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Sharon Carr

Sharon Carr

Storylines Volume VI Issue 1

project would not have taken place. Thank you dear Cinders.


Story of the Season Chinye

adapted from Afropedia Wiki

PS – did we reach our target of Long ago in Africa, there lived an orphan, Chinye who lived with her stepmother Nkechi, and stepsister Adanma. Quietly, Chinye worked hard every day to please Nkechi, who forced her to do all the work on her own. Adanma was both spoiled by Nkechi and very lazy.

One night Adanma had used all the water for a bath, leaving none to cook with. Angrily, Nkechi demanded Chinye to go to the stream to get more water. However many wild animals went to the stream at night and even the bravest villagers dared not go when the sun fell. Chinye begged Nkechi to let her borrow water from a neighbour instead. Nkechi thrust a heavy water pot into Chinye's arms and sent her into

365 Cinders Peg Dolls.... well near enough. The grand total was 225 finished peg dolls. Over 200 people took part and their dolls, currently on display at MAC until April 10th, are an inspirational testimony to their enjoyment and creativity – well done to all involved!

SHARON CARR – is a storyteller based in the Midlands and is one of the resident tellers with Birmingham Storytelling Cafe –www.birminghamstorytellingcafe. co.uk PYN STOCKMAN – is a theatre practitioner, storyteller and mask maker – www.pynstockmancom. She is co-artistic director of Secret CityArts. www.secretcityarts.com

Photos by Harpreet Kaur unless otherwise stated


Storylines Volume VI Issue 1

the forest. her story to the hyena, the hyena

Chinye wept as she journeyed through the forest. Soon a shadow could be seen along the path. wished her well on her journey. “Be careful, a lion is following. Hide behind a tree until it passes.” Chinye obeyed before

Chinye screamed and shut her eyes. “Where are you going?” asked a gentle voice. Chinye hurrying towards the stream and filling her water pot.

Running home, an old woman opened her eyes to find an antelope. Relieved, she explained, appeared in front of her. She reached to hold Chinye and bless “I am fetching water.” The antelope warned, “Hurry her. “Chinye, you will pass a hut home, Chinye, the forest is full of making sounds of drums and

dangers at night.” But Chinye had to refuse. “My stepmother will be songs. Go inside, there you will find gourds all along the floor.

very angry with me if I don’t return with the water.” Sighing, the antelope allowed Chinye to Beware, the largest gourd, which carries evil things, will call to you to be taken. Don’t listen to it.

pass. Instead, take the gourd which is smallest and quietest.”

As Chinye continued down the path, another shadow loomed upon her. It was a hyena. Chinye screamed and shut her eyes, but this creature's voice was also kind like the antelope's. After telling The old woman disappeared.

Chinye came upon the hut making the sounds of drums and songs. Inside she ignored the large gourd that asked for her to


Storylines Volume VI Issue 1 take it. When she finally left the into her father's old hut, locked the

hut with the smallest, quietest gourd, the old woman appeared

door and smashed it as she’d been told. From the tiny gourd the again. Inspecting the gourd, she congratulated Chinye on her entire hut was filled with treasure: gold ornaments, ivory, rare damask

wise decision. “Make use of in all colours, flooded the floor.

what fortune it gives you.” Tenderly, the woman touched When her disbelief subsided, she ran to tell Nkechi.

Chinye's cheek and sent her on her way home. Nkechi saw the treasure and was

Chinye's stepmother was at the door waiting. “What took you so stunned to think it had come from such a small gourd. She soon wished it had been Adanma who

long?” demanded Nkechi eyeing the small gourd Chinye carried with suspicion. “An old woman gave me this gourd.” Nkechi had met the old woman. Filled with greed, that night Nkechi sent Adanma to the stream. Adanma met the antelope, hyena and the

snatched it and shook it old woman just as Chinye had.

violently. It made no sounds at all. Nkechi tossed it aside. “Bah! However Adanma didn’t heed the old woman's advice not to listen to

Prepare the fire for our food. We’ve been waiting for you.” the largest gourd. When it called to her “Take me” from inside the hut

Early the next morning before Nkechi and Adanma were awake, Chinye took the gourd she carried it home.

When Nkechi saw the size of the gourd she guessed they would


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