Social 6 Brand Book 2012

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brand book. two thousand and twelve.

contents 04 logo 06 formatting 09 color 12 applications 13 typography 14 collateral

social6 brand book


logo The Social6 logomark is referred to as the ‘jack’. The six colors of the jack represent various forms of social media.

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social6 brand book


formatting The Social6 logomark should be applied at a minimum height of .75 in. including the white outline.

ideal size

1.5 in

minimum size

.75 in

Note: When the logomark is applied at a height of less than 1.5 in, the slogan should not be included.

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The primary positioning of the logotype is adjacent to the jack, but it may also be placed below for specific applications.

left alignment

.1 in

.1 in

center alignment

.2 in

.2 in

social6 brand book


formatting cont. Logotype size varies in proportion to the logomark depending on positioning. When the slogan is not included, the logotype should be larger.

Note: The white outline/interior should always be present on vectorial use and even on transparent bitmap formats to maintain sizing proportions with various applications.

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color When possible, the jack should be applied with a gradient color pallete (CMYK-specific values). However, the spot color pallete offers an alternative for special applications (RGB and Web-Safe values included).

gradient logo

social6 brand book


spot logo

4 4 .01.0 0.00 | 1 30. 209. 24 5 | 82. D1 . F5

6 4 .53 .01 .01 | 1 05 .1 1 8.1 81 | 69.76 . B 5

8 6 .7 1.13.01 | 6 2. 9 0.1 52 | 3D. 5 A. 9 8

0 0.9 0.8 3.00 | 239. 6 5 . 57 | E F. 41 . 39

0 0.17.9 8.00 | 25 5 . 209.1 2 | FF. D1 .0C

53 .0 0.10 0.00 | 1 33.1 9 6 . 6 5 | 85 .C4 . 41

spot logo & color slogan

0 0.0 0.00. 9 0 | 88. 89. 9 1 | 5 8. 59. 5 B

0 0.0 0.0 0.70 | 1 28.1 30.1 33 | 80. 82. 85

color slogan

0 0.0 0.0 0. 9 0 | 88. 89. 9 1 | 5 8. 59. 5 B

53 .0 0.100.00 | 1 33.1 9 6 . 6 5 | 85 .C4 . 41

CMYK | RGB | Web Safe RGB

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color groups

When applied to a background color, the logomark should include a white outline. Size and positioning guidelines do not change.

social6 brand book


applications The Social6 logomark should only be applied to a white, light blue or navy background (radial gradient files provided).


Light background with white outline

Dark background with white outline

not acceptable

Backgound image without outline


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Background color without outline

Drop shadows or glows

typography Gotham by Hoefler Frere-Jones is the primary font for both display and copy type, while Veneto Handwriting can be used for specific applications that require varied type.


G OT HA M Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0123456789


Ven eto Ha nd w r i ti ng Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0123456789

social6 brand book


collateral Print collateral templates are provided as editable .eps files.


po box 4534 | santa fe, nm 87502-4534 | usa | 1.888.307.8509

visit us!

Date Here Name Here Company Here Address Here

To Whom It May Concern: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus lobortis semper sodales. Praesent luctus enim nec sapien ornare vitae aliquet est venenatis. Maecenas euismod molestie tellus, vel sagittis ante venenatis quis. Donec eget dolor metus. Quisque viverra pellentesque sem eget venenatis. Morbi lobortis, metus a posuere tincidunt, lacus odio varius nunc, sed viverra risus orci vel tortor. Fusce commodo turpis at enim viverra pulvinar. Aliquam a diam libero. Vestibulum laoreet placerat dui, eu auctor est ultrices vehicula. Curabitur sollicitudin fringilla posuere. Vestibulum rhoncus, neque vitae dictum facilisis, tortor sem mattis ligula, id eleifend ipsum eros non velit. Pellentesque auctor, orci eu porta dapibus, mauris dui sagittis odio, in fringilla tellus elit ut leo. Nunc libero erat, lobortis sed pellentesque sit amet, accumsan sed est. Mauris id blandit justo. Nunc eros sapien, tristique ut posuere a, pellentesque ac nisl. Vivamus ac risus felis. Pellentesque tincidunt porttitor faucibus. Sed mattis, nulla sit amet congue fringilla, risus ipsum auctor mi, quis auctor enim mauris a massa. Pellentesque ut leo erat. Praesent mollis sem vel diam. Sincerely, Name Here Title Here p:001-202-4045 f:001-242-3033

14 social6 brand book

business cards

seth browder 1.888.307.8509 ext. 1301


place stamp here

po box 4534 | santa fe, nm 87502-4534 | usa

recipient name address goes here street name here city, state, zip, country

you’ve got mail!


social6 brand book


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