UPDATE SES | Sep-Oct 2014

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Tuberculosis We established a partnership with KIVA - Loans that change lives (www.kiva.org). Up to this currently, two ex-patients with TB have accessed microcredit loans in record time.

We were selected as the Primary Recipient by the Global Fund for a grant of USD 12 million dollars over the next three years. The themes of focus will be: TB-XDR, TB in prisons, and Pediatric TB.

Child Health


We were awarded a new grant for the project CASITA Plus "Universal Baby - Video innovation for infant neurodevelopment in Peru", financed by Grand Challenges Canada and by the National Science, Technology, and Technological Innovation Commission of Peru - CONCYTEC.

Our team from the CASITA Project "Community-based family coaching for children with developmental risks in Lima, Peru" participated in meetings on Early Child Development with the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS). Our goal is to transfer our experience to state programs that are focused on early child development.

L -R | Nancy Rumaldo, coordinator CASITA; Midori de Habich, Minister of Health of Peru; Maribel Muñoz, Head of Monitoring SES; Gisella Orjeda, president of Concytec; Patricia Fortier, Canadian Ambassador, and Leonid Lecca, executive director of PIH in Peru.

RESEARCH Study Initiation of "Chronic Respiratory Diseases in patients cured of Pulmonary Tuberculosis" (Lungs Post TB), sponsored by the University of Sydney and the Woolcock Institute, Australia. Study Initiation of "Optimal treatment regimens for pediatric drug-resistant tuberculosis: A retrospective cohort study", sponsored by Texas Children´s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Participation of Carmen Contreras (Sub-Director of SES Research) in the Tuberculosis Trial Consortium meeting - CDC, Atlanta, USA.


WORKSHOPS Workshop on the filming protocol for identifying "send and recieve" and video editing for the project,"Universal Baby - Video innovation for infant neurodevelopment in Peru", led by Martha Vibber (SPARK center Boston). "Advances in Early Child Development", by colleagues from Harvard University and Boston Children´s Hospital, for SES staff participating in child-maternal health activities.

SES team participated in the 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health, Barcelona, España. Leonid Lecca gave two oral presentations: “The Experience of the Peruvian Partners in Health Branch (Socios En Salud) in community-based participation and human rights” and “FAST in Perú” (FAST, An Innovative Strategy to Reduce Tuberculosis Transmission).


Huang CC, Tchetgen ET, Becerra MC, Cohen T, Galea J, Calderon R, Yataco R, Contreras C, Zhang ZB, Lecca L, Murray M. Cigarette smoking among tuberculosis patients increases risk of transmission to child contacts. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2014; 18(11):1285-91. Franke MF, Nelson AK, Muñoz M, Cruz JS, Atwood S, Lecca L, Shin SS. Validation of 2 Spanish-Language Scales to Assess HIV-Related Stigma in Communities. J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2014 Oct 7. pii: 2325957414547738.

Del Castillo-Barrientos H, Centeno-Luque G, Untiveros-Tello A, Simms B, Lecca L, Nelson AK, Lastimoso C, Shin S. Clinical presentation of children with pulmonary tuberculosis: 25 years of experience in Lima, Peru. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2014; 18(9): 1066-73. Tierney DB, Franke MF, Becerra MC, Alcántara Virú FA, Bonilla CA, Sánchez E, Guerra D, Muñoz M, Llaro K, Palacios E, Mestanza L, Hurtado RM, Furin JJ, Shin S, Mitnick CD. Time to culture conversion and regimen composition in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment. PLoS One 2014; 9(9):e108035.





(November 13) Ken Himmelman, PIH Chief Program Officer (December 3-5) End TB Meeting in Lima (KJ Seung, PIH) (December 15-19) Carole Mitnick, Harvard Medical School, Principal Investigator HIRIF Study (December 15-19) Global Fund Visit to Peru

Kelly Tamo Diaz, Coordinator Mental Health Program



(September 30) Antonio Bullon, Psychiatrist Harvard Medical School, USA. Discussion on Mental Health Program Activities SES. (October 20-22) Guy Marks, University of Sydney, Australia: Activation of Post TB Lung project. (October 28) Stephen Resch, Yale University, USA: Presentation of Preliminary Results of the CASA Project Economic Evaluation. (October 27-31) Betsy Kammerer, Shannon Loerty, Katrina Nelson, Martha Vibber. Early Child Development Group - Harvard Medical School, Boston Children Hospital, Spark Center Boston: Discussions on Early Child Development.

Guy Marks. University of Sydney

Stephen Resch. University of Yale

L- R | Martha Vibber, Betsy Kammerer, Katrina Nelson and Shannon Loerty.




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