The ReMarker ~ September 2012

Page 1


NEWS Summer Spanish excursions p. 6

ARTs The inside scoop on the Fair p. 11

SPOrts Senior Danny Koudelka p. 23

third grade teacher Frank jordan

I find that the school is a lot like a family. I'm teaching children of my Page 8 former students.

remarker student newspaper

St. mark's school of texas | DALLAS, TEXAS | VOLUME 59, ISSUE 1 | Friday, sept. 28, 2012

Centennial Challenge campaign nears $100 million mark

INSIDE | FRANK JORDAN Reflections from a veteran educator • page 8

family It’s all in the

THE START OF THE 2013 SCHOOL YEAR BEGAN with a record number of applications, 12 new faculty members and 111 new students. Looks like school is back in action.


ive hundred

and ninety one

students — a record number — applied for enrollment here for the current school year according to Admission Office figures. That number from 22 different states and 11 countries. Admission Director David Baker cites the quality of education as a motivating factor for the record number of


represents applicants

BROTHERLY LOVE In the opening convocation Aug. 28, second grader Sebastian Scheiner embraces first grader Carter Mank during the opening hymn. The two lower schoolers were among the 851 students showing up for the first day of classes.

applicants. “I believe our school community does an excellent

What was first grade like?

It’s like you guys are my brothers from another mother. From lots of other mothers. —

job of telling the St.

Antonio Quiñones

Mark’s story,” Baker said. “Overwhelmingly, families applying for admission to St. Mark’s list ‘current St. Mark’s family’ as their most

We had new kids, and we had to like adopt them into the St. Mark’s family. — Josh Mysoré Any advice on the cafeteria?

Watch out for running older people. They were just storming through the building, crashing through doors. — Mustafa Latif On senior buddies?

significant source of

On your first meeting with your senior buddy, don’t call him a jerk even if he messes up your Lego project. — John Hubbard

information. While I do not know the

On the school uniforms?

motivation for each

I loved it cause when I was at my old school, I spent probably 30 minutes just picking out what shorts I was going to wear. — Antonio Quiñones

family, I do believe St. Mark’s is a good investment regardless of economic trends.” A total of 851 students are enrolled this year — 111 coming from the applicants. Traditionally, the first grade class is the smallest, 32 students. Here is some advice given to the newest

It’s cool at first, but then later through the year, it gets a little bit annoying. For me, my shirt would always come untucked, just at random times. So like five times a day, I had to tuck my shirt back in. — Cooper Ribman On teachers?

Whenever you find a strict teacher, I’m not going to put any names down, but if you don’t do what they say, boy are you in trouble. — Van Avayzian I think some teachers try to act like they’re scary and strict, but they don’t do a very good job of it. — Beto Beveridge On friendship?

If you have a best friend, you have to stick with him. You can’t just like say one day, ‘Hey I don’t like you anymore buddy, so I’m leaving.’ — Josh Mysoré Even if you’re best buds with someone, you don’t always want to sit next to them. You don’t always want them to chat with you. — Henry McElhaney

members of the Marksmen family, from some of their fourth

On girls?

Run away from them. Don’t pay attention to them. Next question. — Josh Mysoré

grade counterparts. ▶ by Daniel Hersh, editor-in-chief and Will Moor, managing editor


What’s it like having new kids join your grade?

Avoid girls if you can, after a year they could easily dump you. — Abe Echt What if you like a girl?

Wait. Can you please ask me a reasonable question? — Cooper Ribman

NEws | 2-7

frank jordan | 8

arts | 9-11, 14

emergency preparedness | 12-13

reviews | 15

By Alex Munoz Copy Editor The Centennial Challenge, a fundraising campaign targeting the development of Centennial Hall, the Robert K. Hoffman Center, faculty teaching positions and financial aid, is in its last year and is approaching its end date, June 30. In its final year to raise its goal of $110 million, the campaign will have stretched over more than three years since its public launch in fall 2009. “There were several years of planning before that [its public launch] so it’s a very long and complex process,” Assistant Headmaster David Dini said. “We have never raised anywhere near the amount of money that we have up to this point. Nor have many other schools. On a relative scale, it’s certainly one of the larger campaigns of its size and scope from a school of our kind.” Besides the construction of new buildings, the most targeted area of the Centennial Challenge is the development of the Master Teaching Chair Program, with a goal of $20 million. Its effect has already been felt with the establishment of two new Master Teaching Chairs in the last two years. “It has given us the ability to not only recruit teachers from other places to come here but also to promote our own teachers to those positions,” Dini said. Even many years after they graduate, alums choose to donate money to the school. “I think it’s the alIt was ums’ relationships with designed to their teachers,” Dini said. “There’s also a reinforce the common bond that is mission and focus on the shared among alumni teachers. here given the strength of the programs here Assistant and the strength of headmaster the overall experience david dini here.” The goal of the campaign was not to change this common experience but to support its already existing benefits. “It was really designed to strengthen the things we already had,” Dini said. “It wasn’t designed to change the mission of the school in any way. It was designed to reinforce the mission and focus on the teachers.” Although the fundraiser did not alter the mission of the school, it brought the community together. “We’re paying greater attention to what our aspirations are as a school and I think it’s laid a good foundation for us for the future,” Dini said. “When we started talking about a campaign of this magnitude, it seemed in many ways unachievable because the dollars were so great.” After lots of sacrifice and commitment, however, the fundraiser’s success shows the school’s success through ambition. “It reinforces for us, as we look to the future, that when we have ambitious goals that with determination and hard work, we can achieve those goals — with good planning,” Dini said. “If you do your homework and you’re prepared just like you are in any class, and you’re willing to sacrifice and put in the effort to do it and do it right, the sky is the limit.”

Commentary | 16-18

sports | 19-24


Maxine Cantley page 5

Funeral services were held Sept. 15 for the longtime cafeteria worker who died after a brief illness.

NOW. news around campus

THE REMARKER | Friday, sept. 28, 2012 | PAGE 2





The annual Senior Auction will take place Oct. 7 from 1-5 p.m. The class aims to raise at least $20,000 to pay for Senior Class expenditures. Any extra money raised will be donated to the school’s Financial Aid fund. Seniors Dominic Garcia, Warren Smith, Noah Yonack and Sam Libby are chairing the event. The fifth grade class went on the annual Sky Ranch Trip from Aug. 30 – 31. The boys swam, hiked and participated in camp activities while bonding with 28 new classmates who compose 40 percent of the class.


Freedom from Chemical

small talk

The 56th Annual Greek Food Festival of Dallas begins today at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Dallas on Hillcrest. The festival runs from Sept. 28-30 and features Greek food, music and dancing. Tickets are free for children and $6 for adults.

▶ Have nothing to do

< The festival takes place at the Greek Othodox Church at Hillcrest and Alpha.

▶ The Fort Worth

this weekend? You can visit many museums for free tomorrow through Museum Day Live!, hosted by the Smithsonian magazine. Go to www. museumday to get your free ticket.

▶ TV Turnoff Week, an

annual challenge for Lower Schoolers to cut electronics usage, begins Sept. 30 and ends Oct. 7.

▶ Lions Closet opens

Oct. 4. with all sizes for sale.

▶ Upper School Spirit

▶ The Dallas

Arboretum’s ‘Autum at the Arboretum’ exhibit continues with limited-time pumpkin and fairy take exhibits.

Musical Festival is held today and tomorrow during the afternoon at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum.

Dependency week will take place Oct. 15-18. The program consists of four days of education of drug abuse. Seventh grade students will miss a week of math; ninth grade will miss science; and eleventh grade will miss history, while even numbered grades will have one class meeting each on the subject.


Lower Schoolers will participate in the annual TV Turnoff Week starting Sept. 30. Students will be given the option of one week without TV, video games or computer games or two weeks with only two hours with them. Boys who successfully complete the week and return with a slip signed by parents will be awarded a free dress day.


Former United States Poet Laureate Billy Collins and ethnographer, writer, photographer and filmmaker Dr. Wade Davis are the visiting scholars for this school year. Visiting Jan. 9-10, Collins’ visit will be in conjunction with the annual Literary Festival, in which he will participate Jan. 10. Davis will discuss his adventures, his 15

Party will be held Oct. 5 hosted by the Mankoff family after the varsity football game vs. Oakridge School.

▶ Seniors will put their

talents up for money in the annual Senior Auction on Oct. 7 in Decherd Auditorium.

▶ Evensong is Oct. 7 in the chapel at 7 p.m.

books and the television series that he co-writes, Earthguide.


Genocide survivor and Yale senior Clemantine Wamariya is coming to campus Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. in an event sponsored by the United States Holocaust Clemantine Wamariya Memorial Museum (USHMM). Wamariya was reunited with her parents in 2006 on the Oprah Winfrey Show. To attend this free event, RSVP to the USHMM at


Eighteen seniors were named National Merit Semifinalists by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation: Chandler Burke, Will Chang, Aarav Chavda, Ryan Eichenwald, Andrew Graffy, Paul Gudmundsson, Justin Harvey, Niccolo Lazzara, Mitchell Lee, Samuel Libby, Parker Matthews, Rajat Mittal, Racht Mohan, Arjomaan Mozumder, James Rowan, Milan Savani, Meyer Thalheimer and Steven Tsai.

comments made by faculty, staff and students around campus

▶ ‘I don’t know the difference between left and right. When I’m giving directions in the car, I wave in front of the driver’s face for a left turn and slap my window for right.’ — ­ Math instructor Amy Pool discussing

▶ ‘That [senior] Arjo [Mozumder] is a pretty

confident fellow. I gave all the other exams back a week ago and he still hasn’t asked for his.’ — Marcus Master Teacher Dr. Bruce Westrate to

his AP European history class


▶ ‘You think we’re ready for college?

We just spent 30 minutes in the senior lounge playing the floor is lava!’ ­— Senior

Dominic Garcia to other seniors in the senior lounge


next week

a quick look at news around campus

Chaplain Michael Dangelo and the Chapel Committee are creating new worship books that place a greater emphasis on call-andresponse prayers and updated songs. Dangelo encourages Marksmen of all faiths to submit prayers they feel are important.



When you help someone out, it's hard to put into words how great the feeling is when you save someone's life. Page 3


things to do in the week ahead


Senior omer ahmed

▶ ‘Steven, do you not know what a rager is?’ — Senior James Rowan to senior Steven Tsai ▶ ‘A tomato a day keeps scurvy away.’ ­— History instructor Bill Marmion while discussing explorers coming to America



‘As if all the world saw...’


ardon me, could I just grab that quickly?” Dude, I’m standing in front of a trash can. What do you want? Whoops, that’s Mr. Holtberg, gonna keep that one to myself. Am I wearing a belt? More importantly, did he just reach into the trash can? Mr. Holtberg did indeed reach into the trash can. He pulled out four plastic cups individually, two of which I threw in there a few minutes before, and tossed them in the recycling bin six feet away. “Have a good one, Mr. Moor.” I was floored. My jaw dropped like I had just caught a wink from Mischa Barton. That was a nice sport coat — he is a sharp dresser — and that trash can was straight nasty. One of those with a bunch of food in it, not just pencil shavings and empty pens. And one of the most dignified gentlemen I’ve ever had the chance to be around reached in there and separated my recycling like it was part of his daily routine. Columnists in this paper have written on leadership and standards since first going to press, about great actions that Marksmen take and sacrifices they make. But this, to me, said just as much. Obviously, it was a job for maintenance if it was a job at all. No one would have said boo if four plastic cups went in the trash. But Mr. Holtberg went outside of his job description to hold the school up to the standard he set for it. He doesn’t just want to see the school live up to its name in big ways — the small ways are just as important. Mr. Holtberg could hang up his bow tie tomorrow and would have changed this school in a way few men have. That’s the point — the man doesn’t have to separate garbage. He is past that level, a few more good deeds like that won’t make a dent in his legacy. Or are they what his legacy is founded on in the first place? The man does the little things right. He watches our uniforms, our homework, our litter because these little things are what bring our school to a higher standard. Every head of school can set a precedent for his student body. Not every head of school can live that precedent every day. Students and faculty, we’re starting a fresh year. I have a challenge for you: walk the walk. Don’t just Mr. Holtberg did talk about what you indeed reach into want out of your the trash can. classmates or your He pulled out students. Don’t talk four plastic cups about what you individually, two want for the school. of which I threw Live it out each and in there a few every day. minutes before, and You will not do tossed them in the it perfectly. No one recycling bin six feet expects that. As a away. matter of fact, you’ll probably be the only one that notices the little things you do: that one piece of trash, that reading assignment that you actually annotated instead of scribbling under. I’m not trying to sound like an ad for the Marines or a motivational speaker in an airport Best Western, but if you want to impact the culture of this school, remember that it starts with you — first grader or headmaster. People are watching.


NEWS around campus

Headmaster’s 20th 4

THE REMARKER | Friday, SEPT. 28, 2012 | PAGE 3

Maxine Cantley 5

Language Trips 6

Student Council 7



from the classrooms of brookhaven community college to the medical center of plano, Senior omer ahmed is OFFICALLY a certified emergency medical technician

HEALER Senior Omer Ahmed’s work as an EMT with the Richardson Fire Department gave him experience in dealing with severe injuries and illnesses.


enior Omer Ahmed is just lounging around in the ER. He has no patients to take care of at the moment. During his short break as an EMT-in-training, the paramedic who is in charge of him appears. “Hey Omer, get up, we have a guy who tried to hang himself in his garage coming in, and he’s inbound in 10 minutes.” Ahmed gets up, snaps on his gloves, puts on his goggles and apron, and hooks up his scissors up to his belt. They run outside to the helipad at Medical Center of Plano. Ahmed pushing the stretcher and the paramedic carrying an oxygen tank and bag valve mask. Ahmed watches the helicopter descend and the rotors slow down. His hands are shaking. He’s nervous as hell. And he doesn’t know what to think. As the chopper lands, the flight medics hop out and tell Ahmed and the paramedic the diagnosis. The man isn’t breathing. Ahmed grabs the bag valve mask, puts it on the man’s face and starts ventilating. The man’s life is in his hands. If he screws up, the patient dies. But Ahmed goes on, and he and the paramedic bring the man into the operating room. It’s Ahmed’s job to cut off the man’s clothes.

Ahmed spent last summer training to save people’s lives. Although not all cases were as extreme as saving an attempted suicide victim, he decided to become an EMT (emergency medical technician) because he wanted to do something during the summer. “My mom’s always pushing me and my brothers to find ways to serve humanity, do good things instead of just wasting time,” Ahmed said. “So she told me to do something active and worthwhile, and it’s also good way to enter the medical field.” hmed, who is interested in the medical field, decided to become an EMT rather than shadow a doctor over the summer. Although Ahmed is currently 17, an exception was made for him to take the adultfilled EMT training classes at Brookhaven Community College. The age difference, however, was not a problem for Ahmed. “I absolutely loved being with older guys and older girls,” Ahmed said. “They were super nice to me, they treated me like their younger sibling. They were always helping me out with whatever I needed. I’ve never met people more sincere than those people.” As part of his training, Ahmed practiced his lifesaving skills on manikins. He found himself working with fellow student Vincent


Ojeda during these exercises. “I was surprised to see a 17-year-old kid in there,” Ojeda said. “Made me think of how I should have done the EMT program a lot sooner. It was like working with my little brother.” In addition to classroom learning and practicing on manikins, Ahmed had to complete five 12-hour clinicals (supervised sessions in a real environment before becoming an EMT) at an emergency room and three 24-hour clinicals at a fire station. He also needed to pass two tests. Ahmed’s experiences at the hospital and fire station range from dealing with gastrointestinal bleeds and failed suicides to being woken at 2 a.m. by an emergency call. During his clinicals at the fire station, Ahmed was able to see places he wouldn’t usually visit. While at the fire station, Ahmed and his fellow paramedics and firefighter received the majority of their calls from impoverished areas. He saw homes where cigarette smoke made it almost impossible to see inside the house. “You see a lot of those places when you’re on the job,” Ahmed said. “We go to more impoverished, bad conditioned places than more upscale neighborhoods. It’s eye-popping. You don’t see it often, especially going

to St. Mark’s.” But being at the emergency room wasn’t always easy. At first, the registered nurse in charge of Ahmed had to call his clinical coordinator about his performance. “I screwed up plenty,” Ahmed said. “They almost kicked me out once. I forgot to save all [of a person’s data] data before hooking them up to an oxygen tank. I was so nervous because I kept on screwing up.” lthough Ahmed is unable to be an EMT and go to school at the same time, he hopes to spend time at the fire station during Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. “Right now I can’t do any shifts because of school because they’re all 12-hour shifts or 24-hour shifts,” Ahmed said. “But as Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks approach, I am definitely going to hop back on and do some clinicals.” Ahmed hopes to continue his EMS (emergency medical services) career and possibly become a paramedic during college, or a pediatrician or ER doctor after that, but he will never forget the first times he saved peoples’ lives. “It’s hard to put into words how great the feeling is when you save someone’s life, Ahmed said. “You really don’t get it from anywhere else in the world. It’s a unique feeling.”


MEDICINE MAN story by Alan Rosenthal, news coordinator | photos by Michael Doorey, head photographer

Emergency Medical Technician Training Certification levels: • Basic EMT: This requires around 100 hours of specialized training which may take place in a hospital or ambulance. This training teaches students how to assess patients and deal with trauma and cardiac emergencies while using the appropriate equipment and handling emergen cies. • Intermediate EMT: This requires 1,000 hours of training in the use of complex airway devices, IVs and certain medicines.

Steps to completion:

• Paramedic: This requires both Basic EMT and Advanced EMT skills, as well as training in more advanced medical skills. This training is often offered by community colleges and technical schools, where graduates can earn an associate’s degree by usually completing 1,300 hours throughout two years. • Ambulance driving: This requires a roughly eight-hour course that most EMTs and paramedics take in order to be able to drive an ambulance. Source: care/emts-and-paramedics.htm#tab-4

• Complete EMT-Basic certification

DRIVEN EMTs and paramedics receive training to drive ambulances like this one.

• Pass written and skills analysis tests, which are administered by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians • Earn a Texas state

EMT license

• Find a job with a hospital or fire department • Continue studying in order to become a paramedic, the highest level of training in the field Source: http://educa how_to_become_ an_emt.html



the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012

as headmaster arnie holtberg begins his twentieth year here, a look back over the past two decades reveals how ‘arnie’ and the school have changed.


THROUGH THE YEARS Eugene McDermott Headmaster Arnie Holtberg has seen multiple generations and eras of Marksmen go through the school during his 20 years here. The school and Arnie, as he is affectionately called by many, have aged together, creating a lasting legacy along the way.


years and counting...


ill Clinton had only been in office for nine months, gas was only a buck and the Dallas Cowboys were enjoying their third of five Super Bowl victories. And, a soon to be legendary educator set foot on 10600 Preston Road for the first time. Now, 20 years later, that educator, Eugene McDermott Headmaster Arnie Holtberg, is beginning his 20th year—an eternity in terms of a headmaster’s tenure compared to the five-year average. His footprints over the past two decades have created indelible marks on the school and the man himself. On how he has changed: I clearly have matured in my perspective. I have learned to take the long-term view as opposed to the short-term view. I have deepened my understanding and perspective that creating an ethos, creating a way of being, is absolutely critical. When you create a culture that people understand and wish to fulfill, better things follow. On how he has remained the same: I think the values and principles I brought here are the values and principles I seek to uphold now. Every day I have to show up and earn my way. I believe in the fundamental values such as integrity, passion and I want students to love learning not just do learning. We need to be in the business of helping boys become good men.

On how the school has changed: I think over time that our commitment to educating the whole boy has become solidified. We have become a more diverse place racially, ethnically and socio-economically. The teaching has mostly remained the same. Our pedagogy continually evolves. In so many ways, we are growing, learning and developing.

It really moved me. In the statement in the yearbook, they said, “Arnold Holtberg is St. Mark’s.” I had become indistinguishable from the school of ours. I took that as very flattering and as an extraordinary accomplishment.

On how the school has remained the same: Only half a dozen or so years ago

a gentleman, an alumnus of the school saw me at alumni weekend and he told me that he hadn’t been on campus since he graduated, probably 25 or 30 years ago. He said that when he came back, knowing that we transformed the campus, built new buildings, moved all the pieces around and so forth. After spending a couple of days talking with faculty members and students he said, “You know, the physical aspects of the school have changed but it is still my school.” On his favorite moment: There are far too many to identify: so many Baccalaureates, Commencements, opening days of school, athletic contests, plays, concerts, Christmas parties. It is a giant tie on hundreds of things. I mean that sincerely. It has been a wonderful time. On his proudest moment: At the end of my twelfth year, in 2005, they dedicated the yearbook to me and wrote some sentiments that were just very sweet and touching.

Eugene McDermott Headmaster Arnie Holtberg

It really moved me. In the statement in the yearbook, they said, “Arnold Holtberg is St. Mark’s.” I had become indistinguishable from the school of ours. I took that as very flattering and as an extraordinary accomplishment. Because I believe in this school, I love this school and I believe that this school community strives for the very, very best all the time. On his early years: I kept finding out that I did not even know the right questions to ask. I had to run just to keep up. Then at some point, I felt like I really had my sea legs. I was firmly planted here, the school had, even before 2005, become my school. I was so inseparable. I felt an even greater responsibility to shepherd the place forward to make sure we were doing the right things.

On technology: It is hard to know how to make the very best decisions from the point of view of expenditures and costs. Because you can spend a lot of money today, that is lost money tomorrow. We owe it to the school community to use our money wisely. It is a real challenge. It has been great to see how learning has changed and how our teachers and students have accommodated technologies to be better and stronger. On the fateful morning of September 11th: It was my job to make sure that I

informed people of what had occurred and hopefully inspired confidence in people by my demeanor and my words and also that it was my responsibility to ensure that people moved forward because it was a precarious situation. What I learned ultimately is that this is one heck of a community because people really did respond. On his goals for the future: I want to complete the Centennial Challenge Campaign to make this school more secure and able to achieve what it needs to achieve for boys and teachers going forward for the foreseeable future. To make sure we make the changes to the instruction program and the technology program. To make sure that we are not stopping to grow and develop and stay true to our principles. It is more of the same, but keeping our eyes wide open to see what the world is dealing us.

20 years and counting... story by Andrew Goodman, visuals director | photo illustration by Zuyva Sevilla, staff artist


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the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012

ma x ine


cantle y

Remembering a school legend


uneral services were held Sept. 15 for Maxine Cantley, a longtime cafeteria worker, who died Sept. 11 after a short illness. Cantley, a 40-year veteran was honored last April at the annual Spring Alumni Dinner, where she was cited by Science Department Chair Stephanie Barta for her longevity and love for the school community. Generations of Marksmen and faculty alike knew her as a stern enforcer who wanted the best for both the school and the boys who mingled with her at lunch every day. Here’s what community members have to say, in their own words: Steve Walker, cafeteria worker If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have made it this far. She coached me on reading a few little things and stuff like that. Just reading and stuff. Making sure I knew what it is and this and that. May Sykes, cafeteria worker She was a person that got stuff done that you wouldn’t think. She would call the bank and say ‘This is Maxine and I want money orders’ and then she’d say ‘I’ll be there through the drive-thru.’ Now, nobody gives money orders through the drive-thru. She never had to get out or anything. They would just cater to her. It was just something about her. Stephanie Barta, Science Department chair She was a pillar in the community because she always spoke the truth. Despite her unusual packaging of it, she was all about courage and honor. I don’t think there’s a generation of Marksmen in the whole time that have come through that haven’t really liked her. Howard Stewart, cafeteria worker

SERVICE WITH A SMILE Maxine Cantley, known by many as a stern enforcer who deeply loved the boys and the school community, gave 40 years of service to the school.

She was an all-out good person. She would disagree with a lot of suggestions that you made. That I’m probably gonna miss. Sally Stephens, director of food services She was my budget police person. That ended up being the main part of her job in the last few years. She checked in all the groceries as they came in and she checked those prices down to the penny. At the beginning of the year, I have bids from the foodservice supplier saying they’re gonna charge us $25.10 for cheese. If it came in at $25.11 she was calling me over there and then she was on the phone with the sales rep. They dreaded her calls. Arnie Holtberg, headmaster There would be times when I’d be in a hurry and I’d run through the lunch line quickly or cut a corner heading to the salad bar or the soup area and I wouldn’t say hello and Maxine invariably would say, ‘Hey you, don’t you say hello anymore?’ and call me for being discourteous. I stood corrected whenever that would happen. She demanded that we all do what we were supposed to do. She would remark

sometimes about how nice I looked which I always took to mean that every now and then I looked nice and most of the time I didn’t. She was just such a central figure at St. Mark’s School of Texas.

‘I know who you are!’ She remembered their name and when they graduated. She just had this incredible memory. She’d go back and get on the phone and call former parents just to check in, see how they’re doing.

Lucy Sheppard, cafeteria worker

Dan Northcut ’81, director of environmental studies

I liked her, she was nice. Good friend. We were friends. Hollering at me and laughing and talking. It’s gonna be hard because I’m used to seeing her right through that door in that chair every day. Jack Mallick, junior At father-son breakfasts, whenever my dad would come, she thought for some reason that he used to go to St. Mark’s. She also for some reason thought he was a doctor. And he neither went to St. Mark’s nor was he a doctor. She would always say, ‘Dr. Mallick, how’s the surgery business?’ My dad would just play along with it. David Dini, assistant headmaster I would come through the lunch line with alumni who hadn’t been on campus in a while. Inevitably, they come and introduce themselves to her and she’d yell back at them,

I would always be one of the guys trying to sneak back in there and get more food. Sometimes she would catch me. And she’d say, ‘Northcut, get out of here.’ It was all gruff and everything. You knew she wasn’t mad, but at the same time, you had to leave. If Maxine said get out of here, you better get. Kendrick Spraglin, senior My eighth grade year, one day she stopped me after I got done eating and she said ‘Are you ready to graduate?’ And I said, ‘Maxine, I’m not a senior.’ And she was like, ‘I know, but you’re gonna be one, because I believe in you. When you get there, are you ready to graduate?’ That’s when I realized she’s just trying to look out for us. In her own way, she was building character in us, growing the men. — Interviews conducted by Ryan O’Meara, news editor

Remembering A school legend Photo courtesy Development Office

Fall drive concludes with more than 5,000 pounds of clothing collected

SORTED Junior Aidan Dewar and sophomore Mason Smith sort clothes as a part of the Community Service Clothing Drive.

By Jacob Chernick Staff writer The Community Service Board collected 5,700 pounds of clothing in its annual clothing drive, which ended Sept. 21 after two weeks of collecting clothing and shoes. “Generally we have a lot of Lower School involvement with these drives,” Community Service co-chair Milan Savani said. “We wanted to drive some more Middle and Upper School involvement by doing a lot more advertising.” Donated items will be spread out to organizations such as the Austin Street Centre, Genesis Women’s Shelter, Jubilee Center, Pebbles Apartments and North Dallas Shared Ministries. In addition to the clothing, individual advisories are collecting food from Oct. 8-22 for Thanksgiving baskets. The Community Service Board encourages advisories to bring more than one box of food in an effort to top last year’s 118 box collection. Last year, 160 bags of clothing and 15 bags of shoes were collected, totaling 2,880 pounds of clothes. “When it gets really cold, some of these people have to sleep outside on the sidewalk,” Assistant Director of Community Service Jorge Correa said. “It’s another year where some people actually need this to get dressed.”

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the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012

L an g u a g e


T rips

Southern style

elebrating the New Year with a band of Mapuche tribesman. Skiing down the slopes of a Chilean volcano. Zip-lining kilometers over the Costa Rican rain forests. And studying Spanish every day, both in classes and with host families. Freshman Brent Weisberg is now a proud supporter of the Colo Colo soccer club. In fact, it’s the only team he supports at the moments. And it’s Chilean. The annual Costa Rica summer trip, led by Spanish instructors Martin Pulido and Consuelo Puerto, and the biannual Chile trip, led by Spanish instructor Jorge Correa, gave students a chance to experience Latin American culture, form bonds with international friends and improve their language skills and confidence. The Costa Rica trip took place June 1-16 and included eigth graders Daniel Chavez, Andrew Chuka, Nathan Dix and Tyrous Ingram IV, freshman Randal Kirby jr. and sophomore Justin Jones. The three-week Chile trip, which began June 8, included freshman Brent Weisberg, sophomores Alex Enthoven and Burke Garza and junior Jassiel Roman. Designed for intermediate Spanish speakers, the Costa Rica trip consisted of four hours of class time a day and afternoon excursions, such as zip lining, white-water rafting, rappelling and volunteer work. “Every year students tell me what an incredible experience they had,” Pulido said. “And inevitably every year I will have one or two students who are left with their jaw open and just appreciative of the opportunity and of everything they’ve seen.” But the Chile trip focuses more on developing confidence, independence and complete immersion in Latin American culture. “The idea is to bring them, to put them in a home where they can speak Spanish all day,” Correa said. “They become part of a family with parents, brothers and/or sisters and they attend regular school.” For Weisberg, was a very different experience. “Instead of saying ‘hello,’ the [host families] just ran up to us and it was almost like a flurry of hugs and kisses,” he said. “It was like going on a holiday, but with people I’ve never met before.” For him, staying with his host family was one of his most

Spanish students travel to South America to experience Latin culture

MOUNT UP Accompanied by instructors Martin Pulido and Consuelo Puerto, the six students ride on horseback through the mountainous region of Monteverde as part of one of their daily exursions. They had views of both the Pacific Ocean and the Nicoya Peninsula. The excursions were interspersed with Spanish class and volunteer work.

rewarding experiences, giving him people to connect and relate to in a foreign country. “I felt like an equal,” he said. “I could tell my brother Diego anything.” Students experienced Santiago, Chile first hand, shopping, going out with friends and attending daily school for six hours. They also took a week to travel Chile, including taking part in an Indian ceremony in Pucón. “We were a part of their [New Year] celebration,” Weisberg said, “dancing and singing in the traditional language. It was very jubilant but also very solemn.”


imilar experiences shared by others in the group emphasize the importance of the trips. Being a part of the culture and learning the language in such a way is invaluable. “It’s incredible,” Weisberg said. “Not only the Chilean words I know, but the fluidity, being able to speak like that is so much better.” Foreign Language Department Chair Nancy Marmion agrees.

“Students grow up a lot,” she said. “I know from my experience studying abroad. I grew up a lot and I notice it in my own students as well.” For Pulido, experiencing the culture is imperative for learning a new language. “I think it’s important that at some point in their academic career [boys] spend some time studying abroad in that culture,” he said. “I think language is not only the words but the people you’re around and the beauty of the people in addition to the language.” Following the Costa Rica trip, Pulido traveled to Peru, and he plans to return next year as the leader of an Upper School trip, leaving Puerto in charge of the Costa Rica trip. “I don’t plan on changing anything,” Puerto said. “I really enjoyed what Mr. Pulido did while in charge, the excursions, the activities, the families.” Weisberg wouldn’t change anything either. “One of the reasons I went on this trip was because some of my best friends were going,” he said. “But I feel like I brought a part of Chile back with me. I’d definitely go back, not this year, but certainly next year.”

Southern style story by Vikram Pattabi, staff writer | photos courtesy Consuelo Puerto

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the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012

st u dent


co u ncil

Conner Lynch overcomes fear of speaking, looks ahead to busy year as student council PRESIDENT

Speaker of the house A

s always, he was nervous. There was no getting around that. As always, it was like speaking to a brick wall, one constructed by the 300 faces that comprised the Upper School. As always, it was a brick wall that didn’t move. A brick wall that didn’t laugh. A brick wall that only judged, staring stoically at then-junior Conner Lynch as he began his speech for Student Council President. Public Speaking Success, an organization that offers statistics and suggestions for public speaking, notes that over 75 percent of all

Now heading the beacon of student government leadership that is the 24-man Student Council, Lynch recounts his natural transition to student leadership, one drenched in selflessness and duty. And also politics. But a natural transition doesn’t necessarily mean a smooth one. In an attempt to fill past president Peter Montgomery’s massive, metaphorical leadership shoes, Lynch has tried to live up to previous presidencies. “Last year, Peter would already have the agenda for the meetings set up,” he said. “He would’ve already talked to all these people— Mr. Ferrell, Mrs. Barta, Mr. Holtberg—in preparation for the meeting; all these things you don’t think about when you’re sitting in the meetings. You may write some stuff down and contribute your ideas, but once you actually become president…it’s just a lot more

people in the United States suffer from speech anxiety. Student Council President Conner Lynch is not immune. But he spoke anyway, and won the brick wall over. “Also, I feel that while the other candidates for president will be bogged down by social lives, friends, parties and otherwise interaction with other humans on the whole, I don’t do any of those things,” Lynch spoke. The faces brightened. “So I will have more time to focus on this job.” His presidency began.

work than you would think.” Student Council sponsor and Science Department Chair Stephanie Barta isn’t unfamiliar with the work bestowed on not only the president but also the other class representatives and appointed positions. But she recognizes the benefit—a high yielding return in the form of experience. “For visible leadership and invisible, ungodly amounts of work, Student Council trains people very well for the future,” she said. “They get confidence. They get something done, and they’re likely to repeat that kind of behavior in the adult world.” n fact, the bountiful experience of leadership is so great for Student Council presidents that Barta likens the council to a small company. And similar to leading a small company, the presidency should not be


SPOKEN From this room above the library, Student Council President Conner Lynch heads the school’s student government, which is responsible for planning events like Homecoming and providing leadership to the school.

taken lightly. “It’s being in front of many people where everyone’s looking both at you and up to you,” Lynch said. “Having to set up that example of leadership can be stressful and tough.” And if he had to do it again—that is, tread the precarious path to manhood that is so hard to follow—he would be stronger. More vocal. “In reality, the ninth and tenth graders have some of the best ideas,” Lynch said. “That’s one of my biggest regrets. In my early years, I wasn’t at all vocal and willing to express my opinions.” Lynch gives advice to the younger leaders of the school so that they won’t necessarily be like him when they grow up. They will only be better. “Don’t be afraid to try something new,”

Lynch said. “You have to be confident. Be willing to be laughed at and just roll with the punches. It’s nerve-racking for anybody to do that. You have to try.” “There’s nothing to lose.” ••• And even after handfuls of speeches and meetings run, Lynch is still nervous. Just like the first time he stepped on stage. As always. “Every single time I go up [on stage], I’m nervous,” he said. “Until I actually get into the speech.” As for the goals the Student Council plans to unleash this upcoming year, Lynch won’t reveal his plans. Well, that or he hasn’t figured them out yet. “It’s too early to tell what I’m going to propose during the upcoming school year,” he said, grinning. “I don’t even know.”

Speaker of the house story by Noah Yonack, news editor | photos by Parker Matthews, staff photographer

Telos organization expands mentoring to eighth grade Service-based group continues work with fourth and sixth grade students By Ryan Miller Staff writer to expand its influence across the Middle School community, the school’s Telos organization will now be working with the eighth grade in addition to working with the fourth and sixth grade classes it has helped in the past. Telos sponsor and English Master Teaching Chair Dr. Martin Stegemoeller hopes to continue the expansion over the next few years. “In particular our mission focuses on the Middle School,” Stegemoeller said. “Fourth grade was the first year, we added sixth last year, and this year is eighth. We hope to keep adding fifth and seventh as well. Maybe even next year.” The two sponsors of Telos, Stegemoeller and math instructor Amy Reck, will be joined by head varsity basketball coach Greg Guiler and woodworking instructor John Frost. These two new leaders will be a huge help to the three-year-old organization that has grown almost too rapidly among the student community. “You can’t have 80 kids standing in a fourth grade

classroom,” Stegemoeller said. “There’s not enough things for them to do. We’d probably do a fourth group, quite frankly. I think we have enough kids who are interested in a genuine way, really want to help the Middle School kids, have all the right attitudes for four groups worth. But getting the faculty who have the time and the interest and really want to learn to talk that way and get confident enough that they can teach the kids in their group how to talk to the little kids? That’s hard. That’s the hard part.” Telos members who have traditionally worked with students in the fourth grade will continue to work with this grade level unless they wish to switch. The same applies for those who have worked with sixth graders. Stegemoeller says he hopes to have seniors who he has taught before help him with the eighth grade class. This will make having a meaningful discussion a much easier task. “We want the unity between Middle School and Upper School,” Stegemoeller said, “And we want those middle schoolers to feel like ‘these guys care about me,’ and the best way to do that is simply to care about them.”

Doerge: West Nile Virus not huge threat on campus By Nabeel Muscatwalla Staff writer After a summer in which more than 50 people died in Texas as a result of West Nile virus, many people throughout North Texas have taken special care to avoid being infected. Although no students or faculty members have been affected, the school is making sure there are no dangerous mosquitoes on campus. The security team removed standing water, managed the ponds and modified the sprinkler systems, in hope of leaving no place for West

Nile mosquitoes to breed on campus. According to Dan Northcut, director of environmental studies, the school is doing all it can to keep students safe during the disease’s outbreak. These efforts include changing the sprinkler system in the parking lots to one that bubbles water into the grass from below the ground so that standing water no longer puddles in the parking lot, as well as checking the two ponds on campus to ensure they are not a breeding ground for mosquitos. “I’ve maintained native fish pop-

ulations in both the ponds for years— well before we had West Nile—just so we wouldn’t have a mosquito problem,” he said. School Nurse Julie Doerge believes that with all these precautions being taken by the school, and the fact that there are no diagnoses of the virus among the school community, there is no real risk for students or faculty. “I don’t think there’s any need to be overly worried,” she said. “Healthy people who get the virus generally don’t have any symptoms, so they’re able to deal with it well.”

Uniform policy amended to allow patterned belts By Shourya Kumar Staff Writer As of this year, the policy in Lion Tracks regarding belts has been amended. While students were earlier required to wear a conservative solid belt, they now have the freedom to wear any conservative belt. While students can legally wear belts patterned with designs such as whales, sailboats and lobsters, Assistant Head of Upper School Dr. John Perryman encourages students to use good judgment. “It’s at the discretion of what is too distracting or not in the spirit of a uniform,” Perryman said. “I think common sense constantly comes into play. And if you have a question, ask Mr. Ferrell, me or a teacher, and we’ll steer you in the right way.” According to Perryman, non-conservative belts take

away from the uniform spirit. “If there’s a sort of a consistent pattern,” Perryman said, “whether it’s a school crest, a St. Mark’s belt that has the school colors; something that’s in the spirit of the uniform.” This change in policy is a relief for freshman Corbin Walp. “It allows me to wear more of the belts I own, considering I only own one legal belt under the previous policy,” Walp said. Walp recommends belts sold by Vineyard Vines, as well as other, cheaper patterned belts. Walp likes the versatility of these more casual accessories. “The primary reason I wear belts like these is because frankly other belts are boring,” Walp said. “The belts can pass for formal or casual, and you can wear them with just about everything that has belt loops.”

CLASSY BELTS Belts like these, while commonly seen on campus in previous years, were not allowed under the old uniform policy.

frank jordan


the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012

Jordan’s journey

After 45 years of teaching third grade, instructor Frank Jordan, the longest tenured faculty member, still enjoys the beginning of a new school year — one that brings 12 new employees.

Faculty, staff join school GayMarie Kurdi

English Department Oddest Experience: Being arrested at gun point for fitting the

description of a wanted robber.

Lexie Parker

Development Hobbies: Running, cooking and baking, spending time with family and friends, UT

EXPERIENCED LEADER Teaching his third graders, Frank Jordan continues his school-high 45-year tenure.

By Alex Kim Staff Writer rank Jordan, like many students, already looks forward to the summer. But he’s no student. Far from it. And it’s not vacationing he’s anticipating. No, he’s looking forward to hiking with dozens of fifth graders in Wyoming. He’s looking forward to the fishing, animal watching, and all the other quality time opportunities he’ll have with the boys. “St. Mark’s is a wonderful school, and one of the ways you see this is through longevity – mainly through the longevity of faculty as well as students,” he said. The past 40 of his 45 years here, Jordan has been the familiar third grade teacher who students looked forward to his classes.


“I just like that year,” he said. “The kids have a lot of excitement. It’s great to see their enjoyment when they learn something.” He has taken students on his trademark Wyoming trip since 1990. “I love to share a small part of the world to the students,” Jordan said. “I think it’s a wonderful venue for me to see the kids in a different light. I get to see them in ways I don’t get to see in the classroom.” And his strong bond with the students has transcended generations. “I find that the school’s much like a family,” he said. “I’m teaching children of my former students.” Of course, the Jordan those “former students” knew may not be exactly the same he is now. Jordan was twenty-five years old

in his first year. “As a kid, I always wanted to be an athlete,” he said. “But I wanted to do something with kids. I actually thought about going into the YMCA.” Many remember playing “Jordan” football, when Jordan played all-time quarterback. Though he is 70 years old now, he’s never thought about leaving, much in part to the school’s flexibility and support. “The school’s good about letting you find your own creative row in teaching, as long as you teach the goals,” he said. “If the school was much more regimented, I probably would not have stayed.” It’s an appeal that is shared by other faculty and members. This year, twelve new people have joined the faculty, the most in five years.


Kerry Schneidewind

Admissions Interests: “Huge fan” of the Cowboys and Rangers.

Hopes to visit every ballpark in America.

Suzuko Davis

Lower School Fine Arts Inspiration: Frida Kahlo for her devotion to art despite health and personal



Geoffrey Stanbury

Kristin Mlakar

Humanities Department Past: Worked with the Blue Man Group when it was first gaining national popularity.

Samantha Insel

Development Reason for SM: The spirit of the school is very contagious.

Lukas Rahlson

Science Department, 7th grade football Past: Worked for the Forest Service in Glacier National Park, teaching assistant in oceanography

Kurt Tholking

Middle school computer science

Past: Worked at

different schools in computer sciences at tech support.

Business Office College: Studied microbiology and played water polo at Texas A&M, then transfered to UTA for architecture.

Kezia Warner

Development Hobbies: Volunteering, yoga, researching new places to

travel, and being with friends and family.

Justin Turner

Wrestling Coach Future plans: Hopes to stay at St. Mark’s

over a long period of time.

Scott Palmer ‘01

Development Connections: Palmer’s mother Susan Palmer taught at St. Mark’s in the late 70’s and early 80’s


Drew Balog page 14

When Drew Balog went to Japan last year, he knew his life would change. But he didn’t know how much.

arts. Fine ARTS around campus

THE REMARKER | Friday, sept. 28, 2012 | PAGE 9


things to do in the Month ahead

< State Fair of Texas Ready for another round of Big Tex, foot long corn dogs and spending a year’s worth of money exploring Midway? Scratch that, rhetorical questions have no place here. Read more about the fair on page 11. Fair Park, today through Oct. 21. >Warbirds Over Addison Head over to Addison Airport this weekend to watch P-51s and AD-5 Skyraiders (we don’t know what a Skyraider is but it sounds awesome) soar high above suburbia. There will also be a



The film department has purchased new cameras, replacing the outdated used cameras purchased four years ago, in order to keep up with advancing technology. Film Studies instructor Jennifer Gilbert hopes the new cameras will further advance the film program. “It’s my hope,” Gilbert said, “that the new equipment will help get into more film festivals like South by Southwest.


The next meeting of the St. Mark’s book club will be Thursday, Oct. 11 at 3:15 p.m. The book of choice is The Serpent and the Rainbow by Wade Davis, one of our visiting scholars this year.


The debate team won their first debate tournament of the year this month. Seventy four teams from six states were at the tournament, and all St. Mark’s teams made it to the elimination rounds. Zach Burdette and Charlie Marshall were set to compete against Noah Goetz and




Riley Graham: “I really think the colors and body language of the kids really tie the photo together.”

Sherman Tank demonstration, so go. Addison Airport, this weekend >Red River Rivalry Come watch the Longhorn’s three-headed monster of a running attack try to avenge the Sooners’s last two wins. While you’re at it eat plenty of the Fair’s fried food. The Cotton Bowl, Oct. 8 at 1 p.m. >Rangers vs. Angels Ron Washington’s club opens a key series tonight against their heavenly division foes, the Angels. With the playoffs on the horizon and C.J. “Benedict” Wilson on the mound the Rangers will

look to close out the season by winning the division. That way they can have the easiest possible route to lose the World Series for a third straight year. Ballpark in Arlington, tonight, 7:05 p.m. >Cowboys vs. Bears The ‘Boys open October on Monday Night Football (bum-bumbum-bum) against the Chicago Bears. Hopefully Tony Romo will throw the leather egg well in this one and DeMarco Murray will stay away from Bears. We do know no matter what, Rob Ryan will still look hilarious. Jerryworld Oct. 1, 7:30 p.m.

Nikhil Jain in the championship round, but the two teams were declared co-champions instead of competing against each other. The team has a tournament today and tomorrow at Newman Smith.

“It takes all the databases and the web and the library catalogue and it goes out and searches all of that automatically, and then it comes back to you and gives you all the results ranked by relevancy,” Director of Libraries and Information Services Tinsley Silcox said.

This year’s Improv Troupe has been selected by senior leaders Henry Woram, Will Altabef, Christina McConville, and Jenny Moroney. New members include Dylan Kirksey, Otto Clark-Martinek, Michael Gilliland, Cole Gerthoffer, and Jack Mallick. New Hockaday members are Anesu Nyatanga and Evi Shiakolas.

The cast list for the fall play, Radium Girls, has been announced by Director Marion Glorioso. It is anchored by seniors Will Altabef, Michael Gohlke and Charles Thompson.


The Lower School received a new kiln during the summer. Ackerman Family Master Teaching Chair in Lower School Alice Oltrogge will now be able to make ceramics pieces with the new Skutt kiln.


The Green Library received new software to make searches and checkouts easier by combining searches of the library catalogue, databases and web.

I hope Ricky will remain here because he will have a great future. I am blessed, my family is blessed and Page 10 Ricky is blessed.


a roundup of people’s artistic accomplishments


Miguel Mesta



Choirmaster Tinsley Silcox and Organist Glenn Stroh began the process of purchasing a new traditional pipe organ for the chapel. The current organ suffered a set of pipes that broke due to a combination of old age and failing electrical components. Although the process of purchasing the new organ will take about three years, the Organ Committee is currently in negotiations with an unnamed builder, and it will be customized according to the dimensions of the chapel to enhance the acoustics.

hangin’ out


Senior Carl Dickson is the new SuperFan Man this year. Dickson, a captain on the volleyball team who is also in the photography program, shared his interests with staff writer Shourya Kumar.

BOOKS Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. You can’t really go wrong with Peeta and Katniss. I never really read the first one, but I watched the movie, so I think that counts. One aspect I dislike is all the death that occurs. Listen to Jackie Moon, “Everybody love Everybody!” I would choose Peeta over Gale in a second, but only because Peeta is a spitting image of Harrison Hewitt. MUSIC Anything by 2 Chainz. Just kidding, he’s awful. My choice is a toss up between Athens and Legendary ProfHITs, with Carly Rae in distant third. On one hand, you have Dom Garcia slappin’ the bass, but on the other, you’ve got the legendary Jerry V spittin’ out rhymes. It’s a tough choice though. Maybe I’ll go with Carly Rae...or the guy who sings Gangnam Style. MOVIES Major League. It has Charlie Sheen in it...what’s not to love? Ok, other than Charlie Sheen, what’s not to love? Best baseball movie of all time. TV SHOWS “Workaholics.” Let’s get weird! Also, “How I Met Your Mother.” Can’t go wrong with Neil Patrick Harris. NETFLIX Breaking Bad. Walt’s wife, Skyler is my least favorite person in the world. And she looks like a dinosaur. Just think about it... she has her reptilian characteristics. INSPIRATION When I grab the camera late on a Thursday night to prepare for critique on Friday, I like to think of the things that make a good image...when I can’t remember those, I just drive around and shoot what interests me. As a general rule, if you really like what you’re doing, in this case photographing, you can make something good come out of it.

top photos chosen from photography instructor scott hunt’s program


A shot of two kids taken during the photography program’s trip to Cambodia.


A small village known as Kompong Kleang, Cambodia.


Max Wolens: “A small boy in his sister’s arms . It really epitomizes the relationships in typical Cambodia families that we saw on the trip.”

what Also taken on the trip to Cambodia, Max shot the photo of these siblings in June 2012.


Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


arts around campus

THE REMARKER | Friday, SEPT. 28, 2012 | PAGE 10

The Mesta family 10 T H E


State Fair preview 11

A year abroad 14

Reviews 15


OF Possibilities and better futures

For Miguel Mesta and his wife Cira, it’s all about the boys, and one in particular— their grandson Ricky.


t took 21 years for Miguel Mesta to see his hard work come to fruition. He had worked a myriad of jobs around the school—cleaning, maintenance, keeping up the greenhouse and more—but five years ago was the first time he realized the possibility. The possibility that his grandson, Ricky Mesta, now a fifth grade Marksman, could have a better future. “My wife and I have been working hard together for so long to have a future for our kids and grandkids,” Miguel Mesta said. “It is amazing to see Ricky grow. I know that he will have a good future now that he is here. It’s amazing to have him here with me. Our relationship is great. I know he’s very intelligent, and the way he moves around in the community is amazing. He moves around like he’s been here as long as I have.”

BUDDING SCIENTIST Writing on the white board, fifth grader Ricky Rodriguez works with his science teacher, Karen Windham.

Everything started for Miguel Mesta with humble beginnings in Monterey, Mexico. At age 21, he left his hometown in Mexico with his mom and worked many different jobs— construction, plumbing and

cleaning—before he began to work at his mom’s restaurant in East Dallas. Times weren’t always easy at the restaurant, but he did get one good thing out of working there—his eventual wife, Cira Mesta. She has now worked at St. Mark’s for the last 23 years as a member of the building and grounds staff. “I didn’t think I would meet anyone while I was working,” Miguel Mesta said. “But I met her at the restaurant. She was going there and I still remember when I saw her. I helped her and everything worked out.” When the restaurant went out of business, Miguel Mesta was in need of work. A friend at his church was working at St. Mark’s and recommended the school, so Miguel Mesta applied and began working. Twenty-six years later, he is still here. “There are so many ways I have been blessed by St. Mark’s,” Miguel Mesta said. “I don’t know what I would do without this school. My relationships here are great. I like the students and faculty and everyone here. I wouldn’t trade the experiences that I have had here for anything. Everything here has always stayed the same since I started and remained great.” But things at the school

FAMILY AFFAIR The Mesta family has a total of 54 years of experience at 10600 Preston Road. Miguel has been here 26 years, his wife Cira has been here 23 years and his grandson, fifth-grader Ricky, has been here five years.

haven’t always been easy for the soft-spoken man. At the beginning, learning English seemed like a daunting task. ut working with students in an old program called Student Services—where students would clean the school—helped Miguel Mesta overcome the challenge and begin to learn the language that had always troubled him. “At the beginning, I didn’t know if I ever would learn,” he said. “But I actually learned a lot from students who were working with me. I still remember it. It was so helpful, and the students were always so nice.“ Miguel Mesta says his favorite memories working are still his times with Marksmen during Student Services. His favorite is a time that he received a call from the head of discipline about a student who got in trouble for writing graffiti about Hispanics. Miguel Mesta asked why he was being told this, and the man laughed and said that the student would be working with him in student services as punishment. “I realized what he meant and I laughed too,” Miguel Mesta said. “I didn’t know what to expect from the kid. But the whole time the student was very polite with me—‘Yes sir. Yes sir.


Yes, Mr. Mesta. Thank you. Yes sir.’ It is a funny memory.” When asked what the best part of working with his wife is, Miguel Mesta laughs. “The best part?” he said. “Just kidding, it’s great to have someone here who I know I can count on fully. We’ve had great times working together.” Cira Mesta feels the same way. “It’s good to know that he’s here,” she said. “If I need some help, he will do my job, and if he needs help, I’ll do his.” Ricky Mesta loves having his grandparents with him at I hope Ricky will remain here because he will have a great future. I am blessed, my family is blessed and Ricky is blessed. Miguel mesta

his school. “The best part about being with my grandparents is if I need something while I’m at school, I always know I can find my grandma or grandpa and they will help me out,” he said. Ricky Rodriguez still remembers when he first learned he would be a Marksman. “I was already familiar with the school because I had come

to St. Mark’s summer camp and because of my grandparents,” he said. “So when my mom told me I would go here, I was excited. I’ve had so much fun meeting new friends and teachers.” An avid learner, Ricky Mesta has many different types of likes and interests. “I love school, baseball and different kinds of sports,” Ricky said. “Science is my favorite subject, so I want to do something with science when I grow up.” Karen Windham, his science teacher, sees promise in the young student. “He is especially interested in paleontology and science history,” Windham said. “He particularly likes chemistry where he can mix chemicals to get exciting results.” Miguel Mesta is understandably proud of his grandson and loves having the especially close relationship they have. Miguel Mesta has had different obstacles in his life, but when he sees his grandson succeeding here, he knows everything has been worth it. “I have seen boys come out of this place and become successful in their lives, and I hope Ricky will remain here because he will have a great future. I am blessed, my family is blessed and Ricky is blessed.”

Of possibilities and better futures story by Aidan Dewar, arts editor | photos by Andrew Gatherer, staff photographer

Faculty connections ‘It is an honor to work with Mr. Mesta and to call him my friend’

CARETAKER Trimming some large plants, Miguel Mesta takes care of the school greenhouse.

Warren Foxworth, Middle School head — “We had a program here called Student Services, where every student in grades five through 12 was assigned one period a week of cleaning up around campus. “Mr. Mesta was in charge of working with the boys for a while, and he actually taught them how to vacuum correctly. I would have parents thank me for the school teaching their sons how to do normal household

activities that they had never taught their sons at home. “He taught them skills that I bet many of them still use today — that is if they do clean up after themselves and don’t expect someone else to do it for them.” Suzanne Townsend, director of finance and administration — “Miguel Mesta has worked for St. Mark’s since July 1986. He was the recipient of one of the Superior Staff Awards in 1996. Those awards

are bestowed based on nominations from faculty and staff colleagues. “For years, Miguel has tended to the greenhouse and aviary. He was much beloved by Mr. Arthur Douglas, who taught in the Science Department for 50 years. “In fact, in the later years of Mr. Douglas’s life, Miguel drove him everyday to St. Mark’s most days so that he could have lunch with his various friends here.”

Stephanie Barta, Science Department chair— “Miguel Mesta is a quiet force of excellence at St. Mark’s. He works with students as well as working to clean and set up things during the day. “For the Science Department he has taken over the daily greenhouse upkeep after Mr. Douglas died. He is so loyal to the school—and to his large family of whom he is so very proud. It is an honor to work with Mr. Mesta and to call

him my friend.”



the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012

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Ready, set, go Four weeks of thrills and spills await


t the end of every summer, Texans flock to Fair Park to eat fried food, play games on the Midway, go on rides and eat some more fried food. But how does it all come together? Arts Editor Dylan Clark toured Fair Park three weeks ago with its president, Errol McKoy. For the past 25 years, his job has been to innovate, organize and make everything work for the biggest fair in the world. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the 126th State Fair, through the words of president McKoy: Preparation is vital—year round. We’re really preparing

year round for the fair; it’s such a large undertaking. Our permanent staff numbers about 40 people, and we’ll start designing the next fair right when this one is over. The biggest challenge is getting enough people to help us assemble it. During the fair, we have 5,000 people working here. More money than Disney World. On a typical Saturday

night, we average around 250,000 people. Overall the fair generates about $70 million in gross revenues, and that’s really the way we look at our overall performance. In the month of October, the fair will generate more revenue than the biggest amusement park in the country: Disney World in Orlando. Our goal is to try to have a ten percent net profit, and we are able to plow that back into the next fair and building improvements in Fair Park. Over the last ten years, we’ve put back almost $100 million into Fair Park. We take a city asset and make it better.

Giving back to students.

Our charter says the State Fair exists to help promote agriculture and education, so we really work hard on those two things. We use part of our proceeds to provide scholarships. We gave out about 80 scholarships to high school students in the Metroplex last

year, and over the last 10 years we’ve put about $20 million back into scholarships for students all over the city. Longest party of the year.

One of the keys is that we have 6.5 million people in the area. That’s how we’re able to generate the huge numbers we do. We’re very proactive, and we try to keep the fair relevant by doing things that will continue to bring more and more people to Fair Park. We do everything we can to make this the longest — and best — party of the year.

MAKING IT HAPPEN People have been hard at work for weeks to get the fair ready for millions of visitors. After the fair ends, workers will come back in the month-long teardown of the Fair.

The food lives up to the hype. I have to say my

Quick fair facts

favorite food this year is the fried jambalaya. We had 50 submissions, and we had to select eight of them to go on to the finals. The fried jambalaya won, and it is going to be a huge success. [Most creative dish? The fried bacon cinnamon roll.]

• • •

Fair opens today, runs through Oct. 31. Tickets are $16 per day. Student tickets — good for Oct. 19 only — are available from Upper School and Middle School offices. They are free. No classes are scheduled that day, due to the St. Mark’s Debate Tournament.

The nightlife is back. We’re

lighting all up and down First Avenue, creating an electric boulevard of lights for nighttime. Our theme this year is “Big and Bright,” and it’s kind of a nighttime theme. We’re doing that because the Chinese Lantern Festival is going to be such a key ingredient, and we’re adding all the LED lights in Midway to make the biggest light and music show — ever.

A birthday fit for Big Tex.

We are going to have some special treats for Texas. This is Tex’s 60th, the Girl Scouts 100th, and its fair 126, so we’ve got some key dates to celebrate. But yes, we do have a couple of interesting little things for Big Tex that you’ll hear about in days to come. It all comes together. I like

the design part of the fair. It’s very rewarding for me to see the fruits of my labor come to fruition. To see it all come together on opening day is very rewarding.

NOT THERE YET One of the most popular rides sits on the ground, waiting to be propped up.

MANly stuff Here are five things any redblooded male shouldn’t miss at this year’s State Fair, according to president McKoy: 1. Auto Show “That’s a guy thing, and we’re going have a lot of high performance cars in there. It’s definitely going to be a highlight.” 2. Midway “We’re going to have five new really actionable rides that will be premiering on the Midway, so there’ll be some new things there.” 3. Food “I don’t care whether you’re 16, 17 or 76, you’re still going to like the food. Our fried food is the best there is.” 4. Laser Light Show “Teens are going to really enjoy the nighttime activities at the fair this year, not only here but all around the fair.” 5. Football games “Texas vs. Oklahoma will be great — if you can get tickets.”

What’s new this year? • Chinese Lantern Festival

50 Chinese workers have been assembling this nighttime attraction for the last three weeks.

• Top of Texas Tower

This 500 foot tower will be the tallest ride in the country, coming in May 2013.

Amusement Park

Also coming in May of next year, and running throughout the summer, Fair Park will have a ‘cheaper, miniature Six Flags’ to visit throughout the lazy summer months.

State fair story by Dylan Clark, arts editor | photos by Parker Matthews and Corbin Walp, staff photographers

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In-Home Instruction

Photographers explore Asia, prepare for this year

By Vikram Pattabi Staff Writer On a 13 day trip through Cambodia and Laos, 11 photography students, led by photography instructor Scott Hunt, traveled in search of experiences and the perfect photo. The group, made of seniors Charles Thompson and Carl Dickson, juniors Halbert Bai, Max Wolens, Riley Graham, Blake Robins, Richard Eiseman and Andrew Gatherer and sophomores Robert Keeler, Mason Smith and Andrew Merchant, left for Cambodia on May 31. The trip included visits to both Angkor Wat and the Khmer Rouge Killing Fields in Cambodia and a boat trip up the Mekong River to Laos. “Going to the school where the Khmer Rouge held prisoners before

killing them was a very powerful experience, very heart wrenching,” Hunt said. “Being in an environment we’re all so used to being a school with chalkboards and so on, you realize that these were the very rooms where people were tortured and killed and held against their will. Very powerful experience.” But the group shared other powerful experiences on the trip. “The Angkor Hospital for Children was especially moving,” Bai said. “Although we weren’t allowed to take photographs in the hospital, our guide told us about the facility and their services.” Having led several similar trips in past years, Hunt believes they serve a purpose beyond providing great pictures. “It’s experiential education,” he

said. “An opportunity for them to have experiences that will shape who they are and what’s important, how other people live and how fortunate many of them are.” Hunt expects an exhibit of the trip in Nearburg Hall after Thanksgiving Break. Meanwhile, the award winning program is also getting ready for the Association of Texas Photography Instructors (ATPI) fall contest and the upcoming Young Arts Competition. The ATPI contest, which includes 17 categories, varying from nature shots to smartphone images, is open to students of all grades, while the Young Arts contest, which feeds into the Presidential Scholars program, is only open to sophomores through seniors.


perspective on key issues

[ Emergency pr

THE REMARKER | Friday, SEPT. 28, 2012

What if emergency struck 10600 Preston Road? In light of the shootings that occurred this summer, The ReMarker investigates the plans set in place to keep students, faculty and staff safe when a drill becomes reality.

at a

▶ by George Law, deputy managing editor and Stephen Rambin, issues editor; by Michael Doorey, head photographer, Nic Lazzara, graphics director and Zuy


guns? With more and more gunmen targeting unsuspecting campuses, movie theaters and public malls, gun control remains a controversy in this country as leaders and citizens analyze the best way to mitigate crime and gun violence. Photography instuctor Scott Hunt and Trustee Master Teacher Lynne Weber offer their contrasting views regarding government regulations on access to guns.

he year was 1989 and my young family, including my five and sevenyear-old children, was living in a tiny bungalow in East Dallas. It was 11:25 p.m., and all of us were sleeping peacefully when we were suddenly awakened by the popping of gunfire. The couple across the street from us had invited an acquaintance to a party. Their guest became enraged by a remark made by the hostess, jumped into his truck, and returned to his home to pick up a 20-gauge shotgun.

< Lynne Weber

Scott Hu

Daniel Hittle, the driver, returned to the house across from ours, rang the doorbell and shot and killed both adult residents of the house. Their four-year old little girl was shot point-blank in the face. She lingered for two days, but eventually died. I remember the heartbreaking sight of little Christy’s rocking horse on the curb to be picked up by the garbage truck after the murders. Would our neighbors be alive today if they had kept guns in their home? I doubt it. They were attacked point-blank by a gunman as they answered the front door. To protect themselves, they would have had to be carrying a loaded gun with them when they opened the door. And even then, how could they possibly have known the intention of the person who rang the doorbell? The problem was not that they did not have a gun—the problem was that their guest did. It would be a Herculean task to institute an effective program of gun control in the United States. But we can change our culture of violence, and we should. Opponents of gun control argue that U.S. residents need access to guns in order to protect themselves and their families. Many studies show that gun ownership actually increases the risk of death by violence rather than lessening it. Suicides, murders related to family disputes, and accidents account for far more gun-related deaths than do those in which citizens shoot criminals in self-defense. The second objection to gun control has to do with the Second Amendment, which states, ‘A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.’ Soldiers are no longer required to supply their own guns (or horses…) and the perceived need for ordinary citizens to own and use guns to defend the state is anachronistic. Opponents of gun control often cite violent sprees like the ‘Luby’s’ killings in Killeen, Texas as a reason to allow citizens to carry firearms. They claim that had the patrons of the restaurant been armed, they could have prevented the deaths. But what if the gunman himself had never had the opportunity to buy a firearm? Wouldn’t that scenario be preferable to having a large number of citizens ‘packing’ firearms on the off chance that today they might encounter a violent crime? How many of those gun-packing people might use their ‘protective’ weapons for other purposes in a moment of rage or irrationality?

“We can change our culture of violence, and we should.”

“Criminals ar content to liv outside the boundaries w established a society.”

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reparedness ]



irector of Finance and Administration Suzanne Townsend’s door swings shut and a St. Mark’s backpack hooked on to the back flutters behind the

door. “That’s my crisis bag.” Fortunately, it hasn’t seen much use. But Townsend, who serves on the Command Post Team within the Disaster Management Organization for the school, makes it clear that security and emergency preparedness on this campus are nothing to push to the backburner just because they are not immediate day-to-day issues.

photo illustration yva Sevilla, staff artist

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Her crisis backpack hanging on the back of her door is a small step compared to the many campus-wide procedures and protocols that have been engrained into the faculty’s and staff ’s minds. Approximately two years ago, all school employees gathered in Decherd to review the crisis and disaster response planning and conducted walkthroughs on potential emergencies, such as the threat of a gunman on campus or a natural disaster. In addition, every faculty member receives an employee handbook at the beginning of the year and is required to re-familiarize themselves with all contents, including the 32 page document on crisis response. “We have put a lot of thought into these plans,” Townsend said. “They are ever-evolving plans, too. We are always asking ourselves what could put us in better position if one of these situations were to occur here.” That ever-evolving nature of these emergency plans was something that

Dean of Campus Scott Gonzalez also noted. For example, last spring’s tornado threat in north Dallas brought to light many new issues for the administration. “We learned a couple of things we hadn’t taken into account,” Gonzalez said. “There are some protocol issues that we have reviewed that are really, really important. We were able to learn from that and fortunately it was really just a drill and nothing happened. I think sometimes we think we have everything buttoned down, and then we find out that we don’t. It’s ok because there was fortunately no loss of life, but we need to take [our response] to that next level.” To help make sure they are as prepared as possible to face any type of crisis or disaster, the members of the administration have turned to the expertise of a professional team of outside consultants, Kroll Schiff Security Group, and Dallas Police Officer Dale Hackbarth, who also served as a S.W.A.T. officer. “We’ve had a professional organi-


he Second Amendment states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” The argument may be proposed that the Second Amendment is unnecessary due to the presence of a standing army, or that the concept is as antiquated as the physical document itself. The concept of a standing army was anathema to many (if not most) of the Founders, due to the abuses and oppression effected by those armies under unjust rulers. As such, they recognized that the individual right to keep and bear arms was one that was vital to the success of the republic and the preservation of individual liberty. If we were to surrender the ability to defend ourselves, then who should take up the responsibility for our defense? In South vs. Maryland in 1858, the courts held that the government bears no affirmative duty to protect the individual and that such a responsibility lies with the individual themselves, and this concept has been reinforced over two dozen times in the years since then, even as recently as 2005 (Castle Rock vs. Gonzales). Would the government that takes away our right to self-defense so willingly assume the responsibility to maintain our individual safety, or the liability for a failure to do so? I think not. While the argument can be made that more laws need to be constructed in order to prevent crimes with guns or for the benefit of public safety, let us consider the nature and fallacy of that statement. Criminals are content to live outside the boundaries we have established as a society; they rob, rape, steal, deal and kill as they wish. Their primary concern is not in obeying the law but in not getting caught breaking it. Plato said, “Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.” Look at the massive increase in the use of guns by criminals after bans in cities like Washington D.C. In 1976, D.C. instituted a law prohibiting residents from owning handguns. During the years in which the D.C. handgun ban was in effect, the D.C. murder rate averaged 73% higher than it was at the outset of the law, while the U.S. murder rate averaged 11% lower. In 1775, Benjamin Franklin wrote, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”. Now, 240 years later, we find the same promises of a utopia of safety being made again, even though the nature of criminals has changed little since the Ten Commandments. A belief that ‘if the guns go away, crime will cease’ seems to indicate a position with a disconcerting degree of naiveté and a woeful lack of the study of human culture.


zation come in and do an audit, and we have had the Dallas Police Department go through [the campus],” Gonzalez said. “There is always the unknown, but I think at least being cognizant of the actions we should take is most important to help save and protect the lives of the kids here. That’s really our primary concern. Buildings can be rebuilt.” or day-to-day oversight, Officer Hackbarth is constantly on campus as he is in charge of the off-duty Dallas Police Department officers that are here during the school day. Administrators here look to Hackbarth to help educate the faculty and staff when he participates in a meeting on emergency response in October, where he will go over hypothetical situations and instruct the faculty and staff on how they should react to ensure the safety of the students. “Plans are necessary, and we definitely need them in place, but an actual emergency might not be exactly how we practiced it,” Townsend said. “We have to be mentally prepared for how to respond given the actual circumstances at the time.” Gonzalez is confident his colleagues are mentally prepared and have the right state-of-mind, with student safety the number one priority. “The people who work here have gone into education because they love and care for the kids,” Gonzalez said. “I went into this profession because my dream is for young people to have a future. It’s not for their lives to be cut short or be damaged in a way that prevents them from living a full life. And that is a


responsibility I take seriously.” With that responsibility in mind, the school leaders have gone to great lengths to make sure that they are up to date on security equipment and procedures and are as best-prepared as possible. After receiving Kroll Schiff ’s analysis, the administration took the observations and recommendations to heart and acted on all level one priorities and most of the level two, according to Townsend. “That’s the thing that’s so great about this school,” Townsend said. “We voluntarily request these things. We want fresh eyes to come in and look at us and tell us if there is anything we are missing. There are always things we can do better.” Knowing that there is always room for improvement though, the staff is constantly looking for ways to better prepare themselves. “We are always going to training, always getting professional development, always bumping up our expectations,” Gonzalez said. “It doesn’t guarantee anything because there is always risk, but it’s our job to ask how much of that can we manage.” Gonzalez affirms that any serious catastrophe happening on campus, such as a shooter, is unlikely. But he emphasizes the necessity of being as proactive as possible in preparation instead of reactive in the event of an emergency. “I’m not generally paranoid,” Gonzalez said. “Am I careful? Yeah. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Lets be responsible.”


‘ ’

Mr. Holtberg tells the


killed in seven recorded campus shootings in 2012


killed in 13 recorded campus shooting from 2008-2011


rank of U.S. in world’s campus shooting


of every 100,000 people will be murdered in 2012


of every 100,000 people were murdered in 2010


guns are sold every minute in the U.S. alone


percent of civilian guns worldwide are owned by Americans


percent of Americans own a gun


out of 20 students has seen a gun at school

administrative team

and teachers

that if they can’t sacrifice themselves

for the children

who have been

entrusted to them, then

they really need to

reconsider their vocations

and their time here.

scott gonzalez provost and

12, 13

dean of campus

fine arts


the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012


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hen he walked back on campus after a year in Japan, almost nobody could believe it. “He looks so different.” “I almost didn’t recognize him.” “He’s like a different person.” And it’s no wonder community members were surprised. As an exchange student, junior Drew Balog made lifestyle changes and lost about 90 pounds. He even decided Japan might be a part of his future.

When Drew Balog first arrived in Japan, he was looking forward to using the language skills he learned in Japanese class. But that’s not all that happened. “The stuff that I learned in America didn’t help as much as I thought it would,” Drew Balog said. “But at least I knew how to ask where the bathroom was.” It took him a while to get used to the Japanese language, but he didn’t have any problems with the culture. “I didn’t have much of culture shock,” he said. “From what I learned in Japanese class here, I knew most of the customs and major differences.” After a few weeks of living and sightseeing with his host families, Drew Balog started making some changes. Green Master Teacher Dr. Steve Balog, father of Drew Balog, watched his son’s transformation. “He lost about 90 pounds due to diet and lifestyle changes,” Steve Balog said. “He now watches what he eats, eats only when he is hungry and continues to exercise.” The traditional Japanese diet led to Drew Balog’s weight loss. When Drew Balog left for Japan last fall, he knew “I had a bowl of rice at every his life would change — just not how much. meal,” he said. “A lot of meals didn’t

The new



have fried things in them, and there was less red meat. A lot of chicken and fish.” Now, Drew Balog wants to introduce his family to that lifestyle, and he has been getting equipment and ingredients.

He now watches what he eats, eats only when he is hungry, and continues to exercise. Steve Balog

“A slight problem is that some of those meals require ingredients that are difficult to find here, like octopus or squid,” he said. Nonetheless, the family’s ready for his cooking. “We’re all looking forward to his version of traditional Japanese food,” Steve Balog said. In addition to healthy food, increased exercise helped Drew Balog lose weight. “The city is very crowded and the streets are very small, so most people walk,” he said. “The entire time I was

there, I only rode in a car about 10 to 20 times.” Now, Drew Balog can work out more efficiently to stay in shape. “I have more stamina and can do athletic things for longer periods of time,” he said. Drew Balog is also trying to watch what he eats to maintain his weight. “Most of the food I ate in Japan I can’t find here,” he said. “Also, in Japan I had a lunch box for lunch, so now it’s harder to manage how much I eat because it’s just so open.” He says he’s more independent now and has an improved social life. After seeing his son’s transformation, Steve Balog encourages Marksmen to join foreign exchange programs. “It’s a tremendous opportunity to learn more about the world as well as yourself,” he said. Steve Balog says his son has more self-confidence and likes himself, and the weight loss has improved his self-image. “He is more sure of himself and much more comfortable talking with adults,” Steve Balog said. “He appears to have discovered who he is as an individual.”

HOw the weight came off • • •

Traditional Japanese food such as rice, chicken and fish More excercise, including walking from place to place Increased nutrition knowledge and a commitment to his lifestyle change

THE NEW DREW story by Vishal Gokani, deputy editorial director | photos by Halbert Bai, staff photographer

Sophomore Blake Spangler blogging from high school in Japan By Alex Kim Staff Writer “Everything is different…”

NEW SCHOOL In front of his new school in Osaka, Blake Spangler stands with his host brother.

That is the title of sophomore Blake Spangler’s first post on his blog named, “(Plus or Minus) Fourteen Hours ~ A Journey to Japan.” It’s hardly an understatement for the exchange student attending Momoyama Gakuin High School in Osaka for the year. From the language to the classes to the restroom experience, Japan is like a completely different world. “Everything is different in

Japan, the food, the people, the customs and most importantly the language,” Spangler wrote on his blog. “Before, I had gone to many camps, but they all had some of the same elements of home. Here, there is little that is the same.” The days of lunch in the cafeteria, for example, are pretty much over. His host mother Takako Nishi packs him lunch not in the lunchboxes as we know them, but in bento boxes, which are boxes partitioned into little compartments for separate dishes.

And that’s not all. The contrasts run even deeper, even to the toilets. “You use it like a Pecos toilet except you don’t have to dig it,” Spangler said. “They are like a 6”x1.5’ porcelain hole in the ground that you’re supposed to squat over and use, but thankfully there is a ‘western style toilet’ usually right next to it.” But with each post–nine in total as of Sept. 12–Spangler talks less about the differences and more about his experiences themselves. It’s a change he made at Osaka Castle.

“Dallas doesn’t have a lot of recorded history in it, and I realized exactly why I came to Japan: to have the experiences that I can’t in America,” he posted. “In Dallas, I can eat pizza and burgers to my pleasing, but I can’t tour a castle. I can’t try to find the similarities, but instead try to embrace the differences.” Spangler’s blog is connected with his personal Facebook account, so his posts appear on his wall. For non-Facebook users, the blog web address is “”

Marion Glorioso to direct St. Mark’s and Hockaday fall play, ‘Radium Girls’ By Ford Robinson Staff Writer The St. Mark’s and Hockaday joint

fall play, Radium Girls, will be directed by Lower School drama instructor Marion Glorioso. The auditions were held Sept. 10-11 and the play will be performed Nov. 2-4 in the Eamonn Lacey Black Box Theater. Radium Girls is inspired by a true story. It is set in 1926 when radium based paints were used to paint watches so that they would glow-in-the-dark. The watches were the newest hit until the young girls, fifteen and sixteen year olds, who painted them soon became mysteriously ill. The play was chosen by Upper School Drama Instructor Rod Blaydes before school started, but he is unable to direct the play this year due to a minor stroke he suffered Aug. 22. “I had a small stroke just before the faculty barbecue,” Blaydes said. “I was taken to Medical City Hospital and spent six days in their care. During this time I was also diag-

nosed with low potassium which could have been life threatening, and on top of that, I was told I had type two diabetes.” Blaydes was released from the hospital on Aug. 27 and has been doing physical therapy and speech therapy ever since then in order to get back to school as soon as possible. “Physical therapy ends on Sept. 27,” Blaydes said, “and at that time an evaluation will be made and hopefully I will be able to return to school then. That’s what I’m working real hard to do.” While Blaydes is out of school recovering, Glorioso will again be directing the school play. “This isn’t my first rodeo,” Glorioso said. “I took over a few years ago when Mr. Blaydes got sick. This will be the fourth high school play I’ve worked on since coming to St. Mark’s.” Glorioso has worked on The Good Doctor, The Dining Room, Noises Off and now Radium Girls will be her fourth. The directress plans on sticking with the

play that Blaydes chose before he suffered his stroke so that when he comes back, he can jump right back into the swing of things. Glorioso believes that Radium Girls is a great play for high school students to perform. “It’s a good play for high schoolers in the sense that it’s educational,” Glorioso said. “It’s not material that is too mature to perform, and, of course, all the female roles are in their teens. It’s age appropriate.” Blaydes has no qualms in handing the play over to Glorioso. In fact, he is overwhelmingly glad to have someone as qualified as her to

direct the play. “I couldn’t be more please that Marion Glorioso is directing the show,” Blaydes said. “She is an excellent teacher and director. It’s going to be a great play.”



the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012

[ movie

review ]

Eastwood has major trouble with Curve Rambling, frustrating baseball movie is one of year’s worst


f baseball is America’s pastime, then the baseball movie is America’s sports film. Granted, there have been plenty of fine football movies (go ahead, try to find someone who dislikes Rudy), and boxing has been a cinematic staple since Rocky and Raging Bull, but at the end of the day, there’s nothing like a good ol’ baseball movie.

The sport lends itself perfectly to producing memorable, often touching films. Baseball’s slower, thoughtful nature is already inherently dramatic, so it’s really not that hard to build a good, simple movie around baseball. That’s what makes Clint Eastwood’s new movie, Trouble with the Curve, so unbelievable. It’s not a good baseball movie. It’s a deplorable one. The movie summons every baseball-movie cliché it can muster. The downon-his-luck protagonist, the daddy issues and the “baseball is just like life” metaphor are all cobbled together into a ramshackle, aggressively boring story. Clint Eastwood plays Gus, an aging talent scout, who, as fate would have it, is also going blind. Gus works for a hilariously fictionalized version of the Atlanta Braves, where he must prove to the team that he can find talent without using a computer. Or his eyes. The rest of the film is a messy, nonsensical trip through the highly unappealing world of North Carolina high school baseball. After two hours of anti-climax and general nothingness, Curve feels like the stupid fifteen-inning game that everyone wishes would just end already.


Try These Instead... Baseball Movies

As Eastwood slowly growls his way through the entire film, bemoaning technology and aging, it becomes increasingly, depressingly apparent that his performance is nothing more than a hollow self-caricature. The film opens with a prostate joke (already one prostate joke too many), and the “Clint is getting old” jabs never cease. Although he played the elderly curmudgeon role to such wonderful effect in Gran Torino, in Curve, Eastwood all but insults his own legacy. Equally misused are supporting actors John Goodman, Amy Adams and Justin Timberlake. Suffocating under Curve’s inane dialogue and aimless, infuriating story, the normally excellent actors are deer in the headlights. More accurately, the lifeless performers are deer after the headlights. Only Timberlake has a pulse. These uninspired performances, paired with a truly attrocious screenplay, make the film a truly grueling affair. Great baseball movies, you could say, hit a home run, and bad ones (of which there are few) strike out. Trouble with the Curve is so far beyond bad. It strikes out at tee-ball.


• Bull Durham (1988)

The funniest sports film ever made, Durham was one of the first truly great baseball movies. Not to be confused with Kevin Costner’s other baseball hit...

• Field of Dreams (1989)

If you watch this best picturenominee, they will come. And by “they,” we mean all the warm, fuzzy feelings you inevitably get by watching Field of Dreams.

• Moneyball (2011)

Excellently acted, brilliantly written, forward-thinking and, despite its mammoth runtime, constantly entertaining, Moneyball is everything that Trouble with the Curve isn’t.

• The Sandlot (1993)

It’s an inalienable right of childhood to whip out “You’re killing me, Smalls!” in every applicable situation. But only after you’ve seen The Sandlot.

MOvie REVIEW by Cole Gerthoffer, staff writer

[ alb u m


Kanye takes back seat, finally lets crew speak

e’ve seen Kanye West narrate his life through college—from dropouts to diplomas. We’ve seen him take us through heartbreaks and fairytales, dark fantasies and daydreams, and even through his time as king. But just when we think we have the man all figured out, “Cruel Summer” drops to surprise us yet again. Because for once, Kanye isn’t telling the story. He’s letting his crew do the talking. The album features several well-known rap and R&B artists part of Kanye’s G.O.O.D. Music label, including Big Sean, KiD CuDi, 2Chainz, Pusha T and John Legend. But in an effort to incorporate his whole team, Kanye sacrifices a little bit on quality, delivering a style of joint rap that is often awkward and confusing. Even worse, the album struggles for unity between the different songs, as the music changes from a hard rap beat to a blissful, soft duet in a matter of three minutes. And although Kanye does his best to draw a common theme with both the music and the message, as a listener, the connection is a huge stretch way too forced to be believable. Still, G.O.O.D. Music does a great job of keeping its standards high,

reviews ]

never call carly rae jepsen Man, Carly Rae really hit the thesaurus hard for this album. I can’t wait till Alvin does it in Chipmunks 17. Her album “Kiss” is basically an amalgam of the fantasies of every 12-13 year old girl vomited onto sixteen tracks with some really bad K-pop loops in the background. The highlight comes in the form of Justin Bieber guest-track, “Beautiful.” As Jepsen and Bieber retch

at least for the most part. When the album brings the bass, like on stomping Jay-Z guest track “Clique,” it brings it hard. And even if the hard rap beats may not fit as well with the calmer vocal pieces, like in John Legend’s soulful “Bliss,” both styles are solid compositions on their own. Overall, “Cruel Summer” is like a Zach Galifianakis movie whose trailer gives away the funniest jokes. Kanye’s shown us everything worth hearing in the singles prior to the album’s official release. And while there are still a few gems in the CD, it’s safe to say that “Cruel Summer” falls well short of the throne. — NM

Killers’ LP is fun but forgettable One glance at the cover for The Killers’ new album, “Battle Born,” will tell you all you need to know. A lightning bolt, a hot rod, and a black


Album reviews by Cole Gerthoffer, Nabeel Muscatwalla and Henry Woram

[ resta u rant

over a beat sweeter than the world’s most unhealthy high-fructose corn syrup, you begin to wonder if those Mayans weren’t right about the impending apocalypse after all. If all of this is making you shake with excitement in your Limited Too dress, then go ahead and check into any nearby capitalistic music app and download the thing for $14. Or you could just skip the middleman and bludgeon your ears with a rock repeatedy. At least the rock has more personality than Jep’s

nauseating jams. Here it is, America. Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Kiss”: Guaranteed to make Bar/ Bat Mitzvahs ten times more awkward and the integrity of our nation’s music sink to a whole new low. — HW

stallion? “Battle Born” must be epic, right? It’s not. But it tries really hard to be. Thanks to great, memorable singles like “Mr. Brightside” and “When You were Young,” The Killers’ first three records were some of the best, most popular alternative albums of the 00’s. It’s ironic, then, that “Battle Born,” their poppiest record to date, is also their least catchy. It’s decent music. Lead singer Brandon Flowers still has monster pipes, and his bandmates play their instruments like there’s no tomorrow, but that’s part of the

problem. “Battle Born” aims for epic, power-pop at every turn, often losing the nuances and, yes, the catchiness that made the first three Killers’ LPs such gems. The power-chords and synths can be fun, but the grandiosity grows repet itive. Only when the band scales back, like on standout track “Miss Atomic Bomb,” do things get interesting again. “Battle Born” is very listenable alt-pop, but it’s also unfortunately uncharacteristic for The Killers. For the first time, the band is forgettable. — CG



reviews ]

Bite Sized The best concert food in DFW

Reviews compiled by Cole Gerthoffer and Cyrus Ganji

Crossroads House of Blues - 2200 N Lamar St The House of Blues is a great middleof-the-road venue. It’s not too big; not too small. The acts aren’t too mainstream; not too indie. The Crossroads, then, is just as middle-of-theroad. The food’s decent and the prices acceptable,

but unfortunately, the music coming from the miniscule in-restaurant stage can cause temporary deafness. Because we all want Dallas’s Z-list music scene blasted into our eardrums as we eat our flatbread pizzas.


Jack Daniel’s Saloon Palladium Ballroom - 1135 S Lamar St The Palladium Ballroom is many things, but classy just ain’t one of them. The Palladium’s Jack Daniel’s Saloon lives on the same principle: if you’re digging

some pre-rave chicken fingers, expect more finger than chicken. But hey, let’s not be too harsh: we all have a soft spot in our hearts for the Palladium.


Sundown at Granada Granada Theater - 3520 Greenville Ave Easily the classiest of all venue restaurants, the brandnew Sundown is just as alive as the adjoining Granada Theater. A great addition to Greenville’s awesome restaurant scene, the place serves everything from brisket sliders to

blonde brownies garnished with pop rocks. (Yeah, that candy you kind of liked as a kid.) To top it off, the place boasts a roof patio with couches and a flatscreen. The weekly Breaking Bad and NFL parties are a sweet touch.



commentary on community affairs

THE REMARKER | Friday, SEPT. 28, 2012 | PAGE 16

Public speaking education 16

Dylan Kirksey cartooon 17

To tweet or not to tweet? 18

[ the curriculum ]


Public speaking A school-wide formal speech program is needed



very year the committee on academic programs (CAP) meets to discuss various issues regarding the school curriculum. Their purpose is to enhance the educational experience at this school. If the CAP seeks to improve the overall education of students here, then we urge that it address public speaking. Though it may be difficult to implement, we think introducing public speaking into curriculum is a feasible task. For the initiative to work successfully, it would need to be provided to an entire grade, much like sexual education in fifth grade. Details (see infographic) aside, we make a simple point. If students were educated in public speaking, the entire school would benefit both short-term and long-term from this education. Every activity that relies on student communication can benefit from


> Our printing methods are outdated


ost upper schoolers have had the problem. After typing up papers or lab reports on laptops, they have to run halfway across campus to pick up their work from printers. Often, the students are late to class or can’t turn in their work because the printers malfunctioned. Currently, students can only use the four printers in the Green Library and computer labs for their schoolwork. The school has invested in personal printers for faculty members, but with a student body of 852 Marksmen, it seems woefully inadequate to have only four computers to meet the demands of Middle and Upper School printing. Most Upper School students have laptops for schoolwork, so this is a common problem. We feel a solution is to install printing stations, located in key spots all over campus, such as in the Centennial, Hoffman and Science Building lounges. Right next to the classrooms, these printers would be easily accessible to students. Students wouldn’t be late to class because of printing, would easily find

printers near them and wouldn’t be able to use printing errors as an excuse. Funds are available through the Computer Science Department. We encourage the headmaster and Suzanne Townsend, director of finance of administration, to authorize these funds to be spent for printers and the needed stations. We know it is the students’ responsibility to print their assignments, but printing stations make submission easier and eliminate excuses. To further stress the need of solving this problem, there will be more and more students using phones and tablets with the new digital device trial. Thanks to a system called AirPrint, smartphone and tablet users can print their documents. We encourage the administrators to set up this system. This school has always met the challenges that emerging technology presents. We hope school leaders will continue this trend by installing printing stations, making printing easier, less stressful and more efficient.

to speak capably. Board meetings, press conferences, city hall meetings and courtroom speeches involving Marksmen will flow more smoothly — if the CAP provides a course which will teach us how to speak publicly. This school does a great job of educating students — every year, a class of students walks

public speaking education. Captains giving halftime speeches will be able to strengthen their teammates. Students will convey their ideas lucidly in English class. Announcements will be heard clearly in assembly. Seniors will deliver exhibitions with confidence and clairty. College representatives will remember

Suggested public speaking education formats • Toastmasters could lead a week-long series of •

educational assemblies for the Upper School. Victor White Master Teacher David Brown, who already teaches a seminar on public speaking to his juniors, could expand his seminar to the whole grade. Chaplain Michael Dangelo could teach a onetrimester rhetoric class that provides a fine arts credit.

across the stage with widened perspectives, increased knowledge and superb powers of cognition. The superior mental gifts that the school gives its students will be useless, though, unless it also provides an equally superior ability to convey those ideas.

how precise and confident our students were when answering interview questions. Down the road, alums will benefit from public speaking education. Job interviews, the gateways to employment and success, will be more successful if Marksmen are taught how

longstoryshort New Website We commend the development office for creating a sleek, mobile friendly website. We also appreaciate the timely news updates; for example, previewing the e-recycling drive in advance helped many Marksmen partcipate in the drive.



concise opinion



Plasma Screens The plasma screens that hover over the hallways of Centennial and Hoffman must have been considerably costly. We feel that the screens have been utilized adequately with the announcements, menu and other items featured. But, just, like the school website, they could be re-vamped dynamically.

Sixth Period Lunch We understand the need to conserve food. In doing so, however, the cafeteria has created the opposite problem: a scarcity of food. Often students do not receive the advertisted menu items sixth period. The cafeteria has always made great food. It needs to consistently make enough to last three lunch periods.





the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012





Finding his own beat


To the editor:

With the “unveiling” of the Allen Stadium nationwide and the dawn of a new season of Texas High School Football, I was reminded of the 1962 St. Mark’s season now fifty years ago. In his continuing effort to broaden our horizons, legendary Head Coach Mose Hale concocted an eclectic schedule that year including both SPC and non-SPC opponents. This included our sallying forth into East Texas on 10/12/1962 to meet the Gladewater Bears in their cavernous concrete stadium, their “Coliseum.” After our traditional pre-game meal of chicken fried steak enroute, the Lions escaped Gladewater with a dramatic come from behind 2014 victory, much to the chagrin of local partisans, who marched behind the band to and from the stadium. The experience for me was a memorable introduction to authentic East Texas Friday Night Lights. The 1962 Lions were capably led by senior captains Phil Rader and the late Doug Owen, supported also by Bob Kohler and others. All wore plastic helmets, not leather. — Britt Kolar ’64



hate the sound of steel drums. The clinks and clanks don’t remind me of easy-going dreadlocked Rastafarians or smooth Caribbean breezes. Instead, they remind me of mallets threatening to slip out of my sweaty hands while an overzealous, socks-and-sandalsclad instructor criticizes my clumsy attempts at rhythm. I can’t walk past a reggae-blasting radio without remembering the awkward Sunday rehearsals and the terrifying public concerts. While the high-pitched percussion transports some to the islands, it sends me back to an awkward time when I desperately tried — and often failed — to define myself. Steel drummer was the last in a long line of identities I tried and cast aside during my Middle School years. As a football player — sorry, waterboy — I lacked the coordination for even the meekest successes, though I suppose the rows of basketball participation trophies from my Little League career should have hinted at that result. As a Model U.N. delegate, I didn’t pass a single resolution. And while as an academic I was nothing to scoff at, I quickly learned I was the clichéd small fish in an ocean-sized pond.

Out of the predetermined personalities in middle school society — jock or genius — I couldn’t put myself in either. I felt unidentifiable. If I hadn’t known my brief venture in tropical percussion would soon be over, my last performance with the Steel Patriots would have been terrifying. Our first song — the title of which was a probably offensive string of stereotypically Caribbean colloquialisms — began smoothly enough. It was better, at least, than I had expected. Then, not knowing what to do with my initial success, I hit a wrong note. And another. Suddenly, I was in a cloud of awful, awful sound, and the song wasn’t even halfway over. Without ever raising my eyes, I knew how my instructor felt about my beautifully discordant improvisation, but I couldn’t stop. When the song finally finished and the polite applause ended, I packed up quickly and silently. Satisfied that I would never touch a steel drum again, I ignored the confused glances of my bandmates and the chastising glare of my instructor, walked out to my dad’s car, and crossed another identity off

my list. It wasn’t until the broader culture of high school, when I had finally given up on the fruitless task of labeling myself, that I found my identity. When I stopped trying to force myself into an exclusive, distinct social class, I realized I — and most of my peers — belonged to an accepting, amorphous Out of the predetermined personalities in Middle School society — jock or genius — I couldn’t put myself in either. I felt unidentifiable.

group. I had been so focused on fitting in that I didn’t even bother to look at the group of people in which I was trying to fit. When I was failing miserably as a football player or a Sudanese ambassador, I was still a friend. People judged me more for how I treated them than for how well I succeeded as a student or an athlete. My identity wasn’t in my activities, but in my relationships. My classmates didn’t care if I couldn’t keep a rhythm — as long as I was genuine, I would always have a place.



What’s hot — and what’s not — around 10600 Preston Road

Snacks for the Club Fair | Lukewarm

St. Mark’s vs. Cistercian | On fire We know it was two weeks ago, but come on, that game was awesome. Whether it was John Caldwell torching the Hawks corners on just about every pass play, or Justin “Nonstop” Jones running over them, we absolutely dominated in the second half. Coming out of a halftime tie, the defense lowered the boom on the Hawks and shut them out in the second half, sealing the 41-21 victory. And that high powered offense couldn’t be touched. Jones finished with 168 yards rushing and three total touchdowns, and John Webb had a monstrous 413 yards passing and four touchdowns. What a home-opener. Andrew Goodman Photo

Andrew Goodman Photo

Cafeteria staff members and administrators always do a great job of setting up a banquet for the club fair. Kudos, for providing us with millions of granola bars and apples. We actually appreciate the effort. But what ever happened to comfort food? We can’t fully absorb the culture of the club fair without being in an artery-clogged, sugar-buzzed, vision distorting trance from half a dozen Krispy Kremes. That’s a fact.

College Applications | Frosty You’re probably thinking “I’m not a senior, I don’t care about this.” False. This directly affects everyone within a 20 yard radius of a senior. Because, not suprisingly, having to answer questions like “if you were a porcupine, how would you fit in at Harvard?” or “describe yourself using only ancient vulgate Latin idioms,” makes our normally soft and fuzzy seniors a little irritable.

Senior theme Fridays | Chilly We’re used to some pretty thematic Fridays. Last year every Friday in the spring was like a day in Alice’s Wonderland. Take us back to Narnia, seniors, by dressing so lavishly that even the Village People would bow before your awesome wardrobe powers. And at the same time obey the dress code. Challenge accepted?

Dylan Kirksey Cartoon

She should have died heareafter. There would have been a time for such a word. Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time. and all our yesterdays have lighted fools. The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!Life is but a walking shadow. A poor Player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. it is a tale told by an idiot. full of sound and fury. signifying nothing.

17 Are you reciting Shakespeare?

There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Ooh a worm!



the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012

torn, but not broken



Learning to cope with injury


he day began like any other — an early emergence from bed followed by the ill-humored, silent drive to football practice with my brother, neither of us happy to be conscious at that hour. I trudge into the fragrant locker room with my teammates, ready to join in their complaints about the heat, hitting and hurt body parts that are sure to follow. My trek continues onto the field, where I begin to sweat before even taking my first step onto the mouthguard-melting turf. Practice begins, and the team begins to warm up and stretch, working out our soreness before it’s hit back in. I joke with my injured teammate about his lucky excuse not to play. Before I know it, warm ups are long gone and we’re well into a scrimmage. Heart pounding, and lungs searching for oxygen, I forget any complaints I had, reminded why I love this sport more than anything. The camaraderie and spirit of the game. The ability to impose my will on whoever lines up across from me. The intricacy of the plays, like a chess match between living, breathing pieces who truly care about the events of the contest. All the work I’ve put into the game is not devalued by the injury unless I let it be. Life is not about the situations in which we find ourselves, but rather the way we respond to them.

The offense is rolling, and we finally call my favorite play: Red Zebra. An outside run play right through my outside shoulder, the success of the play depends on my ability to overpower the defensive end across from me, a task I relish. I sit in my stance, puffing in my last few calm breaths of air before staring right into my opponent’s eyes as I fire off the ball and engage. Almost immediately, I’m two, three, five yards off the ball with no signs of slowing down, doing my job better than I ever have in my career, ready to dominate my senior year, ready to win a championship as a captain of my team. But then I hear it. Pop. A loud noise shoots from my knee, sending tremors up and down my right leg, and in the blink of an eye I’m toppled over on the ground, any pain I have muted by the thoughts flashing through my head. What just happened? Is that the end of my season? Am I ever going to play again? ••• I hadn’t been home for more than 20 minutes after that practice when my dad walks in. He loves watching me play as much as I love the game, so this injury was just as hard on him. Right away, I know he has something to say, something designed to cheer himself up along with me, something to help us both put everything into perspective. ••• About a week passes in a whirlwind of medical tests, tears and broken hearts before



I’m finally given the only news I didn’t want to hear: my ACL is torn, and I’m out for the season — my last season. I collapse on the examination table when I hear the prognosis, the so matter-of-factly stated news that I will undergo season-ending surgery. My life seemingly ruined by an orthopedic surgeon whose job I’ve always hoped to hold some day. The pain in my knee not even approaching the pit of misery deep inside my chest. That first day of the worst couple weeks of my life was just the beginning, sparking a slow down of communication from previously eager college coaches, constant forced retellings of the injury to everyone who asked, and several teary-eyed viewings of Friday Night Lights. I felt I lost years of my life to a freak injury, that all the work I had put in during the offseason, in the weight room and in the film room would now amount to nothing. I struggled through becoming an observer of practice rather than a participant, becoming full of hypocritical rage whenever I heard anyone complain about football, hating myself for knowing that a month ago, I would have done the same thing. The pain peaked before our home opener game against Cistercian, our biggest rival, when I had to bite my tongue in the corner of the locker room to keep myself from crying before realizing the selfishness of my emotions. As my teammates were pumping each other up for the game, I sat feeling sorry for myself, as if the whole team had to feel what I was feeling. It marked a turning point in my recovery from

Who really cares?

— George Law

injury. I could put everything in perspective. Instead of moping around on the sideline during games and practice, I should be actively looking for ways to help, cheering on my teammates as their biggest supporter. Rather than dwelling on the injury as the worst news of my life, I needed to be grateful that it’s the only bad news in my life right now. That I’m surrounded by people that care about me and my wellbeing. That there’s life after football. As I watched my team comeback to dominate the second half of the game and romp over Cistercian 41-21, I felt like I could finally start to get past the injury emotionally. All the work I’ve put into the game is not devalued by the injury unless I let it be. Life is not about the situations in which we find ourselves, but rather the way we respond to them. ••• I could see the story form slowly in his head as my dad prepared what to say to me. He told me about how when my grandmother lost her husband — a grandfather I never knew — someone asked her how she seemed to be dealing with the loss so well. She paused, carefully picking her words before responding softly, “What other choice do I have?” When faced with difficult circumstances, we can lie down and feel sorry for ourselves, or we can stand up and make the best of the situation. I tried the former, and I am now committed to the latter. Unlike my knee, I refuse to buckle under the pressure.



ther than Mila Kunis’s relationship advice, Twitter is a mindless feed of high school girl’s artsy photos and 140 character long attempts at being witty. All you tweeters out there, you can’t honestly say that you enjoy staring at your phone or computer wading through all the Hockaday inside jokes — that wouldn’t be funny even if we understood them — just to find one tweet that provides us with underwhelming amusement for about two seconds. Hey, Will, what’s your followed to following ratio looking like these days? How many people have you refused to follow to keep that ratio in good shape? Or worse, how many people have you solicited a follow from? But no worries, now that your Twittersphere is so expansive, you can hear all about the exact location, diet and activities of people you’ve talked to maybe once. To all people who live in the Twittersphere more than the real world, before you tweet that you’re at the gym knocking down protein, at some obscure movie or just “chillin’ with your bffs,” ask yourself if anyone actually cares.





Shut up and listen to me

hose of you who know me well know I excel at three things: Hunger Games trivia, Nicki Minaj lyrics and complaining. It’s a pretty specific skill

Before Twitter, texting limited my potential in these talents. (Facebook statuses are for chumps). It used to be my friends would ask me “Are you ok? Did you hurt yourself?” when I would text them “Hang it up, flatscreen, haha plasma, hey Nicki, hey Nicki, asthma,” because that’s what someone who had just taken a brick to the head would say, probably. Now, thanks to Twitter, I just throw in a quick #nickiminaj and everyone knows I’m just listening to “Pink Friday” again. Or maybe I don’t want to deal with another “Stop texting us pictures of the Potbelly line, there’s like three people in front of you.” So I twitpic it. Bam. And I’ll get retweeted with a “LOL #lunchtimerush #itotallygetit” because apparently most people who follow me don’t have a lot going on. Shocker. And don’t even get me started on how well these people know their Hunger Games. They make me look like I live in District 9. (The movie with the shrimp aliens was a prequel, right?) Get a Twitter and follow @wcmoor.


Editorial Board members George Law and Will Moor go head to head about the social media craze that is known as Twitter.

— Will Moor

remarker student newspaper

editor-in-chief managing editor, operations managing editor, content deputy managing editor issues editor editorial director special projects editor business manager visuals director head photographer

Daniel Hersh Paul Gudmundsson Will Moor George Law Stephen Rambin Henry Woram Rachit Mohan John Caldwell Andrew Goodman Michael Doorey

news editors Ryan O’Meara Noah Yonack arts editors Dylan Clark Aidan Dewar sports editors Charlie Golden Sam Khoshbin opinions specialist Dylan Kirksey deputy editorial director Vishal Gokani

news coordinator Alan Rosenthal copy editor Alexander Munoz graphics directors Nic Lazzara Robbey Orth staff artists Zuyva Sevilla Purujit Chaterjee staff photographers Halbert Bai, Otto Clark-Martinek, Michael Doorey, Richard Eiseman, Andrew Gatherer,

Andrew Graffy, Riley Graham, Justin Harvey, Parker Matthews, Corbin Walp staff writers Aarohan Burma, Jacob Chernick, Matthew Conley, Tabish Dayani, Teddy Edwards, Cyrus Ganji, Cole Gerthoffer, Andrew Hatfield, Richard Jiang, Alex Kim, Shourya Kumar, Ryan Miller, Nabeel Muscatwalla, Jack O’Neill, Vik Pattabi, Ford Robinson, Umang Shah, William Sydney

beat reporters Bradford Beck, Kent Broom, Jack Byers, William Caldwell, Cameron Clark, Will Clark, Will Diamond, Matthew Dominguez, Kevin He, Noah Koecher, Akshay Malhotra, David Marsh, Roby Mize, Philip Montgomery, Zach Naidu, Matthew Placide, Avery Powell, Anvit Reddy, Philip Smart, Abhi Thummala, P.J. Voorheis adviser Ray Westbrook

student newspaper of st. mark’s school of texas • dallas, texas 75230 • 214.346.8000 • Coverage. The ReMarker covers topics, issues, events and opinions of relevance and interest to the St. Mark’s School of Texas community. Letters. Send submissions to the editor at 10600 Preston Road, Dallas, 75230 or via email at Letters should be brief and signed, although the writer may request anonymity. Letters may be

rejected if libelous or obscene material is contained therein. Editorials. The newspaper’s opinion will be presented in each issue in the form of editorials, which are clearly labeled and appear on the Commentary pages. Columns. Personal opinion is expressed through by-lined columns, which appear throughout the publication.

Advertising. Contact the business staff at 214.346.8145. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. Distribution. Press run is 3,800 copies. Copies are provided free of charge to students, faculty and staff at various distribution sites on campus and at our sister school, The Hockaday School. More than 2,600 copies are mailed out to alumni

courtesy of the school’s offices of External Affairs, Development and Alumni divisions. Membership. The ReMarker maintains membership in the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, New York City, NY; National Scholastic Press Association, Minneapolis, MN; and Interscholastic League Press Conference, Austin. Online Viewing. Each issue of

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Coach Mihai Oprea Tré Walton page 23

After a season opening loss to TVS, varsity volleyball has been on a roll and is looking like a favorite for SPC.

sprint. sports around campus

THE REMARKER | Friday, sept. 28, 2012 | PAGE 19


Sporting Events in the week ahead



Continuing their strong start to the season, Lions football looks to take on the Casady Cyclones at 7 p.m. in Oklahoma City. Coach Bart Epperson's players will try to continue the regain momentum after their 45-23 loss to All Saints Sept. 21. < Junior John Caldwell catches a touchdown pass in the Lions’ 41-21 win against the Cistercian Hawks Sept. 14. Caldwell finished the game with seven catches.



▶ The varsity volleyball team will travel up to Oklahoma City to play 6 p.m. at Casady today. The JV “Veterans” team will also play Casady today, but that game begins at 4:30 p.m. ▶ JV and varsity

cross country Teams have a meet 8:30 a.m. Saturday at Hidden Cove Park in The Colony.

▶ Fencing travels to Texas State University in San Marcos for the two-day Bobcat Open beginning on Saturday and beginning at 9 a.m. both days.


The JV football team is off to a 2-1 start this season. After defeating the Mart Panthers in their season opener 32-28 Sept. 6 and the Cistercian Hawks 14-6 Sept. 13, the Lions fell to a strong All Saints team 36-12 Sept. 20.


Both the junior varsity “rookies” and the “veterans” began their seasons with wins and continue the school’s high level of JV volleyball. The JV “rookies” have a 2-1 record and the “veterans” are 3-0. Both beat Trinity Valley Sept. 19, winning in two sets and three sets respectively. Sophomore JV player Wesley Cha believes the upcoming season holds promise.


“We have a solid team this year,” he said. “Compared with other JV teams in the SPC, our guys are bigger, stronger, and more athletic. Our future looks good.” The “rookies” played the DFW Volleyball Club last Monday, and the “veterans” will match up against the Casady Cyclones today at 4:30.



▶ Varsity volleyball game at home against the Fort Worth Country Day Falcons at 6 p.m. Tuesday. at Oakridge at 5:30 p.m. Thursday.

▶ Varsity football

team will play Oakridge at home 7:30 p.m. Friday. Oakridge started the season 3-0, including a 46-17 victory over ESD.

▶ The fencing team will begin the twoday North Texas Grand Prix from Oct. 6-7. The events begin at 9 a.m.

In addition to playing for their schools, the alumni have the opportunity to learn from coaches and stars around them. “It’s truly something special when you have a player as talented as Jarvis Jones take time to walk you through something or go over a play,” Pinkston said. “Learning from him has been worth coming to Georgia. The whole experience is amazing. I’m so blessed to be here with all the support I have received from my coaches, family, friends and the St. Mark’s community.”

Five alumni were chosen to play on college teams for the 2012-13 year. Alum Cameron Kline ‘12 is playing football for Colgate University, Steve Soren••• son ‘12 is playing The seventh and Will Perkins, coach Hayward Lee basketball for Mieighth grade volleyami University, Will ball players under Perkins ‘12 is playing lacrosse for head coaches Dwight Phillips the University of Michigan, Amir and Dave Evans are both undeSaboorian ‘12 is playing lacrosse feated after playing four games for Colgate University, and Dillard each. Pinkston ‘12 is playing football for The teams each beat Greenthe University of Georgia. hill once, Forth Worth Country “It’s an honor to walk into the Day once and Trinity Valley twice. locker room every day,” Pinkston Both Middle School teams look said. “I’m still shocked every time to move to 5-0 with another win I walk into the facility. It’s a whole another game today against the different feel.” rival Greenhill Hornets.

XCeleration Junior Matt Brown took first place at the Flower Mound Invitational Sept. 15 with a time of 16:57 in the 5,000 meter. Coach John Turek’s squad finished first in the 4A and under varsity boys’ race. The team’s next race is the Cougar Colony Classic tomorrow.




Not so cliché anymore

▶ JV football game


Hawk Huntin’ Junior John Webb passed for 413 yards and four touchdowns in his thrashing of the Cistercian Hawks’ defense. Webb led the Lions to 20 second half points, beating the Hawks 41-21 Sept. 14. After a loss to All Saints Sept. 21, Webb and the Lions are 2-1.

next week

a roundup of studentS’ athletic accomplishments

The Middle School cross country team has 25 runners, the most in five years. In addition to the high numbers, strong runners such as eighth-grader Daniel Cope make this a promising year. “I’m really looking forward to this season.” Turek said. “We’ve got a lot of kids out. They’re enthusiastic kids and work hard.” The team had its first meet last Saturday at the Marcus II invitational in Lewisville.

Those kinds of connections with old players that you’ve been training so hard and so long with that you know them by heart, and you don’t have to say a thing, you just connect. Page 21


t’s the kind of deep, philosophical conversation that high school guys can have only long after midnight. The kind where what you think deep down and what you say out loud are one and the same. And I’m a part of it. Well, a tiny part, really. It’s far into a hot June night, and I’m sitting on the carpeted kitchen floor of a friend’s house, playing with the laces on my topsiders, feeling where I’m most comfortable — surrounded by Marksmen. We’re the group of guys that stayed after the party and are spending the night. No one wants to go to bed, so we just talk. About Workaholics, about girls we’re interested in, about expectations for college. The older kids talk the most, I contribute a decent amount, comfortable interjecting whenever something pops into my head. But then the conversation shifts to sports — school sports, specifically. I realize that of this group of five, everyone has played a full contact varsity sport. Everyone has been cheered either on the wrestling mats in Spencer or under the lights on Bailey. Everyone but me. Suddenly, I have very little to say. ••• There have been many times when I’ve thought that people care way too much about sports. That they overemphasize the joy of a win and the pain of a loss. Sure, it’s fun to joke around with your teammates on bus rides, and you get in great shape running endless sprints. But I always rejected the idea that athletics could be the most important thing in my life or that teammates could really and truly be my family. Maybe I felt this way because early on, I realized that my strength was my smarts, not in my — well, strength. Maybe it’s because I might be right. Hearing the same stupid clichés every five minutes on SportsCenter and Monday Night Football has made me feel like they’re all the same, and no one game really matters. In 50 years, I wondered, how much will it really matter if a 2012 SPC championship goes to St. Mark’s or to a rival? ••• The guys around me on this June night have an absolute answer: “a lot.” This late, when they are at their most raw, without other coaches around, they affirm everything I’ve questioned. From the graduated senior who lost by one goal to Jesuit in the lacrosse state championship: That’s always gonna be with me. I’m always gonna want that back. From the varsity football player who hasn’t won SPC yet: When you give 110 percent like really bust your ass on every single play, that’s as real as it gets. From the state champion wrestler: It’s like, I’m always gonna share that with my teammates. Those practices where you kill yourself and those days when your starve yourself. And those state rings. I know it sounds stupid, but those guys are my brothers. ••• I still have no desire to be a professional athlete. Or even to play for any organization after high school. But when I think about that moment — and I have more than a few times over the last four months — those clichés don’t sound so dumb.


sports around campus

THE REMARKER | Friday, SEPT. 28, 2012 | PAGE 20

Mihai Oprea 21

r y an

Acho Brothers 22

Fall Sports 23

Olympics 24


Making a

Splash WATER WIZARD Warner makes a pass on a slalom run at the 2012 Nationals in West Palm Beach, FL. He went on to place fourth in trick, his specialty event.

Already a two-time national water-ski champion, sixth grader Ryan Warner had another big summer, claiming fifth place at nationals in a new age group and securing a number three ranking worldwide.


yan Warner had a busy first weekend of the school year. He went dove hunting a couple hours south of Dallas. Went to the mall with some friends. Asked a girl out. She said yes. The 11-year-old likes doing so much — hunting, fishing, snow skiing, playing Call of Duty and collecting AirSoft guns — that you’d almost never know that there’s one thing he does that separates him from everyone else. In fact, he’s so casual about the whole thing that you’d think that winning a national water-ski championship at nine years old was no big deal. That repeating that feat with a clean sweep the next year was unexceptional. And that being ranked third worldwide for his age group was nothing to write home about. His mother, Suzanne, recognizes that his achievements are much more significant than he openly acknowledges. She knows that few kids could train as hard and complete hours of homework nightly like Ryan does. But to Ryan, his success in waterskiing is just “pretty cool.”

Ryan isn’t the only one who’s had success skiing. The sport has been in his family since long before he was born. Suzanne skied recreationally. Ryan’s father, Mike, skied competitively. His sister, Grace, (in Form I at Hockaday) also competes in tournaments. Even their dog, Peaches, gets on the water occasionally. Ryan Warner started by being pulled on the grass behind a four-wheeler, and first skied in the water at three and a half. By age seven, he was already entering tournaments. Suzanne and Mike knew that they wanted their children to compete at the highest level, but they also put emphasis on their education. “The goal was always to compete at nationals, which they loved,” Suzanne Warner said. “But a lot of the competition trains year round and are homeschooled, so that’s an advantage for them. But we just thought that our kids’ educations were too important for that. So we train a lot to keep up.” It’s just fun to hang out with your ski friends. And while you’re out there, you might as well try to win. sixth grader ryan warner

Less training during the school year meant extra work during the summer — sometimes Ryan Warner and his sister train from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sometimes, Ryan desperately wants to rest his arms and legs, but he keeps going. “Sometimes I really want to take a break,” he said, “but it’s fun to be out on the water, and the extra training pays off.” And it certainly has. Just more than a year after his first competition, Ryan Warner won his first national title at the 2010 tournament in Chicago and repeated the following year. This August, in an older age group, he placed fifth overall and fourth in trick, but not after facing some adversity. “At regionals, he fell early on his trick run,” Suzanne Warner said. “The way the competition is set up, one fall can eliminate you from competition. He was devastated because he didn’t know if he would make it to nationals.” Fortunately, the sixth grader scored well enough in slalom and jump to still take first overall in regionals in Arkansas and move on to succeed at nationals in West Palm Beach, FL. Key to Ryan Warner’s success is Joy Todd Strickland, a former national champion whom the Warners heard about from another family at nationals. Strickland was moving close to the Warners’ property in East Texas, so Suzanne

Warner contacted her and began what became a very close relationship. “Joy didn’t really have a place to ski when we met,” Suzanne Warner said, “so we invited her to our lakehouse, and she really became a part of our family. She trains our kids, and we have her out to the lake all the time. We’re very fortunate to have her.” ltimately, however, it’s all about having a good time for him. “At the tournaments, it’s just fun to hang out with your ski friends,” Ryan Warner said. “And while you’re out there, you might as well try to win. It’s also fun, since nationals changes cities every year, to go to the beach or go out to cool restaurants or skateboard with your friends, depending on where you are.” The star athlete will continue to waterski, but don’t worry: next year, he’ll play sports for the school. “This year [on the club lacrosse team], I scored 17 goals, but I only played in ten,” he said. “I really want to play for St. Mark’s in high school and maybe in college, too. Hopefully, I might be able to get a scholarship.” Ryan Warner will have to wait another 18 months before he can dominate the competition in school lacrosse. Until then, he’ll have to settle for staying on the lake, medals around his neck and trophies in his hand.


MAKING A SPLASH story by Charlie Golden, sports editor | photos courtesy Suzanne Warner

LAWS of the lake

Slalom The skier goes through a set of buoys called the entrance gates and skies around six buoys to complete a full pass. After completing a full pass, the skier is pulled back through the set at a faster speed. After the maximum speed for that age division is reached and a full pass is made, the rope is shortened after each complete pass until the skier falls or misses a buoy.

Trick The rider is pulled at a set speed, attempting to complete different tricks in a certain amount of time. He is judged on the number of tricks completed, the difficulty of these tricks and the execution of these tricks. Some examples of tricks are toe turns (the skier holds the rope with a foot while doing tricks), 360s over the wake and even flips.

Jump The rider is pulled at a set speed up a ramp at a fixed height, and attempts to jump as far horizontally as possible while landing successfully. The skier gets three jumps and the farthest jump is the one counted. Ryan Warner jumps up to 80 feet. — Charlie Golden, with Suzanne Warner



the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012

M I hai


O prea

Just like the good ol’ days Mihai Oprea made his biennial trip to the World Championships at Riccione, Italy in search of another water polo gold medal.

THE RECORD Even though Water Polo Romania lost in a nail-biting, double overtime championship game this year, Mihai Oprea and his teammates beat the Croatians two years ago in the last FINA World Championships in Perth, Australia.


uring the Soviet Union’s communist regime of Romania, Mihai Oprea lived in a large, government-controlled house that was packed with families. Each family got one bedroom. In the basement of the house, Oprea lifted a pipe filled with cement. He had lifted weights since he was a small boy. He had to. To make sure he made the water polo team. Stella Bucharest, the army’s club Romania, recruited Oprea before he turned 11 years old. To be on the team and in the club, one had to be good. Otherwise, you’d get kicked out. And needless to say, in communist Romania, athletics were a better option than the other government instated jobs. Oprea won six national championships in his time with Stella Bucharest. Thirty years after playing for Stella Bucharest, Oprea plays center defender with many of those same guys in the 40-plus world championships on his team, Water Polo Romania. “Since I really started playing with them, I played in the 30 plus, 35 plus, now 40 plus, but most of us are over 45, we have actually a couple of guys who are 50, but we are playing the 40 plus because it’s more competitive,” Oprea said. And competitive it was, with two matches that came down to one goal. After ending their round robin draw as the top team and beating the strong Spandau club from Germany, Water Polo Romania, Oprea’s team, went into the main bracket. There, they played and beat Spain in the quarterfinals. They also beat Germany in the semis. Again. Water Polo Romania was up against Croatia in the finals of the World Championships. The Romanian team had beaten the Croatians in the World Championships two years ago in Perth, Australia, but this

time, Oprea’s team was hampered by injuries and foulouts. “We lost our goalie in the first quarter of the first game and he could never play again because he pulled his bicep,” Oprea said. “Then we got the backup goalie and he was also injured, his hip and shoulder. So he had to play seven games injured like that. Like I said, we only had nine field players and we lost two of them by halftime, with the three personal fouls each.” Even with these tough conditions, the Romanians brought the game down to double overtime, tied 9-9.

Even though we haven’t played since the Romanian championships in 1990, we know exactly where we are and it just takes a quick look to know what that guy wants. MIhai Oprea

In the last five seconds of the double overtime, one of the Croatian players threw the ball out of desperation. The ball hit the arm of a Romanian defender, veered down, and just barely squeezed under the arm of the Romanian goalie.

“Even though we lost, and there are some bitter feelings, it was just a great game,” Oprea said. “And we are really good friends with those guys so it was the best team to lose to.” Oprea will continue playing in the European and world championships. Even though he did not win this year, Oprea got to rekindle the intensity, discipline and teamwork. Despite many years having gone by, the team still runs like clockwork. “Even though we haven’t played since the Romanian championships in 1990, we know exactly where we are and it just takes a quick look to know what that guy wants,” Oprea said. “You can give him a no-look pass that nobody expects. Those kinds of connections with old players that you’ve been training so hard and so long with that you know them by heart, and you don’t have to say a thing, you just connect. Now we’re 47 years old and we’ve been doing that since we’re 14.” It’s been 30 years, but in the minds of the players, not much has changed. “It’s interesting,” Oprea said. “I think it’s even more competitive when you’re older than when you’re 18. Honestly, it’s probably more competitive than when we played professionally. It’s this ego that old people have.”

the draw Quarters



Imperial Sport (Moldova) Wfr. Spandau (Germany) Real Canoe (Spain) Water Polo Romania

Wfr. Spandau Water Polo Romania Water Polo Romania

Dubrovacki Veterani (Croatia) Dubrovacki Veterani Veteran 70 (Croatia) Can. Milano Master (Italy) Europa Sporting Roma (Italy)

Dubrovacki Veterani

Dubrovacki Veterani

Europa Sporting Roma

JUst like the good ol’ days story by Sam Khoshbin, sports editor | photos by Parker Matthews, staff photographer

Senior lacrosse player Bear Goldstein makes the Under Armour top 40 By Ford Robinson Staff Writer Senior Bear Goldstein is

one of the top 40 high school lacrosse players in the nation after being invited to the Under Armour Warrior 40, a top tier lacrosse program where the best players in the nation competed in a three-day competition in Commerce City, Colorado, Aug. 13-15. Goldstein was the first Marksman to ever attain such a status. A Major League Lacrosse player told Goldstein the news. “They contacted me over Facebook,” Goldstein said, “I felt really excited and honored to have a chance to play against the best players in the country.” Varsity lacrosse coach Hayward Lee is more than proud of Goldstein for receiving this honor. “I am so happy for him,” Lee said. “That’s an honor for Bear that signifies the work that he has put into his craft as a player. I think it speaks well of our program, it speaks well of our school and it

speaks well of all Bear’s teammates.” It is unknown from where Goldstein was recruited for Warrior 40. He’s attended many summer tournaments including the Denver Shootout, King of the Hill and the Brine Shootout. “I’m not exactly sure how I was recruited into the Warrior 40,” Goldstein said. “It was probably a combination of in-season play and all the summer tournaments I have gone to.” Goldstein has attended many other camps but never one as prestigious. “Last year I went to Nike Blue Chip 120,” Goldstein said, “which is similar, but consisted of 120 players instead of only 40, and it required you to pay. Warrior 40 was 100 percent free.” The invited athletes did not only participate in skills competitions and a final competition, but also received coaching advice from Major League Lacrosse stars. Most all of the players who attended the Warrior 40 have verbally committed to play lacrosse in college. As of Oct. 1, 2011 Goldstein has been verbally com-

mitted to Princeton University. The senior looks forward to playing lacrosse for Princeton in the coming years. Princeton is his family’s school, and he is very excited to be able to continue the legacy. “My grandfather, mother, aunt and three uncles all went to Princeton and played sports there,” Goldstein said. “This initially pressured me to choose Princeton over the other schools, but once I visited, I realized that Princeton was the best option. It has a top tier lacrosse program, the best academic opportunities and an overall promising college experience.” With the senior achieving new heights for the school and the lacrosse program, Lee salutes Goldstein’s achievements as not only a lacrosse player, but also as an individual. “I am extremely proud of Bear,” Lee said. “He is a great kid, a hard worker, a great teammate and a class act on and off the field. As much as I appreciate Bear the player, I even more appreciate Bear the person.”

lookin’ grizzly In addition to practice, Goldstein also participated in a final exhibition featuring all 40 players.



the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012





hearts First annual Brothers Acho NFL Camp to provide funds for Nigerian clinics

A HAPPY COUNSELOR Holding one of his youngest campers, Sam Acho smiles for the camera.


t was a strange sight. Hundreds of five to 12 year-old youngsters were scattered in smaller groups around the Norma and Lamar Hunt Family Stadium. Volunteer counselors, players and coaches including Coach Greg Guiler and Sam Yonack ’12 tried their best to keep drills running smoothly and the kids in line. But at the heart of it all were the two brothers: Sam Acho ’07 and Emmanuel Acho ’08 circulated, giving pointers, patting kids on the back and making sure everyone was having a good time. This blistering June 16 morning was the inaugural Brothers Acho Fundamental Youth Football Clinic. “Some of the other guys

were there on their phones and looked like they were there mainly because they had committed to be there, but both of them [the Achos] were fully involved in the

action, giving kids pats on the back, working with them personally,” Guiler said. “Part of it was that their name was on the shirt, but it was more than that... They looked like they enjoyed being there.” For the Acho brothers, the camp was an opportunity to reunite with the St. Mark’s community before their NFL seasons. Sam is in his second year with the Arizona Cardinals and Emmanuel was drafted by the Cleveland Browns this April. Both played at the University of Texas at Austin prior to their NFL careers. “It was a no-brainer, being able to go back and work with some of our old high school

coaches,” Emmanuel said. “And also to go back and influence some kids who were in similar positions to myself just a few years ago.” The camp, which cost $75 for participants, was more than a skills clinic or a reunion with their alma mater. All proceeds went to Living Hope Ministries, an organization founded by the Achos’ parents that benefits healthcare in Africa. “All the proceeds will go toward building a hospital in Nigeria, so that we can be able to give back year round,” Emmanuel said. “So the funds will go toward building that $750,000 to $1 million hospital.” To help raise funds, the brothers recruited their college and NFL friends and teammates to come work at the camp. In attendance were several Dallas Cowboys players as well as Keenan Robinson of the Redskins. “My brother got the Cowboys teammates,” Emmanuel said. “He worked with them at a camp prior to our own. And Keenan Robinson played linebacker with me at Texas, and was drafted in the 4th round of the 2012 draft.” But more than anything else, the Acho brothers’ enthusiasm is what made the camp special. Far from taking a passive role, the Acho brothers spent time playing and joking with the children during their lunchtime activities and stayed after camp for several

hours. “They were like jungle gyms,” Guiler said. “The kids were climbing all over them, jumping up and down, and Sam was there laughing and playing along with them.” For Emmanuel, the payoff happened in seeing the impact he was having on the kids’ lives. “Just seeing the smile on the kids’ faces all day long,” he said, “and being able to talk to them as a group, that was extremely memorable.” It was no-brainer, being able to go back and work with some of our old high school coaches. And also to go back and influence some kids who were in similar positions to myself a few years ago. Emmanuel Acho ‘08

BROTHERS Sam and Emmanuel returned to their alma mater to shed light on future peewee football players. The NFL brothers worked wth youngsters to boost their football skills.

Full Hearts story by Rachit Mohan, special projects editor | photos courtesy Dave Carden

SPC employs tournament playoff style; splits into north and south divisions By Teddy Edwards Staff Writer Tournament style playoffs have been added to the football season as SPC implemented new changes to the 201213 sports seasons. “The biggest change, of course, this fall is the football format,” Athletic Director Mark Sullivan said. “It will depend on our outcome in our zone, which is a north zone, as to whether or not we’ll make the first playoff weekend and then of course the SPC championship.”

SPC has decided to split football into a north and a south zone, and playoffs into divisions based on male enrollment. This means that of the four teams that make the playoffs from the north, the two with the highest male enrollment will play the two Houston schools with the highest male enrollment in the division one championship. This new system allows more schools to play in playoff games; it also means that the two highest rated teams may not play each other. However, the most notable split still

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remains the north-south zoning. “The thing people will see is since we’re a north zone team, we no longer have any games in the south,” Sullivan said. “We traditionally play all three schools: EHS, Kinkaid and St. John’s, in the season. Now, the only way we can see those teams is in some sort of playoff matchup.” This new zoning allows athletes to miss less school and keeps travel to a minimum. “We have one trip to Oklahoma in a couple of weeks,” Sullivan said, “but beyond that we’ll be in Dallas or Fort Worth every

Friday night. Less potential missed class time due to travel is the biggest positive.” However, the new zoning also means that Lions athletics doesn’t have a scheduled game against SPC newcomer Houston Christian High School until winter. “What they [Houston Christian] do, they seem to do pretty well,” Sullivan said. “I look forward to developing some sort of relationship down there. I’m not sure what that will look like initially, other than that we’ll see a new team at conference tournaments.”

SPC alignment for tournament style playoffs NORTH


Arlington oakridge

Houston St. john’s

Dallas St. Mark’s

Bellaire EPiscopal

Ft. Worth All Saints Tusla Holland hall Irving Cistercian Dallas Episcopal

Houston Kinkaid Ft. Worth Country Day Austin St. Andrews

Oklahoma City Casady

Ft. Worth Trinity Valley

Dallas Greenhill

Houston Christian



the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012




Out of the gates

By Matthew Conley Staff Writer he scorching Texas sun creates a bond the 42 players on the Lions football team share. We have a drive this year. With a 7-2 season behind them, these players finally feel it’s their year to win SPC. A drive that we haven’t had in the past. Long two-a-days, film sessions and lifting weights have forced the players to dedicate themselves not only to improving their skills, but also forming bonds with teammates. Whatever it takes. With experience on their side, there’s a new camaraderie on coach Bart Epperson’s Lions football team, along with a boosted desire to work for the prize they came so close to last year. “This year we had most of the team come out four times a week during the summer. Every week,” junior quarterback John Webb said. “All completely voluntary.“ Senior captain Reid Thompson credits this dedication to the strong bonds formed between players.


This year we had most of the team come out four times a week during this summer. Every week. All completely voluntary. quarterback John Webb

cross country

Summer trip prepares runners for fall season By Richard Jiang Staff Writer Junior Matthew Brown felt a sense of relaxation as he stepped out of the ice bath in Wimberly, TX. But, Coach John Turek’s cross-country team didn’t travel there over the summer for leisure. For four days, several members of squad pushed themselves to the limit, running twice a day in preparation for the upcoming season. However, they grew in more than one way. “The team definitely has a stronger bond now because we were with each other 24/7 and everyone was always supporting each other,” Brown said. “It was great to see the team bond before the season actually started.” The team shared their bonding experience with activies such as visiting alum Max Marshall’s

summer stats 4 • Days 14 • Runners • Total miles ran 336 • Hours traveled 4

‘12 and junior Charlie Marshall’s summer home, tubing and swimming in natural springs. Turek also saw many improvements from the trip that would not have been otherwise obtained by the summer workouts, which were only mandatory from the beginning of August. “There was more focused effort, team bonding and team development,” Turek said. The higher elevation in the Wimberley hill country proved to be challenging as well, and the team felt immediate results upon their return to Dallas. “Coming back to Dallas, it was easier to run,” senior captain Taubert Nadalini said. “We were all used to the climate and the terrain.” However, the purpose of all of the workouts is the same. The team is looking for a SPC win against long-time rival St. Andrew’s. “We know that we have a formidable foe at St. Andrew’s,” Turek said. “And we know that if we want to beat them, we are going to have to be as tough as we can be both physically and mentally.” As an experienced runner in the program, Nadalini is anxious to lead the freshman runners, along with senior captains Dylan Kirksey and Robbey Orth to take on the responsibility of being a captain.

fighting on Running through a Hawk tackle, senior wide receiver Danny Koudelka fights for extra

yardage during the Lions’ Sept. 14 game against Cistercian. The Lions battled through a rainy first half to pull out a win 41-21, shutting out Cistercian in the final two quarters.


New approach awaits squad By Teddy Edwards Staff Writer A whole new approach is what varsity fencing team members are facing in fall play. “We re-organized everything this year,” head coach Michael Kim said. “Last year we had too many kids at one particular weapon, like a saber.” With more fencers spread over the three categories, Epee, Saber and Foil, Kim hopes to gain a more balanced team. “We switched kids to different weapons so that we have equal numbers in each event.” Kim said. “By doing this I can spend a little more time with them [the fencers] and the smaller groups allow me to work

“You have to set a good example to the younger runners,” Nadalini said, “it’s a hackneyed expression, but it’s true. You’re the one who people look up to and you’re the one who has been running in the program the longest. You have to take what you know and help the team improve.” Turek is confident in the team’s ability. He also recognizes the skill of St. Andrew’s and knows that the competition will be close. “We certainly seem to have the talent and the depth to do well again this year,” Turek said, “the question is if we have enough bullets, enough strength to beat St. Andrew’s.”

iN STRIDE Juniors Matt Brown, Dean Addy and seniors Dylan Kirksey and Robbey Orth are among the team’s top runners.

better with them. Despite the new format, the fencing team had only mediocre success in the Lonestar Fencing Club season opener. Although Kim realizes the difficulty in spreading the fencers over three events, he hopes that the strong junior class can help ease the transition. “I think the team will improve a lot.” Kim said. “It’s not going to improve immediately. We graduated some good guys, Carson Warnberg ’12 and Rishi Roy ‘12, but we do have a lot of strong seniors returning to compete. When we put everything together we should be good.” In addition to the new organization, Kim is also adding workouts every third day to prepare fencers for the Texas Interscholastic Fencing Association championship which takes place November 3. “All of our seniors are really strong this year,” Kim said, “and the experience they bring really helps this team. I’m looking forward to a successful year.”


Season-opening upset stuns Teicher’s team By Cyrus Ganji Staff Writer The Lion’s varsity volleyball squad commenced the 2012 season at the Trinity Valley School (TVS) Sep. 4 with rare deficiency in place and an upsetting loss. However, the team’s shortcoming also symbolized a new beginning. Following the self-inflicted loss at TVS, the Lion’s varsity team adapted to a new style of play and setting of work. According to senior captains Carl Dickson and Brandon Stetler, the primary obstacle for this year’s team lies in personal relation, due to the graduation of eight seniors. “I’d like to see us become a little more close-knit…become better friends, then be able to pick up each other after we make mistakes in game,” Dickson said. Despite the opening loss, the squad managed to secure a championship at the St. John’s Houston Cup, along with individual Bishop Dunne, Greenhill and TVS victories. However, Head Coach Darren Teicher remains wary of

championship predictions, particularly after prior years’ SPC final losses. “We are favorites,” Teicher said. “But, that’s not exactly where I like to be. Right now we have a lot of things that we can improve on, and we’re gonna work on those things and get better.” With formidable height, attitude and talent, the success of Lion’s varsity volleyball is again likely. However, the battle for SPC is no longer external. “So…,” Stetler said, “probably our biggest competition is ourselves.”


Epperson’s squad hopes to continue improvements



“We’ve built a stronger team, not just athletics wise but bonding wise,” Thompson said. “Everyone knows each other and there isn’t a huge gap between sophomores and seniors. We all feel like we’re equal parts of the team.” The strong desire for a championship comes from the seniors’ team motto: Whatever it takes. “The seniors came up with it because all we’ve ever wanted to do is win,” Thompson said. “We were a 3-6 team sophomore year, and we went 7-2 last year, so we want to go all the way this year.” The coaches share that ambition and are confident in their team. “We have a good mix of offense and defense and we have a lot of speed,” defensive coordinator Russ Labhart said. Starting the season strong with a 28-12 win over Mart, Webb feels that everyone is part of the team’s success. “After overcoming the first game nerves everyone picked it up,” Webb said. “These two games have been very hard fought games; we had to keep battling for the full 48 minutes which will be crucial to our success when we get into tough conference games that come down to the wire.” Along with overall team effort, Thompson believes the defense has made huge contributions. “We’ve responded really well as a team to the unexpected things that happen in games,” Thompson said. “When the offense has had trouble, the defense has been able to pick up the slack and vice versa.” Coming off of a 45-23 loss to All Saints last Friday, they play 1-3 Casady tonight, and keep November 9th, the date of the SPC championship game in sight. “We’ve been knocking on the door,” Labhart said, “and I think we’re gonna kick it in this year.


Fall SPC squads — football, volleyball, cross country and fencing — start seasons strong

STEPPING IT UP Senior Carl Dickson sets the ball during varsity volleyball’s win against Bishop Dunne.


Gone viral All smiles “I love you Sam Acho” went viral on Youtube over the summer, now having more than 550,000 views.

remarker student newspaper

St. Mark’s School of Texas 10600 Preston Road Dallas, Texas 75230

What they’re saying on YouTube: “Oh wow, if only everyone in the NFL was such an awesome representative. I’ll definitely be pulling for this guy. What a class act.” ar4216 1 month ago 40 likes


the back sports page


the remarker | Friday sept. 28, 2012

e r t i m e


scored by John Caldwell through three games



minutes run by Matthew Brown in his first place finish in the 5000m at the Flower Mound invitational

14 tackles

recorded in one game by junior linebacker Mac Labhart

13 straight wins

for varsity volleyball as of Sept. 22

2/ 3


of the top 15 finishers at the Flower Mound Invitational were Marskmen.

92 points

scored by the football team in three games



on coach Michael Kim’s squad, which looks to claim its first state title in ten years

Duchess sightings, the streak that is Usain Bolt and the man who’s won the most Olympic medals of all time — Marksmen and their families saw all of these things and more as they attended the games of the 30th Summer Olympiad.

London calling

BEACH BALL Beach volleyball was just one of the events that the Addy family attended at the London Olympics. “Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see Misty May and Kerri Walsh,” junior Dean Addy said, “but it was still pretty fun.”


My favorite part of being at the Olympics had to have been my interview with NBC. Being on TV thousands of miles away from the event was a pretty cool feeling.

RINGS OF FIRE Junior Tommy Addy was amazed by the Games’ opening ceremonies, snapping this picture of the olympic rings raining sparks while emerging from the center of the stadium floor.


Not being able to meet Princess Middleton would have to be my biggest disappointment.


Seeing Bolt’s 100m was absurd. Before the gun went off, the 70,000 fans sat silent. Then, it all erupted into the kind of noise you hear nowhere else. We were sitting right by Kate Middleton, and she is super fine in real life.


I was by far the loudest American in the stands [at the USA-Hungary Waterpolo game]. I had several one-way conversations with American players that I know were heard because of how quiet it was during stoppage time.


My favorite event was definitely the opening ceremonies, pretty much because of the performance and choreography. I mean, just the whole thing in general was amazing. Seeing all the different people from all over the world represent their respective nations was pretty sweet.


STARSTRUCK Junior Charlie Marshall witnessed history in London, close enough to the action to see Michael Phelps (top) Andy Murray (above) win Olympic gold.

London did a fantastic job of hosting the events this year. The whole city went on display! What I liked best was the fact that they had someone at EVERY street corner in Olympic gear ready to help and serve should you find yourself lost or confused.

LONDON CALLING compiled by Charlie Golden and Sam Khoshbin, sports editors | photos courtesty, Charlie Marshall and Tommy Addy


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