2 minute read


By Colleen Hook, Executive Director, Quinta Mazatlan

Most folks can talk about an impactful tree in their life from childhood or adulthood. My favorite recent tree memory involved my son and daughter-in-law’s marriage under a tree, branching out over family and friends. Working around trees has allowed me to meet amazing and knowledgeable people who care for the earth and all who inhabit it.

I do wonder what stories trees could share if they had tongues to tell! Quoting the Lorax in the Dr. Seuss story, “I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.” What if they had tongues? Would we think twice before cutting them down?

What if trees could communicate and share their value to the world?

• I improve the air quality.

• I play a role in climate control by providing shade

• I provide fruit, nuts, oil, edible leaves and more

• I serve as a home for birds and other animals to raise their young

• I help stabilize the soil and serve as a sound and windbreak

• Some of us can fix nitrogen in the ground to enrich the soil

• We all serve as “natural” billboards for cities… communicating that “this city” cares about the quality of life for people and wildlife.

Ogden Nash, “Song of the Open Road”
I think that I shall never see A billboard lovely as a tree. Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, I shall never see a tree at all.

Trees serve as “natural” billboards, attracting visitors and newcomers alike. According to the World Tourism Organization, ecotourism is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the tourist industry. They define ecotourism as “Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.” This type of tourism is a sustainable driver of socioeconomic growth and is one of great appeal for travelers and locals wanting nature experiences.

The City of McAllen-Quinta Mazatlan is so grateful and proud of the Tiny Forest restoration projects made possible by generous supporters, including the Friends of Quinta Mazatlan, The Brush Family, The King Family, McCreery Aviation, SpawGlass and H-E-B. Let’s continue to speak for the trees!

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