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Recent Posts By Others Satyajit Acharya I am Satyajit Acharya Registration No. TM 09-8240 BITM Dual "C" Telecom Batch 2009-11 My Campus Placement Experience To start with I have loads and loads of things to write about, but as directed won't be very sketchy about it. I will try my best to filter down the specific points that can be used by my juniors for their successful campus placement processes. 1. The sentiments The two most important thing by which I lived throughout the campus placement season was positive attitude and spirit to learn from lost chance. These were the two things that did wonders for me; it helped me not to panic and gave me strength to perform at right moment. Secondly it is very important to decide what is it that one wants? I will advise my dear juniors first be crystal clear of which sector you want to go and what work you want to do. Running in a herd will confuse you more. Be absolutely specific!!! For this you need to start doing homework from the start of third semester. You need to sit and boil down sectors that are there in your domain, companies that are there in that sector and finally which sector you see yourself progress more. Once this is done believe me life is easier. Read a lot especially not only the economic times, read everything. Economics Times is important but it doesn't give you lot of creative edge. For abstract/general topics which are 35% of the GD's you need to read lots of editorials of good newspapers and novels. Daily events happening and editorials give you the content to talk. Finding content is the most important part to crack GD's. 2. The Experience that you cherish Life started in SBS with the SBS-Hostel and I am sure one who has stayed in it for a year will acknowledge the fact that it was one of the best times spent during MBA. \The 9.30 bell, silent hours, rush to the room and run out to grab basketball. All was so scheduled and so much in place that we got time for everything.

Recent Posts By Others The cluster system I would say is a state of art strategy and all credit goes to our beloved Dean Bala Sir for this. It gives you such an immense exposure initially that you can feel that your thought process is changing with 12 different inputs and opinions. Continuous programmes like events, cultural, HR meets were a life changing experience as well. One thing that I will never forget being in SBS is BELONGING to the BITM CRT for the complete tenure of two placement season (Our senior's placement and our placement). Here I got opportunities that being a normal student I can only dream of. Be it organising, planning, preparing or execution we were given the top priority in each and every thing. From NHRD meet to HR meet, from Students Council to Governing Body Meet everywhere it was us. Plus working in CRT surely helped in one thing in a big way – Ability to stretch ourselves to the extreme when it was necessary. It was the best experience to be a part of the CRT team in BITM. 3. Company Processes Since I was already a part of the CRT company processes were not new to me when it was time for my placements. In first years my CRT seniors use to guide me on how to present when a company comes to campus. It was since those days I started learning about Company Processes a year ahead than my batch mates. Once we got used to it, we use to take care of all arrangements and were closest to our seniors and their experiences out of a GD room or a PI room. One thing is very important: The way you present yourself, be it from the way you keep a glass on table to the colours you use in your presentation if everything is taken care of then nothing can go wrong. a.) GD Topic This can be divided into 3 main categories: 1. 2. 3.

Abstract topics Current Topics Social and Economic Topics

As already stated earlier reading is the key to success in GD's and also what you read. Just don't stick to Economic Times try to read variety it will give you content.

Recent Posts By Others And one most important thing which defeats every other thing in GD is wear a Gentle Smile always on your face, be subtle with it and half the battle is won. b.) Interview Questions & answers You must have heard of the term called “Driving Interviews�. Personally asking never do it unless you have a sound experience in the field in which the company functions. Always be simple, sober and truthful. Answer what you know expect what you don't know. Nobody expects a soul to know each and everything in life. Be prepared with the information that is available on company website. Few things a. b. c.

that are very important: Services or fields the company is into Past history and Revenue figures Products and Partners

All the above is available on company's website, be sure on these three topics you will always find a chance to impress in your interviews. c.) The offer letter I have seen people panicking about offer letters. Please don't do that. If your company is good one and it has promised you a job it will surely give you the offer letter, just be patient with it. You need to understand that a person who is taking out time from his corporate schedule doesn't come to do time-pass 99.99% of the times. Just remain calm enjoy your placement, all will be good. Biding Adieu That was a brief description about my total tenure of two years in SBS. Every day was a learning experience for me from day one to the last day. Want to relive every moment again and again and again. Last but not the least will like to thank my Alma mater for giving me an opportunity for dual placements and providing me a life changing experience.

Recent Posts By Others Saurabh Singhvi I am Saurabh Singhvi TM-09 8159 From Dual B (marketing & telecom) From BITM batch 2009-2011 Passed out on 16 April 2011 My specialization is in Marketing. Everyone has some different capability & approach of tackling with situations. In today's era, what one needs is proper direction & focus towards that which we have got through Bala Sir's rigorous planning & efforts. As we had already learnt all those things during college time, we are now capable of handling all the situations with ease. I was one amongst some 100+ people who sat for XYZ LTD Their eligibility criterion was 60% throughout our academic record, due to which all could not sit for this company. There was criterion like “engineers only�. During the ppt the company told us clearly about the profile (Sales Executive)and compensation to be offered (3 lacs + incentives). POP was MUMBAI. After the ppt all the eligible students from all the 4 colleges were divided into the groups for GD. Each group had 12 students. Round 1: GROUP-DISCUSSION In GDs it doesn't matter, which stance you are taking. The things which matter are how well you are listen (That will only happen when you enter into the discussion at right time* with a different point of view) & how crisply you put your point (As soon as it get stretched, you find everybody fighting & screaming & you are no longer being listen). *The Right Time: There is always a time when almost everybody in the group gets silent. It's a fraction of second &mind it, you just need to grab that moment. In interview there is no right answer of such questions (Excluding Factual questions). Every answer is right if you can defend it & it is accepted by the panelists. Its very important to be confident in whatever you say, develop good communication skills and last but not the least deliver your knowledge honestly, don't give up trying ,there is a company for everybody ,just believe GOD and yourself. Pointers were: Communication skills Knowledge about the topic Good explanation skills Body language

Recent Posts By Others My topic was: Colour -Televisions In the GD, I was neither the initiator but I did made 3 to 4 enteries,which is very important to make an impact on judges. They told me to conclude the GD which I did very precisely and touched upon all the important points. other factors that affects are: 1. make eye contact with everyone in the group. 2. Never interupt others while they are making a point. 3. Do not get over aggressive. 4. Be a good listener. 5. Be precise 6. If possible support your point with data or relevant example. 7. clarity and tone of voice The results of the GD were declared 5 minutes after the group came out of the room. To my delight, my name was shortlisted. Round 2: Personal Interview. It started with my self-introduction: I included: 1. who I am. 2. Where I am from. 3. Family members 4. what they do professionally. 5. myhobbie's and what interests me. Then panel consentrated on my specialization: * Why marketing ? * My answer: Marketing gives a dynamic persona,its very lively and forms an indispensable part of any organization.As most organizations are customer centric ,so I feel that marketing happens to be the most important function. How flexible was I with the job hours and location? * My answer: I said I was ready to be relocated in any part of the country and ready to work 24/7. * What do you know about our company? * My answer: I was asked to speak on what all I know about this company till the time they would ask me to stop .That was a good 5 minutes talk about the company.I had already done a bit of homework on its website and told everything I knew. * What did you do in your summer project? * My answer: I did research for ABC LTD and promotion of their product within

Recent Posts By Others OFFICE BUILDING SEGMENT. We also submiited a report on how to increase sales and the barriers that are present in the market. * Why should we hire you?If your friend is equally competent like you then on what backgrounds should we differentiate you? * I told them about my qualities like determination,commitment towards my work,zeal to excel and passion towards growth.I said that if my friend has the same capabilities to excel then they should look over the need of the student like if Im studying on loan and I have more responsibilities over me,so I deserve better chance than other. * Why our company? * My answer: I said that it's a big brand to work with,which will not only give me a excellent start but a great future.I look forward to be an integral part of this esteemed organization. They asked to do SWOT of ours and fortunately I had done my SWOT during the classes. They asked many other things like financial integrity, Social integrity etc. Anyways, at around 3 PM, I came out of the interview room and behind me the interviewers. They selected 8 students out of 21. I went to the flat with the anger because, after a process of more than 20 hrs, they were not able to announce the final results. Finally I got a call after 12 days from PAT that I am placed. my dear juniors I would like to say that do not lose your hope and do not get de-motivated. Have patience and work on your weak areas and be confident of your strengths. Every stage is a learning stage. Everyone in Balaji Society will be placed because Bala Sir and Our Placement Team will leave no stones unturned. Believe in your ability; do not go for companies just based on package. Study well about the company for which you are applying and please update yourself of the business environment and current affairs. Last but not the least, I am very grateful to Bala Sir for encouraging us at each stage by saying that “PROBLEMS ARE OPPORTUNITIES “. I wish all my friends all the very best Regards SaurabhSinghvi BITM , PUNE

Recent Posts By Others Savita Singh Hi, This is Savita Singh Registration Number: TM-09-8289 Division: Dual D, BITM. Academic year: 2009-2011 My specialization is Telecom & IT I am placed in Company A, Working as a Presales Analyst. Starting with my Campus Placement experience, I appeared for approximately 4-5(I do not remember the exact number) companies for Telecom before coming here. Package was not much great. That time I chose this company because of my interest in OSS/BSS domain. My interview was conducted over phone. There were two rounds of Technical interview followed by HR round. There were 12 Student Managers for this round. First interview was taken by the AVP Presales and Sales manager-SEA. This was conducted on first week of December, 2010. This was pure Technical round plus some basic questions to judge the stability of the candidate. They asked many questions such as: 1) Difference between CDMA & GSM. 2) GPRS Architecture. 3) About WiMAX (including fullform,range,protocolsetc) 4) About Wi-Fi (including fullform,range,protocolsetc) 5) 2G, 3G, 4G network. 6) NGOSS/NGN 7) IMS 8) Which topic/technology u have recently read(My answer was MPLS,then they start shooting MPLS related question) 9) Etc. This interview last for 30 minutes. I did not answer one or two questions.5 get shortlisted. Pl Note: Below are some suggestions for my juniors. 1) Be confident about what you are saying.If you don't know simply say that this thing you don't know. People appreciate one who knows about oneself and who is sure about what he/she knows and what he/she does not know. 2) Be ready with one topic that you know everything about. This works as medicine to all your miseries. 3) Gain some 2G,2.5G,2.75G,3G,HSPDA,LTE,WiMAX,Wi-Fi,network's basic topology knowledge if you are appearing for an OSS/BSS or System Integrator Company.

Recent Posts By Others 4) A new technology Wi-Fi Offload is a very famous term now a days in Telecom Industry. So read about this. 5) They were judging basic knowledge of telecom not very much detail. So need not to worry. 6) Be calm, focused and relaxed for the whole selection process. The candidates should be well versed with the current issues of the world and also their field of Interest. They should not be over confident or boast about themselves. This can leave a bad impression on the Interview Panels. Second interview was taken by the Sales manager-SEA and HR. This was conducted in 3rd week of December, 2010. This was Technical round .On top of it they asked some basic questions. They asked many questions such as: 1) What is BSS/OSS. 2) GSM Architecture. 3) What is next generation network. 4) eTOM model 5) Some more technology related question which I don't remember now. 6) Some basic questions related to my CV such as hobbies, family background, what did you do after your Engineering when your joining get delayed etc. 7) Tell me about your Summer Internship Project? 8) What you have learnt in your MTNL training?What technologies they taught you.Give a brief about your key learnings during your MTNL training. This interview again last for about 30 minutes.2 gets shortlisted. Third interview was pure HR round and very formal one. This was conducted in 3rd week of December itself,2010. They asked some basic questions. o Introduce yourself o Why do you want to join our company? o What is your short term goal. o What is your long term goal. o Have you ever been to this location.(They were looking for candidates for Ahmedabad office). o As I mentioned Playing Cricket as my Hobby, HR started shooting many questions related to Cricket, Sachin, Dravid etc. Then salary part. They describe the salary structure that this will be your fixed part and this much will be your variable part. Also, described about working hours and working days in a week. No elimination after this round.

Recent Posts By Others They gave us early joining on 3rd January as Project Trainee(4 months).This four month was counted as my probation period. And after our exams I was given designation of Presales Analyst. I believe that package was not very much great. But the learning and the confidence in terms of OSS/BSS I have earned is much more than anything else. We usually die to get placed in a big company but the fact is if we really want to grow we should start from a small or medium size company. Learning and growth opportunities lie in small or mid size companies too. Juniors, If you want a long term growth join a small or medium size company. There is a huge amount of learning lies in such companies. Best of Luck. I thank Bala Sir for giving me an opportunity to share my placement experience. This was the wonderful experience that I had in Sri Balaji Society. Dawn was with curiousities and apprehensions, day was full of surprises and fun, and night with a tear on a pillow, that is to sum up the two years of SBS. From traditional day to convocation day, from Mahabharata series to HR meet, from Dilipbhaukitapri to SBS mess, all the moments that I spent in SBS has a given me an immense pleasure and added life time memories to my life. I enjoyed each and every moment, every festival, DJ parties ‌‌ We at our college are groomed and conditioned to be future Corporate Leaders. All the skill sets are either imbibed in us through the education system followed by our college or through circumstances around us. While writing this I completely went into into flashback. This was a pretty good experience. But due to this early joining I missed some good moments. I missed watching first smile on the faces of my other good friends when they get placed, I was not there with my best friend when He needs me the most during this tensed placement season. Anyways that is it from my side. I guess , I am done with the 1000 words . Will always miss those beautiful days of SBS. I wish all my friends all the very best and Proud to be a Balajian. Cheers, Savita Singh TM-09-8289. Telecom & IT (Dual D)

Recent Posts By Others Seema Dhaniya I am Seema Dhaniya Roll no -TM09-8160 Class - BITM (Dual-D) Specialization- Telecom & IT Batch-2009-2011 My Campus Placement Experience Campus Placements, undoubtedly the most important reason amongst all other reasons for joining this institute, this society. SBS helped us in many ways in preparing ourselves for the Campus Placement Season by conducting GD practice sessions in Auditorium under the Guidance of experienced faculty and Industry Experts from around the country. It broadened our mind set, helped us knowing the rules of the game and at the same time filled us with the confidence. More than anything I guess what the placement process teaches you that Life is not fair & that sometimes luck matters more than ability but never leave all the things on your luck & don't leave your preparations till the last second of your coming opportunity & never think in life “You can't do it. The placement season almost reached at the end & those who had not placed they were much tensed & the worst experience but for me experiencing it was a totally different experience. The difference was much more than I had imagined it to be. To be fair, I think I was well prepared for the placement process. I had decided that I wanted to get a technical job & so wouldn't apply to the sales job profile offered by the companies. Being in Telecom (PGDM) & ECE (B.Tech) helped me to take that decision. After not able to crack some companies, it was very frustrating but soon I began to realize that learning from own mistakes &self confidence are the two pillars that I would recommend to anyone. It helped me gain such valuable experience. I saw my confidence growing as well as improvements in my communication skills.There was a decent lag between the first and the second company. It gave us the chance to re evaluate ourselves. Personally speaking, this was the time when i found my feet. I began evaluating myself. From Sector to Profile, from Company to package, i started analyzing things. Its very important to introspect when you are confused. Once you understand yourself well, you know it, want you want. I am amongst those lot of people who have a

Recent Posts By Others fear for public speaking and i was a little tentative about the PIs too. The reason why i am discussing this is the fact that some of you reading this might also have the same fear, and believe me friends, its just a fear. The more you will try to be in your comfort zone ,the lesser you will come out of your fear. The best way to combat fear is... FACE it. Overall experience of my company process was very exciting. The first round was Aptitude Test there was 20 questions from different section. From the Aptitude round approximate 20 students out of 80 were able to make it to next round of technical interview. Before the technical interview I was bit nervous but once I entered into the room, I gave the confident smile to my interviewer and able to create a lighter mood in the room by our discussion. He asked me to “Introduce Yourself�. After introduction he asked me some technical questions. Some questions to the best of my memory I am able to remember are:a) SS7 network b) Call flow c) Etom model d) Business Process of a company(I explained here the Value Chain Model) I had answered some of the questions & relate some questions with what I know. I would recommend try to keep interview in your hands and give closed ended answers so that a little room left for the interviewer. Post the technical interview situation was really tense and no one was sure how many will be able to make up for the next round but five of us were selected for HR interview. I was very happy & nervous for the next round as I don't want to lose battle after being so close. It was always going to be tough for me in HR PI. But as mentioned, that day ,i was in a different frame of mind. I didnot let any negative thought come to me for the whole day. Friends, for positives to happen, you'v got to think positively. I always thought them to be copy-book statements, but now i believe these things as they paid off for me. In the HR interview, the following questions I can remember:a) Introduce Yourself b) Questions related to my internship experience. c) My Strength :- 1) My Politeness 2) My Persuasiveness 3) I take my personal responsibility what I do. d) Weakness: - My friend told me that my message typing speed is slow. e) Are you comfortable to work outside India?

Recent Posts By Others Yes, that will be a great opportunity for me to roam around the world. Then He told but it's very difficult to stay other countries, they have different culture, eating habits & living standard etc. I replied “but they are also Human Being like us” & “Every difficulty is an Opportunity”. Then they finally asked me if i had some querries. The PI went along very smoothly . They finally thanked me with a smile and told me that they are done. After waiting for 2 Long hrs, the Panel finally came out with the results. I was so damn happy to hear my name. It was an emotional moment as it gave me a sense of achieving something in Life, something my parents would alwaz be proud of !!! Finally, I would like to thank our Beloved Bala Sir, All faculty members and Supporting Staff. My thanks to Mrs. Dimple Saini ma'am and BITM PAT team who toiled really hard for us. When I got the offer letter it was the most memorable day of my life, my first company, even the dream company for others & the dream comes true for me. I kissed the offer letter & thanked to God. Thanks to my Parents, my Friends, my well wishers& the whole SBS family................................... :) If you think you'll lose, you're lost; For out in the world we find Success begins for the fellow's will; It's all in the state of mind. RISE & SHINE

Thanks & regards Seema Dhaniya

Recent Posts By Others Shailja Brijwal I am Shailja Brijwal Registration No:-TM 09 8049 Dual A, BITM Marketing 2009-11 To start with I would like to thank my stars to have me land at BITM . It's a wonderful place to be, to learn, to grow, to mature. Kudos to Bala sir for having built such a huge society, such institutes with great infrastructure, awesome faculty, running so successfully. Wouldn't want to jinx Thanks for those wonderful workshops arranged, Bam presentations and of course our daily dose of Mahabharata. Quoting Bryan Adams “ Those were the best days of my life� After graduating in Biotechnology I wanted to pursue MSc in biotechnology however after considering the fact that an MSc in Biotechnology will give me more hands-on experience but will teach me little of the business world. I thought of pursuing MBA in Biotechnology. But because it was a relatively new type of program in India I did not have enough options. Moreover all the big talk about so called upcoming Biotech Boom and its scope in India had faded with time so here I was a graduate in Biotechnology trying to figure out what I could do further and that is how I ended up dropping biotech from MBA-Biotech to just MBA. Landed here at Balaji and never looked back. As mentioned earlier, the best thing about BITM after Bala Sir of course is the faculty that visits our college more often than one could think. The best faculty from all over India visits BITM (infact all four institutes) and the knowledge sharing is immense. They shared their corporate experiences and taught a lot to each one of us. A big thanks to all the professors. Lastly I would like to appreciate the commendable efforts of our Placement Team who worked very hard and made our campus placement such a huge success. I am very glad to mention that over 250 companies visited our campus during our placement season. Kudos to all four PAT!!! As the Placement season approached only three basic criteria revolved in my head most of that time- Brand, Profile and Salary Package. I had no preference for any specific industry. It could be FMCG, Telecom VAS, Retail, or others as long as I was getting a satisfactory Brand, Profile and Package. Sat for a few and still could not get through GD round. I wondered what exactly did I do wrong because there was no feed back shared. Anxiety reached another level with every passing day and without actually knowing it I had

Recent Posts By Others started to compromise on the three basic criteria that I had in mind. I started to believe that one cannot get all three, somewhere down the line we do have to compromise/trade off. So I sat for this Company 1. ProcessRound 1- GD GD Topic- Why are Indian sportsmen good only in India? We were around 10 in a batch. I did not start the discussion. Even though I had a few relevant points in mind I preferred to jot those down and arrange them well. I was wrong. One must not wait. What happened was by the time I was ready a few of my relevant points were discussed by others however I somehow managed to give out some other points which probably left an impact on the assessors and so I was called for the next GD round. Round 2- Mega GD All the 35 short-listed from the previous round were made to sit together and were asked to give out one word that would represent our personality. Then we had a Mega GD round & our GD topic was- Can Indians do without “Jugaad�. This time I did not repeat my mistake. I put forward my point as I thought of it. Since we were 35 all together and with a majority of girls GD had started to sound like a fish market. There again I took a stand and tried to play a moderator which was later appreciated by the assessors. They told me that they saw me as an out going, go getter and an aggressive sales person. Round 3- Personal Interview My interview started very normally. I had The MD & CEO of the company sitting right across the table. It was my day that day and I was all confident. They asked me a few general questions likeFamily Background My hobbies & Interest My Qualification What do I think my profile in this company would demand? Would I like to meet people and party late? Result- I was selected It was a new company, no brand, an okay profile but better package for a fresher. Joined it in June. By June end we got a great news. We were being sacked because the company could no more pay our salary due to financial crisis. Suddenly we were back to square one. We were about 11 placed in this company. All of us came back to meet Bala Sir for guidance. Bala sir was as ever very supportive and encouraging. Sat for the next company at campus. But this time it was a good brand, good profile but yet again compromised on salary.

Recent Posts By Others First Round- Telephonic Round (General communication skill check) Second Round- Personal Interview with the VP International Head. Questions asked wereFamily Background My hobbies & Interest My Qualification What do you think about Mumbai life Can you adjust here What is marketing? Difference between Marketing & Sales? Why Sales? How to close a deal? How will you handle pressure if a client shouts on you? Like I was given a product X, and they asked me how I will market that product. What strategies I will use. Also the company asked me that I have to stay completely on the field. If I am ready for that or not. Third Round- Personal Interview with VP Domestic Head (Intro, Aim in Life and Some management/marketing Fundamentals) Result- I was finally selected. However this time the result was declared about two months later but trust me the wait was worth it Lessons LearntFirst- Placement will happen when it is your day. You just need to be patient for that day to come. After 5 companies I lost patience and landed in an unreliable, new company which ditched me within a month. Don't jeopardize your future by being hasty. Second- Never under-estimate your potential. Never compromise when it comes to selecting companies. Third- Go for a company that is well established. Go for the brand. Learning is best with learned professionals in a professional corporate environment and not with confused new comers in a new company. First gain some rich experience with professionals and then try new things in career.

Recent Posts By Others Ms. Shailja Samant I am Ms. Shailja Samant Registration Number: TM 09-8162. From Dual B Division of BITM. Academic year 2009-2011. My Specialization is Marketing with Telecom. “To understand the needs of the customer and create a product that would satisfy the needs of the customer”-If I were to describe my college-“SBS” in a line I think nothing better would describe it than these lines. As we look around today at our ecosystem as such the only element missing is someone to manage it People talk about words like the meltdown, the economic crisis it is only because of the mismanagement and the only savior is having a specialized force that would only focus on streamlining the resources. There is no better place to understand the integrities of this art of management but 'SBS' where 10 years ago a young entrepreneur, decided to give back to the society in a way that would have a long lasting impact. Like any novice not knowing what a b-school would have in store for her I headed towards an unforeseen journey-I am ShailjaSamant, Student Manager, Sri Balaji Institute of Telecom and Management. With Dreams come aspirations. And with aspiration comes Success. There were a lot of aspirations as our placement season started when we saw our college email id with the announcement of the First company in campus. We all knew that the moment we were waiting for you had finally arrived. It dawned on us that MBA life in the 2nd year was not going to be easy. It required a lot of preparation, awareness, alert and most important of them all, positive attitude. My placement process in SBS involved a very long wait. But as always the wait is always sweet for what it is worth. I sat for many companies (10 in all) before getting selected in my company. It was a long wait, which tested my patience, persistence, attitude and ultimately luck. Every time a colleague gets placed the reaction is two-fold. Happy for your friend with whom you shared your seat. And anxious about yourself as to when that feeling would come to us. Process: Most of the companies had a standard process of selection. It involved the main rounds of CV short listing, GD, Aptitude and Personal Interview. I think, for any candidate to appear at any interview. Preparation is of utmost importance along with the right mind frame. Knowing about the company, the job profile and requirements of the competencies for the profile helps in getting

Recent Posts By Others prepared. Browsing through the company website, knowing their latest press releases, their management structure and goals, mission and philosophy, helps you align your interest with that of the company. I do not think, every job is meant for everyone. Just like a person might want to get selected in every company, what is more important is to think from the recruiter point of view. Are the goals of the candidate in sync with the goals of the company, will be the company be benefitted, will the candidate will be a good fit for the role, are some of the questions one should be aware of. It took me months to understand and master the technique of recognizing the right role and being able to appear for the company where I finally got selected. After 4 months of rejections of not being able to crack my recruitment process in the above mentioned companies, time was running out. A feeling of desperation along with frustration sets in. But despite all those negative feelings, it is very important to stay focused and not deviate with your aim in life. It was 15th February, when I received the process intimation for “The Company”. Like any other company process, we accepted the process and sent our confirmation. Though it was another day, little did I know that this day, this process and this company would be first step towards building my corporate career. The Preparation: I prepared for the process by going thru their company website. Knowing their mission and vision statements, learning about the various functions and processes they have. The Client base they cater to. Assimilating this vast information was tough, but it does help to be acquainted with the company before you go for the process. I tried to prepare a few questions which I might be able to ask the HR. Finally like all the other times. I made myself mentally strong and hoped this would be my last attempt to get placed. The “The Company” Process: We had a presentation By the company, where they spoke at length about the company and the kind of profile they are looking to offer. They had profiles like forex, Insurance, Corporate travel and Individual travel. Being a travel and tourism company, they required marketing graduates to take care of the marketing and also operational wings of these departments. The position they were offering was that of a Management Trainee. They also announced the selection process. There was a round of GD followed by aptitude test and Personal Interview. GD Round: The group included 10 students and there were 2 moderators. I assumed emphasis would be given on both the content and your body language. The topic given to us was,

Recent Posts By Others “The Dragon-What is symbolizes� Although the topic was Abstract, Many students linked it to economics and Country demographics. Slowly the abstract content came up. I spoke a couple of times and said some points like, 1) How it symbolizes Power, Strength and good luck. 2) Certain traits of an individual like, evil, fear and aggressiveness, etc. 3) I also spoke of the traditional aspect it is with respect to the Republic of China. Points to remember: Do not try to be too aggressive, at the same time, make sure you are able to speak at least 2-3 times. Look at each student when speaking. Acknowledge others point of view and use power words like, excellent perception, I strongly agree, etc. Be ready with a summary, if asked. And make sure to cover all the points without being judgmental or prejudiced towards the topic. The size of the group was 10-12. Aptitude Test: The aptitude test was a basic test, the structure of which included sections in mathematics, Reasoning, General Awareness and Language. The questions where of medium difficulty and they announced the results immediately. This was the time, when I realized reading those newspaper and economic tests does come in useful. PI Round: The round of Interview was with the Head HR and was a more comprehensive interview. Some of the questions they asked where as follows: 1) Introduce yourself: Ans) Preparing for this question always helps. It is good to be confident in the first question at the same time knowing what to speak in that short time to present yourself to the interviewer. I had a structured introduction which included my Location, family, educational Background, Strengths, Hobbies, Interests and Motto. 2) What are your weaknesses: Ans) I answered by admitting, we all have weaknesses. It is not a question of denying the those weaknesses. Rather it is important to acknowledge them and work towards it. I told them about my weakness and how I am working towards improving on it.

Recent Posts By Others 3) Why “The Company” and what do you know about the Company? Ans) I answered by telling why I was interested in the company. Its presence across the world and it being one of the oldest travel and Tourism Company operational today. Another fact that fascinated me was that though it was a travel company, it had ample opportunities for a marketing student and there were many function in which we could have attempted to begin a career with. I also spoke of the functions “The Company” had recollecting from their presentation and the various function in the company. 4) Tell me something about your Family. Ans) I answered by telling about my Father, Mother and Brother. Their Profession, where they stay. There were further questions asked about my Father posting in the Air force. 5) Why should we select you over the other Candidate? Ans) I answered this by saying, “Every candidate is here because they have something good in them. I would like to be selected on my own merits rather than in comparison with other candidates.” 6) Further to which they asked me, what merits do you have that we should select you? Ans) I replied by talking of my strengths in detail. I spoke of traits such as confidence, Positive attitude, Leadership skills, etc. In my preparation I had remembered instances in my life, where I exhibited such skills and trait. 7) Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line? Ans) I said, I would like to see myself having a middle level, decision making managerial role in your organization. I would like to have more responsibilities and authority to do justice to my role. 8) Finally they asked if I had any questions for them. Ans. I asked them about their marketing strategy in India and how they think advertising and creating brand awareness plays an important role in their success. Finally the results were declared and it was a moment of exhilaration when one among those names happened to mine. It was a moment I have been waiting for since I joined a post graduate course and after many attempts and failures I could finally call myself employed. They offered us a Management Trainee role. The wait was over.

Recent Posts By Others Sharad Jain I am Mr. Sharad Jain Registration number 11-1014, Roll No. TM109340, From TELECOM - A, BITM Batch: 2010-12. I got placed in my First Company. I sat for the Campus Placement first time on 16th November, 2011. I waited for the same Company for a long time. There were around 65 students whom Company shortlisted from BITM. Company conducted 2 round of Interviews as the Selection Process and for some students number was 3 also. The first round was somewhat technical and second round was of HR Interview. I think those who cleared the first round , maximum of them cleared second round too. There were 6 panels for conducting Interviews and I was the last one in my Panel. I went inside the room along with my Project Report and CV. I was feeling tired as my turn came at around 4 p.m. but I was full of enthusiasm and determined to crack the Interview. My first Interview lasted for around 1 hour starting from the Question 1. Why our Company? A. It is my dream company and I waited for the same for 1 year as I also did not sit for the 2 earlier companies that came recently and that too they were also big brands. You Products and Services are much admired one by the world, who can miss the opportunity to join your company sir. I know my seniors in your Company and they told me that Employee satisfaction is much high in your company. You allow doing various Certifications during your Training period that is another Value Addition. 2. Tell me about yourself. A. I briefly introduced myself, family, my academics background, hobbies, etc. 3. Tell something about Placements work you do in CRT? 4. Do you have a student Council? A. I said 'no'. Then he asked about the reason. I explained. 5. If there would have been a Student Council, then where do you see yourself in the Council & why? 6. Where did you do your Intern and describe the topic briefly. 7. What does it mean “Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the PGDM (Telecom) course of BITM “as written on the Project Report? Explained 8. Then they asked around 5 questions from my Project Report on MCommerce and I was able to answer all of them. 2 times they asked about the justification of my 'Project Title' according to my whole Report.

Recent Posts By Others 9. Tell me about your 2 weaknesses and how did you overcome them. 10. Describe the Job Description we shared with you, i.e. the work you are going to do with us. -I already read & understood the work role in detail before coming and I explaine the same to them. The Job Role was of Consulting. They got somewhat impressed from the same. Then they started with the Technical Questions: 1. Tell me something about the Telecom Industry. A. I explained and gave them the data about the subscriber Base, teledensity, downfall of Minutes of Usage from a peak of 465 minutes in 2007 to 369 minutes at the end of 2010, a decline of more than 20% per connection per month etc..profit margins of operators have come down, NTP 2011. 2. What do you understand by OSS and BSS in simple Language? 3. Have you seen any BSS/OSS Software? I said 'No' 4. What do you know about COTS Software? Have you seen any COTS Software Product A. I knew the full form as Commercial-off-the-shelf software products that are readily available for purchase in commercial Market. I did not know about any Example. 5. What is NGOSS? A. I replied with the Full form as 'New Generation Operations Systems and Software. It is the Business Solution Framework for next generation OSS/BSS. But I was not able to explain in detail which they asked for. 6. Any Business Process Framework you know? A. I explained about eTOM Framework and especially in detail about the Horizontal Layers which they asked but I was not able to explain them practically. 7. What is CDR in Billing? A. CDRs are Call Detail Records which have the full detail of a single Call along with the Unique ID. I explained all its attributes like called party,calling party, date & time of call etc. 8. Explain the whole Process of Billing including Usage of Mediation? 9. If I am a customer and you are a company, I have come to you to buy a SIM Card, what are the processes you are going to perform for making me a valid customer other than form filling? I explained but my answer was not much satisfactory. He wanted me to explain in detail about HLR registration etc. Last question was : Explain your Learning Curve and prove it. I said it went down somewhere during my graduation but now it is going up

Recent Posts By Others slowly and it will continue to rise. It can be proved by seeing the differences b/w my 10th ,12th ,UG and PG %. At last, they stood and said 'it was nice meeting you' but still it was a confusing statement for me whether they have selected me or rejected. Finally, I was called for HR Interview and asked for preferred location and welcomed as an 'Associate Consultant.' That moment was so exciting and unbelievable and I was so happy that I wanted to only laugh. I gave this Placement as a Gift to my parents on their 25th Marriage Anniversary. Thank You All.. :-)

Shashank Shah Name: - Shashank Shah Registration Number.: -TM-09-8242 Division:- C from BITM Academic year: -2009-11 I am sharing my campus placement experience with you. The company came in the month of March '11, we were very few students left, as many of my friends were already placed in the companies. We were “many” in November, when the placements started and now were “very few” in the month of March. But strength & believe were high, just because of the positive thoughts of Bala sir & our PAT team. We were intimated a day prior to the company arrival, so that we can go through its website. We were all sitting on the third floor of BITM building, when the “fantastic four” came. There were four moderators in the panel. They briefed us about the company, explained the job profile, answered many of our questions. The process consisted of : 1. GD 2. Presentation 3. Personel interview We were separated in the group of 10 students for the GD round. The topic given to my group was “BUDGET 2011”, as it was very hot topic at that time. We were all very much aware of the topic( because Bala sir showed us the live telecast of the Budget in the Auditorium & after tis completion , we use to have a detailed discussion with him, this helped us a lot in grasping the key points of the Budget). We had a healthy discussion in the placement process and the moderators were looking quite impressed by our performance, when we were just getting up to leave the hall, one of the moderator said, “

Recent Posts By Others now the second topic of your discussion is BETTING SHOULD BE LEGALISED OR NOT”, we were all shocked as none of the earlier groups had two discussions. So we started the discussion again, many of us were boys and we had good knowledge regarding cricket, so we all jumped into the discussion but also maintained the dignity, it ended well. We were also cross questioned regarding our comments in the GD, and were asked to justify them more. After the results only two students from my group were selected. Total four students from the first round of GD was selected and we were asked to prepare a presentation on some topic and we have to present it in their office in Mumbai the day after our GD. The topics given to us were : 1. IPTV and its future. 2. Hospitality and its scope. My topic was “ Future of Broadband(internet)”. The day after our GD we took a cab and left for the process to Mumbai in early morning. We reached their office before the time mentioned, preparations were already done by them. We were asked to wait in the conference hall, after some time the moderators who came for the interview to our campus came to greet us. We talked about some general things for some time. After that we were asked to prepare for the presentations. Every one of us were excited for the presentations round as we use to give presentations almost twice a week in our classes, so the confidence level was at peak. Turn by turn we gave the presentations. Around 8 members were present from the company side to judge us. We were again questioned after our presentations. The questions include the technicalities regarding the topic, its present scenario and its scope in coming future according to us. All of us gave their best in the presentation round. All of us got selected for the next round. In the personel interview round we were asked many questions so as to test our attitude, personality, behavior, analytical skills etc , the following are the topics on which we were asked to write our comments : 1. Short term goals. 2. Long term goals. 3. The first thought which comes in our mind when we wake up. 4. Strengths. 5. Weakness. 6. Key factors in growth of our career life. We have to write the above questions on a piece of paper and later we discussed them in our interviews. They completely grilled us, asking about our comments on each of the topics. They wanted to check our thought process after every comment. After a hard 10 minutes wait, they declared that three of us are selected. I was very happy regarding my selection, as it came after a long wait, hard work, & continuous improvements on my mistakes. It is understood how important it is to be spontaneous and intense when you reply; because that 10-15 minutes encounter will fetch you the stairs to climb

Recent Posts By Others your dream cloud. However individual have their personal identity and If someone is unable to get into some specific round, it is not that he/she is not good enough, it is just that the compatibility factor doesn't get a perfect match between the job and the seeker. My suggestion One should have sound knowledge about the company and market dynamics. He/she should have knowledge of area he/she has specialised into; your internship and gaining the most of it in order to boost your practical knowledge; A person should have an attitude of learning; So, Would just like to say my juniors that subject knowledge is a very important part‌ &plz do listen to faculty seriously &plz be attentive in classes as you never know what will click where‌ Wishing them lots of best wishes & a great future ahead. One more thing, do not lose hope at any point of time at any situation of your life. Remember, a person becomes successful, if he believes in, whatever he is doing. Friends, I would like to share one more thing with all of you, I also use to read a book called THE SECRET by Rhonda Byrne. Initially you would find it a little boring but when you would start realizing and following the things written in that book, you would feel its importance. The book tries to explain the power of our thoughts, and how we can get whatever we want, by just focusing our thoughts on that thing. A movie is also made on this concept by the same name. I personally prefer movie over the book. So friends, this was my placement experience, I hope you got some meaningful insights from this. My heartiest wishes to all my juniors for their future. Regards, Shashank Shah, TM-09-8242

Recent Posts By Others Shefali Vats Hi I am Shefali Vats Registration Number is TM-09-8050 Class Division is Dual A BITM, Specialization is in Marketing & Finance, Academic Year 2009-2011, Placed on 15th December, 2011. Dear friends, Before I share my campus placement experience, I must give my heartiest thanks to Bala Sir and the entire Placement Team which made my life easier by their constant guidance and support. 1st Company Experience......... XYZ is the first company which visits the campus in the month of September. Experience with XYZ was good. In the first round......... they conducted Group Discussion wherein groups of 6 to 8 students were made and the topic was “Theoretical Knowledge or Practical Experience�. Altogether from BITM 120 students of marketing appeared for the GD round. Out of 120 the HR picked up just 5 students which were two less a number. Five students including myself appeared for the second round which was a general aptitude test. I was the lucky one among these 5 students; I got to see various faces from all the friends around me. Aptitude Test was conducted to have a better understanding of the candidate and his/her response to multiple situations. It more or less gives a complete picture of the candidate thereby helping the HR Team to match the characteristics of the candidate with their requirement. Post the Aptitude Test, we also got an opportunity to interact with the HR panel. I was being asked very general questions like Why should we select you, Where do you see yourself after 5 years down the line.. I could clear the HR round and finally i won half the game.IT WAS MY DAY . I didn't know that it's not easy as it looks like. Finally the D day came and we were a group of 28 students who sat for the final round with the Head of the Organization.

Recent Posts By Others That wasn't my day and I was among those 6 students who were not selected and came back. I learnt many things from this experience. I was disheartened though but my family and friends were a great support. Second Company Experience.................. Then I appeared for another company. The First Round........ This round was Group Discussion wherein a topic related to sports was given, so I didn't take the initiative to start as 'sports' is not my cup of tea, but I had the confidence to speak about any topic thrown at me. So I got through the first round of Gd. The Second Round......... It was with the HR. It was a FMCG company . I could not clear the HR round and was out from this round. After appearing for 2-3 companies, clearing few rounds and sometimes not even one made me feel a little low and then I appeared for a couple of more companies where in I failed to clear the Gd round which to an extent had lowered my self-confidence and I couldn't see anything positive happening around. Finally my lucky day came. I was so skeptical about giving my CV for ABC Co because I got many suggestions about the profile and package. But I always knew that it's a most respectable Brand and it's my first job , so I should be more keen about the Brand and its value in market. It's very true that when it's your lucky day things just fall in place for you effortlessly, it so happens that we tend to give our best shot in the companies we get selected and probably that's the reason we are selected. Last Company Experience...... My Selection day........ First had to be group discussion which is also elimination round. Groups of 10 to 12 students were made. Topic was related to Hobbies and their importance in our life. Second Round........It was HR round and everything happened very smoothly. Q1. Why they should select me?

Recent Posts By Others Ans.I said am an engineer with MBA degree and since it's a telecommunication company , I told them that my engineering know ledged will be used. Q2. Why this company (ABC.)? Ans. This question is to be well prepared beforehand leaving no scope for ambiguity. Q3. If I had to work in shift? Ans. I told them that it's my first job, for me my work is more important as of now rather than shift timings, offs, travel etc. After the Final Interview Round We were around 20 students selected and i was among them. The Offer Letter was given after keeping us wait for a day as they were scrutinizing our CV's. Everything happened so fast that I was being asked to join after 5 days only. I was sad initially as I will be missing few last days of college life but on the other hand I thought about the experience i will gain before my other friends and obviously about the bank Balance. Placement season is a lifetime experience and we go through all emotions like competition with our best of friends, celebrations of selection for the first job, nervous breakdown before interview and before the result is announced, happy for friends selected and placed and sad for not getting selected in one more company, pressure of days passing by when practically you know the entire season is left and finally the feeling of accomplishment and empowerment with a heavy package in hand and a dream that here we enter the corporate world with those black suits and heavy pay packages to rock the world......... Now I am in Pune and working for ABC Ltd as a Customer Relationship Trainee and our customers include all the big companies like Google, Bank of America, NTT and many more. I have even completed 15 months now in the corporate world and am happy. Keep few things in mind, prioritize your preference, viz., Sector, brand, profile, package, place of posting. Placement is very easy to get but what you want is difficult to identify when you are in college. So walk ahead of your group, enjoy this time to the fullest.

Recent Posts By Others Shikha Dixit Hello everyone, My name is Shikha Dixit, Roll no. TM09-8014 BITM Dual A Marketing & Finance 2009-11 Presently I am working in Company XYZ as a Sales Executive. And now I want to share my campus placement experience with you all. Around 150-170 companies visited our campus. And i got placed on 20th April. The experience I gained from it gave me so many lessons which helped me for my future career perspective as well. During the placement season I got to know too many things about The Corporate world. I got to know about my knowledge, practical approach towards corporate world. Initially the college made me ready for the corporate world and afterwards also provided me with a platform by calling so much companies to our campus. And now I am implementing all the ethics and learning I gained from the college in my work. The major reason of joining SBS was to fulfill my dream of having a good corporate career and I am thankful to all the faculties who made me learn how to build a career in marketing and Bala sir along with our placement department who gave us such a big access to sit in so many companies by calling them into the campus. I still remember the day when Bala Sir called the whole 2009-11 Marketing batch in auditorium and he declared the date when the first company will be visiting our campus on 21st September. From that day I started preparing to get through in that company only .That day made all of us to realize our dreams and to start preparing for achieving those dreams. First round for most of the companies was the group discussion round. I could not get through the first GD which I gave for the first company which visited my campus. Though it was painful but it was not the time to get disheartened because there were so many good companies lined up to visit our campus. So I started preparing for GD and not to leave any stone unturned. Then gradually understood the importance of Group Discussion with experience. I got to know that to get through any GD, the most important part is to speak relevant and thoughtful. Whatever you say must add new subject to the GD. Through this I cleared GD round of so many good companies, but ironically cudn't get through the last rounds. It is very useful for every round of placement to know your weakness and to overcome them. I was a bit choosy about the companies because I wanted to go for typical marketing job profile or the profile which suites me the most. I also had a good academic background so I got shortlisted

Recent Posts By Others for most of the good companies, but didn't get through all the rounds in those companies. It was also a learning period and gave all of us a lifetime experience. We got to learn about too many companies and their business. It increased our level of knowledge and took it to a different level.It was also the time to learn from defeats and to take the rejections in a positive sense. I still remember from sitting in any company's process, I used to boost up myself that also made me realize about my strengths. Then gradually time passed and some people got selected and some were left to join the job. And 3rd semester exams also started. It was very difficult time to manage both the study and the placement. But still the companies were visiting our campus with a good pace. I got through the GD of various companies but unfortunately from HR round I wasn't through. But I always believed that some thing good is waiting. Sometimes I used to get depressed but I always remember the words of BALA Sir “Problems are Opportunities�. After January it was made compulsory to sit in each and every company's process. Tension was there because few of us were left for the selection. I was worried because very few companies were left. It was the worst time for all of us who were left for selection. But a million thanks to BALA Sir, He helped all of us. Till June companies visited the campus and he inspired us a lot. He always said you all are the last bullet and you all will soon get a good job and I believed in his words. There were very few companies who visited the campus in the month of march because it was the end of financial year. I finally got selected in April, the company visited our campus. And the first round was GD like all the other companies .There were around 12 people in my group and the topic was general. It was "differences between boys and girls". Around 5 of us cleared it and the next round was HR round. I cleared it as well. Most of the questions asked in it were associated with the analysis of our confidence level. After that there were two more interviews which were typically based on sales and marketing techniques. The questions asked in the interview were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Why this company? What do you know about this company? Knowledge about company's competitors? What is difference between sales and marketing? Where do you want to see yourself after 2 years down the line? Justify yourself as a brand.

Apart from this the questions asked in HR round were: 1. Tell me about yourself? 2. Why sales/marketing?

Recent Posts By Others 3. What are your strengths and weakness? 4. Give me one reason to select you. 5. What are your career objectives? 6. Why MBA? 7. Are you suitable for this company? And finally after getting through these rounds they said that they will announce the result after one week. During that one week I kept on giving the process of other companies. we were also having fourth semester exams at that time. And then I got to know that I got selected in that company. It was a time to enjoy. Finally I got the job after a long time. I made my way to the corporate world. I joined the company on 26th April immediately after the exams and till then I have been working there and gaining good experience there to make out my way to the long term corporate career. I would also like to share some GD topics which were very common and were asked in so many companies: 1. Reservation in India, its good or bad. 2. Indian economy. 3. Indian culture vs western culture. 4. 2G Scam. 5. India 2020 6. Cricket vs Football. 7. Private banks and their retail strategy. 8. Enterpreneurship 9. MBA, is it beneficial or not? 10. Indian education system. At last i would like to thank my family, friends and faculties,because due to their support i could manage to achieve all this. Best wishes to all !!!!

Thanks & Regards Shikha Dixit,

Recent Posts By Others Shilpa Gubrele Hello, I am Shilpa Gubrele Registration Number: TM-09-8243 Division: Dual C, BITM. Academic year: 2009-2011 My specialization was Telecom & IT. I was placed in Company A, leading OSS-BSS Vendor and now working as a Presales Analyst. My Campus Placement Experience: This company was my 8th company for which I attended the placement process. I chose this company because of my interest in OSS/BSS domain. The process followed by the company was: There were total 3 rounds of telephonic interviews.2 technical and 1 HR. All the rounds were basically technical in nature. By technical I mean, they were more focused upon the field they are in i.e. Telecom Data GSM, 3G, GPRS, LTE, WIMAX etc. There were 12 Student Managers for this round. First interview was taken by the AVP Presales and Sales manager. This was conducted on first week of December, 2010. This was pure Technical round plus some basic questions to judge the stability of the candidate. They asked many questions such as: Difference between CDMA & GSM. GPRS Architecture. About WiMAX (including fullform,range,protocolsetc) Which technology will last longer- WiMAX/LTE ETOM/TAM SID Where Mediation will be considered-In OSS or BSS Billing Process About Wi-Fi (including fullform,range,protocolsetc) 2G, 3G, 4G network. NGOSS/NGN IMS Which topic/technology u have recently read (My answer was MPLS, then they start shooting MPLS related question) Etc. They have asked questions related to OSS/BSS, Etom, SID, NGOSS, Telecom Networks, Call flows in them, Difference between them, what will be the future of telecom, which technology will survive. They have also given some Telecom cases. Second interview was taken by the Sales manager and HR. This was conducted

Recent Posts By Others in 3rd week of December, 2010. This was Technical round .On top of it they asked some basic questions. They asked many questions such as: 1) What is BSS/OSS. 2) GSM Architecture. 3) What is next generation network. 4) eTOM model 5) Some more technology related question which I don't remember now. 6) Some basic questions related to my CV such as hobbies, family background, what did you do after your Engineering when your joining get delayed etc. 7) Tell me about your Summer Internship Project? 8) What you have learnt in your MTNL training? What technologies they taught you. Give a brief about your key learning's during your MTNL training. This interview again last for about 30 minutes.2 gets shortlisted. This interview was of about 30 minutes. HR round was taken by a lady. It was a tuff Interview. She interviewed me for 45 mins with questions like: Tell me about yourself What is your strength/weakness? How you overcome weaknesses Career goal Interests Projects Why this company Why do you want to join our company? What is your short term goal What is your long term goal Have you ever been to this location Then the salary part. They describe the salary structure that this will be your fixed part and this much will be your variable part. Also, described about working hours and working days in a week. No elimination after this round. I answered all the questions and got selected for this company. They gave us early joining on 3rd January as Project Trainee (4 months).This four month was counted as my probation period. And after our exams I was given designation of Presales Analyst. My words for my juniors: There is always a confusion to prioritize among three things: Company, Package, and Profile. I suggest from my experience to look for profile first, then

Recent Posts By Others company and then the package. Sometimes, you can get all the three things in a single placement offer, but most of the times we have to choose/prioritize among these things. The initial years are for learning. Package can be increased at the later stage of career. You will only be happy in your work life when you enjoy doing what you are getting paid for even if it's less as compared to your peers. I was doing MBA in Telecom but at the same time I was interested in Technical background. I was confused at that time between my interest (ietechnical's) and Management jobs...I end up with both the things on my side in this profile. Right now I am into Presales pursuing both Technical + Management job responsibilities. I have to deal with clients and to explain them the technical OSS/BSS solution that I designed for their proposal. So, I just wanted to suggest, you have to figure out what you are good at and what type of profile you want to be at. This was the strongest thing with me that I was very much clear about what I wanted. Today, I see my batch mates unhappy with their jobs when it has been just 7-8 months. I know many who are looking for a switch. I don't intend to leave my job and I am very much satisfied with my job. Set your priorities right and decide where you want to be. Leave no stones unturned to reach where you want to be and always remember there is someone who is there to guide you throughout your way. And one thing for sure, When THE DAY (Your Placement day) will come, everything will be on your side only. Do read a lot about the trends in Telecom Industries, the new technologies coming up, What is the impact of all the changes on telecom industry etc. Be confident about what you are saying. If you don't know simply say that this thing you don't know. People appreciate one who knows about oneself and who is sure about what he/she knows and what he/she does not know. Be ready with one topic that you know everything about. This works as medicine to all your miseries. Gain some 2G,2.5G,2.75G,3G,HSPDA,LTE,WiMAX,Wi-Fi,network's basic topology knowledge if you are appearing for an OSS/BSS or System Integrator Company. They were judging basic knowledge of telecom not very much detail. So need not to worry. Be calm, focused and relaxed for the whole selection process. The candidates should be well versed with the current issues of the world and also their field of Interest. They should not be over confident or boast about themselves. This can leave a bad impression on the Interview Panels. I wish all my friends all the very best and Proud to be a Balajian. Thanks to Dear Bala Sir, Vignesh Sir and all my mentors. It was a great pursuing MBA from such a great institute with diverse exposures. With Best Regards, ShilpaGubrele

Recent Posts By Others Shilpa Khawas I am Shilpa Khawas Registration Number: TM 098244 Class BITM Division C BITM from the academic year 2009 passed out on 2011 My specialization is in telecom &IT . I am finally placed in XXXXXX. The Process consists of following rounds – 1. Shortlisting of CVs based on Engineering Branch. 2. Group Discussion 3. Personal Interview About my experience, call it the easy way or the hard one it was all about the GD part in my case. I can say I am not very good in GD and today also I can't say I know the rules to succeed in a GD. It's simple when it comes to your GD being a decision maker for your career that shall be for your whole life, no rules and practices matter. Placements are the most important chapter in one's academics. And Balaji provided us great placement opportunities and gave us the right platform, but in the end its your own effort and I would say luck! In all I appeared for four group discussions starting with XXXX,XXXX,XXXX,XXXX. Out of which I cleared three and appeared for three PI's. Initially I my selection for GD's were based on shortlisting so I decided to just give my best,without worrying about where do I want to go and which field. But one thing was very clear in my mind that I would go for Sales profile only if I didn't have other option. I had the longest wait though because I was placed in the month of March. It did require a lot of patience. I appeared for a lot of companies processes including the written tests and GD's. And as far as my experience says – in the end it all depends on the observer. If the observer sees the quality he seeks in you he would select you whether you say anything or not. But of course you can guess it from the profile- and your interests which matter. For a sales profile they obviously look for good communication along with your will to be heard among the group of others who feel the same. The first company which had shortlisted few names was- a big name in the industry of telecom. GD topic was a technical one- I didn't make it. GD topic was “Whether Wimax technology is better or 3G?” Then came a startup tower company, my GD topic was –“whether women CEO's are better than male CEO's”.

Recent Posts By Others The most important thing is know the company for which you are appearing and if there is a written test please go through previous papers available online. Then another telecom giant-I didn't have to go through the GD. I was directly called for PI – I knew I would make it but I backed out from the PI because they asked for a bond for which I was not comfortable about. The PI was a general one regarding questions related to the profile they were offering, it helps if you have worked on that profile during your internship. The second biggest company -an MNC- my second biggest disappointment as it was the first GD I had cleared. The GD topic was- “ Why Independence Day celebrations are important?” The technical and then the HR round. I wasn't selected. Finally the big one XXXX. There were 40 contenders for which also the ones placed were also allowed. It was the most competitive process where I imagined the minimal chances. There were 3 groups of 12 each. The topic was “Amitabh vs Shahrukh”. I cleared the GD for the second time. And the PI's started. My name was in the last few . I walked in and I sat down with loads of apprehensiveness. The general VAS industry related questions and I was offered the job but with a different profile to which I agreed. And I was told to think about it. When everyone was through I realized they hadn't called me for the second time. In the end I was called in the second room for my final PI. Questions related to the profile (Pre-Sales), the reason for my interest in the particular profile, my knowledge related to the telecom industry& my inclination to travel. Few PI questions are as below: 1. Tell me about urself? 2. Why did you opt for telecom ? 3. What do you know about VAS? 4. What are your interests? 5. Questions related to my curricular activities. 6. Questions related to my mobility regarding going to a new place. 7. My future plans that will affect my workability with them. The interview panel had left for the day and we were left waiting with more confusion. Then the placement duty team came up with a piece of paper of which we knew contained our fate. The results were announced. And I had made it. So that was the day of my life- the beginning of my career. The most important thing to be kept in mind during any placement process is to be yourself and let the company decide if you fit with their requirements. And patience is the most important virtue when one is dealing with placements. One should be prepared to face any kind of results. In short, the best preparation for any placement process in campus is to brush up what you have done in past, read a bit about the company for which you are appearing , and present yourself as you naturally are , to the company in the best manner.

Recent Posts By Others Each process is an experience in itself so take it as a part of your curriculum not as a drawback. As said by our beloved Bala sir “Problems are Opportunities.� I wish all the very best to all the juniors. Hope all of them get the best jobs. Do not get worried if you are not lucky as others to get through in one go as fruit of patience is always sweet. Also don't forget: To all my friends and aspiring Balaji student managers- Never Lose hope! Lots of Wishes Shilpa Khawas

Shreyas Purohit Hi, This is Shreyas Purohit Reg No.TM09-8290. From Balaji Institute of Telecom and Management. Specialization- Telecom Before I share my campus placement experience, I must give my heartiest thanks to Bala Sir and the entire Placement Team which made my life easier by their constant guidance and support. My Placement experience has finally landed me to a TimeShare Company. .One day the coordinator told us that there is a Company coming to the Campus for the Process. She told us the name of the Company. It was the day when I started seeing dreams of a successful Corporate Career. I was very curious to know about the Company, Package and the Place of Posting, so called up my friends and seniors i knew was into it to get the further details. But to my utter surprise there were only few of us interested in it because of Package. It's a feel of mixed emotions. We stand at a very crucial stage of our life. Responsibilities, hectic schedule, competition, suggestions, advice and nervousness keep on revolving around your mind. It's equal to a fight for your life. I cherish those moments taught me to be patient and calm. As without these two your performance keeps on worsening. The best thing to do is to dominate the pressure prevailing inside you and to work with deep patience. I cherish

Recent Posts By Others those moments that taught me to be patient and calm. As without these two your performance keeps on declining. The best thing to do is to dominate the pressure prevailing inside you and put your 100% effort towards the path of success. XYZ is the first company which visits the campus in the month of September. Experience with XYZ was good. In the first round......... Five students including myself appeared for the second round which was a general aptitude test. I was the lucky one among these 5 students, I got to see various faces from all the friends around me. 2nd Round: Aptitude Test was conducted to have a better understanding of the candidate and his/her response to multiple situations. It more or less gives a complete picture of the candidate thereby helping the HR Team to match the characteristics of the candidate with their requirement. 3rd roundTo check people management skills he asked questions like “ If a person is not working in your team and his bad performance is affecting complete team performance , then what will you do as project manager”. I gave standard answer- try to figure out the reason, if it is still lacking then give proper trainings. He nodded his head. After joining company, I came to know expected answer from my end was “To ESCLATE”. Post the Aptitude Test, we also got an opportunity to interact with the HR panel. Q1. Why they should select me? Ans.I said am an engineer with MBA degree and since it s a telecommunication company , I told them that my engineering knowledge will be used. Q2. Why this company (ABC.)? Ans. This question is to be well prepared beforehand leaving no scope for ambiguity. Q3. If i had to work in shift? Ans. I told them that its my first job, for me my work is more important as of now rather than shift timings, offs, travel etc. I could clear the HR round and finally i won half the game.IT WAS MY DAY . I didn't know that its not easy as it looks like. Finally the D day came and we were a group of 28 students who sat for the final round with the Head of the Organization. It was my lucky day came. I was so skeptical about giving my CV for ABC Co because i got many suggestions about the profile and package. But I always knew that its a most respectable Brand and its my first job , so i should be more keen about the Brand and its value in market.

Recent Posts By Others It's very true that when it's your lucky day things just fall in place for you effortlessly, it so happens that we tend to give our best shot in the companies we get selected and probably that's the reason we are selected. The Offer Letter was given after keeping us wait for a day as they were scrutinizing our CV's. Everything happened so fast that i was being asked to join after 5 days only. I was sad initially as i will be missing few last days of college life but on the other hand i thought about the experience i will gain before my other friends and obviously about the bank Balance. Honestly speaking, I had made no special preparation before sitting for the process just briefly read the company website and brush up the basic concepts. What I learnt from my placement experience is, No matter how much you know, No matter what kind of candidate they are looking for, just be confident in whatever your thoughts are. Ultimately right attitude is what all matters!!! As Balasir truly say that, along with Bookish knowledge its equally important to have the practical knowledge. Placement season is a lifetime experience and we go through all emotions like competition with our best of friends, celebrations of selection for the first job, nervous breakdown before interview and before the result is announced, happy for friends selected and placed and sad for not getting selected in one more company, pressure of days passing by when practically you know the entire season is left and finally the feeling of accomplishment and empowerment with a heavy package in hand and a dream that here we enter the corporate world with those black suits and heavy pay packages to rock the world......... Now I am in Pune and working for ABC Ltd as a Customer Relantionship Trainee and our customers include all the big companies like Google,Bank of America, NTT and many more.I have even completed 15 months now in the corporate world and am happy. Keep few things in mind, prioritize your preference, viz., Sector, brand, profile, package, place of posting. Placement is very easy to get but what you want is difficult to identify when you are in college. So walk ahead of your group, enjoy this time to the fullest. Best Luck!!!!!

Recent Posts By Others Shridhar Jeloka I am Shridhar Jeloka TM09 – 8051, Dual A Marketing & Finance (2009-2011)

One thing which got me through all the intense moments was our beloved Bala Sir's words “Last man, Last bullet”. He always said “Problems are Opportunities”. During my campus placement I went through a lot of emotions. Some moments were joyful when I got through all the rounds and reached the final round, some turned into disappointment, some also turned into anger and frustration. It was all a mixed bag but, “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today” it kept me going. Each round, each process was a new learning. This enabled me to learn what the corporate was looking for, what their selection criteria were and where we were lacking. All the companies which came in had their ideas about the kind of people they were looking for, some wanted managers who were aggressive, some liked quite ones, some who were flexible but it all narrowed down to one common thing they all were looking for – smart work. For me it was not about the brand name or the money part, but what I looked in a company was the profile it offered as this the first step in career building. Around 250 companies visited our campus and the companies which I sat for were Company A, Company B, Company C, Company D, Company E and Company F. All these companies did not select me but they all taught me my shortcomings, where I need to put efforts to grow and also how to keep up the spirits and perform when everything is not as you want it. The group discussion topics which were given to me during the rounds of the companies were - “Girls VS Boys” , “NarendraModi the man in charge” , “Is India still a price sensitive market” and “India and China” . During a GD one should remember it is very important to deliver quality not quantity. If the GD turns into a chaos the interviewer looses interest in the whole group. Yes, I agree we should try to initiate the GD but this should not be at the cost of turning the whole GD into a fish market. The quality of the content we bring in is judged not the quantity.

Recent Posts By Others Some of the companies even opt for aptitude test. These test are generally to test our Analytical Skills, General Knowledge and our Communication. Now, comes the time to shine as an individual, the personal interview round. Every time I stepped into the interview room I made sure I looked my best, smiling, the look of confidence and greeting the panel. The interview I had gone through made me realize that the panel sitting across the table is looking for the confidence and the smartness in the manger. They can ask any kind of question and put us in any situation but, we have to prove our worth. Some questions which were asked to me during my interview were – Why our company ? This question always made me nervous as they know the companies which visited our campus but why did we choose to sit with them. This is generally the ice breaking question. In my interview process with Company C I was asked this very same question the answer which I gave was loved and applauded by all. My answer was “firstly it is at the stage were it has to grow big in India so if I join a young company with a rich background then my career pathway can zoom to the top and the second reason was that the company is based out Spain and I would love to go to Madrid.� Tell me something about yourself? The answer to this question generally gives rises to new questions so, I tend to highlight the points where I could show my strength. I always included my academic background with the roles and responsibilities in the college and how this experience can add value to their company. The interviewing panel once also asked me to sell a biscuit to him kept infront of him as a cold sales call. I tried it, but the interviewer tried to be a tough customer who was not eager to buy it there I had the opportunity to show my smart and witty side and thus, it turned out to be a successful sales call. Some other general questions were about the knowledge we had about the company, our roles and responsibilities according to us with the company and our area of interest. It was 16th May 2011 when Company S came to our campus for recruitments. I had not heard the name but after going through their website, I realized that the company had a rich background and they had a big global footprint.

Recent Posts By Others I was called in for the Group Discussion with the North region and the West region head HR. The topic was “Amitabh Bacchan or Sharukh Khan”. We had a good discussion on it and I got through that round. I was informed to meet the director HR and the West region Head the next day at their Pune Branch Office. I jumped with joy and started to prepare myself for the next big day. I went to their website again and got down to the details. It was 17th May 2011, I reached their office at 10:00 AM, feeling a bit nervous and also having high hopes. I was called in for the interview and I entered with confidence and smile, sat down their questions started : Where is Company S based out of ? “Germany” You are guessing that ? “ No sir , you can even make that out from the name of the company. ” So why logistics your major is marketing why this company ? “Looking at the market and the competition every industry is focusing on their core competency, the other process are generally outsourced. As for Company S, our competency is to make the world one marketplace we support the core business of other firms by defining the word globalization and making the world one platform. Transportation and logistics caters to a huge market and the exposure which is provided is on the global platform.” Are you ready to be posted anywhere throughout India ? “Yes Sir, I would prefer Delhi or Pune but anywhere is also fine with me” I was asked to wait outside for the final results. I came out feeling nervous but confident about the interview. I sat back and eagerly waited for the results. The head HR asked me to come in at the end of all the interviews. I entered the room once again. The HR said “ShridharJeloka Welcome to Company S,. Congratulation you will be posted in Delhi.” I jumped out of the room and finally I did it. The journey of my campus placement came to an end on 17th May 2011. I learnt a lot through this, I changed myself according to the situation, I was more flexible, more confident and the biggest lesson which I learnt was that “Winners don't quit that is why they always win.” A proud alumini of Balaji Institute of Telecom & Management and the new employee of Company S ready for the new journey. The best which I could ask for this college gave me. Thank You all Best of luck to all !!!!!!!

Recent Posts By Others Shruti Maheshwari Hello, I am Shruti Maheshwari TM-09-8163 From Dual B (Marketing & Telecom),BITM 2009-2011 Passed out on 16 april 2011. My specialization is in Marketing. I am finally placed in XYZ LTD Everyone has some different capability & approach of tackling with situations. In today's era, what one needs is proper direction & focus towards that which we have got through Bala Sir's rigorous planning & efforts. As we had already learnt all those things during college time, we are now capable of handling all the situations with ease. I was one amongst some 100+ people who sat for XYZ LTD. Their eligibility criterion was 65% throughout our academic record, due to which all could not sit for this company. There was no other criterion like “engineers only�. During the ppt the company told us clearly about the profile (CRM Executive)and compensation to be offered (3 lacs). They also committed to increase the package after few months of joining. POP was Pune. After the ppt all the eligible students from all the 4 colleges were divided into the groups for GD. Each group had 12 students. Round 1: GROUP-DISCUSSION Its very important to be confident in whatever you say, develop good communication skills and last but not the least deliver your knowledge honestly, don't give up trying ,there is a company for everybody ,just believe GOD and yourself. Pointers were: Communication skills Knowledge about the topic Good explanation skills Body language Pointers were: Communication skills Knowledge about the topic Good explanation skills Body language My topic was: Innovation : boon or bane In the GD, I was neither the initiator nor the concluder but I did made 3 to 4

Recent Posts By Others enteries,which is very important to make an impact on judges. other factors that affects are: 1. make eye contact with everyone in the group. 2. Never interupt others while they are making a point. 3. Do not get over aggressive. 4. Be a good listener. 5. Be precise 6. If possible support your point with data or relevant example. 7. clarity and tone of voice The results of the GD were declared 5 minutes after the group came out of the room. To my delight, my name was shortlisted. Round 2: Personal Interview. It started with my self-introduction: I included: 1. who I am. 2. Where I am from. 3. Family members 4. what they do professionally. 5. myhobbie's and what interests me. Then panel consentrated on my specialization: * Why marketing ? * My answer: Marketing gives a dynamic persona,its very lively and forms an indispensable part of any organization.As most organizations are customer centric ,so I feel that marketing happens to be the most important function. How flexible was I with the job hours and location? * My answer: I said I was ready to be relocated in any part of the country and ready to work 24/7. * What do you know about our company? * My answer: I was asked to speak on what all I know about this company till the time they would ask me to stop .That was a good 5 minutes talk about the company.I had already done a bit of homework on its website and told everything I knew. * What did you do in your summer project? * My answer: I did research for ABC LTD and promotion of their products within Public sectors and among architects and interior designer's. We also submiited a report on how to increase sales and the barriers that are present in the market.

Recent Posts By Others * Why should we hire you?If your friend is equally competent like you then on what backgrounds should we differentiate you? * I told them about my qualities like determination,commitment towards my work,zeal to excel and passion towards growth.I said that if my friend has the same capabilities to excel then they should look over the need of the student like if Im studying on loan and I have more responsibilities over me,so I deserve better chance than other. * Why our company? My answer: I said that it's a big brand to work with,which will not only give me a excellent start but a great future.I look forward to be an integral part of this esteemed organization. They asked to do SWOT of ours and fortunately I had done my SWOT during the classes. They asked many other things like financial integrity, Social integrity etc. Anyways, at around 3 PM, I came out of the interview room and behind me the interviewers. They selected 8 students out of 21. I went to the flat with the anger because, after a process of more than 20 hrs, they were not able to announce the final results. MY SUGGESTION: Dear student managers, it was a panel of 4judges and 2 of them separately judged GDs.andPIs.The shortlisted candidates were interchanged during PIs. For all those who aspire to get good placements please keep your selves updated on the daily news, do lot of reading on all sorts of news political and business news specially, know about your-self, strengths, and area of interest and be sure of it. Study the company website and also about their competitors it really helps. Its very important to be confident in whatever you say, develop good communication skills and last but not the least deliver your knowledge honestly, don't give up trying ,there is a company for everybody ,just believe GOD and yourself. I would like to say that do not lose your hope and do not get de-motivated. Have patience and work on your weak areas and be confident of your strengths. Every stage is a learning stage. Everyone in Balaji Society will be placed because Bala Sir and Our Placement Team will leave no stones unturned. Believe in your ability; do not go for companies just based on package. Study well about the company for which you are applying and please update yourself of the business environment and current affairs. Last but not the least, I am very grateful to Bala Sir for encouraging us at each stage by saying that “PROBLEMS ARE OPPORTUNITIES “. I wish all my friends all the very best Regards Shruti Maheshwari

Recent Posts By Others Shubhangi Jain I am Shubhangi Jain Registration No.TM09-8245, BITM, Specialization :PGDM(TELECOM MANAGEMENT) Batch :-2009-2011 Currently working for a company in Ahmedabad, as a Business Consultant, SAP. Previously was working with a Company in Ahmedabad which was the sixth company in which I was eligible for the placement. My case was a little different because I had backlog in a subject, so was not eligible for the companies which were in the campus for the initial one month. Therefore I had to wait for quite some time to be eligible. But where there is a will there is a way. Sri Balaji Society has taught us various things from knowledge, to patience , to experience, to punctuality and the list is endless. “Its really very difficult to be patient when people around you are getting placed one by one, and you are not even eligible for the campus process�.The daily routine of the College which seems to be a never ending process has really taught us various things, which is really helping me in my corporate carrier as well. I must say patience will be really fruitful one day. Our Campus Placements began in middle of October Month 2010, which were really brands for our College. And I was only able to attend the process in the end of November. From there started the waiting game. That one month of waiting was tough. I was really very excited for the process as it was my first process to attend. They conducted an aptitude test, there were few quantitative questions and few reasoning. I was not confident that I would be able to crack it or not, still I waited for the result. The result was out. Names were being announced of the selected candidates. I was not one of them. A disappointing day. Then after few days another company visited our campus. It was a Mumbai based company. There was no aptitude test in that, a GD was conducted after dividing 40 student in groups of 5. I was in the third group. We came to know from the previous group that they are giving abstract topics. Our group entered the room, GD started, I was really very quiet for the initial few minutes, I was just waiting for the right time to start. And yes I got an opportunity to speak, when our group got deviated from the topic. I interrupted and said we are not at all discussing what are we supposed to discuss, and then kept my point of view. And at the end they asked everybody to conclude. This time I was

Recent Posts By Others confident that I will be selected. The result was out and yes I was selected. Out of 40 5 students were selected in GD. After that we were asked to go to Mumbai for an Interview. Then went to Mumbai for second round. The interview was held there, a normal HR interview starting from introduce yourself. Then few of the situational questions. I answered them confidently. I have experienced that, be confident while answering questions of the interviewer, be confident and speak even if you are not sure that you are right or not. Result was awaited. Then after a week, came to know from the placement cell that I was shortlisted for a company which was a Pune based company. And there will be a direct interview, only 7 students are shortlisted for the interview and we are supposed to go to the company for interview. Next day we went to the company, we were interviewed one by one. It was a total technical interview. Questions were like:Types of topology? What is a router,switch? Types of network? Cloud computing? I answered those questions, result was out after 5 days and was not selected. Then after 2 days another company visited our campus, 50-55 students were shortlisted for the process. After company presentation, a GD round was held , around seven groups were made of all students. Sometimes companies only check your communication skills while the GD they don't look on the content, the only check communication and fluency. In this GD process this was the case, they were giving one minute to each person in the group to speak about the topic. And after GD they were asking each student whether they are comfortable with shifts job or not. If the candidate is comfortable then they proceeded with the next round that was a personal interview. I was not comfortable with shift job, so I denied. So, not selected for the next round. These many rejections gave me strength, to compete for more. And give my level best. Its not always your fault when you get rejected, sometimes you are

Recent Posts By Others not suitable for the company and sometimes company is not suitable for you. In a way must wait for the right time to come. Then an another shortlisting was done. Got a call from the placement cell, that you are being shortlisted for a Ahmedabad based telecom company. A direct interview was held which was telephonic. The first round of interview was a complete technical interview. Questions were like:What do you know about the company? What is OSS/BSS What is AAA? What is eTOM? Difference between OSS and BSS? Difference between sales and marketing? The interview went for around 40 minutes. After few days result was out and was not selected. Then Finally “D DAY� arrived. It was a Ahmedabad based company, Headquartered Ahmedabad, the company had various verticals ; hardware, software, system integration, telecom. After so many rejections I had minimum expectations. Though I went for the interview, it was a video conferencing. 7 students were shortlisted for the interview. Before interview we were asked to mention location where one would wish to join. There were various locations all across Gujarat. I opted for Ahmedabad. After four candidates, it was my turn. The interviewers were the AVP of the company as well as the HR head of the company. The company was the first company in India to provide Video Telephony Solution. Therefore, questions were all related to that. Questions were like:-What do you understand by VOIP? What is video streaming? What is SIP? What are FXO ports? What do you know about the company? Why Ahmedabad is your only choice? Future of Video Telephony in India? What is 3G?

Recent Posts By Others Protocols used in 3G? About the company project? Detailed description was asked. The interview lasted for around 30-35 minutes. It was a complete technical interview. It all went right. I answered almost all questions confidently. After 7 days got a call from the placement cell to congratulate me for the selection. Two of us were finally selected. We usually think of getting placed in a big company but the fact is if we really want to grow we should start from a small or medium size company. Learning and growth opportunities lie in small or mid size companies too. POINTS TO BE NOTED – 1) During Company Presentation there are various facts and figures about the company. Note them down, they are being asked sometimes just to check how serious you are. 2) While aptitude test, attempt the section first in which you are confident. 3) In GD's speaking more does not always work. Content should be impressive. 4) For telecom managers, please brush up all your technical concepts, even small concepts helps a lot sometimes. 5) For HR rounds pre prepare FAQ's like introduce yourself, Achievements, Why should we hire you sort of questions. 6) Answer every question confidently , even if you are doubtful that you are right or wrong. Never disappoint yourself if others get placed and you does not. Just wait for the right time to come. All the best for all my juniors for their placements!!! Thanks & Regards Shubhangi Jain

Recent Posts By Others Siddhartha Porwal "The more freedom we enjoy, the greater the responsibility we bear, toward others as well as ourselves." MY Campus Placement Experience Hello Everyone, I am Siddhartha Porwal Roll Number. TM 09 8164, Class of Telecom & Marketing, Division-B, from BITM Academic year 2009-11, passed out on 25th April,2011. My specialization is in Telecom & Marketing. First of all, I would like to appreciate the commendable efforts of our college and our peers in Placement Cell who worked hard and made our campus placement season a huge success. I am very Glad to write here that over 200 companies visited our campus during our placement season and it was a treat to see your friends getting placed one after another, not to mention the nice startup packages they got. The companies follow different processes to conduct their placement process. The companies which I sat for were of IT, FMCG, Retail, Construction, Finance & Market Research domains. I did not get chance to sit for Company B which was the first company of our college, because I could not meet the eligibility criteria. They required 70% marks throughout your academic career which I had at every stage except for my PGDM. So, its advisable to maintain 70% benchmark score at all times or else you also might miss a chance like me. However I had no regrets as I had faith in myself. Then I sat for few companies but I was very choosy. I didn't want to go for sales as I wanted a Business Analyst or Research profile. There were initially many companies which started pitching in and I chose to sit for few of them. First company for which I sat was Company A. I had prepared well for it but during the CV screening process, we came to know that the Company was not willing to take Computer Engineers. That came as more of a shock to me because I really wanted to get into this company and I had prepared for it very hard. But I did not get disappointed. Then I did not sit for the coming few companies because they were not meeting my aspirations of

Recent Posts By Others career as well as pay package. After few more companies, one more Consultancy company came for which I appeared. The initial process consisted of an aptitude test which I cleared and after that we came to know that company was also willing to take Group discussion and a Business Plan round along with the Interview. It came as much of a surprise to me because I was not mentally prepared for it. But however it was a do or die situation for me and I had to perform well to get through. I performed well in all the rounds but one wound which was the Business Plan round for which I had not prepared earlier. Our GD coordinator gave us a Topic for which we had to make a Business Plan. Then everyone had to present it. One out of all the plans was selected and then we had a group discussion on whether the selected plan was ok to go or it needed modifications. After all the rounds, we were eagerly waiting for the results, but unfortunately the result was not so pleasing for me. Out of the entire lot, only one student was selected and the rest of us returned back in vain. That was the frustrating of all when I had no clue as to what should I do. This is the time my friends played a very important role and they didn't let me loose me patience. I sat for almost 21 companies they were from different domains. From these companies processes I learned a lot and in the end I was lucky enough to have the job with the profile which I always wanted. For my Company , process started with CV selection and then Online test which was a elimination round. Only 2 of us were able to crack this round. Then we were called by company in their Head Office-Pune, where other candidates from different colleges were called. Then the process started with 6 written tests- each for 1. Numerical ability, 2. Analytics, 3. Digital marketing knowledge, 4. Creativity, 5. Client servicing, 6. Marketing. I got through all the written rounds. Each written test was for half an hour which was followed by GD. I got through GD and then in Interview in questions were like: 1) About your Internship 2) Why this profile 3) What would you do if you don't get meeting scheduled

Recent Posts By Others 4) Why Digital Marketing? 5) Why Start-up? 6) Scope of Digital Marketing in India. Then there was the HR interview in which again they asked me about 1) Started the interview about yourself& family background. 2) Strength and weakness & how your strength helps you in achieving your goals and how does knowing your weakness helps you. 3) Whether I would be comfortable working with startup – Lack of Resources, more commitment & more work. 4) When I would get settle down. 5) Asked a lot of questions regarding the client servicing, like how would you handle a situation where “n” number of clients are demanding different outputs at the same time. 6) Asked about how do I see myself after 5 years down the same work line and do I see any future with the startup companies. ANALYTICAL INTERVIEW 1) I was given a certain situation where in my feedback was asked regarding how would Interact and handle the situation. 2) They asked me few puzzles to check my analytical abilities and how I approach my work. 3) The questions were based on check my logical abilities, which I passed with flying colors. 4) They also gave me a business case which I had to solve in 15 mins and had to make the business model for the same. General questions. Sorry, I don't remember much of the questions now. Immediately after my last round was over, they said they will declare the result after two days. And after two days I got a call from PAT office that my name is there All I would suggest is have faith on yourselves (never lose it), be clear about your competencies and areas of improvement, and never get frustrated, because one thing is for sure, NOBODY LEAVES THIS CAMPUS WITHOUT A JOB IN HIS HAND. Best Wishes & Regards Siddhartha Porwal BITM (2009-11 batch) TM09-8164

Recent Posts By Others Sirat Raza Name-Sirat Raza Rroll no 09-11-8165 Dual(B),BITM “You could have sat for placements. Why you were waiting for me?� The question put me into huge amusement. This was Bala Sir's innocent and fatherly reaction when I went to him for signature of my one day leave application because of which I was not allowed to sit for company placement processes for almost a month. I couldn't say anything but a smile come to my face while coming out of his office. So, basically, my placement got started one months late as I was having 89.99 percent attendance. I was not having one day attendance because I had taken leave as one of my friend was ill and I as per rule I was to get the attendance to for taking care of her .I became eligible and the big marathon got started. I was very tensed as many big companies went in that one month. This phase of comes in every student's life as great experience, tensions, excitement .We all go through this till the time we are placed But my story was little different. But all this comes as a great learning and is very important to go for the right choice, have patience and go for the one which you desire. It's better to be unemployed than going for a wrong choice because if you don't love the work which you do then you cannot grow and would ultimately leave yourself in the road where you cannot turn back and have to continue doing the same work which you don't enjoy. I sat for few selected companies and went till last round but unfortunately not got through. This was very frustrating. As surroundings were getting sinking into our veins, pressure to get into your dream job was setting high. Soaring in the edge of destiny was ultimate feeling to live. As days were passing the anxiety and tension was increasing. Reading more and more newspaper, going through others placed one's experience information and accordingly preparing ourselves for the same and ultimately not knowing what exactly an organization wants was obnoxious. Beginning with the big brands, I sat for only selective fews. I was knowing where I wanted to go and what I want from this campus placement. As said by our one of the professor, your beginning should be with renowned BRAND and money will automatically come to you after few years of experience. I was following the same suite. I sat for those organizations (which was few left by this time) which has good brand name in the market. I sat for this Mumbai based Shipping and logistic company as I wanted to explore this industry coz my Engineering degree was associated with this field

Recent Posts By Others only. I cleared GD and personnel round of interview happened. The personnel round of interview made very tensed. I could be clearly seen nervous and my anxiety level went high. INTERVIEW DETAILS: 1.Tell me something about yourself? 2.Reasons for shifting my education stream completely ? For more Information, I am an Aeronautical Engineer and was doing PGDM in Marketing which was completely different from each other. This was very obvious question that people ask me and I had to answer them with full details. It is the toughest question that still haunts me . Reason of telling this, is there are many students who do PG as and when asked my parents or due to industry trend. For them it is very necessary to answer these type of question according to current wit. 3.My short term goal? 4. Where I see myself 5 years down the line? Please do not say you can climb over Mount Everest. Give reasonable answer. 5.If I have knowledge of my engineering degree.? I said yes absolutely. He asked me if I would be comfortable working in their engineering department as an Engineer and if I would, there would not be any use of my Marketing degree. Since I was dreaming of going to that industry when I joined the engineering degree , I was really nervous to answer him anything. I was really puzzled. He understood my situation and asked me to consult my friends for this thought. I consulted my friends who are working and those who are from that industry. I consulted my family members too. They all give me very vague responses. I was more confused. I went to the interviewer and Ultimately, I requested to find any position which will utilize my engineering as well as PG degree together. He said no and hence I had to loss this opportunity. Still I regret for that decision. But After that I sat for organizations more often. I started my preparations in more vigorously. Worked to correct my weaknesses which was hampering me. More important I brushed more sharply to my strengths coz that will ultimately save me at the end.Then, there was one company in which I got through. The selection process involved with formal screening of CV, group discussions and then personnel interview. I cleared all the round. And I was asked to go to Chennai to fulfill other related formalities. Everything was set and done for the D-Day. The tickets were produced by one of the colleague of mine who was also to go with me. But, this time was God cheated my patience. I could not board the train as there was some mishandling of the train ticket issues because of which I could not get the train ticket . So the opportunity went just in front of me. This was against the rulebook so I was barred for almost two months to sit for any further placement. Most of the people thought I was placed that time. I took it as gift. May be that After almost one and half months, I again was in the race. By this time the frequency of companies visiting the campus was drying and our frustration level

Recent Posts By Others was on the top. One fine day, we went to Mumbai for a reputed media organization. The interview went more than good. After two rounds of interviews, I was sitting in front of the CEO for the final round. My heart was pounding like anything. That was first time I was so afraid of meeting with anyone in my life. The CEO was sitting in front of me. He made me comfortable by asking general questions regarding my family and friends. I answered him politely. Then he geared up to next level of his grinding processes. He asked why our organization? I replied then he asked about the questions which one can answer if he/she is reading newspaper daily. He asked: My long term goal My biggest enemy and why?(un-usual question) India's telecom current status? Telecom future? 3G and its future? Role of telecom in rural India? Role of rural India in shaping telecom future? Since I am having great inclination towards all these topics and used to read newspaper daily(all thanks to college), I satisfactorily answered all his questions. He was quite impressed. The interview ended in half an hour. After few days result of this interview came and I was among those lucky people who were in the list. Me and my friends were more than happy. But , there was something else that was stored for me. Few days later, I was told that my position was rejected. I was unable to understand the reason behind it or may be I was knowing() . I tried my best to know what was happening but in vain. By this time, my patience level gone dried and empty handed, I moved to different city to begin my career afresh. It was tough getting job outside the campus. Trust me for this. After few weeks of struggle, I got into a small firm and started my hard work. I kept looking for better opportunities by this time. I leant a lot working in a small firm as I was having flexibility to work with different departments. Right from the day of joining in 10th June, It was a learning experience all together being in SBS. When entered into this gate, somewhere down the line, life changed drastically. Learn a lot. It was hard to believe but true that people with great powers has all right to destroy anyone's life for their ego and selfsatisfaction. This really is absurd and sad to believe from temple of education where morning starts with Vedic chants. Right now I am in a better position .Working even harder to shape up my career. I am working with an organization who has presence worldwide. It is one associated with one of the fortune 50 company of the world. Finally I got the Brand and reason to smile. I have also started my own firm and working

Recent Posts By Others day in and day out to make this venture successful in a city like Mumbai. InsaAllah things are shaping great and one day , I would love to go back to college for happy reasons. Life is beyond the days of placements. Moral of the story: Knowledge pays. Learn Excel. It only saved my career. Nobody can stop u if u r equipped with knowledge. Have knowledge of your domain Be patience LEARN ADULATIONS and politics. It helps u everywhere. I paid heavily coz I hadn't it in me. Thanks.

Smita Patra Hi, I am Smita Patra Roll No-TM09-8052 BITM 2009-2011 batch Class-Dual A Specialization- Marketing & Finance. MY CAMPUS PLACEMENT EXPERIENCE: Campus recruitment is a bag of mixed experiences. The D-day starts with preplacement talk by the company executives - company's services, market presence, growth component and work culture, it covers them all. This is followed by a brief explanation of the skill sets required for employment and the procedure the company will follow for the ensuing recruitment. The actual recruitment procedure starts with an aptitude test comprising of questions testing the candidate's knowledge on logical reasoning, quantitative applications and verbal ability. As the course of aptitude test begins , frantic attempts to finish the maximum problems and make a few last minute guesses are made. Most of the aptitude test have 3 sections in general viz- verbal, non-verbal & quantitative section.. About written test I can say preparation matters but the main thing is speed and the time management. For group discussions Groups of 8-10 candidates are formed into a leaderless group, and are given a specific situation to analyze and discuss within a given time limit. The group may be given a case study and asked to come out with a solution for a problem.

Recent Posts By Others The group may be given a topic and asked to discuss on the same. Make sure your voice is audible and you have good knowledge base on the topic. For interviews the most important tip would be to be confident about yourself & deliver the best you have on that day. As the time for the announcement of results nears, waves of students start inundating the auditorium once again and the results are announced. Then come the necessary instructions for the next day's process of interviews. Outside the auditorium the emotions are mixed and the vertical split in the crowd is there for all to see. A very interesting part of this preparation is students gearing up to look their best. There are constant opinions on what's looking good and what is not as students try out their formal attire for the D-Day. The classic scene of everybody getting ready for the day, literally transforms the hostel into a fashion show's backstage. After exchanging “Best of Lucks” and lapping up last minute tips from equally anxious parents, the herd heads for the auditorium looking like polished young executives. As the interview results are announced there are some confident and some nervous and shaky exits from the interview room. Following the formal announcement the selected set of future employees are welcomed by the company. A set of students have secured their future and another set have assessed their mistakes. The latter will go on and apply for the next company, their efforts being marked by greater dedication, confidence and experience, this is how our college organizes campus placement year after year. Coming to my campus experience, I still remember the 1st company came in September end, and our dean announced the company arrival all of a sudden 2 days ahead. There was huge anxiety among students after hearing the company arrival in our auditorium. I was one amongst the several people who sat for the company placements. Unlike other students I tried my luck outside college campus as well, this is when I got placed in company- A. I am extremely delighted to share my experience with aspiring student managers and sincerely thank our college PAT team who has taken responsibility to sincerely place each individual of our college in good company. I was placed in mid of October 2010, but due to delay in joining from the company side, was trying out my luck in college campus as well. In total I sat for more than 30 company from college campus. All these experiences gave me the enough confidence to get placed in company- A. The processes….aptitude test, GD, PI conducted by our college were really helpful to get placed in company- A. Now coming to selection process….Eligibility criteria: 60%in graduation with no backlogs , No break in academics from more than 2 year. Interview round: First I had a telephonic round of interview which went very well. Results were announced within a week, was really happy to hear my name. I entered my interview room greeted my interviewee with a smile and was asked 2 have a seat. I Had 4 rounds of rigorous HR Interviews…with some common questions…

Recent Posts By Others 1. Introduce yourself?, Myself: (about myself, my parents, my academics record, hobbies). 2. Strengths & weakness? Myself: Explained 3. Academic projects?, Myself: Explained Make sure you answer this because this is make or break question, be confident about knowledge of your project well. 4. Why you want to join our company?, Myself: Answered. 5. Marketing models? & other core marketing subjects related questions? Myself: Explained. Apart from above questions I was asked few general questions like my interests and hobbies, followed by my academic background and how has been my journey till now. 6. Will you be able to relocate to any place if you get selected? Myself: Yes 7. What salary are you expecting? Myself: As per company norms. I was feeling nervous, but as I cleared 2-3 rounds was confident that will get through this company. After half an hour the HR come out with final short listing and after listening my name in the list I was delighted, I can't express my joy in words. I was offered a package of 4 lacs per annum , location my hometownBhubaneswar, with a profile of Market Research Analyst. I am happy to be a part of such a prestigious company. If you believe in yourself and have faith, you too can be part of good company. In the end I would like to give a piece of advice to all 窶適now your areas of strength and have confidence in yourself. Have patience, don't run behind packages and have a thorough research before applying to any company because at the end of day you must justify the profile given to you by the company. Here's wishing ALL THE BEST to future aspirants窶ヲ窶ヲ窶ヲ. Thank You. SMITA PATRA

Recent Posts By Others Sneha Kumari Name-Sneha Kumari Roll No: TM-09-8177, Specialization -Telecom &IT( PGDM-D) College: BITM BATCH: 2009-11 Sharing my placement experiencePlacements are the ultimate aim of each and every student doing MBA but I think, I got to learn more than what I expected before I got placed and joined ABC company, all thanks to Bala Sir to build such a great platform for us. Degree is something which can be obtained by either fair means or unfair means but Experience cannot be borrowed. When I landed first time in the campus on 9th June 2009,I was really thrilled ,watching the buzz of new bunch of students all around .But then gradually ,things started taking shape. Workshops, Mahabharata session, I believe all those sessions count on somewhere in our lives and I am sure all of us will never forget those few months of grilling without holidays. Going through such grilling sessions now helps me to keep myself intact & focused on work required in corporate. Now, let me talk about my placement experience .I got placed in Feb.Nothing comes easy in life and this definitely didn't come easy to me. I had to struggle to reach Feb 2012,wheni got placed. As the day started approaching for the very first company to land in SBS campus, everyone was ready to show up and so was I. But I was equally scared and excited since it was the first company and first experience for most of us.But I couldn't sit for the 1st company as it Comp Enggwhere not allowed. When I sat for A company ,I was rejected in GD only .The topic was very general like India and China but as soon as the topic was opened to the students ,everyone started fighting for a chance to speak. It was a nice experience with mixed emotions ,lot of self analysis I was able to do for myself. At the same time ,got to learn a lot about how to approach in GD. Moreover, The experience I gained from it gave me so many lessons which helped me for my future career perspective as well. During the placement season I got to know too many things about The Corporate world. I got to know about my knowledge, practical approach towards corporate world. Initially the college made me ready for the corporate world and afterwards also provided me with a

Recent Posts By Others platform by calling so much companies to our campus. And now I am implementing all the ethics and learning I gained from the college in my work. The most challenging job in front of me was to crack GD's. The topics were equally related to politics ,general topics, India Vs China ,topics related to education in india,technical topics,2G Scam, telecom industry driven topics. Thanks to Bala Sir's continuous push to read more newspapers and discuss the same because of which I was able to share my knowledge in GD's in other company's processes. So I started preparing for GD and not to leave any stone unturned. Then gradually understood the importance of Group Discussion with experience. I got to know that to get through any GD, the most important part is to speak relevant and thoughtful. Whatever you say must add new subject to the GD. Througth this understanding,I was able to crack GD's in a few companies but unfortunately I was not able to go till the last round of PI. It is very useful for every round of placement to know your weakness and to overcome them .And definately, I was getting to learn a lot from my failures. Going through all the company processes was also a learning period and gave all of us a lifetime experience. We got to learn about too many companies and their business. It increased our level of knowledge and took it to a different level.It was also the time to learn from defeats and to take the rejections in a positive sense This is the placement seasons friends and by the blessings of Balaji I was placed and I wish to share my placement experience with you all. It was really a good feeling to be placed after facing a number of GD, PI's and all. All you need is to be believe in your-self and have patience. The company in which I was Placed had the most 2 common processes: 1. GD 2. PI GD topics were Telecom DrivenUtility of VAS in next 5 Years. Telecom network reaching village and farmers committing suicide. Our GD Topic was – HOW TO ENCOURAGE FARMERS TO UTILISE THE VAS BENEFITS, IN THEIR day TO DAY Life. My answer to this was there are many ways by which we can make aware of the VAS Utilities.

Recent Posts By Others Firstly, we can have regional/rural heads like SHAKTI-AMMA, who are well trained with VAS Utilities and applications so that they can demonstrate and educate farmers, so that if there's any difficulty then the farmers have a person to easily approach. Secondly, pamphlet and banners can be made available; stating certain packs such as Banking Services, Railway ticket enquiry, Doctor Helpline, News, Devotional etc in the district Banks, Zila Schools, Hospitals, and Local Mandietc where the farmers frequently and usually go. Friends these were some of the points stated by me. After I got through the GD, PI was the next. There were few questions that I noticed were generally common for others and me, such asTell me about yourself-This should be a bit brief, as in 3 sentences summing up clearly your name, home-town, educational bg, hobby(if you have definite things to say eg. state level badminton champion). Your positive and negative sides-Well friends you need to be smart while answering this, as you need to portray your negative aspect in a very positive manner. The 2 months summer Training-what did you learned from it, how did you applied your MBA skill in your summer internship? Your place of preference (POP). These were some of the few questions that were asked in the PI. The panel decided to declare the result after taking all the PI's of all the 7 students who cleared the GD.And finally the results were declared and 3 of us, including me were selected. Offer letter was offered to us in the month of April, 1 month prior joining. I wish you good luck for your placements and a very good career growth. Warm Regards, SnehaKumari

Recent Posts By Others Sneha Sharma I am Sneha Sharma Registration Number. TM 09 8241, Class of Telecom, Division-C, from BITM Academic year 2009-11, passed out on 25th April,2011. My specialization is in TELECOM & IT. When I joined MBA like everyone my dream was also to get placed in a good company with a good package. Though I sacrificed a bit with the package but I am placed with a top MNC of my field i.e. Finance. I am placed in Company A I am finally placed in COMPANY-3, which was a Telecom multinational as a Customer Relationship Management Executive. I am sharing my campus experience here. So far i had a great experience during placements as it really helped me to gain knowledge and regularly update myself. I have always been good in academics and scored very good percentage till 3rd semester and i was really worried about my placement. Company Process: My company process had the following components It was a 3 step process: 1. CV Shortlisting. 2. Group Discussion. 3. Personal Interview Aptitude test followed by GD then a PI by HR followed by final interview with the head of the company. 1. CV Shortlisting: It was done on the basis of college placement criteria. 2. Group Discussion: For GD I read many the current topics related to business world, politics (like 3G scam, Adarsh Scam, CWG scam, Egypt revolution etc. Apart from these topics the general topics of Telecom were also need to be brushed up thoroughly. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Sound knowledge of the given topics Good communication skills Very good convincing power Ability to put your opinion on the topics

Recent Posts By Others 5. What are the opinions of other people in the group 6. Summary of the discussion in precise form A through preparation for aptitude test is also very important. 3. Personal Interview: For interviews i made notes on Technical Knowledge as well. A thorough knowledge of all current telecom trends and Technical Knowledge is very essential because interviewer can ask any technical question on Telecom business as well as technicality behind it. some of the times situational based question are also asked, so until one is not thorough with basic, these situational based questions cannot be answered. I am sharing few interview questions. General questions: 1.Tell me about yourself your family 2.Your strengths and weakness 3.Your short term and long term goals 4.Why MBA ,why MBA in TELECOM 5. Who is your role model 6. Why did u choose this college 7. What do you know about our company 8. What is your preferred place of posting 9. What are your expectations in terms of compensation 10.Do you want to ask any thing to us or about our company 3. Personal Interview: My interview was conducted by Head, GCSC and HR personnel. Interview Q&A: 1. The first thing which they noticed was my resume and the very first compliment I received during my PI was that it has many things to be talked about, they interviewed on my hobbies & interests and they appreciated my versatility. 2. What is CRM and if you have to describe a layman, how you will make one understand the way this works? 3. How much important is the role of service management for revenue generation? 4. How much comfortable you'll be to work on an operation's floor with certain specific targets? 5. Where you see yourself If you work with our company for more than 5 years? 6. Why you are going for an operation domain when you belong to core marketing field? 7. What are you perspective about our company as a telecom major? 8. What is the difference between service assurance and service management? 9. What is the one basic difference between Leader and Manager?

Recent Posts By Others Telecom topics: Current telecom trends. future telecom growth. New innovations and technologies. Technical knowledge as well as business perspectives.etc. Few suggestions: I would like to give you all, which I learnt from my experience 1) Everyone will tell you to read newspaper, don't be a fool, don't read everything, read only what you are supposed to read, you are interested in. However, read that stuff thoroughly. 2) Develop interest on a particular sector or domain. Increase your knowledge on that. 3) Know yourself well, there is no one who know you better than yourself. If you don't want to go for a sales job stick to it. Do not choose a wrong career option under pressure. 4) Prepare well for your interview questions and for the company you are applying for. 5) Earn a job. Don't just clear the interview. Easy Tips: It is up to you how you present yourself and how you communicate. Act professionally, and don't be very sophisticated but be modest at the same time! Remember always to have direct eye contact. Usually they will face you while talking but as for me my interviewer was busy looking at my resume but still talk to him and answers, remember do not start or stop until you are asked to. Remember that before coming for the interview you must sit and think about yourself and prepare well for this question to avoid any pause or overhead thinking! And remember he asked about you, so must be in track to talk only about you. You can also mention your strengths and weakness but see that you tell your weakness optimistically. The HR round is to see your communication skills, doesn't matter how your accent is or pronunciations as far u wear a smile and be presentable A through knowledge of all major acts is very important because most of the time interviewer grill you on that only. Finally I got placed in the company of my preferred sector and and my preferred location. Thank you Bala Sir, Vignesh sir all telecom faculties and all the professors. I will never forget this place and specially the tough schedule of college because it is really helpful in corporate world. God Bless You All. Best of Luck!!

Recent Posts By Others Snigdha Shukla I am Snigdha Shukla (TM-09-8247). Registration Number. TM 09 8247, Class of Telecom My name is SnigdhaShukla (TM-09-8247). I got placed in AAA Systems Inc. Now in XXX BBB. Before describing about my placement in AAA, I would like to share few more instances that happened to me. Our 2 years with SBS was and will always be one of the most enjoying and satisfying period, where I got to learn many new things, and also got some extremely helpful and caring friends with the likes of TejeshVazarkar, Vijay Raghav, Priya Sharma ,ArshadQadri, Ujjwal Narayan and almost the whole of PGDM C of BITM. We had quarrels amongst us (among my friends) during college days. I always thought of to get rid of college life and start the so called 'corporate life' and live happily. But I was wrong. Even at college if we had quarrels we solved them in few hours or at max few days but in corporate there is no such thing. Corporate life teaches you in its ways. You start to realize that the friends whom you had fought with are still your friends but not in corporate life. I got suspended twice once in 1st Semester and again in 3rd Sem; for 7 days each; It was the time when I got a lot of support from all my classmates , saying DON'T WORRY. 15 Jan 2012 made me realize that the life of College is the best of all times. The friends who had fights at times were crying by meeting each other. Convocation brought me more close to my friends than I was before. Placement week/ or better the placement period is the toughest as far as getting support from friends are concerned. Everybody is busy in themselves trying to get the best package , trying to learn new things that only HE/SHE should know . It makes many people tough and at the same time many gets hurt when they see themselves not getting shortlisted. Firstly I didn't apply to all companies. Wow!! You must be saying how dumb that is. But we had three things in our mind which were – Brand of company, Work Profile and most importantly salary which we looked upon before applying any company. I never get an icon company which could give me these three things. DDD was not giving good work but brand and salary were good, XXX the same situation, qwe very good company but not from telecom background and blah blahblah‌ we set our standard for company & work to such an extent that we didn't want to apply to any other companies.

Recent Posts By Others I was almost left all alone and had to shift in a PG but fought hard to get into an IT company. I was in no mood to get a sales profile and so I kept on rejecting all the offers or companies that came my way with such profiles. I knew 1 day a company will come and take me which is having a good profile.. The most important think that mattered for me was a good profile. Sales and Marketing was not at all acceptable and so although many people /friends/faculties said that no other so called BIIG company is left and sit for sales profile, I kept saying to myself .. “NO I'll make my own future.� I don't blame anybody for me not getting selected in a very good company but I can say one thing that those two suspensions had a great impact on my life /placements as my overall percentage reduced by 5 % twice in the two semesters. I knew that others who are getting a chance to give GD/PI for BIG companies like Infosys or TATA are same as me and has the same knowledge. But it was just that I was not given enough opportunities and which actually did no good to me .. AAA was a one Video Conference interview round where they asked many questions Both HR as well as Technical. There wasn't any GD conducted. Video Conference Interview When I entered I thought even I can see them (the interviewers), so that I can understand If they are convinced by my answers or not, but found that only they can see me. They asked a lot of questions from the Telecom Field. I can tell you one thing, Giving more and more interviews make you more confident and technically more sound. Also I was staying with a girl from Andhra who didn't knew Hindi, so somehow my English also got better. I was very depressed and had very little hopes for this copany also but at the same time I wanted to be confident; strong and determined. They started with normal HR questions such as : Tell me about youself About my family My hobbies My educational background Any certifications (I said I am ITIL certified with a hope that I would impress them , but the reactions made me understand that ITIL is new to them) After asking many normal questions they switched gears and started asking some serious Technical questions.

Recent Posts By Others The technical questions were mainly from the Telecom fields; OSS BSS BTS Revenue Assurance Telecom Billing They also asked few networking questions just to check if I was having a sound knowledge of networking environment Router/ BRouter/Switches; He asked few networking questions Difference between them. Cloud Computing It was the Program Manager Mohit Jain taking the interview. He had a good knowledge of Telecom. So he asked questions on varied subjects. He liked my attitude of sticking on my point even after they tried me to change the answer. I was very satisfied after giving the interview. Finally I got selected in AAA Systems. BITM is a place where I got many happiness in terms of my friends who cared for me , who understood me. At the same time this BITM at times made me cry. When everyone got shortlisted and I was all alone not getting selected , It was only me who knew and who can understand how I felt. Today I am associated with XXX BBB . My dream of getting into an IT company with a Project Management Profile has finally been achieved. Still there are many goals yet to be achieved. I would like to thank Priya, My roomie, who always cared for me, we did interns together whenb there was nobody to help me get onel; Tejesh, with whom I always fought, but that was just because he was special to me. I thank Anna (Vijay), for providing me the support all the time (even till the last minute I was in Maharashtra). Arshad who has always been very caring and supportive. And last but not the Least Ujjwal who was also equally caring. A real special gift which BITM gave me. All My 5 friends‌. Thanks BITM. Thanks Bala Sir for giving me an opportunity to speak, to say something which I never told to anybody‌ I wish Sri Balaji Society all the best and also all my friends a great career ahead.

Recent Posts By Others Somya Kalra I am Somya Kalra Student Of Bitm Telecom Batch 2009-11;TM-09-8167; Finally Placed IN COMPANY C and appeared for 3 processes A sincere thank to BITM specially BALA sir for shaping us and grooming us to corporate citizens. The saying “problems are opportunities “has been a constant source of strength during various phases in my two year journey of BITM and these words still keep me going during difficult times. All well that ends well –came true for me as far as campus placements in BITM are considered. Being placed in dream company ,for the sought after role, with a reasonably decent package was difficult for me to believe at first; but yes efforts put for two years rather past 20 years –were rewarded well Going back to the days of October 2010 - the air used to be filled with names of companies , roles offered, opportunities ahead, along with the Job descriptions, eligibility criteria to ; when placements used to be the only discussions be in lunch ,dinner ,snacks or sometimes even during the lectures. It was tough time to figure out what do I really want ...A good brand to be proud to be associated with or a handsome package or king of roles and responsibilities..Really speaking the serious preparation for the campus interview brings out so much in oneself that one had not bothered for so many years in life. I can recollect the days when we used to be assembled in audi for registration of companies;and BITM telecom student being niche used to be some time upset and walk out of the audi thinking what do we really have in store of us. Do we have a opportunities as good as marketing guys?? But thanks to our PAT members, directors and others who worked day night to bring the Industry leading brands all in queue at our campus during the first week of our campus placements. Within The first 10 days of placements most of us were being called(though after satisfying company and college eligibility criteria) for various company processes...and now the difficulty was to select which company to appear foras there were so many in hand by this time.. The first company that visited the campus was world reknowned MNC ..and we would have never expected this company to visit ou campus..unfortunately i was not shortlisted .Though my academic records and all college criteria were satisfied –it was beyond my understanding what went wrong and how is the shortlisting being done..after much investigation I realised that i slightly miss as I had secured B grade for personality assessment however only those who secure A and A+ were shortlisted. It was really sad and i was little upset as I

Recent Posts By Others felt that i may not be a part of other such good companies as well. Within no time i decided nothing much could be changed for grade B and i started preparing for interviews harder. Visiting library , going through new arrivals, being in touch with current affairs on magazines both social and technical; practising aptitude, GD and PI was on target till I secure a job. One thing that really helped me on the D- Day was maintaining the register where I kept writing small important notes regarding telcom concepts being taught in class; intresting facts and figures from magazines and newspaper, latest info from telcom sites and much more.well then this register became a source of confidence ..i felt i have all info at my hand, before my eyes..:). While i was just engrossed in this preparation ;i was shortlisted for an IT major;the company was supposed to visit the campus a day after the announcement. The process was to be conducted for all the four colleges of SBS alongwith other friend colleges of Pune as requested by company. The process began early morning –first round was written aptitude test;which was a easy one-anyone without much preparation cud have cracked that. This was an elimination round. It was followed by GD where group of 12 student mixed from all B-schools were present. Our topic was merger and Acquisition. it was a calm group and everyone was given a fair chance to speak.i made two three valid points and used GD techniques to crack it. I qualified this as well. Then we were asked to fill forms based on all academic and extra curricular details . Next was the PI was really smooth .it was simple HR round-introducing yourself, carrer would you behave if not given a telecom role; strengths and weakeness etc.i managed well and results were awaited . My preparation for the other pipelined companies continues. I appeared for another Indian IT major .i was happy to be shortlisted but could not manage to qualify the online aptitude test this time. this test was really difficult and out of more than 50 students who appeared only 5 students could clear the test. Next day was scheduled for a VAS leader for the role I was not much interested ..though i was not looking forward eagerly at this opportunity yet i appeared with the mindset i will do my best and learn something.the first round was meant to be a telephonic round.though i waited for whole day long my turn for

Recent Posts By Others interview did not came and process was closed for the day with the announcement that we will be informed whenever the interviews will be arranged next time...and today i could see that while it all happened..the best was yet to happen Next day was the the D day of my life and company C, one of the reputed, well known It major was scheduled to visit the campus early morning . I was so excited to be a part of this process. The day began with filling of interview forms and the all set and done the interview panel arrived the was a big panel of 12 members..all from core telecom domain.the first thing on agenda was the Pre Placement talk. The panel introduced themselves and the company followed by instructions for us for the day and sequence of events. Within 15 minutes of end of pre placement talk..the interviews began and we awaited for our turn of interview ..i must mention this few hours of my life will always remain fresh in my life forever. as the interviews were being conducted our friends shared the experience of interviews and those whose interviews were still awaited kept on brushing all the telecom basic concepts,latest technologies and all the management concepts ,marketing models etc. Just after the candidates finished their technical round, they were being recommended for HR +Business round if the technical panel considers the candidates to be technically fit. the best part of the process was that if the HR was happy with the interaction he used to confirm the candidate that he or she is now a part of Company C. So while i was waiting for my turn of interview i had already revised two times all the technical concepts and was feeling pretty confident .7 of our friends had already been confirmed were welcomed to the company C. My name was called out for the technical round.i reached the room where the interview was being conductedmy heart was beating faster i tookdeep breath ..allowed myself to calm and enterd the room with a smile on my face.i greeted the panel (2 gentlemen ).they asked me to sit ..and all of us realised there was no chair...i thought its a stress interview..i told myself even if its stress interview ill manage..but the panel members asked me to pull a chair that was lying far off..some peon did that for me. The interview began Panel members: introduce yourself briefly Me:a general introduction with my academic background ,achievements, areas of intrest ,special skills,hobbies etc.

Recent Posts By Others Panel:what kind of responsibilities do you expect in the role offered Me:i picked few points mentioned in the job description ..elaborated on it followed by a discussion Panel.How do you think you are fit for this role..they wanted me to justify Me:i justified that i performed a similar role during my summer interns with the india's top most service provider and my efforts were much appreciated and since i enjoyed such role ..i think think this is best suited for me. Panel :which areas of telecom are you comfortable with Me..i named a few like networks,oss/bss,Vas Panel..few question on OSI model and function of L2 devices like switches Me. I answered thae panel seems to be satisfied Panel: asked me to draw M.Porters five force model and explain it wrt telecom Me: did so confidently Panel: various governing bodies and their roles Me: IEEE,TM forum and few others.. discussed their responsibilities. The conversation followed discussion on OSS /BSS. NGOss, TMN etc in detail. The other things they discussed was if you will be asked to write a code how would you handle . Then at the end they checked my analytical skills as i mentioned that i am an analytical person and would love to work as a consultants. they asked to solve a probability puzzle which i did and explainewd my logic. I qualified this round and within half an hour was called for HR round. The Hr round was really easy just he was checking confidence i guess as he played question fire round ..which i handled with calm. Few question posed by HR were as follows Telecom evolution why was privitisation brought into this sector by govt of india market share of Telcos what caused recession in US Practical examples of Liquidity .reporates and reverse repo rates Largest iPO in telcom sector Tele density Why did you choose Mba in telecom Why do you want to join this company What responsibility will you be looking in this offer Will you be willing to re locate And with the my final nod expressing my readiness to relocate to anywhere .he offered me to join the company ..and from that moment on i am thankful to BITM for grooming me to this level and helping me achieve my dreams. A very sincere thanks to ALL

Recent Posts By Others Sonal Bhaseen I am Sonal Bhaseen Registration No.: TM 09-8053 From Dual-A, BITM (2009-2011) Specialization- Marketing & Finance I am placed in company ABC. It is a dream of each and every student to get successful in life, to earn good fame and name in the society and to make their family and friends happy and proud. In order to achieve this, my journey begins from the first day of the BSchool. Then our decision making skills are tested in the third semester where we are in a tough situation of choosing the right Company. This has a major impact on our future and thus has to be the perfect one. Throughout the Placement Process we have questions running in our mind like "Will we get the best Company, best job, a good package and so on...". Life is full of challenges & you have to work hard to strive for success. I too followed the same pattern of achieving success by learning & adapting the skills required for a great future. It gives me immense pleasure to share my campus placement experience with my juniors, who could surely gain some knowledge & belief to learn the things they did in order to secure a good position in corporate world. And not to forget, your college itself is a practical class to learn from. From the day 1, I was fortunate enough to be eligible for the company which is a dream of every student and is the first company in the campus. And then the journey of tension, excitement, anxiety, happiness and relaxation started. I had made up my mind not to go for Banking Sector from day 1. Besides, salary package and the company profile was a main concern for me. My weakest point was clearing a GD which I analyzed when I saw other people getting placed and I being rejected at different placement process levels. I started to work hard on it as I knew that GD is being conducted by every company and to qualify for the final round i.e interview I had to clear my GD round anyhow. In Nov 2010, XYZ Company visited our campus. As usual, all eligible candidates had to attend the PPT. The job profile was exactly what I wanted but the salary package the company was offering not upto my expectations. But still I decided to go for this company coz the Brand was good and moreover there was no GD

Recent Posts By Others round in the selection process. So I made up my mind that this is a right choice for me. There were total 5 rounds and first 4 were elimination round. 1st round was of Aptitude Test which had almost 40 questions in 45 minutes based on Quant, Data Interpretation, Reasoning and English. Test was not so tough to crack. See P&L, Speed time Distance, Work & Time, DI, Comprehension, questions. On the basis of this aptitude around 67 students were short-listed. In the 2nd round, we were asked to write an email stating the postponement of project deadlines due to some problem. It was to check the writing abilities. In the 3rd round, the short listed students were divided in groups of eight for the next round which was a case study round. It was very exciting and interesting. Our group performed well. The 4th round was that of Versant, which was a quick spoken English test. It was conducted to evaluate language and literacy skills. The panel was quite impressed with the performance of the candidates. You have to just answer some phone recorded questions; they just check whether you have a good accent, your sentence building, grammar etc. It was around 11'o clock in the night till all these four rounds completed. So they called it for the day and the interviews were scheduled for the next day. Next morning, we all gathered near the BIMM building for the final judgment of our destiny. 5th round was of personal Interview. Only those were eligible for the 5th round, who cleared all the above 4 rounds. I was one of them. Before I went for my interview I did a massive research on the company and their culture. Some of the questions asked were1. Tell me about yourself 2. Mention your strengths and weaknesses 3. Areas of academic interest 4. Why our company? 5. Why should we hire you? 6. What if, another good brand with a better package but a similar profile offered to you? (This was asked to check whether I am interested in their profile or just the brand) 7. What are your Long-term Goals? 8. Why are you interested for this profile? My interview was very good and I was quite confident that I'll be selected. Finally the result was declared after some time. But, I was disappointed and disheartened that my name was not there in the list of selected students. After some time, one of the company person, who was an alumni of our college, told

Recent Posts By Others me the reason for my rejection. The point where I lacked was that I was not able to convince the HR panel on why I was interested in the job profile. My confidence was on a low-side but still I started sitting for the companies again. But there was a continuous rejection from all the companies due to which I started developing a negative feeling that “what if I could not get placed? “. My health started to decline and in feb, I was on complete bed rest as advised by my doctor. The reason was not taking proper meals and the tension of not getting placed. But two mantras, “PROBLEMS ARE OPPORTUNITIES”, and “LEAVE NO STONES UNTURNED” kept my spirits high during this crucial time. In March, I again sat for the companies, though at that time the flow of companies visiting our campus was reduced to 50%. Then one day, ABC, a Leading Logistic Company invited applications from our college for off campus recruitment. And the best thing was that the company was interested in only those candidates who had prior work experience of 1 year or more. I was one of them so I applied for that company. 1st round was a telephonic round, in which just the basic details were asked to check the fluency of English over telephone as the profile was of Customer Service Executive. For the 2nd round of interview, they called us at their Mumbai office. We were total 8 people. I was the 2nd last one to be interviewed. There was a brief discussion on my academic qualification and my strengths and weaknesses. Then they asked all of us to leave. i was just 5 minutes away from their office, when I received a call from them asking me to come back for the next round of interview. I was the only one to be shortlisted. There was a mixed feeling of happiness, excitement, and anxiety. The 3rd round was a HR Round. The questions asked were: - Tell me about yourself - Family background - Why marketing as a career? - Strengths and weakness - Hobbies - Why this profile? - Your Co-curricular activities column shows that you have done a lot of dance shows and fashion shows, why don't you make your career in that field? - The interview ended on a positive note. I came back to Pune.

Recent Posts By Others After 20-25 days I received a call from PAT that I have been shortlisted for the next round of interview i.e the technical round, to be conducted in Mumbai again. In the 4th round, there were more of situation based questions like: - Tell me any instance from your previous job where you came across a customer complaint/grievance and how you handled it - As this is a customer service profile and it will involve handling a lot of customer complaints and grievances, what will you do to refresh yourself? - This profile will keep you on your toes. For eg: you can't keep the phone ringing at your desk. Would you be able to handle all the frustration? How will you handle? - Are you ok working with MS-office? The wait for this round result was quite long. In May 2011, I received a call from PAT that I was shortlisted for the final round of interview to be conducted at their Gurgaon head office. All the arrangements were done and I reached Gurgaon with my mind full of positive energy. The 5th round was a mix of HR and Technical. Then they asked me to give a presentation. The situation was: I being a representative of college have to invite this company for college placements. The time allotted was 10 minutes to prepare. I gave the presentation and the message was successfully delivered. My wait was over and I was finally selected. It was a dream come true. It was the day of reward of all my hard work and efforts put by the college at every single day of my PDGM journey. From the bottom of my heart, I am very grateful to Bala Sir, my colleagues in PAT and my friends and family. My suggestion for all those who aspire to get placements, keep yourselves updated on the daily news and business news specially, know about yourself, your strengths and areas of interests. Read the company's website and also about the competitors, it really helps. Be very clear about the industry you want to join. Placement is still easy to get but what you want is difficult to identify when you are in college. I would like to say that do not lose your hope and do not get de-motivated. Have patience and work on your weak areas and be confident of your strengths. Be frank and be yourself. Know your areas of strength and always try to push the interview towards that area, never get drained out, and keep a smile on your face. Believe me it makes a difference. And above all“NEVER GIVE UP� I wish all my juniors a great career ahead.

Recent Posts By Others Sonal Chopra I am Sonal Chopra My Roll No: is TM-098292, Class -Dual-D from BITM from the Academic year 2009-2012. My specialization is Telecom &IT. I am finally placed in the Mumbai based Company. I am very glad to share my experience of my campus placement with this forum. I tried my best to express my views, opinions and strategies which may help the juniors who has to sail in the same boat in which we seniors sailed. I will start with the words that two things were very important in those days. One among that is “Being always update and the other is having “Patience”. Because what I have experience is that people started losing their patience by seeing their friends placed and get depressed which hamper on their actual facing company day and then they shake and lose the opportunity. Please go ahead with my experience…… Placement ………Placement ……….. Placement ……!!! The frequent chatting topic of those days. Simply mentioning days will not go, it has to be specified with other adjective terms too, horrified, tension ful, sleepless, hahaha…Those days which were awaited since the first joining day of my MBA college, everybody joined with the dream in their eyes………..“ to be placed in a good company with nice package.” So those were the days which were considered as turning point in one's life. we all are from one family “ Balajians ” but we all cannot be same in case of putting efforts and in our luck too.. I started with great enthusiasm and ended with happiness. In between was like sailing in the boat in a storm in order to reach destination….anyways “All well that ends well.” We all started hidden preparation a month ago …yes a hidden one from the time of hearing that companies are started going to come but truly one accepts it on asking “kyabaat he ,tune to placement kitaiyaarishurukar di ?? ”…but apart from preparing all those Mental ability, Quants and other reasoning questions, what I could find was having the “General awareness” is most important but this thought also become wrong when I saw the people who are having a good one of it, didn't got placed as per their expectation. They were absorbed by 'ok company' with 'ok package' just loosen up by losing patience. They deserve a lot more so here “Patience” plays the game.

Recent Posts By Others I was fulfilling all those criteria which one should possess for 'eligibility. ' and sat in the first company in the month of Nov .I tried…I lose. I tried…I lose …reached till the last round waiting for the name to hear still lose. What's this..? I cried but didn't lose hope. Getting every night a call from home and a voice full of expectation when get into the ears touches heart and shakes my mind but makes me more stronger … it encourages me a lot and then what next again one new day with one more company but was just playing a hit & trial game. As usual fulfilling all criteria so went for the first round of my company which was “GD”. Well, till the time was having a good experience of it and then I played a strategy game and get through it. There was no smile on face but still there was a light of hope “shayadhojaye…” and then name was called for second round which was combo of Technical and HR. Two long rectangular shaped table joined and covered with grey color Table cloth over which two Laptops and our CV's on it. On one side of the table 4 Company People were sitting and opposite to them was a single lonely chair. I was waiting outside the room in the corridor with others and was in unstable condition. I sat on the chair outside and then after sometime I stood up, took a round of the corridor and sat again. I don't remember how many times I did this and weather any one notices or not. Anyways…my name was announced by the Placement coordinator .I took a deep breath and knocked the door …voice came …SonalPlease come in….! I entered confidently, greeted them and sat on the chair. They started with their same question “Tell me about yourself ?” Since I belong to Telecom, they shoot me with some of the Technical Question like “Tell me something about VPN?” They ended with the appreciation that I did well in GD and asked me to wait out. A smile came to my face and I said “Thanks Sir…!” and then I went. Final round was announced by the company members which is “Power point presentation” which is to be given at company Head office in Mumbai. The Topics were provided by them to 7 selected students. I was one of them. My Topic was “ Fiber to the Home (FTTH) in India.” . Topic given to others was like “Value added services in Hospitality by IPTV.” “Broadband in India ” etc…etc.. We all 7 went to Mumbai at company's office and waited for an Hour for Directors to come. One by one presentation was going on. Mine was 3rd turn , I gave it with confidently and also answered each question to the best what I can.

Recent Posts By Others Then we all were asked to write the answers to some questions like … Your future after 5 years..? First thought in your mind when you wake up in the morning? We were provided with the white A4 sheets to write. All were watching each other's face, smiling and writing. Behind all that smile the worry was hidden. Out of 7, 3 were selected and I was one among them. This is what my placement experience is.., which is mix of Efforts I applied, The Unstable condition of mine in the bad situation, The courage of my loved ones and above all the self-confidence which I maintained till end. Thanks Sonal Chopra

Sourav Purakayastha Hi Everyone, Sourav Purakayastha REG No: Tm10-9127 BATCH: 2010-12 The day 17th Feb 2012 has been special for me… Perhaps I was waiting for this day since I started my school career. It was the day when I got placed in a vas company. I am a student with telecom background and it was immensely satisfying for me to get into a company that is catering to the telecom value chain. Vas or (Value added Services) is currently the segment that is generating most revenue for the BIG BOYS of the telecom… i.e. the service providers. Vas Players basically provides all the back end support to the operator's .They basically looks after all the non-voice operations of the company. Never ever a vas company comes to the forefront or in the lime light. But only an operator knows the importance of a Vas player to his success story. The Initial reaction of my family members were sheer happiness but then they have never heard the name of the they were initially a bit susceptible about the whole thing.

Recent Posts By Others The day 17th Feb was another day for me… I was waiting for my placements and counting the number of companies, when my luck will click. I was already rejected from three HR rounds and n number of technical and last but one rounds. The day started with a lecture from Mr. Kundan Das who was from CISCO. It was followed up with a process. Initially there was a rumor about C.V shortlisting. Now this has always been a scary issue for me because many times I have been on the wrong side of the things. You feel bad about not getting an opportunity and you have no one to complain to. But fate intervened and the C.V selection process was called off. After a pre-placement talk of about half –an-hour..the original process started. The whole process included three rounds. The first round was a G.D round. The second round was a debate round. The third round being a normal H.R round. Half of our batch has already been placed at that point of time so 45 of us sat the process. The students were divided into 5 groups of nine each and the G.D was conducted. My name was in the last group. 3 members panel turned up for the whole process. After several quite moments of waiting our turn finally came. By that point of time we have heard from other groups the types of topics on offer. It seemed to me a cakewalk because the topics were really very simple. The first group was offered a topic naming Indian telecom industry. It was a very generic topic an many of our guys have spoken well and were feeling excited about their chance of making it. Finally, my turn came and we went inside for our test. We were offered a G.D topic titled “PINK IS THE NEW BLUE”. Initially everyone looked bamboozled as no one has any idea about what to speak. one among us showed us the way. The GD coordinators also clarified the topics more to us an then the real fight for a survival started. After 10 minutes of ferocious group discussion the show was called off. Hence the first round came to an end. We waited outside for our results. In between time I was reliving my GD moments because it has been a tough GD. The topic was new to me and I felt lot more areas could have been covered by me. The coordinator announced the results and only two of us have cleared the round out of 9. In total 17. Now the rest of the students were moving towards there debate process. The round 2, of this process has been an entirely different experience for everybody because none of the company that has visited our campus so far has conducted a debate round before. We were unaware about the rules of the game and were just thinking what was in store for us. This time the students were divided into 2 groups. One group consists of 9 candidates another group

Recent Posts By Others consist of 8 candidates. I was the member of the bigger lot at this time around we were called first. After the round started we were sub divided again. One group consist of 5 candidates another one four candidates. The group which has 4 candidates were assigned “FOR THE MOTION “and the group that were having 5 candidates were assigned “AGAINST THE MOTION”. The rules of the games were told to us. It would be a sequential process where candidates from both the teams would speak one after the other. This process was far away from what a GD would have been. Our topic for discussion were “DOES RANBIR KAPOOR DESERVE THE FILM-FARE AWARD 2011” . The time scheduled was 15mins. After the process was over the next group was called in. Again the waiting time starts and the anxiety level rises. After the process for the second group was over it was the time for the result. The results finally came an 11 of us went to the last round. 3 fellows each from both the group were rejected. The round 3 started and I know that only 1 round waits between me and the glory. I have been in the similar situation 3 times before and this time I wanted to cross the hurdle at any cost. I was given the fourth slot in the interview. Again my wait started as candidates who were slotted before me went in to give there interview. As they started to come out other started to ask them what was going on inside. One question was common they were asking to sell bisleri bottle.. . Soon my turn came. As I went in the person start asking me simple question like describe yourself??, tell something about your family…?? Then he shifted his focus on my C.V and started asking questions from my C.V regarding hobbies… I was good at it an answered him convincingly. Then came the mother of all question …HOW WILL YOU SELL A BOTTLE OF BISLERI?? Then he checked my c.v again and in language known it was written Tamil.. So my task now was to sell the bottle in Tamil. I did that and they were very impressed. Finally they ask me why do I have any location preference?The answer to this question from my part was no. With a perfect shake of hand I ended the interview and came back satisfied hoping that this time I should have a reason to laugh. The final twist was left. After all the interviews were over we were eagerly waiting for our results. This time the company officials came to announce the results. The intermediate time was short and the result came out quickly. They declared that they have finally selected 7 candidates. They went on announcing the names… after the 4th and 5th name tensioned started to seize me up because I was expecting I would be there after the 6th name was announced I was sweating profusely because the make or break situation has now arrived… an finally he paused and….. He asked people to guess .They guessed one or two peoples names and he shook his head in disapproval and finally pointed the

Recent Posts By Others finger towards me.. THUS MY BIG MOMENT ARRIVED… The moment for which I have been waiting for so long. Hence my goal is accomplished. I got an early joining too. I joined my company within 15 days from my placements. I TOOK ME 17 COMPANIES & 3 MONTHS TO REACH THIS STAGE. Two of my own room mates were placed at an early stage of the season and I was unable to replicate that performance but never lose faith on my abilities… I was always ready to fight it out mentally till the end. I came here for placements and will see myself placed in a decent company that was my attitude. So stay positive and stay focused. Finally I want to Thank BALA SIR & SRI BALAJI SOCIETY for giving me this opportunity. BALA SIR is a person who has leaded his life by example… from him I have learned to stay positive in adverse situations. He is a role model for me as well for the entire society. May I contribute to the growth of SRI BALAJI SOCIETY.

Suhani Kharbanda Name: Suhani Kharbanda Roll No:-TM-09-8310 Stream: PGDM-Telecom Batch: 2009-11 I would like to share my on-campus placement experience. In the first 2 campus placement I did not reach the Personal Interview stage, but third time is a charm and I not only reached the Personal Interview but also got the job. The first company (Company A) had a written test which included aptitude, general English and some reasoning based questions as the first round. About 600 people (pool campus in our own college) took the test and only 180-200 of us cleared the written test. The people who cleared the test were divided into groups of 10-12 for the group discussion round. I was part of the third pool of students and the topic of discussion was “Whether Obama's visit to India will be beneficial to India's economy”. During the GD everybody started specking at the same time and the whole place turned into a fish market. The moderator finally got control of the situation and asked everyone to state their points one by one, so it was no longer a discussion, but it turned out to be everybody was just stating their opinions to the moderator. I did not reach the Personal Interview round for this company. The second company for which I sat in the campus interview was Company B and they also had a written entrance test. I cleared the test along with another

Recent Posts By Others 150 people and we were again divided into groups of 12-14 for the GD. The topic for the GD was “Reality Shows on TV”. I spoke pretty well from my side in the GD but unfortunately not selected for the Personal Interview round. The final campus interview that I took part in was with Company C. They did not have a written test but instead they were screening CVs. My name was in the list of shortlisted candidates who were supposed to take part in the GD. For the GD we were divided into groups of 12-13 and the topic was “what kind of impact movies are making on us in bringing a social change”. I was ready for this topic and had a couple of very good points already in my mind, so I decided to initiate the discussion. Since I had stared the discussion most of the replies from the other candidates were directed at me, and I was able to make my point and convince others. The moderator was impressed by my handling of the situation and when they released the list of the shortlisted candidates for the Personal Interview my name was first on the list. I was the fifth person to have the Personal Interview. The first four candidates' interview averaged only 10 minutes, but when it was my turn, my interview lasted almost 45 minutes which was quite alarming for everyone out there. The interviewer instead of asking me questions related to my MBA, started by asking me about my educational background, which I replied as briefly as I could. Then he asked me questions related to my final year project during my engineering. My project was about the OSI/TCP model and I told him all about seven layers in detail and he then asked me to give some practical example related to seven layers. Next question was difference between Hub, switch and a router. Then he asked me about LAN, WAN and other networking concepts and their technical names and topologies. He then asked me how much I know about cloud computing. After that he asked me a couple of question related to my MBA interns which was MR based Telecom project and then he asked what new you have learned in MBA interns. In respond to his previous question I explained about getting a free mobile SIM card these days and even after selling free SIM card how Telecom companies are still getting some profits/margins. Next question was -what was my major during my MBA, and how would it be useful to the interests of Company C. Lastly he asked about Are you aware about all the three profiles company C was offering to students and which one you are preferring. I was able to answer all of his questions very confidently and he looked satisfied with all my answers. This was all for the technical questions and now he started asking me if I would be okay working in 24X7 shifts and if I was willing to relocate to wherever the company would place me. I responded , that I would be more comfortable moving to Delhi/NCR as compared to Chennai/Hyderabad but being a fresher I am ready to relocate, which he noted down and that was the end of the technical Interview and I didn't realize how that 45 minutes passed.

Recent Posts By Others Now came the HR round, which took place immediately after the technical round. The HR lady who was there was really nice and mentioned that I had had a very long technical interview ( I guess this was mentioned on my CV which was forwarded to her by the technical interview team). Since the interviews were back to back the lady almost force fed me a couple of biscuits and chips from the plate she had and even offered me a glass of water. This really put me at ease and I was relaxed and ready to face whatever questions she had for me. Then without asking any other general HR questions she directly jumped on to a question that if I was comfortable working in 24x7 shifts and would relocation be a problem. I responded that I was comfortable with it and did not have any issues whatsoever. Then she mentioned that the company had a Bond that I would be asked to sign if I was offered the job, and then mentioned the terms and conditions of the bond, which were quite standard and I said that I would have no problems serving the bond. That concluded the HR interview and very next day we got the list of selected students and luckily i got selected for Company C. Thanking You SuhaniKharbanda

Sumit Purandare I am Sumit Purandare Reg No: TM09-8248 Specialization: Telecom; Div: C BITM; Batch: 2009-2011 My experience for campus placement The ultimate aim of joining BITM was to get a job in a good company. My journey started with enlightening sessions of Mahabharata, unforgettable sessions of Bam sirs' presentation and a fun filled creative induction period. After this started the real and rigorous classroom training started. It's not possible to listen to each and every subject with an equal interest. So I generally took interest in one or two subjects and believe me they even helped I my final interview as well. As soon as it was September, 2010 the placement season started. The first company which came for campus placement was Big company .I being from computer science back ground was not allowed to sit for it. It was a disheartening start for me.

Recent Posts By Others Company 1: The first company for me. First round was Telephonic interview only six candidates were there they were asking general question to all about mobile marketing .Since I was aware about it so I was quite confident about the selection and result came little late after two days I suppose only one candidate got selected…and my name was not there and I was not able to accept this… Company 2: My experience was nice with this company was good and I reached till final round.In this Company they have taken two rounds of technical interview and one HR interview I was lucky enough to clear all and got the remark as a good candidate but the final round was on VOIP I was ready for that also it was gone ok but unfortunately I was not in the final list…. Company3: So much hope with this company I cracked GD and called for Technical round and it was good he asked me so many question for around 45 minutes then I called for hr round it was not bad either it was 12 AM and all were waiting for the results keeping their finger crossed but due to some reason they announced result around 9 AM this I prepared a lot but my preparation was not good enough according to the companies parameter..i was little frustrated just because at the last moment something was going wrong..this time also same thing happened to me…name was not there in the final list…I still remember that day, I was retrospect about my mistakes and improvement in final round…I sat with friends they keep me motivated and gave me some suggestion those who has got placed in good companies,,.., with the help of suggestion given by them I was able to crack company 4 description is as follows Finally Company 4 came to campus and I got placed on 1st Apr 2011 after a long struggle it was sigh of relief… The Process The process started as same as that of others with a Pre Placement Talk. Thus the entire process can be summed up as…… Company short-listed candidates who have applied Pre Placement Talk (Company campus in Pune) Presentation(Company Campus in Pune) Personal Interview 1 (Company campus in Pune) Personal Interview 2 (Company Campus in Pune) Final result declaration (next day of interview 2) Pre Placement Talk The Pre Placement Talk included the description of the group companies and their available models in market. The peculiar thing about the presentation was they do not disclosed exactly the profile and the package at the time of PPT. Presentation There were 10 students in each group; mine was the first group in the Presentation . First they asked each one to introduce self. Then the topic for the

Recent Posts By Others presentation was given group decides in next 30 minutes. Our group decided to take it as normal GD and we started discussing the topic, the discussion was healthy and lasted for 12-13 minutes than each of us individually laid our points after this there were still 7 minutes left for discussion so we again discussed it till the panel said fine lets end the discussion. Personal Interview 1 It was taken by the two panel members that visited our college. The questions were same for all the students like It was more of an HR round I suppose than a technical round. Personal Interview 2 The short listed candidate from the first PI for their final interview which was with the Executive Vice President HR Executive Vice President Marketing My interview was the first there also. The questions that were asked were: Tell me about your family? Tell me about your Strength and Weakness? What is telecom marketing? How do you analyze customer need? Successful and Failure marketing and branding examples? Where and what you did in summer internship? Why this company? Any Work experience? The peculiar thing was that they did not entertain any of our questions during the PI and till now also not disclosed package and profile. Final result was than disclosed the next day. I was happy that day because I have achieved what I want to be, being a part of Balaji Society You just need to be confident and of course your positive attitude really helps a lot. But there is no shortcuts to get placed basically you just have to wait for the right company and get selected..I would like to thankful to Bala sir, DrMilind Oka sir, Vignesh sir and the entire faculty who taught me‌ My suggestion Have the knowledge of basic of your graduation (little) and of marketing Have knowledge of the industry Have knowledge of the company Have descent awareness of the current trend of the industry you are interested in Be calm & composed and cheerful during interviews.

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Be prepared from your side and be yourself. Maintain a notebook with answers all possible questions Start preparation from months before not a day before placement starts. Practice aptitude Read newspapers on regular basis. Most importantly have a LUCK on the D-day its all about the luck you might be the best in the GD but still not get selected this happens with all and you are not any different so be ready to face it. Regards, SumitPurandare TM09-8248 Telecom

Swati Srivastava My Campus Placement Experience Name: Swati Srivastava Registration No: TM-09-8293 College: BITM – Dual D Academic Year – 2009-2011 I am finally placed with One of the Top brands in Telecom VAS domain. My placement experience was a pretty tense period. In fact I haven't been this tense since a long time. It was probably because I got placed within the initial placement season, on December 18th, 2010 and had a decent offer with one of the Big brands of India. I felt secured and relieved. Although things did not work out well as they cancelled the offer on February 2011, when the placement season was almost over!! Almost all BIG companies had completed their process. I was at the starting point Once AGAIN! I was left with nothing. The thought of not getting a job in hand before I complete my education was scary!! More than anything, I guess what the placement process teaches you is that Life is not fair and that sometimes luck matters more than ability. There is always something better stored for all of us. Although I was demotivated, tensed but my spirits were high. I somewhere knew somewhere a job is waiting

Recent Posts By Others for me! :) 6th March, 2011: The very first company which visited BITM after my offer cancellation. Since I was left with very less time and opportunity, I knew this day has something better for me. I prepared myself, mentally & academically. An air of anxiety, sweat trickled down furrowed foreheads, pulses raced and students experienced their hiccups of the strife involved in getting a first job. The session started with a pre-placement talk by the company executives company's services, market presence, growth component and work culture, it covers them all. This is followed by a brief explanation of the skill sets required for employment and the procedure the company will follow for the ensuing recruitment. The actual recruitment procedure started with a GD round. During the course of this round, wrinkled foreheads apply their grey cells to the optimum capacity. Our GD was very tough because first time I experience around 14 people setting same time in GD and everybody wants to crack his/her GD , nobody was giving chance to anyone to speak even a single word , but then at that time you have to act quick and smart to grab your chance in that mess to prove yourself . As the time was about to run out, frantic attempts to finish take maximum chances and make a few last minute statements. The mental workout that was involved is evident from the gasps and sighs from various corners. Then begins the seemingly long (but actually only a few hours), unbearable and intriguing wait for the results. This interlude was spent by the “may-be-hired� student populace in a multitude ways. Some recite their last however never ending prayers, while some try to avoid all the adrenalin rush by taking a power nap. As the time for the announcement of results came near, waves of students started inundating the second floor once again. All around one can see pale and fatigued faces – a fall out of the excruciating test and the unnerving wait. Finally the moment of reckoning arrived and the list of students who qualified for the next round was read out. There were signs of disappointment and screams of joy. Then I heard my name! Yes! I cleared GD round. Then the necessary instructions for the process of interviews were given. Interview call came, and I went into the room, there were 2 members in my panel, both really cool and casual guys; when I greeted them by referring them as 'Sir', they said that I could call them by their name and take it as a casual interaction so that both sides get to know each other properly! Then they congratulated me for making it so far and I really appreciated the manner they were treating me with!

Recent Posts By Others Then came some basic HR questions like my introduction, toughest moment in my life, about disputes while working in my team, some questions out of my CV related to the projects etc. then it was my turn to ask them questions, so asked them about some surveys done by the company which I looked up on their website and few questions related to the job responsibility. After I was over with my first round of interview, I was told to sit and wait in the hall for the next round of interview. After about a wait of half an hour, I was called in the second panel where one gentleman and a lady were waiting for me. Each one of them were talented and equipped enough to find out what good each one of us had to offer and who could be the best one of them. After a casual talk, I was asked some technical questions, and thereafter few questions were asked by the HR. My interview went well and I was satisfied with my performance over all. Now, it was all about wait for the results. All the 30 students interviewed were called in one room, we were told that 8 people were in! After sometime they started calling out the names and then‌ My Name! YES! I MADE IT!! I was through!! :) I Hadn't told my parents that I had my placements on that day. Now it was my turn to call them up and share the good news! I had a wonderful experience and was quite lucky to get my hands on one of the biggest brands in VAS industry. I am very grateful to Bala Sir, my colleagues in PAT and my friends and family. I had great learning at this prestigious institute. It has given a new shapes to our lives. I would always remain thankful to the teachers, friends and everybody out there to help me make it possible! I wish all my colleagues ALL THE BEST and hope they achieve success in all their endeavors. Thank You!!!

Recent Posts By Others Tanuj Kumar Hi, I am Tanuj Kumar Registration Number TM-09-8294 Class Division- Dual d BITM, Academic year 2009-2011 My specialization is in Telecom I am finally placed in Company A, working in business development group for Product engineering services. It gives me an immense pleasure to share my campus placement experience with my juniors, who could surely gain some knowledge & belief to learn the things I did in order to secure a good position in the corporate world. Life is full of challenges & you have to work hard to strive for success. I too followed the same pattern of achieving success by learning & adapting to skills required for a great future. Also I would like to thank the college placement cell for working day & night, burning mid night fuel to stand on hopes of the students & bring in almost 300 companies to the campus for placement. To start with, the skills required for success in campus placement is to develop logical & analytical skills. This would help to strive for 1st level for selection that is “Written Aptitude test”. For this many books are available to go for. To develop this regular work with numbers to be precise is important; students should go for numbers as these would help in their corporate world. Since consistent performance is the key to success people should not be demotivated by the level of difficulty in any exam. Next step is the “Group Discussion” round, this is a rejection round, so you need to focus, pitch in points that are relevant to the subject. For this the best thing the college provides is the “Economic Times” paper. This paper would help to know the current market trends, help you to analyze the market situation & would help develop the ability to understand the market happenings. I used to regularly read the paper, maybe not the complete content, but the basic headlines, so as to know what is happening in the market. And for telecom students it is important, as telecom sector is at the boom, so any change in the market can change the tide of the carrier. And the final is the personal interview, both HR & Technical, & for this I think our college professors has done a commendable job in knowing us the current technologies, in & out, know the future technologies, & help us to know the basics from the core of each subject, maybe its marketing, telecom related issues & what not. I am thankful to Bala sir for providing such esteemed professors at our disposal, so that we could learn a lot from them.

Recent Posts By Others I have divided my campus placement experience into the following four activities:l Written Aptitude Test The aptitude test was divided into 3 main parts i.e.quant, verbal ability and data interpretation. Generally questions from RS Aggarwal were asked. We were given around 90 questions to be responded in 60 minutes. After conducting the written test, I was selected for the next round that is group discussion round. l Group discussion 22 groups were formed for conducting group discussions with around 15 to 20 students in each group. We were asked to select a topic for ourselves but after a minute's time we were given a topic “SEZs: Boon or Bane?� Students were judges on the following parameters:l Ability to lead the group l Communication skills l Your understanding of the topic Group discussion was for 15 mins and the discussion went in a flow as introduction to topic, examples and pros and cons of the topic were discussed. Group discussion was elimination round and 2-3 students per group were selected. I got through the above 2 rounds and the next was HR interview l HR interview The interview was conducted around 10 PM. The interview started with the questions like: l Introduce yourself l Tell me something about your family background l Why you want to join our company? l Are you ready to be work anywhere in India? l Discuss about your strengths & weaknesses l Do your SWOT analysis l Tell me something about services (particularly IT) sector in India? l What do you know about the company? l Are you ready to sign the bond? The interview went well for almost 40 mins and after 7 days the results were conveyed to the PAT team into which I was selected. l Technical interview The final round of interview was a technical one and it conducted 2 weeks from the day HR interview results were announced. The interview was a telephonic call which was taken from Bangalore. The interviewer introduced himself & started asking me questions on technical side, accessing my logical, analytical & basic knowledge about technology.

Recent Posts By Others Some questions that were asked are: l Marketing related questions like product life cycle for a service, new product development, knowledge of RFP/RFI, how to pitch the customer, what is configuration management? Some questions about MS office tools. l What is project management? Some questions were asked on real time problems in marketing & how you as a PM would solve it. They also concentrated on my summer internship as to what problems did I face during my summer internship and what did I do about it. The interview was carried on for about 60 minutes, and finally the interview results were announced the same day and I was selected. I thank Bala sir for making me share such a wonderful experience for placement that would surely help my juniors for motivation & just want to wish all the very best for their future. As always Bala sir used to say, “Problems are Opportunities� I would always remember those words life long, & in case of any urgency would not hesitate to apply sir's Guru Mantra. Again I would like to tell my juniors to follow footsteps of sir to achieve something memorable & big in life, as I always do. Thanks & Regards, Tanuj Kumar TM-09-8294 Telecom (Dual D)

Taruna Chaudhary Hello Everyone, I am Taruna Chaudhary Roll Number. TM 09 8171, Class of Telecom & Marketing, Division-B, from BITM Academic year 2009-11, passed out on 25th April,2011. My specialization is in Telecom & Marketing. First of all, I would like to appreciate the commendable efforts of our college and our peers in Placement Cell who worked hard and made our campus placement season a huge success. I am very Glad to write here that over 200 companies visited our campus during our placement season and it was a treat to see your friends getting placed one after another, not to mention the nice startup packages they got.

Recent Posts By Others The companies follow different processes to conduct their placement process. The companies which I sat for were of IT, FMCG, Retail, Construction, Finance & Market Research domains. I did not get chance to sit for Company B which was the first company of our college, because I could not meet the eligibility criteria. They required 70% marks throughout your academic career which I had at every stage except for my PGDM. So, its advisable to maintain 70% benchmark score at all times or else you also might miss a chance like me. However I had no regrets as I had faith in myself. Then I sat for few companies but I was very choosy. I didn't want to go for sales as I wanted a Business Analyst or Research profile. There were initially many companies which started pitching in and I chose to sit for few of them. First company for which I sat was Company A. I had prepared well for it but during the CV screening process, we came to know that the Company was not willing to take Computer Engineers. That came as more of a shock to me because I really wanted to get into this company and I had prepared for it very hard. But I did not get disappointed. Then I did not sit for the coming few companies because they were not meeting my aspirations of career as well as pay package. After few more companies, one more Consultancy company came for which I appeared. The initial process consisted of an aptitude test which I cleared and after that we came to know that company was also willing to take Group discussion and a Business Plan round along with the Interview. It came as much of a surprise to me because I was not mentally prepared for it. But however it was a do or die situation for me and I had to perform well to get through. I performed well in all the rounds but one wound which was the Business Plan round for which I had not prepared earlier. Our GD coordinator gave us a Topic for which we had to make a Business Plan. Then everyone had to present it. One out of all the plans was selected and then we had a group discussion on whether the selected plan was ok to go or it needed modifications. After all the rounds, we were eagerly waiting for the results, but unfortunately the result was not so pleasing for me. Out of the entire lot, only one student was selected and the rest of us returned back in vain. That was the frustrating of all when I had no clue as to what should I do. This is the time my friends played a very important role and they didn't let me loose me patience. I sat for almost 21 companies they were from different domains. From these companies processes I learned a lot and in the end I was lucky enough to have the job with the profile which I always wanted.

Recent Posts By Others For my Company , process started with CV selection and then Online test which was a elimination round. Only 2 of us were able to crack this round. Then we were called by company in their Head Office-Pune, where other candidates from different colleges were called. Then the process started with 6 written tests- each for 1. Numerical ability, 2. Analytics, 3. Digital marketing knowledge, 4. Creativity, 5. Client servicing, 6. Marketing. I got through all the written rounds. Each written test was for half an hour which was followed by GD. I got through GD and then in Interview in questions were like: 1) About your Internship 2) Why this profile 3) What would you do if you don't get meeting scheduled 4) Why Digital Marketing? 5) Why Start-up? 6) Scope of Digital Marketing in India. Then there was the HR interview in which again they asked me about 1) Started the interview about yourself & family background. 2) Strength and weakness & how your strength helps you in achieving your goals and how does knowing your weakness helps you. 3) Whether I would be comfortable working with startup – Lack of Resources, more commitment & more work. 4) When I would get settle down. 5) Asked a lot of questions regarding the client servicing, like how would you handle a situation where “n” number of clients are demanding different outputs at the same time. 6) Asked about how do I see myself after 5 years down the same work line and do I see any future with the startup companies. ANALYTICAL INTERVIEW 1) I was given a certain situation where in my feedback was asked regarding how would Interact and handle the situation. 2) They asked me few puzzles to check my analytical abilities and how I approach my work.

Recent Posts By Others 3) The questions were based on check my logical abilities, which I passed with flying colors. 4) They also gave me a business case which I had to solve in 15 mins and had to make the business model for the same. General questions. Sorry, I don't remember much of the questions now. Immediately after my last round was over, they said they will declare the result after two days. And after two days I got a call from PAT office that my name is there. I got selected on my B'day. All I would suggest is have faith on yourselves (never lose it), be clear about your competencies and areas of improvement, and never get frustrated, because one thing is for sure, NOBODY LEAVES THIS CAMPUS WITHOUT A JOB IN HIS HAND. Best Wishes & Regards TarunaChaudhary BITM (2009-11 batch) TM09-8171

Tejesh Vazarkar I am Tejesh Vazarkar Registration Number: TM - 09 - 8249 Division C from BITM from the academic year 2009-11 My specialization is in Telecom The placement experience was one of the best experiences if my life. Here it goes. ABC company was a one the most renowned in telecom domain. First round: GD Group was of 12 people. Topic was “Woman executive are doing well in Corporate and are moving ahead of their male counter parts� It was very hot topic; everybody was giving their opinion and was not giving facts or any example from the corporate world. It was first company so it was obvious to have this situation.

Recent Posts By Others The one who gave facts and figures got selected in GD. I was not the lucky one. Next was a good Mumbai based company deals in Servers and other communication products. It was very good experience. First round: GD We were 7-8 in a group, topic was generic. 3 of us were selected for next round. Second round: PI In PI they gave us catalogue of their products and asked us to give a closer look, they asked us questions based on the catalogue. It was not that difficult but u needs to have deep knowledge of various technologies so that one can add that knowledge during PI. Three of us got selected but the package they were giving was much lesser than what our PAT team told us. We didn't agree to the same. This was a moment where we got highly frustrated. Here the succeeding PAT team please make sure that the company which agrees to give a certain package is confirmed before sending to their place. This is the company which I placed in. There was no GD, it was direct interview. First round of interview was with VP – Sales & marketing. He asked me lot of questions form telecom domain. Following are the questions, Q: Tell me the call routing if I call from Pune to USA? A: for the same answer professors like CerveshDaga& our dearest Thote sir helped me a lot. They not only taught us the technological aspect but the practical knowledge of it like which is entry point for data access in USA, where are the major servers located in India, where is the antenna located in India which does the most of satellite communication in India, etc. Q: what is difference between Wimax& Wi-Fi? Q: Tell me about your work in internship? Q: How the marketing which you did in internship helped for the company A: I did my intership in Uninor for the Blue Wave Project; here I gave calculation as what was the target company gave us for SIM cards and due to the marketing process (Road Show, Visual Merchandizing, etc) how we over achieved our target. Then many other questions related to technology were asked, I answered them. Second Round of interview was with the CEO of the company.

Recent Posts By Others CEO was very cool person but when one tries to bluff him he catches it and then that moment is so horrified that one cannot express. Q: Do you know MS Excel. I told “yes, I am proficient in Excel�, then he gave me a huge data and told me to tell him a story depending on the data. It was business projection of a company and had lot of columns and lots of data in those columns. Here I recalled teaching of VivekMarathe sir and also the talks which he used to make during lectures. I wanted to laugh on one of his joke but was in front of CEO of the company. I prepared Pivot table and then graphs and started to tell story as in like what resources will be added for the coming month for the required growth, which circles will be added, why only these many circles will developed initially and why not other, etc etc. Q: Do u think it will be possible to achieve the Business Projections? I told him 50-50% chances are there for success. This answer I think have made him little restless. Q: What factors do you think will resist the growth of the company? I told him that government regulations, external competition, natural calamities, etc will affect the growth. Q: what will be success factors? Time to market, quality, etc will be the factors, but he asked me to give factors for service industry. I was not able to answer. He helped me and explained. This was the question which he asked me after asking me what package I want. I told him that my minimum requirements. Q: What is the latest news in Telecom Industry? This question answered me a lot of questions which I used to get during my collage days in BITM, Why there was ET test, why Ramashastri Sir wastes his first half of class discussing news, etc.

Recent Posts By Others Due to the news reading habit which I got during my college helped me to answer this question, I would like to thanks Bala sir for the ET test which is now helping me in my Corporate Life. Thank you Sir. For this question i have read a news article in TOI which tell the market share value for Nokia & Samsung. Ramashastri Sir during their lectures have taught us how to analyse the news, how to get the whole market value and then to extract each players market size, to get the market size for previous day. Etc. His teaching and Despande Sir's Teaching are the one which I will never be able to forget. While reading that news I actually did some calculation on my mobile and told the CEO of the fact. He was doing something on his Tab, I think he was verifying it and was smiling. Here I got the clue; he told me that my first round of interview was over and need to come for some more rounds. There was no another round. There was a call from the HR department of the same company that I have being selected and was offered the same package which I asked for. I joined as Associate Marketing and now I am Engagement Manager in the same company. Thanks all, Tejesh TM-09-8249

Ujjwal Narayan I am Ujjwal Narayan Registration Number. TM 09 8250, Class of Telecom, My name is Ujjwal Narayan (TM-09-8250) Before describing about my placement in XXX, I would like to share few more instances that happened to me. Being an engineer (and rejecting a package of 3L at the time of engineering), when I came to BITM to do Management, I thought anything around 5-6 will be easily achieved. I was decent at my studies, but being in the environment, I got to know the ground realities. Telecom ,still being a very niche segment in the management studies, I understood that it is more about learning and achieving with experience than to get everything you thought of on DAY 1.

Recent Posts By Others Our 2 years with SBS was and will always be one of the most enjoying and satisfying period, where I got to learn many new things, and also got some extremely helpful and caring friends with the likes of TejeshVazarkar, Vijay Raghav, Priya Sharma ,SnigdhaShukla and almost the whole of PGDM C of BITM. .I got ill (dengue) when I was in hospital for approx 7 days; It was the time when I got a BIIIIIIIIG Card by all my classmates in the hospital, saying GET WELL SOON.. This was the most cherishable moment… Before sitting in the process of XXX, I sat in few more companies, A,B,C,D,E to name a few. The confidence was pretty low when I gave my first GD in A. But gradually I started getting more confidence in myself and also started to crack atleast first few rounds. There were moments when we entered the last round of few companies; but regretted by the fact that there are many better companies still lined up. Placement week/ or better the placement period is the toughest as far as getting support from friends are concerned. Everybody is busy in themselves trying to get the best package , trying to learn new things that only HE/SHE should know . It makes many people tough and at the same time many gets hurt when they see themselves not getting shortlisted. Then came one of those many days when a company named XXX AAA came in our campus. As usual we got ready and were called in the Audi for the Company / profile presentation. We were lease interested when the presentations were going on. But then found it to be a not so bad choice. However there was only one confusion in my mind that I didn't wanted to go as South as Chennai; as it was also one of the POP along with Noida. 1- GD: The day was very long and started with batches of 12. Finally we were called for the GD round and I was feeling very excited that I got my turn. We were 12 people in our GD group and there were 2 panelists to conduct the GD. There was rectangular table in HRD building and I was sitting across the judges. Topic of GD was: “BOLLYWOOD MOVIES ON PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED AND ITS THE EFFECT ON INDIAN SOCIETY” (I don't exactly remember the topic) Major discussion points: I was just thinking that where to start with and I decided not to speak first (honestly speaking). I wanted to see the flow of group so I started on third no and following are the major points out of discussion: First member started with the support of such movies as it provides a better picture of the society.

Recent Posts By Others Topics like Euthanasia came for films like Guzaarish. Also Taarezameen par and Paa was constantly a centre of topic in the GD where the movies have shown that people with such disabilities should be treated well in society. Second member picked up and said that we can do better business by producing such emotional and socially involved monies; making it a Win Win situation for both the Film makers as well as the society But few were against such film makers and its ill effects against the subjects like Euthanasia which can have a wrong effect on the society (Since Euthanasia is still illegal in India) Then I spoke in favor of the topic for approx 1 and half minutes (which fortunately everyone listened very calmly) Honestly speaking, I was not 100% sure about whether I should go for or against the topic. But then as the flow of discussion went Even I went and spoke for the topic as there were many better reasons and many good things / awareness for the society than wrongs. 3 people were randomly selected to conclude the topic but fortunately I was not one of them. My part in the GD was over by then and I started to analyze whether I could be selected or not. With, GD got finished. I was little bit sure of my selection and I was not thinking much of it Finally result came out and I was selected. Now second round‌. 2- Interview 1: Technical We had 2 interviews. First was the technical interview, the next was HR interview. I was the first from the Telecom Batch to be interviewed. I was a bit anxious as I thought they might ask many technical questions which I am not very sure of; but they asked few networking questions Few of them are: 1. ITIL: Since I am an ITIL certified , they asked me regarding it a couple of time to check If I am thorough with the concepts of it 2. Router/ BRouter/Switches; He asked few networking questions Difference between them. 3. Cloud Computing 4. about IT infrastructure management These were few of the important questions , Apart from this they also asked regarding my interests, subjects we have studied, our MTNL training etc.

Recent Posts By Others Altogether it was a nice interaction with the interviewer and he looked convinced so was I. I was smiling and my heart beat was up in the sky… With greetings to them, I came out and had some water.. 3- Interview 2: HR Interviewer: Tell me about yourself? Me: I gave very general description as everybody gives. Interview B: Can you tell us about your family and income resources. Me: I explained very clearly and honestly. Interview A: Are you comfortable to work 24x7, preferably in night shifts. Me: At this point of time, I am not 100% comfortable in night shifts but I am not resistant to work in night if the work is not monotonous. Further I explained in this way… Now days, organizations are working day and night so I will have to adjust myself for that culture too. I was smiling and my heart beat was up in the sky… With greetings to them, I came out and had some water.. Interviewer: If I select you and send you Chennai then you won't be able to manage there so why should I take you? Me: Honestly speaking… I felt like I am blank and nothing to say. Then I said – sir, If you are saying this then there must be some reason. But let me tell you sir, I belong to Bihar and did my graduation from Nagpur and stayed in Pune i.e I am out of my home for more than 6 years So I do not have any problem in adjustments in new city. The interviewer also asked if there is anything I would like to clear or ask. With this, he said me all the best and let's wait for the results that would be displayed by your placement coordinators tomorrow. So I became a part of XXX as the next day I got a confirmation from PAT Cell that I was one of those selected in XXX.

Recent Posts By Others Utkarsh Tiwari I am UtkarshTiwari, Roll no TM-098172. BITM, Dual-B Telecom and Marketing. Balaji society has provided a lot in life, it has provided me a platform because of which i am here today, in Private sector bank. Regarding my campus experience. This Private sector Bank has been a regular recruiter from our collage,company has given a week advance notice that it is coming. Our collage has asked for names of student who are interested in joining the company. I was always interested in banking sector, and I have heard about good work culture bank has from our seniors. Bank has a built a good reputation in nearly 8-9 years & has got a turnover of nearly 45k crores. It gives me immense pleasure to be a banker & as I have learnt the two greatest things from SBS which I am implementing over here i.e. ETHICS & INTEGRITY. The placement procedure of company in which I got placed begins with two online screening tests which consist of 2 Aptitude test in which nearly 600-700 students have appeared. Company has screened out & selected the list of nearly 75 students. The selection panel came down on 22nd Nov with 3 HR head & 2 Regional branch manager in our campus. First round consist of GD in which 7 groups were made out of which they selected nearly 25 students. My GD topic was “Leaders are born or made� I just started the discussion with some positive note supporting Leaders are made & kept my point,by giving various examples of successful leader such as Indira Nooyi, steve Jobs. I ended the discussion with concluding the points were discussed by the group. And after few minutes the list came down in which surprisingly mine name was also there. The biggest factor in campus recruitment process for me was cracking GD & hopefully I have given my best & that's it. After that PI round begin with Head HR of Mumbai he asked me several questions related to internship & then related to banking background. He asked me some current scenario questions as well which was able to answer it comfortably. Then he also explained me the job profile & given me situation in which I need to deal with the client in which I guess I have not done very well but still have shown my confidence & on a positive note I think somewhere I have impressed him.

Recent Posts By Others The second PI was with the Regional Branch Manager of Mumbai who asked me banking related questions in which 1-2 I was not able to answer. But the basic question I was able to answer because of continuous ET paper reading has helped me & I am really grateful to college for making it strictly which we always used to curse them. He asked many question related to my internship which I answered it very well. At last the last round was taken by HR Head & RBM of Pune who just asked me few questions related to after doing BTECH in ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION why MBA & after that how come you are joining banking industry.. This was the toughest question to convince them as they keep on questioning after my response but still I was able to handle it & make them convinced that I am the right person for your organization whom you are looking out for. So at last after the long process of day selection panel came out with a list in which they have selected 10 people & by default mine name was last. At that point of time they clarified about the location and work profile. So that's it company has decided to finalize me and then panel spelt the magic words "You are selected !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although there is overabundance of MBA colleges which boast themselves as the institute providing the best MBA program, not many offer justified reasons for the same. Also, professionals who look out for a reliable MBA program are not choosy. Ideally, all they look for are basic features in an institute's MBA program, which are as follows: 1. Certification of the institute 2. Flexible timings: Flexibility to the working professionals to study as per their convenience Does not put an extra strain on a professional to attend lectures on the same day after office hours 3. Study support Does not end the support by giving just course material and asking the professionals to learn every chapter by their own 4. Quality of course curriculum 5. Reliable teaching methodology 6. Placement assistance But Balaji, today offers many non-traditional opportunities to earn college credit, such as internships, cooperative education, and volunteering. If you want to work with well-known instructors, participate in groundbreaking research projects, or delve into well-stocked libraries, Balaji has got all the resources. Whilst talking about the placement department of the Balaji, it has very well

Recent Posts By Others nurtured its liaison and good relationship with the company executives from the Corporate. I would like to talk about our faculties (our mentors),Prantosh sir who has made our concepts regarding marketing very clear. He started everything from the base and explained each and every concept.Girish sir brought to us various examples from the industry which really gave us a great insight of the industry. Moreover the corporate interaction from corporate stalwart has improved my insight of the industry. Another great thing about balaji society was each and every festival was celebrated with great enthusiasm in the same way we celebrate at home. Last but not the least i would like to thank Bala sir who stood as an inspiration for me ,i can never forget his words "PROBLEMS ARE OPPORTUNITY".He always taught us about Discipline,dedication and determination and now I found the true values of these words.Bala sir regular update about the industry and the environment is still helping us a lot. THANK YOU BALAJI SOCIETY FOR EVERYTHING.I ALWAYS FEEL PROUD TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH BALAJI COLLAGE.THANK YOU BALA SIR FOR BEING THERE FOR US, ALWAYS.

Vijay Raghav Hi All , I'm Vijay Raghav Registration No.TM 09-8251 PGDM ( Telecom ) ,Dual C BITM 2009 - 2011 Before coming to SBS, frankly speaking I'm not interested in MBA. I want to pursue MS but due to recession in the economy, my parents convinced me to go for the MBA. The day I entered in SBS, I know my future is in safe hands.But still the goal is to get a good placement in the reputed organization. The logo of SBS still reminds me i.e., 3D's discipline, dedication and determination. I proudly say that now where I'm stand it's because of SBS, our beloved Bala Sir, Directors of each institute and the most important faculty. They taught us how to cope yourself in the corporate environment. They taught etiquette's, personality development ,interpersonal skills ,communication etc.

Recent Posts By Others For me, the campus placement experience is mixed with both feelings and emotions and also lots of pain for me. The reason is that I get placed in the last where only 4-5 of my batch mates were left for the campus. So ,you all can understand that how tough it was for me. I prepared myself in all the aspects whether it will be GD, Interview etc. I remember that the first company visited to our campus for the Telecom is Company A. I'm very excited about that and also feeling some heat (in other words nervous ). The first round was GD and for this they made a batch of 1215. Finally, the turn has came and we entered into the GD room and the topic was “Pros and Cons having relationship with China “. As, the panel gave the topic the whole room becomes fish market in few minutes. Even, I became aggressive. After coming from the GD room, I was quite optimistic that I will be selected. Soon, the results were announced and I was not selected. I felt frustrated but I thought this was the first company. After that lots of companies came but I wasn't be able to shortlisted in those because of the less percentage in both Engg and MBA.In between, several other companies came but I have not shown any interest because I didn't liked the profile they were offering. I created lots of opportunities during that time but I failed twice or thrice during my interview rounds. I wasn't able to capitalize on the opportunities which I created for myself. My morale is going down and I'm losing my confidence. Then came one of those many days when a company X came in our campus. As usual we got ready and were called in the Audi for the Company / profile presentation. There was a confusion regarding the job profile but later they cleared that the job profile they were offering is related to the project management. Then I decided that I will go for it. The process started with the Written Test. There were 60 questions which includes aptitude, reasoning etc. I was able to clear the written test.The next round was Group Discussion (GD) .We were 12 people in our GD group and there were 2 panelists to conduct the GD. There was rectangular table in TM building and I was sitting across the judges. Topic of GD was: “GROWTH OF TELECOM INDUSTRY IN INDIA"I was just thinking that where to start with and I decided not to speak first (honestly speaking). I wanted to see the flow of group so I started on third no and following are the major points out of discussion: l Overview of the Telecom Industry l Emerging Technologies like WiMAX ,OFDM l 3G and 4G l VAS Industry l Key Drivers for Telecom Industry (For Eg. Network Equipment Vendors, OEM's etc.) With, GD got finished. I was little bit sure of my selection and I was not thinking much of it.Next day, the results were announced and I was shortlisted for the

Recent Posts By Others next round. After 1 week they Company X called in their campus and when we went there, the panel was waiting for us. Again, they took the Written Test and after 30 mins they announced the result and I was shortlisted for the final round i.e., Interview Round. The interview round took place after some days. It includes all aspects like Technical and HR in one interview. There is no separate HR round.I was the first from the telecom batch to be interviewed. I was a bit anxious but I tried to keep myself calm and composed. They started with the general questions like: 1)Tell me about yourself 2)Family Background One interesting question is that they checked me in Sanskrit because I mentioned in my CV is that I got 58th rank overall in India. They asked lattlakar for gachati. What are your hobbies etc. Now they jumped into the technical questions. 1)Questions on the technologies like Wi-Fi, Wimax, difference between Wi-Fi and Wimax, IEEE standard for Ethernet. 2) What is Project Management , Financial Management in Project Management. 3) Three most important aspects of Project Management A: Time ,Cost and Quality 4) What is Change Management etc. These were few of the important questions, Apart from this they also asked regarding my interests, subjects we have studied, our MTNL Training etc. Altogether it was a nice interaction with the interviewer and he looked convinced so was I.The interviewer also asked if there is anything I would like to clear or ask. With this, he said me all the best and let's wait for the results that would be displayed by your parent company X.. So, finally I got a huge sigh of relief when HR called me and told that you were selected.I thank my parents and family members for providing the support throughout that phase and encouraged me that you also get placed one day and I thank god for his blessings. Without him, nothing is possible. I whole heartedly thank SBS for giving a shape to my career. I thank Bala sir for his blessings with us. I thank Director ,Deputy Director and others also for their blessings with us.

Recent Posts By Others Vaninder Kaur, Hi I am Vaninder Kaur, Registration Number is TM09-8058, Class Division is Dual A BITM, Specialization is in Marketing & Finance, Academic Year 2009-2011, Placed on 7thDecember, 2011. Dear friends, Before I share my campus placement experience, I must give my heartiest thanks to Bala Sir and the entire Placement Team which made my life easier by their constant guidance and support. 1st Company Experience......... XYZ is the first company which visits the campus in the month of September. Experience with XYZ was awful. In the first round......... they conducted Group Discussion wherein groups of 6 to 8 students were made and very generic topics were given, altogether from BITM 120 students of marketing appeared for the GD round. Out of 120 the HR picked up just 5 students which were two less a number. Five students including myself appeared for the second round which was a general aptitude test. Aptitude Test is conducted to have a better understanding of the candidate and his/her response to multiple situations. It more or less gives a complete picture of the candidate thereby helping the HR Team to match the characteristics of the candidate with their requirement. Post the Aptitude Test, we also got an opportunity to interact with the HR panel. While our interaction I simply asked one of the panel members, “ Why so less students were selected in the Gd round from BITM�, my curiosity somehow annoyed the HR and they didn't like my inquisitiveness and in turn my chances of getting into XYZ came to an end. Second Company Experience.................. Then I appeared for another company, although the name was new in the industry but I was quiet impressed by the package and the profile, therefore, I sat for the interview .

Recent Posts By Others The First Round........ This round was Group Discussion wherein a topic related to sports was given, so I didn't take the initiative to start as 'sports' is not my cup of tea, but I had the confidence to speak about any topic thrown at me. So I got through the first round of Gd. The Second Round.........All the students who cleared the first round sat for the next round of Gd, topic given was, 'Is jugaad, the way of doing business in India'? All the students who cleared the 2nd round sat for the 3rd round. In every round students got eliminated. The 3rd Round............In this round the HR panel said, to start and conduct the Gd on our own, which created a lot of mess and a lot of leaders, who wanted to prove their worth. Than the 4th round......... the coordinator asked to give one word in which our friends can best describe us. Post which they finally shortlisted students for the interview round. I did appear for interview but couldn't make through the selection process, maybe I didn't fit into what they were probably looking for. Emotions..............After appearing for two companies, reaching till the end and not getting selected made me feel a little low and then I appeared for a couple of more companies where in I failed to clear the Gd round which to an extent had lowered my self confidence and I couldn't see anything positive happening around when finally my lucky day came. I was so sceptical about giving my CV for ABC Co. that I took it back had a discussion with my parents and friends and went again to give my CV. It's very true that when it's your lucky day things just fall in place for you effortlessly, it so happens that we tend to give our best shot in the companies we get selected and probably that's the reason we are selected. Last Company Experience.......... My Selection day....................... First had to be group discussion which is also elimination round. Groups of 10 to 12 students were made. Topic was related to real estate industry as the company was from real estate sector. Second Round........ all those who cleared the first round sat for another round of Gd, where the topic was Global Warming. After the group discussion, the HR panel asked each one of us to conclude in minimum of words and to be as precise as possible and bringing forth each once perspective. I was the only student in my group who cleared this round as my group members couldn't

Recent Posts By Others restrict to the word limit as was instructed by the panel. Therefore, very important it becomes to understand what is expected out of you and how you present yourself. Final Interview Round............ It was a panel of two members one was the Head HR of the company and the other from the Marketing Department. Q1. They asked me to select any service from the service sector of my choice and market it . Ans. Since I had a strong interest in Event Management I selected being a Wedding Planner and marketed wedding packages to them. ** They even checked on my negotiation skills and cross- questioning and my skills to convince the client. Q2. Why Real estate sector especially when it is a male dominated sector. Ans. They wanted to know my interest and how comfortable I would be in this industry. I explained them confidently the pros and cons of this sector and 'being a girl' should never be a reasons to hold back in career in today's work culture. Q3. Why this company (ABC.)? Ans. This question is to be well prepared beforehand leaving no scope for ambiguity. Q4. If we reduce the total CTC that we are offering by Rs. 50,000. Will you still go for the offer? Ans. I confidently said, “that the Company and brand is what that matters and package is Secondary�. After the Final Interview Round.......... Out of 15 students who appeared for the interview round only 5 were picked up and I was one of them Finally I got selected.........

Recent Posts By Others The Offer Letter was given after keeping us wait for a day as they were scrutinising our CV's. Out of 5 students who cleared the interview round, 3 were selected and offered the job. I was the only one selected from BITM which made me feel proud all the more. Offer letter.............. mentioned the joining date to be 14th of Feb, 2011 which made all three of us very excited, as we would be joining early and getting paid very soon and additional months get added to the experience we gain. Placement season is a lifetime experience and we go through all emotions like competition with our best of friends, celebrations of selection for the first job, nervous breakdown before interview and before the result is announced, happy for friends selected and placed and sad for not getting selected in one more company, pressure of days passing by when practically you know the entire season is left and finally the feeling of accomplishment and empowerment with a heavy package in hand and a dream that here we enter the corporate world with those black suits and heavy pay packages to rock the world..............

Varun Verma Hi. VarunVerma Reg. No. : TM09-8173 Div.: Dual 'B' Marketing &Telecom(Balaji Institute of Telecom & Management) Academic year: 2009-2011 Specialization : Marketing First of all, I want to thank BITM Placement Team (2009-2011 Batch) for their hard work during the whole Placement season. They worked day and night for our Placement....Thanks A lot Guys! Without your efforts it would not have been possible for us... !!!!!!!!! The placement season is the time we all dream for when we join MBA college. The fever of Placement season rises up as the time comes close by. It was 18th of September, 2010 when our Bala Sir announced in the auditorium that the journey towards our destiny would begin from tomorrow onwards, the journey full of anticipation and anxiety, the journey of Campus Placements 2010..... Then the day arrived, 19th Sep was here, ABC Comp. was in the Campus, a different mood was there of seriousness, of responsibility, for the first time in the audi people were not asked to arrange themselves or asked to “settle down�, it just happened and you could understand it, for sure something was very different. The process started and i did not clear the G.D, and it was very disappointing to say the least.

Recent Posts By Others My placement experience was quite good. I have selected limited companies to start my carrier. My Second Company was X . I had cleared the Aptitude Test only 100 student had cleared the Test from the whole BalajiSociety , I felt proud that out of the best 100 students who cleared the Aptitude Test and got selected from the whole Balaji society I was the one among them. But to my disappointment, in the next 30 minutes I was rejected in the GD round. Thankfully I was not disheartened because this was my first chance and I did good in the process. Then new companies and firms kept conducting campus interviews and I fully determined kept on facing the process. Again I was rejected sometimes in GD or sometimes in the Final Interview. But then there was something else in store for me, something on the 23-012011, “A” Company in the campus and “It Happened”, I got through-I was Placed!!!! The Company had already sent a criterion for short listing, apart from the College's criteria of 60% marks throughout and 90% attendance. At around 1100 hrs the Co. arrived, and we all were asked to submit our C.V's and rush to the Seminar Room of TM building for the PPT (Pre Placement Talk). The environment in that room was one of its kind, people were tensed regarding the process, phrases like “Best of Luck Yaar”, “Are teratho is me ho hi jayeha”, floated around.....all were trying to show that they were very normal by talking, laughing, but inside everyone knew the tension levels were soaring sky high...... The officials arrived, our Director mam introduced them, and then the PPT started, they showed us everything in complete detail, from the profile offered, their latest Projects, the working hours, culture, ethics, and most importantly the compensation part-the entire break up including the take away, or the in hand salary..... On the same day I am also having a final exam of financial management. After completetion of my P.I. I rushed through the HRD building to attened my Exam. There is mixed feelings for placement and exam. I rushed to the place where our P.I was supposed to be held, they had gone for lunch and by the time we were asked to fill a Personal Profile Form. It was much like our C.V with the additions like Strengths, weakness, and the important question “Why IT Sector?” I was the second one for the interview too. The first interview lasted for 25 mins or so believe me those were the longest 25 minsi had experienced. And then finally that time came when my friend Nitin told me it was my turn next. I went inside greeted the panel and was asked to take a seat. Then their questions started the first one being the most anticipated one-“priyesh tell us something about yourself”, then a sequence of them were fired at me like:

Recent Posts By Others The Questions which they generally ask 1 . Describe yourself? This question was asked by every company, so every one has to prepare for it, very well which can be influential for the interviewrs. 2. Some current affairs As a part of our curriculum reading economic times on a daily basis helped me to give answers to the current affairs asked by interviewrs.As a marketing student everyone has to know about different brands their tag lines and other related parameters. 3.why marketing two years in marketing give me lot of reasons to satisfy interviewrs about this question. 4.where you see yourself 5 years down the line 5.Why xyz company. For this question it requires a lot of home work about the company, about its balance sheet , its establishment , its presence , about its products which can be acquired from the company website. After facing many group discussions and interviews finally my day had come I got placed in the 10th company on 23 Jan 2011 There was a normal group discussions, which again I cleared as usual. Then there were only direct interviews The panel consisted of 3 members.Each one of them were talented and equipped enough to find out what good each one of us had to offer and who could be the best one of them. In the pre placement talk the speaker introduced himself and the company to us. The work culture, what they were looking for, the salary structure, job profile, everything was clearly explained to us. Questions were answered and other doubts were also clarified. The placement procedure consisted of the following rounds:1.Shortlisting of students. 2.Group Discussion interview 1 & 2 Interview with each of the candidates went around for 20 mins which implied sufficient time being taken by the panel members to judge each one of us. The questions asked during my P.I were:Basic introduction. Strengths and weaknesses.

Recent Posts By Others Major setbacks and achievements. Learning from them Hobbies and interests. Company of summer internship, project undertaken. Where do you see yourself five years down the line? How can you contribute to the growth of our organization? Flexibility with regards to location. Questions from branding and marketing? How you can make your product different from others. What is the gaurantee that u dont leave us after taking experience . The day had come because of the hard work put in by our pat members , every faculty which taught us , by our beloved bala sir, inamdar sir who always guided us as a mentor and on every step boosted our confidence. I am very lucky that i am passed out from such an esteemed institution. My Suggestions: Patience is the key, Go for the profile and be very particular about the sector you want to enter. If you are good you will get what you want and money would automatically follow you. Be confident about yourself, continue doing hard work, success will ultimately follow you. Don't get disheartened by the rejections, instead learn from them to improve. “The ride is not smooth if you want to achieve great heights.� I wish all my colleagues ALL THE VERY BEST and hope they succeed in their endeavours. SBS WILL HELP YOU LIVE AND FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS. Thank You Varunverma

Recent Posts By Others Ms. Veenu Ahuja I am Ms. Veenu Ahuja Registration no TM 09 8296 From Dual D BITM Telecom batch 2009-2011 Batch from the academic year 2009-11 passed out on 26th APril 2011. Company: Telecom services and Product Company Placement is Dream of every student when he or she enters into the college. I also saw the same dream and it got completed after sitting for 3rd company. It is well said that everybody has got his /her own day and that person gets placed on that particular day. So i would like to share my experience of MY DAY that was on 29th November 2011. Being from an Engineering back ground helped me understand what the telecom industry was all about. Apart from the regular reading of newspaper and browsing the internet to gather data about various industries helped me prepare well for the process. Entire process was consisted of two rounds. 1) Group Discussion 2) Interview 1) Group Discussion on various topics ranging from abstract to those with a focus in marketing issues and current affairs Students were divided into groups of 10 to 12 each. The topics for discussion were from all the fields ranging from IT to those of general awareness. There were 1-2 moderators per group who clarified the rules for discussion. The topic for my group was “ARE WOMEN CEO'S THE ONLY WAY TO INDIA SUCCESS? We were given 5 minutes to organize our thoughts and jot it down and another 10 minutes to carry out the discussion at the end of which we were asked to draw a conclusion. Most of the students were able to make their point amidst much noise from certain quarters and we finally concluded with a consensus that EQUALITY IS IMPORTANT.

Recent Posts By Others However from the discussion that ensued one thing came to the fore that students were not very well equipped with facts and appropriate subject matter as most of them gave a very generic picture of the entire thing. It was disappointing as a post graduate student from an institute of repute like ours should have known better. I made my presence felt in the discussion at the appropriate junctures, especially once when the student who initiated the discussion took it off the track which could have sabotaged everyone's chance of going to the next round. At the end of it 2 students from a group of 12 were shortlisted for the final round. I have always followed the mantra of keeping my calm, use of simple words, clear pronunciation and never indulge in cross talks while the discussion is in progress. 2) Interview A panel consisted of Head Talent Acquisition and our alumni. The interview started with a small talk to break the ice and then they started asking questions like : a)Tell us something yourself that your resume doesn't tell us I basically tried to focus on my family background and extracurricular as my resume had all other academic details. b) If I call someone from your class, would they know you? How would they describe you? My answer basically emphasized on my qualities and I tried to substantiate them with illustrations. c) If you were to compare yourself with an animal, which animal would that be? I feel that no matter which animal one says, one should explain why that animal has been chosen by you and should have experiences to highlight the qualities that the animal is associated with. d) Give one word that best describes you. Here I would like to advice that always use the word which gels with the description in your resume and your personality because the interviewers cannot be bluffed on these grounds e) Tell us something about the company where you did your internship I did my internship in Bharti airtel limited. So I told them about the company, its standing in the market, its ventures, some of its ongoing marketing areas. I also focused on the company culture and other details which I felt it distinguished the company from others.

Recent Posts By Others f) What was your project? I described my project, its scope and its applicability. I also focused on my contributions in doing the same. They had also asked some minor details about the project while I was describing my project. I suggest that one should know one's project in depth. Be honest incase one is unable to recall any other detail. g) What were your recommendations? Were any of them accepted? I told them about my recommendations made to the company and about the suggestions that were accepted. h) Do you have any profile preferences? I told them what I would prefer but I also made sure to emphasize on the fact that I am open to marketing profile that the company has to offer. Here, I would stress that one should be open to other profiles than that of one's liking. I)what are your expectations from the company? j) Were you look yourself after 5 yrs from now? I see myself as Project Manager - Business development after 5 yrs from now. They also asked me as to why do you think that we should take you? To this I had given a genuine answer stating some of my strengths relating it their expectations which they had stated in their presentation I would suggest that one should be fully prepared. In-depth knowledge about the project and recent developments in that field and others areas should be there. Moreover, one should go and face the interview with an open mind and should be flexible. One should be confident and truthful in the interview. One should keep in mind that we are the navigators of our interview. It is us that help the interviewer make their decision. One should always remember that no one is less talented than the other and the efforts that we put in will surely be rewarded. Wishing everyone a bright and successful future.

Recent Posts By Others Vibhakar Hi, I am Vibhakar Registration Number TM-09-8060 Class Division- Dual a BITM, Academic year 2009-2011 My specialization is in Marketing & Finance I am finally placed in Company A, working in business development group for chemical Product. It gives me an immense pleasure to share my campus placement experience with my juniors, who could surely gain some knowledge & belief to learn the things I did in order to secure a good position in the corporate world. Life is full of challenges & you have to work hard to strive for success. I too followed the same pattern of achieving success by learning & adapting to skills required for a great future. Also I would like to thank the college placement cell for working day & night, burning mid night fuel to stand on hopes of the students & bring in almost 300 companies to the campus for placement. To start with, the skills required for success in campus placement is to develop logical & analytical skills. This would help to strive for 1st level for selection that is “Written Aptitude test”. For this many books are available to go for. To develop this regular work with numbers to be precise is important; students should go for numbers as these would help in their corporate world. Since consistent performance is the key to success people should not be demotivated by the level of difficulty in any exam. Next step is the “Group Discussion” round, this is a rejection round, so you need to focus, pitch in points that are relevant to the subject. For this the best thing the college provides is the “Economic Times” paper. This paper would help to know the current market trends, help you to analyze the market situation & would help develop the ability to understand the market happenings. I used to regularly read the paper, maybe not the complete content, but the basic headlines, so as to know what is happening in the market. And for telecom students it is important, as telecom sector is at the boom, so any change in the market can change the tide of the carrier. And the final is the personal interview, both HR & Technical, & for this I think our college professors has done a commendable job in knowing us the current technologies, in & out, know the future technologies, & help us to know the

Recent Posts By Others basics from the core of each subject, maybe its marketing, telecom related issues & what not. I am thankful to Bala sir for providing such esteemed professors at our disposal, so that we could learn a lot from them. I have divided my campus placement experience into the following four activities:l Written Aptitude Test

The aptitude test was divided into 3 main parts i.e.quant, verbal ability and data interpretation. Generally questions from RS Aggarwal were asked. We were given around 90 questions to be responded in 60 minutes. After conducting the written test, I was selected for the next round that is group discussion round. l Group discussion

22 groups were formed for conducting group discussions with around 15 to 20 students in each group. We were asked to select a topic for ourselves but after a minute's time we weregiven a topic “SEZs: Boon or Bane?� Students were judges on the following parameters:l Ability to lead the group l Communication skills l Your understanding of the topic Group discussion was for 15 mins and the discussion went in a flow as introduction to topic, examples and pros and cons of the topic were discussed. Group discussion was elimination round and 2-3 students per group were selected. I got through the above 2 rounds and the next was HR interview l HR interview

The interview was conducted around 10 PM. The interview started with the questions like: l Introduce yourself l Tell me something about your family background l Why you want to join our company? l Are you ready to be work anywhere in India? l Discuss about your strengths & weaknesses l Do your SWOT analysis l Tell me something about services(particularly IT) sector in India? l What do you know about the company? l Are you ready to sign the bond?

Recent Posts By Others The interview went well for almost 40 mins and after 7 days the results were conveyed to the PAT team into which I was selected. l Technical interview The final round of interview was a technical one and it conducted 2 weeks from the day HR interview results were announced. The interview was a telephonic call which was taken from Bangalore. The interviewer introduced himself & started asking me questions on technical side, accessing my logical, analytical & basic knowledge about technology. Some questions that were asked are: l Marketing related questions like product life cycle for a service, new product

development, knowledge of RFP/RFI, how to pitch the customer, what is configuration management? Some questions about MS office tools. l What is project management? Some questions were asked on real time

problems in marketing & how you as a PM would solve it. They also concentrated on my summer internship as to what problems did I face during my summer internship and what did I do about it. The interview was carried on for about 60 minutes, and finally the interview results were announced the same day and I was selected. I thank Bala sir for making me share such a wonderful experience for placement that would surely help my juniors for motivation & just want to wish all the very best for their future. As always Bala sir used to say, “Problems are Opportunities� I would always remember those words life long, & in case of any urgency would not hesitate to apply sir's Guru Mantra. Again I would like to tell my juniors to follow footsteps of sir to achieve something memorable & big in life, as I always do. Thanks & Regards, Vibhakar

Recent Posts By Others Vikas Kumar Singh Hi I am Vikas Kumar Singh Roll Number –TM09-8175 BITM-Dual B (Marketing & Telecom) Academic Year 2009-2011 My Campus Placement Experience My Alma Mater: When I joined BITM a lot questions went through my mind. Questions like whether have I taken the right decision? Will I be able to get good placements? Will I be able to prove myself in this totally new environment? And things like that. But today as I look back I see that Balaji society has given me much more than what I would have ever desired. Apart from knowledge, it has given me the strength and stamina to fight with this cruel world outside which is filled with so called sharks, it has taught me very basic yet very powerful lessons of life as how to respect and appreciate others. I would like to salute the efforts of Bala sir whose strong vision and leadership has transformed many lives and would continue doing it in futures to come. I still remember those long hours of sitting in auditorium and watching Mahabharata episodes and cursing myself, those extended classroom sessions and no holiday concept. But today I understand the importance of those times when my days in the office extend to 11:30 p.m. in the night. It was all done to prepare ourselves. The pain which we took that time is now a blessing for us. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my mentors in the Balaji Society for giving me such courage to stand where I am today. The D-day-: No prize for guessing this day but it's the same day for what we were there. We had worked hard and wanted to do well. This was my third company in which I was sitting. Earlier I had my chances in companies like DHL and ShapoorjiPallonji group but somehow bad luck followed or rather I would say that there were others who were better than me. It was Company A whose process started late and went up till midnight with two rounds yet to be taken on the next day. The Company's Process: First round : It was as usual a written test which I was very confident of clearing, yet I was getting very anxious to know the results as soon as

Recent Posts By Others possible. I could hardly wait. Finally it came and I was through to the next round. Second round (Group Discussion): I was in the sixth group. The wait was too long to handle. Every time a group was out we were in a hurry to share their experience inside. A very usual process yet so exciting. The topics varied from politics to sports to economy etc. I was just sitting with my group and guessing our topic. Finally, the time arrived and we were inside. We all looked cheerful and were just ready to let ourselves blast. There were two moderators one of them a lady. The moderators wanted us to feel very comfortable and they started chit chatting before we actually started the session. The lady in the conversation asked which topic we as a group wanted to discuss. Everybody had their own notion. I too suggested some current topics. Suddenly the HR (male) gave us the same as our topic meaning he wanted us to split in two groups of five and decide a topic amongst our groups and then convince each other as to why should we have this topic for discussion. And this whole exercise became our GD topic. For a moment we were taken by surprise as we had entered with a different perspective. Lesson here was that we have to be ready for anything and everything all the time. Soon we started the exercise. I convinced my group about the topic “china's relations with India-complex & Sensitive�. Altogether we had a great experience and an intense discussion. Third Round: This session was about testing our writing skills. It was all happening around midnight but still everybody looked fresh and active. We were shown few pictures on the screen one by one for 15 seconds and were suppose to conceptualize a story based on the picture that for which we were given 4 minutes each. The process was very similar to SSB interview. It was an interesting round allowing us to show our imagination and creativity. The final round (Interview): It started the next day. There were three persons one of them being a lady. I entered the room with full confidence not knowing that it was going to be gruelling session. I started with my introduction and how my upbringing happened. Then all of sudden a strange question: Interviewer: You have got 58.9% aggregate in your graduation and our criterion is 60% then what are you doing here? Me: Sir, with all due respect I would like to say that I have already

Recent Posts By Others crossed three rounds of yours which proves that I am the right candidature for the job and as far as marks are concerned I don't think 1 % is going to make any difference as long as you have the conviction and courage to go out in the market do good for your company. As the interview went along I was asked to show a mock of the selling process where I was suppose to convince the person about my products and how these are going to add value to his business. I was supposed to come up with 20 reasons and ideas to convince him. Though I never matched that number but did fairly well. Later there were some light discussions about my family and marriage. It went up to 35 minutes. All the way interviewers were trying to put me down and make me feel low and it was all done to check how I work under pressure. I was confident of getting selected but still those butterflies did their job in my stomach. Finally the entire wait and the anticipation came to an end as the Head HR announced the results and my name being one of them. Altogether there were 11 people who were selected. I thanked GOD as I took breath in relief. Let me take this opportunity to thank all my well wishers, my mentors in Balaji society, my parents and of course my friends for all their support without whom it would have never been possible. At last I would like to wish All the Best to all my juniors. Success and failures are a part of life. Failures are just the milestones for the success to come. I would like to quote a line here: “The Dawn always happens after the darkest hours of the night� Thanks & regards Vikas Kumar Singh

Recent Posts By Others Vikrant Rai I am Vikrant Rai Registration No: TM09-8309 Specialization : PGDM ( Telecom)- Dual 'C'. Batch :-2009-2011 Hello Ma'am, Following is my placement experience in SBS. I was rejected in two companies and was not shortlisted for two other compnaies due to low attendance (my attendance was 91.1%) . I kept my cool. XXXXX was the next on list. I knew I had to make it. The day was 8th December 2010. The process started at 10 pm . Initially the HR gave a small presentation about XXXXXXX and its various product lines. Only Engineers were allowed to appear for this company and not more than one backlog was allowed during engineering graduation. The first round consisted of Group Discussion. My GD was held at 11:58 pm and this was my GD topic as well “ GD at 11:58 pm.” Time duration for GD was 10 min. I took the initiative and related it to SBS rigorous schedule that due to the “Commando Training” we all are still feeling live to appear in GD at this hour and how we are molded to work in tough corporate conditions. The result came after 5 mins and I was through. After that we had Psychometric Test. And to clear it, there is always one rule as per my opinion. Always create a positive story around the picture shown in slides. The result was declared around 1 pm and I cleared it as well. Next day around 7 am our interview was scheduled. Due to my Gap years between 12th and Engineering I had very little room to play. XXXXXX was offering Sales Profile and I had done my Internship in “YYYYYYYYY” in sales. I knew it that I have to build my interview on Summer Internship only. I had given a presentation on MVNO during my Internship, so I deliberately put “ Presentation on MVNO” in other activities column. And the moment HR asked about it , I had plenty of things to talk about. My interview went on for 30 mins and of that 20 mins we discussed about Internship only. Apart from this few technical questions were also asked to me :Q1 What is SS7?

Recent Posts By Others Ans: Common Channel Signaling System No 7 (SS7 or C7) is a global standard for telecommunications defined by International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The standard defines the procedure and protocols by which network elements in the Public Switched Telephone Network ( PSTN) exchange information over a digital signalling network to effect wireline and wireless call setup, routing and control. Q2 What is GSM ? Ans: GSM is a technology which is the leading cell phone standard all over the world. In 1982 it was recognized as a standard for digital wireless communications and was first adopted in Europe and then by Asia, Africa etc. The first system was online in 1991 and GSM was formerly known as Group Special Mobile but now stands for Global System for Mobile communications. USA, however has not adopted GSM as a standard and so different carriers now use different technologies as opposed to only GSM. GSM is an open system and is a non propriety technology. One of the great benefits of GSM is that it facilitates international roaming. As it is adopted by more than 170 countries, you have the facility of using your GSM cell phone in all these places without having to change your number. GSM satellite roaming has broadened the scope of cellular services even to areas where standard terrestrial services are not possible. GSM is a technology that is rapidly growing and constantly evolving with wireless, satellite and cordless systems offering greatly expanded services. These services include multimedia data services, high speed, inbuilt support for side by side use of these services and faultless incorporation with the Internet and wireline networks. GSM works on different frequency bands across the world. In North America it uses a 1900 MHz frequency whereas in other parts of the world it uses either 900MHz or 1800 MHz. Q3 What is Wi Fi? Ans: Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity) is a wireless networking technology. It allows devices to communicate without wires. Wi-Fi refers to any system that uses the 802.11 standard, which was developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and released in 1997. In a Wi-Fi network, computers with Wi-Fi network cards connect wirelessly to a wireless router. The router is connected to the Internet by means of a modem, typically a cable or DSL modem. Any user within 200 feet or so (about 61 meters) of the access point can then connect to the Internet.

Recent Posts By Others It uses radio frequency in 2.4 GHz range, a lower frequency that does not require near line-of-sight operation, to transmit data through air. Initial speed was 1-2 mbps. Now 802.11a,b,g has been added.Wireless Internet is just one of the services that wifi supports. Wifi is a wireless communication standard used between computer devices to share files and resources. Q3- Bluetooth vsWiFi? Ans: Bluetooth and WiFi are both wireless technologies that use radio frequency (RF) waves to create networks, but they're used for fundamentally different purposes. Bluetooth's main purpose is to temporarily link an individual's personal devices together over short distances, while WiFi's purpose is to link multiple computers together over longer distances. Q4? What is eTOM? Ans: Every business has standards and best practices. The most widely used and accepted set of framework to guide the development and management of key business processes within a Telecom service provider is eTOM. eTOM started back in 1995, known then as the TOM. TOM very much focused on just the operational process needs. Since starting in 1999, eTOM has gradually added strategic, marketing, and product lifecycle planning and Enterprise process elements. eTOM replaced the aging Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) model. The enhanced part of the title illustrates the focus on cutting-edge telecom technologies, such as DSL, broadband, and Internet-related telephony. As with other sets of business standards, ETOM is regularly updated. The current version is Version 4.5. At its most basic, ETOM is a blueprint for telecom companies to implement enterprise practices. In e TOM four lifecycle stages are defined:Fulfillment.Assurance, Billing and Operation, Support and Readiness. Around 4 pm the result was declared and I was selected. The experience was thrilling at all times, yet it must be a cake-walk for any telecom post graduate from BITM. Thanks for a patient read. Please feel free to reach on +91 9560808517. All the best. Regards, Vikrant Rai TM09-8309

Recent Posts By Others Vineeta Rai Name :Vineeta Rai College: Bitm Dual : B Roll number: Tm 098176 Batch: 2009-2011 Here I present my experience of getting in Abc Actually I became serious for this company, only 1 day before it was to come in my college. In preparation I did few chapters of marketing management by kotler…but just one day before I revised all the chapters that I did before and on the next day morning that's on 1st November did small portion of verbal and nonverbal book . (I did nothing new but I revised only the chapters of Kotler). Then at around 1 pm they start with their PPT..I can say in my case that it's only after going through their PPT I felt that I want to be in this company. I was so impressed but some kind of controversy was going in my mind as I thought that as compared to other students I haven't prepared well. Its just 5 to 8 hrs I have spent on preparation but I was thorough with all topics of quant and verbal so I maintained my confidence in me..that's all I did before going in for written test that's boosting my inner confidence that I can do it… About written test I can say preparation matters but the main thing is speed and the time management…below I write for you the pattern of the written test— It consisted of 6 sections having 100 questions in all to be attempted in 1 hr with no negative marking…. Section 1.Verbal section—it consisted of 35 simple clues but again the speed matters…u think about the answer and just click on the option there is no time for rechecking .the question of coding and decoding was there in appreciable amount so I suggest you that if u are appearing for abc written u better write ABCD…. On rough sheet before the exam starts …truly it works!! 2. Non verbal section-it was having 20 questions simple and the main portion was formed by analogy, pattern matching… 3.Quantitative aptitude—only 15 questions of aptitude were there and as I knew that my quant is weak so I attempted only 7-8 questions of which I got the answered in first go—actually I can say I was bit lucky in this regard as I

Recent Posts By Others practiced for partnership question well in my prep hrs and in my quant section there was about 6 simple questions from partnership I marked all the other arbitrarily(the main advantage of negative marking)!! I completed this section in hardly 5 minutes.. 4-5. In these two sections was 25 questions of English—like fill in the blanks with conjunctions ,synonyms, antonyms(simple one not the alien words),it was all easy for me… 6. it consisted of 2 comprehensions very-very simple its just speed which is required as u get only 4-5 min to do it .I attempted this section in the last 4 min… I have given u so much detailed explanation of the written test as in tech m written forms your more than 70% chances of getting placed in it…u can see from the fact that in my college 245 students appeared and only 31 cleared it….. I waited for the result and was lucky to clear it… Then everybody was in hurry to prepare for the interview….after passing long waiting hrs then the next day my call for the interview came. YES I was bit nervous but was trying to feel better by singing songs….(that's my best way ever) Then as I entered the room they welcomed me with so much warm smile that I started feeling comfortable then my technical interview went for almost 45 min…they were impressed by me… Here is how my interview went…. As I entered the room they I saw that there were 2 persons sitting to take my technical… greeted my interviewers with a smile and was asked to have a seat. My resume was asked and then began the questioning part.. Intervier:Vineeta introduce yourself to us. A. I told them about my schools , my family, my nature and in last about my hobbies.. Intervier:So you like to dance what kind of? A. I gave a satisfactory reply to it. Interviewer: Where from you learnt these types of dances? A. I told them about the sources.

Recent Posts By Others Interviewer : So you was also a basketball player at your school level then can you tell me the number of total players in it? A. I replied correctly, that's 5 main and 7 extras.. Interviewer :Any international basketball player whose name you remember this time? A. (after thinking any name for few seconds even though I didn't know any I said) no sir I don't know Interviwerer:Okay can you just tell to which country it belongs? A. To this I guessed America (but I don't know why I was sure of it also) In reply he told me the name of that player which I don't remember even now (but that time I thanked god that I didn't take any fake name so as to impress them) Interviewer:Okay after reading my resume he said that you also took part in swimming competition at district level!! can you tell me the dimensions of the pool where you participated? A. (luckily I remembered the dimensions written on the pool) so I answered correctly‌ So till now it was only my hobbies which was making my technical‌ Interviwere:Tell us about any of your strong point in life? A. I answered. Intervierwer:We also like to know about your any negative point? A. I answered ‌.and by reading their expressions I can say they were impressed by my strong point as I justified it by giving a real example from my life. Interviewer: Now Dipti we want you to solve this puzzle for us. So they gave me a temple and flowers puzzle that I solved but after taking atleast 10 min..but as I was solving they asked me the method I am using and appreciated my approach to solve it.. Then they gave me a cake problem which I wasn't able to solve.. Interviewer: Share any moment of life with us when you thought that you are trapped but with your hard work and will you were able to come out of it.. A. To this I gave them the example which was also cleared by he was very impressed to know that I was a medical student with no even optional

Recent Posts By Others maths in my 12th and then I carried on with my in e&c and that's with so much good percentage!! Interviewer: If our company give the chance to you to carry with your studies further..would you like to go for it? A. Yes sir sure. Interviewer: So since when you are living far from your parents? A. sir since 4 yrs Interviewer: So do you feel comfortable living so far from them? A. Its comfortable to some extent if I have telephonic contacts with them Interviewer: Any more adjustment…out of house? A. Yes sir with food. Interviewer: Do you have any questions to ask? A. first I asked their names then their experience in abc..the years they are working with it..the scope of electronics students in this sector and also whether they can efficiently take on the work load or not .. After this they said that I can go now and they wished me to have a great future with them… Then my HR went as below (it was of hardly 20 min) HR: So vineetahello A. Hello sir and very good afternoon HR: So have you taken your lunch? A. No sir HR..So are you not feeling hungry? A. sir yes but it happens sometimes when your work is very imp. Reply—you are rite VINEETA know I more often miss my lunch coz of my work!! But are you feeling comfortable? A.Yes sir VINEETA I want u to speak on the topic Maslow motivation theory for atleast 3 min.. I spoke for about 2 min on it then he said its okay good…

Recent Posts By Others HR..tell me about the company ABC? A. To this I told them everything that I knew about HR..SO where from you get to know about all this? A. SIR from my friends,net, your PPT HR: Why do you want to join ABC? A. Yes HR: VINEETA why dint you went for OTHERS? A. Sir I dint clear it's written test. HR..What they told you in their PPT? a. Actually sir it was only for those students who was short listed fir the interview.. HR: Hmm so what do u think was this, right? Or are you happy with our pattern of giving PPT to every one appearing in the test? A. sir an my opinion everybody should know about the company so your pattern was better than them and In some way the PPT also boost the energy level of the students to get into that company if they feel impressed(that's what happened in my case)‌ Then he gave me a form to sign and my HR was over After about 1 hr result was announced and I was very happy to hear my name in the list of 21 selected students and then it took me around 2-3 days to realize that yes m placed in was just like m living in dreams before!! So my friends the main thing that u should have in you to get in some good company is to have confidence in your capabilities‌and yes time management during the written test!! It will be very mean of me if I don't introduce the one who made all this happen for our batch. I thank Balaji Society all my respected faculties and the CRT ofour college who have helped me achieve this. They have helped me make SBS journey a success story. The GD sessions conducted in the auditorium were helpful. Subject knowledge was very important but even more important was to present ourselves with confidence. Recruiters just see your attitude. They don't want you to know everything they ask they just want to see whether you have that learning instinct or not. They don't want to see you as the strongest candidate but they want to see you as most adaptable and one who can survive any challenge. Recruiters are themselves learning off course they are are well versed then us but they are keen on our learning skills.Training given

Recent Posts By Others throughout my life in SBS , Bala sir's 3 D, no holidays and strict schedule led me achieve my dreams. I would like to thank Bala Sir for guiding us in every tough situation Thanks for reading my experience and whatever I have written here will be worth for me if it will help you in any way. All the best!! VineetaRai

Vipul Kumar Hi Everyone, This Vipul Kumar from BITM DUAL D 2009-2011 Batch Specialization: TELECOM & IT Roll No. :TM09-8298 Registration No. : 19-1926 Dear Sir I am sharing my campus placement experience. I feel very proud to be part of SBS alumni family and i hope my placement experience will help my juniors in their placemnet season. I will start my campus placement experience with a special mention of our college and BITM placement cell who worked very hard and done a commendable efforts to make our campus placement season a huge success. I would also like to mention that more than 200 companies visited our campus during our placement season and it was good to see most of my batch-mates and friends getting placed on after another with good start up packages. The placement season for TELECOM batch started as soon as we returned from MTNL training in Mumbai. The training was a good learning experience for me and my batch-mates from TELECOM. When the placement season started I was not eligible to sit in placements because of my backlogs. But I have confidence in me that as soon as I will be eligible for placements I will get through. One thing which I learned during my placement experience is that one should be confident enough to succeed in process followed by different companies for their recruitment. Also I would like to mention that every student should maintain 65% and above score. I didn't get opportunity to sit for some good IT companies because they wanted 65% and above throughout.

Recent Posts By Others So its advisable to maintain 65%% benchmark score at all times or else u also might miss a chance like me. However I had no regrets as I had faith in myself. Then I sat for few companies but I was choosy. CV screening is the first criteria for any company. I missed some good companies because of my Computer Science background in my Engineering graduation. Its sometime luck also which has to be with you. Never the less I didn't lose my confidence and prepared for next company. Different companies follow different processes for their recruitment like some companies only take GDs followed by HR/PI rounds on the other hand some companies take aptitude test followed by GDs and HR/PI rounds. Before sitting for campus placement a student should be clear in his/her mind that which company, sector and profile he/she opts for which will help in achieving his future goals. The domain I selected for my placement was Telecom Infra, Telecom VAS, Research& IT. The first opportunity came my way was in the form of Telecom Infrastructure company XXXXX. The process for this company was GD followed by Personal Interview. I was in 2nd GD group comprising of 12 students. The topic for our discussion was Women CEO's are better thenthere male counter parts. In any GD my suggestion to my juniors will be listen to the topic carefully and after listening figure out your points and thoughts in a piece of paper if they allow or just make up your mind that what all thoughts and views you put forward in GD. Also put forward your thoughts and points loud and clear. Well I cleared my GD round and 7 student were selected for Personal Interview round. In personal interview they asked me following questions: 1. About my internship 2. About training in MTNL Mumbai 3. Why Telecom 4. Willing to relocate 5. And some technical questions I have not prepared well for technical questions so I got rejected. I felt very bad because reaching this close to appointment letter I was rejected. But that was also learning experience for me because I came to know about my weak areas. I worked hard to improve my technical skills.

Recent Posts By Others Then after one more rejection I sat for a Telecom VAS company XXXXX. The process for this company was again GD followed by Personal Interview. This time I was determined to get through all the processes. The topic for our discussion was related to VAS industry. The topic was somewhat business plan types. We have to come up with a unique VAS product for our native places. It was almost half hour of discussions. After crossing the GD hurdle comes Personal Interview round. The question asked in my Personal Interview cum HR interview are: 1. VAS industry 2. My internship 3. Why I am interested in VAS industry 4. What are shot codes in VAS 5. Different promotion medium in VAS 6. Followed by some general HR questions like native place from where I belong, willing to travel etc,. After conducting all the processes finally HR of the company came with the list of students selected by them. And the moment when company HR called my name I was like YES!!!! I have done it and I tell you frankly that those moments gives you Goosebumps every time you remember it. I was on cloud 9 my efforts paid off. After that I was allowed to sit for one more VAS company XXXXX because the package offered to me was not best but good. For this company also I was almost got through but due to there lack of number of positions they didn't selected me. But at the end of all this the I have one offer letter with me and getting my selected for my domain industry I am happy. I have made a good start and all credits goes to my college and the placement team for allowing me to sit for my selected domain. I joined this Telecom VAS company XXXX and currently serving in VAS industry handling different VAS services for Telecom Operators. On this note i would like to end my campus placement experience. My message to all my loved juniors who are still waiting for there names to be written in the Golden list is that Do believe in Yourself and knowledge you acquire in these two year of your MBA. Do some good homework about company before sitting for campus placement, take feedback from your Seniors who got placed and work on your weakness. Last but not least enjoy your college life because the life after this will be even tougher and you gonna miss these college Days after passing out from SBS. All the very best for Corporate Future. With Best Wishes & Warm Regards Vipul Kumar

Recent Posts By Others Vishal ghule Name- Vishal ghule College-BITM (Telecom) Batch & Roll No. 2009-2011 TM 09-8299. Dear Sir I am sharing my campus placement experience. I feel very proud to be part of SBS alumni family and i hope my placement experience will help my juniors in their placemnet season. It all started when our Telecom Batch Returned from MTNL Training in Mumbai which was a nice learning experience of Telecom Managers. At that time I was not eligible 2 sit for placement because of Backlogs. But I have confidence in me that whenever i will be eligible for placement I will get through. As soon as I got eligible for campus placement i almost got through my first company i.e, MICROQUAL. One thing i want to share with my juniors is that always have that confidence in you that you can succeed in your GDs and Interviews. After my first company rejection i got to know what are my weak areas and what should be my strong points and i planned accordingly. Also, I would like to mention that before placement season starts you select or rather I say opt for that company or profile which you find suitable for you or for which you think you can excel in it. After my first campus placement experience i was quite sure that either I opt for a Research company or for a VAS (Value ADDED SERVICE) Company. One of the greatest thingi learned during my placement is Patience. You got to have a lot of patience. After sitting in some more companies finally the D-Day arrived. I sat for XYZ which is telecom company. It started with GD on Telecom topic i.e, we have come up with a unique VAS service for the region we belonged. The approach for GD should be in way that you should convey your points clear n loud. But you should not be making fish market in GDs which do happen in most of the cases try and avoid that. After clearing GD round then comes the Personal Interview which was as difficult as was GD. For personal interview I have prepared well and thanks to GK & Current Affair paper i was able to tackle all the question which was asked in Interview. And the moment came when company HR called my name and I tell you frankly that those moments gives you Goosebumps every time you remember it. Friends here i would like to share myselection process with you. It was probably 11th or 12th company I sat for. Every evening we used to go to the auditorium to hear the announcements for the companies to come. The day I went for XYZ company's announcement and heard they were giving the profile and designation which none other company was giving for an MBA fresher. After

Recent Posts By Others hearing the same, I just told my friend sitting next to me in the auditorium that this is the company I want to be with. And then the day came. I was sure of cracking the GD as I cleared the GD for all the companies I sat till then. XYZ company was giving the pre placement talk and I kept on dreaming about being a part of the company. Then, groups started to be made for GD. Every GD group had 12 students and when my group was announced, got to know all the good speakers were in my group only. Anyways, didn't lose my confidence and we entered the room. I was the one sitting nearest to the panel as my serial number was the last. I always feared current general topics as was not very good at general knowledge. Then the panel of two HR professionals announced the GD topic “Is business knowledge important for telecom management student�. The announcement of the topic added to my confidence as technical topics were my favorite on which I could talk for long. I opened the discussion and got chance to enter the discussion for some 4-5 times. It went for good 12 minutes. I also helped the people who had relevant points but could not speak because of the presence of aggressive people in the group. The discussion ended and I was very confident of being selected in the same. It took another hour or so to complete the GD for all the groups and then the result was announced with my name in the list of people who cleared the GD round. The next round was personal interview and luckily I got the same panel who was there for GD. They had already assessed me to an extent and this was the chance to make their belief stronger in me that I was the one to be a part of the company. The following questions were asked: 1.Tell me something about yourself. 2.As you are from Pune, won't your parents want you to stay here with them and work here. I answer these question based on my past experience from campus recruitment. When the results for the interview was announced, it again had my name in the list of selected candidates. However, at the same time, it was announced that there would be another round of interview with the Chief-HR. We kept waiting for the date to be announced for the Final interview which came after a week. We are asked to go to the corporate office of Bajaj Finserv. Seven of my batch mates who could make it for the last round hired a cab and reached the office which was around 34 km from the college. We landed there and we were excited to see the infrastructure of the building. We were asked to sit in a conference room where we were told that there would be 2 rounds of psychometric test(Thomas profiling test) to test whether our profile matches to the one they are offering.

Recent Posts By Others The test took around 15 minutes and I scored the highest in the same. I was getting positive vibes sitting there and every round was adding to my confidence. Then post lunch, the final round of interview started with the HR head. One by one 5 people went to the HR head's cabin coming back to the conference room with different expressions on their face. For every candidate, it took almost an hour. Then came my turn and the Chief HR turned out to be from my native place. He asked me a couple of general questions.then finally it turn out so called “D� day for me.on this note i would like to wish my juniors for their best future. My message to all my loved juniors who are still waiting for there names to be written in the Golden list is that Do believe in Yourself and knowledge you acquire in these two year of your MBA. Do some good homework about company before sitting for campus placement, take feedback from your Seniors who got placed and work on your weakness. Last but not least enjoy your college life because the life after this will be even tougher and you gonna miss these college Days after passing out from SBS. All the very best for Corporate Future. With Warm Regards

Vivek Maharshi Hi, I am Vivek Maharshi Roll No. TM 09-8301 Balaji Institute of Telecom & Management (Dual D) Batch 2009-11 My Campus Placement Experience : I got placed on 18 January 2011. It was actually not expected because of many reasons but now it is most memorable day of my life. Before I got placed I have been participating in many companies and in 90% of the companies I made it till interview but always ended up as not selected. Each and every time I learned different learning's To be honestly It was not in my mind in this way that why the others were selected and not I?? As the other students use to do at that point of time At that time I was tensed and at the same time I was more confident that this is the last time when I am out.

Recent Posts By Others And finally the day came – 18 Jan, 2011, I got the news that I have been shortlisted by my dream company. It was my seventh company in which I was going to appear. My preparation for campus had started almost 2 months back. I geared up and refreshed all the knowledge that I had learned in my MBA (Telecom). My preparation where then specific to the company I wanted to get selected in. I still remember the night before my placement at that night I had a chat with my parents and they only told two things: 1) Take a good sleep today, so that you will feel fresh and confident tomorrow. 2) What ever happened last time take lessons from it but do not carry forward it in your mind as burden. I followed both instructions given by them. On 18, I woke up early around 5 AM. Revised all the technical stuffs taught to me by my faculties. The process started at around 9 AM with the PPT. The PPT session was inspirational, err all the nerves, “this is the one which I have to be in!!!!”, “what a brand!!!” , “look at the HR!!!”, “the package!!!!!” and all that stuff. Then began the actual process, we waited in a room for our chance to come. There were three rounds-the first one was Group Discussion on the case study and the second was technical interview and the third was HR interview . We all waited eagerly for our turn, all studying some or the other stuff. Some said study this, other said study that; all were busy and so was I, but One thing that was in my mind was that I have to make it today. The first round was Group Discussion on the Case Study: How to make the cookie manufacturing company a centralized data center in production and how we can reduce the energy. As the GD ended candidates where declared who are selected for the next round. By the grace of god I was selected for the next round. During the announcement of the selected candidates the announcement of the candidates started. The nervousness began to increase; the air heated up. Everyone was excited who will be the next one and then a female came shouting “I am selected”. O God that was the moment everyone began to think when will their turn come and they will be the one being called selected. And then the second person was called for interview and it was me. It was the technical round, where four guys were sitting (VP head, Head Technical corporate, DGM Technical, Head Deployment). During this round I was asked the basic telecom questions like- what is e-Tom model? What is TMN model? What all you learned during internship?? What is MPLS technology? What is broadband?? What is 4G? What is IP? What is future of telecom and Infrastructure? Questions Related to VAS?

Recent Posts By Others Then they asked me to leave and told that we will let you know the status. I came out and went to the waiting room. People were going in for interview and coming out. Meanwhile some got selected. I thought I am gone; I am not selected as people after me are already selected. I have again lost a chance to get into my dream company. I asked the coordinator that “shall I'll leave”, they told “Please Wait, We have been asked not to let anyone go”. Then I waited patiently. The lunch time came. I went for lunch dis-heartily. Had my lunch and came back. I was climbing the stairs to the waiting room; suddenly I heard a voice of a coordinator asking for me. I went to her and told that “you are looking for me”, she told that you have been called for interview. I went in to interviewer's room with a big smile on my face, I could not hide it. It was HR interview for me. I was heading towards the waiting room and suddenly again the coordinator said my name and asked me to go to the HRs room for HR interview. I went for the HR interview where the Chief HR officer (CHRO) accompanied by his management team were sitting. The HR was very friendly. He asked me about myself. He asked me about the BCG matrix, the repo rate, reverse repo rate, sin wave, cos wave etc. They said you wait for the final decision. We were almost 30 peoples were waiting for the final result. The time came and they started calling names of the selected candidates and finally my name came after 5 guys. I was selected in my dream company. I went outside with a big smile on my face and I was so happy that finally I have made it. I am selected in my dream company as a Senior Executive (Site Acquistion) I got a learning that day:- when things are going according to your wish then it good but when they are not according to your wish then they are going according to gods wish and something great is waiting for you. Thank You Bala Sir, I am here because of you, my faculties and my parents. Thank You!!!!! VivekMaharshi

Recent Posts By Others Yash Jethani Hello All, I am Yash Jethani Registration no. 01-1150 Batch: 2009-11 Specialization: Telecom & IT Dual: C Roll no: TM-09-8215 Company no: 2 First of all, I want to thank BITM Placement Team (2009-2011 Batch) for their hard work during the whole Placement season. They toiled hard-- day and night for our Placements....Thanks A lot Guys! Without your efforts it would not have been possible for us! Never ever! Following is my placement experience in SBS.. I am placed in Company A (It was my 2nd company). After clearing first round of Company 1's recruitment process, was dismissed in the second round of interview. I was barred for sitting for the placements in the following 5 companies as I didn't attend a PPT of a company right after Company 1's process. (I was not interested in listening to the people for whom I was damn sure of not working with)..So far so good.. Indeed, it was a long wait until I could make it through. My campus placement experience was quite amazing and challenging as I had to go through the typical rounds of technical interviews. In the last week of December, we were asked to come for the presentation of a company. After the presentation it was announced that the entire process will take two days and comprised of: 1) CV short listing 2) Aptitude Test 3) Technical Interview 4) HR round 5) Technical Interview CV short listing: All those students who secured above 65% throughout their academics were being shortlisted. Aptitude Test: Aptitude test was conducted for the students who were shortlisted in the first round. This test comprised of the following sections:

Recent Posts By Others 1) 2) 3) 4)

English & Communication skills Reasoning skills Math and Data interpretation Logical Reasoning and Financial questions

The results for this test were announced in the late evening These two processes were conducted during the first day. Then the next day i.e. the second day began. I was called for the first round of technical interview at around 2pm. Technical Interview: The first process of Day 2 started. I was the second candidate to be called in the interview room. The interviewer began the process by asking my name and asking about my background. Simultaneously, he was cross checking what I was saying with what was written in my CV. The interview comprised of following sections in which I was asked various questions. 1) Personal details round 2) Summer internship project 3) Case study round (based on various marketing models, my summer internship project), SWOT Analysis of a telecom company 4) Reasoning round 5) Questions on telecom value chain and OSS/BSS (Operations Support system / Business Support System) 5) General knowledge round (name of CEOs, current news, economic news). So please do read the newspapers daily to keep yourself updated. 7) What is eTOM model? 8) What is ITIL? 9)What is MTLS? My first technical interview was amazing and it took around approximately half an hour. I was called for the HR round in a short while. HR Round: It was quite relaxing. I was asked: 1) 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses 2) Can you describe yourself in one word 3) Current news 4) My family background 5) Passed some funny anecdotes as well 6) Any issues in travelling to Gurgaon? 7) Which is a better brand – Vodafone / Airtel? I stuck with Airtel (Told her I was emotionally attached: P)

Recent Posts By Others 8) Where were you during the 26th January earthquake that hit your town? How have the people reacted to it after an eon? My HR round was also good and it took around one hour. Then at around 3:30pm results were announced. I was shortlisted for the last round. Technical round: It was quite similar to the first technical interview. It included the same sections‌‌. But the questions were different 1) How many traffic signals are there in Delhi? How do you propose to get the Shortest path first in the midst of traffic? How do you calculate the average moving speed of the traffic? 2) How many balls can come inside an airplane? Justify. 3) What is revenue, net profit, number of employees and share price of company till date? 4) What do you mean by enterprise solution? 5) What do mean by business outsourcing, IT solution and all? 6) What do mean by BW/BI? 7) Where does cloud fit into telecom value chain? 8) How do you define cloud architecture? 9) Different components of mobile ecosystem..? 10) Components in a cloud architecture? Deployment steps of a cloud? I managed to give all answers satisfactorily. I knew I was commanding. With these questions my final round was concluded. The company said to announce the results on Monday i.e. 3 days after my interview. I was waiting for the final results to come.. Few tips to the aspirants: Do not lose patience & make up your mind before applying for any company i.e. decide beforehand which profile interests you. Brush up your technical knowledge before the process which is very important to get you through any company. Always remember Job Profile & Company is important for your career ahead, do not sacrifice on these two for anything else. Keeping yourself updated with the current affairs around the world, business by reading newspapers always helps. Always be composed & calm during the placement days & keep yourself

Recent Posts By Others prepared for any company. Don't get bogged down if you failed to get through any company as there will be many other opportunities where you prove your mettle. Always be confident of who you are and show the same during the process. Be thorough with your CV before an interview as most of questions are asked from the CV. Don't put false information in the CV. Work on your weak areas & showcase your strong areas during the process. I would like to wish all the best to the junior Student Managers for their placement. Always believe in your abilities & don't get tensed about the placements as Bala sir, Dimple Ma'am and Dr. Asha Nair will leave no stone unturned for getting you all placed. Don't compromise on your academic knowledge ever . I wish & pray Balaji Society grows by leaps & bounds & placements get even better for years to come. Wishing Balaji Society all the luck & success. Warm Regards YashJethani

Yashasvi Sharma Name: Yashasvi Sharma College:- BITM, Roll No. :- TM09 - 8061 Dear Friends, It gives me immense pleasure to share my placement experience with you all. I would like to start with my overall campus experience and then placement process. I remember my first day in SBS morning on 9th June, 2009. There was a big PoojaOrganised in the Sidhhivinayak Temple. Pooja was done by BALA Sir. Then we had nice Welcome ceremony. We all were were dressed traditionally. On that day Bala sir gave us the mantra of “Problems are Opportunities� Campus experience: It would not be correct if I say I started the preparation since the very first day. The first year was very jubilant as we came into a new ambience with new dreams and ambitions, but at the same time it was very hectic and tiring. But

Recent Posts By Others these hectic schedules proved to be a boon to us when we went for our interns. I did my interns in a Newspaper company. There I realized when other interns were frustrated due to overload of work; I was able to easily sail through it because of our corporate commando training. My first and lifetime learning in BALAJI which got started from the very first day was to have patience. It would not be correct if I say I liked the long hours of classes, sitting from 9am to 6:30pm initially. We all were so impatient that we can't sit for long hours then after first semester I realized the change in me. I became more patient and focused. Which are the most required qualities for a manager. I am very thankful to the faculties provided to us who did not even teach us but shared their valuable industry experience with us, which helped us a lot to know the market scenario. I still remember the line said by Bala sir at the beginning of the Placement season that “We all are gold, we will be sold” this line always kept me motivated. I thank to Bala sir for all those addresses which he gave us at every time we needed motivation. Placement Process:26th October 2010, A Retail firm was going to visit our campus. As usual, all eligible candidates had to attend the PPT. I was pretty sure that I wanted a good work culture so I decided that this company would be the best choice for me. I got placed with a big Retail firm in Mumbai. As per my experience, process was not so tough to crack. Overall I enjoyed the process. The panel consisted of 3 Team leaders from company accompanied by 2 HR personnel. In total we had 5 rounds and first 4 were elimination round. 1st round was of Aptitude Test which had almost 40 questions in 45 mins based on Quant, Data Interpretation, Reasoning and English. Test was not so tough to crack. See P&L, Speed time Distance, Work & Time, DI, Comprehension, questions. Then the 2nd round was of Group Discussion, we were given the topic of “Chinese Dragon”. We enjoyed the GD. The discussion was really interesting. It started with China's Currency and then went to many more threads as usual. But we had strong contenders in our group. So it was difficult for the panel to sort us out. So they called for 3rd round. In the 3rd round, We were given a case study. It was an elimination round. These short listed students were divided in groups of eight for case study round. It was very exciting and interesting. The 4th round was that of Rapid Fire round. We were given few seconds to answer the question. They were checking our presence of mind. I was scared before getting into the room but that HR was really helpful she made me comfortable for the same. She asked many interesting questions like what will you do if…….. And I have to answer them instantly. Believe me it was the best round actually

Recent Posts By Others it was fun. It was around 10'o clock in the night till all these four rounds completed. So they called it for the day and the interviews were scheduled for the next day. Only those were eligible for the 5th round, who cleared all the above 4 rounds. On 27th October 2010 morning, we all gathered near the BIMM building for the final judgment of our destiny. Before I went for my interview I did a massive research on the company and their culture. Some of the questions asked were1. Tell me about yourself 2. Mention your strengths and weaknesses 3. Areas of academic interest 4. Why our company? 5. Why should I hire you? Some of the answers given by me- “Sir being a fresher I am raw material for the industry, you can give trainings and mould me into anything suitable for companys best benefit�. Just be confident and sure of what exactly you what from a job and the company don't try to flatter them. Ensure them that if they are able to give what exactly you expect from them, than you would sustain and would have a long-term relationship with the company Questions were not at all hard but yes the answers expected were little different and practical. Just an advice, whenever you are asked a question which you don't know about, tell it frankly, be what you are, don't try to manipulate. Panel can easily judge the authenticity of your answers. Finally the results were declared and they picked up 11 students from the marketing stream. I was one of them. I can't forget that day. It was just like a dream come true. It was the day of reward of all my hard work and efforts put by the college at every single day of my PDGM journey. I had a wonderful and unforgettable experience and was really blessed to get one of the biggest brands. From the bottom of my heart, I am very grateful to Bala Sir, Milind Sir, my colleagues in PAT and my friends and family. I wish all my Juniors ALL THE VERY BEST and hope they succeed in their endeavors. Thanks & Regards, Yashasvi Sharma BITM(Marketing & Finance) Batch2009-2011

Recent Posts By Others Yashwant Kumar Hi Everyone, I am Yashwant Kumar Registration Number- TM 09-8302 I am From Balaji Institute of Telecom & Management, Division D From the academic year2009-11, passed out in April 2011. My specialization is in Telecom, I am finally placed in Company D. When you dream about your college life, Placement seems to be the best chapter of it. So it was with me. After starting my journey in BITM with enlightening sessions of Mahabharata, unforgettable sessions of Bam sirs' presentation and a fun filled creative induction period the only thought that drove me throughout was the thought of getting placed. And soon it was September 2010 when the campus recruitments were about to begin, the amount of energy, knowledge and zeal of achieving the dreams in my batch mates sometimes pressurized me but always encouraged me to just focus on my aim and to believe that “Yes I am better than others and yes I can do it�. It was a difficult task to balance my classroom studies, to update my general knowledge and to prepare for the exams at the same time but somehow when u have realization of your dreams it is enough to ignite the passion in you to just look towards the brighter side of everything. Everything that was happening around me whether cultural activities or studies it left an impression on my mind and I realized my inner desire of getting into a creative firm. I was able to relate my studies with my interest and sooner it was crystal clear for me to just focus on my aim. When the first company came to our campus for telecom specialization we are very excited about the process and interview questions. Process started with Aptitude test and I am not able to clear the test. Some other company also visited to our campus but at that time I am keen to focus on some of the branded company with decent package so not applied on those companies. After wards I sat for couple of more companies like 2, 3, &4. But I was not able to get it through. In all these companies the first round was aptitude test. This contained questions from mathematics, reasoning and English. Solving the questions was not a problem but to solve them in allotted time was a bit tricky. So the 2 findings which I got from these rejections were; Attempt each section of the aptitude test equally (for that you need to be good in each of the sections) and do it all in the given time.

Recent Posts By Others Having sat for all these companies, I had a good experience of written test. This helped me in cracking the first round. In that mean while time some of my friends got selected in couple of companies like A,B,C etc. I am still waiting for my turn. I came to Mumbai couple of times for interview process but some companies not declares the result and some companies gives a very less compensation so I am not interested. Days and months are passed and still I am not selected in any of the companies. Time passes and we reach at the month of Feb 2012 and still I am no get placed, at that time placement cell told us to sit for each and every company so that we all get placed because at that time very limited company either comes to our campus or they selected some of the students and invite their organization for the further round in the interview process. We are told that “it is compulsory for each and every unplaced telecom student to sit in the process for every company who visit telecom specialization”. That time various session conducted by Mrvignesh for the unplaced telecom student mentioning that what will be our strategy to be placed in the company who visited our campus, works on G.D. Topics and many more things……that session will help to boost our confidence. When me and some of my classmates got to know that we are selected for the interview process conducted in Mumbai we all get excited, and came to Mumbai for the interview process. We reach CCD down below the organization and we got the news that one of us get selected in a good company with a better package ……….we all are excited and forgot the process for what we are coming for, we start the party at CCD and after that he left for the process. Our time comes we all entered to the company and process start….. First process is Group Discussion- topic related to politics Then interview, when I entered into the interview room there are two gentlemen one of them holding my C V, interview started with the formal questionTell me about yourself? 1) Why telecom? 2) Difference between marketing and selling? 3) Show us the demo of selling coffee cup? 4) Why do you want to join us? 5) Are you comfortable with the profile and location? 6) Tell us about you hobbies and achievements?

Recent Posts By Others Family background and so on……. Interview held for about 45 minutes and the time reaches 10 pm, there are nobody in the office, since result was not declared at that time but I am pretty sure that I will be selected. After that we back to Pune and we got the result that 5 of us including myself are selected for psychometric test ……. That is the tough time for me because I have not cleared any written exam conducted in our college. But at that time test was pretty easy and I thought if I am not able to clear this test I will not get the second chance. Our 4th sem exam are started and still we don't get the final result for the process. Finally my prayer to god help and result declared and I am selected as the post for Business Development Executive. At last I would like to say that college days are the best and most beautiful days of our life. I wish I could relive those days….!!! Thanks, Yashwant Kumar Balaji Institute of Telecom & Management TM09-8302

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