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The 2023 Sterling Scholar Awards will be

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Held March 30 at Southern Utah University

Boulder Planning Commission


by Tessa Barkan

March 2023

BOULDER - The March 2023 Boulder Planning Commission (PC) meeting began with a Q&A with the Town Planner on using the Commercial Development Standards Worksheet so that the PC will be able to utilize it smoothly in the future. The purpose of the worksheet is to make clear, defensible decisions based on pre-decided factors that were chosen by the PC. The Zoning Administrator (ZA) first reviews applications, making sure that all necessary boxes are checked and all required materials have been submitted, then they provide a recommendation to the PC. The PC then considers the application, using a rating scale between -2 to +2 on a series of factors.


Southern Utah University is preparing for the annual Sterling Scholar competition on March 30, 2023.

One hundred and eighty one students from nineteen

Join Capitol Reef N.P. Staff in Fruit Tree Planting Volunteer Service Project; Multiple Dates

Courtesy National Park Service Capitol Reef National Park is seeking volunteers to assist in planting fruit trees to rehabilitate the historic Fruita orchards.


Capitol Reef National

Park is seeking volunteers to assist in planting fruit trees to rehabilitate the historic Fruita orchards. This is part of a multi-year project to preserve the quality and character of the orchards; and ensure they can be enjoyed in the future.

Join park staff in planting fruit trees in the Cook Orchard, located along Utah State Route 24 across the street from the Fruita Schoolhouse.

Volunteers will help plant sweet and sour cherries on March 30th and April 6th.

Several heirloom apple varieties will be planted on April 12th. Volunteers should bring gloves, work- type boots and clothing, sun protection, food and water. Shovels and other tools for planting will be provided.

The service project will begin at 9 a.m. with an orientation. Afterwards, volunteers and park employees will split into small groups to start planting.

Volunteers are asked to park at the Fruita Schoolhouse, 0.8 mile east of the Capitol Reef Visitor Center along Utah State Route 24. Volunteers will be signed up as single-day volunteers with the National Park Service.

Please contact Angelina Guerra at angelina_guerra@nps.gov or 435-425-4116 with any questions.

—National Park Service high schools will meet on SUU's campus to complete the final round of judging. The day’s events will include competitive interviews followed by an Awards Program in the

Utah Wildlife Federation Holds First Celebrate Utah Wildlife Contest

UTAH - If you live in Utah, chances are high you have had at least one wildlife encounter. From the bighorn sheep of Zion National Park to the countless shorebirds of the Great Salt Lake to the chickadee in your backyard. No matter how you encounter wildlife in our state, we want to hear about it. And the way you can share that experience can be as varied as the species we hope to hear about.

The Utah Wildlife Federation and mural artist Chris Peterson are holding the first Celebrate Utah Wildlife contest with 63 cash prizes for people ranging from 4 to 104. It is as simple as writing a story, taking a picture or making a video.

“There are a lot of ways to celebrate our experiences with wildlife. We want people from across the state to show us how

Celebrate Wildlife Cont'd on A3 evening. This statewide academic competition recognizes the achievements of Utah’s high school seniors in the following fifteen categories: Agri- culture Science, Business and Marketing, Computer Technology, Dance, English, Family and Consumer Sterling Scholars

Cont'd on B1

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