~dlinlt ian 1920
I I,
EDITORIAL rfhp yt'nr of ' ID- ':'!O if; cpotilili ill tllfl hi story olr Bethany, ,\ s t.lli fl i ~ the fir st Alltlll: ' to be puhii s ilN.1. Tire Bf'thnni!lTl i ~ the voicl! of :l united s tudent body wh o Ims 11 Ilu:s::::nge that musl he ~ pokell. .\ Itl C'::S l'IIg"t.' J' I11l1 s l s pellk. 1"01' Yf>:n ,;,; \\'C' h.we fdt the IWI路I! of a co lle,!:e Annllal, Ilnd willi tire noblt' CO-opf'l'lIlioll of lir e s tudent. hody W\' lrll\"(> cnden\'ol'pd 10 put out 011(' Itr:11 will bl.: \wlleficifll to tlH' ioicllOol; 1Illd \)(> n book 1:,:.1 thl' l' tud('lIt s \.!!1I1 keep to rev iew t heir old ~(' h()()1 day", Th(' f'rlilQl' of Ih is .\nnual hlt s t'lIdNIYOJ'f'f! to flliit tlri s in tire r路i,!.{lrt wny, and wli{'l'{'in WI" hnn fn ilpd we H:, k yonl' s:.ympntlry; wirel'L'in we linn! S \l c('t~f'~l('fl,
yOHI' ('ommcndntioll,
Okhdlornn Nllznn'IIP ('ollpge !it mIti s for 1ll00'P than ('dllen' ion, lind lri,!.dH' l" than h \l(' Ct'ss. \rhile s lrf' Iittempt s to (>I'('lItt, ill IIII'll and \\'OflH'1l tl vi sion , lind cnf>rg.\' to n: ali z(' tllilt \' i~ion. f' h芦 lli so EN路 k !'i to ins tilt ill tir e he:II't s: or itel' l" tud('n tR th (' 11('(\(\ of f; p il'itunl ('qu ' pIlC'nt. To hI' I'enl !'i ll f'c{i !'l" ful. it i !'i 1101 enough to 11:1 \'e ml'l'('l," vi Rion Il nd ('ncl'p;y, but b('liind tl1t' ~e, /lnt! ahovC' t\r{,l"fl. must he t\r(l Spir'it o f nod nrlinga nd di l'(,(, t ing- 111(' pm'rg."; Irnd to send Ollt l" tud('nt s witll tlr i!i, is OUl' aim.
Palte 2
BETTLI:\Y , OKL.lnm l.l HEY ..1. IV. 1'.1 II·'I'I·:R ..... .. ...... .. .... . ........ ... ......... . .. .... . RE'l'lLI N\'.OKI..llltHl.l HI",' . R. j I. j LI Y:\ II·: ....... .. . . . . ... . . . .....................................1 D.I, OJ( 1..1 11 0,1.1
F. 11.1 [,:\ ................ ... .. . . ....... . . . ......... ...... IIEI(HYI':]"I'. I, OKI..IIIO" .1
H I·:\·..1. O. DI·:\( '.I :\ ................... .. .. ... ...... ..... . .......... BETII.I:--JY, OKI..lllml ,1
m:\·. ' I.IHK II'III'I':\I': Y .............. ..... .............. .............. OR.IOI':, OJ( I..IIIO", .1 lim' .. 1. c. "~IITII .......................... ........ ... ........... . PO:\(.I (, I'I' \', OJ(I..llItnIA .1\.:'1' IIL' 11 BI·:.II ' I·: 1l ............. .. ...... . .. .. . . . .....
. ... ..... .... BETtLI:\\', OKL.IlItnl.l
S. W. IlY.I :--J . . . . . ..... . . . . ... . ......... ..... . . . ..................... BI·:'I'H.I:\Y, OKI..IIIO)]'\ HE Y. 1•. )1.
Y .....
. ............... .
. ... . ..... ... ... ........... B"'J'H .I:\Y, OKJ..IBO)1.1
J. 11.1"" II'ILL If; ..... . ... .... . . .. .... . .. . ................... .. .... KI:\GS'!'O:\, OKJ..IlIlnl.l
OFFICERS OF THl<; BOARD IlEl·. B. P. :\EF:LY. ................................. .... ........................ . PH 1':SlD,,:\'I' IH:\'. L. hl. )1.1> ............ .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . . ..... ....... ......... .. ..... .... .
i; 1 ':C' l lI-~'I'.1
.I[,TII['H BI-:.ln:1l . .......... , ....... ....... , ... ..... ...... ................... . . T lm ,ISl.'RKR
- .__ .. _ - - - - --
Page 3
On thil',
j\ lt~
fi r:".l ('ditioll 01' th{' B('thnn ian , tile
llllnag(,lllcnl hns (,Ilticm"o l'(,d
to POdl'HY tlie \\'ork
01' tIl(' "OklnlH'!ll:1 XIII'Cn'lIe Col!pge"
'Ye 11],(':".1'111
(llIring the
\hiR to YOH <11' YOHI' Look,
and i ll
t\:tlll"(, y('::t l's ItS Yf)n look t hl'Oligh it s JI:I~CR, nw~' it
hli l!V 10 IlH'1ll0 1'y Iht'i"t, hnppy f'choo l dll~路R, ~\ I ny
it 1)1'
11 h!t':-:~itl~ to you
n'11\(:ll1b(' \路 ollr
itlNlj)nhili ti es
:\nd 1I1l1,\' you
Ini s lnkl'f.I,
th 2l'ish ou r ~ond inU'n ti ons. Sill ('(ln' ly yOIll':",
Pago 4
~T. II ' I路'.
'-r.1 IJE oHi('C' of Bm' inC'.::.s l\lann.;'c]
i~ O Il E' of J-("lf It
illlport.unct' alld 1'0SPC:llfiibility. in st itution s that SIH ('cetl I!lU st be' conducted on 11 iJll Sines:;; ba sis and a ccQ l ,iing t o bll~;lIt.!-~ Inin{ ipic s. ~[('n of (lXl' pl! en t 1.!pu ' ati oll, alld t(' ~<e d \n)lti.l !In' so ught to lake 11:(' I(>IHI that lltt' fQlditlPlltC' of i1l\·e ~ tu].s mj~ht 1)(' !>cl'llred; for if lllJ indi\"idual 11\(' 1.;::; cOllfidrucC' ill til e Ill :'UlHg Ctll('llt of all i nstitution 11(> will \lut iw,' cs! his mOlll',\' •
UklahonlH sec uring' tllP
~azarplw ~'(' r\'i(' es
College of Hc\, .
wa s l'ol'tnJ'l,-,! r in
j , O. DUllcan as Bu~ille .::.s ~[alIH~(, J'. Blotll(,], D \111 Cnn ('altw to u s a s a
sllccess ful mitli stt' t' and bu ;: . itwss IlHIIl with a tlLLmhc·]'
of yea l ,; of (' xperi:'1l('P, (;od 1<lirlllpOll Ilis hC<llt the IlC('riS of 1,11(' ('c ll(lW', nnd lw gln dl,\' gnH' lii >: timp .llld ene t gy 10 he lp in mnk!ng Ill e school f1 Sll('{~('~.s, Il Ul in~ the month of ,\ Ugllst, Ih otl!c-I' DUIlUlIl a l' l i n'~ 1 an(1 >:()o n hnd in hand til(' IwC'd s fi r It:: [nstitll1.ioll, H(' b('gTII1 wO l k by a ~ Y 1't(' mnli(' plan \\'Itith \\'HS tnC'('t ing with :;- \lccess , E cc tlu);C' of sic knc~ s he \\'US fOl ('cd to nbnud c li hi s luLOlll Hnd see k a lllOl'(' hf'al1.hful climate, DUl'ing- the frw mOllths of hi s labo)'s a lIl11llller of ~llh"('I'iJltiOJts 011 lilltlll(,(, wC' re SN' UI'Ni. ...-\ raln p Hi!!1l wn s IUllll chpd fot' lllC l':l i ..: ing of' $~j, COO ill th e IH ~Y, .\ . O. IHH,C,\?\, Ru " ill css ~ I alla~rl' sla\." of Okl:dlomfl. Wi t h tilt' ::l.SS ls tflllCP of the O(' IlOklahoma :\azHr('n<, Collpg-l", B<'Hliln~', OkhdlOma, e lal f:)upc l intl'nticnts and Plc"idcnt Widm e,n..' l', the> " mn of $.1-t./l7!l.OO \\'u s Buh!'C'] il)('lI. Blo'hel' Dun can laid plan s .,n(] \\'01 k \\'aR dal :f'd to fini sh 1he 131':',,(,(, ?\[l' mol'ial Buil ding. \\' (. lire' 1 1111,\' t hnnkful to God for tlli H ~oo~ll1l:\t1 <I1l(1 tilt' wo r k tllat he Ila~ ar('ompli ~ h e (1 UltlOllg: HR. j)la~' Ucd soo n le ~ tnl(' Ili1l1 to It<'alUI ;llld f;lrrng,lh. "C," Page 5
iT [f r
,IE,I()IlLI1" B lI I LDI:-.i G (Neal'ing Completion)
- -------
--_._---_•. __ . - -- --
Page 7
[wm] BC1LD]);G
Page 8
I':liznbeth Pa~' IOI') .\ssist tlllt .) :\l lIl"\' in .1 . .JOIlt'~, Cn~ilif'I·.
:l "l"I'plle[ .h·rn;,,''''''
S."·,,·o· ,,,.,·.
4. 1,,1\1. :\ In,\', 13\\sin<'::\s .i\ I HIIH~~c l·.
EETHANIAN BrAFF .:-) Ethl'l :\1 ('.\llull~·, I':di t ol' 1I'~f't'. G O!iH> K()I tOll, C'nlLOoll I·:ditot'
'i \lt ~ . \Imul F. \ridIlH',\'(,1', I-'!.I('nlty Represcn t ali\'p
8 Ruth
DOII~!nR, .\S~!Rt:lT1t
[';ditol' Pnge 9
Page 10
P;WFI':SSOI! .1. S. LO"DO" , DC'nn p(,. B. 1\J i:';SO lll'i lI ol ill (,~s ('l)lIt~ ~ ('
.\,. B.
O}'kn]oo::. ('011(':,:('
1\1. .\. ~ l i1ton l'ni\'{·r.:;:i l," - !!):!O S (,:(, II ('(' and lIi :;:or~'
, m:I·. ( II.I I!LI':S HI! 1.;,, '1'0" IYlln: I':n:I! , D. D., P. { ' ~id(,J1t B. ~. Li t. (),.:k ·~ h(;Fa Cd] g .. B. ~III)ol. ()k!llh c lI; ,l ~aZll l ~llt· C'nlll'gf' II Ph . Kin r:-woo( 1 ('cll( g(' 'Phl'O]Og'." all I P:-ych oiugy
Pnlla II
_.. ,- --- ----, - - - -
,!L' LlI':T ~I, S~ I I TII .\ . B. Oklllh olllll XnZllrl'l.(' College H is ' ol," tllld i\ lalh('mn lics
~ I Il S,
Page 12
M,It'D FI.ORr 'I': II'UHI I,:n: lt B. Lii. .Kiug'swood CotlC'g'f' .\ . B. Oklilitomn :'\nZ fI!'{.'IIt' Coll ege Grmluu :(' ::;tullent of Ok!nil olUli L'n inrsity Eng<idl
, -
- .. -
~ I HS o
. \L~I.\
' 路0
1':1):\.\ 11.\('1( 1,1-:, Ph. B. ~Ol thw{'~t '\ I i ~so\lr i Collt'J.:'{' .\1 a th elllll ti('~
Ko Klll o;; I':
.\ . B. (irl'('llvill{' (,ol1(>~(> ( II I.) F'orC' ign Lnnguuge
!'nge 13
) 11ll-;. I': L IZABET II 0 1. 1); Pupil ,\ , .\I noltl
Hlu'lwood Heltoo] Or
:\ lu ti!l:. ~r ll:; i <.'- Pi l1no
.1 LR I': WI' ~ 1. P.I YLOR Pupil of lI arold \ '0 11 :\Iikwitz Hlld PN ' j..: Pip('J';, PinHO Pupil of Loui s \'e: :-=t'!I;nt! Z CliI Iklt \路\'rt={,I. \ .oi('('. Kidtl- Kl!Y C:o lI~'er\"tl ' ol'y.
-' Page 14
C'o!k'g"{'- I!l I S
'\[nulial Training
~I.I' I " I ' II 路: ~ II
LI,J<;H ~llIdt'lIt r"oll1 Ohio "ll11ey .\'onllal Lfl~ \'Pg'flf;; .\'onnlli HulJ-Pl'l' IUl I'U tory Ol"purt IlH'ut
rage 15
m;\路. Y O. SlfOH T PI ('('('ptOI'
~I I SS .\:\~.\ ~r.
Bibl e
( Kullsar.;).
B o~路s
L 0 1 ~ ('. ITHI;H I ~I·:
CII .l p;r.I :\
Brthnny, (JldHholl1H (!a:'.<: Bt·(·] {'in l'," ~ l ell1h(' 1'
of (ll r(' ('Iub
~[l'lllb('1' o f Shllk(·.~Ji('n l\'nll ('Iub "She hns a fllC'<-lik(' tlt{' !\tIIl." ·',\n .1 thi~ hel' life (lxf'mpt fl om public hUllnt!3, rill'],;: tnn,!.\llf'S ill
n P l tJl\.Il!:i ill !"tOIl(>S
hook'! :Jnd- g'ood
in I Hllllill~ ill
brooks, ('w'J'.nhing"."
L. )1. ) 1.1 Y
BdLuny, Illdnli( mn C'ltl~s Pl'{ !o;ili('llt B II.<: i ne.<:s Jr<l1Hl~'f'r of Bplhft!l:nll
Ple:o:id('nt ~';hHIH') pel1n.'~n Ciuo intellc('1. .<:tlfll~,<.' l· ill 1'=0111. 11<:' i ..; !';t l' on:~ to li\"t~ l.l~ \q'!I ns to lhirlk. -"I'llI(' ;];.; "1(' n"ed lc to 11!f' poil" Ot' til(' Ii 1.1 1 to
Page 17
-- ---- --'--.'
- - - -_ . _ - -
. 1.1 Il \' 1;'1'111'; 1. ST OC K'TO); .J\I<: LPHll, rl'exHs :\It'lIlbrr of NllIlkp:<p('al'can Cll1b Ai (h's t silt" W<l~ t imid and ~hy, hilt lo;oan :Icq uil'NI COll i 11;::'(' and elliciency ":\"0\' ha s site ('n'l' ('hlllwed to know thnt ought WilS ('asicr thllll to hl('s);, n HI路;I-..1(1 1); D. SI路;.I I. Bt路thnn,\', Okluhomll Mc>mhrl' of HhnkC's real'ean Cillb "Jlcmb('1' of ~Ial(-' Qtlllrteite .,\ rcady, earnest Ch l'istinn, 011(' of God '8 \\'01'1-.:111('11 , working 011 thnt Im ihi ing- of whicli God is the ~\l p r(' tn(' .\ rcllitC'C't. " ,rltUl he da re~ 10 d lCJlItl, he dnl'cs to do."
Pllge 18
- -- ....
HI' 1':1. 17,.1 BI':'I' II P.II'I.OH
!3d!lllny, Oklahoma S('cl'eln l'," of Shilk (>spelll't'un Club ~1(\lllh(,l '
;\!t'mhel' 01' Bt' l lwniu ll Stan'
s U('l'(>!o;~
1ie's in h('J' d ('Yot ioll to humlln it.y, love to Ood mHI l'llI11PstrH'Ss ill labor. .. BIN"~路 in)..\' Rh(' i:;;: God 1II;lde ber' so <lnd df'cd s of wC'(> k-day holilll'!:;S fall from h('I', l1o!sell'~s ns the SIL OW.' .
H I",' . ICRr:D U. STOCKTO:\ Bptlplll,\', Oklnhomn A rdent Rllndny ~chool \\'~~rk(, I '
'r he
1'.:(> 1' \ ' ;('(>
CIII' i~t
his fir st ob;jectivC' .
l~o llr~
/lnd inlirpende nt, ('YC I' r eml'll1-
bering tile
SO llr('f'
of true coura:-;-e
Hn(1 ir!t1('pell([pt;{'ll
{' l ip hliR n ]lI'ivil('ge of so ul the 'u!cndal'."
wlric路\t ubol:slted
Page 19
of nwditatioll we H I'(' that tile nlllJ(' of' n ('ol1<'g(' trnining is incs;iimable. T he be st c laim thai a ('ol1{'tn' (ldllCHtion ean possibl~' make 011 your ,'('sped, the best th ing it <,'lIn a :;; pir(' to nc('ompiish 1'01' .\' 0\1 is tlii:.;: ']'hlJl it should help you to kno\\' a Kood mUll wl:(' tl you !:IN' him. T ilt' "Col1e::e" ('liue ati on is {'ailed higilC' 1' b(,CLlUil(' it is snppOIlt'd to be so ge lH'l'ni ilrLd so d i~i n tc]'(~st C'! I. In "8('110018" you g('t n n路lnlin路1y IlIlITOW, prnclieHi f:> kill, \\"hr-)'ca s the " Collcge " gin's ~' OU more libel'lIl tUl!IlH..路, <l i)l OHdel' outlook, alld 11 ph i 1080ph iell! n illlOSI )ht'I'(~ . WhilC' in sc hool you WCl'e Hlmie into Illl cflit'i('nt il1 S11'llml' llt fo J' d o in .~ II tl!'finite thing. 'l'lle ('oll('~W will !"ldTus(' your wholf' Ill('n~ftlity with sO llwthin~ mOlE' :l1lpo r luJlI tlwn !o) kil l. T ill' dCollr,l{('" redecms ~" Otl, it I1Illkl's you well
P"ge 20
to the realization
iJred; it mal.;ps good t'ompany 1'01' your meninl i ty,
,nlO a1'(' to be the I.p'pat I\'adel':-; o r tomorrow ! ,Vho ar'C' to be tlu' "X" and " Y" of the g' r"C'tli ('quntion Ill_'r'c t 1\ 1"C' they to c01l1e from ou r ("ommon school !!, o r' ('\,('n fr"om Otl l' ncndcm iC's t No! T ire gr"cllt cl'y of today is 1'01" tl1(' collC'ge-bred man, It is OUl" ]1111 r o!<(-' to bl ef s lrllmmrity and to cil'YlIt{-' Ro('iety" Lt't us r(-'alize one thing, thn i <\s cn llc'g'e fini:::hN.I lllt' l l, ('111" Oppol" t ullitief.l 011'(> g-1C'ute r" Illld our fi eld lll1l(' h brl)ndc l", WI' \\"<l lk Otlt into wide a\'eIlUI'S wh en' Qtl1('1":-1 do not tn'ad; WI' ~('(, "' 1:-;lon s lltnt o'hl'l"s do 1101 hehold; \\"C'mini st :- !" wir(' l"(-, olher"s C~lnn o t
:-(-'1'\"(' "
T hrollg-h tile ('oll (' ~(' \\"p han Iwen tl'nir1('d to sp(' cud to SPI"\' (> tift' anI'\\" tlnd HS th oS(' who IlllH' he(\l1 Rtrollg-I,'" ~il'1lt'd we 1I<.1 :::t (,l1 f orth to do Hnd to dun.' i n the :"-!!rnH' of ('Ilr;st 0111" LO I'(1. who ~IlW and k IWI\' tl1(' l'NII \ a!l!c of man"
- ---- -
Pujl,e 21
- - ------- - - - - -
"nile 23
PR ES I IlI-:, T """, .. , , . , ' , . . ,', . ... , . . . , . ........ ,. , ... . , ... , . . . , L\ RI· II\ .J.
.I() ~ I ·:S
:-WCI{ 1':'1' ,\ I{ r . . . . . . ..... . . ,.,., ... ,.,. , . . " . . . . . . .. , """, . ... I':U"i ICI·: i\1 C'. \ N". \L LY
GRADUATES YET IN SCHO OL 1-'1 I'd O. St(w k t t'ln L.
STUDEN'TS :'Il oody ( ·Hlll p hf·ll
II .
.\ 11.1 ."
n. Short
;\11'''' E Vil ~I HY
n. <. '.
.1 0hn D. t-;\'nl
i':l111 i \·p
:Unn' in .J.•JOI1(>!,;
(; r ;U' (l HO W ll ll11 1
l. awI~' lw(,
l1 0l ds
.\ ]I".\llnlly
II . ]) j<:k C' h:'on
W. F. C' h'g"h ol" n .\ lIlI' l j II. B('YI' I'
( 'Il1ud(> P:.1 1T ii-: h
Motte: " Onward nnd Upward."
P:lge 24
m:\' "[ Hi).
[,: \ ',\ ~I.\ \'
Th eoiog-y 1!11!1
'J'hf'u t( ~y 19ft HI"', L. ~1. ~nY
r llite 25
r: L \' .
1,'. O. S']'()(, K'I'Ol\
'l'heolog-y 1!) I (i
In:\路..JOIt); D.
TI U'olo;!,.\路 l!Ilg
_.. _._--
- -- ---
Iml路. LA II' 1l 1,;"(, I路: I I. I li CK 1':llS(l" rl' h('olo,:::y 10:20
~I.IHI路 I "
.1. .I()","S Tueology J!J20
Page 27
13 THF'OLOGY CLA£S Page 28
,- - - - - - - _._--- ._.- --- --- ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The H istory or the rla Rs began with til e y NIl' 01' 1917 I\-he ll iI ~rOl1p of the e h 08C'1I OIlt'S of Gor! had 1'('('('ivl.'d tIle gn:-at eomtn 1l. is ioll, "Go y o into all the \\'01 :11 nnl] pl't'Hc ll til e gospel." ~I 'lt e .\路 fel l. til!)!. to p l'C':) c h H goud t idin gs unto tll (' UH'c k, t.o bind 11p 111(> broke n h('~~ d (' d, to proc la im liberty to th e caplin:', to p; iH' unto the m hCll uty /'0 1' a " h c~ , tilt? garn1(,lIt o f pni "p fo r the !'pirit of I le H\'ill(, ~s, " W<l S th e greatest ha noI' (' \'(\1' eonfC' lTC'd UPOII hUlllHllity. ' I'hr," kll (' w that th c hon orab le pO!'it.ioll ('Hrrirtl wi t h it n tl'(>JllC' IHl oLl S r e" po1Hl ihilit~路 , for th ('," w(' n; to d c nl with imm o rtal so ul s. rl 'll (, 1"(.} s poLl ~ ibilit~路 1111( 1 tl l(' gl cnt importance of cffi eient prc palnti oll for meeti]l,!!," t [1(' nee/i ::; of tile day wa s the topii' of fl'E'l]tlt'll t rl if.:. ('u ssioll ,ll1l ong tlw m be ]'s in t.Ile cla ss ro Oltl a nd ("1 5('\\"ll ol'e , ~P l lC' (' la ss al so di ~c u sse d Itow It(']' es ~' (111(1 infid elity d moder n t:n1l's 11:1\'(' so fl ubll,\" fOlC'er! th eir \\':ly into t !J<' chu rc h in s t i1ut ion s and are slltumtillg th e once h o i." atmos plt e l'f.' witlt th e ir pe l'ni r iow.; influ C']lte, Rllc h ins titutio ns [1 ]'(' t.urning out. whol e bodi es of mini sters who IHC p re~w hill g the ir docirilll' fr om til(' pulpits to th e ir co ngregnt iolH; 1\nd are so taintill ~ th e mind s o f the mn s~ (' s wit.h 5 k E' pti c i ~ 1ll and ath eis m, T hu s bl\l'd enf'd wit h th e g reat need of th C' tinlC', til e cla ss hu s pondf'red 0\"(' 1' t.h eir studi ps which we re Ul\lgh1 by t\lf'ir' sa cri fic ing' tcnchp)'s, UwlC't' t.h e gTC'at hanll C'1' of' P rin c(I Emmanu el tI H~ ~" now g u with th('i l' diploma ,. in hand; Hnd a g'l'l,.II,rl' v ision o f ,'a llen htllnani t ,", :Inc! H burni ng p,.w sioll 1'01' til(' snlnltion of inUllOl' La l so ul s.
----- -
P.Lie 32
(,L.lSf; F I.OIn:n
Yi old
1'1.1 ,0 B('ulrit.'(' \ 'awtC' 1" J (' s~i(' ~ l llS:;{,Y 11'(' 11('
Ilm·k ll·Y
K i un
~lc I)ollll id
J I(,\t' ll \\"idm(,yt' I' .MntiolllUl {'rnlT -~ I o z nrt Widll1t'y< ~[r 8 . ~al ~[ I S.
~ [ i :->s
I )o wlley Pretzpr
Euu i('(' I,j iliun )lllr~'
~k .\lIlllly
1(0 01;:(' 11
1'I1i n:
) 1rs. Edith J(, 11llings Pl'i8tilln Brm)ks )O lnq.(I.ll'C' t ,1t' I'lIig-nll )oIl !'.
\iat : il' Lf'f' ~('{'iy .Jo hll SI ()('k toll
) I I's. 1,0\\'II111Tl \':(\ 1\11 Smith
.J. D, SC'1l1 Juli pt Smitl· ,r, )1. "'1'N'hllHI )' I1's, EVil :'Illlr
Pl'i ~d lln 81'001;:8
1-' 101'('11('(, "II\\'{ (>I'
%01111 }\(·II (' X('('ly
'i'1'(>!'Osie lIi (> kii
Etllt' l Rlo(,klon )lvrU e .Jo n('~ )ill ltic L('<, Nc·('ly
Elizn beth
Bnch('i .101111 $10 11
Pu ~'l o 1'
.John ('o\1 (·h
En 11 i('('~M. \ Iln 11~-
.John 8tm-klon E lizlliJeth P ny lol' Lois f'hUPIllIlIl ClItlwrilW ) I ('('n in
Bl'a tl'i('(:> \'n\\'t('I'
.10hn ('ol\('h
Cl ulld P ~ll'l'i :,; !J
(:I'U(o(> C'lillpmnn .Jose ph 'Ma rl in
CL.lSS COLO RS n r('(' n lIlIt! Oold Pl.I ;>;\) l;:tl1(' \ Mc.\nnlly 01i\'e Bellver ),\ r~. 1::\"11 hi ay Hachel Pny[ o, Ethel ChnpnHlll Jl lIl'old Chapman I'lm: ad g ill HoiJinson El'lill(' JIj (' k !'; fnll lI i(' ks Hulh Rcnrs St anford D O\\,I1<':' l rell(' R obill~o n
)jarie Hi ~gs Lue ille R('('d Hob(·rta White Lo is B('an'r ...iul'tlm Olin
'- era ~an: P('ari W yatt _\Iva F:(·kt.'1>= I .n \\T('II('(\ ~I n rti II ("orn Be ll(> Pu ylor I)orl\ .\ li e(l Paylor ) 111r.\- RHI~' (,I-S
.\Ji('(' Yawl"r
I':a'" HOWllItlll ('ollllie ('n~l(' 2('1111 )' lil'lI Dlll H'nll Opal Onwf' Page 33
--- -
)[Ilsie is 111011 of l-ipu\'cll wllich W~· (,lI,iI)Y 011 e:.l nli. OIl! lIll' raptl\lull ~ ('IHUlllS. alld lit(' pow('r it lins to soft~'IL. 1ll!'11 and t'lll'liUllt ill it s spirit (' I JOrd~ of suhduing hHllll ony ! ' 1 '1 1I 1~' th(,l'l' is pOWl'I' in IlH1S:C; nil olllnipotent VOWl' I'. It I'ul ('~ 0\'(' 1' th", !'oou l, enIl S('S it to bow down <lllti wo rs hip, \\Ting-s adoration from it and (:omp('ls till' heart to yif'ld tl'C'a!-iU\('.s or 10\,(', J·;nt·y ('llIot ion from tllp mo:;! ]'I'VN(' n! devotioll 10 the wild est g'lIsl!('s of' frolicsomc .ioy. it holds sllhjf'rt to il fo; irnperatin' will. It (-ull s the 1'c1 i~i ()IIS t1('\'ot{'(~ \0 wonship, till' patriot to his {,Olltltl',\"s alllll'i the friC'lld In the :.lltal' of h ienrh;hi p ;lilt! tll(, lover to the side of hili be loH"!. II I'h'\'a\f's, f' IIIPOW('I'S !lilt! s t.r,-'llgtl! C' /L S tilf'm a !!. 'rhe human sol11 iR a might y hn!'p und n11 its ~t l'ill g:s \' ibnm,' to the gu sh of Hlll~i e , \yho dOl'~ 110t kllOw tll" softening pOWf' l' or mu sie! II is lik<> tllf' HIIg'('\ whi~pl'ring killd words ill tllf' houl' of troubl(', Who ('an 1)(' IIng!",\' whell 1\1(> ,'oi('(' of low' spcl1ks ill ~O llg- ! "'110 lli,-'(Il's tllc harsll vo if'e of se lfishllNlS wlif'1l mn si(' g-Ilthers lip hel" pearly Ion: lIoles to sal ute the ear with :l stray song of
pnnul ise! T he hUIllHII \'oi('(' is Ih(' most pCl"fpr-t ruufo;i ~lIl ill!'ltnlll1 (, lIl 1'\'('1' IIl:1dt'; ilnd w('l1 it IlI i:.;:it l be, for it had 111(' l1los1 1'.k illl'lIl II1n\':('I', The \'o:('e should \)(' I ruilled 10 l' iug' the tOiles to mall and Uod. ,\I'Olllld
tlH' fir(' side ill IiiI' ~O('i al e irdt' it s hould 8illg the \'oic(' of low' Hlill at the alia .. of Cl od it ~ holiid pour forth llIelodioli s p ra isf', 11usie swcetens thc (' up or biUemel's. so rt ('tl~ tbe hand 01' wallt. lig'I!I(,!ls th(' blll'rit'll of life, Illukps th (' 111'111'1 eOllrag-('Olll'i, Hilt! Ihe soul (·ht'l' dnll.\' tll'VOl:\' Ilito the so ul of ehildhood ;lilt! youth it pours U lirlp of l'pdl'f'ming- infhl('Il({" 11 1)I('iltl1(-8 like> /l rnimclf' of ill !-l pillJlioll through the so ul , 10 plenltl', 1'1'finl' !111t! 8pil'il ufllizp, \rhl'll we think how tllu rh tl\(> world want s ;]wakellin[!, w(, ('till think 0:' ]10 power bpi tel' 1'/llf'lIlat('d 10 do it thall that wh i('h dwells in Ih(' m,n;tf'l'iolis melodies of Il1I1s; ic, 1.('1 PVf'I'yOlH' b('('oIllP lllusie inIH-i all.! slIrely t\I('Y will b('('ome li"jl1;::- !<lOlli s, Lt is I'l'lI SOIlIlhl1..' to !'l IlJlJ)O:;P Illll! ,,\\"f-I l i ng 1111mhel';;: hn"\} ro llrd i\lld madp 111'/ln' n \'ornl with pl'Ili sr ~ inf'e c l'(,fll ion d:.lwlled, Bllt !hp fir:;t flN'Olm! of it 1)11 "p(,OId \\'11" }It 1I1l' In,\' in~ or lli(' foundation of t11f' (,:.Il'lh , wl!1'1l the (, 11IOl'llilig sial'S Ileiiglltf',1 will! th ~ p romi f'l e of a lIew pl:1H?t" sang log-pIller and <lIlliif' :O;OIlS or Ood 511011(,.1 I'M joy." ,\1' fiOOIl li S the <'I:II't1l Wil S lluHh·, it 1! I'orky f.l pil·es thrown un, it :;. forp:;;t hurps st rllng, it:;; oc('un 01')..\'1II1S tUlled, it l"ili sed its (',,('rill:;;t in!! 11 lltIH"11l:; to s\\,(·11 til\' chOl'l iS or II\(' s kiN;, Mu si(, 1lH'!IIlS not m (, I 'e l~' tilll{,s ;ldapl.t't! to pllrlirldlll' t'lI1o tiolli'- ll "p \ of 1101("", ' 11 wflrbling' \'oi('(" n strain of 1llf'llillJ; SWN.'I I1C'ss-O! 110, no, Illllsir ('llII hp IwlNI ns Wl,1\ 11" !'l;1I 1l~, 'rhl' l!enrt may 11'1111..:(' mll~if' wh(,11 IIlf' lips nr(' dHmh, ,\ s impl " word !IIny ],l' full of Illusi c IIl1d s tir (I!(I pul s('s to Ill'\\' :111(1 beU('r ('motion s, tile sO lll to Itig-her jO,\' R, Puge 34
l I
- - - - - - - - _. -- .
"Toniyht we launch; wh ere shall we anchor?" (,L. \~R
FI.O\\"EH- Yellow
HO :" t'
COI'( IBS- Pmp le and Gold
r. \~IPBELL. Pn'~ id (>nt
~!. I
Iln :\ .1 0 :\'"8 IlL"Tli 1l00路UI. .IK II路 I I.I. I. I~I
1-'11 1,; 1,; 1..\ , 1) Il .I C III路: I.
.lOli :\kll ' FI.O Il I :,C I'; \" .1 1I" [' I': 1l ~I.IIW . \IlE' ['
J I-:I!:\ 10 .1:\
Po ge 35
E TIII':L .lJc.I:-I .IL,LY (,h1 ~s !"-iCt H' lnl'y ~I e m lJf' r
o f Ihp Pl:.:toni e alld Slmkpspcarl" lIl ( 'Illb s EditL.' ef the BetLllllill1l "\rh os(' 111'1111' is 11 8 grell! " s tl,(> wo rld; Illlt \111'1'1.' is no roum ill it to hold the 1Tlrlllory oj' wl'ong."
.I10n DY
('.I~ I
Chu:s Prcl'idt'nt ~h'lJdH'r
of Plntoni(' and
klIHkr SI)ClI l'CHti Roeieties ".11(' l\C'ps IO(Jkilig for Lilt, lH'ig-lit s; ki('s : k('pps liopitlg tlwt l1tp l'i UIl will I' i ;.;!'; keep s singing wliell the
whole world
~ i g u3.
Page 37
~I('mh~>i' of Plalouit., Lil('i'tll'Y ulld :-;Lak~路~l~:lH':.:tl (':nlJ
"'I'llI' ItOI\~,~路t f l" a' ilia!."
lila II,
th o
,.;:1<> ]i OO l",
S~:kit \I )'
i:-; king- c'
\ , I
Fl.IlR l',:\ ( ' I'; 1',1 \\"!Tit
HI," I'I I
~ll'l\\ht.> 1 of Platoni (l ,itt'l:.lIY SO{'i :'l y ~ I l-mbt'l' of Shnl\('~I.;~'n.I('nll Club .
-' T hy miu('
\'O]('l' PHI"."
loll :lIg" nii路.
:\l( nilJl' l" of B(>tl :~1niuil St1Jrf :\1('1111):'1' of Rhnl\('~pe'H(-Hli Cluh; ,\Iso P lnlolli(' Li:prury Sl)("it:'ty "'1'11(1 hl1l\'(', yd g"C'n t !l'; th(" fillll, ."('1 kind. TIH' In'!!\'I'!oi! Hit' 11\1' ~t'Il!;t'Rt."
- -----
.\[1'1ll1)(' 1' of' Belhnni'll1 S tall' ~ 1 {, l nlJ(l1'
J Ii " lifl' is
iI i'l'!
of SI'Hk('sIWnrf'Hl1 ('Illb
rrllm 111.t! Hlwaks 1uudf'1' titan words
" li e bl'iug-plll tidings of gn.'111 :in,"'"
M.I IWA HI':'I' ,J EHN I (LI:\ ~ I ('rnhl\r of Bct hnnian StalT Mf'1llhcl' of t ill' Plutonic <Iud ~llnkl'S IINlr('all 1.itel';-II'," So('i('tiC's " l le l' lil'e is [ih' H son~, hnwc>, dl(l('ry, tC' lIder. It
sillg" itsC'lf into 111(1 lins of O'J'U KRS
1:.\( '11 ,: 1. ,i,Jl I :\SO); .\j(·mlwl' of P latouie :-)O( i('h all cl Shllkt's pt'H1P<11l (,llIh H f' 1' ~ I(~atl' ~ t Il'nit is Idll(llI :!~s
" RIle hllth the ad of sa~' ill ~ appmJ) r inte word s in a kindly wny tllllt is n ~ n> r Ollt of fn s hion"
.... - ..
- .--
.... ..-.
=---- -
011 OlH' of th()~{' hrig-ht, ~1l11i;hiny Illoming's ill UIl' t'llI'ly JJM! of th(' llloutil of Sl'pt (lll1bt'l'. dutin;..r tiLp yenr, nilletE'l'll htllll]l'{'d and fiftC1'Il, g rou ps;: of m('rr~'~IJ('\nl'l('d yout hR ('ould be 8('('11 m'Eilll1hlitl~ ill the dlii'(' of O. 0:. C. for the pmpost' of en rol1iu,!{ tll('il' Il :tlll('~ 0 11 the fl'('onl~. ' J'!i(' group ot' which I sh all s pru k wns eomposl'd of FH'shmnn with g-l.ly eOlillteIHHI('('$ :llld with no felll' for t lie flllut'l'. 'J'!if- 0111," two nwmb('l's of lil e pn'sf'1l1 sen ior ('Ill!>:'. who ht'l ])(>i\ tn Illuke up thifo; F n'J':.lunan {'Ill,.,. of 'Jj alt' .\[ ... ]" I'Pl'lU1Hi ant! tIll' writ(,I'. Ihll'ill ~ our Fre.-;illll<ll1 dil,,'ij Wt' fO\l lld ple1lty of tiliit· to t'Ntiiz{' the I'::I('! that SopliolllOl'l's' hearts \\'(']'(' n('n'I' ,.oft. Fol' this rt'<lOJl 011 1' path was not stl';>WIl willi l'O:O('S. Beside tl1(' 1)1'!.1Jlt.:S of the bloodthirsty " ~ophs" we hat! 0111' nt'II' aC'qllainiance>;, l. 'llill, ,\IW'hlU, 1listo1',l ' Hnd I':ng-lislt wilh whom to (;OIltl'lld, 'I'lu'y were hal'll to iw('otlH' illtimate with 01111<'/'011111 or th€'ir p(,(,lIlinl' It'Hil~, ' I'lip :--iopholllol'C year \\'/'!(,t'lIl pt! :\.li~ !:i ,J l'1'I1i~1l1l and ),11', ('amplH'll, "Jli:"s \',I\\'t('1' 1111,[ ).[1', ,JOI1(,>; to Oll l' ('[1\:-::-:,\\"e no\\' had Ihe pli\'il~\~il wliieh 1:\11 Sophnlllonl~ pO:-::-';('1':S-, Hilt! ihnt Jll'i\'ih>~(' \\'as rel'ellgf', Ollly WI' forgot thai 1\'(' owed OUI' 1'(>\'(' IIg'e 10 the JllniOl:l, nllt! fOJ'~('\ting' thi!', \\'1' tn'lltl't! tileF'l't'f'ilmnn el!lf.:S as I\'C' hud bl.'C'll \I'('at('d, At till' ('loH! of Otll' Kopilolllllrt' ," ('HI' ?lIt', Fl'e{,[lllld hid fat '(,\I'('I[ and ,\'('llt to KaIlSHf', TIt(' wrilel' ('ol1ld not relllaill ill f'(,llool 011 HN'ount of il[ h~·alth, 'I'he lI(>xt yen !' U('illg- ,Junior ,I'C'a l', w{' pllt on dig-nil," lint! ('ould 1I0t he CH Ll~ht ill nny fo()li~llll('S.i' , OUI' :'; \I1(\i('::; \\','1'(' Olll' duti(>!-; <lnt! no 011(' {,I'CI' hcard of a J l1l1i o r W'!.d~'C'ling' hi>; duty, On nr('Ollllt of ill hC'llltb ),1iss ,J C' l'nigan eould not ('oll\illl\(, in scliool. )'l il'l.3 ,JO~!ll S0 fl W;lS addcd to tlt(> 1'011. III the h('l4'inning of' till:' &1Iiol' year, tile I'cp:is\1.'1' :'lIo\\'('d thai WI' had all (,01)1(' back to !-;lI nl'c tilr Itonol'~ of g'm<illntion, 011(' new nUlll(' WflS 1l~1\1\\il , thnt or ~[i~fl '\ 1 {'~\t1l11I,I', \re lIi\\'C' had opposition of dilTel't'nt killd~, ' ['hi' yOUIlA" ladi,·g Ila\'e 0\'(>1'C'0111(> man~' dilrrl'l'nt hindl'<lllC'cR, ,\11', ,JOllt·f', ~II', FI't'e[llnd nlll! )11', C'lllllpiH'11 hu\'C hCl'oit'nll," O\'C'I'('ome thcir rlifTit'nltit'R find tles('l'\'C' honors 1'01' wod,iug' their way lhl'oll,!.!h )0;('11001. Aft(,1' tlH'f:,(, ~'C'fH'H of toil alld laboll!" we hnl't' noll' !'('ueltC't\ Ihe ,goal. " "'c arc not !';OI'l'~' for th(' ('011 fl irt ClIl(l('ITort w,' !tun put forth, \\Y (' ~o Ollt wiUI ('o lltage to 1)lC'('t oi))o;la('I('~ nlHl pe lvl('xing prohl('ms l1tn! will ill yral's romr to us, 1'01' 'I'/, feel thnt ill SOll1e 1ll('1li'1l1'(' \1'1' ha\'\' hr('n ]J1'(lIKLI't'd 1'01' 1I1('1l1 in OU1' hi,:.{h school ('!torlHi,- l{t\t II J)ou~I,' i',
_ ---...
Page 41
Li sten! Ye honorable friends of the !,=-('Ilior elass of I!J:20. Listen! To what. T shn ll say unlo you, and wLltlt stnwgc news T shall reyeul. rt fcll1ll} lot as 11 llH'lliber of the Senior c la ss of 19:20 to tell forth the thin gs that shall shol'tl~· come to 11I1f'S. On a ce rtain day the n~il whiclt Iddt·s lit e future was lifted Hnd I suw, ~Ilenth the lnll, lTIllI·· mUl'ing pines of Geol'gia,)' liss ,J el'llig-u ll playing' to liL(' \rest Winds: . . \guin '[ happened to find my self in II District .-\ ssemhly of the west and behold, in tlte chai l' sat my old cl a ssmatc, now RIO'\'. '\larvin JOlles. Ami it ('U Ill(' to pass, r Sil\\' tb(' t111'OIlA'~ llssemhl(' aUII 1 h('urd a "oice whieh lllllde the bi l'd s hllsh in hllmility. It WitS 'M iss \'<1w1 el' 8inging'. E\'C1l !IS I turned, H('I"OSS my vision ('ame a gig-ht 1I10st h(,1l1l1ii'1I1 10 behold .. \ room full of Rw('el faced children l111d .'ofi);s )' l e.\ IJall~· us th(' Ilohle inRtnH'tor . ...\gnin r looked, /llld beheld the sen ate (,humber. J he<ll'd thl' \'oi('(' of n !'=-ilwl' t.otl('d ol'llio r. "My soul wus stirred, Ill." b('ing' filled, fol' it was the \'oice of lll~' old '·OOllllllutt.' and pill, ·! \lr. J;'1·C'elnnd. And now I hearu the P'OHtlS of tht.' wounded Hnd dyin~. I ('Hug-ht the slllell of the 5lmoke of the battle. J saw moving IlIlIon}.\' the wOl1l11led, one who had a 1'1\(' (' like UII angel and II touch of a mother. 'Vho is it ? Ts it tl"IIe1 Beh old! OUI' clll5l~ Jli slorinn. now Dr. .Bllth Doug-Iu s, A ('l1unge callle over the vi s ion Illld I f:nw moving- with stately step amid hO\HI(>hold dnties, making all to glow with 10\,t' nlHl gentlf'me~s:, II WOlllllll. It Wli S !\Ii~ s ,Joltn 5lo n nml flS shp stood alone, I ('llIne find drew nigh to Itf' l ' nnd w(' spnke 10g(·t!tI'J'.
Poge 42
, . .\d <1:-;11'[1 pCI' aspenl" CO LOR S-Blu(' Hnd White
FI.O\rEH- While T('u Rose OFFICERS
Pn:~ ~ideJlt
C lll!lSTE\A
~ I OlllnT,T"
MEMBERS ~l.\'(1'l'lLl,:r;
.)011 N
'['11 1-:11 ON PlIIU,IPS HA ClIl': I, P.I YLOll
1i f:f:LY El'LA RE NSON m ;RN ICE BROWN 1111';1\1'; JlA CKL EY I':I)I\A FAIN EON.I f; lIlJlllEY
OlcLi"A G11.1路:TTE
Cn A IlL1':R IV ISLE Il CHIlI~'J'I :-IA ~1[)lllln.T,
TTl ELi\1 A ,IYI1'['L1':
E~II-:RRON .J(j:\F:~
Pnlte 43
B.-P. n
t.[ftllT I
time bctwC'ell dawlI Hlld twilight,
1'l1",1t fl'ulll tlJ(' stiliI'
YOll mH," f; land by 0111' coli(路go!" door, ,\.nd vi(,\\" tllC many hl'ig-ht fae!.':-, Sucli i.l1:i yOll hHV(' lH'H: r ~epn bcfol'l',
.\ l'llIHtiu g" throug h Ih(' hall l'olll f' Ra('lJel lind C'hir1:itille Dptcl'Illineti to lewl them all.
You ilia." 11('111' ill tlte hll1l8 uho\'(' yon. T he put 1('1' of youthful feet, The !'.O\\lld of II door tim! is 01)('11('(1 ,\nrl \'Oi('Pf; soft 1111<1 R"'PPt,
UPtltl,'- ll'l'lldillg' ('011'1('8 E II ]::l an d 1)('1 111 .\ 1141 :\l attie ].Pl' with thOll,ght8 Ilfu l', T heil .John with ,<.; ol ell1l1 \,j:;tn,ge ,\lId ('hll..Jt':o', 0111' Itilltitf'matil: nl :-In l'"
[f YOl! look '"on ('1111 !'<:'e till' ,)lIl1ivrs, De~~ ' (' ndillg' "Ihe broad hall ,.ta ir!', Gran T ltdlllli mill lallg'hing- .\llIlu "\nel B('I 'lIi('(' wilh goldell lilliI',
"\ud s teppjll~ firm I,'"
eOIll('S Th('roll With a goid hp'!'. often :;<~' elJ "\ud wulking' ("Imw h('",itle!' Ilim (;0111<'8 I,oui .. with 1 houg-htful me ill,
Thel'e'r.; Z OIlHb('tl, with hpl" elw:tP ]" And )'J \'I'll c with me]']'." e~-('!'., 1\ nel hc']'(.' (' 01lH'l-i UIlJ' 1'1"0 Edllns Pla!llli:q::: 10 give iI s ll l' pl'i~('"
])0 ,'"O U
think that l'IWit \rill eve," know dl'ft' llt
band of' .Junio rs
l"lltil tltp," IlH\"e ,!.(OIl C forth vict ors Bf'udy Lif(" r.; Imilk,s to lll('(' t'
"\lId now I ("Otn(' a~ po<'t, rl'hl' Illst 011(1 of all: 1 heal'd tit(' lllm' ('s \\"!Ji~p0I'in .!.\' . \ nd ht,J"t路's Ill," r(':-; ponsp to tll(,j r ('a ll. 'IIH::'a: l L\O:L I';Y
Page <45
.816 \1ERO
Page 46
;\1 ()'I"I'O 1,\\',,',[ t'fltht'r bl', than
(,01.UH S- Old H ll1'(1
to hl'" !·'LO \\' E 1:t-('nnlill iOIl
i Grp('ll
('no 1''10',
Pl'l'... iden t
['; D:\A S.'I I't'JI , S('('n·tllr~· -Tn ·n;;;lIl'er
.\/.\1·: W.'J,Tf)X, "ic'\.'
Pre~ irl (>lli.
Hllo n .\ P.\ HHIS II , Edit ol'
CLASS ROLL HC'I'() IH .I 11'I)I)I1I< IK(: )1 elF: \\' .11.'1'0:\ 1. 1':TlT.I II· I~I.I ·: H 1I(1I .Il K\: IH I \);)-:
1'1..\1<.1 HI..Il ' K )1.1 I' "IIOWI' I' I': H.I l lc lJ ll'i.II , J) n :H.I S I':A HS
1':1):\ .1 ;;m'l'lI ll.\I)():\:\A ('11(W I-' :\ 1);,1 lkD)):\ ,II.D RI I()D.I P ,IIlH ISll B I·::\UH: IJOW'iR D, (', I< I·;Y:\() I.DS GH.I( ' I': IV ISJ,J·:1l ll.l1-: 1':~ II ': R SI)'i
'I'lli' ::';\'lIiol')< ad \;() dig-nifi<,'d, .\n<l uN ~o pulTt'd lip too, 'l'lwy aet 11:-; if tll('~' 1011,'\\' it 1111, " ~ \lId of (·t)1I1'~{' \\'{' thinK tIle," tlo,"
'l'itt'il' J. ,\SS U':S arlO ~O nry fair, .\11\1 potitl'! I 'll :o-ay IIH'Y [,1'('Of /III tllP utill'I' hl)<i;if'5 hNt1 Tit,',\' SUI pH:;)' them ,dl h," fnr,
'I'll(' .!union.; aH :;() \'t'ry hl't1\'f', But tilf'Y 11 1'(' jUl:it II hili IT. For Wlll'lI tht'Y :«'(' tho:'1:" "~opll:"" UP!)"':!!' Th(,11 II (·l1llin;..:- I-{nt-Ii til(' ilust.
'I'I1I'i1" boy~ an' i;1I01l~ IIIlIlmflnly ,\Ild IlIWIlY~ tuk(' a FlIl't
'file The . \Jld .\re
" I"I'('.'ihi"s)) tl,\" 10 ill1 i ~"h' 01111'1' ('Ifls,;<,'~ 1111 oj' nil 1i1f' hhlllt\('r)' the~" do mol"!', OJ I ! [0: 0 1;)II~hllbl(."
01 illtt>'-P:->t, ,\Ild :-;l li\'(' with nil tht>ir hf'nrl. 111 {, \"{,I',,"thing'
"I-'re ~· hi(·:-;" sl lI i llk Wlif'lI titey behold ,\ SOl)homol(' billn' Hili I i'it I Ol1~ , SO \VII); il Wht'll tit('il' lin's beg-nil ~I! hl' it 1111 fllollg,
Bllt Own tlU' dl'fll" olt! "~oph~;"
So tll1\)< I 'll hnn· \0 pnd this tOIl:-t,
Th('v nre hnl\',· ami 11'11('
F or wllt·n IIH'Y :'IlY tlH'y'li do 11 thill g' 'riley IIlwHY:; JllIt iL Ihr()I1~11.
Hopll(lIllOn~R fo:1U11I1{'it /11111 hl'tln.'-
1"01' now 411' {,Dill H', all of you kno\\' I l ow Snpholl1ol'P,. lit lal\'('.
H \\'U~ in the month oj' l'\·b r nn r.,·, WIIl'II t; pr illg W[I:,) gi\' i lll-\" ws all t'x!lnlpiC' of wlwt ~llP lIlig-ht Inter
bring to lifo;, The spirit of ~pring hili! l'I1II.' I'(>d the schoo l lllld /Ill were ("lg<'1' 1'01' excitt.'l1It·nl. ..-\ d a s!'; mC'l'ting was t1:\II('1\ 1'01' tlil' )Jl1l'po~(' of plnrllling " pi ('nic', ' r ile]'£' \\"lIS 110 di~i'l'll l iJlg \'oiCt" so IlIl' follow ing lIny was sel fo r t ht- KI'l'H t oHtin~. . \ 1 I;\~I morning- t'I.ltlW and \n~ I'o\d d
lIot havl'
mort' lJl'ilu t ifl11 and dt·f.;i t'able da,'" E\'C'l'ything \\"a" full Ill' lift·, (,W' 1l til(' hinl:; 1"'0 111 th(' tn:'l' tops $(-'cll1(..d to be It' lI in;.!" liS Ihn! spl'ing- was at hand. A big 11"11('1,: wltieh hus be(,11 Mdt' I!'.! 1'0 1' th(> day
rO l'
at its npp nilltt·d
pulling and
!;t1 o r tillg.
anxious to lake Oll l' lIHPP,'" ~IOllp. Soon W(' \\' (' r e 011 0111' WHy, laughill!-!, sl!olltin!=r and tall,in,!!, hrn' in!.:" th~ "timpll of ou r lin;;, h I II little mo r(> tlUI11 un hUIll', In' found 0111' · s~l\'('s by tIl(' s ide of u uellutiful [ilt[e st rl'um \\'ltif'h lI"ound it s \l"n~' thl'ollgh a lnr~(' pa !" lu rt, /lull 011 its WHy to th(' sea, 1I f'1'(> \I'P lIn[cHldl, d, ."'l'(,II[pd 0\11' lun"II\'!3 Hnd plll1lgNi ill for <l g-ood lillll', T [[t> hO,I'~ SOOIl h ad II big hOIl fir~ go i n .~ Hiltl th <' melTY c' l'oll"d ~l1rTollnded
Page 50
it. T he woods
OUI' In ll ~hl(, I '
as we tOll s led
l11nrshnH'lloll's. Ou r IUll('h \I'll!" !' pn'nd with 1lIf\1I)' dl,li('iolH; (,lllll b l!.'s, ,meh as !"and\l' ic,lt('s, <:11k(':o., pi('s, fl'll il, nUl, pi{'k1t,~, 1I'f'llI1ief; Il 1l d llla r ,;I IllWlloll's [ 11 ha lf 1111 hOll1' our IUll/,h was fi nislt(>d !lilt! lIoth ing 11..'1'1 snn' a rell" cnunbs which \\'e gave 10 tltl' hi rds . ]) inw.> r pa st. t he hoys nml1 s('tl th('m~"h'('s b~' hUll t ing I.Ind fish ing, while the girll' . thm tllci r disli[.;" for Ca'~ ;H, hnd H 1ll0('l\ hurinl for him , at \\'Jt ieh you Illay he loll1r(> then"' was 110 mou r ning. (Set? ~lInp
]li(,\u l'f') . ..I u>,! afl l'!' Ihl' bu r il.)l, 111(' g- irl s hrar,11l IOlld shot Hlld n :-:It .. ill ('1.1' II"li i(·h fil1rd IlIl'lll with I\~<u'. 1'r(·mhlill,!.:' I I[l',\' nIl 1111'.11(>(1 in Ihl' 41 il,(,(,tioll Ihe' ~Ol\ll'[
hul to their 1·u l"f )l' is:.(' Ilnd joy, 111(,.1" all thp ('x('it(>ltLc lit WHf; 0 1'(' 1' th(' d<'nt.h of ;, ('ollon tail. '/'h(> rest of' Ih(' Ilftern(lOlI \l'IIS to us \\"('11 lolJ)('1l1 ;llld \\'IU'II 011l' of' 011 1' nUll1hf'1' IIIIPP(,llpd to look lit hi:-: \\'111 (· h In' found it wa s lilll(, to I'(' lu r n lioll1(,. \\'() TIladp Oll}" \1' '',1' to till' I r u(-k and w('rp soon 011 our \\' ;1,\' 1101111' Sill:~illg: ',J]'ill 11'(' 1I1l'I't a.'~ll i n , " ('Ullll '
f rom,
Page 51
F;r,zl Ho\nnnn ....... .. . 1Tel'man .b .' .n·e l" ....... . I,loyd Hig ~~ ...... . . . . . I.el :(·y ChI< I, .. . ... . Conn:t.' Phillips . ....... . 1.-1'0 :1.1 .\101 ril l. . . .... . .. .
Gurthn Olin . . ... . Leoti s Spear;; . ... . 1l:("Uoen Walton ..... . . . . Raby :\'eely . . ...... . :' llll'jorie tH:on ..
\r .
. \Itha Sibley . . .. . Oli\'e :\'orton .. Claud P nrisll. ... . . \Iice Vl.\wt(>r ... . Bentz-ire \'awter ... .
),1:.11"." Smyers ..... . lbvid Wh itr . Lucy l:li ("k.:: . . ...... . F'nl1n .\· \·0I'iz el'3 . . . .
.\rul"vin Hohil]"oll .... .. . Bf'n:inm~ n
:\pf·ly ..... .
t ' II A H.·\ (''I'E III 1~ ; 'J' I ('
(,1111-:1-" .UIBiTU>:\ {'or 11(,tist . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
Pid g-p . . . . . ......... .
Unllulltr.'· ............. . A lertllesfl .. , ... . .. , .. .
Hu sLy .. . ...... . ...•....
ScriOlHmCSti ..... . ... . . .
Rig-U1l ...... . B etz. . . . . . . . . ... • .... Bill. . .......... . Gumbo. . . . .. ..... . Britton ............... . Idll.lbotl ..... . ..... . .. . 1\Jollk ....... . . . . . . .... . ~In l" k ...........•..... Pug . . . . ... . Sl'r ious .... ......... .. . Doe . . . . . . . .
Tnlldng ............... . Dralll utic ............. .
Out hering ]>tHIis. . , ... . Orato r,\' ............. .. . Letter' wri: iUg" ... , ... , .•
1.'\ lJ l); J. J1{,,' . . . ..• • • .. • . . .
Dick ........ . .... .. . . Bee ..... ... ......•.. hlil"Uwly . .. ... . ... .. . . ... Du tch . . ~
...... .
Tooter .............. : . Fan . . ....... . ....... . Chuck ............... . Pc t .... . ... . ... ... . . .
Asking Questi oll '; .... , ..
RII!{' tlte i wa n ......... .
lIumi lit y ...... .
Oct (>:ghll'{' ll ....... ••.• <..'lIt ('hl".s ............. . .\. lIytlrill~ I'l'stflli .. . .. . B~H.'ht' !or .............. . Bp n:cmhC' 1" of FI.l{" u!ty ..
I ':x(,u~(,f.;
.............. .
Stud iOllsl1e~.;; ......... , . Quif'tnesti ....... . . . . . . I ,is ' ening' ............. . JlIll uStl"illll~Il('~:' ....••... Kindness .............. .
'J'h our{h t fll h!0:;~~ ........ . ·Walking ........... • ... .T.mitntiu; ............. . Pouting ....... . .. . . . .. . Ohedi(,Il{"c ........•.....
. \ fTection .............. . , . , ... , .. . Tnking life ('nti.\' ....... ,
ni ~!H i Ly ......
Rmilin~ .......... .
R oy touch ......... . I ;('OIHI . \.(\l1ll1s .... . 11 ('1('1] Bo.'·er ...... . ... . Yjoln ~ll'IlW>f:; . . . . . . . . . . .
Rnbe .......•..........
':\ I akin~
Leila .... . ........•.... 'l'iny ........... . .. .... .
Playfulness ...... . Sweetncss ..... , ....... .
T opsy .............•...
Jl)HC' Mf'lIgC'f> . . . . . . . . .. .
Jnll e ri e .......... . .... .
H('\'('II Campbell .. . Hun! .\lle n ....... . ... . \\" nrr(' n L OWIlIt1 I1 . . • . • . •
:\ oot. ................ .
"\Vomnnlilll'!:" !'i ........ . Or dcrlincsR ...... .. •. Ori nning- ..........•.... Gcnerosity ....... , .... . Loving ............... . lfoll('!'ity ............. . . LO"illg faculty ........ .
Lilli an Cooke-n ........ . Kntilt'ritl(> ~ l d"":l iJl. ... . . !'(llte 52
{'II('lc Hey ..........•..
:.Ian ........... . •. .. ...
Lil ................... . f{at ........ . .......•..
LIllin ................ , .
motion:o; ....... .
~ I issionn ':' ............ . ,\rti st. .......... . Pn'ue:.er .............. . ~!i p th{' D<'l.IIl ......... .
Yiolir: i,. t .............. . 1I1.l\"ill1t h{'l' (W ' 1l we." ... . :\ U1'::!(> ...•••.•.•.•.....
To he
OIotOr!IlUIl . . . . . . . .
.\n old rnnid ........ . . . R l ate~ m nl1 ....... , ... , . T h(' ba r .............. • . Anythill1! ('x(:i tin :; ..... . 'ro mllrr.\· ............. . l'NH'l! EII!.dir:h .. . J)e a(' O IH' ~R .. .
A tpllplu'l' ........ .
Dor tol' ......... ' . RldTn\~{'tt .......... . PopuIHrih· ....... . .Join thf' rluh .... .
ktHg· ir l1·{· . ... .... .... .
CI LI IW 1':1) 11'1'1'11 •
PI .. \ I :\ TI VI·:
PLJ·: .\
'1'00 blailly ........ .. ,. T ardiness ....... , . . . . Two fu('cd ......... ... . l-/uietnctis .. . Reveuling secrets ..... . . Too InnllY f'1·;ends ..... . Gi!tting stuck ... . . . ... . L'lt(' hours ..
.. :-;o ph s .. ............ . I':II!!I i:- h tl'm·L t' r ....... .
i llit'Jiigl'nt. . ~1('('piJ1css . ,.,
I':ut brain food ....... . .. .•.. Ii OHlt' bl, f ol"t' eul'l·l'w ........ .
T he
~irJ s
........... . . .
Lig Hix ... , ......... . ~Iail
"HlII . . . ..... , .... . j·;n'l'ybndy .. , .. . ... .. . . SCH:O I' . . , ........ • ..... ~Jonit o J" ............
A bsen! mindednc:;s ..... .
Iii )) !"ril'nd1:i ..... , . , .•..
P e rc~ inntion
1)(':.111 . . . . , • . . . . . . . . . • . •
........ . . .
Nnpp ing' .. ...... .
..... . . :\atu raJ. ... , ., ., .... . I ('UIl't Ill'ip it ... .. . ~llr]liu s infol'mntiull ..
non 't <:.n 1'... n l'pcll~h!lIt
.. .... , ... .
J li st my way ....... . lIahi t. .... , . .. , . .. .. In spi nltion . . ....... ,
Wcnry . . ..... . ...... .
Liking R O~('8 . . . . . . . . . . . Cartooning the f~ll'U1ty .. Snoring ..... ......... . ilrcakiug rules ........ .
Rool1lnwtc' ... , .. . . , •.. . (,la." ~ ma tb .. , ......... .
School bOl1 nl .... ,., . , .. ~1 adonna .......... , .. .
Jlaving vi s ions .... .. .
JIIL·ie leU(':~l' r ....
;\othilJ~ lI !l~·OlllmOIl.
Ba liislilllcTll. ... . ..... , .... . :-;pol-:es man of Lutiit's' .\i l: HOllr cue II tillY ill st udy hall. Study o(·cu!';ioll n lly ....... , . . Keep sidl' walk . ........... . linn' own way ............. . '1'0 icum by ab!O-o[·ption ..... . Dc('ll.lma t io ll ...... , ........ . Hetin.' at :oun down ......... . .. Oil fOol ab road" ......... ' B ound 0\"('1' for lIext eoul'!., .. Lenni 110 mo re ta[til1 ~ ...... . ;\"0 mo re ::p('('i nl pri,·iit',lrc·,; .. . :\0 more squcuky t OI1('., ... , .. J) tl~tillg- pianos ............ .
~h n rt l'£> IlUlI' Ks •.• •• . . . .
C ........... , ..... . .\dlllirers ....... , . . , .. .
Sf lIlll) spcl'('iles.
.1 11I1ior)) ........... , ... .
Sueh willlling way s ....
O the r boys ............ . I Fs audi tor:; ... ...... "
'J'hl'y :i n:' IUl t ul"nl .... :\olhill~ to proh ihil. II pay s. . . ....... . 1 kllu\\" it .......... . 1 dOll ' t likp ttl ....... . They nuu!c HlP • . . . • • . r lil-:(' it. .......... .. I ~ 's ri .~bt .. .. . I ('lljOY it. ......... . 1 didn 't kn ow it .. \\'ho knows hd te r . .
T lwl!:(' li\'ilJ'! lwh)\\· .... .
1.001L'BOllle . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sol ittl J'.\· ....... . .... . . .
.. l)(' II\"(... r· ' .........
. 'Pilt' d iso iJl'd i{·nt . . . . . . . .\ I~l'brn t(,HelIN, . . . . . . . 'l' ho~e he pa"'s"s .. . T ho!"!' who hen r. XOJll(, friend s ..... , . ...
Don 't like t\)C'!lI. J W8S so trnim'd . . . .. .
11. Il ....... .
rt 's
Sla.\· ill st udy hnll . ... . . . rl'o l'OlitiIlUl' ......... ... . . . . . R(' mon' fl'ielldly . , ........ • ' 'I't'll mil('s Illl b()ul'. K(,<,p bOllS£' .. ... . . ..... . . .•. Stlltl,\' rh £'tn ri(· ........ . To \(';1/'11 H. I). how .. , .... .
'-lome OIH' . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
It 's tll('
i' ,·(:- id{· nt ......... , ... .
Omitting prueti('e ..... .
.'.1;1' 1"011 •...••.•.....•••
\ '\"l'iting' Ilo!es ........ . .
T I':IC!icl' ........... , •...
'1'00 IlHlIly
is prollolillci Ilg' words .. Too Ulut'h com pmly .... . Shyness .............. .
P erfect Obl' ti i(>!lCl' . . . . . . . Luck of soeinuility. Speedi ng .. .. ... . .... .. . Mu(' h s peaking ...... . YerllOil-i ty ....... . ..... . Drcoo in,:.:- hail' to P'\tIHIl' Gelling by .. . . ........ .
I'm ~O l·ry ... , . . I 'll I'efurm ......... .. .\Iy l'fl llin g ...... . )ly Ilatu!'!' .......... . h(,(,()lIIin~ .......
. way.
Pi ('k III) rappl' fl'olll r:.:Ill]Jus. Xo moi'(' d ates ..... , ....... . SoftC'I' sp(,t'c h ....... , .. . , .. . ~ilclll.' e fO!' II week .. ... , .. , . PUl'd on 011 i .~llornn('(' .... , .. ,
Dig-('!'.t titl'
t!i('~i o ll;lry
·'(·'\ tmpt-;" ............ .
P"l!e 53
Wh('ll' the wimls of Oklaliomn .Blow across the open pluins, Wht're the soil is ri(路h and I'l'rtile Fed I\nd wllsil{'d b~' westcrn ruin, 'I'here> yon'll find th o BetlU1JlY lI igh Rchool PIII'l of tile g reat O. K, C. I){,Hling Ollt its stor es of Il'arning '1'0 its L路'l"eshml.lll you nUl~' S(>('. \"1''':, W(l have our noble ('ollege, .\lId of hel' we 1\1'(' n part, 1-'01' ~he g'in."s 1\('1' (路hild l'('11 kIlO\\'I('d~('1 'l'rnins, lIot oJlly Il('nd, hut hpnrt. Fn',.:llInall are lIot IOJOwli fOl' bt'uuly, .\"d nUl y not h(' 1'11 111('<1 1'01' length, But just (,OIllC Hnd ~(>(' iwl' i-'reshlllnn \rhell ~'oll're seekinlo{ those with strcllgth. \\'hell :-. tudClIlS rrom the O. ~. C., ('ntclt tli(' King of Learning's ('n il
,\lId t\wy nil stnnd up to nllHwer,
Fresillllull (']n,.:s will lead tlH'1ll 1111. wht'rl yon would pay some honor, To the Sllll\l'tt~st olles you know, ~o
(:ivc t11 l'l.'(> ('heer s for B et11l1l1Y'f.j Fr('sliIllHIl, \\,hel'(I tli(l \\'('S\(, 1'I1 bl'f'('ZNI blow,
"\\" 110 II I'(' Wt'! \r ho 11 1"1' W('!
\r f'
tl l' P
/'\1 1'1 1\' 1' :-; t OI1C
o f O. X. (',"
PIlj!e 55
Each mem her of 0\11' room I'll name , Their traits I'll ~how; I'll try to trent them all the sa me, That you thei r traits may know. ]" i.'sl we introduce to you, Our leaeher, ~ Irs. :\ Iillol', -Who is loyal, kind and true. Gcron Hobcrts is a brainy lad, \Ve ncver SC<! him when hc's mad. Odetta Hced is u pretty girl, fShc \\'cnI'S h{'l' hail' in nuturnl cnd. llarold Chllmpan in Hi sto ry is the best, But everything else will stan o the test. Connie Cagle, always the same, A prince(ess) will be when she changes her name. H elen and Non'! IHe girls for smarln ess noted At the end of thl~ yea r ar(' SIH'C to be promoted. Cora Bell, such a liltlt' thing
You'd think it li eavcn to heal' her sing. Li ttle '\lil'~ W hite, 01' Hkedcl' T~ with li S to stay, don't yo u see' Glndys Hoecd, u worthy sou l YOIl will find h("1' name 011 thl' honor 1'011. L{'lu Chc rry, so pretty I.llal ta n Will he an inst ructo r in a Congo Hall. J(' :-~y '\In!is~路, a \"ocal ist will be, .\nd study some day a cross the seH. Elhe l, \"I"!l'y dc\路el' and full of wit, \rould 1'I.\IIlel' flil' tlwn smile a bit. -' III I"g'lIl'l'te, the Il'adl'r of her class, Iu 1'n>l"y s ubject will s urely pass. -'Iyrtis, UR WI' all know .L IltO H preachc r, will some day grow. Oeol'gia ('mlllifax, with her p r{'tty hrown hair, Dislike!:; i.l boy as much ns if 11(' W(' I'(' a heM.
'l 'om, who is dazzl ing bri ght,
H Mllt el10ugb en el'gy t o keep out of s ight. H e r ma 1l Sh or t, ill l\ritlnnet ic is best , And in the l'e:-;\ of his g' I'ati es will slant! the test. Ornce, the II r t ;::; \ of OU I' cla ss, Ha s a host or fr iPIH ls t hat will (oreye r Ifl st. ..-\ I nl, ;] n~' ry modest g i d , \, hom we all kll Ow I] >; 1:1 \' e r ~' precioll s PC;]!'!. George, our PI'ill('e, gO fa ir HilL! tend er, To the \\'odd will ,{.;' 1'('l1 t ~e n' i('e render, Pea d W yatt, who t'1l1 e r('d a litt!e late, ] s our C Ja ~s Ji is torian, illld she ra nk s fi rst ra te ,
J oseph ])Ja rli n,
all like well,
I n t he fOl'eig-1l field, Iii ;,; work will t plL T ll l'cm lg ill Bobcl'son , so tl rig'illld In Se11l101lS, SOOIl will ue prea c hin g to Herma n,
Leo Haight, we th ink of fa lllI' E very timp we me ntion his !Hlm(',
%e!J a ),1i n l , so t(,I1(\(>I' llIlti sweet, \\' ilh a :: mile will ,greet yo u whel'('\'er Cce il, our lac! from Ca lifornia ,
.\'() .I
\s as elit e ns Li ttle Jack 11 0 1'11('1', Litt l(' )' Ii ~s \\'<111011 , so qui <,t and sweet, T o kll Ow hpl' is snrely II { f l 'nt. Ihlll :-i fol'd )'l cGowen, ,\' 01.1 1.111 IIlny see, HIl IIW day 11 great Illllil wi ll i)(' , Opal ( i l' OVt' f,;, n teac he r will be, ,\ nil so me dllY tl'lIl:h i ll t he 0, ~, C, ,\.tlii a Bl,lle B!u ke, wh o (,a111 ;' H litli e latl', Is \ e ry qll i('t a lltl s('dal e, .Ja mes -\\' a lt on, tall and s lc lltier,
\\'(' will surely :.111 1'("llIembe l', Pl'a l' l, o ur
~(-' 1lI
so iI'i('(l find true,
,\'c all will r(' m(l lllb(, l', too, .\tairy R ie kl' ~' , fo r mClltnl Il l'ithnw tic, notl' d, Some tiay to higiJ (' 1' WOI k is sure to be promot er!.
Page 57
CLASS ROLL 01' .11, (:1101"1';
OEOHGLI C.\"'i"IF.IX ALY.\ ECKEL COH.I BELL" P~I YLOH 0,,011010 H"I vn lllS'L' 1'1-:. IE L II', A'1"r LEO IU lG liT co"" m ('.IGr.]'; 11.IR{JLJ) C II.IP'I.I ~
LI-:L.I C'III': HJ{Y UIl.I('I·; ( '11.11',1.1:-1 aERO" HORl,;Wni '1.IIWrHI';T I'; RI':!';!) (1)1<;'1''1.'.1 1l1';I';!) 11.1"SH!H1l ~lr(;o\\,P.:-I (: 1..1 DYS IH;ED 110 '1"1 '0
"Onward , upwllrd. F LO\\" I~H: - \ 'iot~~ls
E is for Eckel, our Ka nb3s lnss, r~i l' hnircd, blue cYN1, she's hnrd to f:'u l'pa s~. 1 il' for ig-no]'[wcl.', H word W(, kno\\" !lot, for wc'n' learned (!\'CI',\·thing ti l(' teache r taught. G is for OC'o l'p;iu, our j)I"PsidclLt, you see . • \l !'o for PlI."]or, Olll' s(,(,(JIld nomince. H ·is for Iln.\'hu l'i'it, h om 11 1I1'(ieIllHn, ' I'exns, whose knowJ('(igf' slll'cly p('rpiexc!'. T if! for ' I 'ho~(' Hew ('OJll('I'!', with \\'."utl. j';rwin,
Ii night and 1IIc·(Jow('1l, who work for l'enO\\" ll. H is foJ' IlnJ'ol d, tlt e RlI1all('::;t in thC' (' la ss; his kno\\,lC'clg't' ill Il istoJ'y \\'ill n1l1k Hidpnth la st. Plige 58
('\'(' 1'
!o:tining." ( '01.0H;.) :- .\ hll'oon find Hilycr Gray
G is fo r Gl'o\'(', Olll' Opal so deal', \dlO with Cherry and C'hapmnn bring goot! (' he(' I', R iR fo r [{OhN't:.:, also the twin Reed ::;, ;.111 three a l'e not<><1 for hanl work nnd good de('(ls, A is for amhiti o n, nnci Conni(', 0111' Ins~, who is \'cr~' HnxiOl:s her gmdes to pa:<s, D is for deeds so daring nnll bold, 011 1' I\eal' little Gladys lll.lIlY mystC'l'iC'8 will IInfold. E is for ":lIis, last bu t not least, in Olll' clils~, \\'110 iR anxiolls grent knowletlA'(~ to mll ~s.
OFFIC ERS H1-:\' .. J OlJ X D.
~I路;. \
L, President
Caroline ?l l cyt'l" En:mgrlill(' J\lilll'1'
l ,uJu Di lhrck i':lizubeth BIU C'l' Hnbr Lud lnm .\lillllic Blanton
I A路la Cl('n,j nll(\
.l ohllllY .Jern ig an
.JI':'::IC .J olill~on .J. D. \\'ad ley Ol'lll'C CtlvC'tt
Iloban Be<!\"er
I ,ulu \ '('rn(' 1'
Cla rk CUllnin,!dl1llll L. ~ I. i\111~' Fla nk Sims
EII~l'll(, "~hite
V O. :-;to('ktoll Budolph O. Pit z WillintH H('lH'ii!l \\'. J . Tl"uehlood I. L. Camphl'll Eva \Iay
D. B I'ifigenwll
.J. ~ \. Lu dlam .Juliet Smith Ha~i 1
?lJll1f'1" H. 'I I. 1': l'wi]] Br~Fi(' Dougln s Il nn-y \\7t ,1)si(' )" \V .. J. Colt, I nltl DOWlIt,y
OH'ill' Enillsoll
( ', B. \ri dllley., !" P. 01ill ('al'l 'Verner .J 0 It II :\ (' W l Oll )l:w ) Ia rlindllit路 U . 1<'. () \\" (' II Lilli tlu Wil son I ... \. Rolerjn<:k .J. K. Npeakl.'s i\('llif' Fr('(l~
.\dolph I\mllt .\. W, \\til~oll
LU('il (> Pit('o('k \Indlin(\ B. Sm i th
1.10,,'41 \11I d inclHir .\ . B. .TOIl(>!=\
Li llinn '1'
Pnge 59
\ --I
"Billd,Y to show IhY1"\(olf IlIJPI'U\'N! ullio Uod, fI workman thnt Iwed noi hp !1S1111tlll'd, !'igh tly dividing the word of I I'ulh, " -~ 'I'i Ill. :.!: 15, 'J'lIP. following quo tatioll is I'rOlIl til !' nrticlcs of Ilu:o rporalioll, .\rti('](' lI L-" 'l'he pUl'})ose is to (, 81abl i,,11 nnd llltlitltain tl J 101ille8" Co llege and Bi blc :-)eltool 1'01' bot h ~exes uU(l('r the mamlgemellt of Ihe Chll l'l'11 of t.hl' )/1I7.H],(,'II(' , " T he Bihll' is to hp a pl'omillt"nt text book Hnd tHugh t ns the Oi\'in l'l~' insI'il'cd "\\"ol'd of God, from Ut,tlcsi::; 10 Bl'\'c laiiotl, both inclns iVl'j l'Untn.ll'y to lhe prenli ellt d estntdi\'c higher criticis m." '['he Bibl e ! H lp:o:.sed Book ! 'l'lll' Book of Book s Th c ill~Jlil'rd words of n li oly, l nfinite, Omniscient God t.o mllll! ,\ 11 tnny f('('l'i\'c thi s, God's nwsslIgc, 'l'h(' b('st of <111 nations Iw\'C 8('e l1 the grentest need 01' thl' Bi1,le, " It is nO nl<lI k of wi sdom that QUI' ('olh'goes and seminm' ies 11lIYC discarded the Bible," Ra id f-;ir William .J OlltOH , Ih e gl'ellt Orient,,1 sf'lto\ur," 1 lla\'e l'eA' lIlurl~' alltl naent i n~ly read the n ol~路 Sf'ripturC'R and alii of till' opinion OWl th is volnlllC', iulic]J('IIlI('nlly ur Di\路 ine origin , contains more tl'lI(\ !H1blilllity, mOlt' f'xqnisitf' hl.'!lllt~路, m ore pure mOl'lIlity. mOl'p important hiftO l'Y and nller st rains of Ff'otlY nnd e]oquellcl.' tlwn cOllld bC' eo lle(,ted from 1111 0111('1" books." RC'tli i7.ing tlte Il('('ri of Bil>l(' Htndy , l'Hf'h (,Oll r ~(' in the cuni('ulllJll is proviLie-rl with work in Bible, Each st udent is l'i!quil'f,tI to tuke II 'Bib]e Rtud~路 aud Ellt'> we- hope to ;J<'qunint l'i.ll'h individual with the truths o f Ihe B!N;!';('( I Boo]" :\0 time is lost in H ibl(' Stnd~' , 'l'l1r Boo k t rent s of placticall~' all of the etlll(,Hti ollH I ~ lIhj('cts o f the day, ,re cnn leHI'll of H i8 ~ ory, Oco!-(raphy, ,\:"tro l lOIll~', Grolo~y, !:;('iell('l', Lnn~llllg(', Politif'al I';('onomy , P hychology, Socioio,!;y, Theology, et<'. p;duclltion i s not ('om piNe \\-i titOllt a knowledg-e of the Bible. Christian ehHnH'tl'l' is <,on~tl'l\('trd upon the- bl est:ed Book, BiblC' study fits indi\-iduals to 1)('('oll1(, goood eiti7.CIlR, eit r i!>till.1l \\'()]'kC'l' ~ , ministi:' I'R and miRRion;lr:es, It temp('('~ the life, inspires th . . ilil'31, nut! gins the p"":"('nhll Il'ull1 to pn'))III'(' lllllll fol' l-ieHY('ll,
PII~C 61
Puge 63
The purpose of a denominl-ltiollul institution of learnillg ond a local church. when
located ill close proximity to each other, and promoted for the henefit of some constituency, seem so nearly parallel and are so completely interwovell with each other that i[ would he impossible to druw a distinct line between the interests of the twu.
Either one is effected
in direct proportion by the prosperity or adversity of the other.
The manogement of the OKLAHO,IIA NAZARENE COLLEGE, ond the promote," of the CHURCH of the NAZARENE of Bethany are fully aware of these fae". Therefore the administration of the two institutions are conducted in perfect harmony. It is the business of the .school to educate, cultivate, refine and polish her students to hring out the very best there is in them.
It is the business of the church to environ them with a spiritliHI atmosphere so completely charged with the divine presence as to make it hard for H student to resist Christ. When the present incumbent Assumed the IHlstorate there was a wholesome revival spirit among the people uf both church alld school. Since that time God has richly blessed us with a continuous revival. Not a week has passed that did not witness salvation
services. Our congregations 011 the Sal>bath are excellent. The prayt'r meetings are blessed. The large SUllday School is doing a good work . The different socidies and or~(lIIizi.ltions of the Young People are cOl1'lucting aggressive and effectual christiau warfare against evil. The puhlic is invited to attend these meetings lind eujoy with us the blessings that characterize them.
B. F. NEELY. Ph. B. _B. 0 .. Pustor. Page 67
------. - -
OKLAHOMA RAILWAY COMPANY PASSENGER SERVICE Hourly service between Oklahoma City, Bethany, Yukon !Hul EIReno.
Special car rates aud st:t vice furnished on request.
FREIGHT SERVICE Twice a day service to and from Bethany,
SPECIAL Our load sh ipments of eMl may be billed through from Mines Oil the Fe S. & W. RR. to Bethany (Putman City or Black Jack Sidings) at the through rate which is as follows per ton of 2000 pounds: Lump Coal
$1.80 For further information call 207 Terminal Bldg. Oklahoma City.
Page 68
Slack Coal
our agents or the undersigned.
A. E. MORRIS, General Passenger & Freight Agent Phone M-4OS8
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Dry Goods, Notions, Tinware, Queensware, Enamelware, Hardware and School Supplies WE IIA VI!: A NICE LI NE Of
Workshirts, Overalls, Dre~s Shirts, Underwear, Blankets, In fa ct we aim to ca rr y every thing to supply your needs; eH th e lowest pr ices possi bl e.
Goods delivered to all parts of the city.
Give us a trial.
ARTHUR BEAVER, General Mdse. Bethany
Character Building
When in Oklahoma City visit
Prof. A. S. London, B. Ped. A. B. Dean of Ok luhoma Nazarene College. A series of lec(ures given to the student body of the Oklahoma NHza rene College.
Rev. Andrew Johnson. Ph. D., D. D., says: "Your book is
gem. It is hrim full of prover-
hial ep;J!ru mmll lica l Sialemeuts. It's high moral lone is e路.kulated to inllpire the lIoult'H ambilion of flllY younlJ 1Il~1I or w( man who will read it. A character built
Hf'E'r the "altt-TII laid dowu in your book will sluud four square 1IJ!lIimll every wiud that blows."
Dr. A. P. Gouthy. B. D.. Nationa l Evangelist, says: "The book, "Charecter Building" writteu hy Prof. London, is the best 011 the suhject lhat 1 have seen for year~. I read it 1 hrotl).!h at one sitting. It is inspirinl!. It grips you. I wi\! prohably read it through twemy limes. It ou!!ht to be in every home." Rev. C. B. Widrneyer. D. D.. Presidelll or Okla llorna Nozaft"ne Collel1e, says: "The Iluthorof this reu(.:h tilt! p6ople.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Furnishing Goods and Notions Groceries, Meats, Flour & Feed
has a ult!tsage. JUs ffie1lsage must
m.ut be heul!'
Tne ideal of the author
is I:hrlslian manlHlud Hnd womanhood," Rt:v, JII~ . B Chnptllun, D. D, Ex-Presillent of Peniet foileAe tliid EVHIlhe1isi. SHY~: "The bOt!k_ "Ch:lr/ll:ter Building" is the joint product of 1\ pure helHt Hnd fin elrne.>I. v!lfllatile intellect It hilS both a iliductic on I hortatory phlase. mdl.wtically. ill! principles are C(Jlrecto hortatoriolJy. it! spirit is vivid. almFlSI irresistible. This ho",k should b~ read by both young and old: by parents and children: by teachers and students."
Price $1.00 j'o!!e 70
, THE DIFFERENCE Between a House and a Home-- One You Rent, the Other You Own
Let us help you plall your Home and te ll you wh at it will cost.
Lumber, Lath, Plaster, Cement, Lime, Beaver Board, or Ruberoid Roofing.
I i
DAVID & CASE LUMBER CO. 24 West Reno Street
__ .- -~
Page 71
C. Wo HARPER, M. Do, Do Co
100 Per Cent Nervee Function means HEALTH
ToB O'O~wwd':1 33-~)
ToAppe:-::::'; roLoworLimbs To llla,dder-f{:, To Genitals
Rose Wonder-the Living Xri;lYAssistant Pilone M 4427
P!lile 72
314 Herskowitz Bldg.
(t.•~E strive to please the people who are
'W On Your
looking for good merchandise· cH
reasonable pri ce3. We build our business on those principrJ/s anri will continue aiollg that line. W hell in Ileed of
me<'lns the
n EST for your money.
N. BroHdway
Dr!) Goods, Shoes, Ladies' Read!) to Wear, Milliner!) Men's Furnishings, Men and Bo!)'s Clothinq come to this store and we will always SAve YOH money.
Bonded Abstracter
500 Baltimore Bldg. Phone 729
Oklahoma City
CLOVERDALE'S Lion Store Gerner Grand & Bruodway.
City, Okla. Page 7:l
111'11111\'5 tunrlt ~
Service 21 North Hudson
312 N. Robinson
Phone Maple 312
Repairing While You Wait. Modern Methods. Modern Machinery.
W. R. GROVES&SON Plasterers Bethany, Okla. We Plasler Churches ami Sc hools. Wf}ter Proof Stucco wo rk makes yo ur old buildings look like new.
Phone M 449.
We solicit yo ur business.
A I I Work Guaranleed.
Man!) 0/ the largest and most successful business men in Oklahoma, as well as throughout the entire United States are investors ever!) month in
The Local Building and Loan Association of OKLAHOMA CITY
The Best Investment Backed By Over $8,000,000.00 Worth of Real Estate The locnl hus $765,019.14 in Fir.st Mortgages. Has alwaya paid 9 per cent on Full PlHticipatin~ Stock. Fully Paid Stock or Deposited Stock pays 7 per cent Cash Dividends. The Loan Demand makes it possible for us to use more funds. We will be g:ad to send you our Booklet.
THE LOCAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION (Orgallized October 1, 1908)
Pnon e Walnut 4020路4921
109-1 11 North Robillson
OFFICER> C. F. Coh.:ord. Pre~ideul, W, T. H 1l1e~, 2nd Vice-Pre~ident, t:. L. Boz mh. Treasurer. R. O. Brewe r, Secretary, J . H. [veresl. Counsellor.
R. M H'lwnrd, Dr. Jos. 81alf. Roy E. Slfllfllrd, R. J. Edward~, W. S. Blllkley. Pult .. 75
路. D. W. HOGAN, Presid!'l1 t
J . S.
H orrMANN, Ca1'ilier E. S. W ELLS. Ass!. Ca!'h ie r W. L. BOYLES, Ass!. Cash ier
J. F'. W A RR t; ~. V i ce Prest. W. S. GIITltRm. A('I, Vice-Pres!.
H. E B tAIR , A sst. Cashier
FARMERS NATIONAL BANK Oklahoma City, Okla. " Safety Service Silence" RED JACKET PUMPS AND
Monitor Windmills
A I ways Pl ease
Radiator Repairi ng, Fender Straightened, Pipe Fitt ings,
P umps.
Windm ills.
EIl ~ ill es
Well Casing.
All Kinds 01 !'Ietal Work.
Fo r Sale by
422 W. 2nd St.
Okl ahom a City
Shop Phone M ;141 2
Res. Phone M 70;
110 W Ro no
Pagr 17
Lots Hnd Tracts with Homes fur Sa le
Phone RX 4"
GENERAL MERCHANDISE We handle a full line of
General Contractor. BETHANY, OKLA.
Wil l Appreciate Your Building nud Business.
Feed and Coal.
We handl e a filII line of
Job Lot
School Books and Supplies.
Shoe Store.
We have an old fashioned
French, Stone Burr Custom Mill.
Our Capital has lately been dOlluled. By Selling c lose, and (realing yotl right we hope to merit oll r share of your trade.
save you money.
118 West Grund Ave.
Ok la hom" City. Okla.
Call " lid See Us. 129 1路2 W. Gruud Av(,.
Okia ho lll" City. Ok la.