Ataricharm Photography • 404.281.7585 • @ataricharm • Atlanta
Our Story
Owner: Matt Odom What is a unique service you offer brides: My clients hire me for my point of view and approach to making images. My approach to special events can be described as “reportage-style” photography. Reportage-style photography is an eye witness approach to the event, capturing the event as the event unfolds. We focus less on staging photos (i.e. traditional group shots) and focus more on capturing the natural dynamic of people interacting at the event. What sets your company above the competition? I don't believe in competition. I believe in taste. Ultimately, my clients share the same taste in photography as myself. We value dynamic, intimate, honest photos that are captured by someone who understands both the art and science of photography.
Behind the Scenes
Favorite Wedding Story/Wedding Client: Definitely shooting a wedding at the Fox Theatre has to rate pretty high on my favorite weddings. Of course, shooting a wedding on a beach in Mexico wasn't half bad either!