<Jite ./IUOctaieJ Be~ Beth~
- PenieL eoller;e . . . (jkJakuna.
Engraving by Southwestern Engraving Co. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Printing by Times路J ournal Publishing Co. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Cover by Universal Bookbinder y Inc. San Antonio, Texas Photography by Alfred Minyard Bethan y, Oklahoma
Jllf~ed 3J1inya~d, Cditor 93obbie 3f1e~~iff, Jlssociate
One of our buildings grew larger last summer. It all happened because our college is growing and one doesn't expect students just to camp on the campus. The merger of Bresee 'vith BethanyPeniel will open the way to further growth and create the need of exira housing facilities.
In char-
acteristic style, Bethany-Peniel College with the support of its loyal constituency is adding a third floor to Bud Robinson Hall this summer and making plans for Lhe erection of a new administration building in the near future.
Closely r elated to the gr owth of facilities on the campus is Busin ess Man ager B. M . H all. Himself a competent architect, h e h as saved the college much m oney b y plannin g and super vising the constr uction of the building done on the campus since h e became Business Manager in 1932. He has built a sound financial p olicy for the college and was m ost efficient in caring for the details of b usiness connected with the mer ger of Bresee college with ours. To th is helpful Christian gentleman and servan t of the college we enth usias tically dedicate this seven teenth edition of the ARROW.
1940 EDITI O N
<Jhe ScJtool Mollo. and dl~ <Jhe BCKVui oJ <J~ <JheP~
Beyond the shaded bird bath behold the entrance to the Aclministra tion building-fountain of guida nee_
&thamrPeniel Colieqe QudrteriiJ Buflerm
CJuYz Schoof :Aiotto Character, Cultnre, and Christ
FAITH OF OUR FATHERS Faith of our fathers! living still, In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword; 0 how our hearts beat high with joy Whene' er we hear that glorious word. Faith of our fathers! Holy faith! We will be true to Thee till death! Our fathers, chained in prisons dark, Were still in heart and conscience free; How sweet would be their children's fate, If they, like them, could die for Thee! Faith of our fathers! we will love Both friend and foe in all our strife; And preach Thee, too, as love knows how, By kindly words and virtuous life : Faith of onr fathers! Holy faith! We will be true to Thee till death!
Dr. A. K. Bracken, Ex路officio ABILENE DISTRICT John L. Knight John F. Roberts J. Walter Hall ARKANSAS DISTRICT Holland London Mrs. Agnes W. Diffee R. M. Parks W. H. Johnson DALLAS DISTRICT I. C. Ma this W. L. Crawford I. W. Young J. E. Moore EASTERN OKLAHOMA W. A. Carter J . E. Aycock Mack Anderson W. R. Donaldson W. H. Barlow B. F. Neely
LOUISIANA DISTRICT Elbert Dodd G. M. Akin WESTERN OKLAHOMA J. W. Short H. B. Macrory E. A . Green H. L. Short Ernest Armstrong A. L. Taylor E. D. Simpson NEW MEXICO R. C. Gunstream C. B. Dickerma n SAN ANTONIO W. L. French F. H. Bugh ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Jno. L. Peters
Upon the merger of Bresee College with Bethany路Peniel College, the following were added to our Board of Tnlstees pending the redistribution of representation fol路 lowing the General Assembly in June: KANSAS DISTRICT 0. J. Finch A. C. Tunnell E. P. Robertson
NEBRASKA DISTRICT T. P. Dunn C. J . Kinzler Clyde Dawson KANSAS CITY DISTRICT Glenn Miller Mark Smith Lawson Brown
c:Jhe President
A. K.
M.A., D.D .
His Message The outstanding event of the year 1939-40 has been the merger with Bresee College at Hutchinson, Kansas. The history of Bethany-Peniel College has been one of progress almost from the very start. The students of Peniel College, Central Nazarene College, and Arkansas Holiness College have been received and assimilated into the fellowship of our institution. Bresee College, r ich in traditions and having done most honorable service, unites with our group at Bethany. Every step is being taken by the Board of Trustees, the administration, the faculty and studen ts of Bethany-Peniel College to preserve the best in Bresee and her past and to hand it down to coming generations. I am sure we shall all join together in this worthy task.
9:he 93usiness ~anager
B. M. HALL, A.B.
His Message Th e very existence of Bethany-Peniel College and it s successes attain ed as represented in this volume of the ARROW are properly attributed in a large part to student bodies that have assembled here year after year. The assemblin g of every gro up for a year of study h as been a mo st significant fa ctor in the history of Be thanyPeniel College and ha s played ju st as sign ificant a part in th e building of this institution. The contributions made by the student body of 1939-40, though not complet e at thi s writing, will evidently make an outstanding chapter in coll ege building.
It is to the consti tuency of this institution and to its many fri ends that we are acknowledging a debt of gratitude for the substantial assistance given in building Bethany-PenieL With the prevalent spirit of cooperation on the part of all college units and the proven loyalty of our co nstituency, the future is faced with courage and great expectancy for an ever-growing in stitution and its resultant expand ing serv ice.
LEWIS T. CORLETT A.B., D.D Reli gious Education
MATTIE E. BRACKEN M.A. Education, Botany
ERNEST C. HALL M.A. Dean, Science, :\fathemat ics
WILLIS B. DOBSO N l\I.A . Registrar, English
GERTRUDE TAYLOR Ed.l\1. Speech . Expression
D. R. GISH M. A. Philoso phy, German
Hi story, Philosoph y Religious Education
:.\I!NNIE HAR?IiS :.\LA. :.\Ioclern Languages
FRED FLOYD :.\LA., B.D. Hi story Reli gious Edu cation
CLARENCE GROTHA US :.\LA., Ph.D. Chemi stry
ALLINE SWANN B.Mus. Theory of Music, Piano
A.B. Financial Secretary
Theory of Music, Piano
ESTHER CORLETT Hostess Bud Robinson Hall
HELE N LARSON A.B. Cleri cal Secretary
~~ B~Ub.tee M~ ~~
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Southeastward from the Administration buildin g stretches a walk to Science Hall, busy center of learn路 ing activity.
路;~~'~ ~~..,
fi) d.Jresee ~erger
Up on r ecommendation of the General Board of Education and with the approval of the General Superintendents, a j oin t meetin g of officials r epresenting Bresee College of Hutchin son, Kansas, and Bethany-Peniel College was held on F ebruary 27, at which time it was decided to mer ge the two sch ools_ Dr- Har old Reed, Bresee pr esident, said the merger was n ecessitated by the college's limited territory and lack of suffi cient fin a nce to maintain an accr edited sch ooL The sch ool's indebtedn ess of approximately $30,000 h as been cared for through a definite plan of liquidation , and the disp osition of the campus and buildings will b e arranged later- The Bresee territory of Kansas, Nebraska, and par t of Missouri will be added to Bethany's territory, which includes Louisiana, Arkan sas, T exas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma _ The Bresee College had its origin in 1905 when the late Mrs_ Mattie H oke began a Bible schooL She later joined the Nazarene Church which took over th e sch ool, naming it after Dr. P_ F_ Bresee, first gen eral superintendent of the Church of the Nazaren e. F ollowing the union the student body and faculty of Bresee College wer e the guests of our sch ool for a two-day visit which greatly stimulated the feelings of friendship. In working out the details of the mer ger ever y possible effort is b eing made to perpetuate the ideals and traditions of Bresee College. The student councils of the two sch ools met in conference to work out p olicies of studen t government and activities _ Acco rding to an ann ouncement made by B. M _ H all, busin ess m an ager , the contemplated administration building here will be named Bresee Hall. This promises, in ever y sense of the word, to be a genuin e merger in which the best of the two sh all be streng thened in union and preser ved for the futur e. On the opposite p age, alon g with the picture o f the student b ody and fa culty of Bresee, appear p ictures of typical or ganiza tion s. As we look at them we ar e made to feel that n ext year Bresee athletes will be on our teams, Bresee student leader s will fill p art of our studen t offices, and Bresee Chr istian worker s will be active i n our r eligious organiza ti ons. Certainly Bresee College lives on !
Through the front entrance, beyond the silver flagpole, against a background of soft white clouds and deep blue sky, stands the red brick Administration building. oldest on the campus. Here are located the administrative offices and the library. Facing the main street of Bethany, it is easily visible to the tourist on the Will Rogers Memorial Highway. Plans have been approved for the constru ction of a new administration building, after which the present building will be used for science and home economics classes.
The Senior Class President .
Wilmer Lambert
Vice -Preside11 t
Ra ymond Hantla
Ella Mae Sturgeon
Ruth Wiese
Student Council Representative .
Harold Hoyt
Mendell Taylor
From the point of expenence, it stands that the Seniors should occupy the Lop notch in school activities. But such things cannot be taken for granted, and ever y class must stand on the bottom of its own tub. Throughout its history in Bethany-Peniel College, the class has experienced a stead y growth in its attitude, abilities, and lea der ship . From fiery freshmen they passed throu gh th e mischievous sophomore stage to become prominent as a Junior class-distinguished by their perfect presentation of "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine", and famed for their far-flung Lrip to Carlsbad Caverns. It was these same Juniors who gave their Freshman friends a swell party when the Sophomores stood them up during Freshman week. This year they climaxed their college careers by capturing the crown in the horse shoe tournament-a distinction an y class would be glad to claim. They presented "Wreckage" to a packed house on a rainy night. They broke all mileage records for Senior trips with a tour to the Pacific Coast via Phoenix, visiting San Diego, Los Angeles, Mt. Wilson Observatory, and returning via Boulder Dam and Grand Canyon. They left to the school a gift that shall long stand as a memorial to their collegiate success. They are graduatin g this yea r, supposedly to terminate their careers as students in Bethany-Peniel College. But we wonder how many will be unable to take it, and will consequently return for another degree and anything else they can get.
.\Iajor: History Cheyenne, Wyoming President Seni or Class, A Ca ppella Choir, I unior Play, Soft ball , Revei!J e Ec ho Staff, Gospel. Tea m, Head-Wa iter Dinin g Hall.
ELLA MAE STURGEON, A.B. Major: English En id, Oklahoma Secretary Senior Class, Gospel Team, Bud Robinso n Hall Co un cil, Basketball , Departmental Play.
R UTH WIESE, Th.B. Ma jor: R eligious Education Arlin gto n, Texas Presid ent Bud Robinson Hall, Treasurer Senior Class, All-School So ftball , I uni or Play, Seni or Play, Departmental Play, Debate, Gospel Team, Secretary-Treas urer I uni or Class, Prayer and Fasting League, Vice -Presid ent Sop homore Class, Reveille Echo Staff, Arrow Staff, Donnilory N urse, Mi n isterial Assoc ia tion. HAROLD HOYT, Th.B. Ma jor: R eligious Education Wellington, Kan sas Senior Representative S tudent Co uncil, School Marshal, Vice-President Gospel Team, Ministerial Association, Men's Hall Co un cil , Softball , Orchestra, Arrow Staff.
RAYMOND HANTLA, Th .B. Ma jor: Religious Education Meade, Kansas Vice -Pres ident Senior Class, Senior Play, Track, B Club , Gospel Team, Ministerial Associati on, Men's Hall Council.
RHODA SPRUCE, A.B. in Speech Major: Speech Bethany, Oklahoma Senior Play, B Club, Tennis, Basketball , A Cap路 pella, Debate, Reveille Echo Staff, Speech Recital, Departmental Play.
MARGARET WILLIS , A.B. iVIajor: English Amarillo, Texas Assistant Librarian, Bud Robinson Hall Conn路 cil, Orchestra, Band, Gospel Team.
FRANK KEESEE , Th.B. Major: Religious Education Ropesville, Texas President Prayer and Fasting League, Minis路 terial Association, Gospel Team, Stage Manager Junior-Senior Plays, All-School Softball, French Club.
ARCHEL MEREDITH, A.B . Major: Philosophy Bellview, New Mexico Gospel Team, Ministerial Association, Assistant Librarian.
AVALEEN MURPHREE, A.B. Major: English Hamlin, Texas Senior Play, Junior Play, A Cappella, Gospel Team, Basketball, Tennis, _Softball.
RUTH HALL MARTIN, A.B. in Speech Major: Speech Bethany, Oklahoma Secretary Junior Class, Junior Play, Bud Robinson Hall Council, Gospel Team , Debate, Speech RecitaL
WESLEY CRIST, Th.B. Major: Religious Education Sherman, Texas Ministerial Association, Gospel Team, Reveille Echo Staff.
PAUL :\IOORE, A.B. Major : Mathematics ::VIission, Texas Senior Play, Departmen tal Play, Vice-Presid ent Sigma Theta P hi, R eveill e E cho Staff, Freshman Banquet Toastmaster, Vice - P resid ent Sophom ore Class, Debate, Head Waiter Dining Hall , Mathemati cs Teacher.
JOY EAGAN, A.B. l\1aj or: English Beth any, Oklahoma President Girl s' B Club, French Club, AllSchool Volley Ball, All-School Basketball, AllSchool Baseball.
FRANCES DA \"IS, B.F.A. :\Iajor : Piano Kan sas City, 'i\Iissom i Gospel Team, P iano Recital.
SP URGEON LYNN, A. B. l\fajor: Philosophy Wingat e, Texas Glee Cl ub , Softball , :\iini sterial Association, Gospel Team.
CECIL :\ITLLER, A.B. :\Iajor : E nglish Blackwell, Oklahoma Pres ident Stud ent Co un cil, President So phomore Class, Who's Wh o, Athletic Director, Basketball , Softball, Track, Toastma ster Freshman Banquet, Go spel Team , Ministerial Association, Reveill e Echo Staff, Arrow Staff, B Club.
LUCY LITTRELL, B.F.A. :\Iajor: Pnblic S chool M usic Bethany, Oklahoma A Cappella, .J unior Play, Sen ior Play, Arrow Staff, Voi ce Recital.
l\IARY SMITH, B.F.A. :\1ajor : Piano Bethany, Oklahoma Gospel Tea m, Piano Reci tal, Tennis, Basketball.
JOE YARBROUGH, A.B. in Speech Major: Speech Bethany, Oklahoma Winner Dramatic Reading, Campus Work Director, Assistant Director Department al Play, Junior Play.
ERNEST ORTON, Th .B. Major : Religiou s Education Bethany, Oklahoma Gospel Team, Mini sterial Association, Campus Work Director, Basketball.
HAZEL ELLIOTT, Th.B . Major: R eligious Education Bethany, Oklahoma Gospel Team, Ministerial Associa tion.
EU:\fiCE DE BOARD, A.B. :.\fajor : History Newark, Ohio Gospel Team, Orches tra.
RAY FINGER, Th.B. Maj or : R eligious Edu cation Dallas, Texas Debate, Arrow Staff, Gospel Team, Track, Tennis, Ministerial Association.
:\Iajor: Philosophy Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Vice- President Senior Class, 11inisterial Association, Gospel Team, Band, Orchestra , Junior Play, Softball, Basketball, Reveille Echo Staff.
MYRTLE WRIBORG HILL, A.B . .\Iajor: History Bethany, Oklahoma Go spel Team, So ftb all, Orches tra.
BYRDELL BISHOP, A.B. 11ajor: English Elk City, Oklahoma Assistant Librarian, Bud Robinson Hall Council, Orchestra, Glee Club, Gospel Team, Band.
ALFRED SULLIVAN, Th.B. i'I'Iajor: Religious Eclltcation Bethany, Oklahoma Presid ent B Club , Mini sterial Association, Gospel Tea m, Glee Club, Juni or Play, Senior Play, Depart mental Play, All-School Softb all, AllSchool Basketball, Tennis Doubles.
ALFRED MINYARD, A.B. Major: English Portales, New Mexico Edi tor Arrow, President _\f en's Hall Council, Dinin g Hall Steward , Who's Who, Toastmaster Junior-Senior Banqu et, Art Teacher, Arrow Photo grapher , Reveille Echo Staff, Go spel Tea m, Mini sterial Associati on.
BOBBlE 11ERRILL, A.B. Major: History Marshall, Texas Presid ent Sigm a Phi , Secretary Student Co uncil , Who's Wh o, Debate, Junior Play, Seni or Pla y, Secretary Sop homore Class, Reveille Echo Staff, Bud Robin so n Hall Council.
BETTY LUNN , A.B . .\Iajor : H isto ry Kan sas Cit y, Misso uri Ed itor Reveill e Echo, Sopho more Rep resentative St udent Counci l, J uni or Representati ve St udent Co un cil, Bud Robinson Hall Council , Foreign Lan guage Club, Basketball, Glee Club, Wh o's Who, Arrow Staff, Juni or Pl ay.
RUSSELL AN DERS ON, B.F.A. :\1ajor: Voice Elgin, Illinois Yice-President St ud ent Co unc il, Vice-Presid en t A Cappella, Vice-President B Club , Tra ck, AllSchool Basketball , All-School Softball, Jun ior Representati ve, St udent Cou ncil, Gospel Team. Athl etic Director .
Wo.:\IACK STR0.\1A N, Th.B. :\fa jor: R eligiou s Edncation Olmito, T exa s :\Iini sterial Association, Gospel Team, Foreign Language Cl ub , Orchestra , Softbal l.
F LORRIE WHEELER, A.B. :'VIajor: English '\1arshall, Texas Pres id ent Gospel Team, Bud Robinson Hall Co uncil, P rayer and Fasting League, French Club, Echo Staff.
PAULI NE COLLI NS, A. B. :\fajor : English Capitan, New :\fex ico B Cl ub , All-Sc hool Basketball, Softball, Track. Tennis, A Ca pp ell a, Go spel Team .
DAVID CORLETT, A.B. Major: History Kansas Ci ty, Misso uri President J un .ior Class, Go spel Tea m, :\finis! erial Association, Foreign Lang ua ge Club, Softb all, Glee Club.
HAZEL CHAP:\fA.\' CALLAWAY, A.B. :\Iajor: English Bethany, Oklahoma Orchestra. Gospel Team . Glee Cl ub.
:\HLFORD SODOWSKY, A.B. l\Iajor : History Blackwell, Oklahoma Pres id ent St ud ent Co un cil, Who's \V"ho '39, All-School Softball , Track Vaulting Record, Sen ior Play, Gospel Team, Arrow Staff, Glee Club, Ministerial Association.
BOYD HAKCOCK, Th.B. :\Iajor: R eligious Education Bethany, Oklahoma Vice-President J unior Class, Gospel Team, Minis terial Association, Softball, Glee Club.
CI-I ARLES SMITH, Th.B. l\Iajor: R eligious Edncation Bethany, Oklahoma Editor Arrow, Vice-President Student Council Toastmaster Juni or- Senio r 'Banquet, B Club, Ju nior Play, Senior Play. All-School Softball , All-School Basketball, Reveille Echo Staff. Among those receivin g degrees are Kyle Crist and Wayne Sears, pict ured in th e Juni or section but given Seni or ratin g for th e second semester. Mrs. Cri st will receive an A.B. in speech and Mr. Sears an A.B. in philoso ph y. l\Irs. Browni e Wilks Hicks, also not pi ctured, will receive an A.B. in English.
BMn june .23. . 1915
:b;,eJ :b~ .27. . 1939
The Junior Class President .
Allen Miller
Vice -President
H oyle Th omas
Sec retary .
Beatrice Hinds
Student Co un cil R epresentative .
Marj orie Crooks
Spo nsors .
Delb ert and Car ol Gish
By the time a group gets to be Juniors, they are in a likely position to give the Seniors a race for their money. The competition furnished by this year' s class was unusually keen . They started the ball t o rolling b y socking its cover off to win the softball championship. They turned in a good production of " The Late Christopher Bean." They amassed the gr eatest score in the publicity contest, m aking a big haul 路w ith the fea ture stor y of the college printed in the " Sunday Oklah oman ." They led out with the fi rst ser vice in the Sunday School contest and made Collins' Day a highlight. Such suc路 cessful activities as these are indicative of the enthu si asm, ener gy, and purposefulness of the class. They are only listed as typical accomplish ments and not as an inclusive enumeration of all that the class did, as witness the fac t that over half the members of the hon or society are fr om the Junior class. In typical manner they rounded out the year with an excep tional Ju nior -Senior banq uet an d an in teresting trip . \Ve look fo rward to seein g what they will do as Seniors .
ALLEN B. i\IILLER Wichita Falls, Texas
BEATRICE HINDS Bethany, Oklahoma
FRIEDA ASKEW Norman, Oklahoma
HOYLE THOMAS Charlotte, North Carolina
JUANITA COOK Tipton, Oklahoma
PHYLLIS COLE EAGA:\f Bethany, Oklahoma
KYLE :'dYERS CRTST Sherman, Texas
LOIS YARBROUGH Bethany, Oklahoma RALPH SIMPSON Little Rock, Arkansas PAULA PARISH Kenefic, Oklahoma
WAYNE SEARS Bethany, Oklahoma
\'\'ILLIE YOIGT Bethany, Oklahoma
DOROTHY NORVELL Bethany, Oklahoma
WILLIS LAMBERT Cheyenne, Wyoming
LOUISE BEAN Kim, Colorado
BLANCHE VAUGHN Atoka, Oklahoma
ROYSE AKIN Yukon, Oklahoma
LUCILLE BRANSON Shawnee, Oklahoma
GLADYS LUSK Vilonia, Arkansas WILLIAM FISHER Blackwell, Oklahoma
MAXINE CHASE Herin gton, Kan sas
AUDREY EDWARDS Marksville, Louisiana
RALPH CARLAND Little Rock, Arkansas
HAROLD HILL Bethany, Oklahoma
BAZIL HIGHLEY J'I elrose, I ew Mexico
DANIEL YARBROUGH Bethany, Oklahoma
DORTHA BEVILL Griffit hville, Arkansa s
.'d/IRYIN STO CKETT Bethany, Oklahoma
Marshall , Texas
SYBLE GR ISSo:\I Lit Li e Rock, Arkansas
Bethany, Oklah oma
~I C
Cass, Arkansas
:Mex ico
CLYDE OWE NSBY :\liami, Florid a
PAUL CORLETT Beth any, Oklahoma
ELIZABE TH LEE Orlando, Oklahoma
~1£L TON
Elk City, Okl a f,om a
EVELYN LITTRELL Beatrice, ::\ ebraska
The Sophomore
President .
Sam House
Vice路 President
Elizab eth Gaines
Secretary .
Margaret Kirb y
Student Council R epresentative .
Edward Taylor
Spo nsor
Chester Crill
In the same analogy that calls the Freshman the infant of the college famil y, the Sophomor e is immediately recognized to be the awkward adolescent. The student emerging from his Freshman year, durin g which he has been trodden in the dust by lordly upperclassmen and herded through his class activities b y his long-suffering professors, faces the many perplexities which are in cident to the process of learnin g to stand on his own feet. The first impulse of the Sophomore is to do unto others as was don e unto him, an impulse which finds expr ession in the initiation of the Freshman . This year's initiation was conducted in a most unique mann er , particularly when the zeal of a few exceeded their powers of discretion . But th ey paid well for their err or and "a goo d time was had by all" . Even adolescents grow up, and eventuall y the Sophomores settled down to make some distinguishing records for themselves. Many of their number began to make the three-point list, and three of them rated membership in th e h on or society. They wer e represented on the inter-collegiate debate team, placed a member on the all-sch ool basketball team, captured the championship in the men's sin gles in tennis, and h ad a Sophomore on the winning doubles team in women's ten nis. As the year closes, the Sophomores seem to have adj usted themselves Lo the extent that they are qualified competently to take the place of the Juniors. Hencefor th they can be expected to walk in the light of our college motto : Character- CultureChrist.
SAMUEL HOUSE :\Iiami, Florida ELIZABETH GAINES :\Iiami, Florida MARGARET KIRBY Dallas, Texas EDWARD TAYLOR Shreveport, Louisiana THO:\IAS YOU! G Phoenix, Arizona WILMA YEAGER Imboden, Arkansas ALICE STEGALL Little Rock, Arkansas DARWIN FAUSS Bethany, Oklahoma PEARLIE MAE IVES Austin . Texas FERNE BROCK Erick, Oklahoma JUANITA MYERS Blackwell, Oklahoma BER ICE GARRISON Bethany, Oklahoma GE RTRUDE HOLT Bentonville, Arkansas DOROTHY VOIGT Bethany, Oklahoma FRANCES NORTHCUTT Crystal City, Texas ADA NICE Kingfisher, Oklahoma \"lOLA LANHAM \\'oodward, Oklahoma JOSEPHINE SCOGGIN Beatri ce, Nebraska MELBA LEA SA YE Shreveport, Louisiana ROY KEENE Crowley, Louisiana FRANK FUSO Wellington, Texas FLOYD SMITH Osage, Oklahoma LAWRENCE FISH Oklahoma City, Oklahoma LLOYD COR ELISON Dallas, Texas
YERNON COODY Bethany, Oklahoma MARION CORLETT Kansas City, Mi ssouri MARJORIE NELL ROBERTSO~ Newton, Kansas CHARLES WILSON Wauk ee, Iowa CHARLES TAYLOR :'11cKinney, Texas HELEN HEARN TAYLOR ::lfcKinney, Texas PAULINE MORRIS Ballinger, Texas JACK WELTY Electra, Texas EXA YARBROUGH Vinson, Oklahoma LETITIA i\fiLLERMAN TH0:\1AS Elk City, Oklahoma HELENE TABOR El Dorado, Arkansas DELPHA BATES Bethany, Oklahoma AL!\IA CORLEY Bethany, Oklahoma CLAUDIA MOYER Hobart, Oklahoma FRA CES CHRANE Eldon, Missouri ERLENE DUCKETT Wa co, Texas LUCILLE LO G Sa n An tonio, Texas CHRISTINA HAMERSTROM Bethany, Oklahoma ESTHER GRAY Pasadena, California VADA LEE BEARD Bethany, Oklahoma ANDREW ISBELL Bethany, Oklahoma FRED BAILEY Leedey, Oklahoma ELLIS GILBREATH Denver, Colorado ERNEST TOEPFER Kingfisher, Oklahoma
JA:\IES FOREMAN :\Iagnolia, Mississippi NAOMI GRAY Pasadena, California MARGARET STEGALL L ittl e Rock, Arkansas LYMA WOOD Erick, Oklahoma ROY HOWELL Yona. Colorado GRACE BUGH Omaha, Nebraska CORA LEE DIXON Ardmore, Oklahoma RICHARD LITTRELL Beatrice, Nebraska GIDDY PARISI-I K enefi c, Oklahoma LA RA GRACE ROBERTS Pilot Point, Texas ERNESTINE HORN Beaumont, Texas JETTIE HAIR Wichita Falls, Texa s HAROLD WALKER Bethany, Oklahoma MARGARET WJMA Bethany, Oklahoma ADA A MOORE Dallas, Texas JUDSON HAIR Wi chita Falls, T exa s LUTHER THOMSON Pine Bluff, Arkan sas DORIS SMITH Quanah, Texas AGNES JOl:l 1SON Goldthwaite, Texa s . MEREDITH BEBOUT Anthony, Kan sas :\IELVIN CLEVELAND Cisco, Texas LANDER CLEVELAND Cisco, Texas GRADY WHITE Madill, Oklahoma ERNEST MOORE Waco, T exas
MAXINE JA CKSON Kan sas City, Mi sso uri CONLEY PATE Vilonia, Arkan sas ELBERT SHAFFER Seminole, Oklahoma IRENE SCHOOLEY Coffeyville, Kan sas
GERALDINE DE BOARD Newark, Ohio ROY DARDEN Sharo n, Oklahoma ADEN CRAGER Ballinger, Texas IVALEE BOLERJACK Bartl esville, Oklahoma
FLORENCE LYN N Beth any, Oklahoma OTHAR MCDONALD Bethany, Oklahoma
The Freshman Class President .
Roy Van Arsdel
Craig Blanchard
Secretary .
Emmett Carter
Student Council Representative .
Virginia Bebout
Lewis T. Corlett
Perhaps the most difficult year of a student's college life is his first. At least that has been the experience of the class of 1943 thus far-through many dangers, toils, and snares it has already come. It started off with a riotous election which thoroughly astonished many hometown high school favorites come to college. Then, a group of people took over the plush-lined positions with a look of being equally as dazed as those who were not elected. Brainiest storm: giving Dr. Corlett his debut as a class sponsor. Freshman Week (open season with no game refuge) followed close behind, and Frosh and Sophomores alike learned that enough' s enough. From then on through the year the cooperative class spirit displayed by the Freshmen was monumental. The Frosh wrote more out-of-bounds publicity letters, confused the largest number of people as to when Sunday school started, and had more class meetings than any other class. In athletics, the basket-ball crown is set at a decidedly Freshman angle, and a good percentage of the all-school soft-ball team were Freshmen. The Freshmen are versatile. Athletics, quartet work, orchestra, dramatics, a cappella choir, gospel teams, debate, and even the theology department have all been influenced by the Freshmen at work. These achievements, and many less known, were reached, not by any person, or committee, but by the Freshman class. They give promise of making history.
Bethany, Oklahom a CRAIG BLA NCHARD De t ro it , Michigan
YIRGI'iLI. BEBOUT .-\n th on y, Kan sas Eilli\IETT CARTER Okmulg路ce, Oklahoma FER N A'iDREW Clovis, l\cw }fexico
LUTHER TYSON Fo rt Lauderdale, Florida QUEN TIN H USTED Okl a homa City, Oklah oma
_-\LDEA:\ BALDWI N \\lis ter, Oklah oma
CLAXTON COOK Tjpt on, Oklahom a
GLE N i\E \V SOi\I Tipton, Oklahoma
ALl\IA CLARK Pine Bluff, At路ka n sas
_-\LI NE OLIVE P or t Arthur, T exas
:\IrLDRED JU NE DOUGLAS B e than y, Oklah oma
MABLE S HI ELDS Nash, Okl ahom a
:\IARY LO U ISE GR IFFIS F ort Lauderdale, Fl orida
LEONAHD HARPER Be than y, Oklahoma
ROBEHT CORLEY B e thany , Oklahom a
HOBERT INGERSOL St illwat e r, Oklah oma
BECTON CAIN P cnicl, T exas
WELDON MARTINDALE Beth an y. Okla homa
\VIUIA JEAN SEAR S Bexar, Arkansas
ELAI NE RAMICK El Dorad o, Arkansas
'iAOW EAGAN Bethany, Okl ahoma
GOLDIE CLIFFT H. in gwood, Oklahoma CHH ISTI NE GILBERT H ob bs. New ::\Ic);:ico
JOH'i EP PLER Clinton, Oklah oma
RALPH OWEN S Tucumcari , New :Jlcxico
KENNET H YOGT ::\l cad e, Kan sas
DO NALD i\IE SSER McAllen, T exas
HERSCHEL :\JEREDITJ-1 Bellvicw, ::\'ew )1exico
HUTH DL-\N ::\[ar\ow, Okla hom a )L~RY
Edmo11d. Oklah oma
KATHRY N SPECK Drumright, Oklahoma OLETA H UES TIS Cisco, Texas GRACE MEADOR Be thany, Oklahoma
VIRGI:\1.\ TIDWELL Be thany , Oklahoma GE;-.;EnE\. E BOOi\E Oklahoma City. Oklahoma
E\. ELYC\ TOEPFER Kingflsh e r. Oklahoma LUCILLE
Searcy, Arkansas
HUBY YEATCH Palco, Kansas
Shreveport , Louisiana OTHA
Oklah o ma City, Oklahoma
L UC IAN STEHNE B ethan y, Oklahoma
FLOYD WJEG1 1AX Claud e . T exa s
EDDIE HAIR \~ ' i c hita
Falls, T cx::I s
KATHLEEL'> Mc ANALLY Colorado Spring:s, Colorado
FERN S IMPSON Guthri e, Oklahoma
FHANCES M I LLE N A Ia mo. Texas LUCILLE PHITCHETT Be th a ny , Oklahoma HAMOTH BEHRY Bethan y . Oklah oma
LELA:'\D ;\l c COY Oklahomn Cit}', Oklahoma
AULDEN WITT Miles, Texa s LUDEA:'-1 THOMAS Be thany, Oklahoma .IEHRY McCLAI:'-1 Brad e nton,
EAHL DAHDEX Sharon, Oklahom a
Be than y, Oklahoma
LAYERI\E BOUNDS B ethany , Oklahoma
LOHA SHAW Bethany, Oklahoma
}IJLDRED .JOi\ES Carnegi e, Oklahoma
JOE STOCKETT B e than y, Oklahoma
LOUISE BUT'fHAM Palm e tto , Florida ONA CADWALLADEH Council Bluffs, I owa
CATHER I NE CUNi\IXGH.UI Bethany, Ok lahoma V I CTOR BRAi\DT Topeka, Kansa s
Bethany, Oklahoma JEAN WINANS San Antonio, Texas CHHISTY HOHS1!AN Guthrie, Oklahoma :\AD INE PULL!:'-/ Ko nawa, Oklahoma
A\":\IE JA \"E SIL\:'\:'\0:'\ Bethany, Oklahoma :lf.\R IE McNALL De nver, Colorad o VERA BLACK Be th a n y, Oklahoma GUYON YARBRO UGH Bethany. Oklahoma :IIILDRED JOH'>SO:'/ Konawa. Okl ahoma
DA:'\.-1 MAY
Tahlcrtua h. Oklah oma KENNETH SMITH 1. P etersb urg, Fl or ida IVA!'\ BRIDGMA N Ponca City, Oklah oma ALBERT PAYLOR Be thany , Oklah oma PRESTO N THEALL Beaum on t, T exas
W IU IA LOU EDENS Nowa ta. Oklahom a
LOVELL>\ DAns Los Angeles, California AUDREY MILLER \Vinficld. Kan sas ~IA RY ELEA:'\OR SAMUEL Kingfi she r. Oklahoma
TRAFTON W ILLI A:\IS Little R ock . Arkan sas CHA ilLE S 0\VE.\ Ca tcs by. Oklahoma HARTLEY SPI N KS Shreveport, Louisiana OSWALD ~[1~1:\IS Sylacauga, Alabama RAY ELLIOTT Be than y, Oklah oma
MARTHA SUMMERHILL EI D orado, Arkansas J URETTA LOVEJOY Irvi ng, T exas ESTE LLE SHERRILL Bethany, Oklahoma V IR GIN IA SIBLEY Nowata, Oklah oma CLELON CHIS~! Center. Texas
1\' AYi\'E COZZENS Capitan, New l\Icxi co WALTER CARTER Okmulgee. Oklah oma RAY~IOND ED\1".\RDS Electra, Texas
EPHRAni JANTZ Newton, Kan sas PAUL BATCHELDER P e rry , Oklah oma
LULA ~IAE BLACK Duncan , Oklahoma EULA LEE HUTCHEHSON Granite, Oklahoma FA ITH TRUESDALE J ac kson, Michigan ~IAXINE FISHER Beebe, Arkansas
EDNA COFFEY Norman. Oklah oma
MA RY R UTH HALE Kansas Cit y, Mis so uri ~IARY
Sapulpa, Ok lahoma
LOIS STOCKETT Bethany, Ok lahoma
VIRGI:'\IA BL\CK B e th any, Oklahoma
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for the Freshmen to assume among the powers of the campus, the exalted and profound status of Sophomore, to which the Laws of the College, the Board of Trustees, and the Freshman English Course entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of their Parents and Upper Classmen requires that they should declare the causes which entitle them to the promotion. We hold these Truths to be self-evident: that all Freshmen are enrolled equally; that they are endowed by the Dean with certain inalienable Rights; that among these are Life; Liberty until 10:30 on Friday and Saturday nights, and the Pursuit of Knowledge, Dates, and a 1.00 Average. The history of the present upper classmen and faculty is one of repeated in juries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over the Freshmen. We, therefore, the Freshman Class of 1940, having clone the best we can with the brains we have, do solemnly publish and declare that we are, and of Right ought to be (after we have passed our Semester Exams), Free and Independent Upper Classmen, having full power to look down upon next year's freshmen as befits their mean and lowly position. Signed,
We the Feeble - Apologies to Thomas Jefferson.
e~g~ g~g~
WILMER SI.:vlMONS Marshall , Texa s HARRIETTE HOYT Omaha, Nebraska WILLIAM EMBERTON Gladewater, Texas
MAJOR SHARP Crockett, T exas AUGUSTA TERRY Konawa, Oklahoma WILSON MURPHY Temple, Texas
CHARLES ROBERTS Erick, Oklahoma BERNICE JOH SON Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ROY BICKFORD Bonham , Texa s
J. C. WARRICK Bethany, Oklahoma H. :Jl. CURTIS Telephone, Texas ODA MILBURN Foss, Oklahoma
Intensive Ministerial
:'IIOLLIE FAYE BROWN Hende rson, Texas EDNA PHILLIPS Hominy, Oklahoma LUCENA DE GROODT Bet hany, Oklahoma
10 GRAHAM T elephone, Texas FRANK KRAFT Kansas City, Misso uri JUANITA CHILTON Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
EDITH ASKEW BUCK Betha ny, Oklahoma JOSEPH MCMAHAN Cloud Chief, Oklahoma LORENE H USKEY Roswell, New l\Iexico
LA VERNE METZLER Custe r, Oklahoma DO NALD FINLEY Eldon, Mi sso uri NAOi\II JO EPPLER Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
HILDRETH BROCK Batesville, Arkansas CLAUDE WANN Shelbyville, Arkansas WILLIE R TJTH BICKFORD Bonham, Texas
ELEANOR FORTNER Bethany, Oklahoma ZELMA ORTO N Bethany, Oklahoma ESTHER :'I'IC MAHAN Cloud Chief, Oklahoma
College Specials
JASPER COOK Cisco, Texas Freshman ~1URIEL
COZBY Corsicana, Texas Freshman MILTON PARRISH Bethany, Oklahoma Freshman
FRANCES CORDELL Watonga, Oklahoma Freshman ROBERT NYE ?11ishawaka, Indiana Intensive Ministerial ELIZABETH YOUNG Phoenix, Arizona Fine Arts Special HERMAN P ARRISI-I Bethany, Oklahoma I unior ROMA JOY DUFOUR Brownstown, Illinois Intensive Ministerial EL WARD GREEN Durant, Oklahoma Freshman ELIZABETH BOYD Vinson, Oklahoma Sophomore ROBERT NORVELL . Bethany, Oklahoma Freshman ELEANOR KRAFT Kansa s City, l\Iissouri Freshman THERESA :VIC ILROY Ozark, Arkansas Sophomore ROY PARKS Hot Springs, Arkansas Unclassified MILDRED SIMPSON Vilonia, Arkansas Fine Arts Special
Second Semester
GE ORGE RONNEKAMP Juniata, Nebraska Freshman BONNIE JEAN \V ALKER Bethany, Oklahoma Fine Arts Special LELAND ~1A YFIELD Bartlesvill e, Okl ahoma Freshman
\"EST A ~1AE LO 1G Bethany, Oklahoma Fine Arts Special EA RL SIMMO S Tu lsa, Oklahoma Freshman H.D 1A JEAN WH LS.YIAN Madill, Oklahoma Freshman HARVEY ALEXAN DER Beth any, Oklahoma Freshman LOIS BEST Claremore, Oklahoma Freshman GOUTHEY JONES Ri chm ond, Indiana Freshman RUTH COFFEY Norman, Oklahoma Fine Arts Special j\'IA RTHA SUE GILBERT Little Rock, Arkan sas Coll ege Special MARY LOU GILBERT Littl e Roc k, Arka nsas College Special
Second Semester
JA ICE STROMAN HA:\ICOCK Bethany, Oklahoma
1:-1 ELEN
Omaha, Nebraska ELEANOR BOLTON Little Rock , Arkansas MARIE LLOYD Telephone, Texa s
R UTH DRAKE DARDEN Sharon, Oklahoma RUDENE HALL Bethany, Oklahoma LEONE ADKINS MILBURN F oss, Oklahoma
MARY GRAHAM Telephon e, Texas GERALDINE BALES Bethany, Oklahoma VIOLA HAMMER Bethany, Oklahoma
Fine Arts Special
Beautifully framed in foliage is the front entrance of the college church, home of the Nazarenes' largest congregation. On the Sabbath day the chimes, ringing clearly above the soft tones of the Hammond organ, are broadcast in a call to the house of God and hundreds gather to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
<Jite :hewn oj RelÂŤ;io~/~ M~ <Jite P~'~ M~ <Jite qodfUd <Jerun~ <Jite Muude!Ual ll~o.n <Jit.e Pllt:Ufell. ~ IJ).~ .feayue <Jit.e llifCock .f~~ <Jit.e e~uvu:~t, R~
At the entrance of the church stands the sign board as a symbol of welcome.
In the backgro und
r ests the church parsonage.
C~RISTIAN ~DUCATION Education to be profitable must accomplish two things : furnish a foundati on for continu ed happiness and pro-
vide a basic preparation for activi ty in some line of ser vice for humanity. In order to accomplish this the true centers of happiness must not be neglected. These ar e found in the moral nature of man. Man is a religiou s being, and in order for him to reach the highest degree of development and th e greatest a ttainment of happin ess, he must be train ed and guid ed in education DR. LEWIS T. CORLETT
that is definitely and positively religious. Bethan y-Peniel College has given such religious trainin g during the years of her histor y and will continue to durin g the years that are to come. Through this reli giou s educa ti on the college has made an immeasurable contribution to church, society, and the individual. Biblical standards have been raised in the church, ideals of morals and ethics have been in stilled in social relationshi ps, and prin ciples of virtue and righteoun ess have been given to the students attending her halls fr om time to time. Bein g a h oliness college, Bethany-Peniel has been able to take an active lead in guidin g and directing yo un g people in the ways of truth and ri ght ; for Holiness is the hi ghest and loftiest standard of purity kn own to God and man . It is more than a creed : it is the glorious life of God made accessible to man through the sacrifice and death of Christ. Holiness in religious education gives man the highest standards of purity, h onesty, and truth ; and Holiness in religious experience gives stamina, fir mness, a nd strength for all of life's conflicts and perplexities. Class r oom, chapel ser vice, church service, social relations of the college, all react to these ideals and assist in the development of the lives of the students in happiness and ser vice.
A N~W DAY A new and a better day is before us. The merger with Bresee College, being consummated at this time, promises to be another step in the progress and enlargement of Bethany-Peniel College. It is one that will strengthen our standing among our Nazarene colleges and place us in a better position among the leading institutions of learning throughout the Southwest. We are justly proud of the history of the past. Many recall with pleasure the moving of Beulah Heights College to Bethany in 1909 and the changing of the name to Oklahoma Holiness College.
In 1920 another advance
step was made by the merger with Peniel College of Peniel, Texas.
Shortly following this, our present name of
Bethany-Peniel College was adopted.
In 1929 yet an-
other very happy union took place with Central Nazarene Academy of Hamlin, Texas. Then a year later Arkansas Holiness Academy of Vilonia, Arkansas, united with the college. Each of these additions in turn played an important part in building a larger and stronger institution for our West Central Educational Zone. Today, with the coming of Bresee College into this happy fellowship of schools, we are in a position to serve our entire constituency in a larger way. It is with unusual pleasure that we look forward to the coming school year. As pastor of the college church, it is my happy privilege to extend words of greeting and welcome to all who shall be with us as members of the faculty and student body. We want you to join us in making the year outstanding in every way for Christ and the church.
Men's Gospel
Organized to promote the spiritual life of the student body and to afford opportunities for Christian service, the Men 's Gospel Team during its history has made a con tribution of timeless worth to the general welfare of the college. It meets each Thursday evening for an inspiring devotional period usually characterized by enthusiasm and freedom of spirit.
these meetings, a brief message is brought by one of the student preachers. The membership, however, is not limited to preachers, many lay students participating actively in the fun ctions of the group. Under the leadership of Clyde Owensby and the helpful counsel of the sponsor, Dr. Corlett, the team this year has sought to expand opportuni路 ties for service on the campus and in nearby churches.
Women's Gospel Team
The sole purpose of the Women's Gospel Team is to promote the devotional life of the young women in the college. Regular meetings have been held each Thursday evening under the leadership of Augusta Terry. Besides holding these weekly meetings, the young women assist in religious services in nearby churches, sponsor prayer meetings during the revivals, and visit those who are unable to attend church. The sponsor, Mrs. Alice Crill, has been very enthu siastic in promoting the activities of the organization. During the year the gospel team suffered the loss of one of its most active members, Florrie 路w heeler. Because of her sterlin g character and devotion to Christian service, this group has been named lhe \Vheeler Gospel Team.
The Mi nisterial Association
The Ministerial Association is not an organized group, since the two gospel teams perform the functions one would ordinarily expec t of such a group. But for a number of years it has been a custom to picture in a group all of the studen ts and facu lty members who are called to definite religious work. There is an unusual bond which ti es this gro up together in spirit, and it would be unrepresentative not to give them a place in our annual. During the Aycock Lectures an afternoon session is h eld for the special benefit of this gr oup of Christian workers, at which time successful men of experience pass on to th em practical suggestions relating to Christian service.
and Fasting League
Each Friday noon Room Sl03 becomes a retreat for a group of from thirty to forty studen ts and faculty members who forego the noon meal to meet in prayer. This year the group has been under the leadership of Audrey Edwards, who says, "During the hour when the group is meeting, burdens are prayed or praised away_ Some have suggested that the group be called the Prayer and Feasting League, and that would be quite appropriate, for Christ is always there_ His presence means spiritual food_" The contribu tion made to spiritual life on the campus by this organization is invaluable_ During revival meetings it is of special helpfulness with the prayer meetings it sponsors_
Among the many helpful and interesting occasions of the school year at BethanyPeniel College, none are more valuable than the Aycock Lectures. Twice each year leaders in Christian service and prominent men in the Church of the Nazarene brin g to the college, and more particularly to the ministerial students, messages concerning the doctrines and basic principles of the church. Lesson s in the various phases of Christian work gained from years of experience and observation are in this way made available to the students by the lecturers. Two sessions are held dail y, the morning messages being of an inspirational nature and the afternoon messages directed to路 ward doing efficient Christian work. The Aycock Lec tures were founded s1x years ago by Reverend Janette Aycock, nationally known evangelist in the Church of the Nazarene, who is vitally interested in youth , especially those preparing for Christian service. Since the beginning of the lecture series, Rev. I. C. Mathis and Rev. Mack Anderson have also assisted in providing the speakers, and this year Rev. Whitcomb Harding assisted the Rev. Mr. Aycock. The fall lectures were conducted by Re v. Holland London , superintendent of the Arkansas district, who had just returned from the National Youth Conference in Holland. Before receiving his present position he was a nationally known evangelist and is the author of several books, the most important of which is "Pentecostal Possi路 bilities of Youth." The second semester series brought to the college Dr. James B. Chapman, General Superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene, former editor of " The H erald of Holi路 ness," and a former pastor of the local church. Dr. Chapman delighted the students with his broad field of knowledge and his ability to present deep truths in a simple manner. His afternoon lectures to Christian workers were full of practical instructions and inspiring examples of service.
Two highlights of the school year which hold much interest for the students of Bethany-Peniel College are the spring and fall revivals. Anxious to see a great revival, many of the students gathered in prayer meetings for days preceding the meeting, so that a spiritual zeal prevailed on the campus when the evangelist arrived. The revivals of this year helped the school immeasurably. Ideals were lifted; spirituality intensified; and almost the entire student body were aligned on the side of God. Rev. Jarrette and Dell Aycock condu cted the first semester revival in a manner that met the requiremen ts of every standard of measurement. Rev. Mr. Aycock represented the finest type of Christian scholarship combined with spiritual power and compassion . His philosophy of religion unfolded to his audience an appeal to achieve a well-rounded, balanced, Christian character. The afternoon forum discussions conducted among Christian workers were of great benefit to all who attended, as were also Mrs . Aycock's "Listen, Girls" talks. Rev. Bona Fleming was the evangelist for the second semester revival. Outstanding for his unique illustrations and appeal, the Rev. Mr. Fleming's messages were of great interest. Victory spread over the campus m an old-fashioned revival and many students were definitely saved or sanctified.
<Jhe Q)U1ÂŁ ,44U Panel <Jhe ,4 e~ e~wa <7he2~
Bud R obin son Hall, wilh its commodious parlor, is the social center of the campus.
ORCHESTRA On e has said, "S tud y music in ord : r to beautif y your own heart, and bea utify your
heart in
order to make the world m ore beautiful to other s." Also, " Artists who produce fin e works brin g a part of Etern al beauty down to man , which like a magnet draws us upward again to the source fr om which it came." A music program which deserves hon orable m enti on in contributing to excellent musical perfo rm路 ance on the college campu s this year is th e orchestra路a cappella combination program of the first semester , under the direction of Allin e. Swann and Chester Crill.
The orchestra number s were the
" American Festi val Overture" b y Hadley, " Alley Tun es" by Guion, and " The Evolution of Dixie" by Lake. The a cappella selection s included " Beautiful Savior" b y Christian sen, " Fierce the Wild Billow" by Noble, " Come, Thou Traveller Unkn own " by Noble, " Build on a Rock" b y Christi ansen, and " Hallelujah! Wha t a Savior" b y Bliss. The or chestra consisted of the following combination:
First Vi olins, Morris Yadon, Clarence
Groth aus, William Gleaton, Ernestin e Horn; Second Violins, Audrey Miller , Florence Lund y, Roy Keene, Ona Cadwallader , Virginia H oag, Muriel Cozby ; Viola, Mildred Jun e Douglas; Flutes, Dan a May, Mar y Elean or Samuel ; Clarin ets, Earl Dean Dawson , David Corlett, Hazel Callawa y, Elward Green ; Horns, William F isher , Allen Miller, Craig Blanchard , Leland McCoy, and Roy Beaman. The accompanist was Willo May Beresford.
IVALEE BOLERJACK Piano Certifica te CHARLES WILSON Piano Certificate ELIZABETH LEE Piano Certificate
F RANCES DAVIS B.F.A. in Piano RUSS ELL ANDERSON B.F.A. in Voice lVIAR Y Sl\1ITH B.F.A. in Piano
RHODA SPRU CE A.B. in Speech JOE YARBROUGH A.B. in S peech LUCY LITTRELL Voice Certificate
RECITALS Bethany-Peniel College Department of Fine Arts has presented an unusual group of individual recitals this year. The piano department presented five students, the voice department two, and the speech department two. In all recitals, industry and talent were evidenced in a marked degree. With regard to these programs, special words of commendation sh ould be said for the work of Allin e Swann, head of the piano departm~nt, Gertrude Taylor, h ead of the speech department, and Chester Crill, head of th e voice department, as well as for the advanced students who assisted in these programs.
Fine Arts Programs Hard upon the heels of culture follow the fin e arts. Thou gh b y no means synonymous, the two are closely related, the latter being a chief contributing force to the former. In Bethany-Peniel College, along with character and Christian virtues, culture holds its place among the objective aims of the school and the man y phases of fine arts are emphasized. The Fine Arts Hall is the frequent scene of recitals, dramatic productions, and miscellaneo us fine arts programs, and many gather to enjoy and benefit from th ese presentations. In the realm of dramatics there were this year three outstanding productions. Under the direction of Prof. and Mrs. Delbert Gish, the Junior Class presented Sidney Howard's
comedy, " The Late
Christopher Bean," with Paul Corlett and Maxine Chase in the leading roles. The Senior Class brought a return presentation of Manner's famous play, "The \Vreckage," with Charles Smith in an excellent characterization of the dope. "Carro ts May Be Golden" was the departmental play und er the direction of :IVIrs. Gertrude Taylor with the assistance of J oe Yarbr ough. Pictured in the panel of degree students on page seventy-one are those who, with the assistance of oth ers from the department, appeared in recitals. Typical of such r ecitals was that of Charles V/ilson, pictured on the opposite page. With Mr. Wilson appeared Crai g Blan chard with vocal selections and Joe Van Arsdel with drama ti c readings. Acting as usher s at this recital were Alice and Margaret Stegall, Adana Moore, and Laura Grace Rober ts. Ou tstanding for the high quality of their performances, th e a cappella choir is pictured voicing the rousing strain s of "Halleluj ah! Wha t A SaYior" as th e fin ale to one of their programs.
A Cappella Choir The Bethany-Peniel College Choir was organized in the fall of 1939 by Chester c_ Crill, the present conductor. With this new choir, the a capella system displaced the traditional glee clubs. Since its beginning the choir has enjoyed a steady growth in popularity and appeaL "A Cappella''-'unaccompanied'-is the term generally applied to chorus singing without instrumental support_ But the real idea of the A Cappella choir transcends the import of the name: the choir does not sing unaccompanied- it accompanies itself. According to Dr. Bain of Denton, Texas, it is undoubtedly true that the properly trained human voice is basically the supreme musical instrument_ In point of mere tonal quality, it is the warm and vibrantly living original which is to be imitated but never fully equaled. It remained, then, for the A Cappella organization to combine and harmonize individual voices of all grades and shades of tonal quality into one incomparable instrument. Each voice is capable in itself of entire scales and va r ying shades of meaning. Also, because the entire choir is swayed not alone by the hand of the director but by an emo tional "esprit de corps" compellingly human , it is small wonder that A Cappella renditions of familiar music are unprecedented in the fr eshness and richness of their moving qualities . The choir no more needs accompaniment than does the organ itself. It is its own accompaniment. To the above unique characteristics may be added, in the singing of the Bethan y-Peniel College Choir, the outstanding factor of earnest spiritual interpretation . Because the members of the choir are genuinely Christian, the church choir music of which their program is composed is not merely an aggregation of words and music- it is an expression of spiritual truth in which the singers believe. The selections, therefore, come from the heart- "with the spirit and with the understandin g also." This year two tours are being planned, with appearances in various high school, church, and city auditoriums. The first tour will be made in April through Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma, and the second in May through Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska. Arrangements are also being made for the appearance of the choir at the General Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene to be held in Oklahoma City in June. -Chester Crill
Luther Thompson Sam House Richard Littrell Charles Taylor
Don Messer Kenneth V ogt Paul Batchelder Jerry McClain
Allen Miller William Fisher Edward Taylor Craig Blanchard
Ralph Owens Ernest Moore, Jr. James Forman Glen Newsom
Elfrieda Shellenberger Mildred June Douglas Lavern e Bounds Lora Shaw
J essye Collins Adana Moore Evelyn Littrell Marion Corlett
Rub y Veatch Grace Bugh Josephine Scoggin Jane Shannon
~lte s~ ~lte IJ(JIto.,~ IJ(Jho.
~lteP~ ~lte
~Jteg~g~ ~lte Po.diuJe t939
Hard b y the Science H all, this corn er n earest the p ost office and the dru g store is the crossr oa ds of the campu s, the pivot point of acti,路ity.
The Student Council Melton Thomas, Vice-President Maxine Chase, Secretary Harold Hoyt, Senior Representative
Marjorie Crooks, Junior Representative Edward Taylor, Sophomore Representative Virginia Bebout, Freshman Representative
The Student Council this year has sought to maintain and perpetuate the high ideals for which the college has been justly proud and to promote the common interests and general welfare of our college commun ity. In carrying out such a program, we ha ve centered our activities in developing a contributing and cooperating attitude, seeking to strenghten the feelings of individual responsibility. We feel that our program has been aggressive and helpful. We are particularly pleased with the success of the publicity campaign and expect it to become an an路 nual feature. The council has appreciated everY kind aid or sugCECIL MILLER, Pres.
gestion which came from individuals and groups . I personally wish to commend the other members of the council and our sponsor fo r their genuine lovalty and support. - Cecil Miller
I ha ve appreciated a great deal the opportunity of working with the Student Council this year in their man y fine endeavors. Their unselfish effor ts to give to the students of our college a clean, constructive, and helpful student activity program has been most impressive to me.
I shall remember with pleasure the splendid spirit of this fine group, whose objectives have been to foster right principles of conduct among students and to encourage everything that would promote the growth and betterment of the college we love.
E. C. HALL, Sponsor
-E. C. Hall
Who's Who Among Students In Each year the University of Alabama publishes a book in an effort to crea te a national basis of recognition for students in American universities and colleges. Its purpose is to act as an in centive for students to get the most out of their college careers; as a compensa tion to students for what they have done; as a recommenda tion to the business world ; and as a standard of measurement for students comparable to such agencies as the Phi Beta Kappa and the Rhodes Scholarship award.
CECIL MILLER: Aggress ive Student Co un cil P resident. Ad,路oca te of th e " feel free" policy. Easv flow of speech with pre ference for '路promulgate." Noted for efficient exec uti ve a bil ity. A good sport. a hard worker, a co nsc ientiou s Ch ri stian. Purposef ul , co urteous, co ngenial. versa til e. sincere. unostentatious. self路reliant. modest.
BETTY LUNN: Progress ive edit or of the Reve ill e Ech o. A si 1~ cere developer of fri end ships. Fond of playing pranks. Generally known to ha ve a good line. An industriou s worker. a loyal fr iend. a prospect ive teacher. Sym pathetic, amb itious, temperamental. dignified, gra cious. retirin g, obli ging, diploma tic.
MELTON THOMAS: An outspoken student leader. Active in Student Co un cil work. Experience d, popular preach er. Worked way through schoo l by holding revivals. An enthu siasti c Chri stia n, a good booster, a new hu sband. Spiritual, sel f.relian t, openly frank, democrat ic, congenial, whole.hearted, persistent, loquacious.
American Universities and Colleges Bethany-Peniel College is permitted to select from the junior and senior classes each year six students to represent the school in the publication. The specified basis for selection is scholarship, character, leadership in extra-curricular activities, and the possibility of future usefulness to business and society. To th ese requirements our own college has added another- that of spirituality and Christian service. After election, the students submit their name, classification , and a brief resume of activities in which they have participated.
MAXINE CHASE: Excellent secretary of the S tudent Council. What she lacks in stature she comp ensates for in bigness of spirit. Appropi路iately called "Chasey." A zealous personal wo rker, a hel pful friend , a capabl e dramatics studen t. Cheerf ul, ta ctful, alertly in terestin g, prudent, unobtrusi1路ely omnipresent, vivacio us, con centrat ed, th o ughtful.
ALFRED MINYARD: E ditor of this remarkable yearbook. Progressive proponent of studen t government. Author of the clever '路Kandid Komi cal Komments." Worked his way through college with photography. A brilliant master of ceremonies, a competent art teacher, an oratorical ordained preacher. P ensive, independent, creatively original, practical, amiabl e, reso urceful, witty, definitely indi vidualisti c.
MARJORIE CROOKS: An active Studen t Co un cil representative. An inspiring example of the ideal. Possessor of varied musical abilities. She is Emily posted on things. An understandin g fri end, a brilliant conversationalist, a prospective bride. Admirably, charmingly, naturally, consistently sophisticated; refined , unselfish, clever, intellectual, attractive, spiritual, qui etly individualistic.
0 N
s !Reveille echo Staff Editor .
Betty Lunn
Feature Editors
Allen Miller, Rhoda Spruce
Spo rts Editor .
Richard Littrell
Circulation Manager
Willis Lambert
Humor Editor Co lumnists
Pauline Morris Alfred Minyard, Junior Moore, Paul Moore, and Hoyle Thomas
Typists .
Gladys Lusk, Mary Ruth Hale
Evelyn Littrell, Lawrence Fish, Elfrieda Shellenberger Lois Stockett, Margaret Kirby
Faculty Sponsor .
Mrs. Carol Gish
"The Reveille Echo," published bi-weekl y by the students of Bethan y-Peniel College, has endeavored this year to present a clear picture of student activities and to express and mold student opinion. It has been versatile in its inclusion of all phases of the college as an institution. Cuts picturing college life have been an outstanding asset to the paper this year, for news through the medium of pictures is as effective as through the printed word. The Student Forum was established as a feature of " The Reveille Echo" that students interested in current campus issues might express their opinion to the editor. Through membership in a co路operative poll of college newspapers in the United States, our paper has received the opinion of American college youth on issues of social, economic, and political concern. We, in addition, have contributed our opinion on the questions of the poll. "The Reveille Echo" has attempted to give the students, fac ulty, and alumni a complete coverage of news events in a journalistic manner. The prevailing atmosphere of our college-scholarship, sportsmanship, friendship, and spirituality-has been upheld in every issue. With the help of the excellent staff and faculty sponsor, I have enjoyed editing " The Reveille Echo" this year. We were glad to give our time and effort to publish the paper, and we sincerely hope yo u liked it. -Betty Lunn
To get together a few pictures and scribble a few lines is comparatively easy; but to publish a yearbook worthy and representative of Bethany-Peniel College is a difficult task. There is a spirit, an atmosphere, and a beauty about the campus that cannot be full y represented by engraved pictures and cold type, particularly when even these means are limited. Despite these limitations, it has been our constant objective to preserve faithfully the memories of the year. I want to call your attention to the staff on the opposite page. Tradition has it that a staff never does anything; but I rise to object on the basis that I know of one exALFRED MINYARD
ception. The staff of 1940 was eager and dependable, few in number but definite in responsibility. We have sought to fill the book with interesting detail worthy of careful study, knowing that such detail will recall more vividly the pleasant experiences of the year. We have tried to make the book modern in design and content. \Ve know, however, that in a very short time it will have become old-fashioned- an odd-looking sort of thing.
that time comes, laugh if you will at its
strange appearance but remember that in its time it did its best to represent the Bethany-Peniel college which gave it birth. -Alfred Minyard
u B L I
A T I 0 N
Alfred Minyard
Bobbie Merrill
M~ anager
Allen Miller
General Secretary .
Ruth Wiese
Statistical Secretary
Lucy Littrell
Photography Panels
Adana Moore, Clyde Owensby
Typist .
Margaret Kirby
Calendar Editor
Harold Hoyt
Sports Editors .
Charles Smith, Dick Littrell
Facuity Sponso r
W. B. Dobson
Marjorie Crooks, Paul Moore, Margaret Wiman, Evelyn Littrell, Margaret Kirby, Lawrence Fish, Bobbie Merrill, Bazil Highley, Clyde Owensby, Elizabeth Lee, W. B. Dobson. Not pictured is Hoyle Thomas.
Sigma Theta Phi In the second semester of 1938-39 an honor society was organized for the purpose of stimulating interest in high scholastic achievement and uniting for social and cultural advantages all students who exhibit marked ability in their studies. Through the efforts of the Student Council tentative rules for membership were drawn up and the following charter members were selected: Lawrence Fish, Edward Gilbert, Virginia Groff, Glenn Hicks, Juanita Haley, Samuel House, Lewis Ingle, Margaret Kirby, Evelyn Littrell, Bobbie Merrill, Paul Moore, Clyde Owensby, Dorothy Voigt, and Margaret Wiman. Early in the present year the society perfected a more permanent organization, selecting for a name Sigma Theta Phi. New members are received into the society each semester. Membership is conditioned upon the attainment of an average of at least 2.50 grade points for all work completed in two consecutive semesters_ (This necessitates that one have an average equivalent to half-way between the grades A and B.) At present, under the leadership of Bobbie Merrill, president, Sigma Theta Phi is taking the initiative in organizing a national honor society to include chapters in all senior Nazarene colleges. If the proposed national honor society can be established during the General Assembly of the church in June, the local society will have added prestige and usefulness in the years to come.
SOCia . I•.•
路 路 路 General
The Postlude of 1939 In this new feature, our aim has b een to p ortray typical ac tivities which occur af ter THE ARROW has gone to press. Though necessarily 1939 pictures, they are nevertheless typical of traditional acti vities . The Juniors were hosts to th e Seniors in the Venetian Room of the Skirvin Hotel with Alfred Minyard as toastmaster.
It has become a custom of the graduating class to leave to the school a panel of pictures of the class members, their educa tion al tour , and their gift to the school. The 1939 tour included visits to Carlsba d Caverns, Juarez, Boulder Dam , Grand Canyon, and the Painted Desert. As a gift to the sch ool the class furnished the office of the business man ager. Commencement Week stands out for its colorfu l Baccalaureate Parade, its impressive Ivy Cere-
mony, and its inspiring Commencement Address.
Friendship Walk curves gracefully around the west end of the gym to the south side entrance of Bud Robinson Hall.
Like the fingers of giant ferns the hand of Nature has cobwebbed a lacework of elaborate beauty. Of her own accord she has spun a verdant carpet-floor and planted a miniature garden of shrubs and evergreens. Today man has invaded this peaceful site and erected two stone sentinels that keep vigil oYer this beauty spot. Pictured here in the left foreground is the college gymnasium housing indoor sports and athletic classes, while directly behind stands the Fine Arts Hall. Along this popular span students are prone to wander and find freedom from the irksome yoke of class routine.
B Clubs The B Clubs constitute the centralizin g, directive force in the athletic program. Composed of those who have lettered in either basketball, track, or tennis, the organizations are not only the administra tive medium for intramural athletics but they stand also for the ideal in spor tsmanship, seeking to bring the Christian spirit to the playground. Elevated as objectives are the ideals of fair play, good 'viii, and clean fun. Not least among their contributions has been the establishment of an adequate merit system by which awards and recognitions are given to outstanding athletes. Now in the sixth year of its organization, the men's club, under the leadership of Alfred Sullivan as president and D. R. Gish as sponsor, has been efficiently active in promoting an unusually good athletic program this year. The women's club has been organized only two years but under the guidance of Mrs. Alice Crill, it has already brought women's athletics to the front. The president this year was Joy Eagan.
s 0 F T B
He's there to razz the pitcher. He's there to boo the umpire. He's there to hound the batter. He's there to irritate the coach. He's there to irk the runner. He's there for the initial pitch. He's there for the final out. He's there for the third路 inning slump. He's there for the seventh-inning stretch. He's there to holler. He's there to shout. He's there to push. He's there to pull. He's there to boost. He's there to knock. He's there to laugh. He's there to cry. He's there in wet weather. He's there in dry. He's there all the time-anytime- and every time. He's the typical American guy. He路s the college softball fan. - Charles Smith
All-School Softball Softball stands unchallenged in the school where he is king. Each year this popular American figure brings recreation and entertainment to the students and faculty of Bethany-Peniel. This year was no exception and the king was crowned anew. Getting away to a slow beginning but winding up in a blinding blaze of speed and power, the Junior nine rode high into the championship. Pushed hard from behind and hard on their heels was a fast Senior team, doped by pre-season critics to repeat and retain their title of the past season. Battling over a tie for the third position standing came a brave Freshman club to push an unsteady Sophomore nine into the cellar with five victories and four defeats. Handicapped by a weak pitching staff, both these clubs were constantly on the defensive and rocked on their heels from the blasting barrage of the upper-classmen sluggers. As a merit for superior performance and ability a combined committee of judges was appointed and selected what is known as an all-school team. Miniature gold softballs were presented to each of the following for his berth on the team: Paul Corlett, Junior; Russell Anderson, Senior; Frank Keesee, Senior; Milford Sadowsky, Senior; Junior Moore, Sophomore; Alfred Sullivan, Senior; Milton Parrish, Freshman; Robert Corley, Freshman; Marvin Stockett, Junior; and Charles Smith, Senior. -Hastings Smith
K ~
All-School Basketball The basketball season for 1939-40 featured four evenly-matched teams as they romped through their schedule on the hardwood. Class loyalty and a keen spirit of rivalry among the players resulted in many hard-fought and closely-contested battles which made the gymnasium resound with lusty cheers from the spectators. Under the able supervision of the athletic director, Professor D. R. Gish, and the B Club, the games were run off on due schedule. Intense competition among the classes was responsible for unusually large crowds at all performances. A flashy junior team seemed to be the boys to watch, but with the experience of one defeat under their belts, the freshmen launched a winning streak that was not halted for the remainder of the season. When the final statistics had been drawn up, the sophomores occupied the cellar position, with the juniors and seniors in a deadlock for second place. After the season's finale the "B" Club with the class representatives elected eight men to comprise the All-School Basketball team. The qualifications for these positions were based on sportsmanship, team work, and actual performance on the court. Those receiving this distinction were as follows: seniors, Charles Smith, Russell Anderson, Alfred Sullivan ; juniors, Marvin Stockett and Daniel Yarbrough; sophomore, Richard Littrell; freshmen, Glen Newsom and ~r ayne Cozzens. -Dick Littrell
SENIORS Ernest Orton Charles Smith Cecil Miller Russell Anderson Frank Keesee Alfred Sullivan
JUNIORS Bazil Highley Paul Corlett Hoyle Thomas Marvin Stockett John Edward Roberts Willis Lambert Dan Yarbrough
SOPHOMORES Conley Pate Richard Littrell Roy Parks Claude Wann Darwin Fauss Thomas Young
FRESHMEN Han-ey Alexander Leonard Harper Wayne Cozzens Glen Newsom Milton Parrish Ray Elliott
Class Teams
SE IORS Pauline Collins Ella Mae Sturgeon Joy Eagen Avaleen Murphree Betty Lunn Zelma Orton Rhoda Spruce
JUNIORS ] uanita Cook Dortha Bevill J essye Collins Marjorie Crooks Lucena De Groadt Blanche Vaughn
SOPHOMORES Ex a Yarbrough Pauline Morris Laura Grace Roberts Adana Moore Cora Lee Dixon Ada Nice Melba Lee Sayes
FRESHMEN J uretta Lovejoy Laverne Bounds Mildred Jones Faith Truesdale Kathryn Speck Louise Buttram Elfrieda Shellenberger
Class Teams
Track Meet 1940 Bethany-Peniel College track meet is still a young institution, but it is a growing one. Skill and speed have steadily increased over a period of more than a dozen years. In that time we have seen the record for the shot put raised to 47' 10", the time for the 100-yard dash has been lowered to 10.3", and the distance in the broad jump extended to 20' 1/2 "路 For a number of years there have been occasional increases in the heights of the pole vault and of the high jump, as well as reductions in the times of the 1-mile, 2-mile, and half mile runs. The present marks of 52.5" for the 440-yard dash, and of 22.2" for the 220-yard dash will probably stand for this year at least, but there is the possibility of new records in the hammer throw, the pole vault, the broad jump, the discus, and the 880-yard run. It is possible the time for the mile run will be brought below the five-minute mark for the first time in the history of our college meet. Raymond Hantla should better the old mark for the hammer throw, Milford Sadowsky and Russell Anderson will be pushed by the freshman vaulters, and either may surpass the mark of 10' 10" made in 1937 by Sadowsky. Charles Smith of the seniors should top the old distance of 106 ' 2" in the discus throw; Wayne Sears may excel his old mark in the broad jump, and Ellis Gilbreath of the sophomores may reduce his own time of 2' 17.5" in the half-mile run. With good weather and track conditions, these predictions should hardly fail to be realized. For the first time this year, Bethany-Peniel College will have the 120-yard high hurdles and the 440-yard low hurdles. These events will add considerable competitive interest to the meet and will fill the vacancy left by the javelin throw, which was omitted because of the danger to spectators. The old grads are jealously watching the marks they made in former years, but the fledglings are rapidly learning to fly. On April 19 we shall see what a day can bring forth.
-D. R. Gish
T~NNIS New champions were crowned in each division this year. The former title-holders found the competition too keen and were not able to repeaL Much interest was shown and many exciting matches were played. Roy Parks defeated the former title-holder, Allen Miller, for the singles crown. He was of a bombastic type, combining a driving fore-hand with a sound net game that raised him to the highest pinnacle this year. Alfred Sullivan and Daniel Yarbrough teamed up to capture the doubles title, vacated by the graduating champions of last year_ This duo was not flashy but played consistently good tennis at all times. Juretta Lovejoy defeated the former champion, Laura Grace Roberts, to keep the title in the freshman class_ Miss Lovejoy combined a hard service with strong ability in placing shots. Laura Grace Roberts, a member of last year's winning doubles duo, teamed with Rhoda Spruce to capture the doubles title. They made a well balanced pair and were
very superior to their competition. - Dick Littrell
For Your Answer See Our
ADV~RTIS~M~NTS and Calendar
the Year
â&#x20AC;˘ Our advertisers are loyal f r iends of our college ; they deserve your support . You will find the Calendar of the year's activities very entertaining. Read it and read our ads . -Allen B. Miller, Advertising Manager
Your travels~ Whether work or play, Are assured success In your CH~VROL~T
Bethan-y~ Peniel
Colleje Church
REv. H. B.
spc. Betha.nl], Oklahoma.
FOR ARROW 1939-1940
Sept. ll- "Frosh" register - bewildered faces, hearts a-flutter! Sep t. 12- Registration of Upper Classmen - they know how it's done - Con vocation - Rev. Jo hn Peters r emind s us of "O ur Rich Relations." Sept. 13- The old grind begins - first day of school. Sept. 15- Fine Arts Fac ulty Program - First date night. Sept. 16- W here's Delta Rho? - your guess is as good as mine. Sept. 19- All-school par ty - senior boys elated at new prospects Initial game of Softball Season Seniors get off to flying start defeating Sophs. Sept. 20- 0rganization of classes. Sept. 21- Election of St udent Council representatives] ayhawker landslide ! Sept. 23- Extra! Extra! First editi on of REVEILLE ECHO - Congratulations, Betty. Sept. 24- Mrs. Shirley, returned missionary, speaks in 1nornjng service. Sept. 26- Delegates being to arrive - S unday School and W .F .M.S . Conventions. Sept. 27- Formal opening of Di stri ct Assembly Dr. ]_ B. Chapman presiding. Sept. 28- School di smissed e veryone enjoying assembly politickin' got any m eetings yet, Carland? - Educational Service of evening draws record crowd. Sept. 29- Wonderful evening service-shouts of victory! Oct. 1- Dr. Chapman speaks in mornin g service Di stri ct Superintendent Short at night. Oct. 2- First upset of softball season- Seniors bow to Sophs 10-9.
Oct. 3- Pagin g "Zeke" Miller - newly elected Student Council President. Oct. 5- lnaugural of Student Co uncil in chapel T here they go, J uniors take lead in softball defeat ing Seniors l -0. Oct. 6- Fac ul ty entertained at Bud Robinson Hall di nner - Sen ior party, Will Ro gers' Park. Oct. 10- Fall Revival begins with Aycock Evangelistic Party. Oct. ll- Al Minyard pa sses his twenty-fi fth milestonehappy bel t line! Oct. IS- Revival in full swing - waves of victo ry. Oct. 16- Seniors wallop Juniors 9-L Oct. 18- Rev. Aycock gives pra ctical a nd in spirational talk s every morning in chapeL Oct. 22- Last day of revival - good servi ces. Oct. 23- Wow! Can the Seniors take it - or can th ey"? - Frosh po und o ut 6-2 softball vi ctory - All-school so ftball team chosen Freshmen make good show jng. Oct. 24- Freshman initiation begins - Sophs dictate All-school so ftball tea m defeats second term s tea m 3-0. Oct. 27- Freshman Week is "clipped" short - Frosh have big party. Oct. 31- A Cappella enjoys party at Will R ogers' Park. Nov. 2- Are we seeing things? - Liquid air demonstration - Lyce um Course. Nov. 6- R ev. Holland London begin s fall series of Aycock Lect ures. "Everybod y stand , turn 'round to yo ur neighbor and say - ' I sho am gla d to see yuh.'"
COMMERCIAL SOUND & EQUIPMENT CO. Distributors Wholesale Retail RCA Pub Iic Address, Loud Spea kers, Chimes and Reco rding Eq u ipmen t for Schools, Churches, and Auditoriums
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Nov. 10- Prof. Hall brings home the bacon - I mean ven ison - treats faculty and st udent body to dinner. Nov. 11- Sophomore Labor Committee interrupts work to present chapel program no armistice for " Barbers' Union." Nov. 13- Spirit of the times - "PUSH PUBLICITY" program sponsored by Student Co un cil. Nov. 14-Watch your pocketbooks first clea ran ce
card i sue. Nov. 16- J uniors present program on "Negro Music." Nov. 17- Presen tation of ] uni or Play, " Th e Late Christopher Bean." 1ov. 20- PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN gains in friction and momentum Juniors confident Seniors optimist ic - Sophs at work (not digging holes, however) - Frosh wishfully thinking. Nov. 21- "Styles of Broadway," featured by Dorm girls. Nov. 23- Appreciation Week inaugurated by Student Council - Dr. Bracken spea ks on "Appreciation of Nation." Nov. 24-Alumni Program - Dr. McConnell speaks "I Knew Him When" All-American Musical Program by A Cappella and College Orchestra. Nov. 25- J uniors announce PUBLICITY achievements-result - Seniors l etter-typing party. Nov. 28- Li sten! - music in the air - Iva Lee Bolerjack presen ts piano recital. Nov. 29-"You are in tune with Station KTOK" Junior Class featured on radio program - Hi Ho for the gobbler - sc hool dismi ssed for Thank sgiving.
Nov. 30- Hello! Folks - how 's finances - What no money! Dec. 4- School resumed Craig feels sufficiently overfed? Breezy is still hungry - S ix-weeks tests begin - there ain't no ju st ice - Boys' Dormitory council organized. Dec. 5- D. Shelby Corlett in chapel - White Ru ssian Choir takes their bow - and their bow - and their bow Dec. 6-Dr. Bracken gives "The Banquet of Consequences."
Dec. 7- "Come over here, come over here, to the annual Jamboree" - "B" Club program in chapel. Dec. 8- We all went out to the J-A-lVI-B-0-R-E-E. John Ed gives lessons in salesmanship - "Wo uld you like to buy a de-mo user?" - Independents defeat College 25-23. Dec. 10- Publicity contest closes - Juniors eke out victory - Congratulations! - A Cappella presents program over WKY.
Dec. 12- 0pening of Basketball Season -- Sophs trounce Seniors, 35-24. Dec. 13-"Now just what is Student Government?" That's your question. Dec. 14--Hobby-Lobby Program presen ted by Seniors "Am I ever puzzled," says Prof. Groathous. Dec. 15- Formal dinner given in Bud Robinson Hall Who said our girls aren't bea utiful"? Dec. 17- "The Holy City," Christmas Cantata given by Ch urch Choir. Dec. 18- Christmas party at Girls' Dorm. - Hi Santaa toy for the kiddies - Charlie Smith preaches in chapel. Dec. 20- Good-bye teacher - Hi Pa! Christmas holidays begin - Phylis Cole says "yes." Dec. 25- Melton, did you give them two weeks notice? - Thomas-Millennan wedding - Hill and Wriborg finally make it - Congratulations! 路 Dec. 27- Passing of Florrie Wheeler. Dec. 31- Good-bye Ole Man. Jan. 1-Hi Babe. Jan. 2- Back from Holidays - Dr. Bracken and Dr. Corlett leave for General Board meeting. Jan. 3- l\fy! look at it snow! - See See catches cold playing in snow - E. C. Hall speaks in chapel "Security." Jan. 7- 0utgrowth of PUBLICITY - Bethany-Peniel write up in Sunday Oklahoman. Jan. 10-Time snail s on. Jan. 12- Report on General Board Meeting Dr. Bracken speaks of Seminary prospects - Theologs elated - Frosh take lead in basketball by defeating Juniors. Jan. 13-Fisher starts reading hi s semester assignments - Reminds us of good ole days - 'memb er how " Oscar Read" it. Jan. 14-- Rev. J ohn E. Moore v.isits church - "Amazing Grace, how sweet th e sound. " Jan. IS- Semester work due - Tyson, what does it feel like to miss a night's sleep"? - College group leaves for Holiness Convention at Texarkana. Jan. 17- Dr. Bracken speaks at Holin ess Convention. Jan. 18- Dorm Council dinner Allen Miller, the "Singing Master of Ceremonies" -- take a bow, Breezy. Jan. 19- Cramming begins No, Craig. we're not speaking of eating. Jan. 22- Week of semester exams - who stayed up all night? Jan. 24-Full moon - all wasted - not date night.
Jan. 25- Bresee debaters here How you doin g, :Maxine? - Farewell program for students who are leaving.
Feb. 25- Seniors push Sunday School attendance with "Fo unders' Day Program" Chimes in church used for fir st tim e.
Jan. 26- Frosh-Soph party in gym was had by all ( the Freshmen)."
Feb. 27- Kansas City Dist. Preachers' Convention attended by Dr. Bracken and quartet - Fine Arts Musical program.
"A good time
Jan. 27- Boy, it's swell to sleep late! Lambert. Jan. 28- Everybody gawk -
just ask
there's a n ew student.
Jan. 29- I'll take this and thi s r egistration .
Second semester
Jan. 30- Fine Arts program - Fuson attends - is developing a taste for the fin er things of life. Feb. 1- Introducing the Dixie Melody Masters - "Little Liza, I love you" - don' t feed me that line cause I want - "Shortenin' Bread." Feb. 2-High School Faculty presents "Adam and Eva" - Ground bog didn't see shadow. Feb. 3- Frosh continue their basketball victories Watch Prof. Corlett beam! F eb. 4- Dr. Chapman speaks in both Sunday services. Feb. 5- Spring series of Aycock Lectures b egins Chapman - build "Enduring Monuments."
Feb. 28-College group attends Preachers' Ponca City - wonderful convention. Feb . 29-Dr. Boren "Artists" :\1ar. 3- Freshman Sunday roll up." Mar. 7--0klahoma City laneous program.
inspiring talk.
" Watch th e green wave
Mar. 8- Featuring Mary Smith Mar. 9- Library open -
Mar. 13- The fini sh of the Finns. Mar. 15- Anderson and Lee give recital tells of experiences in New England.
Mar. 24- Spring revival hegins evangelist.
Feb. 12- Happy Birthday, Abe! Wayne
Feb. 14- What a let down; are you my heart pal? Party at Girls' Dorm - Cecil, what's that on your face ? - Grand March. Feb. 15- Student Council Program - Rev. Clovis G. Chappell - "Making the Useless UsefuL" Feb. 16- Senior Play - " Wreckage" - C. Hastings Smith, the dope - Teachers, it's your turn to go to school - Okla. Educational Assn. in City-holiday for students. Feb. 17- Cbicken in the Red - Grace, how's finances? - Ei ght engagements announced ( including Sybles) - no t bad girls. Feb. 18- Sophs strive for Sunday School rally in snow storm . F eb. 20- Student Council enjoys waffle supper Hall entertains. Feb. 22- Thi s is George's birthday -
E . C.
happy belt line !
Feb. 23- Rev. J. W. Montgomery gives resume of mi ssionary tour to South. America. Rev. Macrory, president of Board of Regents, announces merger of Bresee College with B.P.C.
piano recitaL
Mar. 12- "B" Cl ub goes Chicken in the Rough.
Feb. 9- "Talented" Charles Wilson gives piano recitalLEAP WEEK DATES BEGIN - Ona and Ephraim lead the' way - How is Chicken in the Rough, Grace?
Feb. 13- Sh-h-h-h! Who 's your heart pal? Sears speak s in chapeL
Mar. 11- " Wbat's Going on in Germany" - That's what the Allies would like to know - Interesting Lyce um speaker.
Mar. 19- Departmental Golden."
Feb. 11-S tud ent Coun cil sponsors Sunday School Campaign - Juniors in charge - G. B. Collins Memorial Sunday.
all students make 3:00.
Feb. 6-A nnual meet of Board of Regents - Building program sanctioned - B.P.C. moves forward! Board, Faculty, Student Body enjoy big chicken dinner.
Feb. 10-Leap Week Dates continue - Is the chicken Thompson might still in the rough , Grace? know.
Meet in
Prof. Gish May
Mar. 22- Toot! Toot! Here comes the new bu s Get over Betsy the, First. Rev. Bona Fleming,
Apr. 1- Who played the fool today ? Apr. 7- Close of spring revival. Apr. 11- Speech-Voice Recital -
Apr. 12-Senior Day. Apr. 15-Spring is having its effects- Senior bach elors make last futile effort. Apr. 18- Freshman Banqu et beautifu l ?
F ellows, aren't they
Apr. 19-- Annual Tra ck Meet -
Sophomore party.
Apr. 20- A Cappella Choir hegin s eight-day tour. May 2- J un ior-Senior Banquet. May 3- Sen iors leave on annual educational to ur P hoenix - San Diego - Los Angeles - Pasadena - Boulder Dam Grand Canyon P etrified Forest -- Painted Desert. May 9- Sophomore Banquet. May 11- Homecoming of Senior Class - - Hantla, are you really engaged? May 13- Senior Week- Dr. Bracken gives annual address to Seniors. May 20-24-Exams. May 25- Fine Arts P1路ogram. May 26- Baccalaureate service -
Rev. 0. J. Finch.
May 28-Ahmmi day. :\'lay 29-Commencement all!
Dr. Linscheid -
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T o the patrons, faculty, students and friends of Bethon y-Peniel we wish to express our appreciation for the fine friendships and business associations we hove experienced with your institut1on during th e post fifteen ye ars. It ha s been our pleasure to furn ish the engravings and art work for all of the Annuals you ho ve published during that peri od of time so naturally we feel that the grow th of the college is our growth. We ore proud of the achievements that ho ve been mode at Bethan y. It is our sinc e re wish that we will se rve your institution for the nex t fiftee n years to come and if we ore so pr iv ileged we a ssu re you of our con ti nued quality and se rvi ce that ho ve mode our nome synonomous with Fine School Annual s in Oklah oma during th e post twenty- five ye ar s.