Moon marble is a unique facing brick made from composite natural travertine and high-end cementing component. Long before Christ travertine has been recognized the best building stone for the construction of architecture of ancient Greece and Rome. The Romans used travertine for different projects and structures such as buildings and temples, aqueducts, baths, stairs, steps, and amphitheatres. Even the famous Coliseum was almost all built of travertine. That is why the Moon marble is the universal facing material that can be used to decorate facade and interiors. 3
Moon marble is produced by the Tur kish factory producing constructive materials, which in its turn is a part of “LITOS-GROUP” corporation. Scientific-oriented approach and use of own up-to-date engineering development in field of hyper pressing, use of European equipment, natural resources and components have all led to creation of brand new and unique product, field of application of which can only be restricted by the architect’s plan. Specifications of the facing brick Moon marble differ significantly from other types of facing brick: 4
compression strength – M350-M450 to M600; frost resistance – F300; water absorption – 2-4%.
The following catalog contains information about 5 types of bricks, each different in size, for different types of face work: standard brick, narrow brick, shaped brick, thin and socle tile. Bricks come in different textures: Crystal, Rocco, Moon Marble, Sledge Cove and Rock, bringing into life the most original stylistic trends. Crystal texture displays high gloss marble texture, creating a mirror effect with the ideal reflecting surface. Reflectivity of the surface is up to 90%. 6
Rocco texture is a playful texture that combines two completely different textures: reflectivity and roughness. Has the effect of “antique luxury”, stands out on the sunny side of the façade. Moon Marble – is a glassy marble surface with small die-cuts across it. Resembles “moon relief”. Complements modern interiors. Rock texture is an embossed texture with convex and concave faces, in imitation “crude stone”. Sledge Cove is a less relief rough texture with a less pronounced contrast. 7
Standard brick “Rocco”
Quantity per 1 м2 Measurements Quantity per pack Weight of 1 piece Weight of 1 pack
Price of 1 piece 8
62 pcs 216х102х65 mm 525 pcs 2,59 kg 1,360 t
0,58 USD
Standard brick “Crystal”
Quantity per 1 м2 Measurements Quantity per pack Weight of 1 piece Weight of 1 pack
Price of 1 piece -
62 pcs 216х102х65 mm 600 pcs 2,40 kg 1,440 t
0,58 USD
Semi-circle shaped brick “Crystal”
Cornice shaped brick “Crystal”
Quantity per 1 м2 - 15 m Measurements - 216х102х65 mm
Quantity per 1 м2 - 15 m Measurements - 216х102х65 mm
Thin facing tile “Crystal”
Quantity per 1 м2 - 52 pcs Measurements - 250х19х65 mm
Thin facing tile “Moon Marble”
Quantity per 1 м2 Measurements Quantity per pack Weight of 1 piece Weight of 1 pack
Price of 1 piece 10
52 pcs 250х19х65 mm 2208 pcs 0,66 kg 1,460 t
0,27 USD
Thin facing tile “Rocco”
Quantity per 1 м2 Measurements Quantity per pack Weight of 1 piece Weight of 1 pack
Price of 1 piece -
52 pcs 250х12х65 mm 2208 pcs 0,62 kg 1,360 t
0,27 USD
Socle tile “Rocco”
Quantity per 1 м2 Measurements Quantity per pack Weight of 1 piece Weight of 1 pack
Price of 1 piece -
40 pcs 250х18х100 mm 1072 pcs 1,30 kg 1,400 t
0,42 USD 11
Narrow brick “Rocco”
Quantity per 1 м2 Measurements Quantity per pack Weight of 1 piece Weight of 1 pack
Price of 1 piece 12
62 pcs 216х64х65 mm 975 pcs 1,42 kg 1,390 t
0,42 USD
Narrow brick “Moon Marble”
Quantity per 1 м2 Measurements Quantity per pack Weight of 1 piece Weight of 1 pack
Price of 1 piece -
62 pcs 216х59х65 mm 1043 pcs 1,43 kg 1,490 t
0,42 USD
Narrow brick “Sledge Cove”
Quantity per 1 м2 Measurements Quantity per pack Weight of 1 piece Weight of 1 pack
Price of 1 piece -
62 pcs 216х59х65 mm 975 pcs 1,53 kg 1,490 t
0,42 USD 13
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