1 minute read
Dr. Kostas Karadakis MeettHEFaculty
Why did I choose SNHU?
When I was coming out into the hiring world in academics, it was one of the worst hiring years for my field I had a few interviews that were not the most professional, and one school even told me I got the job, sent me an offer, and then took it away and hired someone else a few months after. When I got the chance to interview here, I really liked how honest and straightforward the department and those interviewing me were, and NH reminded me of growing up in Canada, so I had this feeling of home. I was also excited to teach in the smaller classes, as it was two professors that impacted my life, and I wanted to try to do that as well for the students here,andtheonesthattakemyclasses.
What has been your favorite class to teach?
This one is very hard to answer. I really love teaching every class, but it is really based on the level of engagement from the students. Classes which end up feeling more like a community, where we have a mutual respect and learning environment tend to be the ones I like the most. Every semester, I usually have a favorite class, but not one class is my favorite to teach. For example, I taught ESPT 315, Legal, Social and Ethical issues in Esport last semester for the firsttime,anditwasmyfavoriteclass.It was smaller, all but one or two students hadtakenaclasswithmebefore,andwe were able to have really in-depth conversations where I believe we all learned from one another. When that happens, I get extremely excited and it revitalizesme,andmotivatesmetokeep teaching and approaching my classes thewayIdo.