Phone : 01099362347
Add: Ain shams- Cairo
Personal Statement
Education Training
Email :
I am a junior architect graduate of Architecture - Al-Azhar University 2021 And have over 5 years of experience using software tools I am looking forward to gaining more experience as well as improving technical and design knowledge through a real work atmosphere, especially in the field of BIM. I am very detail-oriented, passionate about teamwork and the world of competitions, and I care about the environment, recycling, using local materials or new materials that have an environmentally positive impact and design
-Junior Architect at Al Hadab Home Office Works on design projects in Saudi Arabia
- Junior Architect at eyes 360 - works on Metaverse solutions.
Graduated from Architectural Department Al-Azhar University in
Cairo (2021).
Total grade: Good.
Graduation Project: "Sheikh of Artisans" development of AL-Gmalia area in Cairo.
Graduation Project grade: Excellent
Apr.: 2022: Aug.2 023
BIM Manager Track provided by NIQAT GLOBAL
-Demonstrated experience in developing a comprehensive BIM Execution Plan for a 1100 m2 commercial building in accordance with ISO 19650
-Strong capability to meet and exceed client requirements outlined in the EIR, ensuring project success.
-Skilled at defining the necessary level of graphical and nongraphical information (LOD100 to LOD500) for project success.
-Adept at preparing pre-appointment BEPs and associated documents, including MIDP and TIDP.
-Familiarity with various BIM-related guidelines and standards, including PAS 1192, COBie, and Uniclass.
-Creating 3D model with LOD 350 -Create scripts in dynamo.
-Using revit and Navisworks to get a Zero clash model.
-Collaboration with other disciplines using BIM 360, PLANNERLY, REMOTE SERVER _NIQAT-.
-4D& 5D using Navisworks . -Lumion Rendering videos&shots
May : Oct. 2022
Architectural BIM Track provided by KAITECH Project: Educational building (School) located in new capital and consists of four blocks with total area 10000 m ² ..
Training description: studying BIM fundamentals, advanced Revit, work sharing and coordination, BIM implementation course ( EIR, BXP, AIR, AIM … etc. ) .. also studying coding with dynamo and clash detection with navisworks
Aug. : Sep. 2019
Technical office + Architecture site engineer course Alzad Engineering - Eng. Mohamed Khalaf (Housing, finishes in 15 may, Helwan city)