Minneapolis, mn
m ay 1 9 – 2 2 , 2 0 1 3
co n f e r e n c e program & guide
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Two Great Businesses ... One Great Cause! 100% of the proceeds from Pine Street Inn’s social enterprise businesses fund the organization’s training programs in food services and building maintenance, advancing the work skills of homeless men and women as they move toward self-sufficiency.
Corporate Catering with a Cause!
Get the Job Done. Give Someone a Chance.
Minneapolis, May 19-22, 2013
Ta b l e
Our Schedule At a Glance
Welcome Letter
Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going
There’s More To the Summit Than the Summit
Building Blocks of the Social Enterprise Economy
Plenary Keynotes and Panels
Plenary Speakers
Pre-Conference and Affinity Sessions
Enterprises, Enterprises, and More Enterprises
Breakthrough Sessions
Bringing People Together, Building Communities
Thanks and Acknowledgments
W i - F i S p o n s o r e d By Network: Marriott_Conf Password: TechSoup. Use this link to get access to the Summit schedule on your mobile or desktop: http://bit.ly/SEASummit13
Find us online @SEAalliance #SEASummit13
m a n y t h a n ks to o u r s p o n s o r s P r e s e n t e d By
summit leader
s u m m i t pa r t n e r
program & Amenity sponsors
summit supporters
summit friend
summit allies
o u r s c h e d u l e at a g l a n c e M ay 1 9 t h , 2 0 1 3
s u n day
1 : 3 0 PM Chapter Leaders’ Gathering Social Enterprise Essentials—Lessons from Leading Practitioners 5 : 3 0 PM Chapter Leaders’ Happy Hour Reception 6 : 0 0 PM Enjoy The Town
M ay 2 0 t h , 2 0 1 3
m o n day
8 : 0 0 AM Continental Breakfast 9 : 0 0 AM Tours and Affinity Sessions 1 2 : 0 0 p m Lunch Around The Town 1 : 0 0 PM Opening Keynote: Van Jones on Rebuilding The Dream 2 : 1 5 PM Great Break with Serious Networking 3 : 1 5 PM Opening Plenary: The New Face of Social Enterprise 5 : 3 0 p m Twin Cities Social Enterprise Marketplace and Reception 7 : 3 0 PM Local Dinearounds
M ay 2 1 , 2 0 1 3 st
T u e s day
7 : 3 0 AM Continental Breakfast 8 : 3 0 AM Plenary Panel: Building An Economy On Purpose 1 0 : 1 5 AM Break 1 0 : 4 5 AM Breakthrough Sessions, Round 1 1 2 : 1 5 p m Keynote: Debbie Alvarez-Rodriguez on Transformational Leadership 1 : 0 0 p m Lunch Around The Town 2 : 0 0 p M Breakthrough Sessions, Round 2 3 : 1 5 p M Break 4 : 0 0 p M Breakthrough Sessions, Round 3 5 : 1 5 p m Free Time, Rest, and Local Dining 5 : 3 0 PM SEA Annual Member Meeting (members only) 7 : 3 0 PM Desserts and Party!
M ay 2 2
, 2013
w e d n e s day
7 : 3 0 AM Continental Breakfast 8 : 3 0 AM Breakthrough Sessions, Round 4 1 0 : 0 0 AM Closing Keynote: Strength To Your Sword Arm and Honey To Your
Heart—Kevin Lynch
1 1 : 1 5 AM Closing Light Buffet Lunch and Final Networking 1 2 : 1 5 p M Tours 1 : 0 0 p M SEA National Board Meeting
w e lco m e to s u m m i t 2 0 1 3 ! D e a r K i n d r e d S p i r i ts -
It is good to be with you all in Minneapolis. We gather for the 13th Annual Social Enterprise Summit with a simple, common mission: To produce massive social impact through successful social enterprises. After piloting our Regional Summit strategy in 2012 in the Western, Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern regions, it feels like a reunion to bring our members, partners and stakeholders together again for a National Summit that celebrates and advances the entirety of the powerful social enterprise movement. We hope you’re well-rested coming into the Summit, because we intend to keep you busy and stimulated for the next four days. We’ve done our very best to create the kind of Summit experience you’ve told us you want, and to craft an event that truly advances the field. We’ll be anxious to know what you think of some of the new things we’re trying. Summit 2013 comes at a time of great opportunity for Social Enterprise Alliance. At our last national Summit in 2011, we committed to stabilizing SEA’s operations, improving member value, revitalizing partnerships and relationships, and expanding our chapter structure. As you’ll hear and see, a great deal of progress has been made in all of these areas. Membership has grown by nearly 50%, we’ve added four new chapters and a new buzz has taken hold about SEA. The theme of Summit 2013 is Building An Economy On Purpose. But it’s not just a theme, it’s our vision for SEA going forward (described more fully on the next page). Supporting this vision is our theory of change around the Building Blocks of a social enterprise economy. This analysis is the organizing principle for the content and flow of Summit 2013. It will drive SEA’s work for years to come, and we’re excited to test-drive it with you this week. Let us know what you think and how we can make this a more powerful construct for change. Now get ready to dive in, all together, and build an economy on purpose. Tune into our powerful Plenary speakers, the in-depth Pre-conference and Affinity sessions, the social enterprise Tours, or the social enterprise Marketplace. Connect deeply with old and new colleagues in the structured and unstructured networking opportunities. Choose wisely between over two dozen Breakthrough sessions. And enjoy Minneapolis, the most everything city in America. Thank you for joining us at this year’s Summit. We know an event like this is an investment of time and money. Our commitment is to make it worth every second and every dime. Forward!
Kevin Lynch,
Jim Schorr,
President & Chief Executive Officer
Chair, SEA Board of Directors
Social Enterprise Alliance
Where We’ve Been, and Where We’re Going From its initial stirrings in the late 1800’s, the social enterprise field had been fragmented and few of its practitioners knew each other. That began to change when six veterans in the field met in Seattle on August 13, 1997, to design the first national gathering for social entrepreneurs. The event took place 15 months later in Colorado Springs, attended by 182 people, including representatives from 92 nonprofits and 47 management assistance providers.
and Networks. Positioning ourselves to Build An Economy On Purpose will require a massive community and constituency, with all sectors represented, including big players, little players, emerging players, and everyone in between. We’ll be lowering the barriers to entry to SEA, leveraging our local footprint, re-engineering our online community and investing in our content strategy. Perhaps most importantly, we’ll be capitalizing on
We’ve come a long way since then. Today, Social Enterprise
the hidden asset in our name—Alliance—as the driver for
Alliance (SEA) sits at the focal point of the social enterprise
endless partnerships with those who are working to advance
movement with over 1,000 members, a regional network of
the field within our expansive definition of social enterprise as
15 chapters and a growing reputation for leadership in a field
business whose primary purpose is the common good.
that is absolutely exploding. Social enterprise is emerging as “the missing middle.” At its best, it addresses seemingly intractable social concerns more efficiently than traditional government programs, more sustainably than traditionally-funded nonprofits, and more selflessly than typical businesses.
Many elements of the v2.0 vision for SEA will be foreshadowed at Summit 2013, most notably in the Building Blocks content strategy. More will revealed later in 2013 and in 2014. Stay tuned, and double down ... we’ve got a movement to build together!
Fifteen years after our founding, we’re getting ready to change things up at SEA. Building An Economy On Purpose is a vision for a “v2.0” of SEA that can move us from the somewhat inward-looking vantage of a traditional membership association, to the more externally-focused viewpoint of a movement builder. Our desire is nothing less than to change the world. We envision a world in which the most vexing social, environmental and human concerns are overcome. We believe social enterprise is the single most hopeful vehicle for overcoming them. We celebrate the enterprises that are directly creating that impact. And we know that there is much that must be done for social enterprises, individually and collectively, to realize their potential. We see our role as the convener, aggregator and voice that works tirelessly to create the conditions in which they can thrive. Thus, our focus on the Building Blocks of a social enterprise economy: Capital, Markets, Talent, Knowledge, Policy and Spirit, all held together by Communities
T h e r e ’ s M o r e To T h e S u m m i t Summit 13 offers over 75 speakers, more than three dozen
policy initiatives and a discussion of SEA strategy and chap-
sessions, social enterprise tours, a marketplace of social en-
ter sustainability. Followed by a chapter leader reception!
terprise ideas and deep networking opportunities—but there’s
This session is for current chapter leaders AND those inter-
even more. We hope our content will get your mental synapses
ested in starting chapters!
tripping, but our goal is to reach you on all wavelengths. These extras will drive deeper connections with the sector, the community, and other attendees.
S o c i a l E n t e r p r i s e E ss e n t i a l s : L e s s o n s f o r L e a d i n g P r ac t i t i o n e r s P r e - S u mm i t S e ss i o n
Ready for boot camp? This fast-paced pre-conference session will cover all of the essential elements required to launch a social enterprise. Whether you are launching your first venture or you are a serial social entrepreneur looking for your next opportunity, the interactive session will arm you with tools to help you identify the best social enterprise opportunity for your organization, understand the pros and cons of various legal structures, and systematically think through all aspects of your business model. The concepts will be taught by seasoned practitioners who will share candid advice on each topic based on their own successes and lessons learned. Participants will engage in a dialogue about the concepts, and will leave with new ideas and frameworks to take back to their organizations. Led by Diana Peacock of Community Wealth Partners, Chris Carlisle of Gray Plant Mooty, and a panel of experts. S u n day, M ay 1 9, 1 : 3 0 – 4 : 3 0 pm
S u n day, M ay 1 9 , 1 : 3 0 – 5 : 3 0 pm
This session is free of charge.
Co l l e ct i v e c r e at i o n : A v i s ua l r e co r d o f t h e S u mm i t e x p e r i e n c e Let’s make some art together! Send us a photo that tells us why you care so much about this work. Snap a photo of anything that particularly inspires you or catches your attention over the next 4 days. No phone/camera? No problem! You can also send along a word or two that sums up your experience—or take a seat at the artist tables and stamp or draw your own impression of the Summit. Our artist team from Juxtaposition Arts will add your photos to the public art installation in the atrium, which will be illuminated throughout the conference. Send photos and impressions to our artist team at SummitArt@ se-alliance.org or #SEASummitArt. Juxtaposition Arts is a social enterprise visual art center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They work to engage youth in artistic community collaborations, studio classes and workshops, public mural programs, and art exhibitions.
Pre-registration required, register and pay onsite at the registration table!
B u i l d Yo u r Ow n N e two r k C h a p t e r L e a d e r s ’ G at h e r i n g P r e - S u mm i t S e ss i o n
One of the most exciting developments in SEA’s position as convener, aggregator and voice of social enterprise in North America is the rapid development of our chapter network now numbering 13 chapters in 11 states, plus 2 new provisional chapters. This special pre-conference session for our chapter leadership will focus on our state and local public
Meet your fellow attendees with this networking puzzle! At registration, you received 6 puzzle pieces to construct a social enterprise “building block.” Each piece of your puzzle is printed with one of the six building blocks of social enterprise: Capital, Markets, Knowledge, Talent, Spirit, and Policy. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to trade puzzle pieces with fellow attendees in an attempt to construct
Than The Summit 1 block that includes all 6 colors and all 6 building block
S o c i a l E n t e r p r i s e Sto r i e s
names. The first 10 attendees to submit a completed block
One of our most important jobs at SEA is to tell the stories of
to the registration desk will receive a fabulous prize from
both the human and social impact we are producing together.
Women’s Bean Project.
We’re making a special effort this year to stay in touch with what drives us, by taking a moment at the beginning of our plenary sessions as a collective reminder of why we do this work.
Social Enterprise Week The Social Enterprise Alliance is proclaiming the week of May 20th as Social Enterprise Week. Over the last two months, SEA members and chapters took initiative and filed with local government for official proclamations across the country. Social Enterprise Week proclamations help educate policymakers, garner media attention, and ultimately allow us Prizes from
to tell the story of social enterprise and build out the field.
Wo m e n ’ s B e a n P r oj e c t
View Social Enterprise Week proclamations on display in the
p u z z l e s s p o n s o r e d by
S o c i a l IMpac t A r c h i t e c ts
exhibit area!
Ta k e T h e G r e at S o c i a l E n t e r p r i s e Census Grow your enterprise. Grow your voice. Change our world. SEA is partnering deeply with our friends at Pacific Community Ventures on the Great Social Enterprise Census.
G e t S o c i a l , G e t Fa m o u s Smile—you’re on camera! Keep an eye out for our roaming videographers from Left Brain/Right Brain Productions. They will be grabbing quick shots of the people, sessions, and extras that make Summit 13 special. Stay tuned for “wrap” footage at the conclusion of each day of programming! Shout it out!
Excited about the Summit? Shout it out! Tweet about the Summit at #SEASummit13.
In just 60 seconds, fill out this quick survey to tell us about your organization. Help us reach the goal of every Summit attendee becoming a part of it! Your entry will be published in an online directory. The data in the directory will be leveraged, from Wall Street to the White House, to help inform and substantiate decisions that are good for our enterprises. By being a part of this census, you help to establish social enterprise as a force to be reckoned with! h t t p : //s o c i a l e n t e r p r i s e c e n s u s .o r g /
T h e r e ’ s M o r e To T h e S u m m i t SEA T w i n C i t i e s M a r k e t p l ac e P r oj e ct
Wo r k H a r d, Pa r t y H a r d e r
A well-lubricated marketplace is one of the building blocks of
shake it to Davina & The Vagabonds, the hardest working dance
social enterprise, and we all know its importance. But what can
band around.
After your Tuesday dinner, come back for a great dessert, then
we do in practice? The Twin Cities Chapter has a good answer. It is launching
M e e t U p A r o u n d Tow n
an e-commerce site called the Marketplace to promote the
Get out and explore Minneapolis! Sign up for a dinearound
products and services of local social enterprises. In beta test,
at a local restaurant with a group of people that share your
they are seeking input from social enterprises, buyers, and the
interests. Whether it’s an area of impact, geography or business
broader community to build a dynamic, high-impact site.
model, you’re sure to find a group that appeals to you.
This asset will be presented to purchasers of products and
Don’t see what you’re interested in listed? Propose your own
services, and the chapter has already made connections with
dinearound group at one of our suggested restaurants! Sign up
local Minnesota state government procurement officials as well
at the message board near the registration area.
as large corporate partners. The Twin Cities chapter is laying the foundation for a local economy on purpose here in the Twin Cities. Check out their showcase in the exhibit area and the Social Enterprise Marketplace (Monday evening, 5:30–7:30pm) and discuss the project with a chapter representative!
SEA’ s K n ow l e d g e C e n t e r As an SEA member, enjoy access to SEA’s online Knowledge Center—powered by our partners at seToolbelt. Our Knowledge Center lets you browse and download 1500+ free social enterprise case studies, research articles, tip sheets, business plans and other resources.
SEA A n n ua l M e m b e r M e e t i n g ( M e m b e r s o n ly ) Each year at the Summit, SEA’s members come together to weigh in on what we’ve been doing and where we’re going, and do the business of a membership organization. T u e s day, 5 : 3 0 - 6 : 3 0 pm
The (Live!) Art of Social Enterprise Make sure the Summit stimulates all your senses. Look for a variety of performing artists and entertainers in the common areas during our breaks.
B r e a k fast Co n n e ct i o n s Meet your colleagues, old and new, from near and far, at our
Book Signing Stick around following our opening keynote by Van Jones. His books will be available for sale and signing!
morning breakfasts, graciously sponsored by our friends at NISH and Gray Plant Mooty. s p o n s o r e d by
NISH and
G ray P l a n t M o ot y
Than The Summit
Need to grab a quick bite to eat? Here are some quick places to eat within a 3-5 minute walk of Summit 2013. Happy lunching!
7 S6
St re
St re
co l
St re
rq ue tte Av e Av S e
p ne
e Av
Marriott City Center
Gaviidae Food Court
Food Options LeeAnn Chin Baja Sol Tortilla Grill Greek Grill Au Bon Pain
Food Options Bayou Cajun Cuisine McDonalds Subway Manchu Wok Andrea Pizza Great Steak and Potato Nicol’s Deli Kabob’s
Summit 2013 Location
50 S 6th Street Food Options Brothers Deli Chipotle
700 Nicollet Mall
Food Options Sky Room LeeAnn Chin Market Place Cafeteria
651 Nicollet Mall
IDS Tower
80 S 8th Street
Food Options 123 Sushi Potbelly Sandwiches
601 Marquette
Food Options Ipotli Indian Grill Zen Box Taco John’s My Burger Erbert and Gerbert’s
US Bank Plaza 200 S 6th Street Food Options Mama’s Pizza Subway Asian Max Which Wich D Brian’s Deli
b u i l d i ng bloc ks Social Enterprise economy of the
k n ow l e d g e , i n f o r m at i o n , & b e s t p r act i c e s
Do more by getting bigger; get bigger by doing better; do better by being smarter. Gathering and spreading collective wisdom, resources and data is fundamental to success.
M a r k e t p l ac e s f o r s o c i a l e n t e r p r i s e
Social enterprises are businesses, and they deliver more results when their businesses grow. We must expand and lubricate markets for social enterprise through alliances, education and awareness.
Supportive Public Policy
Much can be done in the public environment—at the state, local and federal levels—to accelerate social enterprise success. Public procurement policies, SBA policy and new corporate forms are all areas we can influence to build the For-Purpose Economy.
C o m m u n i t y & N e tw o r k s
The change we seek to create in the world is directly produced by social enterprises of every shape and size, many of whom are part of the Social Enterprise Alliance. Our role at SEA is to support and advance that remarkable work by influencing and supporting an ecosystem in which more and bigger enterprises can create impact. How do we build that For-Purpose Economy? Our theory of change posits that six essential Building Blocks must be set in place, then mortared by the communities and networks we create through SEA. These Building Blocks serve as the organizing principle for Summit content. Watch for the icons throughout the program book to direct you to sessions and speakers of interest.
f low o f c a p i ta l to t h e s e cto r
Money, money, money makes the world go ‘round, and it is certainly the fuel that powers social enterprises to go to scale. Improving access to capital by working with funders and investors and eliminating structural barriers is foundational.
t h e b e s t ta l e n t
Conditions have never been better to bring the best and brightest people to the field, as more and more “good doers” want to also be “do gooders,” whether as employees, mentors or pro bono teams. And who can blame them?
c a r e f o r t h e m i n d, b o dy, & s p i r i t of social enterprisers
The work is hard but incredibly rewarding. As social enterprisers, we need to remember that we’re in this for the long haul, and learn how to take care of ourselves accordingly. Not an easy thing to do, is it?
This is why SEA was created in the first place: To connect us together to share strength, wisdom and hope. Whether it’s through events like the Summit, our growing chapter strategy, or online communities, communities and networks are indeed the mortar that create structural strength for the For-Purpose Economy.
P l e n a ry K e y n ot e s a n d Pa n e l s Meet your emcees Our goal at Summit 2013 is to deliver you a seamlessly crafted
jim fruchterman
experience that sends you on your way wiser, better-connected and
CEO, Benetech
more excited about your work than when you came. To help weave the Summit experience together for you, we’ve selected these two
fabulous emcees to be with you from the opening buzzer to the closing bell. We hope you’ll like this dynamic duo, because you’ll be
ta m ra rya n
seeing a lot of them!
CEO, Women’s Bean Project
welcome remarks m a r k r i tc h i e
We are delighted to be bringing Summit 2013 to Minneapolis, the new home of Social Enterprise Alliance since 2011. Mark Ritchie, the Secre-
Secretary of State, Minnesota
tary of State of Minnesota and a public leader who truly “gets” social enterprise (in fact, in a previous life, he was involved in starting one!) will officially welcome us to Minnesota. W e lco m e r
Jon C a m pb e l l
Summit 2013 would not be possible without the generosity of a long list of sponsors. At the top of that list is Wells Fargo, with strong roots in Minnesota, a national footprint, and a real appreciation for what
Executive Vice President, Wells Fargo & Company
social enterprise does to build strong communities. With great appreciation for their role as Presenting Sponsor for Summit 2013, join us in welcoming Jon Campbell to the stage. P r e s e n t e d By:
w e l l s Fa r g o
W e lco m e r
M o n day M ay 2 0 t h , 2 0 1 3 , 1 : 0 0 pm – 2 : 1 5 pm
TechSoup Global; Marc Spencer—CEO of Juma Ventures; Jeff Dykstra—CEO of Partners in Food Solutions; and Rafael Alvarez—Founder and CEO of GenesysWorks.
Opening Keynote: Van Jones on Rebuilding The Dream Our theme for Summit 2013 is Building An Economy on Purpose, reflecting our passionate belief in social enterprise as perhaps the most hopeful vehicle for creating a thriving economy that works for all and serves the common good. Who better to kick off Summit 2013 than the dynamic Van Jones—CNN Contributor, two-time New York Times Bestselling Author, President and Co-Founder of Rebuild The Dream and former Special Advisor to the Obama White House.
M o d e rato r
pa n e l i st
Jim schorr
Ra fa e l A lva r e z
Senior Fellow in Social Entrepreneurship, UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business
Founder & CEO, Genesys Works
Va n J o n e s CNN Commentator NY Times Bestselling Author Former Special Advisor to the Obama White House k e y n ot e
pa n e l i st
pa n e l i st
J e f f Dy k st ra
P r i ya H a j i
Chief Executive Officer, Partners In Food Solutions
CEO and Co-Founder, SaveUp, Inc.
President and Co-Founder, Rebuild the Dream
M o n day M ay 2 0 t h , 2 0 1 3 , 3 : 1 5 pm – 5 : 1 5 pm
Opening Plenary: The New Face of Social Enterprise Since SEA’s humble beginnings in 1998, our understanding of the potential impact of social enterprise has expanded exponentially. Once defined solely as the earned income or employment generation activity of non-profits, the social enterprise space now includes any business whose primary purpose is the common good. SEA is rapidly evolving its structure and offerings to become the “big tent” for the space. In this spirit, we are delighted to present “The New Face of Social Enterprise.” Moderated by SEA’s Board Chair, Jim Schorr, of UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, the panel will feature five incredibly diverse practitioners who are leading enterprises the founders of SEA could likely never have imagined 13 years ago: Priya Haji—Founder of World of Good and now SaveUp; Rebecca Masisak—CEO of
pa n e l i st
pa n e l i st
R e b e cc a M a s i sa k
M a r c Sp e n c e r
CEO, TechSoup Global
Chief Executive Officer, Juma
T u e s day M ay 2 1 st, 2 0 1 3 , 8 : 3 0 a m –1 0 : 1 5 a m
Plenary Panel: Building An Economy on Purpose How do we build the For-Purpose Economy? Our theory of change posits that six essential building blocks must be set in place, then mortared by the communities and networks we create through SEA. On Tuesday, we kick off an intense, content-packed day with an opening plenary featuring an expert on each of these six building blocks: efficient access to Capital (Tim Freundlich); well-lubricated Marketplaces for social enterprise products and services (Carolyn Roby); supportive public Policy (Mark Ritchie); a supply of the best Talent to
P l e n a ry K e y n ot e s a n d Pa n e l s the field (Aaron Hurst); easily disseminated Knowledge and best practices (Kevin Lynch); and care for the mind, body and Spirit of social enterprisers (Eric Dawson). Pay close atten-
t u e s day M ay 2 1 st, 2 0 1 3 , 1 2 : 1 5 pm –1 : 0 0 pm
tion, because the Summit lineup of Breakthrough Sessions is
Keynote: Transformational Leadership:
organized by these same six building blocks!
Moving Beyond Ourselves As social entrepreneurs we grapple with the issues of impact and effectiveness on a daily basis. We seek solutions to some of the world’s most daunting social, economic and political challenges. We must be outstanding managers, run profitable businesses, and be brilliant strategists. So why is
M o d e rato r
pa n e l i st
C a r l a Jav i ts
E r i c Daws o n
President, REDF
President & Co-Founder, PeaceFirst
it that sometimes the things we do best become our biggest obstacles to change? Together, we will consider our leadership experiences and frameworks.
D e bb i e A lva r e zRodriguez pa n e l i st
Former CEO, Goodwill San Francisco, San Mateo & Marin Counties
pa n e l i st
Tim Freundlich
Aa r o n H u r st
Co-Founder, Social Capital Markets (SOCAP)
President & Founder, Taproot Foundation
k e y n ot e
s p o n s o r e d by:
M o sa i c pa n e l i st
pa n e l i st
K e v i n Ly n c h
M a r k R i tc h i e
President & Chief Executive Officer, Social Enterprise Alliance
Secretary of State, Minnesota
w e d n e s day M ay 2 1 st, 2 0 1 3 , 1 2 : 1 5 pm –1 : 0 0 pm
Closing Keynote: Strength To Your Sword Arm And Honey To Your Heart SEA’s President & CEO will “string the beads” of our 72 hours together and send us on our way with collective vision for pa n e l i st
the For-Purpose Economy we are building together.
K e v i n Ly n c h
Senior Vice President Wells Fargo Community Relations
President & Chief Executive Officer, Social Enterprise Alliance
s p o n s o r e d by:
Sa l e s f o r c e
k e y n ot e
P l e n a ry s p e a k e r s jim fruchterman
m a r k r i tc h i e
CEO, Benetech
Secretary of State, Minnesota
pa n e l i st
Jim Fruchterman is a leading social entrepreneur and CEO of Benetech, a nonprofit technology company based in Palo Alto, California. He is a former rocket scientist who creates technology social enterprises that target underserved communities. In 1989, Fruchterman founded Benetech, a nonprofit social enterprise, to produce reading machines for people who are blind. Benetech now creates new technology for people with disabilities as well as the human rights and environmental movements. Fruchterman has received a MacArthur Fellowship and the Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship. He believes that technology can be the ultimate leveler, allowing disadvantaged people to achieve more equality in society.
Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie partners with township, city, and county officials to organize elections on behalf of Minnesota’s 3.7 million eligible voters. Ritchie also oversees a wide range of services for Minnesota businesses provided by the Office of Secretary of State, including the archiving of official documents. Secretary Ritchie serves on the State Executive Council, the State Board of Investment, the Twin Cities Army Community Advisory Board and on the Board of the Minnesota Historical Society. He served as president of the National Association of Secretaries of State during 2011 and has been a member of the NASS executive board since 2010. Secretary Ritchie has been a faculty member for election law seminars conducted by the Minnesota Institute for Legal Education, the Minnesota and Hennepin County Bar Associations, the Univer-
ta m ra rya n CEO, Women’s Bean Project
sity of Minnesota and William and Mary Law School. Ritchie and his wife Nancy live in Minneapolis.
J o n CA m pb e l l
Executive Vice President, Wells Fargo & Company
Tamra Ryan draws from more than 20 years of marketing and sales experience as the CEO of the Women’s Bean Project, bringing a business-savvy side to the nationally-recognized social enterprise. Using a hands-on approach, she has successfully built a culture that caters to women attempting to break the cycle of chronic unemployment and poverty. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Judith M. Kaufmann award for Civic Entrepreneurship, presented by The Denver Foundation; Women Who Rock, presented at CampExperience 2010; Regis University’s Social Entrepreneurship Award; and Outstanding Alumnus, presented by the Colorado Leadership Alliance in 2006. In 2012 she was named one of Colorado’s up and coming most influential women by The Denver Post. Ms. Ryan is also the board chair for the Colorado Chapter of the Social Enterprise Alliance.
W e lco m e r
Executive Vice President Jon Campbell is director of Government and Community Relations for Wells Fargo & Company. Government and Community Relations operates as the link between the company, stakeholders and the communities we serve, focusing on stakeholder engagement, public policy advocacy, reputation management and corporate social responsibility strategies and programs. Campbell is responsible for teams that manage the company’s federal and state government relations, corporate philanthropy, environmental affairs, community relations, diversity and inclusion, and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) risk management.
P l e n a ry s p e a k e r s Va n J o n e s CNN Commentator NY Times Bestselling Author Former Special Advisor to the Obama White House k e y n ot e
President and Co-Founder, Rebuild the Dream www.rebuildthedream.com/
Northwestern University in 1993, he helped launch Net Impact, which has since become the leading student movement focused on leveraging the power of business to foster social and environmental sustainability in the world. In addition to SEA, Jim has served on the boards of Global Social Venture Competition, Juma Ventures, The Nature Conservancy, and he is Chair Emeritus at Net Impact.
Van Jones is president and co-founder of Rebuild the Dream, a platform for bottom-up, people-powered innovations to help
Ra fa e l A lva r e z
fix the U.S. economy. A Yale-educated attorney, Van has written two New York Times Best Sellers: The Green Collar Economy,
Founder & CEO, Genesys Works
the definitive book on green jobs, and Rebuild the Dream,
a roadmap for progressives in 2012 and beyond. In 2009, Van worked as the green jobs advisor to the Obama White House. There, he helped run the inter-agency process that oversaw $80 billion in green energy recovery spending. Van is the founder of Green For All, a national organization working to get green jobs to disadvantaged communities. He was the main advocate for the Green Jobs Act; signed into law by George W. Bush in 2007, the Act was the first piece of federal legislation to codify the term “green jobs.” Under the Obama administration, it has resulted in $500 million for green job training nationally. While best known as a pioneer in the environmental movement, Van has been hard at work in social justice for nearly two decades, fashioning solutions to some of urban America’s toughest problems. He is the co-founder of two social justice organizations: the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and Color of Change.
Jim schorr Senior Fellow in Social Entrepreneurship, UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business
m o d e rato r
Jim Schorr teaches Social Enterprise at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, where he is Senior Fellow in Social Entrepreneurship, and at Vanderbilt University, where he is Adjunct Professor of Management. Prior to his teaching career, Jim was CEO of Juma Ventures, one of the most successful and admired nonprofit social enterprises in the US. During his MBA years at
pa n e l i st
Named by Forbes Magazine as one of the world’s top 30 social entrepreneurs, Rafael Alvarez is founder and CEO of Genesys Works. Under Rafael’s guidance and vision, Genesys Works has grown from serving just 10 students in Houston in 2002,to serving over 600 students in Houston, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Chicago, in 2011. Genesys Works’ compounded annual growth rate is over 50 percent in spite of the economic downturn of the recent years. Rafael’s leadership and Genesys Works’ innovative model have received wide recognition across America. Rafael has motivated audiences across the country through keynote and other speaking engagements. Rafael obtained a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University and a Master of Science in Engineering Management from the University of Houston. A native of Mexico City, Rafael resides in Houston, Texas with his wife, Stephanie, and their three daughters.
J e f f Dy k st ra
R e b e cc a M as i sa k
Chief Executive Officer, Partners In Food Solutions
CEO, TechSoup Global www.techsoupglobal.org/
www.partnersinfoodsolutions.com/ pa n e l i st
pa n e l i st
Jeff currently serves as the CEO of Partners in Food Solutions,
Rebecca Masisak, CEO of TechSoup Global, is responsible for
a consortium of leading global food companies—General Mills,
the international expansion of TechSoup Global’s award-win-
Cargill and DSM—who are committed to improving food security
ning social enterprise. Today TechSoup Global’s suite of
by sharing the knowledge and expertise of their employees with
programs serves an international NGO and philanthropic
small and growing food processors across Africa. Jeff’s career
audience in over 54 countries. Under Ms. Masisak’s leadership,
has included numerous business development, marketing and
the TechSoup product donation program has enabled nonprofit
communication roles at both large, global organizations as well
organizations to save more than US$3.75 billion in IT expenses;
as at several smaller start-up ventures. Jeff’s current work is
while the NGOsource, NetSquared, and Guidestar International
shaped and informed by having spent half his career in business
programs have harnessed the power of technology to acceler-
and the other half in relief and development leading to a unique
ate social impact.
and practical understanding of how both of these sectors can benefit from the other and accomplish more together than apart. A Colorado native, Jeff is a graduate of Westmont College, Santa
M a r c Sp e n c e r
Barbara, CA and currently resides in Edina, Minnesota, USA with
Chief Executive Officer, Juma
his wife, Molly and three children—Mackenzie, Clara & Bennett.
www. jumaventures.org/
P r i ya H a j i CEO and Co-Founder, SaveUp, Inc.
pa n e l i st
Marc Spencer is CEO of Juma Ventures. He has 20 years of
San Francisco
experience in the nonprofit management sector specializing
in fund and program development; contracts and compliance;
pa n e l i st
Priya Haji is the CEO and co-founder of SaveUp, the nation’s first free rewards program that encourages Americans to save money and pay down debt with the chance to win life-changing prizes. Priya is a serial entrepreneur with a history of building companies that use technology to create positive social change. She co-founded and led World of Good to create an online and in-store branded marketplace for fair trade and sustainable goods made by women artisans from 55 developing countries, which became part of eBay, Inc. in 2010. In 2007, Priya received the Social Innovation Award from the Social Venture Network for her vision to change the way the world does business, and in 2009 was
quality management; public-private joint ventures, and performance management. Dr. Spencer’s guiding interests are the development of programs and policies that promote socio-economic and educational achievement as essential components to sustain communities. His accomplishments include the development of a San Francisco African American independent school, the design and directorship of the nation’s first Upward Bound Visual and Performing Arts program, and CollegeSet.org a national matched college savings program. In addition to Juma Marc sits on the boards of the National Youth Employment Coalition, Social Enterprise Alliance, Evergreen Lodge, City of San Francisco Youth Council, Oakland Workforce Investment Board, and the Museum of the African Diaspora.
named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.
P l e n a ry s p e a k e r s C a r l a Jav i ts
Tim Freundlich
President, REDF
Co-Founder, Social Capital Markets
(SOCAP) www.socialcapitalmarkets.net/
m o d e rato r
pa n e l i st
Carla Javits is the President of REDF, which provides equity-
Tim is an innovator of financial instruments for impact. Over the
like investments and business assistance to create and grow
last fifteen years, he served in a number of capacities at Calvert
“double bottom line” enterprises operated by non-profits that
Social Investment Foundation, and conceived of and launched
create jobs in order to employ people who face high barriers
the Giving Fund—a roughly $100 million impact investment-based
while earning income that makes the businesses sustainable.
donor advised fund that has been spun out to a new organiza-
Prior to joining REDF, Carla directed the California expansion of
tion, ImpactAssets, for which he serves as President. He was
the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) and became CEO
instrumental in building the $200+ million Calvert Community
of CSH, with offices in 10 states. She holds a Masters of Public
Investment Note sourced from 12,000 investors. Additionally,
Policy and a BA (Phi Beta Kappa) from the University of Califor-
he co-founded and serves as President of Good Capital, which
nia, Berkeley and an AA in Hotel and Restaurant Management
manages its Social Enterprise Expansion Fund LP, and has two
from San Francisco City College, and serves on the Boards of Di-
operating spin outs, the annual SOCAP Conferences, and Hub Bay
rectors of The Melville Charitable Trust, and Northern California
Area, a co-working, meeting and community space for 1,400 social
Grantmakers, and as an Advisor to the Board of NISH.
innovators across two locations. He received a BA from Wesleyan University, an MBA from the University of San Francisco, and lives
E r i c Daws o n
in San Francisco with his wife Julie and sons Milo and Gus.
President & Co-Founder, PeaceFirst
Aa r o n H u r st
President & Founder, Taproot Foundation www.taprootfoundation.org/ pa n e l i st
Eric Dawson is the co-founder and President of Peace First, an organization he helped launch when he was just 18. Peace First
pa n e l i st
has successfully taught the critical skills of peacemaking to
Aaron (@aaron_hurst) is a globally recognized social innovator
young people ages 3–14, providing training in 32 states and 23
and leading architect of the growing pro bono services move-
countries. Working in areas as diverse as New York, Los Angeles,
ment. Aaron’s career is dedicated to challenging and empow-
Johannesburg and Fairbanks, Peace First has a powerful track-
ering the public and private sectors as well as individuals and
record of reducing violence and promoting the social emotional
organizations to drive our collective social, environmental and
learning of young people by building the long-term capacity
economic progress. He is the founder of the Taproot Founda-
of schools to teach basic skills of peacemaking. A native of the
tion—a nonprofit organization building a national pro bono
Midwest, Eric was lured away by a college scholarship to Harvard
marketplace and leading the global service movement—and is
where he stayed on to get his M.Ed in Human Development Psy-
a creative force behind the conception of the national Billion +
chology and an MDiv, focused on pastoral care and counseling.
Change initiative and the Service Enterprise model. Upon gradu-
He currently lives in Boston, MA with his wife and three children.
ating, he worked in inner-city education in Chicago before landing in Silicon Valley as an early employee at two venture-backed
social venture companies. He has co-authored the children’s
2012. Roby has a B.A. from Hanover College in Indiana and an
book “Mommy and Daddy Do It Pro Bono” with his wife, Kara
M.A. from Oklahoma State University, and is a native of Joliet,
Hurst (@karahurst). Aaron, Kara, and their two children live in
Illinois. Carolyn is currently Chair of the Minneapolis Work-
Park Slope, Brooklyn. His favorite root vegetable is the radish.
force Council, and on the board of the Minnesota Council on Foundations.
K e v i n Ly n c h D e bb i e A lva r e zRO d r i g u e z
President & Chief Executive Officer Social Enterprise Alliance www.se-alliance.org
Former CEO, Goodwill San Francisco, San Mateo & Marin Counties
k e y n ot e k e y n ot e
Kevin Lynch is the President and CEO of Social Enterprise Alliance. Lynch is, first and foremost, a social enterprise prac-
Deborah Alvarez-Rodriguez, former CEO of Goodwill Industries
titioner. From 2003 until mid-2011, he served as President of
San Francisco, San Mateo & Marin Counties, has spent the
Rebuild Resources, Inc., a nationally recognized non-profit so-
better part of her life as an advocate for social economic
cial enterprise in St. Paul, Minnesota that exclusively employs
justice. Born in Brooklyn, NY, the daughter of Puerto Rican
recovering ex-offenders. After starting and selling a direct mail
immigrants, she was educated at Harvard-Radcliffe College
business in college, Lynch worked from 1980 to 2001 in the ad-
for which she worked tirelessly to recruit and retain talented
vertising industry, the last 14 years as founder and principal of
students of color from this nation’s poorest communities. An
Lynch Jarvis Jones, a social enterprise ad agency whose mis-
award-winning CEO, she is best known for her dynamic and
sion was to create positive social change through the power
inclusive leadership style. She is well known for catalyzing
of advertising and marketing. Lynch is the primary co-author
change within organizations that leads them toward greater
of Mission, Inc., The Practitioner’s Guide To Social Enterprise,
innovation, accountability and impact. Deeply committed to
a highly regarded, practical book that focuses on the day-to-
civic community service, Deborah serves on several boards
day challenges and opportunities faced by social enterprise
including: The Independent Sector, East Bay Community
practitioners. He has keynoted across the United States and on
Foundation, Ron Cordes Family Foundation, and the
three continents.
Harwood Institute for Public Innovation. As the daughter of immigrant parents, Deborah’s mother Aurelia defied the odds
CAROLYN RO BY Senior Vice President Wells Fargo Community Relations
and became a successful small business owner. Like many immigrants, she taught her children the value of an education, to show up with enthusiasm, to be of service to others and be unafraid to challenge the status quo.
pa n e l i st
Carolyn Roby, Wells Fargo Community Relations Senior Vice President, is responsible for managing charitable giving and volunteerism in Minnesota and throughout the Upper Midwest. A 33-year veteran of Wells Fargo, Wells Fargo corporate-wide giving has grown from $9.9 million in 1980 to $319 million in
p r e - co n f e r e n c e & a ff i n i t y S e ss i o n s
S u n day
ticipants will engage in a dialogue about the concepts, and will
M ay 1 9 t h , 2 0 1 3 , 1 : 3 0 pm – 4 : 3 0 pm
leave with new ideas and frameworks to take back to their organizations. Led by Diana Peacock of Community Wealth Partners,
Chapter Leaders’ Gathering
Chris Carlisle of Gray Plant Mooty, and a panel of experts.
One of the most exciting developments in SEA’s position as
Note: This session requires a separate fee of $89.
convener, aggregator and voice of social enterprise in North America is the rapid development of our chapter network now numbering 13 chapters in 11 states, plus 2 new provisional chapters. This special pre-conference session for our chapter leadership will focus on our state and local public policy initiatives and a discussion of chapter sustainability and growth strategies. Followed by a chapter Happy Hour!
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Jennifer R e e d st r o m B i s h o p
Sp e a k e r
Chris Carlisle Principal, Gray Plant Mooty
Principal, Gray Plant Mooty
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
P e ggy H o f f m a n
K e v i n Ly n c h
Kevin R. McDonald
D i a n a P e aco c k
President, Mariner Management
President & Chief Executive Officer
Founder, President & CEO, TROSA
Director, Community Wealth Partners
Social Enterprise Alliance
Sp e a k e r
Suzanne Smith Founder and Managing Director, Social Impact Architects
Sp e a k e r
J e f f To l l e f s o n
Eric Weinheimer
Executive Director, Genesys Works—Twin Cities
President and CEO, The Cara Program
Social Enterprise Essentials—Lessons from Leading
M o n day
M ay 2 0 t h , 2 0 1 3 , 9 : 0 0 a m –1 2 : 0 0 pm
Ready for boot camp? This fast-paced pre-conference session will cover all of the essential elements required to launch a social enterprise. Whether you are launching your first venture or you are a serial social entrepreneur looking for your next opportunity, the interactive session will arm you with tools to help you identify the best social enterprise opportunity for your organization, understand the pros and cons of various legal structures, and systematically think through all aspects of your business model. The concepts will be taught by seasoned practitioners who will share candid advice on each topic based on their own successes and lessons learned. Par-
Sp e a k e r
Connecting the Dots to Scale Social Enterprise Impact As a strategy to reduce chronic unemployment in America, social enterprise offers a sustainable, scalable solution. But the social enterprise community remains disconnected. Individual nonprofit organizations rarely grow beyond their communities. Philanthropy doesn’t always know what type of capital and support social enterprises need. The business community doesn’t believe social enterprises can deliver quality products and services at a competitive price and stigmatizes social enterprise employees. Government programs
S e e i n s e r t fo r r o o m Ass i g n m e n ts a n d l ast m i n u t e c h a n g e s
and policies rarely provide any distinct advantage to social
Scaling Makeover
enterprises despite their focus on employing individuals
This is a very special session for high performing social enter-
who, without social enterprise employment, are likely to
prises and wannabes who are ready to take their organization
require costly, ineffective government services. REDF formed
to ever-elusive “scale.” Scaling guru Richard Kohl will present
the SE4Jobs Working Group as part of the broader SEA
key scaling concepts in tandem with Catalyst Kitchens’ David
community to connect the dots between social enterprises
Carleton, winner of the 2012 Social Impact Exchange business
and the ecosystem in which they operate. SE4Jobs includes
plan competition for scaling. Then, one or two enterprises,
individuals from nonprofits, philanthropy, business, and
pre-selected by application, will get a live “scaling makeover”
government who are all motivated to take social enterprise
by Richard. This is sure to be as valuable for the spectators as
impact to scale. In this third face-to-face SE4Jobs working
the subjects themselves. Richard Kohl will also be available, by
session, hear from national leaders in each of these sectors
appointment, for individual scale coaching sessions throughout
and participate in an interactive workshop to develop some
the Summit.
common language to promote a more coherent definition and vision for social enterprise impact at scale.
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Dav i d C a r l e to n
D r . R i c h a r d Ko h l
Director, Catalyst Kitchens
Principal, Learning & Leading for Large Scale Change
Sp e a k e r
Da n n i e l l e C a m p o s
A l e x Co l e
Senior Vice President and National Philanthropy Director, Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Vice President, Hattaway Communications
Accelerate Your Mission
Engage your constituents to maximize impact. Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
C a r l a Jav i ts
Ron Lee
President, REDF
General Manager, Centerplate at Qualcomm Stadium
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Rhett Linke
Jas o n T r i m i e w
Executive Director for National Business Development, NISH
Managing Director, REDF
s p o n s o r e d by:
The Salesforce.com Foundation leverages salesforce.com’s people, products and resources to help improve communities around the world. Our resources, combined with the programs and expertise of thousands of nonprofit organizations, allow us to create positive change in the world. We partner with thousands of nonprofits globally that are harnessing the power of technology to expand their impact. They are blasting through fundraising goals, revolutionizing the way they run their organizations and freeing up more time to spend with constituents. They are becoming socially connected. And they are using Salesforce to achieve their missions. Imagine if you could too.
Contact 1-800-NOSOFTWARE today. www.salesforcefoundation.org 23
p r e - co n f e r e n c e & a ff i n i t y s e ss i o n s Social Enterprise and Local Economic Development
positive impact on all sectors within a community, and
How do we create enterprises, work, and ultimately an
allows all those who participate to generate enough wealth.
economic system that builds a healthy economy: one that
This is not something we dream into existence. We build it.
cultivates local entrepreneurship, attracts businesses to
With Ron Schultz, who conceived and edited the recently
locate and remain, provides enough wealth, and nurtures
released book, Creating Good Work—The World’s Leading
a resilience that allows it to withstand extremes caused by manipulation and excess? The Creating Good Work—Building Healthy Economies session is a collaborative interaction workshop that brings together social enterprise and local
Social Entrepreneurs Show How to Build a Healthy Economy, and Claudia Viek, CEO of California Association for Micro Enterprise Opportunity (CAMEO).
economic development leaders. This session will be an excellent chance for SEA chapters, as representatives of their local social enterprise communities, and EDCs to engage in meaningful discourse. It will foster continued collaboration between EDCs and SEA Chapters to make tangible contributions to their community’s economic health. It is designed to explore solutions as to how we can bring meaning and purpose into the workplace (establish
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
R o n S c h u lt z
C l au d i a V i e k
President, Entrepreneurs4Change
work that serves others), build an economy that has a
Legal and financial advocates for the social enterprise and the impact investor
In the heart of Chicago’s financial district Visit us at www.MarcJLane.com
S e e i n s e r t fo r r o o m Ass i g n m e n ts a n d l ast m i n u t e c h a n g e s
The nonprofit legal experts
Large Member Roundtable
at Gray Plant Mooty can
P r i vat e S e ss i o n by I n v i tat i o n O n ly
help you reach your goals
This special session is designed for SEA’s largest members
through creative problem
as part of our ongoing commitment to making the Summit relevant for these larger, later stage members who may
solving and genuine solutions.
already know (and often teach) many of the fundamentals of
Visit us at www.gpmlaw.com.
social enterprise. This year’s roundtable will focus on a deep conversation around issues of access to capital and impact investing. The session will be led by one of the most formidable thinkers in the field, Tim Freundlich, co-founder of Social Capital Markets (SOCAP), and President of Impact Assets. The format will be very much an interactive “popcorn” discussion designed to help SEA identify how it can best be of service to our large members around their capital needs.
Sp e a k e r
ST. CLOUD 320.252.4414 | WASHINGTON, DC 202.295.2200
Sp e a k e r
Tim Freundlich
Rolfe Larson
Co-Founder, Social Capital Markets (SOCAP)
Principal, Rolfe Larson Associates
Sp e a k e r
D r e w T u lc h i n Managing Partner, Social Enterprise Associates
Funders’ Session P r i vat e S e ss i o n by I n v i tat i o n O n ly
EN T ERPRISES , EN T ERPRISES S o c i a l E n t e r p r i s e M a r k e t pl ac e Minneapolis has topped so many lists in the last five years that we’ve dubbed it The Most Everything City in America. And if there were an award for Best City for Social Enterprise, Minneapolis might win that, too. It’s home to dozens of top-notch social ventures, many of which will be featured in our Twin Cities Social Enterprise Marketplace and Reception, with sumptuous appetizers and plenty of libations. This year’s Marketplace has a new and important twist. In addition to conference attendees, we’re inviting a wide swath of corporate and governmental procurement and purchasing managers to see the breadth and depth of products and services offered by social enterprises. All part of our belief that well-lubricated markets for social enterprise are a key building block of the field. s p o n s o r e d by:
G r e at e r T w i n C i t i e s U n i t e d Way
ing a regional population of 5 million people, MPR has 127,150 members and one million listeners each week and has earned over 1000 major broadcasting and journalism awards. American Public Media, Minnesota Public Radio’s parent organization, is the nation’s second-largest producer and distributor of national public radio programs—including A Prairie Home Companion® and Marketplace®—reaching 15 million listeners nationwide each week. It is the largest producer and distributor of classical music programming in the country. Learn more about American Public Media. Minnesota Public Radio’s 1,058-seat Fitzgerald Theater and 100-seat UBS Forum provide venues for live remote broadcasts, discussion forums, political debates, cultural programming and more. This unique tour begins with a stop and tour at Peace Coffee, Minnesota’s international coffee importer and roastery enterprise borne from the Institute of Agriculture and Trade Policy, then heads to St. Paul for the MPR tour. At the conclusion of the MPR tour, MPR leadership has invited
Social Enterprise Tours Are you the kind who learns by example? Get exclusive access to high-performing social enterprises and find out how they balance mission and business. On Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon, experience leading social enterprises from the inside
our guests to join them for a listening circle to help MPR better understand the social enterprise movement and how it can be helpful. A rare opportunity for us to tell our story!
Bus departs Marriott Monday, May 20 at 8:45am, returns 12:30pm. Box lunch served en route.
on our signature multi-site tours. To join a tour, you must be pre-registered. If you have not registered prior to the Summit, you can purchase a tour at the registration area! Note: In order to keep the action-packed Summit running on time, tours will leave promptly at designated times. Please be in the hotel lobby 15 minutes early. The Tour Coordinator will have a sign with your tour’s name on it. We are unable to offer refunds to late arrivals!
Wa k e Up A n d L i st e n ! One of the most ubiquitous forms of social enterprise is the community and public radio sector, with some of its deepest roots in Minnesota. Minnesota Public Radio is a premier public radio station producing programming for radio, online and live audiences. With its three services—MPR News, Classical MPR and 89.3 The Current—operating a 43-station regional radio network and serv-
“ P e da l i n g ” S o c i a l E n t e r p r i s e Bike your way to social enterprises in Minneapolis neighborhoods. Grab a bicycle from one of Minneapolis’ crown jewel social enterprises, Nice Ride Minnesota, then take a four-mile, one-way ride from the hotel to social enterprises. Learn about how Youth Farm and Market Project is working with inner-city youth to grow food, prepare food and also market food. Tour the Neighborhood Development Center’s social enterprise Midtown Global Market where small entrepreneurs learn business skills and have an incubation space to sell their products. Then have lunch at this multicultural indoor public market for emerging entrepreneurs. Bicycle, helmet and lunch voucher included.
Plan on rain or shine! Departs Marriott Monday, May 20 at 9:00am, returns at noon.
AND MORE EN T ERPRISES ! A r ts I n M ot i o n
serves unique cultural needs and provides financial and business
Enjoy a walking tour of downtown Minneapolis to the Mill Dis-
planning skills for their communities. Tour stops will include the
trict. Start from the hotel and walk to the world-renowned Guth-
African Development Center, the Latino Economic Development
rie Theater to receive a behind-the-scenes look at how shows are
Center, and the Neighborhood Development Center.
taken from script to its signature thrust and proscenium stages.
Bus departs Marriott Wednesday, May 22 at 12:30pm,
The tour will then head over to MacPhail Center for Music, a nonprofit organization providing life-changing music learning experiences to people of all ages and backgrounds. Plan on rain or shine—since you will be walking, think about bringing rain gear or an umbrella! This tour covers 1.5 miles; please wear comfortable shoes and clothing.
returns 4:00pm.
Yo u t h i n S o c i a l E n t e r p r i s e Social entrepreneurship knows no boundaries, including age. Join us on a traveling tour in the Metro area highlighting the drive, innovation, and spirit of young entrepreneurs. These students aren’t
Plan on rain or shine! Departs Marriott Monday, May 20 at
just tomorrow’s leaders: they’re pursuing a double and triple
9:00am, returns noon.
bottom-line approach in their work today. Tour will include: Juxtaposition Arts that engages and employs young urban artists in
R e u s e E co To u r Come learn about social enterprises that are demonstrating how used goods can still hold value and these innovative organizations are running enterprises on market opportunities. Integrating employment services and retail partnerships, the tour will visit three innovative organizations: Partnership Resources Inc.(PRI)
hands-on education initiatives; Youth Express’s Express Bike Shop and Express Yourself Clothing which are traditional businesses with youth learning entrepreneurial “labs”; and refreshments from Cookie Cart, a community nonprofit bakery and CityKid Java, an LLC owned by Urban Ventures that supports youth programs, including mentorship and tutoring. Come and get inspired!
serves adults with disabilities in a number of eco-partnerships,
Bus departs Marriott Wednesday, May 22 at 12:45pm,
including a few with an entire health system for campus-wide
returns 4:00pm.
recycling and junk mail reduction projects, and a visual and performing arts programs with the world’s largest film festival focusing disabilities, ReelAbilities; Momentum Enterprises with a focus on their deconstruction and recycling of mattresses business, of which there are only two other mattress recycling programs in the United States; and Arc’s Value Village Thrift Store and personal shopper program that uses innovative retail services to turn annually more than 3 million pounds of donations into community support. Tour attendees will receive a 20% store coupon! All of these ventures have created earned revenue for these organizations and enabled them to more fully achieve their missions.
N ow B oa r d i n g On your way to the airport, take a quick tour of the Animal Humane Society’s affiliate Now Boarding, a social enterprise that operates a state-of the-art, 24-7 pet boarding facility located adjacent to the Minneapolis/St. Paul (MSP) International Airport, offering parking and airport transportation service. Then we’ll drop you right off at the main terminal for your flight home!
Bus departs Marriott Wednesday, May 22 at 1:00pm and drops you at MSP by 3:00pm.
Bus departs Marriott Wednesday, May 22 at 12:15pm, returns 4:00pm.
E x h i b i to r s Be sure to check out social enterprises, partners, and allies at the
C ata lysts f o r C h a n g e
exhibit tables in the atrium open whenever there is programming
Learn how strong economic development centers are social
at Summit 13. Take a look, grab some literature, and chat with
enterprises in communities that help New Americans and small
representatives from some of our favorite organizations!
business owners to thrive. Tours will share how each group
B r e a kt h r o u g h S e ss i o n s
T u e s day, R o u n d 1 M ay 2 1 st, 2 0 1 3 , 1 0 : 4 5 a m –1 2 : 0 0 pm
A coffee roastery? A travel agency for people with disabilities? Solar manufacuring? What’ll they think of next? But of course ... beer!
Sustainable Growth: Tales of a New York City Twenty-Something Housing Works’ first Thrift shop opened in 1991 to support Housing Works’ mission to end AIDS and homelessness. Twenty years later, the business had grown to twelve Thrift shops across New York City
M o d e rato r
Sp e a k e r
B e t h Pa r k h i l l
Jacq u i e B a r g lu n d
President, Mentor Planet
Founder and CEO, Finnegans
and Brooklyn and an online store, generating $15 million revenue, employing 160 people and with a well recognized and much loved brand. This presentation will track the growth of Housing Works Thrift Shops over this time, and how since 2011 the shops have grown the bottom line, in par-
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
ticular by: developing the next generation business
Ja s o n E d e n s
J o h n E st r e m
strategy; valuing people and building a stable, high
Founding Director, Renewable Energy Alliance
CEO, Hammer Residents, Inc.
performance team; leveraging the brand to grow new revenue; adjusting the Thrift model after the Great Recession; and rigorously assessing the business to find the highest profit pools.
Dav i d Ra p e r Vice President of Thrift Retail, Housing Works
Sp e a k e r
L e e Wa l l ac e CEO, Peace Coffee
s p o n s o r e d by:
v e ry n i c e .co
s p o n s o r e d by:
L e f t B ra i n R i g h t B ra i n P r o d u c t i o n s
Advancing Social Innovation through Policy Focusing on workforce development, this session offers insights into innovative federal policy proposals
Cool Stories / New Markets We often associate social enterprises with some fairly traditional lines of business such as manufacturing, food service, retail and on site services. But the range of how social enterprise can deliver the common good is endless. Several unique Twin Cities social enterprises will be profiled in this storytelling session.
that will encourage innovation and grow what works. Topics will include President Obama’s proposals to increase use of evidence in funding decisions, Pay for Success models, and the Social Innovation Fund, as well as proposals designed to specifically advance social enterprise. The session will feature the America Forward workforce task force agenda, developed in collaboration with the America Forward Coalition,
S e e i n s e r t fo r r o o m Ass i g n m e n ts a n d l ast m i n u t e c h a n g e s
a network of over 50 innovative, impact-oriented or-
Nonprofit Finance Fund: 2013 State of the Sector
ganizations, working in more than 900 communities
nationwide, dedicated to driving systemic change.
Shirley sag awa Consultant to New Profit, America Forward speaker
Nonprofit Finance Fund recently released the results of its 2013 State of the Nonprofit Sector Survey, which details the substantial changes that many organizations are making after years of economic stress. The fifth annual survey, supported by the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, includes information on the finances, operations, and outlook of 5,983 organizations across the country. “Nonprof-
New Capital—with Tim Freundlich and colleagues
its are changing the way they do business because they have to: government funding is not returning to pre-recession levels, philanthropic dollars are
Back in the day, the only viable sources of growth
limited, and demand for critical services has climbed
capital for social enterprises were grants for non-prof-
dramatically,” said Antony Bugg-Levine, CEO of
its and garden variety debt and equity for for-profits.
Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF). “At the same time, 56
No longer! Three experts in the realm of financing
percent of nonprofits plan to increase the number of
social impact join together for this interactive session
people served. That goal requires change and inno-
on new forms of capital. Bring your appetite as they
vation—for nonprofits, for those who fund them, and
serve up a smorgasbord of financing alternatives.
for the broader systems we need to preserve and expand economic opportunity and social progress.” The presentation will not only cover the trends and high level findings from the survey but also how
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Tim Freundlich
Rolfe Larson
Co-Founder, Social Capital Markets (SOCAP)
Principal, Rolfe Larson Associates
enterprises are adapting their enterprises to meet demand for services and programs.
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
K e v i n M cQ u e e n Partner, BWB Solutions LLC
Sp e a k e r
Da n n i e l l e C a m p o s
Dav i d G r e co
Senior Vice President and National Philanthropy Director, Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Vice President, Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF)
B r e a kt h r o u g h S e ss i o n s Building A Market For Amazing Pro Bono Talent
What Moves You?—with Eric Dawson We all know that we are more than our resumes and
The social enterprise sector has a huge opportunity
jobs—we are a collection of histories, of stories, of
to harness the brilliance and generosity of pro bono
relationships. Yet too often when we gather at con-
skills-based volunteer services from businesses.
ferences we miss opportunities to connect around
Three organizations that have been working closely
our stories. At this session we will do just that: share
together to build this potent talent market come
our stories of purpose, locating the meaning in our
together on this panel to describe the current state
life and work, and sharing powerful stories of why we
of play. Taproot Foundation is a nonprofit orga-
do what we do. This is a fully interactive session for
nization that makes business talent available to
people who are interested in connecting with their
organizations working to improve society, engaging
core purpose and connecting with others. We are all
the nation’s millions of business professionals in
called to do great things—come and learn why.
pro bono services both through its award-winning
E r i c Daws o n
programs and by partnering with companies to develop their pro bono programs. Billion + Change has
President & Co-Founder, PeaceFirst
gained nearly $2 billion in pro bono commitments from businesses all across the land. And Deloitte has made an unprecedented commitment of $110 million of pro bono services. Social enterprises need
to learn how to be good consumers of this “brilliant generosity,” and this session will provide a good primer. But only if you do your homework: Attendees are asked to take a brief “pro bono readiness” ques-
We help the world grow the food it needs.
tionnaire in advance of the session.
Sp e a k e r
Aa r o n H u r st President & Founder, Taproot Foundation
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Jennifer L aws o n Executive Director, A Billion + Change
The Mosaic Villages Project, Guatemala
Jill Silliphant Corporate Citizenship Lead, Deloitte
Proud to support the
Social Enterprise Summit 2013
S e e i n s e r t fo r r o o m ass i g n m e n ts a n d l ast m i n u t e c h a n g e s
t u e s day, R o u n d 2 M ay 2 1 st, 2 0 1 3 , 2 : 0 0 pm –3 : 1 5 pm
11 Secrets To Building A Game-Changing Organization—with Aaron Hurst Over the last 11 years, Taproot has gone from a spark of an idea in Aaron Hurst’s bedroom office into one of the highest impact and well-managed nonprofits in the country—a model that is being replicated around the world. To celebrate Taproot’s 11th anniversary, Hurst will share 11 leadership and management philosophies that have made Taproot what it is today. These 11 philosophies range from talent acquisition to how to fail, and are a useful backdrop as social enterprises of all sizes consider how they might build game-changing organizations.
Aa r o n H u r st President & Founder, Taproot Foundation
Prepping for Primes: Considerations for Partnering with Prime Contractors To create more impact, social enterprises need to win more business. There is a growing opportunity to do this by working closely with much larger companies. This session will provide an overview of how to position to win in partnerships with Prime Contractors. Topics will include business development needs, teaming considerations and what the business environment is like for Prime Contractors. Additionally, highlights of the AbilityOne NISH Prime Contractor Program will be shared. NISH is a national nonprofit agency that creates employment opportunities for people with significant disabilities. It accomplishes this through a national network of more than 550 nonprofit agency partners to fulfill contracting needs for the Federal Government, commercial businesses and government contractors. NISH enhances and complements the capacity and capability of community-based nonprofit agencies so more people with disabilities have jobs and the contracting needs of our nation are achieved.
s p o n s o r e d by:
L e f t B ra i n R i g h t B ra i n P r o d u c t i o n s
Sp e a k e r
D i a n e M u r ray Assistant Vice President, Prime Contractor Program, NISH
Sp e a k e r
Kat e Rosengreen President, Proposal Resource Group
s p o n s o r e d by:
v e ry n i c e .co
B r e a kt h r o u g h S e ss i o n s How Social Enterprise Policy Becomes Law: The
What It REALLY Means to Be a Social Entrepreneur
Illinois Experience Marc J. Lane, the author of Illinois’ L3C law and the
Social entrepreneurs typically operate in the fuzzy
Chairman of the state’s Task Force on Social Innova-
space between business and philanthropy. And this
tion, Entrepreneurship, and Enterprise, will chronicle
creates unique challenges: How do I balance my
the steps he took to secure sponsorship for the L3C
need for profit with my desire to have big impact?
legislation, shepherd it through the state’s Senate and
How do I relate to investors? What about other
House (it passed unanimously in both chambers), and
stakeholders like employees and suppliers? What do
secure the Governor’s approval. Marc will then describe
I need to know and understand about social enter-
how he built on that success to organize and launch
prise that makes it different from a “regular” busi-
the Task Force—the Governor’s think tank, populate it,
ness or nonprofit? How do I stay true to my vision
and spearhead policy recommendations which are al-
when everything pulls me in a different direction?
ready driving positive social change. The Illinois experi-
I love my work, but it can be lonely, too, and most
ence is an instructive model for other states committed
of my friends really don’t get it. These struggles are
to becoming robust hubs of social innovation.
often more internal than external. Come hear one
M a r c J. L a n e Founder, The Law Offices of Marc J. Lane
of America’s foremost practitioners talk about what it really means to be a social entrepreneur. Explore what “success” means to you, and how that affects the choices you make—or don’t make. Learn how to find the help you need to achieve your goals. This will be a non-technical, interactive session.
Hire Smarter: A Road Map to High-Impact Hires for
Allen Bromberger
Social Enterprises
Partner, Perlman & Perlman
Join Kevin Flynn, Vice President of Recruitment for national search firm Commongood Careers, for an interactive session on what it takes to attract and hire top talent. This session will provide hands-on tips, tools, and best practices to help you do your hiring right and ensure that you make high-impact hires. We will break down the hiring process into a few simple yet important steps, including planning, recruiting, interviewing, and assessing candidates— all practical advice you can use right away.
K e v i n F ly n n Vice President of Recruitment, Commongood Careers
S e e i n s e r t fo r r o o m Ass i g n m e n ts a n d l ast m i n u t e c h a n g e s
Building your Social Enterprise Portfolio
Size, Structure and Solutions: What We Look Like
A common challenge faced by many non-profit organizations is developing a system for assessing both new
You know social enterprise has the power to transform
ideas and existing activities. This session will provide
the world. And so do we! But, if we’re going to create
participants with tools to address this critical challenge.
an eco-system that is conducive to social enterprise,
Participants will learn about an approach to product
we need the world to know it too. And for that to hap-
development that will help their organizations identify,
pen, we need a better understanding of the size and
assess, screen, and plan products and services that
scope of a field that is developing in so many different
will grow their social enterprise portfolio. Strategies for
ways, in different places, and through different cor-
conducting portfolio reviews will also be introduced.
porate forms, each with its own unique character and
This session will be geared towards organizations that
needs. At long last, the picture of social enterprise in
are exploring new social enterprise activities as well as
the United States is coming into sharper focus, thanks
those that are seeking to grow their existing portfolio.
to initiatives like the Great Social Enterprise Census,
A l e xa n d ra S n e lg r ov e Senior Consultant, Aperio
and Deloitte’s work on the “solutions economy.” In this session we examine the new research and discuss the importance of robust data in making the foundational case for social enterprise as a large and fast-growing sector of the economy; primed for increased attention from consumers, investors, and policymakers.
Special Note: Summit attendees are encouraged to
take the Great Social Enterprise Census in real time during the Summit!
IS YOUR ONLINE SOURCE for rich content, conversations and collaboration.
THINK. Blogs offer a range of analysis, perspectives, and ideas on nonprofit industry best practices, research and related topics.
Sp e a k e r
Megan SC h u m a n n Deloitte Research
Sp e a k e r
Ben Thornley Director, InSight, Pacific Community Ventures
TALK. Online conversations spark solutions to complex problems in our community. TAKE ACTION. Register and join United Front’s growing nonprofit network. THE POWER TO CONNECT
B r e a kt h r o u g h S e ss i o n s
t u e s day, R o u n d 3 M ay 2 1 st, 2 0 1 3 , 4 : 0 0 pm – 5 : 1 5 pm
Keys To Corporate Partnerships All across the land, major corporations are realizing that social enterprises can be great partners who
Tech-Enabled Social Enterprises Social enterprises scale their impact when their businesses grow. That’s why we find it so exciting to see social enterprises and tech companies align to power the marketplaces for social enterprises to succeed at sales and marketing of their products and services. We’re bringing together three tech platforms, includ-
meet their business needs. And social enterprises are becoming equally adept at understanding where they can add real value. The result? Powerful, long-lasting, good faith relationships where social value and business value are equally delivered. This will be a lively dialogue between corporate leaders and savvy practitioners on how to unlock mutual value.
ing Salesforce.com, Groupon, and the Social Impact App to first describe their individual successes in the space. Then the moderator—Rebecca Masisak,CEO of Tech Soup Global—will lead a dialogue about why social enterprise interests the panelists, how social enterprisers can learn about and use these kinds of opportunities, and what social enterprises want and need from the technology community.
M o d e rato r
Sp e a k e r
Chris Lambe Director of Social Responsibility and Executive Director, the Mosaic Foundation
Da n n i e l l e Campos Senior Vice President and National Philanthropy Director, Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Sp e a k e r
R e b e cc a M as i sa k
Dav i d Av e r i l l
CEO, TechSoup Global
Enterprise Customer Success Manager, Salesforce.com Foundation
Sp e a k e r
M o d e rato r
Sp e a k e r
Rolfe Larson
Pat t y M o r i s s e y
Principal, Rolfe Larson Associates
Head of Social Innovation, Groupon
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Da n H e r n a n d e z
M a r c Sp e n c e r
Senior Group Manager, Target Corporation
Chief Executive Officer, Juma Ventures
Sp e a k e r
Eric Weinheimer President and CEO, The Cara Program
s p o n s o r e d by:
s p o n s o r e d by:
L e f t B ra i n R i g h t B ra i n P r o d u c t i o n s
v e ry n i c e .co
S e e i n s e r t fo r r o o m Ass i g n m e n ts a n d l ast m i n u t e c h a n g e s
Can You Hear Me Now? How to Influence
Cool Capital
Policymakers and Advance Policy
Growth capital is the scarce fuel that social enter-
The movement as a whole, and your own social enterprises, need political support to accelerate growth. How can we make sure that policymakers listening? Hear from a former lobbyist and a successful social enterprise advocate about the secret to influencing policymakers and crafting your message. This session is guaranteed to leave you empowered and ready to become a more successful advocate.
prise needs if it is going to continue to grow in impact. New ways of thinking about capital are helping social enterprises grow more rapidly than could once have been predicted. This panel presents three interesting “takes” on capital. Bill Strathmann, CEO of Network for Good, will discuss the challenges of attracting social impact growth capital and how Network for Good has grappled with these challenges, seeking to marry social mission with market-rate investor returns and a compelling vision of Generosity Unleashed. Bill Dossett, Executive Director of
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
W e n dy B au m a n n
Suzanne Smith
President & CVO, Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation
Founder and Managing Director, Social Impact Architects
Nice Ride MN, Minnesota’s rapidly growing bike share system, will discuss the “two P&L” approach that has resulted in a profoundly sound social enterprise business model and a solid platform for growth capital. And Dana Nelson, Executive Director of GiveMN, will address how online giving can keep pace with social enterprise marketplace growth.
M o d e rato r
B ra d B r ow n
B i l l D o ss e t t
Principal, Socentia
Executive Director, Nice Ride MN
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Da n a N e l s o n Executive Director, GiveMN
Sp e a k e r
Bill St rat h m a n n CEO, Network for Good
B r e a kt h r o u g h S e ss i o n s Old Fart Millennial Insights
Each participant will receive the AoC Convening
Among multiple other careers over many years,
Wheel, The 9 Principles of Transformational Conver-
Jonathan C. Lewis is the Founder and Host of iOn-
sations, and develop a real time case study.
Poverty. iOnPoverty.tv produces online videos about social entrepreneurship careers. Candid, filmed conversations with accomplished social entrepreneurs catalyze the best and brightest students and young professionals by providing the information they need to advance careers combating social and economic injustice. Newly-released leadership development videos from iOnPoverty will be previewed and
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
C ra i g N e a l
Pat r i c i a N e a l
Co-Founder, VisionHolder, Heartland Inc.
Co-Founder, President, Heartland Inc.
discussed. In YouTube-format, social entrepreneurs speak about competing commitments to clients, community and career. Popcorn not served.
Healthy Corners for Healthy Futures Obesity and hunger drain $237 billion from the US economy annually. The solution isn’t a question of
J o n at h a n Lewis Founder and Host, iOnPoverty
charity, but one of economics. Combining philanthropic investments and emerging market opportunities, mission-driven social enterprises and nonprofits can engage local farmers through innovative sourcing models to minimize costs, bolster food
systems, and create living-wage jobs. DC Central Kitchen has used these tactics to develop a $6 million social enterprise portfolio that is changing
9 Steps to Transforming Your Meetings And
eating behaviors among at-risk urban populations
and creating jobs. One of their newest programs,
Take a moment to imagine your daily interactions ... Your minute-by-minute, day-by-day communication sets the tone for your own well-being and that of your organization. The Art of Convening (AoC) is the technology of relationships and can bring you the
Healthy Corners, is an interesting hybrid of social enterprise and traditional philanthropy that puts fresh fruits and vegetables and healthy snacks in corner stores in food deserts, creating a model that can be replicated in urban communities across the country.
next level of success! Convening delivers a practical
Mike Curtin
and essential 9-step methodology for transforming
Chief Executive Officer, DC Central Kitchen
any engagement from adequate to inspired, from good to great. More than another meeting modality, a convened meeting maximizes personal and organizational performance by strengthening buy-in, accountability, and commitment to help people excel and be successful in their work.
S e e i n s e r t fo r r o o m ass i g n m e n ts a n d l ast m i n u t e c h a n g e s
W e d n e s day, R o u n d 4 M ay 2 2 n d , 2 0 1 3 , 8 : 3 0 a m – 5 : 1 5 pm
Getting It Right Up Front: Legal Options and Issues
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Although a social enterprise can provide an impor-
Jennifer R e e d st r o m Bishop
tant and sustainable source of support for an orga-
Principal, Gray Plant Mooty
for Structuring Social Enterprises
Sa ra h D u n i way Principal, Gray Plant Mooty
nization’s mission, if structured incorrectly, it can cause unforeseen tax and legal consequences. Taking
s p o n s o r e d by:
the key legal and tax rules into account on the front
L e f t B ra i n R i g h t B ra i n P r o d u c t i o n s
end is key to ensuring that the venture is operated to the highest advantage. Learn the fundamental legal and tax issues associated with developing a social enterprise. Topics will include obtaining and maintaining tax-exempt status, unrelated business taxable income and legal structure options such as subsidiaries, LLCs, L3Cs, and B corps.
Social Impact App™ "Looking for a place to eat, go shopping and change the world? This new smartphone app connects do-gooders with social-purpose businesses." — Chronicle of Philanthropy
B r e a kt h r o u g h S e ss i o n s Alternative Staffing: A High-Performing Enterprise Strategy for Workforce Development Alternative staffing is an employment strategy that
has a strong record of impact investing, a SIB/PFS subject matter expert, and a policymaker that is looking at SIBs in their own jurisdiction.
uses a temporary staffing business platform coupled with supportive services to help people with obstacles to employment enter and advance in the workforce. With over 50 nonprofit operators nationwide, this business model is a leading approach to
M o d e rato r
Sp e a k e r
helping large numbers of people with employment
Gordon Chan
F ra n k F o r s b e r g
barriers gain a foothold in the labor market and
Farber Fellow, REDF
Senior Vice President of Systems Change and Innovation, Greater Twin Cities United Way
leverages grant dollars at a rate that is unrivaled in the social enterprise field. In this session, we’ll learn how alternative staffing organizations create, articulate and deliver value to commercial customers in order to achieve scale and sustainability in a highly competitive industry.
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Ja n e t Va n L i e r e
M i k e Wy n n e
Senior Business Consultant, The ICA Group
President & CEO, EMERGE
s p o n s o r e d by:
v e ry n i c e .co
Sp e a k e r
St e v e G o l d b e r g
Miriam Shark
Independent Social Investment Advisor, Caffeinated Capital, LLC
Associate Director, Annie E. Casey Foundation
I can prove “impact to all
our investors with Apricot Software!” -DOROTHEA M.
Community Development Corporation Director
New Frontier in Capital: Social Impact Bonds and Pay-For-Success The hottest topic in social enterprise financing these days is arguably the nascent world of Social Impact Bonds and Pay-For-Success models. As a leading thinker and instigator in the social enterprise space, REDF is an applicant to a Pay for Success pilot program of the United States Department of Labor. Using the project as a live example, this panel will include the perspective of a major funder who is participating in the REDF deal and
apricot ®
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Learn the best practices of impact reporting Find out how to track and report your organization’s high performance with amazingly affordable, flexible, easy to use Apricot Software™. Go to communitytech.net/impact and sign up for a free “7 Steps to Best Practice Impact Reporting” webinar.
Learn more about CTK and Apricot at communitytech.net, or give us a call at 1-877-441-2111 (toll-free).
S e e i n s e r t fo r r o o m Ass i g n m e n ts a n d l ast m i n u t e c h a n g e s
The Role of Debt
Building Local Leadership
Debt is often an untapped and misunderstood
One of SEA’s most significant initiatives over the last
source of capital for social enterprise, and one
two years has been the development and expansion
towards which boards of directors may be highly risk
of our chapter networks, now numbering 13 chapters
averse. On the lender side as well, traditional busi-
in 11 states, with 2 new provisional chapters. Chapters
ness lenders often lack the tools to assess and make
are an essential strategy for building local ecosystems
wise credit decisions for social enterprises. In this
that support social enterprise success, and strong
participatory session, Kate Barr, Executive Director
networks of social enterprises. In the process, they are
of Nonprofits Assistance Fund, a premier resource
a forum in which strong local leadership can emerge.
for training, strategic financial consulting, and loans
Leaders of four of our strongest chapter networks will
for nonprofit organizations, will lead an open and
share some of their universal secrets for building local
probing discussion with leaders of social enterprises
leadership teams for social enterprise collaboration.
who have employed debt as part of their capital strategy. Come away with a better understanding of how debt can be part of your capital access toolbelt. Sp e a k e r
M o d e rato r
Sp e a k e r
Kat e B a r r
To m G ray
Executive Director, Nonprofits Assistance Fund
Vice President of Operations and Finance, RecycleForce
C e c i ly Jac k s o n Z a pata
J. H owa r d “J i m ” Ku c h e r
Principal, Sustainable Law Group, P.C.
President & CEO, Social Venture Constructors LLC
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Dav e S h a f f e r
F ra n W e ss e l i n g
President and CEO, DePaul Industries
President and Executive Director, Foundation For the Challenged
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Don Leyrer
Ta m ra Rya n
Experienced Entrepreneur, Chairman of the Social Enterprise Alliance Nashville Chapter, Health and Workforce Development
CEO, Women’s Bean Project
B r e a kt h r o u g h S e ss i o n s Changing the World One Wall at a Time: The Role
Food for Thought
of Art in Social Change
Catalyst Kitchens is a collaborative network of 40
To change the world we must change action.
food-service social enterprises across the US, Canada
To change action we must change philosophy.
and the UK that impact their communities by provid-
And to change philosophy we must change our-
ing nutritious meals for those in need, technical and
selves. Art is very powerful because it is a me-
life-skill training for those looking to transform their
dium by which we can change philosophy! In this
lives, and sustainability through social enterprise.
facilitated conversation we will explore: What is
Model Members DC Central Kitchen, AspenPointe and
art? What is the value of art in our lives and in our
Springboard Kitchen will discuss the broad organi-
enterprises? We’ll explore examples of the value of
zational and community impact this model has had
art applied to social enterprise, and discuss how
on: Organizational mission, profile, presence and
we can use art in our own social enterprises. The
partnerships within the community; Job training and
objective of this session is to inspire practitioners
placement opportunities for adults and youth facing
to use art as a powerful tool for creating impact.
barriers to employment; Disadvantaged child and
S cot t Burkholder Executive Director, Baltimore Love Project speaker
adult nutrition; Nutritional awareness and education; and Sustainability through self-generated revenue. The lessons that Catalyst Kitchens and its model members have learned in the food-service sector are universal and applicable to a wide range of social enterprises in different sectors and industries.
Sp e a k e r
Dav i d C a r l e to n
Mike Curtin
Director, Catalyst Kitchens
Chief Executive Officer, DC Central Kitchen
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Sp e a k e r
Jennifer F l a n ag a n
J o n at h a n Liebert
Chief Business / Program Officer, Springboard KitchensDevelopment
Vice President, AspenPointe Enterprises
Social Impact architects
Swipes for the Homeless is verynice because they are building an infrastructure for students to easily donate left over meals to the homeless population.
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NISH strives to provide employment opportunities for every person with a significant disability.
It’S WorkINg More than 125,000
To learn more about the organization, check out www.swipesforthehomeless.org This ad-space is sponsored and curated by verynice, a design and innovation consultancy that dedicates over 50% of its efforts toward pro bono design for non-profit organizations.
www.verynice.co / info@verynice.co
people with significant disabilities are employed through NISH nonprofit agencies.
B r i n g i n g P e o p l e To g e t h e r , Support the work. Become a member. T h e wo r k d o e s n ’ t sto p w i t h t h e S u mm i t. Turn your individual idealism into collective might!
Learn. • Access our monthly webinar series and archives • Monthly newsletter featuring sector news and articles • More than 1,500 research articles, tools, and resources in our Knowledge Center • Substantial discount on our annual Summit
L e a d. • Become a social enterprise champion in your community— start a chapter or become a chapter board member • Lead local social enterprise policy initiatives—our Senior Policy Advisor will show you how! • Speak—share your expertise at a Summit, webinar, or
• Partnered with the Great Social Enterprise Census to gather data for policy and grantmaking • Facilitated the invitation of 11 members to the White House Forum on Business Innovation • Proclaimed May 20 as Social Enterprise Week in partnership with state and local policymakers • Educated countless leaders, practitioners, and leaders of tomorrow at Regional Summits, chapter events, webinars, and Summit 13
W h at w i ll n e x t y e a r b r i n g ? Help us continue building an economy on purpose. Together. Summit 13 attendees get 2 months of SEA membership FREE!
chapter event
co n n e ct. • Visibility—we share your events, stories, and achievements to our 20,000 combined Facebook fans, Twitter followers, newsletter subscribers, and monthly website visitors • Targeted introductions—we regularly introduce members to other members for collaboration • Invaluable networking at chapter events and annual Summits
J o i n a N at i o n a l M ov e m e n t In the last year, SEA: • Allied with dozens of organizations to promote social enterprise around the globe • Helped protect the name of social enterprise from being trademarked • Hosted a private, safe space for funders in order to make the case for social enterprise on your behalf
Sign up with promo code Summit13
B u i l d i n g Co m m u n i t i e s Build your local social enterprise economy. Join a chapter. s e at t l e
Tw i n C i t i e s
M a s s ac h u s e t t s
C h i c ag o
New Yo r k
San Francisco Co lo r a d o
S t. Lo u i s
C i n c i n n at i
Lo n g Island M a ry l a n d
Lo s A n g e l e s N a s h v i ll e / Middle Tennessee North Texas
Ta mpa B ay
H ats O f f To C h a p t e r s Communities and networks are the mortar that hold all of the Building Blocks of a social enterprise economy together. That’s why we’ve designed our chapter network as the driving force behind SEA, enriching and deepening our engage-
W e lco m e !
ment with our members. Chapters do our most important work:
SEA wants to officially announce our brand new Greater
they bring people together and tell the story of social enter-
Cincinnati Regional Chapter and Washington State Chapter!
prise. In the last year, our chapters have done just that. They’ve
In the past year, both organizational groups have progressed
hosted business competitions, pitch nights, educational events,
to provisional chapter status and will soon be full chapters.
and site tours. They’ve reached out via social media, newsletters,
Welcome to both new chapters. Here’s to another year of
and websites. They’ve mentored one another and chapters-to-
serving our members locally!
be in their exploratory phases. They’ve gotten social enterprise onto the radar screens of state and local policymakers. And they provided invaluable, strategic feedback on SEA national level initiatives. In Fall 2012, four chapters hosted Regional Summits, and one is serving as host committee for this Summit! We could not be convener and champion of the social enter-
C h a p t e r L e a d e r s A r e Thought Leaders No surprise: Several of our chapter leaders are speaking at Summit 13. Yes, they’re that brilliant. Look for the chapter leader badge next to their photos.
prise field without our chapters. Thank you! We would like to
I n t e r e st e d i n C h a p t e r s?
extend our appreciation to the Surdna Foundation, whose gen-
Don’t see a chapter in your area? Start one!
erosity has directly helped make our chapter strategy possible.
Email chapters@se-alliance.org for more information.
a f e w t h a n k s a n d B oa r d o f d i r e cto r s
chapter chairs
Jim Schorr
C h i c ag o
St. Lo u i s
President/Attorney, Law Offices of Marc J. Lane
CEO, The Mission Center, L3C
President & Chief Executive Officer
Sa n F r a n c i s co
Josh LaBau
Senior Fellow in Social Entrepreneurship, UC Berkeley’s Hass School of Business Chair
Marc Spencer
CEO, Juma Ventures Vice-Chair
Paul Sexton
Deputy Chief Executive Officer, AspenPointe Treasurer
Carla Javits
President, REDF
David LePage
Co lo r a d o
Tamra Ryan
CEO, Women’s Bean Project
Vice-President of Business Development, PARC
Lo s A n g e l e s
Holly Mosher
Director/Producer, Hummingbird Pictures
President/CEO, Social Venture Constructors
Bill Strathmann
CEO, Network for Good Chair Emeritus
Suzanne Smith
Founder, Managing Director Social Impact Architects
Chuck Lief
President, Naropa University Chair Emeritus
Charles King
President and CEO, Housing Works Chair Emeritus
Jim Fruchterman
President and CEO, Benetech Chair Emeritus
Founder, Crowd4all.org
Managing Partner, Cerini & Associates, LLP
Ken Cerini
Kevin Lynch
Vice President HR, International Operations UPS
Antonio Aguilera
Ta m pa B ay
M a ry l a n d
Tim Robinson
Chris Miller
Lo n g I s l a n d
Program Manager, Enterprising Nonprofits President and CEO Ex-officio
Marc J. Lane
Jim Kucher
M a s s ac h u s e t t s
Anne Wunderli
Director of Support Services, Workforce Development and Social Enterprise Nashville
Don Leyrer
Health and Workforce Development Implementation Team, Mayor’s Poverty Reduction Initiative N e w Yo r k M e t r o
April de Simone
Co-Founder/Managing Partner, A Brave New Idea N o r t h T e xa s
Niki McCuistion
Partner, McCuistion Consulting Group, LLC
Nancy Giles
Twin Cities
Beth Parkhill
President/Founder, Mentor Planet
sta ff Kevin Lynch
Director of Member Value
Madeline Graham
Chapter Services Leader
Madeline Hart-Andersen Ace of All Trades
Suzanne Smith
Senior Policy Advisor
ac k n ow l e d g m e n ts T w i n c i t i e s h o st co m m i tt e e Beth Parkhill Mentor Planet
Kari Niedfeldt-Thomas
The Mosaic Company
Mary Serie
vo lu n t e e r s
Steven Lockwood Amber Scott
Robyne Stevenson
Amy Wagner MAP for Nonprofits
Andrea West
Tasks Unlimited
Andrea West
The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business
Derrick Frazier uAspire
National Day One
Oasis for Youth
Kristi Hamilton
Beth Mammenga CityKid Java
Josh Senso Hammer Residencies
Nathan Hurliman
Greg Bauman
Doug Hovelson
Master Minds
Scott Cole
Big Thunder Public Relations
Beth Megas
Founding Futures
Event Planner
Laurel Hansen
D.A. Bullock
Jack Katzmark
Sarah Morris
Arc Greater Twin Cities PPL, Inc
Brian Paulson Greater Twin Cities United Way Tom Triplett
Triplett Consulting
Bully Creative
Impact Strategies Group
Enroot Marketing
University of Minnesota
Brennan Crawford
Mike Huck
Mary Browning
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Ed Johnson
Hamline University
Natalie Cox
Monterey Institute of International Studies
Cindy Ojczyk
University of Minnesota Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs
Ben Johnson Kadence Hampton Beth Megas
More Than A Beautiful Home
Michelle Peterson
Lorry I. Lokey Graduate School of Business at Mills College
Jenny Kramm
Lutheran Community Foundation
Luther Snow
Ann Johnson
Heartland Inc.
SEA Twin Cities Chapter Asset Mapping Guru
Rachel Harris John Schuerman Schuerman Consults
Steven Olinger
Christina Melloh
Jenny Song
Jeff Ochs
Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota
Heather Stafford Gay
Kansas City Kansas Community College
Steven Olinger
Oasis for Youth
Hamline University
Colleen Ebinger Impact Strategies Group
Center for Nonprofit Management, University of St. Thomas
Viable Third Community, LLC
Coalition for Impartial Justice Customs Made, LLC
N ot e s Websites
P e o p l e to F o l low U p W i t h
Big ideas
To - D o ’ s
Thelegacy of leadership
Great leaders leavea mark on thecommunities they serve. They bring peopletogether, createa consensus and work hard to makepositivechange. What is accomplished today can last for generations. Social Enterprise Alliance, thank you for creating a lasting legacy of success.
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