SCC* 2017/6.0

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Certif ication awarded to Snijder B.V.

Kernweg 41, 1627 LH Hoorn, The Netherlands

Bureau Veritas lnspection and CertiÍícation ïhe Netherlands B.V. declares thai the Management System of the above organization has been audited and Íound to be in accordance with the requiremenls of the management system standards detailed below.


scc* 201716,a

Scope oÍ supply

The maintenance oÍ earlhmoving equipment on locations in the Benelux. The adjustment and manufacture of attachments Íor earthmoving equipment. Work with (manned) earthmoving equipment in the Benelux. NACE Code: 42,11 + 42,91.

Subject to the continued satisÍaclory operation of the organisation's management sysïem, this certiÍicate expires on:

Further clariÍications regarding the scope oÍ this certificale and the applicabiiity o{ the managemênt system requirements may be obtained by consulting the organisation.

To check this certiíicate validity please call: +31 {0)SS 450 5500.

E H E tfi LI E E E H
Originalcycle starl date: 03 June 2016 Expiry date oí previous cycle: 03 June 2022 CertificationlRecertification audit date: 27 May 2O22 CertificationlRecertiÍication cycle starl date: 07 September 2A22
03 June 2025
CertiÍicale no NL025453 Version; 1 Revision Date: 07 September 2A22 l.o woAarn vcat/ R Anton ferUls/tr - Director CertiÍication Benelux Managing OiÍice; Brreau Verilas lnspectíorr and CenÍíication ïhe Netherlands B.V. Plotleweg 38. 3821 BB Ameísioorl lssuing OíÍice: Bureau Veritas lnspeclion and CerliÍicalion The t"letheÍlands B.V. Plolteíweq 38. 3821 BB AnrersïooÍ 111 llJl8ltlll SYS HUA [ 240

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