, we pass through lovely scenery and villages. In Cesky Krumlov, we have time to visit the historic city centre and the castle (extra) that dominates the town.
SATURDAY | Today, we will go on a half-day optional excursion to Konopiste Castle (entrance extra), an impressive castle set in the beautiful Czech countryside. The castle dates from the 13th Century. It was built as a Gothic fortification in the style of a French chateau. In the 17th century, parts of the castle were remodelled in the Renaissance style,
followed by further alterations to the Baroque style in the 18th century. Konopiste is surrounded by thick forest, so throughout its existence, hunting was a popular pursuit for the nobility staying there. We will return to Prague in the afternoon where we will enjoy some free time.
SUNDAY | Today, we will go on an optional half-day excursion to Kutna Hora. It is one of the 12 places in the Czech Republic on UNESCO’s world heritage list but is most famous for its remarkable ‘bone church’ (extra), a cemetry chapel decorated with the bones of up to 40,000 people. The historic centre of Kutna Hora is one of the country’s prettiest and the gothic cathedral of St. Barbara is the country’s most spectacular. Once back in Prague, one may stroll around the medieval streets bursting with all kinds of shops, or one may stop at leisure in one of the several antique squares for a local snack and a glass of Czech beer.
MONDAY | This morning we will go on an optional fullday excursion to Karlovy Vary. The Czech Republic’s most famed spa destination, Karlovy Vary saw 200 spa houses sprout by the 1500s. The springs in the peaceful Tepla valley are said to cure metabolic and gastric issues. Five beautiful Colonnades straddle hot springs where visitors can sip the mineral rich water. One can also visit the Diana tower by an antique funicular (extra).
TUESDAY | Check-out, and on our half-day optional excursion, we will visit Terezin Concentration Camp, contained within the walls of the famed fortress Theresienstadt. Terezin, originally a holiday resort reserved for Czech nobility, was turned into a concentration camp during the World War II. The afternoon is free to enjoy in Prague. We will make our way to Prague airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 9.55pm and arriving in Malta at 0.25am.
33 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Air Malta return direct flights to Prague airport 7 nights in 4-star central Hotel New Town in Prague or similar Rooms with private facilities, A/C, TV & Wi-Fi u u u
of tour leader
Group 1 4 – 11 July
6 Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin €699/€599* €769/€669*
Child sharing w/2 adults €589/€489* €659/€559*
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken. **There are many restaurants in the vicinty of the hotel from which one can choose from
Poland's best Zakopane & Krakow
Group 1 31 July - 7 August
Group 2 14 - 21 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 3 21 - 28 August
Zakopane, Bachledova Valley, Magura Spiska Mountain (Slovakia), Chocholow Thermal Baths, Pieniniy National Park, Morskie Oko, Krakow, Wieliczka Salt Mines, Lagiewniki Hill, Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy & Tomb of Suor Faustina, Auschwitz, Birkenau & Wadowice
u u u u
Ryanair flights to Krakow Airport including 10kg luggage
3 nights in 3-star Hotel in Zakopane
4 nights in 3-star Hotel Wyspianski or similar in Krakow
Rooms with private facilities & TV
Daily breakfast
Return airport transfers
Group 4 28 August - 4 September u u
Free visit Morskie Oko
Services of tour leader
All taxes
Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €929 - €829* €799 - €699*
Adult in Twin €959 - €859* €829 - €729*
Adult in Single €1129 - €1029* €999 - €899*
Child Sharing with 2 adults €829 - €729* €699 - €599*
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
** Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other, this may incur a charge and extra luggage can be bought at an extra charge.
***There are many restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel where one can choose from.
Zakopane guided city tour €15 €8
Bachledova Valley €32 €16
Chocholow Thermal Baths €32 €16
Pieniny National Park €45 €23
Wieliczka Salt Mines €59 €39
Krakow guided city tour €20 €10
Lagiewniki Hill €32 €16
Auschwitz – Birkenau/Wadowice €51 €26
Magura Spiska Mountain cable car €14 per adult/€ 12 per child
Gubalowka Cable car Trip with Return €7.50 per adult/€6 per child
Chocholow Thermal Bath €19 per adult/€ 15 per child
Bachledka Treetop walk € 11 per adult/€ 9 per child
Tatra National Park Entrance € 2per person
Horse Drawn Carriage Ride €30 per person
Pope John Paul’s Museum €7 per person
MONDAY | We will meet at the airport at 4.20am for our Ryanair flight departing at 6.10am and arriving in Krakow airport at 8.45am. We then start our trip to Zakopane, a beautiful village at the foot of the Tatra Mountains. On arrival we go to hotel and leave luggage. Then we can join the group leader for an optional guided familiarization walk around Krupowki street and town centre. Later, we take a cable car all the way up to Gubalowka mountain (extra) where we can admire the lovely views over the Tatra Mountains, Zakopane, and Koscielisko on the south and Gorce and Beskidy Mountains as well as the small villages on the North. We will also have the possibility to visit the Sanctuary of our Lady of Fatima, built as a votive offering of thanks to her for saving the Pope’s life after the assassination attempt of 13 May 1981.
TUESDAY | After breakfast, our optional full day excursion will take us across the border to Slovakia. We drive to Bachledova Valley, where we take a short cable car (extra) ride to Magura Spiska Mountain. We then shall stop in the Treetop Walk (extra). Bachledka Treetop walk is situated in the heart of the majestic forests of the Pieniny National Park. Here we will see the unique nature of the Belianske Tatras. On more than 600-metres long route, we will go through the forest with various animal and plant species, find many surprises and learn some lessons. The view from the 32-meter-high observation tower is magnificent, within arm’s reach, we will have majestic trees some of which are even older than us. After taking a lunch (extra), we proceed on an optional afternoon excursion Chocholw Thermal Baths, which are huge complex that distinguishes the view of the mountains – both from the outside pools and through the glazed walls from the inside. There are 30 indoor and outdoor pools with slides and other attractions, a healing zone with raw mineral water and brine iodine coming straight from the thermal spring, outdoor pools, hydromassage stands, wild river and water geysers. Here one can relax in hot water filled with minerals, that are good for health and for skin.
WEDNESDAY | Today, we will go on our full-day optional excursion to the Pieniny National Park. We shall take a river raft (included) trip down the rapids of the river Dunajec, with its magnificent backdrop of mountain tops, 1,500ft high limestone cliffs, trees embedded in rock formations and meadows. After our eventful trip, we can take lunch (extra) in the area. Later, we will have some free time for personal sightseeing.
THURSDAY | After early breakfast, check-out from our hotel and we start our trip towards Krakow but on the way, we will visit Morskie Oko or Eye of the Sea (translated in English). It is the largest and fourth deepest lake in the Tatra Mountains, in southern Poland. It is located deep within the Tatra National Park in the Rybi Potok (the Fish Brook) Valley, of the High Tatras mountain range. Morskie Oko is one of the most popular destinations in the Tatras, often receiving
over 50,000 visitors during the vacation season. Then, we will experience a horse drawn carriage ride (extra) that will take us most of the way up the mountain. Later in the afternoon, we carry on our trip to Krakow, and we are transferred to our Hotel Wysianski for check-in. We take a rest, and then we join our tour leader for a short evening familiarization walk in Krakow centre.
FRIDAY | Today our full day excursion will take us to Wieliczka Salt Mines, an incredible place which was once described as being as remarkable as the Pyramids and more useful! Today, this famous attraction is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Highlights of this tour include the stunning underground lake and the beautiful underground cathedral, St. Kinga’s Chapel. In the afternoon, we join the tour leader and the guide for an optional city tour of Krakow. We will start by seeing the Bishop’s Palace, Wawel Hill, Wawel Castle and Cathedral. The castle was home to many Polish kings and queens. We see the Royal Tombs and the Sigismond’s Bell. A walk up to Grodzka street leads us to the heart of Krakow, the Rynek Gowny or Main Market Square.
SATURDAY | Breakfast and today we can join the leader for an optional excursion to Lagiewniki Hill and visit the Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy and the tomb of Suor Faustina. The reat of the afternoon is free to enjoy Krakow.
SUNDAY | Today, we will have an optional full day excursion with a difference taking us to Auschwitz and Birkenau and Wadowice. First stop will be in Auschwitz and Birkenau, we will witness one of the most memorable lessons of modern European history. During our visit we will see the flower strewn Death Wall, the national memorials, the rail line and remains of the hundreds of barracks, a testimony to the number of lost lives through Nazi activities across occupied Europe. Next stop will be in Wadowice to visit the Pope John Paul’s Museum (extra) in which John Paul was born and raised. The visit begins on the ground level and ascends by ramps to the top of the museum. The two main rooms of the original home are the central focus of the museum, with the multimedia exhibit constructed lovingly around them. The museum includes personal items that were meaningful in John Paul’s life, including the Vatican clock and the Polish bible, which was read to him by the sisters in his final moments. It is a modern, multimedia museum which immerses visitors in the great man's life and accomplishments.
MONDAY | After check-out we will make our way to Krakow airport for our Ryanair flight departing at 9.10am and arriving in Malta at 11.45am.
*Group 1 & 4 3 Nights in *** Logos hotel (Zakopane)
*Group 2 & 3 3 Nights in *** Czarny Potok hotel (Zakopane)
u u
34 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Grand Holland Tour
Group 1 9 - 15 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Utrecht, Volendam, Marken, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Enkhuizen- Zuiderzee Museum, Zaanse Schans, Efteling Theme Park, The Hague & Madurodam
Air Malta return direct flights to Amsterdam airport
6 nights in 4-star Amrath Hotel
Lapershoek or similar
Rooms with private facilities & TV
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
Group 2 6 - 12 September u u
Airport taxes & service charge
Insolvency Fund
Adult in Triple €797 €697
Adult in Twin €827 €727
Adult in Single €1017 €917
Child sharing with 2 adults €739 €639
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken. **There are many restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel where one can choose from
Volendam €33 €17
Amsterdam €45 €23
Rotterdam €45 €23
Enkhuizen & Zaanse Schans €45 €23
Efteling Fun Park (excluding entrance) €45 €23
The Hague & Madurodam €45 €23
Island of Marken Boat €13.50 per adult/€6.75 per child 4-11 years
Amsterdam Boat €14 per adult/€8 per child 4-12 years
Euromast €13 per adult/€9 per child 4-11 years
Zuiderzee Museum €9.50 per adult/€8 per child 4-12 years
Efteling Fun Park €38 per person/Free under 4 years
Madurodam €21.50 per person/Free under 3 years
WEDNESDAY | We meet at the airport at 5.00am for our Air Malta flight departing at 7.40am and arriving in Amsterdam at 10.50am. We will be transferred to our 4-star Amrath Hotel Lapershoek. After check-in, we will proceed to visit Volendam. We will be able to gaze upon its real beauty while witnessing a typical fishing village which has been preserved for the past 6 centuries. We can also opt to take a boat across the lake to the island of Marken (extra – weather & time permitting). The characteristic small houses, which together with the canals and the drawbridges form the most picturesque spots, present the visitor an atmosphere of geniality and romance.
THURSDAY | Our first full-day optional excursion will take us to Amsterdam. We shall start with a city tour of Amsterdam, passing by many historical buildings and interesting sights such as the Royal Palace, the National Monument and the Skinny Bridge. We will later visit a windmill on the river Amstel, together with a clogs and cheese factory. One can also opt for a canal cruise (extra) to enjoy this beautiful city. Then, we will have some free time for personal sightseeing and shopping.
FRIDAY | Today, we will go on an optional full-day excursion to Rotterdam, the largest harbour in the world. Rotterdam is situated in the province of South Holland, on the banks of the rivers Waal and Nieuwe Maas. A visit to Rotterdam would not be complete without a tour of the harbour or without going up on the highest lookout tower in the Netherlands, the Euromast (extra) standing at 185 metres. The rest of the afternoon is free for some shopping or for further
sightseeing in this great city.
SATURDAY | We shall start our full-day optional excursion with Enkhuizen where we will visit the Zuiderzee museum (extra). In the afternoon we will make our way towards Zaanse Schans, an old, openair, museum-village on the bank of the River Zaan. Along with its typical windmills and houses, it clearly depicts how a typical village on the River Zaan must have looked like in the 17th and 18th century.
SUNDAY | Today’s full-day optional excursion gives us the opportunity to spend a day in the oldest theme park in the world, with over 100 million visitors since its opening in 1952, the Efteling Theme Park (entrance extra). A whole day full of amusement and adventure awaits us. In the late afternoon, we shall return to our hotel.
MONDAY | Today’s full-day optional excursion will take us to The Hague; the political capital of the Netherlands, visiting Madurodam – ‘Miniature Holland’, which depicts many Dutch town and villages. In the miniature park, almost every Dutch landmark has been reproduced on a miniature scale (entrance extra). In the afternoon, we will make a panoramic tour of the city, passing by the Peace palace which houses the International Court of Justice and other historical landmarks. Time permitting, we will make another short stop in another notable attraction.
TUESDAY | After breakfast, we will leave the hotel and make our way to the airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 11.50am and arriving in Malta at 2.50pm.
u u u
35 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Bella Italia
Siena, Montecatini, Firenze, Pisa, Padova, Venezja, Sirmione, Lago di Garda, Verona, Bologna, San Marino, Assisi, Ruma, il-Vatikan u Tivoli
Titjiriet diretti bir-ritorn mal-Air
Malta: Malta/Ruma/Malta
2 iljieli f’Montecatini – Grand Hotel
Tettuccio 4-stilel jew simili
2 iljieli f’Padova - Hotel M14 3-stilel jew simili
2 iljieli f’Bologna - Zanhotel Regina
3-stilel jew simili
3 iljieli f’Ruma - Hotel Torino
4-stilel, jew simili
Kmamar kollha bis-servizzi privati
9 kolazzjonijiet
Eskursjonijiet b’xejn għal Siena u Assisi
Trasferimenti bil-kowċ: ajruport/ lukanda/ajruport
Servizz ta’ tour leader
It-taxxi tal-ajruporti u s-service charge
Insolvency fund
Kbar f’kamra trippla €729 €629
Kbar f’kamra doppja €779 €679
Kbar f’kamra singola €1019 €919
Tfal ma’ żewġ adulti sa 10 snin €649 €549
Montecatini & Padova Half Board (4 ikliet) €72
*Prezz speċjali meta jittieħdu l-half board u l-eskursjonijiet kollha
Firenze/Pisa €43 €22
Venezja (Traghetto inkluż) €54 €29
Padova €19 €10
Sirmione/Verona €42 €21
San Marino €42 €21
Vatikan/Ruma €42 €21
Tivoli (entratura extra) €34 €17
Is-City Tax mhux inklużi fil-prezz. Dawn it-taxxi jitħallsu
direttament fil-lukandi, minn kull persuna għal kull lejl:
Montecatini €1.40; Padova €1.90; Bologna €3; Ruma €6
Lago di Garda cruise €10 kull persuna
Villa d’Este - Tivoli €12 kull persuna
IT-TNEJN, 3 TA’ LULJU | Niltaqgħu l-ajruport fil-5.05am għat-titjira tal-Air Malta li titlaq fis-7.35am Mal-wasla f’Ruma fid-9.00am, insibu l-kowċ li toħodna Montecatini via Siena, fejn se nżuru Piazza del Campo, il-Palazz u l-Katidral. Inkomplu triqitna għal Montecatini, u kif naslu nagħmlu s-sistemazzjoni tal-kmamar. Wara ċ-ċena (extra), nistgħu mmorru dawra mat-tour leader.
IT-TLIETA, 4 TA’ LULJU | Illum immorru Firenze u Pisa (optional). Ġo Firenze naraw, fost l-oħrajn, id-Duomo, Piazza Signoria u Ponte Vecchio. Se jkun hemm ħin għal żjarat personali qabel naqbdu t-triq għal Pisa fejn inżuru Piazza dei Miracoli u l-famuż Torri ta’ Pisa.
L-ERBGĦA, 5 TA’ LULJU | Naqbdu t-triq għal Padova fejn se nagħmlu jumejn. Wara li jkollna sistemazzjoni tal-kmamar fil-lukanda, nippranzaw (extra) u jkollna xi ħin għall-mistrieħ. Waranofsinhar, immorru Venezja (optional) bit-tragetto u nżuru Piazza San Marco, Ponte Rialto u postijiet oħra ta’ interess.
IL-ĦAMIS, 6 TA’ LULJU | F’Padova (optional) nżuru, fost postijiet oħra, Prato della Valle, li hi l-akbar pjazza flItalja, u l-Bażilika ta’ Sant’Antnin. F’dan it-tempju tinħass il-qdusija tal-post speċjalment mal-qabar tal-qaddis u fil-Kappella tar-Relikwi. Wara se jkollna ħin liberu qabel nippranzaw (extra) fil-lukanda. Waranofsinhar għandna optional excursion għal Sirmione fuq Lago di Garda, u jkollna ħin nieħdu cruise (extra). Wara nżuru Verona u naraw l-Arena, id-dar ta’ Ġuljetta u bini storiku ieħor.
IL-ĠIMGĦA, 7 TA’ LULJU | Nitilqu minn Padova għal Bologna. Kif naslu jkollna s-sistemazzjoni tal-kmamar u ħarġa mat-tour leader f’din il-belt magħrufa għall-istorja u l-kultura.
IS-SIBT, 8 TA’ LULJU | Illum se jkollna eskursjoni optional f’San Marino. Hawnhekk naraw il-Kastell, il-
Palazz tal-Gvern u l-Katidral Del Santo.
IL-ĦADD, 9 TA’ LULJU | Illum inħallu Bologna għal Ruma via Assisi, fejn nagħmlu waqfa li matulha nżuru postijiet t’interess f’din il-belt ta’ San Franġisk, fosthom il-Porzjuncola - kappella żgħira bi storja kbira. Din tinsab fil-Bażilika tal-Madonna tal-Anġli, proprju fejn miet San Franġisk fit-3 ta’ Ottubru, 1226. Inżuru wkoll iż-Żewġ Bażiliki fejn hemm midfun San Franġisk. Hekk kif naslu Ruma jkollna sistemazzjoni tal-kmamar.
IT-TNEJN, 10 TA’ LULJU | Illum għandna ċ-ċans li mmorru eskursjoni optional ġol-Vatikan u f’Ruma. IlVatikan ikollna ħin biżżejjed fejn matulu nżuru dan ittempju tant magħruf. Inkomplu b’dawra f’Ruma u nżuru Piazza Venezia, il-Monument ta’ Vittorio Emmanuele II, il-Bażilika ta’ Santa Maria Maggiore, il-Kolossew u oħrajn (minħabba ċirkostanzi dwar restrizzjoni tar-regolamenti tat-traffiku fiċ-ċentru ta’ Ruma, parti minn din id-dawra ssir bit-trasport pubbliku [extra] u l-kumplament bil-mixi).
IT-TLIETA, 11 TA’ LULJU | Nibdew b’nofstanhar liberu għax-xiri u għal żjajjar personali. Waranofsinhar immorru għall-optional excursion li toħodna nżuru l-ġonna ta’ Tivoli (dħul extra). Hawnhekk nammiraw in-numru bla qies ta’ funtani fejn insibu l-magħrufa mogħdija tal-100 funtana. Dan il-ġnien hu mżejjen ukoll bi statwi, monumenti u fjuri. Nirritornaw il-lukanda, u filgħaxija noħorġu dawra mat-tour leader.
L-ERBGĦA, 12 TA’ LULJU | Wara l-kolazzjon ikollna ġurnata libera għall-aħħar li nistgħu niddedikawha għax-xiri u żjajjar personali. Check-out mill-kmamar isir filgħodu. Staqsu lit-tour leader dwar il-possibilità li l-kmamar jinżammu sal-ħin tat-tluq mil-lukanda (ħlas extra). Filgħaxija nħallu l-lukanda u mmorru għallAjruport ta’ Ruma minn fejn b’titjira tal-Air Malta fl9.10pm nitilqu għal Malta fejn naslu fil-10.35pm.
36 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u
3 - 12 ta’ Lulju
Sorrento, Capri & Amalfi
FRIDAY | We will meet at the airport at noon for our Air Malta flight departing at 2.40pm and arriving in Naples Airport at 3.55pm. We will be transferred to our 3-star hotel in central Sorrento. After checking-in, we will go on a familiarisation walk around this popular holiday destination with its narrow streets lined with shops selling traditional goods. In the evening, after dinner, we may join other tourists in a local nightclub to watch the famous Tarantella Show. The show (entrance extra) takes approximately one hour and a welcome drink is included in the price.
SATURDAY | Today, we shall go on a full-day optional excursion to Naples. The coach stops near the Duomo (San Gennaro), then drives for a stop near Via San Gregorio Armeno (Crib area), and then go to Piazza Plebiscito near Teatro San Carlo. In the afternoon, the coach drives through Pozzuoli (photo stop) and proceeds for a stop in Margellina We will have time for shopping and lunch (extra).
SUNDAY | Today, we will go on a full-day optional excursion to Capri. We will board the ferry boat (included) to take us to the picturesque island of Capri. On arrival at Marina Grande, we will take a boat (extra) to enjoy the beautiful bay of Capri. On our return to Marina Grande, we will ride a mini coach (extra) which will take us to Anacapri, where one can enjoy the stunning views of the gulf of Naples. Later, the mini coach will drive us down to Capri, where we shall make a stop and go for a short walk to Giardini di Augusto (entrance extra) to view the famous Faraglioni, the three stacks located off the island of Capri. The mini coach will take us back to Marina Grande to get the ferry boat and return to Sorrento (Mini coach services are extra).
MONDAY | Today, we will visit Ischia on a full-day optional excursion. A boat (fee included) will take us to this beautiful island where we will get a first glimpse of Ischia’s volcanic origins as we enter the almost perfectly round harbour of Ischia Porto, formed by a
sister crater of Monte Epomeo. We will also see the Aragonese Castle of Ischia and the little village of Sant’Angelo d’Ischia (coach service in Ischia extra.)
TUESDAY | A half-day optional excursion today takes us to Pompeii where we shall visit the popular ruins. Our English-speaking guide will accompany us during the visit to the ruins and take us back to where time stopped with the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79. (Entrance and Whispers extra). We will see the city streets worn away by the chariot wheels of the ancient Roman Gladiators, ancient villas with frescoed walls and beautiful mosaics. There will be time for shopping and lunch (extra).
WEDNESDAY | This morning, we will go on another optional full-day excursion, this time to Caserta where (accompanied by an English-speaking guide) we visit the Royal Palace or as it is known, the “Versailles of Naples” (entrance and headphones extra.) This enchanting palace, which overlooks the huge square, is considered as one of the most sumptuous buildings of its kind in Italy and was built in the 18th century by Charles III Bourbon King. We will also visit the palace gardens and after lunch (extra) we will visit an attractive shopping village.
THURSDAY | On our optional full-day excursion, we will discover the extraordinary and scenic Amalfi Coast. We shall enjoy breathtaking views as our excursion unwinds along the coast road. En route to Amalfi, we shall stop at the Belvedere overlooking Positano. Later, we will proceed to Amalfi to visit the town centre and have time for souvenir shopping and to have lunch (extra). We will return to Sorrento and enjoy some free time.
FRIDAY | Breakfast and check-out. Today will have some free time to enjoy Sorrento. Later we will make our way to Naples’ airport, for our Air Malta flight departing at 4.45pm and arrives in Malta at 6pm.
37 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
FROM WHEN €749 VISITING Sorrento, Capri, Naples, Ischia, Pompeii, Caserta & Amalfi Coast Air Malta return direct flights to Naples airport 7 nights in 3-star hotel in Sorrento or similar Rooms with private facilities, TV & A/C Daily continental breakfast Return airport transfers Services of tour leader Taxes & service charge Insolvency fund PRICE INCLUDES u u u u u Group 1 21 - 28 July Group 2 28 July - 4 August u u u PRICE PER PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE Adult in Triple €849 €749 Adult in Twin €869 €769 Adult in Single €1249 €1149 Child sharing with 2 adults €719 €619 *Special Price applies when all excursions are taken. EXCURSIONS ADULT CHILD Naples €45 €23 Capri (including boat fees) €65 €48 Ischia (including boat fees) €65 €48 Pompeii €32 €15 Caserta €45 €25 Amalfi Coast €45 €22
tax of €3.00
at hotel Tarantella Show €25 per person Capri boat €21 per person Anacapri Mini Coach €15 per person Giardini di Augusto €5 per person
coach €20 per person Pompei Ruins & Whispers €20 per person Caserta Royal Palace & Whispers €29 per person
per person per night is to be paid directly
Italian Dolomites, Trento & its flavours incl. Gardaland Park
Group 1: 4 - 11 July
Group 2: 18 - 25 July
Group 3: 1 - 8 August
Group 4: 15 - 22 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 5: 5 - 12 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Trento, Verona, Gardaland, Innsbruck, Bolzano, Merano, Riva del Garda, Limone, Malcesine, Dolomites
Mountains, Canazei & Ortisei
Air Malta return direct flights to Milan Linate airport 7 nights in 3-star Hotel Everest in Trento or similar
Rooms with private facilities, TV, A/C & Wi-Fi
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader Airport taxes & service charge
Insolvency fund
Child sharing w/2 adults (6-11 yrs) €599 €499
Child sharing w/2 adults (3-5 yrs) €519 €419
Half Board €125
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken.
Verona €45 €23
Gardaland* (entrance included) €69 €59
Innsbruck €49 €25
Bolzano/Merano €45 €23
Riva del Garda/Limone/Malcesine €39 €20
Dolomites/Canazei/Ortisei €45 €23
* Free entrance in Gardaland for children under 1 metre height
City tax of €2 per person per night is to be paid directly at hotel Lake Garda mini cruise €14 per adult/€7 per child up to 8 years
Ortisei cable car €17 per person. Children under 8 years free.
** Group rate for more than 20 persons
TUESDAY | We meet at the airport at 10.30am for our Air Malta flight, departing at 1.00pm and arriving in Milan Linate airport at 2.50pm. We will be transferred to Hotel Everest in Trento.
WEDNESDAY | We start our day with a familiarisation walk from our hotel to Trento centre. An optional excursion will then take us to Verona for an artistic touch of this magnificent city in the Veneto region, complemented with typical coloured houses and magnificent villas. We here arrive on foot in Piazza Bra adorned with several bars and restaurants and where we can admire the famous Roman Arena known for hosting operas and concerts, the impressive Baroque Palazzo Maffei, and of course the famous Juliet’s house with its most romantic setting. Ample free time will be left for shopping.
THURSDAY | An optional full-day excursion with a difference awaits us today to take us to the famous theme park of Gardaland. The largest theme park in Italy offers us a wide range of fun rides and spectacular shows. Also, the fascinating Sea Life Aquarium (entrance included) is a highly recommended attraction not to be missed.
FRIDAY | Today’s optional full-day excursion will take us north on another panoramic journey crossing into Austria to visit Innsbruck, the capital of Austrian Tyrol. We shall visit this old medieval town with its narrow streets, pavement cafés, restaurants, a multitude of shops and sights, including the Golden Roof, the Hofburg Palace and the Maria Theresien Strasse, where we will have time for personal sightseeing and shopping.
SATURDAY | A magnificent drive through Alpine scenery will take us on a full-day optional excursion to Bolzano and Merano. We will first visit the largest town of the Italian Sud-Tirol, Bolzano. Here we will
see, amongst others, the Walterplatz, and browse in the pretty town centre full of shops and cafés. We will then proceed to Merano while passing by many castles and wonderful scenery. We will spend a couple of hours in this Italian medieval town, centred around the gothic Via Dei Portici, where we will see the Duomo and admire the various restaurants and caffes on the promenade of the river Passer.
SUNDAY | Today is the day to enjoy the highlights of Lago di Garda during our full-day optional excursion while driving along the shores of the lake till we arrive in Riva del Garda. We shall roam the town centre, after which, we will take a mini-cruise (extra) on Lake Garda, the largest lake in the region of Lombardy. We will disembark in Limone, where we shall have enough time for personal sightseeing. We will then cross over by the same boat to Malcesine, another very popular village by the lake and a tourist attraction in itself. After lunch (extra), we walk up to Scaliger Castle for a panoramic view and free time for personal sightseeing and shopping.
MONDAY | The highlight of our vacation is reserved for today's full day excursion to Ortisei, an Alpine village in the Dolomites. Our first stop will be Alpe di Suisi by cable car (extra) where we can admire beautiful views, a paradise for hikers and winter sports enthusiasts. After having enough time to enjoy the scenery of these mountains one can walk to the main village where shops depict souvenirs. From here with our coach we drive to Canazei passing through Val Gardena time for lunch (extra) and free time.
TUESDAY | This morning, we can enjoy a late breakfast, and enjoy the surroundings of the hotel for the last time before we check-out and make our way to Milan Linate airport for our direct Air Malta flight departing at 3.40pm and arriving in Malta at 5.30pm.
38 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u u
u u PRICE PER PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE Adult in Triple €689 €589 Adult in Twin €719 €619 Adult in Single €899 €799
Italian Dolomites, Pinzolo as you’ve never seen it before!
Group 1 9 - 16 September
Group 2 16 - 23 September (21 September - National Holiday)
Pinzolo, Brenta Dolomites, Cles, Molveno, Lago di Garda, Riva del Garda, Limone, Lake Tenno, Passo Tonale, Ponte di Legno, Trento, Toblino, Nardis Waterfalls, Madonna di Campiglio, Sirmione, Verona, Bolzano & Bressanone
Air Malta return direct flights to Milan Linate airport 7 nights in 4-star Hotel Canada in Pinzolo or similar Rooms with private facilities, TV, A/C & Wi-Fi
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken. EXCURSIONS
SATURDAY | We meet at the airport at 10.30am for our Air Malta flight, departing at 1.00pm and arriving in Milan Linate airport at 2.50pm. We will be transferred to Hotel Canada in Pinzolo, a small town situated in Trentino, 800m above sea level and surrounded by the Brenta, Adamello and Presanella mountains, a perfect place for us to spend a lovely week surrounded by nature and peacefulness!
SUNDAY | Today’s optional full-day excursion will start by visiting the Passo Tonale area at 1.884m, on the border between Lombardy and Trentino regions. This winter and summer resort, located at the foot of Glacier Presena (3.000mts) offers the possibility of skiing almost all year with its 100 km of slopes. With modern and fast lifts, Passo Tonale is one of the first tourist resorts in the alps to open the lifts and one of the last to close them. We will have the possibility to take the Cable way Paradiso to reach 2.585mts (extra) and the Cable way Presena to reach the glacier and Passo Presena at 3.000mts (extra). On the way back, we will stop for a short visit in the village of Ponte di Legno.
MONDAY | Today is the day to enjoy the highlights of Lago di Garda during our full-day optional excursion while driving along the shores of the lake till we arrive in Riva del Garda. We will take an easy and steep walk to Canale di Tenno, a small medieval village which is beautifully restored. From there, we will go down the stairs to Lago di Tenno which is one of the most picturesque lakes in Trento. On our way back we will stop for a free Grappa tasting.
Bolzano & Bressanone €45 €23
City tax of €2.50 per person per night is to be paid directly at hotel
Cable Car Spinale €12
Castel Thun €8
Cable Way Paradiso (2585mts) €14
Cable Way Paradiso + Presena (3000mts) €22
Castel del Buonconsiglio €10
Wine Tasting from €18
TUESDAY | We start our stay with a full-day optional excursion to Nardis Falls. The Nardis Waterfalls are the most well-known falls of Val di Genova, which is renowned as the “waterfalls valley” for the great abundance of falls featured. The valley boasts terraced slopes cut by watercourses and glacier formations, which explains the unusually large number of falls. We will then head to Madonna di Campiglio, a well renowned village and skiing resort in northeast Italy. One may opt to take a cable car (extra) to enjoy the panoramic views of the dolomites.
WEDNESDAY | Today’s full-day optional excursion will start with a visit to Trento, nestled in the mountains, in a wide glacial valley known as the Adige Valley. We will visit Castello del Buoncosiglio
(extra). To reach the Castle, we will take a slightly hilly walk. This castle originated from a fortified building that was erected in the 13th century next to the city’s walls. This first building was called Castelvecchio (Old Castle). This castle is composed of a series of buildings of different eras, enclosed by a circle of walls in a slightly elevated position above the town. We will then proceed to Toblino Lake and on the way back to Pinzolo we will stop for some wine tasting (extra).
THURSDAY | After breakfast we can join the leader for a full-day optional excursion to Bolzano and Bressanone. We will first visit the largest town of the Italian Sud-Tirol, Bolzano. The charming, historic city is considered the gateway to the Italian Dolomites, the toothy mountain range that's a mecca for yearround outdoor pursuits. With its Tyrolean-style architecture, medieval castles, and distinct cuisine and culture, Bolzano feels a world away from most of Italy. In the afternoon, we will proceed to Bressanone, located in a wide and lush green valley. The highlight of a visit to the medieval quarter is the area around Piazza del Duomo, particularly the cathedral (duomo) itself - and more specifically the parts of the cathedral that date from the 12th and 15th centuries, rather than the more recent 18th century reconstruction.
FRIDAY | Today’s optional full-day excursion will start by passing through the Carlo Magno pass, with the possibility to take pictures and admire the Brenta Dolomites, one of the nine groups of Dolomites recognized as World Heritage by UNESCO. We will then proceed along Valle di Sole and Valle di Non, famous for their cultivation of apple trees. We will have a short stop at Cles, one of the biggest villages of the area. We will then admire Castel Thun (extra) which was built in the mid-13th century, located on the top of a hill at 609m near the village of Vigo di Ton in a beautiful panoramic position. Later, the journey will continue by reaching the village Molveno, located on the other side of the Brenta Dolomites. Molveno is famous for its alpine lake, awarded for years as one of the most beautiful small lakes in Italy.
SATURDAY | After checking out of our rooms, we will make our way to Linate airport for our direct Air Malta flight departing at 3.40pm and arriving in Malta at 5.30pm.
39 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
INCLUDES u u u u u
u u u PRICE PER PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE Adult in Triple €669 €569 Adult in Twin €719 €619 Adult in Single €879 €779 Child sharing with 2 adults (8-11 years) €559 €459 Child sharing with 2 adults (2-7 years) €469 €369 Half board €129
€45 €23
Passo Tonale/Presena Glacier/ Ponte di Legno
Riva del Garda/Limone/Canale di Tenno €40 €20 Nardis Falls/Madonna di Campiglio €45 €23 Trento/Toblino Lake €48 €24 Brenta Dolomites €45 €23
Lago di Garda Northern Italy incl. Gardaland & Canevaworld
Group 1: 11 - 18 July
Group 2: 25 July - 1 August
Group 3: 8 - 15 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 4: 22 - 29 August
Garda, Canevaworld Resort, Sirmione, Parco Natura Viva, Lago di Tenno, Pinzolo, Nardis Waterfalls, Venice, Riva del Garda, Limone, Malcesine & Gardaland
Air Malta return direct flights to Milan Linate airport
7 nights in 3-star central Hotel Royal or similar
Rooms with private facilities, TV & controlled A/C Daily buffet breakfast Return airport transfers Swimming pool in hotel
of tour leader
taxes & service charge
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken.
Canevaworld* (entrance included) €59 €49
Sirmione/Parco Natura Viva €45 €23
Dolomites Mountains/Pinzolo €49 €25
Venice €55 €28
Riva del Garda/Limone/Malcesine €40 €20
Gardaland/Sea Life Aquarium
(entrance included) €69 €59
Free entrance in Gardaland & Canevaworld for children under 1m height
City tax of €1 per person per night is to be paid directly at hotel
Sirmione boat trip €10 per adult/€6 per child
Parco Natura Viva €16 per adult/€10 +65 & 6-12 yrs/€7 per child 3-5 yrs
Pinzolo cable car €18 per adult//€10 per child
Limone mini cruise €15 per adult/€8 per child
TUESDAY | We meet at the airport at 10.30am for our Air Malta flight departing at 1.00pm and arriving in Milan Linate airport at 2.50pm. On arrival, we will proceed to our 3-star Hotel Royal in Garda on Lago di Garda.
WEDNESDAY | We start today’s optional excursion with a family fun day full of excitement at the Canevaworld Resort. We will spend the day enjoying the adventurous Movie World as well as Aqua Paradise. If you opt to enjoy the Movie World without the Aqua Paradise, the transfer back to Garda will be around 6.00pm, and for the rest who will be splashing away in the Aqua Paradise, transfer will be at around 10.00pm (In August the park will close late at night).
THURSDAY | Another optional full-day excursion takes us to Sirmione and Parco Natura Viva. In Sirmione, the “Pearl of Lake Garda”, we enjoy its beautiful pedestrian quarter with cobbled streets lined with boutiques, cafés and cake shops. There is also an optional boat trip (extra) which will take us around the lake viewing the ex-Villa of Maria Callas, the Old Roman Villa, Grotta di Catullo and the Thermal Baths. We later head to Parco Natura Viva (extra)just like an exciting African Safari. From our bus, we will see giraffes, zebras, antelopes and even lions, hyenas and cheetahs. On foot, we visit the Fauna Park that hosts animals from all five continents and the Extinction Park.
FRIDAY | Today’s full-day optional excursion will take us towards the Dolomites, with our first stop at Lago di Tenno. We will then proceed to Pinzolo, with the possibility of taking a cable car (extra) to one of
the surrounding mountains. Time for lunch (extra) in Pinzolo. Throughout this excursion, we pass by picturesque villages and impressive mountains. On our way back, we make a short stop to see the impressive Nardis Waterfalls.
SATURDAY | On today’s optional excursion, we will visit Venice, the most romantic of cities, with its 411 bridges and 150 canals. We will have the opportunity to admire famous landmarks like the Rialto Bridge, The Doge’s Palace, St Mark’s Square, the Basilica of San Marco and the impressive Grand Canal. We shall stroll through the iconic Venetian narrow streets and along the canals.
SUNDAY | We will go on an optional full-day excursion to Riva del Garda. Here, we spend some time visiting the town centre, before we go on a minicruise (extra) to Limone. Time to stroll around and do some souvenir shopping. Afterwards, we will board the same boat to Malcesine, another very popular village on Lago di Garda. After lunch (extra), we will visit Malcesine’s old historic centre.
MONDAY | This morning our coach takes us to an optional visit to the popular theme park, Gardaland, together with Sea Life Aquarium. A day of fun with spectacular shows and attractions awaits us. The evening return transfer to the hotel is scheduled at around 7.00pm.
TUESDAY | Today we will check-out and make our way to Milan Linate airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 3.40pm and arriving in Malta at 5.30pm.
40 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u u
Group 5: 29 August - 5 September u PRICE PER PERSON GROUP 1 GROUP 2-5 Adult in Triple €679 - €579* €729 - €629* Adult in Twin €699 - €599* €749 - €649* Adult in Single €909 - €809* €959 - €859* Child Sharing w/2 adults €569 - €469* €619 - €519* Half Board €130 €130
Scenic Italy & Switzerland
Group 1 6 - 13 July
Group 2 13 - 20 July
Group 3 20 - 27 July
Group 4 27 July - 3 August
Group 5 3 - 10 August
Group 6 10 - 17 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 7 17 - 24 August
Group 8 24 - 31 August
Group 9 31 August - 7 September
Arona, Macugnaga,
Orta, Lugano, Bellinzona, Como, Bellagio, Lago Maggiore, Stresa, Isola Bella, Isola dei Pescatori & Milan
Air Malta return direct flights to Milan
Linate airport
7 nights in 4-star Hotel Atlantic Arona or similar
Rooms with private facilities, TV & A/C
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Free visit to Milan
Welcome cocktail Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken.
Macugnaga €49 €25
Zermatt-Matterhorn €55 €28
Orta/Lago D’Orta €49 €25
Lugano/Bellinzona €49 €25
Como/Bellagio €45 €23
Stresa/Borromean Islands (boat & Borromeo Palace entrance included) €49 €33
City tax of €2.10 per person per night (from 6 years upwards) is to be paid directly at hotel
Macugnaga Belvedere chairlift €12 per adult/€7 per child 4-14 yrs/ €1 per child under 3yrs
Train Tasch – Zermatt €18 per adult/€12 per child under 12 yrs
Klein Matterhorn cable car* €100 per adult/€50 per child 9-15 yrs
Orta Chu Chu Train & Lago D’Orta boat trip €23 per adult/ €16 per child under 12 yrs
Lago di Lugano cruise €29 per adult/€16 per child under 12 yrs
Lago di Como boat trip €12 per adult/€8 per child under 12 yrs
Bellagio boat trip €12 per adult/€8 per child under 12 yrs
*(applicable group rate when more than 10 persons)
THURSDAY | We will meet at the airport at 10.30am for our Air Malta flight departing at 1.00pm and arriving in Milan Linate airport at 2.50pm. We shall proceed to our 4-star Hotel Atlantic Arona in Arona to check-in. Later, we can join the tour leader for a familiarisation walk.
FRIDAY | Today’s full-day optional excursion takes us to Como. We will stop and admire the Duomo and also enjoy a boat trip (extra) on the world-famous Lago. In the afternoon, we shall proceed towards the village of Tremezzo located on the western shore of Lake Como from where we will board a boat (extra) to Bellagio, one of the most attractive lake resorts. Bellagio is a small village at the tip of a long hilly promontory between the two southern branches of Lake Como. We will have lunch (extra) and spend a relaxing afternoon in this tiny town with lovely views and classy boutiques.
SATURDAY | Today, we will go on our full-day optional excursion. In the morning, we will proceed to Bellinzona, the capital city of southern Switzerland’s Ticino canton. It is known for its 3 medieval castles, including the hilltop Castelgrande, where we will have the opportunity to take an elevator to the top and enjoy views of the city and the surrounding Alps. In the early afternoon, we will drive to Switzerland, heading to Lugano, where we shall board a boat to go on a Lake Cruise trip (extra), after which we have some free time.
SUNDAY | On our full-day optional excursion to Macugnaga, we will first make a short stop to admire the statue of St. Charles Borromeo. Then, we continue to drive up the Anzasca Valley, plunged between the rugged mountains. Macugnaga nestles in the foothills of Monte Rosa. The village itself is a cluster of typical alpine buildings. Upon arrival, we will take the Belvedere Chairlift (extra & weather permitting) at the foot of Monte Rosa to view the Alps and a fantastic view of the valley, a truly unforgettable experience.
MONDAY | Today, we will leave early for our full-day optional excursion taking us to a long but extremely rewarding scenic drive to Zermatt, Switzerland. We
will stop at Tasch, where we shall take the train (extra) to Zermatt (it is not possible to visit Zermatt by coach because it is a car-free zone). The climax in Zermatt will be the fantastic, breathtaking panoramic views of the world-famous mountain, The Matterhorn. The views can be enjoyed by the 2-tier system of cable cars which will take us high up on the Klein Matterhorn on an elevation of 3,883m above sea level, also including the Glacier Paradise (extra & weather permitting). This is definitely highlighted as an amazing experience not to be missed!
TUESDAY | Breakfast and free time, or one can visit the local market in Arona near the hotel. Later in the morning one can join the leader for a half day optional excursion to one of the most beautiful lakes in Northern Italy, Lake Orta. On arrival in Orta we will take a return chu chu train ride (extra) visit the Sacro Monte di Orta. Then we proceed to Orta’s centre where we will have some free time to roam around the narrow-cobbled streets and have lunch (extra). We can also enjoy a boat ride (extra) and visit the Island of San Giulio.
WEDNESDAY | Lago Maggiore is on today’s programme for our optional full-day relaxing excursion to explore the islands on the lake. Our coach will take us to Stresa where we will go by boat (included) with the tour leader to Isola Bella for a visit to the sumptuous Borromeo Palace and its Italian-style gardens. We will then make a short stop to Isola dei Pescatori, a tiny, quiet island with an old church dedicated to San Vittore. Finally, we will cruise around Isola Madre, the largest island on the lake dominated by Villa Borromeo, an aristocratic place surrounded by beautiful gardens. We shall then return to Stresa for lunch (extra) and have some free time for shopping and sightseeing.
THURSDAY | After check-out, we will head to Milan, the capital of Lombardia. We will proceed to see the Duomo (extra), the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele and see the Teatro Della Scala from the exterior. We will then make our way to Milan Linate airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 3.40pm arriving in Malta at 5.30pm.
41 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Monte Rosa, Zermatt-Matterhorn,
u u
u u
u u u PRICE PER PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE Adult in Triple €699 €599 Adult in Twin €719 €619 Adult in Single €929 €829 Child sharing with 2 adults €399 €299 Supplement lake view €105 Half board €109
Toscana & le Cinque Terre
Group 1 3 - 10 July
Group 2 31 July - 7 August
Group 3 14 -21 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 4 21 - 28 August
Group 5 28 August - 4 September
Montecatini, Florence, Siena, Greve, Pienza, Montepulciano, Cinque Terre, Pisa, Viareggio, Volterra, San Gimignano & Orvieto
Air Malta return direct flights to Rome airport
7 nights in 4-star Grand Hotel Plaza in Montecatini or similar
Rooms with private facilities, hair-dryer & TV
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Free visits to Montecatini Alto & Orvieto
Welcome drink on arrival
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge
Insolvency fund
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken EXCURSIONS
MONDAY | We will meet at the airport at 5.05am for our Air Malta flight departing at 7.35am and arriving in Rome Fiumicino Airport at 09.00am. We board our coach and drive to Montecatini Alto which is a characteristic medieval village, situated a few hundred metres above the ‘new’ town. The views are splendid! We later proceed to our 4-star Grand Hotel Plaza in Montecatini, popular for its wonderful scenery, thermal baths and the Chianti wine.
TUESDAY | Today, we will go on our full-day optional excursion to Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance. Here, we see, amongst others, the complex of three attractions - the Duomo, the Baptistery and Giotto’s Steeple. We will visit Piazza Signoria, which is the meeting place of Florentines and tourists, and proceed to nearby Ponte Vecchio noted for the various shops built along it. We will have some time for sightseeing and to do some shopping.
WEDNESDAY | On today’s full-day optional excursion, we will be exploring the romantic Tuscan countryside and admire the beautiful scenery of rolling hills and valleys, olive groves and vineyards, castles and Romanesque churches that Chianti country ride has to offer. We will visit Siena, most famous for the Palio, and the annual horse-race held in Piazza del Campo. We admire this almost all pedestrian town, before we proceed to visit the small but picturesque village of Greve, the chief town of Chianti’s Gallo Nero region.
Cinque Terre (Boat included) €59
Volterra/San Gimignano €40
City tax of €1.40 per person per night is to be paid directly at hotel
THURSDAY | This morning, we will go on another fullday optional excursion which takes us to Pienza and Montepulciano, the two jewels of the Renaissance. Montepulciano is known for its very impressive Renaissance buildings, its beautiful churches and especially for its “Vino Nobile” (noble wine), one of the most distinguished of Italian wines in the world. There is plenty of sightseeing, and the cathedral is well
worth a visit. Pienza is a UNESCO protected town having a world famous cultural and natural patrimony.
FRIDAY | We leave for La Spezia for a full-day optional excursion. We take a ferry (includedweather permitting) to Cinque Terre, one of the most beautiful areas of the Liguria region. Here, five small villages are nestled in the cliffs overlooking the sea and hills where the land’s finest wines are grown. We make a short stop in the picturesque village of Monterosso.
SATURDAY | Today’s optional excursion will take us to Pisa in the morning where we see the “Campo dei Miracoli”, the world-famous leaning Tower, the Cathedral and the Baptistery. We will later proceed to Viareggio city which is located on the Ligurian Sea, with 10km of beach. We will have an enjoyable time in this popular renowned worldwide tourist destination.
SUNDAY | Today’s full-day optional excursion takes us to another part of Tuscany visiting Volterra and San Gimignano. We do a short stop in Volterra. This city conserves a medieval aspect, not only for the 12th century city walls, but also because of the urban layout with narrow streets, palaces, tower houses and churches. We drive to San Gimignano, probably the most famous small town in Italy, which dominates the Val d’Elsa with its breathtaking skyline bristling with towers.
MONDAY | After we check-out of our hotel, we proceed to Orvieto, one of the most striking, memorable, and enjoyable hill towns in central Italy which sits majestically high above the valley floor atop a big chunk of tufo volcanic stone, overlooking cypress-dotted Umbrian plains. We will later proceed to Rome Fiumicino airport for our return flight departing at 9.10pm and arriving in Malta at 10.35pm.
42 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u
u u
€589 - €489* €629 - €529* Adult
€629 - €529* €669 - €569* Adult in Single €719 - €619* €759 - €659*
€449 - €349* €489 - €389*
€99 €99
in Triple
in Twin
Child Sharing with 2 adults
Half Board
Siena/Greve €41 €21
Pienza/Montepulciano €42 €21
€41 €21
u u FREE
Italian Alps & Valle d’Aosta
plus a touch of Switzerland & France
Group 1 7 - 14 July
Group 2 18 - 25 August
Group 3 1 - 8 September (8 September - National Holiday)
St. Vincent, Annecy, Gran Paradiso National Park, Aosta, Superga, Turin, Chillon Castle, Montreaux, Gruyères, Cervinia, Chamonix, Mer de Glasse & Courmayeur
Air Malta return direct flights to Milan Linate airport
7 nights in 3-star Hotel Elena in St. Vincent or similar
Rooms with private facilities & TV
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
u u u PRICE PER PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE Adult in Quad €649 €549 Adult in Triple €659 €559 Adult in Twin €689 €589 Adult in Single €849 €749 Child sharing with 2 adults €599 €499
** There are many restaurants in the vicinity from which one can choose from
Annecy €50 €32
Superga/Turin €43 €22
Chillon Castle/Lake Geneve/ Montreaux/Gruyeres €49 €32
Cervinia/Fénis Castle/Salami factory €43 €22
Chamonix/Mer de Glasse/Courmayeur €49 €32
City tax of €0.80 per person per night is to be paid directly at hotel
Annecy boat ride 1 hour trip €19 per person
Chillon Castle Adult approx. €13.50 - /Child approx. €7
Cervinia/Matterhorn cable car approx. €30 per person
Salami Factory €5 per person
Chamonix Skiing resort tram €33.50 per person
SATURDAY | We will meet our tour leader at 10.30am for our Air Malta flight to Milan Linate airport departing at 1.00pm and arriving at 2.50pm. We will proceed to our 3-star Hotel Elena in St. Vincent in Valle d’Aosta, which is a popular summer resort with mineral springs and a very famous Casino. After check-in, we will go for a familiarisation walk.
SUNDAY | This morning’s optional full-day excursion will take us to Annecy, also called “the Little Venice of France”. Here, we will see the Annecy Castle overlooking this medieval town, the Basilica of the Visitation, the St. Claire Gate, the Island Palace, which is perhaps the most photographed in France because of its beauty and grandeur, and other monuments. We will have some free time, during which we will be able to take a boat ride (extra) on the lake. In the afternoon (time permitting), we will be able to do some personal sightseeing before returning to St. Vincent.
MONDAY | We will start our day with a relaxing fullday optional excursion to discover Gran Paradiso National Park, Aosta. The history of the Aosta Valley dates back to at least 3,000 BC. We will then proceed to discover the city of Aosta. Since the 19th century, Aosta has been called “the Rome of the Alps” due to its numerous Roman and medieval sites that make up the history of Aosta.
TUESDAY | Today’s optional full-day excursion will take us to visit Superga and Turin. Our first stop is in Superga, where we will visit the Basilica and the splendid views overlooking Turin, the heart of the Piedmont region. Affixed to the basilica wall, is a plaque-monument commemorating the fatal plane crash disaster of Turin’s football team and officials back in 1949. We will later proceed to the city centre where we will see, amongst others, Via Roma, Piazza Castello, Palazzo Madama, the Giardino Reale and the Mole Antonelliana. We will visit the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist and the Shroud of Jesus Christ.
We will then have some free time for shopping in Via Garibaldi.
WEDNESDAY | Today’s full-day optional excursion will take us to Switzerland starting with a guided tour of Chillon Castle (extra), which was built in 1536 and situated on the edge of Lake Geneva. We will later proceed to Montreaux, the world-famous spa resort. This town is stunning, consisting of palm trees and camellias lining the lake’s promenade. Our next stop is in Gruyères which is known for its cheese. Here, we will visit the lovely, hill town with its magnificent, medieval appearance.
THURSDAY | After breakfast, we will have a fullday optional excursion which will take us to the mountain town of Cervinia, where we shall have the option of going up the Matterhorn Mountain skiing resort (weather permitting), lying on the border with Switzerland (cable car extra). In the afternoon, we will visit Fénis Castle from the outside. This is a landmark of the Valle d’Aosta region. Some free time for a walk. We will end the day with a visit to a typical salami factory (entrance extra).
FRIDAY | Today’s optional full-day excursion will drive us up the mountains. After a late morning departure, we will head first to Chamonix, a world-famous skiing resort on Mont Blanc. We will take the tram (extra) to go up the mountain where we shall see the famous Mer de Glasse. Hopefully, we should still find snow during this time of year. On the way back to our hotel, we will also stop in Courmayeur. The narrow streets of this old village are alive throughout the year. It is separated from France only by Mont Blanc and provides many shopping outlets.
SATURDAY | Breakfast, check-out and free time before we make our way to Milan Linate airport for our return Air Malta flight departing at 3.40pm and arriving in Malta at 5.30pm.
43 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Services of tour leader Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund u u u
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken.
Gran Paradiso National Park/Aosta €43 €22
Lakes & Mountains, Austrian Tyrol
Group 1 6 - 13 July
Group 2 13 - 20 July
Group 3 20 - 27 July
Group 4 27 July - 3 August
Group 5 3 - 10 August
Group 6 10 - 17 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 7 17 - 24 August
Group 8 24 - 31 August
Group 9 31 August - 7 September
Group 10 7 - 14 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Group 11 14 - 21 September (21 September - National Holiday)
Group 12 21 - 28 September
Oberammergau, Pfunds, Merano, Lago di Resia, Kaunertal, Landeck, Serfaus, Fiss, Ladis, Swarovski Crystal
World, Innsbruck, Livigno, Seefeld, Garmisch-Partenkirchen & Lake Eibsee
Air Malta return direct flights to Munich airport
7 nights in 3-star Edelweiss hotel in Pfunds or similar
Rooms with private facilities, TV, hairdryer, safe & free Wi-Fi
Daily buffet breakfast
Free use of sauna area
Free visit to Oberammergau
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge
Insolvency fund
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken. EXCURSIONS
Merano/Lago di Resia
Serfaus/Fiss/Ladis €40 €20
Innsbruck €45 €23
Livigno €49 €25
Seefeld/Garmisch-Pertenkirchen/Lake Eibsee €44 €22
City tax of €2.20 per person per day (from 16 years upwards) is to be paid directly at hotel
Serfaus cable-car €25 per person
Swarovski Crystal World €21 per adult/€7 per child
Lake Eibsee boat trip €12 per person
Merano Chair lift €7 per person
Lake Eibsee paddle boat €12 per person
THURSDAY | We meet at the airport at 6.15am for our Air Malta flight departing at 8.45am and arriving in Munich airport at 11.05am. On arrival, we drive towards Oberammergau, famous for its once-a-decade performance of the Passion Play, its woodcarvings by local artisans and the fresco paintings on houses. These 18th century paintings incorporate scenes from the Bible, fairy tales and folk festivals. We will have time for lunch (extra) and have some free time for personal sightseeing. We later proceed towards Pfunds where we check-in at our 3-star Edelweiss Hotel.
FRIDAY | On our first full-day optional excursion, we cross over to Italy, passing through the Dolomite region arriving in Merano, which was the old capital of the Tyrolean region. We drive through wonderful mountain scenery till we reach this Italian medieval town, centred on Gothic Via dei Portici. On our way, we make a short stop in Lago di Resia on the Reschen Pass.
SATURDAY | Today’s full-day optional excursion takes us to Kaunertal and Landeck. In Kaunertal, the breathtaking natural beauty of the high Alps is revealed in all its glory. The magnificence of the Alpine landscape will surely leave us gazing in awe! Early afternoon, we proceed to Landeck where we have the possibility to do some shopping.
SUNDAY | The morning is free to enjoy at our leisure, or one can join the tour leader for a walk around Pfunds taking us through the serene streets with decorated houses, dwarfed by pine clad mountains rising steeply into an unspoilt countryside. We have time to hear Mass. Late in the morning, we take a half-day optional excursion to visit the picturesque villages of Serfaus, Fiss and Ladis. Our first stop will be in Serfaus, where we have time to go up the mountain by a cable car (extra). Later, we drive to Ladis, passing through Fiss. We stop in Ladis and walk around Lake Landerer and take a look at Laudegg Castle from the exterior. Our last stop will be a visit to the old Roman road Via Claudia.
MONDAY | We board the coach for a full-day optional excursion driving towards Innsbruck, capital of Tyrol. Our first stop will be at the world-famous Swarovski Crystal World (extra), where we can enjoy a dazzling tour of this fantastic place. We later proceed to visit the old medieval town of Innsbruck. A walking city tour will take us round the narrow streets and pavement cafes. We see the Golden Roof, the Hofburg Palace and Maria Theresien Strasse, a main shopping street, full of historic architecture and sightseeing paradise.
TUESDAY | This morning, we leave Tyrol for a full-day optional excursion driving to Livigno, the famous skii resort in the Alps, offering its breath-taking nature and crisply fresh air. We have time to explore and enjoy this exceptional village and its exquisite landscape. Livigno is one of the largest and highest skii areas in the region, and a duty-free resort. There is a wide choice of bars, cafes, and restaurants as well as a considerable number of shops. On our return to the hotel, time permitting, we can stop in the Latteria de Livigno where we can buy Livigno cheese (extra) or simply indulge in an ice-cream (extra), Italian style!
WEDNESDAY | Our last optional full-day excursion takes us to visit two villages, starting with the peaceful village of Seefeld, dominated and surrounded by mountains. Here, we can stroll around and do some last-minute shopping. Our next visit will be in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, a town with a history taking us back to 15AD. This town is one of the busiest yearround holiday destinations with impressive historic lovingly painted houses. Our last stop will be in nearby Lake Eibsee, situated at the foot of Germany’s highest mountain, the Zugspitze. If the boat service is available, we can take a boat trip (extra) or rent a paddle boat (extra) on the emerald, green lake. A truly unique experience!
THURSDAY | We check-out of our rooms and leave for Munich airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 12.10pm and arriving in Malta at 2.20pm.
44 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u u
PRICE Adult in Quad €699 €599 Adult in Triple €739 €639 Adult in Twin €759 €659 Adult in Single €899 €799 Child sharing w/2 adults €499 €399 Half Board €109
Kaunertal/Landeck €48 €24
Austrian Delights & Germany
Group 1 15 - 22 July
Group 2 22 - 29 July
Group 3 5 - 12 August
Group 4 12 - 19 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 5 26 August - 2 September
Group 6 2 - 9 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Munich’s Olympic Park, Flachau, Mondsee, St. Gilgen, St. Wolfgang, Eagle’s Nest, Lake Kõnigssee, Hallein Salt Mines, Salzburg, Velden, Klagenfurt, Villach Sigmund-Thun Gorge, Zell-am-See, Berchtesgaden, Heiligenblut & Grossglockner.
Air Malta return direct flights to Munich airport.
7 nights in 4-star Unterberghof Hotel in Flachau or similar
Rooms with private facilities, TV, safe & hairdryer
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Group 7 9 - 16 September u
Free visit to Munich’s Olympic Park
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken.
SATURDAY | We meet at the airport at 6.15am for our Air Malta flight to Munich airport departing at 8.45am. On arrival at 11.05am, our coach takes us to visit Munich’s Olympic Park. We have time for lunch (extra) and to visit the area. One of the main attractions is the Olympic Tower (extra) standing at a height of 182m where we can admire the marvellous panorama. We later proceed to our 4-star Unterberghof Hotel in Flachau in Austria, for check-in.
SUNDAY | Our first optional full-day excursion takes us to Salzkammergut - the Lake District. Our first stop will be in Mondsee, a typical quaint Austrian Village on the bank of Lake Mondsee. At its centre, one can find the lovely St Michael’s Basilica which was used to film the marriage scene in the famous movie ‘The Sound of Music’. Later, we go to St Gilgen, the birthplace of Mozart’s mother, where we will ride a boat (extra) to St Wolfgang, crossing Lake Wolfgangsee which is one of the biggest and most famous lakes in the district.
Eagle’s Nest/Lake Konigssee €49 €25
Hallein Salt Mines/Salzburg €49 €25
Velden/Worthersee/Klagenfurt/Villach €42 €21
Sigmund-Thun Gorge/Zell-am-See/
Berchtesgaden €45 €23
Heiligenblut/Grossglockner €49 €25
City tax of €2 per person per night (from 15 years upwards) is to be paid directly at hotel.
Olympic Tower €10 per person
St. Gilgen boat ride €13 per adult/€9.10 per child
Eagle’s Nest €27.50 per adult /€13.60 per child
Lake Kõnigssee boat ride €19.80 per adult/€11 per child
Hallein Salt Mines €30 per adult/€16 per child
Funicular Hohensalzburg Fortress €16.60 per adult/€9.50 per child
Sigmund-Thun Gorge €5.90 per adult/€3.80 per child
Grossglockner toll €6.30 per adult/€3.10 per child
MONDAY | On today’s full-day optional excursion, we drive through the German Alpine Road to visit the spectacular ‘Eagle’s Nest’ – Hitler’s summer residence (shuttle bus extra). We later make our way towards Lake Kõnigssee, where we can enjoy some amazing views of the mountains overlooking the lake. We have time for lunch (extra) and to go for a walk around the shore or may even go for a boat ride (extra) on Germany’s most beautiful Alpine Lake. The silent electric boat navigates right past the vertical mountain walls in the emerald fjord lake, where every minute of the journey is relaxing and breath taking.
TUESDAY | Today’s optional full-day excursion begins with a visit to the 7,000 years old Hallein Salt Mines (extra). Together with our guide, we board an electric train for this fun-filled tour. Then, we will straddle two wooden rails and slide down to the lower level of the mine (one can opt to use the steps). We will be able to view a multi-vision show and take a boat trip across an underground lake. Later, we proceed to Salzburg, in the heart of Europe, known also as the birthplace of Mozart and the location for the setting of the film “The Sound of Music”. Time to go around the
pedestrian streets, alleys and squares while admiring the impressive buildings and churches. One can also take the funicular up to the cliff top Hohensalzburg Fortress (extra) and enjoy the amazing fortification and also the panoramic view from up top.
WEDNESDAY | After breakfast, our optional fullday excursion takes us to the region of Carinthia towards the southern part of Austria. Our first stop will be in Velden, a famous holiday resort situated on the western shore of Worthersee which is a popular bathing lake and the largest lake in the region. We then proceed towards the 17th century town of Klagenfurt. We can stroll around the pedestrian area with its beautifully restored Renaissance courtyard and even have time for personal sightseeing and shopping. Our last stop will be a coffee stop in Villach, a small town that dates back to the Roman times.
THURSDAY | Our full-day optional excursion, takes us to Sigmund-Thun Gorge (extra). This spectacular phenomenon waterfall was formed some 14,000 years ago when a glacier melted and left behind a gorge 32m deep into the ground. We walk along safe narrow rock faces across wooden catwalks and bridges. We then proceed to nearby Zell-am See where we stroll around the attractive narrow streets leading to the shore of the emerald, green lake. For our last stop, we will cross to Germany to visit Berchtesgaden, a picturesque, historical little mountain town. Many great sights which surely make this an enjoyable stroll.
FRIDAY | Today, our full-day optional excursion takes us to Grossglockner (toll pass extra), driving through spectacular Austrian alpine backdrops. We make a short stop in the lovely village of Heiligenblut and then proceed to the Alps where, heading towards the mighty Grossglockner. The 48 kilometres mountain road blends harmoniously into the landscape and offers a unique mountain experience and pleasure
SATURDAY | We check-out of our rooms and make our way towards Munich airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 12.10pm and arriving in Malta at 2.20pm.
45 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u u
PRICE PER PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE Adult in Triple €629 €529 Adult in Twin €649 €549 Adult in Single €689 €589 Child sharing w/2 adults €499 €399 Half Board €119
u u
Salzkammergut €45 €23
Zell-Am-See, Austria
Group 1 29 July - 5 August
Group 2 19 - 26 August
Group 3 10 - 17 September
Munich, Zell-am-See, Sigmund-Thun Gorge, Heiligenblut, Grossglockner, Hallein Salt Mines, Bad Reichenhall, Berchtesgaden, Hallstatt, St Johan im Pongau, Salzburg, Hellbrunn Palace, Krimmler Waterfalls, Kufstein, Kitzbuhel, Eagle’s Nest & Lake Konigssee
Air Malta return direct flights to Munich airport
7 nights in 4-star Hotel Gruner Baum in Zell-Am-See or similar.
Rooms with private facilities, TV, hairdryer & safe
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers Free entrance to the hotel's sauna
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge
Insolvency fund
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken. ** There are many restaurants in the vicinity from which one can choose from
Sigmund-Thun Gorge/Heiligenblut/
Grossglockner €45 €23
Hallein Salt Mines/Bad Reichenhall/
Berchtesgaden €45 €23
Hohenwerfen Castle/Hallstatt/St Johan im Pongau €47 €24
Salzburg/Hellbrunn Palace €45 €23
Krimmler Waterfalls/Kufstein/Kitzbuhel €45 €23
Eagle’s Nest/Lake Konigssee €46 €23
City tax of €2.05 per person per day (from 15 years upwards) is to be paid directly at hotel.
Zell-am-See boat ride €17.00 per adult/€8.50 per child
Sigmund-Thun Gorge €5.90 per adult/€3.80 per child
Grossglockner toll €6.30 per adult/€3.10 per child
Hallein Salt-Mines €30.00 per adult/€16.00 per child
Hohenwerfen Castle €16.90 per adult/€5.70 per child
Hellbrunn Palace €12 per adult/€6 per child
Krimmler Waterfalls €5 per adult/€2.50 per child
Gerlos Pass €2.00 per adult/€1.00 per child
Kufstein Fortress €13.50 per adult/€6.00 per child
Eagle’s Nest €27.50 per adult/€14 per child
Lake Konigssee boat €19.80 per adult/ €11.00 per child
DAY 1 | We meet at the airport at 06.15am for our Air Malta flight departing at 8.45am. On arrival in Munich airport at 11.05am, our coach takes us to Munich centre where we can stroll around Marienplatz with its majestic Town Hall. Some free time for personal sightseeing, lunch (extra) and shopping. We later make our way to our 4-star Hotel Gruner Baum in Zell-am-See . After check-in, we can join our tour leader to explore Zell-am-See’s medieval centre, which most of it is traffic-free and with a variety of shops and attractive pavement cafes.
DAY 2 | Today, our first optional full day excursion takes us to Sigmund-Thun Gorge (extra) where we experience the mighty, thunderous masses of water. To-date, the Kapruner Ache has managed to cut its way 32m deep on its 320m long path through Sigmund-Thun Gorge, creating strikingly smooth stretches of rock, basins and potholes. We shall proceed to the Alps and make a short stop in the scenic village of Heiligenblut, and later we will head towards Austria’s highest peak, the Grossglockner (toll pass extra) and its surrounding snow-capped peaks.
DAY 3 | Today, our full day optional excursion takes us first to the Hallein Salt Mines (extra), the oldest mines in the world. Together with the local guide, we hop aboard the mine train for a fun-filled ride into the centre of the mountain. Our next stop will be in the town of Bad Reichenhall situated in the neighbouring German Region of Bavaria. Here we will admire the gable-topped houses in the oldest part of the town, which were spared in the 1835 city fire and also stroll around the beautiful Ludwig Strasse. En route to our hotel, we will make a stop in the town of Berchtesgaden, another Bavarian picturesque little mountain town, full of great sights which surely makes this enjoyable stop.
DAY 4 | Today’s optional full day excursion, takes us to visit the over 900-year-old Hohenwerfen Castle (extra) on the steep peak high above the Salzach Valley. Its splendid structures offer a great panoramic view. This incredible castle was the site for the 1968 WWII classic film “Where Eagles Dare”. We will reach the castle’s entrance by a cable car where we will meet the local guide to take us around the interior of the castle with various chambers and exhibitions, followed by a falconry demonstrations with birds of prey. After this impressive, spectacular show, we will head towards Hallstatt on Lake Hallstatt. Its 16th
century Alpine houses and alleyways are home to cafes and shops. The village is one of the world’s most beautful motives photographed against the stunning backdrop. We will later proceed for a coffee stop in St Johan im Pongau.
DAY 5 | Today, we have an optional full day excursion to the internationally renowned city of Salzburg, with one of the best preserved city centres north of the Alps. On arrival, we enter Mirabel Gardens and later, walk over Makarsteg Bridge towards the city’s historic centre where we shall see Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s birthplace, St Peter’s Abbey and the cemetery, made famous in the musical movie ‘The Sound of Music’. We later proceed to visit Hellbrunn Palace (extra) which is popular attraction with its unique grounds full of surprises, water games and trick fountains.
DAY 6 | Today, for our full day optional excursion, we head towards the Krimmler Waterfalls (extra). This fantastic attraction cascades plunges down 381m in three steps of fall joining the River Salzach which flows to the River Inn, the River Danube and finally to the Black Sea. We will later drive up to the Gerlos Pass (extra) for our next stop in Kufstein, second largest city in the Austrian Tyrol after Innsbruck. We stroll around this town by the lush banks of the river Inn, admire the colourful house facades and the impressive Römerhofgasse. One can also visit Kufstein Fortress (extra), the landmark which enthrones on its elevated position in the centre of the town. In the afternoon, we head to the small, sophisticated town of Kitzbuhel with its cobbled streets, upmarket shops, cafés and colourful frescoed shops.
DAY 7 | For our optional full day excursion, today, we first visit the so-called Eagle’s Nest, built as a teahouse atop the summit of Kehlstein Mountain for Adolf Hitler’s 50th birthday as a retreat and place to entertain friends and dignitaries (transportation and bus ride extra). We later proceed towards Lake Konigssee, where we walk around the charming quay before taking a boat trip (extra) and enjoy the amazing views of the picturesque setting of the lake, similar to a fjord, surrounded by steeply rising flanks of mountains.
DAY 8 | After check-out, we make our way to Munich airport for our Air Malta flight departing at 12.10pm and arriving in Malta at 2.20pm.
46 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u
u u PRICE PER PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE Adult in Triple €869 €769 Adult in Twin €899 €799 Adult in Single €969 €869 Child sharing with 2 adults €549 €449
Black Forest Magic
Group 1 12 - 19 July
Group 2 19 - 26 July
Group 3 26 July - 2 August
Group 4 2 - 9 August
Group 5 9 - 16 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 6 16 - 23 August
Group 7 23 - 30 August
Group 8 30 August - 6 September
Schwenningen, Dorotheenhütte, Strasbourg, Mainau Island, Constance, Stuttgart, Waldenbuch (Ritter Sport Chocolate Factory Shop), Triberg Waterfalls, Furtwangen, Titisee, Colmar, Freiburg, Europa Theme Park, Schaffhausen & Rhine Falls
Air Malta return direct flights to Zurich airport
7 nights in 4-star Central Hotel in Schwenningen or similar Rooms with private facilities, free Wi-Fi, TV, tea and coffee making facilities, mini fridge & hairdryer
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Free access to the fitness & sauna area
Free visits to Schaffhausen & Rhine Falls
Welcome drink Services of tour leader
All taxes & service charge
Insolvency fund
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken. **There are many restaurants in the vicinity from which one can choose from
Dorotheenhütte/Strasbourg €45 €23
Mainau Island/Constance €45 €23
Stuttgart/Waldenbuch (Ritter Sport
Chocolate Factory shop) €45 €23
Triberg/Furtwangen/Titisee €45 €23
Colmar/Freiburg €45 €23
Europa Theme Park (entrance extra) €36 €18
Mainau Island €22 per adult/€18 per child
Triberg Waterfalls €7.50 per adult/€3.50 per child
Furtwangen Clock Museum €8 per adult/€5 per child
Europa Theme Park €48 per adult/children under 4 years free
WEDNESDAY | We meet at the airport at 11.50am for our direct Air Malta flight to Zurich airport departing at 2.20pm arriving at 4.45pm. On arrival, we are transferred to our 4-star Central Hotel in Schwenningen, Germany, for our stay in the Black Forest region. The small, charming town of Schwenningen, with its traditional buildings and town square, is ideally situated to discover the highlights of the area. On arrival, we check-in our rooms, followed by a welcome drink, and later we join our tour leader for a familiarisation walk.
THURSDAY | Today, we cross to neighbouring France for an optional full-day excursion to Strasbourg. We drive through the lovely countryside, and on the way, we shall stop at Dorotheenhütte’s glass paradise and its unique all-year-round Christmas shop. We then proceed to Strasbourg, the site of the European Parliament, and visit Petite France and the old medieval town with its superb cathedral and majestic buildings.
FRIDAY | Our full-day optional excursion takes us first to the botanical island of Mainau (extra), known for its splendour of flowers, children’s park, pony rides, petting zoo and its main attraction: The Butterfly House. Early in the afternoon, we head to Constance, situated on the famous Lake Constance, bordering with Germany, Austria and Switzerland. This historical tour is ideal to stroll around the picturesque pedestrian streets. The harbour offers breathtaking views of the lake and the distant Alps.
SATURDAY | Our full-day optional excursion takes us to visit Stuttgart, the sixth largest city in Germany. Our short walking tour will end in Palace Square, where we can see the Old and New Palaces and stroll along the 1100m long pedestrian Konigstrasse, packed with various shops. The city is filled with green spaces, which wrap around its centre, and its vast traffic-free area is ideal for personal sightseeing and a shopping paradise. We will proceed to Waldenbuch to visit the Ritter Sport Chocolate Factory Shop, famous for the abundant variety of chocolates which has been recognized around the world for their unique square shape of chocolate. Opportunity to buy some
delicious products.
SUNDAY | A full-day optional excursion to the Black Forest core awaits us today as it takes us on a pleasant drive through endless paths among the forest trees. We start with a fascinating view complimented by the sound of roaring water when we visit Triberg Waterfalls (extra) and walk down the side path to see one of Germany’s highest waterfalls. After this photographer’s paradise, we proceed to see the world largest cuckoo clock in Clock Park Eble. This will be followed by a visit to Furtwangen Clock Museum (extra), where the guide will show us the greatest collection of the branded articles, and the mechanical musical instruments which will be put in motion for us. We later head towards the village of Titisee with its lake, situated 858m above sea level between wooded slopes of the forest.
MONDAY | Our full-day optional excursion will take us to France, stopping in Colmar, known also as “Little Venice of Alsace”. We admire the half-timbered houses and peaceful canals while walking through the cobbled streets. We drive back to Germany, stopping in Freiburg, the capital of the Black Forest Region. Here, we visit the Gothic Cathedral dominating the square and stroll around the 14th century buildings and pedestrian area for personal sightseeing and shopping.
TUESDAY | The day is free to enjoy Schwenningen, or one can join the group and spend an optional full-day excursion at the famous Europa Theme Park (extra), the fantastic world of adventure for all ages, with over 100 attractions and spectacular shows all prepared to make our day a special one. This experience will give us a perfect closure to our week’s holiday.
WEDNESDAY | We check-out of our rooms and make our way to Zurich airport. On our way, we shall stop in Schaffhausen with its fine Renaissance era buildings, and later proceed to admire the magnificent Rhine Falls. Later, we proceed to the airport for our return Air Malta flight departing at 5.40pm and arriving in Malta at 7.55pm
47 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u u
u u u PRICE PER PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE Adult in Quad €689 €589 Adult in Triple €699 €599
€739 €639
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 adults
u u
French Riviera Nice
Group 1 28 August - 4 September
San Remo, Ventimiglia, Italian Riviera, Menton, French Riviera, Nice, Cannes, Monaco, Monte Carlo, Eze, St Tropez & St Mazime, St Paul de Vence.
u u u
Air Malta return direct flights to Nice Côte d'Azur airport
7 nights hotel accommodation in 3-star Hotel KHLA in Nice or similar
u u
Daily buffet breakfast
Free visit to Nice
Return transfers
Service of tour leader
Group 2 4 - 11 September u u u
Airport taxes and service charge
Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €769 - €669* €919 - €819*
Adult in Twin €799 - €699* €949 - €849*
Adult in Single €1179 - €1079* €1329 - €1229*
Child Sharing with 2 adults €679 - €579* €829 - €729*
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
** There are many restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel which one can choose from.
San Remo €45 €23
Cannes €35 €18
Auron €45 €23
Monaco & Monte Carlo €45 €23
St. Tropez & St. Maxime €45 €23
St. Paul de Vence & Antibes €45 €23
City tax €2.01 per person per day to be settled directly to the hotel (price can change)
The Palace €10 per person
Ferry from St Maxime to St Tropez €8 per person
The Picasso Gallery €14 per person
Palace of Monaco €10 per person
MONDAY | We meet at Malta International Airport at 4.00pm for our Air Malta direct flight to Côte D’Azur airport in Nice departing at 6.00pm. On arrival at 7.45pm our coach will drive us to our hotel for check in. We can join the tour leader for dinner (extra) and admire the beautiful square of Place Massena.
TUESDAY | Breakfast, and we go for a full day optional excursion to San Remo. We will pass in front of the Ariston Theatre where for over 60 years the national festival of Italian song takes place! Later on, we stop in the famous market of San Remo where we can do some good bargains in leather goods silk and other accessories for which Italy is renowned. In the afternoon we proceed to the Italian Riviera driving through Ventimiglia. Last stop will be in Menton a microclimate of citrus trees and Mediterranean vegetation.
WEDNESDAY | Today, we will have a free morning to discover the lovely city of Nice. Central Nice boasts some amazing streets, such as Avenue Jean Medecin, with all its shops and big shopping centre including the Galeries La Fayette, Place Massena, the Palais du Justice, and the Opera House. We will also visit what we call la Promenade des Anglais and discover the beauty of the French Riviera while strolling with gorgeous views of the sea. In the afternoon, we have a half-day optional excursion taking us to nearby Cannes. This jet-set resort is famous for numerous festivals and boutiques. We will have some free time for individual sightseeing. Later, we can join our group leader to take dinner extra) and taste delicious food in one of the local restaurants of the area.
THURSDAY | Another full-day optional excursion taking us to the skiing village of Auron. Wonderful views and amazing panoramas await us. Just ideal for those nature lovers! We can enjoy nice walks and
breathe the fresh air which surrounds this village.
FRIDAY | After breakfast, accompanied by the tour leader, we will go for a full day optional excursion taking us to Monaco and Monte Carlo. We will drive along the spectacular coastline between Nice and Monaco. In Monaco we go around the old town and visit the Cathedral and Palace (entrance extra) The cathedral hosted the wedding of Prince Ranier and Grace Kelly. Here also we can see the tombs of Grace Kelly and husband Ranier. Time to watch the changing of the guards. We then drive to Monte Carlo which is famous for its casino. Our last visit before we come back to our hotel is Eze known for its artisan shops quaint streets and handmade items.
SATURDAY | Another full day optional excursion to St. Tropez and St Mazime. We Cross by ferry (extra) to St. Tropez, here we can admire the Mega yachts moored along the marina. This village is dotted with famous boutiques and restaurants, where one can dine to a sumptuous meal. We can enjoy some free time for personal sightseeing.
SUNDAY | After breakfast a full day optional excursion to St. Paul De Vence & Antibes. Our first stop will be in Antibes. We walk along the marina where we will take the chance to visit the Cathedral and/or visit the Picasso Gallery (extra). From here we proceed to St Paul de Vence, we walk up to the cathedral and roam all around the narrow streets with typical old houses full of artistic galleries and tourist shops. It is very popular with tourists.
MONDAY | Late breakfast and free time to enjoy the beautiful beaches nearby or do some last-minute shopping in the various malls of the area. We check out of the rooms, and we board our coach to Nice Côte d’Azur airport connecting our flight departing at 9.25pm and arriving in Malta at 11.20pm.
FREE VISIT TO NICE 48 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Group 1 16 - 23 August
Group 2 24 - 31 October
Paris, Caen, Mont Saint Michel, Lisieux, Saint Germain de Livet, Honfleur, Étretat, Pointe du Hoc, Colleville sur Mer, Omaha Beach, Bayeux, Rouen & Giverny
Air Malta return direct flights to Paris airports
7 nights in 4-star Best Western Plus Le Moderne in Caen or similar
Rooms with private facilities & TV
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Free visit to Giverny town & Paris city tour
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken ** There are many restaurants in the vicinity from which one can choose from.
Mont Saint Michel
(with English-speaking guide) €49 €35
Lisieux/Saint German de Livet €42 €21
Honfleur/Étretat €45 €23
D-Day Landing beaches/Omaha Cemetery/Bayeux €45 €23
Rouen €42 €21
City tax of €1.50 per person per night is to be paid directly at hotel.
Caen Memorial Museum €19.80 per person
Mont Saint Michel-Abbey’s Ramparts - €9 per person
Chateau Saint Germain de Livet €7 per person
Bayeux Tapestry €9.50 per person
Giverney Stone Farmhouse €13 adults/€7.50 children
DAY 1 | We will meet at the airport at 4.00am for our Air Malta flight to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport departing at 6.25am. On arrival at 9.20am, our coach will pick us up to proceed to Paris for a free panoramic city tour, where we shall see, amongst others, La Défense, Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Tour Eiffel, Place de la Concorde, L’Opera and Notre Dame Cathedral. Afterwards we will go to our 3-star Royal Hotel in Caen, in Normandy.
DAY 2 | Together with our tour leader, we will go on foot to explore the city of Caen. This town boasts of two abbeys: the Abbey Aux Hommes and the Abbey aux Dames. It was precisely here that William the Conqueror chose to reside. The soul of this historically rich city today is found nestled in the ancient quarters of its centre with narrow streets lined with lively shops, a marina right in the heart of the city and an array of parks and gardens. The rest of the afternoon is free, or one can go to Caen Memorial Museum (extra) - this peace memorial is a must-see, retelling an hour-byhour account of D-Day.
DAY 3 | We will enjoy the highlight of our full-day optional excursion that takes us to the beautiful sights on the Island of Mont Saint Michel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and undoubtedly one of Normandy’s most spectacular attractions that includes the wellpreserved abbey, from which the island takes its name. There is substantial amount of steps to reach the abbey. We explore the abbey’s ramparts (extra), the island’s museum, and then we shall have time to browse the local shops.
DAY 4 | Our coach will take us to our full-day optional excursion where we first go to Lisieux. The simple and humble way St. Therese of Lisieux lived her life draws many people to this wonderful shrine. We see the Carmelite convent, the Cathedral and the Basilica. Then, we shall go to Saint Germain de Livet, a charming hamlet at the bottom of the valley. Here, we will see a picture postcard timbered farm, a couple of cottages, a church, and the adorable 15th century Chateau with pepper pot turrets and pink and white
checkerboard façade. We shall have time to visit the beautiful gardens of this Chateau (extra).
DAY 5 | Another full-day optional excursion takes us to Honfleur and Étretat. Honfleur offers a unique heritage which can be best glimpsed by strolling along this little maritime city that has somehow escaped the ravages of time, making it one of the most visited towns in France. Honfleur has succeeded in making the most of its rich historical and artistic heritage. We will then proceed to Étretat, where the sea passes under the limestone arches that make the resort famous. We have time to admire the splendid view of the sea and its magnificent beach and cliffs.
DAY 6 | Today’s full-day optional excursion takes us to a journey through the history of World War II. First, we shall stop at “The Pointe du Hoc”, 90 feet high cliffs, where 225 Rangers landed on June 6, 1944. We will continue our day of remembrance and stop at Colleville sur Mer to visit the American Cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach, which contains over 9,000 white crosses perfectly aligned on 170 acres. We shall then proceed to Bayeux, which was the first town to be liberated by the Allies at the end of World War II. We will see the Cathedral and the famous Bayeux Tapestry (extra). This piece of artwork tells the story of William the Conqueror.
DAY 7 | Our full-day optional excursion takes us to the medieval city of Rouen. We will walk through the old town centre, where we shall see the Cathedral, the 14th century courthouse where Joan of Arc was sentenced to death and the Market Square. We will have some free time before we return to Caen.
DAY 8 | We shall check-out from our hotel and board our coach to go to Paris Orly Airport. On our way, we will make a stop in the town of Giverny, where we visit the beautiful gardens and charming stone farmhouse (extra) where Claude Monet lived and worked. We will then be transferred to Orly airport for our return Air Malta flight departing at 6.50pm and arriving in Malta at 9.25pm.
u u u u u u u u
PERSON *SPECIAL PRICE Adult in Triple €889 €789 Adult in Twin €909 €809 Adult in Single €1219 €1119 Child sharing with 2 adults €699 €599
49 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Loire Valley Castles & Gardens
Group 1 3 - 10 August
Group 2 16 - 23 September
Air Malta return direct flights to Paris airports
7 nights in 3-star Hotel Campanile Orleans Centre Gare in Orleans or similar
Rooms with private facilities, TV & Wi-Fi
Daily buffet breakfast Return airport transfers
visit to Paris
Services of tour leader Airport taxes & service charge
Adult in Triple €879 - €779* €959 - €859*
Adult in Twin €899 - €799* €979 - €879*
Adult in Single €1189 - €1089* €1269 - €1169*
Child Sharing with 2 adults €759 - €659* €839 - €739*
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken. **Second group will be returning from Paris Orly airport at 6.40pm.
***There are many restaurants in the vicinity from which one can choose from
Blois & Château de Chambord €49 €25
Saumur (Wine Tasting included) & Chinon €55 €40
Le Mans €49 €29
Amboise (Wine Tasting included) & Château de Chenonceau €54 €40
Villandry €45 €29
Tours €35 €18
City tax of €1.50 per person per night is to be paid directly at hotel
Château de Chambord €13.50
Chinon traditional boat €26.50
Château de Chenonceau €15.50
Spectacular gardens of Villandry €11
DAY 1 | We meet our tour leader at 4.00 am for our Air Malta flight to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport departing at 6.25am. On arrival at 9.20am, our coach picks us up to go to our 3-star Hotel Campanile Orleans Centre Gare in Orleans in the Loire Valley. On our way, we go to Paris for a free panoramic city tour, where we see, amongst others, La Defense, Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Tour Eiffel, Place de la Concorde, L’Opera and Notre Dame Cathedral. We continue to Orleans, and upon arrival we checkin at our hotel.
DAY 2 | Our first optional excursion takes us in the heart of the Loire Valley, in the royal town of Blois which is packed with animated streets, paved squares, restaurants and taverns. We then proceed to Château de Chambord (extra), a unique monument by its architecture and proportions. The largest of the Loire castles, the turreted Chambord Castle was built for King Francois 1st as a hunting lodge. The intricate stone “double helix” staircase leading up to the spires and turrets of the rooftop terrace is thought to have been designed by Leonardo da Vinci.
DAY 3 | Today’s full-day optional excursion takes us first to Saumur which is situated in the southern end of Anjou region. The area around Saumur is the 3rd largest sparkling wine appellation in France with more than 12 million bottles of Saumur Mousseux produced each year. We go for a wine tasting tour at the Caves Louis de Grenelle, and at the end of the tour we will be given a bottle of Cuvée Ivoire Brut. Afterwards, we go to the centre of Saumur, and we go round its imposing buildings. Then we proceed to the medieval town of Chinon, a town with endless vineyards and a majestic fortress that towers over the centre with its half-timbered houses. One can also enjoy a peaceful river ride on a traditional boat (extra) to enjoy the fantastic views of the ramparts and the Vienne River.
DAY 4 | The day is free to enjoy Orleans, a city with its history mixed with Joan of Arc and with an attractive old quarter centering around the 18th and 19th century streets, with arcaded galleries that evoke a gracious and prosperous history. Its pedestrian district, its museums, its shopping streets, its paved squares and the waterfront are all picturesque places to wander around, and together with our tour leader we go for a familiarisation walk.
DAY 5 | Another full-day optional excursion takes us to Le Mans. This is a truly unique city and for many it is the location of the world-famous 24-hour car race. For others, the old town area of Le Mans is appealing, and features ancient Roman walls, a true labyrinth of winding alleyways, and many old buildings which are full of character, both inside and out. Le Mans is dominated by its awe-inspiring cathedral side, the Cathédrale St. Julien. Close to this part of the city, we find the Sarthe River and the centrally located Place de la République, many shops and eateries.
DAY 6 | Our full-day optional excursion takes us to Amboise, cradle of the Renaissance. It is often said that Amboise has the most Italian flair of all the Loire Valley cities. It is also home to one of the largest markets in the area, which is held on Friday. We have some free time before we proceed to a wine cellar where a briefing will be held on the Loire Valley heritage, together with tasting sessions of wines and local food products. Our last stop is Château de Chenonceau (extra), which is built on the river Cher. Its unique beauty of its architecture reflects in the water. The lovely surroundings, the formal garden and the park surrounding it, add to the impression of delicate grace emanating from the castle.
DAY 7 |
Our last full-day optional excursion takes us to the most spectacular gardens of Villandry (extra). By its diversity, originality and by its size (15 acres), Villandry is the Loire Valley Garden which should not be missed. We can relax in the shade of the limetrees and the pergolas, by the vast lawns of the water garden or the new Italian-style waterfalls. There is also a secret maze! Afterwards, we shall make a stop in the town of Langeais.
DAY 8 | After breakfast, we check-out and join the leader for an optional excursion to the city of Tours, one of the largest cities in the Centre-Val de Loire region of France. The city’s historical centre is registered in the UNESCO, and it is home to the Vieux-Tours, a patrimonial site. The garden city has a green heritage and an urban landscape strongly influenced by its natural space. The historic city is nicknames ‘Le Petit Paris’. We return back to the hotel, and in the afternoon, we board our coach to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport for our return Air Malta flight departing at 7.35pm and arriving in Malta at 9.25pm.
50 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
VISITING Paris, Orleans, Blois, Château de Chambord, Saumur, Chinon, Le Mans, Amboise, Villandry, Langeais & Tours
Insolvency fund
u u u u u
PRICE u u u u
4 - 11 September
Esse, La Roche aux Fees, Dinan, Rennes, Fougeres, Vitre, Cancale, Mont Saint-Michel, Quiberon, Auray, Carnac, Nantes, Vannes, Rocherfort en Terre, Malestroit, St Nazaire, Ocean Serpent & Guerande
Ryanair return direct flights to Nantes airport incl. 10kg luggage
7 nights in 3-Star Hotel Companile
Rennes Centre Gare or similar Rooms with private facilities, hairdryer & TV
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
Adult in Triple €899 €799
Adult in Single €1289 €1189
Child sharing w/2 adults €569 €469
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken. **Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other this may incur a charge and extra luggage can be bought at an extra charge.
Dinan/Esse €27 €13
Rennes €20 €10
Fougeres €25 €13
Mont Saint Michel €50 €35
Quiberon/Auray/Carnac/Vannes, Rochefort en terre and Malestroit €47 €23
St Nazaire, Ocean Serpent and Guerrande €45 €23
Nantes €47 €23
Vannes €45 €23
Mont Saint Michel €9 per person
MONDAY, 4TH SEPTEMBER | We meet the tour leader at the airport at 4.50am for our Ryanair flight to Nantes leaving at 7.25am and arriving at 10.15am. Upon arrival, we proceed to our hotel in the heart of Rennes for check in. In the afternoon we join the leader for an optional excursion to Esse and to Dinan. We will start by visiting Le Roche au Fees. About 19 miles (30km) southeast of Rennes, La Roche aux Fees (fairies’ rock) in Esse is regarded as Europe’s best-preserved dolmen. Later we drive to Dinan, which is arguably one of the most beautiful towns in Brittany. The quaint cobble stone streets around the old town have merely changed since the middle age, it makes us feel like we have travelled back time. Then we start walking to the port via the famous streets RUE DU JERZUAL and RUE DU PETIT FORT with the governor house. The port is another highlight of our visit to Dinan. The rance here is overlooked by large viaduct and quaint stone bridge, we can walk cross the bridge to get the nice view back across the part Dinan.
TUESDAY, 5TH SEPTEMBER | Today, we go on a optional walking tour of Rennes, the capital city of Brittany. Here, we shall visit the main sights, the Rennes Cathedral, and the numerous half-timbered houses. In the afternoon, we have an optional half-day excursion to Fougeres and Vitre, two lovely French medieval villages.
WEDNESDAY, 6TH SEPTEMBER | On today’s optional full-day excursion to Mont Saint-Michel, where we will be accompanied with a local guide. We first stop in Mont saint Michel one of the highlights of our tour. It is a Unesco world heritage site and is known for its well-preserved abbey. After climbing the numerous steps, we visit the Abbey and its ramparts (ent. extra). We shall have some free time before we drive back to our hotel.
THURSDAY, 7TH SEPTEMBER | Today, our full-day optional excursion takes us to Quiberon, Auray and Carnac. Quiberon is a town and a peninsula on the southern coast of the Finistère department of western Brittany, near Carnac, known for its beautiful long beaches, it has so many facets to offer. It is not all about white sand, emerald, green sea, and brown rocks, but there are numerous megalithic sites along the coast and, inland, picturesque villages to discover. in this town behind the beach, we can see typical low Brittany whitewashed houses and shops, and the 12th century Church of Notre-Dame de Locmaria. We shall then drive to Auray, one of the most charming of towns in Brittany. A timber-framed historic settlement on the banks of the river Loch in the Morbihan department of Bretagne. We head to Port de Saint Goustan to soak up the ambiance, admire the historic boats, and snap photos of the timber-framed houses to be found there.
Our last stop will be in Carnac, which is renowned for the Carnac stones – one of the most extensive Neolithic menhir collections in the world – as well as its beaches, which are popular with tourists.
FRIDAY, 8TH SEPTEMBER | Today, we shall go on an optional full-day excursion to the city of Nantes. Nantes is a city full of interesting landmarks like the castle and the cathedral, with plenty of trendy venues and technological fantasy to enjoy too. Besides its manmade attractions, Nantes is famous for its vineyards that produce Muscadet white wine. We shall have some free time to explore the city and for shopping.
SATURDAY, 9TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast today, our optional full day excursion takes us to Vannes, Rochefort en Terre, and Malestroit. Our first stop shall be in Vannes. This town is famous for its port, walled ramparts which surround the old town, 272 historic monuments, and many timber-framed houses scattered across the city. We shall then drive to Rochefort en Terre. Without doubt, it is one of the most beautiful small Towns of Character. Rochefort-en Terre takes us on a journey through time. We will take the chance to admire its ramparts, castles, and ancient residences decorated with flowers. The town is lively all year round thanks to lovely boutiques, galleries, and craft shops. Our last stop will be in the Malestroit’s commune. which is one of the very oldest towns of character where we can see amazing architecture of different old buildings.
SUNDAY, 10TH SEPTEMBER | Breakfast and another optional full day excursion to St Nazaire, Ocean Serpent and Guerrandre. Our first stop shall be in St Nazaire which is a fantastic seaside resort where we can stroll around, enjoy the sea view and take the opportunity to visit Le Jardin des plantes which dates back to the late 1880s and it is mainly composed of typical seaside flora from the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Our next stop is Ocean Serpent. This aluminium massive skeleton brings Chinese anthology to the French shore. We can ponder how this strangely living creature rising from the ocean waters or purposefully preserved skeleton held above the shallow waves. Our last trip takes us to Guerande. With its solid ramparts, Guerande can be likened to “Carcassonne of the west”. But behind the stone enclosure, the slate roofs of old dwellings confirm that this Town of Art and History is Celtic. Its wonderful opulence results from the salt marshes, a magical and sparkling place.
MONDAY, 11TH SEPTEMBER | We take our breakfast, and then we check out of the rooms, and we proceed to the airport for our flight back to Malta departing at 10.45am and arriving in Malta at 1.30pm.
51 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Brittany FROM WHEN
Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund u
Adult in Twin €939 €839
Costa Brava, Spanja
Group 1 5 - 12 Lulju
Group 2 12 - 19 Lulju
Group 3 16 - 23 Awwissu
Lloret de Mar, Barċellona, Tossa de Mar, Montserrat, Marineland Aqua Park, Tordera, iż-Żoo ta’ Barċellona u Mataro Park Shopping Centre & Port Aventura
u u u u
Titjira diretta bir-ritorn mal-Ryanair
Malta/Barċellona/Malta li tinkludi
10kg luggage
7 iljieli fil-lukanda Hotel Garbi Park
4-stilel jew simili
Kmamar bis-servizzi privati, arja
kkundizzjonata & TV
7 kolazzjonijiet buffet
Trasferimenti ajruport/lukanda/ajruport
Servizz ta’ tour leader
It-taxxi tal-ajruport u s-service charge
Insolvency fund
Group 4 6 - 13 Settembru (8 Settembru - Festa Nazzjonali) PREZZ
*Prezz spe
jali meta jittieħdu l-half board u l-eskursjonijiet kollha
Barcelona City Tour €45 €23
Tossa de Mar €25 €13
Monserrat €35 €18
Barcellona/Zoo/Xiri €42 €21
Tordera €20 €10
Port Aventura (dħul b’xejn) sa 3 snin €24
Port Aventura (dħul inkluż) 4-11-il sena €52
PortAventura (dħul inkluż) 12-17-il sena €66
Port Aventura (dħul inkluż) 18-59 sena €84
Port Aventura (dħul inkluż) 60 sena ‘l fuq €80
Is-City Tax ta’ €1.70 kull persuna kull lejl titħallas direttament fil-lukanda
Akwarjum ta’ Barcellona Adulti €25/Tfal €18
Marineland Aqua Park Adulti €33/Tfal €23
Zoo ta’ Barcellona Adulti €21.40/Tfal €12.95
L-ERBGĦA | Niltaqgħu l-ajruport ta’ Malta fis5.45pm għat-titjira diretta tal-Ryanair fis-8.15pm għal Barċellona. Malli naslu fis-10.30pm, il-kowċ teħodna l-lukanda ġo Lloret de Mar fejn ikollna sistemazzjoni tal-kmamar. Wara ċ-ċena nidbew il-mawra tagħna b’dawra mat-tour leader fil-qalba ta’ Lloret de Mar.
IL-ĦAMIS | Nibdew il-ġurnata b’kolazzjon u wara eskursjoni optional jum fil-kapitali ta’ dan irreġjun, Barċellona. Niltaqgħu mal-gwida tal-lokal u jakkumpanjana waqt li jagħtina spjegazzjoni blIngliż meta nżuru fost l-oħrajn, is-Sagrada Familia, il-Knisja ta’ Santa Maria Del Mar li nbniet bejn l-1329 u l-1383 u Mont Juic, għolja ideali minn fejn wieħed jista’ jgawdi l-veduta ta’ Barċellona. Wara nofsinhar, ħin liberu għal żjarat personali. Nistgħu nżuru l-famuż Akwarjum ta’ Barċellona (dħul extra), li qiegħed viċin il-Monument ta’ Kristofru Kolombu. Fi triqitna lejn illukanda, nieqfu f’bottega Spanjola u nduqu u nixtru varjetà ta’ inbejjed Spanjoli fosthom is-Sangria.
IL-ĠIMGĦA | Eskursjoni optional ta’ nofs-ta-nhar
li teħodna Tossa de Mar. Din hija belt antika li fiha veduta kostali mill-isbaħ. Fis-sena 1931 ġiet iddikjarata bħala monument artistiku u ta’ storja kbira. Tard wara nofsinhar eskursjoni f’Montserrat. F’Montserrat, li qiegħed f’għoli ta’ 1,236 metru ’l fuq mix-xmara, inżuru l-Monasteru tal-Benedittini ddedikat lil ‘Moreneta’ (Il-Verġni s-Sewda) Padruna ta’ Katalunja. Xenarju spettakolari matul il-vjaġġ.
IS-SIBT | Wara l-kolazzjon, ġurnata libera fejn
nissuġġerixxu li mmorru Marineland Aqua Park (extra) għad-divertiment li jinkludi wirjiet ta’ dniefel, falkuni u pappagalli u nistgħu wkoll nużaw il-faċilitajiet tal-splash & fun.
IL-ĦADD | Ngħaddu n-nofstanhar ta’ filgħodu b’eskursjoni (optional) għas-suq popolari f’Tordera, minn fejn nistgħu nixtru ħwejjeġ u ħafna prodotti oħra bi prezzijiet tajbin. (Illum ikollna l-ikla f’nofsinhar minflok iċ-ċena tat-Tnejn)
IT-TNEJN | Wara l-kolazzjon, jum ta’ avventura għal kull età meta mmorru fuq eskursjoni optional għal Port Aventura (dħul inkluż), il-famuż park ta’ divertiment fejn ngħaddu jum f’ambjent Mediterranju, tal-Far West, Messikan, Ċiniż u Polynesian. Nitilgħu fuq il-fun rides u naraw diversi shows. Tluq minn Port Aventura jkun fis-7.00pm.
IT-TLIETA | Għal-lum nissuġġerixxu li tingħaqdu mat-tour leader għal eskursjoni optional f’Barċellona u Mataro. L-ewwel waqfa tkun f’Barċellona fejn hemmhekk nistgħu nżuru ż-żoo famuż ta’ Barċellona (dħul extra), jew inkella nqattgħu l-ħin fir-Ramblas u Plaza Catalunya, iż-żona l-aktar popolari tal-belt. Wara nofsinhar naqbdu triqitna lejn Mataro Park Shopping Centre f’Mataro, post ideali għax-xiri.
L-ERBGĦA | Wara l-kolazzjon, ikollna t-trasferiment għallajruport ta’ Barċellona minn fejn b’titjira diretta tal-Ryanair nitilqu għal Malta fis-5.40pm, u naslu fit7.50pm.
52 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
KULL PERSUNA GRUPPI 1 & 2 GRUPP 3 GRUPP 4 Trippla €619 - €519* €669 - €569* €549 - €449* Doppja €639 - €539* €689 - €589* €569 - €469* Singola €799 - €699* €849 - €749* €729 - €629* Tfal €609 - €509* €659 - €559* €539 - €439* Half board €99 €99 €99
u u u u
Lake District, Blackpool & Scotland
Group 1 1 - 11 August
Group 2 8 - 18 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Group 3 15 - 25 August (15 August - Public Holiday)
Blackpool, Windermere, Ambleside, Keswick, Llangollen, Llandudno, Chester, Liverpool, Gretna Green, Glasgow, Fort William, Fort Augustus, Edinburgh, Military Tattoo, Loch Lomond, Oban, Dundee, Perth & Stirling
Ryanair direct flight to Manchester airport and return flight from Edinburgh airport including a 10kg & 20kg luggage
5 nights in a 3-Star Hotel in Blackpool
5 nights in a 3-Star Hotel in Glasgow
Rooms with private facilities & TV
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Free excursion to Gretna Green
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge
Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €1499 €1399
Adult in Twin €1589 €1489
Adult in Single €2009 €1909
Children with two adults €999 €899
Half Board (5 dinners in Blackpool) €99
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken. **There are many restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel where one can choose from in Glasgow. ***Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other, this may incur a charge.
Lake District €43 €22
€47 €24
€42 €21
€42 €21
Fort William/Fort Augustus €45 €23
Highlands/Oban €65 €45
Edinburgh (Military Tattoo included) €99 €80
Dundee/Perth/Sterling €47 €24
Windermere cruise €10 per person
Llanberis train €29 per person
Chesterboat ride Blackpool show TBA
Glasgow Open top Double-Decker €19 per person
Holyrood Palace €16.60 per person
Edinburgh Castle £17.00 per person
Loch Lomond cruise £12.00 per person
TUESDAY | We meet at the airport at 1.55pm for our Ryanair flight to Manchester leaving at 4.25pm and arriving at 6.55pm. Upon arrival, we are transferred to Blackpool and check-in our hotel.
WEDNESDAY | Our first full-day optional excursion takes us to the Lake District. We will make a stop at Windermere and take a cruise (extra) on this famous lake and cross from Bowness to Ambleside. Here, we will find the coach waiting for us, which will take us to the centre. We will do a short walk along the main street to see the watermills that used to function by the river Rothay that crosses this village. After leaving Ambleside, we make another stop at Keswick, one of the most beautiful villages in Lake Disctrict. Before we walk to the centre of Keswick, we shall visit Derwent Water Lake.
THURSDAY | We start the day with another fullday optional excursion in Wales. On our way, the coach passes through many valleys and picturesque mountains. We make a short stop in the town of Llangollen and visit Llanberis, where one can ride a train (extra) that works with coal. We continue the day with a visit at the National Park that is located under the highest mountain in Wales, Snowdonia. Another interesting stop will be in the popular resort of Llandudno.
FRIDAY | After breakfast, we have a half-day optional excursion in the city of Chester. We have time to see the old wooden houses, and other interesting places, as well as some time for shopping from department stores. Before we start our walking tour of Chester, we shall enjoy a boat ride along the river Dee (extra). We return to Blackpool and have some free time. One can opt to visit Pleasure Beach and Blackpool Tower, or a walk along the promenade. Late afternoon, we go to see a musical show on ice in the Arena Pleasure Park Blackpool (transport and entrance extra).
SATURDAY | Today’s optional excursion takes us to Liverpool, a city of many attractions which is known for the story of the Beatles, for many shopping malls, parks and museums. The coach will take us on a city tour, where amongst others, we will see the Albert Dock, The Cavern Quarter, Metropolitan Cathedral Mount Pleasant and the Anfield football ground. We will have some free time where one can visit other interesting landmarks or do some shopping.
SUNDAY | Today, we leave Blackpool and make our way to Glasgow, in Scotland. We make a stop at Gretna Green. Upon arrival in the hotel, we do the check-in and then we will have some time to rest. If
the weather permits, we explore the main roads of Glasgow or we go on an Open top Double Decker Bus (extra).
MONDAY | Today’s optional excursion takes us to Fort William. Fort William is the biggest city in the West Highlands, and it is the commercial centre of Lochaber, a zone known for its nice scenary and for its important history. Fort William has the highest mountain in the United Kingdom, Ben Nevis. Loch Morar is the deepest lake, surrounded by valleys, forests and bays. After, we continue our trip and visit Fort Augustus, a city that is located at the end of Loch Ness. Here, we admire the spectacular views of Loch Ness and of the famous Caledonian Canal. On our way back to Glasgow, we pass through Glencoe and the Highlands.
TUESDAY | During today’s optional excurion, we will go to the Highlands, where amongst other places, we will visit Loch Lomond, and we will also take a cruise (extra) on this lake. After, we will continue the trip to visit Oban, a very nice village that is visited by thousands of tourists from every corner of the world.
WEDNESDAY | Late in the morning, we will have an optional excursion to Edinburgh, where one can visit Princess Street and see the Cathedral and Holyrood Palace (extra), that are full of history. Some free time where one can enjoy the atmosphere of the Fringe Festival that is held on the Royal Mile. In the evening, we go to Edinburgh Castle (extra), built in the 12th century, where we attend the spectacular and muchawaited show of the Military Tattoo. We return to the hotel late at night and early Thursday morning.
THURSDAY | Today’s optional excursion will take us to the coastal city of Dundee where we can see the Tay Rail Bridge. From the outside, we shall visit the Discovery Point and see the RRS Discovery and the HMS Unicorn, amongst other sights. Our next stop is Perth, the old capital of Scotland. Here, we shall spend some time exploring the centre. Our last stop shall be the village of Stirling, where we shall visit the old town dominated by Stirling Castle. Stirling is famous for the Battle of Stirling during which William Wallace defeated the British. We make our way back to the hotel.
FRIDAY | After checking out from the hotel, we have a free morning for shopping or personal sightseeing and then, we make our way to Edinburgh’s airport, where we catch the Ryanair flight at 6.55pm and arrive in Malta at 11.40pm.
53 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u
u u u u u
Grand Tour of Türkiye
Group 1 28 June - 8 July (29 June - Public Holiday)
Group 2 30 August - 9 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Group 3** 6 - 16 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Group 4 13 - 23 September (21 September - National Holiday)
Cappadocia, Konya, Pamukkale, Kusadasi, Ephesus, Bursa & Istanbul
Turkish Airline flights to Kayseri via Istanbul and return from Istanbul to Malta incl. 8kg hand luggage & 23kg checked-in luggage
2 nights in Cappadocia
1 night in Konya
1 night in Pamukkale
2 nights in Kusadasi
1 night in Bursa
3 nights in Istanbul
Meals as indicated on the programme
Airport transfers
Some excursions as indicated on the programme
Services of tour leader
Professional English-speaking guide during sightseeing
All taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €1559
Adult in Twin €1589
Adult in Single €1999
Child sharing w/2 adults (7-11 yrs) €999
Child sharing w/2 adults (2-6 yrs) €649
**Group departing 6 September will arrive in Cappadocia at 7.40pm
*Dinner cruise with belly dancing show in Istanbul (including transfers) - €73 per person
*Byzantian and the Ottoman Relics Tour - €80 per person
*Private boat tour for a cruise on the Bosphorous (incl. transfers) - €45 per person
*Miniaturk Open air Museum, the Golden Horn and the Sapphire Tower - €45 per person
*Minimum of 25 passengers
Hot Air Balloon (including transfers) TBA
WEDNESDAY | We meet at the airport at 8.00am for our Turkish Airline flight taking us to Kayseri via Istanbul departing at 10.25am. On arrival at 5.30pm, we are transferred to our hotel in Cappadocia and have dinner. (d)
THURSDAY | (Optional: Hot Air Balloon riding available early in the morning! A unique experience). After breakfast, we go on a full-day excursion to visit Cappadocia. Here, we can see the main Goreme Open Air Museum situated in the Goreme Valley, home of early Christian churches decorated with unique frescos. We proceed to Pasabaglari (Monk’s Valley) to see the world-famous fairy chimneys which have a unique shape. Time for lunch (extra) and visit Avanos, the wellknown pottery and craft centre, before we enjoy some free time to shop for some jewellery. We return to our hotel in time for dinner. (b,d)
FRIDAY | Today, after breakfast, we check-out, and start our drive to Konya with a stop at Caravanserai. In Konya, we will have lunch (extra) and visit Mevlana Mauseleum. It is the mausoleum of Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, a Persian Sufi Mystic. It was also the dervish lodge (tekke) of the Mevlevi order, better known as the whirling dervishes. We go to our hotel in Konya in time for dinner and overnight. (b,d)
SATURDAY | Breakfast, and then we start our trip towards Pamukkale. Enroute, we will have time to stop for lunch (extra). As soon as we arrive in Pamukkale, we will walk to the natural warm water terraces which were formed by running warm water that contains calcium. The temperature of the water is about 35 degrees. The extraordinary effect is created when water from the hot springs loses carbon dioxide as it flows down the slopes, leaving deposits of limestone. The layers of white calcium carbonate, built up in steps on the plateau, gave the site the name Pamukkale (cotton castle). Then, we are transferred to our hotel for checkin, and we can enjoy a swim in the hot red thermal pools of the hotel (extra). Time for dinner and overnight. (b,d)
SUNDAY | Our first visit will be to the Burberry textile outlet. Later we will make our way to Sirince village (an old Greek Village) where one can taste local products and wine along the way. Then, we make our way to our hotel for dinner and overnight. (b,d)
MONDAY | After breakfast, we will join our guide and visit Ephesus. Our first stop will be at the Virgin Mary’s House, where it is said that Mary was brought to Ephesus by the Apostle John after the Resurrection of Christ and lived out her days here. We then go on
a walking tour and see the Odeon, The Fountain of Trajan, the stream baths of Scholastic, the temple of Hadrian and the impressive library of Ephesus. We then pass through the Arcadian Way, where Mark Anthony and Cleopatra once rode in procession. Lunch (extra), and then we will have time to visit the Carpet village. We return to our hotel for dinner. (b,d)
TUESDAY | Breakfast, check-out and start our road trip towards Bursa, the Old Ottoman capital city. On arrival, we will have lunch (extra) in a famous Kebab restaurant. We then start a historical visit at the Covered Bazaar, the old Silk Market, and visit the Green Mosque. We are then transferred to our hotel for dinner and overnight. (b,d)
WEDNESDAY | After breakfast, we checkout from our hotel, and start our trip towards Istanbul. We go to our hotel for check-in, and later we can join the leader for a dinner cruise with unlimited local drinks, Turkish folk dance show and belly dancer show (extra). (b)
THURSDAY | After breakfast, we go on a optional fullday excursion to Byzantian and the Ottoman Relics Tour. We begin our tour at the Sultanahmet district, the heart of old Istanbul, at Saint Sophia. Built by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century AD, this church is one of the marvels of world architecture. We then see the Blue Mosque, which owes its name to the exquisite tiles adorning its interior. Dating from the 17th century, it is the only imperial mosque with six minarets, and The Hippodrome. After lunch (extra), we visit Topkapi Palace (excluding Harem Section), which from the 15th to the 19th century was the principal residence of the Ottoman Sultans. The last stop is at the Grand Bazaar, the commercial heart of the old city with its 4,000 shops full of treasures, including carpets and kilims, silks, jewellery, ceramics, icons, and leather goods. We have time to wander around the Grand Bazaar and do some shopping. (b)
FRIDAY | After Breakfast, we continue to discover Istanbul. We will have a private boat tour (extra) for a cruise on the Bosphorus. Later in the afternoon, some free time to enjoy Istanbul or take an optional city tour from there, visiting the Miniaturk open air museum (ent. extra), the Golden Horn and the Sapphire Tower (ent. extra) (b)
SATURDAY | Breakfast, and today we have a free morning for personal sightseeing. Early afternoon, we go to the airport for our return Turkish Airlines flight departing at 5.20pm and arriving in Malta at 6.45pm.
54 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u u
u u u
u u u
Antalya & Istanbul, Türkiye
Antalya, Perge, Aspendos, Side, Kursunlu Waterfalls, Pamukkale, Hierapolis, Karpuzkaldıran Waterfall, Duden Waterfall, Kaleici, Istanbul & Princes’s Islands
Turkish Airline flights to Antalya via Istanbul and return from Istanbul to Malta incl. 8kg hand luggage and 23kg checked-in luggage
4 nights in 4-star hotel in Antalya
3 nights in 4-star hotel in Istanbul
Meals as indicated on the programme
Airport transfers
Some excursions as per programme
Services of tour leader
Professional English-speaking guide during sightseeing
All taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €1539
Adult in Twin €1559
Adult in Single €1999
Child sharing with 2 adults €999
*Perge Aspendos Tour - €85 per person
*Pamukkale Tour - €85 per person
*Classic Antalya City Tour - €75 per person
*Dinner cruise with Belly Dancing show in Istanbul (including transfers) - €75 per person
*Byzantian and the Ottoman Relics Tour - €80 per person
*Princes’s Island with boat and Miniaturk Open air Museum, the Golden Horn and the Sapphire Tower - €95 per person
* minimum of 25 passengers
Miniaturk Museum - €8 per person
Sapphire Tower - €20 per person
THURSDAY, 24TH AUGUST | We meet at the airport at 8.00am for our Turkish Airline flight taking us to Antalya via Istanbul departing at 10.35am. On arrival at 6.10pm, we are transferred to our hotel in Antalya and have dinner. Antalya is one of the best holiday resorts in Turkey, awaits you with its fantastic coves, beaches, and vivid city center. (d)
FRIDAY, 25TH AUGUST | Breakfast and today join the leader on an optional excursion and visit the ancient archeological site of Perge, the place where most of the statues that are on display in Antalya Museum were unearthed from. The theatre stage has finely carved marble reliefs and other carvings from around the city are displayed in the stadium. We will be able to see the city gate flanked by two lofty towers, a long colonnaded road once paved with mosaics and lined with shops, a large agora, the public baths and the gymnasium We then proceed to Aspendos, the best-preserved Roman theatres in Anatolia. It is located beside the river Eurymedon (Koprucay). The beautiful galleries of the theatre, stage decorations and most important of all the acoustics of the theatre reflects the talent of architect Zenon. Besides the theatre there are temples, monumental fountain, basilica, agora, bouleuterion, stadium and aqueducts in Aspendos. After lunch (extra) we will visit Side. Side is one of the best-known classical sites in Turkey with its ancient harbour. Today a pretty resort town with its ancient ruins, two sandy beaches, numerous shops and extensive tourist accommodation. Some free time and then we proceed to Kursunlu Waterfalls, and we will then return to our hotel in Antalya. (b,d)
SATURDAY, 26TH AUGUST | After breakfast we will meet with our guide for an optional excursion to start our journey to Pamukkale and Hierapolis. Our guide will accompany us in Pamukkale, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Pamukkale means & Cotton Castle in Turkish, and is one of the must-see places in Turkey with its fantastic view and travertines. The area is famous for a carbonate mineral left by the flowing of the thermal spring water. The Turkish name refer to the snow white limestone resulting in calcite-rich springs. The temperature of the hot water in the travertines which comes out from seventeen different sources ranges between 35 degrees to 100 degrees. We will then have some free time after which we continue our trip towards the ancient city of Hierapolis. We will visit the Roman Amphitheatre, an authentic historical center, the St Philippe Basilica, the Necropolis, and Cleopatra’s pool. We return to our hotel in time for dinner. (b,d)
SUNDAY, 27TH AUGUST | Breakfast we will then leave our hotel to being our optional tour by visiting Karpuzkaldıran Waterfall. It is one of the most powerful and intense waterfalls in Anatolia. We can watch the waters from this fall spill into the sea with all its strength. Karpuzkaldıran Waterfall is a beautiful single waterfall falling approximately 45 meters into the Mediterranean Sea mixing to make beautiful turquoise blue waters at the falls. The waters also create numerous rainbows.
A splendid experience for nature photography lovers. We will have some free time and then we continue and visit Duden Waterfall, one of the most visited natural beauties of Antalya. A walk in the park surrounding the waterfall is also possible. Free time for lunch (extra). We continue our tour to the Western Taurus Mountains to see the unique view of Antalya by taking a 15-minute ride by cable car (incl.) to the top of Tunektepe mountain with an altitude of 800 meters where you can enjoy the views of Konyaaltı Beach, Sıcan Island amongst others in the mountainous valley of Antalya. On arrival on the mountain top, one may enjoy a coffee (extra) surrounded by this beauty. Free time for lunch (extra) we will visit the old town located at the heart of the city centre of Anatolia. Kaleici, the oldtown of this city, literally means ‘inside of a castle’. In actual fact this old town is confined within the walls surrounding it dating back to 2150 years ago. A walk through this part of the city will take you to a small maze, with its beautiful architecture from the Bergama Kingdom, the Roman and the Ottoman Empires. (b,d)
MONDAY, 28TH AUGUST | After Breakfast we check out from our hotel, and we are transferred to Antalya’s airport for our flight back to Istanbul. On arrival we are transferred to our hotel. In the evening we can join the leader for a dinner cruise with unlimited local drinks, Turkish folk dance show and belly dancer show (extra). (b)
TUESDAY, 29TH AUGUST | After breakfast, we go on an optional full-day excursion to Byzantian and the Ottoman Relics Tour. We begin our tour at the Sultanahmet district, the heart of old Istanbul, at Saint Sophia which was built by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century AD, this mosque is one of the marvels of world architecture. We then see the Blue Mosque from the outside (internal restoration is taking place), which owes its name to the exquisite tiles adorning its interior. Dating from the 17th century, it is the only imperial mosque with six minarets and The Hippodrome. After lunch (extra), we visit Topkapi Palace (excluding Harem Section), which from the 15th to the 19th century was the principal residence of the Ottoman Sultans. The last stop is at the Grand Bazaar, the commercial heart of the old city with its 4,000 shops full of treasures, including carpets and kilims, silks, jewellery, ceramics, icons, and leather goods. We have time to wander around the Grand Bazaar and do some shopping. (b)
WEDNESDAY, 30TH AUGUST | Breakfast, the morning is free for some shopping or have an optional boat tour to the Princes’s Islands. These are a cluster of 9 islands southeast of Istanbul. Mainly car fee, the islands are known for their horse-drawn carriages. Later we will visit the Miniaturk open air museum (ent. extra), the Golden Horn and the Sapphire Tower (ent. extra) (b)
THURSDAY, 31ST AUGUST | Breakfast and check out from our hotel. Free time and later we go to the airport for our return Turkish Airlines flight departing at 5pm and arriving in Malta at 6.25pm.
55 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u u u u
- 31 August
u u
Special Grand Türkiye Tour
26 September - 6 October
Cappadocia, Goreme Valley, Pasabaglari, Avanos, Mevlana Mausoleum, Antalya, Perge, Aspendos, Pamukkale, Kusadasi, Sirince Village, Ephesus, Temple of Artemis, Canakkale, Bergama, Pergamun, Troy, Tekirdag & Istanbul.
Turkish Airlines flights to Cappadocia via Istanbul and return from Istanbul to Malta incl. 8kg hand luggage & 23kg
checked-in luggage
2 nights in Hotel in Cappadocia
u u u u u u u u u
2 nights in Hotel in Antalya
1 night in Hotel in Pamukkale
2 nights in Hotel in Kusadasi
1 night in Hotel in Canakkale
2 nights in Hotel in Istanbul
Meals as indicated on the programme
Airport transfers
All excursions as indicated on the programme (except where optional)
Services of tour leader
Professional English-speaking guide during sightseeing
Adult in Triple €1499
Adult in Double €1529
Adult in Single €1949
Child sharing w/2 adults (7-11 yrs) €989
Child sharing w/2 adults (2-6 yrs) €579
Hot Air Balloon (including transfers) - TBA
Dinner cruise with Belly Dancing show in Istanbul (including transfers) €75 per person
Note: Hot Air Balloon excursion is not covered by insurance. It is suggested to be booked with deposit to secure activity.
TUESDAY, 26TH SEPTEMBER | We meet at the airport at 8.00am for our Turkish Airline flight departing at 10.25am, taking us to Cappadocia via Istanbul. On arrival at 5.30pm, we are transferred to our hotel, and have dinner. (d)
WEDNESDAY, 27TH SEPTEMBER | (Optional: Hot Air Balloon riding available early in the morning! A unique experience) After breakfast, we go on a full-day excursion to visit Cappadocia. Here, we can see the main Goreme Open Air Museum situated in the Goreme Valley, home of early Christian churches decorated with unique frescos. Then, we proceed to Pasabaglari (Monk’s Valley) to see the world-famous fairy chimneys which have a unique shape. Then, we have lunch (extra) and visit Avanos, the well-known pottery and craft centre, before we enjoy some free time to shop for some jewellery. We return to our hotel in time for dinner. (b,d)
THURSDAY, 28TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast, we check-out from our hotel and board our coach to make our way to Antalya. On the way, we make pass through Konja and make a stop at Sulotan Hani Caravanserai. In Konja, we visit the Mevlana Mausoleum. The Mevlâna Museum, located in Konya, is the mausoleum of Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, a Persian Sufi mystic. It was also the dervish lodge of the Mevlevi order, better known as the whirling dervishes. Afterwards, we have lunch (extra) at Konja. We
later continue with our drive to Antalya. Check-in and dinner at hotel. (b,d)
FRIDAY, 29TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast, we start our full-day sightseeing tour. We start with a stop at Perge. Perga or Perge was an ancient Greek city in Anatolia, once the capital of Pamphylia Secunda, now in Antalya Province on the southwestern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Today, it is a large site of ancient ruins 15km east of Antalya on the coastal plain. An acropolis located there dates back to the Bronze Age. Afterwards, we proceed to Aspendos. Aspendos or Aspendus was an ancient Greco-Roman city in Antalya province of Turkey, with one of the bestpreserved Roman theatres in Anatolja and many other Roman remains of importance. After lunch (extra) by the Kopru pazari stream, we visit Side. Side is a resort town on Turkey’s southern Mediterranean coast. An ancient port city, Side is known for long beaches and GrecoRoman ruins. In the centre are the remains of the 2nd century Antique Theatre, which seated up to 15,000 spectators. The white marble columns of the Hellenistic Temple of Athena stand near the harbor. Other sites are sprinkled throughout, with finds housed at the Side Museum, a restored Roman bath complex. Later, we return to our hotel for dinner. (b,d)
After breakfast, we check-out from the hotel and start
56 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
All taxes & service charge Insolvency fund u u
our drive to Pamukkale (Hierapolis), leaving the colourfu town behind and pass through the verdant countryside.
On the way, we stop for a coffee break. Upon arrival in Pamukkale, we have lunch (extra), and after we start our visit. Pamukkale is a town in western Turkey known for the mineral-rich thermal waters flowing down white travertine terraces on a nearby hillside. It neighbours Hierapolis, an ancient Roman spa city founded around 190BC. Ruins there include a well-preserved theatre and a necropolis with sarcophagi that stretch for 2km. The Antique Pool is famous for its submerged Roman columns, the result of an earthquake. We later drive to our hotel in Pamukkale for check-in, dinner and overnight. (b,d)
SUNDAY, 1ST OCTOBER | Breakfast, and check-out. Today, we drive to Kusadasi. Our first stop will be a visit to a factory outlet textile Burbery shop. On our arrival in Kusadasi, we will have lunch (extra) and afterwards visit Sirince Village (Old Greek Village). Şirince, known as Kirkintzes in Greek, is a village of 600 inhabitants in İzmir Province, located about 8km east from the town of Selçuk and about 8km from Ephesus. The area around the village has history dating back to Hellenistic period. Afterwards, we go to our hotel in Kusadasi for dinner and overnight. (b,d)
MONDAY, 2ND OCTOBER | After breakfast, we will join our guide and visit Ephesus. Our first stop will be at the Virgin Mary’s House, where it is said that Mary was brought to Ephesus by the Apostle John after the Resurrection of Christ and lived out her days here. We then go on a walking tour and see the Odeon, The Fountain of Trajan, the stream baths of Scholastic, the temple of Hadrian and the impressive library of Ephesus. We then pass through the Arcadian Way, where Mark Anthony and Cleopatra once rode in procession. Lunch (extra), and then we will have time to visit the Carpet village. We return to our hotel for dinner. (b,d)
TUESDAY, 3RD OCTOBER | After breakfast, we check-out and start our drive to Canakkle. We pass through Izmir city, and arrive at Bergama, where we stop
for lunch. After lunch, we visit Pergamum Asclepion Antique City. Pergamon or Pergamum, also referred to by its modern Greek form Pergamos, was a rich and powerful ancient Greek city in Mysia. It is located 26km from the modern coastline of the Aegean Sea on a promontory on the north side of the river Caicus and northwest of the modern city of Bergama. We later drive to our hotel in Canakkale. We do the check-in and have dinner. (b.d)
WEDNESDAY, 4TH OCTOBER | After breakfast, we check-out from our hotel, and start our trip to Istanbul. Our first stop of the day shall be Troy (Ancient City). Troy or Ilium was an ancient city located at Hisarlik in present-day Turkey, 30km southwest of Çanakkale. It is known as the setting for the Greek myth of the Trojan War. We later take a ferry and cross the Dardanel. We make a stop at Tekirdag for lunch (extra). We later continue our way to Istanbul. Upon arrival in our hotel, we checkin and later we can join our leader for a dinner cruise with unlimited local drinks, Turkish folk dance show and belly dancer show (extra). (b)
THURSDAY, 5TH OCTOBER I After breakfast, we go on a full day Byzantium & Ottoman Relics Tour. We begin our tour at the Sultanahmet district, the heart of old Istanbul, at Saint Sophia. Built by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century AD, this church is one of the marvels of world architecture. Then, we visit the Blue Mosque, which owes its name to the exquisite tiles adorning its interior. Dating from the 17th century, it is the only imperial mosque with six minarets, and The Hippodrome. After lunch, we visit Topkapi Palace (without Harem Section), which from the 15th to the 19th century, was the principal residence of the Ottoman Sultans. The last stop is at the Grand Bazaar, the commercial heart of the old city with its 4,000 shops full of treasures – including carpets and kilims, silks, jewellery, ceramics, icons, and leather goods. We have time to wander around the Grand Bazaar and do some shopping. (b)
FRIDAY, 6TH OCTOBER | Breakfast, and today we have a free morning for personal sightseeing. In early afternoon, we go to the airport for our return Turkish Airline flight departing at 5.20pm and arriving in Malta at 6.45pm. (b)
57 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Colourful Morocco
Madrid, Rabat, Fez, Volubilis, Meknes, Ifrane, Azrou, Midelt, Erfoud, Merzouga, Sahara Desert, Ouarzazate, Tinghir, Marrakech, Essaouira & Ozoud Water Falls
u u
Ryanair flights to Fez & return from Marrakesh airport via Madrid including 10Kg & 20Kg luggage
4 nights in Fez 4* hotel
u u
1 night in Midelt 4* hotel
1 night in Merzouga - desert camp in a tent
1 night in Ouarzazate 4* hotel
12 - 23 September (21September - Public Holiday) u u u
u u
4 nights in Marrakech 4* hotel
11 breakfasts & 11 dinners
Airport transfers and all excursions as per itinerary
Services of tour leader and English speaking guide
Adult in Triple €1687
Adult in Twin €1717
Adult in Single €1939
Child sharing with 2 adults €1079
Mosque Hassan II – Marrackech €13 per person
Majorelle Garden – Mjarrackech €15 per person
TUESDAY, 12TH SEPTEMBER | We meet at Malta International Airport at 3.30am for our Ryanair flight to Madrid departing at 5.50am. On arrival in Madrid at 8.40am one can join the leader in Madrid city center. Some free time and later make our way to the airport for our Ryanair flight to Fez departing at 9.05pm arriving at 9.40pm. On arrival our coach will take us to our hotel in Fez for check-in and dinner (d).
WEDNESDAY, 13TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast it’s an absolute must to enjoy a guided tour of Fez. The tour will take us to the Bab Boujeloud (The Blue Gate), best characterized as a sea of rooftops embellished with minarets and domes. We continue by visiting the Kairaouiyne Mosque. This Mosque is the oldest in the world and functioned as the first University in Morocco. The medina in Fez is a particular place. An altogether more earthy and secular surprise awaits us when we suddenly duck off the street and enter a shop selling leather goods. As much as we may fear we are about to be subject to a hard sell. This isn’t the reason for entering: you pass through the shop and out onto a terrace at the back, overlooking the tannery. Tanning hides have been done in the same manner for centuries. The hides are first treated in vats of urine and pigeon excreta (an overwhelming smell, be warned) and then put into vats of differing colours of dye. Workers trample slowly back and forth in the vats, up to their thighs in goodness knows what. It is one of the best photo opportunities in Fez, with the multitude of vats and dyes contrasting with whitewashed walls all around, draped in drying hides. In the afternoon, we visit a
pottery factory, explore the Royal Palace and many interesting quarters including the Mullay Abdallah Quarter, the Mellah (Jewish Quarter) and the Ville Nouvelle (The New Quarter). We return to our hotel in Fez for dinner. (b,d).
THURSDAY, 14TH SEPTEMBER | Breakfast and today join the leader to visit Rabat the capital city of Morocco, a vibrant city with festivals and overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Here we will visit the Royal Palace (Mechouar), the Oudaya Kasbah, a fortress which today houses the national museum and the peaceful Andalusian gardens that surrounds it and the Mausoleum of Mohammed V where there are the tombs of the former Moroccan king and his two sons. The building is a masterpiece of modern Alaouite dynasty architecture with its white silhouette and green tiled roof. We will also see the Hassan Tower (extra), a minaret of an incomplete mosque. The tower and the mosque were intended to be the biggest in the world. It is now a famous emblem of Rabat and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Some free time before we make our way to Fez. After dinner the rest of the evening is free to enjoy Fez. (b,d).
FRIDAY, 15TH SEPTEMBER | Breakfast and today we go on an excursion that will take us to visit Volubilis and Meknes. Our first stop will be in Volubilis where we will visit the ruins of the Roman city. We then continue to Meknes where we will visit this Ismalian capital famous for its 40km long walls and then the Bab Mansour, the grandest of all imperial Moroccan gateways. This iconic gateway is known for its geometric ornamentation, devotional
u u 58 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
All taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
inscriptions, and marble columns. On our return to Fez passing by the holy city of Moulay Idriss spread over 2 hills at the base of Mount Zerhoun is a special place in the hearts of Moroccan people as it was here that Moulay Idriss I brought with him the religion of Islam. We will return in Fez in time for dinner. (b,d)
SATURDAY, 16TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast we check-out of our Hotel in Fez and we start our trip to Midelt a town in central Morocco, in the high plains between the Middle Atlas and High Atlas Mountain ranges. Midelt serves as the commercial centre of a large agricultural hinterland. It is also one of Morocco’s principal cities for the mining of several minerals. On the way via the mountains and cedar woods we will stop in Ifrane a charming ski resort and then Azrou, an important handcrafts centre. Dinner and overnight in our hotel in Midelt. (b,d).
SUNDAY, 17TH SEPTEMBER | Breakfast and we leave Midelt to Merzouga passing by Errachidia and the Ziz valley dotted by palm trees which are the source for the yearly date Festival in Erfoud. In Erfoud we visit a marble fossil factory after which we take a ride on 4x4 taking with us just overnight clothes. Today is an unforgettable experience for our Britannia Camel Caravan. After refreshing ourselves in the camp we mount the camels through the sand dunes and make a stop to admire the sunset in the desert. We later have a typical dinner followed by folk singing around a campfire under an array of stars. (b,d).
MONDAY, 18TH SEPTEMBER | We wake up early not to miss sunrise and then have a buffet breakfast. Time to take the 4x4s again to join the coach in Erfoud from where we start our drive to Ourzazate with a stop in Tinghir visiting the magnificent Todgha canyons with rocks that reach the altitude of 250 meters. We then proceed to the Dades canyons for a visit and then proceed to Ouarzazate via the road of the thousand Kasbahs and the Dades valley, famous for its roses and the yearly Moussem (rose festival). We will also visit the Kasbah of Taourirt. On arrival in Ouarzazate check-in at our hotel and dinner. (b,d).
TUESDAY, 19TH SEPTEMBER | Breakfast and check-out from our hotel in Ouarzazate. Then we proceed with our tour leader by going to Marrakech via Tiffeltout and Ait Benhaddou, the most spectacular fortress in south Morocco, which has served as décor for many years for films like “Laurence of Arabia”. On
arrival in Marrakech we will check-in and have dinner. (b,d).
WEDNESDAY, 20TH SEPTEMBER | Today we go on a full day excursion to admire the Ouzoud Falls, (Cascades d’Ouzoud), one of the most surprising attractions in Morocco. These falls are located approximately 90 miles (150 kilometers) northeast of the city, close to the Atlas Mountains village of Tanaghmeilt and take their name from the ‘grinding grain’. Upon arrival you will see the river plunge 300 feet (100 meters) into a complex network of waterfalls that cascade one into another through 3 major and several minor drops. The impressive roar soothes the soul like an old lullaby. We return to Marrakesh and after dinner we enjoy the evening in this impressive city. (b,d).
THURSDAY, 21ST SEPTEMBER | Breakfast and today we start the day by visiting this favourite and fabulous city of Marrakesh. Our guide will take us to the Koutouba mosque, the largest mosque in Marrakech. We walk through the souks in the medina displaying lanterns, silver, brass, spices, and soft material. We later visit Bahia palace, and the Saadian tombs. These tombs are covered in flawless zellij patterns and lavish artwork. We will also can visit the Majorelle Gardens (ent. extra) We then return to hotel, dinner and overnight. (b,d).
FRIDAY, 22ND SEPTEMBER | After breakfast today we join the leader and visit Essaouira, we will first reach the old port of Mogador, built by the Portuguguese in a narrow peninsula near an immense crescent of fine sand. Perfectly protected by its impressive walls of French construction of the eighteenth century the town is pedestrianized and is easily divided into different quarters by its design shaped squared. Essaouira is also known by its fine craftsmanship especially objects interposed so delicious with lemon wood, ebony, mother of pearl or silver or copper wires. Afternoon returns to Marrakech. Dinner. Accommodation at the hotel. (b,d).
SATURDAY, 23RD SEPTEMBER | Early check out and breakfast then we are transferred to Marrakech airport for our Ryanair flight to Madrid departing at 7.25am and arriving at 10.25am, then departing to Malta at 6.25pm arriving in Malta at 9.05pm. (b).
ALL EXCURSIONS &DINNERS INCLUDED IN MOROCCO 59 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Classic Greece Tour
25 June - 2 July (29 June - Public Holiday)
Athens, Nafplio, Corinth Canal, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Nafplio, Olympia, Delphi, Kalambaka & Meteora
u u u
Ryanair return direct flights to Athens airport including 10kg & 20kg luggage
3 nights in 4-star Hotel President in Athens or similar
u u u
u u
u u u u
1 night in 4-star Hotel Amalia in Nafplio or similar
1 night in 4 -star Hotel Amalia in Olympia or similar
1 night in 4-star Hotel Castalia in Delphi or similar
1 night in 4-star Hotel Amalia in Meteora or similar
Rooms with private facilities
Daily breakfast
All excursions as detailed in programme
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €1329 €1229
Adult in Twin €1349 €1249
Adult in Single €1829 €1729
Children with two adults €1009 €909
Half Board €120
*Special Price applies when half board is taken. **Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other, this may incur a charge.
City taxes in hotels at €3 per person per night
Epidauros - €12 per person
Mycenae - €12 per person
Olympia - €12 per person
Delphi - €12 per person
Meteora - each monastery - €3 per person
Acropolis - €20 per person
Acropolis Museum - €15 per person
SUNDAY, 25TH JUNE | We meet at the airport at 10.15am for our Ryanair flight departing at 12.45pm and arriving at 3.20pm at Athens airport. On arrival, we are transferred to the hotel in Athens.
MONDAY, 26TH JUNE | Today, after breakfast we will make our way to Nafplio. On the way we will have a short stop to Corinth Canal before the arrival to Mycenae (ent. extra), one of the major centers of Greek civilization and home to the kingdom of mythical Agamemnon. We will then continue to Epidaurus (ent. extra), UNESCO’s world heritage listed monument, which is reputed to be the birthplace of Apollo’s son, Asclepios the healer. Epidaurus is probably most famous for its theatre, one of the best preserved classical Greek buildings. We will then arrive in Nafplio and check-in.
TUESDAY, 27TH JUNE | After breakfast, we have some free time to discover the beautiful, picturesque city that is Nafplio. Take a chance to visit the Palamidi fortress, which is preserved in an excellent way. We will later leave Nafplio and make our way to Olympia, where we will check-in.
WEDNESDAY, 28TH JUNE | Early this morning, after breakfast we will discover Olympia (ent. extra). This is the birthplace of the Olympic Games, which are thought to have begun here at around 776 B.C as part of the religious festival in honor of the king of the gods, Zeus. Later in the afternoon we leave Olympia and head north over the Rio-Antirio Bridge towards Delphi. We will check-in at the hotel.
THURSDAY, 29TH JUNE | After breakfast, we will make our way to the Delphi city tour. Delphi was once considered the center of the ancient world and we will tour a range of sites, we can explore the Archeological Museum of Delphi (ent. extra), which hosts some of ancient Greece’s best-remaining masterpieces. Later we will have time for lunch(extra) and then we will head to the small, picturesque city of Kalambaka, which is nestled at the foot of the mountains of Meteora. We will check-in at the hotel.
FRIDAY, 30TH JUNE | After breakfast, we head off on our tour in Meteora. Here we can find one of the greatest monuments in the world as well as monasteries (ent. extra) that are hanging from the top of gigantic rocks. Nowadays, only six monasteries are well preserved and four of them are still inhabited, so we shall visit the other two fabulous monasteries. Later, we will head back to Athens, where we will have dinner (extra) and explore the city.
SATURDAY, 1ST JULY | After breakfast, we will make our way to the Athens city tour. Later we will head to one of the most important and famous ancient sites in the world, the Acropolis (ent. extra). The Acropolis is perched on top of a rocky hill overlooking the mesmerizing city of Athens. We will then have time to stroll around Plaka that is decorated with traditional taverns and shops.
SUNDAY, 2ND JULY | This morning, we will check out and make our way to the airport for our flight departing at 11.35am and arriving in Malta at 12.20pm.
60 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Sounio - €10 per person
Treasures of Northern Greece
4 - 11 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Thessaloniki, Amphipolis, Philippi, Kavala, Ouranouplis in Halkidiki, Mont Athos, Dion, Litochoro, Kalambaka, Meteora, Ionnina, Vergina & Pella
u u u
Ryanair return direct flights to Athens airport including 10kg & 20kg luggage
2 nights in 4-star Hotel Capsis in Thessaloniki or similar
1 night in 4-star Hotel Galaxy in Kavala or similar
u u
1 night in 4 -star Hotel Mythic in Paralia Katerinis Olympus Riviera or similar
1 night in 4-star Hotel Meteora in Kalampaka or similar
2 nights in 4-star Hotel Epirus Palace in Ioannina or similar
Rooms with private facilities
Daily breakfast
All excursions as detailed in programme
Services of tour leader
Airport taxes & service charge
Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €1149 €1049
Adult in Twin €1199 €1099
Adult in Single €1499 €1399
Children with two adults €929 €829
Half Board €99
*Special price applies when half board is taken. **Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other, this may incur a charge.
City taxes in hotels at €3 per person per night
Thessaloniki Archeological Museum - €8 per person
Rotonda - €6 per person
Amfipolis - €6 per person
Philippi - €6 per person
Dion - €8 per person
Meteora each monastery - €3 per person
Ali Pasa - €3 per person
Dodoni - €8 per person
Verginia - €15 per person
Pella - €8 per person
Boat for Kira Frossini - €2 per person
MONDAY, 4TH SEPTEMBER | We meet at the airport at 4:00am for our Ryanair flight departing at 6:20am and arriving at 8:55am at Thessaloniki airport. We will board our coach and make our way to tour Thessaloniki. We will be passing through the main sites of Thessaloniki, such as the picturesque old town, the Byzantine Church of Agios Dimitrios, the Arch of Galerius, the Rotunda monument, and the emblematic church of Agia Sophia. We shall also walk through the lively city center, whilst passing by the White Tower, symbol of the city. We will then make our way to the hotel and the rest of the day is free.
TUESDAY, 5TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast, we will check-out and make our way to Amphipolis, a city with its impressive archaeological site and museum. Admire the Lion of Amphipolis (ent. extra), an imposing stone tomb dating back to the 4 th century B.C. Further on we continue to Philippi to visit the ancient town (ent. extra), a settlement that was founded by Alexander the Great’s father. We will then continue to Kavala, the amphitheatric town, where East meets West in a city in Northern Greece with Ottoman treasures, Byzantine walls, and a lively harbor. We will then check-in and have an evening free to discover the city.
WEDNESDAY, 6TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast, we will check-out and go to the charming village of Ouranouplis in Halkidiki. Once at the port of Ouranouplis we will embark on the cruise of Mont Athos (incl.), where one can admire in close distance (from the boat), the mysterious and miraculous place which has been for centuries the center of Orthodoxy. Here we will find out new information about the history of Mount Athos and its monasteries. After the cruise, some free time for lunch (extra)and a walk in the village. Later we will make our way to Pieria, where we will check in and have dinner (extra).
THURSDAY, 7TH SEPTEMBER | Today, after breakfast we will make our way to Dion (ent. extra), the ancient holy city of Macedonia. It is located at
the foot of Mount Olympus, home of the 12 Gods of Mythology and the city with most sacrifices to the Olympian Gods. We will then continue to Litochoro village, where we will have time for lunch and a short walk to the mountain. In the evening we will depart to Kalambaka, check in and have dinner (extra).
FRIDAY, 8TH SEPTEMBER| Today, we will make our way to one of the highlights in Greece, the impressive Meteora (ent. extra). It is decorated with byzantine monasteries which are hanging on the top of gigantic rocks. After, we will visit Metsovo, a traditional village in the Mountain Range of Pindos. We will later make our way to Ionnina, check in and have dinner (extra).
SATURDAY, 9TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast, we will make our way to discover the city. We will be passing through the main sights, such as, the castle, the island of ‘Kira Frossini’ (boat extra), the museum of Ali Pasha and the silversmith’s museum (ent. extra). We will then visit the Theatre of Ancient Dodoni (ent. extra), one of the largest and best preserved ancient Greek theatres.
SUNDAY, 10TH SEPTEMBER | Today, after breakfast we will make our way to Vergina (ent. extra), the ancient capital city of Macedonia. We will then continue our guided tour of the impressive museum containing, amongst many others, the Royal Tomb of King Philip II, father of Alexander the Great. We will then make our way to Pella (ent. extra), once the Macedonian state capital and the glorious Kingdom of Ancient Macedonia, where Alexander the Great was born. A palatial complex covering an area of 6000m2 and agora a commercial and manufacturing center which was in fact the biggest agora of the ancient world. In the evening we will make our way once again to Thessaloniki.
MONDAY, 11TH SEPTEMBER | This morning, we will check out and make our way to the airport for our flight departing at 9.20am and arriving in Malta at 10am.
u u
u u u u u
61 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Sardegna & Corsica
27 August - 5 September
Oristano, Alghero, Neptune’s Grotto, Sassari, Porto Torres, Castelsardo, Tempio Pausania, Santa Teresa Gallura, Bonifacio, Sarte, Ajaccio, Cargese, Porto, Bastia, Corte, Porto Cervo, Olbia, Cagliari & Villasimius
Ryanair return direct flights to Cagliari airport including 10kg & 20kg luggage
1 night in 4-star Hotel Mariano IV in Oristano or similar
2 nights in 3-star Hotel El Balear in Alghero (standard rooms) or similar
1 night in 3-star Hotel New Petit in Tempio Pausania or similar
2 nights in 3-star Hotel Castelvecchio in Ajaccio or similar
1 night in 4-star Mercure Hotel & Spa
Bastia-Biguglia or similar
1 night in 4-star Hotel Martini in Olbia or similar
1 night in 4-star Sardegna Hotel in Cagliari or similar
Rooms with private facilities
Daily breakfast and half board
All excursions as detailed in programme
Services of tour leader Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €2094
Adult in Twin €2159
Adult in Single €2789
*Seats on flights are assigned directly by Ryanair. Should you need seats near each other, this may incur a charge.
City taxes in hotels vary from €1.10 to €3.50 per person per night
Neptune’s Grotto - €14 per person
Petit Train Bonifacio €5 per person
Any other entrance fee during the visit if needed
SUNDAY, 27TH AUGUST | We meet at the airport at 2.00pm for our Ryanair flight to Cagliari departing at 4.35pm, on arrival in Cagliari, we are transferred to the beautiful medieval town of Oristano. On arrival we check-in and have dinner. After one can join the leader for a familiarization walk. (b,d)
MONDAY, 28TH AUGUST | Breakfast and check out, we then start our trip towards Alghero. On arrival we will visit the medieval fortified town of Alghero with a guide. Known as the ‘Little Barcelona’ for its Catalan influence, the town boasts a striking Gothic style historic centre with the Church of St Frances and Santa Maria Cathedral. Check in and some free time, dinner will be served in the hotel. (b,d)
TUESDAY, 29TH AUGUST | Breakfast and off we go and enjoy a morning group boat tour to Neptune’s Grotto (ent. extra). In the afternoon free time to enjoy Alghero for personal sightseeing or shopping. (b,d)
WEDNESDAY, 30TH AUGUST | After breakfast check-out and we make our way to Tempio Pausania. On the way our first stop will be in Sassari, one of the oldest cities on the island which contains a considerable collection of art. We then stop in Porto Torres, it’s the second largest seaport of the Island. Finally, we head to visit the medieval town of Castelsardo, unique location on a cliff with its imposing fortress. On arrival in Tempio Pausania we check-in and have dinner. (b,d)
THURSDAY, 31ST AUGUST | Check-out from our hotel and as departure will be early. A box breakfast will be provided from the hotel. We are then transferred to Santa Teresa Gallura (Sardegna) from where we take the ferry to Corsica in France. (Here we will change bus company to a French one so luggage has to be carried with us on board).We arrive in Bonifacio, which is the most beautiful city in Corsica. We visit the old part of the city by petit train (extra) before starting our drive along the west coast to the typical Corsican village of Sarte, with its
cobbled streets and small shops. Later we make our way to Ajaccio, on arrival check-in and dinner. (b,d)
FRIDAY, 1ST SEPTEMBER | Today we enjoy a guided tour of the town of Ajaccio, the island’s largest city and birthplace and home of Napoleon Bonaparte. We discover the 15th century citadel, cafes, restaurants, lively food market and many monuments to the Little Emperor. Free time for lunch (extra) then we continue to reach the town of Cargese and Porto. We return to our hotel in Ajaccio for dinner. (b,d)
SATURDAY, 2ND SEPTEMBER | Breakfast and check-out off we go to the East of the island and drive to the fortified city of Corte. A short visit before proceeding to Bastia, the second largest Corsican city. We visit the old quarter of Terra Vecchia as well as the newest part of the town with the square of St Nicholas. Free time to enjoy before we proceed to our hotel in Bastia Biguglia to check-in and dinner (b,d)
SUNDAY, 3RD SEPTEMBER | Breakfast and checkout to start our trip towards Bonifacio (Corsica) for embarkation. On arrival in Santa Teresa Gallura (Sardegna)we take the coach and we make our way to Olbia. Enroute we will visit Porto Cervo (time permitting). On arrival we check-in and dinner. (b,d)
MONDAY, 4TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast check out and today we leave Olbia and will enjoy the natural beauties of Sardegna during our drive to Cagliari. We check in our hotel and dinner. (b,d)
TUESDAY, 5TH SEPTEMBER | This morning after breakfast and check out we enjoy a city tour with a local guide and visit the most remarkable sights to visit in Cagliari. We see the old city walls and towers around Castello, The Amphitheatre, and the Gulf of the Angel. We then head to Villasimius, a coastal town in southeast Sardinia it’s a marine protected area. Later we make our way to the airport for our Ryanair flight to Malta departing at 10.45pm. (b)
u u u u u
u u u
62 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79 u u u u u u
Lourdes, Costa Brava u Barċellona
Lourdes, Pont d’Espagne, Gavarnie, Col d’Ibardin, St Jean d’Luz, Andorra, Lloret de Mar, Barcelona, Monteserrat, Port Aventura u Tossa de Mar
u u u
Titjiriet mar-Ryanair Malta/Lourdes u Barcelona/Malta inkluż bagalja
ta' 10kg
4 iljieli fil-lukanda Lye de Marie f’Lourdes
4 iljieli fil-lukanda Garbi Park 4 star
f'Lloret de Mar (jew simili)
Trasferimenti ajruport/lukanda/ajruport
Transfer Lourdes/Lloret de Mar, b’waqfa
Lourdes: 4 kolazzjonijiet /3 pranzi/4 ċeni
Lloret de Mar: 4 kolazzjonijiet/pranzu/
3 ċeni
Servizz ta’ tour leader
Direttur spiritwali
It-taxxi tal-ajruporti u s-service charge Insolvency fund
Adult f’kamra trippla €749
Adult f’kamra doppja €769
Adult f’kamra singola €939
Tfal f’kamra ma’ żewġ adulti €669
*Il-postijiet fuq it-titjira jiġu assenjati mir-Ryanair. Jista' jkun hemm ħlas addizzjonali jekk inti tkun tixtieq postijiet fejn xulxin jew bagalji extra ESKURSJONIJIET ADULTI TFAL
Pont d’Espagne €29 €15
Gavarnie €29 €15
Col d’Ibardin/St Jean d’Luz €42 €21
Barcelona City Tour €42 €21
Monteserrat €35 €18
Port Aventura (entratura nkluża) €84 €62
Tossa de Mar €25 €13
City Taxes (jitħallsu direttament fil-Lukandi): Lourdes: €1.50 kull
persuna kull lejl u Lloret de Mar: €1.50 kull persuna kull lejl
Santwarju ta’ Lourdes: Donazzjoni ta’ €10 kull persuna. Din tinġabar mit-Tour Leader f’Lourdes
Barcelona Aquarium: Adulti €24 / Tfal €17
IS-SIBT, 9 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Il-grupp jiltaqa’ l-ajruport fl-4.00am u b’titjira diretta mar-Ryanair, fis-6.20am. nitilqu għal Lourdes. Fit-8.50am naslu Lourdes u nirkbu l-coach li teħodna għall-Lukanda Lye de Marie jew simili fejn ikollna s-sistemazzjoni tal-kmamar. Wara l-pranzu nibdew il-mawra tagħna f’Lourdes bi żjara fil-Grotta ta’ Massabielle, fejn il-Madonna dehret lil Santa Bernadette Soubirous. Inkomplu bil-programm billi naraw u fejn ikun possibbli nżuru diversi postijiet ta’ interess konnessi ma’ Santa Bernadette, fosthom il-Mitħna Boly (fejn twieldet u għexet sakemm kellha 10 snin), il-Cachot (kamra f’ħabs abbandunat fejn għexet, flimkien mal-familja, matul id-dehriet) u l-Knisja Parrokkjali li hija ddedikata lill-Qalb Imqaddsa ta’ Ġesu (fejn tgħammdet). Ċena fil-lukanda u wara fid9.00pm nieħdu sehem, bhala grupp, fil-Purcissjoni Aux Flambeaux li tibda mill-Grotta u tintemm fil-pjazza ta’ quddiem il-Bażilika tar-Rużarju. F’din il-purċissjoni l-pellegrini jimxu wara l-istatwa tal-Madonna b’xemgħa mixgħula f’idejhom u jingħad ir-rużarju.
IL-ĦADD, 10 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Kolazzjon u wara fid-9.30am nieħdu sehem fil-Quddiesa Internazzjonali li ssir fil-Bażilika l-Kbira ta’ taħt l-art iddedikata lil San Piju X. Esperjenza unika u xeni mpressjonanti ta’ devozzjoni. Wara din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni mmorru naraw DVD dwar il-Messaġġ ta’ Lourdes. Wara l-pranzu jkollna optional excursion għal Pont d’Espagne li jifforma parti mill-Park Nazzjonali tal-Pyrenees. Eskurzjoni fuq ilmuntanji fejn nitpaxxew b’xenarju mill-isbaħ u naraw ħafna kaskati meraviljużi bl-ilma nieżel b’veloċità kbira. Dan il-post huwa popolari ħafna ma’ dawk li jħobbu jmorru mountain climbing. Ċena fil-Lukanda.
IT-TNEJN, 11 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Wara l-kolazzjon niċċelebraw l-Ewkaristija f’waħda mid-diversi knejjes/ kappelli li jinsabu viċin il-Grotta. Ma’ tmiem il-Quddiesa, il-grupp jieħu ritratt ta’ tifkira quddiem il-Bażiliki. Inkomplu bil-programm billi nżuru t-tliet Bażiliki u wara nagħmlu l-mixja tal-Via Sagra fuq l-Għolja de l’Espeluges. Pranzu u wara optional excursion għal Gavarnie. Eskurzjoni verament sabiħa li matulha naraw ħafna veduti meraviljużi. Gavarnie huwa raħal qalb il-muntanji, 1357 metru ’l fuq mill-baħar. Nagħmlu waqfa fuq Pont du Napoleon fejn ingawdu veduta millaqwa. Hekk kif naslu Gavarnie nistgħu nagħmlu mixja qalb xenarju mill-isbaħ jew min irid jista’ anke jieħu rikba fuq xi żiemel. Ċena fil-lukanda.
IT-TLIETA, 12 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Kolazzjon u wara optional excursion ta’ gurnata ghal Col d’Ibardin u St Jean de Luz. Minn Col d’Ibaldin naraw veduti mill-isbaħ u anke nkunu nistgħu nagħmlu xi xiri. Wara mmorru St Jean de Luz, belt kosmopolitana u medjevali b’influwenza Spanjola. Inżuru ċ-ċentru storiku u l-bajja kbira tal-post. Ikollna ħin liberu li matulu nkunu nistgħu nkomplu ngawdu ċ-ċentru tal-belt, fejn insibu
l-aqwa restoranti li jservu ikel bnin tal-baħar, u x-xtajta meraviljuża tal-post. (Nota: Illum ma jkollniex pranzu jew packed lunch.) Filgħaxija, wara ċ-ċena, jkollna ċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Quddiesa.
L-ERBGĦA, 13 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Kmieni wara l-kolazzjon naqbdu t-triq lejn Lloret de Mar - Costa Brava. Matul il-vjaġġ tagħna nagħmlu waqfa ġewwa Andorra li huwa stat indipendenti u fejn nistgħu nixtru affarijiet duty free. Naslu fil-Lukanda Garbi Park jew simili, filgħaxija. Sistemazzjoni tal-kmamar u wara ċ-ċena.
IL-ĦAMIS, 14 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Malli nlestu l-kolazzjon, optional excursion ta’ jum li teħodna filkapitali ta’ dan ir-reġjun, Barċelona. Inżuru fost oħrajn Catalunya Square, Ramblas, Sagrada Famiglia u Mont Juic minn fejn wieħed jista’ jgawdi veduta panoramika ta’ Barcelona. Wara nofsinhar ħin liberu ghal personal sightseeing. Nissuġġerixxu żżuru l-famuż Aquarium (dħul extra) li qiegħed viċin il-Monument ta’ Cristoforo Colombo. Nirritornaw lura l-lukanda għaċ-ċena.
IL-GIMGĦA, 15 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Wara l-kolazzjon ikollna optional excursion għal Montserrat. Montserrat qiegħed f’għoli ta’ 1236 metru ‘il fuq mill-wied u hemmhekk inżuru l-Bażilika majestuża tal-Benedittini li hija ddedikata lil “La Moreneta” (Il-Verġni s-Sewda) Padruna tal-Katalonja. Xenarju spettakolari kemm aħna u telgħin kif ukoll meta nkunu hemm fuq. Nirritornaw Lloret de Mar fejn ikollna ħin liberu li matulu, flimkien mat-tour leader, inkunu nistgħu niskopru aktar dwar dan il-post tant sabiħ.
IS-SIBT, 16 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Wara l-kolazzjon, ikollna optional excursion ta’ jum ghal Port Aventura (dħul inkluż), il-famuż Park ta’ divertiment mill-aqwa fejn ngħaddu jum f’ambjent Mediterranju, tal-Far West, Messikan, Ċiniż u Polynesian. Nitilgħu fuq il-fun rides u naraw diversi shows li jsiru minn ħin għall-ieħor. Niltilqu għall-lukanda minn Port Aventura fis-7.00 p.m. (Iċ-ċena tal-illum tittieħed bħala pranzu għada).
IL-ĦADD, 17 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Nieħdu l-aħħar kolazzjon u wara mmorru optional excursion ta` nofs ta` nhar għal Tossa de Mar. Din hija belt antika fejn insibu veduti kostali mill-isbaħ. Fis-sena 1931 kienet ġiet iddikkjarata bħala monument artistiku u ta’ storja. Nirritornaw il-lukanda fejn ikollna pranzu minflok iċċena tal-bieraħ. Il-kumplament ta’ wara nofsinhar liberu sakemm isir il-ħin biex nitilqu għall-ajruport ta` Barċelona minn fejn permezz ta’ titjira diretta tar-Ryanair fis-7.50pm nitilqu għal Malta fejn naslu fl-10.00pm (Il-ħruġ mill-kmamar ikun normalment fil-11.00am. Staqsu lit-tour leader dwar possibilita li l-kmamar jinżammu sal-ħin tat-tluq mill-lukanda - ħlas extra).
63 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u
u u u u
9 - 17 ta’ Settembru
Vjaġġi u Pellegrinaġġi għal Lourdes
INŻURU Lourdes, Gavarnie, Pont d’Espagne, Col d’Ibardin u St Jean de Luz
u u u
Titjiriet diretti mar-Ryanair - Malta/ Lourdes/Malta inkluż bagalja ta' 10kg
Trasferimenti: ajruport/lukanda/ajruport
4 iljieli akkomodazzjoni fl-lukanda
3 stilel ġewwa Lourdes
u u
Kmamar kollha bis-servizzi privati
u u u
Bażi: 4 kolazzjonijiet/3 pranzi/4 ċeni
Servizz ta’ tour leader
Servizz ta’ direttur spiritwali
It-taxxi tal-ajruporti u s-service charge
Insolvency Fund
Adult f’kamra trippla €649
Adult f’kamra doppja €669
Adult f’kamra singola €749
Tfal ma’ żewġ adulti (6-10 snin) €499
Tfal ma’ żewġ adulti (2-5 snin) €449
*Il-postijiet fuq it-titjira jiġu assenjati mir-Ryanair. Jista' jkun hemm ħlas addizzjonali jekk inti tkun tixtieq postijiet fejn xulxin u/jew bagalja extra.
Gavarnie €29 €15
Pont d’Espagne €29 €15
St. Jean d’Luz / Col d’Ibardin €42 €21
Is-City Tax ta’ Lourdes €1.50 għal kull lejl titħallas direttament fil-Lukanda
Donazzjoni lis-Santwarju: €10 kull persuna. Din tinġabar mit-Tour Leader f’Lourdes
Jista’ jkun hemm tibdil f’dawn il-ħlasijiet.
IT-TLIETA | Il-grupp jiltaqà l-ajruport fis-6.10am minn fejn b’titjira mar-Ryanair, fit-8.10am nitilqu għal Lourdes. Fl-10.40am naslu Lourdes u nirkbu l-coach li teħodna għal lukanda. Sistemazzjoni tal-kmamar u pranzu. Nibdew il-mawra tagħna f’Lourdes bi żjara fil-Grotta ta’ Massabielle, fejn il-Madonna dehret lil Santa Bernadete Soubirous u wara mmorru naraw u fejn ikun possibbli nżuru diversi postijiet konnessi ma’ Santa Bernardette. Ċena u wara fid-9.00 p.m. nieħdu sehem bħala grupp, fil-Purċissjoni Aux Flambeaux li tibda mill-Grotta u tintemm fil-pjazza ta’ quddiem ilBażilika tar-Ruzarju. F’din il-purċissjoni l-pellegrini jimxu wara l-istatwa tal-Madonna b’xemgħa mixgħula f’idejhom u jingħad ir-rużarju.
L-ERBGĦA | Fid-9.30am niehdu sehem fil-Quddiesa Internazzjonali li ssir fil-Bażilika l-Kbira ta’ taħt l-art iddedikata lil San Piju X. Esperjenza unika u xeni mpressjonanti ta’ devozzjoni. Wara din iċċelebrazzjoni mmorru naraw DVD dwar il-Messaġġ ta’ Lourdes. Wara nofsinhar optional excursion għal Gavarnie. Eskurzjoni verament sabiħa li matulha naraw ħafna veduti meraviljużi. Gavarnie huwa raħal qalb il-muntanji, 1357 metru ’l fuq mil-livell tal-baħar. Nagħmlu waqfa fuq Pont du Napoleon fejn ingawdu veduta mill-aqwa. Hekk kif naslu Gavarnie nistgħu
nagħmlu mixja qalb xenarju mill-isbaħ jew min irid jista’ anke jieħu rikba fuq xi żiemel.
IL-ĦAMIS | Niċċelebraw l-Ewkaristija f’waħda middiversi knejjes/kappelli li jinsabu viċin il-Grotta. Ma’ tmiem il-Quddiesa, il-grupp jieħu ritratt ta’ tifkira quddiem il-Bażilika. Inkomplu billi nżuru t-tliet Bażiliki u wara nagħmlu l-mixja tal-Via Sagra fuq l-għolja de l’Espeluges. Wara nofsinhar optional excursion fil-Pyrenees National Park, li huwa riserva naturali protetta u hemmhekk inżuru Pont d’Espagne. Din hija eskursjoni mill-isbaħ fuq il-muntanji bl-opportunità li nitgħaxxqu b’xenarju sabiħ u kaskati meraviljużi.
IL-ĠIMGĦA | Illum ikollna optional excursion ta’ ġurnata għal Col d’Ibardin u St Jean de Luz. F’Col d’Ibardin naraw veduti mill-isbaħ u nagħmlu xi xiri. Wara mmorru St Jean de Luz, belt kosmopolitana, medjevali u b’influwenza Spanjola, inżuru ċ-ċentru storiku u x-xtajta tal-post. Filgħaxija jkollna ċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Quddiesa.
IS-SIBT | Kolazzjon u nitilqu mil-Lukanda għallajruport. It-titjira tar-Ryanair titlaq għal Malta fid9.20am fejn tasal fil-11.40am.
64 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
GRUPP 1: 6 - 10 Ġunju
GRUPP 2: 27 Ġunju - 1 Lulju*
GRUPP 3: 4 - 8 Lulju
GRUPP 4: 11-15 Lulju*
GRUPP 5: 18 - 22 Lulju
GRUPP 6: 25 - 29 Lulju
GRUPP 7: 1- 5 Awwissu
GRUPP 8: 8 - 12 Awwissu
*Gruppi mal-Euro Tours
GRUPP 9: 15 - 19 Awwissu*
(15 Awwissu - Festa Pubblika)
GRUPP 10: 22 - 26 Awwissu*
GRUPP 11: 29 Awwissu - 2 Settembru
GRUPP 12: 5 - 9 Settembru*
(8 ta’ Settembru - Festa Nazzjonali)
GRUPP 13: 12 -16 Settembru
GRUPP 14: 19 - 23 Settembru
(21 Settembru - Festa Nazzjonali)
65 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Fatima Portugal
Group 1 10 - 17 July
Fatima, Coimbra, Valinhos, Aljustrel, Batalha, Alcobaca, Nazare, Lisbon, Tomar, Mira d’Aire Caves & Oporto
Air Malta return direct flights to Lisbon airport
u u u
7 nights in 4-star Hotel Santa Maria (or similar)
u u u
u u
Rooms with private facilities, TV & A/C
7 buffet breakfasts
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader Services of spiritual director
Group 2 10 - 17 August (15 August - Public Holiday) u
All taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €699 €599
Adult in Twin €729 €629
Adult in Single €869 €769
Child under 12 sharing with 2 adults €489 €389
Half Board: 1 lunch/6 dinners €99
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken.
Coimbra €30 €15
Batalha/Alcobaca/Nazare €30 €15
Lisbon €47 €24
Tomar/Mira d’Aire Caves €30 €15
Oporto €45 €23
Templars Monastery €6.00 per person
Mira d’Aire Caves €6.70 per person
Wax Museum €8.50 per person
Mini Train €6.00 per person
DAY 1 | We meet our tour leader at the Airport at 4.30pm. At 6.30pm. our Air Malta flight departs to Lisbon, where on arrival at 8.45pm we will be transferred to our central hotel in Fatima.
DAY 2 | Breakfast will be followed by a familiarization walk with the tour leader. The small village of Fatima has been permanently associated with the reputed Marian apparitions to the three shepherd children, Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. Among other places we visit the Perpetual Adoration Chapel, the Chapel of Apparitions, the Basilica and other places of interest in connection with Our Lady of Fatima. We will have the opportunity for a group photograph. In the afternoon we board our coach and go on a half-day optional excursion to Coimbra. Sister Lucia used to live in the Carmelite Convent in Coimbra. Here we will also see the local historical University.
DAY 3 | Today we join the religious functions attended by thousands of pilgrims marking the 12th and 13th day of the month. On the 13 th day of six consecutive months in 1917 beginning on May 13, our Lady appeared to the shepherd children, during which they related that the apparition called herself the “Lady of the Rosary”. By means of a mini train (extra), we visit Valinhos where we follow the Stations of the Cross near the little chapel. Afterwards we go to Aljustrel to visit the houses where the three shepherd children Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco used to live. In the evening we participate in the procession Aux Flambeaux on the main square in front of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima.
DAY 4 | The highlight of today’s programme is when we join pilgrims from around the world and participate in the International Mass during which there will be the blessing of the sick and the farewell procession, a loving Adeus farewell to the statue of Our Lady of the Rosary. In the afternoon we go on an optional half-day excursion to Batalha, Alcobaca and Nazare. We make our way to Batalha to see the Gothic Cathedral. Some free time before we continue our
way to Alcobaca to visit the monastery. Afterwards we proceed to Nazare, the sea side and fishing resort on the Atlantic coast.
DAY 5 | After breakfast we join the tour leader for a full-day optional excursion to Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal. (During part of this excursion the group will be accompanied by a local English-speaking guide.) We will see the monument dedicated to Henry the Navigator, the Belem Tower, the Moorish Citadel and the Black Horse Square. In the afternoon we go to Alfama with its streets decorated with beautiful tiles. We have some free time for personal sightseeing and shopping before we make our way back to Fatima.
DAY 6 | Breakfast followed by a half-day optional excursion to Tomar and the caves of Mira d’Aire. On arriving at the top of a hill overlooking Tomar, we visit the Templars Monastery (entrance extra). From here we have a very beautiful panoramic view of picturesque Tomar. We proceed to the caves at Mira d’Aire for a guided tour of these spectacular caves and the fantastic show of the dancing waters (entrance extra). At 9.30 p.m. we take part in the International Rosary Celebration at the Chapel of Apparitions and afterwards in the Candle Light Procession which is held in the Square.
DAY 7 | Today, after breakfast, we offer you an opportunity to travel towards the north of Portugal on our optional full-day excursion to Oporto, one of the largest and most important commercial cities in Portugal. (During part of this excursion the group will be accompanied by a local English-speaking guide.) We shall visit the pedestrian shopping area and other interesting places.
DAY 8 | After breakfast, during the morning we can visit the Wax Museum (entrance extra) and a Port Wine Cellar. Afterwards free time until departure from Fatima to Lisbon Airport. Our Air Malta flight departs from Lisbon at 9.35pm and arrives in Malta at 1.35am of Day 9.
66 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Fatima Portugal
7 - 14 September (8 September - National Holiday)
Fatima, Coimbra, Lisbon, Tomar, Mira d’Aire Caves, Oporto, Valinhos, Aljustrel, Batalha, Alcobaca & Nazare,
Air Malta return direct flights to Lisbon airport
7 nights in 4-star Hotel Anjo de Portgual (or similar) Rooms with private facilities, TV & A/C
7 buffet breakfasts
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
Services of spiritual director
All taxes & service charge Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €699
Adult in Twin €729
Adult in Single €869
Child under 12 sharing with 2 adults €489 €389
Half Board: 1 lunch/6 dinners €99
*Special Price applies when half board and all excursions are taken.
Coimbra €30 €15
Lisbon €47 €24
Tomar/Mira d’Aire Caves €30 €15
Oporto €45 €23
Batalha/Alcobaca/Nazare €30 €15
Templars Monastery €6.00 per person
Mira d’Aire Caves €6.70 per person
Wax Museum €8.50 per person
Mini Train €6.00 per person
THURSDAY, 7TH SEPTEMBER | We meet our tour leader at the Airport at 5.00pm. At 7.00pm. our Air Malta flight departs to Lisbon, where on arrival at 9.15pm we will be transferred to our central hotel in Fatima.
FRIDAY, 8TH SEPTEMBER | Breakfast will be followed by a familiarization walk with the tour leader. The small village of Fatima has been permanently associated with the reputed Marian apparitions to the three shepherd children, Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. Among other places we visit the Perpetual Adoration Chapel, the Chapel of Apparitions, the Basilica and other places of interest in connection with Our Lady of Fatima. We will have the opportunity for a group photograph. n the afternoon we board our coach and go on a half-day optional excursion to Coimbra. Sister Lucia used to live in the Carmelite Convent in Coimbra. Here we will also see the local historical University.
SATURDAY, 9TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast we join the tour leader for a full-day optional excursion to Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal. (During part of this excursion the group will be accompanied by a local English-speaking guide.) We will see the monument dedicated to Henry the Navigator, the Belem Tower, the Moorish Citadel and the Black Horse Square. In the afternoon we go to Alfama with its streets decorated with beautiful tiles. We have some free time for personal sightseeing and shopping before we make our way back to Fatima.
SUNDAY, 10TH SEPTEMBER | Breakfast followed by a half-day optional excursion to Tomar and the caves of Mira d’Aire. On arriving at the top of a hill overlooking Tomar, we visit the Templars Monastery (entrance extra). From here we have a very beautiful panoramic view of picturesque Tomar. We proceed to the caves at Mira d’Aire for a guided tour of these spectacular caves and the fantastic show of the dancing waters (entrance extra). On returning to Fatima there will be free time for personal sight-seeing and shopping of souvenirs. At 9.30 p.m. we take part in the International Rosary Celebration at the Chapel of Apparitions and afterwards in the Candle Light Procession which is held in the Square.
MONDAY, 11TH SEPTEMBER | Today, after breakfast, we offer you an opportunity to travel towards the north of Portugal on our optional full-day excursion to Oporto, one of the largest and most important commercial cities in Portugal. (During part of this excursion the group will be accompanied by a local English-speaking guide.) We shall visit the pedestrian shopping area and other interesting places.
TUESDAY, 12TH SEPTEMBER | Today we join the religious functions attended by thousands of pilgrims marking the 12th and 13th day of the month. On the 13th day of six consecutive months in 1917 beginning on May 13th, our Lady appeared to the shepherd children, during which they related that the apparition called herself the “Lady of the Rosary”. By means of a mini train (extra), we visit Valinhos where we follow the Stations of the Cross near the little chapel. Afterwards we go to Aljustrel to visit the houses where the three shepherd children Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco used to live. In the evening we participate in the procession Aux Flambeaux on the main square in front of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima.
WEDNESDAY, 13TH SEPTEMBER | The highlight of today’s programme is when we join pilgrims from around the world and participate in the International Mass during which there will be the blessing of the sick and the farewell procession, a loving Adeus farewell to the statue of Our Lady of the Rosary. In the afternoon we go on an optional half-day excursion to Batalha, Alcobaca and Nazare. We make our way to Batalha to see the Gothic Cathedral. Some free time before we continue our way to Alcobaca to visit the monastery. Afterwards we proceed to Nazare, the sea side and fishing resort on the Atlantic coast.
THURSDAY, 14TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast, during the morning we can visit the Wax Museum (entrance extra) and a Port Wine Cellar. Afterwards free time until departure from Fatima to Lisbon Airport. Our Air Malta flight departs from Lisbon at 10.05pm and arrives in Malta at 2.05am on Friday, 15th September.
67 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
u u u u u
u u u u
San Giovanni Rotondo (San Padre Pio) u Napli
Pietralcina, Piana Romana, San Giovanni Rotondo, Lanciano, Monte Sant’Angelo, Napli, Pompej, Caserta u Amalfi.
Titjiiriet Malta/Napli/Malta mal-Air Malta
Akkomodazzjoni f’San Giovanni
Rotondo Hotel RosaMarina 3 star u
ġewwa Napli .....
7 kolazzjonijiet u 4 ċeni f'San
Giovanni Rotondo
L-eskursjonijiet kollha
Coach komdu bl-arja kondizzjonata
matul it-tour
u u
u u u u
Servizz ta’ tour leader
13 – 20 Settembru u u
Servizz ta’ direttur spiritwali
It-taxxi tal-ajruporti u s-service charge
Insolvency fund
Adult f’kamra trippla €869
Adult f’kamra doppja €889
Adult f’kamra singola €1079
Tfal ma’ żewġ adulti €669
Pompei Ruins & Whispers €20 kull persuna
Palazz Irjali f’Caserta & Whispers €21 kull persuna
City taxes kull persuna, kull lejl: San Giovanni Rotondo €1.00 u
€5.00 Napli. Dawn jitħallsu direttament fil-lukanda
L-ERBGĦA, 13 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Il-grupp jiltaqa’ l-ajruport fit-8.40am minn fejn bit-titjira tal-Air Malta, fl10.40am. nitilqu għall-ajruport ta’ Napli. Hekk kif naslu fil-11.55am insibu coach li teħodna Pietrelcina, post żgħir u ħelu fejn Patri Piju twieled u għex sakemm kellu 31 sena. Naraw postijiet konnessi ma’ Patri Piju, fosthom il-knisja parrokkjali fejn fl-14 ta’ Awwissu
1910 qaddes għall-ewwel darba. Wara imorru Piana Romana, post zgħir viċin ħafna ta’ Pietrelcina, sinonimu ma’ Patri Piju speċjalment minħabba l-pjagi nvisibbli. Inkomplu bi triqtna u mmorru San Giovanni Rotondo fejn hekk kif naslu fil-Lukanda jkollna s-sistemazzjoni tal-kmamar.
IL-ĦAMIS, 14 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Nibdew il-mawra tagħna f’San Giovanni Rotondo biċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-quddiesa. Wara mmorru l-English Office fejn niġu mbierka b’waħda mill-ingwanti li kienu jmissu malpjagi li Patri Piju kellu f’idejħ, inżuru l-mużew ta’ Padre Pio, kif ukoll il-kripta l-qadima fejn kien midfun qabel. Inkomplu billi nieħdu ritratt tal-grupp bħala tifkira u wara naraw l-isptar “La Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza - opra kbira ħajja ta’ Padre Pio. Wara l-pranzu (extra) nimxu għall-knisja l-ġdida u moderna ddedikata lil San Piju ta’ Pietrelcina fejn inkunu nistgħu naraw issbuħija ta’ dan it-tempju. Inkomplu bil-programm billi mmorru nagħmlu l-Via Sagra Monumentali – waħda mill-opri kbar ta’ San Pio u aktar tard inżuru l-kwartieri tal-Grupp ta’ Talb ta’ Padre Pio.
IL-GIMGĦA, 15 TA’ SETTEMBRU: | Jittieħed ilkolazzjon u jkollna optional excusion għal Lanciano u Monte Sant’Angelo. F’Lanciano inżuru s-Santwarju tal-Miraklu tal-Ewkaristija fejn juri l-Ġisem u d-Demm ta’ Kristu. Dan il-Miraklu seħħ fis-seklu tmienja u għadu jidher sal-lum. Wara nofsinhar nitilqgu minn Lanciano għal fuq il-Muntanja tal-Gargano fejn f’Monte Sant’Angelo hemm l-Għar u s-Santwarju ta’ San Mikiel Arkanġlu. Dan il-post qaddis kien iħobb iżuru Patri Piju li kien ikun akkumpanjat mill-fratini. Din il-Bażilika/Santwarju bħalissa qegħdin jieħdu ħsiebha l-Kongregazzjoni Mikelini li huma ta’ oriġini Pollakka.
Ħin liberu qabel ma nitilqu lura lejn il-lukanda.
IS-SIBT, 16 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Kolazzjon u wara nitilqu minn San Giovanni Rotondo għal Napli fejn jkollna dawra panoramika. Wara nkomplu bi triqtna għall-Lukanda fejn ikollna s-sistemazzjoni tal-kmamar u wara ħin liberu.
IL-ĦADD, 17 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Wara l-kolazzjon, immorru optional excursion li matulha nżuru Pompei fejn il-hin waqaf meta fis-sena 79 WK kien żbroffa l-Vesuvius. Matul iż-żjara, akkumpanjati minn gwida lokali, nduru dan il-post storiku (dhul u whispers extra) fejn naraw toroq mittiekla mill-karrijiet tal-gladjaturi Rumani u villel antiki bil-ħitan tagħhom impenġija b’xeni sbieħ u ddekorati bil-muzajk. Wara nirritornaw il-lukanda.
IT-TNEJN, 18 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Wara l-kolazzjon, immorru fuq optional excursion ta’ jum għal Caserta. Nibdew billi nżuru l-Palazz Rjali li hu maghruf bħala l-Versailles ta’ Napli. Dan il-palazz nbena fit-18-il seklu mir-Re Charles III ta’ Bourbon. Inżuru (dħul u whispers extra) dan il-palazz meraviljuż, li jiżbokka fi pjazza kbira u huwa kkunsidrat bħala l-aktar bini maestuz tal-kwalita’ tiegħu fl-Italja. Ikollna ħin fiċ-ċentru qabel nirritornaw l-lukanda.
IT-TLIETA, 19 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Wara l-kolazzjon ikollna optioinal excursion li matulha niskopru l-Amalfi Coast. Fi triqtna għal Amalfi nitpaxxew b’veduti meraviljużi u nieqfu fil-Bevedere li minnu jidher Positano. F’Amalfi nzuru ċ-ċentru tal-belt u jkollna ħin għax-xiri ta’ souvenirs u għall-ikel (extra). Amalfi huwa magħruf ħafna għall-prodotti tal-fuħħar u għall-veduta sabiħa tal-Golf Naplitana. Nirritornaw Napli fejn ikollna ħin liberu.
L-ERBGĦA, 20 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Wara kolazzjon ħin liberu sakemm nitilqu mill-lukanda għall-ajruport ta’ Napli minn fejn fis-12.45pm permezz ta’ titjira tal-Air Malta nitilqu għal Malta, fejn naslu fis-2.00pm
ESKURSJONIJIET U ĊENI F'SAN ROTONDOGIOVANNINKLUŻI 68 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
San Giovanni Rotondo (San Padre Pio)
7 - 12 ta’ Ġunju (7 ta’ Ġunju - Festa Pubblika)
Pietrelcina, Piana Romana, Foggia, Monte Sant’Angelo, Bari u Lanciano
Titjiriet ma l-Air Malta: Malta/Napli/Malta
Transfers Ajruport/Lukanda/Ajruport
Lukanda ċentrali tourist class Rosa
Marina jew simili
Il-kmamar kollha bis-servizzi privati
u u u
5 kolazzjonijiet / 5 ikliet
L-eskurzjonijiet kollha
Coach komdu u air-conditioned
Servizz ta’ tour leader
u u
Servizz ta’ direttur spiritwali
It-taxxi tal-ajruporti u s-service charge Insolvency fund
Kbar f’kamra trippla €569
Kbar f’kamra doppja €589
Kbar f’kamra singola €689
Tfal (sa 11-il sena) ma’ żewġ adulti €479
San Giovanni Rotondo City Tax: €1.00 kull persuna kull lejl. Din titħallas direttament fil-lukanda.
L-ERBGĦA, 7 TA’ ĠUNJU | Il-grupp jiltaqa’ l-ajruport fit-8.40am minn fejn fl-10.40am permezz ta’ titjira talAir Malta, nitilqu ghal Napli. Meta fil-11.55am naslu Napli insibu coach li teħodna Pietralcina, post zgħir u ħelu fejn Patri Piju twieled u ghex sakemm kellu 31 sena. Naraw postijiet konnessi ma’ Patri Piju, fosthom il-knisja parrokkjali fejn fl-14 ta’ Awwissu 1910 qaddes għall-ewwel darba. Wara mmorru Piana Romana, post zgħir viċin ħafna ta’ Pietrelcina, sinonimu ma’ Patri Piju speċjalment minħabba l-pjagi nvisibbli. Inkomplu bi triqtna u mmorru San Giovanni Rotondo fejn hekk kif naslu fil-Lukanda Rosamarina (jew simili) jkollna s-sistemazzjoni tal-kmamar.
IL-ĦAMIS, 8 TA’ ĠUNJU | Nibdew il-mawra tagħna f’San Giovanni Rotondo biċ-ċelebrazzjoni talquddiesa. Wara mmorru l-English Office fejn niġu mbierka b’waħda mill-ingwanti li kienu jmissu malpjagi li Patri Piju kellu f’idejh, inżuru l-mużew ta’ Padre Pio, kif ukoll il-kripta l-qadima fejn kien midfun qabel. Inkomplu billi nieħdu ritratt tal-grupp bħala tifkira u wara naraw l-isptar “La Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza – opra kbira ħajja ta’ Padre Pio. Wara l-pranzu (extra) nimxu għall-knisja l-ġdida u moderna ddedikata lil San Piju ta’ Pietrelcina fejn inkunu nistgħu naraw issbuħija ta’ dan it-tempju. Inkomplu bil-programm billi nżuru l-kwartieri tal-Grupp ta’ Talb ta’ Padre Pio. Ċena fil-lukanda.
IL-ĠIMGĦA, 9 TA’ ĠUNJU | Illum immorru fuq eskurzjoni għall-belt ta’ Foggia u Monte Sant’Angelo. Foggia inżuru s-Santwarju ta’ Santa Marija di Incoronata u hemmhekk ikollna ċ-ċelebrazzjoni talQuddiesa. Inżuru l-mużew tas-Santwarju u wara
mmorru ċ-ċentru kummerċjali ta’ Foggia fejn ikollna ħin liberu. Wara nofsinhar nitilqu għal fuq il-Muntanja tal-Gargano fejn f’Monte Sant’Angelo hemm l-Għar u s-Santwarju ta’ San Mikiel Arkanġlu. Dan il-post qaddis kien iħobb iżuru Patri Piju li kien ikun akkumpanjat mill-fratini. Din il-Bażilika/Santwarju bħalissa qegħdin jieħdu ħsiebha l-Kongregazzjoni Mikelini li huma ta’ origini Pollakka. Ħin liberu qabel ma nitilqu għallukanda.
IS-SIBT, 10 TA’ ĠUNJU: Wara l-kolazzjon nieħdu l-coach biex immorru għall-belt ta’ Bari, spiss imlaqqma t-tieni Napli. Din il-belt hija l-kapitali tar-Reġjun ta’ Puglia u għandha port antik fil-Bahar Adrijatiku. F’Bari nimxu sal-belt il-qadima u ċ-ċentru storiku fejn nistgħu naraw il-Bażilika ta’ San Nikola, il-Katidral ta’ San Sabinu u l-Kastell Svevo. Nirritornaw San Giovanni Rotondo għall-ikla ta’ filghaxija u wara mmorru nghidu r-rużarju fil-Kripta ta’ Patri Piju.
IL-ĦADD,11 TA’ ĠUNJU | Jittiehed l-kolazzjon u wara nitilqu għal Lanciano. F'Lanciano inżuru s-Santwarju tal-Miraklu tal-Ewkaristija fejn juri l-Ġisem u d-Demm ta’ Kristu. Dan il-Miraklu seħħ fis-seklu tmienja u għadu jidher sa llum. Meta nirritornaw San Giovanni Rotondo mmorru nagħmlu l-Via Sagra Monumentali –waħda mill-opri kbar ta’ San Pio.
IT-TNEJN, 12 TA’ ĠUNJU | Wara l-kolazzjon ikun hemm ftit ħin liberu sakemm nitilqu mill-lukanda u naqbdu triqitna lejn l-ajruport ta’ Napli minn fejn fit3.25pm b’titjira tal-Air Malta nitilqu għal Malta, fejn naslu fl-4.40pm
JINKLUDI u u u u u u u u u u u
69 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Ruma u Assisi
Ruma, Assisi, Cascia, Rocca Porena, Gholja La Verna, Loreto, Gubbio u Greggio
Titjiriet diretti mal-Air Malta: Malta/Ruma/Malta
Akkomodazzjoni f'Ruma lukanda Torino
(4 star) jew simili u f'Assisi lukanda
Frate sale (3 star) jew simili
u u u u
Kmamar kollha bis-servizzi privati
Trasferimenti: ajruport/lukanda/ajruport
Bażi: 6 kolazzjonijiet u 4 ċeni f'Assisi
Servizz ta’ tour leader
Servizz ta’ direttur spiritwali
It-taxxi tal-ajruporti u s-service charge
Insolvency fund
Kbar f'kamra trippla €779
Kbar f’kamra doppja €799
Kbar f’kamra singola €949
Tfal ma’ żewġ adulti €599
City taxes li jitħallsu direttament fil-Lukanda - Ruma €6 kull persuna kull lejl u Assisi €2 kull persuna kull lejl
IS-SIBT, 26 TA’ AWWISSU | Niltaqgħu l-ajruport fil5.30am minn fejn permezz ta’ titjira tal-Air Malta fis7.35am nitilqu lejn Ruma. Hekk kif fid-9.00am naslu Ruma, nirkbu l-coach li teħodna fil-Lukanda. Inpoġġu l-bagalji fil-luggage room. Bil-coach immorru l-Vatikan (optional) u nżuru l-Bażilika fejn hemm artali ddedikati lill-Papiet qaddisin u l-kripta. Nimxu sal-Pjazza Navona, il-Pantheon u postijiet oħra. Wara nofsinhar nidħlu l-lukanda fejn ikollna t-tqassim tal-kmamar. Filgħaxija nagħmlu ħarga qasira mat-tour leader.
IL-ĦADD, 27 TA’ AWWISSU | Kolazzjon u wara u mmorru nżuru (optional) Santa Maria Maggiore, San Giovanni in Laterano u Scala Santa. Ikun hemm ħin ħdejn l-Stazione Termine għax-xiri u l-ikel (extra). Wara li naraw il-Colosseo mill-qrib immorru l-lukanda. Dawra mat-tour leader.
IT-TNEJN, 28 TA’ AWWISSU | Wara l-kolazzjon nitilqu lejn Assisi. Hekk kif naslu nibdew bi żjara ġewwa l-Bażilika ta’ Santa Chiara, naraw id-dar fejn kien joqgħod San Franġisk meta kien ġuvni. Qabel ma ninżlu biex nidħlu fit-tlett Bażiliki fejn hemm midfunin San Franġisk u sħabu, ninvistaw lil beatu Carlo Acutis. Wara nofsinhar immorru fil-knisja ta’ Santa Maria degli Angeli (Porziuncola) li qegħda viċin il-lukanda. Tqassim tal-kmamar u ċena fil-lukanda.
IT-TLIETA, 29 TA’ AWWISSU | Dalgħodu, wara l-kolazzjon, immorru Cascia u Rocca Porena (optional).
F’Cascia nżuru l-kunvent fejn Santa Rita għexet bħala soru, il-Bażilika ddedikata lilha u l-Bażilika fejn hemm ix-xbieha tal-miraklu tal-Ostja Divina. Wara l-ikel (extra) immorru Rocca Porena, post żgħir fejn Santa Rita għexet mal-ġenituri tagħha qabel daħlet soru. Lura lejn
il-lukanda għal ftit ħin liberu u ċ-ċena fil-lukanda.
L-ERBGĦA, 30 TA’ AWWISSU | Wara l-kolazzjon mmorru eskursjoni (optional) ta’ ġurnata għall-Għolja La Verna, fejn jingħad li f’Settembru 1224 San Frangisk ħa l-Pjagi ta’ Ġesu. Nieħdu sehem fil-quddiesa bil-Malti u jkollna ħin biex induru ma’ dan il-post pittoresk. Nattendu wkoll għall-purċissjoni qasira mal-patrijiet bħala rispett lejn San Franġisk. Lura għaċ-ċena fil-lukanda.
IL-ĦAMIS, 31 TA’ AWISSU | Kolazzjon u wara eskursjoni ta’ ġurnata (optional) li matulha mmorru Loreto u Gubbio. Loreto jżuruh ħafna pellegrini u magħruf sewwa għall-Bażilika ddedikata lil Madonna ta’ Loreto. Ikollna quddiesa bil-Malti. Wara l-ikel (extra) immorru lejn ilbelt zgħira ta’ Gubbio, li tagħmel parti mill-provinċja ta’ Perugia. Ikollna ħin biex naslu sal-pjazza Grande u nibqghu sejrin għall-Bażilika ta’ San Ubaldo, il-patrun ta’ Gubbio. Il-festa ta’ dan il-Qaddis tiġi ċċelebrata fis-16 ta’ Mejju. Din il-Bażilika qegħda fuq Monte Ingino. Lura lejn il-lukanda għaċ-ċena.
IL-ĠIMGHA, 1 TA’ SETTEMBRU | Illum, wara l-kolazzjon, immorru fuq l-għolja ta’ Greggio (optional), ftit il-barra mill-belt ta’ Assisi. Hawnhekk ikollna esperjenza unika fejn naraw il-post fejn, f’Diċembru 1223, San Frangisk għamel l-ewwel presepju ħaj. Din il-ġrajja għadha tiġi ċċelebrata fiż-żmien il-Milied. Hawnhekk ikollna quddiesa bil-Malti fil-knisja ta’ ħdejn l-għar fejn kienet seħħet din il-ġrajja. Wara nofsinhar nirritornaw il-lukanda. Ikollna ftit ħin liberu qabel nitilqu għall-ajruport ta’ Ruma minn fejn permezz ta’ titjira talAir Malta fid-9.10pm nitilqu għal Malta, fejn naslu fis10.35pm.
70 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
26 Awwissu - 1 Settembru
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
13 - 20 September
Lidda, Jaffa, Nazareth, Mount Tabor, Cana, Capernaum, Sea of Galilee, Jordan River, Quram Caves, Bethlehem, Jerusalem & Ein Karen
Air Malta return direct flights to Tel Aviv airport
7 nights’ accommodation full board basis - Mary’s Well Hotel – Nazareth and Golden Walls - Jerusalem or similar)
Rooms with private facilities
Transport as per programme
Local English-speaking guides
Services of tour leader Services of spiritual director
All entrances
All taxes and tip for local guides Insolvency fund
Adult in Triple €1679
Adult in Twin €1699
Adult in Single €2159
Child sharing with 2 adults €1129
TUESDAY, 12TH SEPTEMBER | We meet at 10.15pm at Malta International Airport for our Air Malta flight.
WEDNESDAY, 13TH SEPTEMBER | At 1.15am we depart for Tel Aviv airport where we will arrive at 4.55am. From the airport we make our way to have breakfast. After we take the coach to visit the tomb of St. George in Lidda. After we visit the old city of Jaffa, and the church of St. Peter where we celebrate Mass. We proceed to our Hotel in Nazareth for check-in. Dinner and overnight in Nazareth.
THURSDAY, 14TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast we proceed to visit by coach and taxi to Mount Tabor. After lunch in Nazareth, we go to the Basilica of the Annunciation where we celebrate Mass, see Mary’s Well and St. Joseph Church. We return to our hotel in Nazareth for dinner and overnight.
FRIDAY, 15TH SEPTEMBER | Breakfast and we start our day by visiting the Church of Cana of Galilee then we proceed by coach to visit the church ‘Primacy of St. Peter’, we then drive to Capernaum, known as the town of Jesus, and visit the house of Peter. we visit the church of the Beatitudes, where we celebrate Mass, the site of the “sermon on the mount.” After lunch we take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. We return to our hotel in Nazareth for dinner and overnight.
SATURDAY, 16TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast, we proceed to the Jordan river, where Jesus Christ’s Baptism took place and then we visit Qumran caves where the scrolls of the Dead Sea where found. We have lunch. After we visit the Good Shepherd church for Mass, before leaving for Bethlehem we will visit the Sycamore Tree (Ta’ Zakkew) and some shopping (local ceramics). We the proceed to Jerusalem Hotel for dinner and overnight.
SUNDAY, 17TH SEPTEMBER | After breakfast we take the coach to visit Ein Karem, about 8km away from Jerusalem. We visit the visitation church and the church of St. John the Baptist. At Ein Karem we can read the ‘Magnificat’ in Maltese. After lunch we visit the Church of the Nativity, where we attend Mass. After seeing the place where Jesus was born, we then proceed to the Shepherd’s field and visit also the small, nice church. Return to our hotel in Jerusalem for dinner and overnight.
MONDAY, 18TH SEPTEMBER | After Breakfast today we go the Mount of Olives, the Ascension Church and then walk to the ‘Pater Noster’ Dominus Flevit, the Garden of Gethsemane and visit the church of All Nations or the Church of Agony, where we attend Mass. We see also Mary’s tomb and the Apostles’ Grotto. Lunch in Jerusalem and after we go to Mount Zion area where we visit, the Upper room, the place where Jesus had the last Supper with the Apostles, the Dormition Church of our Lady. Dinner and overnight.
TUESDAY, 19TH SEPEMBER | Breakfast and today we start our visit by going to the temple of the mount area, the Western Wall, St. Anne and the Bethesda pool, then by foot we go to Via Dolorosa and finish at the church of the Holy Sepulcher, where we visit the Holy place of Jesus Christ’s Crucifixion and Holy Tomb. Free time for lunch and then we continue and visit the church of the Holy Sepulcher where we will celebrate Mass. We then make our way to Jerusalem for dinner and overnight.
WEDNESDAY, 20TH SEPTEMBER | Early morning check out from the Hotel and procced to Tel Aviv Airport for our Air Malta flight to departing at 5.50am, arriving Malta at 7.50am.
u u u u u
u u u u
71 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
The Ultimate Andre Rieu Concert in his hometown Maastricht, The Netherlands
*Special Price applies when all excursions are taken.
Namur €25
*Andre Rieu Concert Ticket Rank 3 €135
Aachen €39
City tax of €3.50 per room per night is to be paid directly at hotel.
*Your concert ticket: we will provide ticket(s) in the seat category confirmed, but are not able to confirm the actual position of the seat(s) at the time of booking.
Please note that on very rare occasions we cannot always guarantee that seats are allocated together.
WEDNESDAY, 5TH JULY | We meet at the airport at 1.30pm for our Air Malta flight to Brussels airport departing 4.10pm and arriving 7.05pm. On arrival we are transferred to our 3-star Hotel Holiday Inn Hotel in Hasselt. Check-in and afterwards join the leader for dinner (extra), before returning to the hotel.
THURSDAY, 6TH JULY | After breakfast, today we start our holiday by going to an optional half-day walking excursion at Namur, the capital city of the Wallonia region of Belgium. At the confluence of the Meuse and Sambre rivers is the Citadel, a medieval fortress with 7km of underground passages, gardens, views and a golden statue of a giant turtle. In town, the Felicien Rops Museum focuses on the works of this 19th century, Namur-born erotic artist. The baroque St.Loup Church has marble columns and a richly carved ceiling. We return to our hotel to rest so in the evening we attend the much-awaited Andre Rieu concert (optional) in his hometown, Maastricht(extra). Andre Rieu together with the Johann Strauss Orchestra will surely make this night a festive and memorable one for you!
FRIDAY 7TH JULY | Breakfast and late morning we can join the leader on an optional full day excursion to Aachen, located in the border triangle – Germany – the Netherlands – Belgium. One of the major sites one can find the Aachen Cathedral. The more than 1,200 years old cultural site is the last resting place of Charlemagne and the site of the coronation of 30 German kings. Today
Aachen Cathedral with its religious architecture annually attracts more than one million visitors. In 1978 it was registered as the first cultural site in Germany on the UNESCO – World Heritage list. Free time to enjoy some personal sightseeing.
SATURDAY, 8TH JULY | After breakfast, we checkout of our rooms and then, we start our trip towards the city of Brussels, the largest municipality and historical center of the Brussels Capital Region, as well as the capital of Belgium. It is also the administrative center of the European Union, and is thus often dubbed, along with the region, the EU’s capital city. Some free time to discover this buzzling city before we drive to the airport for our flight back to Malta departing at 7.50pm and arriving at 10.35pm.
72 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
FROM WHEN €699 Air Malta return flights to Brussels airport 3 nights in 3 star Holiday Inn Hotel in Hasselt or similar Rooms with private facilities & TV Daily buffet breakfast Return airport transfers free visit to Brussels Services of tour leader Airport taxes & service charge Insolvency fund PRICE INCLUDES u u u u u 5 - 8 July u u
in Triple or Twin €749
in Single €899 €849
Rebel with a Cello in Concert in Munich, Bavaria
VISITING Munich & Augsburg
Air Malta return flights to Munich airport 2 nights in 3* Hotel Mirabell in Munich or similar Rooms with private facilities & TV
Adult in Triple €519 €469
Adult in Twin €539 €489
Adult in Single €609 €559
**There are many restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel from which one can choose from.
Half day Augsburg €35
*Hauser concert Section 3 including transfers €112
Fuggerei entrance museum & bunker €6.50 per person
*Your concert ticket: we will provide ticket(s) in the seat category confirmed, but are not able to confirm the actual position of the seat(s) at the time of booking.
Please note that on very rare occasions we cannot always guarantee that seats are allocated together.
FRIDAY, 27TH OCTOBER | We meet at the airport at 6.30am for our Air Malta flight to Munich Airport departing at 8.50am. Upon arrival at 11.10am, we are transferred to the central 3* Hotel Mirabell for check in. Later we offer an optional excursion to Augsburg, one of the largest cities on the Romantic Road founded by the Roman Emperor Augustus over 2,000 years ago. Its superb fountains, grand old guildhouses, exquisite churches and the Town Hall combine to from a cityscape of rare intensity. We will also have some free time to visit the Fuggerei (entr. extra) founded in 1516 by jakob Fugger the Rich, as a row house settlement for needy Augsburg and since then has been continuously fulfilling its purpose.
SATURDAY, 28TH OCTOBER | This morning will be at leisure for shopping. However, one may join the tour leader to visit Munich’s city centre and we can visit Marienplatz with its world famous
“chiming glockenspiel” which its near life-sized figures turn and move when the clock chimes, and the Frauenkirche – Munich’s historic twin towered cathedral. Free time for lunch (extra) or maybe a visit at the world famous Bavarian halls in one of the typical beer gardens the Hofbrauhaus. Tonight we will be attending Hauser known as The Rebel with a Cello concert. Since that fateful moment when he decided to create a new musical experience out of the long and established traditions of classical, pop, and rock music, Hauser has been arena concerts all over the world and defying the conventions of established music business. It will be surely a magical night to wright home about….
SUNDAY, 29TH OCTOBER | After breakfast, we check-out of our room and make our way to Munich Airport for our Air Malta flight departing at noon and arriving in Malta at 4.10pm.
73 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
PRICE INCLUDES u u u u u 27 - 29 October u u u
buffet breakfast Return airport transfers
of tour leader
taxes & service charge
River Danube Highlights on MS VIVA TWO 5*
10 - 17 August
(15 August - Public Holiday)
Air Malta return direct flights to Munich airport
7 nights Cruise accommodation in booked category on MS VIVA TWO
VIVA All-Inclusive concept that includes:
• Full board with breakfast buffet, lunch, dinner (multi-course gourmet menu, served at your seat) and snacks with free choice of table and flexible meal times
• Non-alcoholic beverages including mineral water, soft drinks, juices, various coffee specialties, tea, cocoa)
• Selected alcoholic drinks all day long (sparkling wine, aperitif, white wine, red wine, rosé, champagne, various beers, long drinks, cocktails, spirits, liqueurs)
• High Tea: once per cruise a fine selection of sweet and savoury delicacies for example scones, sandwiches, cupcakes, chocolates, macarons and diverse teas
• Well stocked minibar in the cabin
• Wi-Fi on board
u u u u
Return airport transfers
Service of a tour leader
All port taxes & service charge
Emerald Deck (Fixed window) €1971
Ruby Deck (French balcony) €2141
Diamond Deck (French balcony) €2341
*Single cabins on request
Notes: French Balcony means that a railing is placed directly behind the glass, meaning that one cannot step out onto a separate space.
Schedule is subject to change due to weather and water levels that affect accessibilities to cities. The final day by day programme/timings will be prepared by the cruise director on board.
Excursions – to be booked/paid onboard
Tips to be paid on board
THURSDAY, 10TH AUGUST | We meet at the airport in the morning for our flight to Munich that departs at 8.50am and arrives at 11.10am. On arrival we will be transferred to Passau to board our 5* river cruise – MS VIVA TWO. Upon embarkation we will be assigned our cabin and have some free time. Departure from Passau will be late in the afternoon. The Danube cities of Vienna, Bratislava & Budapest offer splendid buildings, medieval castles, various imposing fairy tale palaces along paths of vineyards.
FRIDAY, 11TH AUGUST | Breakfast on board and today we visit Melk, the gateway to Wachau. It is a picturesque city located on the banks of the Danube in lower Austria’s Wachau valley with a rich history. With a population of just under six thousand citizens, life is laid back in Melk, making it an ideal port of call of various river cruises. It is best known as the site of the massive baroque Benedictine monastery – Melk abbey perched high on top a hill overlooking the river and visited by many tourists every year. Culture, faith and science come together in the magnificent rooms of the monastery.
SATURDAY, 12TH AUGUST | Wake up and enjoy breakfast on board. Today we arrive in Esztergom in Hungary, a city full of history. The King of Hungary was born here – Saint Stephen. The city is located
on the right bank of the Danube, border between Slovakia and Hungary. It offers beautiful sights such as Saint Stephen’s Square, in a spectacular area at the castle hill close to the Basilica, and various shops and restaurants. A picturesque city packed with historic attractions. Later, we sail to Budapest – the Capital city of Hungary many consider to be amongst the most beautiful in Europe. We arrive at early afternoon & overnight in Budapest.
SUNDAY, 13TH AUGUST | Breakfast on board. Today we have some more time to enjoy the city of Budapestthe most populous city of Hungary. It has something for everyone, from remarkable history and architecture to relaxing thermal waters and nightlife. The city is actually made up of 3 unified cities – with Buda and Obuda on the west bank of the Danube and Pest on the east bank. The architecture has a mix of baroque, neoclassical and art nouveau buildings and most of the city has been granted UNESCO World Heritage site statues.
MONDAY, 14TH AUGUST | Arrival in Bratislava. We have breakfast and enjoy yet another capital city, Slovakia’s capital city right in the centre of Europe. It offers unique history, attractive sights, rich cultural life and excellent gastronomy with good quality wines. A vibrant city with everything quite close and within easy reach, enjoying the view of majestic cathedrals, sample
74 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Insolvency fund u
traditional cuisine, see numerous cafes’ in picturesque narrow streets and squares and old wine cellars scattered across the centre. Bratislava is also the city for beer lovers with plenty of cosy breweries in the Old Town. In the afternoon, we set off to Vienna.
TUESDAY, 15TH AUGUST | Wake up and enjoy breakfast on board. Today we spend the day in Vienna – the capital city of Austria, home to world class museums. Vienna is one of Europe’s most beautifully preserved historic capitals. While strolling around the city, one can pass by horsedrawn carriages, stumble on cool contemporary art museum and see fascinating buildings like the opera house and imperial palaces.
WEDNESDAY, 16TH AUGUST | Breakfast. Today early afternoon we arrive at our final stopLinz a. Donau. The river Danube changes its direction of flow due to a bend in the river, in the Austrian city of Linz. Visitors in this city can enjoy the Donaupark which forms part of the city’s cultural mile. It is located between Brucknerhausmusic venue and the Kunstmuseum. One can see the whole city from Postlingberg mountain. A 100year only tram provides a comfortable way to reach the summit – a connection from the city’s main square. Unique shopping experiences at Landstrasse offers a vast selection of products from designer fashion, jewellery to furniture. Linz also has the largest cathedral - The Mariendom, with the capacity of 20,000 worshipers.
THURSDAY, 17TH AUGUST | Arrival back in Passau. Breakfast and disembarkation will follow. We then make our way to Munich, where we have some free time in this city. Afterwards we proceed to the airport for our flight back to Malta departing at 6.50pm and arrives at 9.00pm.
75 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79 CRUISE ITINERARY ARRIVAL DEPARTURE DAY 1 Passau - 16:00 DAY 2 Melk 06:00 12:00 DAY 3 Esztergorm 06:00 12:00 Budapest 15:30DAY 4 Budapest - 13:00 DAY 5 Bratislava 07:00 13:00 Vienna 21:00DAY 6 Vienna - 18:00 DAY 7 Linz an der Donau 14:00 22:00 DAY 8 Passau 07:30 -
Malta to Malta Cruises
Visiting: Souda (Crete), Bodrum, Mykonos, Piraeus/Athens
⁕ 5 Shore excursions included
⁕ Official language on board is German
FROM €699
Visiting: Mykonos, Santorini, Taranto & Catania
Treasures of the Med
Visiting: Messina, Naples, Livorno, Rome, Santorini, Athens, Mykonos & Katakolon
Jewels of Greece & Italy
Visiting: Messina, Naples, Livorno, Rome, Santorini, Athens & Katakolon
Mediterranean Delights
Visiting: Messina, Naples, Livorno, Cannes, Rome, Santorini, Athens, Mykonos & Katakolon
76 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79
Travel insurance without complications
People you can trust
Keep your trip on track with Atlas Travel Insurance
Choose from three levels of cover and various add-on options for protection that’ll keep you smiling.
Summary of Limits
for every complete 24 hours – maximum
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• Excellent claims service
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• Up to €750,000 medical expenses
• Cancellation due to bad weather conditions or natural disasters is included
Atlas travel insurance keeps your mind at rest when you’re away from home
• You’re protected from the moment you book your trip & purchase travel insurance until you return to Malta
• Protects you if you are liable for any injuries or damages to others
• Cover for cancelled holidays, loss of passports, luggage and money
• Different levels of cover available to suit your needs
• Cover for Coronavirus is included for cancellation, emergency medical expenses, hospital benefit and missed departure (certain terms and limits apply)
Save with Atlas
• Group discounts for Standard and Premier plans: groups of over 10 people travelling together
• Nominal charge to remove excesses
The above table is just a summary of the benefits and limits available. Please refer to the Policy wording for full details.
For claims support, please call Atlas on 23 43 53 63.
• Reduced price for children under 16 years of age
Britannia Services Ltd is a Tied Insurance Intermediary for Atlas Insurance PCC Ltd
Speak to us today for all your insurance needs
5 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 82 and 83 Britannia Services Ltd is authorised under the Insurance Distribution Act to act as a Tied Insurance Intermediary for Atlas Insurance PCC Limited (AIPL). AIPL is a cell company authorised under the Insurance Business Act 1998 to carry on general insurance business. The non-cellular assets of the company may be used to meet losses incurred by the cells in excess of their assets. Both entities are regulated by the MFSA.
All amounts are for each Insured Person Budget Cover Standard Cover Premier Cover Cancellation or Abandonment charges €1,250 €5,000 €7,500 Emergency Medical & Other Expenses €50,000 €250,000 €750,000 Hospital Benefit €25
€700 Baggage And Passport €700 €2,500 €3,500 Personal Money €1,000 €1,250 €2,000 Personal Liability €1,250,000 €1,250,000 €1,250,000 Delayed Departure €50
€250 Missed Departure €250 €750 €1,500 Hijack €120
€500 Hire Vehicle Excess Not Insured €500 €500 (may be increased at an additional premium) Cancelled Services (due to adverse weather and natural phenomena) Not Insured €1,500 €2,000 Coronavirus Applicable Applicable Applicable
for the first completed 12 hours delay and €25 for every additional completed 12 hours delay – maximum
for every complete 24 hours restraint from travel - maximum
Britannia’s reputation has been built on client satisfaction because we go that extra mile, striving to ensure that you, our client, get value for money. We want you to enjoy your holiday to the full and return to Malta feeling both satisfied and relaxed. We therefore invite you to please read these booking conditions.
The holidays in this programme have been planned and are operated by Britannia Services Limited of Britannia House, 652, St. Joseph, High Street, Hamrun to ensure maximum client satisfaction. These terms and conditions have been laid out according to Maltese legislation and international rules, and cover every aspect of your holiday, from the moment you book until the moment you return home. The general conditions clearly spell out our obligations to you, and your commitments when you book your holiday with us. In these Terms & Conditions, the term “you” and its derivatives include you and all other persons travelling with you, in whose name you have made the booking.
After you have paid your deposit (€400 per person on any package, €800 per person on long haul holidays, €400 per person on cruises) and a receipt has been issued by us, the booking is considered confirmed. Payment of the initial deposit also confirms that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions. However, your participation in the tour is only confirmed, and can only be ensured, once you have paid the full amount due.
When making a booking, it is important that the name you give us is exactly as shown on the passport or other valid travelling document. If you fail to do so, you may be denied boarding on the tour altogether, or we may be constrained to affect a name-change, in which case, an administrative fee of €50 will be levied, together with any additional fees which our suppliers may impose. This also applies should you require a transfer of the booking to a different traveller. The notice for change or transfer is to be given within a reasonable time, at the latest seven days prior to your intended departure. Should you wish to change your holiday arrangements in any way, we will try our best to meet your wishes to the best of our ability. We reserve the right to charge you a handling fee of €50 for any such change to your booking, in addition to any actual costs incurred in respect of such a change.
Where the price varies depending on the number of persons booked into the accommodation and you wish to change that number of persons, you will need to pay the price on the basis of the new party size as shown in this brochure. Any increase in the price per person, which would be due by you and payable as a result of a part cancellation (eg: for a hotel room under-occupancy, changing from twin room to single room), is not a cancellation charge.
The prices indicated in this brochure are set at the time of its publication and are the price per person. Children’s rates apply provided the children share the room with 2 or 3 adults. The actual costs relative to your holiday may vary from the date of booking due to:
• An increase in cost of fuel prices, imposed by the airlines or the cruise ship companies, or any other increase relative to other power sources that affects the price directly or indirectly;
An increase in taxes or fees imposed by third parties, such as government authorities, including but not limited to, any increase in tourist taxes, landing taxes, embarkation or disembarkation costs;
Changes in Visa Costs;
Change in the exchange rates or currency fluctuations.
The balance due for the holiday must be settled by not later than six (6) weeks prior to departure in the case of packages, and eight (8) weeks prior to the departure in the case of cruises or long hauls. If the booking is made less than eight (8) weeks prior to the departure of your cruise or long haul, or six (6) weeks prior to the date of departure of any other holiday, the full payment is due immediately. Payments may be made in Cash, by Personal Cheque, Banker’s Cheque or Bank Transfer. Since it may take up to 7 working days for cheques to clear, payment by Personal Cheque will not be accepted in the last 10 working days before the date of travel.
If, for whatever reason, we do not receive your payment in time as indicated above, we reserve the right to cancel the booking and impose a cancellation fee. You are entitled to cancel your booking with us at any stage prior to your departure, subject to a cancellation fee. A cancellation can only be accepted once this is communicated in writing to us by any of the persons listed on the booking form or by the Travel Agent through whom the booking was made. The cancellation will be effective from the date it is received and duly stamped by our offices. The stamp constitutes irrefutable proof of the date of receipt of the cancellation. The cancellation fee which you must pay shall be:
If you cancel more than 43 days before scheduled departure – a sum equivalent to your deposit
If you cancel between 29-42 days before scheduled departure – a sum equivalent to 50% of the total price of your package inclusive of extras if previously booked by you
If you cancel between 15-28 days before scheduled departure – a sum equivalent to 75% of the total price of your package inclusive of extras if previously booked by you
If you cancel between 14 days or less before departure – a sum equivalent to 100% of the total price of your package inclusive of extras if previously booked by you
In the case of a cancellation of a cruise package, should the cancellation be affected more than 65 days before scheduled departure, only the deposit shall be lost. Should, however, the cancellation be affected less than 65 days before the scheduled departure, a cancellation fee equivalent to 100% of the total price of your package will be imposed. In the event of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances at the holiday destination, which would significantly affect your
trip, you may cancel your booking, without paying the cancellation fee, and receive a full refund of any payments made to us. We reserve the right to cancel the tour if there are not at least 30 people booked on the tour you have reserved, or if sales of that holiday are so low as to make it economically not feasible for us to operate it. In this event, we may offer you an alternative holiday to purchase, of comparable standard, if available, with no obligation on your part to purchase such alternative package. If you choose not to purchase an alternative holiday, we will refund you all the money you have paid us for your cancelled holiday.
In case of cancellation by us, you will be informed at least:
20 days before the departure date of said cancellation, if your tour was planned to last longer than 6 days;
7 days before the departure date of said cancellation, if your tour was planned to last between 2-6 days
48 hours before the departure date of said cancellation, if your tour was planned to last less than 2 days.
Furthermore, we reserve the right to cancel the tour at any time should this be necessitated by force majeure or unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances. In the latter event, we shall contact you to inform you about the cancellation without undue delay. No compensation will be due by us in the event that the cancellation results because of:
reasons attributable to you;
• unforeseeable and unavoidable reasons attributable to third parties unconnected with the provision of services included in the package that we are supplying, such as government authorities; force majeure; unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances.
We take all reasonable steps to ensure that proper arrangements have been made for all the holidays which are advertised in this brochure. We are not responsible for any prejudice, extra costs or consequential loss that you may suffer, directly or indirectly, if you choose to make any independent arrangements with third parties in relation to your holiday, separately to the services included in our package. You will appreciate that we have no direct control over the provision of services to you by suppliers. We cannot be held responsible if any activities are cancelled due to force majeure or due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances, such as adverse weather, strikes or the indisposition of the protagonist in a show or entertainment event. We always try our utmost to communicate your specific requests to our suppliers; however, we can never give a guarantee that these will be definitively confirmed since adherence to said requests is always subject to availability.
We assure you that should any of the travel services included in our package not be performed in accordance with the package booked with us, we shall seek to remedy the lack of conformity, unless this is impossible or entails disproportionate costs. We plan our holidays to give you the maximum enjoyment. In order to do so, we may occasionally have to change your holiday arrangements, and we reserve the right to do so in the unlikely event that this should become necessary. Such changes may be necessary, for example, as a result of force majeure, government or local authority action, essential maintenance or cleaning, lack of support or demand, religious or local holidays or changes made by our suppliers, and include, changes in flight times, hotels closing down, hotel overbookings, or inclement weather imposing a change in itinerary.
We may not be held responsible for changes in the programme resulting from said third party interventions. However, we shall inform you within a reasonable time of any changes to the programme once the relative change is communicated to us. Touring itineraries may also have to be changed, sometimes at short notice, due to weather, road or traffic conditions, mechanical breakdowns, police activity etc. Whilst we strive to make sure that everything goes according to the plan set out in this brochure, we cannot be held liable for said changes when these are caused by force majeure or unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances. Changes to the programme may have to be made:
• Before Departure - Should we be compelled to make any changes, we will inform you or your Travel Agent of all the details relative to said changes within a reasonable time prior to the departure. Should the changes to the travel programme be significant, or increase the price of the package booked with us by more than 8%, and you are not satisfied with the new arrangements, you will be entitled to cancel your booking without incurring any cancellation fees, provided that your instructions to cancel your booking are made within a reasonable time, which shall, under no circumstance, be longer than seven days from the date that we would have informed you about the change, or later than seven days before the scheduled departure, whichever is the earlier.
• After Your Holiday Has Commenced – Occasionally, it may be necessary, due to unforeseen circumstances, to change a hotel or some other part of your holiday arrangement after your holiday has commenced, in which event we will do our best to maintain the overall standard of the holiday arrangements. Should, however, the alternative arrangement be of a lower quality or cost than the one originally planned, you shall be entitled to an appropriate reduction.
Details of the airlines we anticipate using are shown in the programme. The choice of airline is exclusively at our discretion. We reserve the right to substitute alternative airlines and/or aircraft if necessary; however, we shall immediately inform you should such change be made. Flight schedules are subject to changes and confirmation by the airline. Our reservation system will show the latest schedules as advised to us. Please check your flight tickets as soon as you receive them, as they will show the confirmed time for your flights. Some flights may have intermediate stops en route and this is not always known before departure date. In such cases, we cannot notify you in advance. Flights are subject to the granting of permits and licenses by authorities both in Malta and overseas. We cannot be held responsible for any prejudice or consequential damage that you may suffer from such changes. However, we are committed to inform you as soon as the change is made known to us. Should the change lead to a delay which results in an overnight stay abroad, we will cover the costs for reasonable meals and refreshments in a reasonable relation
78 SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79 BOOKING CONDITIONS
to the waiting time, the hotel accommodation should overnight stays be necessary, transport between the airport and place of accommodation, and also 2 telephone calls or emails. Transport of any kind is subject to the conditions of carriage of the company providing that trip. These conditions applicable to you are likely to embody the provisions of the law of the country where the company concerned is situate.
Our brochure descriptions are based on the information obtained from hoteliers and other service providers at the time of printing. Check-in at hotels is not done before 3p.m. and check-out from rooms must take place by 9a.m. We kindly ask you to respect such times and abide by the instructions provided by your tour leader or the accommodation manager/s.
Hotel rooms and ship cabins may be small or even very small when compared to standards which you may be accustomed to, including any adjoining en-suite or bathroom. We only work with hotels that have single or twin rooms. Triple or quadruple rooms are hardly ever available. A third and/or fourth person wishing to share a twin room will most probably be given either a small extra folding ‘camp bed’, a bunk bed or a sofa bed, which may make accommodation quite uncomfortable. In America, three or four persons wanting to share a room will always be given just two double beds (single beds for each person will not be available). Therefore, we are not to be held liable should a room or cabin be smaller than what you expected. The assignment of rooms is handled directly by the hotel and at no stage are we involved in said assignment. At the time of booking, you may inform us whether you wish two single beds or a double bed, or whether you wish rooms next to each other or with a specific view. Although we will strive to obtain your desired arrangement, we do not have any control as to whether the accommodation-provider adheres to the submitted request.
Swimming pools may only be heated in colder weather and the general standard of hygiene, public utilities, drainage, plumbing and services in general may not be of the same standard as in Malta. Breakfast is always continental unless otherwise specified. Lunches and dinners are always served in three courses. No choice of food will be provided unless you have informed us upon booking that you suffer from a particular food allergy, or health condition, in which case, we will inform the catering establishment of said dietary requirements. Please note that portions served abroad are moderate, and sometimes may be considered small when compared to local customary food portions. When buffet meals are provided, a choice is available. Any drinks ordered, including water and soft drinks, are not included in the package price and are to be paid for separately. The use of the mini-bar, telephone and pay-tv, when available, is not included in the package price, and must paid by you separately. Policies vary from one hotel to the other – therefore, if in doubt, you should enquire with the hotel management directly of any charges to which you may be liable, before making use of the service.
Unless otherwise specified, entrance fees to museums, shows, boat or train trips, and the use of cable cars are charged separately whilst you are on holiday. Excursions that are listed as ‘optional’ are also charged separately whilst you are on holiday, and unless otherwise stated, do not include the service of a local guide, but do cover the cost of the coach transfer. The prices for optional excursions are clearly listed in the price box on the programme. Only items listed in the section ‘Price Includes’ are included in your package price. Prices of entrance fees are subject to change. We are only responsible for Optional Excursions which are included in this brochure, even if you decide to take them whilst you are already on holiday. The price for these Optional Excursions is extra and unless clearly specified, they only include transportation costs by coach. These are clearly marked in the price box printed at the end of each programme in this brochure. We are not responsible for any additional excursions, and their relative costs, organised by yourself, your Britannia tour leader or any other third party while you are abroad, if said excursions are not indicated in this brochure, and are not carried out with the written consent of Britannia Services Limited management in Malta.
Each group tour is escorted by a Maltese-speaking tour leader who will be responsible for the implementation of the programme. The tour leader is under no circumstance responsible to provide any service over and above the official programme, and is not obliged to accompany members of the group around shops, flea markets or theme parks even if the relative visits are included in this brochure. In cases of emergency, namely if you should suffer any injury or fall victim to a crime, the tour leader will use his best endeavours to offer you emergency assistance necessary to approach local health services, authorities and consular assistance, and assist you in making alternative travel arrangements should you so require. We reserve the right to charge you for the cost of such assistance.
If you have a problem, you should immediately inform your tour leader, ideally also in writing, so that, if possible, the problem can be dealt with promptly.
• It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in possession of a valid passport or other valid travel document, and any appropriate visas. Be sure to check passport, travel document and visa requirements with your Travel Agent, well in advance, particularly if you are a nonMaltese passport holder. You are responsible for any charges, fines etc. that may be levied by authorities in Malta or overseas for noncompliance with regulations in this area and any such amounts will be charged to you.
• Health facilities, hygiene and risk of disease vary worldwide. It is your responsibility to check if you are healthy enough to travel.
• You must seek all necessary advice regarding your health and specific requirements from your trusted medical adviser, as soon as possible. You must also take any inoculations you may need depending on the country you are going to travel to, and ensure that any medication, such as Malaria pill, can be taken within the stipulated time (this varies and could be necessary months prior to departure) in order for such treatment to be effective on the departure date. You may phone the National Immunisation Service in Floriana on 21250492 for advice on these matters.
Please ensure that you have a valid European Health Insurance Card so that you may use certain medical services in Europe.
Airline regulations state that if you are more than 28 weeks pregnant, at the time of return travel, you must have a medical certificate of fitness to travel.
It is your duty to purchase Travel Insurance. We provide the service to sell Travel Insurance, although you are under no obligation to purchase such cover from us.
You must be responsible for a reasonable standard of behaviour. We reserve the right to decline to accept or retain any person as a client if their behaviour is, in our opinion, or in the opinion of the airline pilot, ship captain, hotelier or accommodation owner or manager or other person in authority, likely to cause distress, danger, damage or annoyance to other customers, employees and to other people or to property. We shall be under no liability to pay any refund or compensation to, or costs incurred by, any person whose behaviour is considered unacceptable and is made to leave any of the aforementioned premises or facilities.
All children travelling on a reduced-price holiday must not have reached their 12th birthday by the end of the holiday. Our staff do not normally check passports to verify dates of birth. If a child has reached his or her 12th birthday by the end of the holiday, and was declared as a child on the booking form, the airline will refuse boarding to the child. Disabled persons are welcome on Britannia Tours Holidays. However please note that our personnel cannot provide the services of a personal assistant or carer. Please advise us about any requirements or preexisting medical conditions that you think may be important for us to know about. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee the provision of adapted services and facilities.
• We also welcome senior citizens and point out that insurance companies impose special conditions for clients 70 years and over. Please check with your insurance company and travel advisor to ensure that the level of activity on your chosen holiday, and the cover you have chosen, are suitable.
We are not responsible for anything that may happen to you outside the hotel we booked for you, or for the quality of any services not offered directly by the hotel where you will be staying. Nor are we responsible for any theft that you may suffer throughout your holiday, even if this occurs in the hotel or on the coach. We cannot be held responsible for any injuries you may suffer during activities or excursions.
Britannia Services Ltd is a participant in the Insolvency Fund. This fund protects you when purchasing a package holiday. You are to ensure that a certificate is issued as this is the only legal document that will provide you with the necessary protection.
You and us acknowledge the ongoing Covid-19 global crisis and accept the obligation to comply with all health protocols issued by governments or local authorities in Malta and whilst on holiday. Please note that we have no liability for any refunds, compensation, costs, expenses or other losses of any kind incurred by you (including where applicable the cost of medical treatment), in the following circumstances: if within 14 days of your departure, you or anyone under your booking, test positive for Covid and have to quarantine for a period of time, you must contact us as you may no longer be able to travel. We will offer you the possibility and subject to availability: postpone your holiday to a later date. You may have to pay full cancellation charges on some elements of your holiday, such as flight if we do not manage to recover all refunds; you will have the right to transfer your booking to another person nominated by you; cancel your holiday and may be subject to cancellation charges as shown in article 4 above. You may be able to claim these costs from the recommended Covid Travel Insurance. Similarly, you may fail any tests, checks or other measures imposed by our suppliers (airport authorities, airline, bus company, hotels etc) and you are denied boarding or entry. You acknowledge that suppliers have to comply with health protocols imposed by their governments and local authorities and therefore you have to respect these measures such as wearing a face mask according to local protocols, social distancing, mandatory hand sanitation, etc. These measures will not impede the enjoyment of your holiday but are measures to secure safety for you and for the persons around you.
Force Majeure or unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances shall be a defence to the nonperformance of the package. If a cruise liner misses a port of call, for the benefit of the passengers’ safety or due to Force Majeure, passengers will be transferred, possibly by air (at no extra cost) to another port. In such cases, no port tax refunds will be issued.
We do our best to give you an enjoyable, trouble-free holiday, but occasionally even the best laid plans can go wrong. If you have a problem or complaint relating to the overseas part of your holiday, you must contact our tour leader, representative or agent in your resort at the earliest opportunity, and ideally register your complaint in writing, in order that it may be investigated, and we may have the opportunity to resolve the matter on the spot. In addition, you must notify us in writing within seven (7) days of the date of your return from your holiday of any difficulties which you may have experienced while overseas. Given the difficulties of investigating a complaint too long after the event, we cannot accept liability in respect of claims received after the seven (7) day period, and/or which have not been reported in writing to the Tour Leader during the holiday. All disputes arising from this package will be subject to Maltese law and adjudicated by the Maltese Courts. In the case of cruises, complaints must be submitted in writing within 2 months after the incident. We shall strive to address your complaint to your satisfaction, but should you disagree with our conclusions, you can lodge an appeal to the MCCAA, in line with your rights as a passenger.
Disclaimer: These terms and conditions have been set-out in accordance with the current Maltese and EU legal provisions and are subject to change should there be any amendments to the relative law.
79 in SUMMER BROCHURE 2023 All the above prices are subject to change. Please read the Booking Conditions on pages 78 and 79 BOOKING CONDITIONS
Tour Calendar
SUMMER GROUPS DATES PAGE Charming Slovenia 28 April-2 May 6 Kranjska Gora 28 April-2 May 7 Weekend Medjugorje 28 April-2 May 8 Weekend in Sarajevo 28 April-2 May 9 Lourdes 6-10 June 64 Athens - Break 7-11 June 16 San Giovanni Rotondo 7-12 June 69 Classic Greece Tour 25 June-2 July 60 Lourdes 27 June-1 July 64 Bucharest - Break 28 June-1 July 18 Grand Tour Turkey 28 June-8 July 54 Sardinia Break 29 June-2 July 12 Toscana & 5 Terre 3-10 July 42 Bella Italia 3-12 July 36 Lourdes 4-8 July 64 Italian Dolomites 4-11 July 38 Prague 4-11 July 33 Lake Bled 4-11 July 22 Kranjska Gora 4-11 July 27 Sensational Slovenia 4-11 July 24 Andre Rieu - Maastricht 5-8 July 72 Costa Brava 5-12 July 52 Serbian Lakes & Mountains 5-12 July 31 Unspoilt Puglia 6-10 July 10 Exploring North Macedonia 6-13 July 30 Scenic Italy & Swit 6-13 July 41 Austrian Tyrol 6-13 July 44 Italian Alps & Valle d'Aosta 7-14 July 43 Fatima 10-17 July 66 Lourdes 11-15 July 64 Bihac & Banja Luka 11-17 July 32 Lago Di Garda 11-18 July 40 Prague 11-18 July 33 Lake Bled 11-18 July 22 Kranjska Gora 11-18 July 27 Sensational Slovenia 11-18 July 24 Costa Brava 12-19 July 52 Black Forest 12-19 July 47 Serbian Lakes & Mountains 12-19 July 31 Scenic Italy & Switzerland 13-20 July 41 Austrian Tyrol 13-20 July 44 Andre Rieu - Maastricht 14-17 July 72 Austrian Delights & Germany 15-22 July 45 Lourdes 18-22 July 64 Sensational Slovenia 18-25 July 24 Italian Dolomites 18-25 July 38 Moravske Toplice 18-25 July 29 Kranjska Gora 18-25 July 27 Black Forest 19-26 July 47 Serbian Lakes & Mountains 19-26 July 31 Andre Rieu - Maastricht 20-23 July 72 Scenic Italy & Switzerland 20-27 July 41 Austrian Tyrol 20-27 July 44 Sorrento, Capri & Amalfi 21-28 July 37 Austrian Delights & Germany 22-29 July 45 Lourdes 25-29 July 64 Lago Di Garda 25 July-1 August 40 Moravske Toplice 25 July-1 August 29 Sensational Slovenia 25 July-1 August 24 Kranjska Gora 25 July-1 August 27 Black Forest 26 July-2 August 47 Serbian Lakes & Mountains 26 July-2 August 31 Scenic Italy & Switzerland 27 July-3 August 41 Austrian Tyrol 27 July- 3August 44 Sorrento, Capri & Amalfi 28 July-4 August 37 Zell Am See 29 July-5 August 46 Toscana & 5 Terre 31 July-7 August 42 Poland Zakopane & Krakow 31 July-7 August 34 Lourdes 1-5 August 64 Italian Dolomites 1-8 August 38 Lake Bled 1-8 August 22 Moravske Toplice 1-8 August 29 Kranjska Gora 1-8 August 27 Sensational Slovenia 1-8 August 24 Lake District, Blackpool & Scotland 1-11 August 53 Black Forest 2-9 August 47 Serbian Lakes & Mountains 2-9 August 31 Scenic Italy & Switzerland 3-10 August 41 Austrian Tyrol 3-10 August 44 Loire - Orleans 3-10 August 50 Austrian Delights & Germany 5-12 August 45 Lourdes 8-12 August 64 Lago Di Garda 8-15 August 40 Prague 8-15 August 33 Lake Bled 8-15 August 22 Kranjska Gora 8-15 August 27 Sensational Slovenia 8-15 August 24 Lake District, Blackpool & Scotland 8-18 August 53 Grand Holland Tour 9-15 August 35 Black Forest 9-16 August 47 Serbian Lakes & Mountains 9-16 August 31 Scenic Italy & Switzerland 10-17 August 41 Austrian Tyrol 10-17 August 44 Fatima 10-17 August 66 River Danube Cruise 10-17 August 74 Austrian Delights & Germany 12-19 August 45 Toscana & 5 Terre 14-21 August 42 Poland Zakopane & Krakow 14-21 August 34 Lourdes 15-19 August 64 SUMMER GROUPS DATES PAGE
Prague 15-22 August 33 Italian Dolomites 15-22 August 38 Lake Bled 15-22 August 22 Kranjska Gora 15-22 August 27 Sensational Slovenia 15-22 August 24 Lake District, Blackpool & Scotland 15-25 August 53 Costa Brava 16-23 August 52 Black Forest 16-23 August 47 Normandy 16-23 August 49 Serbian Lakes & Mountains 16-23 August 31 Scenic Italy & Swit 17-24 August 41 Austrian Tyrol 17-24 August 44 Italian Alps & Valle d'Aosta 18-25 August 43 Zell Am See 19-26 August 46 Toscana & 5 Terre 21-28 August 42 Poland Zakopane & Krakow 21-28 August 34 Lourdes 22-26 August 64 Bihac & Banja Luka 22-28 August 32 Moravske Toplice 22-29 August 29 Lago Di Garda 22-29 August 40 Prague 22-29 August 33 Kranjska Gora 22-29 August 27 Sensational Slovenia 22-29 August 24 Black Forest 23-30 August 47 Serbian Lakes & Mountains 23-30 August 31 Antalya & Istanbul, Turkiye 24-31 August 55 Exploring North Macedonia 24-31 August 30 Scenic Italy & Switzerland 24-31 August 41 Austrian Tyrol 24-31 August 44 Rome & Assisi 26 August-1 September 70 Austrian Delights & Germany 26 August-2 September 45 Sardegna & Corsica 27 August-5 September 62 Toscana & 5 Terre 28 August-4 September 42 French Riviera - Nice 28 August-4 September 48 Poland Zakopane & Krakow 28 August-4 September 34 Lourdes 29 August-2 September 64 Lago Di Garda 29 August-5 September 40 Prague 29 August-5 September 33 Lake Bled 29 August-5 September 22 Moravske Toplice 29 August-5 September 29 Kranjska Gora 29 August-5 September 27 Sensational Slovenia 29 August-5 September 24 Black Forest 30 August-6 September 47 Serbian Lakes & Mountains 30 August-6 September 31 Grand Tour Turkey 30 August-9 September 54 Scenic Italy & Switzerland 31 August-7 September 41 Austrian Tyrol 31 August-7 September 44 Italian Alps & Valle d'Aosta 1-8 September 43 Austrian Delights & Germany 2-9 September 45 Unspoilt Puglia 4-8 September 11 Britanny - Nantes 4-11 September 51 French Riviera - Nice 4-11 September 48 Hidden Treasures of Noth Greece 4-11 September 61 Lourdes 5-9 September 64 Bihac & Banja Luka 5-11 September 32 Italian Dolomites 5-12 September 38 Kranjska Gora 5-12 September 27 Lake Bled 5-12 September 22 Sensational Slovenia 5-12 September 24 Bucharest - Break 6-10 September 18 Grand Holland Tour 6-12 September 35 Costa Brava 6-13 September 52 Serbian Lakes & Mountains 6-13 September 31 Grand Tour Turkey 6-16 September 54 Scenic Break 7-10 September 14 Sardinia Break 7-10 September 12 Costa Blanca - Benidorm Break 7-10 September 17 Break in Poland 7-11 September 15 Austrian Tyrol 7-14 September 44 Fatima 7-14 September 67 Budapest Break 8-11 September 20 Bratislava - Break 8-12 September 19 Pinzolo - Dolomites 9-16 September 39 Austrian Delights & Germany 9-16 September 45 Lourdes/Costabrava 9-17 September 63 Zell Am See 10-17 September 46 Lourdes 12-16 September 64 Lake Bled 12-19 September 22 Sensational Slovenia 12-19 September 24 Morocco 12-23 September 58 Kranjska Gora 12-29 September 27 San Giovanni & Naples 13-20 September 68 Grand Tour Turkey 13-23 September 54 Holy Land 13-20 September 71 Austrian Tyrol 14-21 September 44 Pinzolo - Dolomites 16-23 September 39 Loire - Orleans 16-23 September 50 Unspoilt Puglia 18-22 September 11 Lourdes 19-23 September 64 Bihac & Banja Luka 19-25 September 32 Bucharest - Break 20-24 September 18 Budapest Break 20-25 September 20 Gardaland Break 21-24 September 13 Sardegna Break 21-24 September 12 Austrian Tyrol 21-28 September 44 Turkey Special 26 September-6 October 56 Normandy 24-31 October 49 Hauser - Rebel with Cello 27-29 October 73