BIIB My Campus Placement Experience

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Recent Posts By Others Mr. Abhilash Panigrahi I am Mr. Abhilash Panigrahi Registration Number IB 09-7001 PGDM,Marketing from BIIB Date of Placement :29th October 2010 I was one amongst the several people who sat for the company.Unlike other companies this companies people didn't tested our patience and were bang in the college campus on time.During the time of ppt the company told us about the various profile being offered (Business Analyst,ITConsultant,Assistant Project Manager) and the compensation which varied from 4.5 to 5.5 lacs.POP was however only in Chennai or Bangalore. The first process for selection was a case study which the students have to solve where we were given 40 minutes.The case study which I got was on a company which was having problem in launching its new product as well as some time management issue in completing the project in solving the case I used some of the models like AnsoffMatrix,Porter's Value chain etc. The results were announced after 1 hour.To my delight my name was shortlisted. Next step was three round of interviews . In the first round I was asked to sell a chair,so first of all I asked him about the kind of chair he is lookin for then after knowing that he is looking for office chairs I explained him ten different features of my chair. After he got convinced he asked me to draw GE matrix which I did perfectly ,then he asked me that he wants to launch Mach 4 razors and he need a complete project plan.I did the complete STP for the product and the interviewer was satisfied with my answer then he asked me about marketing concepts like viral marketing,Ambush marketing and some finance concepts like formula for Profitability,Leverage ,which I answered perfectly . As I was satisfied with my answers I was pretty confident that I will be called for the next round and as per my intuition my name was called for the next round. Second round of interview was a technical round which was conducted by Mr.vaithee who was a Account Manger in the company..: HR : Hello Abhilash do you know anything about Cloud Computing? Me : In simple words its a virtual server , its like Web-based email services like Gmail and Hotmail deliver a cloud computing service: users can access their email "in the cloud" from any computer with a browser and Internet connection, regardless of what kind of hardware is on that particular computer. The emails are hosted on Google's and Microsoft's servers, rather than being stored locally on the client computer.

Recent Posts By Others HR : Good now I will ask you a puzzle there are two village named true village and false village ,the people in true village speaks the truth and the people in the false village always speak false.You have to reach the true village now there's a diversion of road one road goes to true village and another goes to false village and in the middle of the diversion stood a little girl.You can only ask one question to her what will be the question ? Me: I told him to give me 5 minutes to think which he gave after that I told him that the one question will be “HiiSweety where is your home ,come let me drop you to your home� by this way she won't be able to lie if she will lie about her house then she will not go with me. HR : Good now one more puzzle there are two rooms ,In one room there are three bulbs and in the other room there are three switches ,you have to identify which switch is for which bulb and you can enter the room only once. Me : Sir I will enter the switch room first and will switch on the first switch for half an hour then will switch off it and switch the second switch and then will go to the bulb room and will check which bulb is hot which will automatically become the first bulb and the bulb which is glowing is the second bulb and accordingly the bulb which is not glowing is the third bulb . HR : What are the IT subject you read during your engineering ? Me :I have read C,C++,data structure and DBMS. HR : ok then tell me what is polymorphism? Me : The primary usage of polymorphism in industry (OOP theory) is the ability of objects belonging to different types to respond to method, field, or property calls of the same name, each one according to an appropriate type-specific behavior. Ex: "+" operator which allows similar or polymorphic treatment of numbers (addition), strings (concatenation), and lists (attachment) HR : Ok Abhilash we will let you know about the next interview you can go now. After an anxious 20 minutes my name was called for the HR round. Third round HR: Hello Abhilash tell me something about yourself?? Me : (I have prepared this question pretty well so I started from my native place and went on till my work exprience till he stopped me) HR : Abhilash what are the four things you had learnt from the last one and half year? Me : Convincing Attitude,Urge to learn new things , Finishiative attitude and Discipline. HR : What is the kind of profile you are looking for ? Me : Sir I am looking for Business Analyst profile. HR : What was the job profile in your previous company ? Me : Sir I was a GET there and apart from being a production manager profile I was responsible for implementation of ERP in my company. HR : Are you ok with the POP's ?

Recent Posts By Others Me : Yes Sir i am ok with any of the POP's (Chennai or Bangalore). After half an hour the the HR came out with the final shortlisting and after listening my name in the list I was delighted , I can't express my joy in words .I was offered a package of 5.5lacs with a profile of Business Analyst. My advice for all the aspirants will be the following points : 1.Brush up your fundamentals. 2.Read ET daily 3.Keep Calmness during interview,think that this is not the last company in the campus and even if I am not selected its not a big deal. Thank you,

Abhinav S Bhardwaj Hi I am Abhinav S Bhardwaj Roll No. – IB09-7170 IB Dual B, Specialization: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Academic Year : 2009-2011 My Placement Experience – Dear juniors, With immense pleasure, I am sharing my campus placement experience with you all, hoping that it may help you . By God's grace, my experience for the campus placement was very good and pleasing. I was eligible to sit for the placements from the very first day. This season always comes up with an excitement, fear and enthusiasm. It is very important to tackle this situation carefully as it impacts a lot on your future. Placement Season started in October 2010 for marketing students. As we all know that when we see ourselves as an individual then we feel so confident but at the same time when we see ourselves in SBS crowd then somewhere we start losing that self-confidence even though we have the competence and knowledge to succeed. Same things happened with me too but slowly I learnt that first of all I have to trust myself because God helps those who help themselves.

Recent Posts By Others I am self-placed as I wanted to work at my native place, I appeared in the processes of around 8-9 companies. One should be veryfocussed on selection of the right company. When companies come, they give PPT that helps in deciding whether to sit for the process or not. Choose logically but at the same time don't be too choosy. As I got placed without much of stress but still it was a nice learning to experience the PPT given by the companies. In October, Company A visited campus for placement. Since, this was the dream company for all, so many of us wanted to get through this company. Then I realized that to keep up with the pace of everyone I had to analyze my skills and update myself best on the recent business and economy issues. Most of the companies have same process : Aptitude test, GD, Interview (HR and Technical). A piece of advice : Always enjoy the process as it comes because if we start taking stress then it affects the performance. Now, I will share the process of company J . It's an MNC which deals in business and market research database management. It has many verticals. Senior analyst of Power Vertical came to campus for the process. A PPT was shown in the beginning to describe the profile of the company, profile that would be given to the students and package. After the PPT around 100 students applied. Process was divided into three steps. Aptitude Test Group Discussion Personal Interview Aptitude test : It was based upon logical reasoning, general mathematics, basic excel knowledge and English comprehension. Out of 100 , As far as I remember, 50 got selected. Then we started having group discussions: Topic for my GD was : Common wealth games : How will it affect India in future !!

Recent Posts By Others As I was sitting nearby the moderator, he asked me to start and luckily I had the complete knowledge on this topic. Being very clear and calm, I put down my points in front of everyone without any run. Then, everyone gave their opinions and we discussed on this topic for about 15 minutes. At the end, he asked everyone to conclude. This is the best part in any GD because there are some cases where you don't get a chance to speak throughout the discussion but while concluding you can actually make a good impression with your logical points and summarizing skills. In Gd's, everyone is free to give his/her opinions, What matters is the way you keep it in front of the group. Never enter in an heated argument. Try to conclude the best way you can. Personal Interview : By the time it started , it was already 8:30 PM. So I was very tired but again God is very kind. Mine was the first interview. It went for around 45 minutes. Interview was based upon personal and technical questions both. Questions : What do you understand by Market Research? What are the techniques for primary and secondary research ? If you are given a laptop with internet and locked in a room and asked to calculate the number of households in Europe then how will you do this? What does your father do? When you are the only child, then will your parents allow you to go to Hyderabad which is too far from Rajasthan? What is your education background ? As a commerce student, will you be able to do the research in the power, medical, wind, oil & gas sectors? How will you handle the pressure if you are not able to achieve your targets in the stipulated time. If a company wants to launch a new car and for that purpose how will you analyse upon the car owners country wise? How to make a report in market research?

Recent Posts By Others What are the scales used in the analysis ? These were some of the questions I was asked. Frankly, I was not knowing the answers of 2 technical questions but then if you are honest on something then it doesn't matter because no one is perfect and learning is an ongoing process. Please note that as I was asked many hypothetical numbering questions, they try to judge your process of solving that problem. Just be what you are and before any interview prepare yourself on the subject very well and don't get drained out in stress interviews. If you don't get selected in the starting phase then just don't give up. There is always a day fixed for everyone. When that day will come then that would be only yours. I thank Bala sir for making me share such a wonderful experience for placement that would surely help my juniors for motivation & just want to wish all the very best for their future. As always Bala sir used to say, “Problems are Opportunities� I would always remember those words life long, & in case of any urgency would not hesitate to apply sir's Guru Mantra. Again I would like to tell my juniors to follow footsteps of sir to achieve something memorable & big in life, as I always do. I wish them all the very best and hope everyone succeed at every path of their lives. Best Regards ABHINAV S BHARDWAJ BIIB (2009-2011) IB09-7170

Recent Posts By Others Abhishek Tiwari Hi I'm Abhishek Tiwari (IB09-7003) I got placed in XYZ company which deals in selling tractors on 11th DEC 2011. My Heartiest Greetings to one and all, It gives immense pleasure while sharing this experience. I still remember the day I landed in Sri Balaji Society and the prologue of this Journey begin on 2nd day of traditional day which I missed because of some miscommunication. The panic was created for Bam presentation but frankly speaking BAM Presentation was one among the most memorable days I have ever lived in SBS. Every morning started with Marathon run from my flat till BIIB College. Many times I was afraid of missing attendance of first half and 3 lectures really matters a most in a college where 90% is a criteria for placements. Nevertheless this goes on and on and never ending story of experiences in SBS‌.. Experience 1.PPT : PPT was very detailed & throwing light on every aspect on business where one can be posted. It also described the different groups the company is into. Respected panel member also gave a clear understanding about the functioning of their respective field. The PPT also demanded candidates to be Flexible Determined Confident 2. APTITUDE TEST Aptitude test consist of around 60 question which were to be answered in 60 minutes. Most of the questions were from : Logical Reasoning Quantitative ability ( specially probability) Out of around 30 students, only 10 students had cleared the aptitude test. Only one GD group was formed. 3. Group Discussion GD topic was on corruption we need to discuss past history in regards to corruption, current scenario as we as future prospective and also were asked to give recommendation. There was a panel of three members.

Recent Posts By Others I spoke early in GD and gave crystal clear points. Once GD got over every one was asked to conclude. What they were looking for: How focused one is, that means what is the flow of thought in the mind How clear & crisp the points are How effective is the communication ( It's not just about speaking fluent English, It's about making your point is a very precise & clear manner ) The panel member at times were asking candidates to hurry up ( while giving their points) so that they can judge how clear he/she is in his/her point of view. In any GD it's better not to make it a cluttered discussion. Out of GD only 7 students were shortlisted. 4. Personal Interview Personal interview, on an average was of 20 to 35 minutes. Where all questions related to CV were Graph of your marks from 10th to PG About Family Location related questions About summer internship. Why you want to come in this field. Although the company deals with highly technical products ( Products From TRACTORS to huge FARM EQUIPMENTS). But they were looking at the energy and passion one possesses to join the company and they were looking at the people whom they feel to have long term relationship with the company. Q1: What is the Profile that we are offering? Q2: Describe the profile? A3: (Listen to PPT carefully to tackle these kind of questions) Q4: What was your summer project? Q5: What role did you play in your project? Q6: What was your summer project in graduation? Q7: Are you willing to relocate? Q8: Some questions related to the place you belong. Q9: What are your strengths? Q10: Now they'll ask you to ask any question if you have? 5. Offer Letter The same day we were given our offer letter by the GM- MARKETING AND VP HR of company who was also one of the member in the panel. ips for preparation for Campus Placement: Before the placement season starts, you need to make up your mind. I would

Recent Posts By Others like to request you to kindly decide what you want from a job: profile, money, brand name or a work culture. It will help you not to deviate from your decision while selecting a company you wanted to opt for. Be confident and believe in yourself. Be honest with yourself and lie in a articulate manner. Be updated with current affairs and the industry of your interest. Prepare for HR questions and have sensible knowledge of your subject. Remember that before coming for the interview you must sit and think about yourself and prepare well for this question to avoid any pause or overhead thinking! And remember he asked about you, so must be in track to talk only about you. You can also mention your strengths and weakness but see that you tell your weakness optimistically. The HR round is to see your communication skills, doesn't matter how your accent is or pronunciations as far u wear a smile and be presentable. Be confident and believe in yourself. Be honest with yourself and lie in aarticulative manner. Be updated with current affairs and the industry of your interest. Prepare for HR questions and have sensible knowledge of your subject. My Best wishes to all my juniors During the complete campus experience from the first company in the campus to the company in which I got selected I realized that one has to excel in few dimensions which include 1. Communication skills 2. General Knowledge 3. Awareness of your interests and strengths 4. Confidence and conviction power 5. Patience Really it was a wonderful experience to be a part of BITM where I got exposure to showcase my strengths, got support to work out on my weaknesses, got lifetime friends to cherish forever and got to understand the importance of Discipline, Determination and Dedication in all aspects of my life, which is helping me a lot in enhancing my personality and to perform better in my professional life. I had a wonderful experience and was quite lucky to get my hand on one of the biggest brands. Once again I am very grateful to Bala Sir, my colleagues in PAT and my friends and family. I wish all my colleagues ALL THE VERY BEST and hope they succeed in their life A hearty Thanks to SBS. Regards Abhishek Tiwari

Recent Posts By Others Abinash Pattnaik

Hi, I am Abinash Pattnaik Roll No- IB09 7103 BIIB DUAL 'B' Specialization-INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ACADEMIC YEAR: 2009-2011 Placed in XYZ co. A Freight Forwarding and Logistics MNc. My heartiest greetings to one and all. It gives me immense pleasure in sharing my campus placement experience with everyone. Amongst the plethora of wonderful memories that SBS has gifted me to cherish, there are certain special ones that'd light up my eyes whenever I recollect them. Like the “Mahabharata� screening in the auditorium, BAM presentation, endless hours of lectures, the stampede in the Cafeteria during breakfast, the marathon run from hostel room to the class room to make it before 9 am(some won, some lost), the last minute exam preparations, the nervousness around the notice board 'results', the avalanche of 'corporate seminars', Bala sir's addressals in the auditorium, the 'Culturals', the late night DJ parties, and finally the 'campus placements'. To tell you the truth, it wasn't a joy ride for me initially because of the strict placement eligibility criteria of 90% attendance. My attendance was low at 70% because my weak Liver decided to turn me yellow for 2 months in the 2nd semester. Thanks to this, I became eligible for placements rather late in March. But nevertheless I was optimistic because good companies were still visiting the campus and I still had a pretty good chance to strike gold. Finally the D-day came on 12th may. This XYZ was visiting the campus for recruitment. I was gung-ho about the co. as it was one of the biggest Logistics companies globally and being an IB student, I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity. There were a total of 60 candidates and the process was divided into1) HR Presentation 2) Group Discussion 3) Interview 4) Final Interview with the Director at the Pune Branch office

Recent Posts By Others HR PRESENTATION The PPT given by the HR was very lucid and presented a clear idea about the organisational structure, different verticals, diversifications, worldwide presence, company policy, growth path, opportunities for the employees, company's requirement, etc. From the presentation I construed that they were basically looking for candidates who 1) had good knowledge of Logistics and International Marketing. 2) Had the right attitude to work in a big MNc. 3) were flexible with time and location. TIPS: 1) The 1st task for a candidate should be to thoroughly research the company before the process. During PPT the HR keeps a note of the candidates who are well informed about the company. 2) It's always advisable to carry a note-pad and keep jotting down the important points during the PPT as it might come to your aid later on in the process. GROUP DISCUSSION 60 candidates were divided into 6 groups of 10 each. 2 separate panels were judging over the groups separately. The topic of my group was “Do women make good CEOs??”. The total duration was 15 minutes where 2 mins. Were given for jotting down points, 10 mins.For the discussion and the last 3 mins.For summing up. We were expected to – come up with relevant points in support of our opinion. Express them in coherent way. Communicate the ideas effectively. Work in a team to arrive at a conclusion to the topic. I went for the topic and furnished relevant points illustrating from real life and was assertive in my communication and flow of thoughts. TIPS: 1) It's a GD not a Parliament session where you hurl your words like bullets on other members considering them your adversaries. 2) When preparation time is given (if you are lucky), then instead of staring at the pretty face sitting across to you, jot down some relevant points. 3) And for Christ's sake carry your own pen and note pad instead of begging for them in front of the HR. 4) Be aggressive without being dominating and please refrain from pointing the pen at others while making your point. You are not in the battlefield to display your swordplay antics.

Recent Posts By Others 5) Be a good listener and allow others to express their points without barging in or over-riding their points. Try to nod (even if you have to act) as if you really understand their points. 6) And the most important thing is speak to the group and not to the HR. HR INTERVIEW From amongst the GD groups a total of 15 candidates were selected for the HR Interview round, including me (). The interview was less technical and more personal. The volley of questions that was hurled at me by the HR was: - How will you justify your existence? (relax, beneath this heavy philosophical intonation is a simple question “tell me something about yourself”) - Why choose International Business as your specialization? (I got away by saying that “I love everything that has International attached to it”, but this shouldn't be repeated). - Why XYZ and how do you expect to add value to our organisation? - About the summer internship and few technical questions related to International trade. - About my interests and hobbies. - They specially appreciated my promptness during the HR Presentation. - About my strengths and weaknesses. - My queries, if any. TIPS: 1) You must have heard this eons of times that attitude and body language matter the most in an interview, and this statement holds true for each of those eon times. 2) Be honest with your answers. If you choose to manipulate (if ever) then do it carefully backed by thorough homework. HR is too experienced to be played around with. 3) Prepare in advance the basic questions asked like “tell me something about yourself” “Why our company” and so on to avoid long pauses and Ummms. 4) Brushing up with the basics is a must as it can pop up any time and you will be caught unaware. 5) Lastly, be yourself. This is not the time to position yourself as someone you are not (though you might have studies the STP of marketing really seriously). If you have the traits they are looking for then you will be picked up, but affectation will easily give you away. FINAL INTERVIEW WITH THE DIRECTOR-HR This was held on 17th May in the company branch office. Total of 12 candidates could get through the HR round held in the campus. Here the interview panel

Recent Posts By Others comprised of the director-HR and Director-Marketing. The questions were very informal and the panel was merely validating the selection made by HR in the campus round. Questions were basically on personal interest, location preferences, and expectations from the organisation. Mostly the panel was judging the attitude of the candidate. Finally 9 candidates were selected. The offer letter was handed there itself. Exhilaration, ecstasy, jubilation, and such heavy sounding words could only describe our feelings after getting the offer letter. But I was happy, content, and while that radiating curve slowly stretched across my face, I was glad that my patience was well rewarded and my perseverance didn't go unnoticed. SOME MORE FREE GYAN One thing I can say from my personal experience is that “when it's your day, even the cosmos can't conspire to keep you from getting selected”. But you'll have to keep patience, be optimistic, have faith in yourself, and have the will to walk that extra mile. (I know it sounds too “you can win” types but try it, it actually works. I mean instead of getting frustrated, loathing your college and scoring Pot, try to be positive, it will actually help you.) Look at me for instance, 70% attendance, not eligible for placements till March, but I still managed to get into one of the biggest Logistics companies. Companies would keep visiting, and the CORPORATE RELATIONS TEAM (Hats off to these people!!!) will make sure about that, but be optimistic and positive. Keep another thing in mind, prioritize your preference. I mean whether to go for a good Brand, or a good profile, or good package, or all of them at the same time (very rare), and choose companies accordingly. Work on your weaknesses, show up at PPTs (very important), be in touch with your Corporate Relations team, and do you KARMA :p So ALL THE VERY BEST friends for a new adventure called MBA. Just fasten your seat belts, don't forget your HELMET (no pun intended :p) and enjoy the ride. “It's convenient to marvel at the ocean from the shore, but ones who dared to fathom its depths know it's true beauty”. Love, AbinashPattnaik

Recent Posts By Others Amrita Nangia BIIB IB 09 7153 09-11 Batch 25 Nov 10 The Day I got my first job. Life at SBS began in 09-11, I dint know what to expect how things would be and turn out. There were mixed feelings anxieties, happiness, competition, stress, pressure, learning at every step. The lessons of life today make me a stronger and much more confident person. I heard, everything happens for a reason and today when I look back I seriously appreciate that statement. It all started in Oct 10 when the first company came to our campus and there was not a single person who did not want to get into it. Gave it my best but may be it wasn't ment to be. I believe in Destiny so just waited as days went by, different companies offered different profile. I sat in many of them and went to the last Interview round but ultimately I happen to be on the spectator's side. Slowly and steadily I started getting more confident with the rounds for selection. Practice makes man perfect. There was one thing that kept me going that is my positive attitude and confidence. I knew there was one company that would come to the campus for me and I dint know which and when it would. So all I was doing is preparing for it and waiting patiently. The wait wasn't long 25 Nov '10 was the day I got placed in a huge brand, a brand people dream of being associated with. People in this company are here for their lifetime. Rounds: PPT Shot listing of CV GD PI There were Representatives from the company who gave the PPT and asked students to submit their CVs. More than 400 people submitted their CVs all over the society and I was one of them. Shot listing of CV The CV's were sent and critically scrutinised by them. Then was a list of Shot listed CV's for the GD. I was super thrilled as the first step was passed. Group Discussion There were around ten people in each group. The topic which I got was related to Common Wealth Games. I participated throughout the session. Points came out like corruption, government working culture, politicians etc. And at the end I was confident of clearing as it was a subject where I was well read and well

Recent Posts By Others aware of. Confident yet not being over confident I was sitting with my fingers crossed to hear my name being called out for the PI. There amongst 30 names I hear mine, a sense of satisfaction and nervousness crept in. Personal Interview Restless mind refused to be quite millions of things running through my head. All I wanted to do was focus and stay calm. Leaving all the nervousness and anxieties I entered with confidence and calm mind. Greeted the interviewers with a smile and the interview began. It was a general and friendly interview where basic questions were asked. Questions like: --Tell me about yourself ? --I replied about myself, family. --Hobbies ?and what do I do in my leisure time ? -- Reply was simple, playing games : Flare for Art and also mentioned the work I had done. We discussed the Art and different ways for a while. -- Any questions from your side? -- I asked them to highlight and explain in detail about what exactly would they expect out of me? And the nature of job I would be doing? -- After a lengthy explanation and a satisfactory answer. I was convinced and made up my mind that this would be the kind of job I would like to do. -- The interviewer read me well and saw my interest towards it. I came out satisfied and positive. As it was friendly and general I was relaxed. Within a few hours, there was a list of names ready and being read. This was it I thought to myself, inner voice saying I had got the job, mind trying to be practical and preparing for rejection if at all. I was completely impatient and restless till I heard my name. I jumped with joy, a sense of achievement, satisfaction took over me. This was the moment I was waiting for, called my parents to break the news to them. As I did, my father's chest broadened with pride, I felt blessed to have my parents around as they have been my support all my life. There would be nothing I could dream of without them, and now it was my turn to make their dreams come true. I had my friends who supported and stood by me really thankful to each one of them.. Advice to Students: Read and be aware of the current affairs around the world, not only to get a job today but for a larger picture in life. Ignorance is no longer bliss. Just believe in yourself stay focused work hard as there is no substitute for hard work and leave rest to God. Warm Regards, Amrita Nangia

Recent Posts By Others Ankit Gupta Hi, I am Ankit Gupta Registration Number: IB09-7106 Division: Dual B BIIB(International Business), Academic year: 2009-2011 My specialization is in Marketing and International Business. We all have a life story inside of us at Balaji and what we've learned over a period of two is a treasure that must be shared. It is my pleasure here to disclose my earnings which I treasured from Balaji. Currently, I am working with India's no. 1 digital marketing company. The company is a leader in digital communications space is to help clients communicate effectively for marketing and business needs. It has pioneered innovative technology-based solutions in mailing & mobility domains. I, as an Assistant Manager, am responsible for managing the key accounts of the company. Being in this field, the future of the digital world, I am enjoying the exposure to the digital world. This was on the part of my job and the company with which I am working. Something about my college and college days. Time functions differently when at Balaji. By the time I realize a new week has started, it's Wednesday. When I think it's Wednesday, it's actually Friday. And when I'm looking forward to the upcoming weekend, it's actually 8 a.m. Monday morning and my alarm has been ringing for an hour. The first skill that you will get to hone at Balaji is prioritization. I have bee______ 97% attendance and academic coordinator.. You spend nearly 2 years with people who just like you decided to come to the same place – but other than that may be (and probably are) totally different than you. You don't know exactly what is about to happen, but you know it is going to take a lot of time and effort. During First semester, I studied more than I have ever known about marketing and international business, but the course that had the strongest impact in my opinion was IB-International Business. It is difficult to point out one skill we acquired in this course. Instead, we studied a comprehensive approach that is not always easy to implement, but I think that it can serve us better in our career more than any specified formula. Most MBA students are used to mathematics and look for rules and research that will clarify life. How do you

Recent Posts By Others just let go, accept instability and deal with people who are much less predictable than numbers? There is no one formula or one right answer, and even sitting in a classroom for dozens of hours may not prepare you for the first obstacle. Therefore, it is better to learn about ways to analyze such obstacles. We did it with role plays, feedback sessions, trying to think together of ways to drop an egg from the top of the roof and land it safely on the ground, and especially by learning how to listen to each other. It was a course that people could not stay indifferent to – because it dealt directly with our lives. A year has passed since our last IB session. I am not sure how many of us know how to use the learning after we graduate, but I am sure that we will not forget what we studied in Balaji. It was the day of my interview. With thoughts swirling about the digital world I reached the venue before 30 minutes. Just 15 mins before my scheduled time of interview I was given an essay of 100 words to write about word "Digital Marketing". I don't think that carry any significant marks as every candidate (sitting for the same interview) was given the same word and there was no body to check how the applicant is responding to question. After 15 minutes, I entered the interview room and there were two people inside. One a lady from HR department and another one, a gentleman from technical department. The lady asked the first question to me why you left your previous company. As I responded to that there was another question by that gentleman. Noticeable things were that they were not asking anything from my essays and not cross questioning me. Whatever I was responding they were just licensing. I was told they grill people on essays but nothing like that happened that day. At least not specifically to me but same is the scenario with other applicants also as everyone was coming out smiling. So it was very difficult to say what they were looking for. My third question was related to my strengths and weaknesses. After there were few more questions regarding digital marketing domain as I had told them that my interests were in that domain. The interview ended in exact 30 min. I felt this time, that Balaji's teaching is going to play a major role in decision as interviews are pretty much cool for most of the guys‌. Something about my memorable college ‌ 2 years of MBA lectures + 0 work experience = A great job and package. That has been the equation for management education in Balaji, so far. The result for the corporate sector has been a steady stream of intelligent but theoretical managers. Luckily, this is changing. In a hyper competitive industry, there is little concern for backgrounds and social nuances this is proved here at Balaji.

Recent Posts By Others Balaji offers MBA programme which focuses on honing management and managerial skills of the professionals. It polishes management and managerial skills of the professionals by: 1. Calling experts from different fields to give lectures to the students. The experts explain various techniques and systematic plan of action implemented by various top-notch organizations. 2. Having highly qualified lecturers 3. Having a curriculum which is analogous to international business markets. Although there is overabundance of MBA colleges which boast themselves as the institute providing the best MBA program, not many offer justified reasons for the same. Also, professionals who look out for a reliable MBA program are not choosy. Ideally, all they look for are basic features in an institute's MBA program, which are as follows: 1. Certification of the institute 2. Flexible timings: Flexibility to the working professionals to study as per their convenience Does not put an extra strain on a professional to attend lectures on the same day after office hours 3. Study support Does not end the support by giving just course material and asking the professionals to learn every chapter by their own 4.Quality of course curriculum 5.Reliable teaching methodology 6. Placement assistance But Balaji, today offers many non-traditional opportunities to earn college credit, such as internships, cooperative education, and volunteering. If you want to work with well-known instructors, participate in groundbreaking research projects, or delve into well-stocked libraries, Balaji has got all the resources. Whilst talking about the placement department of the Balaji, it has very well nurtured its liaison and good relationship with the company executives from the Corporate. Now it's time to bid adieu to all of you. I wish everyone a good health and a great life ahead. Thanks and Regards, Ankit Gupta

Recent Posts By Others Ankita Mahajan Hello, I am Ankita Mahajan Roll No: IB 09-7202 BIIB 2009-2011 batch. Specialization: Finance My Experience: 23 Feb 2011 My campus experience was a bit different. After I started with my MBA, I had an inclination towards IT industry and that too, a front end job rather than sitting at back end and working quietly on a system. In the 3rd semester, Bala Sir gave us a chance to opt for SAP internal course so that few students can go for the consulting job as well. That was the time when I actually decided to pursue my career in SAP consulting and the company in which I wanted to start my career with. I came to know about this company from my seniors and their seniors with a very positive feedback about the learning one can get in this company. So, we started with SAP training as a part of curriculum and I found the scope of SAP very interesting. I started my preparations from that day itself to build up of the theoretical concepts and hands on system experience to understand SAP for the placements. The campus recruitment started in around September and even after 4 months, there was no news of the company coming to the campus, but still our hopes were alive. By that time near about 150-200 companies already visited the campus and I was still waiting for that one company to come. We approached almost every person related to the campus placements to know about any news regarding the company. Finally with the efforts made by CRT, we got the news that the company is coming to the campus. The company came to the campus the very next day of our third semester exams. We didn't actually got time to prepare at that moment but I was all set from last 6 months with my preparation for the campus process. Here is a brief about the recruitment process followed by the company. The process was for 2 days: Day 1: A brief company presentation, which includes the company profile, market they hold and what kind of candidate they are looking for. Then starting off with a written test, 50 questions in 30 minutes was the target with no negative marks. In this round, your speed with accuracy was tested. 25 out of 60 candidates who cleared this round moved to next round. Next round was a 5 minutes presentation. The Panel consists of 4 members: 2 from HR team and 2 from senior management of the company. The presentation was bifurcated into two parts, first was a personal introduction of 1 minute and second was to give a brief about your summer internship for 4 minutes. Here the Panel was trying to look for the presentation skills, the

Recent Posts By Others confidence level of the candidate and the way you express your views about any point. It was more like judging somebody's professional/personal traits rather than looking for the theoretical knowledge of the project. If the candidates can present themselves in the best way possible, then even an internship project which might be average compared to others can have that edge what companies are looking in you. In this round, the panel members were more considerable about your confidence, time management and the way to respond to the questions you will encounter at the end of the presentation. Keep a cheerful smile throughout the presentation, by doing this you can dilute your nervousness and can impart a positive energy to the panel. At the end of first day, the names of the people who cleared this round was announced and they were told to come for the HR/technical interview round next day. 13 out of 25 cleared this round will have an interview round next day. Day 2: After the happenings of the previous day, we appeared for the interview next day morning. This was the moment when the feeling comes that it's just one more step to go. At that particular moment you actually go blank; there are no words to explain the feeling but it will happen to all of you at that particular day itself. The Interview panel consists of 2 members, and they were very friendly from the starting. Just keep a smiling face throughout with confidence. The questions were from subject knowledge , prior experience, hobbies and some questions related to personal development. Interview is all about how you can make the interviewer ask on what you know best. As they asked me if I have undergone the SAP training, they asked me some basic questions related to that field also. I was very strong in SAP and I made them ask me my favourite subject, my work is done on this. They asked me a couple of SAP questions and I was very comfortable answering them. This boosts your confidence when the ball is in your court and then you can make the interview lead in the direction you want. Some of the questions that I can remember are: Introduce yourself. Tell me something about your family background. Why do you want to join the company at a lesser package than your earlier company? Are you ready to be work anywhere in India? Are you ready to work in shift timings, may be in night shifts? What do you know about the company? Are you ready to sign the bond? In the end, some HR formalities about the personal details, remuneration and benefits and you are done. Finally, thank the interviewer for their time and leave the room without seeing back. Out 13 candidates 6 were placed in the final list, two from BIMHRD, two from BIIB and two from BITM. You will never forget that moment when your name would have been called in

Recent Posts By Others the final list and the anxiety of waiting for the same, again thank the interviewers and other members for appreciating your worth. Dear juniors, everybody gest placed when you are in Sri Balaji Society. But the most important thing is one should not lose Patience. Nervousness, Tension, Frustration and Anxiety will be there when you are not placed in the early placement season. Work on stress management; be calm, composed and confident while attending any Placement process. wish you all the very best for your placements. And don't forget, this is just a beginning‌ Signing off, AnkitaMahajan SAP FICO Consultant

Ankita Singh This is Ankita Singh Registration Number: IB09-7107 Division: Dual B BIIB, Academic year: 2009-2011 My specialization is in INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Currently Placed in company XYZ , working as Management Trainee. I am feeling overwhelmed to share my experience with my juniors. To get selected in a company is one of the most important day of someone's life . But till the time someone not get selected, it is a time of patience ,preparation , hardwork. The same experience i have undergone at my college placement time. Getting a job is one of the best feeling in the world. Going through mental stress, handling pressure, enjoying with friends at the time of thereplacement , working hard to get placed . Psychologically balancing the mental pressure, these all sentiments every mba students have to go through at the time of placement, but i must say that i really enjoyed the placement process after getting placed in the 16th company. My placement experience was not an easy journey. It started from the very beginning since the time when the first company came to the campus.Fortunately I was eligible in terms of attendance and academics. Thereafter every company I appeared for, had unique experience in itself. I appeared for almost 15 companies before I finally got selected. But each company taught me lesson in different way. and I tried to improve my fault with

Recent Posts By Others every process. Apparently the emotional battle was going inside me which I had to control. Would like to thank all my well wishers to have motivated me and seeing me as a winner in every process. Reason being, in most of the companies I appeared, I reached till the last round and got rejected there. But one fine morning, I fought all the hassles and battle with courage and won the war. The company in which I am placed is into international logistics and freight forwarding. My specialisation was in International Business. So I was more than delighted to appear for this company for the fact that the job profile it was offering, was completely suited to my specialisation. I went for it. There were 3 rounds. 1) GD 2) Interview 3) Psychometric test. The panel of judges consisted of 3 honorable members of my company: Global VP, Branch Manager and Deputy HR . Again I would mention I was lucky enough that day because the company had come only to take students from biib. So there were less contenders. That day, everything was going in my favour.And this boosted my confidence even more. I cleared GD. The topic was related to India-China conflict. I cleared GD with little struggle . Anyhow I was through with one of the process half battle won as always but PI most important was being left . Around 7 students were being selected for final PI in which around 5 of us were completely interested to get in to it . Before entering the interview room I was making up my mind that inside the room I will be confident to answer all the questions and will try to relate it with logistics so that I can leave an impact or impression on HRs to select me. THen I appeared for the interview. The interview was very much related to what I actually understood of the job profile. And since the profile was related to International trade and logistics , so I was able to answer all the questions. for ex. INCOTERMS, SHIPMENT BOOKINGS, etc. The interview started with my basic introduction after 5 min .They asked about my internship tried completely to convince about my project in a good way and handled all counter questions .

Recent Posts By Others The interview went well because I answered confidently. Some of the questions asked were as below : 1) Give your Introduction 2) What do you know about INCOTERMS, NVOCC, Documentation etc 3) If Mumbai given to as a location do you find it suitable . 4) How could you convince the customers ( Related to internship) 5) How could you analyse prospective customers . EtcEtc.. Interview held for 20 minutes approx. so it was giving a positive ray that I can get selected . Result announced. 3 girls were selected and I was one among them . But came to know that there would be one more round Psychometric test I was unaware about it that its going to happen. After hearing it then again thought its definitely going to be one more elimination round for 3 of us who got selected after PI . But part of process you cant get rid offit . Then I completely left on God .It was a written test basically to test our psychic and behavior in specific situation . Finally I underwent all the 3 process with confidence. The result was announced after 3-4 days. And I was selected. Then it was only us shouting, celebrating, congratulating, hugging, crying, Placement bums . That's pretty much as to how my Campus Experience was and the journey of it. 4 pages of word document cannot summarise the efforts behind it, efforts of the past 20 years of Academic life, you would have to experience it yourself, and believe me you would enjoy every bit of it. Here's wishing you ALL THE BEST for your future and Placements, may you get all the success, happiness and laurels you deserve. Take care, Be happy, Always remember “Problems are Opportunities� Enjoy life. I would like to thank Almightly first of all. And secondly all my well wishers for bearing my emotional struggle day in and day out and for motivating me to the core. Its all because of them that I am selected. I am loving my job. Suggestions: Please read newspaper everyday i.e, the key to crack any GD. Do not bluff in GD. Just speak to the point and use examples and as much facts related to the topic as possible to explain your point.Speaking all through the GD wont help much if it does not contain any matter. Give chance to others to speak. Be CONFIDENT & PATIENT and you can crack any company.

Recent Posts By Others No matter how many hurdles comes and how many battle you face. Always remember that each battle teaches you and gives you a new experience. Do use those experience to learn something new in life. This will make you a strong person in the end. Thanks and Best Regards: Ankita Singh

Mr. Ankur Singhal Hi, I am Mr. Ankur Singhal Registration Number- BIIB-09-7152 Class- International Business Division Dual B from BIIB. Academic year: 2009-11 Hi & I got placed in XYZ Company which deals in services of International Sim cards and Data cards. My Heartiest Greetings to one and all, It gives me immense pleasure to write my experience about my Campus placement. The placement process started from the month of September when the first company visited our campus. The main task throughout all the 3 semester of no backlogs was a tough one but I cleared both the basic criteria of attendance and no backlogs. It was a tough time, a time to prove myself and achieve what I have aimed in my life. Though one can start realizing worries and peer pressures as we enter into the 3rd sem or final year of PGDM, because this is the time for your placement. But let me tell you my juniors, there's nothing to be afraid of, if you don't get into the first company you will definitely get into some! Only the keyword is patience and never ending effort. It's a time to capture the positive feeling and overcome the negative ones. The family, friends and colleagues play a very supportive role in one's life . They are the one who motivates & encourage to move towards the path of success. For me I got placed in 112th company in 1st week of January and the key was only patience and my hard work. I sat in lots of companies but the most important thing I never missed was the attending the pre-placement talk which gave me the real

Recent Posts By Others idea of the company and helped me to decide whether I would be able to match my requirements of job with the company. Learning moments: I cherish those moments that taught me to be patient and calm. As without these two your performance keeps on declining. The best thing to do is to dominate the pressure prevailing inside you and put your 100% effort towards the path of success. Company process: The company visited the campus in the month of January .The process started as same as that of others with a Pre Placement Talk. Thus the entire process can be summed up as: Pre Placement Talk (college campus) Personal Interview 1 (college campus) Pre Placement Talk The Pre Placement Talk covered the description of the company and the areas they operate into. The PPT gave an overview of the of the business that the company was in. Numbers of Students were around 250 who sat in the company. The next was the : Group Discussion GD topic was on “Is MBA required for Success”. There was a panel of three members. The Panel decided that there would be one more round of GD. The Topic given was “How to Deal with high oil prices”. We discussed about various ways government could control, and finally the panel gave everyone a minute to speak individually, and then the conclusion. I spoke early in GD and gave specific and clear points. Once GD got over every one was asked to conclude. What they were looking for: How focused one is, that means what is the flow of thought in the mind How clear & crisp the points are How effective is the communication ( It's not just about speaking fluent English, It's about making your point is a very precise & clear manner ) How was one able to see the cracking moments to enter the group discussion and state his point. The panel member at times were asking candidates to hurry up ( while giving their points) so that they can judge how clear he/she is in his/her point of view. In any GD it's better not to make it a cluttered discussion. Out of GD only 4 students were shortlisted.

Recent Posts By Others 4. Personal Interview The Panel Asked me the following Questions about summer internship. Why you want to come in this field. Q1: Why did I want to go to Marketing after Engg. Q2: Why now Sales and not going to IT companies. A3: (I had prepared already for these questions and answered well) Q4: What was your summer project? Q5: What role did you play in your project? Q6: How would I be able to do sell having no experience. Q7: They asked to sell a sim card to a panel member. A7 : Remember the key is never give up and keep trying and I tried and tried and finally they got convinced . Q8: Some questions related to the place you belong. Q9: What are your strengths? Q10: Now they'll ask you to ask any question if you have? Result : The Result was announced in the evening and 3 of us were selected and our joining was early in FEB. 5. Offer Letter We were given our offer letter by the AGM of company who was also one of the member in the panel. After 2 weeks Really it was a wonderful experience to be a part of BIIB where I got exposure to showcase my strengths, got support to work out on my weaknesses, got lifetime friends to cherish forever and got to understand the importance of Discipline, Determination and Dedication in all aspects of my life, which is helping me a lot in enhancing my personality and to perform better in my professional life. And the biggest thing I Learned from Bala sir was problems are opportunities and now whenever I face a problem , I try to convert it a opportunity for me . Learning's: Know your areas of strength and always try to push the interview towards that area, never get drained out, and keep a smile on your face. Believe me it makes a difference. Believe in your ability, Don't rush behind companies for package, Be Patient, Learn and read thoroughly about the company you are applying for. Be thorough with the current affairs. The tough schedule that we go through in Balaji Society gives a great strength to face the schedules in corporate world which is not a problem now for us Balajians.

Recent Posts By Others I had a wonderful experience and was quite lucky to get my hand on one of the biggest brands. I am very grateful to Bala Sir, my teachers, my friends and family. I wish all my colleagues ALL THE VERY BEST and hope they succeed in their endeavors. Thank you BalaSir ,Inamdar Sir , My teachers for Giving me this opportunity and environment to learn and achieve success in my career . And with all the Blessings I have completed 1 yr of successful job and got a better opportunity in a other big brand name.

Anshul Malik Hi Friends I am Anshul Malik Registration number- 08-1125 Roll Number 窶的B09 7151 BIIB-Dual B (International Business) Academic Year 2009-2011 My Placement ExperienceCampus Placement, I'm sure becomes the most cardinal reason for a majority of us, to sustain for 2 yrs in an institute. After having spent hours and months of intensive training and preparation each one of us expects to move out the campus with flying colours. I came in this college to learn things in a corporate way because according to me that is what we meant by being a MBA. There are so many diplomas and courses wherein you can inculcate lot many things which are taught in business schools but the extra thing which will give you edge over others is the practical training which you get over here, corporate etiquettes and the way how to deal with corporate clients. The rigorous sessions and workshops which were held from time to time in our college helped to hone my skills and knowledge which actually helped me to crack the interview. Apart from learning and getting knowledge second dream of an every student studying over here is to get the good company to work with wherein they can actually use that learning and knowledge which they have got while doing their MBA. I still remember the day when the results were out. Company came into our campus on 8th November,2010 and the results were announced on 12th November,2010. The profile was one of the motivating factors for me to sit for

Recent Posts By Others this company. I always wanted this profile so was very serious while sitting for this company though I was bit confused with the package and the brand name of the company initially. I brushed up all the notes of this subject which were given to us while our classes because I knew while sitting for this company I would be in need of that. There were three rounds. Each of them was the challenge for me. They are as follows. 1. Aptitude test 2. Group discussion 3. Final interview First was the aptitude test. There were around 100-110 people who sat for this company. The level of aptitude was not so high but that itself was the competition among the students who were writing it. I was still not sure about the company as the package and the company's brand name was not so motivating so I was not able to give my 100% that was the reason I didn't score good .The cut off for the aptitude was 20 and I managed to just clear that as I scored 21 out of 40.There were students who scored around 37-38. I was way behind them and the thing which was worrying me was that the selection would be on the basis of cumulative scores of all the three rounds. I called up my senior who was working with this company at that time and asked about the company so that I would be able to give 100% in the next two rounds. She convinced me and I was sure then that I want this company. Second was Group discussion Since the strength of the students left after the first round was not so much so they made groups of 6 people each thus it was easy to make impression if you know the content of the topic given. The topic given was COMMON WEALTH GAMES SCAM. I was so happy to get this topic as it was that morning only I brushed that topic. I was so good with the discussion, spoke all the good points, initiated and made two-three good entry and exits as was taught by the visiting faculties and then gave the conclusion at the end. I thought I have given my 100% to impress the moderator and I was right. I was selected for the final round. I was so happy. Success was only one step ahead. Then my final interview It was never so easy to crack interview without having knowledge of the industry you entering in. But I was well prepared with the subject and was quite confident. I entered the room and interview started. It went for around 45 minutes and my core knowledge about the subject helped me to speak well over there. There were so many questions and discussions. First he started with the normal expected questions like Why do you want to join our organisation?

Recent Posts By Others What are your long term goals? Where you look yourself after 5 years down the line? Why this industry? And so on then came the technical questions and I guess I addressed them well. It was done for all the candidates and the results were to be announced after 4 days. The only thing which was worrying me was my first round because people who were with me in the final round of interview had scored much better than me. It was 12th November,2010 when I got the call from PAT office that you have been selected for the company. I couldn't believe it and confirmed it again by going to PAT office at that time only and I said after seeing my name. THIS IS IT.....!!!!!!!! I thanked my parents, brother, sisters, GOD and all my close friends then and there. I suggest to juniors to keep on reading as it is the only key to success. On the D-day go for the process with a new mind and with a smile on your face. Keep a positive attitude while going for the process. And at the end all I can say is that always keep on updating yourself & have a strong command over the basic concepts & keep reading financial newspaper, it will really help every one of you. Wish you all the best & all the luck in your life. I hope everyone have a great start to their career. Finally my dear juniors I would like to say that do not lose your hope and do not get de-motivated. Have patience and work on your weak areas and be confident of your strengths. Every stage is a learning stage. Everyone in Balaji Society will be placed because Bala Sir and Our Placement Team will leave no stones unturned. Believe in your ability; do not go for companies just based on package. Study well about the company for which you are applying and please update yourself of the business environment and current affairs. Last but not the least I want to thank whole family of Balaji Society for making my Common journey a Success Story. Thank you Bala sir for all your Guidance and toughness, it made us strong enough to face outside world. I wish you all the very best. Best Regards, Anshul Malik BIIB(IB09-7151

Recent Posts By Others Anuja Agarwal Hello Everyone I am Anuja Agarwal Roll Number 窶的B09-7108 BIIB-Dual B (International Business & Marketing) Academic Year 2009-2011 Campus Placement Experience To start with, I would like to go ahead and thank BIIB Campus Placement Team(2009-2011 Batch) for putting up their best throughout the whole Placement period. They worked very hard making sure that all the information related to each company coming for the campus placement is given to everyone without fail, so definitely without your sheer efforts it would have been next to impossible. Campus placement is the only reason that we dream of going ahead and joining best MBA colleges in India, going through the pain of clearing MAT, CAT, GD-PI's etc.., I still remember that day when I was selected for the batch of BIIB (2009-2011). I guess the happiest day of my life. Life goes on and no sooner the Judgment day arrives when our beloved Bala Sir announced in the auditorium that the journey towards our providence would begin from tomorrow onwards, the journey full of anticipation and anxiety, the journey of Campus Placements 2010. Whenever I think of that day窶ヲ I think of what I have achieved in life will just be my destiny to show everyone I love that I am something today. I have decided that I am going to join my Father's export-import business but my father insisted me to sit for campus placement and face interviews and GD's, he wanted me to build myself, so I kept on appearing for the companies and with every set back I have learnt and move forward with more accuracy and confidence. Before the companies started visiting our College, our beloved Bala sir decided to conduct in house GD,s session in which the judges were the Top-level executives and were masters in their respective fields, that was the first time when I faced GD with my counter parts, it was a very good experience because after every GD session is over the judges use to speak your positive points and use to give their valuable feedback individually that was the first time.

Recent Posts By Others I realized that I am good speaker but yes there were some points on which I have to improve myself. Then the day arrived, 19th dec was here and my attendance criteria had opened, company A was in the Campus, a different mood was there of gravity, and of fear and responsibility, for the first time in the Audi people were not asked to arrange themselves or asked to sit down.. I think it just happened automatically and you could understand it in your very hearts that from today onwards something was going to change our lives forever and that something was very different. The process started and I cleared the G.D, but not the PI which was very disappointing to say the least, but clearing GD in first go gave me immense confidence. My placement experience was quite good rather I would say average as sometimes I was able to go ahead and clear the GDs and not interviews and sometimes if I cleared GD unfortunately there were second rounds of GD. The most challenging job in front of me was to crack GD's. The topics were equally related to politics, general topics, India Vs China, topics related to education in India, technical topics,2G Scam, telecom industry driven topics. My heartily thanks to our beloved Bala Sir's continuous push to read more newspapers and discuss the same because of which I was able to share my knowledge in GD's in other company's processes. I remember how he use to call up students randomly so that everyone get a chance to speak. So I started preparing for GD and not to leave any stone unturned. I got to know that to get through any GD, the most important part is to speak relevant and thoughtful. Whatever you say must add new subject to the GD. I have selected limited companies to start my carrier because I have set a priority in my life to join a company with a long term perspective. My Second Company was X . I cleared the Aptitude Test, I still remember some 72 student had cleared the Test from the whole Balaji Society , I felt proud that out of the best 72 students

Recent Posts By Others who cleared the Aptitude Test and got chosen from the whole Balaji society I was the one among them. But to my utter disappointment, in the next 1 Hr I was again rejected as I feared I would, in the GD round. But this time I was not sad as somehow I at least cleared Aptitude test, and I thought if I can be among the top 72 then someday I can also be among the top 2 to finally get placed. Then new companies and firms kept conducting campus interviews and I kept on facing the process. Again I was rejected sometimes in GD or sometimes in the Final Interview. But I also motivate myself that there was something good in store for me and therefore I should continue my journey without a glimpse of uncertainty. I always wanted to go in the field of Import and Export so I use to make sure that I sit for Import-Export firms and face the GD's and Interview and know that what type of knowledge one should know in the field of International business and on what areas we should keep our hold, the areas which I have discovered in the field of International business to be taken care of is geography and cross cultures. Now I am well settled in my business and whenever some presentations or GD;s happen I am not scared anymore and I conduct it promptly and nicely and all this credit goes to Sri Balaji Institute. This was my campus placement enjoy it you have to belive in yourself and that is exactly what I did. Here's wishing you ALL THE BEST for your future and Placements, may you get all the success, happiness and glory you deserve. It is a great saying that our Bala sir use to say.. “problems are opportunity�. Face it and you will live it. Take care and All the best again. Thanks & Regards Anuja Agarwal

Recent Posts By Others Arpit Srivastava Name – Arpit Srivastava Batch - 09-11 Reg. No. : IB09-7110 Institute : BIIB, Pune Life at Sri Balaji Society Before I pen down my saga I want to convey one message that I have learned at SBS - 'Anything is good if it is taken positively' so always THINK POSITIVE. Always take the actions in a constructive sense. MBA is not a academic course, its a way of life. Always take uncertainties positively. I don't mind even if you don't read further because I have already communicated the essence of what I have learned in these two years. The journey started way back on 6th June 2009 when a simple B.Sc. graduate, from a small city of Varanasi moved to the Oxford of the East – Pune. It was the first time I was moving out of my house. Before that I did all my education at home. I landed on Pune with my family and straightaway moved to Shirdi, praying for a fruitful stay. The saga began at 9 AM on 8th June 2009 and the rest is history. Some of my experiences at Sri Balaji Society chronologically : Mahabharata session which made me realize that I can never sit back on a chair and do the job entire day :) Dilip Bam presentation – Scored 205, probably the highest of the 09-11 batch. And I learnt the art of public speaking. Discovered Myself through the workshop by P. Mahadevan. Created a webpage as a student resource center in an effort stand out of the rest. Represented BIIB in Sri Balaji Society's first ever Inter college B-School Fair. This was my first ever outing on part of the college. A couple of more followed after that. Member of the organizing committee of The HR Meet – Manthan - 2009; Aurora - 2009; Cheerio – 2010 and Spectrum –2010. Member of the CPS (Company Project Studies) Team. Coordinator of The 6th National HR Meet. I never realized the shortage of opportunities here. If you have a will here are many ways to prove yourself. Go ahead and And above all 100% attendance taught me the way of life. President (Student Council), BIIB. And in the words of Bryan Adams, I would say it for the Summer of 2009 ; OH when I look back now, That summer seemed to last forever,

Recent Posts By Others And if I had the choice, Ya - I'd always wanna be there, Those were the best days of my life. My Placement Process I would never ever forget that day – 24th Nov 2010… the day when I got placed at HCL Tech in one of the most difficult placement process at campus (seeing the hit ratio)… Total number of applicants (Marketing, Finance, Systems and HR) – 350 + Number of applicants in Marketing only – 288 Total number of Selections – 11 Selections in Marketing – 3 (this includes me) That boils down to a hit ratio of 288 : 3 for Marketing Anyways… The selection process comprised of a GD and two rounds of PI – one Technical and other HR. Being a non engineer I was wondering what would be in store for me in the technical interview ofcourse if I clear the GD. The Group Discussion 28 GD groups were made in all. There were 5 moderators in 5 rooms. I was in the 2nd Marketing GD group which turned out to be the very first for the moderator in my room. The guy was a South Indian… it looked like he was searching for intellect… As soon as our group of 12 people entered the room, he asked us to be comfortable and surprisingly he started appointing tasks to the group members. One guy was allotted the task of time keeping – he was told that the GD is going to last for 20 mins out of which 5 mins will be given for thinking process and 15 mins for the GD and he was the one to keep track of the time. Another girl in the group was given the task of summarizing the GD even before the GD started. I didn't get either of the tasks and felt like I have lost it here itself. I was just like the rest 10 people in the group…. The topic was thrown – Consumer is the king in India. The timekeeper started his task… and obviously he was the one to start the GD coz he was the only one to announce the end of 5 mins. He took full advantage of it and began with his points in favour of the topic. Gradually others started entering the GD – most of them in favour of the topic. and all were ready to eat each other. I somehow entered the GD after about 3.5 mins of discussion and there was something different – I was against the topic. Couple of more speakers came up against the topic. There was a 3:9 ratio

Recent Posts By Others (against the topic : for the topic). The 9 people started hounding the points of the other 3. The GD got very messed up and the moderator was hardly able to make out anything. One guy in the GD took the initiative and convinced people to speak one by one so as to make some sense rather than making a fish market. I lost it here again coz I was not the one to display the leadership quality. Now starting from one end the people started speaking. I was number 6 and my turn came in the middle. I knew this was the only chance to showcase everything I had… I started my points which included various red tapes laid by the Indian Government and the Monopoly in few sectors. I got around 2-3 minutes to speak. Following me the rest also spoke up and the GD got over. Everyone was waiting for the results and I was the sure the guy who brought things under control will definitely proceed to the PI round. But the results said something different – I was the only one from the entire group who cleared the GD. The Technical Interview Interviewer – Hi Arpit (I didnt even reach upto him) Me - Good Afternoon Sir Interviewer – So Arpit I has just going through your CV and I see you have done quite a lot. But when I see your marks I am disappointed 80% in 10th, 85% in 12th, 75% in graduation and just 68% in PGDM. Are you on a downturn now ? Me – Not at all Sir.As you can see Sir. I am involved in a lot more things than just academics. Interviewer – Ya I can see that you are the President of the Student Council but I dont give a shit. You came here to study… that was the only thing expected out of you and that task is undone. Me – Sir I have been the most regular student in the college and have imbibed all what an MBA should but after sometime I realised that its not only the academics part that matters for an MBA. Its more of a blend between knowledge and skills. I kept up with the knowledge as well as enhanced my skills though various activities of the college.

Recent Posts By Others Interviewer – But still, 68% marks is nothing – Its holy shit.. Me - (He was stuck at this point so I decided to agree with him) I agree that its not much. Interviewer – So you didnt do what you came here for ? Me – No wont say that but I could have done better. I will try to pull back in the upcoming exams. Interviewer – I see you have done a lot of things on the internet..a couple of websites to your name.. I would rather like to offer you a developers profile. Me – Sir, as I am not an engineer, I might not fit into the developers profile. Neither I would be able to deliver nor you will be statisfied. Interviewer – But there are a large number of vacancies in that profile. If you agree you are definitly selected. Me – Sorry Sir. I am here for a Management Trainee – Pre Sales job. Interviewer – But I have only the developers profile for you. Me – Thank you Sir but then I don't want the job. Interviewer – I am delighted… Good. So you want Pre Sales. What can you do there ? Me – If I am convinced with the proposition I can convince others too. Interviewer – Don't talk out of the book. Come on sell this to me (pointed at a glass of water) Me – OK. Sir 70 % of your body is water….(before I could go ahead) Interviewer – Again bookish… Me – Sorry Sir Interviewer – Why cant you simply say that I am interviewing 40 students today. I will be thirsty continuously speaking. I would need water and thats why I should buy that. Keep it short and simple. Me – Yes Sir Interviewer – What are your hobbies ? Me – I am very fond of the internet. Exploring new services.And collecting ebooks. I have around 20,000 ebooks in my library. Interviewer – So did you ever read them or just collect. Me – Its more of a collection but I read few bestsellers. Interviewer – What have you read so far ?

Recent Posts By Others Me – I recently read – Made in America, Alvin Tofler'sPowershift, The third Wave and Future Shock Interviewer – These Alvin Tofler books are too old..may be published way back in 1970s. Me – Yes Sir… but that time he predicted the future and the future is now. So it finds great relevence with whats going on now. Interviewer – OK Arpit. It was wonderful talking to you. Me – Same here Sir. (There were many other instances in the interview which I cannot recall. The interview lasted for around 18 mins) After a very long wait the results were out and 10 out of 40 Marketing students moved to the next level. The HR Interview The HR interview was different. It was a structured interview with the same set of 4-5 questions to all the candidates. The duration of this interview for every candidate was not more than 3 minutes. Interviewer – Hi Arpit. How are you ? Me – Fine Ma'am thank you. Interviewer – Are you aware of all the locations where HCL Tech is and do you have any preferences of location ? Me – To my knowledge HCL Tech has major operations in Noida, Gurgoan, Hyderabad, Chennai and Bangalore. I know there must be many more but it hardly matters for me as I am free to relocate anywhere. Though I will prefer a North region. Interviewer – Why North ? Me – I just want that the language should not act as a barrier in my growth. Interviewer – Language will never be a problem as everywhere in HCL Tech we speak English. Me – Its fine for me. I am free to move anywhere. Interviewer – What are you future plans ? Me – Short term or long term ? Interviewer – Tell me both. Me – Initially I want to learn nuances of business by working in the corporate

Recent Posts By Others for atleast 10-12 yrs and after that I would implement the same in my own venture when I put up. In the short term, I want to scale up and get promoted in the shortest specified time to subsequent positions of the company. Interviewer – Do you want to ask us something ? Me – Yes Mam. I wanted to know, whats there in HCL Tech apart from work ? Interviewer – At HCL Tech, for fun, we work even more. Me – OK. But you said you follow 'Employee First' policy what do you make them do apart from work ? Interviewer – We have sports clubs, literature club and various such activities where you can participate. Me – Ya, thats what I wanted to know. Interviewer – OK.Thank you Arpit. Me – Thank you Mam. The final results were out and a total of 3 students were selected from Marketing and I was one. I thank God, my parents and Sri Balaji Society for everything. Sri Balaji Society has brought out the real me out of me. Wishing all the juniors Good Luck for their future endeavors.

Ashish Sarnaik I am Ashish Sarnaik , BIIB 2009-2011 IB-09-7260 Specialization: Finance I got placed in company 2. I realize one's worries and peer pressures once you enter into the 3rd sem or final year of PGDM, because this is the time for your placement! But let me tell you my juniors, there's nothing to be afraid of, if you don't get into the first company you will definitely get into some! I discussed with some of my senior friends & got really valuable inputs. The discussion with the seniors can be concluded as, the important thing is good/desired profile & not dream company. Also make sure that do not discuss unnecessary points related to placements/package with your friends. The only thing which is important is your preparation (Aptitude, GD/PI)

Recent Posts By Others As we joined 3rd seem after our summer projects Bala Sir advised to join the SAP (FI/CO) batch, which is the first FI/CO batch in SBS. I joined this batch after discussing with my friends into SAP. The students from FI/CO batch were not allowed to sit for campus placements in non-FI/CO company, so I waited for the FI/CO company. I still remember the auspicious day of Dhanteras when ABC visited our campus. I cleared the combined technical & aptitude test. The second round was GD where I think I performed well selected after GD but the destiny had something else in mind I got rejected from ABC after the interview. Dear friends it will happen many times that even after introspection we cannot find where the real problem is or what mistake did I made? The answer to this question is, do not think much in such cases & wait for your day to come. It means you should strive hard during the time you got for yourself for preparation to face to next interview. It was December end and then I started thinking whether any SAP company will visit campus or not. Friends this happened because of unfruitful discussion with friends, also beware of rumors during the placement season. Let me tell you that after December 2 more companies visited the campus for SAP profile. I remember that it was 21st Dec when XYZ Ltd visited the Campus. It was 2 day process, on day 1 we went through the test which included Technical as well as aptitude questions. On 22nd Dec the results for the previous day test were announced, I cleared the test. Again it is followed by GD where the Panel had given us a Topic of discussion on China. The panel also asked about the opportunity with the china for SAP implementation. The panel asked questions on SAP in the GD itself after the discussion was over. The questions consisted of both technical as well as Personal Interview type. Technical questions were like which tables are there in SAP for FICO module? Tell the T-code for COA, How will you get Financial statement in SAP? etc. The other questions related to Personal interview were much simpler like: Why you want to be consultant? I share that I want to be an SAP consultant since I was in 12th. One of my brother is SAP consultant so I was already aware about that profile and the problem does he face during his Job . Feel free to share all your experience and knowledge whatever you have with the HR. It shows your confidence and openness. He was impressed with my experience. I got to know with his face that now I have more chances to get selected. It increases your confidence level. Even I show more enthusiasm that I will be happier if I would get an opportunity in your company. But suddenly he counterstrike with a question Why I would hire you for this profile? Why won't we select a Candidate who is having more experience than you and having exposure of industry? I thought and replied “Sir, Definitely he would have an edge over me but one day he would have been a fresher like me. Once you will give me an

Recent Posts By Others opportunity to work with you then I will learn all the processes which is needful for the company and project. Then he realized that I am more interested in this job and want for the company. Then HR was impressed and asked me to shoot some queries. I asked one question: What would be the future of an SAP consultant once the cloud computing will be coming and capture the market? He gave me some explanation and asked me that “Are you satisfied with justification? “ If you are not agree with the reply so directly say no and explain him what things in your mind have. I did the same and explained him with a numerical analysis and some market trends which I prepared when I was preparing for interview. After listening me he told me “I don't know about that. You should ask this question to your supervisor once you join the company.” This was the indication from HR that I am through in the interview. But still he told me to wait outside. The results were out and we 3 got selected from SAP FICO batch. The panel members were asking simple questions but were watching the body language and the confidence, the command over English etc, very minor points. Final the results were out and we 12 got selected from the Society from Systems Batch and Finance Batch of 2009-11. Piece of advice: Know your areas of strength and always try to push the interview towards that area, never get drained out, and keep a smile on your face. Believe me it makes a difference. Believe in your ability, Don't rush behind companies for package, Be Patient, Learn and read thoroughly about the company you are applying for. Be thorough with the current affairs. I had a wonderful experience and was quite lucky to get my hand on one of the biggest brands. I am very grateful to BalaSir,my teachers, my colleagues in PAT my friends and family. I wish all my colleagues ALL THE VERY BEST and hope they succeed in their endeavors. Regards, AshishSarnaik BIIB (2009-2011) IB09-7260

Recent Posts By Others Ashish Swami Name: Ashish Swami Registration No. : IB09-7206 Division: Dual B Specialization: International Business Institute: Balaji Institute of International Business Academic year: 2009-2011 I am currently working with Company A - a printing & content management firm which is India's largest exporter of educational books. As a part of campus placements process, this was the 3rd company in which I finally got selected. My Campus Placement Experience started a bit late as my attendance was 80% I was not allowed to sit for first 50 companies. I missed some of very good companies due to my low attendance. It is therefore of prime importance to keep your attendance to a reasonable level to take the best advantage of the campus placements. It is completely a different experience running for companies at the same time running for your semester exams your life becomes too hectic but you have to concentrate on both the things as both of these results for your good future . As time runs at faster pace you have to run with the time and give your best . My core interest was in IB Firm I always want to go through some IB firm and utilize all my knowledge which I learnt in 2 year of my MBA but there were very few IB Firm turning to our college so it was becoming quite difficult to choose between your dreams and actual companies turning up in college but I was determined enough to wait for right company to come across my path. The Placement team sent us a mail to apply for Company A I had applied but they said that my resume was not selected by the company. Of around 10 people who had applied not even 2 people turned up for interviews in Mumbai. However I tried to go across for the interview. I was called for interview to the company's head office based in central Mumbai. There is a saying "When there is a will there is a Way " this statement is so true as my day came and I got selected in IB firm . The company could not conduct its selection process by coming to our campus, thus we were asked to report at the company's head office in Mumbai sharp at 9am. I was called to Mumbai for Interview but felt nervous as this was company I waited for and which matched my job requirements of a promising start in the

Recent Posts By Others field on International Marketing. I along with my friend left for Mumbai at 6 in the morning. We had a good sleep in the Volvo before the conductor asked us to get down as we had already reached dadar. Previous night I went through the company's website and on my way to Mumbai read a bit about it.There were many questions going in my mind but you should relax before your interview somebody said me so I did the same thing forgot everything. I had my breakfast in dadar and took taxi for the company's office in prabhadevi. As soon as we reached the office the we were asked to fill a form containing the generalized questions: Name/Date of birth/Permanent address Parent's details Educational Qualification Why did I choose this company? Hobbies/interests, etc. Once we handed over the forms to the admin person, one of the company's official entered the room. He briefed us about involving the company's services, market presence, growth component and work culture. He also briefly explained of the skills required they would be looking for and the procedure followed for the ensuing recruitment. This was followed by and one on one HR round. This round as expected comprised of general questions. I was asked about my family, my years in hostel education, why would I like to join Company A . I was also asked whether I can manage to stay in the mumbai as the job would involve frquent visits to plant and head office. The HR was caring enough to make us comfortable for the round to follow which was a deciding round. After a brief gap of 15 minutes I was called in by the Director who also happened to be the head of Exports in the company. He asked me a few technical questions which were very normal for a IB student. He asked me questions about my family and my vision in life. He then asked me to talk to him about a book I had recently read. I had written in the form that I love reading books as a hobby. He asked me to tell him the entire story. The book name was The Kite runner by KhaledHosssaini. I briefed him the Complete story with which he seemed pretty convinced. He concluded the interview there on. Of the three people who gave their interviews one girl was selected, I was put on hold and was told that I shall be informed in a week. The week went too heavy. Every passing moment I awaited the new of yes or No. I was now not allowed by the placement to sit for any new companies. I called up company after a week for any update on the same. They said that

Recent Posts By Others they shall inform after 1 week. This went by and I received good news within 2 weeks. However I was again asked to come down to the company. This was now turning out to be too frustrating. The HR told me this was just a formality. I met another senior manager of the company for a small round of discussions about the job. He asked me join at the earliest. Finally I had relief that I was selected and will now be working in a company which match my educational qualifications and skills. In the last one year I have travelled abroad for business development and am very satisfied with my job. I would like to say to all my juniors:When you have make up your mind for something never divert to a different direction just move on the same path with your full efforts definitely you will achieve your goals. Please do not comprise with the job profile Money is no Big deal. You will have it sooner or later but dreams once lost are tough to find. Be passionate. Stay hungry stay foolish.

Ayushi Jain Name: Ayushi Jain Reg. No. : IB09-7063 Div.: Dual A Marketing (Balaji Institute of International Business) Academic year: 2009-2011 Specialization : Marketing Campus Placement, I'm sure becomes the most cardinal reason of a majority of us, to sustain for 2 yrs in an institute. After having spent hours and months of intensive training and preparation each one of us expects to move out the campus with flying colors. With a similar thought in mind, I had taken admission into BIIB. For me it was very difficult to cope up with the strict regime of the institute. But with the passage of time I realized the importance of a fact which I have initially mentioned. And at the end of it I am certainly much more than happy and content with what I've taken back from the Campus. I was placed in on 15th February, 2011. Before I got placed. I had appeared for the placement procedure of 4 companies. Apparently I saw something good in every company that I appeared for. But essentially my company found all the good qualities in me that were required for the job. Subsequently we must remember that each one of us is different in a way which makes us stand apart.

Recent Posts By Others So if we are confident enough of ourselves and our desires then we don't have to run after a company. The company best suited for our skill sets will automatically come to us. When the process took place there were a total of 400 students who had gathered to attend the pre placement talk. The panel consisted of 2 members. Both of them were talented and equipped enough to find out what good each one of us had to offer and who could be the best one of them. In the pre placement talk the speaker introduced himself and the company to us. The work culture, what they were looking for, the salary structure, job profile, everything was clearly explained to us. Questions were answered and other doubts were also clarified. The placement procedure consisted of the following rounds:1. Group Discussion 2.Personal interview 3. Written test The first round consisted of group discussion. People were divided into groups of 15 for the group discussion. Every group member was allowed to introduce him/ her self by telling their name, institute, specialization. The panel had given us the topic as Chinese Dragon living next door- enemy/ friend. They gave us 5 mins to think over the topic and then the gd started. This gd was very different. Because everyone was given a chance to speak but only when the panel asked them to speak. It was more like a pacified extempore, the only difference being that the topic of discussion was the same for all. After each one of us had individually spoken. He gave his feedback and then again instructed us to discuss the topic freely amongst ourselves. The best thing about this gd was that every one gave their own opinion with an opportunity of being heard. I was in an advantageous position. As I have a low pitched voice I can't speak very loudly in a group. So it became very easy for people to take over my voice. But since no body could interrupt while you were speaking in this gd. I started giving relevant points with relation to the pros and cons, meaning, relation to the current political scenario, how each one of us faces these situations in real life and how we can overcome such difficulties. While each one of us spoke rest were not given an opportunity to speak but to listen. Listening skill is the most essential skill required by out of an aspirant of service sector. As the gd got over. A list was declared I which a total of 20 people were shortlisted out of 400 of them. All were proud enough to be one of the 20 most sought candidates by a legendary organization with a track record of more than 100 years. The second round was a personal interview round. Interview with each of the candidates went around for 20 mins which implied sufficient time being taken by the panel members to judge each one of us. The questions asked during my

Recent Posts By Others P.I were:Basic introduction. Strengths and weaknesses. Major setbacks and achievements. Learning from them Hobbies and interests. Company of summer internship, project undertaken. Where do you see yourself five years down the line? How many companies you've appeared for before and why you weren't selected for them. How can you contribute to the growth of our organization? Flexibility with regards to location. My P.I was the best as per my opinion. I did disagree with the panel members at certain places but strongly convinced them so as to why I felt the same. I was true to them. I answered what I felt and not in order to please them. The most interesting answer was to the question where do you see yourself five years down the line to which I answered. I'm one of those who wish to lead an independent life, I cannot keep myself bound to a particular job for a long time, that is why after gaining sufficient experience I would start a business of my own. This invited a lot of cross questions. My only sentence that ended my answer was that “Five years down the line I would not be introducing myself to you. People will talk about me and discuss about me. My interview ended over there with no more questions. After long hours of wait we were made to sit for the written test which was the third round. After the written test the panel declared the final list of selected candidates. The shortlisted candidates were only 4 of us out of the 20 people. The best part of the selection procedure was that the panel members also mentioned the reasons for selecting each one of us and what was there in us which made us stand apart from the rest of the crowd. Happiest yet one of the most memorable moments of my life will always be the Campus Placement Experience. I would like to thank each and every member of ShriBalaji Society for their valuable contribution to our success in some way or the other. Thanks and Regards Ayushi Jain BIIB 2009-2011

Recent Posts By Others Bhumitra Tripathi Name-Bhumitra Tripathi Roll No. IB 09 7207 Class BIIB Finance (Dual-C), Specialization -Finance, Academic year: 2009-2011, passed out on 29th April 2011. When I decided to go for PGDM course I got advice from some of my school seniors to go for Sri Balaji Society for the course. The only motive which I had when I took the decision for a PGDM course was to get a job with a good package. Stream for PGDM was not in my mind that means I had not decided whether to go for HR or Finance or Operations. When I got selected I got Finance in BIIB. At that time I had a question in my mind that whether I will be able to survive in a Finance profile since I am an engineer. Now being a Mechanical Engineer I must have gone for PGDM Operations. But again I got mixed reviews for a career of a Mechanical Engineer with PGDM finance. Some people told me that I won't be able to cope up with finance as I am an engineer and also there will be other finance professionals like CA. But some also told me that engineering with PGDM finance will add a feather to my cap. Finally I accepted the challenge and decided to go for PGDM finance only. This was the second campus placement experience in my life and was an important one as I got success this time. I am an engineer and during my graduation I experienced some campus placements but not succeeded Life at SBS was never easy. Finance was getting tough for me. I was feeling that I made a big mistake after my first semester result by choosing finance as my career. I had backlogs and I knew that now I won't be allowed to sit for the first 50 companies. My placement experience was little longer as I was not eligible because I had backlogs during that time. I became eligible in the first week of December 2010. By that time I had missed about 15 companies for finance profile. It was a tough time for me and a frustrating one as I was not able to sit for the placements. It's really hard to see your friends getting placed and you are just sitting on the other side and watching them placed. The feeling of getting placed can't be explained in written words but I will try to be honest as much as possible. The company A in which I got placed was 23rd company which I attended for the placements. Prior to that I attended 22 companies process for placement. Since most of the companies have written test, group discussion as there screening process it was very important to qualify those rounds. I had some pain full experience of some companies' selection process and it's very disappointing when you clear all of your rounds and finally you are not selected. I would like to share one of my experiences of the same company. There were 3 rounds for the final selection process.

Recent Posts By Others 1. Written test 2. Group Discussion 3. Personal Interview The written test consisted of some 15 subjective questions which all were related to the basics of Capital Market. The group discussion After the declaration of result of written test they started to form the groups. Now my group was of 12 people and the judging panel was of 4 persons. The topic given to us was “20-20 vs Test cricket” I was the initiator in the discussion and I had kept my points successfully. After 10 minutes the panel said that they are not satisfied with the discussion and they want to take another group discussion of the same group. Now this time the topic was “Indian Economy”. This time I was not the initiator but was able to keep my points in front of the group. This time I summarized the group discussion. When the group discussion was over (of all the groups) they declared the result. The Interview The interview panel consisted of 4 members. The questions in this round were like:1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Why you have chosen PGDM Finance after Engineering? 3. If we offer you a profile which will include your engineering knowledge and your PGDM finance knowledge would you go for it? 4. What are your hobbies? It was a very short interview and from my side I gave all the answers with confidence but I think they were testing that how much I am stable for my career. Like they offer me a profile as mentioned I said yes to it. What I would suggest for the juniors are stick to one answer. Now I am going to share the placement experience of the company in which I got placed. The notification of this company was in the mid of January 2011 in our college. The Process The entire process can be summed up as…… Company short-listed candidates who have applied Telephonic Round (college campus) Personal Interview/Technical Interview (At the company premise) Final result declaration (After a month of the interview ) Telephonic Round (College Campus) The Telephonic Round consisted of Pre Placement Talk which included a brief

Recent Posts By Others description of the company. This round was taken by the operations head of the company. The round started by a brief introduction about the operations head and then about the company. The questions asked in this round were 1. Tell me about your self. 2. You have done engineering, why have you changed your line? 3. What do you know about stock market? 4. Can you tell me something about sensex? 5. How much is the sensex today? The result for this round were declared after 15 days Personal / Technical Interview (At company premise Mumbai) There were 12 students short listed after the telephonic round. The interview panel consisted of 3 people the HR the operations head and VP operations head The question in this round were 1. Introduce yourself to us. 2. What do you know about our company? 3. What is the role of a Custodian in Capital Market? 4. How will you adjust in Mumbai? 5. Why should we select you? 6. How are you different from those 11? 7. How much of Excel do you know? 8. Give us one example of your life where you have motivated your team members? 9. Give us one example of your life where you have shown a leadership quality? 10. Why MBA after doing Mechanical Engineering? 11. Why MBA Finance? 12. Why are you interested in Capital Market? 13. Are you a fast learner? 14. How much time do you want to spend in our company? Result Announcement The result was announced about 1 month after the interview My suggestions to the juniors:1. Go for the profile not the package. 2. Before sitting for the placements gather knowledge about the company as much as you can. 3. Be honest in the interview. Wish you all the best

Recent Posts By Others Chintan Jain Hello everyone, I am Chintan Jain Roll no: IB09- 7208 Division C BIIB, Specialization: Finance Academic year: 2009-2011 I still remember my days at SBS. The day I entered the college 8th June 2009 and the day I left 29th May 2011, really don't know when 2009 passed and 2011 came. These 720 days were the most beautiful and memorable day of my life and it gives me pleasure to pen my experience of these two precious years of my life. ‘PLACEMENT' is the most awaited moment of one's life. So was it for me. I came to Pune: The oxford of India with a baggage of mixed feelings, really clueless where will my destiny take me to. I was really afraid of the word placement but as rightly said by Bala sir problems are opportunities, even my problems proved out to be an opportunity for me. Here I would accept that I got placed in the month of May, a bit too late. Having appearing for so many companies and not being able to clear the process of any one of them I had really lost all my confidence. Was totally dishearted, felt like as if I was a pain for my parents, they had spent so much for me and above that they have so many dreams for me, but I was not worth it. Before I finally got placed on 21 May 2011, I had attended almost 10-12 processes. I started my journey of placement from the month of January, as I was eligible from January onwards as I had 1 backlog to be cleared, because of this I did lose upon some good IT firms that came to the campus in the previous two months. So here I would like to give a advice to my juniors that kindly take exams seriously as these backlogs are the biggest hurdle in your path of success. My biggest weakness because of which I was not able to clear company's processes was the GD round. I was not good at speaking or rather I should say I was not good at putting my point in front of a handful of people. Don't know what fear did I have, tried a lot but ended up like a looser. As the time passed all my friends got placed, some of them did started working as well, and I was sitting useless. But I didn't lose my patience at all, knew that

Recent Posts By Others God has some or the other thing for everyone in his basket. So he will be definitely having my surprise. What all I need to do is to wait. Wait till my time comes. With my patience and my preparations for the written test and the GD rounds. In the month of March I decided to work on my weakness. I started solving aptitude books available in the college library and reading newspapers and the other GK books. With my hard work and patience, finally my time came; I got placed in Bank A of which I always wanted to be part of. This bank had visited campus in the month of February also but at that time unfortunately was not able to clear its written test round. But as I said early also where there is a will there is a way, so it was for me. I was always confident one day my time will come. During these days my friends were my biggest support, they were always there for me, in my times of sadness, fear, and finally in my time of happiness. The day I got placed they were happier than me. Till the time my day finally came there were about 10 students left in my class for placement. So by that there was only the Personal Interview for the candidates to appear for. I and 1 more classmate of my class were shortlisted for the interview round. We were asked to be go one of the branch of Bank A for the interview. At sharp 9:00 am in the morning we both were there for the interview. With an air of anxiety in me, sweat trickling down my forehead we waited for about 1 hour for the interview to start. In the interview, as soon I entered the room of the Bank A business banking head, I was asked to sell a mobile phone in about 5 minutes, show casting my skills, knowledge and convincing power. It was really strange they the business banking had didn't ask me to sit also. I was really confused and amazed on what's going on. He also told me the parameters he was going to judge me on. He was testing my confidence, knowledge and presence of mind. After this he also asked me a plethora of questions like: Introduce yourself l My aim in life l Family background l Why not going in for family business, why service??? l Why Banking l Why Bank A l Ratios used in a Bank l NPV/ IRR l What is credit management etc

Recent Posts By Others He also asked me about my internship project like what was my profile there, what project I have worked on, where I worked, work culture of the workplace etc. Also, I was put forth a very difficult question which was Why Sales profile when I was from Finance background. This was the most difficult questions to be answered. I was really confused what to say. My 2 years of hard work was at stake. I took an minute and answered ' I like this profile, as it is not purely sales, it is sales of banking products which would help me use my finance knowledge. It is not easy to sell banking products, these product sales demand finance knowledge plus a presence of mind along with an understanding of customer's requirement and I am confident I will be able to do this'. My interview lasted for about half an hour. We were asked to go back and wait for the results. I came home when full anxiety, this was my golden opportunity and I didn't want to lose upon it. I really wanted to be part of Bank A. A day passed but there was no reply from the bank. I landed up calling my college coordinator 3 times to ask for the results, but there was no reply. She said me to wait. I was much tensed, was not able to eat, sit at one place, sleep etc. All the day what I could think was what my destiny will be. What does God has in his basket for me, or does he has anything or not. The next day came, early in the morning at sharp 9:00 am I again called up the college coordinator, hoping for a positive reply or even a reply, was not in a position to take this anymore but unfortunately the reply was the same. The only thing I could do now was to wait, wait, wait and wait. But fortunately my wait got over that very moment I got a call from the coordinator sayings 'Congrats Chintan, it's our day, you are a part of Bank A'. My first reaction was Yipeee!!! Thank u God, thank you very much. Regards Chintan Jain IB09-7208

Recent Posts By Others Dhruvika Shah I am Dhruvika Shah, Registration Number - IB-09-7209, Class International Business, Division -Dual B, from BIIB, From the academic year 09-11, passed out on April 2011. My specialization is in International Business It was on 22nd October 2010, I had applied for both the companies which were coming to the campus on the same day. Reporting time of auditorium was 8:00 a.m. sharp. As I entered I saw an air of anxiety engulfs the chilly auditorium, sweat trickles down furrowed foreheads, pulses race and a lull falls as a noisy lot of students experience their first hiccups of the strife involved in getting a first job, and that was like this is the archetypal scene on the D-day of campus recruitments. The first company had arrived and the session starts with a preplacement talk by the company executives - company's services, market presence, growth component and work culture, it covers them all. This is followed by a brief explanation of the skill sets required for employment and the procedure the company will follow for the ensuing recruitment. The actual recruitment procedure started with a Group Discussion. My subject of discussion was on Ayodhya Verdict. Lot of chaos was there it was no more a group discussion and had become a debate which had annoyed the moderator so we thought our whole group would get rejected but when the result was announced I was the only person who had cleared the GD from that group . I was on cloud 9. As I said I had applied for other company also therefore went for its GD. There were three moderators, in which head of HR department was also there. My subject was on “Learning's from your summer training “. As the excitement of 1st company was there in my mind therefore was not able to concentrate on my GD and couldn't speak anything, at last one of the moderator asked me to conclude the whole discussion. The GD got over and there was time for the results to come. And I was able to hear my heartbeat lub dub I went back to my room as was not hoping to get selected because couldn't speak much. I was preparing myself for the interview of the 1st company. I was just leaving my room for the interview, I got the call from a friend saying that I have cleared the GD of 2nd company also, was thrilled , couldn't believe my ears. And with a high tenor i went for the interview of 1st company and got rejected in the 1st round of the interview only. Disappointed and sadness fell all around me. Didn't loose my hope and with all that I moved forward for my interview in 2nd company. Before entering one thing I knew was that whatever they ask I should be confident about the replies that I give to them and be myself. Finally at 7:45 p.m. I went inside the conference room where all the three moderators were sitting. The very 1st thing when I entered they ask me was

Recent Posts By Others “What is student council and what is a role of mine as Seminar Coordinator” So I explained it that a student council is a representative body composed chiefly of students chosen by the higher authority of the college to organize social and extracurricular activities of a college, and my role as a Seminar Coordinator is to organize all that events that occurs in the college and it is the duty of all the members of student council to see that all maintain the 4D's of the college i.e. Discipline, Dedication, Decorum and Determination. “Tell me something about your family” The question brought in a glow on my face, in family, my father is a businessman, having a business of import-export of automobiles. My mother is a housewife and a brother is studying. “So Dhruvika I had just going through your CV and I saw that till 10th you have done your schooling in Bangalore and then came back to Rajkot …why so ??” I didn't have any specific reason for coming back, I just went for learning few things like being independent and to get a bit of exposure but for quite a long time I was away from my family so I came to them as they were missing me a lot. “Where you want your posting as in your preference for places” I would like to be placed in Gujarat. “Why Gujarat, why not Delhi Bangalore?? People are dying to get place there” Yes, to get off the humdrum environment and therefore it even makes it easier for me and you also as in you get the candidate who is ready to go to Gujarat where many of are not. “Thank you Dhruvika” Thank you sir I went back to the common room with mixed emotions where all the candidates were sitting. As the time for the announcement of results nears, waves of students start inundating the auditorium once again. All around one can see pale and fatigued faces – fallout of the excruciating test and the unnerving wait. The waited moment came and the moderators announced the result one by one they called out the names ,the last but not the least was my name , a strong impulse ran down from my ears to the brain ah it was me, but truly said after failure success is there and it was true in my case. The formal announcement was done and the selected set of future employees are welcomed by the company. I would like to say to all juniors that calmness shows emotional maturity, being calm in a job interview is a difficult proposition, but then that is where it is

Recent Posts By Others required! Calmness does not imply being unenthusiastic or apathetic during the interview, but knowing that you are nervous and not letting it come in the way. A clear verbal communication implies clarity of the thought process. One should also watch out for the impressions made in non-verbal communication. Body language and facial expressions can assist you in establishing a good rapport with the interviewer. Pauses, silences and gestures may all indicate what you mean, understand, or would like to emphasize. Make the interviewer feel great from the get go since they get tired of asking questions. Smile, be happy, kind, comforting and enjoyable. If you make their entire interviewing experience better, you will be remembered. It is one of the useful tip for on campus employment is engaging the interviewer from the beginning. I would like to express my hearty gratitude to Bala sir and Biju sir for whatever I am today. All that I know is just to the experience which I got from working in admission cell and it was an outlandish journey. Thank you.

Divik Gupta I am Mr. Divik Gupta. Registration Number- BIIB-09-7256 Class- Finance Division Dual C from BIIB. Academic year : 2009-11 MY PLACEMENT EXPERIENCE.— I was in the last 25% unplaced students of my class. You can imagine the type of mental pressure students have at that moment. My weak point is my GD part. I got rejected always on GD part and was not getting a chance to face an interview. I was still not getting nervous as i was having faith in myself that i have right things with me for an interview. In worst scenario, if i didn't get placement from college side, i can try by myself and can crack that. I have seen 95% of students getting nervous and crying that they r not getting selected. It's better to prepare yourself and learn from your past mistakes rather than getting upset or crying on it. So there comes my day.. An Financial firm was coming for campus placement. It was a pool campus recruitment process held at ISB&M College. There were about 250 candidates from various colleges like Symbiosis, Indira, Sadhana, Etc.

Recent Posts By Others There were 3 roundsWritten test GD Interview In written test there were 10 questions related to stock market in which we have to write answers in 2 lines for each question. I cleared that. Next comes GD. I had 2 rounds of GD there. And i cracked both. That was shocking for me. Believe me BALAJI students have an awesome GD skill and that I came to know at pool campus placements. I was able to crack both GDs as students from other colleges were very hesitating and their communication skills were very bad. Topics for the GDs were1) Credit cards- Boon or bane for Indians 2) Is 20-20 cricket killing the real cricket spirit Next come final Interview round. I was fully prepared with the common questions asked and counter questions that interviewer can ask. There was panel of 3 members who interviewed me. Interview went for about 25 min. Here is my experience. Q: So Mr. Divik. How was your day so far? A: It was very nice sir. I have cracked 2 rounds for selection. I am very happy. Now sitting in front of you for my final round of selection. Q: Good. What does your name mean? A: I replied to that. Q: Everyone has a weakness. So what is yours? A: I was prepared on this question. I was having a totally prepared answer for it. I prepared a cooked up story to show my weakness in a positive way. Sir my weakness is that I am over-helpful. I can explain to you with my practical life experience. In my engg.we use to prepare viva reports. So one of my friend come to me and requested me to prepare a report for him too as he was having some other exams. Next morning i saw him playing cricket in ground. I got very upset and told him to prepare his report by himself. That was another lesson learnt by me. After that day i had improved a lot on that. I had shown here-

Recent Posts By Others 1) My weakness in positive way that i am helpful. 2) I had improved on my weakness. 3) I always learn from my mistakes. (Never lie in interview. If you are 101% sure that you had done your homework and there is no chance to get caught, only then. Try not to lie. I did that as I had faced it several times before too.) Q: And what are your strengths? A: Answered the question with some of my strengths like Honesty, Hard Working, etc. with proper experiences of my life. (Make sure you have a proper Practical life experience as an example for your every weakness and strength to justify your answer. You can't just say you are good team leader and close the answer. Justify it why you believe that.) Q: Your biggest achievement of life? A: Was prepared on that answer too. Sir i am an engg., but engg. was never my cup of tea. I have given several interviews but was not getting selected anywhere as i was not knowing anything of engg. I was very depressed and alone. One day i thought why i am wasting away my life. I believe i can do well in finance as i am good in mathematics and analytical skills. So decided to opt for PGDM finance and prepare for MBA entrance tests. I prepared for 2 months and practice 15 hrs a day. I know it might be hard to believe for you. But i really did that. And as a result i got 99%ile in MAT and 90%ile in CAT and 89%ile in XAT. I good score for me. And got admission in a reputed B-School of Pune i.e. BIIB. That was my biggest achievement so far. (I had answered that answer with full confidence and proud in my eyes. My strengths like Hard Working, Positive attitude, Self motivator were proved here).(Facial expression and body language plays major role as compared to your words in an interview.) Q: To Finance me kyu career banana chahte ho? A: Sir i have a passion for finance. Moreover i have a banking family background. My mom, dad and grandfather all are managers in banks. So Ghar par bhi finance kibaateinchaltirehtihai. Papa is very much into share trading. Ghar par 24 hrs CNBC chaltarehtahai.4 business newspapers and 3 magazines

Recent Posts By Others atihainghar par. So from there i got interest in stock market. And i have learned many lessons from him. (As he asked question in hindi, so i also replied answer using some hindi.) Q: Where did you do your internship? A: Told about that. It was in stock brokerage firm. I have explained him in detail what i learned there and my experience there. (Be thorough with your intern training stuff.) Q: So you would also be willing to trade in market. A: Yes sir. Q: But after joining our company, you can't trade in market as you would be dealing with investment manager and bank accounts. You would have access to secret information and you can't use it outside. A: Hmmm.... Ok Sir I can compromise on that part. Q: Kya guarantee haiki tum nahikaroge invest? A: Sir guarantee to is duniyameinjindagikibhinahihai.. I can give you my words or at max in writing too. Its up to you whether you want to believe it or not. Ball is in your court. Q: Even your father can't invest in stock market. As you may provide secret information to him also. A: Sir. He is in the stock market for last 10 years and i think i would not be easy for anyone to quit it as of a sudden. I am sorry sir, I think i won't be able to compromise on this part. But i am giving my words to you that i will never reveal any internal information to him. As i have already told you that i am honest. And i have told you everything honestly. Q: But it is against company policy. Its company rule that any relative of employee can't trade in market. A: Oh then sorry sir. I think i have to lose a golden opportunity to work with you. Q: Do you mean to say that you are ready to leave this job for it. A: Yes sir, I am giving you words that i won't reveal any information to my dad. But as you are saying that it is not possible. Then i am sorry. I am a man of values. I won't give you any false promise that i won't be able to fulfil. (Lesson from interview of movie- 3 IDIOTS) J Q: Why you want to join our company?

Recent Posts By Others A: Sir Its not about this company. Frankly saying I have not heard of this company before. It was only yesterday i visited your company website. Its about the profile that you are offering. I was looking for a company that will provide me such a profile. It perfectly suits me and i believe i would be able to perform in it up to company expectations. (They started laughing. One of them said So you are really honest. I have told honesty as my strength and that was proved too..:) One of panel members said- Divik I liked your confidence and your attitude. So Divik it was a nice interview with you. And your dad can invest in share market. That was just to test you and you passed that test. Thank you gentlemen. See you soon. I was sure that i am going to be selected. And result came out and i was there in the list. :) Happy Ending... So as a summary. Things that should be considered while an interview. 1) Firm believe in yourself 2) Attitude 3) Little smartness 4) Full preparation from your side to the common question asked with counter questioning to yourself. Think if you answer this, what could be next question of interviewer and how you will tackle that. 5) Full confidence in yourself and same should reflect on your face. Facial expression and body language plays major role as compared to your words in an interview. 6) Reading company's website fully. 7) Show your learning attitude there. 8) It's better to prepare yourself and learn from your past mistakes rather than getting upset or crying on it. 9) Never lie in interview. 10) Make sure you have a proper Practical life experience as an example for your every weakness and strength to justify your answer. You can't just say you are good team leader and close the answer. Justify it why you believe that. 11) Be thorough with your intern training stuff. If you have all above with you, u doesn't have to run after job. The Job is waiting for you in there..!!! All the Best..

Recent Posts By Others Divneet Hi I am Divneet Registration Number:IB-09 7210 BIIB - Dual C (Finance) Academic year: 2009-2011 Currently Placed in company ABC, working as SAP consultant I did my Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science in the year 2004-2008. I was placed in one of the top MNC's but as recession stuck my hopes of getting into the company premises faded day by day. That is how I decided to go for higher studies and finally chose Balaji Society to be my home for the next two years. When life at SBS began I didnt knew what to expect or how things would turn out to be. I came with a baggage of mixed feelings, anxieties, happiness, stress, pressure and competition They say whatever happens, happens for the best and today when I look back I appreciate the same. Today as I look back I see that Balaji society has given me much more than what I would have ever desired. Apart from knowledge, it has given me the strength to fight with this cruel word outside, it has taught me very basic yet very powerful lessons of life. It was indeed a wonderful experience to be at Balaji for two years. It gave me the exposure which will surely help me to grow and progress not in my career but also in personal life. Being an engineer and pursuing PGDM (Finance),when I took this crucial decision, I had mixed reviews, some said engineering with PGDM finance would do wonders in your career ahead. some said u'll have to face a lot of problems as finance is not everyone's cup of tea. I remember even bala sir gave engineers an option to change to other streams many a times, as placements in Finance was a big headache. At one point of time I felt too pressurized that I too gave a second thought to changing my stream but as balaji society is not a placement agency I was prepared for the worst too. So stuck on the same decision to stay with finance despite bala sirs repetited persuasion...afterall problems are opportunities Then came an option of training in SAP(FICO). We were told that we wouldn't be allowed to sit for any other finance company except for those with an SAP profile. Again a problem which later turned to be an opportunity. A tough fight with my heart and mind and I decided to put my foot in SAP shoe.

Recent Posts By Others But somewhere I had the confidence that finance would prove to be the best for me. We were trained in SAP Finance module. Then started the most awaited time,where your years of knowledge, dreams and sacrifice comes to life, placement season, with ABC making its way into Balaji society with SAP FICO profile. As the Placement season approached only three basic criteria revolved in my head most of that time Brand, Profile and Salary Package. I had no preference for any specific industry. One day before the company was to come to our campus I went for company briefing. I came to know that I am shortlisted for the company and the company is visiting campus very next day morning 8:00AM. So the next day I reached college around 7.45 AM.My experience was indeed a very memorable one. I got placed in the 1st company of my preferred sector and the process is as follows: 1. CV Shortlisting. 2. Aptitude and Technical 3. Group Discussion. 4. Personal Interview. 1. CV Shortlisting. The criteria for CV shortlisting was 60% throughout. 2. Aptitude and Technical There were around 35-40 questions based on Quant, Data Interpretation, Reasoning and English. The questions asked were not the tough nuts to crack. The key to solve them was a complete presence of mind. Next were a technical set of questions, around 35 questions based on technical sap fico. 11 students cleared the aptitude from FICO background. 3. Group Discussion. The G.D. started at 4:30pm & comprised of an open-ended case study. The case study revolved around a company that allotted housing to its employees 5 employees, who wanted housing urgently were listed, but the company had the provision to allot only 1 house. Thus, had to make a choice. The group discussion started smoothly but later turned out to be a fish market. I made my point not to speak much but to say some relevant points and my strategy worked out well. The panel was impressed and finally 7 Students were shortlisted for the personal interview.

Recent Posts By Others 4. Personal Interview. Before the personal interview there was some confusion regarding whether it would be technical or general HR interview. But in the end when it started it was a comfortable and easy going interview. We talked about my background, followed by a set of general questions: 1) Why did you choose Finance after engineering 2) Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line. 3) Would you be comfortable travelling as SAP involves a lot of travelling. etc. 4) Do you have any problem relocating to other places? 5) Are you comfortable travelling as SAP occupation requires a lot of travelling? After around 15-20 mins of interviewing the panel told me there and then that i was selected and should be ready to join them on board immediately after my final semester exams. It was a moment of joy and achievement for me. I am really thankful and grateful to Bala Sir, my parents, professors and management to show me such a day that every one dreamt of. So don't worry, one day of your life will come in which everything will go right, even if it doesn't get right everything will fall at right place. And to make things go right our placement team works harder and harder day by day. The purpose of life is to live it , to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences. Never let your confidence go down whatever may be the situation, fight till the end. Develop good communication skills. Do not be de-motivated even if you are the last one left for the campus placement. Believe in the Almighty because whatever happens has a reason to back it. Last but not the least believe in Bala sir and his words. He always has something good for you. I wish all my juniors from the whole society all the best. Regards Divneet

Recent Posts By Others Divya Anand I am DivyaAnand Registration Number : IB-17-1925 PGDM (Dual C) BIIB Batch 2009-11 Placed in Company 1 Hi, Campus placement experience is indeed one of the most thrilling experience in entire lifespan. That anxiety, nervousness, loud heartbeats and million worth pleasure can never be compared with anything else. And this experience gives a new shape to our futures and helps us to take our first step out in corporate world. My campus placement experience was also something like this only. There was excitement, nervousness and lot of pleasure. But I was lucky as I didn't had sleepless nights and didn't had to wait at all for my placement as I cleared the very first company, I sat for. Also I got attached with a very big brand name. It was 1st November, 2010 when I appeared for my first and luckily last company for campus placement. Since it was the first company in campus therefore every student was allowed to sit for the process. But again there were certain criteria. The students having science background were not allowed to sit for the process. The total number of students sitting for the process was approximately 70. The recruiters arrived around 10:30 am. We were made sitted in the computer lab as the process included online tests. The recruiters didn't gave much briefing about the company as they wanted to give it to the students selected for the final interview round.The only thing told to us was our profilr and CTC offered which was 3.76 lac pa. The process had four online test. Each round was a elimination round. The very first round was English and Grammar round. The questions were designed to test the grammar knowledge of the candidates. Also the test included sentence building, sentence correction and use of punctuations. Reading ability was also tested. Comprehensions were given and questions were asked from it. Basically our comprehending ability was tested. All together there were 30 questions and 15 minutes were given to complete this section. The result of this round was announced within 15 minutes the round got over. Major elimination took place in this round. Around 30 people were shortlisted from this round. After that we had online excel exam to test our general understanding of excel. The questions generally were related to uses of excel functions. Various

Recent Posts By Others questions were asked relating to different but basic excel functions. All together there were 15 questions for this round and 15 minutes were given to complete this section. Not many candidates were eliminated after this round and hardly 23 people got eliminated and rest all moved to the next round. Next we had logical reasoning round testing our reasoning skills. Various questions testing our analytical skills were asked. In this round also we had 30 questions and 30 minutes were given to complete this round. Questions were challenging and also the time was less so quick analysis was required. Few people got eliminated in this round. In all total 4-5 candidates got eliminated in this round.And last but not the least we had “Versant� test. This test was conducted for judging our communication skill. As we all know that communication plays very important part in our life. So we were accessed on our communication skills i.e. speaking and listening skill. In this round also there were four parts. Firstly we were asked to speak out few sentences which were written on a sheet. Then we were asked to repeat some sentences correctly which were hear. Then we were asked to arrange jumbled sentence and lastly two questions were asked to about us. Almost the entire day got over in this process and based on each round results we were called for final interviews. The wait for the final interview was quite long. The interview process took place on 12th November, 2010. The interview consisted of two rounds, 1st technical and 2nd HR round. I was the second candidate to go for the interview. In the technical round questions were mainly asked from my summer internship. The questions were asked to judge my learning ability. The questions included where I did my summer internship from and what work I was doing there. Also I was asked what all I learnt in my internship. The interviewer was very supportive and helped me to be comfortable throughout the process. Also I was asked how much flexible and adaptable I was to judge whether I can adjust in the working environment where people belonging to different culture work. Also the interviewer corrected me wherever I was wrong and that helped me to get my understanding clear. The entire process went very smoothly and from the type of answers I gave, somewhere I was sure I will be able to clear this round. Within 10 minutes the result was announced and I was moved to the next and final round. I was just a step away from my dreams so the nervousness was high but at the same time the confidence was also high. The second round had mix of technical and HR questions. Firstly the interviewer asked me to tell about my background which included my family background and educational background especially. Questions were asked about my interest in a particular subjects and when I mentioned that I like accounts and economics, they started quizzing me on that particular subject. Both basic and

Recent Posts By Others difficult questions were asked and my understanding was checked. They wanted to know how clear my concepts are. I stated my answers confidently. They also wanted to know how interested I am in the profile offered by them and whether I will do justice to the job or not. They didn't wanted to select any wrong candidate and also they didn't wanted to give wrong career to any candidate. My personal interview went quite well and I was confident that surely I can make through it. My interview got over by 1:30 pm and then I was free for the entire day. Many candidates were left for the interview and it was almost 7 pm by the entire process got over. At the end it was the time for the results. We were called in a room and then final selected students name was announced. And the moment came when my name was announced. The selected students were gifted T-shirt of the company. And the entire process came to an end. But the entire process gave start to a new journey which is still going on. And I will put my best effort to take this journey ahead and make my today and tomorrow beautiful. Regards, DivyaAnand IB09-7211 Dual C

Drishti Panda I am Drishti Panda, Registration Number - IB-09-7012, Class International Business, Division -Dual B, from BIIB, From the academic year 09-11, passed out on April 2011. My specialization is in International Business I am finally placed in Company A. It's correctly said a diamond cannot be polished without friction and gold cannot be purified without fire, similarly success cannot be attained without hard work. I still remember the Friday morning of 5th June, 2009. A plethora of vibrant colors i.e. the students dressed in traditional dresses of their own states were present near the Mandir. Then came the touch bearer of SBS; Bala sir on the very first day, enlightened us with his two mantras, “PROBLEMS ARE OPPORTUNITIES”, and “LEAVE NO STONES UNTURNED”. These mantras kept our spirits high during crucial times.

Recent Posts By Others It would not be correct if I say I started the preparation since the very first day. The first year was very jubilant as we came into a new ambience with new dreams and ambitions, but at the same time it was very hectic and tiring. But these hectic schedules proved to be a boon to us when we went for our interns. I did my interns in TATA MOTORS. There I realized when other interns were frustrated due to overload of work; I was able to easily sail through it because of our corporate commando training. 'Every painting is not a master-piece, until they get the master-strokes.' For us these strokes were Bala sir's scolding as well as the patting. He often made us realize were we lag behind and should work upon it. I started my preparation from 3rd semester when we came across the plethora of HR meets. There we could listen direct from the horse's mouth about the industry demands and current scenario. I used to jot down important sayings and data from their presentations to add-on to my database. We made a group of interested students for our preparations. I made two notebooks. One for daily news. I used to read the complete news on the topic which interests me and note down the headlines of others. If ever, I missed to read the newspaper I went through '2min et' on internet. When we came across any inter-related news, we used to discuss and analyze it within our groups. The other notebook was on current GD topics. Bala sir gave us around 300 topics which proved as a base of our preparations. We used to discuss on these GD topics during our lunch breaks. Through this we were able to gather many points and data on a single topic. I prepared for around twenty common topics which were current like women empowerment, TATA successor, India-China, etc. the main motive was to have knowledge of what's going on in the world and excel in certain topics so that I could relate it while my final GD. I also collected data from various websites and library books regarding the penetration rates, employment ratio, India rankings, etc so that it could be used as a concrete point.Many have mentality it's beneficial to start the GD, but it's nothing like that you should speak less but relevant and with concrete data. Just try to keep your pitch high so that others can listen to you but no need to shout. Along with GD preparation we prepared for aptitude from R.S.Agrawal. But before the placement season starts, you need to make up your mind. I would like to request you to kindly decide what you want from a job; profile, money, brand name or a work culture. It will help you not to deviate from your decision while selecting a company you wanted to opt for. Then came the final day, 1st November 2010. Company A was going to visit our campus. As usual, all eligible candidates had to attend the PPT. I was pretty sure that I wanted a good work culture so I decided that Company A would be

Recent Posts By Others the best choice for me. The first round was aptitude and business communication. aptitude comprised of three sections; mathematics, english and logical reasoning and in business communication we were asked to write an email and an essay of around 200 words on 'Relevance of knowledge management in today's scenario'. On the basis of this aptitude around 67 students were short-listed. These short listed students were divided in groups of eight for the next round which was a case study round. In this round we were given a task of designing a web page for the company, but please note they are here for recruiting managers not web designer so they keenly observed how well you work in a group rather than how good you are at coding. If you come across any case study rounds, then my suggestion would be to keep your bossy nature aside, believe you all are equal and have equal right to speak. Be a good listener and speak valid and relevant things. After the case-study round our presentation and communication skills were checked by presentation and versant rounds. Many have a doubt 'what is versant round?', in simple words it just check how well you have a command over English language. You have to just answer some phone recorded questions; they just check whether you have a good accent, your sentence building, grammar etc. It was around 11'o clock till all these four rounds completed. So they called it for the day and the interviews were scheduled for the next day. On 2nd November 2010 morning, we all gathered near the BIMM building for the final judgment of our destiny. Before I went for my interview I did a massive research on the company and their culture. I prepared some basic questions like 'Why you want to join our company'; I replied ' Sir, I read your company believes in giving a challenging and multi-dimensional career, which is exactly what I expect for my initial stages.'.'What are your strengths and weakness', 'Tell me something about your interns and initiatives taken in college'. Read your CV properly, have a command over what you learnt in interns, highlight the initiatives taken by you other than academics (such as I went for branding of college, admission process, participated in national fests etc). Just be confident and sure of what exactly you what from a job and the company don't try to flatter them. Ensure them that if they are able to give what exactly you expect from them, than you would sustain and would have a long-term relationship with the company. Hence, I would like to stay the journey of success is not completed on the basis of mere luck, but also with tremendous hard work behind it. I would like to thank our beloved Bala sir, faculty members and a dedicated CRT who helped in nurturing of the students into corporate managers.

Recent Posts By Others Hemant Mehandiratta I am Hemant Mehandiratta Registration Number: IB09-7172 Division: Dual B BIIB, Academic year: 2009-2011 My specialization is in Marketing and International Business. Currently Placed in company XYZ, working as Senior Executive. I am feeling overwhelmed to share my experience. To get selected in a company was one of the most important days of my life and hope it is equally important for every individual. But till the time someone not gets selected, it is a time of patience, preparation, hard work. I have undergone same experience at my college placement time. It's very difficult to handle pressure when the companies are coming and you are unable to crack GD. We get mental pressure as because at the same time our colleagues' are getting placed and you are still waiting for your placement time. There are 1000 of candidates who all are standing in the placement race to win the competition. I was placed on 18th Dec in my 18th company I sat. It was really a relish moment for me when my name was announced for collecting offer letter at midnight. I was eligible in terms of attendance and academics from starting. All the 17 companies before my placement I suffered with same GD problem. In all the 17 companies I was unable to crack the GD that was the first round of every company. My placement experience was not an easy journey. It started from the very beginning since the time when the first company came to the campus .My learning in every GD was different because some companies were short listing the students who were aggressive; some were selecting the students who were good listeners. But, finally in the 18th company I cleared 2 rounds of GD and 2 rounds of interview. I was really very happy after placed because I crack my 1st interview and got placed. Reason of happiness is , in most of the companies students appeared, reached till the last round and got rejected there that's create big depression for the students. The sector in which I am placed is Retail. I was delighted because Retail was booming Indian market and still its booming; also the Indian Retail (organized) market is still in single digit. There is a good scope in future after the approval of FDI in multi brand retail. I did my 2 months summer internship in Retail sector and get placed in Retail. The competition was at peak, approx 300 students sat for the company and 20 groups of GD were formed. After my GD was over I returned to my flat because previous to this I had experienced 17

Recent Posts By Others companies in which I was unable to crack GD. Nobody knows about the luck and destiny and suddenly 4p.m I was relaxing in my flat, I got the call from the college that u first GD is clear, please come fast for the next round. I was shocked after listening this and was extremely delighted as I cracked my first GD. The GD topic was India vs. China. I got little confident after clearing 1st GD and also cleared the second GD as well. That day, everything was going in my favors. And this boosted my confidence even more. Out of 300 students 70 students were shortlisted for the interview round. The panel of 10 came to the campus for recruiting. Interviews going on in the 5 different rooms and in each room panel of 2 was there. I was preparing myself to grab this opportunity because I had my summer internship in Retail so I was a little confident about the retail concepts and retail as a field. Finally my no. came and I appeared for the interview. The interview started with my basic introduction and after 5 min he started asking me about my summer internship. I was fully confident with the job I did in my interns. After that he asked me about something about customer perception in marketing research and asked me to explain the concept multidimensional scaling on the white board. I stood up in confident and I explained half the method he asked me two cross queries and I was able to answer that and he told me to sit and he didn't ask me any technical questions. Some of the questions asked were as below: 1) Something about yourself 2) what do you know about Retail 3) Why Retail only? Reason of doing training in Retail. 4) How you did customer perception? Explain me on white board. (Related to internship) 5) Do you smoke , drink? If no why? Etc... Interview held for 30 minutes approx. so it was giving a positive ray that I can get selected. Result announced. The result of interview announced and 25 students out of 70 were shortlisted. It was declared that these all 25 students are selected but after 15 min suddenly the information came that one more interview will be conducted for these 25 students. After listening about one more interview I crossed my finger and pray to god that I have almost reached to my destination please help me in cracking the remaining. The final interview was not technical but they asked me, if I have any query. They again ask me to define myself and asked about the preferred location. The result declared after half an hour when Head HR starts distributing offer

Recent Posts By Others letter and announced names one by one. My name was announced after sixth candidate and really at that moment I was extremely delighted and my mind stopped working and I didn't know what to do and how to react? Then it was only shouting, celebrating, congratulating, hugging, crying, Placement bums. I called to my parents after signing my offer letter at midnight and it was really exciting moment. I had double fun on the placement night because my roommate placed with me in the same company at the same time. On the very next day I went to my home town for a week after a long 6 months. Here's wishing you ALL THE BEST for your future and Placements, may you get all the success, happiness and laurels you deserve. Take care, be happy, and always remember “Problems are Opportunities”. “Learning never ends”. Time is precious. I am currently in the same organization and enjoying my job. Don't frustrate in any situation because I am sure if are in balaji society you all will be placed but wait for your time. Experience every moment and learn from every moment you will become more perfect.

Himanshu Sejpal Hi I am Himanshu Sejpal IB-09-7216 BIIB – Marketing Hiii , As far as my placement experience is concerned , I was one of those who was always worried and tensed from the beginning of my mba , i used to follow each and every company that visited our campus for the placement of senior's . So I was well aware of the timings of the companies visiting the campus . By keeping the track of my seniors placement gave me a fair bit of idea as to what companies offer in terms of profile, package place of posting etc .This gave me some understanding of what can be one's expectation from the campus placements .Intially before joining i had some unrealistic expectation's from the college and above that from myself . As I was a fresher with no work experience , I had to focus no my strength and find those companies that suit my profile . I am a bcomgradutate with good understanding of finance and accounting . Adding to that I was doing Mba in marketing . So i shortlisted sectors that would suit my profile .Banking , finance , Mutual funds or companies that would require good sales and analytical abilties were the once that i was looking for .

Recent Posts By Others In our college there are many factors that effects our placements like Backlogs , attendance etc . I was one of the many students who had backlog in Quantitative technique because of which i had to miss around 15 companies . That was really a very tensed situation that i faced in my two years . I used to console myself that I was not alone and half the college was with me due to the same reason . And when I reflect back on that situation again I realise that it was nothing when compared to what we face in our corporate life now . Now coming down to actual placements , The first company which comes to campus is a dream company for everyone , its an electronic major and a brand for which every student wants to work ,As Bala sir said in the auditorium that even he dont know what is the criteria of selection the Hr uses to shortlist the students . The students were divided into the group to 10 for group discussion . The Topics for discussion were very general and current so that everybody was able to speak .our topic was “ Beauty Pegeants are very good Brand ambassodars” . The discussion was very good , everybody contributed in the group with some revelent points . But when the results were announced our group was completely washed out , it was a surprise for everyone as the discussion was very good , and all the points made were relevent . But as said earlier no one knows on what basis the shortlisting is done for this particular company. Second company in which i applied for was almost after 2 months in the month of november after clearing my Qtbacklog . It was 23 of november , Xyz bank was coming to the campus for recruitment , i was aware of the bank coming for placements as they had conducted a training programme for the students on banking and finance . It was a training for about 15 sessions and it lasted for more than a month. The training was conducted by the professional's who were working in the bank , it was a very good experience the sessions gave insights on banking and finance . I did some prepareration for this company . Read about the profile , financials of the company etc On the placement day Head Hr of the company along with many other managers gave presentation on the company , profile , package etc . There were four stages for selection , every stage was a elimination round 1) Psycometric test 2) Group discussion 3) Interview 4) Telephonic Round For group discussion students were divided into the group of ten each , the topic for our group was “china and India should work together for the growth of global economy “ . Again the discussion was very good , I Spoke in favour of the topic and gave 3 to 4 revelent points .I got through the Gd . The next Round was of personal interview ,there were Four interview”s . First interview was technical round in which question's related to banking ,finance , accounting

Recent Posts By Others and trade etc were asked , i answered all the questions confidentely thanks to the training given by the company initially and some good professors of our institute . Second interview was personal interview taken by hr , Question like tell me something about yourself , why do you think we should select you for this job .What are your strengths and weaknesses ? etc were asked . For all the above questions I had prepared well drafted answers so I was able to handle answer them Confidentely. Third Interview was on Summer Projects . As I had done my summer project with ITC LTD handling sales and distribution of the company . I answered all the question asked by the interviewer . Last Round was a Telephonic interview taken by the Vice President of the company . He asked about the preference of place of posting and Gave details of profile which the company is going to offer . Finally Pat Members confirmed that I along with 7 other students were placed in the XYZ bank . My advise to all the juniors would be to know about their area of interest and develop knowledge and skills around the same . Read business news daily and keep yourself updated with the current affairs . As this would help them to crack Group discussions . If you can speak 3 to 4 good relevent points in a 10 minutes Gd chance of your cracking the Gd Increases. A Simple mantra to clear a Gd is to get yourself noticed in a group and for that you donot require articulative language or some heavy vocabulary , You should use simple language so that it can be easily understood . Give relevant facts and figures and never be a part of fish Market. Build a group of good friends , Prepare for your exams as well as companies together , this will help everyone as all of us have unique qualities that we can learn from eachother . Finally enjoy the whole process of placements , You are selected in this institute because you all have some unique abilities and have belief and faith in the system of our institute and Bala sir . Getting a Job is not what you should aspire for because as you are selected in this institue you will definitely get a job , what matters is sustaining the job that you get , And that can be done only by acquiring knowledge and skills in the two years of your stay at Sri Balaji Society . THANKYOU.

Recent Posts By Others Imran Ali Hello All My name is Imran Ali PGDM (Marketing and IT)IB09-7015 Batch 2009-11 College-BIIB To start with, I would share that almost I completed more than an year with the organization I got placed and also experienced all sort of ups and downs, had already been conditioned with today's business environment. I had actually forgotten that I was an student once. Suddenly few days back we all received a mail from college mentioning that we were asked for our campus placement experience which really brought an smile on my face. I sank in my past memories of placement days. I would say candidly, for many of us including me, it has really been burden. But Hats off to Bala sir who took this valuable initiative .This would really great help for all of our juniors to prepare well for their placement season. I got placed in the month of feb,I had to wait for a long time since the placements season started with the first and most awaited company in the college “LG�.And believe me friends it was worth waiting, as I finally placed in the company I always desired for. I am glad to share my campus experience as the process for this company was not that grilling, may be because I tried and gave my best shot for this, I already mentioned that it was my one of favorite company, So I didn't leave any of the stone unturned, I was well prepared and did enough homework for the same. I got selected as a Senior sales Executive with this company which is a Top brand in Holidays making. I still remember and quite sure that I cleared 8 Group Discussions during the process but unfortunately couldn't make the interview round well.So, basically I selected in the 9th company. Though I didn't have the privilege to sit for the first 50 companies as I was not above 90% attendance in my academics, I had 88 point something, just 2% below to reach 90. The whole process for this company was splited into 4 partsShort-List Group discussion

Recent Posts By Others Extempore Personal Interview. Round First-Short List I have no idea how many students from all the four colleges applied for this company. But they had the short listing criteria, almost 50 students were selected by the company for the further round which held in company premises in Pune,as the name been disclosed by the CRT team. Round second-Group discussion There were 4 panel judges,HR head ,Branch Manager ,Unit Manager, and My Boss.(moderator) Slot of 50 students were further divided into groups,5 students in each group. The topic for my group discussion was,Cocacola v/s Pepsi and we were asked to support our GD with as many facts and figure possible, more emphasis was given on communication skills. I am really thank full to Bala sir for organizing GD sessions for all of us before placements which was again a great help for me to do well here in this round. In the GD,I was neither the initiator nor concluder ,but I did my best and gave my point of view as and when I felt appropriate. Out of 50 about 21 were shortlisted after the GD round and my name also announced, not too sure but I guess on 15th number. Round third-Extempore We were then given a word to speak on for 60 seconds almost instantly with no time given ,even to jot down the points. They were judging us on our ability that how quick we can think on a situation. I was very scared because I was facing extempore for the first time like this,I experienced it during my graduation days but here the whole scene was different. I was given a word 'Friend'.Oh! I really felt relief hearing that word and spoke quiet well. Other words given to my friends were Blue,apple,life,Animal,Ticket,Paper etc. After this round out of 21 about 11 were shortlisted for PI. Round Four-Personal Interview Questions asked to me were as follows, 1-Tell about your background. My answer:- Number of family members and what do they do professionally. 2- Why do I want to join Hospitality Organisation. My answer:-I said my inclination is always towards the hospitality sector only

Recent Posts By Others because I belong to Hotel Management background and I know industry well 3- Name your favourite advertisement and Why do you like it? My answer:-Make My trip I said because of the concept they portrayed in the ad of how MMT is a perfect holiday portal and How a common man also desires to have a part of it. 4-Current affairs Questions were asked on current affairs and what is happening around the world. Being a Balajian I had a habit of going through the ET and TOI which really helped me a lot in this context. 5-Questions were asked on Capital, Currencies of many countries. I answered all the capitals and currencies asked to me Personal Interview did not go too long, they were judging our GK,that's it Finally the interview had ended ,it seemed like I did well, but actually it doesn't matter how well you did, depends upon how well they find you that you did well. When the results were announced. I got all the answers to my questions. My name finally announced by the HR head at 8:00 PM in her office only and also we were told that we had to join immediately from tomorrow. I couldn't react at that time, but the entire journey of placement came to a fruitful end. “At the end I would like to thank our beloved Bala sir, esteemed faculty at SBS and PAT in helping me to prepare and nurture myself from a student to a corporate citizen� My suggestion:Dear student managers, it was a panel of 4 judges and each one of us had to get approved by all of them to get finally selected. For all those who aspire to get good placement, Please keep yourselves updated on daily news, do lot of reading on all sorts of new political and business news especially, know about yourself like strengths, areas of interest and be sure of it. Study the company website, it helps you answering the questions related to company and also about their competitors. Be confident in whatever you say, last but not the least Be Honest, don't fake yourself and your answers. This is a success mantra. Gud luck to you all. With RegardsImran Ali

Recent Posts By Others Isha Jain Hi Friends, I am Isha Jain, Registration Number IB09-7217 BIIB - Dual C (Finance) Academic year 2009-11. My Placement Experience ------Campus Placement, I'm sure becomes the most cardinal reason for a majority of us, to sustain for 2 yrs in an institute. After having spent hours and months of intensive training and preparation each one of us expects to move out the campus with flying colors. As there is product life cycle in marketing, there is life cycle for every human being. This is one such phase where you are actually standing in the crowd and you've to strive hard to be the best in the crowd. If you become vulnerable at this point of time, you miss out the opportunity! And when opportunity knocks the door once, grab it with both the hands. All emotions come into play at this time, when you think about your family, friends, and most important your future etc. The entire experience of campus placement was a profusion of learning for me, although I didn't have to wait long for my D-day. I would like to share change state of students at the time of placement session, all were a bit excited and nervous, and everyone was preparing for their own good. Almost similar situation I was also facing, campus environment was all shake up. I still remember the day; it was 24th of November, when fourth company visited our campus, as this was one of the most awaited companies for finance students, so everyone was waiting for this company to hit the campus. Almost all the finance eligible students sat for the process. I was eligible for the placements from the very first day. This company came for all the four colleges therefore the competition was very tough. The company completed its process in three rounds: 1.) Group Discussion 2.) Technical Interview 3.) HR Interview

Recent Posts By Others GD round was totally finance based. We were divided into 4 to 5 different groups of 12 each. The topic of GD for my group was “Regulation in Stock Exchange�. Time allocated for the discussion was 20 mins. From both the duals around 50 students appeared for GD round and out of them only 18 got cleared in that round and I was one amongst them. The competition was really tough but I really enjoyed GD that day. The best thing about this GD was that every one gave their own opinion with an opportunity of being heard. It was not at all a FISH MARKET. Everyone was speaking relevant and we were actually doing sensible talks. Technical interview round, was again domain based. I was excited as well as nervous as this was my first interview. Interviewer grilled much on the subjects we studied during our curriculum. He asked me the subject I studied and then asked all possible questions on those subjects. I was true to him; I answered what I felt and not in order to please them. Friends, in the whole process of interview there were 3-4 questions for which I was having no clue, For those questions I simply said that, 'Sir, I have no idea about this'. I believe in an interview, interviewer ask questions for which they already know that interviewee won't be able to give the answer, but they ask these questions just because they want to see how you react & say 'no' to those questions. I believe, any company don't look for a candidate who is perfect, but for the one who is ready to be the perfect, the one who is having no barriers in his mind, who is not a confused personality, one who is down to earth & wants to learn & grow. They want a personality, which can represent their organization. Yes looks may help a person, but, in the end it's the knowledge & confidence which play the real role. Interview went pretty well, even den I wasn't sure about my selection. Results announced and I made it and was selected for the final round i.e. HR round. HR round was just a casual round, HR just asked do you have any location preference, I said I am ready to work in any part of the country or world, even though I was not but I said so. Some questions which were situation based. And some general questions such as: Will I leave job for marriage? What all are my hobbies? How am I in dealing with people? Etc Results were announced at around 8:30 & my name was selected. The result relieved me and I came out of the room with flying colors. I was so happy I called everyone then and there itself. Now the success was mine. I went to the temple in our Campus thank god, my parents, my friends for supporting me every now and then and my college.

Recent Posts By Others I suggest to juniors to keep on reading as it is the only key to success. On the D-day go for the process with a new mind and with a smile on your face. Keep a positive attitude while going for the process. And at the end all I can say is that always keep on updating yourself & have a strong command over the basic concepts & keep reading financial newspaper, it will really help every one of you. Friends, believe me getting a job is like an engagement, which matters for both the parties. If you are sure that you have given your best, even then you are not able to make it, then just remind yourself that everything happens for something better. At last, I would like to say: - Friends, people say it's all about luck, but I will say luck favors those who have given their best. Never ever lose your heart after any unsuccessful attempt, just look why the efforts are getting short, do the self analysis, find your faults & work on those. - Friends, before each interview, I always called my mother & took her blessings. I know you all do the same thing. No explanation is needed for the same. - Be in the company of friends who believe in you & encourages you. - Believe in God, everything happens for a reason. Wish you all the best & all the luck in your life. I hope everyone have a great start to their career. Last but not least I want to thank whole family of Balaji society for making my Common journey a Success Story. Thank you Bala sir for all your Guidance and toughness, it made us strong enough to face outside world. I wish you all the very best. Best Regards, Isha Jain

Recent Posts By Others Ms. Jagriti Shinde I am Ms. Jagriti Shinde Registration number IB09-7115 BIIB DUAL –B 2009-11 batches. Hope you all are doing well in SBS as I know it's a wonderful place to be .All of you must have come here with some or the other goals, dreams and aspirations. The world out here outside the college is very challenging yet interestingly full of opportunities. I was placed in a freight forwarding and logistics company. It's a German company based at Schindellegi, Switzerland Now coming to my experiences during campus placements, I have sat for 3-4 companies on a whole. I was interested in fields of logistics, supply chain and retail (because it had a lot to do with logistics and supply chain management). One of my first companies was Retail chain. I really wanted to get into this company but was rejected. I got out in the GD round itself. But I did not lose hope and started reading more and more on current affairs and other useful stuff and practiced for GD along with my friends so as to prepare for group discussion rounds. Later I sat for companies dealing with real-estate. I got through one but results came so late that I already signed my offer letter with my present company. The GD Topics I faced in my placement endeavor were 1. Leadership vs. collaborative working 2. What if the sky was red? 3. Should gay marriages be legalized? 4. With whom should India maintain good relations China or USA? 5. Do you believe in this statement “MBA's are over rated in India�? 6. India 2020 7. Is corruption a necessary evil? 8. Is television an idiot box? 9. What is Just in time? 10. Customer is the King In a GD please remember speaking for a longer is not important, speaking sense is important, people will recognize you so be patient and speak points which are apt to the topic. To lead a GD doesn't mean you talk the most it means you collaboratively enable the group to put their points and enable the group to come to a conclusion

Recent Posts By Others Most common personal interview questions asked are. . 1. Tell me about yourself? Tell them your name, the place where you come from, the college you are from, a brief about your parents is always appreciated, tell them about your hobbies (but make sure you have sound knowledge over them. I told my hobby was cooking so I was asked to elaborate on making chicken curry in a interview).an important point to note is never beat around the bush. Make sure you highlight your achievements and take at least a minute's time to answer this particular question. 2. What do you know about our company? 3. Why should I take you? 4. Why should I reject you? 5. I was grilled on geography in the company I finally got selected. It was a logistics company so they needed sound knowledge of geography. 6. I was asked about how a mutual fund company operates when I sat for a mutual fund company. 7. I was asked to sell an empty water bottle on the spot to the interviewer. 8. Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line in our company? 9. Why did you choose this stream in MBA? The interview process for my current company was an interesting one. Since the company deals in International Freight Forwarding and was matching my area of specialization of International Business so it caught hold my interest. Seniors of our college working in the same company came to our campus and introduced the company and took a small interview too. But I could not attend that interview since I was in ineligible for the placement process due to short attendance. But I guess my fate took me to this company as the company took fresh interview after I got eligible for appearing in placement process. Our seniors when came to our campus informed us to study geography, countries and their capitals and other terms related to International Freight movement. Thanks to my professors who taught me international business and trade which helped so much to prepare for the interview. Also one of my best friends who used to be my roommate too helped me understanding the basics of foreign trade as she is a graduate of the same. So all the joint efforts of my n others helped me to clear the group discussion round and first round of interview. The second one was supposed to held in the Company's pune office in the following week of the one in which held the first one. Since a Sunday fell before the final interview I decided to visit Mumbai. So I went to Mumbai and when I was coming back to pune I got a call from PAT Office that the interview has been preponded . I got very nervous as I could not reach pune that early but my college PAT helped me lot in that and my PAT friends delayed my interview so that I can attend it. In lots of hustle and bustle I reached for the interview on time gave it and got selected. So I really thank my PAT friends who helped me in such a needful situation.

Recent Posts By Others I also would like to say that while selecting a company make sure it is in a business model which has scope, a good brand is always advisable and off course the package on your mind. I finally got placed in a company I really wanted to get into. And my dream of getting into a logistics company came true but with a package(2.16 lacs) less than others but still I am happy with my job. I am happy because I got what I wished for. I know money is important but it is not everything . Be a chooser. . Never let life choose want you want. . After all what you have is a single life. . “.If you think you are small and cannot achieve want you want then I suppose you never slept with a mosquito under your blanket” I am thankful to Bala sir, PAT and the college for all the efforts they put in, in my placement endeavor. “All the very best to all my juniors”

Janhavi Guru Hi.. I am.. Janhavi Guru Reg. No. : IB09-7056 Div.: Dual A Marketing (Balaji Institute of International Business) Academic year: 2009-2011 Specialization : Marketing Campus Placement, I'm sure is the most essential reason why majority of us get into MBA in the first place, for me it was more or less a 360 degree change. To live away from home for the first time, to sustain for 2 yrs in an institute that had a totally different culture . After having spent hours and months of intensive training and preparation each one of us expects to move out the campus with flying colors or none the less with a job that we are satisfied with. I was placed in on 24th April, 2011. Before I got placed. I had appeared for the placement procedure of around 10 companies. Apparently I had a set frame of mind that I wanted specific company and particular location ( Mumbai& Pune to be precise). It didn't matter to me that what if I was not placed till everyone gets placed. I was rigid, I only wanted Mumbai as my place of posting(POP). Also I did not want to get into the banking & financial sector, plus a few other criterias here and there. I only saw the POP in every company that I appeared for. But eventually I found that no company had all these specifications I was looking for. I had a lot of expectations from these companies, and I was not ready to compromise from my side. Hence in the Bargain I lost the opportunity to sit in a lot of companies. Hence I was the only one who lost in this battle.

Recent Posts By Others One must remember that we should welcome changes in life. They are an essential part of our being! Each one of us is different in a way which makes us stand apart. So if we are confident enough of ourselves and our desires then we don't have to run after a company. The company best suited for our skill sets will automatically come to us. The best part was that i had always cleared all the GD's and PI's. Being articulate in english was an edge which I possessed over the others, which increased my confidence but somehow in all the other 9 companies i did not make it to the final selected candidates. Among the 10 companies which I sat for, normally there were Three rounds 1 . Aptitude test 2. GD: In a gddont be in a hurry to put your point, be a good listner and always put your point 3 to 4 times in a gd, be more clear in saying your point and put lot of factual data to support your points. Make use of voice modulation so that others listen to you, or els anything boring will be cut right in the bud. That's how i always cleared every gd. Among the 10 companies i want to share 2 exp which is very memorable for me As i am an B.A Economics(hons) student with no experience before mba. Would Make me sit for only few companies which were suitable for me according to my profile . Being Selective over that made it even more tough. In the month of dec a media company was called, we had to go to their Bombay office for the interview, as usual I cleared the aptitude and Gd. But after the Gd we were told they had no vacancies for Bombay office. I lost my interest in that company and hence was a low performer in the PI. Later I learn't that they had openings only for their bombay office. I somehow regret my haste decisions. But there are friends ,teachers and your mentors who are always with you and try to boost your confidence , so the lesson what i learned from it was, that never loose your confidence, belive in yourself share your experiences with your closed ones. Whenever i was not able to clear the interview, i told the same answers to my friends who were working at that time in some organisations, which helped me to rectify those answers. The Questions which they generally ask 1 . Describe yourself? This question was asked by every company, so every one has to prepare for it, very well which can be influential for the interviewrs. 2. Some current affairs As a part of our curriculum reading economic times on a daily basis helped me

Recent Posts By Others to give answers to the current affairs asked by interviewrs.As a marketing student everyone has to know about different brands their tag lines and other related parameters. 3.why marketing two years in marketing give me lot of reasons to satisfy interviewrs about this question. 4.where you see yourself 5 years down the line 5.Why xyz company. For this question it requires a lot of home work about the company, about its balance sheet , its establishment , its presence , about its products which can be acquired from the company website. After facing many group discussions and interviews finally my day had come I got placed in the 10th company on 25th April 2011 There was a normal group discussions, which again I cleared as usual. Then there were only direct interviews The panel consisted of 3 members.Each one of them were talented and equipped enough to find out what good each one of us had to offer and who could be the best one of them. In the pre placement talk the speaker introduced himself and the company to us. The work culture, what they were looking for, the salary structure, job profile, everything was clearly explained to us. Questions were answered and other doubts were also clarified. The placement procedure consisted of the following rounds:1.Shortlisting of students. 2.Group Discussion interview 1 & 2 Interview with each of the candidates went around for 20 mins which implied sufficient time being taken by the panel members to judge each one of us. The questions asked during my P.I were:Basic introduction. Strengths and weaknesses. Major setbacks and achievements. Learning from them Hobbies and interests. Company of summer internship, project undertaken. Where do you see yourself five years down the line? How can you contribute to the growth of our organization? Flexibility with regards to location.

Recent Posts By Others Questions from branding and marketing? How you can make your product different from others. What is the gaurantee that u dont leave us after taking experience . The interview take place on 24th feb, and we had immediate joining on the 25th. I was finally selected. It happened all too fast for me to sit back and realise. But it was worth the wait. The day had come because of the hard work put in by our pat members , every faculty which taught us , by our beloved bala sir, inamdar sir who always guided us as a mentor and on every step boosted our confidence. I am very lucky that i am passed out from such an esteemed institution. Certain piece of advice for my colleagues: 1. Never try to faff in an interview, if you don't know an answer say it frankly, it'll be appreciated. 2. Be clear in whatever you say, an advanced preparation on certain HR questions can be of immense help. 3. Know your areas of strength and always try to push the interview towards that area. 4. Never get drained out, keep a smile on your face. Believe me it makes a difference. 5. Never underestimate the panel; even they do their homework before coming. 6. Read economic times regularly. I had a wonderful experience and was quite lucky to get my hands on one of the biggest brands. I am very grateful to Bala Sir, Inamdar Sir, my colleagues in PAT and my friends and family. I wish all my colleagues ALL THE VERY BEST and hope they succeed in their endeavours. SBS WILL HELP YOU LIVE AND FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. Thank You Janhavi Guru

Recent Posts By Others Jayesh Gaad Name-Jayesh Gaad IB 09-7013 Marketing Division A BIIB 2009-2011 batch Specialization Marketing General Information, there were about 30-40 Companies that visited Campus before I actually got selected in one. It could have been much more, I did not keep count. No one should either. It does not matter how many companies you did not get into. All that matters is that you did. And you did well. Ive split the rest of the experience in parts. If you don't reach the end, thanks for reading. Selection Process for IT and Comm. Firm : 1. PPT 2. Group Discussion 3. Aptitude test 4. Personal Interview During the PPT make sure to take notes regarding the company. Its essential that you read about the company before they come for placements. A little bit of background information is always necessary. I always carried a notepad to the auditorium. Dates of incorporation are important. So is information about the top brass of the company. Who started it? When? Who runs the company now? Information like that can always come in handy during the interview. Even if you haven't read up about the company its fine because most of this information will be relayed to you through the Company ppts. Group Discussions: For my Company Group Discussion there were 10 groups made of 8 each. I was in one of the last groups to be called into the room. I always had a tough time handling knowledge based gds. I know no matter how much I read up on topics, to relevantly bring the information out at the appropriate time was always difficult for me. I preferred abstract topics. Or even topics that could be debatable with sound logic and common sense. Luckily for me the topics for the group discussions that day were vague and abstract. My gd topic was “Emotional Atyachar: Is it for the Indian Market� I knew from the start that I was going to enjoy this topic.

Recent Posts By Others It started out slowly, the other members of the group not offering much scope for taking the discussion further I swooped in with what I thought was a gem of an input. This was a communication company and would be interested in things like “Target Segment” “Audience”. I said that it was inevitable that some people are not going to enjoy the show; however the show was not made for those people. There is a specific target audience that the show is trying to reach and so far, I think the show is very popular amongst the 18-25 year olds. Just like not all of us will enjoy shows about saas bahus not all of us will enjoy shows about infedelous relationships. There were more questions posed to me about the Indian culture and what is right and wrong. At this point in time I felt like I owned the group. These questions were easy to answer, firstly about the Indian culture; most of what we have now is partly based on what the British left behind, partly what we had in the past and partly what we are stealing from the Americans. This is fact. If you choose an opportune moment to bring up the Indian culture yet at the same time go out to parties and drink, listen to English rock and do drugs what hypocrites are you? Also the questions about right and wrong? Would you let a 13 year old drink? I would not similarly, I wouldn't let a young child watch this show. Its not being made for them. Its being made for mature adults, who have the ability to think for themselves. So they decide what is right and wrong. No one ever holds a gun to your head when you do something. That was the end of my gd and as I expected I was selected for the next round of interviews. Other gd topics included: Are leaders made or born? If cows could fly India a superpower? INTERVIEW: Personal Interviews are always a nerve wrecking thing for me. Interaction with people that I am unfamiliar with is not my strongest suit. And as usual I was sweating bullets before my interview. Luckily my friends were right beside me egging me to do my best. I came to Balaji with only two things in mind, one an education that will help me be successful and the other a well-paying job that will satisfy my material needs. But one of the most important things I found at this college were my two best friends. You know who you are, so no mention. Moving on, I entered the Interview room and was immediately sent back out. The co-ordinator had messed up and was supposed to send me in after 2 more minutes. When I entered the room, I saw a grin on the interviewers faces. I assumed it was from my shuffled style of walking or me tripping on myself every 2 steps. I did my best to look not nervous, although I don't have too many suits in respects of expressions on my face. Interviewer: “So wassup?” (I was like phew, he speaks my language)

Recent Posts By Others Me: (But from an interview stand point how do you answer that question?) “Nothing much, wassup with you guys? Tired of interviews I suppose” This chitter chatter went on for a while. I'm listing down the questions they asked me. Hopefully itll help you guys in the future. 1. Why do want to work in this Company? 2. What do you think you can offer to this Company that your classmates cannot? 3. How much money do you expect to earn? 4. Do you mind working abroad? 5. What is your idea of a good food place in Pune? 6. If your favourite food place is packed where would you eat? 7. So, is this company your favourite place to eat or just a random choice?v(relevant to the answer of the previous question) 8. What have been your biggest achievements till date. The best advice I can give you about interviews is to be honest about yourself. What's the point of lying, or pretending to be someone you are not? The truth will eventually catch up to you. Also, you seem most yourself when you are yourself. So be honest and be yourself. If you have qualities that can be interpreted as negative, twist them to show yourself in good light. For instance, if you do things slowly, you obviously wont say, I'm slow at whatever I do. But rather twist it to make it sound like “I'm very thorough with my work. It may take some time but when it's done its perfect.” We had two sets of interviews, one held in the campus the other at the Company site. Aptitude test: Most other aptitude tests ive answered have been multiple choice questions. Pick one that seemed most right to you if you dint know the answer. But the aptitude test at this company was more problem solving based. This was difficult yet interesting. I was able to answer 3 outta 5 questions. Which I suppose was good enough for them. Sentiments: I don't care what anyone says to you, but when you find out you have been

Recent Posts By Others hired by an up and coming IT firm (or any company rather) it makes you happy. You are ecstatic, joyful, elated, thrilled, delighted exhilarated and all other synonyms of happy you can find in the dictionary. Supremely pleased and delighted. I want to thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoyed yourselves and learnt something while you are at it. Last piece of general advice Id give to you all that read this far is‌ “Don't worry about the future, do what feels right now. Too much time is spent worrying about what will be, rather than thinking about what is. So you did not get through the company that you wanted, so what? If you are placed somewhere work your ass off. Dedicate yourself to the utmost pleasure of working not for the sake of working but for the sake of achieving something that no one else could.â€? Peace.

Jinesh S Sheth Hello everyone, I am Jinesh S Sheth Registration Number: IB09- 7220 Division C BIIB, Specialization: Finance Academic year: 2009-2011 Placement Experience My days at SBS were one of the most memorable days of my life. It was 8th June, when I first came to SBS with a baggage of mixed feelings, anxieties, happiness, stress, pressure and competition. I had the most beautiful journey of my life at SBS. With all the hard work and masti for the 1st year and a half, finally the time for results came. From the day the first company visited the campus, the fever of placements started to spread like a disease, making everyone ill. Everywhere in the campus there were students studying, revising their notes, reading newspapers, solving aptitude books, running in their formals for company's process etc. Initially this fever didn't affect me but as the time lapsed, my classmate started getting placed, even I became ill. I also started solving the aptitude books available in the college library, as most of the companies have their first round as the written test, which I was weak at.

Recent Posts By Others In the initial days of the placement season, the companies that visited campus for Finance students were the IT companies. I did sit for all of them but was not able to clear their selection process. Truly speaking, I never wanted to be a part of the IT world. Was really worried, they were no other companies coming for finance. A month and a half had passed, when finally one day in the auditorium a list of students was called out who were shortlisted by a bank for its recruitment process, based upon their CV's. It was good to hear my name in that. I was happy as the POP I was shortlisted for was Bangalore, my hometown. I really wanted to be a part of this bank.The very next day was the process. With an air of anxiety in me, I entered the auditorium sharp at 9:00am to attend the Pre-placement talk given by the company HR. The talk lasted for about an hour, giving details about the Bank, its work culture, mission, vision and the interesting part CTC and other incentives. It was the 5th company on campus for the SBS Finance batch. After the talk, names of students were announced for the GD. One by one the names got announced, groups got divided but my name was still not called out. It was really shocking; all my friends' names got announced but not mine. I was just wondering what went wrong when the HR announced that they have another list of students who will have only 1 round for selection, there will be no GD for them. Luckily I was a part of that list. The best part of this company was that it had only 2 rounds of selection: 1. Group Discussion 2. Personal Interview For me this bank was the best opportunity as, firstly it was a bank, industry I wanted to be part of, secondly it had no written aptitude test as a part of the selection process rounds, thirdly Bangalore as the base location, my home town and above all this as an icing on the cake was no GD for me. I was feeling really very special. No one had an idea as on what basis was this selection of candidates for the direct interview round was made. Here, I would like to advice all my juniors not to lose patience, believe in God and yourself. My mantra of life says 'It's the right attitude and thinking which can make a man successful in life.' So never lose hopes, God has some or the other thing in the basket for everyone, therefore don't worry and panic. After GD got over and students who cleared the GD round got shortlisted, the

Recent Posts By Others time for Personal interview came. I was calm and composed. Had pre-decided whatever I will be asked will give a true answer to that without faking things, as these fake comments can sometimes land up trapping you in your own trap. My interview lasted for about 25 minutes. It started with the common question like: 1.Introduce your self 2.What are your interests 3.What is you mantra for success 4.Why banking 5.Why this bank 6.Headlines of the day Other set of technical questions asked were like: 1.What are the common ratios of a Bank 2.What is NPV/ IRR 3.How is a project selected for further investment 4.What is the status of stock market for the day 5.Do you invest in stocks, if yes what all should be kept in mind before going in for an investment 6.What is playing short in market 7.When do people play short in the market etc. It all went fine, the panel was impressed with me, was sure I will make it today. After all shortlisted students were done with their interview, we were asked to wait for the results. After an hour wait, finally the list of students finally selected got announced, I was a part of that list. That was the time I said to myself, it is your day Jinesh. Was celebrating with screams of joy, when a twist came, the HR announced 'This is not the final list, we still have one more telephonic round to go for tomorrow, where the regional manger will have a one to one talk with all of us selected and then the final list will be announced'. Everyone was worried, why one more round; this was not intimated earlier. Seeing all of us worried, the HR assured us that this is just a formality, don't worry. After this we were all asked to disburse for the day. I came home wondering what will happen tomorrow. Was still in my thoughts, when all of a sudden my phone rang, it was a call from the PAT office asking me to come to the college immediately for the last round.

Recent Posts By Others The first thing which came to my mind was 'what's going on'. I had to rush to college again in another 5 minutes. We were called to the PAT office where we waited for about half an hour for the call. In the telephonic round I was asked about my educational background and my aim in life etc. This call lasted for about 5 minutes. After the call finished we were all asked to disperse for the day and result of this process will be announced by tomorrow. I went home with my fingers crossed, not wanted anymore surprises to come up but I guess there was still 1 surprise to come forth. As soon I reached home all of a sudden I got a call from the PAT office. My hand started trembling, was not able to pick the call; still with my heart sinking and all my fingers crossed I did receive the call. On the other hand a voice came saying 'Congratulation Mr. Jinesh S Sheth, welcome to Bank A'. Thus, I would sum up saying that the journey of the most memorable day of my life 23rd November 2011 was not full of fear but full of surprises. It also ended with another surprise given by all my friends. Hope for the years to come, I do get some more beautiful surprises on 23 November, the Surprise day of my life Regards Jinesh S Sheth

Jyoti Bansal Hi I am Jyoti Bansal Roll No. – IB09-7061 Dual A, Specialization : Marketing Academic Year : 2009-2011 My Placement Experience – Dear juniors, With immense pleasure, I am sharing my campus placement experience with you all, hoping that it may help you . By God's grace, my experience for the campus placement was very good and pleasing. I was eligible to sit for the placements from the very first day. This season always comes up with an excitement, fear and enthusiasm. It is very important to tackle this situation carefully as it impacts a lot on your future.

Recent Posts By Others Placement Season started in October 2010 for marketing students. As we all know that when we see ourselves as an individual then we feel so confident but at the same time when we see ourselves in SBS crowd then somewhere we start losing that self-confidence even though we have the competence and knowledge to succeed. Same things happened with me too but slowly I learnt that first of all I have to trust myself because God helps those who help themselves. I appeared in the processes of around 8-9 companies and finally on 9th of November I sat for J company and on 12th of November J declared the results and I got placed. One should be veryfocussed on selection of the right company. When companies come, they give PPT that helps in deciding whether to sit for the process or not. Choose logically but at the same time don't be too choosy. As I got placed without much of stress but still it was a nice learning to experience the PPT given by the companies. In October, Company A visited campus for placement. Since, this was the dream company for all, so many of us wanted to get through this company. I didn't get selected in GD process and after that this started happening daily. Either I was out in GD process or Interview process. Then I realized that to keep up with the pace of everyone I had to analyze my skills and update myself best on the recent business and economy issues. Most of the companies have same process : Aptitude test, GD, Interview (HR and Technical). A piece of advice : Always enjoy the process as it comes because if we start taking stress then it affects the performance. Now, I will share the process of J where I was placed. It's an MNC which deals in business and market research database management. It has many verticals. Senior analyst of Power Vertical came to campus for the process. A PPT was shown in the beginning to describe the profile of the company, profile that would be given to the students and package. After the PPT around 100 students applied. Process was divided into three steps. Aptitude Test Group Discussion Personal Interview

Recent Posts By Others Aptitude test : It was based upon logical reasoning, general mathematics, basic excel knowledge and English comprehension. Out of 100 , As far as I remember, 50 got selected. Then we started having group discussions: Topic for my GD was : Common wealth games : How will it affect India in future !! As I was sitting nearby the moderator, he asked me to start and luckily I had the complete knowledge on this topic. Being very clear and calm, I put down my points in front of everyone without any run. Then, everyone gave their opinions and we discussed on this topic for about 15 minutes. At the end, he asked everyone to conclude. This is the best part in any GD because there are some cases where you don't get a chance to speak throughout the discussion but while concluding you can actually make a good impression with your logical points and summarizing skills. In Gd's, everyone is free to give his/her opinions, What matters is the way you keep it in front of the group. Never enter in an heated argument. Try to conclude the best way you can. Personal Interview : By the time it started , it was already 8:30 PM. So I was very tired but again God is very kind. Mine was the first interview. It went for around 45 minutes. Interview was based upon personal and technical questions both. Questions : What do you understand by Market Research? What are the techniques for primary and secondary research ? If you are given a laptop with internet and locked in a room and asked to calculate the number of households in Europe then how will you do this? What does your father do? When you are the only child, then will your parents allow you to go to Hyderabad which is too far from Rajasthan? What is your education background ?

Recent Posts By Others As a commerce student, will you be able to do the research in the power, medical, wind, oil & gas sectors? How will you handle the pressure if you are not able to achieve your targets in the stipulated time. If a company wants to launch a new car and for that purpose how will you analyse upon the car owners country wise? How to make a report in market research? What are the scales used in the analysis ? These were some of the questions I was asked. Frankly, I was not knowing the answers of 2 technical questions but then if you are honest on something then it doesn't matter because no one is perfect and learning is an ongoing process. Please note that as I was asked many hypothetical numbering questions, they try to judge your process of solving that problem. Just be what you are and before any interview prepare yourself on the subject very well and don't get drained out in stress interviews. If you don't get selected in the starting phase then just don't give up. There is always a day fixed for everyone. When that day will come then that would be only yours. Last but not the least, I am very grateful to Bala Sir for encouraging us at each stage by saying that “PROBLEMS ARE OPPORTUNITIES “. I wish all my friends all the very best and hope everyone succeed at every path of their lives. Best Regards JyotiBansal BIIB (2009-2011) IB09-7061

Recent Posts By Others Karan Shah Hello All, I am Karan Shah Registration No.: IB 09 7257 Class: PGDM FINANCE (Dual C) Batch: 2009-11 BIIB Passed out in April 2011 I was placed in company 7 on 22nd Jan 2011. Campus placement, a moment that every student eagerly waits for. I appeared in a number of processes, in each process I was able to clear the initial rounds and infact I went up to the final round in the process of couple of companies but somehow i couldn't make out. The competition was immense. One can see the real talent of your batchmates during placement process and you came to know about where are you standing in the crowd. I tried to find out that what were the reasons that I was not able to convert those companies and i found that: - my academic scores were not very impressive, though I had an hold on academic and general knowledge as I was clearing the written tests and GDs but during the placement process, academic scores becomes a criteria of shortlisting. - a little bit of more confidence and self belief needed In Finance specialization, its not easy to get a good finance profile. Already few companies have gone which were offering good profile as well as package. At one end I was worried, whether I would get placed or not and on the other end,I tried to kept my patience and decided not to loose any such opportunity further. I tried to perform better in each process without repeating any mistakes which i did earlier. Then on 2nd week of Jan, we were shown the job description of company 7. This company which is now India's 3rd largest IT company by revenues came to recruit for its financial services vertical offering a profile under the investment banking division of its client which is a well known global bank. I was determined that i have to crack this company as I will not get a profile like this. The company has clearly mentioned that the candidate should have:

Recent Posts By Others - Excellent communication skills - knowledge of financial products like bonds, CDS etc., there valuations, cashflows, time value concepts etc. - Understanding of accounting & reporting. Our CVs were already been shorlisted. On 12 Jan 2011, we were 35-40 students went to the company's campus for the process. The process was comprising of 1) Written test comprising 20 questions to be done in 30 mins. The questions were based on bonds, fixed income securities, accounting concepts and journal entries of financial instruments. 2) Extempore of 3 mins. 3) Personal Interview. We all sat for the written test first.The test was quite difficult. I was quite confident that I have done it well. After the completion of test, the moderator came to take our extempore. Each one of us have to speak for 3 mins on a topic of our choice. I decided to speak on Indian Stock Market as i thought that i can comfortably able to speak for 3 mins on this topic. I started with my introduction and straightly went to the topic stating briefly about the two national stock exchanges, there flagship indices and the regulators. Without any rush, I completed my extempore calmly. Later , we were told to leave and the moderator said that the results of shortlisted students will be informed to the college. Few days later, results were announced and I was one of the 22 shortlisted candidates and we were told to come next day for the interview. Again, I was just one shot behind to get this job. So, without wasting time, I started my revision. As the company has already mentioned about the scope of technical knowledge which they were expecting from the candidates, accordingly, I went through all the concepts of Fixed income instruments, equities, pricing techniques, terms and definitions. Next day, at around 11:00 am, all the shortlisted students once again reached to the company campus for our personal cum technical interview. The company has called the students from other colleges of Pune for the interview to their campus on the same day. So we were asked to wait for our turn. After waiting for a couple of hours, our turn came. The interview took 20-30 mins on an average for each candidate. While waiting for my turn, I discussed all the concepts with my friends until my I was called for the interview. When you have to wait longer for your turn and you see the reactions of your friends who just gave their interview you start feeling nervous and same was happening with me.

Recent Posts By Others Khushbu Mishra Hi, I am khushbu Mishra Registration Number IB-09-7060 Class Division- Dual A BIIB, Academic year 2009-2011 My specialization is in Marketing I am finally placed in Company A, working in business development/sales for a Service Industry. Life is full of challenges & you have to work hard to strive for success. I too followed the same pattern of achieving success by learning & adapting to skills required for a great future. Also I would like to thank the college placement cell for working day & night, burning mid night fuel to stand on hopes of the students & bring in almost 300 companies to the campus for placement. Pleased to tell you that my experience for the campus placement was very good as i got placed in December end. I was not qualified to sit for the Placements from the very first day because i had a back log in QT. So when the companies started coming i was very sad because i was not allowed to sit in the Placements but i worked very hard and then clear my QT exams and then side by side i was also preparing for my Placements. I started reading newspapers and updated myself on all the recent issues before sitting for the placements.When The first company visited our campus.I was not able to crack the GD even though i had knowledge but when you see the crowd then yuorealise that you stand nowhere in front of all. SBS had very tough competition in marketing but slowly u get confidence when some more companies reject you. As you all know: Failure is the key to success. I sat for some 9-10 companies and finally December, my day came when I sat for a Service Industry Company. One should have a clear and focussed vision of what one wants to do in the life. Accordingly you all should choose the companies but don't be too specific as companies also have the option to choose. The very First step of campus placement is the “Group Discussion” round, this is a rejection round, so you need to focus, pitch in points that are relevant to the subject. For this the best thing the college provides is the “Economic Times” paper. This paper would help to know the current market trends, help you to analyze the market situation & would help develop the ability to understand the market happenings. I used to regularly read the paper, maybe not the complete content, but the basic headlines, so as to know what is happening in the market. And for marketing students it is important, to know the marketing concepts, as well as to know where the marketing concepts has to be applied.

Recent Posts By Others For GD preparation I would suggest you all to be updated on all the recent topics and put your views firmly in front of everyone. You may be wrong at some points but still you have to behave cleverly and be confident. Companies look for the confidence and knowledge both. If you don't get selected in the starting phase then just don't give up. Everyone has a day set by God. When your day will come then that would be yours only. To next step is aptitude test, the skills required for success in campus placements is to develop logical & analytical skills. This would help to strive for 1st or 2nd level for selection that is “Written Aptitude test�. Many Companied opt for aptitude test first and then GD some companies on the other hand focus on GD first and then Aptitude test. For this many books are available to go for. To develop this regular work with numbers to be precise is important; students should go for numbers as these would help in their corporate world. Since consistent performance is the key to success people should not be demotivated by the level of difficulty in any exam. The final process is the personal interview, both HR & Technical, & for this I think our college professors has done a commendable job in knowing us the current technologies, in & out, know the future technologies, & help us to know the basics from the core of each subject, maybe its marketing, telecom related issues & what not. I am thankful to Bala sir for providing such esteemed professors at our disposal, so that we could learn a lot from them. My selection process Selection Process: Group Discussion Aptitude test Personal Interview My Gd Topic was: Common wealth games: boon or curse I had full knowledge of this topic as this was the very recent issue at that point of time. Just put your points very efficiently. Aptitude test is easy if you have a fair knowledge of Gk and Reasoning. Personal Interview: I had a very friendly personal interview round. Some questions are as below: 1. Your Introduction 2. Why sales?? 3. Your Hobbies 4. Your Career Plan 5. Being a girl will you be able to do sales

Recent Posts By Others 6. Are you ready to work anywhere in India 7. Tell me what do you know about the “service industry” These were some of the questions, I was asked. My interview was first and it went for around 20 mins. An interviewer sees how honest you can be with yourself and at the same time how confident you can be in front of him, and finally the interview results were announced the same day and I was selected. I thank Bala sir for making me share such a wonderful experience for placement that would surely help my juniors for motivation & just want to wish all the very best for their future. As always Bala sir used to say, “Problems are Opportunities” I would always remember those words life long, & in case of any urgency would not hesitate to apply sir's Guru Mantra. Again I would like to tell my juniors to follow footsteps of sir to achieve something memorable & big in life, as I always do. With this I wish everyone a very good future with a successful career ahead. Thanking you Best regards Khushbu Mishra IB09-7060 Dual A - Marketing

Ms. Lopamudra Dash I am Ms. Lopamudra Dash Registration Number. IB-09-7264, Dual C from BIIB, from the academic year 09-11. My specialization is in Finance. I am finally placed in The South Indian Bank Ltd. Firstly, I would like to say that overall the campus placement experience was very good though it was not easy at all but at the same time was very interesting to experience. Hard work and Patience are the two most important keys to success, which really pays off in the long run . So, a small suggestion for all my juniors that please work hard and keep patience till you get placed. To start of with my experience, the first finance company to visit our campus was DELOITTE on 1st November 2010, and since it was the first company, it was open for all. So I was very excited and wanted to get through it but unfortunately I couldnt. But I was optimistic because companies were lined up

Recent Posts By Others like TCS, HCL, Welspun, Tata Technologies, Reliance Communications, Future Group, CTS, and many other Micro Finance Companies like L&T Finance etc. As I was very eager to enter into the Banking world, I was waiting for a golden opportunity to sit in the process of banks. Well known banks like Bank of Baroda, HDFC Bank, YES Bank, Standard Chattered Bank, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank etc came to our campus for recruitment. I tried my level best to clear the levels of the process but unfortunately couldn't crack the finals as most of the companies and banks had GD and I was not so good at that. It was February and till then I was not placed all though I sat for more than 15 companies. I was worried and thought all the good companies had visited the campus. During that period, we came to know that banks are also lined up among which XYZ Bank was one of them who provided with a sound package and above all a finance profile. The recruitment process had 2 rounds: 1. GD 2. Technical and Personal Interview The bank had also sent the details of the policies, package and post and also what is expected out of a candidate. It comprised of accounting concepts, bond market, financial management and derivatives. I was very excited and wanted to crack it. I had also appeared for Reliance Communication and cleared the written test. I was selected for the interview of Bank Of Baroda which was scheduled on the day in which XYZ Bank's process was also scheduled. So, I was a bit worried as to how to appear for both the companies. However, with having such a nice placement team, I was able to appear for XYZ Bank's process and I was confident to get through the GD. The GD topic was on women's reservation in which they were just checking fluency and subject matter. The GD lasted for more than 30 minutes in which I spoke thrice but with different and valid points. Then the results were out and I was selected for the interview. Technical Interview was all about accounting entries, bond, financial management, ratios, banking and derivatives. Panel members were just testing the participant's confidence level and how honesty one is if one does not know any particular answer. They even asked some questions stating a particular situation and wanted to know about the way to react to it. Personal Interview was all about the family background and what all we expect from bank if we enter into such a banking world. It went well and I was confident to get through. Then after two days of the interview the final results were out.

Recent Posts By Others That day is an unforgettable day of my life. It was 1st March 2011 and it was my day. Call from the Placement Team came in the morning to come to the college and fulfill the formalities by signing provisional offer letter. After the final results of all the semesters were out, our placement team took all pain to inform the bank about our results. Ist August 2011 was the day when I got our offer letter through e-mail and we were extremely happy because only 2 of us from our college were selected by the bank. So, overall it is difficult to exactly express the journey of placement in just few words. One needs to experience that journey. Only then he or she can understand, respect and value the job as well as the organization, he or she got placed into. It was an awesome experience. Suggestions for my Juniors: Please read newspaper everyday. Atleast the business news, analyse their impact on the economy. That is the main key to crack any GD. Do not just try to bluff in the air in any GD. Just speak to the point and quote examples and as much facts related to the topic as possible to explain and strengthen your point. If you are not at all aware about the topic, then patiently listen to your fellow members for a few minutes. After getting an overall idea about the topic contribute your own ideas and then conclude the topic by taking each and everyone's point into consideration. This emphasizes your listening skills as well as leadership quality. So even if you don't contribute more towards the discussion, still you leave a good impression in the minds of the mentors present in the GD. If you are very much aware about the topic, then speak few valid and important points and then allow others to contribute and add more to the discussion. This shows your concern for your team members which is very much required in team work. Hard work and perseverance really pays off. Do not lose hope, be optimistic and always have faith in the Almighty. HE is the one who will show you the right path always. Be CONFIDENT and PATIENT. Try to handle any delicate situation in a very calm and composed manner. Then only you can crack any company and nobody can defeat you. Lastly, I would like to thank Bala Sir, Inamdar Sir, the entire placement team and last but not the least, all the faculties for their extended support in our 2 years of association with Sri Balaji Society. The knowledge they imparted and shared with us is something that we would like to treasure the memories in future. We would always remember all the live experiences shared by the corporate stalwarts. We would always cherish the golden days spent in Sri Balaji Society.

Recent Posts By Others Manali Thombre I am Manali Thombre Registration number: IB-09-7050 BIIB 2009-2011 batch. Specialisation: Marketing, PGDM-A Placed in my 15thth company Hmmm…from where should I start? Well, this campus placement experience write up which the college has asked us to submit has taken me into a flashback. The flashback consists of a mix of good and bad times. For me some days were tiring , some days were filled with fun, some days were gloomy , some days were depressing, some days were exciting, some days were motivating, some demotivating ……but finally a day arose when i achieved…..when I got what I wanted..that day was my “Achievement Day” , the day when my dream to enter into the Corporate world turned into a reality. Date : 8th December…This was the official “Zero day placement” day of our college. Let me share my experience with you in the form of a story, probably this might make it a liitle bit interesting for you to read. I was an average student, not very good in studies and had low confidence in myself. However when the campus placement preparations started with each passing day I felt better than before. But why?? The answer is very's because when you start preparing you understand what are your strengths and weaknesses. Which areas you can do well and where you lack.Where do you stand in comparison to your peers. The GD session which were held prior to the campus placement helped a lot. Students of all the four colleges were made to assemble in the hall.Groups were made randomly.Topics given by the moderator.The participants had the GD conducted on stage.After each GD the moderator(who were from eminent companies) gave their feedback to each of the participant about their performance.The GD sessions were a good way to accumulate more knowledge in a short span of time on varied topics.It also gave an idea about the different perception,ideas ,views and judgments of individuals. The first company which came to our college was Co.A.I had my fingers crossed but alas.Compnaies came and went, and it started seeming at one point that I won't ever get placed in any company. As an individual I am not very aggressive and had a very soft voice and this soft voice of mine started seeming like a hurdle to me. In GD's it seemed as if no

Recent Posts By Others one was allowing me to speak.Time flew by, companies came,hired and went. However not all days are same.After every dark cloud there is a silver lining. 8th Dec, my “D Day” .The day I got placed. The story goes like this. On 7th Dec ,Co.H came to our college for recruitment.All the students were waiting in the auditorium for the Company's PPt to start.I was one of them.the PAT members started with the eligibility criteria ppt for the company. I did not fit into the company's criteria as initially it was communicated that only students with average score more than 60% in their MBA would be eligible.I left disheartened as it was one of the companies in which I aspired to get placed. I left back for home.I was already depressed as I had not qualified in the final round of yet another company in which I aspired to work.I was rejected in the interview,in last round.And this time I felt I was not even eligible for the company, leave aside getting selected in the company.I felt very demotivated/depressed. Back home, I changed my saree and lied down on the bed thinking about whatever was happening. Suddenly my phone rang, I picked up the call. It was a call from one of the PAT members.He told me that the company has changed the criteria and I was eligible.The GD process was about to start and I had to rush to the audi. It was around &6.30 P.m. I wore my saree and literally went running from my flat to the college.Ireaced the Audi.The HR was busy giving the PPT.I went inside the Audi and occupied one of the seats. The PPt described about the company, its establishment date, the founders of the company, the vision, mission and the objective of the company,aboutit's sister concerns, financial status etc. The HR gave us an idea that the profile would be of sales and its going to be hard core sales and requested only the interested candidates to wait back.Many students left the hall.Around 80 students were left in the hall. For a moment I gave it a thought, should I or should I not go for it.After all it's a hard core sales profile.Will I be able to do it? Finally I thought to myself,” I am a marketing students. Infact , I should start me career with sales.Moreover it was a hardware company…so being from engineering background will prove to be an added advantage for me.The brand value is high, I should go for it”..said my inner voice.I stayed back. By the time , the GD process started it was 9.30 p.m. We were made to sit in the lab on 1st floor in TM building.Groups were formed.I was in 3rd group I guess. After the 1st group came back most of the students waiting in the lab surrounded their friends and started asking them about their GD topic.I however sat silently on a chair, just watching what was going around me.Then came the turn of my group.I was very glad when I saw my group members…the

Recent Posts By Others reason being I was the only girl in the group, rest all were boys.(this might seem weird to you, I know) Since I was the only girl, I knew I would get an opportunity to make myself heard. We all occupied our seats, lucliky I was at the center of the group, directly facing the moderators. The topic given to us was “BHARAT VS INDIA” .One boy opened the discussion,rest all started contributing..i stared to speak but seemd no one was listening..Thanks to one of my classmates and some other boys in the group, they requested everyone else in the group to listen to me..I knew this was my golden opportunity and danced to the chance.As I started speaking I continued and for almost 10 mins I went on speaking continuously.Gosh,everyone seemed to listen to me so seriously!! I started by making the point that Bharat mean old india and India mean New India.I explained the difference between these two india's on the basis of wealth,poitics,education, culture etc.After the GD almost all the boys in my group seemed confident thai I would crack the GD.I was getting the same vibes too.Again, my fingers crossd. After all the group GD's were done with, we lefet around 1.00 p.m in night. We were asked to report back to the TM lab the next moringi.e on 8th Dec ,at around 7.00 a.m. all were present at the reported time .GD results were announced and I was one of the lucky ones among the 30 students who got selected. Now we come to next step-Step 2 The 2nd level as a story writing concept.We were provide with four pictures. We had to create a story for each of them.I don't exactly remember al the pics.The 1st pic was that of a girl and a boy.. The 2nd pic was that of a person standing outside the door, the 3rd I don't remember and the 4th was a blank image.We had to be creative in our thoughts and were expected to pen down the thoughts in a story format within the given time.The PI process had started.

Then comes next , STEP 3 The interviews started and I started shaking and trembling.I feared what if I get rejected in the final round this time too? .I however took a deep breath, went to the washroom ,washed my face, looked into the mirror and said to myself “ Just relax, Have a smile on your face and feel positive about whatever good has happened so far.I am a winner” I said to myself and left for the interview process.

Recent Posts By Others Afetr some time came my turn.Ientinside.I saw there a panel of 3 members. The 1st member : what is the meaning of your name? Me: I don't know.I know there is a place called Manali.Nothing more than that. 2nd member: Tell me something about yourself Me: I told abt my family background, education etc. 1st member: Suppose that I am your boss, the 2nd panel member is your customer.I gave you digischool as a product to be sold , what all things you are supposed to know as a sales executive about your product? ME: About the product, its advantages, the price and the benefit derived from this product.After sales service etc. 2nd member: Do you think you are fit enough for this job? It involves a lot of travelling? Are you and your parents OK with it? ME: I am slim but not weak. My parents and me ,neither of us have any issues about my travelling places.I am entering into sales by choice and I am mentally prepared for the field work which I ill have to do. All the panel members: thanks Manali.It was nice meeting you. On the same day we had another company B in campus which was offering a higher package than Co.A. After my interview was done with, I appeared for the aptitude test of Co .B and cleared thatoo.Just as the GD groups for Co.B were being formed, I was asked to rush to the TM building as the results for Co. A were being out.By the time I reachd the TM Building the results wre already declared. Just as I was about to enter the room, the panel member were coming out.I stopped outside the door.One of the panel members came forwards, extended his hand and said ,�Manali, Congratulations and welcome to the family.You have been selected�. I was very happy to hear this, but it was an adulterated feeling.I wanted to appear for the GD of other company which was in campus and whose aptitude test I had already cleared.Ient back to the MM building, but I was told that my name has been removed from GD group as I had been selected into Co.A. I felt disappointed but then I thought that probably Co.A is a better company for me keeping in mind the graduation background which I come from. After my final selection my friends congratulated me .I called my parents to give the good news.I felt as if I was on cloud nine. Offer letters: After a long wait , finally our offer letters came in the starting of Feb.It felt so good when we finally received them. Some companies had cancelled their this thought was disturbing me .Finally the day I received my offer letter I heaved a sigh of relief. So, friends that was ll about my placement experience. I Would like to thank my parents,Bala Sir ,Inamadar sir all the directors of other colleges, my professors,and my friends for making this possible for me and helping me to realize my dreams. All the best to all my juniors!!

Recent Posts By Others Manish Bhatia Hi I am Manish Bhatia BIIB Reg no. IB-09-7023 Dual-A ... 7 companies & 0.12% attendance:This is what my campus placement experience can be summarized to. This campus placement got me to terms with myself, my encounter with reality. I couldn't be part of the placement process initially as my attendance was short of 90% by .12% that is 2 lecutres short of all the classes attended in two years. That's when I understood value of small actions on your long term plans & finally I became eligible after missing out on the opportunity of appearing before 15 companies. Even then without loosing heart & brushing up my confidence, I started appearing before certain companies which I believed were good for my career. But to my surprise I had a series of rejections, reasons difficult to find. I initially believed I was pretty good with GD's & interviews but ironically had series of failures in both of them. At the same time the truth of human nature was understood “when you are rejected in certain processes whereas your class-mates selected , at that moment to feel very very bad but still have to smile�. :-)) The GD topics during the process were from various walks, some were on 1. current political issues at that point of time 2. Topics which were generic , from films , some abstract topics which were chosen to invite all members to speak. 3. topics related to business & marketing which required certain know how & how can we best relate them to current business developments at that point of time. Always remember ONE impressive statement & half the battle in GD is won, So I choose to be selective during GD's. One thing which I realized during the company selection processes , which I would want all juniors to keep in mind is , Don't at any point of time try to be someone You are not, its necessary to believe in your self& remember your achievements , whenever you feel dejected or upset because if we allow all the tensions of placements & processes override us getting over it & emerging victorious become even more impossible, I know it may sound as some gyan as of now but it really is important when you are in the middle of the storm.

Recent Posts By Others The companies while selecting look out for certain qualities which are indeed specific &Its very much possible that we don't match up each & every time. Group discussions are just an agent to facilitate the selectors to accept & reject candidates based on certain parameters which they have pre-decided, so its really very important to be your self at that point of time because even if you through your first fake impression crack the GD , next round is the interview which is generally designed in such a way to get your original self out, so there are chances of you getting stuck up & make a mess of it. I firmly can say so because I got rejected in 2 interviews ( one with a financial company & one a pharma company). The final interview if summed up in one word is all about your presence of mind. Lost mind in a couple of them & rejection was what followed. IN the retail co's I got selected we had two round of GD's & two round of P.I. and all this on the same day. The GD topics were simple on current affairs, so had an interactive discussion & at all throughout the discussion kept my calm & my mind in the most alert state possible. The GD topic if I correctly recall was about the current political developments at that point of time & thanks to all the news read & heard on TV with great attention was able to start the GD ( which I feel only pays off If you put forward some good reasonable point & I made sure that I didn't speak long as I had screwed up my first company GD after speaking for more than 2 mins at a stretch). request all juniors appearing for there placements to be completely updated with the current state of affairs & always try to relate as same with the topic at hand. Take your time & be as relevant in the GD as much as possible. Tricks like allowing others to speak only hold good if the situation is really out of hand, faking it clearly shows, I tried once when the same company I am working in came to our campus for the 1st time & I used this trick to get successfully rejected. Thank GOD I didn't try it that day. Personal Interview ( duration 35 mins) :- probably the most crucial 35 mins... Personal interviews had the same questions as always. 1. Tell me something about yourself? But this is the question which allows you to win the battle & win over the interviewer Because this is the question which allowed me to take the discussion to the the level I wanted to & arouse curiosity about my good aspects in the Interviewer. I kept my calm & put in front of the interviewer my good points & competencies

Recent Posts By Others relating it to things I had a fair understanding about. I remember once in an interview of a Finance company, I tried to act smart with finance beinh from marketing back-ground , finally getting rejected at the interview round, whereas my class mate who clearly admitted they had no knowledge about the subject ,got selected as they had been true at that point of time. Presence of mind “the most important “ in an interview as it shows how well you can manage, can say that because it did prove correct again during my review interview in the company some days back. I moved the discussion to those aspects of retail I had a fair bit of understanding & was emotionally connected to so that the passion showed in front of the interviewer. 2. Why should we select you? Being humble & will never ever try to act smart in this question because if wrongly answered ends the race then & there itself.( happened to me once). 3. Why did you choose to sit for this company? Being true to your self in interviews always work in your favour (was my take away when I got selected), as I replied very simply that the company was the biggest retail company in retail in the country and its always good to start with the biggest & the best available ., The offer letter at 12pm midnight:- more than 50 people were present there & was the most anxious wait of my life till now, still become nervous when I think of that moment, but had my name announced & I recieved the offer letter with a Tear in the eye & checked out my CTC , basic , incentives & medical insurance cover on offer as they hold the maximum importance & the net TAKE- HOME. When times were bad , had to constantly fight with the pessimissom around me lifting myself up each &everyday when we had a company process, But as they say there is one day 'your day' when everything goes right , your every action falls in the right place & for me it was on 19th december from 9am till 12 pm midnight , when I left college with a tear in my eye & felt as if I had conquered the world. That moment of peace was un-matched. Thank You SBS, specialyBala Sir, Inamdar Sir, & all faculty members , the placement cell, this dream & this write up would'nt have been possible without you all...

Recent Posts By Others Manish Patel Name-Manish Patel Roll No. IB 09 7223 Class: Dual C, from BIIB, Specialization -Finance, Academic year: 2009-2011, passed out on 29th April 2011. Firstly I would like to thank Bala Sir, all the Directors and the Placement Committee for bringing such good Companies to the Campus. Its a great feeling to recollect and put it on papers the moment of joy, tension, nervousness, ecstasy and happiness of getting placed in a company after many attempts of failure. To start with, my experience goes a bit different as I was a part of SAP FICO Module Training. The rules and regulations were a bit different for us, because initially it started with an approach that SAP students won't be allowed to sit for all the companies. They would be only sitting for the companies having a SAP Profile. So I was allowed to sit for very few companies, but after a while as there weren't many companies turning out for SAP Profile, they allowed us to sit for all the Companies. I was placed in the 3rd Company, until then my experience goes in this way, the first Company which came to the Campus for SAP students was one of my dream company but I wasn't allowed to sit for this company as I had attendance less than 90%, this was the moment where I was heartbroken, as the Company came in the Campus at 13:00 hours in the afternoon, and at sharp 11:00, I was in the Campus literally begging Dimple Ma'm and other Directors to appear for the process, but they didn't allow me to sit for the Company as per the rules and regulations set by the College. For Company A, there were only 2 rounds, GD and PI, this Company offered a good Finance profile, i.e. Core Corporate Finance, however I was a bit choosy regarding the Companies, this company however attracted me and I appeared for it, GD round was really tough & totally finance based. The topic of GD for my group was totally finance based & was related to capital budgeting process of investing in a project. From both the duals only 70 students appeared for GD round and out of them only 12 got cleared in that round and I was one amongst them. The competition was really tough. For final interview round, the questions were related to your CV only. Basically they grilled much on summer internship project which we had done. As I did my summer internship on working capital & term loan financing, I got quite good questions based on that. Only 2 students both from BIIB got selected. But again my luck was not with me at that time I could not qualify final interview round.

Recent Posts By Others This was the first failure for me. I really missed a good opportunity. But anyways destiny has decided good for everyone, so need not worry and keep trust and have patience. Then came the 2nd Company which was into manufacturing and power sector I was very excited as I was basically from a steel city and my most my family members are working in Steel company had a bent towards manufacturing sector so was happy that I have a chance to get my dream job. 120 students appeared for this company and 10 groups for GD were made comprising of 10 to 12 students in each group. My topic for the GD was based on a case study – “what are the factors to be considered while raising Capital for Companies expansion program”. I spoke well on the topic giving reasons which were supported by strong financial background as well as knowledge. I was really satisfied as this company was the first company to which was making its selection based on finance knowledge. They selected 20 students for final round of interview and I was one among them. Somewhere deep inside my heart I was feeling that I will be placed in this company. The process took whole day. My interview was in evening and was tired because of whole day's hectic process but was still feeling energetic with the hope of making through the company. They asked me a great deal of questions on my internship as I had done my internship in manufacturing concern. They were asking me about the learning's which I had got from my internship. They also asked me formulas for making capital budgeting decisions were asked. I was satisfied with the way I have taken my interview. After an hour the result was declared. Only two students were selected for the company and I was heartbroken hearing the result. But at the same time was happy for both of my friends who got selected into that company and also thought they may be more deserving for the profile for which they had come. Now the 3rd Company, where I was destined to go through, as per the announcement, this Company decided whole of the process outside the campus, and we were told to prepare for the Basic Accounts Test which was supposed to be the 1st round for Elimination Round, this was the Company purely on the basis of only the MBA Finance Students with the background of BCom&MCom Students, not even the BBA and BCA Students from the Finance Section were allowed to appear for the 1st Round, hence it was understood that the Basic should be very solid for this round. There were 20 Questions consisting of some Journal Entries, some Debenture, Bonds & Equities Question (specially keep Accounting Entries for Depreciation to be kept very strong). After this Round, we expected some GD Sessions to take place but on the contrary, it was some JAM ( Just A Minute) session decided as a Company's Process, this was about to speak on any topic on this Earth just for a minute just like an Extempore Round, but topics according to your own wish. My topic was about “Innovation is the new Mantra” , I spoke near about 40 seconds on the topic, and concluded it well. They took the Jam session, as I now

Recent Posts By Others understand that we have lot of interaction with onshore people & they also send people onshore. So they check how well communicated you are. Now, the results came out and 20 students were through, they have to appear for theTechnical Interview. My Technical Round went all about Bonds, Derivative products like CDS etc for about 45 mins. They asked few accounting entries for Bonds, when is the spread movement higher in CDS. They were checking whether we have product knowledge. & also accounting knowledge. They also interviewed me on capital market products and were checking my knowledge on Credit Default Swaps and asked few accounting entries on purchase and sale of investment products from bank's perspective. Finally a week later on 22nd January 2011 we all were sitting in our class and suddenly we got calls from placement cell informing us that twelve of us are selected. My Happiness knew no bounds. That moment was filled with different kind of feeling. I felt so satisfied that finally I got the company with core finance profile as well as company with brand name. It was the moment where all of us were very happy, as many of us were together placed in the same city. This was all about my journey for getting placed. Thanks, Manish Patel.

Mr. Mohit Aggarwal I am Mr.Mohit Aggarwal Registration Number IB09-7225 from Class Finance Division C from BIIB from the academic year 2009-11 passed out on 24 April 2011. My specialization is Finance. I was placed in Company A which is in banking sector. The placement process started from the month of September when the first company visited our campus . I cleared both the basic criteria of attendance and no backlogs . It was a tough time, a time to prove myself and achieve what I have aimed in my life. Though one can start realizing worries and peer pressures as we enter into the 3rd sem or final year of PGDM, because this is the time for your placement ! But let me tell you my juniors, there's nothing to be afraid of, if you don't get into the first company you will definitely get into some! Only the keyword is patience and never ending effort . It's a time to capture the positive feeling and overcome the negative ones. The family , friends and colleagues play a very supportive role in ones life . They are the one who motivates & encourage to move towards the path of success. Journey in Sri Balaji Society was awesome. Bala Sir has always been like a

Recent Posts By Others father to me and hostel like a home. It was so much fun in the hostel. Respect for Bala Sir commences the respect for Sri Balaji Society. I had sat for many companies around nine, after giving GD/PI's of so many companies I realized GD was my weakness being a soft spoken person. To get placed with renowned bank has always been a dream for me. In all 8 companies where i am unable to get placed was due to GD only because i was able to clear aptitude test in all the company except one which was TCS. 24th January the day I got placed with one of the banks. It made my dream come true. I was well prepared. The process started with presentation. Company's presentation was wonder full. The panel members were presentable too. I was impressed with the presentation and panel members. It was continued with the round of Group Discussion after aptitude test. I got through the group discussion after clearing my aptitude test. The topic of Group Discussion was Mobile number Portability GD round was quite entertaining. It boosts the morale that your points have been considered, you are selected for the round and have been called for the next round. Points to be remember during GD. Give Valid Points, talking too often in GD does not make much impact as compared to making reasonable points. Make second or third entry in GD Do not let fish market happen. Even if it happens stop in the middle and ask team members to give their points chance by chance. Then was the final round of interview. I had no hopes that will be selected for the bank. I thought that i screwed the HR round. The questions during the interview were the following: 1. Tell me about yourself? I briefed them about myself 2. Where did you do your internship? I did my internship with bank of india in Credit Department 3. What did you learnt during your internship? I mentioned that I learnt the process of rating the project proposal and project management. Different project proposals had come and it requires proper analysis on the basis of both qualitative and quantitative parameters and rating was given to different proposals according to the points decided for different parameters. And finally on the basis of total points it has to be decided whether to accept or reject the proposal.

Recent Posts By Others 4. They cross questioned me about certain statements that I made during GD; that was just to check my confidence level. 5. What do you know about Portfolio Management? I explained advising clients to invest in different investment structure depending upon their risk appetite. 6. Would you like to be Credit risk Manager? I answered have done my internship in the same profile and have keen interest in the same. Questions on whatever has been mentioned in the curriculum Vitae were also asked. Study of Curriculum Vitae properly will help to attempt interview well. Getting place of posting in Pune was an added advantage. There was different process for both finance and marketing students. I presumed that both marketing and finance people will be given the profiles accordingly after joining I came to know every one has been given the same profile of selling the investment products of the bank. Every job has challenges to face with. Be ready to face the challenges at every moment of life. So my request to all juniors ask your profile and job role in detail before joining any private bank or for that matter any organization. My campus placement experience will be a guide for you. Areas to work on: Know your areas of strength and always try to push the interview towards that area never get drained out keep a smile on your face. Believe me it makes a difference. Believe in your ability. Don't rush behind companies for package. Be Patient, Learn and read thoroughly about the company you are applying for. Be thorough with the current affairs. Few important things to rememberIt is up to you how you present yourself and how you communicate. Act professionally, and don't be very sophisticated but be modest at the same time ! Remember always to have direct eye contact. Usually they will face you while talking but as for me my interviewer was busy looking at my resume but still

Recent Posts By Others talk to him and answers, remember do not start or stop until you are asked to. Remember that before coming for the interview you must sit and think about yourself and prepare well for this question to avoid any pause or overhead thinking! And remember he asked about you, so must be in track to talk only about you. You can also mention your strengths and weakness but see that you tell your weakness optimistically. The HR round is to see your communication skills, doesn't matter how your accent is or pronunciations as far u wear a smile and be presentable. Prepare well and all the best. Only believe in this ...............Problems are opportunities.

Mohit Khurana I am Mohit Khurana Registration No:-IB097120 Dual B, BIIB International Business 2009-11 To start with I would like to thank BIIB for giving us such a memorable experience. The two years journey has helped me not only grow professionally but personally as well. First of all, I would like to appreciate the commendable efforts of our college and our peers in Placement Cell who worked hard and made our campus placement season a huge success. I am very glad to write here that over 200 companies visited our campus during our placement season and it was a treat to see your friends getting placed one after another. It started off with lot of excitement and zeal to get through the process of the best company and for the best profile and for the best pay but all this got lost and faded away as the placement season progressed, as there was a time when I felt like, it's high time now and only getting placed was looking like a tough fight, no matter what the company is and the package etc, I just wanted to get placed, as everybody else was getting their share of luck & hard work.

Recent Posts By Others Placement is that season where every single student passes from various pressure .To get selected in a company is one of the most important day of someone's life. But till the time it doesn't happen, it requires a lot of patience, preparations, hard work & wait. The same experience I have undergone at my college placement time. I was sitting for the companies from the very first day but as they say 'When it's your day, it is�. Placement experience is not just about written tests, GDs and Interviews it is also about learning to deal with successes and failures. Getting a job is one of the best feelings in the world. Going through mental stress, handling pressure, enjoying with friends at the time of there placement, working hard to get placed. Psychologically balancing the mental pressure, these all sentiments every MBA students have to go through at the time of placement, but i must say that i really enjoyed the placement process after getting placed in the company. It was unforgettable after getting placed. Friend's congratulations, family blessings and a mental relief, these all memories are unforgettable. Also when you pray for your friends placement that brings you close to your friends which someone can never forget. Placement experience is one of those kind of experience in which students like me learn a lot, and also get strong emotionally to face any challenges in life. Getting placed in a company makes a student tough to face challenges in life also helps in building relations with the outside world. Placement pressure makes student tough and flexible to adapt the outside world challenges. Before getting selected, I have gone through many processes so I was learning with every day. I used to read a lot about all the current affairs, brushing up my technical knowledge was the only and the most important task to be done. A lot of companies visited in our campus, and many companies have the same process. At the end of the day some students make it but some students have to wait for the next company. But I have seen in our campus that waiting for the next companies does not disappoint the student, it motivates the student to prepare more for the next company. But all companies' way of looking to student was different. Some companies want a very enthusiastic student so some companies want a good personality student. Some want a candidate who has futuristic vision, so some wants who has a leadership quality. Companies came with different profile. Some came with management trainee profile, so some came with a manager profile. If the student has some year industry experience so companies look at that candidate with different approach. One very fine day as I recollect the date was 1nd of March 2011, we were called by our placement team in the evening and then they announced the list of shortlisted students for a logistics company along with a car renting company

Recent Posts By Others both based out of Mumbai. They informed that the shortlisted candidate has to go to Mumbai next day. I was not sure about the latter one but I decided to go for the logistics company as it was my dream domain to work into. But later in the evening, suddenly I got a call from the placement team, that the logistics company had postponed their process so I have to go for the other one, namely ABC Car Rentals private Ltd. Believe it or not, initially I was not able to pronounce the name of the company i was going to get interviewed for. The very next day on 2nd of March '11, early morning I was sitting in their office and thinking of what to do. Suddenly random thoughts ran through my mind about the company, work, job etc. And then finally the Vice President (Sales) of the company came in the in my room along with the HR. They both introduced themselves to me and the interview started. The process of selection was quite short:Interview My interview started very normally. The HR left the room immediately and I was then sitting one on one with my future boss. To start with he asked me to be comfortable and be free & then he started with his questions which were like:Family Background My hobbies & Interest My Qualification What do you think about Mumbai life Can you adjust here What is marketing? Difference between Marketing & Sales? Why Sales? How to close a deal? How will you handle pressure if a client shouts on you? Like I was given a product X, and they asked me how I will market that product. What strategies I will use. Also the company asked me that I have to stay completely on the field. If I am ready for that or not. I handled all the questions patiently. And then I was asked what salary I expect as this is your first job along with

Recent Posts By Others the perks. Suddenly after my answer, he left the room and straight away went to the CEO's Cabin, accompanied with the VP (Operations). Both after a little discussion came to my room again giving an amazed look, as if I have asked for a salary before getting the joining. Unknowingly, the second round started, & this time the attitude along with the questions was stiffer then before as I can sense the pressure in the room & they can sense it on my face. But nobody asked me to get relaxed this time. They were just shooting questions at me one after the other, even before I can think of the answers. At the end they I asked them to give me a glimpse of what exactly the job work is all about. They made me understand all that I was about to do. Suddenly, they said OK & then there was complete silence, then they asked me, when can you join? & that was the moment when I felt shocked, amazed & happy all at the same time. After that the HR called me and he gave me my “offer letter “.Offer letter are the best part of campus selection. Students like me learn a lot in the campus selection procedure. Receiving offer late after having patience for so many days, also experience all such stages is a very good experience. Offer late is the award, achievement which a student has received for his hard work in his carrier. Always be positive in life. I read about the company, the CEO, and again it was Mr. BALASUBRAMANIAN (BALA SIR), a random thought came into my mind again that “another BALA sir”, surely he can keep me on my toes. A lot to learn on a new journey. I was very excited to work and I joined the Company after 15 days. After they reviewed my performance for almost 1 & half months, they visited the campus to recruit some more students for the same post, for other cities. But due to some unforeseen circumstances have to leave the job & now it's been 5 months I have joined my Family Business. I am thankful to Bala sir, PAT and the college for all the efforts they put in, in my placement endeavour. “All the very best to all my juniors”

Recent Posts By Others Nandish Thakkar I am Nandish Thakkar Registration No: IB09-7122 Balaji Institute of International Business (BIIB) Class IB-Marketing Dual B Batch 2009-11 Sub: - Campus Placement Experience Before sharing my Campus Placement Experience I would like to thank Bala Sir for making us realise the importance of 3D's Discipline, Dedication and Determination and always encouraging us with the evergreen word 'BACCHA LOG' and other Directors for making us realise the importance of CORE VALUES in life and would like to thank them for their NEVER ENDING EFFORTS. After joining BIIB I realised the importance of the proverb which Bala sir as always speaks 'Problems are Opportunities'. I take immense pleasure in sharing my Campus Placement Experience as it was a life changing experience and am sure it would be same for most of you. I was always an introvert student and preferred to stay in my comfort zone. I was lucky enough to get admission in Sri Balaji Society but the only thing which I did not like was to stay away from my parents unlike my other old friends, who stayed with their parents. I used to always feel how unlucky I am that my parents are not here and I have to live the hard life by staying in a 'HOSTEL' which at that time was a Himalayan task for me. Being a student I always used to think that life is good only if everything goes well and in the end you get what you want. I always desired a PERFECT life which at that time I used to think will be an ideal one. I always desired of getting my first job in an International Business related company. Well, my so called PERFECT life was not at all PERFECT for me when I failed to clearing the rounds at different stages in two of the MNC's I had dreamt of getting into. For me it became a very nervous situation as every day I was getting to know that one more colleague has got a job. But now when I look back, I thank GOD; because, their emerged the most important learning of my life. 'Never say die attitude'. I realised the importance that getting a job was not an easy task. I had a wish of getting a job in my home town and then I decided to try some companies on my own. The city is well known for small and medium scale companies which are heavily involved in International Business. Earlier I thought that progress in life is possible only if you have job in MNC's but my

Recent Posts By Others dad made me realise that your WILLPOWER makes your future. I was on the verge of accepting failure when I failed to clear the last round in a company. Again my dad played a major role in making me realise the most important lesson: - 'Never breakdown, God has kept the best for you'. With all this in my mind I am here to share my wonderful D-DAY EXPERIENCE: Then finally came the day, which was mine. I had forwarded my C.V. through mail to a company. I got a message which stated you are requested to attend the initial H. R Interview in the evening. Since it is medium scale company I was taking it lightly. I went to the company at 3:30 pm. There were 6 other job seekers like me. We were taken to the conference room. The Executive Manager showed us the PPT. It provided a brief description about the company, details about the profile and compensation very clearly. The profile was good. One of my competitors left immediately after the completion of PPT since he did not like the profile. There were going to be four rounds and there was the possibility of elimination at every round. Soon the H.R team consisting of four members arrived. The first two rounds were going to be taken on that day itself. Round 1: There was going to be an Aptitude Test of 30 mins. Thirty questions had to be answered. The good thing was there was no negative marking. Once it started, I realised they were all related to export, import and FOREX sectors. Some were related to current issues related to the same topics. The questions were designed in such a way that they could judge our quantitative, qualitative and logical skills. I could answer only seventeen questions and the time was up. I was a bit nervous and thought that my answering ratio was less. Round 2: Then there was Group Discussion, the round that always scared me the most: We were made to discuss on the topic: Can India become the SUPERPOWER and what role does International Business play in the same: The Group Discussion was for 10 min, so everybody did not get much chance to speak. I spoke about both the positives as well as the negative aspects of the topic as it did not connote the tone and was open to both the sides. I talked about the impact of currency appreciation and depreciation and its negative impacts, positive aspects of the latest EXIM Policy, increasing reliance of western countries on us due to cheap labour, younger population etc. One thing I would like to say here is; if you don't get a chance of being the initiator and concluder of the GD, always try to be the key participant presenting some relevant content bearing sentences. Put your points firmly and try to get others support too. This would help to emphasis your points and make you come out in a group discussion. I was getting some positive waves and was feeling that here is my destiny. The

Recent Posts By Others Executive Manager told that if you are selected, you will be called for the next round tomorrow or day after. A phone call from company's side would come to you. There was no phone call in the next two days. I thought that this company is also gone. But on the third day morning I got a call and I was excited. Round 3: Personal Interview: Four colleagues were there for the interview. There were three panel members. I was the last candidate for the interview. I entered the room confidently wished both of them. They asked me various questions which are as follows: Where are you from? Describe yourself? Have you ever done some tough tasks? Do you know any other language? Are you planning to work with us for many years? My internship and about the project that I did during my internship Interview lasted for about 10 minutes. Two of the other three were eliminated in the same round itself. In this round I got to know that they had focused heavily on the internship project. I was very nervous and there were still chances of even both of us getting eliminated. I realised that “Nothing in life worth having comes easy� Round 4 Final Interview: This interview was going to be with the Head of International Business Department The interview of first candidate lasted for 10 mins. My heartbeats were increasing. His got over and I was immediately called in. He started straightaway by asking Why are you interested in our company? Are you interested & feel that you can do multi-tasking? Than the real technical interview started? He bombarded five to six questions of them? Would you like to work in FOREX department? I was personally satisfied with the answers I gave. He then said do you have any question. Somehow spontaneously the sentence came out that 'I would be obliged to work in such a prestigious company but would be even happier if the salary is paid more than what is provided'. I was told to sit outside. At that time I was thinking that I should not have told

Recent Posts By Others about the increasing of package. After few minutes we were called inside and he said I have just one vacancy and so I am sorry to say that XYZ has lost against Nandish and Welcome to the Group. There was no limit of my joy but at the same time was able to understand my colleague's feelings. Though we are in different companies we are good friends today as well. I was told to meet the Executive Manager. I thought that my question of salary increase was not appreciated. But when I met the Executive Manager and he gave me the Appointment Order and I was surprised to see that the salary was increased even more than my expectations. I still remember the sentence he spoke 'I think you have got what you wanted; now it's your chance to give us what we want' It has been a wonderful journey since then till date. Friends, never keep anything in mind and never be satisfied with what you get/have. At times negotiations work in your favour. Through this journey I have definitely learnt, which now one of my mottos is that: - 'Life is full of hardships and difficulties. One who can adapt to such situations is a true successful man' Tips: Listen carefully. If you feel the question is unclear, ask politely for clarification. Pause before answering to consider all facts that may substantiate your response. Get directly to the point. Ask if the listener would like you to go into great detail before you do. Do not open yourself to areas of questioning that could pose difficulties for you. Be truthful, but do not offer unsolicited information. Focus and re-focus attention on your successes. Always think positive and when given a opportunity, speak your mind out without hesitations. With all this, I would like to conclude with a wonderful quote. 'LEARNING IS WHEN U SUDDENLY UNDERSTAND SOMETHING U HAVE UNDERSTOOD ALL YOUR LIFE BUT IN A NEW WAY. WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS TO KEEP LEARNING, TO ENJOY CHALLENGE AND TO TOLERATE AMBIGUITY'. All the Best

Recent Posts By Others Neha Ahuja Hi, I am Neha Ahuja Registration Number IB09-7228 BIIB-Dual C(Finance) Academic year 2009-2011 My specialization is in Finance It gives me an immense pleasure to share my campus placement experience with my juniors, who could surely gain some knowledge & belief to learn the things I did in order to secure a good position in the corporate world. Very one came in SBS with the dream of getting placed in a company with good profile, brand name & good package as well. But getting all three was a bit challenge for everyone. For Finance students it was really tough to get core finance profile. My luck shined when I got placed in company D after so much of struggle. My campus experience is as follows:Company A was the first company for which all were allowed to appear irrespective of attendance and backlog criteria. I was also very excited to crack this company as my attendance was short. I was aware that if I could not make it out then I would not be allowed for first fifty companies to appear. I was very much excited as well as nervous with the fear of not getting placed in this. The process had in total 4 rounds which comprised of 1) Aptitude test 2) VERSANT for communication skills-Basically it was related to voice simulation of UK & US English 3) Technical Interview. 4) HR Interview Total we had 110 strength in both finance duals. All appeared for first company. Aptitude test was just the basics of all 4 and also not that tough. Only 22 got qualified. In Versant we had to speak the same as the person other side of call was speaking. In that 17 got qualified. in Technical interview only 12 got qualified & finally after HR round 7 students got placed in which 2 were from BIIB & 5 were of BIMM. I had cleared all the rounds except the final HR interview. I was a bit upset as my attendance was short, hence could not appear for first 50 companies. After sometime the criteria for attendance got released and then a hope of fulfilling my dreams arose again. I got a chance to appear for Company B which was offering corporate finance profile with a good package. There was only 2 rounds i.e. GD & PI for the selection process.

Recent Posts By Others 1) GD round was really tough & totally finance based. The topic of GD for my group was totally finance based & was related to capital budgeting process of investing in a project. From both the duals only 70 students appeared for GD round and out of them only 12 got cleared in that round and I was one amongst them. The competition was really tough. 2) For final interview round, the questions were related to your CV only. Basically they grilled much on summer internship project which we had done. As I did my summer internship on working capital & term loan financing, I got quite good questions based on that. Only 2 students both from BIIB got selected. But again my luck was not with me at that time I could not qualify final interview round. This was the second failure for me. I really missed a good opportunity. Finally I got placed in ABC and Co. I always had 4 parameters in mind before sitting for a company: 1. Place 2. Brand Name 3. Job profile 4. Package The placerment process was held in one of the other colleges where SBS was also invited.Only the shortlisted students from our college went for the company. Round 1:- Company short-listed candidates Round 2:- Pre Placement Talk Round 3:- Aptitude Test Round 4:- Group Discussion Round 6:- Interview Round 7:- Personal Interview Round 8:- Technical Interview All the rounds were elimination rounds.The result was announced a week later when the technical interview was held. Round 1:- Company short-listed candidates The Company had shortlisted candidates on the basis of the academic record in the MBA.Around 20 of us were shortlisted from SBS. Round 2:- Pre Placement Talk There were 20 members for the selection process so the PPT begins after formal introduction of selection panel member followed by our introduction. I had gone through the Company's website and studied what were the main things for which company had received award on a global level.

Recent Posts By Others Round 3:- Aptitude Test Believe me this test was all about my leanings from engineering, over 100 questions covering basics of almost every subject of Finance like Corporate Finance,Accounting,fund flows etc. Round 4:- Group Discussion The GD topic which I got was related to Financial concepts and aslo related to selling of financial products like done by Banks. The discussion ranged from general points being made to technically and numerically given examples about the latest rate of interests given by banks.The group was knowlegable.Finally,out of our group of about 13 students from various colleges,3 were selected and I was one of those. Round 6:- Technical Interview Many questions were asked by the panel of 3 members. 1.How do you make a balance sheet? 2.What is the significance of Fund Flow Management? 3.What is the latest prime lending rate? 4.Why do you think banks vary their rate of interests? 5.Why and in what cases does RBI control the banks? Round 7:- Personal Interview It was the same panel which took my first interview. I was tenth person for the interview; my turn came at around 7.30 pm. The questions that were asked were: Tell me about yourself Tell me about your family Where and what you did in summer internship? What is FOREX? Why this company? Are you ready to relocate? Final result was not disclosed on the same day. If was informed that further communication will be sent to college. My suggestion Have the knowledge of basic of your graduation and of marketing Have knowledge of the industry Have knowledge of the company Have descent awareness of the current trend of the industry you are interested in.

Recent Posts By Others Try to be yourself always. I thank Bala sir for allowing me share such a wonderful experience for placement that would surely help my juniors for motivation & just want to wish all the very best for their future. Special thanks to Bala Sir, Seema Madam, Dimple Madam.I would also like to thank Inamdar Sir who always supported an environment of learning in our College and encouraged students to achieve their dreams in the corporate world. I would like to say to all juniors that please be prepared for all the subjects of your interest before sitting for any company, please stay calm and motivated you will get ample opportunities to prove yourselves. Because only in SBS,we can hope of so many companies coming to the campus because of our strong Corporate relations team. I would like to thank Bala Sir,Dimple Mam and all our faculty who always found time to gather us in the Auditorium and bring us on the right path when they thought we student managers were drifting from the focus on our Goal. My special thanks to Mam Seema Singh Zokarkar for her valiant efforts to join as Director of our Batch(BIMM) and really working hard so that BIMM can get placed and maintain discipline which was somewhat dwindling when she came to join as director.Thank you Mam for your Hawks Eye on us students so that we could achieve our Dreams in the corporate.I wish all the very best to all my collegues and hope that they achieve a great success in their career. Be serious during PPT and clear your doubts.SBS WILL HELP YOU LIVE AND FOLLOW YOUR DREAM. Neha Ahuja IB09-7228

Neha Srivastava I am Neha Srivastava Registration Number IB09- 7160 Class Dual C , BIIB, Academic year 2009-2011. My specialization is in Finance . It has always been a kind of pressure for the placements once it gets started. Everyone start discussing about the kind of sector and companies they are looking for . The pressure kept on increasing as the company's started visiting

Recent Posts By Others the campus. I became eligible for placements in November after passing QT exam. So due to this, I was not eligible to sit for few companies and thus got serious to get through this exam at that time. Fortunately, this was the 1st company I sat for placement procedure in November'11 as prior to this I was not eligible for placements. It was an IT company and hence was a good option as I wanted to enter into this industry . The procedure started 9'0 clock in morning with a presentation by the company ,all the four institutes with almost all specialization's appeared for the process. It then started with group discussions with 12 students in my group and the topic for discussion was “IFRS boon or bane”. I spoke for 3-4 times stating examples and its relevant effect on the current economic scenarios. It took a long time for the G.D. results as there was large number of students appearing for it. Surprisingly, I was selected in it although during G.D , I ended the conclusion but unnoticeably concluded it before specified time which I thought might affect the results. It was approx. 40 students who were then called for technical interview round. My interviewer was a Banking head which was good sign for me as I did my internship from Bank of Baroda so was quite familiar with the process and terms used in banking terminology .It started with “Tell me something about yourself” for which I was fully prepared because this is the time where you can show yourself and get ample time to do so .Next question was how familiar am I with derivatives, which I replied as “I am only aware of the basic knowledge and do not know the subject in depth” .I was quite tense as being this the 1st question ,I replied so but then it is better to tell it upfront rather than faking with him and to show superficial knowledge. Then, it continued with few financial ratios and analysis for the same . He also asked some finance specific questions related to portfolio management ,financial statements analysis and some basics of derivatives . Hence, the interview went on for 20 minutes with questions ranging from domain knowledge to internship related work. I was able to convince him with my answers except for 1 which he explained it to me.We also had a talk related to profile specific roles and responsibilities. The last questions was , If I want to ask something from him ,so I took this opportunity and asked about how was my interview and chances of me getting selected. For this ,he intelligently replied with a smile that it was good talking to me and I would get to know the results in some time .I also greeted him and came out of the room with a feeling of nervousness. My name was called for the H.R. interview with 20 students in it.It was related to location preference which I was comfortable with any, be it Chennai also. Few more H.R. questions was also asked which was quite simple to answer such as

Recent Posts By Others team work , adjusting with new scenarios and some information related to my family background and my near future plans . And finally after all the elimination rounds, this was the selection call for NehaSrivastava along with 8 students approx... I was on cloud nine as I was an average student with backlogs and a back bencher for more than half of the classes. But, it did not affect my studies since I concentrated during classes which made me secure first class with distinction. It was a dream come true for me as at that point of time , we were aware only for few company's which came into campus as a regular recruiter for finance specific profile. And thankfully by the time one of them arrived ,I cleared my QT backlog after 2 attempts. Hence backlogs should not be taken in a negative sense and attempt should be made to clear it off ASAP (moral of the story ). I still remember Bala Sir once communicated about the joy of being selected before new year bash, and I was one of the fortunate to feel it on that particular eve on New Year. I almost made up my mind after selection that the working location would be Chennai as one of the H.R. panels was insisting on it a lot of time. Although I thought it might be tough for me to adjust in that climate but now I had to accept it .But again a surprise when the offer letter arrived, working location was Bangalore which was really relaxing for me. Currently I am working for Thomson Reuters as my client which is UK based and enjoying my time in this company. For juniors, I would say reading Economic Times and other newspaper's may be quite boring at that point of time but it really helps during your placement time. You need to be aware of business happenings around the world and specially for the company you are appearing for. Try maintaining your attendance in order to appear for placements early as this should not be the barrier for not becoming eligible. You need to prove and sell yourself in front of the interviewer that you can be suitable for the job profile and you have necessary knowledge for doing the same. You should also get involved in other co-curricular activities apart from just going through books all the time. All the best to juniors. Thank you Sri Balaji Society for providing me a platform on which I could prove myself and enter into the Corporate World which I dreamt of before joining college. Regards, NehaSrivastava.

Recent Posts By Others Nidhin Babu I am Nidhin Babu No : IB-09-7025 PGDM Dual B BIIB - 2009-11 batch I am placed with a European Manufacturing Company I was always an average student, a very average student. So when I told my parents that I wanted to study further and do an MBA, they were surprised. From the day I joined SBS, I had a lot of people around me talking about placements and placements only. I, being me, had my fair share of backlogs in all three semesters. My parents started getting worried, my friends started getting worried and I was getting worried thinking why I am not worried.. On September 19th, the first company came to our campus. It was open for all. I had no hopes of cracking it. Everybody was sitting for it, so did I. Then came a gap of 2.5 long months. I worked pretty hard to clear all my backlogs and happily watched a lot of my dear friends get good placements. The day I was declared eligible for l placements, I stated getting excited. Being a mechanical engineer, my options were quite good and everybody had high hopes for me. The first company I appeared for was a reputed ship building company. The process involved a GD and a PI. It was only for mechanical engineers. I was quite confident about making it but they kept on postponing the results ( the results were not declared till the day I was placed, after about 1 month!! ) There were a lot of companies coming to our campus on a daily basis after that..manufacturing, banking, retail, IT..I had made my mind about joining the manufacturing industry. I chose not to appear for a lot of other companies which were otherwise appealing. Some of my friends supported me on my decision while some cautioned me.. Finally, one of my dream companies were announced. The criteria was, mechanical engineers with PGDM in marketing. The process was to happen at a hotel in Pune with a list of eligible students from ours as well as another management institute. There were 14 of us, all mechanical engineers. The first task of the D day ( December 27th) was a written test consisting purely of thermodynamics, electrical engineering and fluid mechanics. I dint want to leave any questions unattempted. Shortly after the test, we had two rounds of GD. The topics were, “how far is it ok to have a "chalta hai� attitude�,

Recent Posts By Others and “the role of media in bringing justice to people”. There was no time limit specified. We stopped the discussion when they asked us to. It was a relief as we did not have any pressure to make our points within the stipulated time. Both the GDs went on for 20-25 minutes each and had all 14 of us in one single group. I made about 4-5 points in both the topics. After the GDs were over, we were invited for a grand lunch. The next round was quite interesting. Each one of us were given a set of craft materials like chart papers, scissors, color pens, glue, a file etc and asked to make any model of our choice. I was really dumbstruck because I knew I was not the creative type. Infact I was bad at it, really bad. But the HR told us that there will be no eliminations after any of the rounds and the scores will be cumulative for all the rounds. I saw people around me making tool boxes, earth moving machines, pen stands, flower vases..and what did I do? I made a greeting card…it was the simplest. I just had to cut the chart paper, write something in it. When the HR told us that “now that you guys have made some interesting models, each one of you have to come to us with your product, and make us buy your product.” I was pretty sure that no one would want to buy my greeting card. It was very simple( read silly). Each one of were called one by one inside to a panel of 5 people consisting of two HR managers, the marketing communications manager, the marketing manager and the business line manager. I went in, gave them my “greeting card” and took a seat. I explained to them that this product is made by poor homeless children and the profits will go to a foundation giving them education. They opened the card, it said “to my lovely wife”. One of the HRs told me to pick one of them as a potential customer, who wants to buy a card for his wife and sell it to him. I picked the business line manager, seeing that he is the one at the top of the hierarchy. But the marketing communications manager wanted to become the “husband”, even though she was a lady. I accepted and started giving my sales pitch. Somehow I managed to convince her and she bought the card. Being a Keralite, they asked me how comfortable I was with my Hindi. I said I can speak really good Hindi for a mallu. I had to speak in Hindi for the next 1015 minutes answering questions about my family and educational back ground, my hobbies, passions etc. Then came questions about my strengths and weaknesses. I told them my greatest strength was adaptability. I can easily adapt to a

Recent Posts By Others changing situation. My biggest weakness was not able to let go of things easily. “What do you mean by not letting things go easily?” I said, “I find it hard to take when I lose or miss out on something . It keeps coming back to me until I succeed.” I am guilty of not being very honest here. It was a well rehearsed response. Another question they asked me was, “our product caters mostly to quarry owners and mining sites. The amount of corporate sales will be very less. You think your personality will be suited for such a raw customer base?” I knew it was tricky. My response had to convince them that I was good enough for the rural customers without touching the corporate sales part. I told them “appearances can only help an individual to a certain extend. For someone to be successful in a market, understanding the customer psychology is a must, be it a corporate or a proprietorship company. If one can do that, there is nothing stopping him from being successful in that market”. They seemed to like my response. The entire process was done by about 9.30 in the night. We had a series exam the next day!!!. I rushed home, opened my books and fell asleep. The next day, after the exams were over, I got a call from CRT saying I was called for the final round at the company's office the next day. There were 5 of us from our college and one guy from another institute. We reached the office on 29th evening at 6.30, after that day's series exam was over. We had our interviews scheduled with the General Manager. He asked me about material removing processes, factory layouts and some other production engineering related things. I answered some, blanked some. He had asked for some material removing processes and their classifications. “ Material removing processes are broadly classified into mechanical, chemical and thermal. Grinding, honing, milling, broaching and turning are some examples of mechanical material removing processes.” He seemed convinced. When asked about factory layouts, I could only answer the manufacturing plant layout, namely process, product, fixed position and the combined layout. He wanted the trader's layout and service centre layouts as well. I could not answer them. After all of us were finished, the HR called 5 of us inside his cabin, 4 from our college and 1 from another institute. He congratulated us for getting selected in the company and started saying our respective POPs. It was unbelievable..the feeling. I was placed in a manufacturing company, an MNC, a market leader at it. We all got out of there with stars in our eyes.

Recent Posts By Others I was patient enough to wait for a company in the sector of my choice and I was rewarded. I am thankful to all my friends and my college for making my dream come true. Nidhin Babu

Nilesh Tahilramani Name : Nilesh Tahilramani Reg. No. : IB09-7027 Div. : Dual A Marketing (Balaji Institute of International Business) Academic year: 2009-2011 Specialization : Marketing I got placed in A RETAIL COMPANY after sitting in the process for 2 other companies in insurance and consumer electronics. According to me, the process was not that grilling. I could sail through the whole thing calmly. After all it was the result of our group effort which gave me the confidence to be calm and focused during the process. The panel consisted of 4 corporate stalwarts from Retail organization accompanied by 3 HR managers. The Stalwarts as I got to know later were the expert handling various departments very successfully. In total, we went through 3 rounds. In the 1st round, we had Group discussion. Topic given to us was “Indian Elephant vs. Chinese Dragon”. Again the topic was one of the topics which were discussed before in the class practice. The GD Group comprised of 10 students each who were know to each other in some way or the other. Now as experienced in the mock rounds everyone jumped on to the topics to get the advantage of leading the topics his/her own way and get noticed, I preferred to stay calm and composed and waited for the right opportunity to appear. Almost after 1.5 mins the group went from a crowded market place to a silent zone and that I took as the opportunity to enter and lead the way through till the end. One should always remember that not just speaking but listening actively pays well in GD sessions like this. So after almost 7 mins the GD round ended and short listing was done; 4 out of the 10 were selected and were allowed to go through the next round. Sadly the people I was wishing for to proceed further were left behind after this round. 2nd round was a rapid fire. In that round, HR asked 5 questions which were supposed to be answered in min time. Questions asked were – “where do you

Recent Posts By Others see yourself in 5 years down the line”, “what are the 3 things you learnt in last 3 months”, ”What according to you is the Best achievement in your life till date”, “why Retail Industry”, “why this particular organization as company to start with”. It was fun as the panel member was very friendly. Though it was a rapid fire round but you were expected to give a logical answer. Just an advice whenever you are going through the rapid fire round, don't give the answers for the sake of giving, take few seconds to think, before you speak. Otherwise it will create a wrong image in the mind of the person across the table. Luckily these were few of the questions I had asked myself a night before and was clear about the where and the whys. Also I was asked about my background, my preferences and the place of posting (which for me was Pune followed by Mumbai). The 2nd round went on very well and I was confident enough that I had got through and have made it to the next round. 3rd Round was personal Interview. It was taken by 2 panel members. One member was observing the body language and the facial expressions; another member was listening to answers carefully. Complete interview was situation based. I was suppose to consider myself in a situation and was asked that as a manager what will be your plan to solve the issues arising in those situations. They were basically looking for specific retail related words that can be or are supposed to be used in situations like those. Some given situations were – “If an employee who is achieving all his targets and is a very good performer but doesn't come to office on time. Warning has been given to him that he will be under observation for coming 15 days otherwise he will be asked to leave. What will be your action plan for such an employee?” “There is a loyal customer who comes to you with the shoes he bought for replacement but the exchange period is over, how will to tackle the situation. “ “If you realize a customer is trying to steal or has stolen something and you are to deal with it without making a scene on the floor.” “A customer who visits your store every week and gives you good business; unknowingly breaks a small article but doesn't accept it as his/her mistake and is not ready to pay for it.” “The price on the label exceeds the MRP of the product and a customer who is annoyed brings this to your notice and demands an explanation.” “A pregnant lady who gets stuck in the elevator, how will you deal with the family and the nearby customers?” I tried to answer these questions (situations) using words that are related to Retail industry; putting myself into the shoes of a manager and as well as a customer where required. This round was a tricky one where there was no right

Recent Posts By Others or wrong answer as such. It was the presence of mind and the tactful use of the terminology that was tested. I answered all the questions as per my understanding. This round went on for almost 4 to 5 mins. The questions and the situations were almost same for everyone and as expected there were lot of discussions before and after the interview. After finishing all the rounds, the students were asked to assemble in a room and results were declared. Results were based on a 5 point scale, 5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. The minimum acceptable score was 3 and those who were able to get 3 and above as an average of all the 3 rounds were selected. At the end, 8 students were picked up. I was one of lucky 8. It was great moment when I heard my name. Overall great feeling. Also I was accompanied by one of my classmates and a college mate who got through making to even better. I had a wonderful experience and was quite lucky to get my hand on one of the known retail brands.

Pinky Choudhary Name: Pinky Choudhary Registration No: IB09-7030. Class: BIIB Finance. Dual: C College: BIIB Batch: 2009-11 Passed out in May 2011 and my specialization is in Finance Placement is altogether a mixed feelings in everyones life. We all join MBA course to end up with a good job. Everyone fights for the same. But before and after everyone gets their goal to be in a MBA Institute. I sit for many companies but I couldn't make it. I always use to find mistakes of not getting selected in earlier companies and try not to repeat that in the next company. It was my 9th company. Being a finance student I was always keen to get in a banking sector. The company came in December itself but taken a long time for selection process and joining, but one of the best finance profile it offers.

Recent Posts By Others The selection procedure was not in our college. The venue was out of State, it was a long tiring 16 hrs journey. Those who got shortlisted for the company were in dilemma whether to go so far on our expenses or not. Also, there was one more reason of not going that what if some other company will visit our campus in between. But few of us took the decision of going ahead with this company's process. The Process Company short-listed candidates who have applied on the basis of CV. Pre Placement Talk (off- campus, Mangalore) Group Discussion Personal Interview (Panel interview) Final result declaration (After 1 week of interview) The company came in November end for filling up application of those who are interested. Around 80 people from our Finance batch applied for the company. We had to fill up the form along with our CV. After long wait of 2 months the short listing came in January and notification of selection process came in February first week. I was one of the few who got shortlisted for the process. We came to know about the venue in first week of February and within a short notice we had to be there at the venue. We took Next day bus to Mangalore. We reached there after 16 hours and started the final day with the God's prayer and reaching the venue at 9.00 A.m. When we reached there was almost 7-8 other colleges were also participating in the placement processes. We took our seats. The company came very late and we waited till 1.00 P.M. And then they came. They started with scruitiny of our marksheets. After verification they started with the placement process. The further process are as under: Pre Placement Talk The Pre Placement Talk included the description of the company, Selection process, Package, Provisions, Profile , Growth in the company etc. Group Discussion As the company came late so they incorporated 15 students in each of the GD group; mine was the first group in the GD. First they asked each one to introduce self. Then the topic for the GD was given. GD Topic:1. “FDI in Indian retail, Boon or bane” 2.” Recession is better to start or end a business” GD Time: 30 minutes GD Rules: Think for 2 minutes then start with for or against the topic.

Recent Posts By Others I was the 2nd to enter the GD, I favored the topic and included valid new points in the GD. Since I use to read News papereveryday and FDI in retail was the burning issue that time so, I knew this topic very well. The 2nd topic was also one of the general topic. So cracking GD was easy to me. I entered 2-3 times in the entire discussion and gave others a fair chances to participate. I summarized the 2nd topic of GD and added the famous line of Bala sir, That problems are opportunities, so we should not look recession as a problem but as an opportunity to start a new business. After GD they shortlisted 3-4 students from each group. In total around 50 were shortlisted for personal interview. Personal Interview It was taken by the four panel members. All interviewers were expert in their field. Tell me about yourself? Background..?? Why Finance? Why our company? I given all the above answers briefly and confidently as these are the common questions in all the interviews. Then they started with technical questions related to BBA Maketing like define product, Product Life Cycle, Their Stages and analysis of every stage, Niche marketing etc..(All normal technical question related to marketing as I was a graduate in BBA marketing and Finance) Being a BBA and MBA student I knew all the answers. Next they asked me about finance related question. Bonds, Yield, relation of maturity and yield, Stocks, Prices of some stocks like of SBI, HDFC etc. Basic banking concepts like REPO, Reverse REPO, current stock market scenario etc. I listened to their every question patiently and replied wisely. My interview was too good and I answered almost all their questions and I was quite satisfied with my performance this time. Panel members were also looked quite satisfied with my answers. Final result was than disclosed next week. The week seem to be never ending and I was very afraid for the result also, as I had faced so many rejections before. I almost had lost all hopes also. But I kept trying and praying to GOD.

Recent Posts By Others And at the end I am lucky to be in this company, as it offers one of the best profile in banking i.e. Credit which more or less most of the banks do not offers to fresher's. Few suggestions: Have the knowledge of basic of your graduation. Have knowledge of the industry and your field of study. Have knowledge of the company. Have descent awareness of the current trend of the industry you are interested in. Luck is also an important factor in selection, but trial is our work. Be patient and give your best in every company's process and get into the industry of your choice.

Pinky Punjabi Name-Pinky Punjabi, Registration # IB-01-1095, Class: Dual C, from BIIB, Specialization -Finance, Academic year: 2009-2011, passed out on 29th April 2011. Firstly I would like to thank Bala Sir, Inamdar Sir and the Placement Committee for all their efforts to bring such reputed Companies to the Campus. Its an amazing feeling to again recollect those days of tension, joy, tears, frustration, achievement, nervousness and pleasure of going through and bringing on papers the feeling of getting placed after the tough and rigorous process of selection. As it's truly said that “Where there's a will, there's a wayâ€?‌it's just your call for the determination to achieve the target. The most beautiful day of my life when I got placed in the 7th Company on 22nd Jan, 2011, after almost a tough and rigorous selection process. It was the day to jump and dance with the pomp and zeal to enjoy an enthusiastic feeling of getting placed in one of the best service provider company in the field of Banking Financial Services to its clients. Finally hard work and patience paid to bear the sweet results. I should say that it took me very long to get placed, as I was eligible from the very 1st day according to all the criterias, had 96% attendance all through, no backlogs in any of the subject, and the day arrives where the 1st Company,

Recent Posts By Others Company A came to the Campus for the Finance students and everyone was excited along with the feeling of nervousness there in the heart. The company had a clear cut Job Description for the students appearing for the process which did not impress me much, but still for the sake of getting an experience I attempted the process, as it was the 1st lucky pot which came our way. The process was pretty simple with an initial start with an Online Test comprising of English Test, Logical Reasoning, Excel and Basic Accounts. I could not clear this and however students who didn't clear this test got an another chance to attempt the test again, but however I didn't go for it as I clearly stated that the JD didn't impress me a lot. After the Company A, a great roar of excitement came along with the Company B & C‌which had a tough Aptitude Test and I didn't crack it as I was not among those brilliant students solving 50 Aptitude Question in just 10 minutes, only 20 out of 200 students got through these Companies' process. It was a very heartbreaking feeling for me as I couldn't clear even one process of any of the Companies' still. The day came when I started clearing atleast the Group Discussions of some companies, as avery bad habit instilled in me was I couldn't poke my nose in a fish pond GD and this resulted in continous refusal in the very 1st round from many companies. I lost some Reputed Companies just with this habit where I thought people would give me chance to speak, but in a GD its all about how you sell your knowledge in an articulated way of speaking. However I also learnt a lesson that I'll be standing nowhere and my knowledge is of no use if I don't know how to open my mouth and start speaking with the cut throat competitive students. Company D was the Bank where I was shortlisted just on the basis of my Resume with only 15 students directly appearing for the Technical Interview. Everything was fine, the Interview went very good with a complete drilling on the Summer Internship Process, but there was a big clash between my words as I said I had an experience of Network Marketing Business as well as my Summer Internship gave a complete perception that it was totally done in a Back End Operations Job‌ This was a conflict in my words in a Marketing Profile and Finance Profile, I said I'm a shy person and couldn't get easily mixed with the ordinary people and a Banking Profile would not allow a shy person to be there in that field, but still I had the expectation of getting into the company, and when the results were announced and I wasn't selected for the company, almost tears rolled down my eyes, it was a great disappointed feeling where I thought I'm almost a worthless person on this earth, I was not able to face myself as I was so depressed with this feeling of rejection.

Recent Posts By Others Company E was the company where I reached the Personal Interview on my own efforts, there were only 2 rounds to get selected in the Company, Group Discussion and Personal Technical Interview. I cleared the Group Discussion in the afternoon 3 pm where my topic was “ Suggest some ways to sell Refrigerator in Winter Season” I gave all my possible good points, I just spoke 4 sentences but it was straight solid directly related to the target of the topic and those 4 sentences came out of my mouth just because the GD panel allowed and gave every individual a chance to express their own views, so it wasn't a Fish Pond. I got my Individual chance. Then I appeared for the PI at night 11 0' clock, with the panel drilling me on my same Summer Internship Process as weel as this time I threw some fake points af my Computer Proficiency of having a SAP Knowledge which in real I didn't possess any SAP Knowledge, but as the Interviewer didn't have any knowledge on that topic he didnta sk me much about it, the 3rd point of drilling was the Working Capital Assessment Topic as the HR Batch was interviewed first and then came the chance of the Finance students. It was a very tiring feeling as all day the Saree wrapped up and whole day sitting in a classroom till you finally give your interview. But this Interview gave me a positive feeling and brought some encouragement in me, that even I can be through to this process. But the results were awaited and were to be announced after a week… so in the meanwhile I can face some more companies even. Company F, the same process only GD and PI, I was through with the GD where my topic was “Love Marriage v/s Arrange Marriage”…Come on folks, this was the topic where I couldn't resist myself speaking, in any of the conditions even I turned out to give such humorous points in support of Love Marriage and the GD Panel was quite impressed with my points, and I directly got throught the PI, I was again up to mark for all the points but then the Location was the point where my luck didn't play quite well, the places to elect for the Location was the point where I got stucked, but still again this company kept the results awaiting. So, I got through a chance to appear for other companies as well..... now this was the company where my destiny decided to take me its way..after hard days of struggle and slogging. ...Company G, the 7th Company As per the announcement, this Company decided whole of the process outside the campus, and we were told to prepare for the Basic Accounts Test which was supposed to be the 1st round for Elimination Round, this was the Company purely on the basis of only the MBA Finance Students with the background of BCom & MCom Students, not even the BBA and BCA Students from the Finance Section were allowed to appear for the 1st Round, hence it was understood that the Basic should be very solid for this round. There were 20 Questions

Recent Posts By Others consisting of some Journal Entries, some Debenture, Bonds & Equities Question (specially keep Accounting Entries for Depreciation to be kept very strong). After this Round, we expected some GD Sessions to take place but on the contrry, it was some JAM ( Just A Minute) session decided as a Company's Process, this was about to speak on any topic on this Earth just for a minute just like an Extempore Round, but topics according to your own wish. My topic was about “Education System prevailing in India� , I spoke near about 40 seconds on the topic,and concluded it well. It was all good until now, just kept fingers crossed, to hear the good results, it was after 4 days, and 20 students were selected for the Personal Interview. We had to go again for the Interview outside the Campus. They interviewed me on capital market products and were checking my knowledge on Credit Default Swaps and asked few accounting entries on purchase and sale of investment products from bank's perspective. My interview went well but was nervous as there was tough competition. Finally a week later on 22nd January 2011 we all were sitting in our class and suddenly we got calls from placement cell informing us that twelve of us are selected. My Happiness knew no bounds. That moment was filled with different kind of feeling. I felt so satisfied that finally I got the company with core finance profile as well as company with brand name. It was the moment where all of us were very happy, as many of us were together placed in the same city. Just a message for the juniors, don't be very choosy for the companies, atleast give a try and appear for the processes, its very hard for the Placement Committee to call the Companies and we take it in a very light manner. All the best to all Juniors for your future prospects. Kind Regards, Pinky Punjabi.

Recent Posts By Others Prashant V. Sharma I am Prashant V. Sharma, Registration Number 11-1796, Roll number-IB-09-7124, BIIB- IB I am a pass out of academic Batch 09-11, my specialization was International Business and I got placed in Market research sector, which was one of the sectors I wanted to go. I appreciate this wonderful opportunity of sharing my placement experience. I got placed in the 4th company, I got placed on 9th Nov 2010 but it was quite a journey I travelled. All companies I appeared followed the same process that is Aptitude test followed by GD Round and Interviews. The first company I sat was full of experience but unfortunately I could not get through GD round but it was a good experience as I got a glance of selection process and it aids me to decide what I should do for the next company process. I realized that to keep up with the pace of everyone I had to analyze my skills and update myself best on the recent business and economy issues. I prepared for the GD round and I cracked the GD of next 2 companies but I did not get through Interview process of those companies. Then I introspected myself and found that personal interview is the area where I need to concentrate. I discussed with my seniors and received valuable feedback. Interview round is different than other rounds, one may have done well in written test and group discussion but the only impediment to your dream company is the personal interview. A personal interview could actually be challenging and fun if you just relax and remain focused. Think it as conversation between the interview panel and yourself, one on one. So present yourself as better as you can. Always enjoy the process as it comes because if we start taking stress then it affects the performance. The campus placement experience was really a once in a lifetime kind of experience and it gives me colossal pleasure to share it with you all. As I placed in the 4th company, it is as MNC operating in the field of Market research. They came to hire people for their different verticals. A PPT was shown in the beginning to describe the profile of the company, profile that would be given to the students and package. They told us about the different verticals of the company and the scope and growth in the company. As we knew the company and we researched about the company we found it good enough to start our career. After the PPT around 100 students applied for the company and appeared in the different processes which were as follows:

Recent Posts By Others Aptitude Test/ Written Test Group Discussion Final Interview Process Part 1: Aptitude Test The process of selection was really methodical and streamlined to select the type of candidates that will best fit with the company. The process started with the Aptitude test. It was divided into two parts, first one having multiple choice questions answers based on Quant, Data interpretation, Reasoning, English and Computer knowledge mainly of MSOffice. The questions were not very tough and could be cracked with simple logic and presence of mind. The second part of Aptitude test was based on the English writing skills. We were given 4 topics and were asked to choose one of them pen down our thoughts within 300 words. The test was good and after 1 hour they declared the result. The criteria was 85%, whosoever got marks more than 85% cleared the first round and they moved for the next round Part 2: Group Discussion The second round of the selection process was a king of Group Discussion but it was different from normal group discussions where a topic is given and then the group is asked to start discussion. Here the different part was that a topic was given to the group and one of the members of the group was asked to give his point of views on the topic. Now the rule was that no one else can interrupt until his/her views were completely different form that person, and when someone is having different point of view he/she has to raise the hand and then moderator will give the chance to that person and now he/she has to first give the proper logic and reason for having different point of view and then present his/her own thoughts. And the same thing continued. The key in this process was to hear the views of other fellows very carefully and use your own logic and reasoning to present your point of views. The GD sessions which were held prior to the campus placement helped a lot. Students of all the four colleges, who cleared the first round (Aptitude test), were made to assemble in the hall and Groups were made randomly. Each group had 7-8 students.

Recent Posts By Others In my group there were 8 students; My Topic for the group discussion was “Global Warming is the only threat in future�. As moderator signed we started the GD I did not start the GD but I made some Strong points, I was not against the topic as my thinking was there are many more threats in the coming future. I stick to my point as I mentioned some other threats also and measure to address them. As they declared the result, I was one of the few students who cleared the group discussion and got a chance to appear in the next round. Part 3: Interview Process: As we advanced to third round, I had clear aim to go for this company. I had already appeared in 2 interviews so had good ideas how I should present myself and I prepared myself for interview so it boost my confidence. Before coming for the process I brushed up my IB, Market Research Concepts and information about Company itself which really helped me throughout interview process. My interview went for at least half an hour. In starting my interview started with few general questions such as: Tell me about yourself, What is your family background Why you want to choose Market Research as your career and Why this company I was already prepared for these questions and I did pretty well in answering those question, I find him satisfied with my answers. Interviewer was pretty impressed by the research I did for company Next he asked some technical question related to Market Research, My favorite subject and few more general questions. Few of the questions I can remember are: What do you understand by Market Research? -As I brushed up concepts I did not find any difficulty to answer this question. I replied in simple language what it is and how it can be beneficial for the company. What are the different analysis technique and methodologies (mathematical and analytical Software) in market research? - I replied few and focused on the techniques which I knew properly and told him how to use it and in Brief I told him some of the analytical software I can use such as SPSS and Excel. After such kind of technical question he gave some hypothetical situation and he asked me some questions, may be to know my approach towards market

Recent Posts By Others research such as: You are in a room with internet and phone with you and you have to find out how many houses have been constructed in Pune in last one year. - I gave him few scenario and told him my approach how I will find the relevant information To determine the market size of two wheeler vehicle in Pune. - I took some imaginary number wherever necessary and told him how I did the calculations. After a long time I finished my interview. I had good feelings about my process and I waited for the result but after completing all the interviews, he informed the CRT member that the result will be declared after 2-3 days. We all waited and after 3 days we got result from CRT team that six of us were selected by the company. The feeling was overwhelming, I felt I am on the 7th sky and I felt thankful to all family member, friends, CRT and college because of them I got this wonderful opportunity and I grabbed it. I would like to say to all juniors that please be prepared for all the subjects of your interest before sitting for any company, please stay calm and motivated you will get ample opportunities to prove yourselves. I wish all the very best to all my colleges and hope that they achieve a great success in their career.

Ms Preeti Bhardwaj I am Ms Preeti Bhardwaj Registration Number- BIIB-09-7032 Class- Marketing Division Dual A from BIIB. Academic year : 2009-11, My specialization is in Marketing. My campus placement experience: Our placement season started somewhere in the month of September. I was not eligible at that time because of Backlog. I had a backlog in QT. As the days passed by, every day the amount of pressure and the tension increased and The result for the subject QT was out in November and this time I had to clear it. Now I was eligible for the campus placements. From the time I was eligible and finally got placed i.e on 29th of November and joined on 20th December 2011, the time period was exactly three weeks and during this one time, I sat for 3

Recent Posts By Others companies in total and finally got placed in my 4th company.I am finally placed in a Digital Marketing Company as Key Account Manager. My Placement experience has finally landed me to a a Digital Marketing Company. Our Campus Placements started in October end when we were busy with our Intern ship.One day the coordinator told us that there is a Company coming to the Campus for the Process. She told us the name of the Company. It was the day when I started seeing dreams of a successful Corporate Career. I was very curious to know about the Company, Package and the Place of Posting, so called up my friends and seniors i knew was into it to get the further details. But to my utter surprise there were only few of us interested in it because of Package. I was extremely excited since I always wanted to start my Career with an IT company. The Selection process involved- GDS, Personal Interview and Final Interview. I cleared the both the GDs.Sometimes I could not clear the GDs and sometimes interviews became the hurdle. There was a time when my only aim was to crack the Group Discussion round because Group Discussion was the biggest obstacle in my way to the Offer Letter. And this time i cleared both Gd and P.I. It's a feel of mixed emotions. We stand at a very crucial stage of our life. When your list takes a U turn towards your aspirations. Responsibilities, hectic schedule, competition , suggestions, advice and nervouness keeps on revolving around your mind. It's equal to a fight for your life. I cherish those moments taught me to be patient and calm. As without these two your performance keeps on worsening. The best thing to do is to dominate the pressure prevailing inside you and to work with deep patience.I cherish those moments that taught me to be patient and calm. As without these two your performance keeps on declining. The best thing to do is to dominate the pressure prevailing inside you and put your 100% effort towards the path of success. The Company was basically related to the field of “Next generation Internet Consulting�. A day before when we got the notice about the company, we heard and read various Negative Comments from peers and seniors as we asked them. Especially i was a bit worried and concerned about the negative matter. But somewhere in my mind i also had a thought that These Comments can be varying according to conditions prevailing .But as in mentioned earlier also I talked to some friends who were already working there so that I can learn some more about the same.

Recent Posts By Others Company Process For presentation ,there were about 150 students. My company process had the following components It was a 4 step process : 1)GD 2)GD 3)Interview 4)HR Round 1st GD Topic : Do you think Email can help increase Productivity in a Company ? We all started very well by giving our viewpoints regarding the same but to our surprise theY TOLD US that there is no time limit for us and we can speak as much as we can.because of this ,we all had nothing to say after that point ,one of the moderator asked us to speak one by one to summarise it. There were only 4 Gd groups and the first round eneded up by around 1.00 pm. 2)GD Topic:How can you use Mobility solutions for you company(or what are the benefits of it , basically they wanted to check your knowlege about digital marketing and your interest in it) No one got eliminated in first round ,so we were waiting for the results of second round. After second round ,only 20 students were left and we we were asked to come by our number(they tagged us as 1,2,3‌) 3)Interview : This was more of a P.I. Questions ; Introduce Yourself. Checked out my C.V and asked about my schooling and Marks. They also asked my Favorite Subject in PGDM and my answer was International Marketing as we learnt a lot in that subject about digital marketing and other interesting things. They also asked about my backlog and I told them about it (QT) but also told them my Clearing marks in it which were quite impressing. They also asked what do you about the company and I said everything which I learnt from internet and their website a night before. And I got selected for the final round too . 4) 4th and final round. What is your Expected Package? Ans:I told them my expectations and it was nearly a lil higher than what they were offering. What will be your preferred POP? Ans: Mumbai and Pune.

Recent Posts By Others They also asked if I want to ask them anything Ans : what would be the Profile for Marketing .(it was Account Management) Offer Letter Finally at around 11 pm ,The hr called out the names of selected students and asked us to come into a separate room.there she congratulated us and also announced a new increased package for us and explained what would be our designations. and also discussed the joining date. they were asking us to join on 1st December but on our request postpone it to 20 december. This was my campus placement Experience. RegardsPreeti Bhardwaj Roll no-IB-09-7032

Priya Chawla I am Priya Chawla Registration No:-IB-09-7125 Specialization:-International Business Division:-B,BIIB Batch-2009-11 It is always good to remember your old memories and that too if your memories are related with SBS .Placement is the most special experience of one's life and if the placement season starts in October and you getting placed in January .The time gap of three months is like a time gap of years .This season always comes up with an excitement, fear and enthusiasm. It is very important to tackle this situation carefully as it impacts a lot on your future.I was not allowed to sit in the companies at earlier stage as my attendance was not 90% .My placement season started in Mid of November. I would like to share my good and bad experience with all my juniors. My Campus Placement Experience was full of surprises. It was giving me time to improve with every day , with every new interview as I was the one who use to clear all the GD's but fail in interviews so it was giving me tensions ,scope of improvement every new day . But its a true saying "You should never leave your hopes as there is some very special packet of gift kept for you ". You should learn more in your campus placement experience then regretting on something .

Recent Posts By Others I was very determined what I wanted for my future I decided to choose IB as my main subject because I always wanted to work with IB Firm as there is good charm in this industry it allures you a lot but as the count of Ib Companies coming in our campus was very less so I was sitting for other companies also . The bad part or the good part of my placement was that I was getting selected in Group Discussions but not getting selected after the PI . In Gd's, everyone is free to give his/her opinions, What matters is the way you keep it in front of the group. Never enter in an heated argument.Try to conclude the best way you can. But in PI it is only you and you have to give your best you should be good in your technical as well as the business knowledge so to improve myself in PI I started reading a lot so that I can clear PI also and finally get placed . I was going so down ,getting tensed day by day not able to concentrate on anything running for companies in the morning coming back in evening sometimes at night and getting rejected all my hopes were going down but I would always like to thank all my friends who you to stood there for me and always say that this was not for you there is something even better I still remember one interview which went till 11:30 PM and I was so sure that I am selected but when the result came I was not I felt so bad all my hopes were going my confidence in myself from 100% came down to 10% .But then the thing which is left in your mind is "This was not your day". Like this many days passed by and many companies were coming and going but I was also very choosy I was not sitting for all the companies coming in the campus .There were certain points I used to see in the company before sitting like:Place of Position –(Most important ) Package Job Profile Every one knows very well where they fit the best . I appeared in the process of 8-9 companies and then finally Company A was in the campus on 7th January. I was not ready to sit for any more companies for few days but then I got a call from my friend forcing me to come for PPT and then decide . I came running to auditorium , I saw the PPT it was of my interest and then I decided to sit for the company .

Recent Posts By Others There were three series : Aptitude Test Group Discussion Personal Interview Aptitude test was a easy one it involved some mathematical question ,general knowledge and a basic English test . Group Discussion started there were 10 students in one group for the very first time I was nervous in GD as I wanted to crack this GD .My topic was "LIVE IN RELATIONSHIP" I started the GD as I wanted the flow to be gone .I was against the topic as I personally do not believe that living together without marriage is good .It gives bad impact to the society .The group discussion was for 5 minutes and in five minutes it is very difficult to present yourself so you should try and start the Group Discussion but the most important point is that if you starting the GD then you should be more focused with your points. The GD went on well and then I was waiting for the results as there were 110 students was only 3 seats it was a very tense day . Then the coordinator announced my name for the final interview I felt so lucky the feeling was coming that may be this is it . My interview started there were 5 members of the company in a Panel all were so good they made me so comfortable I felt good sitting in front of them giving the final one . The interview was very general about my personal details and then about my internship . The most important thing they asked me was will I be able to adjust in Mumbai as the life in Mumbai is so fast and you have to move with that pace .I was so nervous with this question but it is always advisable that in Interview don't show your nervousness in front of panel members just be 100% confident the same I did I said them that yes I will easily adjust in Mumbai without any problem. And then my heart beats were going up till the final result was announced .The coordinator said that two are selected and two are waiting the tension raised so much that cant be express and then he just said my name but didn't say that selected or waiting .Then we were called by the panel and they congratulate us .It was actually my day . My offer letter came after 3 days but it was all good experience . I would like to say to all my juniors that please take your internship seriously as it helps you to grow and improve yourself . One should be very focused on

Recent Posts By Others selection of the right company. When companies come, they give PPT that helps in deciding whether to sit for the process or not. So please juniors attend all the PPT and decide about your future. Just remember one thing "When its your day you will get through" but this doesn't mean that you stop preparing for your interview ."Give your best to achieve your best ". I wish all my juniors “All the very Best”. Thanks & Regards, PriyaChawla IB-09-7125

Priyam Gupta I am Priyam Gupta BIIB Registration number: 14 – 1147 Roll no : IB09-7252 year: 2009-2011 specialization-Marketing I realize one's worries and peer pressures once you enter into the 3rd sem or final year of PGDM, because this is the time for your placement! But let me tell you my juniors, there's nothing to be afraid of, if you don't get into the first company you will definitely get into some! Who knows the last company might be the best one!!! This is out of my own experience in campus placement, After appearing for 2-3 companies, clearing few rounds and sometimes not even one made me feel a little low and then I appeared for a couple of more companies where in I failed to clear the Gd round which to an extent had lowered my self-confidence and I couldn't see anything positive happening around. Finally my lucky day came. I was so skeptical about giving my CV for ABC Co because I got many suggestions about the profile and package. But I always knew that it's a most respectable Brand and it's my first job , so I should be more keen about the Brand and its value in market.

Recent Posts By Others The company arrived in the campus a little late which tested our patience. The session started with a pre-placement talk by the company executives company's services, market presence, growth component and work culture, it covers them all. This was followed by a brief explanation of the skill sets required for employment and the procedure the company will follow for the ensuing recruitment. The selection process consisted of Group Discussion and a round of interview which was a mix of technical and HR questions. The topic for Group Discussion was “ Love v/s Infatuation” Panel consisted of 3 members. It was a 20 min process out of which 5 minutes were given to think on the topic. And at the end of the GD each one was asked to conclude (30 seconds each). In the GD, I was neither the initiator nor the concluder but I did give my point of view as and when I felt appropriate. Actually in GD they were observing body language as well the content of the topic (which is relevant) and they have clearly mentioned before starting of GD that we want quality not the quantity. We came out of the room and within 5 minutes results were announced in which out of 12 students 3 got selected for the next round – Personal Interview. I felt that the judges were looking for clarity of thought and communication because those without any clarity of thought and expression were eliminated. Other factors that affects are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Never interrupt others while they are making a point. Do not get over aggressive. Be a good listener. If possible support your point with data or relevant example. Clarity and tone of voice

The PI was a mix of technical and HR questions. They asked questions related to my subjects in my graduation as well as PGDM. Questions like: Introduce yourself. Questions related to my hobbies and interests. Tell us something about your family? If your family has business of their own, then why do you want to go for a job? Difference between sales and marketing

Recent Posts By Others Who is the Father of management? Push & Pull Strategy SWOT analysis of the company. How far CSR does hold importance for any company and its customers? Questions related to my summer projects. Why this company? And this industry? Why they should recruit me? What do you know about our company? And few other questions related to my graduation‌‌ The interview lasted for about 30 minutes. Shortly after this round the results were declared. There were signs of disappointment and screams of joy. Finally it was my day!!!!! The Offer Letter was given after keeping us wait for a day as they were scrutinizing our CV's. Everything happened so fast that I was being asked to join after 5 days only. I was sad initially as I will be missing few last days of college life but on the other hand I thought about the experience i will gain before my other friends and obviously about the bank Balance. Now I am in Pune and working for ABC Ltd as a Customer Relationship Management Executive and our customers include all the big companies like Google, Bank of America, NTT, Wipro, Infosys and many more. I have completed 15 months now in the corporate world and am happy. This phase of PLACEMENT comes as great experience in every student's life. We all go through the same feelings of anxiety, tension, confusion and excitement till the time we are placed and are happy and relaxed with the same. But all this comes as a great learning as this makes you tough enough to handle all situations and gives a feeler of various industries through various rounds of GD's and interviews till the end. It was also a learning period we got to know about too many companies and their business. It was also a time to enjoy others victory and to participate in their rejections. My suggestion for all those who aspire to get placements, keep yourselves updated on the daily news and business news specially, know about yourself, your strengths and areas of interests. Read the company's website and also about the competitors, it really helps. Be very clear about the industry you want to join. Placement is still easy to get but what you want is difficult to identify when you are in college.

Recent Posts By Others I would like to say that do not lose your hope and do not get de-motivated. Have patience and work on your weak areas and be confident of your strengths. Every stage is a learning stage. Everyone in Balaji Society will be placed because Bala Sir and Our Placement Team will leave no stones unturned. Believe in your ability; do not go for companies just based on package. Believe In yourself. Trust the college and the activities they conduct for your preparations for placements like mock GDs, they do help. Participate well and have faith in yourself and as well as the on the institute. I wish all my juniors a great career ahead.

Puneet Singh Hi, I am Puneet Singh Registration Number: IB 09-7231 BIIB – Dual C (Finance) Academic year: 2009-11 The phase of PLACEMENT comes as great experience in every student's life. We all go through the same feelings of anxiety, tension, confusion and excitement till the time we are placed and are happy and relaxed with the same. But all this comes as a great learning as this makes you tough enough to handle all situations and gives a feeler of various industries through various rounds of GD's and interviews till the end. I got placed in ABC Co, largest retail organization in the country. This company came to our campus twice. Firstly as they had larger openings and secondly because they were impressed by the quality of the students they picked up on their first visit. The day started with PPT, GD, PI and Rapid Fire round. All rounds had elimination. The PPT described about the profiles, package and all. They came for Marketing, Finance & HR. My group was the last for the Group Discussion; the Head HR was the panel for our group. He asked us to decide the topic on our own, so everyone said one topic and the topic with maximum votes would be the topic for GD. The topic for GD which got chosen was “FDI in Multi Retail is boon or bane”. All the

Recent Posts By Others members in the group got very excited as this was the common topic. I took the initiative to start the GD which I always use to follow in the mock GD in our college. I was in favor of the FDI and gave brief intro of FDI, why India require FDI as it has current account deficit, consumption story of India, very low organized retail participation so the growth potential etc. I tried to make my presence by speaking for three to four times in the discussion and mentioned the data and figures while discussion. The results for the GD were announced and 87 students out of around 200 students got selected for the next round PI and three student managers got selected from my group of 12 including me. The next round was PI and I was now more confident after clearing the GD round. I greeted the interviewer and he asked mostly HR questions like Tell me about yourself, your strengths, where do you see yourself in 5 years down the line, leadership qualities you delivered as student council member etc. I was confident in my approach and I also asked about my job profile in finance since I was confused as it was a retail organization which he said it will be clarified in the next round. I got the hint that I got cleared for the next round and was now feeling nervous because I was near the goal post and next one shot was very critical for my life. Results announced and around 35 people got selected for the final round and it was around 9pm. We knew the day was long but it will payoff if you can make it. We didn't know what round it was as we saw that three student managers were called into the room where the entire panel of 7 people was sitting. When the first three students came out we saw them horrified as it was a rapid fire round as the questions were thrown by Head HR like bullets and whose reaction time was least and who knew the answer would speak. Then my turn came in along with two batch mates and trusts me I still realize what a terrific round it was. Q: What is Compulsory Cumulative Convertible Debentures and why do companies issue them? A: I attempted it first telling that it is debentures which have the mandatory feature to get converted into equity shares after a specific period of time. Companies issue them because they have to pay less interest cost/ coupon because of the conversion feature. Q: Why the Gold price is soaring and what is your opinion about the price in future? A: This was attempted my batch mate first. After he completed I answered that

Recent Posts By Others it depends on the various macroeconomic factors which are undergoing at present from Euro crisis, stock market etc. Since gold is considered as a safe haven, investors will invest in gold if the stock market performance is bleak. Q: What is LBO? A: I answered that it is Leverage Buyouts. HR replied that he didn't want the Acronym of it. I attempted and continued that it is the arrangement which is done during the mergers & acquisitions as companies leverage their balance sheet by taking huge debt to acquire the target company and slowly payoff the debt with the operating cash flow generated and deleverage the balance sheet gradually. Q: How many Commodity Exchanges are there in India? A: I answered that there are 4 but I remember 3 of them – NCDEX, MCX and ICEX. The rapid fire round got over and it was now time to wait for the results. It was around 11.30pm and we were waiting for the results. The results were then declared by Head HR and 17 student managers got selected for the company. We were very happy as it was big number to get select from our campus. I was ecstatic on listening to my name in the selection list. The company came next time for the campus placements and I coordinated the placement and Head HR still remembered my name and congratulated for the performance in the Interview. My advice to all my juniors is that what is extra that makes a difference. Reading business newspaper, good business magazines, current affairs, good reference books, group study, leadership roles in the college, initiative to do things without even saying to do, positive attitude, confidence makes lots of difference to you favor. Getting placements through campus is one of the easiest ways to get into corporate, make most of it but one has to introspect whether they have given their best in their efforts. Sri Balaji Society has given us a wonderful platform to climb the corporate ladder and become good corporate citizens. I thank from the bottom of my heart to Bala Sir, Inamdar Sir and all the members of the organization who helped us to achieve those dreams which we aspire in life. I wish all the best to all the juniors for their placements who are the future leaders of the corporate world. Feel free to get in touch with us for any kind of support or suggestions. Best Regards Puneet Singh

Recent Posts By Others Rahul Choudhary Hi.. I am.. Rahul Choudhary Reg. No. : IB09-7035 Div.: Dual A Marketing (Balaji Institute of International Business) Academic year: 2009-2011 Specialization : Marketing Campus Placement, I'm sure becomes the most cardinal reason of a majority of us, to sustain for 2 yrs in an institute. After having spent hours and months of intensive training and preparation each one of us expects to move out the campus with flying colors. I was placed in on 28th February, 2011. Before I got placed. I had appeared for the placement procedure of 8 companies. Apparently I saw something good in every company that I appeared for. But essentially my company found all the good qualities in me that were required for the job. Subsequently we must remember that each one of us is different in a way which makes us stand apart. So if we are confident enough of ourselves and our desires then we don't have to run after a company. The company best suited for our skill sets will automatically come to us. The best part was that i have always clear all the GD which boost my confidence but in all the 7 companies ididnt make out to the final selected candidates. Among the the 7 companies normally there are Three rounds 1 .Apptitude test 2. Gd In a gddont be in a hurry to put your point, be a good listner and always put your point 3 to 4 times in a gd, be more clear in saying your point and put lot of factual data to support your points, that how i always cleared every gd. 3.Final interview Among the 8 companies i want to share 2 exp which is very memorable for me As i am an engginear having around 1yr 4mths IT exp before mba makes me to sit for only few companies which are suitable for me according to my profile . I am very choosy in selecting a company which sometimes not good. In the month of dec a company having a pool campus,student from different colleges which includes SIBM, SIIB, ISBM and many other colleges, somewwhere around 400 students shortlisted according to their profile.

Recent Posts By Others Initally they conducted aapptitude test having english, Quant and reasoning from that they selected only 50 students, i have cleared that round. Next they conducted a management game from that 20 students got selected , ihvecleard that also,the game was totally a new experience there were total of 5 teams consisting of 4 in each team, the task it that on a big drawing sheet we have to make a bridge just like that of bandraworli sea link which can take weight of two scissors, the panel members have seen the participation of every individual in a team finally from 20 students the interview round came that was the initial one from that they selected 8 students and i was one of them, but that was not thae end of the story,after that they conducted one more interview at their own premises and they take only one student from some other college.not from our society, that day the first time my eyes flodded with tears amd my confidence was completly busted. But there are friends ,teachers and your mentors which are always with you and try to boost you always, so the lesson which i learned from it that never loose your confidence, belive in yourself share your experiences with your closed ones. Whenever i am not able to clear the interview, i tell the same answers to my friends which at that time they are working in some organisations, which sometimes helpfull for me to rectify those answers. The Questions which they ask 1 . Describe yourself? This question was asked by every company, so every onehave to prepare it very well which ca be influential for the interviewrs. 2. Some current affairs As a part of our curriculum reading economic times on a daily basis help me to give answers to the current affairs asked by interviewrs.As a marketing student everyone has to know about different brands their tag lines and other related parameters. 3.why u quit ur job I definately know that some companies will ask this question, therforei am very well prepared for that, you have to mention your aspirations, your future interest and to lead a big team. 4.why marketing two years in marketing give me lot of reasons to satisfy interviewrs about this question. 5.where u see 5 yrdwn the line 6.why u want to come from IT sector to marketing

Recent Posts By Others 7.Why xhd company. For this question it requires a home work about the company, about its balance sheet , its establishment , its presence , about its products which can be acquired from the company website. After facing many group discussions and interviews finally my day has come I got placed in the 8th xyz company on 28 feb 2011 Initally we have to fill the online form on that basis they shotlisted the candidates. xyz shortlisted only 21 students from marketing and finance as it was a PSU bank. There were only direct interviews The panel consisted of 4 members.Each one of them were talented and equipped enough to find out what good each one of us had to offer and who could be the best one of them. In the pre placement talk the speaker introduced himself and the company to us. The work culture, what they were looking for, the salary structure, job profile, everything was clearly explained to us. Questions were answered and other doubts were also clarified. The placement procedure consisted of the following rounds:1. Online form filling 2.Shortlisting of students on certain parameters interview Interview with each of the candidates went around for 20 mins which implied sufficient time being taken by the panel members to judge each one of us. The questions asked during my P.I were:l Basic introduction. l Strengths and weaknesses. l Major setbacks and achievements. l Learning from them l Hobbies and interests. l Company of summer internship, project undertaken. l Where do you see yourself five years down the line? l Why you quit your previous job? l How can you contribute to the growth of our organization? l Flexibility with regards to location. l Questions from branding and marketing? l How you can make your product different from others. l What is the gaurantee that u dont leave us after taking experience .

Recent Posts By Others The interview take place on 19 feb, but i have to wait for 1 week for the results, which came out on 28 feb , and finally the call came from pat that now more interviews, no more GD and that was my day.... placed in a PSU bank a totally different feeling of a government job. The day has come because of the hard work put by pat members , every faculty which taught us , by our beloved bala sir, inamdar sir which always guide us as a mentor and on every step boosted our confidence. I am very lucky that i am passed out from such an esteemed institution. Certain piece of advice for my colleagues: 1. Never try to faff in an interview, if you don't know an answer say it frankly, it'll be appreciated. 2. Be clear in whatever you say, an advanced preparation on certain HR questions can be of immense help. 3. Know your areas of strength and always try to push the interview towards that area. 4. Never get drained out, keep a smile on your face. Believe me it makes a difference. 5. Never underestimate the panel; even they do their homework before coming. 6. Read economic times regularly. I had a wonderful experience and was quite lucky to get my hand on one of the biggest brands. I am very grateful to Bala Sir, Inamdar Sir, my colleagues in PAT and my friends and family. I wish all my colleagues ALL THE VERY BEST and hope they succeed in their endeavours. SBS WILL HELP YOU LIVE AND FOLLOW YOUR DREAM. Thank You Rahul Choudhary.

Recent Posts By Others Rahul Dhoot Helloeveryone, I am Rahul Dhoot, Registration Number IB09- 7232, Division C - BIIB, Specialization: Finance Academic year: 2009-2011. The days at SBS were full of fun and lots of learnings which would always remain with me throughout my life. Learning here was a never ending task, because not only it was on the part of doing good in academics but also learning the way of life. PLACEMENT the word that was always on the back of my mind for the entire 2 years till the time I was finally placed on 28th Feb 2011. Before coming to pursue MBA I always wanted to get into banking sector and luckily I ended up getting job in the same sector. The initial days of placement season was full of IT companies for the finance students but I never wanted to be part of the IT world. The first company I sat for was an IT company from Bangalore. The company came up for various profiles relating to different specializations. Approximately 300 plus students (Marketing, Finance & HR) sat for the company with around 60 students from Finance. The selection process comprised of a GD and two rounds of PI – one Technical and other HR. The first round was Group Discussion, groups were formed according to the specializations, 28 groups were made with around 12 people in each group. There were 5 moderators in 5 rooms. I was in the 1st Finance group as we entered the room we all were asked to be at our respective seats and be comfortable. The topic given to us was “Has Recession really affected Indian Economy” I spoke against the topic by giving points like saving habits of Indians, Role of Regulators in Indian Economy etc and how Indian Economy didn't faced the actual heat of it. I got around 2-3 minutes to speak before the others took over. The GD lasted for about 15 minutes. Everyone was waiting for the results and finally the result came, we were 3 candidates selected from the group including me. The second round was the technical round. The interviewer started nicely with explaining that they were looking for a candidate for the profile of Business Analyst for their software they were designing for the Banking Industry. I liked the profile for my dream to get into the Banking Industry, not directly but indirectly. This was followed by a plethora of questions like: What's my

Recent Posts By Others knowledge about the Banking Industry in India, Different jargons of the industry like what is CRR, SLR, Repo Rate etc and the current rates. A few questions regarding the stock market (as I did my Summer Interns in a Stock Broking Firm) and what all I did in my interns. The interview lasted for about 20 – 25 minutes. After a very long time the result came and I was selected for the next round. The last round was the HR round. It was a structured interview with the same set of 4-5 questions to all the candidates regarding what was our family background, our comfort with the place of posting, any queries we have in mind regarding the organization etc. The final results were out after all the interviews were done I was very nervous but was confident that I would make it but to my surprise was not selected. I narrated the entire thing because this process never gets out of my mind till today as to why I was not selected. After this I sat for 10 more companies but was not able to get through them. Those days were really tensed as the days were passing by and more because my friends were getting placed. But as it is said it's never too late for anything good to happen. Finally the day arrived:The placement process for ABC bank (Public Sector) started with an online filling up of form. The form had details regarding our educational background, family background, details of the marks scored in the two semesters (MBA), place of posting etc. One month later names of the shortlisted candidates were called out, it was good to hear my name on the list. A total of 30 students (Finance & Marketing) were shortlisted and were asked to report the next day in the auditorium for the process. Next day (19th Feb 2011) the process started with the pre-placement talk given by the General Manager (HR) of the bank giving details about the profile, work culture, growth path in the bank and most importantly the CTC and other incentives. The most surprising part of the talk was that the selection would be based only on one interview round. It was great sigh of relief as I don't have to go through the grilling selection procedures followed by other companies. The interview panel consisted of a team of four people. The interview started with the common question “Introduce yourself� followed by a plethora of questions related to finance mostly related to Credit & Forex, like 1. How do you analyze Balance Sheet of a company 2. Analysis of different ratios, cash flow & fund flow statements 3. What is forward contract, swaps etc 4. What constitute of bank's SLR 5. Understanding about Basel II norms 6. Where did I do my Internship & Details of the same

Recent Posts By Others My interview lasted for about 25 minutes. After all the shortlisted students were done with their interviews we were asked to wait for the results but then came the news that the results would not be declared today, the names of the selected students would made known to the PAT team in few days. After 9 nervous days the results finally came on 28th Feb 2011 and the happiest moment of my life finally arrived as I was selected as Officer(Finance) Just a small piece of advice to all my juniors, don't let frustration creep in, if it's taking time for you to get placed. Because if you loose patience, negative thoughts would creep in and you would loose your confidence & you won't be able to concentrate in interview. & the must thing to crack an interview is CONFIDENCE & SMARTNESS. Just wait for the right time & right moment; you will get what you deserve. Wishing all my Juniors GOOD LUCK for their future endeavors.

Rahul Lohiya Hi I am Rahul Lohiya Roll No. – IB09-7169 Dual B, Specialization : International Business Academic Year : 2009-2011 My Placement Experience – Firstly I would like to thank Bala Sir, Inamdar Sir and the Placement Committee for all their efforts to bring such reputed Companies to the Campus. Its an amazing feeling to again recollect those days of tension, joy, frustration, achievement, nervousness and pleasure of going through and bringing on papers the feeling of getting placed after the tough and rigorous process of selection. And this experience gives a new shape to our futures and helps us to take our first step out in corporate world. Before I recollect my placement moment I want to put forward one message that I have learned at SBS from our beloved Bala Sir that “Problems are opportunities” so always remain positive. Your actions should always have to have constructive objective. Nobody can pretend that life is bed of roses and there is no reason why it should be. Daily ups and downs are perfectly normal.

Recent Posts By Others One should be very focused on selection of the right company. When companies come, they give PPT that helps in deciding whether to sit for the process or not. Choose logically but at the same time don't be too choosy. It was a nice learning to experience the PPT given by the companies. Many Companies visited campus for placement. xyz was the dream company for all, so many of us wanted to get through that company. I didn't get selected in interview process and after that this started happening daily. Either I was out in GD process or Interview process. Then I realized that to keep up with the pace of everyone I had to analyze my skills and update myself best on the recent business and economy issues. Most of the companies have same process : Aptitude test, GD, Interview (HR and Technical). Advice : Always enjoy the process as it comes because if we start taking stress then it affects the performance. MY company Process was divided into 3 steps. HR Interview Technical Interview Final Interview with the Vice- President Just to remember In Gd's, everyone is free to give his/her opinions, What matters is the way you keep it in front of the group. Never enter in an heated argument. Try to conclude the best way you can. Now coming to my company process. First was HR Interview : It went for around 20 minutes. HR Questions : Tell something about yourself ? why your percentage is between 60% – 70% ? If you are given a chance to design a trouser which includes modern and older looks what you will do or suggest something. What does your father do? Which profile interests you and why ?

Recent Posts By Others What is your education background ? How will you handle the pressure if you are not able to achieve your targets in the stipulated time. What will be your strategy? why this company ? What do you want to be? Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line in our company? if we offer some other profile (they have mentioned the profile) do you accept. Do you want to ask anything? Then Technical Interview: - It went for around 40 minutes It was a penal of 3 people. Technical Questions After that in the Technical interview they asked questions related to my Engineering Project , a few questions from Marketing ( as my project was in marketing) what is L/C? Asked about Various duty and tax on some particular products. Process of export? How you will search buyers for export. They asked me about my previous work experiences. And then the question arose- Why International Business. Answering to this question made me lead them to ask current affairs in Textile industry. It was really a very stressing interview Finally, I was interviewed by VP It went for around 10 - 15 minutes First he asked me something related to my engineering. which I was not able to answer. So, instead of saying anything I frankly told him I like to answer or feel comfortable if you ask which I did in past 2-3 years then He asked me about my summer interns project. These were some of the questions I was asked. Frankly, I did not know the answers of 2 technical questions but then if you are honest on something then it doesn't matter because no one is perfect and learning is an ongoing process.

Recent Posts By Others Please note that as I was asked many duty and tax related questions, they try to judge your way of answering and knowledge about your field and subject. Just be what you are and before any interview prepare yourself on the subject very well and don't get drained out in stress interviews. Most important thing during interview is Be real to Interviewers. Be confident about what you are saying. My suggestion for all those who aspire to get placements, keep yourselves updated on the daily news and business news specially, know about yourself, your strengths and areas of interests, not only to get a job today but for a larger picture in life. If you don't get selected in the starting phase then just don't give up. There is always a day fixed for everyone. When that day will come then that would be only yours. I too came across my share of joy and happiness after a week when I got a call from the Director of Company W, and he again held a quick telephonic interview which was more of one to one talk. He concluded the call saying that he thought I had spark in me and a perfect balance of aggressiveness and being content at the same time, along with impressive communication skills. He also mentioned that he would not like to loose a good candidate like me. And finally I heard those special words “Welcome onboard in the family of Company xyz”. Last but not the least, I am very grateful to Bala Sir for encouraging us at each stage by saying that “PROBLEMS ARE OPPORTUNITIES “. I wish all my friends all the very best Best Regards Rahul Lohiya BIIB (2009-2011) IB09-7169

Recent Posts By Others Raina Ahuja Hi Everyone Name: Raina Ahuja, Registration number IB- 097233, Class Dual -C IB, BIIB, 2009-2011 batch. My specialization was in Finance as a core subject. Here on I will be sharing my placement experience. I got placed in the month of May, a bit late. So I have a pool of emotions with me. I must say this is not easy to place 1000 student every year. Again our Beloved Bala Sir is worth thanking to be, who is the one in making such dream successful. I was one of the few students from our class who were eligible from the first day, yes the first day hen the placements started. Starting from November I sat for different companies. I always wanted to join some MNC and was apprehensive in joining banks. I understand this was contrary to my specialization, but I have always been like this. Initially for some companies I was not shortlisted because of my specialization. I was a graduate in Economic Honors and many finance companies wanted people with Bcom background. In december I was able to clear GD's of almost all the companies. However PI was an issue would also like to mention there were some companies that never turned up for the final round of interview. Months went by. The only option left was banks. Finally I had to sit for them as well. Here also Gd's were fine by PI again an issue. I kind of analysed what was happening1. I was very blunt e.g if they asked are you okay with sales I would say a no...they would ask are you ready to sign a bond with our company for say like the next 5 years again a no... 2. Somewhere down the line I was not ready for banks which is why I think I never gave my 100 % Finally In April we get this news that Google is visiting our campus. We had a written evaluation based on which some students were shortlisted and then final interview rounds. The written evaluation had questions based on general English grammar and also we were asked to write a few essays/write up's. The first round of interview was okay. Questions were based on not only our specialization but the round of questions included everything HR, Marketing, Logistics etc.

Recent Posts By Others The questions in this round were: - What all Company A products do you use - If asked to review one of the products what would be your strategy - Live example of optimizing a client account - Your likes/dislikes - Ambition/career goal - Why dis you shift from science to economics and then to finance I cleared the first round. The next two rounds were scheduled for the next day. Came early in the morning. I had already consulted one of our seniors in Google about the selection process so was a bit prepared. The second round was almost like the first one. They were confirming our responses. One of the things that they value is Honesty. We just had to affirmative with our responses and not deviate i.e. be as honest as you can be. Even if there isn't anything substantial that you have achieved e.g. a award or any other recognition. Just accept the fact and showcase what you have actually done. E.g. for me I had a pre-placement offer from the organization in which I did my internship so I could mention this thing that for the two months that I worked out there my management was happy with my work and were ready to hire me. Also a very small thing but just to show how passionate I am about the things I do I mentioned that I loved dancing and did a course for five years and made sure I learnt the integrities of my passion. 2nd round cleared. The final interview was with one of the manager's in the organization. I lasted for some 1hr 30 mins. Must admit my brain was almost dead after this. The questions were again based on Data evaluation, Logical Reasoning, Creating ads, Optimization etc. I had almost designed an airport during this interview. The PI questions were : - How many balls can you fit in this room (in the room in which interview was conduced). - How many people have so and so car in this city (MarutiSuziki red) - How will convince a road side flower seller to join Y(one of their product lines) - Given an account X how will you optimize it - Given budget amount $5 create a campaign - How does auction work - Various modes by which a client can be charged Now the long lasting wait. We had to wait for a few weeks before the results. In

Recent Posts By Others the meanwhile I received an email from Google wanted to confirm my credentials(marks, ranks etc). This was a slight hint that I could make it. Not yet there was an anti climax to the entire experience. Other Candidate from our sister institute (BIMM) got a confirmation call and we thought ok its done I am not selected. During this episode I was selected for the final round of interview for Company B. I had to leave for Gurgaon for the final round. I cleared the round and yes I was placed. I went back home and there on May 17 at around 4:50 P.M. I received a call and the number flashing was +91 040....could not recognize the code. However, when I answered the call, this was the most awaited call. I got this news that I am selected in Company A. The wait was over and yes my patience had paid off. Was selected in my dream company. FOR MY JUNIORS Trust in your abilities. There is some reason why you got selected in this institute and why you are there siting for these placements. Never loose hope. Don't feel de-motivated. There is light towards the end of the tunnel you just have to be patient to walk through the darkness. Stay focused. This is one of the factors that will distinguish you from your peers not just in the current phase but also in your organization. I understand its easier said than done still this is what I experienced and I hope it will help in motivating you guys. All the best!

Ranu Dungerwal Ranu Dungerwal Registration No.: IB 09-7234 From Dual-B Balaji Institute Of International Experience (2009-2011) Specialization- International Business. My campus experience is as follows: First of all I would like to tell you that even if I was not allowed in some companies I was never disheartened. I knew my day will come , and it did come in style. That you will come to know after reading the whole experience. Let me tell you how was I preparing for the placement season. I with my friends

Recent Posts By Others had formed a group wherein we discussed latest topics. This sort of gave confidence to me how to speak in a group discussion. Moreover, our group as such discussed details from ET(Economic Times), BL(Business Line), & BS(Business Standard). This helped me with data or numbers which we often call. Also regular discussion of topics learned in first semester and understanding the crux of the same helped me get my basics cleared. This is important as any company would definitely look into a person's basics. So regular revision of the same were done in order to help us on the D-day. SPECIFIC REASON TO CHOOSE THIS COMPANY The most important reason was that the company Brand was big in North and the location was north which was my preference. My advice to the student managers would be to study the company and the sector, match it with your own competencies and then decide for any company because once you ensure that your interest for anything falls in place rest everything follows. Don't apply for any job just because your peers are applying for it. Talking about GD , confidence and articulation holds the key. The topics which Bala sir suggested were more then enough. I had some thoughts over almost all the topics which gave me the audacity to enter the GD room. The topics were very general in nature but what was extraordinary was the preparation by the students . Facts and figures always help to make your point stand out in the croud. Hence the folks started to read the Economic times very seriously. I managed to maintain a diary in hich I use to paste the newspaper cuttings which were important and write about different topics I came across. That diary did a world of good to me beacause when we are entering into the GD room we have something where everything is written in bullet points. Step 1-Group Discussion My GD topic was India in 2020. This topic is quite imaginative and I always like to speak on such topics. I was the first one to speak which gives extra advantage .I gave an overview about my expectations and how is it possible to achieve that as well. I spoke about the resources in states like Jharkhand , Bihar which are still not explored .I emphasized upon the women empowerment in 2020. Many people spoke in bits and pieces but I noticed one thing that all the students who were selected were speaking with audacity and were highly articulate with good diction. After the GD process ,I was quite confident of my selection into the next round. Round 2 –PERSONAL INTERVIEW I was not very surprised by my selection in to the next level. But after my selection I was dubious about the profile they were offering. Anyways the

Recent Posts By Others interview started where in the first two questions were about my background . Q- Introduce Yourself. This is the slot of an interview where in you can capitalize and make the most of it. I spoke about my family ,education ,interests , skills , hobbies etc. This was very crisp and clear and made real impact on the interviewers. Q-Why did you join MBA? I told them about my earlier experience and conveyed my interest in climbing up the ladder and gaining some educational background of the same. Q-Are you comfortable about any location ? I told them that I have experience working with media before and that's why I would like to work with your Corporate communication department and I know that this department always works from the location where the head office is situated. Hence Delhi would be my desired location. Q-But we have offered sales profile? I nodded and told that I know you have offered sales profile but I think I would better suit in the profile I have stated to you .I know that I was very crystal clear in my approach but the best part was that they appreciated my approach and clarity of thought. Q-Tell us about your contribution towards this college ? This was a good question because I had plenty of things to be spoken about. I told that I was in the Corporate Project studies department where I placed around 250 students for their summer internships. I was a part of the branding team which travelled to Ahmedabad for seven days. I also participated in the admisiion process of Jaipur.I have been part of the organising committee of many programmes as well. Q- Tell me the difference between Selling and Marketing? I gave the definition of both and explained the basic difference between them. Remarks * this is a very basic question, your Answer should be clear and not bookish. Try not to give definations rather put forward your understanding. My interview ended here and when I came out many people were talking about the company .All of them wanted to enter the firm and I just now told a no to their current profile. I was deeply repenting my decision and by any chance was not axpecting a call from the company. But on 13th December I suddenly got calls from my friends that I am placed. I was so happy that I got a call from a company ( for the profile and location I asked for )where I spoke honestly and they rewarded me for the same . That day I got a lesson of my life that speaking your heart out really does wonders. Suggestions : 1. Do not mention ANYTHING in the CV that you cannot back up. Be it your achievements. Hobbies (most important), co curricular etc. trust me you would be caught. 2. Be honest about your preferences.

Recent Posts By Others 3. Be brief in your answers ,don't speak without reason. 4. Work on your communication because each and every company wants well read and well spoken employees who can make an impact.

Ravi Mittal I am Ravi Mittal Roll number:IB09-7065 BIIB 2009-2011 batch PGDM-A Specialization in Marketing My Placement Experience‌‌ The placement season began, tension was in the air, students dressed in their formal attire( which I really miss now), running here and there to attend interviews , seek help and advice from teachers just because everyone wants to be placed at the earliest, I was no special, every company I sat for, no matter FMCG, Retail, Construction at that point in time, the sector really dint matter, i wanted to get placed with a good brand to kick start my career, with full faith in myself , I always thought no matter which ever company I join I will have to learn from the scratch. It gives me immense pleasure to share my experience firsthand with you, I hope to inspire you at every step I can. I am and have always been an 7 pointer throughout my life. Nothing too big, no extra certifications, not a state topper, not a college topper, I was just like and other student out there. However inspired by a lot of movies I had somehow learnt to bream big. Every person has the right to dream so dream as big as you can that was something I did day in day out involuntarily. At this point I would like to take a moment to thank Bala Sir for making SBS what it is today. Thank You Sir!!!, May god bless you. I sat for lot of other companies before the one I am currently in , as usual success takes its own time before it comes, I did absolutly bad at the first one, come on what do you expect the first company on campus , all 1000 students sitting for it, to tell you the truth I wasn't expecting anything from it, it came and it went with out making much of a difference to me , but somehow we started realizing that its now time to get serious in life

Recent Posts By Others Then came the second company .I did fairly well in this one , I cleared the written test, did well in the group discussion and even got through it, but was filtered out in the end, the feeling was so bad , I thought destiny had its own plans for me Then other companies in college came like paint, pharmaceutical, FMCG, real estates etc. I sat for a no. of companies specially big brands. Then one day a very big pharmaceutical company came in our campus and conducted aptitude test. Only 7 students from whole SBS were shortlisted after aptitude , I was one of them. Company called us to Mumbai for further process where other college students also came and there was a GD round (kind of case study) . 2 students were shortlisted for PI, I couldn't clear the GD round and again I was upset. After than a big real estate company came in our campus, I cleared the aptitude test of that company, only 4 students were shortlisted for further process, 2 were from BIIB, I was one of them. Company called us to Mumbai for further process where there was a GD round and I cleared that GD round. I was very happy to get through that GD round because from last few days I couldn't crack the GD, and then PI came. They asked me some basic questions like :1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Tell me about yourself Mention your strengths and weaknesses Areas of academic interest Why our company? Why should I hire you?

Result came after 15 days I got through that PI round too and they called me Mumbai once again for 2nd round of interview and told me that result will be announced after 10 days. During that period I never sat for any company process because I was ver much sure that I will be selected in this company. And finally result came, they rejected me because I was not a civil engineer. I frustrate a lot because of this rejection, it was in Januaray. Then I decided to not to sit for any company for some days meanwhile our mid term exam was goin on. I have full concentration on my exams. I don't want to leave any exam so I stopped to appear for any companies. Finally the day came when a manufacturing company came who is in retreading of Tyre material business and Pioneer in INDIA for its process and material. I go through the company website and see its business and profile wich they offering to us. There profile was very Lucrative, it was a ASM profile eventhough company turnover was less as compared to big brand names but responsibility and profile attracts a lot. I appeared for that company, there was only 3 round of process. First one was CV shortlisting, Around 30 CV were shortlisted from whole SBS .after that there was a write up round in which we have to write about the topic

Recent Posts By Others “Marketing of Commodity Products� I was the second one to face the PI round, it was 2 member panel. They were very happy about my write up and asked some question about my write up like what is commodity acc to you and how you create difference in market ? Then they asked some question from my Summer Intern project and asked about my family background and my interests. One of the penal member told me that hope we will meet very soon in Delhi. This increased my Morale and result came on 8th feb 2011 that I got placed. It was the happiest moment of my life.Only 2 students got placed in that company. I was one of them. I can't forget that day. It was just like a dream come true. It was the day of reward of all my hard work and efforts put by the college at every single day of my PDGM journey. I had a wonderful and unforgettable experience and was really blessed to get one of the biggest brands. From the bottom of my heart, I am very grateful to Bala Sir, Inamdar Sir, my colleagues in PAT and my friends and family. I wish all my Juniors ALL THE VERY BEST and hope they succeed in their endeavors. Thanks & Regards, Ravi Mittal

Romy Kumari Romy Kumari Registration no. - IB-097132 BIIB, PGDM A (Marketing) I was one of the lucky students who never regretted for the placement I got from the campus, despite the fact that I was placed in October just after one month from when the first company arrived in campus. Fact being the kind of profile I got. Our college was polishing us for even small details which could help us to be well suited and well prepared for the corporate world and it helped at every step of my placement process. Those nagging sessions in auditorium proved to be useful finally. I was one of the average students in my class, like all had backlogs too but I took them sincerely and cleared them in one go. It was surprising for everyone that being an average student, I cleared one of the most rigorous processes conducted by company involving so many rounds to analyze even the minute details. They could find in me everything they had as

Recent Posts By Others criteria for selection in their minds The process was rigorous and no doubt the process was equally entertaining too. Following were the processes: 1) Two videos were shown at the time of introductory PPT by the company. We were asked to search for the unique thing and the interpretation of the videos. This was to check our presence of mind and way of looking at things. 2) GD GD. 1 – Should a man expect his wife to be virgin GD. 2 – Bata jam –a successful brand GD.3- Amrutanjan sanitary napkin Throughout all the GDs I made 3 points and was controlling the group by letting others speak. 3) IntroductionWe were asked to introduce ourselves and why we suit to the company. I told about my background, motto, and creativity I have for the organization. 4) A. PPTWe were given 5 different words and we had to make just one slide on one chosen word which will make any person to understand what the main theme is. B. VEDIOSWe made word documents on the two videos shown in introductory ppt. 5) Description of above point to the panel For no one else this round was as lengthy as mine. It was of half hour for me while for others 10 min. I explained my ppt and word doc. Ppt round was just to observe our understanding of people's mind .After that they asked me some questions on consumer behavior and market research. There were some questions which were asked to check my observation on things prevalent in consumers mind and my ideas on new products which can be launched in market 6) CASE STUDY A case study on replacement and first time purchase of consumer durables by consumers was given. We were asked to churn out the important points out of it and write them down in within 10 sentences. I wrote it in 7 sentences- crisp and explanatory

Recent Posts By Others 7) TEST ON WRITING SKILL There was a topic given where me being in different parts of India helped in writing excellent report of minute details. We narrated our reports to them and criticism from the group was welcomed. The way we handle criticism was observed by them. 8) STRESS INTERVIEW Again this was the only the case with me. I knocked the door and allowed to get in while I was walking towards them and they shouted at me 'kitna bakwas likha hai tumne case study mein'. I was smiling. I took my seat on their indication and again they said that I disappointed them. I said I have given my 100% and I don't find any fault but if there is then I am eager to know. He said 'I am not here to tell you your faults'. I was still smiling because I knew that it was only to bother me. One of the panelist said 'you don't have capability to unlearn the things and just some minutes before you argued so much, it seems you will not accept group's opinion', to this I replied that I do argue for the things I do believe in and I do accept groups opinion because I was the only one who was allowing and giving chance to everybody to speak in the GD. They were finally convinced and asked me some final questions regarding my health and relationships. Some suggestions: One of the important factors which helped me get through was the fact I was not at all nervous throughout the process. Panelist are there to choose you for some of the qualities which you already are equipped with ,so don't be nervous, they are there to choose to for what you already have. Be attentive in class as with that hectic schedule, taking out time for self study is difficult. There is a company made for everybody, keep your confidence up. There can be some companies looking for aggressive people in GD group and at the same time some other companies looking for cool-headed people who made their points and remained calm then. Be yourself. Participate in college activities like mock GDs, these are helpful in boosting up your confidence Be patient. Companies may choose people who are not deserving according to you but keep in mind one simple logic that companies will never spend so much to get involved into bad recruitments wasn't you it was looking for, there is one another company which is looking for exactly the qualities you have.

Recent Posts By Others Don't be closed headed regarding selection of a company. Don't bind yourself in constraints like locations and package which will automatically come to you once you are asset of the company. If the profile is good, don't look for the lucrative package; grab the opportunity of the learning that profile brings to you. All the best. Have a great experience of campus placement. Enjoy the involved fun which comes along. Because one day it's going to leave you with a smile on your face

Ruby Jain Hi Everyone, I am Ruby Jain, Roll No. IB-09-7157, Class BIIB Finance (Dual-C) Academic year 2009-11, Passed out on 25th April 2011, Specialization Finance. I was placed in company B on 22nd Jan 2011. It is really wonderful to share my placement experience with you all. The journey was not really easy. I had some backlogs so I was not allowed to sit for the companies for some time. I missed some good companies also but as Bala Sir says “Problems are opportunities�. I took this as an opportunity and brushed up my skills and prepared myself for the interview and cleared backlog. Finally I became eligible. I remember I was almost got selected for Company A. Total 10 students were got selected by the company. I was happy that I got selected in one shot. But next day morning I got the news that in the confirmation list from company, my name is not there. And other 9 people are finalized. I dint get why they have excluded my name at the last moment. I was again lost. I started my journey from fresh again thinking there must be actually something good behind that. I was waiting for the right company for me. So one day during our placement briefing this IT company's job description was shown (Company B) Everybody knew that it offers one of the best profiles for finance. I had fully made up my mind to get into this company. First our CV's were shortlisted then we were called in the company's premises to start with initial rounds. Firstly we had a written test basically accounting test which comprises of 20 questions. The pass mark was allotted as 14. Questions were related with

Recent Posts By Others Bonds, Debentures, Forfeiture of shares and also few journal entries related to securities. Secondly we had extempore round in which we were told to choose any topic under the sun and we have to speak on it for 3 minutes. I decided to take “Time” as my topic so that I can elaborate on it. When my turn came, I started with the topic, started giving its importance in the life. Again time was getting over so I quickly wrapped up the topic. Later the results came and I was selected for the interview. Lastly we had technical-cum-personal interview round. We were given 5 days to prepare ourselves for the interview. We were given list of topics also where we could be interviewed like Bonds and its relationship with the interest rate, Credit Default Swap and its mechanism; Yield curve and its various types; Difference between Fiscal and Monetary policy and many others. The topics were related to core finance. We knew that the interview will be going be very tough for us. But I was well prepared for this. This time I don't wanted to screw it up. I just wanted to go through this successfully. I was full with confidence and positive energy. Finally that day also came; we went again to company's premises for our last battle. I was interviewed for almost 45 mins. I was asked many questions, like: 1- Tell me about yourself? 2- Family background. 3- Why MBA? 4- Why Finance? 5- What is best thing you can do?? After general questions I was asked many technical questions also, where real battle started, but I faced them and gave proper answers. Like this interview ended and the day too. We were just waiting for the results. Meanwhile on 21st Jan2011, Company C also came into the campus. I sat for that company also. Again all the general process started like Aptitude test, Group discussion, Personal Interview. Aptitude test: The questions were simple but, Speed was the major factor in the aptitude, since 100 questions needed to be done in around 20 min. Group discussion: We were asked to discuss on the topic “Mobile number portability”. 10 min were given and 10 students in a GD. Since many students were eliminated in the last round so this was just to test the communication skills. Still there was lot of

Recent Posts By Others competition. I dint lose hope and initiated the discussion, put 3-4 points. Entered in the discussion thrice and In the end given summary as well. It was very good experience. Finally after some time got the results and I was selected. Total 2 students got selected from my group. Personal interview: After the GD we were taken for the interview, we were asked questions related to banks . Why Banking Sector? Why Axis Bank? Questions related to loans etc? I have answered in the desired manner with confidence. In this way, I went through all of them and cleared all the rounds. There was feeling inside me which was saying my journey is now not so far. And yes that was true. On 22nd Jan, 2011, the very next day we got the result of Company B. and yes I was selected. I was really happy. I can't even express my feelings. It was really a nice company which I was looking for, which will give me a right way for my exposure in corporate world. And indeed it had given me everything I wanted as of now. I am really happy. On 25th Jan, 2011, I got the result of Company C as well, and once again I was selected by the company. I was again really happy. I dint even know how to express my feelings. God has given me now two companies in my hand. Finally I had accepted the offer of Company B, which was giving me a very good finance profile. Some Tips I would like to give to juniors: - Problems are opportunities so make full use of them. - Never fake in Interview, if you don't know anything, be true and commit yourself, don't even dare to bluff. - Keep your concepts very clear and always believe in yourself. I would like to thank Bala Sir and the CRT for their consistent efforts towards bringing such a great company to our campus. Thank you Ruby Jain.

Recent Posts By Others Saurabh Khandelwal, Saurabh Khandelwal, Roll No. IB-09-7236, Class BIIB Finance, Registration Number 19-1411, Dual C BIIB, Academic year 2009-11, Passed out on 25th April 2011, Specialization Finance. I got placed on December 22nd 2010 in Co. ABC as a SAP FICO Consultant. Life is full of lot of happiness and worries. It keeps on rotating its phases according to the time. Our future depends on how we are responding to every moment of life. This phase of PLACEMENT comes as great experience, tensions, excitement in every student's life We all go through this till the time we are placed and are happy and relaxed with the same. But all this comes as a great learning and is very important to go for the right choice, having patience working hard and going for the one which you desire. It's better to be unemployed than going for a wrong choice because if you don't love the work which you do then you cannot grow and would ultimately leads to other problem. It's like a creating new problem for us. First of all I am very thankful from bottom of my heart that Bala Sir started SAP FICO Batch and provided a lifetime opportunity to be a SAP Consultant. We were having only handful opportunity as only 2-3 companies was about to visit for SAP Profile. First company to visit for SAP Profile was Company 1, selection criteria were; 1.Technical and Aptitude Test 2. Group Discussion 3. Personal Interview Aptitude test consisted of time & work, Speed & Distance, Logical Reasoning and the Technical questions consisted of basic SAP FICO questions. The speed and accuracy paid off for the test and I moved to the next stage i.e. Group Discussion. We were provided with a case study. As in every group discussion first person to speak gets an edge over others, this interview was not different. The moderators were very impressed with the first move and starting the GD. It was a very good discussion indeed irrespective of different arguments every member proposed them in a civilized manner and hence 7 of us got short listed among group of 12.

Recent Posts By Others Personal Interview was a blend of techno-personal questions. The Representatives of the Company were looking for qualities like communication skills, confidence and convincing power as the profile was for consulting. As they all say, it was not my day so couldn't make up to the final 6 who got selected. After the rejection, I was broken because of 2 reasons first I didn't get selected and secondly there was very little hope of companies visiting the campus for SAP profile. After this company Bala sir allowed us to sit for any finance company. But I sat in companies half heartedly, so the outcome was obvious. Finally after almost 2 months we got the news that ABC company will be visiting our campus with SAP profile. I thought this is the last opportunity, it was a “ Karo ya Maro� situation for me. Finally on 21st of December this ABC company came to our campus. Selection process was a bit lengthy consisting of 1. Aptitude Test 2.Group Discussion 3.Extempore 4.Personal Interview. Company no.2 is known for tough aptitude test. More than 150 aspiring managers participated in aptitude test irrespective of their college and specialization. Only half of us made for the next round. The topic for GD was on Reality Shows. After a heated discussion half of the candidates were sent for extempore and few of them for Personal Interview. Finally I was placed with Company 5. The Process Company was looking for a candidate who has excellent communication skills with proficient knowledge in sap. The process was PPT presentation Aptitude test Technical written test( this was an elimination round after this round few of us were selected for the GD) Group discussion Personal interview Result PPT presentation The process started with PPT presentation, Representatives of the company gave a small briefing about the company profile and briefed us about the selection process.PPT lasted for around half hour wherein he briefed us about the policies, culture, operations that the company follows and then started question answer session during which we were allowed to clear our queries regarding the job profile, compensation etc.

Recent Posts By Others Aptitude test The questions were simple but, Speed was the major factor in the aptitude, since 100 questions needed to be done in around 20 min. Technical written test The questions were very difficult they rounded whole of the test around technical tables, integration points between FI, SD, MM and concept questions were there, controlling was the major concern since the questions from product costing and COPA added to the flavor. Group discussion We were asked to discuss on the topic “advancement in ERP application�. 10 min were given and 4 students in a GD. Since most of the students were eliminated in the last round so this was just to test the communication skills. Personal interview After the GD we were taken for the interview, were in we were asked questions related to sap like sap tables, are you a member of any communities related to sap e.g. SDN etc The interview was purely technical. At last result was out and I was selected. I Think, Time is not stagnant it keeps on rotating it may good or bad for us, so we should not loose hopes we keep on trying what we are aim to and particularly about placement we should go for the profile and be very particular about the sector you want to enter. If you are good you will get what you want and money would automatically follow you. Be confident about yourself, continue doing hard work, success will ultimately follow you. Don't get disheartened by the rejections, instead learn from them to improve. The entire campus placement session gives you time to groom yourself, to know where you stand, to maintain your cool under immense pressure and competition, to keep your motivation levels high. Always remember, it is not how hard you work, it is about how smartly you put the hard work into place when the time is right! Be confident and be well prepared! I would like to thank SBS for providing such a learning experience and specially Bala Sir who stood by us and guided us every time. I wish all the aspirants and my beloved juniors-super juniors a very successful career ahead. Regards Saurabh Khandelwal

Recent Posts By Others Shivani Jain hi everyone Name : Shivani Jain Reg. No. : IB09-7141 Div. : Dual B (Balaji Institute of International Business) Academic year: 2009-2011 Specialization : International Business and marketing. My journey of getting placed was a short one as I got placed in the 3rd company visiting the campus. I was very much tensed and skeptical about my placement as one thing I really lacked in myself was self confidence , the competition in the campus itself was so so very much tough . besides this the next worry was that which type of companies should I go for, being a fresher I was totally ignorant about the working scenario . This problem of mine was solved by talking to the faculties in our college and reading about the business environment , as India was heading towards opening up FDI in retail sector thus it seemed to be a very good sector to work for. Thus I decided that I will not leave an opportunity to sit for any retail company as well as I will try for research and consultancy sector. It was 28th October 2010 Thursday, Company “A� was visiting our campus it was a big brand in the retail sector. It was after attending the presentation itself I said to my friend that I want to get placed in this company .As the company was open for all the colleges so the competition was very tough but still I made up mind that whatever happens I have to give my best shot. I took it as a now or never situation. The panel from the company consisted of 4 corporate stalwarts accompanied by 3 HR managers. The Stalwarts as I got to know later were the expert handling various departments very successfully. The company had three rounds for selection each one being a elimination round.1st group discussion 2nd and 3rd Interview. For the GD round groups were made of the 10 students each and out of 21 groups mine was 18th group which shows the competition . As natural I was very nervous of the GD round as thus with each Gd group coming out after their discussion I was asking about the topics and what all they said and how is the scene inside the room. My group entered the GD room and our GD was taken by the Head HR himself. Every group was telling their topic to be either about India-China relationship or recession Or India 2020 so I was also revising all the necessary facts regarding these topics itself. But as expected ,unexpected has to happen the GD topic my group got was a very different one and it was

Recent Posts By Others “Impact of reality shows going on on today's generation”. The topic was a very easy one and did not had a lot of numbers to be stated , relieved me. The GD went pretty well and I spoke a lot opposing the group, talking positive about the topic. After our GD round small briefing was given by the Head HR about the interview round and he clearly stated that questions in this round or the next interview round for all the students will be word to word same and will be very general questions . Also he said that “now it's the time to think about yourself and show us the real person in you ,thus if you want yourself to succeed you will maintain the secrecy about the questions.” As obvious I was very nervous about the interview round but still was confident that I need not to portray myself as some else, I have to show the real me. Now come the 2nd round after a lot of wishes from friends I entered the interview room. HR gave a brief introduction about herself and also created a friendly environment which boosted up the confidence.This interview round was a rapid fire. 5 questions were asked which were supposed to be answered in min time. Questions asked were – “where do you see yourself in 5 years down the line?”, “what are the 3 things you learnt in last 3 months?”, ”What according to you is the Best achievement in your life till date?”, “why Retail Industry?”, “why Company “A” to start with?”. Though it was a rapid fire round but you were expected to give a logical answer. Just an advice, whenever you are going through the rapid fire round, don't give the answers for the sake of giving, take few seconds to think, before you speak. Otherwise it will create a wrong image in the mind of the person across the table. Luckily these were few of the questions I had asked myself a night before and was clear about the where and the whys. Results for this interview round had to declared and the tension was increasing as no one could say that the interview went well or bad as the questions were general. But it turned out to be good for me as I was selected and out of the 32 students 18 were shortlisted for the next round. Day ended on a positive note for me as the next interview round had to be conducted the next day. Here comes “D-day “ 29th October Friday, 10 am and 18 of us reached the room for our final interview . Head HR again came to brief us and gave us certain advice to perform in the interview and told us that the questions will be

Recent Posts By Others case study based and will be same for all of us. Now the 3rd round of interview started , time slot were given and mine was after lunch which relieved me a little and gave me some time to relax. Due to nervousness I just had some snacks for my lunch, and now it was my turn for interview ,It was taken by 2 panel members. One member was observing the body language and the facial expressions; another member was listening to answers carefully. The first question asked to me was a very casual one and it was what did I had in my lunch I was surprised but I answered truly that due to nervousness I had very light one The HR understood it and thus to relieve the tension he cracked some jokes which really made the environment very friendly . The he explained how the Complete interview is going to be , I was asked to consider myself as a service manager in the store and have to solve the issues arising in the store. Some given situations were – “If an employee who is achieving all his targets and is a very good performer but doesn't come to office on time. Warning has been given to him that he will be under observation for coming 15 days otherwise he will be asked to leave. What will be your action plan for such an employee?” “There is a loyal customer who comes to you with the shoes he bought for replacement but the exchange period is over, how will to tackle the situation. “ “If you realize a customer is trying to steal or has stolen something and you are to deal with it without making a scene on the floor.” A customer who visits your store every week and gives you good business; unknowingly breaks a small article but doesn't accept it as his/her mistake and is not ready to pay for it.” “The price on the label exceeds the MRP of the product and a customer who is annoyed brings this to your notice and demands an explanation.” “A pregnant lady who gets stuck in the elevator, how will you deal with the family and the nearby customers?” I tried to answer these questions putting myself into the shoes of a manager and as well as a customer where required. This round was a tricky one where there was no right or wrong answer as such. It was the presence of mind and the tactful use of the terminology that was tested. I answered all the questions as per my understanding. This round went on for almost 10 to 15 mins. The questions and the situations were same for everyone and as expected there were lot of discussions before and after the interview. After finishing all the rounds, the students were asked to assemble in a room and results were declared. Results were based on a 5 point scale, 5 being the

Recent Posts By Others highest and 1 being the lowest. The minimum acceptable score was 3 and those who were able to get 3 and above as an average of all the 3 rounds were selected. At the end of the day ,results were announced and 8 students were picked up. I was one of lucky 8. It was a really cherishable moment when my name was announced , I was on the top of the world and very much relived. It took me a while to sink into this that I was placed . All my hard work for one and a half year was paid off. Again a small briefing and a welcome note to enter into the retail industry was given. Overall it was a great experience I had and all thanks to the Placement team and Bala sir, for making my journey as the success story. Thank you Regards Shivani Jain

Shruti Dyundi I am Shruti Dyundi Roll no-IB09-7044 Class-Dual-A Batch-2009-2011 Specialisation-Marketing I just wanted to lay down my campus experience for the benefit of the future students to come. I got placed in the month of Jan. Think about it. From October when they opened the campus placements to Jan. I had to wait a long time for my experience to end but I did not mind. Everything I waited to for was worth it. I few of my classmates say that I was being very selective about the type of companies I was sitting for and that I would be disappointed in the end. But I knew what I was doing. I am finally placed in a media firm and below is the experience of my recruitment. There were two companies that had come on the same day. An IT firm and this media house. Most people were split in two minds as to which process they would like to sit for but not me. I have always been sure about myself and the

Recent Posts By Others dedication to a single idea was better than being confused and worried. The process started a little later in the day then expected. We had 3 rounds to clear and I knew that this was the one. My whole self was telling me that something good was going to come from this day. I could just feel it. The 3 rounds were 1. Apti 2. GD. 3. PI There were in total 265 students that sat for the Apti. All competition to me. The Apti was based on a multiple choice answer scheme with only one right answer. 1 mark for a right answer and half a mark cancelled for everything you got wrong. I had forced myself into the habit of reading newspapers provided by the college and magazines available in the college library and this was where it was all going to pay off. I knew most of the answers to the questions. They were mostly gk and some were based on recent happening in the Indian market place. They were going to select only a 100 students for the next round and we were made to wait in the college auditorium. Even though the AC was on I was still nervous and sweating. But I knew I would go through. At times like these there is nothing better than a few friends to share a laugh with and get your nerves in check. When they started calling the names I was waiting in anticipation as to when they would call my name. And finally it happened. It came right at the end but I was going to go through the next round. The GD: The topic for my group discussion was "Are the subjects taught in MBA Colleges relevant to the industry" I knew I had to pick a side, I waited for the GD to begin. I was for the discussion. "The colleges have gotten smarter. Even the syllabus they consider to teach the students is a mix of what they have to know and what they need to know. There is a world of difference between "have" and "need". The have to know is considered basic knowledge. Its taken for granted that if you are from a college of some repute like ours then this information should be like second nature. The "Need" to know is the extra edge that is inflicted to us. The edge that we will carry with us to the companies when we pass out. The colleges have people from the industries to provide classes and seminars so that we know exactly what we are looking for. Also it provides the students a chance to interact with industry professionals on a one to one basis and get more feedback from them". There were 10 rounds of GDs and from each GD they were going to select only a handful. Luckily I was one of the 10 or students to make it through to the next round.

Recent Posts By Others The Interview: The profile that this company was recruiting for was for a media planning post, a subject that needed some knowledge of numbers. Maths has never been my strong suit but I was not going to let that affect the outcome of the interview. Interviewer: Whats you favourite topic in marketing? Me: BCG and 5 force marketing model, Interviewer: Who handles the media for ITC? Me: Sorry sir, I dont know the answer to that one. Interviewer: How comfortable are you with numbers? Me: Not very. But I know myself. I know that if given a task I will push through it and get the work done. If selected for this job then I will make sure to learn everything fast and effectively. One thing I learnt from other interviews I answered was that honesty was the best policy. always be tru to yourself and the outcome will always favor you. Interviewer: What kind of music do you listen to? Me: Nickleback, RHCP, Coldplay. Interviewer: So any hindi artists? Me: I listen to hindi songs but I prefer english ones. Interviewer: what else excites you? Me: I like adventure sports, Hiking, Trekking, White water rafting. Im even planning to go for bungee jumping this year. I genuinely believe the such adventure trips have taught me a lot and have help me become the person I am today. The conversation continued for almost 45 minutes where most of the questions were about my interests and precious memorable moments so far. It was a very interactive interview and I felt I was having a conversation with a bunch of friends. They had a concern with my discomfort with numbers but I tried my hardest to convince them that I felt confident enough to learn with practice over a period of time. Finally the interview had ended. It seemed like I did well but I would only find out exactly how well I did when the results were out. I got my answer a few days later. I got a call from the CRT team that I have been selected in “ABC� Pvt. Ltd, and with that my journey of placement came to a fruitful end. At the end, I would like to thank our beloved Bala sir, esteemed faculty at SBS and CRT team in helping me nurture myself from a student to a corporate citizen.

Recent Posts By Others Shweta Chaudhary Name-Shweta Chaudhary Registration # IB09-7240, Class: Dual C, from BIIB, Specialization -Finance, Academic year: 2009-2011, passed out on 29th April 2011. I would like to thank Bala Sir, Inamdar Sir and the Placement Committee for all their efforts to bring such reputed Companies to the Campus. i still remember the day i landed in SBS and the unforgetable stories and experiences. My Placement Experience: I was nor among those brilliant students with all basics clear from day one and neither a very regular one but i knew one thing that hard work really pays and soon i'll get confidence by knowledge which really worked for me at the time of placements but sadly was not allowed to sit for initial companies due to less attendence . I palced in very first Company i sat for on 9 Jan'2011 after almost a tough and rigorous selection process. I should say that it took me very long to be eligible for the placemnet but no time to get placed So , when Company A came to the Campus for the students and everyone was excited along with the feeling of nervousness there in the heart. The company had a clear cut Job Description for the students appearing for the process which did not impress me much, but still for the sake of getting an experience I attempted the process, as it was the 1st company which came my way. The process was pretty simple with an group discussion ,then a technical interview and then a HR interview with knowledge of Excel and Basic Accounts i have researched about the company and found it good enough . After the PPT around 100 students applied for the company and appeared in the different processes which were as follows: Group Discussion Technical Interview Final HR interview Around 80 students from all specialization appeared for GD round . 1st-All companies follow GD process. This is one of the most important process at the time of selection. GD its all about how you present your knowledge in an articulated way of speaking

Recent Posts By Others GD TOPIC :Corporate Governance My topic for the GD was based on a case study I spoke well on the topic giving reasons but due to some students discussion we went off the topic due to which panel breifed it again and asked to start afresh then again i relate the topic with good examples (THANKS TO THE FILE WHICH I MAINTANED BY COLLECTING SOME IMPORTANT NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS).which were supported by strong financial background as well as knowledge. I was really satisfied as this and so was the panel. we were asked to wait for GD results to come and then for the further processsings and then about 30 students were qualified and i was one of them Before going further it was time for me to take it really seriously since it was my first company so i was taking it little lightly and for an experience sake only and after the GD selection i thought why i am not taking it in a right way as the pacakage was not much but it was a brand name and profile was really good and i have already seen my friends who were eligible from the day one and still were not placed just because they were so choosy so inspite on being so choosy i decided to keep pacakage aside and concerntrate on further processing. 2nd - Technicall round It was around 1:00 AM and i was suffering from a high fever also sudenly they announced my name to appear for interview . I was litle weak due to fever and nervous too , but my friends really helped me and told me to handle the interview with full zeal don't give reasons that you are having fever . 1st round of HR Interview was based on all the functional knowledge. I entered the room then HR bombarded the question that he has taken two interviews what did they said you about the interview, I gave them the honest reply that 1st person told me that it is going to be a long So panel of three asked me various questions they are as follows : 1. Capital budgeting 2. Case study on inventory mangement 3.Journal Entries 4.COGS. 5. Company A projects and capital information. 3rd -H R Round HR Interview was based on all the functional knowledge. I entered the room then HR bombarded the question that he has taken two interviews what did they said you about the interview, I gave them the honest reply that 1st person

Recent Posts By Others told me that it is not going to be a long and they smiled . Since it was already very late so they took my hr round just after technical round and i was prepared for the both, they started with "TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF" and i answered with my name. native place,hobbies interest and a well prepared answer which i was waiting to tell from so long . They asked me about my place of placement that if i will be comfortable to Mumbai , pune and few more places and i told them my respective pefrences with an honest and convincing answer. It took around a month for results to get out and in the mean time many company came out of some i didn't find right for me and he one which i find right i.e Company B there i was unable to get my CV shortlisted due to no woking experience.So i was waiting for the results of Company A . And on great morning of 7 feb'2011 when i was getting ready to sit for another C company andOut of surprise i got a call that i am only student selected from finance batch for the A company and then they i asked me if i can join in a week or not in mumbai .Next company was already in the campus for which i was getting ready for and one week time to join was a difficult thing to decide ,but finally i decided to join company A because i had already gone through the rejection and Company A was providing the good profile and now it was the day to be happy and zeal to enjoy an enthusiastic feeling of getting placed in one of the reputed company Finally hard work and patience paid to bear the sweet Just a message for the juniors1 Your efforts will never go in vain trust yourself and have patience you will get what you deserve. 2-Never loose hope and always remember Bala Sir's Success Mantra PROBLEMS ARE OPPORTUNIES and started exploring new avenues. 3- Go to the company website and keep yourself updated all the time . 4-Don't worry about the package only go for the profile which you like, money will follow sooner or later. Don't Panic. it's all about “the day� All the best to all Juniors for your future prospects. Kind Regards, Shweta Chaudhary

Recent Posts By Others Simran Chawla Hi Friends, I am SimranChawla, Registration Number IB09-7047 BIIB - Dual A (Marketing) Academic year 2009-11. The Dream of a post graduate Degree Started Haunting me while I was in 1st year. I joined Carrer Launcher and it was the Beginning of my most memorable and enchanting experience of my life. Being from Gwalior, I had never imagined my destiny will take me to pune. I got into BIIB- Marketing which I always wanted to. But was more happy as my Younger Sister was also a part of one of the most memorable journey of my life, She was a student of BIIB-Ib. I still remember the First Day of SBS, students from all over the country with different backgrounds, different culture, different aspirations but the same goal of initialization of corporate Carrer. I had stage Fear which was removed during Bam presentation. I could not sit at one place but Bala Sir made us sit on one chair for 12 hours by the Mahabharata Sessions. Initially when I joined the college , I was very lazy but with 365 days working and 90% attendance, this prestigious institution changed me and my attitude towards my life. I gradually became more punctual and was thoroughly enjoying this new change in me. I have always believed “Whatever happens happens for the good “. I am a positive thinker but SBS made me a true fighter to deal with the various complexities of life. Campus Placement time is one of the toughest time in any students life. All the student managers had some dreams about their Placements in terms of getting placed with the top notch Brands, the Sector or the industry they wanted to get placed in. For me the brand was Priority, I didn't had any specific sector where I wanted to work. I was eligible for placements from the first day but I was never shortlisted for any company. I was never able to crack GD's no matter how much I spoke or how good my content was. We started having GD Sessions among friends so as to improve and find out more content on a topic. Such kind of GD sessions helped me groom my personality in many ways., For cracking a GD thought is very important. In a 15-20 minutes GD when you are given 2 minutes to think whatever comes in your mind in those 2 minutes decides whether you are in or not.

Recent Posts By Others I started reading more and more about Current affairs, common GD topics and most Important Economic Times. Then the very critical thing in a Group Discussion is how you convey this thought Process of yours, how you present your thoughts, and most important the listeners and the Interviewers should be able to understand the same what you want to convey to them. It was December already and for the first ten days I didn't sit for any company in the campus. On 10th day of December 2010, I sat for a Top Hospitality Brand, as I already had an experience in a Leading Hospitality Brand during my Summer Internship This day for the first time I thought I was close to my Placement finally, yes indeed I was. When I heard that one more Leading Insurance Company is in the College decided for that too but was not even aware of the Profile as I missed the PPT. Both the companies had three rounds:Aptitude Test Group Discussion Personal Interview. I cleared the aptitude test of both. There were more than 50 GD groups as around 250 student managers sat for the hotel brand and only 7 GD groups in the Insurance Company. I was in the 29th GD group of the Hospitality Brand and unfortunately it clashed with the Insurance Company GD where it was the last. I first went for the GD of Insurance Company where my Topic was “Economic Depression in India”. I didn't speak much in the GD only 2 points but I was noticed. In my Dream Company my GD Topic was “Effect of TV Serials”. I initiated the GD and spoke a lot. It was my best shot ever in any of the Group Discussions. I was in the last group and as it was done PAT team informed me about my Shortlisting for PI of the Insurance Company. It was around 10 pm when I gave the PI and finally out of 20 student managers only 6 of us were called for the Final PI to be held in Mumbai on 13th December. But I was not thrilled about this as I was waiting for the Shortlisting of the Hospitality Brand, what came in was a shock. Despite of all my efforts was not shortlisted for my Dream Company. I was very upset and next day went to support my sister as she was in the PI round of the hospitality Brand. The moment I entered SBS came to know that leading Real Estate Company of North India was in the Campus. I was very low as the pressure was building up day by day. Most of my friends wanted to sit for this company as we had very few Companies from North India coming for Campus Placement. I entered the auditorium when the PPT was almost over. There was a huge crowd of students sitting for this Company. I gave my CV too without knowing much about the company and Real Estate Industry in India. Around 200 student managers sat

Recent Posts By Others for the process. I was in the 1st GD Group and my Topic was “Vision India 2020”. 4 student managers already started GD with things like Population, Economic Situation, Political and Employment Scenario in 2020 and I wanted to speak something out of the box so I spoke about Campus Placements in SBS 2020. I spoke two-three times before the GD was a fish market and we finally concluded one by one. I was surprised when only 26 student managers were shortlisted and I was one of them. Finally time came for interviews I was very nervous now as this was a very good real estate company so the interview will be that tough and that too it will be related to all the technical aspects. I started brushing all the marketing concepts before my final call and then the coordinator called my name this was my time . The interviewer made me feel very comfortable .He started with general questions – My Family Background, My Qualification My Hobbies & Interest My Carrier Plan And then the second round of interview was a technical round he asked me various marketing concepts :Difference between sales and marketing ? Why marketing is important ? What is Porters model? What do you mean by branding ? And then my interview ended up with my internship . I told them I did my internship in one of the best Hotel in Mumbai and regarding my tasks in Internship. On 13th December, mid-way to Mumbai for the Final PI in Insurance Company, I got a call from the PAT team about my Placement with the Real Estate Company. I was finally placed and the feeling of getting placed was miraculous in itself. The only message to all my juniors is “you may not always End up where you thought you were going but you will always End up where you were meant to be”.

Recent Posts By Others Simranjit Singh Hi, I am Simranjit Singh Registration Number: IB 09-7142 BIIB – Dual b (international business) Academic year: 2009-11 The phase of PLACEMENT comes as great experience in every student's life. We all go through the same feelings of anxiety, tension, confusion and excitement till the time we are placed and are happy and relaxed with the same. But all this comes as a great learning as this makes you tough enough to handle all situations and gives a feeler of various industries through various rounds of GD's and interviews till the end. My placement story is a very simple one. I was eligible for companies on campus from day one but was very choosy for companies as being from Ludhiana, Punjab there was serious pressure from family for finding a job somewhere in north India . Day before I was laced there was a company on campus known as X ( I.T company ) for marketing profile . I was very much interested in profile and was very much chance of getting a Noida as location as the company had one of its head office in Noida as well . But somehow destiny had something else in mind , in spite of doing well in group discussion round . I was not selected. Dejected by result I heard the news of A COMPANY ( ABC ) biggest retail company in india was coming to campus very next day . I had tasted disappointment in previous day, so this time i was more determined to crack it. The key was to introspect and learn from my failures. I revised the retail syllabus working the whole night and also kept market figures on my tips. The day started with PPT, GD, PI and Rapid Fire round. All rounds had elimination. The PPT described about the profiles, package and all. They came for Marketing, Finance & HR. Topic of our group discussion was Barack Obama visit India

Recent Posts By Others Didn't took the initiative but was third one to start in the discussion. I gave my views on commercial aspect of obama visit to india and gave the discussion a new direction .. I tried to make my presence by speaking for three to four times in the discussion and mentioned the data and figures while discussion. In the end each one of us had an opportunity to summaries' their view and present them one by one . I think I did a nice job in too as I had read about it in the newspaper and had data to support my arguments. The results for the GD were announced and 87 students out of around 200 students got selected for the next round PI . The next round was PI and I was now more confident after clearing the GD round. I greeted the interviewer and he asked mostly HR questions like Tell me about yourself, your strengths, where do you see yourself in 5 years down the line, whats the best approach require to handle workforce in an organization . I was confident in my approach and I also asked about my job profile we will be getting and told indirectly about my interest in marketing profile . The interviewers were very friendly and smiled all the way. They asked me about my location preferences. I told that i was open for any location, it but would be profitable for company if I was given north india (delhi , Punjab) as my location as I know the culture , values , language and would connect to customer in better way . They even asked me whether i would be comfortable if i had to do SELLING. I answered it by saying that it is good for any fresher to start at the lower level selling as it brings to face to face with ground level problems. . Since I was confused as it was a retail organization which he said it will be clarified in the next round. I got the hint that I got cleared for the next round and was now feeling nervous because I was near the goal post and next one shot was very critical for my life. My answered was followed by a brief silence. A bolt from the blue hit me as they thanked me said that my interview was over. Results announced and around 35 people got selected for the final round and it was around 9pm. We knew the day was long but it will payoff if you can make it. Second round of interview was parallel interview in which panel of 5 was interviewing 3 of us at the same time. The round was like rapid fire round as the questions were thrown by Head HR like bullets and whose reaction time was least and who knew the answer would speak.

Recent Posts By Others Being there in such kind of interview for the first time, was I terrifying experience as pressure of answering in front of colleagues and chance Of being contradicted and argued upon by your fellow students is very high , I did quite well and answered questions ( mostly technical ) to best of my knowledge . The rapid fire round got over and it was now time to wait for the results. It was around 11.30pm and we were waiting for the results. The results were then declared by Head HR and 17 student managers got selected for the company. We were very happy as it was big number to get select from our campus. I was ecstatic on listening to my name in the selection list. My advice to all my juniors is that what is extra that makes a difference. Reading business newspaper, good business magazines, current affairs, good reference books, group study, leadership roles in the college, initiative to do things without even saying to do, positive attitude, confidence makes lots of difference to you favour. Getting placements through campus is one of the easiest ways to get into corporate, make most of it but one has to introspect whether they have given their best in their efforts. I realized during the company selection processes , which I would want all juniors to keep in mind is , Don't at any point of time try to be someone You are not, its necessary to believe in yourself & remember your achievements , whenever you feel dejected or upset because if we allow all the tensions of placements & processes override us getting over it & emerging victorious become even more impossible, I know it may sound as some gyan as of now but it really is important when you are in the middle of the storm. The companies while selecting look out for certain qualities which are indeed specific & Its very much possible that we don't match up each & every time. Group discussions are just an agent to facilitate the selectors to accept & reject candidates based on certain parameters which they have pre-decided, so its really very important to be yourself at that point of time Hard work and patience is the mantra for success .

Recent Posts By Others Snehal Agrawal I am Snehal Agrawal Registration No: IB09-7143 Balaji Institute of International Business Class IB-Marketing Dual B Batch 2009-11 Before sharing my Campus Placement Experience I would like to thank Bala Sir for sowing a seed of confidence and always encouraging his entire gang of BACCHA LOG, Inamdar Sir for making us realise the importance of VALUES in life and the entire Placement team especially Dimple ma'am for her NEVER ENDING EFFORTS. It was only after I joined BIIB that I realised the importance of the proverb which Bala sir always use to say 'Problems are Opportunities'. I take immense pleasure to share my campus placement experience with you all as it was totally a life changing experience for me and I am sure it would be same for most of you as well I was always an average and a shy student who lacked confidence and preferred to stay in my comfort zone. And I was lucky enough to get admission in Sri Balaji Society so that being a 'localite(as it is said)' I again got an opportunity to continue the same old life in Pune and stay with my parents unlike my other friends, who stayed away from their parents for two long years. I used to always feel how lucky I am that my parents are here and that I don't have to live the hard life that my friends do, by staying in a 'HOSTEL' which once upon a time was really a big deal for me. Being a student I always used to think that life is good only if everything goes well and in the end you get what you want. I always desired for that PERFECT life which till then I used to think was an ideal one. Well, my so called PERFECT life was not so PERFECT for me when I failed to clear the last round of one of the RETAIL companies I always dreamt of getting into. For me it was the end as I thought if I was unable to make for this then I won't be able to make it for any of the companies further. But now when I look back, I definitely say 'WOW' and thank GOD that this happened; because, this was the first learning step of my life. It was only after this, that I realised the importance of the word COLLEGE PLACEMENT…well not an easy task. You have to give in your 100% if you want to achieve something in life. My first lesson: “Nothing in life worth having comes easy” Then came the D-day … 'FINALLY'… the day of Dhanteras was the day when I got placed. The XYZ Company that I got placed in didn't fascinate me a lot at that time. As it is said 'grass is always greener on the other side'. I was happy but there were many factors that kept on troubling me, like : The company is not in PUNE , I will have to stay away from my parents, how will I manage the hard life etc. But today I am so HAPPY with whatever happened.

Recent Posts By Others Since the day I started staying away from home (out of my comfort zone) I have learned all that I could not during 22 years of my life. And trust me “I HAVE EXPERIENCED WHAT REAL LIFE IS, ONLY AFTER THIS' With all this in my mind I am here to share my wonderful D-DAY EXPERIENCE: It was 3rd Nov and we went to the auditorium at 7:30 am. The company visited looking students from systems specialisation but we are really thankful to Dimple ma'am who made it possible for us to apply and sit for the process. The day started with PPT from the company followed by an aptitude test, Group discussion and the interview. All rounds had eliminations. PPT provided a brief description about the company, details about the profile and compensation very clearly. Elimination round 1: Then there was a short listing of CVs for marketing students as they were looking for only 30 marketing students. HR themselves shortlisted the CVs and i was lucky enough to get through this round. Elimination round 2: Then the shortlisted students were asked to give the APTITUDE TEST, the second elimination round as it can be said: The test had three sections: Quantitative (10 questions): It had Questions on percentage, fraction, mixture, average etc. Logical reasoning (15 questions): This section was all about observation and was the lengthiest section. I made sure to answer the questions with great care and get it correct the moment i attempt it. Answering few questions with good accuracy will help you to get through this section. English (10 questions): It contained one passage which was easy. I solved it just by reading the questions and then looked into passage to find the answer which helped me save time. The test was for 45 minutes with equal percentage of sectional cut-off and no negative marking. My advice for the aptitude test like this would be attempt 30 percent questions from each section first with 100 percent accuracy. Elimination round 3: Then there was Group Discussion, the round that always scared me the most: We were made to discuss on the topic: Effects of Recession on the IT Companies: There were 11 students in my group and GD was for 10 min, so everybody did not get much chance to speak. I spoke about both the positives as well as the negative aspects of the topic as the topic itself did not connote the tone and was open to both the sides. I talked about the impact of currency appreciation and depreciation and its negative impact on the IT Industries, increasing

Recent Posts By Others competition due to recession and its positive impact on IT Industry. One thing I would like to say here is; if you don't get a chance of being the initiator and concluder of the GD, always try to be the key participant presenting some relevant content bearing sentences. Put your points firmly and try to get others support too. This would help to emphasis your points and make you come out in a group discussion. Elimination round 4: Personal Interview: 7 students from marketing were there for the interview. There were two panel members. I was the second last candidate for the interview. I entered the room confidently wished both of them. They asked me various questions which are as follows: Where are you from? Describe yourself? How you will manage this tough job (as the job demands lot of travelling and perseverance)? Do you know German? (as i had mentioned German as a language in my CV) Are you clear about the role of consultant? My internship and about the project that I did during my internship Interview lasted for about 5-6 minutes. Tips: Listen carefully. If you feel the question is unclear, ask politely for clarification. Pause before answering to consider all facts that may substantiate your response. Always offer positive information. Get directly to the point. Ask if the listener would like you to go into great detail before you do. Discuss only the facts needed to respond to the question. Do not open yourself to areas of questioning that could pose difficulties for you. Be truthful, but do not offer unsolicited information. Focus and re-focus attention on your successes. After the interview the results were announced and IT WAS VERY EXCITING FOR ME TO KNOW THAT I WAS ONE OF THOSE SELECTED. I REALLY ENJOYED THE DAY!!!!!!!! With all this, I would like to say to all my lovely juniors... 'NEVER BE AFRAID TO FAIL BECAUSE THROUGH FAILURE COMES SUCCESS' All the Best

Recent Posts By Others Snehal Chaudhari I've updated the Campus Placement Experience as you said. Please do the Needful. Snehal Chaudhari Registration No. IB 09-7112 Division B – BIIB Specialisation: International Business 2009-2011 Batch General information: To start sharing my experience I would start right from the first day in this campus. On the first day itself after hearing all the important advice, I decided to read the newspapers daily which eventually became a part of my daily routine. I was glad that I was sincere towards achieving my goal. I also started collecting knowledge from different sources like from websites:, latest My friends really helped me and also I started watching debates on different TV shows like “we the people” , “left right and centre”. These were really interesting and insightful. The important thing here is to keep yourself updated with the rapidly changing business world, in whatever way you like. All this along with lot of reading relating to economy, articles in business newspapers etc gives points and ideas for essay writing and group discussion. BIIB was a journey of a lifetime from learning management, managing constraints to making lifetime friends to a dream job. While embarking on the path of management education one dreams of having a prospering career; in my two years at BIIB I learnt how to take a step towards achieving this goal. This learning came in various forms of management seminars, presentations, and cultural activities. My attendance percentages were less than 80% due to some unfortunate events, so I was allowed to sit for companies in the very end. So I hope my experience helps those who are not placed yet or not allowed to sit for companies yet. Naturally it is very frustrating and depressing when you see everyone around you getting placed in good companies and you are not even eligible. It happened with me also. Every friend & acquaint was getting placed. If you go on FB all you can see was posts and comments of placements and congrats. I was afraid that all the good companies will be gone by the time I become eligible to sit for the process. In such times it is very easy to lose selfconfidence. But believe you me, that is the worst thing you can let happen to yourself. If you are in such situation, please don't lose hope and self-confidence. This is the test for your mental strength, your patience and your ability to cope

Recent Posts By Others up with bad time. Your family and friends play very supportive role in these trying times so don't lose contact. As far as the companies were concerned, good companies kept coming till the very end of the placement season. I got placed in a very reputed organization in mid-May. There were three parts 1. PPT 2. Aptitude test 3. Personal interview Always make sure to take notes regarding the company in the PPT itself. It is very important that you Google the information about the company before they come for placements. A little bit of background information is always necessary. Don't depend on others for complete information. The PPT gives lots & lots of important information such as 1. Who started the company? When? Who runs the company now? 2. Dates of incorporation. 3. Top brass of the company. Just in case if one misses on PPT he should collect as much information as possible through internet. The second part of my placement was an aptitude test which was the usual maths, logic and English. As far as the interview is concerned, one should always know the basic details of the company as they come in handy. The questions I was asked were following About the company 1. What do you know about the company? 2. Do you know about the parent companies (it's a joint venture)? 3. What do you know about the work of the company? 4. How do you know these things (related to the answers of above questions)? So the basic knowledge about the company always comes in handy. As it is a research company, next question was about my expectations about the work, to which I replied that being a research company it will be all about numbers. So I was asked that whether I'll get bored of it after some time.

Recent Posts By Others In the next part I was asked about my engineering project as well as the summer internship project. The panellist was of the same branch of engineering as I am. Although it was not at all relevant to the profile, I was still asked in depth about my engineering project. I also explained about my summer internship project. In the next part of the interview I was given lots of mathematical riddles & brainteasers to solve with barely enough time to solve them. I solved them & off course some of them were right and some of them were wrong. It is important here that you don't panic in such situations. It affects your judgement and problem solving ability. The next part was regarding my resume. It is very important that whatever personal information you put in your resume should be true. Otherwise it becomes very apparent in the interview which puts you in the negative. I was asked about my hobbies of bike riding and reading. The questions asked were 1. Do you like riding in cities or you like to go touring? 2. Which all places you have rode to? 3. Do you know how to repair a bike? 4. Which is your favourite book? 5. Which book you are currently reading/ the last book that you read? The answers which I gave to these questions were discussed at length to verify whether they are true or I'm making them up. Next I was tested for my general awareness. The questions ranged from history of India to modern day politics, the difference between status of Kashmir and north eastern states, differences between Bollywood & Hollywood, etc. All in all it indeed was a stress interview and it lasted for one and half hours. Thank you all for reading my campus placement experience. I hope it helps you some way or the other. Regards Snehal Chaudhari

Recent Posts By Others Sonam Hirwani :I am Sonam Hirwani, registration number IB- 097144, from class Dual -B IB, BIIB, 2009-2011 batch. My specialization was in IB as a core subject.Here on I will be sharing my placement experience. I got placed in the month of May, a bit late.So I have a pool of emotions with me. I am thankful to God, to our Beloved Bala Sir, and to everyone who supported me in my efforts to this journey of placement as well as to my career growth.100% placement guarantee holds true every year in our college and that is what the USP of our college. I must say this is not easy to place 1000 student every year. Again our Beloved Bala Sir is worth thanking to be, who is the one in making such dream successful. Sentiments : When a placement season starts it's always a dream from the first day to get into a good Company with a better profile and for not for one but for everyone. A lot is there to say but everything can't be expressed in a piece of paper. I guess it's a personal experience that everyone had. Very good for some and worst for some But ultimately we all got placed some how or the other. Yes, I worked a lot. I dreamt for it and wanted to achieve a job with good profile. Although May is very late month to get placed for, but what matters is what I am now. I am very satisfied with the profile and company, working in Top 3 Freight Forwarding Company is not easy. Handling the pressure is not easy, but there is so much to learn that even is less if why not I spend my complete life to it. Another reason for being happy is that I got placed in a company which deals with international bussines, exports and imports and overall this is only my subject domain. So I am completely working with my interest and also it becomes so easy for you to understand the theoretical things by working practically. So in a nut shell, I worked accordingly day and night to step into that ladder of success as it marks the starting of one's lifetime career and I am happy now. Experience : If I talk about the experiences,I would say it's a mix of all experinces after going through all the stages in a company placement criteria.Initially when we sat in a company process, even if don't clear the GD or interview, I never become sad thinking that the struggle has just started and there is many more to go. Though I was very good in GD and got through 80% of the GD that I sat in. So it was my major and highly motivation factor that keeps me confident every time and moment. But as the days went by I started feeling pressurized when I started getting to know some of the figures about the students getting placed. But nevertheless I keep myself motivated by my consistent performance.Ofcourse there is a frustration that keep mounted up as the day's passes by. Then I started realizing where I am lacking and that was interview session. I have discussed this in section of company process also. So one day I sat down and prepared my SWOT analysis to know my weak and

Recent Posts By Others strong areas. Then I work on it and I improved a lot. But I must say all this is ok, but you get placed only when your day comes. Before that I guess you keep on practicing only. It's a matter of luck and your efforts that made you lose or succeed in your life.So I can say there is a new experience, a new learning every day, by sitting in range of companies that is possible only by our college endeavors. Different companies coming from varied industry always put forward new ideas before us letting us know the current trends in the firms. Also it enhances the body language, way of talking, presenting ourselves in front of big corporate honchos who devotes their time for the best recruitment of manpower. I really improved a lot by gaining day to day experiences since I got placed a bit late. I feel every morning to bring a new learning for me because your learning cannot be take away by anyone.It is the thing that rest with you always with your life.So after feeling all these ups & downs, I can say it to be quite a mix and balanced experience whether one is getting placed or being refused because every day you learn something new and something fresh and these are the memories which are going to be with me throughout my life. Company Process :Majorly all companies went by the same methodology starting with aptitude test(not necessarily in all),group discussion and final ending up with technical and personal interview depending upon the companies requirement. It is very easy once you clear the GD round to crack interview.What needed is a little bit if focus & patience. I got through in almost every GD but got stuck in interview. When I spotted for the problem, it comes out to be lack of patience. Whenever an interviewer asks a question, I am so quick in answering the questions, & in that case I either landed up with right answers but many times wrong & inconvincible answers. Not only this. it marks a bad impression on interviewer as well & made them think that I took decision in hustle. So it should be well kept in mind that answers should be given by devoting a minute to it, and then responding. And if you don't know the answers, simply say you don't know it rather than interpretating it wrongly. Also in GD round, one should not be indulge in too much of pitching in but making entering at max 5 times that too with valuable points. Otherwise take points from other's view and build up your comments. So these are small & key points to remember during GD sessions which can really be helpful in making you lead in every group.Also,to note on aptitude test, major good companies like to go with it because it reduces the number of the students eligible for next round & also makes the task easy for them. So keep practicing on the aptitude test since many numbers of students got eliminated in that round. Other than this I personally don't feel that after doing all these preparations there can be any stone leaving unturned in this success path. Obviously one can have his own methodology of doing things. But luckily I almost cracked every GD where I sat in, so I had worked a lot on interviews. You must have one strong area with you to overcome your complete weakness and my strong area suppose to be my communication skill, not because my vocabs are good but I express clarity in my thought process. So another suggestion will be on clarity of your thoughts.

Recent Posts By Others GD Topic : Mostly the topics were either industry specific like retail, where the topic was “Should FDI Be Introduced In Retail?”, or telecom, IT/ITES/BPO etc. And more or less very general topics like “Should Gay Marriages Be Legalized?”, “Is Gandhi a Leader or Follower?”, and topics related to current affairs were much in use. So in order to make a mark on your speech, one must be thorough what a life's near us is up to. It is hard to remember all those topics, so I am not in a position to state them correctly. Those things which can be kept in mind can be, a proper study before coming for company placement procedure, a good knowledge on the happening in and around you, daily updates on business world, daily update on industry sectors, what are the market reaching & how it is growing by what percentage. All these be onto our fingerprints, so that any question asked can be answered smartly. It should be followed regularly even after placements are being done. Our college provides three newspapers to us, and we fail to realize its importance in regular time but when you started sitting in any process you will feel its lacking day in & day out. Never miss on reading newspaper at least a single paper can be enough for one day. I must say our college has inculcated in me this habit which is still with me till now and will remain so for the rest of my life. It gives us a jist of every bit of every sector you talk about, like which sector is growing, which is recession insulated, what can be a sector approach down the line, who is the current CEO heading a company, what is FDI percentage in retail, how is retail sector booming. So in a way it provides the complete scenario of outer market world which we need to make a grasp on it. And when you working in any company it's so important so know about your trade, who are your competitiors, who can be your best customers and which sector they are belonging to. Therefore even one doesn't feel its importance while you are graduating you can feel its presence in whatever company you working in. It enhances once personality and makes you knowledgeable as well as employable in your career path. Interview : Interview is the last stage of all those heart pounding session.Afert this, every one takes a relieve breathe. As I keep on saying and mentioning my weak and strong area, this supposed to be my weak area .But not remained so for very long time. Finally I made it like everyone. That was my Day. Interviews can be technical following with personal or sometimes only personal, stress or can be case studies. It completely depends upon the interviewer and his temperament .But basically they follow the same pattern. So to crack an interview one must be very true to what is being spoken out, prepare SWOT on oneself, should be well-verse with the company's products and services. It is very important the answers to be specific & crisp. Also the reply should never be quick; one must take 2 minutes to think upon before he speaks. So when I was being sent for my interview room, I have been asked very general questions like tell me about yourself, why you wants to go for this company, what is your strengths, how many interviews you have faced so far, are you riskaverse or not, how can you contribute to my company, do you have any preference location, why and why so, etc,etc..So now this time I was so relaxed,

Recent Posts By Others not nervous and highly confident.So while answering the question I maintained very cool temperament, and I was very true to what has been spoken about me and when the results came I was at the top of the world. After all struggle & slog I got my destiny. Therefore everybody should remain so and must be prepared by reading about the company's profile and into what they deal with, which are their products and services. To conclude With : Last words that I want to end with are, be patient in your hard times. One should never loose hope since this being your struggle for upcoming good days.Its always easier said than done,but this is how it goes.Lets maintain the record of 100% placement every year which is possible in your hands only. All the best to everyone for their future endeavour.May you all keeps shining. All The Best!!

Sonika Soni Hi, I am Sonika Soni Roll No.: IB09-7242 Class: BIIB-Finance( Dual C) Batch: 2009-11 Here I would be sharing my CPE and I believe, it should be of some help to the juniors. I was lucky enough to be placed in the first company that visited the campus and hence, I would not say that I had to face a tough time getting myself placed. Nonetheless, the moments are still afresh in my mind and even after so many months of my placement, I am quite comfortable penning down my experience and sharing the same with you all. The company visited the campus on Nov 1st, 2010. The company was represented by an HR who conducted all the initial rounds of shortlisting the students. Being the first company for Finance, it was open to all. Each and every round was an elimination round. A total of six rounds were conducted. There were about 60-70 people who appeared for the process (excluding the FICO people). We were made to sit in a room and a briefing was made to us as to how was the selection process was going to be. A series of online tests were supposed to be conducted and that, each online test was an elimination round. After the online tests, two interview rounds were to be conducted and then, the final results. So the selection process started with the online tests. These tests were to be on the following topics,

Recent Posts By Others 1. English - this test was to judge the knowledge of grammar which included comprehensions, sentence building, sentence correction, antonyms, synonyms, etc. 2. Knowledge of Excel & Accountancy – this test was conducted on the basic accounting and finance knowledge. Also, there was a section on Excel which was to test the basic knowledge of the excel functions and the familiarity of the tool. 3. Logical Reasoning- this section was to test the reasoning ability of the candidates. Many questions were set testing the analytical ability and logical skills of the candidates. 4. Versant- this was a telephonic round in which the listening skills were mainly tested and also, how better are we able to understand the American accent. This was an interesting round and the best of all. As mentioned before, each round was an elimination round. We could see the total no. of students reducing after every round. With the Versant round coming to an end, we came to the end of the first round of selection process. About 20 of us were left who qualified for all the rounds and were ready to face the Dday. The second & last day of the selection process was conducted on 12th of November, 2010. There were four people who represented the company. Two rounds of interview were conducted and both these interview rounds were, so to say, elimination rounds again. So, after about two hours or so, my turn came for the first interview round. The questions that were put to me were: 1. Tell me something about yourself. 2. What's the best management lesson that you have learnt in your two years of studies? I said that the best management lesson I learnt was “Problems are opportunities” which is a slogan coined by our own Bala Sir. The interviewer seemed impressed with the slogan. 3. Then he asked me if I have faced any such situation where the 'problem' was an opportune moment for me. I did reply positively to his question and gave him the instance wherein I felt that the problem was an opportunity for me. The interviewer did seem very impressed again. 4. The interviewer then switched his questions to the internship project and that what were my learnings from the project. I don't remember what the exact questions from the project were but I do have a suggestion for you. Before you are appearing for an interview, make sure you have the complete knowledge

Recent Posts By Others about your project. Even if you have not done your project very religiously, try to have the in-depth knowledge on the subject you took up for the project. Because, I believe they will put forward many questions relating to your project. After the first round of interview was cleared, I was called in for the second round. The interview started. He asked me questions relating to team-building, team-spirit and leading a team such as – Have I led a team before? Did you ever face any conflict in the team? If yes, how did you sort it out? etc. Then he took up my internship project and asked me a number of questions on the same. My observation from my interview was that they are very much keen to know how better you have worked on your internship project and how much knowledge you have gained out of it. Also, whether you are in a position to apply the knowledge in the organization or not. There were some typical HR questions also like why I would like to be selected in that company, what is my X- Factor and why should they take me, what if I have to work longer than the normal hours of work, am I ready to work in an environment where I may have to work in the odd hours of night, etc. These were some such questions which I answered very confidently and this gave me the confidence that I would be able to get through the interview. However, the interview did come to an end after about 25-30 mins. The interview went really well and I was confident of clearing the final round too. Finally, the results were declared. Only 7 were selected from the entire lot who appeared for the interview and luckily, I was one of them. My suggestions to juniors: I would like to share my conclusion from my interview. I feel that the interviewers were really interested to know the following: 1. The project that one takes up for the internship, 2. The right attitude of working in a team, 3. Proper communications skill, and, 4. The “PROBLEMS ARE OPPORTUNITIES” kind of attitude. Wishing you good luck and success, SonikaSoni.

Recent Posts By Others Subhashree Halder Hi, I am Subhashree Halder Registration No: IB 09-7243 BIIB, Dual-C [Finance] Academic Year: 2009-2011 Placed with a reputed ABC Investment Banking Company which is taken over by American IT Company. To start off with the experience & sentiments, I would like to mention that GOD has kept something in store for us, so don't be impatient, just wait for the right moment & right opportunity. Something is there for you in store for sure. My experience goes like this: I was not a good student at all, but my friends (well-wishers) always hyped that I will be placed in the 1st Finance company that will visit our campus. & then the day came when the 1st Finance Company A came to our campus. But sadly & much surprisingly I was not allowed to sit for it, which came as a shock to me, the reason was I had 59.89 percentage after summing up all 3 semester's result. I was literally crying (pretty shameful of me) in front of Guneet Mam to allow me to appear for this Co.(this happened morning 10:00am). Evening 5:30pm, the result of BACKLOG paper SAPM & Capital Market (Finance subjects) were out & my percentage came to 65 %. You can imagine the kind of frustration I had that particular day, that after 7.5hrs, I am eligible to sit for Company A, but the opportunity to appear for the 1st Company, lost. But that particular day made me pretty strong & realistic. Thanks to my roommates who were there by my side that day. But today I understand, there is always something better in store for you. & I am thankful to Guneet Mam. The results of SAPM & CAPM fetched me 65%, but I again got backlog in SAPM (our immediate juniors must have heard what happened with these subjects in our batch). So I wasn't eligible for any company. & then unluckily me& my friend got caught by Biju Sir for not wearing helmets. So again barred for few Co. In this way I missed the opportunity of atleast 50 COMPANIES that came in our campus. After I became eligible, I sat for few companies, of which I didn't clear GDs. I am pathetic in GDs. Thankfully my company didn't take any GD. When the Company B came to our campus, I was somehow confident that I will make through it, I was confident because of a reason that I wanted to make through it, as this was the only Investment Bank that has come to our campus. This Company came with a criterion of MBA Finance students with BCOM or

Recent Posts By Others MCOM background only. I had to prepare myself for this company as well as “Drishti� of our college. I still remember how I used to practice whole day and come home and prepare for it as well as attend classes. We had Drishti two day before interview and I was scared. Finally day of interview came and I was nervous and my heart was beating hard, as they had high expectation from candidates on the Debt market and Fixed income product. There were 3 rounds. 1st: Written test which comprised partly of accounts & partly concepts of Bonds. Accounting entries for Bonds & entries on depreciation.Approx. 20 questions. To get into these kind of investment banks, one needs to have good knowledge of derivatives product. So suggestion to juniors, if you want a good profile in Finance, be well acquainted with derivatives product like options futures forwards-different kinds of swaps. 2nd: JAM session which means Just a minute (it's like an extempore). They were just checking spoken English/vocabs. We had to talk about any topic on earth for about a minute. I spoke about the recent scams. 20 people were selected in this round. They took the Jam session, as I now understand that we have lot of interaction with onshore people & they also send people onshore. So they check how well communicated you are. 3rd: Technical round (all about Bonds, Derivative products like CDS etc) for about 45 mins. They asked few accounting entries for Bonds, when is the spread movement higher in CDS. They were checking whether we have product knowledge. & also accounting knowledge. 4th: A small telephonic HR round, just to see which time would be suitable for us to work, how much flexible we are. Interview was a nice experience. 22nd Jan, 2011 was the day when our Offer letter came. We were very happy. 12 of us got selected in the same company. It was a Grand moment filled with ecstacy, that I finally got placed & that too in a core finance profile in an Investment bank Just a small advice to my juniors, don't let frustration creep in, if it's taking time for you to get placed. Because if you loose patience, you won't be able to concentrate in interview.& the must thing to crack an interview is CONFIDENCE & SMARTNESS. That's what I feel. Just wait for the right time & right moment; you will get what you deserve. CAUTION: Please don't blabber in GD, that won't fetch u anything. Trust me. Please don't have this perception that more you talk more u will be liked by the panelist. Talk only when it makes sense. I had cleared 3 Co.'s GD, in all the 3; I

Recent Posts By Others was the one who spoke last. In 2 Co.'s GD, my friend said “let her speak, she didn't speak anything yet”. & in 1 GD, the panelist asked me if I would like to speak anything. & I got selected in all these 3 GDs, which was unbelievable. I never thought that I will crack GD in front of such GREAT speakers (to be honest, the ones who blabber hardly get selected). But I realized what matters is “what you speak-Quality” & not “Quantity”. Finally, I would like to thank Bala Sir, Inamdar Sir & all other Faculties for all the opportunities given in our 2 year's association with Balaji Institute.

Mr. Sudipto Mukherjee I am Mr. Sudipto Mukherjee. Registration Number- BIIB-09-7048 Class- Marketing Division Dual A from BIIB. Academic year : 2009-11 Hi & I got placed in XYZ company which deals in manufacturing, erecting and desigining of Pre Engineered Building. My Heartiest Greetings to one and all, I was placed in the first FMCG company which visited our campus on 20th Dec 2010 as the Business Manager . But placements were pulled off by that company for some reasons.Iam sharing the experience with my second company. It gives me immense pleasure to write my experience about my Campus placement. The placement process started from the month of September when the first company visited our campus . I cleared both the basic criteria of attendance and no backlogs . It was a tough time, a time to prove myself and achieve what I have aimed in my life. Though one can start realizing worries and peer pressures as we enter into the 3rd sem or final year of PGDM, because this is the time for your placement ! But let me tell you my juniors, there's nothing to be afraid of, if you don't get into the first company you will definitely get into some! Only the keyword is patience and never ending effort . It's a time to capture the positive feeling and overcome the negative ones. The family , friends and colleagues play a very supportive role in ones life . They are the one who motivates & encourage to move towards the path of success.

Recent Posts By Others Emotions: It's a feel of mixed emotions. I was standing at a very crucial stage of my life. The feeling of anxiety , tension ,competitive environment , responsibilities and the zeal to achieve my goal surrounded me. It was fight for the success. It was time to prove my potential and capabilities not only to others but also to myself. Learning moments: I cherish those moments that taught me to be patient and calm. As without these two your performance keeps on declining. The best thing to do is to dominate the pressure prevailing inside you and put your 100% effort towards the path of success. Company process: The company visited the campus in the month of December .The process started as same as that of others with a Pre Placement Talk. Thus the entire process can be summed up as: Pre Placement Talk (college campus) Personal Interview 1 (college campus) Personal Interview 2 (one week later at Pune head office) Pre Placement Talk The Pre Placement Talk covered the description of the company and the areas they operate into. The PPT gave an overview of the of the business that the company was in. . Group Discussion GD topic was on Women Empowerment we need to discuss past and present scenerio in regards to corruption, current scenario as we as future prospective and also were asked to give recommendation. There was a panel of three members. I spoke early in GD and gave crystal clear points. Once GD got over every one was asked to conclude. What they were looking for: How focused one is, that means what is the flow of thought in the mind How clear & crisp the points are How effective is the communication ( It's not just about speaking fluent English, It's about making your point is a very precise & clear manner ) The panel member at times were asking candidates to hurry up ( while giving their points) so that they can judge how clear he/she is in his/her point of view. In any GD it's better not to make it a cluttered discussion. Out of GD only 7 students were shortlisted.

Recent Posts By Others 4. Personal Interview They started opening my FB account to check the clarity of my statements. About summer internship. Why you want to come in this field. Q1: What is the Profile that we are offering? Q2: Describe the profile? A3: (Listen to PPT carefully to tackle these kind of questions) Q4: What was your summer project? Q5: What role did you play in your project? Q6: What was your summer project in graduation? Q7: Are you willing to relocate? Q8: Some questions related to the place you belong. Q9: What are your strengths? Q10: Now they'll ask you to ask any question if you have? 5. Offer Letter We were given our offer letter by the GM- HR of company who was also one of the member in the panel. After 4 weeks Personal Interview 1 It was taken by the HR and the RM of Maharashtra in our college campus . It was a general HR round . The questions were like: 1. Tell me about yourself? 2. Why our company? 3. Tell me about your learning during internship? 4. Your strength and weakness? 5. What do you understand by the profile that we are offering. 6.They asked me about my location preference and why I want to go there . As I did my internship in a OIL & GAS company it helped me a lot during the interview . Most of the questions were related to it which I answered very well. The interview was more focused towards understanding my confidence level, ability to learn and my exposure other than studies. Along with the curriculum knowledge, they were trying to determine my mental ability and presence of mind by asking specific business related questions. As the nature of the job was almost B2C , the HR main focus was will I am able to work under targets , in a new region which involved field work. Personal Interview 2 (At Pune Head Office) The result came after 1 week and 4 students were shortlisted for the final round

Recent Posts By Others of the interview . We were asked to report During my interaction with the V.P , the questions were limited to: All Engineering CIVIL questions along with my strengths. After 2 days the results was declared and the placement team informed me about the good news. Really it was a wonderful experience to be a part of BIIB where I got exposure to showcase my strengths, got support to work out on my weaknesses, got lifetime friends to cherish forever and got to understand the importance of Discipline, Determination and Dedication in all aspects of my life, which is helping me a lot in enhancing my personality and to perform better in my professional life. Learnings: Know your areas of strength and always try to push the interview towards that area, never get drained out, and keep a smile on your face. Believe me it makes a difference. Believe in your ability, Don't rush behind companies for package, Be Patient, Learn and read thoroughly about the company you are applying for. Be thorough with the current affairs. I had a wonderful experience and was quite lucky to get my hand on one of the biggest brands. I am very grateful to BalaSir,my teachers, my colleagues in PAT , my friends and family. I wish all my colleagues ALL THE VERY BEST and hope they succeed in their endeavors. Regards, Sudipto Mukherjee BIIB (2009-2011) IB09-7048 A hearty Thanks to SBS.

Recent Posts By Others Ms. Suruchi Lakhwani I am MsSuruchi Lakhwani, Registration Number 15-1011 Roll No.-IB09-7246 Finance, Dual C, BIIB Everyone has some different capability & approach of tackling with situations. In today's era, what one needs is proper direction & focus towards that which we have got through Bala Sir's rigorous planning & efforts. As we had already learnt all those things during college time, we are now capable of handling all the situations with ease. Everyone came in SBS with the dream of getting placed in a company with good profile, brand name & good package as well. But getting all three was a bit challenge for everyone. For Finance students it was really tough to get core finance profile. My luck shined when I got placed in company D after so much of struggle. My campus experience is as follows:Company A was the first company for which all were allowed to appear irrespective of attendance and backlog criteria. I was also very excited to crack this company as my attendance was short. I was aware that if I could not make it out then I would not be allowed for first fifty companies to appear. I was very much excited as well as nervous with the fear of not getting placed in this. The process had in total 4 rounds which comprised of 1) Aptitude test in which sub sections were English, Logical Reasoning, Accounts & EXCEL test 2) VERSANT for communication skills-Basically it was related to voice simulation of UK & US English 3) Technical Interview. 4) HR Interview Total we had 110 strength in both finance duals. All appeared for first company. Aptitude test was just the basics of all 4 and also not that tough. Only 22 got qualified. In Versant we had to speak the same as the person other side of call was speaking. In that 17 got qualified. in Technical interview only 12 got qualified & finally after HR round 7 students got placed in which 2 were from BIIB & 5 were of BIMM. I had cleared all the rounds except the final HR interview. I was a bit upset as my attendance was short, hence could not appear for first 50 companies. After sometime the criteria for attendance got released and then a hope of fulfilling my dreams arose again. I got a chance to appear for Company B which was offering corporate finance profile with a good package. There was only 2 rounds i.e. GD & PI for the selection process.

Recent Posts By Others 1) GD round was really tough & totally finance based. The topic of GD for my group was totally finance based & was related to capital budgeting process of investing in a project. From both the duals only 70 students appeared for GD round and out of them only 12 got cleared in that round and I was one amongst them. The competition was really tough. 2) For final interview round, the questions were related to your CV only. Basically they grilled much on summer internship project which we had done. As I did my summer internship on working capital & term loan financing, I got quite good questions based on that. Only 2 students both from BIIB got selected. But again my luck was not with me at that time I could not qualify final interview round. This was the second failure for me. I really missed a good opportunity. Company C was really a dream company for everyone in finance which was offering a good profile with good package. The process had in total 4 rounds I.e. 2 GDs & 2 PIs. Only 60 students appeared for this process. 1) For first GD I got the topic Black. I spoke a lot & also cleared first round. After clearing that I appeared for another GD for which my topic my was Childhood marriage. I didn't qualify the second GD. 2) For technical interview only 12 were selected & finally for HR interview only 4 were there amongst whom only 1 was recruited. Suddenly my patience & hard work paid off When Company D visited the campus in first week of Jan. I found the criteria for appearing in the process a bit tough as they had mentioned some specific capital & debt market topics for knowledge purpose. I had in mind that the person who is having a really good knowledge of Capital & Debt Market can easily crack this process. It was out campus process. In the process there were only 3 rounds. First two rounds were JAM session and accounting test. In JAM session we had to speak for a minute on any topic of our choice. I spoke on positives & negatives of BLACK. After Just Minute (JAM) session we had Accounts basic test which comprised of 20 questions related to journal entries & accounting concepts. JAM and Accounts result came out after a week and 17 of us were selected for Personal Interview. The personal interview was totally based on capital & debt market knowledge as well as accounting entries related to purchase and sale of fixed instruments and other derivative products. I was confident in giving my answer. On 21st January 2011, I came to know that I was finally selected. This was my real victory for which I struggled a lot. Happiness did not have limits. Finally I got the company with core finance profile as well as the brand name. Finally my dear juniors I would like to say that do not lose your hope and do not get de-motivated. Have patience and work on your weak areas and be confident

Recent Posts By Others of your strengths. Every stage is a learning stage. Everyone in Balaji Society will be placed because Bala Sir and Our Placement Team will leave no stones unturned. Believe in your ability; do not go for companies just based on package. Study well about the company for which you are applying and please update yourself of the business environment and current affairs. I wish you all the very best. Best Regards, SuruchiLakhwani BIIB (2009-2011) IB09- 7246

Swaty Acharya I am Swaty Acharya Registration Number IB09 – 7247, Dual C, BIIB, Academic year 2009-11 Passed out in April 2011 My specialization is finance. I am finally placed in COMPANY XYZ. MY CAMPUS PLACEMENT EXPERIENCE: Before I share my campus placement experience, I must give my heartiest thanks to Bala Sir and the entire Placement Team which made my life easier by their constant guidance and support. I am placed with a leading IT company, one of the biggest brands in IT world. Firstly, I would like to say that overall the campus placement experience was very good though it was not easy. The campus placement experience was full of learning for me. With 90% plus attendance and an academic score of 60% throughout, I was eligible since the very first company visiting our campus. It was really a good feeling to be placed after facing a number of GD, PI's and all. All you need is to believe in your-self and have patience. It was November, placement season had just commenced but we being from Finance, were waiting for Finance Companies to come. The first company for Finance batch to visit our campus was DELOITTE on 1st November 2010, and I

Recent Posts By Others was very excited and wanted to get through it and it had 6 rounds and I cleared 3 of them but unfortunately I was out in 4th round. But I was did not lose hope because companies were lined up like TCS, HCL, Welspun, BOB, HDFC Bank, etc and I was confident enough to get through. However, I did not clear any of them because most of the companies had GD and I was not good at that. It was January and till then I was not placed all though I sat for around 15 companies. I was worried and started losing confidence as I could not get through the top brands during that period, we came to know that an IT company will be visiting our campus and the recruitment process had 3 rounds: 1. Written Test 2. GD 3. Technical Interview & Personal Interview The placement team had shared the details of the company and also specified about what is expected out of a candidate. It comprised of accounting concepts, bond market, CDS and derivatives. I was very excited and wanted to crack it. And the company offered one of the best profile for finance (Investment banking) . I had also appeared for HDFC Bank and cleared the written test and interview was scheduled on the day in which the IT Company's process was also scheduled. So, I was a bit worried as to how to appear for both the companies. However, our placement team organized it in such a way that I was able to appear for both the company's process. Written Test: The written test comprised of 20 questions and the questions were related to concepts of bonds, depreciation journal entries and few basic journal entries. Group Discussion: In GD they were just checking fluency and subject matter. I spoke twice and concluded the GD. It lasted for around 15 minutes. After a week, the results were out and around 18 of us were selected for final interview. 18th January was the day when the interview was scheduled and the interview was held in the Company. Interview: Following questions were asked:1. Describe about your self 2. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 3. Where do you want to see yourself 5 years down the line?

Recent Posts By Others 4. Area of interest in Finance 5. Key learning of the summer project 6. What is Credit Default Swaps, how it works, explain with an example and valuation of Credit default swaps. 7. How bonds are valued? 8. Explain the relationship between Bond price and interest rate. 9. Journal entries related to bonds and equities. 10. .Any preference for work location. Finally the interview got over and I was satisfied with my performance and was confident enough to clear it. After 4 days i.e., 22nd January 2011 the results were out and it was my day. 22nd Feb'2011 was the day when we got our offer letter & we were extremely happy because 12 of us were selected by the company. Placement season is a lifetime experience and we go through all emotions like competition with our best of friends, celebrations of selection for the first job, nervous breakdown before interview and before the result is announced, happy for friends selected and placed and sad for not getting selected in one more company, pressure of days passing by when practically you know the entire season is left and finally the feeling of accomplishment and empowerment with a heavy package in hand and a dream that here we enter the corporate world with those black suits and heavy pay packages to rock the world................. Suggestions for my juniors: Please read newspaper everyday i.e., the key to crack any GD. Do not bluff in GD. Just speak to the point and use examples to explain your point. Speaking all through the GD won't help much if it does not contain any matter. Give chance to others to speak. Be CONFIDENT & PATIENT and you can crack any company. My suggestion for all those who aspire to get placements, keep yourselves updated on the daily news and business news specially, know about yourself, your strengths and areas of interests, not only to get a job today but for a larger picture in life. And my suggestion for technical interview is that they should not lose the grip with what they have learnt in theory. Be prepared that the interviewer will ask the application part. Also the summer internship should be taken very seriously. It is the knowledge gained in the summer internship which really paves gives a initial glimpse of the corporate world ahead. Whether paid or unpaid the idea of summer internship is to gain the maximum knowledge with the motive of equipping yourself with the right skills to face the corporate challenges ahead in your life..

Recent Posts By Others I would like to convey my thanks to Sri Balaji Society for taking all efforts to bring hundreds of excellent companies in the campus for recruitment purpose. Wishing all the best to my juniors. I believe placements would be even better for years to come, as Sri Balaji Society & the students would work together for it. Thank You SwatyAcharya BIIB Dual C IB09-7247

Ms Trusha Kanani I am Ms Trusha Kanani, Registration Number IB 09 7221, BIIB (PGDM-C) Finance Academic year: 2009-11. I am finally placed in Company 5. Every student in his/her waits for this day to come…full of tension, worries, confusion and excitement. It's a matter of pleasure for me to share my experience with all those who are willing to get into the corporate world.....Well to start with…… It was 24th November, 2011. We were called in at around 6:30... There were approx. 100 students from all specializations who were aspiring to be a part of this company and had gone through its selection process. The selection process consisted of 3 rounds: 1. Group discussion 2. Technical Interview 3. HR Interview There was a brief introduction about the company in the auditorium. We were then divided into groups for Group Discussion. Each group consisted of 12 people. We had a lot of GD sessions beforehand and were quite comfortable with the current topics by then. The topic was quite a recent one related to finance “role of regulators in the financial market” and we were given 3 minutes to think on the topic. I wished to begin and lead the group but was jotting down points to discuss and in the meantime some other member started it off. I

Recent Posts By Others managed to be the second speaker…then I picked up well in the GD. The GD went smooth and dint turn into a fish market. I was able to put all my points effectively during the discussion and all were given a chance to speak. After 10 min, we were asked to conclude. Some of the team members concluded the topic. Overall it was good and even I felt confident after coming out of the room. After GD, we had to wait for the next round which was technical interview. We waited for all the groups to be done with the GD's. We were asked to be ready with all the documents. We were allocated to different interviewers. I was waiting for my turn…was a bit tensed. The candidate before me came out of the room and was describing about her interview. Then I went to the interviewer wished him good afternoon and stood there. He asked me to take my seat. I said thank you and sat on the chair. He asked for my resume... He asked me the very old usual and formal interview question "Tell Me About Urself".. I told about my name, where I was from, then where i studied, and then straight went to my Extra-Curricular Activities. Then he came to summer internship...and the whole interview then was dragged asking about my internship. I had a nice experience in my internship so was able to answer most of the questions effectively. Whatever i told him was with confidence. He was Ok with my responses and even explained wherever I was not able to answer. I showed a positive attitude. It was a nice experience and even the interviewer made me comfortable. I got to learn a lot from him. Being an IT company, He also asked me about technical knowledge that I have. I replied that I know the basics and showed a positive attitude for learning. He then asked me to ask him about anything i want. I asked what as a student of finance would be my role in the company initially. He explained about my role briefly. Then he said thank you and i stood up wished him and i came out... The whole process took around 25-30 minutes. I had a very good interview. Felt satisfied when i came outside…

Recent Posts By Others The next round was the HR interview. But there was elimination before that. So after the technical interview, we were waiting for the results and luckily I got selected. I was so happy that I cleared two major stages…and now was the time for HR round of interview. I had to keep up my spirits. I cooled down and was getting mentally prepared for the HR interview. Some of my colleagues did not make it through this round and were depressed but we should never lose hope, that's what I learnt. Luck plays a big role; I am not trying to tell you completely depend on luck. Finally it was my turn for the HR interview and the interviewer asked me some basic questions related to my education, family background and my flexibility to move to various places. I showed a positive response and was quite sure of getting into the company. I smiled and was confident enough to respond to her questions well. It was not that I was ready to blindly accept everything that she was telling but what I feel is that a person should not be too choosy in the initial years of his/her career. We were then waiting for the final results. It was a long tiring day. Finally, we were asked to be seated in a room at around 8.00 pm. The HR came to the room and gave a motivating speech. She said it was a tough time selecting students as all were equally competitive. Then she announced the results. She started with the Finance batch and to my surprise, first name she announced was mine and I just can't express in words my feeling at that particular moment and even there I was completely lost and dint know what to react. I was so happy to be a part of such a prestigious company. There were finally around 10 selected from all the specializations. Placement day is always one of the most memorable days in every person's life and so was mine. You need to know well about the company beforehand and develop a confidence within you. Be thourough with your fundamentals; it will always help. If you believe in yourself and have faith in will always win!!! Just smile…It costs nothing!!! So wishing ALL THE BEST to the aspiring ones….. Special thanks to Bala Sir and SBS family for all the support throughout!!! Regards, Trusha Kanani (M) 7259680650

Recent Posts By Others Vidushi Vidyarthi I am Vidushi Vidyarthi BIIB Registration number: IB09-7252 year: 2009-2011 passed on 26th april 2011 specialization-Finance I am presently working with ABX Corporation. Though ididnot get placement fron the college i am sharing my experience I got eligible for placements in november. It was a good experience in SBS. I sat for various companies, Every company has its own selection process like aptitude test, GD, and interview. During the initial companies I was not able to speak as I was afraid so as to what will happen Some GD topics were related to the specialization while some were abstract topics like: Chicken or the Eggs grass is greener on the other side. Globalisation Common wealth games scam Indian economy Ethics in business is just a passing fashion. During the earlier stages i could not get through GD itself.I found out the mistakes I overcame it. After that I was able to clear the GD then I went for the Interviews where the question were either related to HR or Finance like Tell me something about yourself Area of interest why do you want to join us. What is Finance. What is a Debt I gave the answers which i thought was appropriate but could not get through. Seeing all my friends getting placed everyday I was really very tensed as to what will happen. I tried my level best but could not get through the companies. I worked upon my weaknesses but success did not come to me. I waited in Pune till May sat for all the companies Waiting till May I came back to my home with sad mind where i prepared for Public sector like banks and other organisations.I appeared for the exams. At that time I was able to crack all the exams which I gave and as a result of it i

Recent Posts By Others am presently working with my dream sector and my dream job. As I got a job from off campus so I would share that experience…… After coming from pune as I prepared for the competitive exams my exam was on 24th july, 18th September 2011, and 4th December 2011. The questions were related to quantitative aptitude, general knowledge and specialization subject (finance)..the result for all the exams came one by one and I got very happy after seeing my results…. By the time i could appear for the interview I got another result of the exam held on 4th December 2011…. The result came on 21st december 2011 in which 150 candidates were shortlisted for the interview for 50 posts…. I was called for the interview on 7th January 2012 in Mumbai…. The interview process comprised of GD and interview…. The topic of the GD was “Is foreign investment necessary for the growth of India” . The group comprised of 14 members. At the first I thought its going to be a fish market but it did not happens all the group members were very cooperative and everyone was given a chance to speak. Every group member gave their own viewpoint and the GD ended at a positive note…… After the GD there was a group task where the group members had to set the priorities which are required for the growth of India like…. Education Foreign exchange Infrastructure Employment…. Etc Every group member had their own views which were put forward and it led to a conclusion that which sector is the most prioritized area….. The GD went on for 1 hour….. the time ran very fast and the GD came to an end…. Then was a lunch break…. The interview was to start at 3:30 pm…… I was the 7th candidate to go in for the interview. When I entered the room there were four panel members for the interview….. I wish them good afternoon and had a seat… The panel members were going through my resume and started asking questions…… 1. Tell me something about yourself 2. What were the subjects you studied in MBA 3.Which was your favourite subject 4. What is NPV and IRR 5. Reasons for depreciating Indian currency against dollars 6. Difference between ULIP and insurance I gave the best possible answers and tried to convince the panel members…… The interview continued for 15mins.... I came out of the interview room to a table where the documents were being checked…

Recent Posts By Others My documents were also checked and was sent home saying that the results will come after 1 week… from that time onwards till the result came there were butterflies flying in my stomach…. After 1 week I was daily checking whether the result is out or not…. It was on 20th January 2012 the result was out…. With fingers crossed I opened the website to check my results…. With my name on the list I was on cloud9 to see me getting a job in central government. At the first instance it was difficult for me believe it…. Controlling my happiness I informed it to my parents who were equally happy on getting the news….. After the months of tough times this job came to me as a blessing. This being my dream sector and my dream job I could not afford to lose it… It would say that I got this job because of my patience and hardwork…. Problems are opportunities so make full use of them. - Never fake in Interview, if you don't know anything, be true and commit yourself, don't even dare to bluff. - Keep your concepts very clear and always believe in yourself. Have patience and work hard as hard work and sincere work never go unrewarded….. Juniors have faith in yourself as you yourself is the best…. Its not that if you are not getting through the company you lose hope one should not stop working hard. Have confidence on yourself and your capabilities and some or the other day success will be yours. All the best and have a successful career…. Enjoy the life….. Regards VidushiVidyarthi

Recent Posts By Others Viraj Mohan Dangre I am Viraj Mohan Dangre BIIB Registration number: IB09-7253 year: 2009-2011 passed on 26th april 2011 specialization-Finance I am presently working with Company A. Every year thousands of students jump for this dignified degree called MBA .I think it won't be surprising to say that this is not only the overall grooming which is aspired out of this course by everyone but also a good package ,I think the later one is the primary focus rather than anything else. THE WORD “PLACEMENT� IS THE MOST AWAITED MOMENT OF OUR LIVES. YOUR YEARS OF KNOWLEDGE , SACRIFICE AND DREAMS COME TO LIFE, WHEN YOU ENTER THE ARENA OF PLACEMENT SEASON.I AM NO EXCEPTION EITHER Sorry for sharing my experience so late. I still remember the campus days which were very gruelsome and yet very learning for me. It is said that initially when the campus placements starts everyone is filled with excitement and enthusiasm, but as the days passes by it turns into anxiety and when months pass by it becomes a dark cloud which looms around oneself. I was placed with the company in the month of November. It was the second company for finance and was my first company. I was eligible for the placements from the very first day. The company came for all the four colleges therefore the competition was very tough. The company completed its process in two rounds. Initially we had to register online with the company. The first round was an aptitude round where the questions were related to quants, reasoning, and English In the evening I went for company briefing. I came to know that I am shortlisted for the company and the company is visiting campus very next day morning 8:00AM. This is Second Company for Finance. From all the four colleges only 109 students are shortlisted from the company side. I have no idea how to proceed.

Recent Posts By Others After completing all the formalities, I reached campus at 8 AM. It was Aptitude, though began little late everybody was well prepared for the same. The Aptitude is online and consist of 36 questions with one correct each. Negative marking is also there. As soon as I started the test, it's full of Permutation and Combination. I thought it was a difficult and I became nervous.. Finally I took a deep Breath, remembered the Golden Words of Bala Sir “Problems are opportunities..” and started the paper. I attempted around 30 problems and time got up. After coming out of the Examination Hall, when we all friends meet, everybody told me that they were even unable to read 24 questions, how am I able to do 30 questions. Again I am confused a bit, waited for results. I came out after giving the aptitude round and the result was to be declared on the same day so I came out with butterflies flying in my stomach. After half an hour break, the HR from the company started announcing results, they told us that from a crowd of 109 students only 11 students cleared the paper. They showed concern whether we find this test as out of context or is it really difficult. The list started with my name from Finance, Bala Sir's Mantra really worked for me. Now the HR announced that they want to talk to all the selected candidates, rest all can leave. HR Congratulated all of us. They told us that due to unavailability of Technical team, interview will be conducted later. They gave us two dates one before Diwali and One after Diwali (7th Nov), everybody opted for 7th Nov. The interview was to be held after 5 days. During these five days I brushed up all my lessons and had a look on the company. On the D-day I prayed to my god and took the best wishes of my parents I went for the interview. I was the last person to be interviewed amongst all the 8 candidates. This made me more impatient as to what will happen. Then came my number I went inside the room where the HR was sitting. Wishing her Good afternoon I took my seat. She started asking me questions like: Tell me something about yourself? What is corporate governance? Difference between cash flow statement and fund flow statement Foreign exchange hedging Ratios Question related to depreciation…. Depreciation is a profit or loss.

Recent Posts By Others The interview lasted for 45mins. I was asked to wait outside which increased my tension. The HR came out after half an hour with results in her hand. 5 out of 8 candidates were selected among which I was the there. The result relieved me and I came out of the office with flying colours. I was so happy I called everyone then and there itself. Now the success was mine. I thank my god, my parents for supporting me every now and then and my college Sometimes when something really special happens in your life, you tend to remember the day without putting a reminder in the calendar for it. This was one of those very special moments in my life was when I got the key to enter the door of corporate life. I suggest to juniors to keep on reading as it is the only key to success. On the D-day go for the process with a new mind and with a smile on your face. Keep a positive attitude while going for the process. Two things helped me achieved what I am today – My will and Confidence. Confidence is the success Mantra to achieve success.People who are taking interview are much more knowledgeable that you.ofourse they are not here to compare you with them but they are there to judge you on your attitude and confidence.No matter how many wrong answers you give for a particular question but if you give confidently that's shows your attitude towards problem solving and yes you may also tell that I am not aware of the answer which nis also not negative.this is your positive and frank reply to them. One more advice to you Juniors as Please start reading News Papers As we know what we have missed when BALA sir ask us to read questions.My Personal suggestion is that Current knowledge is very necessary for G.D .Also be prepared about Abstract once as we don't know they can even HOP in between. All the Best for your Future. Always prepare yourself with open-mind. - Be prepared for all your curriculum subjects. - Keep your attendance level atleast more than 90%. - Never fake in Interview, if you don't know anything commit yourself, don't even dare to bluff. - Keep your concepts very clear. I would like to thank Bala Sir and the CRT for their consistent efforts towards bringing such a great company to our campus. Regards, Viraj M Dangre IB09-7253

Recent Posts By Others Yamini Hingorani Hello everyone, this is Yamini Hingorani Roll No. IB09-7255 International Business Batch 2009-11 My Campus Placement Experience was quite unnatural, so to say... I had got a Pre-Placement Offer from Company A, Mumbai after I had finished with my Internship there. But as I did not want to settle in Mumbai, I had not given them the confirmation of my joining. Being an International Business student, I wanted a job in some International Business related Company and wanted to stay in Pune. Thus, there were not many choices for me and I was not sitting in Companies during Campus Placement. However, I sat in Company1, got through all the rounds of Written (which was not so difficult as was easier than Common Admission Test), English speaking & understanding of the various accents..but couldn't perform upto the mark in the interview round as I was sceptical and not very clear about the role they were offering. Thus was not selected in that company. I was sitting in International Business companies as well, whenever they were visiting, but they were either eliminating all International Business students or offering a very low package. As I was in Student Council, I was called one day along with others to help coordinate Companies. The first day we were supposed to co-ordinate, there were 3 companies on campus, including Company Y. I did not sit in the process, but was handling the Mess Committee. The Head HR, Sidhdhu Sir, talked to me during the lunch on the first day of the process. I told him about my interest in IB as being the main reason for not sitting in the process. He asked me whether or not I knew that they have an Imports department as well... But they were recruiting Service Managers for Operations so my interest still did not generate. As far as I knew, the original rounds included a Group Discussion on topics related to Retail aspects & the interview usually took from 20 minutes to 1 hour, as there was a sequence of questions of situations that might occur in retail & how the particular candidate would react to these situations. All this was due to the fact that this company is a leading Retail Outlet in India.

Recent Posts By Others On the next day as well I was doing my work with the most diligence and few of us ended up talking to Sidhdhu Sir again while the results were being finalised. They declared the results, gave the briefing to the selected candidates and left for the day. After an hour or two, I got a call from the Placement Association Team that Sidhdhu Sir was really interested to take me onboard and thus were calling me for an interview to Mumbai on the next day. I took a lot of time to think but finally, I went to the interview, travelling all the way to Mumbai the next day. Some students from Indira College had also come there for interviews for the positions of Finance. I waited along with them. Mine was the last interview and also the longest. For half an hour Sir talked to me about my interests and hobbies. He talked about my photography & we had a long discussion about handling the Single Lens Reflex Cameras, as he too owned one. Then he asked me how and why I had finally decided to join them. I reverted the question back to him, asking him that I wanted to why he thought I was so suitable for the job that he called me for the interview. So, he started convincing me, telling me that my continuous smile while taking care of the Selection Committee while constantly on foot for both the days was the reason why he thought I was best suited the Retail Industry, rather than having to sit in front of a computer all day long. For the next half an hour he took the usual round of questions. These included ones like “What would I do if there was a pregnant lady including few others stuck in the elevator” , “What would I do with a load of vases that were not selling off in he speed acceptable by Retail”, “How will You react to the employee who has been performing best, has been meeting all the targets but is not coming on time to work”, etc. He had a set of answers to all these questions that he was expecting me to get right, & I did get almost all the answers he wanted except just two. And in the end, he told me that they would be waiting for my call in case I decide to join. As I was still inclined towards IB, I did not immediately respond to them as that would mean losing the chance to sit in IB companies when they came along. So I continued co-ordinating companies and waiting for a good one. I was also offered job in 2 more companies while I was co-ordinating, one of them telling me that they would create a profile for me in case I decided to join. I sat in another IB company, went through the GD round, where the topic was “Ethics v/s Politics in the Corporate Environment”. I tried the best I could but was not able to clear the GD. None of the IB students really seem to have been selected by the company anyways.

Recent Posts By Others But then the worst happened, with Company X cancelling the interview rounds after having shortlisted the candidates, my name being in the shortlist. They had come for selection for Pune office and being the top International Business Organisation in India (A vey well known MNC), joining them would have meant a dream come true. But due to the cancellation, I lost heart. Thus, out of desperation of not getting what I really wanted, I finally decided to join Company Y, called them up, signed the Offer Letter, got the Appointment Letter few days later and signed that as well. Thats the story of how I ended up with Company Y.

Yuvraj Singh Rathore I am Yuvraj Singh Rathore Registration No: IB10-8209 Balaji Institute of International Business (BIIB) Class Marketing-Marketing Dual B Batch 2010-12 Placement Experience Two years of hard work on the guidelines of our very own MANTRA 3D (Discipline, Dedication, and Determination) and the golden proverb “PROBLEMS are OPPORTUNITIES” fetched me an entry ticket to the Corporate World. I would like to thank Bala Sir for sowing a seed of confidence and always encouraging his student managers, Inamdar Sir for making us realise the importance of VALUES in life and the entire Placement team for their constant support. I have always been an average, regular and active student manager during these two years of PGDM. Average in studies, Regular in classes and Active in Class Presentations (specially Ramashastry Sir's PPTs) & Activities (Curriculum & Extra-Curricular). My journey of Placement started on 21st November 2011 after clearing my backlog exams and I got placed on 8th December 2012 i.e. on ZERO DAY of SRI BALAJI SOCIETY. It was an amazing feeling to achieve your placement on such a special day. The Company “A” was my tenth company for which I appeared. Placements for the society started in the month of September. Sitting idle and watching others getting placed somehow makes you

Recent Posts By Others feel bad, though they may be your colleagues, friends. But with every problem there are opportunities, during this period I used to prepare myself for GD Topics by going through internet and other sources and by regularly interacting with the placed students and obviously studying for the backlog examinations. The result of the same was that when I got eligible, out of the 9 companies for which I appeared, I made it to the personal interview round of 6. Lesson 1: Keep Backlogs out from the result and make best possible use of Time. The reason which I figured out for being not able to clear PIs for the 6 companies is because of custom made, perfect answers to the most obvious questions asked by the Interviewer or Panel, such answers are found on Internet and Guaranteed Placement Pass Books. Example: Why MBA? , Strength and Weaknesses? Etc. Lesson 2: Always give honest answers in the interview, it may not be the perfect answer but it will be the most genuine answer by you. Keep it SIMPLE and STRAIGHT. The D-Day i.e. 8th December 2011, there were two companies in the campus for the recruitment process. I missed the Pre Placement Talk of my COMAPANY i.e. COMPANY “A” and attended the Pre Placement Talk of COMPANY “B”, in which I made it to the PI round but because of getting results of COMPANY “A” first, I was finally placed into COMPANY “A”. The COMPANY “A” visited campus looking for Marketing Specialisation. The process started at around 10:30 AM in the SBS Society, with around 40-45 students from Marketing Specialisation. There were two rounds of COMPANY “A” for the recruitment process: 1.) Group Discussion 2.) Personal Interview GROUP DISCUSSION Before group discussion, the CVs are collected by the co-ordinating students and handed over to the Panel and then they make GD Groups. I was in 3rd Group and along with me there were 9 students, so the group was a total of 10 members. When I entered the GD Room there was a semicircular arrangement of chairs facing the Panel. The panel consisted of 4 members with one lady among them. All the group members wished them and I along with everyone

Recent Posts By Others took my chair as per my serial number. The rules of GD were simple; A topic will be given to us, we need to think over that topic for five minutes and then discuss for the next 15 minutes, so a total of 20 minutes of GD. The Topic given to my group was “WITH 40% OF PEOPLE STILL BELOW POVERTY LINE, WILL INDIA BE A SUPERPOWER�. I jotted down the points which were related to the schemes of government carried out to lift the people above poverty line. Then after 5 minutes GD started, I thought of going with the topic i.e. INDIA WILL BE A SUPERPOWER. My thought behind this support was to be positive with proper supporting facts and figures. So I contributed few good points but soon the GD became a FISH MARKET. One of the members interrupted the discussion and told us to stop the same. He said that it seems to be a tough topic, so he gave us another topic: LIVE IN RELATIONSHIPS. We were again given 5 minutes for thinking and 15 minutes for discussion. The GD started, I made my points on both the dimensions of the topic i.e. for and against. But again it was on the verge of becoming a fish market after 7-8 minutes. The panel interrupted and allowed us to speak either favouring the topic or against the topic, one by one. When everyone finished we were asked to leave the room. When the results were out, I made it to the interview round by clearing GD round. Lesson 3: Where you sit in the GD, whether you miss the chance to start or end the discussion et al, hardly matter because you are there for the whole time, and you can speak whenever you wish to. One thing which matters is the point and the contribution you bring to the discussion. Sometimes when no one is able to speak and you have points, make them out. Support &Disagree (Politely) with the members by adding your own points. Another important thing is that whenever we have a chance to conclude, we need to be specific rather being neutral. A total of 12-14 students made it to the interview round. My interview was scheduled in the last five. Before that I interacted with those students who have already given interviews. Then it was my turn finally, but before that I was ready with the feedback received from other students i.e. we were supposed to talk in Hindi. I entered the room, by seeking the permission from the panel. I stood by next to my chair and wished the panel members one by one, wishing the lady first and then other members. They told me to sit; I took my seat and thanked them.

Recent Posts By Others Lesson 4: If designation is not mentioned, greet the lady first in the panel and then other members. Don't take seat without permission. Always go through the website of the firm before appearing for the company. The interview started, (IN HINDI): PANEL: Tell us about yourself? TIP: Try to tell them things which are not mentioned in CV. (Prepare it well before placements). They are interested in brief of your journey of life which includes your family background, your upbringing, interests, achievements etc. PANEL: Why MBA after Engineering? TIP: Being an engineer, it was the most difficult question for me. I looked for this answer on internet, framed an awesome answer but it didn't worked in my past companies. So this time I told them the truth and the genuine answer which was actually the reason for pursuing MBA, which ultimately clicked. PANEL: So being an Engineer, now a MBA, how you are going to perform in our firm by selling our product, it doesn't suit you? TIP: Probably they wanted me to convince them, that I can do this job. I told them how my engineering and MBA will help me in excelling in the job role. PANEL: Everything you said is OK, but you deserve a GOOD AC OFFICE, and we are not providing you that, still you will be doing our job. I mean to say you can get through any good IT company with your CV? TIP: Stress Interview, checking my patience, BE PATIENT and STICK TO WHAT YOU STAND FOR or WHAT YOU HAVE SAID...CONFIDENTLY. PANEL: We are not convinced yet Mr. Rathore ! TIP: Add your strengths to convince them. PANEL: Any questions, you must have seen our PPT? TIP: I said NO Sir, may I know what actually will be my job role. (Always prepare a question to be asked) PANEL: Thank you Mr. Rathore, though we are not convinced yet but let us see, all the best see you soon.

Recent Posts By Others TIP: Stand up, thank them with a smile and leave the room. After the interview the results were announced and IT WAS VERY EXCITING For Me To Know That I Was One Of Those Selected Out Of The Five From The Society. I Made It On The Official Placement Day I.e. The Zero Day. With all this, I would like to say to all my juniors... “the Happiness Of Placement Lasts Till The Night Of Placement Party, But It's Better Than The Tension Of Not Being Placed. So Grab The Opportunity As Soon As Possible, Never Miss A Company Recruitment Process. All the Best

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