NEWS Community Service p. 6
ARTS Alumni events this weekend p. 9
SPORTS Senior Danny Koudelka p. 24
You don't have to sell St. Mark's. Even to people that are at some of the finest secondary schools in the country. St. Mark's' reputation Page 7 precedes it.
Five new classes offered to students for 2014 school year By Vik Pattabi staff writer WITH THE ADDITION OF FIVE new courses for the 2013-2014 school year, Upper School students have a wide variety of classes to select from, including three new English courses, AP Psychology and the interdisciplinary seminar course, The Sociobiology of Ethics and Leadership. The new seminar course, headed by Malcolm K. and Minda Brachman Master Teacher Dr. Martin Stegemoeller and Stephen M. Seay ’68 Science Department Chair Stephanie Barta, will focus on explaining the development and evolution of ethics and leadership in history and is open to all rising upperclassmen. “To accomplish our goal, we will very selectively examine the history of the universe from the formation of leptons and gluons just moments after the Big Bang to St. Mark’s itself,” Stegemoeller said in an Upper School assembly March 14. In addition to the seminar course, which hopes to include seven other instructors, three new one-trimester English courses are offered. These courses, Travel Literature from Faraway Places, Contemporary Fiction and The Bible as Literature, are part of a selection of complement courses offered to students who don’t want to take the AP course. “It may be that there’ll be a course that just can’t be done due to NEW CLASSES scheduling rea• AP Psychology sons or staffing • The Sociobiology reasons so right of Ethics and now we’re really Leadership • Travel Literature just on new terfrom Faraway ritory,” Mailer Places said. “My antic• Contemporary ipation is that Fiction not all of those • The Bible as courses will acLiterature tually be taught next year, but of course we want to be prepared.” The travel literature course will be taught by English instructor Curtis Smith while the other two courses will be taught by English instructor Gay Marie Kurdi, who joined the school this year. The final new course is AP Psychology, which will be taught by Director of Counseling Barbara Van Drie, who says the course will be a scientifically oriented research-based introductory course to the field. “I would definitely encourage anyone interested in this field to take the course,” she announced in an Upper School Assembly. “We will be doing a lot of work with studies, statistics, and publications.” In addition, the Middle School Exploring Asia language courses will be redirected to focus more on China’s culture and geography. Several Global Online Academy courses will also be offered, including a multivariable calculus course taught by math instructor Paul Mlakar. With the introduction of so many new options for next year, Mailer is optimistic. “I’m really looking forward to all of the new courses offered,” she said. “I’m glad we are able to give students these types of opportunities.”
NEWS | 2-6
HOLTBERG'S RETIREMENT | INSIDE How life trustee Tony Roosevelt got Holtberg to come to 10600 Preston Road • page 7
FEARLESS LEADER Reflecting in front of the cupola of Davis Hall, Headmaster Arnie Holtberg will retire at the end of the 2013-2014 school year as the longest tenured headmaster in school history.
or 20 years, students and faculty have enjoyed the steady leadership of Headmaster Arnie Holtberg. Yet with his March 11 announcement to retire at the conclusion of the 2014 school year, the school will need to adapt. A search committee headed by two former board presidents, Ken Hersh ’81 and Dr. Leonard Riggs, has already begun the search process that will conclude with the announcement of the next headmaster in the early months of 2014. Hersh does not view the next headmaster as a replacement — he views the future headmaster as a continuation of the growth and trends that Holtberg helped establish. “People should remain confident that there are other great leaders besides Arnie and we will find that person,” Hersh said. “The committee is not looking to make a huge, dramatic statement. It’s an important decision that will be done thoughtfully. We’ll do it, and we’ll knock the cover off the ball like we did CONTINUED, PAGE 7 to get Arnie.”
THE PROCESS March — May • Interviews with constituent groups April — May • Complete candidate description and opportunity statement Summer • Candidate identification Fall • Discussion and interviews Winter • Completion of process and announcement SOURCE: SEARCH COMMITTEE CO-CHAIR KEN HERSH ’81
▶ by Aidan Dewar, arts editor, additional reporting by Daniel Hersh, editor-in-chief | photo by Michael Doorey, head photographer FOLLOWING A LEGEND | 7
ARTS | 8-10, 15-16
REMEM'13ER | 11-14
SPORTS | 20-23
School traditions page 3
Teachers and alumni remember school traditions that have long since disappeared or evolved into those that exist today.
▶ Alumni
Weekend began yesterday with a golf tournament and continues today with alumni chapel, classes and panel discussions and the Spring Alumni Dinner. The event ends tomorrow with a cookout on the quad.
< Lower School Music Teacher Mary Ann Livengood was honored for 40 years of service at last year’s Spring Alumni Dinner.
▶ This is the last weekend to purchase items for the Community service Essential Needs Drive that ends Monday. ▶ The Alumni Board
meets at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
▶ Evensong at 7 p.m.
▶ Dr. Victoria Barnett
of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum will speak about German Christian theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer Monday at 6:30 p.m. in Decherd Performance Hall.
▶ The Upper School Band
Sunday in the chapel. This is the fifth Evensong service this year.
is performing a concert at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Decherd Performance Hall.
▶ The third annual Dallas Earth Day Festival will be taking place at Fair Park April tomorrow and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
▶ The Cum Laude Society induction ceremony will be held Wednesday at 3:15 p.m. in the chapel. Sophomores, juniors and seniors are required to attend.
The St. Mark’s/Hockaday Senior Dinner was held April 8 at Hockaday for the Classes of 2013. Hockaday alumna Ooshma Garg ’05 was the speaker of the event. Garg founded Anapata, an online platform connecting employers with job candidates.
month. No other school received three Gold Crowns this year. Gold Crowns were awarded to 13 high school newspapers, 23 yearbooks and 12 literary magazines from across the country from the organization’s more than 1,500 member schools.
Eighth-grader Gopal Raman and his team were named among the re-
are among the items that will be recycled and kept from contaminating the soil at landfills. For a $20 fee, donors can have their hard drives wiped before the devices are recycled.
National Geographic explorer-in-residence Dr. Wade Davis visited campus as the Willard E. Walker, Jr. ’66 Visiting Scholar April 9-10. He spoke to several student groups including the entire Upper School where he spoke about his experi-
The ReMarker, Marksmen and Marque were each awarded a Gold Eighth-grader Gopal Raman and his team with Head of Middle School Warren Foxworth ’66
gional winners of the 2013 Exploravision science competition. Head of Middle School Warren Foxworth ’66 sponsored the team. The team conceptualized a camera-based pair of glasses that can send images to the brain to allow the blind to see.
CSPA logo
Crown by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) last
small talk
E-Waste Recycling Day will be held April 16 at the North Parking Lot. Small electronic devices, computers, ink cartridges and printers
next week
The Essential Needs Drive, formerly known as the Easter Basket Drive, began April 8 and ends Monday after two weeks. The items will be donated to Jubilee and other charities that the Community Service Program works with.
Your life preaches. There’s something that God is trying to say in your life, and thus, all of your stories, all of your experiences somehow are God trying to get your attention. Page 5
Dr. Wade Davis
ence living among cultures from across the world in an attempt to document and preserve them.
Advanced Placement (AP) testing begins May 6 and will conclude May 17. The exams will be taken on campus during morning and afternoon time slots at 8 a.m., 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.
▶ ‘Henry Ploegstra is slaughtering me in Words with Friends.’ — Trustee Master Teacher Lynne Weber
▶ ‘I’ve been to Tijuana. It’s no resort town.’ — Nancy and Jeffrey Marcus Master Teacher Dr. Bruce Westrate to the Academic Team
▶ ‘Someone replaced my Life of Pi book with 50 Shades of Grey.’ — sophomore Travis Nadalini to his English class
▶ ‘Tennessee only exists to get in the way of Texas on web forms.’ — senior Milan Savani
▶ ‘I don’t understand why I did poorly on that test. Maybe if I did it in the words of Hannah Montana, it’d go better.’ — Cecil H. and Ida Green Master Teacher Dr. Stephen Balog
The things I’ll carry
he last piece a newspaper columnist writes is traditionally known as a -30column. Explanations for this name vary, but the one that sits the best with me is a sign of completion. In the journalism room, we put a small -30- at the end of a story that’s been edited to show that it’s been checked and ready to go to press. As I get ready to send something off for editing a final time (there will be at least 3 misspellings and enough comma errors to get me a C in any Brown writing conference, I’m sure), I get the same feeling I got when writing my senior blurb — how do I sum it all up? How do I get three years of writing these things into one blue box on the side of page two? What the heck am I supposed to say about this place that I’ve called home for 12 years now that I’m shipping out? Well, I’ll try the one piece of advice I’ve been trying to give myself: take it all with you. I don’t mean the laughs, the lessons and the memories. Those will stay even if you tried to lobotomize them out. It’s that kind of place. Take the people. You haven’t gone to school here without role models, the teachers, friends and coaches who have led you down the path to manhood. Let them stay on your path. Have them look over your shoulder when no one else is watching. Ask them what they’d do in your shoes. Think of the lessons each one taught you. When things are getting to be a little too much, have whoever your Dylan Kirksey was remind you to keep a positive attitude. When you lose your patience and start to yell and insult, remember what your Dr. Balogs and your Jimmy Papins taught you about treating people. When you’ve screwed up royally and aren’t sure how to handle the situation, remember what your Coach Turner taught you about accountability. When you’re overlooking someone, or considering writing them off, remember that your Mrs. Barta recognized gifts and potential in you. When your friend asks something big from you, remember the things your Daniel Hersh and your George Law did for you. If you’re at a crossroads in your life somewhere far on down, remember what your Coach Farrar and your Mr. Brown taught you about passion and true happiness. When you’re dealing with someone who can’t seem to get it right, ask your Ray about faith and patience. And Lord knows, whenever I lose my patience with my kids or my friends, I’m going to think about every single teacher who didn’t smack me upside the head after putting up with me for a year. Just like with my blurb, I wish I had about 6,000 more words and no restrictions on the things I can and can’t write about. Many more made up this list, and they know exactly who they are. They know I’ll take them too. That’s all I’ve got. Thanks for reading what I’ve written, thinking about it and talking about it. No matter if you’ve loved it, hated it or had a better idea, the fact that what was in my head made it into your life is a joy I wouldn’t trade for the world. -30-
Student Council 4
Divinity School 5
Community Service 6
Now trending: shorts
t’s tough to imagine the life of a Marksman without picturing the chapped knees and freezing legs that come with the year round shorts. Although students are technically allowed to wear long grey pants, the usual custom is to choose not to. However, humanities teacher Bob Rozelle ’66 remembers a very different image of the school when he attended from 1964 to 1966. “Well, at that time seniors wore a white shirt and khaki pants and underclassmen wore a brownish short-sleeve shirt and khaki pants,” Rozelle said. “That was just during the fall and spring.” Along with the brown golf shirts, long pants were required every day. In fact, all students had to dress formally in a suit and tie during the winter until 1976. “There was an ROTC unit at the school that would line up in formation in front of Davis Hall,” Rozelle said. “They obviously had their own uniform.” More recent graduate humanities teacher Tim Mank ’87 doesn't understand the choice to wear shorts during cold weather. When he went to school the normal thing to do would be to choose long pants all year long. “That’s one thing that has always bothered me,” Mank said. “The shorts. I kind of don’t get it. I remember one kid in our class who said ‘I’m wearing shorts all year round’ and we thought that was crazy.”
‘The Can-paign was probably our biggest tradition’
or decades the arrival of winter would also signify the start of the Can-paign, one of the school’s largest and most pervasive traditions. This vast community service project allowed students the chance to donate thousands of cans of food to the needy and homeless in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. “Back then, we didn’t have as much emphasis on talking about what had happened in the past,” head of middle school Warren Foxworth ’66 said. “The Can-paign was probably our biggest tradition.” During the events, upper schoolers would partner with middle schoolers and hold events such as bake sales and cake raffles to raise money. Every student who participated did so voluntarily, and a large majority of the student body chose to help out. The total cans collected were tallied up
during the annual Christmas party in the old chapel, much like the Gift Drive’s earnings are tallied today. “We’d even take a day off from school to go out and collect the cans,” Foxworth said. “The seniors led it. It was a time-honored tradition.” As community service requirements changed and minimum hours for students were enforced the Can-paign lost its uniqueness and faded out of existence. We were doing the Can-paign in the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s,” Foxworth said. “Then we went away from that tradition, but we replaced it with the community service program that we now have. My guess is that down the road, building a house every year for Habitat for Humanity will become a tradition. Although the specific method itself might change, the concept of giving back to the community remains the same.”
YEAR AFTER YEAR This senior brings in his first grade buddy during the Christmas party during the Can-paign.
Senior folly tradition brought down the house
efore the age of Homecoming king videos, seniors were given a chance to gently poke fun at the school and the faculty in the form of the annual Senior Folly. From the ‘50s up into the mid ‘90s the senior class would write, direct and star in a satirical musical production about daily life at school. These spring plays were often written during Spring Break and read over before being approved by the administration. “It did make fun of and take swipes at teachers,” Mank said. “It was a whole production and it brought our class together. People emerged in that thing.” The folly was performed during
spring right before graduation to an audience of younger students and faculty members. Many faculty members found themselves the butt of the jokes. All the seniors in the grade often had to work together to put on the show. “I remember my one friend, a very quiet science guy,” Mank said. “He came out in a tutu and brought down the house because it was totally out of his character. He’d never got the chance to come out of his shell before.” During the ’80s the folly did not get good supervision and some seniors began making increasingly cruel remarks about underclassmen and teachers. After numerous complaints from faculty members the folly was abandoned for
good. “Our particular year we had a new headmaster,” Mank said. “He read our preliminary script and he axed the whole thing. We had to rewrite the script a week before the show. I think that was very telling of where that tradition was going.”
I remember my one friend, a very quiet science guy. He came out in a tutu and brought down the house because it was totally out of his character. HUMANITIES INSTRUCTOR TIM MANK ’87
BLAST FROM THE PAST story by Jacob Chernick, staff writer | artwork by Zuyva Sevilla, staff artist | photos courtesy Marksmen yearbook
ELECTED The 2013-2014 Student Council executive leadership team composed of sophomore Carrington Kyle and juniors Charlie Golden and Yima Asom.
Student Council president-elect Junior Charlie Golden
Student Council vice president-elect Junior Yima Asom
Previous Student Council experience: Freshman and Sophomore Class president, executive secretary
Previous Student Council experience: Freshman, Sophomore and Junior Class vice-president
What do you think is the most important job of the President?
Why did you decide to run for Student Council?
I think without a doubt the most important part of being Student Council President is setting the tone for the entire student body. If the president and the rest of the council are really on top of event coordination and hype, you can really feel the energy as the student body gets involved.
For the past three years, I’ve been the class of 2014’s vice president, a position I’ve really enjoyed. During this time, I’ve helped plan multiple homecomings, helped throw several gift drives, and served a countless number of times in the concession stand. Through these experiences, I’ve gained the necessary knowledge to get the job done.
Another really important job for the president is serving as a liaison between the student body and the administration for significant issues. The last really major one the council addressed was the Acceptable Use Policy, and although the end result may not have been what we originally envisioned, there was real change resulting from that effort. I’d like to tackle another significant issue this coming year, and hopefully we can see change happen again.
What part of your involvement with student council are you most proud of?
What has you excited most about next year?
What do think is the most important role of the VP?
I think I have a good feel for what the student body likes, and I’ve been on council my entire upper school career, so I have a sense of what works and what doesn’t. Those two things, combined with a rising senior class that has the potential to be a really good, energetic one have me pretty fired up for next year.
The actions and decisions executive members of Student Council make help set the tone of the campus. So that’s really important, and I think Charlie and I, with the help of the student body, can get people really excited. Also, being able to dole out food with haste in the concession stand is another important part of being vice president.
Definitely the small things I’ve done with other members on the Student Council to better the campus. From reading to Lower School students at 7:30 to dressing up as an elf in the morning to collect gifts, it’s been a fun ride, and I hope it continues into next year.
Why did you decide to run for Student Council? I decided to run for Student Council because I enjoy having a say in the events in Upper School and the opportunity to make the best decisions for my classmates. There is nothing like the feeling of seeing your classmates have a great time at a party you have organized or a new rule adding new privileges. What do you hope to accomplish in the position?
Student Council secretary-elect Sophomore Carrington Kyle
I hope to maintain the great string of Student Council secretaries before me. Conner Lynch and Charlie Golden both have served the community so well, and I hope I can do the same.
Previous Student Council experience: Freshman and Sophomore Class president
What will your unique contribution to Student Council be? I will just strive to be the best secretary I can and hope that I am able to prove myself useful to the Student Council. In addition to this, I will try to record the most important points clearly and maintain organization.
CHANGING OF THE GUARD story by Ryan O’Meara, news editor | photos by Andrew Gatherer, staff photographer
Senior wins Morehead-Cain Scholarship By Ford Robinson staff writer THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA at Chapel Hill awarded senior Chandler Burke with the prestigious, fully funded Morehead-Cain Scholarship March 8. Burke was nominated by the school as its candidate for the Morehead-Cain which focuses on its four pillars: scholarship, meaning the desire to increase one’s knowledge, physical vigor, focusing on the importance to keep in shape and participate in some form of athletics, moral force of character, centering on integrity, honor and humility and finally leadership. Burke feels that it is ability to enmesh himself in the opportunities he has been offered here that allowed him to earn this scholarship. “Leadership can come in many ways,” Burke said. “You can be a captain of a sport, leader of a club or Boy Scouts. It doesn’t matter what area you choose, what matters is that you strive to make a positive impact. I have succeeded because I feel like I have exploited a lot of areas here at St. Mark’s. I know it was hard at some points, but I’m glad that I pushed myself so hard.” Burke learned he was awarded the scholarship while on a long-distance track run, so he got to initially celebrate with the team. “It was a Friday, and we actually took someone’s phone on the run,” Burke said. “We were halfway
through our run and stopped at a stop sign, and I logged in and realized that I was accepted. It was really neat that I got to celebrate with the distance team.” According to Burke, the reaction around campus has been very encouraging. “Many students have congratulated me,” Burke said, “and its just nice to know that people are congratulating me in my moment, and I’ll be sure to congratulate them in theirs.” The reaction at home by his family has been just as rewarding. “Tons of cousins are calling to congratulate me,” Burke said. “Everyone is very happy for me in realizing the opportunity that I have. I have thanked them profusely because again, I am not a self-made man. A lot of the things I have done, I would not have been able to do without their help.” Burke is relieved to know that his hard work has paid off. He is excited to know that all of his effort and the efforts of his teachers has allowed him to receive this prestigious award. “I would like to thank all of my teachers, classmates and just the overall atmosphere of the St. Mark’s campus,” Burke said. “I have been surrounded by such brilliant people who are so willing to give up their time and because of this, it has brought out the best in me.” At press time, Burke had not decided whether or not he would accept the scholarship.
KEEPERS OF THE CHAPEL Although both varsity basketball coach Greg Guiler and history instructor Bill Marmion pursued postgraduate degrees in religious studies, they are not in ordained ministry roles like Rev. Michael Dangelo.
istory instructor Bill Marmion, a faithful Christian to this day, has never been a religious man. He saw the job as a perfect opportunity, one where he could guide with his faith, follow his passion, history, and coach basketball, football and baseball. He could have his cake and eat it too. But as chaplain of the St. Christopher’s School in Richmond, VA, Marmion realized that despite his years of religious training and his youth spent in a Christian household with his father, an Episcopal bishop, the constant requirements and necessities of religion weren’t for him. For a man who had had a religious education while in seminary, it was a momentous shift. But Marmion’s unorthodox decision after so many years of theological study was just as unorthodox as his choice to attend a rigorous theological program in the first place, a choice shared by head basketball coach Greg Guiler, Chaplain Rev. Michael Dangelo and Eugene McDermott Headmaster Arnie Holtberg. “I thought that I ought to give it a try,” Marmion said, “so I started [attending the Episcopal Divinity School] in the fall and I liked it very much and after three years I graduated with my Masters of Divinity.”
Just like Marmion, who often read and studied the Bible at a young age, Guiler was raised in a religious environment. He moved to Dallas in 2004 to attend the Dallas Theological Seminary. During the three year program, he met his wife Lea to whom he has been married for seven years, and he secured a coaching position at 10600 Preston Road. “I remember being there on the very first day of seminary with all the other guys and I heard everyone talking about the most beautiful woman,” he said. “When I turned around and saw her, I was just breathless, and I ended up marrying her. I’m a lucky guy.” But while Guiler’s courses in seminary were geared toward inter-faith and cross-cultural understanding and discussion, Marmion’s time at Divinity School prepared him for a pastoral role. Among the many requirements was a Your life preaches. There’s something that God is trying to say in your life, and thus, all of your stories, all of your experiences somehow are God trying to get your attention. CHAPLAIN REV. MICHAEL DANGELO
12-week stint of Clinical Pastoral Training during which students gained practical experience working in hospitals or churches. “I spent 12 weeks as an intern chaplain in one of the largest mental hospitals in the country,” he said. “That was absolutely fascinating because I had never seen anything like it before. This huge hospital was about 8,000 patients and the whole point of it was to learn how to relate to people on a pastoral level by actually just going out and doing it.” After venturing into the wards of the state hospital, a mental hospital now defunct since 1979, Marmion and his fellow classmates would discuss how they worked to relate with people so different from them.. ike him, Dangelo experienced both the terror and joy of ministering firsthand during his time at the Yale Divinity School. Renowned around campus for his oratory skill and energetic sermons, Dangelo started out a shy speaker until one of his favorite teachers emphasized to him the value of expressing himself and not just his notes during a homily. “Your life preaches,” he said. “There’s something that God is trying to say in your life, and thus, all of your stories, all of your experiences somehow are God trying to get your attention.”
Like Guiler, Dangelo, too, met his wife during divinity school. She went on to earn a doctorate of theology from Harvard University and now often inspires Dangelo’s sermon’s through religious and philosophical discussion. “We have the best conversations,” he said. “We do this really cool dance where she brings in philosophy and theology and we have long conversations about these ideas and it’s the most wonderful synergy.” Like Dangelo, who felt a divine call to the pastoral life, Guiler’s time at seminary inspired in him a fervent willingness to serve God. “To think that worship is something that is a daily outpouring of my gratitude to God for what he’s done for me was a life changing perspective,” he said. But while Marmion now views his faith as a more personal matter, Guiler and Dangelo use theirs to foster introspection and thought through their work at 10600 Preston Road. “We talk a lot about courage and honor, and courage and honor has to be grounded in truth,” Guiler said. “If you don’t have the courage to get out and go and make a difference then these things are for naught. I’m thankful because me educating the boys through the St. Mark’s lens has made me sit and think as well.”
NOT YOUR AVERAGE PREACHERS story by Vik Pattabi | photo by Michael Doorey, head photographer
Robotics Team acquires 3D printer By Jacob Chernick staff writer A 3D PRINTER CAPABLE of producing small parts of any shape and reproducing any three-dimensional object was recently donated to the Robotics Team. “It’s a MakerBot Desktop 3D Printer,” sophomore Aakash Pattabi said. “It uses something called PLA filament [polylactic acid] which is a type of plastic. We have three colors [gold, blue and clear], and the printer prints by exuding this filament in patterns specified by the computer.” The printer will be primarily used to create very specific custom-made parts using 3D modeling software in the robotics lab. “It can print anything that we can model within a certain size,” Pattabi said. “We’ll probably use it to print things like gears and other small moving parts.” The printer was donated along with useful equipment such as a new more efficient hacksaw. The
Robotics Team will eventually share the printer with other science clubs and classes who need it. “This printer is a great asset to our program and it will be a lot of fun to use,” sophomore Jack O’Neill said. The printer will primarily be used for what Robotics Team advisor Doug Rummel calls “rapid prototyping.” The team will make a small prototype of whatever part they need produced to see if it will realistically work on a larger scale. Although current rules forbid the use of custom parts in competition, the printer will still be used for research purposes. In addtion, it will be used to teach computer assisted drawing (CAD) software, which was instrumental in the team’s regional victory during the fall. “Neither of our competitions allows us to use 3D printed objects made from MakerBot’s plastic,” Pattabi said, “so it doesn’t necessarily have much practical use, but it’ll be fun to have.”
The team will use the top-of-the-line device for building custom robot parts and teaching computer assisted drawing software
BUILDING BLOCKS Seniors Milan Savani and James Rowan calibrate the printer for another test. The device is made of an industrial strength steel chassis.
Dimensions of printer
Highest Layer Resolution
100 microns
25.4 lbs.
Build Volume
410 cubic in.
A YEAR OF SERVICE (Left) Senior Taubert Nadalini works at Habitat for Humanity. (Middle) Junior Carson Pate gives blood at the Blood Drive. (Right) Junior Charlie Golden paints the face of a child at Feast of Sharing.
A new service
CHANGING OF THE GUARD When Community Service Director Laura Day leaves to focus her attention on the service program at Hockaday, Assistant Director Jorge Correa will take the reins.
he Community Service Board has seen change upon change in the past few years. The retirement of former Director of Community Service Jeanie Laube in 2011. The addition of the current director, Laura Day, to take her place right after. x2Vol. And now, as the St. Mark’s and Hockaday boards have grown out of simple makeshift organizations and into miniature companies, a new, tradition-breaking yet not-so-radical change looms on the horizon. Beginning at the start of the 2013-14 school year, Day will concentrate her every effort as director of service learning at Hockaday while Associate Director of Community Service Jorge Correa takes her place here. After all, change begets change. The boards are officially going places. As of next year, there won’t be a single authority governing both boards. Day will stay at Hockaday, Correa at St. Mark’s. But the bridge between the two boards is anything but burned. “First and foremost, both schools are very committed to the joint program. That
will never change,” Day said. “It will always be called the St. Mark’s and Hockaday Community Service Program.” As drastic as this recent board change sounds, it ironically isn’t. The boards have simply grown too big and too complex to be handled by a single director. The time has come for change. “I think everybody realized it would be really nice to have one person on each campus because that allows for a little more depth at both schools,” Day said. Day credits the need for a more in-depth program with Hockaday’s impending service structural changes. While St. Mark’s continues to concentrate on pure action, Hockaday is exploring a different path: service learning, an innovative adaption to their ordinary program in which service and education are combined. “Hockaday is launching a global institute now, and they’re trying to integrate service learning into a lot of the curriculum,” she said. “In order to do that, it’s just not feasible for someone to try to do that and also have a full-time job here.” And though her career here only last-
ed two years, Day has influenced considerable change not only in the board, but also throughout the entire school itself. “The one thing I wanted to do with the board was to add more education into it,” she said. “So bringing in the Austin Street choir, having that time when people come and talk before we have a drive — just being more intentional so people understand why we do things.” The motivation and reasoning behind community service, clearly an important point in Day’s philosophy of service, won’t change in her leaving. Correa finds incentive in service
NEW POSITIONS Co-chairs • Riley Graham • Ben Wilson Head of Drives • Jonathan Ng Head of relations • Richard Eiseman Head of projects • Vishal Gokani Head of media • Cole Gerthoffer
just as fundamental. “Community service is about doing,” Correa said. “We need to cover the part of understanding why we do community service. Its important to get out there, and then everything else will fit into place.” s for the plans for the board here, Correa has already begun a list in which efforts are being made to promote efficiency and community, using checklists to ensure that everything is completed correctly and to its fullest extent “I’ve always wanted to make it more efficient,” Correa said. “I think the students have the capacity, and they can do more than they actually do now. To be more organized. Have more skills. Students have the ability they can use to help people.” Overall, though, the future of the board is anything but set. It will only go where leadership takes it. “Now I can say, we’re going to try some of my ideas,” Correa said. “It may fail. It may succeed. But I will be 100 percent responsible for that decision. That’s exciting. It’s intimidating. But I like it. I like challenges. Why not?”
A NEW SERVICE story by Noah Yonack, news editor | photos by Michael Doorey, head photographer
Event praised for extensive use of social media By Vik Pattabi staff writer THE ANNUAL PARENT ASSOCIATION auction, held April 13, was lauded by parents and faculty as a success after a night of bidding, music and exotic eats. The event, themed “Celebrate St. Mark’s” was attended by over 600 faculty members, parents and alumni including Eugene McDermott Headmaster Arnie Holtberg and Board of Trustees President Randall Fojtasek ’81. “Everyone enjoyed great food, fun and laughter and danced our band Good Question,” Auction cochair Kristen Simenc said. The amount raised, which is anticipated to be significantly more than last year’s event, will be finally announced closer to the end of the month. The auction, which was meant to feel like a street festival, featured music played by the band
Good Question and offered a multinational dinner including southern-style barbecue as well as dishes from Latin America, Morocco, India, and Asia. “We loved the beautiful setting, the fabulous decoratins, thoughtful presentation of the auction items, the music, the food, and of course the company of so many parents,” parents Birgit and Kurt Stache wrote in an email to the co-chairs congratulating them on the event. The event entertainment included youtube videos submitted by students. The winning video, named “Bow Tie Magic”, was produced by third grader Henry Schecter and featured Holtberg in the finale. The auctioned items, which were donated by parents, teachers, alumni and local businesses, included a seven-night Costa Rican vacation for 12, a dine around with five of Dallas’s top chefs and a Texas Rangers suite with Holtberg.
George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum opening events The Bush Library, featured in the February edition of The ReMarker, is opening to the public May 1. Here’s a look at some key events in the upcoming month: Dedication
April 25, 2013
President Obama and his wife will be in attentance, and all living former presidents are invted to attend. The dedication is invitation only, but you can view the dedication online at www. bushcenter.org Public Opening May 1, 2013 The museum will be open Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, visit www. georgewbushlibrary.smu.edu
Celebrate St. Mark’s annual auction a success
following a legend
MAKING HIS MARK During Holtberg’s tenure, he has worked tirelessly to improve the school for its students. Some days, his office lights are the only lights still on long after students, faculty, and staff have gone home.
Search committee to take exhaustive look at potential candidates “He has stayed a great fit for 20 years,” Hersh said. “It’s been really special. He has a complete grasp of how to lead a school. He identifies with the boys and loves what he does. It’s a great combination.” lthough Holtberg will continue to lead the school until the conclusion of the 2014 school year, he will not be involved with the search committee process. “I don’t think it is appropriate for a sitting head to be involved in the selection of the successor,” he said. “It’s the Trustees’ responsibility.” Although Holtberg recently made the retirement announcement to the Trustees March 9, the faculty March 11 and students later that same day, the decision had been planned. Four years ago, a letter was sent out to the school community indicating that Holtberg had committed to “at least” five more years. “Mrs. Holtberg and I wanted to make sure that we would see the Centennial Challenge campaign through to successful completion,” Holtberg said. “We then wanted to take a year to make sure everything settled in.” But the planning did not make the announcement any easier. On the day of the announcement, Holtberg received a text message from his son, Michael Holtberg ’04, about the retirement. Holtberg then began to get emotional. “I could feel I was getting a little shaky as I walked over to Decherd Hall to make the announcement,” Holtberg said. “When I saw Upper School students walking into Decherd, I got shakier. And then when I talked to the 370 staring faces, it was hard to control the emotions. You all saw that.” Although the 20 years have not always been easy, Holtberg knows what has kept him going — the beautiful relationships he has formed. “I got into this business — into teaching, into education — because I wanted to help students become what they could become,” the Princeton alum said. “I got here in 1993, and blink, and here I am in 2013. It happened because things have worked, and we, the community, have worked successfully together in so many different ways.”
The committee has hired a consultant to assist with the search, Anne Coyle, who is a partner at the firm Storbeck/ Pimentel & Associates. Coyle will do the work of gathering information from school constituencies and identifying candidates. Yet in the end, the decision will lie with the school’s Board of Trustees. “It’s not up to me to decide the qualities of the next headmaster,” Coyle said. “That’s up to the search committee. I will be having meetings to hear directly with members of the St. Mark’s community to help us understand the nuances of what makes the school distinct and special.” The search committee will spend the first six weeks creating the position specification. The firm will then work with the committee to reach out to sources of candidates to develop a pool. The committee will then conduct interviews and create a recommendation to the Board. “We are filling extremely large shoes,” Coyle said, “but the board has done a great job in creating the committee. I know we can find the right match — it’s a real privilege to work with this committee.” According to Riggs, Coyle has been asking three main questions to groups in the school community: what the attributes of the school are, what the challenges the school faces are and what the attributes of the next headmaster should be. “[Coyle] has already interviewed over 200 people — either individually or in groups — and she’ll be back in May,” Riggs said. “She is seeking feedback from parents, faculty, staff, alumni, Board members and students.” Riggs is extremely appreciative of the job Holtberg has done and respects Holtberg’s work and Holtberg as a person. “It’s just been a wonderful time,” Riggs said. “It has worked so well. I believe this is the first time we’ve ever had a headmaster retire. They’ve either been fired or moved on somewhere else. One or the other.” Hersh is also thankful for Holtberg’s service. He says Holtberg’s accomplishments reflect his maturation and growth as a headmaster.
LASTING IMPACT Members of the community reflect on the legacy of Arnie Holtberg
Holtberg is... The embodiment of the St. Mark’s mission and spirit. It is hard to imagine the school without him. — Senior Adam
students well. — Senior Sam Cassell An amazing inspiration to the boys and to us parents as well. His presence will be sorely missed but his legacy will remain. — Parent Lulu
St. Mark’s. I can’t imagine it any other way. — Senior Parker
Sometimes an intimidating presence, but he still relates to
A legend. In the 21 years he will have been here, he took the school to a different level than before and played a huge role in making the school what it is today. — Ross Crawford ’12
Inspirational, Inimitable; a nonpareil Norwegian! — Master Teacher Bruce
An exceptional leader. More than any other person, he has brought our community together around a common mission and purpose. —
Assistant headmaster David Dini
1993 - Holtberg (above) is named headmaster, replacing interim J. Robert Kohler ’63.
1993 - Graduation requirements reduced and senior exhibitions launched.
1991-2001 - The Campaign for St. Mark’s raises about $50 million, allowing the Thomas O. Hicks Family Athletic Center (below), Nearburg Hall, and Michel L. Mullen Fitness Center to be built.
1997 - As part of an initiative to raise technology awareness, the school website is launched.
Time flies A timeline of notable events during Holtberg’s tenure
2008 - The Centennial Challenge (above), the largest fundraising campaign in school history is initiated. The Centennial and Robert E. Hoffman buildings are constructed.
FINDING ARNIE How the Holtberg legacy began By Daniel Hersh editor-in-chief
ore than two decades ago, the school was in a bind. Former headmaster David Hicks had left unexpectedly, and there was no long-term replacement to be found. While interim headmaster J. Robert Kohler ’63 managed the school, Tony Roosevelt, the board president at the time who is now a life trustee, took action. Unlike the search committee today which consists of 17 people, Roosevelt formed and chaired a group that only had six members. They were, however, not the only five that would eventually be responsible for hiring current Headmaster Arnie Holtberg. “Then we had a much larger group,” Roosevelt said. “I think it was on the order of 25 or 30 people, which we called a Headmaster Search Advisory Council. We had representatives of the four major constituencies.” Those constituencies — students, parents, faculty and alumni — helped give input as to which candidate would be a good fit for the job. People from each of those categories, along with the search committee and a search consultant, created a profile for the type of person that would work well as the headmaster. Holtberg fit the description perfectly. The only problem was that he wasn’t even looking for a job. “I had only been at the Louisville Collegiate School for four years,” Holtberg said. “We had projects underway, things I wanted to see through, and when I was contacted, I said to the consultant, ‘I’m not interested in leaving at this point. Now is not the right time.’” ut after speaking to Roosevelt and his committee, his mind began to change. “I don’t think there was so much selling going on,” Holtberg said. “It was just that I was honest with the committee and the committee was honest with me, and we took one step at a time and trusted that the process would lead us where it ought to lead us.” Roosevelt shares Holtberg’s feeling that there was not much selling during his recruitment. “You don’t have to sell St. Mark’s,” Roosevelt said. “Even to people that are at some of the finest secondary schools in the country. St. Mark’s’ reputation precedes it. Everybody knows that St. Mark’s is one of the best private secondary schools in the country.” That process led to a couple visits, a few interviews and some meetings. Holtberg met with members of the four constituencies, who gave their feedback to Roosevelt and the committee. “We went to the people and said, ‘We think he’s the best guy we’ve got. What do you think of him?’ We had buy-in from those groups,” Roosevelt said. The next step in the process was to take the recommendation to the board to get the final approval. “We took everything to the executive committee,” Roosevelt said. “And then the executive committee said okay, and from there, we presented that candidate to the board, and they approved it, so Arnie was hired.” The search today began with Roosevelt, who was asked to join an Executive Advisory Council for the search. The other two members include life trustee Robert Decherd ’69 and life trustee Carl Sewell ’61. They will help advise the search for the next headmaster. “I think if anybody in the area of academia is thinking, ‘Well, I’m ready to take the next step up the ladder,’” Roosevelt said. “I think St. Mark’s represents a great opportunity.”
Michael Golkhe page 10
A professional actor resides here. He and drama instructor Rod Blaydes share insight about their time in the industry.
^Zac Brown
> Rangers vs. Mariners, Tonight, 7:05 p.m., Ballpark in Arlington. The Rangers, despite all the prophecies of their untimely collapse after losing Josh Hamilton, are doing just fine. In fact, they’re doing great. They just finished up some interleague play with the woeful Cubs and face the Mariners this weekend. Let’s be real, those seafaring northwesterners don’t stand a chance against the collective talent of the law-bringing caballeros we all know and love. Look for Yu to bring the heat. > Mother’s Day, May 12, all day, everywhere. It’s time to start thinking about the most important holiday of the year: Mother’s Day. Thank your mom for everything she’s done by buying her chocolate, handwriting a card and
The iCelebrate events, including the auction April 13, are now finished. The studentsubmitted YouTube winners announced Thursday April 4, and many fundraising opportunities are available online at celebratesm. org, where students can buy St. Mark’s apparel. The winners were
giving her a hug. You’ll be glad you did. If all else fails, we hear the student store has some nice scarves. > Zac Brown Band, Tonight, 7:30 p.m., Gexa Energy Pavilion. They’re back. The Zac Brown Band always seems to come around these parts ‘round springtime, and Dallas is glad to have them. While you probably still have “Chicken Fried” on repeat in your head, their new tunes from Uncaged are pretty dang good. If you mosey on over tonight, Jump Right In and enjoy The Wind. > Jimmy Buffet, May 4, 7:30 p.m., FC Dallas Stadium. Exams are right around the corner. It’s stressful. But, there’s always a silver lining, and this month that silver lining is getting one step closer to paradise.
Cheeseburger in Paradise, that is. Ok, excuse the bad pun, but Come Monday after this concert, you’ll have had a great time and meet plenty of people. >Stars vs. Blues, Tonight, 7 p.m., American Airlines Center. Look, we get that hockey isn’t that big here. It’s really not that big anywhere in America except the Northeast states. But, there’s something to be said for rooting for your hometown team. The Stars are within a few points of the final seed in the playoffs, and this game is against the a team just a few ahead in the standings. Root for them to get in. If not, the eleven hockey fans in our entire student body will be distraught. If you don’t root for them to get in, at least agree to be a fair-weather fan if they do.
The Middle School Orchestra will be performing Tuesday April 30 at 7 p.m. under the direction of Orchestra Director David Fray in the Decherd Auditorium.
The ISAS Arts Festival was April 4-6 at the St. Andrew’s School in Austin. Students across all the fine arts, from piano to photography, traveled in buses for the three-day artistic extravaganza. Among the highlights for some
Third graders also take part in chapel, and fourth graders are expected to memorize civil rights speeches and recite them in front of their classmates. The students often speak in the chapel and enjoy the process of memorization.
The digital book service OverDrive, made for the distribution of Ebooks, audiobooks and other digital content, has gone live. The program allows students and faculty to check out digital
HIS WORDS ADAM MERCHANT “I wanted to capture the historical value this building holds and to create a picture pleasing to the eye.”
They're recognizing that fine arts is important in the school now. It's taken a long time. You know, good wine takes quite a while to mature. Page 16
hangin’ out
Nick Buckenham
Sophomore Nick Buckenham is known for his talents in playing the saxophone and his participation in the band. He sat down and shared his interests with staff writer Teddy Edwards.
HOBBIES In my free time, I enjoy fly-fishing, hiking, sailing and raging hard.
announced at the iCelebrate auction last Saturday. “Bowtie Magic” won the first place prize. The Upper School Band will be performing at 7 p.m. Tuesday night in Decherd Auditorium. Senior Band members include Zach Alden, Will Altabef, Chandler Burke, Alex Choy, Dominic Garcia, Chris Hicks, Cameron Hillier, Jorge Hinojosa, Kareem Itani, Dylan Kirksey, Mitch Lee, Rajat Mittal, Deshawon Nembhard, Kendrick Spraglin, Mihir Srivastava, Steven Tsai and Tré Walton
students were a stand-up comedy show, jazz band recitals, and the food. Next year’s ISAS Arts Festival will take place at St. John’s in Houston.
The Lower School now has a public speaking program. Every week, first and second graders memorize and recite a poem to enhance their speaking abilities.
content for three weeks, just like a normal printed book. The books will be available on laptops, eReaders and iPads. To access the extensive database, students should email library@smtexas.org and request their personalized 5-digit access code, which will allow them to retrieve any available digital files they want.
ROLE MODEL I’m not sure if it really counts as a role model, but my favorite saxophone player is Sonny Stitt. I like his playing style, I think his solos are pretty good, but as far as role models go, I don’t really know. SAXOPHONE I’ve been playing the saxophone for four years. I started playing the alto sax four years ago and I picked up the tenor sax about one or two years ago. I think I like the tenor more because it has a better sound.... That’s pretty much it. ENTERTAINMENT I’m not a huge movie-goer or book-reader, but I do listen to a lot of music. I really enjoy listening to the music I play on the saxophone, like jazz and blues, but recently, I’ve been getting into more instrumental electronic stuff like Madeon, Ratatat, and Porter Robinson. I think my background in piano, sax, and guitar has allowed me to focus more on the instrumentation and composition of music rather than the vocals. STUDIO BAND So far, Studio Band has been one of the highlights of my year. Along with Blues Club, this has definitely improved my soling capabilities and general playing. I look forward to being more of a leader in both these activities next year as a junior.
WHERE London, U.K. WHAT William Shakespeare’s Globe Theater
HIS WORDS ADAM MERCHANT “I wanted to capture the repetition of the patterns in the ceiling..”
WHERE London, U.K. WHAT St. Pancras International Train station.
Professional actors 10
Art instructors 15
Reviews 16
More than 30 years after he left the school, former Fine Arts Chair Anthony Vintcent is being honored with the Anthony A. Vintcent Fine Arts Endowment. For a man who did so much at the school in a short time, this has been...
A long time coming
THE MAN WHO STARTED IT ALL Anthony Vintcent’s lasting legacy remains. While his summer stock-theatre group, the Harlequin Players, is no longer around, he has shaped the school in other ways. Vintcent united the band, ceramics, acting and other programs into one Fine Arts Department. He is seen at the 2012 Reunion of the Harlequin Players (above, middle). Vintcent is second from the left, with Ackerman Family Master Teaching Chair Alice Oltrogge on his left, and Founders’ Master Teaching Chair Bill Kysor and Lower School Music Teacher Mary Ann Livengood, all of whom he worked with decades ago. He is seen directing plays (above left and above right).
t was a May in the late 1960s, and the theater department was busy preparing for a brand new production. The lines were being memorized. The costumes were being sewn. And a circus tent was being erected next to the chapel.
The vision came from Tony Vintcent, St. Mark’s very first Fine Arts Department chair, who, throughout his nearly ten years here, revolutionized the Fine Arts Department with big ideas and even bigger stunts. “We wanted to do [the Archibald MacLeish play] J.B., which is a play based on the book of Job, and it struck us that the logical place to do this would be in a circus tent,” Vintcent said of one of his most memorable productions. “So we phoned up a company that does tents, and it arrived one day— this gigantic, brown, one-pole, round circus tent… And the wonder of it all is nobody ever came to me and said, ‘Tony take it down.’” Now, more than 40 years since he arrived here, a plan to honor Vintcent’s achievements is in the works. The fundraising plan, spearheaded by Michael Merrill ’72, is being prepared to create the Anthony A. Vintcent Fine Arts Endowment, a newly endowed teaching position to benefit the faculty of the Fine Arts Department. So far more than $300,000 has been raised in donations, the majority com-
ing from Vintcent’s former students. “I reached out to people who I knew considered Mr. Vintcent a huge part of their lives,” Merrill said. “People that I had been in the drama club with and had been in [Vintcent’s summer theater program] Harlequin Players with. The goal is $1 million to name a chair, and so we are over $300,000 now and we want to raise the rest as quickly as we can.” The announcement was made at a reunion luncheon last October for Vintcent’s Harlequin Players, exactly 40 years after their final performance. To Vintcent, the news came as a pleasant surprise. “I was gobsmacked,” he said. “I just did not know what to think. It was a huge, huge honor that the school was giving to me, and I was pretty speechless. I was very excited and very thrilled, and thrilled for the school as well, because it meant the Fine Arts program had come of age.” Merrill remembers the early days of the Fine Arts program, and how Vintcent built it into what it is today.
“He defined it,” Merrill said. “He increased the size of the faculty, and he increased the types of things that were offered. He added strings and orchestra, film and photography. All of the sudden, there was this huge amount of energy of things going on in the fine arts.” errill also credits Vintcent’s “sky’sthe-limit” attitude as one of the main reasons for the department’s success. “He didn’t see any limitations. He wanted to do a play that was impossible for children to do because it was too complex. He didn’t see it that way. We just did it. We knew
They’re recognizing something more. They’re recognizing that fine arts is important in the school now. It’s taken a long time. You know, good wine takes quite a while to mature. ANTHONY VINTCENT
we were leading the way in a way we weren’t supposed to be capable of doing, and yet we proved to ourselves and anyone watching that we could.”
Yet for all of his past accomplishments circus tent and all — Vintcent believes his — best achievements are still here today. “The things I’m most proud of are still there,” Vintcent said. “And that is people. I can’t tell you how very proud I am of them, people like [Ackerman Family Master Teaching Chair in Lower School] Alice Oltrogge, [Founders’ Master Teaching Chair] Bill Kysor, [Lower School Music Teacher] Mary Ann Livengood, and the late Jim Livengood. If I was a catalyst, then that’s terrific. I may have lit the flame, but they’ve carried it forward. They’ve brightened it, they’ve made it work, their dedication and their compassion and their talent… They’re wonderful people, and they’re still here. 40 years. Just remarkable. That’s what I’m most proud of.” When the Anthony A. Vintcent Fine Arts Endowment finally reaches its goal, Vintcent believes it will be a fantastic addition to the school, and that, when all is said and done, the endowment is recognizing far more than just him. “I think they’re recognizing something more,” Vintcent said. “They’re recognizing an energy. They’re recognizing that fine arts are important in the school now. It’s taken a long time. You know, good wine takes quite a while to mature.”
A LONG TIME COMING story by Cole Gerthoffer, reviews specialist, and Dylan Clark, arts editor | photos courtesy Office of Development and Alumni Relations
• All day Classes in various classrooms • 10:30-11:00 a.m. Alumni Chapel • 11:50-12:35 p.m. Lunch, open classes, and campus walkabout • 1:30-2:15 p.m. Alumni Panel Discussion • 2:20-3:05 p.m. Alumni Panel Discussion • 6:00 p.m. Spring Alumni Dinner
• 10:00-11:15 a.m. Alumni Board Meeting • 11:00-1:30 p.m. St. Mark’s Family Cookout, Campus Tours, Student Band Concert • 12:30-2:00 p.m. Planetarium Shows with Dr. Steve Balog or Captain Sunshine’s Chemistry Show • Evening Reunion Class Dinners
TOGETHER AGAIN During last year’s Alumni Weekend, alums recconected with Provost and Dean of Campus Scott Gonzalez (above left). Alums and their families enjoyed a picnic and talk while their kids play at the Family Cookout (above right).
Distinguished Alumnus Kurt Eichenwald ’79 to be recognized at Spring Alumni Dinner By Shourya Kumar staff writer HE
The anxiety was never an issue. But then again, neither was the epilepsy. For 12 years—from 1979 to 1991 — seizures haunted his body, but his mind and his future remained intact. “My mindset was, ‘You’ve got one life: you can whine or you can keep moving on,’” Kurt Eichenwald ’79 said. Eichenwald will speak as the Distinguished Alumnus at this year’s Spring Alum-
ni Dinner tonight. Recognized for his accomplishments as a journalist and an author, Eichenwald has written four books that are New York Times bestsellers. His most recognized book, The Informant, detailing a lysine price-fixing conspiracy, has also been made into a comedy-crime motion picture, The Informant! directed by renowned director Stephen Soderbergh and starring actor Matt Damon. Eichenwald has worked for several prominent publications including Time, The New York Times and Vanity Fair, exploring numerous subject matters.
“Everything is interesting,” he said. “I’ve written about everything. There’s always something interesting to tell. Nobody has a monopoly on knowledge. Always have an open mind. Check your ego.” Eichenwald also attributes his successes to his high school education. “St. Mark’s was the most formative experience of my life,” he said. “The most important thing it taught me was how to think. More so than college. And more so than most job experiences. People have always told me in my profession, ‘Wow you’re willing to pick something
up that you don’t know anything about,” he said. “And it’s because that’s what I was taught how to do. Mr. Jordan, the third-grade teacher, gave me the love of books, of reading.” Eichenwald sees new topics and ideas that he doesn’t understand as an opportunity to expand his mind. In fact, his curiosity and desire to uncover new interests fuels his passion as a writer. “You cannot be afraid to confront things you don’t understand,” he said. “Pick it apart until you understand it. Too often people want things black and white. The world just isn’t like that. The world is mostly gray.”
fine arts
PLAYING THE PART Senior Michael Gohlke (left) plays Cameron Noble in Searching for Sonny. Gohlke (above) portrays Young T-Bag on Prison Break. Senior Hansen Kuo and Gohlke (right) pose at a Film Festival.
Playacting professionally For drama instructor, acting is both his career and his passion
three-sport sophomore jock, Drama Department Director Rod Blaydes was sprinting down the football field, having the time of his life. That’s when the defensive lineman plowed into him with the force of a truck. Right away, he knew the stinging pain in his back meant he was out for the season. But Blaydes’s season-ending injury wasn’t such a bad thing. When Blaydes told his girlfriend about the injury, she made him audition for the school play because she thought he might enjoy theater. “But what will my friends think?” he asked. “You’re gonna audition,” she said. “I don’t care.” Blaydes then got on stage for the first time and found the lifelong passion that he continues to pursue today: theater.
STAR IN THE SPOTLIGHT Drama instructor Rod Blaydes (above, left) portrays Capt. Brackett in the musical “South Pacific.” As Capt. Brackett, Blaydes (top right) gives a rousing speech to his troops.
From the watchful eyes of theater audiences to the silent black cameras of the movie industry, members of the community at 10600 Preston Road have excelled in both types of roles, balancing school with their acting careers.
Blaydes didn’t act again until he went to Angelo State University for business school. “I was standing in line, waiting to enroll in business courses, when I looked over and saw these people having a lot of fun,” Blaydes said. “They were signing up for something. Hmm, I wonder what that is. I went over and went, ‘Ooh, it’s theater.’” Blaydes started talking to the drama students. He ended up enrolling in all the theater courses and started working on a theater major. “And as I got involved in it, it just became my life,” he said.
Senior has high hopes for his future in acting after having roles in movies and TV shows Acting has become a part of professional actor senior Michael Gohlke’s life, too. Gohlke got involved with theater when he was six. Gohlke’s mom enrolled him in a variety of classes for many dif-
ferent activities. She wanted to help him find something he would enjoy. “She made me go to classes for a lot of things, like figure skating, gymnastics and acting,” he said. “After I took the acting classes, I thought it was really, really fun and I wanted to keep doing it, so I kept at it.” ohlke has come a long way since then. He is now represented by a local agent and has acted in everything from Pokemon commercials and independent movies to a wellknown TV series, “Prison Break.” “I’ve done it all,” he said. Like Gohlke, Blaydes has acted in many productions. His favorite role in a stage play is George in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolfe. He has also acted in several movies and TV shows, including “Tabloid,” “Drive In,” “Dallas,” “Walker Texas Ranger” and “Logan’s Run.” Blaydes even started his own Dallas theater in 1974. He ran the theater in an old church that burned down after four years of operation. But financial setbacks
and other issues like the fire do not matter to Blaydes. He just wants to pursue his passion for acting. “It doesn’t matter whether I make a whole lot of money out of it or not,” he said. “I’ve got to do it. And if I make money out of it, then that’s great.” Today, Blaydes continues to act in musicals and write scripts to stay involved in theater. Blaydes’s job here also keeps him connected to his lifelong passion. “I don’t look at this as a teaching job,” Blaydes said. “It’s a theater job. It does teach, but this is my way of being able to do what I love. It’s not a job at all. It’s what I have to do.” When Gohlke goes to the University of Southern California on the west coast, he’s sure that he will continue acting. “That’s one of the main reasons I wanted to go out to the Golden State anyway,” Gohlke said. “To follow this passion, in some form, in some way. It anchors me as a person, so I think I’d be a fool to give it up.”
PLAYACTING PROFESSIONALLY story by Vishal Gokani, deputy editorial director, and Tabish Dayani, staff writer | photos courtesy Rod Blaydes and Michael Gohlke
Spring Play Our Town looks to pack a meaningful punch, even with bare set By Shourya Kumar staff writer MEMBERS OF THE ST. MARK’S AND Hockaday theater programs will be performing Our Town May 2-4 at the Hoblitzelle Auditorium at the Hockaday School. The play will be performed under the direction of drama instructor Rod Blaydes. According to Blaydes, Our Town has been the most-performed high school production in the country. However, it has recently been beat out by Almost Maine, which members of the theater program performed during the winter. Our Town won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1938 and remains popular today. Our Town tells the story of the people living in Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire. It examines the lives of two families in particular, the Webb and Gibbs families. “It’s an examination of a small town and all those small town values and how life, love, death — everything,” Blaydes said. “And there’s an exploration of all those things — even life after death — in a small town, which makes it universal. That’s why it’s done all the time. The philosophies, all the values its
setting out are the things that are universal.” The play is performed without the use of props — the set is bare. “All the hand props, except a couple of them, are pantomimed,” Blaydes said. “It’s to get people to focus on the acting. On the words. On the play. And not on anything else. “In the original production, the set was chairs, a couple of tables and two ladders. And that’s it. And yet, the audience was drawn into the lives of these people by the relationships that were explored.” Moreover, Blaydes chose the play due to its historic significance. “I was surfing the internet,” he said, “looking for material, and I found an article about it being the 75th anniversary of its opening on Broadway in 1938. I went ‘whoa.’” The play, however, has its challenges. Members of the cast have to struggle with a different, “lulling” New Hampshire accent, as it adds a wry connotation to the play’s spirit. “The play is challenging because its asking high school kids to explore those things: death and what comes after. Life: how to live it. And love: how that happens. It’s what life is about.”
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Stars of the show The leading cast and crew for spring play, Our Town Director Rod Blaydes St. Mark’s Seniors Will Altabef, Taubert Nadalini, Charles Thompson, Ryan Eichenwald Hockaday Seniors Natalie Pasquinelli, Reagan Martin Sophomore Avery Baker 1001000.1
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“ remem‘13er
Anytime life throws something like that at you, the best thing you can do is just approach life with a positive demeanor anyway and move on. Being positive or relaxed or funny about it lets me feel more like a normal person. Page 12-13
13ROTHERS From Homecoming to athletic contests to Spring Break, the Class of 2013 has grown together as one over the years. The pictures above represent only a fraction of the memories that class members will take with them after graduation.
Committed to memory Every member of the class can be remembered by at least one story. Whether it be a signature rap song, an impact in a club or a surprising breakthrough moment, everyone has a defining moment. Seniors Rachit Mohan, Stephen Rambin and Henry Woram looked into some of the most well known. Page 12-13
It's all in a nickname
Going away to college
Over the years, the Class of 2013 has learned to pride itself over its ability to create funny and lasting nicknames for classmates. Managing editor Paul Gudmundsson sat down with four fellow seniors to discuss some of the most memorable ones. Page 13
All 93 members of the Class of 2013 will be attending four year universities next year, throughout the country. Although not everyone is decided where they will attend, issues editor Stephen Rambin has compiled a list of where everyone is considering. Page 14
From politics to community service to break dancing, the Class of 2013 cannot be defined by any single word. Instead, it is defined by the number of diverse interests the students pursue. Seniors like Dominic Garcia, James Rowan, Michael Gohlke and Cameron Mendoza prove why it is impossible to put the class into any single box.
Defying ‘13oundarie hen he isn’t getting banned from Xbox live for slurring his foes with the rancor of a terrified chinchilla, Michael Gohlke dedicates a large chunk of his life to acting. And like the old thespians of yore, he’s sacrificed more than just his time to the trade. During the golden age of Pokémon-induced epilepsy, Gohlke headed to the Dallas Convention Center to play the part of a beserk Pokémon poster child. “It was literally cavernous, and as a really young kid, I was just in amazement at this huge room and the camera and the acting and everything,” Gohlke said. “I just had to get in front of a couple green screens and say various Poké-related things, like “gotta catch em all!” and “go charizard!” Walking away with $6,000, a Pokémon plushie and a passion for acting, Gohlke was completely content with his first acting experience. “It was sick,” Gohlke said. “I got a free torchic plushie at the end, which I think had the biggest impact on me because I still sleep with it to this day.” ohlke then packed up his Pokéballs and, after a few years of hiatus, mosied on down to the set of Prison Break to experience his first encounter with a professional set. “That was the first exposure to fast-paced, high budget filming,” Gohlke said. “Even though I was only on set for a day, it was exhausting and it felt like no time had passed at all before I was leaving.” Playing a highly literate victim of child molestation, Gohlke caught seemingly endless flak from his friends about his portrayal of the character, “young T-bag”. But Gohlke simply took the acting experience under his belt and moved on. Landing a part on the indie film Searching For Sonny is Gohlke’s current favorite moment of his young acting career. “I was worried the classes I was taking were all useless and a huge financial strain on my family and this and that and then I got the audition, I went up against all my usual friends, and I came out on top,” Gohlke said. “I was stoked, even though it was only a small next-to-no-budget film.”
ath instructor Amy Pool hands senior James Rowan one of the toughest problems she has ever written. He looks at it, gripping his pencil sideways in his characteristic way and tapping his desk softly with the eraser. Fifteen seconds later, a victorious smile appears on his face. “That’s trivial,” he says, as he plunges into the third-year college algebra necessary to solve the problem. His secret? Practice. “The first thing I do is I look at the problem that’s given and try to think of what problems that I’ve done before are similar in structure to the given problem,” Rowan said. More than merely an avid mathematician, however, Rowan spends much of his time tutoring math and teaching others. As Math Team captain, he prepares lectures and problem sets for the team. Outside of Math Team, Rowan also tutors students privately and is readily available to help anyone who’s stuck on their math homework at any time. Rowan, called “Captain James” by his colleagues and “Uncle James” by the middle schoolers he teaches, says these opportunities to teach others are equally valuable learning experiences for him. “A lot of people, they can’t fill the gaps in themselves, so I have to fill them in,” Rowan said. “And that makes sure that I don’t have any gaps that I didn’t know about.”
For Rowan, the most rewarding part of his math career has not been the problems he’s solved or the theorems he’s learned. “Around the country, it’s given me a community of people I know that I can talk to regularly about contest math but also other things,” he said. “People who do math tend to be smart, interesting people.”
Making math a ‘trivial’ pursuit
BRAIN POWER More than just a math stud in the classroom, senior James Rowan uses his skills to help others. “Uncle James,” as he is called by middle schoolers, enjoys helping younger students grasp complex topics.
alking in physical fitn at the end junior year, senior C Mendoza had one goal: test. A skinny one-sport he was aiming only for t percentile, which wou empt him from the dai ball games that comp during his senior year. But over the next tw Mendoza would do 86 in one minute, run a under six minutes, reach over 30 inches, the school record for p by doing 40 in a row. When the test wa he had posted the high centile ranking in the and one of the highes school’s history.
I think I only got 8 percentile, but it re didn’t bother me t I didn’t get the rec I was just glad passed.
Diabetic and proud of
proud owner of a t-shirt bearing the words “sexy diabetic,” senior Dominic Garcia feels no reason to hide his condition. Often using it as a source of humor, as seen in the opening scene of his homecoming king video, Garcia has embraced his diabetes instead of trying to conceal it. Of course, Garcia wasn’t always at a point where he could open up about his condition. Like many, he felt ashamed and tried to keep his diabetes from the public eye. “I wanted to kind of keep the whole thing hidden at first and test my blood sugars and inject insulin as discreetly as possible,” Garcia said. “But I had great friends who understood what was going on and would even join me to Nurse Julie’s office every day.” “Also, I realized that if more people at school knew about it, then I’d almost always be with someone aware of what’s going on if I started to experience issues.” Having friends he knows he can trust has allowed Garcia to approach diabetes in a much different way, one in which he is in control of his circumstances and can determine how he lets it affect his life. It has also let him reach a point where he is
comfortable enough with his position to crack jokes about it with his friends. “Honestly, with the immense help of modern medicine and people who have helped me develop an attentiveness to how I treat my body, I’ve been
able to minimize the effect Garcia said. “That doesn’t m up in serious danger becau nice to fight against it to th about it.”
Senior actor portrays Pokémon master, young criminal
COPING WITH DISEASE Instead of hiding his condition like he did when he w Dominic Garcia has embraced his diabetes. On weekends, he likes to sport his “
DEFYING ’13OUNDARIES story by Rachit Mohan, special projects director, Stephen Rambi
All in the name Sometimes nicknames come from achievements in the classroom. Sometimes they come from the sports field. Sometimes they stick for no reason at all. As the following seniors found out, when nicknames stick, they don’t go away.
Conner Lynch - Steve
nto the ness test d of his Cameron pass the
DEFINING QUOTE: “’Shut up Steve. GO AWAY.’ -My best friends. I wish I could have that time back in my life, but it’s gone. Absolutely traumatizing.”
THE BACKGROUND: “During freshman year JV football, I was number 22. One day, after I said something hilarious, as usual, [senior] Chris Roach said something like ‘Nice one, Deuces.’ The nickname stuck, and I’ve been number 22 in football and basketball ever since.” FAVORITE THING: “When girls come up to me in the mall and ask if ‘I’m that Deuces kid,’ and then they walk away laughing.”
WHO KNEW? Entering the physical fitness test, senior Cameron Mendoza merely wanted to pass. But thanks to his personal fitness regimen, he was nearly in the record book, which requires reaching the 90th percentile or above.
“Honestly I didn’t know there were any records for this sort of thing,” Mendoza said. “The coaches just said if a student got above the 90th percentile that they were in the record book. I realized I was getting pretty close after the pull ups but, in the end the sit and reach was the event that brought me down.” “I think I only got 87th percentile, but it really didn’t bother me that I didn’t get the record,” he said. “I was just glad
f it
t of diabetes on my life,” mean that I’ll never end use of it, but it does feel he point where I can joke
was younger, senior “sexy diabetic” shirt.
LEAST FAVORITE THING: “When people see me and then start singing Chris Brown’s song ‘Deuces.’”
I passed.” Mendoza says the key for him is his 20-minute pre-shower routine. Every evening, he completes a core conditioning workout and then does pullups on the bar his parents gave him for Christmas. “I’ve struggled a lot with asthma as a child, and the doctors said I probably wouldn’t be great with athletic endeavors,” Mendoza said. “But I just thank God that I’m able to do everything I can.”
With those life lessons that he has learned through his diabetes, Garcia hopes he can encourage others to treat conditions in their lives the same way and use them to their advantage as he does. Far from ashamed, Garcia hopes he can help others see the value of positive thinking. Most of all, he has learned the lesson of coping with the many challenges thrown at him. Now, he feels he can handle any challenge with confidence. “Anytime life throws something like that at you, the best thing you can do is just approach life with a positive demeanor anyway and move on,” Garcia said. “If I had let the condition get to me all the time, then it would’ve made life as a whole much more difficult. For me, being positive or relaxed or funny about it lets me feel more like a normal person.”
I wanted to kind of keep the whole thing hidden at first and test my blood sugars as discreetly as possible. But I had great friends who understood what was going on and would even join me to Nurse Julie’s office every day. SENIOR DOMINIC GARCIA
mundsson, managing editor and Henry Woram, editorial director
DEFINING QUOTE: “What would Deuces do?”
Harrison Hewitt - Deuces
Harrison Hewitt
Mark Senter - Malch THE BACKGROUND: “The summer before sophomore year, McCrae Dunlap ’11 would drive me to summer football workouts. Well, when Dunlap picked me up one time he said, ‘God it stinks,’ and I said, ‘Yeah, the yard guys put down some new mulch. It smells like manure.’ But the way I said it, he heard ‘Malch’ and ‘Manarr.’ FAVORITE THING: “Probably how fast the nickname spread. I had kids who I had never met in my life calling Malch or kids from other schools. Even [senior] Will Moor’s mom called me Malch a few weeks after… It’s contagious.” LEAST FAVORITE THING: “Probably how infrequently I hear my actual name around campus. I am pretty sure at this point [senior] Dominic Garcia thinks that Mark Senter is no longer alive and that this new kid Malch replaced him.”
Mark Senter
Warren Smith - Pizza BACKGROUND: “There was a time last year when I would get three, four, maybe even five peanut butter jelly sandwiches a day. Understandably, people who sat with me on those lunch days started calling me peanut butter. Being in an unstable state of sleep deprivation, growth and hunger, the nickname made me angry. So I told them ‘I don’t want to be called PB anymore. My favorite food is probably pizza!’ Little did I realize that I’d just spawned the nickname that I would respond to until commencement and beyond.” FAVORITE THING” “It makes me laugh, and it makes the people around me laugh. Having people know me as pizza is pretty funny, I think.” LEAST FAVORITE THING: “I actually like the Pizza name, but I hated Peanut Butter. Though my friends made the nickname as a joke, which I didn’t seem to mind, I began to despise it like how great white shark hates a dolphin (me being the great white shark, of course). DEFINING QUOTE: “This nickname is the dough of my existence.”
87th eally that cord. I
LEAST FAVORITE THING: “All of my friends had this comeback that I had no answer for whenever I would say anything. They could all yell about Steve and I couldn’t do anything about it. Strength in numbers, I guess.”
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FAVORITE THING: “Literally nothing. I really hated that nickname. Imagine not being called your real name for almost two years.”
wo days, 6 sit-ups mile in sit-andand set pull-ups
THE BACKGROUND: “I first got the nickname Steve back in eighth grade. [ESD senior] Tommy McNamara wanted to use my iPhone to play a game on it, and I didn’t give it to him. One of the worst mistakes of my life. He then decided that he was going to call me Steve as a joke, referencing this guy in a popular music video at the time who everyone made fun of in the video. After all of my friends had heard about it, that name somehow eventually stuck for almost a year and half.”
he pull-up prodigy
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12, 13
Warren Smith
ME (1)
NY (9)
IL IN (6)
TN (9)
AL GA (4)
NH (6) MA (5) RI (2) CT (2) NJ (3) D.C. (3)
GO EAST, YOUNG MAN Seniors are currently considering schools from the bolded states, with the numbers representing the number of schools within each state being considered as possible destinations.
TX (43)
LA (2)
FL (2)
And they’re off! Future college destinations* for the members of the Class of 2013 Agrawal, Shivum Ahmed, Omer Alden, Zach Altabef, Will Atluri, Pramukh Bass, Kevin Book, Hunter Budner, Will Burdette, Zach Burke, Chandler Cassell, Sam Chang, Will Chang-Tung, Evan Chavda, Aarav Choy, Alex Clark-Martinek, Otto DLCV, Oliver Dickson, Carl Doorey, Michael Eichenwald, Ryan Elder, Carlton Freeman, Brendan Gaidarski, Homer Garcia, Dom Garza, Travis Genecov, Matt Gilliland, Michael Gilmore, John Goetz, Noah Gohlke, Michael Goldstein, Bear Goodman, Andrew Graffy, Andrew
Georgia Tech SMU Haverford College Northwestern University UT-Austin (Plan II) UT-Dallas (McDermott Scholar) Stanford University UT-Austin Sewanee: The University of the South Rhodes College Dickinson College Georgetown University University of Michigan Rice University Stanford University Columbia University (Egleston Scholar) DePauw University (Management Fellow) Lehigh University Yale University UT-Austin Princeton University Columbia University McGill University UT-Austin UT-Austin Clemson University UT-Austin UT-Austin WashU Emory University Duke University University of Chicago Duke University Dartmouth College Vanderbilt University University of Missouri USC University of Richmond Purdue University UT-Austin Vanderbilt University Dartmouth College Carnegie Mellon University USC Princeton University Boston University George Washington UPenn
Gudmundsson, Paul Hall, Lendon Harvey, Justin Hersh, Daniel Hewitt, Harrison Hicks, Chris Hillier, Cameron Hinojosa, Jorge Holcomb, Bryce Itani, Kareem Jang, Josh Kirksey, Dylan Koudelka, Danny Kuo, Hansen Labhart, Cole Law, George Lazzara, Nic Lee, Mitch Libby, Sam Lincon, Gio Lynch, Conner Matthews, Parker Mendoza, Cameron Miller, Ryan Mittal, Rajat Mohan, Rachit Moor, Will
Dartmouth College Brown University Rhodes College Tulane University Dartmouth College Northwestern University Texas A&M (Honors Engineering) UT-Arlington Colby College SMU NYU (MLK Scholar) MIT NYU University of Miami UT-Austin Rhodes College UT-Austin UT-Austin Marion Military Institute Texas Tech University Davidson College SMU Haverford College Bard College WashU Rice University Carnegie Mellon University Dartmouth College Northwestern University WashU University of Notre Dame UT-Austin UVA UVA UT-Austin (Business Honors) UVA Georgetown University Baylor University TCU Texas A&M University SMU UVA University of Notre Dame Vanderbilt University Duke University USC Olin College of Engineering Wake Forest University
Nadalini, Taubert Naseck, Max Nembhard, Deshawon Oliver, Jevon Orth, Robbey Pak, Brendan Papin, Jimmy Park, Jay Quarls, Harrison Rambin, Stephen Rawot, Adam Roach, Chris Rosenthal, Alan Rowan, James Salcedo, Raffy Savani, Milan Senter, Mark Shah, Umang Smith, Warren Spraglin, Kendrick Srivastava, Mihir Stetler, Brandon Sureddi, Aditya Tassopoulos, Alex Thalheimer, Meyer Thompson, Reid Thompson, Charles Tsai, Steven Vodicka, Bryan Walton, Tré Woram, Henry Yonack, Noah
USC SMU UT-Austin USC UT-Austin (Plan II) Emory University SMU Texas Tech University University of Notre Dame USC Carnegie Mellon University NYU NYU University of Illinois UT-Austin Trinity College Vanderbilt University WashU Georgia Tech University of Alabama University of Michigan MIT CalTech Purdue University UPenn (Vagelos Scholar) TCU UT-Austin UT-Austin Brown University Texas Tech University UT-Austin Colorado College Vanderbilt University Loyola University Chicago Baylor University SMU UT-Austin Swarthmore College UT-Austin University of Michigan Tulane University University of Miami Princeton University Columbia University UT-Austin St. John’s University Dartmouth College Harvard University
* List is not final and subject to change • Only top three schools at time of publication were included for undecided students • No waitlists decisions were included. • Key to abbreviations: CalTech–California Institute of Technology, NYU–New York University, SMU–Southern Methodist University, TCU–Texas Christian University, UPenn–University of Pennsylvania, USC–University of Southern California, UT–University of Texas, UVA–University of Virginia, WashU–Washington University in St. Louis AND THEY’RE OFF! compiled by Stephen Rambin, issues editor | illustration by Robbey Orth, graphics director and Zuyva Sevilla, staff artist
Sharing their passions WHETHER THEY ARE HELPING SHAPE CERAMICS PIECES OR PROVIDING STYLISTIC ADVICE FOR A STUDENT FILM, FINE ARTS FACULTY AT 10600 PRESTON ROAD ARE HEAVILY INVESTED IN THE WORK OF MARKSMEN. BUT THEIR INTERESTS PROGRESS BEYOND THE CLASSROOM. ART INSTRUCTORS SPOKE ABOUT THEIR FAVORITE ARTISTS, PIECES OF ART AND INFLUENCES. William Kysor, Founder’s Master Teaching Chair All the artists in the Museum of Modern Art are my heroes. Jackson Pollock, who is known for his drip painting, is a big favorite of mine. There are a whole other series of modern painters, like Franz Kline and Willem de Kooning, who I adore. Really, I was for all of the art that was breaking the rules, all the art that was challenging the status quo of the previous generation.
Max Wood, fine arts instructor Honestly, I do not have any artist or artwork that influences or inspires my work or creative endeavors. But I’ll name one artist who I admire a lot — Robert Heinecken. He was an exquisite, intelligent human being and, at the same time, a true artist. Heinecken passed away a few years ago, and I have not come across another artist who has made as much of an impact on me as he has. RIGHT: Heinecken poses with his work “Waking Up in News America.” A rebellious spirit, Heinecken wore his hair in a long ponytail and was a chain smoker. His unique work often involved superimposing multiple images to create one evocative photograph.
RIGHT: “The Key” (1946) by Jackson Pollock. This oilon-canvas painting is part of Pollock’s Accabonac Creek series, named for a stream near an East Hampton property Pollock purchased in 1945. “The Key” is currently on display at The Art Institute of Chicago.
Jennifer Gilbert, fine arts instructor My favorite movie of all time is called The Passion of Joan of Arc. It’s a French/Danish silent film filmed in 1927 addressing Joan of Arc and her trial. You wouldn’t think that would work in a silent film because there’s so much dialogue needed, but the way that they filmed it and the different angles that they used makes it a really beautiful film. TOP RIGHT: A statue of Joan of Arc near Ballon d’Alsace, a mountain near the France-Germany border.
John Frost, industrial arts teacher One of my favorite artists is Anselm Kiefer, a post-war German artist who used heavy materials such as lead and tar and created his own mythology that ran through his work. I also like Martin Puryear, who demonstrates excellent traditional craftsmanship and attention to detail. His sculptures have suggestive abstract forms that evoke association but elude definition. TOP RIGHT: “Breaking of the Vessels” by Anselm Kiefer. A sculpture made of lead, iron and glass, it is on display at the St. Louis Museum of Art.
Jacque Gavin, Fine Arts Department Chair The Kalita Humphreys Theatre in Dallas, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, got me very interested in Wright and his work. I think that Wright’s designs are very organic and I love the natural influences in his work. His buildings really bring the outside inside. I also like how he uses space to control the experience of the people inside the building. TOP RIGHT: The entryway/foyer to the Kalita Humphreys Theatre.
SHARING THEIR PASSIONS by Aarohan Burma, staff writer | photos by Michael Doorey, head photographer | artwork courtesy Creative Commons
Stegemoeller writing book on ethics By Cyrus Ganji staff writer FOR THE PAST SEVEN years, the Leadership and Ethics Program has introduced and discussed key human concepts, ranging from the school ethos to courage and honor. The program began as a unified effort dedicated to enlightening the community’s philosophy and has since been modified to match with the changing age. For the first time, the program will develop a set blueprint for their goals and messages in the form of a book — primarily written by Malcom K. and Minda Brachman Master Teacher and Associate Director of the Leadership and Ethics Program Martin Stegemoeller. “The book is a multi-purpose tool in its current form, and there are now two versions — a shorter and a longer,” Stegemoeller said. “It’s meant to describe what our program is trying to do and how we’re going to do it, while also being a justification for why the
program is doing what it’s doing. The book’s third and most useful purpose is for the faculty Leadership Institute to teach and convey certain ideas now.” Stegemoeller, who is currently in his fifth year with the Leadership and Ethics Program, believes that the book serves as a reference guide for the philosophic concepts instilled within the community. “Initial concepts, such as courage and honor, serve more as a lure to the program, not a base,” Stegemoeller said. “After working and collaborating, we’ve created definitions for key concepts. The book is written in question and answer format, and the goal is to question the answers — then, there’s discussion and learning; the book invites probing and perhaps tweaking of the answers.” Creating definitions for concepts serves to justify the books’ answers to it’s readers. “Any page of it can be used respectively, and the justification will help kids in describing and
articulating — for example — why not to cheat,” Stegemoeller said. “The deeper an understanding you have on why not to do it, the deeper you’ll be inclined to not do it and stop others from doing it. The book will put these arguments at disposal, so a conceptual vocabulary will properly explain these concepts in various environments.” The book is currently a work in progress, which Stegemoeller works on during summers; however, he does not credit the book as his creation. He hopes that the book will become a complete, coherent community guideline in the near future. “I don’t consider this book mine; I’m more of a caretaker for a community effort,” Stegemoeller said. “We try to write it in a way that directly answers all the questions intelligent people would have. The hope is that in ten years St. Mark’s can develop a primary version of the book, and continue to develop it from there.”
Freshman Clark rocks on By Tabish Dayani staff writer THE GENTLE MELODY of a soft rock n’ roll song could be heard in Potbelly’s as Freshman Will Clark sat on a stool near the front of the restaurant, strumming his acoustic guitar while singing softly into the microphone, perfectly content. Playing at Potbelly’s every Sunday from 12-2 p.m. gives Clark a chance to puruse his passion for music. “I started playing there in February, and it’s actually really nice to be able to go there and play every Sunday,” Clark said. Clark was first exposed to music from string lessons in fourth and fifth grade but says that he only started playing guitar in sixth grade. “My parents recommended picking up guitar after I quit strings,” Clark said. “I started playing in sixth grade, but I only started getting into it last year.” Clark cites artists such as Jimi Hendrix and The Rolling Stones
as reasons why he became more interested in playing guitar. “I started listening to blues and old rock n’ roll, which got me to explore music more, and it snowballed from there,” Clark said. “I’ve definitely improved a lot over the past year since I started getting interested in the music. After noticing Clark’s love for playing guitar, his father, Ray Clark, helped him get the job at Potbelly’s by getting him an audition with the manager. “I remember thinking he might get humiliated, but that it would be a good experience through failure,” Ray Clark said. “I was wrong. He got the job.” Will, who also plays with the Blues Club, plans to pursue his love of music further by developing his guitar skills. “I’ve always hoped my sons tried a lot of things, ultimately finding things they are passionate about along the way,” Ray Clark said. “Guitar seems to be that thing for Will, so that makes me very happy for Will.”
[ A L B U M
R E V I E W S ]
call it a
After taking time off to pursue acting careers, side-projects, or, in one case, a late-night Cartoon Network show, our favorite musicians are making a comeback, and that’s a good thing.
Timberlake’s ‘20/20’ is nearly crystal-clear
n an age where any song with a catchyenough chorus becomes famous, a look at just the title of Fall Out Boy’s fifth studio album will get any music-lover’s hopes up. Since the release of Folie A Deux in 2008, the band has pursued heavy metal and electropop side-projects. And with Save Rock And Roll, they come back with a bang. With pop-rock jams and fast-paced anthems, the band gives us coherent structures and catchy choruses without sounding annoying or cheesy. Their new music focuses on the types of songs that have worked for them in the past, even if that means sacrificing a little tradition, like in string-heavy second single “The Phoenix,” or in “The Mighty Fall,” featuring rapper Big Sean. Did Fall Out Boy save rock and roll? Not at all. But you have to give the album credit. — Nabeel Muscatwalla, staff writer
if absolutely nothing else, is a fantastically bold album — one that most of today’s Top 40 hit-makers wouldn’t dream of releasing. The average song comes in at a whopping seven minutes long. And while Timberlake’s never been averse to lengthier songs, to release an album filled with such radio un-friendly tracks as The 20/20 Experience’s could’ve been career suicide for a weaker artist. Luckily, Timberlake earns darn near every minute of 20/20’s massive 70-minute runtime. With songs like funky opener “Pusher Love Girl,” soulful slow-jam “Strawberry Bubblegum,” and beatboxing-infused “Tunnel Vision,” Timberlake crafts a wonderfully hazy, atmospheric pop album. Unfortunately, the
he word “Paramour” is French for “secret lover,” and that’s exactly how you should treat this homophone’s latest album — you can spend as much time with it as you want, but it’s probably best to keep it between the two of you. Paramore’s new self-titled album is the first piece of work that’s come out of the group since lead singer Hayley Williams collaborated with B.o.B on the single “Airplanes,” and it’s somehow even more forgettable than that timeless masterpiece. There are a few nearly spectacular songs, but, for the most part, the music meshes together into a formless melody that floats somewhere between the soundtrack for a Tony Hawk video game and the background music from a mini-mall Gap. If you’re a diehard Paramore fan, go ahead and buy it. If you’ve never listened to the band before, listen to literally any other album — Paramore isn’t a great first impression. — Dylan Kirksey, opinions specialist
— Cole Gerthoffer, reviews specialist
creative you was here to stay the whole time. And you apparently listened to some Black Keys and Danielson during your brief furlough from the trenches of psychedelic rock and roll production. The Next Day successfully rolls up 40 or so years of rock canon and fires it, kaleidoscopically, through the ray-gun of David Bowie’s creativity, giving the listener a quantum experience in listening. This isn’t to say the
s the cover art suggests, Indicud finds Kid Cudi trying his absolute hardest to build a one-man bonfire. Rife with self-made beats and “I’m the best” lyrics, Cudi’s certainly building for the heavens. Unfortunately, the biggest bonfire in the world won’t light without a spark. Whatever spark Cudi once possesed seems to have burnt out, likely somewhere between his last Man on the Moon album and the nauseatingly misguided, wannabe-alt-rock WZRD. Aside from the well-produced, wellrapped “Just What I Am” and “Brothers,” very few Indicud tracks even warrant a second listen. Songs like the awful, nine-minute “Afterwards,” featuring Michael Bolton, are just as miserable in theory as they are in execution. Sadly, with Indicud, we Cudi fans have nothing more than another album to pretend doesn’t exist as we (maybe hopelessly) await Cudi to reclaim his mojo. — Cole Gerthoffer, reviews specialist
album doesn’t have its pitfalls; often we, as listeners, feel like, well, we’re listening to an aging rock god’s angry throttling rather than a crisp new sound. The tracks and the album itself start, much like Bowie’s musical career, full of wonder and hope and then end in a somewhat hackneyed crescendo. But keep your ear open, and you won’t be let down more than impressed. — Henry Woram, editorial director
aybe it seems a bit unfair to call Tyler, the Creator’s new album Wolf a comeback. After all, it’s only been two years since his last album, the impressive (and more-thana-little disturbing) Goblin, dropped, simultaneously impressing and kind of terrifying the entire hip-hop community. But, in the time since Goblin dropped in 2011, Tyler’s been occupying himself with other non-musical (but equally bizarre) ventures, like his hilariously lucrative sock line, and his own late-night Cartoon Network sketch-comedy Loiter Squad. The time off from his solo work seems to have paid off. Although he released a joint mixtape with his hip-hop collective Odd Future (a.k.a. OFWGKTA, a.k.a. Wolf Gang, a.k.a. Golf Wang, a.k.a. seriously whatever you want to call them) last year, Wolf finds Tyler once again producing and rapping on every track. Sure, pretty much every Odd Future member shows up to drop a verse at least once on the album (including breakout OF star Frank Ocean), as do surprising cameo artists Pharell and Erykah Badu, but this is Tyler’s show and Tyler’s alone. nd what a surprisingly bright show it is. After Goblin’s almost overwhelmingly macabre darkness (anchored by lead track, “Yonkers” – a song for which, if you’ve followed Tyler’s career, you may remember he ate a live cockroach in the music video), Wolf‘s atmosphere is certainly sunnier, thanks largely in part to Tyler’s growth as a producer. Instead of Goblin’s heavier, aggressive beats, Wolf’s beats feature everything from jazz sax to xylophones. That’s not to say the album’s a total walk in the park. There’s plenty of Tyler’s trademark zany, angry barking, raving, and ranting, like on “Domo 23” and “Trashwang.” But, there’s a unique hope to the album that Tyler’s never really hit upon before. He sums it up in final track, “Lone,” where he raps, “I’m using these negatives to develop a portrait.” Ultimately, Tyler’s making music for no one but himself, and the result is a personal, surprisingly sweet, actually pretty beautiful album. It’s an acquired taste (one look at the hilarious, intentionally schlocky album art will tell you exactly how weird this album is), but everything Tyler touches is, and that’s what makes him one of rap’s most adventurous, interesting, and vital artists. Besides, he’s definitely not in it for the money. “FORGET ALBUM SALES,” he tweeted last week, “I SELL SOCKS.”
After ten years off, Bowie still rocks
take back everything I said, Bowie. While it took me a while to get over the fact that Ziggy long ago packed his bags and headed for Galactus, the passionate, manically
album’s one misstep, the Latin-flavored “Let the Groove Get In,” is so out of place both musically and lyrically that it temporarily derails the entire album. But, luckily, following track “Mirrors,” the album’s crown jewel, finds Timberlake getting back on track. The 20/20 Experience may take some getting used to, especially for fans expecting more dancefloor-ready tracks like “SexyBack.” In fact, lead single “Suit & Tie” is likely the only 20/20 song you’ll hear within a hundred yards of a dance-floor. But that’s just fine. The 20/20 Experience isn’t a record to be spun at a party or with friends, but one to be played alone, through your nicest set of headphones, enjoying the return of one of music’s most deserving stars.
is performance as Sean Parker was one of the best things about The Social Network, and, honestly, what would late-night comedy be without his SNL Digital Shorts? But, for all the box-office millions and Emmy wins now under his belt, few would disagree that the microphone is Justin Timberlake’s true home. His weird, lovely new LP, The 20/20 Experience, arrives seven years after his quadruple-platinum-selling FutureSex/ LoveSounds blazed new trails for dance-pop back in 2006. The 20/20 Experience is, by no means, the game-changer that FutureSex proved to be. But, as a collection of ten (for the most part) remarkably solid tracks, it’s quite the triumphant return. What we have here,
B+ — Cole Gerthoffer, reviews specialist
Homophobia editorial 17
Kirksey Cartoon 18
Farewell columns 19
we mean no harm to the gay community when we use gay pejoratives as slings against the perceived masculinity of our peers. The notion, to begin with, of homosexuality as an insult, is the same notion that keeps a culture of intolerance toward homosexuality simmering. We can’t change the definition of homosexual pejoratives to suit our conversation; what the words mean to heterosexuals doesn’t matter. For us to truly call ourselves a tolerant institution, we have to eradicate homophobia, or at least its outward manifestations . he reality is this: according to different studies, anywhere between 2.8 percent and ten percent of people in this country are homosexual. By that math, hundreds of gay Marksmen have passed through these halls since 1950, and if we really asked ourselves, as students, whether we gave them the tolerance they deserved, we would come up with a resounding no. The administration has made strides towards tolerance by allowing male dates to dances and spirit parties — let’s match them. Furthermore, the school has established a policy of nondiscrimination: “St. Mark’s School of Texas does
Better left said
Overdrive Yet again the library is taking strides to improve and modernize. This latest intitative, which will allow students to access the huge online resource of e-books on their mobile devices, is one we applaud.
t was night, and the faint light from homes filtered in hues right through the backseat window of Robert’s big red truck. Glass faded as the window rolled down, allowing the landscape passing by to tip slowly into sharp focus. The radio played below our conversation at a dull hum, a springboard for our three masculine voices. As my older brother Kevin, his friend Robert and I passed through University Park on the way home from the gym, we started talking about past romantic flings. Kevin told stories of girls at college, and then Robert started talking about some romantic encounters of his own. It wasn’t until halfway through his talking, the wind from his open window rustling his hair, that I realized he was talking about a guy. Hooking up with a guy. Robert came out to me like that. He risked his skin to the condescending singe of my judgment — the harsh product of years of all-male induced homophobia — without any hesitation. And everything was completely copacetic. Robert’s a good guy and got judged completely on that plane. Wouldn’t have gone down that way in the Great Hall. If there wasn’t an immediate hailstorm of jokes, there would have been a train-wrecking stop in the conversation. And, if by some miracle, the conversation glided along uninhibited, then there would have been a brackish backwater of rumors and gossip. Because this is St. Mark’s, let’s be real. Because they are some manifestation of hu-
man perfection, our parents sent us here to asymptotically pursue that same perfection. Because we call it excellence. The best and the brightest don’t get to have flaws. Every time gay comes up everybody has the same façade, I don’t actually have anything wrong with gay kids, I just say gay and faggot but I really mean stupid and girly. Or some variation. Even teachers and coaches say the same spiel. I say it too. But gay rights were being debated in the Supreme Court when this paper went to press. Huge constitutional lines in the sand are being drawn, and just being a moderately ambivalent supporter won’t cut it anymore. If, like most of the student population and me, you say you tolerate gays, then show it. We can’t afford to say gay and faggot — no matter what our intentions are. At the end of the day, those slurs still staple stigmas to words that can be used to identify our peers. Our brothers, as we call them when we graduate. I want guys like Robert, excellent guys, to be able to come in this cafeteria with a rainbow wristband and for nobody to think twice. I have another vision. Who knows. Maybe someday some football player will come out and the whole damn team will rock rainbow sweatbands and spat as we pulverize Greenhill for another homecoming, and the crowd will go wild, because if you aren’t tolerant, then you can leave this place. This is hallowed ground, excellent ground, and nobody hides who they are here.
not discriminate in the administration of its admission and education policies on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation or national or ethnic origin.” Let’s not just tolerate our classmates and teammates and peers, let’s allow them to thrive in their individuality and be who they are. Let us be proactive, not merely defensively reactive, in our welcoming of our peers. The issue won’t be solved by individual conversations and vows, it must be brought to a more transparent level. If you, like most students, quietly accept homosexuality, it will help this school to support in a more outward, inclusive fashion. Speak openly about your respect for the lifestyles of your peers. Eradicate words those harmful words from your vocabulary — you have no way of knowing the damage they can render. Let’s make sure that our brothers, as we so often call them at this school, don’t have to hide in shame and doubt themselves. When every single individual in a community can be earnest and comfortable in his own skin is when that community can truly achieve its highest potential.
n 2010, a senior here stole a classmate’s phone and broadcast a text message in which he purported to come out as gay to the whole Senior Class. The prank quickly escalated to the status of a scandal and provoked outrage from the administration. Arnie Holtberg asked during a special meeting with that Senior Class that they help change the culture of homophobia at the school for the sake of their classmates. Three years later, we think that same culture still persists here. Unfortunately, many here use homosexual slurs as what they think are innocuous pejoratives. Most gay Marksmen wait until after graduation to come out. Homosexuality is doubtless a stigma here, even if a mild one. Although we don’t say words like “gay” and “faggot” frequently, their very presence in our vocabulary helps maintain a culture of homophobia. With the current court cases before the Supreme Court and with nine states having legalized gay marriage, America appears to be moving forward. It’s time for us to do the same. We can’t merely qualify, like lawyers, that
Wade Davis We congratulate the recently created Visiting Scholars Panel for helping to bring in Robert Dennard ’63 Visitng Scholar Wade Davis. His insights and experience proved illuminating and beneficial to the school community. We wish, however, he could have visited more classes.
ISAS Arts Festival
Every year students enjoy the ISAS Arts Festival largely because of strenuous efforts on the part of the Fine Arts Department. This year, however, we feel that not enough student artists were allowed to participate. To miss out on that experience, as an artist, is a loss we could remedy by sending more students to this annual event.
Sorry for the cliché
ur editorial board meetings usually go about the same. All ten of us gather around the Harkness table with an agenda of topics that we want to bounce off each other. In about 45 minutes, we come to a (more or less) unanimous decision on what issues we need to tackle in an effort to best serve this community. This April edition of the paper went a little differently. We have allotted the column spots to seniors as their final will and testament to this campus, these teachers, this community. As we were concluding the meeting, and everyone was dispersing, We are at St. Mark’s: s o m e o n e these halls have very casually forged such a and almost tight community sarcastically that the familial called out, bonds that make “stay away this place what it from the St. is have become Mark’s clichés. commonplace. No columns
saturated in brotherhood and camaraderie and love of school.” For most people, that went in one ear and out the other; how inconceivably trite for someone to write about the manly evolution he and his peers have undergone here. We are at St. Mark’s: these halls have forged such a tight community that the familial bonds that make this place what it is have become commonplace. “Stay away from the St. Mark’s clichés.” Other schools talk about the family of their student body and the home that their walls create. It’s certainly not a conversation topic that St. Mark’s created — just one that we have mastered, one that we made cliché. Our most average student is dying to push this community forward, to leave a mark that can be remembered or seen. No one floats through these halls just trying to get through the day. You step onto campus and breathe in the intoxicating air of self-betterment. My peers wring and twist and squeeze every last
drop of entrepreneurial opportunity out of the pink and red brick so that they can more completely invest their time and hearts in this place. But here that’s normal, inconspicuous, expected. Here, that’s cliché. t. Mark’s is… The senior who gave his spring to join the water polo team — arguably the most physically demanding sport on campus — and survives the grueling workouts because he sees that as discrete opportunity to experience and invest in this place before he dons his white dinner jacket and walks across the stage. ••• Philosophy Club members choosing to spend their Friday nights seeing the Dallas Symphony perform Mahler or watching the Tree of Life (some in hopes of profound discovery, others happy to just be with friends). ••• Students excited to be here at 9 p.m. on a Saturday with Dr. Balog to witness the
majesty of a meteor shower. ••• The time, effort and quality that the student body responded with to iCelebrate. No one gave a second thought to the incredible displays of wit and passion. That level of commitment on something so inconsequential to their academic day was expected. ••• The group that packed it in Mr. Brown’s living room to watch the movie Howl over spring break. ••• “Stay away from the St. Mark’s clichés.” We are all connected by love of this place. So connected that we stay away from writing about it because it’s so understood, so engrained. But maybe writing this cliché will help you pick up on all the things that so frequently get overlooked as normal or commonplace. Sometimes we forget why the clichés are clichés.
heat THE
Casey at the bat | Mind-melting Carrying on the illustrious tradition, Will Altabef and Nabeel Muscatwalla did a mighty fine job accepting Doc’s torch as our resident “Casey at the Bat” readers, simultaneously rocking the convocation, making us proud to be baseball-repping Americans and gracing us with the best rendition that we’ll ever hear. Here ends the reading.
What’s hot — and what’s not — around 10600 Preston Road
Class of 2013 | SKA Never has there ‘13een a more ‘13eautiful, ‘13rave, ‘13rilliant and ‘13reathtaking class as the Class of 2013. When 93 ‘13rothers, decked in immaculate white tuxedos, stride across that stage and depart for college in one month, St. Mark’s will lose an irreplaceable pillar of courage and honor that has anchored this campus for the past 12 years. But fear not. Our legacy will never ‘13e forgotten. Give ‘em hell, ‘13oys. SKA’13 4 life.
Class of 2013
Cheer stunt men posters | Sweaty Huzzah! What better way to show support for your school than by throwing around 100 pound cheerleaders like bowling pins while Mac Labhart smashes oppponent’s helmets on the football field? Correction: the only other way to be more SManly would be to wield a sword and slay a massive dragon whilst carrying a Lower Schooler on your shoulders.
Class of 2014 | Cold as ice Mr. Baker, what were you thinking when you allowed these Sperry-wielding nincompoops to infest our tandoori bedecked cafeterias, Malchy weight rooms and Stegtacular temples of scholarly might with their Fun Run and their sarcasm and their infinite irreverence? When the Class of 2013 (holla) hands over our mantle of responsibility to these barbarians, we suggest the rest of the inhabitants of this campus lock themselves in Father Dangelo’s office and pray for divine intervention. We’ll just be chillin’ at college getting Noble Peace Prizes and stuff.
Cartoon | Dylan Kirksey
if there are 30 days in april...
subtract two days for every weekend, and 0.5 days for every late-start...
ican’tbelievejackisworking so hard this close to the end. THAT’S determination!
This column is written by Ken, uh, I mean Daniel Hersh
he first time I can remember hearing it was on the first day of first grade, in Ms. Oltrogge’s art class. I was sitting at a black desk next to Paul Gudmundsson, sort of near the back corner of the room, getting ready to sketch a picture with some colored pencils. Calling roll, Ms. Oltrogge went through all of our names one by one.
Daniel Hersh — Ken Hersh’s son.” The first time I walked into the Hoffman Center, I saw my parents’ names on the wall. Their names follow me wherever I go. That same English class freshman year was in the second floor of Centennial Hall. I often leaned back in my chair, which always annoyed Mr. Smith. “That’s your building,” he would jokingly tell me, pointing out the window towards Hoffman, “This is my chair. Don’t lean back.” That building serves as a constant reminder that I’m riding on the coattails of my parents. That for everything I’m trying to do, they’ve been there and done that. No matter what I’ve done or what I will do at St. Mark’s, they will always be my identifier. I am their son. My dad was the captain of a
varsity sport and the editor of The ReMarker — same as me. Nothing I have done, to this point in my life, has been unique. Every single thing I have done, academically or athletically, was accomplished by my father when he was a student here. I love my parents. This is not a knock on them at all. They’ve provided me with everything I could ever ask for. They’ve cared for and supported me in everything I did. My parents made lives for themselves and I am selfishly reaping the rewards. I could not ask for a better mom and dad. But, everything I’ve done so far has been in their footsteps. Everything has been marked by the same two phrases, starting with the one I heard back in Ms. Oltrogge’s class: “Oh, you’re Kenny’s son.” “Hey, Kenny, uh, I mean, Dan-
I love my school. But as I leave St. Mark’s, I will enter, for the first time in my life, a place where neither of my parents have been before — Northwestern University. And that’s exciting. Where no teacher will ever cock his head to one side and say, “Your name sounds familiar. Of course, you’re Kenny’s son.” Where no building will have my last name plastered across a plaque in the main entrance. Where I can be Daniel Hersh, and actually make that name mean something. My parents did that with their names and now it’s my turn to do the same. I love Julie and Ken Hersh. But maybe one day, I’ll stop being known as their son. And they’ll finally be known as my parents.
“Gudmundsson?” “Here.” “Hersh?” “Here.” She stopped for a second, studying my name on her class roster. “Oh, you’re Ken Hersh’s son, aren’t you?” “Yes ma’am,” I said meekly. A few kids asked me when he graduated, others asked what sports he played and some paid no attention at all. What I didn’t realize at the time was that Ms. Oltrogge’s question would follow me for the
next 12 years. Before I even met some of my teachers, I would already be marked as “Kenny’s kid.” The first time I met Mr. Jordan: “Oh, hey, you’re Kenny’s kid?” The first day of Mr. Smith’s English class freshman year: “Hey Kenny, — I mean Daniel — how’re you doing?” Just a few weeks ago, I was speaking to a group of eighth graders in Mr. Foxworth’s humanities class. As he was introducing me, the all too familiar stumble appeared again: “This is Ken Hersh — I mean
I’m happy to have taught St. Mark’s a few things...
early every time a ReMarker senior tries to write a “farewell column” to St Mark’s, it sounds the same. He opens with a specific point about the school and its community that he is trying to convey. He then offers an encapsulating anecdote of how that lesson applies to him. Finally, he tries to wrap up his entire life at St. Mark’s without sounding cliché. It never works. Because summing up the St. Mark’s experience in one 500 word column is impossible. The lessons that are learned here are not quantifiable, and the transformations that occur are indescribable. Even more, everyone who is going to understand how much St. Mark’s means already does. And those who don’t know can’t be taught by a column. So I won’t try to do that. Instead, I’ll focus on the things I taught St. Mark’s. I’m not claiming the past 12 years have been a fully symbiotic relationship or even that I’ve reciprocated a tenth of what I’ve received, but I’ve done my fair share of giving back. My biology and chemistry classes may have taught me the differences between saturated and unsaturated fats, but I in
turn showed the cafeteria what those lipids can do to a developing boy. To all who hate the healthy cafeteria: I’m sorry. The fryer is probably gone because someone saw a picture of fifth-grade-me. I know the mini tacos became best friends with your taste buds, but they were mortal enemies of my thighs. Working for The ReMarker showed me how to anticipate and work around deadlines, but I provided my classmates with a great example of the dangers of procrastination — especially when it concerns a speech. Surprisingly, it turns out that forgetting to write a speech and then mumbling for about a minute before 30 seconds of dead silence is actually not the best way to win votes in a class election. The college admissions process showed me that waiting is torture and that the SAT is
terrible, and I actually have nothing to add to that. It’s a pretty dark period of life. I grappled with the objectivity of right and wrong throughout my studies of ethics with the English Department, but I proved that there is definitely an objective wrong when I tried to break up with a girl by texting her friend. And the ensuing firestorm that I endured was the objectively right consequence for that action. Playing for the football team taught me about brotherhood and camaraderie, but I hope that my actions after my injury showed my teammates that a team is more about a shared goal than the sport itself. Just because I was a peg-legged cyborg with a knee brace doesn’t mean I didn’t want to win as much as anyone else. But these reciprocal lessons don’t only The fryer is probably gone because someone saw a picture of fifth-grade-me. I know the mini tacos became best friends with your taste buds, but they were mortal enemies of my thighs.
come from me. Each member of my class and community has also given back in their own ways. Senior Mark Senter taught us all the importance of pronouncing words correctly. If you don’t, you may be called said mispronunciation for the rest of your life. Sophomore Shourya Kumar let us know to double check your car before emailing literally everyone that you lost your calculator. Mr. Baird told us things about the Acceptable Use Policy that we’ve never heard before. Student Council President Conner Lynch has showed us that handling a sarcastic applause with grace might only prolong the cheers (read: jeers). Hollywood proved that it actually is what you say, not just the way you say it. But my classmates as a whole gave me the most important lesson of all — that every student at this school has his own strength and abilities. Their own lessons for the people around them. They might not reciprocate the impact that St. Mark’s has on us, but they still give back. I hope this column becomes one of my lessons and reminds everyone of that.
editor-in-chief managing editor, operations managing editor, content deputy managing editor issues editor editorial director special projects editor business manager visuals director head photographer
Daniel Hersh Paul Gudmundsson Will Moor George Law Stephen Rambin Henry Woram Rachit Mohan John Caldwell Andrew Goodman Michael Doorey
news editors Ryan O’Meara Noah Yonack arts editors Dylan Clark Aidan Dewar sports editors Charlie Golden Sam Khoshbin opinions specialist Dylan Kirksey deputy editorial director Vishal Gokani news coordinator
Alan Rosenthal reviews specialist Cole Gerthoffer copy editor Alexander Munoz graphics directors Nic Lazzara Robbey Orth staff artists Zuyva Sevilla Purujit Chatterjee staff photographers Halbert Bai, Otto Clark-Martinek, Michael Doorey,
Richard Eiseman, Andrew Gatherer, Andrew Graffy, Riley Graham, Justin Harvey, Parker Matthews, Corbin Walp staff writers Aarohan Burma, Jacob Chernick, Matthew Conley, Tabish Dayani, Teddy Edwards, Will Forbes, Cyrus Ganji, Andrew Hatfield, Richard Jiang, Alex Kim, Shourya Kumar, Nabeel Muscatwalla, Vik Pattabi, Ford Robinson,
William Sydney beat reporters Bradford Beck, Kent Broom, Jack Byers, William Caldwell, Cameron Clark, Will Clark, Will Diamond, Kevin He, Noah Koecher, Akshay Malhotra, David Marsh, Roby Mize, Philip Montgomery, Zach Naidu, Matthew Placide, Avery Powell, Anvit Reddy, Philip Smart, Abhi Thummala, P.J. Voorheis adviser Ray Westbrook
student newspaper of st. mark’s school of texas • dallas, texas 75230 • 214.346.8000 • www.smtexas.org/remarker Coverage. The ReMarker covers topics, issues, events and opinions of relevance and interest to the St. Mark’s School of Texas community. Letters. Send submissions to the editor at 10600 Preston Road, Dallas, 75230 or via email at remarker@smtexas.org. Letters should be brief and signed, although the writer may request anonymity. Letters may be rejected if libelous or obscene material is contained
therein. Editorials. The newspaper’s opinion will be presented in each issue in the form of editorials, which are clearly labeled and appear on the Commentary pages. Columns. Personal opinion is expressed through by-lined columns, which appear throughout the publication. Advertising. Contact the business staff at 214.346.8145. We reserve
the right to refuse any advertisement. Inclusion of an advertisement in these pages is not an indication of an endorsement by The ReMarker, any of its staff members or St. Mark’s School of Texas. Distribution. Press run is 3,800 copies. Copies are provided free of charge to students, faculty and staff at various distribution sites on campus and at our sister school, The Hockaday School.
More than 2,600 copies are mailed out to alumni courtesy of the school’s offices of External Affairs, Development and Alumni divisions. Membership. The ReMarker maintains membership in the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, New York City, NY; National Scholastic Press Association, Minneapolis, MN; and Interscholastic League Press Conference, Austin.
Online Viewing. Each issue of The ReMarker, along with archival copies, can be viewed online at the school’s website, www.smtexas. org/remarker. Reader lnvolvement. The ReMarker encourages reader input through letters, guest columns and story ideas. Contact the appropriate editor for submissions. Suggestions will be given due consideration for future publication.
Kendrick Spraglin page 23
The track and field team heads into the season’s final weekend looking to take its tenth straight SPC title.
next week
▶ Varsity baseball
▶ Coach John
▶ Varsity baseball plays a home counter game against Oakridge at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday.
▶ Varsity water
polo plays in the North Region Championships at Southlake Carroll.
▶ Varsity tennis has MICHAEL DOOREY PHOTO
a home counter match against ESD at 4:30 p.m. < Senior Cameron Hillier hits a return shot against Jesuit April 5. Hillier and the team defeated Jesuit 6-2.
Turek’s varsity track and field team participates in day two of the SPC North Zone meet at Greenhill. Last year, the team came in first place, winning SPC for the ninth consecutive year.
▶ Varsity water polo
▶ Varsity golf has a match against Greenhill at 4 p.m. Tuesday. ▶ Varsity tennis has a
plays in the second day of a tournament at Southlake Carroll Saturday. Last year, the team won this tournament en route to a third place state finish.
home counter match against Oakridge at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday.
▶ Varsity lacrosse will begin the district playoffs Tuesday. If the team qualifies, the state tournament will be held next weekend.
The seventh grade baseball team has gotten off to a flying start this year. Through its first seven games, the team has sustained an undefeated record including impressive wins 10-2 over rival ESD and 4-1 over a strong TCA team.
The Middle School water polo team has had a very strong first half of the season. They’ve developed their skills to the point that they were able to go into Charles Dutton Memorial Tournament in Southlake and win the 8th grade and younger division with a 5-0 record.
Last weekend, the varsity lacrosse team traveled down to Austin to play in the SPC tournament. Led by senior captains Bear Goldstein, Danny Koudelka and Andrew Graffy, the team came in first place, good for their tenth SPC title in the last 11 years. Next weekend, the state tournament will begin. The team’s main competition will be Jesuit, ESD and Highland Park.
The Middle School blue lacrosse team has been strong so far, their only loss coming in overtime against ••• a strong Greenhill Whit Shaw squad. The team ’09 finished his is focusing on collegiate sprint developing its football career at SHUTDOWN Senior Bear strong seventh the University of Goldstein anchors a very grade talent to lead talented defensive unit. Pennsylvania after the middle school accumulating over lacrosse program next year. 3,000 all-purpose yards. Shaw played both wide receiver and ••• defensive back and was a team The Middle School gold
SHAKE AND BAKE After an extremely productive career in Lions athletics, Whit Shaw ’09 has enjoyed tremendous success on Penn’s sprint football team.
receiver his junior year. Also as a junior, he was awarded Timothy Ortman Outstanding Offensive Back/ Receiver Award and led the team with 155.8 all-purpose yards per game.
Water Polo One of the leading scorers on the team, junior Matt Mahowald has propelled the water polo team to some huge victories. Two of the biggest were on April 6, when the team played two games and won by a combined score of 35-6. They beat Colleyville 21-1 and Southlake Carroll 14-5.
Jack Fojtasek In the lacrosse team’s 8-5 victory against Coppell two weeks ago, sophomore Jack Fojtasek was responsible for four goals. After the SPC tournament last weekend, the team enters the state tournament looking to snag its first state title ever.
The banner is full
hen you don’t want to play tennis, rain is your best friend. And since tennis is in the spring, you may get to see your best friend quite a bit. And during the first few weeks of our season, we did. But this year, rain and relief had no relation. Rain meant we would meet in Hicks Gym, and rain meant that my teammates and I were going to sweat. A lot. I savored my walk to Hicks Gym feeling that love-hate relationship that often comes along with running for an hour straight. I knew it was going to be tough. But I knew I’d be better for it walking out of the gym that day. The introduction from Coach Palmer was short. Everyone got into a circle around the basketball court. We ran two laps, did an exercise, repeat. For about an hour we busted it. We ran around the court trying to pass the guy in front of us, then did push-ups, sit-ups or something else that made the next two laps even harder to run. Before the final minutes of practice that rainy day, Coach Palmer told us, “Gentlemen, I don’t know if you know this, but we are now the sport with the longest SPC drought. There’s a full banner up there, and it’s looking pretty lonely. It needs a friend.” or ten years, Lions’ tennis has had a full SPC banner, ending with the year 2002 — the year Lacey’s squad won 105 straight sets and four three-setters in an undefeated season where not a single individual’s match was lost. Rain meant that we couldn’t go train on the courts, but rain was not going to stop us from conditioning. And it clicked that we weren’t just running in the gym because the courts were wet. We were running because we were now the team with the longest SPC drought. The reason we busted it in that gym We were running and the reason we because we were wanted to walk out now the team with of that gym as better the longest SPC players was to get drought. The reason that new banner. we busted it in that When we go on to gym and the reason the courts during the we wanted to walk SPC championships, out of that gym as better players was every point we play to get that new will determine if we banner. can end that drought. And the conditioning now will determine how we play those points. Whether or not we get a new banner will be decided by the days we run sprints instead of taking the day off. Standing in front of my coach after the final sprint and hearing him remind us about the drought and the new banner made me realize what today was about. The conditioning today wasn’t just a practice we did because we couldn’t go out on the courts. Anyone can train when it’s pretty outside. But the rain is what will end the drought.
captain both his junior and senior years. He was named first-team All-Collegiate Sprint Football League (CSFL) his freshman and sophomore years as a receiver, first team All-CSFL as a kick returner his junior year and second-team All-CSFL
lacrosse team has a talented crop of experienced eighth graders who are leading the team. They have developed into a good team and have some strong talent that is ready to make the transition to the Upper School lacrosse program next year.
When you come back and you punch a wall, and now you can't pitch or hit as well, you realize this is stupid, that I shouldn't do that again. Page 21
today plays ESD in a home counter game at 4:30 p.m.
Crew 22
Spring sports preview 23
PORTRAIT MODE Years after showing anger as a young professional baseball player, Johnny Hunter has changed his attitude and fathered two young children with his wife, Amanda.
Overtime 24
here’s more to Johnny Hunter than meets the eye. Excessively polite, always clean cut, and known for his devotion to his children, Hunter is easy to typecast as a baseball player-turned-coach who also likes teaching history. But his story is much more complex. It starts with an aloof and often-angry 17-year-old, soon to sport a goatee and long hair, blasting Nirvana while he worked out. It ends with the Johnny Hunter of today, devoted husband to Amanda, father of three-yearold Emma and month old Blake, writing poems, a play and moderating Jeopardy in his sophomore history class. But the gap from point A to point B is a big one. From the very beginning, Hunter had somewhat of a short fuse. “My parents used to call me the Hulk growing up,” he said “I had a switch and I had trouble controlling the rage that built up inside.” A talented baseball player, Hunter shined as an outfielder at James Martin High School in Arlington, helping lead them to the 1993 5A state title. However, hand in hand with his talent was uncontrolled anger — something Hunter knew early on that he needed to reign in. “I would at times go into tantrums at a younger age,” he said. “But by the time I was a senior I began to realize that those outbursts weren’t productive. I started to really put together than this negative energy doesn’t help.” However, Hunter found that containing these outbursts was easier said than done. Making his way from Navarro Junior College to Texas A&M University, Hunter was drafted by the Padres in 1997. Occasionally, when things went poorly, the hulk would emerge, like after giving up a squeeze bunt to future MLB all-star Shane Victorino. “I was very competitive, and sometimes my emotions would come out and get the better of me” Hunter said. “Shane Victorino was a really tough out, and I was pitching against him in San Bernadino. He took a squeeze bunt on me and, I’ll put it this way: I was less than pleased with him.” Less than pleased most often meant some choice words or yelling, but eventually, it led to a breaking point. “When you come back in and you punch a wall,”
Hunter said, “and now you can’t pitch or hit as well, you realize that this is stupid, that I shouldn’t do that again.” As the years went by, through repeated conscious effort, he eventually mastered control of his emotions on the field. “I remember I started off one season on a horrible hitting streak,” he said. “I didn’t catch any breaks. And I remember coming in after lining out two or three times, and I just sat down and put my helmet up. And our minor league field coordinator caught me in the act and pointed out how I was keeping my composure. And that for me was really a growing up point.” In 2003, after six seasons in the minors, Hunter walked away from the game. Getting his foot in the door as a substitute teacher and a Lions assistant baseball coach, he pursued his teachers’ certification. When longtime Lions coach and campus icon Tom Adams retired six years later, Hunter took over as head coach of the baseball program. Now, his former struggles with channeling his emotion benefit him as a coach. “I pay attention to things like that with my players,” Hunter said, “and I’m quick to call guys on some emotional outbursts. And having a tradition with that myself, I can help them with that.” With SPC just around the corner, composure will be key to the Lions success in a tough field. And while this year’s squad might not deepest or most powerful that Hunter’s had, one thing is clear. If things get frustrating, no one’s going to punch a wall.
Hunter writing poems, play
aseball coach and history teacher don’t begin to adequately describe Johnny Hunter. Primary among his other interests is reading: during his playing career, Hunter could often be found book in hand on the team bus. However, he has recently turned his attention to writing. “I always feel like I’ve been a much better writer than a speaker, and so this [play] is a part of me that I haven’t gotten a chance to explore as much because I’ve been involved in other things.” The play, concerning the contemporary conflicts between modern science and religious fundamentalism has been in the works since late 2011. It’s something Hunter plans to finish sometime in the near future. But he’s more than a playwright — he’s a poet, writing “homage to great thinkers.” “History is just a part of it,” Hunter said. “It’s really more of an overall interest in learning for learning’s sake. Literature, philosophy, science. Especially some of the historical and ethical principles of how we’re dealing with science. Those are really important to me as well.” Often his writing respects personal frustration regarding others’ perceptions of him. And while welcoming his newborn baby, Blake, into the family will certainly push any publishing dates back, Hunter still looks forward to one day publishing his works and breaking through others’ preconceptions of him. “I feel sometimes like I’ve been pigeonholed, like [baseball and history] are my only two interests,” Hunter said. “And they’re not. And knowing that I have so many interests out there, I don’t like the stereotypical labeling of the dumb jock or the burnt out grad student, stuff like that. There’s more to me than meets the eye, and the job titles really only scratch the surface of what I do.” — Charlie Golden
FAMILY MAN story by Charlie Golden, sports editor | photo illustration by Michael Doorey, head photographer and Zuyva Sevilla, staff artist
Everyone is a stand out rower. Some people have the size, others have the technique. We work with each other’s advantages and all become stars of the team instead of idolizing one or two people. SENIOR HARRISON QUARLS
the team in order to prepare. “The seniors and juniors are stepping up and setting the tone for the team,” Bass said. “The team really has to grind down and get together.” Quarls seconds this, agreeing that mental toughness is crucial for victory. “Some guys racing varsity at state have never been in a varsity race of this magnitude before,” Quarls said, “so we need to be ready to handle the pressure, and hopefully come out on top.” However, Quarls believes they are more than capable of this, and he hopes for the absolute best. “I know how much the team wants to win, and how far they will push themselves to accomplish their goal,” Quarls said. “A couple of guys want to go further than the state and try for nationals, and I think we have the chance to qualify for nationals if we really push ourselves the next month.” Yandell makes no promises but believes the team has all of the qualities necessary for success. “My philosophy on coaching is pretty similar to my philosophy on parenting,” Yandell said. “Give the athletes the tools and opportunity to succeed and inspire them to do their best. If they do their job and I do mine, none of us will have anything to regret.”
THE CATCH Reaching the apex of their row, senior Harrison Quarls, junior Alex Muñoz and seniors Sam Libby and Kevin Bass row across Bachman Lake.
hey may not be the biggest. They may not be the most experienced. But the crew team’s strength lies somewhere else. Drive, character and determination fuel their desire for a state championship. With one more week of practice, the seniors hope to mentally prepare the team for the stress they will face next weekend. The season began with the replacement of former head coach Will Forteith ’96 with Pitts Yandell, who had spent the past four years assisting Forteith with the veteran rowers. The team captains — seniors Kevin Bass, Harrison Quarls and Sam Libby — have spent all four years with him after joining the team their freshman year under Forteith. “It’s been a really smooth transition because he was the previous assistant coach,” Bass said. “He knows all the guys along with the equipment we use.” However, Yandell began his crew career only three years before joining the Lions, first coaching at Dallas Rowing Club. “It is a sport I dove into with a great amount of enthusiasm,” Yandell said. “It quickly became evident to me that rowing is a lifetime sport with lessons well beyond the confines of the water.” After quickly getting ahead of the learning curve, Forteith asked him to join the team. “When coach Forteith asked me to help with the St. Mark’s crew four years ago, I jumped at the opportunity,” Yandell said. The team, with its 1V shell of Libby, Quarls, senior Gio Lincon and junior Cameron Baxley, headed into the season glowing, earning gold in the Heart of Texas Regatta. “I am really partial to the Senior Class,” Yandell said. “The members of the class of 2013 were novice rowers when I started coaching, so I have seen them go from green to greatness.” While Yandell sees greatness from the seniors, Quarls believes the entire team is key to their success. “Everyone is a stand out rower,” Quarls said. “Some people have the size, others have the technique. We work with each other’s advantages and all become stars of the team instead of idolizing one or two people.” As the championship approaches, Bass hopes to unite
WAKE SETTERS story by Matthew Conley, staff writer | photo by Andrew Gatherer, staff photographer
Underclassmen key to golf’s success While this close knit team does not follow any particular motto, they are determined to do the best they can and to score as low as possible. “I don’t think we have a motto in particular, but we’re trying to win every match that we play in,” Genecov said. “We’re playing in eight matches and we want to win all eight of those. We just want to go low and get a score as low as we can and play as best as we can.”
By Richard Jiang staff writer AFTER WINNING ALL THREE OF ITS matches so far, the golf team is looking toward a successful SPC season. However, the team must deal with a loss of senior talent, especially when their toughest competitor, Kinkaid, is returning most of its core players. “A lot of other schools in the south are strong,” senior captain Matt Genecov said, “including EHS [Episcopal High School] and John Cooper.” Not only will the team face strong competitors, but it also has its own obstacles to overcome as well, which include a shortage of players. Despite the Lions ability to come out with low scores, their consistency is still an issue to be dealt with. “We have the ability to score really low,” Genecov said, “but we need to work on our consistency a little more. I think the potential is definitely there. For the five players the school is allowed to take to the SPC tournament, Genecov notes that only five players would be competitive in SPC. “We are pretty low on numbers,” Genecov said, “so we don’t have any options if someone gets hurt or gets sick.” But the underclassmen have demonstrated a strength that Genecov believes will spur the team on to victory. “We have a freshman Cameron Clark who’s pretty good,” Genecov said. “And then we have sophomores Weston Blair and Garrett Glanton who are also solid.”
SWEET SWING During a practice at the Bent Tree Golf Club, sophmore Weston Blair follows through on an approach shot.
NEXT GENERATION Captains Harrison Quarls, Sam Libby and Kevin Bass join former head coach WIll Forteith ’96 to christen their new shell.
runch time
POLO TIME Senior Michael Gilliland takes a shot at the team’s Master’s game. The water polo team is lead by captains junior Jack Mallick and seniors Otto Clark-Martinek and Warren Smith.
#22 Senior captain Harrison Hewitt sprints during the 110 meter hurdles. Hewitt also participates in the pole vault. Track looks to be competitive at SPC even with a small team.
TRACK battles, looks for 10th straight SPC title
fter successfully winning the SPC title for nine consecutive years, the track team faces many obstacles during the pursuit of its tenth title. One major challenge will be the Lions’ chief competition, Episcopal High School (EHS), who is hosting this year’s track SPC championship. “EHS has been the strongest competitor so far,” head coach John Turek said, “And this year, they are hosting SPC and their coach is retiring after almost 30 years of coaching, so they’ll be inspired to win it for him.” Despite this condition, Turek firmly believes in his team’s capabilities, especially with strong members in multiple areas of the sport.
“[Senior] Kendrick Spraglin is obviously a big part of the team,” Turek said, “but we also have [Senior] Harrison Hewitt in pole vaulting and hurdling, [Junior] Victor Calvillo in the throwing events, and [Junior] Matthew Brown in the long races.” Turek often emphasizes the mental aspect of the sport to his team, which gives them the edge when it comes to meets and training. “We’re definitely not as strong as I thought we were going to be,” Turek said, “but I do think the people on the team have the ability to do what it takes to win again. I firmly believe in that with all my heart.”
TENNIS rallies with a young, strong squad to early success
ntering the season with a new coach and an influx of freshmen, the tennis team looks to emphasize on strong upperclassmen performances during the counter season. “We have a mix of players on our squad – some that play a lot of tennis, and a lot of freshmen,” coach Scott Palmer ’01 said. “From that standpoint, things have gone very well so far. There are a lot of areas where we can improve and will do better as the season goes on, but I am very impressed by the way the team has responded.” Regarding competitive play, the squad aims for victory against rival Greenhill by building match-experience. Senior captains Cameron Hillier and Hunter Book lead the team in their unified effort towards growth and SPC success.
15, LOVE Senior captain Hunter Book returns with a backhand during a match versus Jesuit. Book and the majority of the Lions won their matches in straight sets.
Black Belt Academia
osting a rare team spirit and motivation, the water polo team remains disciplined and poised in advancing towards state and SPC tournaments. “Our greatest strengths are discipline and team chemistry, and that stands above anything else,” head coach Mihai Oprea said. “They’re a very close-knit team with great leaders, and work hard and well together. They take water polo very
seriously and are doing a great job.” Following a conditioning trip to Park City, UT, during Spring Break, the team remains in prime condition moving towards the state tournament May 4. “I think we can be our best competition,” Oprea said. “I believe if we do everything well and correct our little mistakes, it’ll be difficult for anybody to beat us.”
BASEBALL succeeds in SPC play, aims for repeat of ’09 title year
eing undefeated in SPC play through April 2, the baseball team looks to capitalize on strong hitting performances while also cleansing sloppy defensive play. “This year might host the best team chemistry I’ve seen,” senior captain Sam Cassell said. The young squad, including freshmen William Caldwell and Brandon Rouse, has unified their talents through strong senior leadership. Despite strong compet-
itors in both All Saints and Holland Hall from the SPC North Zone, the team eagerly awaits counter play in hopes of winning their first title since 2009. However, the SPC South Zone teams also host strong competition that the Lions will soon face in championship play. Regardless, Cassell remains poised. “We’re looking really good right now,” Cassell said. “You can never predict an outcome, but if we keep CASSELL AT THE BAT Senior captain our play up, SPC is on the Sam Cassell hits the ball during a game horizon.” against Greenhill.
LACROSSE focuses on state tourney after first place finish in SPC competition
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu “We live in a Dangerous world” Life is uncertain Be Prepared!
WATER POLO invigorated by motivation and unity to play its best
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fter finishing first in the SPC tournament April 12-13, the lacrosse team returns for district play and state qualification matches. “We’ve put some good work under our belts, and hopefully we’re ready to play some of our best lacrosse yet,” head coach Hayward Lee said. “The state playoffs begin with our last two regular season district games, and that will determine where we fall. Depending on those results, we can figure out whether we receive a district playoff game or a bye into state.” Important district matchups include games versus Coppell April 9 and Highland Park April 18. “It’s really just a matter of finishing your season, doing the best you can and then capitalizing in the survive-and-advance playoffs,” Lee said. “It’ll be really fun, but we’ll also be forced to focus on our every step because our next step could be our last. It’s best to try to be very simple and focus on one round at a time.”
BOUNCING BACK Junior Riley Graham evades two Jesuit defensemen in a 9-5 loss March 20. However, the lacrosse team has recovered to full force, competing successfuly during the SPC tournament. The first place finish only encourages the Lions to have more success at state.
SPRING SPORTS PREVIEW stories by Richard Jiang and Cyrus Ganji, staff writers | photos by Andrew Goodman, visuals director, and Michael Doorey, head photographer
Former ReMarker sports editor aces opponents from across nation
Berkowitz ’12 wins Stump the Schwab
HOOK ‘EM In early march, Evan Berkowitz ’12 made an appearance on ESPN’s UNITE. He competed in the “Stump the Schwab” contest, beating opponents from Kansas State and TCU in college sports trivia.
St. Mark’s School of Texas 10600 Preston Road Dallas, Texas 75230
e OUTLIERS r t i m e The last time he vaulted, Hewitt reached 14 feet, which was good for first place in the meet. This year, Hewitt not only pole vaults, but he also runs the 110m hurdles, the 300m hurdles, the 4x100 relay, and the 4x400 relay.
A starter since junior year, Hewitt uses his speed and strength to beat opponents, helping the basketball team to a sixth place finish. “My favorite sport is always the one that I am playing.” — Harrison Hewitt
The first game of the year, againt Mart High School, Hewitt had 115 yards receiving before hurting his knee, which forced him to miss the rest of the regular season. Starting since his junior year at safety, Hewitt helped the Lions solidify the secondary.
SPC titles won by the lacrosse team in the last 10 years
141’10’’ distance
on junior Victor Calvillo’s season best discus throw
31 /364
athletes playing three sports in the Upper School
Average individual score on the golf team through the season’s first three tournaments
.438 batting average for junior Mac Labhart through 13 games
Meters erged by junior rower Cameron Baxley in a twenty minute test, about 800 more than the team average
of the water polo team’s win against Colleyville April 6
Following a 7-2 regular season, Koudelka had one of his best performances in the playoff game against Kinkaid. In that game, he had both a receiving and a kick return touchdown. “Sports are a good way to get involved with the school. You get to know all the kids on your teams. And, you get to know all the administrators because they care about how our teams are doing.” — Danny Koudelka
After making the varsity squad as a freshman, Koudelka was immediately placed in the starting lineup. After playing his freshman and sophomore years as a marking back, he made the switch to sweeper where he helped lock down the defense en route to two consecutive SPC titles.
A key contributor on varsity since his freshman year, Koudelka has anchored the midfield for the lacrosse team. With his help, the Lions have won SPC every year since he has been on the team. As a co-captain this year, he will lead the squad into playoff games next week.
Recognitions: All-North Zone: 9, 10 All-SPC: 11, 12 Co-captain: 12
Recognitions: All-District: 11 All-SPC: 11 Co-captain: 12
OUTLIERS story by Daniel Hersh, editor-in-chief and Sam Khoshbin, sports editor | photos by Michael Doorey, head photographer