Devon NHS Trust Impact Report

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3 Contents 01 Foreword 1.1 Rt Hon Anne Milton, Chair of the Purpose Health Coalition Foreword 1.2 Devon Partnership NHS Trust 02 Introduction 2.2 The Journey to the Purpose Goals 2.3 Introduction to Devon Partnership NHS Trust 03 Mapping Devon Partnership NHS Trust’s activities against the Purpose Goals 04 Analysis 05 Recommendations

1.1 Foreword

Rt Hon Anne Milton

Rt Hon Anne Milton, Chair of the Purpose Health Coalition

Over the last few years, individuals and families up and down the country have been starkly reminded of the importance the NHS and NHS organisations play in our everyday lives.

The pandemic and the rises to the cost-of-living have hit particular groups harder, with health-related inequalities exposed and undoubtedly to have deepened as a result of the crises. As public sector budgets have tightened and demand on the NHS, and its dedicated colleagues, has only increasedthose with the highest barriers to opportunity have suffered.

The most disadvantaged groups and communities in our society have been hit the hardest by the social, economic and health effects of the recent tough times. The disparities in experience are not a new phenomenon, they follow an endemic issue entrenched long before the pandemic and cannot continue to be left untreated.

Health and wellbeing are inherently linked to other kinds of inequalities and must be addressed in conjunction with other wider societal issues.

Despite the hardship and turmoil, in recent years there has been a growing consensus across the public sector, universities, government, businesses and wider civil society that these highlighted inequalities require action to boost social mobility and deliver wider social good for the most disadvantaged across the UK.

NHS organisations play a crucial role in the generation of social impact and the equalising of opportunities - often operating as the largest employer and visible public service in some of the most acute social mobility cold spots.

Devon Partnership NHS Trust (DPT) is acknowledging the responsibility it has to its patients and colleagues and is already taking proactive measures to widen its role within the community it serves.

This report will benchmark DPT’s activities against the Purpose Goals framework, analysing where it is meeting the goals and the areas where it might have the room to deliver even further impact for its employees, its patients and the wider Devon community.

Foreword Institute of Health Equity, Announcing the Health Equity Network, Institute of Health Equity (2022), < in-the-news/the-health-equity-network-is-launching-in-january-2023> [13/03/23]

ThevaluesandobjectivesofthePurposeHealth Coalitionverymuchreflectthoseofourown organisation,andwehavebeenproudtobepart oftheprogramme. Wewelcomedtheopportunity tohaveourapproachandactivitybenchmarked againstthePurposeGoalsasitgivesusaninvaluable understandingofhowwearedoingandwherewe coulddomore.

Iamparticularlypleasedwiththeimpactwe arehavingintheareasofequality,diversityand inclusion,openrecruitmentandthepromotion ofgoodhealthandwellbeing.Wecontinuetobe proactiveinsupportingthehealthandwellbeing ofourstaff,significantlyextendingandenhancing thesupportthatisavailabletotheminrecentyears. WealsoestablishedtheDevonWellbeingHub, whichprovidesteamandindividualsupportto hundredsofstafffromhealth,socialcareand policeservicesacrossthecounty.

Westrivetomaintainourfocusonourwidersocial responsibilitiesdespitethefactthatweareseeing unparalleledlevelsofdemandandactivity. Asan anchororganisationforDevonandthewidersouth west,werecogniseourresponsibilitytoour4,500 staffandtothemillionorsopeopleweserve.

LikemanyotherNHSorganisationsacrossthe country,weareoneofthelargestemployers intheareaandthisfactorbringsitsownsocial responsibility,aswellasmanyopportunitiestoextend ourlevelofinfluenceandsupport. Weworkwith schoolsandothereducationpartnerstotalkabout ourworkandpromoteourselvesasanemployerof choiceinawiderangeofprofessionsthatextendsto dozensofcareerpathsoutsidenursingandmedicine. Wearealsoproudofourworkintherecruitment anddevelopmentofapprentices,internshipsand workexperienceallwithinourWideningParticipation agenda,whichisbecominganincreasingly importantpartofourworkforceplanning.

Workinginpartnershipisacoreelementofour organisation’sDNA.Our‘Together’ethosunderpins everyaspectofourworkwhetheritiswithstaff, peopleusingservices,carersandfamiliesorawide

variety of partner organisations. The creation of Integrated Care Systems (ICS) has brought together health, social care, local government and voluntary organisations to find ways of working together differently – and we are already starting to see new, more innovative and more creative ways of thinking and working. We have recently worked hard with our partners from the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises sector to create the Devon Mental Health Alliance, which is a group of six voluntary organisations providing a range of easily accessible support services for people with mental health needs across the county.

Similarly, the advent of Provider Collaboratives has created new opportunities to think and work differently across organisational and regional boundaries. We are proud to be the lead organisation for the Devon Mental Health, Learning Disability and Neurodiversity Provider Collaborative and the South West Provider Collaborative, both of which are already helping to deliver better outcomes for people. Our local partnership arrangements also involve us closely in the work of Children and Family Health Devon, specifically in the provision of mental health services to support children and adolescents (CAMHS).

Here in Devon we have areas of rurality alongside large urban settings and a mix of prosperous communities as well as others with high levels of need and deprivation. As a commissioner and provider of services for people with mental health, learning disability and neurodiversity needs, the notion of levelling-up to achieve a fairer and more equal society is second nature to us. The people we support are among the most disadvantaged and vulnerable in society and routinely face significant barriers in fundamental areas that many of us take for granted, such as housing and employment. Among many other sobering facts, the life expectancy of people with a serious mental illness is still around 20 years less than the average. Part of our role and purpose is to give these people, their families and supporters a voice, as well as giving them opportunities to thrive and contribute to their communities and wider society – and to live a fulfilling life. We are also very active advocates for more equal funding between physical and mental health services, something that is often referred to as Parity of Esteem.

We welcome this report and commit fully to the recommendations in order to make improvements where we know these are needed most urgently and to have the most positive and lasting impacts for the people who use and work within our services.


2.1 The Journey to the Purpose Goals and Tackling the UK’s Health Challenges.

Devon Partnership NHS Trust and the Purpose Coalition are working together to tackle the UK’s biggest challenges facing patients, customers, colleagues and communities. From helping people with the cost of living crisis in the short term, to levelling up across the country.

The cost of living is the biggest issue facing the United Kingdom today and will require action from all sections of our society - whether the public sector, business, or all of us as individuals helping out our friends, neighbours and local communities where we can. Whilst the cost of living crisis will affect the poorest in society the most, with those households facing a higher level of inflation, one of the biggest challenges for the government is that the rising cost of living will affect almost everyone.

The Purpose Coalition measures organisations against what they are doing for their customers, patients, colleagues and communities through the Purpose Goals with tools such as the Cost of Living Taskforce.

In 2015, as Secretary of State for International Development, Rt Hon Justine Greening led the UK delegation to the United Nations (UN). Along with 184 international partners, she helped to establish the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2017, the SDGs were made more ‘actionable’ by a UN resolution adopted by the General Assembly which identified specific targets for each goal, along with indicators used to measure progress towards each target.

These 17 interlinked, global goals were designed to be ‘a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all’. The SDGs emphasised the interdependent environment, social and

economicaspectsofdevelopmentbycentralising theroleofsustainability. AsSecretaryofState, Justinerecognisedhowusefulacommonsetof accessiblebutambitiousobjectivescouldbein galvanisingactiontoeffectchange.

Thepathwaytowardsrecoveryisachanceforthe UnitedKingdomtoaddresstheseissuesandlevel upbutthatrequiresupdatedandspecificgoalsin ordertooutline,inspireandmeasureprogress.The mostcommittedsignatoriesoftheSocialMobility Pledge,thePurposeCoalition,andtheCostofLiving TaskforceaimtoimprovesocialmobilityintheUK andhaverespondedtothischallengewiththe launchofthePurposeGoalsinFebruary2021and theCostofLivingTaskforceinAugust2022.

ThePurposeGoalsbuildonthefoundationslaid bytheUN’sSDGsbyoutlining14cleargoals,and drawonexpertiseprovidedbyacademiaand businesseswhichhasbeenappliedtotheunique challengesfacingtheUKcurrentlyinwhathas potentialtobeaprofoundlevellingdownmoment forthecountry.

ThePurposeGoalsfocusonkeylifestagesand highlightthemainissuesthatneedtoberesolved inordertocreatealevelplayingfieldforallinthis country.TheGoalsareintendedtoguidehowthe urgentambitiontoleveluptheUKcanactuallybe achieved.Theimpactoftheworkcarriedouttodo thiscan,andshould,bemeasurable.

Sub-goalswithquantifiabletargetsand measurementsagainstwhichprogresscanbe chartedwithinthe14goalsarebeingdeveloped bythePurposeCoalition.Thiswillcreateamore transparentandmeasurableframeworkwith whichtomonitorandsubsequentlyaddress problemsofsocialmobilityandinequality.The PurposeGoalsaredesignedtolookatthe outcomesofCorporateSocialResponsibility(CSR) strategiesandmeasuresthatorganisations operate.Manyorganisationsaredoing outstandingworkandmakingimportant contributionstosocietybutarestillmeasuringthis viainputs.

6 Purpose Goals

Crucially, these Goals are a shared framework. Justine and the wider Purpose Coalition, of which DPT is a key member, believe that with a common understanding and objectives, there can be action that drives change on the ground. Distinct entities, including universities, businesses, policymakers, and public sector bodies can work together, with the shared Goals being a uniting and motivating foundation for progress. As the problems which cause social inequality in the UK are interlinked, it seems that the response to these problems must also be collaborative.

Although the NHS remains a revered institution and highly valued institution across the country and the world, it remains strained under the many current challenges facing the UK today. Still reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic and now faced by rising health inequalities in-line with a cost of living crisis bound to affect the health of the poorest in our society, the NHS is under threat.

The institution and its staff are doing everything in their power to serve and protect every member of the community. Its work should be commended and supported.

NHS Trusts are anchor institutions for so many, often being the largest employer and procurer of goods and services across large areas of the country. More and more Trusts are committing to working with the Purpose Health Coalition, seeking to highlight current work and possible areas for even further development.

The Purpose Coalition has encouraged businesses, universities, NHS Trusts and Local Authorities to share their own best practice with other organisations so they are not only demonstrating their own commitment, but creating a shift towards purpose-led organisations. The Goals can encourage an extension of this co-operative exchange of information which can be used to address the cost of living crisis, and later level up the UK.

7 Purpose Goals
Positive destinations Post 16+ 3 Successful school years 2 Strong foundations in Early Years 1 Right advice and experiences 4 Fair career progression 6 Open recruitment 5 Good health and well-being 8 Widening access to savings & credit 7 Closing the digital divide 10 Extending enterprise 9 Building homes & sustainable communities 12 Infrastructure for opportunity 11 Achieve equality, through diversity & inclusion 14 Harness the energy transition 13

The Purpose Goals provide an ambitious and strategic solution to addressing the challenge, setting out for the first time the gaps that will need to be filled to ensure opportunity and fair outcomes are available to all across the country. The goals offer a common framework with which organisations can collate best practice and show impact across all of the key life stages and areas of concern. They provide the shared language needed to collectively discuss the challenges of boosting social mobility nationwide, and the solutions to existing inequalities.

That ambition should apply to one of the country’s most important and impactful institutions, the National Health Service. Of course, the NHS in its day-to-day function makes an enormous contribution to the public and individual good of the UK. As a commissioner and provider of healthcare, the NHS can target services and outreach to address directly the inequalities that exist in health outcomes and experiences, especially among those who suffer most under other forms of social or economic exclusion. Health and wellbeing are vitally important to the function of a happy, prosperous and equal country.

NHS organisations have a much wider reach than just health and many, rightly, now see themselves as important anchor institutions within their communities. Aside from the obvious health impacts, there are other aspects of the Purpose agenda that the NHS is well placed to help address. The NHS is the largest single employer in the UK, with jobs ranging from healthcare provision, information technology, administration and health policy. Its predominance in the employment market can be used to increase social mobility and spread opportunity throughout society. By providing employment and career progression on such a large scale, the NHS makes a vital contribution to the economy, labour market and the available opportunities for individuals across the country. The NHS can help ensure that it makes the best use of the incredible talent the UK has to offer by providing many people with worthwhile careers that contribute to the social good.

In its healthcare provision, organisation and information outreach, the NHS also has a sizable digital presence. COVID-19 has accelerated the

digitaltransformationandNHSTrustsnow interactwithpatientsandstaffmorethanever before.AHealthFoundationreportfoundthatof thosewhoreceivedNHScareorcommunicated withtheNHSin2020,97percentusedtechnology and82percentofNHSstaffsurveyedsaid theyhadusedtechnologymoreinthepast year.ItisthereforeinboththeNHS’interestsand capabilitiestocontributetomakingthistransition fairandaccessible.

Likewise,thetransitiontoagreenandnetzero economyhasalsoaccelerated.Asitissucha largeinstitutionwithlargeestates,effortsmade byNHSorganisationstousemorerenewable energytoruntheirservicesmoresustainablywill haveasubstantialimpact.Forexample,inOctober 2020theNHSadoptedamulti-yearplanwith targetsandmilestonestobecometheworld’sfirst carbonnetzeronationalhealthsystemby2040.

NHSorganisationscanhaveawiderimpactonthe economythroughhowitprocuresgoodsand services.Overall,theNHShasabudgetof£130 billion.Thisspendingpoweranditssignificant economicleversgivesitrealpotentialtoensureits extensivesupplychainsandprocurement processesaidinthegreenrecoveryandsocial goodmoregenerally.

TheNHSisoneofthemosthistoricallyhighly regardedinstitutionsofthestaterightacrossthe UK.Itspresenceineveryregionandcommunityin theUKmeansthatitcaninfluenceandspeakup forthoseplacesandcommunitiesthatmightbe atriskofbeingleftbehind.Byutilisingthevoice, reachandreputationoftheNHS,organisations likeDevonPartnershipNHSTrustcantrulyact asanchorinstitutionstoleveluptheregionsin whichtheyoperate.

ThePurposeAgendasimplycannotbeachieved withouttheparticipationoftheNationalHealth Service.NHSorganisationsareinauniqueposition tocombatsomeofthebarrierstoupwardsocial mobilitythatexistintheUK,andtheyhavetobe partofthesolution.DevonPartnershipNHSTrust hasalreadyembarkedonthatjourneyand,as partofitsworkwiththePurposeCoalition,will beworkingtowardsevenmoretransparentand measurableoutcomes.


3.MappingDevonPartnershipNHSTrust’s ActivitiesAgainstthePurposeGoals

ManyorganisationshavesignificantcommitmentstotraditionalCorporate SocialResponsibilityandtotheESGagenda.Thissectionofthereportwillmap DevonPartnershipNHSTrust’sactivitiesagainstthePurposeGoal’sframework -trackingwhereimpressiveprogresshasbeenmadeandwhereevenfurther impactcouldbemade.

1Strong foundations in Early Years


Gettingthebestpossiblestartinlifeiscrucial-a strongfoundationinearlyyearseducationisthe cornerstoneofsocialmobility.

NHSTrustsperformcrucialoutreachintoearly yearssettingstogeton,aswellasconductingthe necessarycareyoungchildrenneedtosupport development.

DPTisacrucialpartofthewiderprovisionofearly yearshealthcareacrosstheregion,leveragingits roleasananchorinstitution,takingaleadership roleontheChildrenandFamilyHealthDevon Alliance.


ChildrenandFamilyHealthDevonareanalliance oforganisationswhichincludeDPT.CFHDcarries outengagementworkinearlyyearssettingsacross Devonactivelyinvolvingparentsaswellaschildren.

CFHDproducespublicfacingleafletsand informationsuchasthepromotionand achievementofmotormilestonesthroughplay ideas,tummytime,choosingfootwearforinfants andadviceonbabywalkers.

Aspartofitsengagementwork,theTrustoffers NurseryNurseassessmentsandinterventions includingearlyyearssettingandschool observations.

DevonEarlyYearsComplexNeedsService (EYCN)

DevonEarlyYearsComplexNeedsServiceisa yearroundeducation-basedserviceforchildren underfiveyearsoldwiththemostcomplexand severedevelopmentalneeds.Theservicesupports childrentoachievesuccessusingsmallsteps, play-based,child-centredapproaches.

Theserviceworksinthehomeandincommunity settingswithparentsandpartneragenciesto promoteinclusivepracticeandtobuildconfidence andresilience.

DPTworkscollaborativelywiththePublicHealth TeamandChildren’sCentrestodeliverthisservice, whichisregisteredwiththeNationalPortage Association(NPA).


TAFmeetingsarewhenthefamilymeetswiththe differentkeyprofessionalsinvolvedinsupporting themtoproduceaplantohelpthemachieve theirgoals.


Successful school years 2

Goal 2: Successful school years

Successful school years are a crucial part of not only a young person’s academic development but also their wider personal development.

NHS organisations hold a vital responsibility in establishing and maintaining links with schools, offering educational and training opportunities with the Trust.

Widening Participation Team and NHS Ambassadors

In line with the Gatsby standards, the Widening Participation team, along with a small team of passionate NHS ambassadors, continue to engage with students and staff from across schools in Devon. The NHS Ambassadors run employer encounter sessions to help students to understand opportunities at DPT, run mock interviews and attend careers fairs. Volunteers have clocked up 570 hours so far in 2023-24.

The Mental Health Support Team (MHST)

The Mental Health Support Team (MHST) carries out work in schools with children, families and education staff to support a whole school healthy approach to mental health as well as offering 1-1 and group work in the commissioned MHST schools.

Additionally, the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), provided within the Children and Family Health Devon (CFHD), Alliance support children referred into the service with more complex needs and often attend Team Around the Family (TAF) meetings in schools where possible to support the needs of the child population of Devon and Torbay.

A part of the MHST team’s work is offering workshops within the schools as well as a huge range of psychoeducation material.

In September, November, and December of last year alone the team ran 164 Children and

YoungPeople(CYP)focusedworkshops,with 2,917childrenandyoungpeopleattending.In thesametimeframe, theteamalsoran17 parentandcarerworkshops,with158people attending.

Overthissameperiod,theteamrananumber ofworkshopsforeducation-basedstaff membersinschools-259workshopswith 1,990 educationstaffattending.Theteamalsooffered mentalhealthconsultationstostaff,completing 109consultationsduringtheperiod.

PromotingGoodHealthandWellbeing inSchools

CFHDreleasespublicfacingeducationalvideos tosupportdevelopmentofbalance, core stabilityexercise,normalwalkingvariationin youngchildrenandgymballexercises. DPTalsorunsabikegrouptosupportchildren whohaveadditionalchallengestomotorskills, tolearntorideabike.

ItalsorunsFunfitprogrammesinschoolsto supportchildrentodevelopbalanceandcore strengthinfuninteractiveactivitiesalongside theirpeers.


Open recruitment 5



TheOverhaulingRecruitmentPracticesworking groupislookingatdiversityandinclusionin attracting,shortlisting,selectingand onboardingpractices.Thisincludesreviewing thediversityofpanelsandensuringfairand equitableselectionpracticesacrosstheTrust.

Weofferguaranteedinterviewforcandidates whodeclareadisabilityandmeetessential criteriafortherole.Thereisarealemphasis withintheTrustofpromotingvalues-based recruitmentandusingExpertsbyExperienceas partoftherecruitmentandselectionprocess. Forexample,CAMHSregularlyusesyoung people,includingformerpatients,aspartofits selectionprocess.

Moreflexiblerecruitmentandselection methods(e.g.useofCVsinsteadofNHS applicationformsandprovidinginterview questionsinadvancetosupportneurodiversity) arebeingtrialledacrosstheTrusttomakethe processmoreinclusive.

More flexible recruitment and selection methods are being trialled across the Trust to make the process more inclusive.

Fair career progression


Opportunitiesforcareeradvancementshouldbe basedonabilityandpotential,notconnections.

Organisationsthatestablisheffectivestrategies andprocessestoallowallemployeestokeepgrowing andmovingforwardwillperformbetterinthelong-term. DPTiscommittedtoprovidingfaircareerprogression forallitsstaff.Careerdevelopmentssessionstarget notonlyinternalstaffbutexternalpartiesaswell.

DPTiscommittedtoprovidingfaircareerprogression forallourstaff.Wehaverecognisedthatsomeofour InternationallyEducatedProfessionals(IEPs)have experiencedbarrierstocareerprogression.Inresponse tothiswearetailoringsupportforourIEPstoenable themtoovercomebarriersandcompeteonalevel playingfield.Todate10%ofourIEPshaveachieved promotion.TheambitionisforIEPstobeworkingatthe leveltheywereatpriortomigratingbytheendoftheir firstthreeyearVisacycle.


DevonPartnershipNHSTrustoffersanumberof careerdevelopmentpathways.Withspecific pathwayssessions,includinginformationonsuccessful NHSapplicationsandeffectiveinterviewssessions.


Continualdevelopmentofskillsandknowledge throughoutacareerisavitalvehicleforsocialmobility.

Aspartoftheorganisation’sskillsforlifeagenda,it offerstheBasicKeySkillsBuilder(BKSB)course,an approvedonlineskillsreviewtoidentifyareaswhere peoplecouldimprovetheirbasicskills.Thecourseis freetoallsocialcarestaffandhelpsthosewishingto takeFunctionalSkillsinbothMathsandEnglish.

DPTalsosupportsandofferstheOpenAwards.The OpenAwardsisanAwardingOrganisationapproved byOfqualandanAccessValidatingAgencyapproved bytheQualityAssuranceAgencyforHigherEducation (QAA).ItprovidesOfqualregulatedqualifications andunitsacrossarangeofsectors,accesstohigher educationdiplomasandalsooffersbespokequality endorsedunitsandflexiblelearningsolutions.


Widening access to savings & credit 7

Goal 7: Widening access to savings & credit

Skills for Life Agenda

As part of the DPT’s comprehensive Skills for Life offering to colleagues, it facilitates a number of courses on numeracy and financial literacy to staff through the BKSB and the Open Awards.

Cost of Living Support

DPT recently launched an extensive financial wellbeing package designed to support staff through the cost of living crisis, and includes partnering with:

> The Money and Pension Service to provide financial education and pension guidance

> Vivup benefits app to provide lifestyle discounts, salary sacrifice on home and electrical goods, and health and wellbeing information

> Westcountry Savings and Loans Credit Union to offer ethical loans and saving opportunities

> Stagecoach to offer discounted bus fares for staff


Goal 8: Good health and wellbeing Good health and wellbeing

Colleague Offering

DPT is committed to protecting, maintaining and improving the health and wellbeing of its colleagues. DPT’s staff health and wellbeing action plan prioritises 14 key areas:

1. Develop and deliver a colleague Health and Wellbeing Champion network

2. All colleagues are aware of and have access to psychological support and treatment

3. All colleagues to have opportunities to be physically active, look after their musculoskeletal health and maintain a healthy lifestyle

4. The basic needs of all staff are met, including access to drinking water and dedicated safe spaces for colleagues to rest, recuperate and process physical and psychological demands

5. Support all colleagues to switch off from work, encouraging sufficient breaks and encouraging them to take their annual leave allowance in a managed way

6. Line managers have the skills and resources required to have regular supportive health and wellbeing conversations with their colleagues

7. Develop a Financial Wellbeing offer that supports colleagues through the cost of living crisis

8. Develop and deliver a bystander-at-work programme

9. Identify and support colleagues when they go off sick, and support their return to work

10. Develop a new absence management policy

11.Secure improvements to our Occupational Health service to decrease inappropriate referrals, and reduce waiting times and DNAs

12. Develop and deliver a safe and effective programme for colleagues affected by domestic abuse

13. Develop a health and wellbeing communications plan

14. Provide inclusive health and wellbeing opportunities across the life course

The Trust also offers staff a range of physical activity opportunities including an on-site gym at its Headquarters, virtual exercise sessions, 1-2-1 and group classes, social sport activities, exercise referral and rehabilitation opportunities.

Devon Wellbeing Hub

The development of a dynamic dashboard will advance DPT’s ability to make improvements in a strategic and meaningful way.

DPT leads the Devon Wellbeing Hub for the Devon system and works closely with Occupational Health, its Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provider, and other major partners to provide early intervention to support good mental health across the community. This type of work is vital towards supporting and promoting good health and wellbeing – focusing on an agenda of open and preventative care. Future plans for the hub include proactive work to reduce health inequalities on crucial public health topics including domestic abuse, alcohol and drugs and obesity.


Extending enterprise 9

Goal9:Extendingenterprise Volunteers

DevonPartnershipNHSTrustrecognisesthevalue thatvolunteerscanbringtopatientcare,the communityandthevolunteersthemselvesby promotingarangeofvolunteeropportunitiesto staff,serviceusersandmembersofthepublic.With over50volunteersundertakingadiverserangeof rolessuchaspeersupport,wardbefriender,petsas therapyandhorticulturalsupport.

Thisinturnhasenabledsomeindividualstoprogress intopaidworkwithinDevonPartnershipNHSTrust.

IndividualPlacementandSupport (IPS)Service

TheIPSservicesupportsindividualsacrossthe communitytofindpaidwork,whichmayinclude startingabusiness.

Theteamsourcesspecificexpertadvicewiththe individualtoensurethattheyarefullyinformed abouttheprocessofstartingabusiness-taxand nationalinsuranceinformationforexample.

TheIPSserviceisanationallyrecognisedpioneerof thisapproachtosupportingpaidemploymentfor individualswhohaveamentalhealthneed.


MINDFULEMPLOYERisanationalinitiativecreatedby DPTthatsupportsemployerstoprovidehighquality mentalhealthsupporttotheiremployees.

MINDFULEMPLOYERworkswithawiderangeof organisations,includingSMEsandthirdsector businesses.Therangeoftrainingcoursesdelivered byMINDFULEMPLOYERisdesignedtoimprovethe skillsoflinemanagerswhenworkingwithemployees experiencingmentaldistress.

TheMINDFULEMPLOYERCharterschemehasbeen establishedfortwentyyears.Thecharterwasa pioneeringapproachforpromotingtheimportance ofpromotinggoodmentalhealthintheworkplace.

Devon Recovery Learning Community (DRLC)

The DRLC is a Recovery College provided by Devon Partnership NHS Trust.

It offers a wide range of free, open access opportunities to learn about mental health and recovery. It provides a unique curriculum of courses delivered online, in person or through a blended approach to learning, designed to increase your knowledge and equip you with the tools to live a meaningful, productive and fulfilling life.

The DRLC employs a number of independent contractors with lived experience of mental health needs to co-produce and co-deliver recovery education courses in the local community.


Harness the energy transition 13

Goal 13: Harness the energy transition

People and the planet are two sides of the same coin. As we progress further with the energy transition it will become an ever more fundamental part of the debate on boosting social mobility.

Investment in the green economy is already bringing brand new opportunities to areas across the country; and it’s crucial that the transition is one that is equitable for people and communities everywhere.

Sustainability Champions

DPT is developing sustainability champions within service across DPT. This is essential in promoting and capturing the opportunities in day to day life to make greener choices.

The energy champions are being promoted and reviewed at the sustainability group meetings.


DPTispullingtogetheraNetZeroCarbonEmissions strategythatwillbeimplementedasandwhen fundsbecomeavailable.

Initially,theorganisationislookingtoreplacea largesetofboilersandtheemittersaspartofthe carbonreductionprogramme.

TheNetZeroCarbonStrategywillbemonitored atsustainabilitymeetingswithaclearprojected carbonreductionprofileandwillbecontinuously developedandmonitored.

DPT, as one of the key NHS anchor organisations in the county, is committed to sustainable development, reducing any harmful effects of its activities on the environment and working toward the national NHS targets.

DPTreportsdataontheusageofenergy inthenationalNHSEstatesReturnsInformation Collection(ERIC),includingthetypeofenergy procured.Thisdataisbenchmarkedandfeeds intotheModelHospitalwhichoffersopportunities forreducingcosts.


DevonPartnershipNHSTrustrecogniseshow importantitisforleadingorganisationstomake suretheyarecomittedtoeverythingtheydo.

DPT,asoneofthekeyNHSanchororganisationsin thecounty,iscommittedtosustainable development,reducinganyharmfuleffectsofits activitiesontheenvironmentandworkingtoward thenationalNHStargets.

Fortheemissionsitcontrolsdirectly(theNHS CarbonFootprint),theorganisationhascommitted


This information is critical to ensure the Trust retains focus on action to address health and employment inequalities.

This action of equality monitoring information is made publicly available for all and allows DPT to continually improve the provision of care across its services - for its colleagues, patients and the wider Devon community.

Accessibility of Sites

DPT carried out accessibility audits across 6 sites in 2019, and a further 3 sites across 2022, and improvement works continue across these sites by order of priority.

The works identified from these audits scheduled through estates and capital funds. The Langdon site is also undergoing amendments to better accommodate wheelchair users around the site, such as enhancing old drop kerbs.

Audit findings and priorities are outlined within the Accessibility Accessibility Audits which are completed by an independent advisor who is disabled and a wheelchair user. Estates planning and capital plan oversight tracks progress annually against the Audits.

Mentoring Programme

DPT is creating an in-house reciprocal mentoring with support and guidance from a reputable external provider.

This will be open to under-represented groups including minority ethnic groups, LGBTQI+ and staff who have a disability.

Reciprocal Mentoring evaluation will be used across the programme once it commences. Reciprocal Mentoring is a development intervention that stems from the models of traditional mentoring. The pairs involved are equal partners in the process of learning and the relationship is reciprocal. The approach aims to focus on enabling change and action at both a systemic and individual level.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting

Devon Partnership NHS Trust is committed to improving its internal Gender Pay Gap through consistent annual reporting.

The mean gap in the hourly rate of pay between male and female employees has decreased by 3.1% from 13.75% in 2022, to 10.56% in 2023. There has also been a decrease in the pay gap between the middle hourly rate of pay for male and female employees for 2023 of 1.79% - from 5.99% in 2022 to 4.20% in 2023.

The organisation acknowledges the importance of not only reporting, but reducing and eventually eliminating the gender pay gap. DPT is looking to build on its gradual reduction experienced through a number of strategic actions for 2022/2023:

> Embed fair and inclusive selection processes which include EDI considerations.’

> Identify a lead in order to progress our sign up to the Carer Friendly Employer Scheme through implementation of the Devon Carers Employers Toolkit.

> DPT will continue to develop and embed the Staff Working Carers Network. This will include Carer awareness sessions for line managers, delivered by Devon Carers.

> The medical workforce will look to review and amend the existing LCEA scheme, in conjunction with the Local Negotiating Committee (LNC), to address any inequalities that exist in the current process and procedures

> DPT will continue to promote and develop the internal Menopause Matters Staff Network and deliver menopause awareness sessions to all staff and Line Managers.

> DPT will also increase awareness of menopause awareness training, covering information about the menopause, its symptoms and ways of managing them, reasonable adjustments and how to have a supportive conversation.

23 Activities
25 Analysis

6. Recommendations

1 | Purpose Goal 7 - Upscale the patient and community financial wellbeing offering through impactful communication

Recognising the profound connection between financial wellbeing and overall health, DPT is advised to elevate its support by introducing a dedicated signposting page on its website. This strategic initiative aims to deliver impactful communication, providing clear guidance for patients and the community seeking access to resources for savings and credit.

The proposed signposting page could operate as a user-centric hub, characterised by accessible language to ensure universal understanding. Its design should prioritise simplicity and intuitiveness, including clear headings, concise paragraphs, and visual aids to facilitate easy navigation. This comprehensive resource centre will house a wealth of information, including financial education materials, links to reputable savings programmes, and responsible credit access guidelines - all in one centralised location.

To further enhance the user experience, interactive tools like budget calculators and savings planners could be integrated, empowering users to proactively manage their financial health. Success stories from individuals who have benefited from available financial support services could also be explored as a feature, providing inspiration and building confidence among users.

The communication strategy will emphasise a clear call-to-action, urging users to explore the signposting page’s offerings. Multi-channel outreach efforts, spanning social media, newsletters, and healthcare facilities, can also ensure widespread awareness. DPT should look to collaborate with community organisations, financial institutions, and local government agencies to strengthen the credibility and reach of the initiative.

Regular updates should keep the signposting page dynamic and relevant, addressing emerging financial concerns within the community. This holistic approach aligns with DPT’s commitment to comprehensive healthcare, acknowledging the pivotal role that financial health plays in overall wellbeing.

2 | Purpose Goal 10 - Streamline resources and increase digital inclusion through remote working

To optimise resources and ensure inclusive access to services, DPT should look to prioritise the implementation of comprehensiveremote working solutions. This holds particular significance for the benefit of vulnerable patient groups.

Firstly, DPT should allocate resources towards enhancing its digital infrastructure, ensuring all staff have the necessary tools for remote work, including secure internet connections and appropriate hardware.

Comprehensive training and ongoing support are crucial to familiarise staff with remote working protocols, empowering them to effectively engage with patients and collaborate with colleagues from remote locations. It’s imperative to consider accessibility needs, ensuring that remote working solutions accommodate all staff, including those with disabilities or specific requirements.

Additionally, user-friendly patient engagement platforms should be implemented, facilitating remote interactions through various communication channels such as video conferencing and secure messaging. Data security measures must also be prioritised to safeguard patient confidentiality and comply with regulations.

Regular evaluation and feedback mechanisms should be established to refine remote working strategies, ensuring they continue to meet the evolving needs of staff and patients alike.

Through these concerted efforts, DPT can streamline resources and promote digital inclusion, ultimately improving accessibility to services for all patients, particularly those who are most vulnerable.


3 | Purpose Goal 8 - Re-assess staff working patterns to improve colleague and patient wellbeing

In tandem with efforts to enhance digital inclusion and remote working, DPT should re-evaluate staff working patterns to foster colleague and patient wellbeing. This initiative should incorporate greater flexibility and remote working options, particularly for patients who experience heightened levels of anxiety during external interactions.

To achieve this objective, DPT can undertake the following measures: Firstly, it should explore the implementation of more flexible working arrangements, allowing staff to adjust their schedules to better accommodate personal commitments and preferences. This flexibility can contribute to improved work-life balance and overall wellbeing among colleagues.

Expanding remote working opportunities for staff members is also essential. This enables them to carry out their responsibilities from locations outside the traditional office setting. Remote working can also be particularly beneficial for patients who find external interactions stressful or anxietyinducing, allowing them to engage with healthcare professionals in a more comfortable environment.

Regular assessments of colleague wellbeing should be conducted to identify areas for improvement and implement targeted interventions. This could involve surveys, feedback mechanisms, and one-on-one discussions to gauge the satisfaction and wellbeing of staff members. Providing training and resources to staff members on self-care techniques and mental health awareness is also crucial. This empowers colleagues to recognise signs of stress and anxiety in themselves and their peers, fostering a supportive and empathetic work environment.

By re-assessing staff working patterns and prioritising colleague and patient wellbeing, DPT can help to create a more supportive and inclusive workplace culture. This approach aligns with the overarching goal of improving patient outcomes and satisfaction by ensuring that healthcare professionals are equipped to deliver high-quality care in a manner that respects and accommodates the needs of all individuals.

4 | Purpose Goal 12 - Embedding DPT’s footprint and building awareness in the local community

The DPT Charity undertakes industry-leading work on mental health provision and support across the region. The Trust should focus on embedding its footprint and building awareness within the local community, aiming to raise awareness of the charity’s mission and its linkage to fundraising efforts through the DPT Charity.

To achieve this, DPT should develop targeted campaigns and initiatives to build awareness of the charity’s mission and the services it provides. These campaigns should highlight the impact of the charity’s work in supporting individuals with mental health and learning disability needs across Devon and nationally.

DPT should actively engage with the local community through outreach programmes, events, and partnerships with local organisations. This engagement fosters closer links between the charity and the community it serves, improving visibility and support for its fundraising efforts.

It is essential for DPT to leverage various communication channels, including social media, local media outlets, and community events, to amplify its message and reach a wider audience. By sharing stories of success, testimonials from beneficiaries, and updates on fundraising initiatives, DPT can effectively communicate its impact and inspire support from the community.

DPT should also provide opportunities for community involvement and participation in fundraising activities. This not only generates financial support but also fosters a sense of belonging and ownership among community members, strengthening their connection to the charity’s mission.

By embedding its footprint and building awareness in the local community, DPT can enhance its fundraising efforts and support its mission of providing hope and support to individuals with mental health and learning disability needs. This approach not only raises vital funds but also promotes recovery, wellbeing, and closer links between the charity and the community it serves.


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