Hockey puck to X-acto Knife -AnaĂŻs Aurard Introduction to Design St Norbert College Spring 2018 Katie Reis
When I first came in this class, I was really nervous and stressed. I didn’t know what the class was about and I had no idea what I was about to experience. I knew I was going to love it because Design is what I want to work with. But it was way harder than I thought it would be.
Vocation question: What’s something you’ve made in the last two years that you’re proud of ? I made an elephant with cardboard, it was really big. It was black and grey and it is filled with white drawings on it. My teacher put it in our dining hall in my high school and it is still up. I spend so much time on it but it looks badass.
Project 1: Dschhool For this project, we were asked to work with a classmate, in order to create an idea to make their life easier. We had to talk with them and learn more about them then we had to draw some sketches to show them and asked them what they were thinking about it. I liked working with someone else, and talk about what solution we could do for their problem, it made it real and it was different answers than usual. It is more interesting because of the conversation and it helps to meet new people as well. It was nice to learn about someone else and to try to make an idea for them not knowing them at all. It was also nice to have featback, I love getting feedback because it help me getting my work better and make better decision on everything I do.
Showing the person my work after a small amount of time was like showing something not real because the person could see what I meant to do because I told him but I don’t think that he could even guess what I was doing if I did not tell him what I was doing. My idea was complete, I knew exactly what I wanted to do but with the time limit stopped me from not finishing my work and it was kind of frustrating. So I did what I could do during that time. But did not finish all the details I wanted to do. Normally I take my time and I re-read what I write and I make sure everything is here. But the pace was really fast and it’s like we just needed to think and get it done as fast as we could. I don’t usually do things fast, I like to be slow and to take my time and make sure everything is good.
If I could do it over again, I would do my sketches again because I had couple ideas but I don’t think I did the best ones and I could have done a better drawings if I had more time and I could have proposed my idea in a better way than I did.
Project 2- Dot-Line In this project, we were asked to work with images and texts, in orders to create an abstract piece. The objectives for this project were: • To create an abstract piece with specifique material. (dots and lines). • To create something to get to a conclusion that is abstract. • To use and show lines, values and dots. • To play around and find the perfect solutions.
-Energetic In my own words, Gestalt Is more than one things related together to form something, like a bigger piece. It is related to our project because we have to explain and make people understand a word without actually writing the words, only with lines and dots. Which make a bigger piece when we add little pieces like a dot or a line together.
This project did change my perspective of abstract because I know that now we can show something or make people understand something by not having to write or draw the actual thing. I can see more what the artists want to tell us and worked on with some project. Like showing us a face but with squares or other pieces that forms the face in the work.
-Rejection For me it was difficult because I always think about what people would say about my work, or critiques about my work. So I had to think about my word but also about what people would say about my work. If we could see what word I meant or if it was just some pieces put together and through out of nowhere.
Project 3- Text and letters In this project, we were asked to create letter and use different handwritings to express a word in different way. The objectives were : • To learn and find out many handwriting types. • To think about how we can express the words with differents materials. • To see how we can add things together to get great solutions. • To see how things go well together and know how to put them together. • To work on how we see and work with things.
-Map of words
-Sketch of handwriting
-Sketches of handwriting and syle of words
This project taught me that there is so much more type of letters and handwriting than I thought. They is like millions of them, because even if you change one little thing in one of them, this make a new one. This also taught me that I can do it big small or black, colors, with collage, like any way I could think of were like a tiny part of it. People came up with ideas that I would never thought of it.
I really think my ideas could have been better, because I have trouble on working on somethings that I am not use to. And this throw me off so much. I wanted to do something better but I did not have enough time to finish the little details, but I feel like in those project, the little details were important.
If I could do this again, I would work more with ink or pencil, because this make pretty lines and this is something I like. And the lines are finer, and smoother and they are just simple more fun to do than to cut out paper and all those steps for me. I would try to make it bigger and I would do it so it is really clean and pretty.
Project 4: Object Iteration In this project, we were asked to make a poster of something that is moving. The goal was show our object or animal in different ways. And to use different medias to make pieces. The objective were:
• To work with different medias and websites. • To create pieces about our animal or object that maybe doesn’t even look like it. • To understand and to discover our animals or objects. • To challenge ourselves to learn new ways of making things. • To create our work without specifique rules.
-Best Itteration
During this process, I learned about koala bears, and I learned how to get better with photoshop. I also learned how to use in design, which I’ve never heard of it before and never used it before and I think this is a really fun and great app to create posters or lots of different things. I think the most challenging media, was in design, because I couldn’t put all the pictures perfectly squared and at the perfect place on the poster.
-Drawings The most enjoyable was photoshop, because I had so much fun just playing around with my picture and I end up with great things just playing around sometime. And it was fun to learn how to use new tools and just learn about media. I like the fast selection tool, because you can put background and so many things behind or put another color easily.
-Iteration ideas
If I could do it over again, I would do something with more details, so like the food it eats, or like where it lives and details like this. Their family or their colors, their shapes and all the little details in that area to show people that I actually know a lot about what I am working on.
-Skektch of iteration
-Final Iteration
Project 5: Data Vizualisation In this project, we were asked to choose a topic and show interesting data about it. The objective were: • Get reliable informations from good sources • Use medias to show the data and ma it creative • Use text and images to show your data with medias • Work with limited colors to make the data show off
I created my poster by making circles and colored them with different colors for the different percentages of my survey.
-Data sketch I got some pictures online and I edited them on photoshop, for example to take out the background then I put them on the poster in the app indesign. -Data sketch
-Data sketch
I made some squares and put the names of each colored sections on it so we can figure out what is what and what it is talking about. I learned more about photoshop like I always do. I also learned how to put everything together and not just put stuff randomly. It was hard because I am not use to do a survey and work from there
Also, it was hard to figure out where everything was going to go and it wasn’t easy to not spell anything wrong on the poster. I needed to put everything together and at the same height and everything so it was hard for everything to be placed perfectly. Using colors was really hard because I didn’t know what colors would be nice together and it was hard to figure out what colors would go with what. I liked it but it was just hard to figure out all the little things.
-Data sketch
-Final data vizualisation
Project 6 : Presentation In this project, we were asked to present a designer, in order to make us learn more about designers and their works. We had to create a 20 slides powerpoint and present to the class and explain their work and styles. The objective were : •Look and search about a designer and share it to the class. •Make sure the sources are reliable and good. •Get good images and know how to talk about them. •Learn how to talk about their work in a historical way. •Learn how to be comfortable speaking in public.
-Art Chantry’s logo
Art Chantry
I liked Art Chantry’s work and how he was working. I guess I just like the person itself because he is just so passionate about he’s doing and he doesn’t even do it just for money and I appreciate this a lot. Presenting him to my classmates was really hard for me because of the language. When I talk to people just like that it is fine because I don’t really have to think but when I am in a presentation, I am always nervous about saying things wrong and everything and it always happens.
-Art Chantry’s logo
-Art Chantry’s work
I am always nervous about what people would think about what I am saying and this isn’t really my thing to talk in front of people I don’t really know how to stand or how to speak. The presentation of my classmate I likes the most would be the one that Danny did because I loved it how she put and did the maps for park and stuff and she respect all people and all kind. I would like to I don’t know just see it in real I guess.
Vocation question: If you were guaranteed it would support you financially, what would you want to design or make for a living? I think I would love to be a interior designer because I love to design for people and decorate all the time. I would love to help people with their weddings and houses or whatever the project is.
Introduction to Design thought me a lot. I learned to get out of my comfort zone and share all my work with my classmates. Thank you to my professor, Katie Reis, for leading me and pushing me everyday to think better and make better choices about my work. Also thank you to my classmates, for critiquing my work and giving me really good and helpful feedback all the time. I loved this class and I can’t wait to take the next Design class.
This book was made as part of introduction to Design at St.Norbert College in the fall of 2017. The font used include Avenir Roman, Avenir Black and Charter Italic. It was digitally printed and saddle stapled at the college’s print center.