RR Dummy 2020

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New bag policy for games New sports trainer




Girls tennis and water polo take league champs Volleyball and football wrap-up Gender differences in wrestling


Thanksgiving DIYs Sleep deprevation Campus Segregation Sequoia’s carbon footprint Climate strike Foods cupcake recipies 2020 candidates immigration policies Racial divide Funding: arts vs. sports

10 OPINION New phone policy Sequoia security policies The effects of a left-wing enviroment



Letter from the Editors A new leaf

Change. It’s everywhere. It’s something that all people face, and all people are forced to deal with. Depending on the amount of change in something, it can be easy to work around and move on with your life, but it often times can be more impactful and difficult to cope with. In the world of journalism, change is a close friend to all reporters. Stories change, deadlines change, positions change, and the field as a whole is ever-changing. The demand for print news has taken a rapid decrease in the last decade as technology and digital reporting have become more ideal. But we, as journalists, are here for it. For us at the Raven Report, we have seen a tantamount amount of change— both minor and extensive. In our little journalism world, we’ve grown to love and work with and then said goodbye to three different advisors in the last three years. We’ve made memories and created amazing things now in three different computer labs and classrooms on campus. We’ve had to inspire our staff for years to move with the times to ensure that we are creating the best, most relevant work in the form in which our readers want to digest it. So yes, change is hard. And yes, we’ve seen a lot of it, but we are here to stay nevertheless. With a new school year ahead of us, alongside our fourth (and hopefully long-term) advisor, we are excited to continue providing this school and it’s community the quality and consistent news we have for so long.

Instead of running from this change, we have chosen to embrace it. Many curve balls have been thrown at us unexpectedly, but we have decided to interpret each of them as little gifts. The journalism gods have presented us with the gift of being able to mold this publication into exactly what we think our community would like. To better reflect our school, our magazine is continuing to grow in diversity and coverage, and to meet the demands of students, we are making it more artistically relevant and visually pleasing. To accomplish this, we need the support of our students. If you feel that there is a pressing issue on our campus that is failing to be addressed, we want to hear from you. Or, if you are someone who expresses themselves through art or photography, send it our way. We want to incorporate ideas and creations from more than just our staff in hopes to accurately reflect our student body. We hope that you, as readers, choose to embrace change alongside us.

Printing and web posting funded by


The Raven Report is a Sequoia High School student publication produced in the journalism class through the efforts and decisions of the staff and the publication’s editors and adviser. The Raven Report is a public forum for students, staff, parents and community members. The Raven Report strives to provide Sequoia High School with informative, engaging and relevant news. The staff will exercise integrity and adaptability while promoting justice and transparency through professional reporting about the school, the community and the world.


The Raven Report staff welcomes signed letters to the editor so that readers might share in the opportunities of the scholastic free press in open forum. The written views of students, parents or community members must be responsible, in good taste and free from libel, slander or obscenity. Letters may be edited for grammar or content if necessary; furthermore, editors will not guarantee that letters will be published. 1201 Brewster Ave. Redwood City, CA 94062 www.ravenreport.org ravenreport17@gmail.com

Raven Report // 18-19 EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Taylor Gayner Jay Tipirneni MANAGING EDITOR Madeline Carpinelli FEATURE EDITOR David Ramirez RAVEN REPORT | NOV 2019


Alexander Chang Alexander Cottrell Madeline Cowgill Caitlin Dulsky Ignacio Dominguez Chloe Johnson Gus Kirkpatrick Nicholas Lawrence Carlos Luna

Alisa Mack Eli Mihaly-Baker Oscar Nolf Greta Reich Tess Restaino Carla Roberts ADVISER Elizabeth Snow 3

Backpacks prohibited from sports games

cy because of the unfortunate events that happened at the first football game [and] it’s good that some change happened,” senior Thomas Burt said. “[But] I think that it’s a bit over inAfter issues at Sequoia’s first football game of trusive.” the season arose on Sept. 5, the administration This isn’t the first time Sequoia’s heard of subimplemented a new policy prohibiting back- stance abuse at school events, although it is the packs and bags at football first time a bag policy and basketball games. like this has been creDuring the first football ated. According to adgame against Sequoia’s ministration, they’ve rival school, Woodside, The number one goal is to make been talking about a massive turnout led to sure that Sequoia students can this policy for a long problems with alcohol be here to learn or at an event to time. and drug abuse. Police “Some things hapcars, ambulances and enjoy themselves and not have to pened there that just more arrived at the scene, worry about being unsafe. kind of demonstrated making it a hectic night. Gary Gooch, AVP that this was the time Less than a week after the to enact more stringame, the administration gent safety protocols,” decided to add a new policy prohibiting back- Administrative Vice Principal Gary Gooch packs, bags and large purses from any Terre- said. mere field football games or Gym 1 basketball Although administration is confident that the games. Reusable water bottles are allowed as policy will stay, students have many different long as they’re empty and small bags/purses theories as to what will happen. are allowed but will likely be searched. “I think the future of this policy is that it will “I understand why they implemented the poli- get rescinded because many students will no BY MADELINE CARPINELLI AND OSCAR NOLF Managing Editor and Staff Reporter


longer show up at games and that will cause a loss in funds and a loss in school spirit,” sophomore Zara Ahsan said. Despite some students believing that this policy won’t last very long, administration has a different plan. “[The policy] could change to be even more stringent.” According to Mr. Gooch, the changes in attendance are a positive change. “If an individual is coming to an event to cause trouble, they will likely make the choice to go somewhere else,” Gooch said. Administration has received a large amount of praise from Sequoia’s parents and alumni because of their actions. “We received several emails from people [and] parents [saying], ‘Thank you so much, I feel so much better about my child attending a school-sponsored event when I’m not there,’” Gooch said. Although there are many differing opinions, the administration’s objective was achieved. “The number one goal is to make sure that Sequoia students can be here to learn or at an event to enjoy themselves and not have to worry about being unsafe,” Gooch said. RAVEN REPORT | NOV 2019

New trainer helps heal athletes by Caitlin Dulsky

If an athlete gets injured during a game, Sequoia’s new sports trainer, Sarah Diaz, is the first one on the scene to work with, identify, and help with the recovery of student athletes’ injuries. It is important for student athletes to have medical help available if they need it. New Sequoia trainer, Sarah Diaz, works with athletes on injury prevention, emergency care, injury diagnosis, and rehabilitation of injuries. Diaz helps keep Sequoia athletes healthy during their season of sports. Working with these athletes, she has formed relationships with students and is already liked by many of the athletes. Diaz, originally from San Jose, recently moved back to the Bay Area as Sequoia’s new trainer, contracted through Stanford Hospital. Diaz moved to California from Texas after she attended college there and worked as a trainer at a small high school and middle school for two years. Diaz played soccer at Evergreen college, but in her first year she tore her patellar tendon and couldn’t play anymore. Her knee injury caused her to spend a lot of time in the trainers office at her school, which inspired her to become a trainer herself. Diaz works with the Sequoia athletes s before, after, and during practices and games. “She is very helpful. She tapes me the way I need to be taped and she’s available whenever you need her,” Senior and varsity Water Polo player Fernanda Pardo said. Pardo is often in the trainer’s office because she RAVEN REPORT | NOV 2019

has tendonitis in her elbows and frequently needs to be taped before games. The trainer has been very accommodating to her and student athletes alike, and is always available to athletes whenever needed. “She’s always there on game days and she’s been pretty easy to communicate with,” Junior and varsity volleyball player Sofia Pompen said. Diaz gets here early and voluntarily works overtime to make sure Sequoia athletes have the necessary medical attention to perform in their sports. She interacts with about 30-40 students each day. “If it is an emergency or something serious, I can be here in 20 or 30 minutes. I’m pretty much on call all the time,” Diaz said. “As far as being at school, though, I get here between 2:00 and 2:30, just to help me out so I can get set up for practice before all the kids get out of class” The last trainer, Jeff Wilson, was liked by many of the athletes, so Diaz might have felt some initial pressure, but she has already formed relationships with many athletes and many feel like they have a bond with her already, despite the fact that she is new. “The kids here are awesome. All the coaches have been great. They don’t compare me to Jeff [old Sequoia trainer]. I feel like I have some big shoes to fill because everybody loved him. But so far it's been awesome,” Diaz said. Diaz is very personable and inviting, so many athletes feel connections with Diaz.

“I didn’t really know Jeff to be able to call it a relationship, but I feel like Sarah and I have this bond,” said Pardo. Although Diaz’s time here at Sequoia has been short, students have already taken a liking to her and her methods. “I feel more comfortable with [Diaz]. She’s easier to talk to for me,” Pompen said. Having a trainer is a privilege and is very important to athletes for staying healthy and being able to compete to their full abilty in their sports. Trainers also help schools and students in the long run in different ways. “I just think [having a trainer] makes things more efficient. I think that we can get players on the field, like recovered faster. As far as money is concerned, because that usually, an issue, I think we save the school and the parents a whole lot of money by being able to tell if something is serious, and if they need to go to the hospital or not,” Diaz said. Sports injuries are hard to avoid; this year alone, Sequoia athletes have already been involved in many injuries. But Diaz has been available to help athletes recover. With the help from a school trainer, athletes can recover faster, schools and families can save money, and athletes can be healthier in the long run. If athletes get their bodies properly taken care of, many injuries can be prevented and student athletes can continue to play and be apart of a team. 5

Girls get the dub

Girls Tennis and Waterpolo win first in their leagues; the first ones to do it for over XXXXXXX years.

“[This year,] I’ve grown as a player [by] being more emotionally strong.”

Ciara Murman, 2019 Most Valued Player

“A good team member has to both focus on their own game an try to encourage other people in their game.” Ed Adams, Girls Tennis Coach 6


“This year I felt there was a stronger team dynamic, which was mostly because we had a new coach and she was such a huge part of our team’s bond” Eleanor Campbell, Water Polo Captain Varsity Captain)

“A good team members has to both, in tennis focus o their own game an try to encourage other people in their game.” Ed Adams, Girls Tennis Coach RAVEN REPORT | NOV 2019


Compiled by: Madeline Carpineli, Oscar Nolf and Chloe Johnson






Girls who grapple by Carla Roberts Staff Reporter

At Sequoia and beyond, wrestling is a sport that is greatly impacted by gender. With wrestling season approaching quickly, potential issues regarding team and competition profiles nationwide are called into question. Some states including Iowa, Maine, and California have leagues and competitions available for girls. However, there is still a long way to go regarding gender equality in wrestling. Due to the lack of girls participating in wrestling, attempts to create an even distribution throughout weight classes is an issue. The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) has approved a total of 14 girls weight classes, and they range from 101-235lbs. This poses a challenge when attempting to create a separate section for girls in state wrestling tournaments. Additionally, it raises questions as to how practical it really is to separate tournaments and championships. Girls in high school wrestling also face issues as they graduate and begin to consider attending a four-year college. Only 38 of the 5,300 colleges and universities in America belong to the WCWA, or the Women’s College Wrestling Association. This forces many girls to drop the sport they love in favor of attend10

ing a more accessible or affordable college. Mr. Ramezane, Sequoia wrestling coach of 4 years, has his own opinion on instructing a coed team: “There are no problems with having girls and boys on the team,” he says, “finding kids who are willing to join the team and stay through the season is the bigger issue.” Are there really more girls wrestling now than ever? When Mr. Ramezane wrestled in high school, there was only one girl who “really stayed for the whole season.” Since then, more girls have started participating in high school wrestling, but not by a large margin--this season, there are about 3 girls on the Sequoia wrestling team, compared to about 15 boys. Furthermore, many student wrestlers here at Sequoia feel as though gender isn’t an issue. “Guys usually feel awkward about wrestling girls, but the girls don’t really care. They kind of just dunk on them,” Sophomore August Warhurst said. Warhurst wrestled as a freshman, and is continuing this season. “Having both guys and girls on the team makes it feel like more of a family,” Warhurst said.

Grey Turner, a senior on the wrestling team, has been wrestling at Sequoia since Freshman Year. Turner loves being a part of the wrestling team because it “feels like family.” “We are super close. We text on group chats all the time and are always talking,” Turner said. She feels that the practice environment would be “not as close” and “not as much fun” if it were single-sex. However, Grey feels that everyone on the team still has their own sense of individuality, regardless of gender - “everyone’s accomplishments are their own; you don’t have to share with the team.” Grey has continued wrestling because she feels that it has taught her to “push past her limits,” even when she “thought it wasn’t possible.” As wrestling continues to grow as a high school sport for both guys and girls, it is clear that there is no apparent urgency to commence with the separation of teams. Though some issues with gender arise during tournaments and meets, it seems that girls in wrestling aren’t planning to stop pinning and grappling their way to success any time soon. RAVEN REPORT | NOV 2019


uoia graduate Iris Guizar (on left) before a wrestling match. RAVEN REPORT | NOV 2019


ToSleeporNottoSlee by HOPE CALLAGHAN Staff Reporter

Floating sluggishly toward your bed, giddy to shut those sleepy eyes after hours of school and homework. Finally flopping onto the soft comforter, you drift into a dream, the same dream that you have been hoping for since your cruel alarm clock shook you awake this morning. Sleep is well known as our peaceful break from reality where the world around us disappears and our minds prepare us for tomorrow’s adventures, but it does more than just that. The recommended amount of sleep for teenagers is 8-10 hours each night but most students find it hard to stick to that schedule, especially with homework and stress. Making sure your sleep schedule stays between 8-10 hours is very important because it stabilizes your body weight and keeps your appetite, metabolism, and immune system healthy. Even more importantly, sleep sweeps any harmful plaques away and reconstructs any muscles that may have been damaged during the day. So without sleep, our bodies have a hard time staying healthy and our minds have an even harder time making good decisions and thinking rationally. Kenzie Caswell agrees that the consequences of loosing sleep are great. “Not getting enough sleep is so bad for your health, speaking from experience, but it’s there’s definitely too many repercussions for not sleeping that it’s not worth it to give it up,” Senior Kenzie Caswell said. Sequoia nurse Michelle Murray spoke about the problems caused by sleep deprivation. She explains that if a person goes a long time without sleep, it can lead to difficulties with learning and being the healthiest version of ourselves. She also spoke about the effects of sleep-deprivation that hurt more than just the people around us. “If a person is sleep-deprived, they can actually be considered insane,” Murray said. “It affects the brain to that level where your response time is slower. You’re learning is definitely hampered. Everything is like looking through a fog. And it can, it can make people touchy as far as their mood so they can be irritable and not their best self. They might experience pain or small degrees of sickness might seem to them like a really big deal because


their body isn’t operating at optimum levels, basically, and over time, it can lead to depression.” Donnelly explains that her sleep life is normal and healthy and since she finished her homework already, she can sleep stress-free. “I just always do my homework right when I get home, so it’s kind of easy to fall asleep,” Donnelly said. Sleep may not seem all that important, but it is one of the best ways to keep your mind and body healthy. Students are very susceptible to the dangers of sleep deprivation because of sports, homework, stress, etc., but there are many ways to get a good night even with all of these things. Shut off screens one hour before bed, finish homework before any other activities, making sure your room is quiet and dark before bed, and avoiding naps, caffeine, and eating or drinking a lot right before bed; this way, you can spend the night peacefully asleep.





Searching for Answers That Don’t Exist Addressing the Social Segregetion in Sequoia By: Eli Mihaly-Baker As I’m sitting in front of my computer, I’m second guessing myself. Am I the person to write this article? Maybe not. But as I was staring at this blank white page, I realized that somebody has to be the first to talk about this, and it might as well be me. If you’ve been going to Sequoia for two days, maybe you haven’t noticed the Segregation that exists right under our noses. To investigate, as the amazing journalist that I am, I went on a journey through the depths of the Sequoian lunch time. As you roam the halls, there are people everywhere. Outside, in the halls, the media center, and on the ceilings. Although some groups are diverse, most aren’t. It’s saddening to see a group of 50 caucasion kids all sitting together without any diversity. Now, of course this segregation isn’t as obvious or yano… government intended as it was in the early-mid 1900’s, but it still exists more than we know. Even geographically in Sequoia, it seems that our white and Latino students, who make up the majority of our population, sit almost exclusively on opposite sides of the “quad,” as seen on our Urban Dictionary definition, which is oddly accurate. With14 this begs the question, is this strictly because of where we grew up and who we grew up with? Or

is there something deeper involved. Either way, it’s Today, Sequoia is 42.6% Hispanic, and 45.7% White, with that making up a total of around 89% of an issue that someone has to address. all students. Sequoia is known as a generally diverse The divide in Sequoia can be looked at in 2 ways. As school compared to the ones around us, but it seems racial, or as economic. With this begs a third ques- that we aren’t as diverse as we thought, and instead tion. Why are the two so closely related not only at are just divided into two groups. Sequoia, but in general in America? Honestly, I’m not sure what else to say. I thought “I hope it changes.” Amelia Ghilzai, Sequoia Senior through writing this article that I could find ansaid. “But right now its not. There are people pro- swers. Maybe even possible solutions. But really all testing, but the pricing for housing just keeps going I’ve found is that the segregation in Sequoia that exists today is rooted deep into our society, and isn’t up , and its pushing people out, which is horrible” going away any time soon. Maybe at some point in The housing in most parts of our area is ridiculously time white students will want to join the boys and expensive, as we all know. And the other parts are girls and Latino students will want to play water polo. But honestly, I’m not sure that day is coming even more expensive than that. in our foreseeable future. So why then don’t we integrate more with each other when we move from middle to high school. That’s If you couldn’t tell, I’m new at the whole “journalwhere the issue gets complicated to unpack. We do, ism” thing, so I didn’t get as far as I would have but it seems that the majority Latino friend groups hoped into this issue. I guess now my feature article integrate with other majority Latino friend groups, has turned into somewhat as an opinion article. Or maybe some sort of awareness article. And if you and visa versa. were expecting any form of closure from reading Most feeder schools for Sequoia have either a ma- this, I’m sorry I couldn’t find it for you; but honestly, jority white population, or a majority Latino pop- it might not exist. ulation thanks to the unfortunate relationship beRAVEN REPORT | NOV 2019 tween economics and race.

The Heavy Feet of Sequoia By Nicholas Lawrence Staff Reporter


eople are more active than ever before. From San Francisco systems are being made throughout the science curriculum that involve climate change and other world issues.” to Mumbai, children and teens are mobilizing across the If climate change is a question on someone’s test, that may world to inspire action against climate change. At Sequoia warrant a little more attention and education on the issue. Another issue too, students and teachers are making a change to a better, that climate change action faces is the budget, but Magallanes has a plan more eco-friendly school. for that, too. Every year, students produce greenhouse gases at Sequoia. From “What I would consider is what our local industries and school events, student transportation and other practices, students private organizations that are looking to help us reduce the effects of produce a great amount of greenhouse gases that often go unnoticed. climate change by doing these proactive initiatives, you know, replacing Across the nation, steps are being taken to halt climate change and these different behaviors and getting them on board. Because maybe initiate climate action, but at a local level, things move much more there isn’t funding from the school. But maybe there’s a company who slowly. The popular opinion at Sequoia is that drastic but necessary wants us to talk about how great they are.” Magallanes said. changes are needed to stop the current plight of carbon emissions and Being inside the Bay Area grants Sequoia a unique opportunity to revolutionize carbon standards within the school. climate change. But people don’t know how it would be implemented. But even outside of the bubble of the Bay Area, Magallanes’ “I think both the carbon emissions and the trash that we proposal is already taking place across the United States and the world. produce first can be reduced. The biggest way of doing this would For example, the University of Tucson in Arizona partnered with be altering the source of energy. Now we rely on the energy grid that Tucson Electric Power to eliminate a third of all is being supplied. If we relied more greenhouse emissions on campus. The school will on solar, for example, we see a lot of receive its power from a wind farm in New Mexico schools do. Although it’s expensive, and a solar array that hosts roughly 314,000 solar immediately, initially, over time it’s panels and an advanced storage system, according less costly, but also, we’re relying less to Chamber Business News. on fossil fuels that are going to be Also, Bristol University in the United releasing carbon dioxide.” said Jessica Kingdom has decreased its carbon emissions by Magallanes, IB ESS teacher and advisor 27% since 2005 and plans to go carbon neutral of the Sequoia Sustainability Project by 2020 by collaborating with other companies. club. The Sequoia High School District has made no However, people argue about attempts such as these to halt climate change. how urgent the crisis is. Some believe Even though it may be hard, Sequoia can that it is a crisis with unreversable reduce its carbon footprint through many ways. It consequences, while others think that currently uses outdated, efficient power systems to while it is a problem, it shouldn’t be in Nicholas Kwok, Freshman at Sequoia fuel its everyday functions, such as water heaters, High School. the forefront of our worries. light fixtures, and older computers. Renovat“I personally think the ing these parts of Sequoia will definitely elevate climate issue is more pressing. But I its place in a new, eco-friendly school environment, and will catapult understand how challenging it is for change to happen in the public Sequoia into a new realm. education system. We know, because we’re not just a school on our own, we consider the district and other funds and own funds are coming from this state. And that’s why I think we really need to see leadership as an in state in our country, make changes to give us the green light to do that,” Magallanes said. Local levels usually can’t make big change without support from above, so it’s necessary to have that for any real action on global warming. In my opinion, the carbon footprint of Sequoia pales in comparison to the larger issues in America, but local issues are part of the problem that America faces as a whole. We all contribute to the greenhouse gas emissions, so every effort counts when it comes to reduceing those emissions, no matter how small. However, one roadblock to climate action is people indifferent to the subject. “I believe that some students simply don’t care about climate change because they can’t see how it affects them directly,” Freshman Nicholas Kwok said. It’s true that climate change isn’t often related to many concerns teens have, such as grades, friends, and their home lives right now. If it doesn’t affect them in a direct way, it makes sense that some students wouldn’t care about it. However, steps are being made to make that not true. “One of the main ways we are advocating for climate change is through the school system,” Magallanes said. “New problems and

“I believe that some stu-

dents simply don’t care about climate change because they can’t see how it affects them directly”



Our future in our hands

compiled by Alisa Mack BY JAY TIPIRNENI and TAYLOR GAYNER Editors-in-Chief Issues like gun violence and sexual assault have inspired great activism in students, and have inspired more young people to speak out about their concerns. But nothing has brought about change and advocacy on campuses and beyond like the climate crisis has in the past few years. Students at Sequoia, and across the globe, have dedicated hours of their own time to striking and protesting against the issue, as well as changing their own lifestyles and personal values in hopes of helping the climate problem. The work that young people have done, has inspired immense changes. Just within our own community, Starbucks has created sipping lids to decrease straw usage, and boba guys has begun using bamboo straws in replacement of plastic ones. The pervasive activism of young people alongside these localized improvements have led to more colossal changes; Disney is completely eliminating single-use straws, Hyatt is only offering plastic straws upon specific request, and many places including California, Hawaii, and parts of the East Coast are implementing stricter state16

wide laws in an effort to create a more rapid change that is necessary. While the contributions that our young generation has made, has been successful, and has inspired some change, our planet is at the point where such changes are not sufficient. In case you were not totally clear on where we are headed, we get to look forward to a plethora of lifealtering impacts that come as a result of our decaying ecosystem. If no immense governmental changes are made, the ocean’s levels will rise, impacting about one billion people by 2050, the drastic changes in water temperature will cause algae rapidly decay and coral reefs to completely die off by the year 2100, and with the temperatures increasing, the Arctic may see ice-free summers in the next few decades. Humans will be exposed to extreme and dangerous heat waves in the next five years, rainfall and snowfall may increase, also increasing the possibility of severe flooding and, as the earth’s temperature continues to

rapidly increas e, habitats of certain plants and animals in our environment will no longer be hospitable to them. Along with that, there may be a whole mass of currently unknown environmental impacts that RAVEN REPORT | NOV 2019

have yet to reveal themselves. The scariest part of all of this is not what’s listed above. The scariest part is that we may be too far in that any amount of work we do will not suffice. The scariest part is that it was not us who created this prob-


lem. The scariest is that it was our educated adults that elected officials who plummeted us into this bottomless abyss that we are attempting to claw our way out of. As highschoolers, we had little to no impact in causing the release of pollutants that has brought us to where we are now, and we had absolutely no impact or say on the people who made these decisions; but it is us who have to live with the consequences. It is us who will be faced with the implications for the next few decades. And it is us who will be faced with the burden of finding solutions before we even have the opportunity to climb out of this abyss. These impacts may sound overbearing and irreparable, but in reality, students have a massive amount of power and influence, especially as we become more passionate of this issue. If you are a student, aged sixteen or older, pre-register to vote as soon as possible. When the time comes, you will then be eli-

gible to vote and have an input in the choosing of political representatives who can help make great change. If you are already of age to vote, consider the future of our generation and generations to come. Elect officials who truly prioritize bringing about solutions to the climate crisis. As our generation ages and grows into our time, it is important that we keep a common goal in mind. Whether that means reposting the activism videos by Greta Thunberg, going out to protest the corporations that are worsening the issue, carrying around plastic straws with you wherever you go, completely eliminating the use of plastic in your day-to-day life, or ensuring that you do enough research to educate yourself and ensure that you are choosing to elect officials who can and will make a change. Because we are all fighting for the same goal; a future.


photo by Alisa Mack

Students Strike

In San Francisco united together to protest against climate change. The SF youth-led climate strike ran from 10am to 2pm and was held at the Federal building. The climate strike brought awareness to a worldwide issue and allowed us students to show our voice and stand up for justice. Global warming has been an issue for many years and affects everyone, however the adults have done almost nothing to fix it so us students have decided to make the stan. Many students, including me and Junior Brenda Guillen, went to the climate strike. However, not many students were able to go, but still have a voice to input. I’ve talked to Senior Collin Mavrinac and Junior Juliette Carbonnet. Junior Brenda Guillen went to the climate strike to stand up for what she believes in: “if we don’t stop climate change, we may eventually die”. She felt empowered to “stand up and speak up”. Senior Collin Mavrinac and Junior Juliette Carbonnet (who did not go to the strike) find ways to help the climate everyday. Senior Collin Mavrinac has always recycled, never bought plastic, uses metal straws, goes thrift shopping and even carpools. Junior Juliette Carbonnet did not go to the climate strike as well, however she wishes she did. Juliette helps the climate in different ways, one of which is not consuming beef. Beef, as well as many other animal products, releases carbon emissions through animal methane and fossil fuels. This is particularly harmful because it furthers the effects of climate change and contributes to greenhouse gasses.




Diferentes paises,

diferentes historias De pasados a presentes de maestros Por: Ignacio Dominguez-Coronado



Migrating Towards by Alexander Chang & Alexander Cottrell Staff Reporters


he election of 2020 is coming up. One of the biggest issues that has been fiercely debated during the Trump Administration is immigration. A summary of recent polls by RealClearPolitics has Joe Biden at 29.1 points and Elizabeth Warren 20.3 points, which puts them ahead of all the other democratic candidates. But the policies of Trump and the two frontrunners of the Democratic party differ greatly. So we did our research and dug into the differences in the details of their policies. Immigration has been a top issue over the past decade. With 89.4 million immigrants and their U.S. born children living in the states as of 2018, the policies implemented on immigration will greatly impact the population of the United States. That is why immigration policies are one of the greatest factors in the 2020 election. President Trump’s immigration policies include tripling the amount of Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, and he wants to end birthright citizenship for undocumented immigrats. Additionally, President Trump wants applicants-for-entry to be required to certify that they can pay for their own housing, healthcare and other needs before coming to the United States. Trump’s goal in this is to reduce “welfare abuse,” which is defined as people coming into the U.S. and abusing their ability to access welfare. This change would make it much more difficult for immigrants to be admitted to the states. Elizabeth Warren has many policies regarding immigration, but some of the most controversial and impactful are ending the 3-10 year bar laws which prevents illegal immigrants from coming back to the United States for three to ten years, ending Operation Streamline, which lets immigrants be prosecuted in mass prosecutions, and reshaping Customs and Border Protection and ICE to focus their efforts on homeland security efforts


like screening cargo, identifying counterfeit goods, and preventing smuggling and trafficking. And finally, Joe Biden has set goals to address the root cause of immigration, specifically the corruption with police and governments in Central America, and he plans to focus on utilizing immigration to build up the American economy. “This country was founded by immigrants, and today immigrants are super important part of the culture and economy of this country,” Jane Slater said, teacher of English Language Development and an advisor of the Dream Club. “We’re a big country with a lot of resources and we’re really fortunate, and we can share that with people who are in situations where that’s not the case. We can also feel confident that those same people will make positive contributions to our society.” There are numerous reasons why people immigrate into the United States, including escaping violence and gaining job opportunities. “Most of the people I know, they didn’t have choices in their country so they’re willing to take the risk to immigrate to the United States,” senior Ivan Franco said, member of the Dream club. “Most of the people I know just come here to work hard and earn money to send it back to the country and help their family. They’re not just here to walk around. They came because they knew there would be new opportunities they could take

Trump is really going aggressively ramping up deportations which is creating a culture of fear. - Jane Slater ELD teacher



advantage of in the States.” Slater supports reinstating Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). DACA was an immigraton policy created under the Obama administration in 2015. DACA allows unlawful immigrants without serious misdemeanors on their record to become eligible for a work permit and prevents them from being deported. However, DACA didn’t provide a pathway to citizenship. Slater, who believes that undocumented students have been severely affected by the Trump Administration’s current immigration policies, thinks that the immigration policies of the winner of the 2020 election will heavily affect students at Sequoia. “Trump’s current policies are really negatively affecting undocumented students not only by the policy themselves, like not letting people apply for DACA, but also Trump is really aggressively ramping up deportations which is creating a culture of fear,” Slater said. “It’s causing people probably not to seek services that they might need because they’re afraid to be public. It’s causing students to really worry about what their and their families’ futures will be. Both in terms of school and after they finish college.” Without DACA undocumented students are scared. Students may need jobs to support their families, and without DACA, they may not be able to apply for a job. But to find out how students felt about Trump’s policies and their impact on undocumented Sequoia students, we asked a student in the Dream club. “Undocumented students are very afriad, and they know that their safe place isn’t going to be safe anymore, so if they lose that then there’s a really high chance that they will be deported,” Franco said. “So they will not come to school, feeling unsafe, and that will hurt them in their

They're really afraid and they can't concentrate in school, and they will always be looking around to be safe so it will really poorly affect them academically.

- ivan franco senior


s A Better Sequoia academics. They’re really afraid and they can’t concentrate in school, and they will always be looking around to be safe so it will really poorly affect them academically.” The new immigration policies of the new president will greatly affect Sequoia students. If Trump gets re-elected, he can continue to push his immigration agenda and try to get more of his proposed policies done. If Warren gets elected, she will try to reinstate DACA and focus on reshaping ICE. Biden is also for reinstating DACA, and will try to address the root causes of emmigration. The results of this election and the ensuing policies will obviously affect students’ lives, and could change them forever. “I think we can always be doing more. But we do have a pretty supportive com-


munity here. I think most of the staff is very supportive and, you know, aware of the struggles that undocumented students face,” Slater said. “The Dream Club is specifically set up to raise awareness in the community not only in Sequoia, but in the greater community and also to raise scholarship money because undocumented students are not eligible for many scholarships.” We asked Franco what how he thought Sequoia was helping. “First of all, we have the dream cub. And that’s a really safe place for undocumented students. The club is specifically for undocumented students to help them succeed in high school, to go to college, and to raise awareness about what’s going on,” Franco said. However, Franco does think that

there is more to be done. “...they [Sequoia] could bring in people that know more about immigration to school to talk to students,” Franco said. “Maybe they [the student] feels shy, and they don’t want to go to dream club because there’s a lot going on in their lives. I think bringing more people from the outside and have one on one conversations with the students would be quite helpful.” The staff at Sequoia is ready to support students that need help, whether it be issues with ICE and undocumentation or simply getting through a hard life in high school. With support from the Dream club and staff like Ms. Slater, Sequoia is ready to take care of it’s students, no matter which way the election goes.


Freedom for Phones by Tess Restaino Staff Reporter


technology, shifts in the foundation of technology use within education have become very apparent. Adjustments are constantly made regarding phone policies and rules within various establishments. Recently, schools in the Sequoia Union High School District, as well as neighboring districts, have made extensive edits in their cell phone policies. These policies largely range in their values, enforcing cell phone laws at opposite ends of the spectrum. Hitting close to home, Sequoia High School recently underwent a seemingly drastic change in its cell phone policy. Last year, students would be reprimanded for being on their phones at any point throughout the day. The technology policy ran on a “three strike” system. The first strike would result in phone confiscation and phones being taken to the Assistant Vice Principals (AVP) office, the second would require parents to pick up phones from the AVP office, and the final strike would result in a detention. Starting this year, Sequoia decided to attempt a fresh approach. The Sequoia High School website states that “[e]lectronic devices and related items such as cell phones, headphones, music players, or radios except if a teacher uses them as equipment are not to be visible during instructional hours.” Although appearing seemingly similar to last year’s policy, there’s a significant adjustment which alters 22

the entire model of the cell phone policy. By adding “visible during instructional hours,” it is implicated that students can now use their phones during break periods, such as brunch and lunch. Farewell to the days of concealing phones from peering security guards. Within our own district, Woodside High School has a similar policy to Sequoia’s. On page 6 of their student handbook, it states that cell phones “will be permitted during non instructional times.” Upon further research, I found that our other neighboring school Carlmont has a similar policy, allowing technology use during non-instructional time as well. While our district is continuing to embrace the rapidly advancing world of tech, other districts are pushing it away. San Mateo High School— a neighboring district school— recently made national headlines with their radical phone policy. SMHS began implementing a new device called “The Yondr Pouch.” Yondr Pouch is a startup in San Francisco with a mission state-

ment to create “phone free spaces.” They are phone-sized pouches with a magnetized top. The magnetized top locks phones within the pouches during the school day, only allowing students to open it with a teacher-held device. These pouches have conjured up a large array of opinions from students, parents, and admin alike. Additionally, they have also attracted lots of attention towards SMHS, including visits from national news stations such as ABC, CBS, KQED, and more. In an interview with ABC 7 news, the assistant principal, Adam Gelb, discussed his justification of the pouches. “I really think it’s about being present and engaging in the adult that’s trying to teach you, your peers that might be in your small group. That’s part of the main philosophy that we’re trying to preach.” Gelb stated. This major shift in protocol leaves students with mixed feelings. “I think it’s inconvenient at times, but I think it has made a positive impact in classes,” SMHS senior Alison Hagen said. “I kind of don’t understand why we can’t have them dur-



ing breaks. Why can’t teachers have stricter cell phone policies in their individual classrooms and we can use [phones] outside of instructional time.” Furthermore, Students also questions the safety hazards surrounding the pouches. “It just seems a little unsafe to have 1,700 cell phones just locked up all day,” Hagen said. Since this colossal change occurred in our neighboring district, the question arises as to if they should implement a system like this at Sequoia. My short answer response is: absolutely not. If you walk out onto our main grass area at lunch and look around, you’ll see games of soccer, friends catching up with each other about their day, and studious peers frantically rushing through their forgotten homework. Phones are barely in the equation as it is, so what’s the use in locking them up? Having completely restricted access to cell phones is not just unnecessary, it also brings up safety concerns. In the event of a lockdown or schoolwide emergency, students would have no contact with the outside world.

Students couldn’t contact authority figures, nor their parents or peers to inform them of the situation. Although these new advances in technology are viewed as distracting and detrimental by many administrators in school districts today, it is important to embrace the cultural shift. Technology may appear as a hindrance due to the negative connotations surrounding it, however it serves as an important resource and tool in today’s education system. Our school, as well as many other public high schools, have spent large sums on chrome books and SMARTBoards; yet, phones are pinned as the villian. It is true that some students misuse their technological privileges. Yet from my observations, the majority of students take advantage of the productivity aspect of technology as well. From checking grades on Canvas, to working on assignments in Google Classrooms, to updating resumes on Naviance, education and technology have forged a vital connection in today’s society. Taking away phones at Sequoia would be wasting a valuable and crucial resource in today’s education system.

“It seems a little unsafe to have 1,700 cell phones just locked up all day.”

“Students use their phones for useful things, like checking their grades!” - Bea Rienhoff, 10th Grade

“I don’t believe Sequoia should use Yondr. Some people need to text their parents during school, and what happens if there’s an emergency?” -Sumon Bomya, 10th Grade

A phone inside a Yondr Pouch leaning against a demagnitizer device.


“I feel like Sequoia’s phone rules work. Locking phones away sends the wrong message.” - Javier Nino-Sears, 11th Grade


Easy snacks, crafts for this thanksgiving November is a busy time for high schoolers; with fall sports ending, finals just around the corner, and college app deadlines nearing, we are left with very little spare time. Here are some easy DIYS and snacks that you can make to impress your family members in little time! #1 SWEET TURKEY BITES What you need for this snack is a bag of pretzels, bag of candy corn, wilton eyes, Rollo candies, a bag of reese’s pieces and parchment paper. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Line a baking pan with parchment paper, and place the pretzels salt down on the paper. Then unwrap the Rolo candies and place them in the center of the pretzel towards the top. Place them in the oven till the chocolate is softened, so not melted, which is about 1 minute. Take them out and place the eyes towards the top of the chocolate, then turn the reese’s peices to its side and place it in the center, below the eyes, and then take three candy corns and place them above the eyes in the chocolate for the feathers. Then place them in the freezer for 5-10 minutes to solidify, and they are ready to eat! #2 LEAF MASON JAR CANDLES What you need for this craft is a mason jar, fall leaves, modge podge, and a brush. Start by painting a thin layer of modge podge on to the jar. Then put a leaf on the jar and paint over the leaf with modge podge. Make sure your leaf is not too stiff. Keep doing the same thing, put your leaf on then apply modge podge to the top and paint over the whole leaf all the way to the sides. Let it dry, and then you can finish the jar off with a ribbon.

#3 THANKSGIVING HAND WREATH What you will be needing to make the wreath is 10 or more peices of paper, scissors, and glue or tape. First you need to trace your hand on a peice of paper, and then cut your hand out. Cut out about 10 paper hands, or however many you want, depending on how big you want the wreath. Then glue the hands together in the shape of a wreath, with all the wrists overlapping a bit. Then you can decorate however you want, like adding a ribbon, gliter, or drawings to your hand wreath. Compiled by Caitlin Dulsky 24





An Academic Split By Maddie Cowgill and Isabella Burns



Economics and ethnicity play a part in our education, from what access we have to higher level education programs, to the food we eat. Here at Sequoia, race and economics play a small but not insignificant role in the level of education we receive. Your ability to learn doesn’t seem to depend on your ethnicity or economic stability, but these factors can impact your ability to perform academically. While this is mainly true, some factors for low-income students like the stress of figuring out where their next meal will come from can cause them to perform worse, but dealing with these stressors also helps them gain more coping strategies to deal with stress later in life. “When we have tests in class I feel like all the other students know more and are more prepared. It hasn’t just been this way at Sequoia, it’s been this way all throughout my years in school. I’m too shy to raise my hand and while I try and block out the stress I face at home when I’m at school, it still affects me sometimes.” an anonymous Sequoia student said. Those types of difficulties aren’t unique to students of low income and color to face. From interviews and extensive research it’s become clearer and clearer that students of low income or color aren’t any less smart than those who are caucasian or have money. They can be shy and hesitant to participate because of fear of judgement and lack of focus because of outside stress. This results in the gaps we see in grades and test scores today. “Low-income students struggle


with issues of poverty and have additional huge stressors like food and housing insecurity,” IB coordinator, Lisa McCahon said. “Some low-income students may not have a reliable source of nutritious food or a secure living situation. These situations can add huge amounts of stress on top of the regular stress an adolescent must deal with like school.” According to the Journal of Youth and Adolescents, life stressors like financial issues increase the risk of academic failure in high school students. The study showed that even with emotional support, low-income students have a lower chance of success. However, that in no way means low-income students are in any way less capable than upper and middle-class students, it means that they have more challenges to overcome in order to succeed. “I do notice a difference in writing ability and reading ability but not in the same way, that’s not to say that difference is permanent.” Said Dy Nguyen, Sequoia history teacher. In an attempt to bridge the income gap in the IB programme at Sequoia, Dell, the computer company, provided a grant to improve the classes that low-income students struggle in the most: history, math and science. Before the grant, in 2014, only 9 percent of IB diploma candidates were low income, but three years after the grant, in 2019, 20 percent of IB diploma candidates were low income. While these numbers aren’t quite close to represent-

ing the 49 percent of low-income students at Sequoia but they are much better than they were 5 years ago. In California, there is a deep chasm between the achievement of Caucasian and Asian students, and AfricanAmerican and Hispanic students. Data obtained by Greatschools.org displayed that 83 percent of caucasian students and 93 percent of Asian students attend schools in which their scores are in the 60th percentile while only 9 percent of African American students and 14 percent of Hispanic students can say the same. “Students in IB have come to me to express difficulties they are facing about when they’re the only one or one of few students from their community or that look like them,” McCahon said. “To them, it can feel like they don’t belong or they are less smart than the rest of the class and it can make it difficult for them to raise their hand or ask questions. It is our job to let these students know that they do belong and they are smart.” The issue isn’t as much a gap in intelligence as it is an issue of clashing cultures making students from communities of color less comfortable to participate and outside stressors tipping the scales against them. Test scores reflect this inequality, but in no way does this mean any student of color or low income is less smart in any way. It just means they’ve faced and overcome more challenges in life. I would say you should offer help to your neighbors if they look like they’re confused or that as a teacher you should reach out to those students in your class who seem to be having trouble. You can, but be sure your help is wanted, be sure those you are offering help feel comfortable accepting help. I’m inviting students who struggle to realize there are people there for you, you’re not the only one who doesn’t understand. Reach out and you will be met with compassion and understanding from the majority of people in their hearts.

“When we have tests in class I feel like all the other students know more and are more prepared.”


Funding Feuds BY GRETA REICH Staff Reporter

donations help fund sports greatly, but not as many donate to the arts as frequently. “There are certainly a much larger number of stipends for athletic coaches than Extracurriculars that schools pro- there are for [arts teachers]. But it’s apples and vide are a great way for students to express oranges because there’s only a couple plays, themselves in a comfortable and safe environ- whereas there are countless sports teams” athment, whether it’s artistically or athletically. letics director Melissa Schmidt said. The sports budget pays for things However, these can go from fun and educalike equipment, unitive, to boring and forms, buses, subunproductive if stitutes, training and they don’t get the necessary funding The $13,000 has been consistent- more. Each team also to stay stimulating. ly the same for a very long time. gets additional donations from various In all of There should be a change there. sponsorships and parhigh school history, sports have Crystal Waters, Art Departement Chair ents, overseen by the Boosters. The eight always been the visual and performmost funded and ing arts classes get given the most attention while the arts have been severely $20,000 from the foundation. The material underfunded and ignored. In our district, the budget for arts, however, is $13,000, which sports teams have a yearly budget of $60,000. they get from the district and split between 29 The arts programs get differing amounts of classes. That includes Dance, IB Art, Cerammoney depending on how the principal of the ics I and II, Theater, Band, etc. “The $13,000 has been consistently school decides to split it up, but their minimum is just less than $35,000, plus donations. the same for a very long time, even though The difference can be justified by the fact that we’ve added more sections,” art department there are a plethora of sports teams that run chair Christle Waters said. “There should be a year round and need new equipment each year, change there.” Waters, though new to being the while there are fewer art classes which don’t art department chair, knows plenty about the cost nearly as much. Parents are also a key factor. Their past of the Sequoia art program. Their yearly


budget has not been increased even though prices for materials are going up and we’ve gained more art classes. Waters does believe that the arts program is able to advocate for themselves when it comes to money, but it can be difficult to do so when there are so many other programs that are trying to do the same, especially if some of those are more popular than others. Some may think that these “popular activities” getting more than the others include all sports teams, but Sophomore cross country and track player Ethan McKillop disagrees. “If [students] did get the option to [ask the school board for certain amounts of money], kids could argue that certain stuff gets paid more than others, or stuff just doesn’t get paid at all,” McKillop said. “Stuff could be prioritized when stuff needs to be prioritized” Even within the sports program, some actividies seem to be getting more than others. This inequality can be frustrating to the students on those teams because it could seem as though they are not as important as students in the more largely funded sports. For students in the arts program however, all the sports teams would seem largely funded compared to them. “If [the arts budget] is between visual and performing arts, then there’s art classes, there’s three different instrument classes, there’s band, orchestra, choir, and then on top of that there’s a drama program that puts on RAVEN REPORT | NOV 2019

Forge Frustration four to five shows a year. If you put that in budget, it just doesn’t come from the district. comparison to the amount of money sports They get money from the Boosters, donations, gets to buy materials, [the arts] should get the gate money, and from the school to pay for amount of money [they] need to buy [their] uniforms, buses, equipment and other similar materials because right now [they] get just needs. However, all the money comes through enough to fulfill those programs” Sophomore either the Boosters or ASB, so the teams don’t have direct access to it. Like any good teacher Roxie Dobrer said. Dobrer already had doubts about or coach, Poulos wants to be able to pay for the finest equipment whether or not the and materials for his funding was fair, but athletes. The fact hearing the large difthat he has to ask for ference in budgets money from others gave her the proof she needed to ex- Football, track, baseball, etc, none every time he needs press her feelings of of them get a budget. Their bud- something new is naturally frustrating. unfairness without get is $0. The students doubt. Not everyRob Poulos, Varsity Football Coach here at Sequoia are one feels this way lucky enough to have however. Varsity a wide variety of football coach Rob extracurriculars and Poulos shares feelings of limited funding with Dobrer, but while electives that allow them to express themshe thinks the arts need more, Poulos is all for selves in most any way they want. Talented artists can take IB art if they want to learn sports. “Football, track, baseball, etc, none more about it. Growing athletes can try out of them get a budget. Their budget is $0. As it their skills in most any sport to find the one stands right now, we have to fundraise or we that fits. Aspiring performers can show off have to ask the Boosters for things like foot- their craft with acting, singing, dancing and balls or baseballs or lacrosse balls or soccer more. There is near endless possibilities for balls. There is nothing in the budget coming kids to take a shot at and, although it is true from the district to cover those costs” Coach that the funding is not perfect, the arts and sports are still a wonderful outlet for the pasPoulos said. As stated before, sports do have a sion and energy in students everywhere.



Admins should think again about new security policy By RAY EVANS Opinion Editor security, which never addresses the material Whenever a tragedy strikes, we try conditions which cause security threats, is to make changes to prevent a similar event simply a painkiller, not a cure. It may alleviate in the future- and rightly so. A tragedy can the patients pain, and it may be necessary, but galvanize a community and give them the it doesn’t make them any less sick. willpower to make long overdue changes. It Besides the new bag policy, there can also spur a community to make rash decisions which fail to address the root causes of has been heightened police presence at the problem as an escape vent for their sorrow Sequoia around athletic events. On a surface level, this makes sense. Police will be able to and fear. provide another layer of security to events. Sequoia highschool began a new But are more police really what we want policy banning backpacks and full water around campus? Police may be well prepared bottles at athletic events, to prevent drug and to handle extreme situations. When they alcohol abuse. Although it had all the right interact with an individual who is engaged in intentions, it is a misguided policy born out minor illegal activities, such as drug crimes, of fear. It is an invasion of people’s privacy however, they are without a clear benefit. likely to arrest The administrathem and do even tion argues that the new more harm to policy, which is in part them as they travel modeled on policies of the The new policy is not a response through the justice NFL and other professystem. According sional athletic leagues, is to any underlying problem, and to statistics gathnecessary for a safe envi- therein lies the problem. ered by the Office ronment at athletic events. of Juvenile Justice “Our top priorand Delinquency ity at Sequoia is keeping Prevention 55 perour community safe,” cent of youth arrested will be arrested again Administrative Vice Principal Sophia Olliver within a year. Police are the first cog in this said. “Removing backpacks from sporting machine, and we don’t need more of them in events and searching smaller bags helps our school community. better ensure events are fun and safe for all Additionally, many students may students.” not trust law enforcement, and for good Olliver doesn’t, however, doesn’t cause. Police forces throughout the United see this policy as a response to any underlyStates have a long history of racial profiling ing problem of any kind, and therein lies the problem. If this solution is not based on a spe- violence, and cooperating with immigration enforcemnt. Although our local department cific problem, then what will it solve. Tighter


has tried to address these issues, they still carry this baggage. If the goal of the new bag policy is to prevent drug or alcohol abuse or overdoses, it will do little. It will just mean people will overdose somewhere else. Preventing harm from overdoses is a commendable goal, but is moving where people use drugs a worthy trade for people’s privacy? For years, security has been increasing at airports, theatres and especially at schools. The line of what is normal keeps creeping forward, and privacy erodes further. At the end of the day, though I don’t feel any safer. I am just left with the question; when will things go back to normal? When can I stop living in fear?

The first year youth recidivism rate is a staggering 55 percent. RAVEN REPORT | NOV 2019

School’s Left-Wing environment, effect on Right-Leaning students By DAVID RAMIREZ Feature Editor

Image Courtesy of Claire Tom Every year, our political environment is continually evolving and changing, as are opinions and perspectives. Sequoia is undoubtedly a more left-leaning environment. As a result, right-leaning students may face difficulties, difficulties that can be prevented as long as we are open and much more tolerable to different perspectives. Us teenagers have come across differing beliefs and, a lot of the time, fire is fought with fire. It’s time to instead attempt and succeed in conceiving peace. Today’s youth has involved themselves in politics; the reason being we are exposed to it more now due to its prominence and the impact it may have on us; whether it be the media, family conversations, or school discussions. To talk about political subjects with a specific opinion is most definitely important, though the significant leftleaning environment leaves out groups of students, like our right-wing leaning peers. Sequoia always strives to be all-inclusive as it appeals to liberal-leaning ideas for example, our LGBTQ+ as well as Feminist posters and very inclusive events. While many students may believe that is what should be preached, right-wing leaning students may have different stances and may make RAVEN REPORT | NOV 2019

them feel excluded. Schools have a significant impact on their students; left-leaning students are more constant here because of the influence the school has on them. The influence is that hate is not okay, and that acceptance is essential, as seen through our events, posters and our welcoming atmosphere. That influence is crucial, but what they label as hate is more left-wing ideology, or at least it is quickly perceived that way. Ultimately, left-leaning students, students overall, can have flawed ideology just like most people. From lurking and walking around our school hallways, I’ve heard peers constantly bombard conservative ideas and view them as antagonistic ideology and are quick to dismiss their notions. It could be because left-wing ideology is observed to be the more morally correct side. We must find the courage to shape our political ideas because it affects our lifestyle, our knowledge, whom we think we should vote for when we’re older, and what to avoid

or fi x in the future. Not only will that help find our voices, but it can also connect us more. Being solely guided by others rather than learning and harboring our knowledge is not helpful. Sequentially, there is much litigious behavior of both political parties going on in places like the media, schools, work, and casual settings. In Sequoia, right-wing students are the minority, and it doesn’t allow more conversations in classes for students to develop opinions of their own in a fi ltered way, by pinpointing their beliefs through research and morals rather than influenced by others. It’s time, society comes together to stand against today’s problems and make differences. Ways to do that is to have everyone safely converse their opinions, as well as to allow healthy discussion. We don’t have to invalidate other people because of what they believe; we don’t have to agree either, but arguing won’t solve anything. Learning from one another and earning and receiving respect must be imperative so we as a society can move forward. Photo by Kelsie Garay 31




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