Social Studies ZINE 001

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Boston’s Night of Disco, House & Techno now with a little bit of words...Read it here, Hear it & Dance to it, every 4th friday at Good Life Boston.




“...Dance music needs some discomfort with its euphoria. Dance music needs salt in its wounds. Dance music needs women over the age of 40. Dance needs breastfeeding DJs trying to get their kids to sleep before they have to play. Dance needs cranky queers and teenagers who are really tired of this shit. Dance music needs writers and critics and academics and historians. Dance music needs poor people and people who don’t have the right shoes to get into the club. Dance music needs shirts without collars. Dance music needs people who struggled all week. Dance music needs people that had to come before midnight because they couldn’t afford full admission. Dance music does not need more of the status quo.” Call it evangelism, call it a crusade, Call it the truth; at the end of the day we could not agree more. WE STILL BELIEVE

-----------------------------------------------------Social Studies presents:

the black madonna (Stripped & Chewed | Argot | Smart Bar | Chicago) w/ support from Residents: Alfredo & Brenden Wesley SP DP 1HYHU D 'UHVV &RGH -XVW 'DQFH

FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27 WHERE? ------------------------------------------------------

-----------------------------------------------------28 Kingston Street Boston, MA 02111

:KHQ GLG \RX VWDUW WR JHW DFWLYHO\ LQYROYHG LQ JRLQJ WR SDUWLHV DQG SXWWLQJ RQ SDUWLHV" The first party that I went to was in 1992 or ‘93, and it was called Sonic II, Cincinnati, Ohio, as in Sonic the Hedgehog, to give you a sense of the timing there. I think it might’ve been late ‘92, like December or something. It was freezing cold, and I had some friends that had just graduated from the high school that I was getting ready to go to. To give you a sense of how young I am, I’m still in middle school, and we got into this dude’s car, and we drove up there, and I lost my mind. I was so blown away by this rave that, probably, looking back on it, wasn’t very good compared to what we would later do, but immediately, every weekend, that was what I wanted to do. :KDW ZDV LW DERXW WKDW ILUVW UDYH WKDW FDSWXUHG \RX" I remember just having boundless energy. I would pull myself away from the speaker and then feel like, “oh my God, I have to run back.â€? Just feeling so compelled to be right on the bass bin. It was like a body thing. &DQ \RX VWLOO DFFHVV WKDW IHHOLQJ ZKHQ \RXÂąUH SOD\LQJ" Absolutely. Absolutely. Probably the closest you ever get to that feeling is sometimes when you’re touring, and you haven’t slept, and you feel like you’re going to die, and then you go on, and suddenly all of that has lifted, and you have this boundless energy. It’s still right there. That feeling is always there. It’s very accessible. <RXÂąYH VDLG EHIRUH WKDW \RX ZKHQ \RX ILUVW VWDUWHG PL[ LW ZDV E\ DFFLGHQW EXW WKDW \RX IHOW OLNH \RX VRUW RI KDG DQ XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI KRZ LW ZDV VXSSRVHG WR ZRUN Absolutely. 'R \RX DWWULEXWH WKDW WR KDYLQJ EHHQ LQYROYHG LQ WKDW ZRUOG IRU VR ORQJ" Oh, absolutely. I was the biggest mixtape junky in the world, and there are tapes today that if you handed them to me, I could tell you every song that’s on them and the order in which they were played, and if you gave me all of the records, I could drop the records in order and probably in the place that they were dropped. I always understood the architecture of the way a DJ mixed.

I’m really bad at a lot of things technically as a producer. The thing that I was always really good with was... Some people have a photographic memory for things that happened or things that they saw. For me, I have a kind of phonographic memory. I can remember pieces of music in a very detailed way through just a few listens, and so that was a big part of, and still is a big part of my DJing, knowing records really, really, really well. That’s important thing if you’re playing disco, which might not be sequenced, which might be a live drummer. It might be ten seconds that are a sweet spot. It’s like, kind of a really accurate sonic memory. 7KDW ZDV VRPHWKLQJ , IRXQG VXSHU LPSUHVVLYH DERXW \RXU VHW ODVW QLJKW :KHQ \RX¹UH PL[LQJ GLVFR \RX KDYH WR NQRZ \RXU VKLW VR ZHOO It’s really hard. It’s still hard. <RXU VHW ODVW QLJKW DFWXDOO\ UHPLQGHG PH RI WKH ODVW SHUVRQ , KDG VHHQ WKDW , IHOW UHDOO\ LPSUHVVHG E\ '- +DUYH\.




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