1 minute read
Plants can now be cooked into the finest DELIcacies. We are thrilled to be part of the revolution.
The mission is critical: our health, earth and animal friends depend on it. This is the future we are working to create. Authenticity is what people enjoy most when they taste Unreal Deli.
The groundwork was laid over 100 years ago… Morris Gross (middle), immigrated from Romania to New York City in 1907, started working as a dishwasher, ultimately com- ing to own and operate several New York delis and cafeterias.
His great granddaughter, Mrs. Jenny Goldfarb, carries on the family business with a modern twist.
I was so excited to get the opportunity to chat with Jenny Goldfarb!
When did you realize you had something good in the works?
I must give my in-laws credit because they are a bit set in their ways when it comes to deli corned beef. Once they tried my Unreal Corned Beef and loved it, that was the determining factor!

How did you start marketing the product?
I found the general manager of my local supermarket and recorded his wonderful reaction. Then, I went to all of the local delis and they welcomed the vegan corned beef. I was incredibly happy they were so accommodating and showed such hospitality. Throughout my travels, I would keep organizing, improving and extend my reach.
What keeps you motivated?
I keep informed of my surroundings and what is happening in the local, and global, vegan community. And, the motivation comes from just me believing in myself, knowing that I am making a change in the world. The mission keeps me moving!
What would you tell someone that is thinking about going vegan?
If they think it may help one, or two, areas of their life – they should go for it. Also, with today’s choices, there is not a lot of sacrifice for the palate along with immediate positive results.
What will the immediate future bring?
Unreal Deli is looking forward to growing a consumer box program, keeping up with logistical details and most importantly keeping our customers, and new customers, very satisfied and coming back.
We are doing it all for the good!