2 minute read
Luke Walker has been in the industry for 19 years. After leaving school with no exams he started an apprenticeship with a family friend. He worked while doing his key skills and qualifications then gained experience with two other companies before becoming self-employed four years ago.
SPARKS MAGAZINE: Why did you decide on this trade?
Luke Walker: Short answer is, I didn’t. I got offered the job after being expelled from an art and design course! I went for it and have never looked back.
SPARKS: What advice would you give someone just starting out?
LW: Be prepared for a long hard road ahead. It’s hard graft but I strongly believe you get out of something what you’re prepared to put in so stick with it.
SPARKS: What tool could you not do without?
LW: I really like the Knipex ergo stripper, it’s an absolute game changer.
SPARKS: How are you growing your business?
LW: Always word of mouth. Treat someone’s home with respect and you’ll never be short of work. None of this smashing the place about - clean and professional is the way forward.
SPARKS: Which bit of new technology are you most interested in?
LW: I live in a very rural area so I need to start getting into air source heat pumps.
SPARKS: What skill does a good electrician need?
LW: You need to be able to think on your feet and overcome any problem thrown at you.
SPARKS: Who has been the biggest influence on your career and why?
LW: It’s got to be my kids. They make me want to push myself and be successful so I can make sure they’re always going to be ok.
SPARKS: What do you know now that you didn't know three years ago?
LW: That I should have worked for myself a long time ago.
SPARKS: Has social media changed the sparky community?
LW: Yes, and for the better. It’s a way of improving standards, sharing good work, hints, tips and new products brought into the industry.
Never stop listening, never stop learning! You’re in an industry that is forever changing and evolving so you’ve got to be prepared to move with it or get left behind.