Issue 16: 15 March 2021

Page 23



My experience coping during lockdown Nafisa Kiani, MSc Global Public Policy Working hard or hardly working? For me, a typical lockdown week involves working for the House of Commons education and engagement team and studying remotely at the same time. I have been reading a research proposal from a student and outlining its strengths and weaknesses. I have also been facilitating team meetings with staff members I work with, checking up on their health and wellbeing and finding out how working practices can be improved. I have encouraged them to fill in a survey feedback form outlining how managers can improve their work approaches. I have also delivered coaching sessions to check

that their career objectives are being met and if they need further training.

especially since I have been shielding and not going outside since March 2020 - nearly a year!

Mentor madness I have started mentoring a young intern within the workplace, offering guidance to assist her in reaching her career goals and aspirations. When you are starting a new role it is ideal to have a supportive figure to resolve queries and to point you in the right direction.

Sharing is self-caring I would encourage SOAS students to sign up to the British Red Cross ‘Phone a Friend’ scheme where you can converse with another SOAS student once a week and offer advice and guidance to support each other during the pandemic. I think this is important as some students can feel isolated, and mental health can be adversely impacted if the right levels of support are not offered at the right time. So, self-care is essential.

Episode IV: A New Cope I have also been meditating, praying and reading the Qur’an, exercising and reaching out to friends. It is important to take a holistic approach to cope during unprecedented times,

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Not A Quirk, A Nightmare Ashika George, BA History of Art Content warning: mental illness When the term ‘OCD’ is used, the image conjured is of a type-A individual who loves cleanliness, tidiness and organising. We see this representation on social media and other media outlets, with the phrase ‘I’m so OCD’ ingrained in common vocabulary. My first encounter with the term obsessive-compulsive disorder was on Disney Channel, where the characters in a series described it as wanting every object to be organised in a particular fashion. While OCD can manifest as these sorts of obsessions and compulsions, the reality is that the disorder is far more complex than what has been portrayed and understood in contemporary society. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is defined by the NHS as ‘a common mental health condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours.’ Obsessive thoughts are unpleasant and unwanted, and they can cause a great deal of distress, which then leads to repetitive compulsive behavior. For example, I have obsessions regarding contamination/infection: anxious over developing an illness or even death if I touch door handles or raw food, I wash my hands repeatedly until I feel as if I am 100% clean.

“It is harmful how people continue to perpetuate OCD as a personality trait or a topic of humor. If you suffered from this disorder even for a day, you would quickly realise that it's not a quirk, but a horrific nightmare.” Compulsions may allow relief but it is only temporary and can become exhausting and detrimental to one’s health. It is debilitating. Of course, there is a range that affects each individual differently when delving deeper into the symptoms that encompass the disorder. Unfortunately, the


OCD is harmfully misrepresented (Credit: Pixabay)

representation of OCD solely as cleaning, tidying and organisation means that symptoms are misunderstood as a harmless set of quirky traits rather than signs of a severe disorder. It is harmful how people continue to perpetuate OCD as a personality trait or a topic of humor. If you suffered from this disorder even for a day, you would quickly realise that it is not a quirk, but a horrific nightmare. The disorder includes further darker obsessions that are not well-known to the general public, such as harm/violence, paedophilia, sexual themes and scrupulosity, to name a few. These are frequently classified under ‘Pure OCD’, defined by the Made of Millions organisation as ‘a type of OCD in which a sufferer engages in hidden compulsions.’ I also experience lesser known obsessions of hurting loved ones: I feel terrified I will act it out and mentally repeat certain words or numbers, check memories and/or avoid people until the thoughts feel eradicated. Since some of these themes are considered taboo, sensitive or can easily be misunderstood as people genuinely wanting these thoughts, many do not know that they have OCD or

feel that they cannot disclose their thoughts to loved ones or to mental health professionals. These themes or symptoms also vary between each individual with Pure OCD, and are very much valid. Starting to understand how extremely difficult these obsessions can be through mental health discussions is a major step in de-stigmatisation. I can tell you that since I was a child, I had been struggling with intrusive thoughts, but thought it was just my brain being strange. I was not officially diagnosed until October 2019. Educating ourselves on the scope of this disorder can greatly ensure that people don’t take years to be diagnosed and receive treatment. It is critical that we begin to understand OCD’s true nature and impact and discontinue the usage of OCD as a term to describe misconceived symptoms and as funny traits. I sincerely hope that more people become aware of the reality of obsessive-compulsive disorder, begin to treat sufferers with care and raise further awareness of this misunderstood condition.


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Articles inside

Our Top SOAS Society Picks!

page 34

Our Streets Now @ SOAS

page 33

Sourcing Knowledge from Experience: The Dead Philosophers’ Society

page 33

The Dominoes of Sport and Sanity

page 32

Pass Go(dolphin) and Drop £34M

page 32

Putting Stock in Vaccines

page 31

Open Season on the Open

page 31

The British Red Cross Society on lockdown, mental health and self-care

page 30

Live, Laugh, Lockdown: Can Live Comedy Survive Without Live Audiences?

page 29

I May Destroy You Golden Globes Snub

page 29

SOAS Alumni talks Curating, Cultural Heritage, and the Feinberg Collection

page 28

'What's Left is Right', or the dying hope of the Palestinian youth

page 27

Him and Her, then and now: Sarah Solemani on her role in the comedy that refused to laugh at people on benefits

page 27

WandaVision: Marvel Magic

page 26

The Joy, Heartbreak, and Oversights of It's a Sin

page 26


page 25


page 25

Let's Graduate Like it's 1899

page 24

My Week in Limericks

page 24

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Not a Quirk, A Nightmare

page 23

My experience coping during lockdown

page 23

The fight for racial equality in Latin America

page 22

The year of Facebook has only just begun

page 22

Are We Witnessing a ‘Clash of Civilisations’ in India?

page 21

The New Troubling Visage of Lady Justice

page 20

New university 'free speech champion' is not in the interests of the student body

page 20

Beach-ness as usual? Rebuilding the Thai tourism industry on inequality

page 19

The tragic history of American medicine failing the Black community

page 18

Texas’ seven-day ice age shows the disparate politics of climate change

page 18

Betrayed by the model minority myth

page 17

Loujain is Liberated

page 16

Nigeria says bye-bye to Bitcoin

page 15

Erdogan Cracks Down on Protests Against University Rector

page 15

Karim Khan: The controversial choice for Chief prosecutor

page 14

Saudi Arabia codifies its laws

page 14

The Coup in Myanmar Explained: Who, Why, What Now?

page 13

Can Covax help poorer countries to get access to Covid-19 vaccines?

page 12

Public mistrust could undermine Ebola response in Guinea

page 12

Grey Squirrels on the Pill

page 11

Campaign Underway Against TUI Deportations

page 11

Government Proposed 'Free Speech Champions' Met with Student and Staff Backlash

page 10

Barnett Berates MCB's New Female Leader

page 10

Officer Served Misconduct Notice Following the Death of Mohamud Hassan

page 9

Shamima Begum Left in 'Legal Black Hole'

page 8

The SOAS Spirit's Brexit Round-Up

page 8

Dinwiddy Strikes Again

page 7

School of Oriental and African STEM? SOAS introduces AI and humanities module

page 7

Rumours untrue: UCL has never made an offer to buy SOAS

page 6

Enough is Enough Returns But Not Without Difficulty

page 5

SOAS makes a start on SGBV, but there's more work to be done

page 5

Hundred of Thousands of Pounds in Tuition Fees Being Withheld by Student Strikers

page 4

Students Respond to Director Adam Habib Saying Racial Slur

pages 1, 3

What’s Happening with the 2021 Graduation Ceremony?

pages 6-7

Letter from the Editor

pages 2, 4-5
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