4 minute read
Environmental Welfare
What is the Australian Earth Laws Alliance?
The Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA) is a national not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to increase the understanding and practical implementation of Earthcentred law, governance and ethics (or ‘Earth jurisprudence’) in Australia. Earth jurisprudence is a new legal theory and growing social movement. It proposes that we rethink our legal, political, economic and governance systems so that they support, rather than undermine, the integrity and health of the Earth.
AELA is powered by committed volunteers, who work together as individuals and organisations to promote the understanding and practical implementation of Earth jurisprudence and Earth-centred governance in Australia.
What tasks will I undertake?
AELA accepts student volunteers who assist with legal and policy research, administrative tasks, membership, and website management.
AELA has a strong history of working closely with university students who are interested in pursuing environmental justice from a range of perspectives.
Students will need: • A passion for environmental and social justice • A basic knowledge in the
Australian legal system and environmental protection law • An interest in, and capacity for, undertaking a range of administrative tasks to support the organisation (e.g., website, membership and other support work)
If you’d like to volunteer for AELA, please fill out a Volunteer Application form here www.earthlaws.org.au/ volunteer-with-aela/ and email it to: volunteer@earthlaws.org.au.
W: www.earthlaws.org.au E: volunteer@earthlaws.org.au P: 0419 497 596
What is the Australian Youth Climate Coalition?
The Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) unites over 80,000 young Australians to build a generation wide movement to solve climate change. Their belief is that climate change is the single greatest threat facing humanity, putting young people and our future generations at risk. The AYCC addresses climate change though a social movement addressing sustainable solutions and are committed to reducing carbon emissions. to monthly branch meetings which are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 60 Leicester St in Carlton.
W: www.aycc.org.au E: info@aycc.org.au P: 0421 367 175 A: 205 Queensberry Street, Carlton VIC 3053
What tasks will I undertake?
This will vary depending on the role, but the tasks range from: • Logistics of events involving organising catering and music • Working to inspire young people to take action on climate change in schools, universities and regional areas • Organising and promoting events • Organising media stunts
To get on board, fill out your details at www.aycc.org.au/volunteer and someone from AYCC will contact you. To enquire about volunteering opportunities, send an email to laura. melville@aycc.org.au or come along
What is Environmental Justice Australia?
Environmental Justice Australia (EJA) are nature’s lawyers. They use the law to protect our environment, and work to change our laws to make sure they protect the right of all Australians to clean air, clean water and healthy ecosystems.
What programs are available?
Day Volunteer Program (March – November) Volunteers work one full day per week for a minimum of one semester. Rosters are organised each semester and are finalised at the end of February and late July.
Internship Program (November – February; June – July) Volunteers work full-time for 2 consecutive weeks over the summer or over the winter break. Tasks may include assisting staff with casework, law reform and policy projects, and researching and updating publications.
What is Environmental Justice Australia looking for in an applicant?
• Law students with an interest in environmental issues and environmental law. • Later-year law students and those pursuing additional study in a related field such as science or environmental policy are strongly encouraged to apply.
While EJA gives preference to students who have studied administrative law, it is not essential for those with strong environment credentials or experience.
To apply for the day program, complete the form https://www. envirojustice.org.au/sites/default/files/ files/eja_semester_placements.pdf and send it to the address on the form together with your CV and academic transcript.
For the Internship, applications are accepted at any time for consideration in the next program. Exact due dates will be advertised on their website and through the Environmental Justice Australia e-Bulletin.
W: https://www.envirojustice.org.au E: admin@envirojustice.org.au P: (03) 8341 3101 A: Level 3, 60L Green Building, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton VIC 3053
What is Friends of the Earth?
Friends of the Earth Melbourne (FOE) is part of a federation of autonomous groups who are working towards an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable future. To FOE, social justice and environmental issues are inseparable and they are building a movement of resilient communities ready to mobilise, resist and to transform.
Areas of expertise
• Climate and Energy Justice • Going Nuclear Free • Land and Water protection • Food and Technology • Economics for the Earth • Militarism and the Environment • Waste and Consumption and more!
Friends of the Earth don’t have bosses and work using consensus decision making. This means everyone gets a say in how things are done. They are a safer space and encourage all people of differing backgrounds to get involved. Go to: melbourne.foe.org.au/ volunteer_opportunities for the details of more opportunities.
If you are interested in the listed volunteer opportunities, please email phil.evans@foe.org.au to register your interest. Please include any specific campaign interests and skills that you have.
W: foe.org.au P: (03) 9419 8700 A: PO Box 222, Fitzroy VIC 3065 312 Smith St, Collingwood VIC 3066
What tasks will I undertake?
You can be involved in various ways such as: • Volunteering at the famous Food
Co-Op and Cafe • Working on community outreach • Research & policy development • Strategic design • Creative design work • Professional administration and data management and more!