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phrasesinto chinese Four-characterldioms.A Topic:lssuesin the Translationof English Case Study, ! oLI'LCL

Summaryof the essaycontentofscope {\,! first, Allrl#t{ definedin Englishwillbe discussed fiouridiom'i*g"n"rrlly essay, In this hypothetical ' l.'r, "':,| idioms the how idiomwetdd'beUrvE4nO the definitionof Chinesefour-character of what idiomsare and are usedwouldbe explained.Thatshallleadme to the comparison

andusage' of thedefinition Afterthecomparison nou$*inlusea in thetwolanguages. lessidiomsin whichis formalandhascomparatively prosewouldbe selected, .re(translated findingoutallthetargettext's of mycasestudy.anobv itssourcetextasthemateriar idiomswhicharenotidiomsin thesourcetext,I coulddiscusswhat four-character Chinese hayebegn.usedandwhytheyareapplied(forthepurposeof strategies translation r-"ittilil,lro riketo castdoubtonwhetherthecontextin which for instancel. formatity idiomsareused' idiomsareusedis thesameasthatrEnglish chinesefour-character ' ltr \ri['rL'l\ 1jq . wordcount: Entry1 /")

London:Routledge' Baker,Mona(1992)tn OtherWords:Qoirse$ookon translation, "LanznonJiantong r Uiversi$

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as chapterthreeof this bookprovidesa clearoverviewof the definitionsand categories, By raisingthe reader'sawarenessof howdifferent well as idiomsandfixedexpressions. the authortakesa languagestendto consistof a varietyof arbitrarylexicalcombinations, processof stepforwardto examinehowequivalencecouldbe achievedthroughthe duringthe task The authoridentifiesa numberof problemsoftenencountered translating. howthey of translation.Readersare remindedof the commonpitfallsof translationand patterningand idiomsthat couldavoidor overcomethe difficultiescausedby collocational word, are relativelyhardto recognize.This chapterallowsme to Sivdfefinitionto the providedin ,,idiom,, and to compargthe translationmethodprovidedherewith the methods otherarticles. u'/ wordcount:128

Entry2 of (2007) Cao,Xi-ying trFf,tEffi#ItffiFiEEâ‚Ź9EF##Hbffi#[ontheTranslation Theoryl, Englishand ChineseProverbsBasedon the RelevanceTranslation - Jgutnalof -' ./-'& SocialSciences)26 (3):94-96. e'r' XihuaUniversity(Philosophy


The currentresearchof the translationof Englishand Chineseidiomsare summarized first.The authorarguesthat it is not enoughto applytranslationstrategiesmerelyby In answeringto the takingthe differenceof languageand cultureintoconsideration. differentexpectationof the sourcetextwriterand the translatorsthemselves,one idiom shouldnot be translatedintothe samephrasewhenthe changeof contextoccurs.Four Considering the intentionof translationstrategiesare providedto copewiththe difficulties. the sourcewriterandthe cognitivecontextof the targetreadersare stressed.This article allowsme to assessthe targettext froma differentangle. /- Jk(trr t'kC.rf wordcount:108


Entry3 Chen,Oi(2009) ffinHEile-ffitE#El#ffi#+6!il8*E

in [OnReader'sAcceptance

of Education26 (6): 121-123,-."/ fdiomTransfationl,Joumalof Hubei tJniversity The authorof this artictearguesthatthe mostimportantthinga translatorshoulddo is the content. translateaccordingto the way that his/herreaderscouldbestunderstand HansRobertJauss'ReceptionAestheticsis introducedfirstto pointout the importanceof readerreceptionin literature.ThenChenclaimsthatthe theorycouldalsobe appliedto the processof translationas well.Translationis lookedat as goingthroughdouble receptionot reaoersffl\i Rrststagebeingthe receptionof the translatorand the second the translatortriesto fill the gap, stagebeingthe readersof the translatedwork.\A/henever he/sheshouldfillthe gap accordingto the preferenceof n,7t:l.l?."!ers. ldiomtranslation The conceptsmentionedin is notedhereas this is a difficultythat is oftenencountered. this articleshouldbe usefulas one of the evaluationcriteriain my casestudy.'. wordcount:151

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. g#ilâ‚Źm fnAUt"gFlexibldrUse, (200e) F1#fi#+$!tril51t6g Li,Baochuan

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AnastropheandEl|ipsisinChinese|dioms],Jour@31(2);50-53. idioms The objectof this researchis to clarif)\Chinese idioms,includingfour-character of the idiomsare listedand the of grammar.The characteristics fromthe perspective the grammarusedin modernChinese.The grammarof eachidiomis comparedpvith comparisonconsistsof analysespfaitterentpartsof speech.Partsof speechlike nouns and adjectivesare usedflexiblyin the idioms.Theytendto functiondifferentlyin different phrases.Anastropheis not uncommonin idiomsas words.*,,01"3t9I a differentorder. ;een as well.This oOjectandpredicatd{6e Ofteneoutfellipsisof certainpreposition] researchcouldbe usefulwhenI comparethe idiomsof Englishand Chinet" Pygrammar. fn fl^tl;^ wordcount:116

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of ldioms,Rhetoric (2005)FFtr#ffi#+fl7*#=HtEE flhe Formation Liu,Gui-ying 6 andSocialScienceEdition) JoynalolYansllluliversity (Philosophy andTranstationl, (3):59-62 ,/

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idiomsandEnglishidiomsareshownin this;7rticle. four-character Sixtypesof Chinese First,idiomsthatcontainfourcharacteffih conveytheexactlit"ffiEninS/6$onO ,L,

kindof idiomsare thosebasingthe kindof idiomsis one-thaLareanalogical.pThird Fourthis the idiomsthat conveyhistoricalstories.Fifth meaningin culturalbackground. are the idiomsthat are religious.And lastlythe onesthat comefrom art and literature. structureof the idiomsare describedand classifiedintoten Thenthe grammatical This articleprovidesfieaid+to{ive definitionand explanationof Chinese categories. wt1. fl-r: !vo,ls' A: idioms. wordcount:100 Entry6 of lmageLanguagein the [Processing Journalof LanzhouJiaotongUniversity(Social ldiomTranslationl, English-to-Chinese

Ma, Hui (2000)FFtr#ffi#+#*H=FiEXE Sciences)25 (2): 125-128.

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The authorpinpointsthe methodwitfn /hichtranslatorsapplyto conveythe imagesthat Chineseand Englishidiomscarry.The originsof Chineseand Englishidiomsare explored and culturaldifferencesare explored.Takingthe importanceof rhetoricintoconsideration, sometranslationstrategiesare suggested.The oplgt: includesavingthe image, changingthe image,omittingthe imageandaddinQ,ffig".The authorthenprovidesan explanationof how contextof cultureand contextof situationaffectthe translation strategiesbeingused.This articlesallowsa_ffto observethe idiomsusedin the targettext of my caseto see howthe translatorcope/andwhatstrategiesare used' wordcount:108 Entry7 Reagan,RobertTimothy(1987)'The syntaxof Englishldioms:can the DofJ ---,-Research16 (5): 417-441 Be Put on?" Journalof Psycholinguistic to findoutthe rulesthatunderlieEnglishidiomsand people's Thisstudyis conducted judgements,as previousresearchers Introspective acceptabiliyof JdVntactic variatiorn. usedin theirstudyof similarsubjecf is preventedin this researchdue to the lackof Instead,fivq taskswhichconsistof 41 idiomsin 7 to 8 syntacticvariationsare objectivity. judgements.The resultshows designedanoQggby manypersonsto makeacceptability thatamong103Harvardstudents,86%of themconcurwithFraser's(1970)predicting is engagedin everydaydiscourse. presentshow idiomaticity modelwhichsuccessfully and usageof English This researchpaperwouldallowme to comparethe characteristics idiomswithChineseidioms. wordcount:113 Entry8 of chineseldioms'Literal sun, Ai-min(2008)FHtrHEI##fi [An Exploration and Socialsciences University(Humanities Journalof Nanjing,Forestry Translationl, edition)8 (a): 51-54.


-lf+s' ,, ,,. r of This researchpresentsthe differencebetwee@gfranslation and literaltranslation intoEnglish.The authorarguesthatwhentranslating Chineseidiomsbeingtranslated idiomsinto English,the beststrategyis to translateliterally.Five Chinesefour-character

reasonsare givento showthe benefitsof this strategy.Literaltranslationof the Chinese of imagesof the languagewhichwouldbe idiomsintoEnglishallowsthe preservation particularly valuableif the sourcetext is onethat is full of culturaldescription.Literal translationof the idiomscouldalso be a way{tevealcustomsand mannersas well.This articleallowsme to lookat the strategiesbeingusedin the targettext in a different perspective. wordcount116 Entry9 tThe Sun,Hong-shanand Fa-keZhang(2008)FHEHEnffiAF&Hffi#iFffi TranslationStrategie_s-l-q$ltl9. of Englishldiomsand Corresponding Stratification

(4):ee-105.v,-'/ Lanslase Foreisn J:rtilg_lgylnal Sun and Zh0ngadvocatestratiffingidiomsto enablethe bestuse of translationstrategies. accordingtq"tdsyntax and structure.Stratifyingby In the past,idiomswerecategorized laterby otherscholars,thereforegenerating the functionof the idiomswas accomplished The originof the meaningof idiomsis.2 two differentconceptsof idiomand idiomaticity. of idiomand pragmaticsis approvedof. Two but the directrelationship hightycontroversial, anotherconveying. difficultiesof translatingidiomsis thenlisted:one is understanding, and Twostrategiesare suggestedto copewiththe problem;theyare domestication the genreof sourcetext,the decisionof whichstrategyto Afterconsidering foreignization. applycouldbe made.This articleallowsme to observestrategiesbeingusedin the translationof my case studyless rqsJffqledM word count: 131

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Entry10 (2009)'ft}lvflfrTsltEfiElffiffi##ffi wang,Jian-qiu

of strategy [onTranslation

of Culturel,Journalof ChaohuCollege11 English& Chineseldiomsfromthe Perspective (2):102-106. -..--/ of idiomsin Chineseand English.Wang Thisarticlefocuseson the culturalbackground n^1 arguestha!foifiuralissueis particularlyimportantfor idiomsthat are to be translated communalhistoryof onebecauseidiomsin everylanguagetendto carrythe unconscious

Severalaspectsthat constitutebackgroundknowledgeof idioms culturalgroupof people.-rt' position,fable,mythology, historycustoms, are stateCh?,tFtfitludinggeographical values.The differencesof the idiomsin Englishand Chinesecausedby the religiouVand Suggestions differencesexistingin eachotthe cateqorieslistedaboveare demonstrated.


parasraphs. rhe inthefoilowins .r**n,*'lJJ,fttoi;L#,fi7"il "rpt"ined

intopriority,wouldbe helpfulas strategieshere,beingonesthat put culturalconsideration to observethe way idiomsare usedin the targettext of my translationcase. wordcount:134

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