Commercial Translation2

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Translation Course Unit Code &Title: ELAN60192Commercial rD No.:7 5 t++o 2 Title of Essay or Assignment: Assignment2 of 2 First Marker: Dr MaeveOlohan P fease pass to 2" d Marker bV ;2I / 05/ 2O LO First Marker's Comments (Please complete each section): CRITICAL ANALYSIS 1. tr Rationale for translation project tr Choice of source text tr Translation brief

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S. dstyte, register, revision, presentation of critical analysis tr Technical and software-related skills


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Tutors Second Marker: Various- Language-Specific Second Marker's Comments (Please complete each section):

Pfease return to PG Office bV=O4/06/2OLO

TRANSLATION idiomaticusage,cohesion,informationstructure, conventions(e.9.collocations, with TL discursive/generic 1. Comptiance etc.)


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Commandof subjectmatterI


of technicalterm



(e.g.conformitywith translationbriefrtd requirementsof intendedreadership) 3. Overallassessmentof quality/effectiveness

4. fl

Styte,register,revisionof translatedtext I

instructions Adherenceto ffesentation/formatting/submission

Agreed Internal Mark (NB: This mark is subject to confirmation, and is NOT final)

Notes to Markers:

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TRANSLATION conventions(e.g.collocations,idiomatic usage,cohesion,information l. Compliancewith TL discursive/generic structure, etc.)


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r,'.'ryspecialexperiencefbr me. In the process.I lealnt that the

communicationamongmernbersof the translationteamis crucialfbr the outcomeof the targettext. I feel that in my team.r,vetrustand respecteachothera Iot. Onceevervonewas distributeda certain atnountof rvork.w'eall focusedon our own pafi. and diclnot intervenein the others'progression. This is an advantage. but it is alsoa disadvantage. lt is particularlygoodat the initial stagebecause it rnadethe processmore efficient.'l'liepersonr,vhois responsibletbr contactingthe commissioner did not needto discusseverydetailwith the othermembers. At the begir-rnir-rg of this translationpro.ject.the u'ebsite,Zoho Project"is introducedto us. For me, this is a websitethat I haveneverseenbelbre.I w'asquite excitedat flrst becausethereare so many fbatureson this website.Not onl,vdoesit allou'creativitSr to f'lourish.but alsopennit a virtual communif,'to be established. Sor.nehovr. to familiarizeoneselfivith the man)'toolsthat the Zoho encompass could be overu'helmir-rg if one is not motivatedenough.In this case.I was not drir.'ento pLrtnruchef-fortin makingthe nrostout of it 1brseveralreasons.First.I knon'that this is not a reallitb uork erperienceand I do not knon if it is possibleto do the samething in reallilb. Second.we were not given time to get to klow the tools of Zoho belbrethe hypotheticaltranslation actueilll'began.As a is hardto tell u'hatZoho cor.rldbe of usedr,rringour translation 'fhird. tl-reover-abutrdance procedures. of online viftual communitvrvebsitesprovidespeoplewith too many choices.Many of the websitesare similarand havehomogeneous toolsbut their interf'ace organizations contributeto their popularityamongcertaingroupsof peoplewho haveditferent prefbrences. habitsar-rd I myself am more acquaintedwith Ir.l'asreluctantto accustomnr-vself to anothersystemsinceI could not seehow it is more usefulin any way. I learn fiom this experiencetliat I shouldtry to be rnoreps.v-chologically readywl-renI comeacrossa new

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Anotlierproblemthat is relatedto the toolsalailableonline is how my gror"rfmembers

attemptedto ensureconsistencyof terminology.We had sincethe beginningbeendiscussinghow u'e shouldtacklethe problemsthat are causedby the differentlangua-{e Llsages and forms in the two /. countries.We decideclfirst to ask the commissionerwho the tariletreadersare.After our clierrt

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infbnnedus that only simplifledChineseis needed.we thentried to allocateappropriatesourcetext sectionsto eveq/one.At that tnoment.I felt that the distributiopof work is ratherur-requal. It is agreedthat the peoplewto usetraditionalCl-rinese shouidjust translatea little more text.and the researchand proofreacling shouldbe doneby'usersof'sirnpliliedChinese.It maderne lbel that I was


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deprivedof the right to make proper contributionto this proiect.r/Also.althoughwe gave a person the responsibilityto do the research,we did not considerholv the resultof it shouldbe shared,or even if it r,r'asto be sharedat all. It turnedout that every one of us looked up the terminologiesthat appearedin the parl of the text we translated.It seemednot to createany problemsat the phaseof the ftrst translationand the first proofreading.But thenwe decidedthat the final proofreading shouldbe donethror,rghmeetingsin w.hichevery rnemberof the groupjoin. becausewe f.eltthat sorneof the translationproblemsposeddiflicult,v that was so hard to solve that only two persons' And r.l'heneveryonegatheredtogether,I discoveredthat very often brainstormingwas insuff-rcient. eachone of us usedditferentChineseequivalentfbr the sameEnglishword or phrase.For lbr'CEO'r'aries. and amongthe tive of us. fbur difl-erenttarget example.the formal equivalences was somethingwe failedto notice beforewe unitedall the partsinto otre. of terminology.I flnd that is is I'ery dilllcult to do By the tirne I startedto work on the consistenc.v becausethereare only targettext and I have to refer back to the sourcetext word by word to check if tlie difl'erenttemls in tlie targettext are actuall)'the samer,vordor phrasein English.Throughthis be bestif we createan onlinesharedglossarywhere erperience.I learnedthat in the r.vor-rlci cant),pein the sollrceuords r.r'hichthel'are not sureif othershavethe sametranslation every'one


and tlre targetwords they usedto replaceit in the part they tratrslate. that is held by threepeople.I think One thing that I think workedis the groupproofi'eading the sametext at the satne this is the rnostsuitablenumbercomparingto flve peopleprootieacling time. If thereare threeof us, we cameup w'ith a w-ayto proofieadthat makesthe processgoes smoothlyalthoughslowly.One of us sits in the middle w'ithcomputer,and that personis responsiblefor typing. One of the other tw'o refersback to the sourcetext rvhena problematic liom the seglrent is detected.And the third personreadonly the targettext so that her interf-erence I think that it is a good way to refine the targettext. could be redr-rced. sollrcelangLrage r,vasindeeda time-consumingprocedureand unfbrtr"rlalell'therew'erenot enoughtime fbr us to do ,





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Overall. I enjoyedr.l'orkingon the project and am surethat the experienceu,'ill help me do betterand be more organizedif I receivesimilarpro.iectin the future.(998 words)


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