How much is a chinese snuff bottle worth

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How much is a Chinese snuf bottle worth The Chinese snuff bottles are antique in nature therefore they are very much valuable. As such Chinese snuff bottles are antique in nature thereby these bottles are generally put to auction. The highest bidder at the auction holds that Chinese snuff bottle. There are various factors involved in the determination of value of such Chinese snuff bottles. Like supply and demand, age, rarity, condition, colour, esthetic appeal, size, category, locale, individuality, size, embossing and design. These are the bottles which are used to carry powdered tobacco. Various types of invaluable precious stones and jewels are also carved on such Chinese snuff bottle. These all are the factors which increases the worth of such snuff bottle.

Snuff Bottle Prices Rarity is also one of the important elements in determining the worth of the substance. If any of the Chinese snuff bottle is rare and antique, then ultimately the worth of that bottle will be more. Rarity alone is not sufficient there are also various other factors which influence the worth of the snuff bottle. As there are thousands of rare bottle which are present and Snuff Bottle Prices is not more than a few dollars. Collectable bottles The other important factor which helps in determining the worth of Chinese snuff bottle is age means how old is the snuff bottle. The collectable bottles can be divided into periods that help to assign value. If the bottle is old, it does not mean that it is valuable. To

determine the value and the worth there should be proper blend of all the factors which helps in determining the value in the correct sense. The demand of the bottle is also an important factor the helps to determine the worth of the Chinese snuff bottle. If there is huge demand of any of the variety of snuff bottle ultimately the price of that very bottle will increase if the supply of that snuff bottle is not enough to satisfy the demand of that bottle. If there is no such demand of the snuff bottle, then at that point of time the value of that snuff bottle would be just in few dollars. The things which are rare and have some antique and special character are always worthy than the others. There are various online portals which offer the huge variety of Chinese snuff bottle.

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