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Metro Transit is down some 300 drivers from the normal 1,200 bus drivers. Transit workers were among the hardest hit during the pandemic. Politicians, mainly Demo crats, have taken the opportunity to pro pose cuts to services. Safety is a big issue, but more police isn’t the answer. This narrow focus doesn’t address that put operators and riders at risk, and make the job seem impossible.
Transit workers’ wage increases have not kept up with inflation, which is why ATU 1005 is demanding a cost of living adjustment back in our contract this year, along with a series of proposals to expand transit, make it safe, and bring back ridership.
Unfortunately, the ATU International President John Costa is pointing in the opposite direction, blaming reduced fares for the crisis, doubling down on a failed strategy scapegoating homeless people while cheerleading the same politicians who created this mess.
Skilled social worker teams should be employed to rapidly respond to potentially dangerous situations to de-escalating conflict and offer state resources to those that need them. We need to reduce fares, end chronic short-staffing, and expand transit routes. Studies have shown that there is safety in numbers. Assaults are more likely to occur when there are fewer people on trains and buses.
We need to tax the rich and fully fund housing, health care, and social services. There is a direct correlation between the chronic underfunding of healthcare, housing, and basic social services, and the increase in antisocial behavior. Without real answers to these structural issues, transit operators and riders are forced to the front lines of this social crisis. J
TIn the last two years, public education lost about 7% of its educators. A survey done by the NEA last year found that an alarming 55% of teachers have made plans to leave before retirement. Teachers are fed up with comparatively low wages, increasing behavioral challenges, feeling disrespected and safety concerns, excessive paperwork and planning, and lack of administrative support.
This is deeply unfortunate, both because of the necessity of a strong public school system, and because most teachers join the profession in the first place with a passion for educating. Rank-and-file teachers need to become active and organized in their unions, and not buy into negotiating tactics such as “interest-based bargaining” which see the district and the workers as equal partners. Also, we should not view “the district” as the only enemy, because sometimes it is true that the district itself has no more money to give; that responsibility lies squarely with the politicians who have been unwilling to tax the rich to fully fund education.
NHealth care workers and patients are in a desperate situation created by our profit-driven health care industry, then exacerbated by the profound crisis of the pandemic. Thousands of our co-workers left the field forever. Young workers have taken up the challenge, but there are too few seasoned, experienced workers to provide them with the on-the-job training they need to be competent.
RUPatients are suffering. Their meds are late, they are in pain. All because we are short-staffed. Ongoing supply chain disruptions mean that every day, some essential medication, supply, or piece of equipment is unavailable.
The massive pandemic-related stimulus to the hospitals and relaxation of Medicaid income limits for patients, which benefited so many, are winding down. This combination is setting up a perfect storm of budget cuts, hospital closures, and benefit denials which will further undermine public health and our ability to
Patients need Medicare for All with mental health care, dental care, and preventative care. Restoring public health will require real investment in treating underlying social crises which are manifesting as opioid abuse and
Millions of healthcare workers are not yet members of any union. Healthcare workers’ unions must launch a national organizing drive to bring these workers into the struggle for our patients and our livelihood. To win, our unions must take a fighting, class struggle approach and be prepared to strike, to shut our institutions down, until the boss delivers what we need to provide safe, quality care at the bedside. J