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November 2017
EARTH LAW CENTER Giving Tuesday It’s not just a day. It’s a movement.
Giving Tuesday unites us all in a day of generosity, to make a difference in the world during the holiday season. Help Earth Law Center raise $20k by giving a gift to protect the planet. Earth Law Center works to transform the law to recognize and protect nature’s inherent rights to exist, thrive and evolve. We do this by building a force of
advocates for nature’s rights at local and international levels. But we can’t do it alone. With a dozen new legal initiatives launched this year, we need your help to say “yes” to new partners lining up for 2018. Together, we can restore ecosystems to health through law. Click here to give $50 today!
NOTE FROM DARLENE Executive Director
From the Patagonian Shelf to the Whale and Dolphin Sanctuary in Uruguay, from the Great Lakes to three rivers in Mexico – together with local community partners and indigenous leaders, we strengthen and connect the critical work done to protect the environment – both now and for future generations. Give a gift to the planet this year to celebrate the holidays!
November 2017
We're a force of advocates for nature's rights at local and international levels. But we can't do it alone. Here's what we do: • We speak for an environment that can't speak for itself. • Around the world, we partner with local groups to fight policies that harm both nature and humankind. • We work on issues ranging from water rights to preserving land for natural habitats. • But all of this takes support to cover legal fees and community education. Every little bit helps. Join us by donating today – click here or visit https://www.earthlawcenter.org/environmental-donationsearth-rights
Only if we understand, will we care. Only if we care, will we help. Only if we help shall all be saved. Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference. The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves. - Jane Goodall
Earth Law Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and your donation is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Stay tuned for more Earth Law Center updates next month!