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Leading Pharr into the Future
Mayor Ambrosio Hernandez, M.D. has been leading the City of Pharr towards growth, innovation, and prosperity since taking office! With a vision strategically focused on enhancing city services, expanding community events, and all momentum set on the future of Pharr, he has delivered many exceptional firsts and achievements for the city.
He has come to be known as a mayor who is a force to be reckoned with and one who sets goals and achieves them without hesitation. A leader in the region and state, he has made sure all eyes are on the City of Pharr.
Among the most prominent projects of his career as mayor, Hernandez has
“As we lead ourselves into the 21st century, our fiber-optic network will lead our team to explore smart city platforms, digital sustainability mechanisms, and educational partnerships that will go beyond traditional pathways.” managed historic feats for his community and citizens. These projects include being light-years ahead of the curve with cutting-edge technology through the implementation of the city’s TeamPharr.NET Broadband internet service which will effectively close the digital divide in the city; being an advocate for innovative, lifesaving research through his appointment by Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick to the state’s prestigious Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) Oversight Committee; creating life-saving emergency services through the city’s first Emergency Medical Services department (Pharr EMS); and setting future goals for Pharr’s prosperity as laid out in his State of the City Address . city and 100% complete in South Pharr, which was the most disconnected area in the nation.

“TeamPharr.net is taking our community beyond connectivity,” said Mayor Hernandez. “This is essentially the development of a brand-new information infrastructure super highway system; connecting Pharr to the world,” added Hernandez. “We are proud to pioneer this effort and to be a model in our region, state, and nation—providing blazing fast and affordable internet to our Pharr families and businesses, forever changing and impacting our connectivity and innovativeness at all levels,” he said. “TeamPharr.net will not only narrow the digital divide… it will absolutely eliminate it.”

Mayor Hernandez wears many caps. As a pediatric physician serving the most vulnerable population, he is focused on finding solutions. His work and dedication to his patients and citizens alike has not gone unnoticed and he is always an advocate for his community. As the only South Texas appointee to CPRIT, he has been hard at work. In February, CPRIT announced a five-year $6 million award to the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) to expand cancer research. The CPRIT award will support the UTRGV Surgery and Cancer Center’s operations and accelerate cancer research at the university and across South Texas. It also will support liver cancer research projects and other cancers prevalent in the region, including cervical and colorectal cancer.
“This historic award is the first-of-its-kind in our region and will have a big impact on biomedical and cancer research in our region,” said Hernandez. “I believe in working to support and partnering with our institutions of higher education and receiving this type of funding will positively impact our population as we work together to find cures, develop new medications, and bring this type of innovative research to our community—a first for the Rio Grande Valley,” he added. “I look forward to continuing to bring more opportunities like this to our region as a member of CPRIT,” Hernandez said.

Pharr Ems
The City of Pharr continues to connect Pharr families with emergency medical services through Pharr EMS as it soon celebrates its 2-year anniversary. Since its creation, Pharr EMS has provided state-of-the-art equipment, resources, medical staff, training, and the highest level of services to Pharr and surrounding communities. Pharr EMS promotes a sense of responsibility, expanding services and sharing life-saving training activities, exercises, and resources for neighboring communities, schools, organizations, the media, and the general public. Since its inception, Pharr EMS has worked on hundreds of life-saving missions, celebrating many incredible success stories along the way.

“I am so proud to celebrate the efforts of our Pharr EMS personnel who have, in just two short years, worked arduously to build the department into of the best EMS services in the region—from transporting trauma patients to saving lives, they continue to serve our citizens with the best high quality care and we are proud to always highlight their accomplishments and hard work,” he continued. “Pharr EMS has made a huge impact in connecting our citizens to immediate health care and we are proud to extend those services to the rest of the region,” added Hernandez.