BCIS Program of Inquiry N-G1

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Week Beginning


Nursery UOI

Notes & Events

How We Organize Ourselves effectively. 12 AUG

1 Opening Assembly

ongoing all year


Central Idea:

26 AUG


Relationships with others require and contribute to our well being.



19 AUG

5 Maths week Assembly

09 SEPT Maths week Assembly

16 SEPT *

6 Moon Festival Thursday Friday PD

Moon festival-Thursday

Lines of Inquiry: - How we develop relationships - How relationships affect us - Roles and behaviours within relationships Key Concepts: Function, Connection, Responsibility

PD day-Friday

23 SEPT Report coms due - Wed

12pm finish Friday



Report Comments Due Related concepts: Cooperation Friendship, Wednesday Balance Moon festival-Thursday PD day-Friday

PD day-Thursday P/T Conference Friday

21 OCT Terry Fox Run- Thur

28 OCT International day- Fri Assembly

4 NOV Spirit week Mac testing

8 Kathy Walker PD 7-11 Where We Are in Place and Time

Who We Are Exploring Self - Self Portraits, body trace Project - Head Band/Body Trace

Lines of Inquiry - How we develop fine motor skills using, holding and manipulating brushes, pencils, markets and crayons, glue sticks and scissors. • How to explore our bodies in art Art Concept - creation, Design Elements : LINE SHAPE Attitude: Confidence LP: Risk Taker Tools and Techniques 2D media, collage, markers, crayons , scissors, glue

Dress rehearsal 2-5: Wed N-1 concert schedule 2-5 2-5 Winter concert Friday Xmas Bazaar - Saturday

2 DEC N-1 dress rehearsal-Wed N-1 concert - Friday

9 DEC 12pm finish Friday

Rpt comments due- Fri

16 DEC

Lines Of .Inquiry. - Personal interests - How we are growing and changing - How we gain new skills Thinking: Metacognition

Social: Accepting responsibility Communication: Speaking, Non-verbal communication

Self-management: Gross motor skills, Fine motor skills, Spatial awareness, Informed choices

Where We Are in Place and Time

Sharing the Planet

9 PD day-Thursday

Parent TeacherConference Friday 10 Thursday Terry Fox Run

11 International Day Friday Assembly

12 Spirit week

Mac testing Maths PD Wed/Thurs

Central Idea: Everyone moves from one place to another for different reasons. Lines of Inquiry - Why people move from one place to another. - The ways we travel. - Choices and decisions involved in moving from one place to another. Key Concepts: Connection, Form, Causation

Lines of Inquiry - How people move from one place to another. • Exploring 2D shape. How we make a vehicle using shape (collage) • Exploring 3D shape, (making) •Using discarded boxes to create a bus Art Concept creation evidence Art Elements: FORM, SHAPE Attitude: Independence LP: Knowledgeable Tools and Techniques 2D - 3D Drawing / cutting shapes box construction Mathematics

Related Concepts: Choice, Travel 13 Winter Olympics - Wednesday

SPace: 18.1, 18.2, 20.1, 20.3, 20.4, 21.5, 22.2

14 2-5 Concert Schedule

Who We Are Project- Large-Scale Portraits LOI - We are the same and we are different, self-portraits show our similarities and differences. - Our favourite colours - Develop new skills, weaving Project - Weaving, Dragons -Students learn a new skill, to weave, during maths week 2D weaving Art Concept Creation, evidence, Design Element: SHAPE Attitude: confidence, enthusiasm, independence LP: Balanced, reflective Tools and Techniques 2D Media, Trace body, mixed media collage

Mathmatics Numbers: 20.1, 20.3, 20.4 Space: 18.

15 2-5 Winter Concert Saturday Christmas Bazaar

16 N-1 Winter Concert Friday

How We Express Ourselves Central Idea: People can Express themselves through the Arts Lines of Inquiry: -The different types of Art How different types of Art make us feel

17 Reports Due Friday Noon Finish

Central Idea: - Animals and people interact in different ways in different contexts Key Concepts. -Connection, perspective, responsibility

Related Concepts:. - Characteristics, relationships, needs L.O.I - The different roles animals play in peoples lives; Our responsibility for the well-being of animals Thinking: Acquisition of knowledge Social:Accepting responsibility Communication: Reading, Writing Self-management: Safety, Informed Choices

Sharing the Planet Project - Exploring Autumn in colour Lines of inquiry: - Changing seasons means changing what we see - Our covering determines how we survive Secondary Colours, colour mixing, making colour Art Concept - Evidence Design Element: PATTERN, COLOUR Attitude: Empathy, Integrity, respect LP: Principled, Caring

Tools and Techniques 2D/3D,Mixed media mural collage, paint, crayon exploration Title- Leafman, Autumn, Winter Students will show evidence of understanding seasonal colours through painting and collage Develop fine motor skills Title - Big Game pattern collage Exploring shape and pattern, detailed drawing and identifying features

Research: Formulating questions, Observing, Organising data Empathy, Integrity, Respect

2-5 concert schedule

25 NOV

Relates Concepts- growth, self knowledge

Mathematics Numbers: Counts in 1s:_ 1.1 Space: 18.1,

Winter olympics - Wed

18 NOV

Who We Are C. I. - People develop new skills, knowledge and interests as they grow Key .Concepts. - Change, Reflection

Project- Journeys -Taking a Ride

Maths PD Wed/Thurs

11 NOV


- Products we derive from plants.

Kathy Walker PD 7-11

14 OCT *


Central Idea: Communities function more effectively when rules and routines are shared with all members. Lines of Inquiry: Lines of Inquiry:Various communities to which we belong. Purpose of essential agreem Key Concepts: Causation, Responsibility, Form.



Pre Kindergarten

Nursery Art

- Expressing ourselves through the Art - Expressing ourselves through the art K C: Form, Reflection, Perspective

How We Express Ourselves Project - 3 large Primary Colour Murals

How the World Works Central Idea: Change happens continuously for many reasons

Lines of Inquiry -Expressing ourselves using colour in Art -What colours do we know -What Primary Colours do we know

Art Concept -Expression Design Elements: COLOUR Attitude Appreciation LP Open Minded, Reflective

Key Concepts:Causation change,reflection

Related Concepts: transformation, properties, growth, seasons, life cycle

How the World Works Title - Mad Hatters Tea Party LI: Students will explore the changing nature of clay, - Modelling clay,produce a cup, saucer, plate, fire & paint it. Art Concept - Creation, function Design Elements: FORM, SHAPE

Winter break 16th DEC -

06 JAN *


PD day Monday

PD day Monday

13 JAN 20 JAN CNY celebration week Temple Fair


27 JAN

Related concepts: Creativity,Communication, Expression


Lines of Inquiry: - change using senses - how to make predictions and record information changes within their immediate environment - information, -changes within their immediate environment

Tools and Techniques 3D modelliing, painting Continue on from previous UOI with focus on preparing and participating.

C.I. - Many products go through a process of change before they are consumed of used.

Students prepare and enjoy a tea party using the crockery they have made in the art room.

Lines of Inquiry: -Origins of products -The changes products go through -The distribution of products K.C. - Change, Connection, Function Research: Collecting data, Recording data

Title - Printmaking Fabric print -Changing and using materials in the art room -Students will explore textures, rough/smooth and rubbings. Create a series of works utilizing a variety of printmaking methods

20 CNY Celebration & Friday Assembly Temple Fair

21 Noon Finish Wednesday

12pm finish Wed

03 FEB 10 FEB 17 FEB

Chinese New Y How The World Works Project 1 - Edwina the Emu

22 23 ISA test Tue/Wed

How The World Works

Mother Tongue week

ISA test Tue/Wed

Mother Tongue week

24 FEB 03 MAR*

24 25 PD day Friday

PD day Friday

10 MAR

26 Book Week Assembly

Book week


17 MAR

27 SLC 28 3.20pm finish Friday

24 MAR

Lines of Inquiry: - Texture, how different materials feel - Behaviour of materials - Change in properties of materials

Central Idea: Materials behave and interact in different ways, which determine how people Project 2 - Face Painting - Clay use them how people use them Exploring texture in materials determine - Students will further develop fine motor skills Lines of Inquiry: using scissors and collage activities to explore - Behaviour of materials Change texture in properties of materials Manipulation and - Students use clay skills to manipulate, model, fire and paint a clay form. application of materials for different purposes. Art Concept -, Stimulation - Concepts: Function, Causation, Change Design Element - TEXTURE - Related Concepts: Behaviour Prediction, Properties

Attitude Curiosity LP Enquirers

Self-management: Organisation, Safety Communication: Listening, Speaking Thinking: Comprehension, Application, Analysis

How We Express Ourselves

Central Idea. - Stories expressed in a variety of ways appeal to different audiences Lines Of Inquiry. - The common features of stories; The ways stories can be created and shared; How people respond to stories

3.20pm finish Friday

Print a large roll of paper, using template trace cut and construct How We Express Ourselves Title - Three billy Goats Gruff/The Gruffalo Central Idea Students will express different moods through masks. Develop interpreting skills through stories, explore sequencing, scene making Create backgrounds, paper bag puppets, record story in Puppet Pals on IPad.

03 MAR 07 APR

Mathematics Shape 15.1 Begins to estimate more or less 22.2 Begin to fill in simple pictures and patterns

29 N-1 concert schedule Assembly

N-G1 concert schedule


14 APR

30 N-1 dress rehearsal - Wed

21 APR

28 APR *

Key Concept. - Form, perspective Related Concept. opinion, communication, expression

N-1 Spring concert Friday

N-G1 dress reh - Wed N-G1 Spring concert - Fri

ES Experien

32 May Day- Thursday 33 MAC testing

Spring in the City Saturday

MAC testing Spring in the City - Sat

12 MAY

Sharing the Planet Central Idea: Living things have certain requirements in order to grow and stay healthy

34 Report comments due Lines of Inquiry: Wednesday Assembly

35 2-4 concert schedule


26 MAY


Concepts: Function, Responsibility

2 JUN *


Rpt comments due-Wed


19 MAY 2-4 concert schedule 2-4 dress rehearsal-Wed 2-4 Spring concert - Fri Dragon Boat festival-Mon Exhibition - Tues- Thurs


Jun 16, 2013

Lines of Inquiry Expressing ourselves using Colour/ Line/ Shape in Art Students will further develop fine motor skills exploring their preferences in making,painting and drawing activities,


May Day- Thursday

05 MAY

How We Express Ourselves


2-4 dress rehearsalWednesday 2-4 Spring concert Friday Dragon Boat festival-

Monday Exhibition - TuesThurs

Characteristics of living things Our needs and the needs of other living things Our responsibility for the well - being of other living things Our responsibility for the well - being of other living things

Related Concepts: Classification Living/ non-living

Sharing the Planet Project - Bugs, Spiders, Caterpillars,


Lines of Inquiry: - Characteristics of living things - Learning to look closely - Drawing what we see

- Concepts: Function, Responsibility - Art Concept -, Stimulation,

Design Elements - Line, Shape Exploring Line and Shape Students explore in 2D and 3D shape and form learn to build a caterpillar, spider, Tools and Techniques 3D Media weaving, gluing, joining, modelling Attitude Respect PL Caring

Mathematics Numbers: Counts in 1s:_ 1.1 SPace: 18.1Measurement: 15.2 heavy,light, 16.1 more ,less

Form, Perspective Communication: Listening, Speaking,

Reading, Writing, Viewing, Presenting Commitment, Creativity, Tolerance Attitude Commitment, Tolerance, Creativity LP : communications,

Art Concept - Expression Design Element - FORM, SHAPE, Tools and Techniques 2D/ 3D media, collage, markers, crayons , scissors, glue, puppets, paper bags, paintbrush technology, iPads

Open Minded,


Kindergarten Kg UOI

Grade 1 Art




Purpose of essential agreements and routines. How we can use our materials most efficiently and Who We Are Central Idea: Awareness of our characteristics, abilities and interests informs our learning and development

Lines of Inquiry: - Physical, social and emotional characteristics (Form) - Similarities and differences between

Title- Picasso Portraits Lines of Inquiry -Understanding viewpoints, Portrait, profile, real, not real Students will learn about Pablo Picasso and his use of abstract ideas in creating a portrait. 1. They will explore the profile and learn to apply skills using apps, ART RAGE on the iPad. 2.They will also use Mr Picasso Head , laptop application to create their own portrait. 3.Final project will be a Mr Picasso head mask

- themselves and others (connection) - Personal abilities and interests (reflection)Key Concepts: Form, connection, reflection Related concepts: Identity, similarities and differences Art Concept -Perspective, creation, 2. Design Elements: LINE, COLOUR, Shape Sharing the planet Central Idea: Plants sustain life on Earth and play a role in our lives. Lines of Inquiry caring for plants, products we derive from plants. How plants contribute to life on Earth

Attitudes: Confidence Independence LP: Risk takers, balance Tools and Techniques 2D and 3D Media materials exploration iPad and Laptop computer

How We Organise Ourselves Central Idea: Communities develop their own rules and routines to allow them to live and work together. work together. Key Concepts: causation,responsibility, form Related Concepts: system, rules, How the World Works CI: The properties of light allow us to use it for different purposes LoI:: Different kinds of Light, The Properties of light, The Ways Light is used in our world Key Concepts: Form, Function, Causation Related Concepts: properties, sources (man made or natural)

.Key Concepts: causation,perspective, responsibility, change

How the World Works

- Related Concepts :Interdependence, Appreciation

Title Blowing in the Wind, Mobile CI: The responsible reduction of waste Students will create mobiles that move through stimulation can help sustain our environment. of energy.

Concepts: form, function Related concepts: Forces, work, push & pull

How the World Works Title - Stained Glass Central Idea Create a stained glass design with transparent and translucent and opaque materials Title - The Impressionists Students will show evidence of understanding color mixing and the interpretation of light by Impressionist artists. They will learn techniques these artists used. Develop Exploration skills looking at colour, shadow

Sharing the Planet

LoI: THe different forms and sources of waste How waste affects our environment

Title -Carnival of the animals, Central Idea- Junk Sculpture Students will recognize the need for creative use of materials.Students will create 3D animal sculptures from waste material. Develop Construction skills, painting skills, Mixed media use.

Our responsibility to our environment Keith Haring Rocks Movement in art collage Title- Beat It Art Concept - Stimulation, ; Design Element ; SPACE Attitude: Curiosity LP: Inquirers , Knowledgable Tools and Techniques

2D media, collage, markers, crayons , scissors, glue, , paintbrush

How We Express Ourselves Collaboration with Music and Phys Ed working with colour, movement and sound to create a performance piece.

Key Concepts: form, function, causation, Related Concepts: Properties, sources, (man made or natural) Attitude: Appreciation, commitment, respect LP: Knowledgable, communicator

Who We Are Central Idea: Culture is unique and influences identity

Central Idea People express themselves differently LoI: Individual cultures, Similarities and differences through dance, movement, art and music but use similar in cultures, How our culture and the culture of concepts.

LInes of Inquiry:

We use our bodies to express feelings, mood, movement. Students inquire into similarities between art, music and PE Movement can be created using different senses

Winter break 16th DEC - 6th JAN

Lines of Inquiry: the art room routines and practices and uses of materials Different materials can affect the creations we make . Develop material Recognition skills Art Concept - Reflection, Function Design Elements: LINE, TEXTURE Attitude :Confidence LP : Thinkers Tools and Techniques 2D Media materials exploration wet and dry

Central Idea:

Lines of Inquiry: How do artists show movement, Alex Calder How the World Works Central Idea: Forces make objects move and work through push and pull Lines of Inquiry: - How different forces make objects move and work - How pushes and pulls are used in our lives

Sharing the Planet

How We Organise Ourselves Title - Mark Makers

others affects who we are. Our response to different cultures

Art Concept - Stimulation, creation, Design Elements : FORM, SHAPE

Tools and Techniques _3D Media recycled materials - boxes, papers, plaster bandage and paint

Who We Are

Title - Art from outside Central Idea Students will recognize different art styles practices and the uses of materials from around the world. In the art we will make a variety of works using the techniques of other cultures.

Art Concepts Expression: Art communicates thoughts feelings and ideas. Creation: Art develops imagination and innovation. Stimulation: Art is used to motivate and inspire.

Evidence: Art provides evidence of our beliefs.

Reflection: Art demonstrates thoughts and ideas.

Function: Art enables lateral thought.

How we Organise Ourselves

Central Idea: People do jobs to meet the needs of the community Lines of Inquiry: - The different types of jobs people do - How jobs help the community How jobs are interdependent and connected - The equipment and skills required to do a job

How we Organise Ourselves

Title -Wobbly Heads - 3D construction Central Idea Students will explore the use of papier mache and balloons to create a 3D sculpture of a head which they then personalize using familiar characteristic details. Develop modelling skills Create a mixed media work using paper, glue, paint and mixed materials Art Concept - Creation, Expression

Key concepts: connection,

Art Concept - Reflection, Function Design Elements, LINE, TEXTURE Tools and Techniques 2D Media materials exploration, printing, weaving, dying

Related Concepts: culture, identity, diversity Attitude: Curiosity, tolerance LP :Inquirers, open-minded

Chinese New Year 30th JAN - 10th FEB Concepts: form, function, connection, Related concepts: Interdependence, relationships, community, responsibility

Design Elements: SHAPE, FORM, Attitude: Appreciation LP Communicators

How we Express Ourselves Central Idea: Print communicates messages that can be shared with different people Lines of Inquiry: - What print is and can be - The different ways people use print to communicate

How we Express Ourselves Title - Printing Making - Penguins LOI Students will explore textures, rough/smooth and rubbings. Any textured surface can be printed

- People interpret print differently

Develop Printmaking skills Create a series of works utilizing a variety of printmaking methods

Concepts: Form, function, perspective Related Concepts: signs, font, message, print, environmental print, colors

Art Concept - Creation, evidence, Design Elements: TEXTURE, LINE

How We Express Ourselves Central Idea: Language can be used to communicate and stimulate our imagination. LoI: Ways we express ourselves through language, How

How We Express Ourselves

languages stimulates our imagination, Feelings and emotions that language evokes

Key Concepts: function, reflection,perspective Related Concepts: communication,imagination Attitude: Enthusiasm, LP: Risk-takers

Title Cartooning Students will explore modes of expression investigating the way cartoon artists work in the community to create caricatures. Students will create a cartoon of 4 different expressive faces LoI: Visual language can be used to express emotions Art Concept - Creation, expression Design Elements: LINE Tools and Techniques 2D Media painting, drawing

Tools and Techniques 2D Media, rubbings, crayons, ink printmaking

ES Experience China Week (ECW) Where we are in Time and Place Central Idea: People and places shape what makes a home

Lines of Inquiry: - What constitutes a home (Form) - How homes reflect family values (Perspective) - How homes reflect local culture (Connection) - Factors that determine where people live (Perspective) - How homes reflect local culture (Connection) - Factors that determine where people live (Perspective) Concepts: Form, connection, perspective Related concepts: culture, needs, ownership, locality Attitudes Tolerance, LP Open Minded


Where we are in Time and Place Title - Walking with Mondrian Students will explore shape and line. Develop painting skills Create a series of works utilizing a variety of painting techniques, resist, watercolour, ink, paint. Title - Homes Explore Howard Arkley’s artwork and complete the online Arkley project making Title - My Dream ROom Make my room in 3D using recycled materials and focusing on pattern and colour Art Concept - Creation, function DESIGN ELEMENTS: LINE, COLOUR, Form, Pattern Tools and Techniques 2D Media 3D media and painting

Where We Are in Place and Time Central Idea: Spaces in and around buildings can be determined by peoples needs. LoI: Characteristics of arrangement of physical space, How people use different spaces, How spaces change Key Concepts: function, form, change Related Concepts: space, design, safety Attitudes: Creativity, Empathy, LP: Caring, Balanced

Where We Are in Place and Time

Title - PUBLIC ART Students will investigate artists who work in the community to create large scale artworks in a variety of materials. Students will work together to create a mural for display around the school spaces. LoI: How artists make public spaces more interesting. Art Concept - Creation, stimulation Design Element: COLOUR, FORM Tools and Techniques 2D Media painting drawing

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