GROWING YOUR OWN MICROGREENS GARDEN IN 2023 By Liana Werner-Gray to fully grown greens. Because they are small, their nutrients are compacted. Research indicates that a serving of microgreens contains up to 40% more phytochemicals than their fully grown counterparts. Nutrients include high levels of powerful vitamins, minerals, and other health-supporting components. Vegetables grown as microgreens include broccoli, beets, carrots, cucumbers, fennel, leeks, lettuce, onions, pea shoots, red-veined sorrel, and spinach.
HOW TO GROW MICROGREENS WHAT YOU’LL NEED: microgreen seeds (available online or at a garden store) growing mat baking dish or container for the mat
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. More people are growing food in their own gardens. This summer you’ll see that microgreens are trending in the Hamptons. There’s nothing more satisfying than going to your outside or windowsill garden for some microgreens to build a fresh, nutrient-rich salad. Garden to table is the ultimate health hack and secret to maintaining a youthful appearance. MICROGREENS Microgreens are young plants that are about two weeks old. Unlike larger vegetables and herbs that take weeks or months to grow, microgreens can be harvested and eaten a week to 10 days after the leaves have developed. These young plants have an intense amount of nutritional value compared
ACTIONS: Soak seeds 6 to 8 hours, or according to package directions. Soak the growing mat with water, and place in a baking dish or container. Spread out the seeds. Cover. Place near a window and lightly water daily until the seeds sprout. Remove lid and let grow until vibrant leaves appear in about 7 to 10 days.
My favorite thing to grow is broccoli microgreens. When I was rock bottom with my health fourteen years ago, I armed my body to defend itself using plants and particular foods. One powerful way to fight and prevent cancer is with broccoli microgreens and sprouts. Broccoli is potent in sulforaphane, containing 50 times more sulforaphane than a full head of broccoli! It’s the sulforaphane in broccoli that kills cancer cells. There are many studies on broccoli from the last 30 years, and one study showed how sulforaphane decreased human breast cancer cells in addition to other cancer-fighting benefits. And it’s not just breast cancer cells broccoli can reduce, it’s all types of cancer cells. Social Life