Presentación Marc Cathelineau

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Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe

Challenges of Aerospace industry strategy in Spain - European perspective -

1 – Aerospace importance for Europe 2 – Aerospace strategy and action plan 3 – Aerospace key programs: SESAR and GMES Madrid – SAE – 12 December 2011

Marc Cathelineau Chairman EAC ASD SVP NATO-EU-UN THALES 1

1 . Importance of Aerospace for Europe • All major powers invest in Aerospace:

Sovereignty & independence of Europe

• In Aerospace & Defence, reciprocity to access

to markets and European preference are key

• Flightpath 2050 / Horizon 2020:

1 technological generation in Aerospace 2

Importance of Aerospace in Spain


Revenues (B€)









50.000 7.1%

(*) In Spain: Aeronautics: 7B€, others (Land, Naval and Space): 3B€ 3

2 . Strategy and action plan for Aerospace industry • Act together in our different domains namely by

using our European industries association (ASD)

• Maintain the European ambition in R&T

to preserve the current European leadership • Show how profitable are Aerospace investments

for Europe, environment and citizens 4

ASD Council Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe

ASD Members: WHO?

. 28 associations in 20 countries (out of which: TEDAE) . 2000 companies & 80.000 suppliers . 163 â‚Źbillion turnover & 700.000 Employees

ASD Partners: TO WHOM?

. European Commission & EU Agencies . European Parliament . European Union Council (Member States)

ASD Missions: TO DO WHAT? . . . . . .

Aerospace: Promote Aerospace strategy as a priority for Europe Defence: Develop a robust EDTIB & good EU market conditions Security: Harmonize EU security environment (fragmented) Space: Promote programs, governance and industrial policy R&T: Support R&T programs in our domains (budget lines?) SMEs: Support SMEs and our supply chain development SMEs: 5

R&T: Horizon 2020 to prepare the future  Pillar 1: Excellence in the science base Bottom-up instruments addressing excellence driven projects, basic research and actions for research careers & mobility  Pillar 2: Societal challenges Top-down policy addressing large cooperative projects to tackle climate change, energy security, demographic change, …  Pillar 3: Industrial leadership & competitive frameworks Funding innovation for large industry and SMEs to facilitate transition of products & services from research to market

Industry objectives: - European Ambition

Maintain Europe’s leadership, +46% from FP7 to H2020 (80B€)

- Work together (Biggest MS: 5% of world research, Europe: 20%) - Vision & Continuity

On-going projects with complex & longest time-to-market technologies 6

Aerospace: a valuable investment for Europe 

Aerospace: high level contribution to European economy

- 275 B€contribution to European GDP (i.e. 2.3% incl. Air Transport) - 61% of production is exported (Trade Balance) - 12% of turnover is reinvested in R&D (private funding for future) - Highly skilled jobs are created in Europe 

Aerospace: significant benefits to environment & citizens

- From 2000 to 2050, reduction by: . 75% of CO2 emissions . 90% of NOx emissions . 65% of noise - For citizens and users: . Shorter trips (delays reduction) & better connections . Lower prices & more secure mobility 

Aerospace: a spin off effect 2X bigger than industry average

- Advanced materials, power generation: electric car, medicine, … - Complex systems & ICT: Internet & mobile phone from defence - Automation: manufacturing processes, technologies and tools - Networks & routes management systems 7

3.1 - SESAR(*): an EcoEco-efficient flying European program  SESAR benefits to the EU - More efficient, secure and safer Air Traffic Control - Environmental benefits: .7% to 12% emissions reductions (-16 million tons CO2 a year) . Noise reductions close to airports (optimized approach paths) - Economic benefits: . 10% fuel savings per flight, delays reduction & increased traffic density . ATM costs reduction by 50% . 200.000 high tech jobs created in Europe . 50 B€overall contribution to European GDP . Set the standards and bring benefits to all European stakeholders

 Cost of not deploying SESAR: 8B€per 8B per year (120 B€ B over 15 years) - Traffic congestion and economic impact - Obsolescence of current ATM concepts & systems - Inefficiency of current ATM services - ATM costs twice as expensive as in the USA (7B€a year versus 3.5 B€) - Replacement investments will be made in a non harmonized way

 SESAR investment: 30B€ 30B over 15 years

- 3 B€: European Commission (SWIM, support to Member States) - 7 B€: Air Forces - 20 B€: Airlines, Air Space users, Air Navigation Service Providers, Airports

 OnOn-going actions: - Financing: Risk sharing facility, EIB loans-guarantees to Air Transport stakeholders - Governance: Political (EC), Execution (stakeholders), Management: independent (*) SESAR: Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research 8

3.2 - GMES(*): a European flagship program  GMES benefits to the EU: 36B€ 36B - Air, Water, Energy management - Agricultural, Urban development - Emergency services, civil protection, control of illegal activities - More generally: Earth (land & atmosphere) monitoring (climate change,…) - Economic benefits: 4X investment i.e. 36B€up to 2030

 GMES investment: 9B€ 9B

- 1.7 B€invested so far, 1.5 B€committed up to 2013, 5.8 B€after 2014 - GMES has been put outside the EU Budget by the European Commission

 OnOn-going actions: - 44 MEPs sent a letter to J-M. Barroso to re-integrate GMES in EC Budget - EU Council issued a resolution + 8 Member States (incl. Spain)wrote to EC - Users and industry are mobilized: . NEREUS (26 EU Regions), . EARSC (European Association Remote Sensors Cies), . ASD/Eurospace (Manufacturing industry

 GMES structure: - Financing: GMES costs are totally under control (Avoid Stop-and-Go: creates NRC) - Governance: . Program Mgt: European GNSS Agency . Services: - Eur. Envr.t Agency, Eur. Emergency Resp. Center, - EMSA, EUSC (Tojeron), FRONTEX, EDA, ECMWF,… . Space Operations: ESA, EUMETSAT (*) GMES: Global Monitoring for Environment and Security 9

3.33.3- Spain participation to GMES  Spain industrial participation in GMES Sentinel Satellites till now - GMES orders already awarded: 1.7 B€, awarded to Spanish companies: 97 M€(i.e. 5.6%) Note: Spain contribution to ESA: 6.5% (but, if GMES is outside the EU budget, it may be 0%) - Spanish companies involved: EADS CASA Espacio, TAS España

 Orders to come: 1.5B€ 1.5B till 2013 and 5.8 B€(expected) B (expected) after 2014 - Orders expected by Spanish companies: 400 M€(if 5.6%) or 470 M€(if 6.5%)

 Other Spanish satellites contributing to GMES services - PAZ Radar Sat. (80% industrial return): Hisdesat (op.), EADS Casa Espacio, INDRA, INTA,…. - Seosat / Ingenio optical sat. (50% ind. return): Hisdesat (op.), EADS Casa Espacio, INDRA, Sener, TAS España, INTA,…. + EU Satellite Center (Tojeron) will participate in GMES

Sentinel 1

Sentinel 3

PAZ Radar Satellite 10

Ingenio optic sat.

ÂŤ We must spend better and spend more together. Âť Javier Solana (Former EU High Representative)

Thank you for attention 11

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