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CEO’s update James Calder is looking forward to BeerX UK

BeerX UK is live again at last!

I can’t wait to welcome you to Liverpool for BeerX UK 2022. It’s a very nice feeling to be able to write those words.

But with the Omicron wave receding, the national booster programme going great guns and even a few tales of cautious optimism about early 2022 trading it is a real pleasure to gather together again in Liverpool for BeerX UK 2022.

Whether you’re looking to network with colleagues, attend one of our fantastic panel discussions and seminars or seek out a new piece of equipment or service from one of our supplier associate members, BeerX UK has it all. But perhaps the most important thing BeerX UK provides is a chance to speak to colleagues, contemporaries and acquaintances from across the industry. To have a beer. To bring the industry together to discuss the challenges and opportunities that face us and how we (to borrow a phrase) build back better.

SIBA’s AGM will also offer the opportunity to discuss and debate the big issues impacting our sector and how we go about re-building. Like our last full virtual AGM SIBA is moving with the times and will for the first time have a ‘hybrid’ AGM with both digital and physical elements to it. One of SIBA’s most important functions is acting as a catalyst, bringing together like-minded individuals from across the independent brewing sector to share thoughts and ideas and spark debate which leads to real change. In times as challenging as these, there is strength in numbers, and members of the SIBA network coming together at an event like BeerX UK is vital in shaping SIBA strategy and influencing the future of the whole industry. My team, while hosting the event, are also there very much to listen to you, our members. To learn more about the challenges you are facing, to hear about your successes and failures, and to feed that knowledge back in to SIBA’s plans and strategy so that as an organisation we can properly represent you and support your business to grow. Team SIBA will be on hand throughout the event. At the SIBA hub at the entrance to the hall is where you will find us - with ‘drop in’ sessions (a bit like MPs' surgeries) where you can have one on one time with a member of the team to get deep into an issue. Please do come and sit down with us and share your thoughts, challenge us on some of the big issues of the day, give us feedback on what we are doing and the areas where you need us to support you. SIBA is your organisation and your input is invaluable to me and my team in guiding our strategy and actions. Finally, I want to take this opportunity to personally thank all of our supplier members and sponsors who make this event happen. I also want to thank team SIBA for working tirelessly behind the scenes to put the event together. For my part, I look forward to welcoming you to BeerX UK and having a beer.

James Calder

Chief Executive


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