RGU Sports Clubs Policies and Procedures

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Sports Clubs

Policies and Procedures

September 2011

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We have student and non student memberships

Students must show a current student card to join. Community memberships are available for training and non University competition. Community memberships must be approved by the President of Sport and Physical Activity.

What you get for your membership

Access to training, club socials and events. Scottish Student Sport (SSS) and British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) competition is funded.

Everyone needs to join

All clubs must ensure that all participants are valid members.



Join at RGU: SPORT

Complete a Sports Club Membership form at RGU: SPORT reception desk.

Joining fees

Student full club membership £40 (some exceptions) Community membership £55 Half Membership £10 Second club membership £10

You need your membership card

1.3 How to form a new club

Membership cards will be given when you join and you may be asked to show your card at training or fixtures to a member of SPAT.

Forming a new club Speak with the President of Sport and Physical Activity in the first instance.

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What you need to start a new club

Minimum of 10 current students interested and approval from the President of Sport and Physical Activity and the Sports Forum.



Section 2

Roles and Structures

Sports Forum

The club presidents meet at least 4 times a year to discuss the strategic development of sport, financial and operational update, share best practice and raise any club issues.

Sport and Physical Activity Team (SPAT)

A team of volunteers who help the delivery and development of sport, physical activity, events and fundraising.

President of Sport and Physical Activity Director of Sport



Full time role to promote and facilitate sport and physical activity at RGU. Represent students both within RGU and the tertiary education sector.

Offers advice and support to the President of Sport and Physical Activity and the Sports Forum.

Over arching governance and partnerships The sports clubs sit with in the banner of the Union but govern themselves. There is a partnership with RGU: SPORT. The finances are run through RGU: SPORT. Support and advice is giving by RGU: SPORT as well as training facilities. Page 3 of 9



RGU Union hold elections in March

To run for the President of Sport and Physical Activity or Vice President of Sport please ask the Union for more information.


Appointed by the President of Sport and Physical Activity after nominating yourself via email.


3.1 Check fixtures weekly Avoid fixture cancellation

Text results in on the day


Section 3

Fixture Administration www.bucs.org.uk/bucscore These fixtures have been organised in consultation with all other Scottish Universities. Fixtures must only be postponed/cancelled for unavoidable circumstances. To cancel a fixture please contact the President of Sport and Physical Activity. The opposition is not to be contacted. Results must be submitted to the President of Sport and Physical Activity by the end of match day detailing the full score.


Let the President know what transport you need

Transport will be booked as per BUCScore. For any changes or trips that don’t appear on BUCScore then you must booked 1 week in advance by letting the President of Sport and Physical Activity know.

You must be

Drivers must be over 21 and must complete a Drivers Declaration Form. If a driver has an accident Page 4 of 9

over 21 to drive a hire car Clubs must inform the President who is on the trip There are insurance implications

3.3 Plan your transport

they must resubmit a Drivers Declaration Form.

Clubs must text or email the President of Sport and Physical Activity a list of everyone travelling on departure.

Individuals who have not paid their membership are not permitted to travel as they are not insured.

Overnight trips The cheapest method of transport must be booked 1 month in advance. Email the President of Sport and Physical Activity with your request.

Accommodation should be good value

Clubs must investigate cheap options for accommodation 1 month in advance of the trip.

We will ask for a personal contribution

Individuals may be asked to contribute £10 per night.

3.4 We have highlighted 3 high risk clubs When forms are completed and approved transport will be booked

High risk clubs Shelterstone, cycling and snowsports have been identified as high risk clubs and must complete a Trip Preparation Card. Fully completed Trip Preparation Card must be submitted to President of Sport and Physical Activity before transport and accommodation is booked. Forms must also be left with an emergency contactclub member not on the trip.

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Emergency contact must follow the procedure for high risk clubs

See appendix 1 for the Procedure for trip preparation card.


Section 4

4.1 The University gives money for club activities We expect you to fundraising

You need to get sponsorship To make payments

Income The sports clubs are given a grant from the University to subsidise student sport and physical activity which is managed through RGU: SPORT. All clubs are expected to fundraise. Club who fundraise up to £1000 can spend 25% on what they choose. Clubs who raise over £1000 can spend 50%. Clubs can spend funds on kit, equipment, facilities. Money is not permitted to be spent on socials or tour. Clubs should all look for sponsorship and should consult with the President of Sport and Physical Activity prior to any agreement. All cheques should be made payable to Robert Gordon University. Invoices are preferred method for payments. Page 6 of 9

liaise with the President

4.2 Purchases and invoices Expenses claims can be made if they have prior approval

Expenditure Club purchases and invoices will be paid by the President of Sport and Physical Activity. Claims can be made if the expenditure has been pre approved by the President of Sport and Physical Activity. A form must be completed and authorised. Cheques will take approximately 2 weeks and can be collected at RGU: SPORT.

Disciplinary procedure and code of conduct

5.1 Good behaviour Vandalism

Section 5

Code of Conduct Individuals are expected to behave in a manner that does not reflect poorly on the University- bad behaviour will not be tolerated. Damaging property whilst partaking in club activities is strictly forbidden. Page 7 of 9



Drinking whilst using transport or property provide is strictly forbidden. Individuals must abide by Code of Conduct set by Governing Bodies, Scottish Student Sport (SSS) and British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS).

Disciplinary Procedure

Disciplinary committee and process

Vice President of Sport, member of the Sport and Physical Activity Team and a non sports member of the Union Executive Board. The club will be informed 10 working days before the meeting and must attend with a representative from the club. President on Sport and Physical Activity will be responsible for organising the hearing and will put forward the case as the prosecutor but will play no role in the sanction given.

Appeal committee and process

The club/individual must inform the President of Communication and Democracy within 5 working days. President of Communications and Democracy, Director of Sport and a member of SAMAG. The President of Communications and Democracy is the convenor. The club will be informed 10 working days before the meeting and must attend with a representative from the club.

Health and safety Clubs must ensure that risk is minimised Club leaders must be familiar with

Section 6

Detailed risk assessments must be completed to ensure that all risks have been reduced and that club activities are safe. If an accident happens please follow the procedure in Appendix 3. Clubs training in RGU: SPORT should ask for help from staff. Page 8 of 9



the accident procedure We provide 1st Aid supplies

Amendments Changes must be approved by the Sports Forum Policies and Procedures will be reviewed on a yearly basis


First aid bags and supplies are provided. It is the clubs responsibility to keep them topped up and make sure they are taken to training and fixtures.

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It can be changed at any time and must then receive approval by the Sports Forum. Anyone can request for the document to be edited and the request will be presented to the Sports Forum. To stay up to date the document will be reviewed yearly over the summer by the President of Sport and Physical Activity and will be presented at the first Sports Forum of the year.

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