1 minute read
Korey Mack
A Division I-recruited athlete who played for Purdue University in the Rose Bowl, Admissions Officer Korey Mack ’00 talks about the impact of his athletic experiences — and how meaningful his St. Mark’s
experiences continue to be to him.

ROSE-COLORED GLASSES Above, Mack said the camaraderie and lessons learned from St. Mark’s Football were incomparable. Left, Mack’s Rose Bowl jersey.
BROTHERHOOD Below, Mack’s junior and senior-year varsity football squads. Below right, 25 seniors played St. Mark’s football in 1999. Mack said he would do anything for them.
Being [at the Rose Bowl], running out on the field, looking up and seeing all the flashbulbs… absolutely just out of a movie. And when they got through with the National Anthem, they had F-16s flying over the stadium. Like, immediately after the national anthem. I was just in awe of being on that stage and participating in something that I didn’t necessarily dream of going to but certainly dreamed of being part of a team that was playing on national TV. Everybody was watching. We were threeway-tied with Michigan and Northwestern for the conference championship, but that year, we had beat [Michigan and Northwestern] head to head, so we were the ones that got to go.