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We have been traveling a lot lately, and I noticed that when visiting some of the major airports, sure about proper etiquette for the
Travel etiquette is a great topic to discuss since we are quickly heading into the summer season and that sometimes means more travel for our families and us. When it comes to the airport Skycabs, elevators, trams, etc., it is always best to stand aside and allow the passengers clear paths to exit. Once the passengers have exited, you can enter. This allows for a smoother (and more polite) transfer of passengers.
What a great question. Removing your hat when entering a building is always a good idea. I think the exceptions are when you are attending an event where hats are the theme. For example, a Western attire event or a big hat event. In those cases, it is ok to leave your hat on since it is part of the event theme. Otherwise, it is best to remove your hat.
It does not matter the gender, but whoever arrives first should open the door for the other person. It is always a polite thing to do.
In addition, she holds an Associate of Arts degree in Education from McLennan Community College, Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Texas – Pan American, and a Master of Arts in Educational Supervision from the University of Texas – Pan American. Dr. Baggerly-Hinojosa’s current research is focused on servant leadership, gender issues in leadership, and leadership communication. www.leadershipempowermentgroup.com a Ph.D.