Lent 2010 Daily Mass During Lent: Mondays & Wednesdays Chapel of the Annunciation 12:10pm (Lunch follows Wed. Mass) Tuesdays & Thursdays Chapel of the Annunciation 5:15pm Sundays Perkins Chapel 9:00am & 5:00pm
Connect For the most up to date information on events & activities, visit Facebook Fan Pages: SMU Catholic SMU Catholic Alumni Follow us on Twitter: smucatholic Email: Call: 214-987-0044
Grow in Faith Take advantage of one or more of these opportunities to draw closer to God & others during Lent.
The Truth About Relationships
Holy Half Hour
A 5-week look @ love & intimacy in the real world begins February 23, continues through March 30 Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. Neuhoff Catholic Center
a mid-week prayer service that comes at just the right time to refresh and re-charge Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. Chapel of the Annunciation
Busy Students' Retreat Fit a retreat into your busy schedule in just an hour a day for 4 days March 21-25 Made possible by the Serra Club of Metropolitan Da!as
Serve others Put your faith into action with one or more of these opportunities
Last Call Discussion Group for Seniors about life & faith after SMU Mondays at 9:00 p.m. For weekly location info, contact John Paul Lichon.
Facebook Bible Study Weekly video blog posted to our Facebook Fan page
Service Saturdays February 27, March 27 & April 24 Feb. 27: Habitat for Humanity Meet at the Neuhoff Center @ 7:30 a.m. Coffee, bagels & lunch will be provided!
Tutoring in Vickery Meadow Vickery Meadow is home to refugee children from Iraq, Somalia, Burundi, Nepal, & Burma Mondays and Thursdays Meet at the Catholic Center by 3:30 p.m.
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Meet with families in Vickery Meadow to build relationships & become a resource Sundays @ 3:30 p.m.
Lent 2010 Good News At a Glance o2,750 Students o200 Faculty & Staff o(estimated) At 25%, Roman Catholic SMU students comprise the largest religious group on campus. With an average Sunday Mass attendance of 500, Catholics are the largest community worshipping weekly on campus.
SMU Catholic secures $20,000 Grant SMU Catholic received a $20,000 grant from Houston’s Scanlan Foundation to help fund our sacramental ministry which includes everything from music, liturgical supplies, and celebrants.
Save these Dates The Spring is Full of great reasons & Special occassions to gather as the body of Christ
Holy Week in Perkins Chapel
Support SMU Catholic The annual costs of maintaining a Catholic ministry at SMU tops $500,000. 100% of funds to support SMU Catholic comes from parents, students, alumni, community gifts and from foundations. To make a financial gift, go to or contact Anna LeBlanc.
April 1 Holy Thursday 7:00 p.m. April 2 Good Friday 3:00 p.m. April 3 Holy Saturday 8:00 p.m. April 4 Easter Sunday 9:00 a.m. (note: no 5:00 p.m. Easter Mass)
Confirmation April 11 5:00 p.m. Mass celebrated by Bishop Kevin Farrell
Year of the Priest April 18 Special Dinner for Fr. Tony Lackland follows the 5:00 p.m. Mass
Senior Send-off & End of the Year Banquet April 25 5:00 p.m. Mass followed by special dinner, location: TBA
SMU Catholic Annual Spring Celebration May 1 “Chariots of Fire” hosted by Mark & Patty Langdale
Graduation Mass & Brunch for Seniors & Families May 16 following 9:00 a.m. Mass