UPDATE Nov-Dic Ingles

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Tuberculosis Of more than 200 beneficiaries who were supported by accompaniment in 2014, 8 patients with TB-XDR were treated on an outpatient basis (ambulatory care) and using sub-cutaneous PORT catheters + Group 5 Drugs successfully completed their treatment in 2014. We have received a new Global Fund grant upon being named the Primary Receptor of the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) for the following 2 years. The grant is for $221,000 USD. BBC World News was in Lima carrying out a report on tuberculosis in Peru and recorded our labor as a recognized model of comprehensive attention that SES provides to those affected with MDR/XDR-TB.

Maternal and Child Health +than


Children benefit


Regional and local authorities in health and education from Chincha and Pisco recognized the work of SES during the years 2012-2014 through the "Improving Comprehensive Child Development" Project. This initiative benefited more than 8,000 children from various locations in the southern part of the country .

We have created networks with the State through the Comprehensive National Program for Family Welfare - INABIF. In recent weeks, four children in extreme poverty have entered INABIF shelters, allowing their mothers access to SES's social protection programs to start their own micro-businesses.

3 Representatives of the Ministry of Develop-

ment and Social Inclusion - MIDIS and the CUNA MÁS (One more Cradle) National Program visited the CASITA project "community-based training for families with children at risk for developmental delays " to learn the methodology for improving early childhood development and community-based accompaniment.

Social Protection Program


Modules Housing

constructed and rennovated in 2014 for patients with MDR/XDR-TB.

- Socios En Salud continues to work on their workforce reinsertion program. As of now, it has trained 7 participants in a diverse set of work skills. Among the beneficiaries of those activities, we have patients with MDR-TB, XDR-TB, and persons living with HIV/AIDS. As a result of this program, there is already one graduate with a degree in cosmetology and esthetics.

- During the year 2014, more than 50 loans were provided for the implementation of micro-businesses, benefitting different people across the various SES projects.


50 Loans

- Through an agreement with KIVA(www.kiva.org), 5 of those loans were financed by their organization.

Mental Health Program Continuing recreational activities with XDR/MDR-TB patients in two hopsitals of Lima: Hospital Nacional Sergio E. Bernales (Northern Lima) and Hospital Nacional Hip贸lito Unanue (Eastern Lima)

RESEARCH Began enrollment for the Opti-Q project, "Prospective, Randomized, Blinded Phase 2 Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Study of the Efficacy and Tolerability of Levofloxacin in Combination with Optimized Background Regimen (OBR) for the Treatment of MDR-TB ", sponsored by the National Institute of Health of the United States. The goal is the include 30 MDR-TB patients. Began pilot for DETECT-Niños project "Innovative Strategies for Improving the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Children", sonsoEstrategias Innovadoras para Mejorar el Diagnóstico de la Tuberculosis en Niños", sponsored by the National Institute of Health of the United States.


Training | Workshop Participation in the Inclusion Week III 2014, organized by the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion - MIDIS , to share our experience in the use of diagnostic tools for childhood neurodevelopmental risk. Internship for 18 teachers, 6 coordinating teachers, and 9 community education workers from the provinces of Chincha and Pisco of the Callao region (Lima) to exchange experiences and strengthen their capacities in terms of work done in performing Non-academic Initial Education Care Programs ( PANEEI ). Introductive Workshop for the project, "Identifying psycosocial and cultural factors for the design of a mobile educational system that favors prenatal care among expecting mothers in Carabayllo", (Text4baby). This project is financed by University of Massachusetts Lowell.


Zelner JL, Murray MB, Becerra MC, Galea J, Lecca L, Calderon R, Yataco R, Contreras C, Zhang Z, Grenfell BT, Cohen T. Age-specific risks of tuberculosis infection from household and community exposures and opportunities for interventions in a high-burden setting. Am J Epidemiol 2014; 180(8): 853-61.


In association with the local university (Universidad Privada de San Mart铆n de Porres), we carried out a Christmas activity, providing food baskets and gifts to 150 children from various parts of the district of Carabayllo.

We had a successful institutional sponsorship campaign for Christmas, benefiting 72 families and children from various SES projects and programs.

In association with the private business "ONDULINE Techos Ecol贸gicos", we held a Christmas activity at the community center Louis & Tomas, delivering diverse materials and presents to around 190 children from the San Gabriel settlement, in the Carabayllo district.




(Jan) Beginning of summer activities for children and adolescents at the Cultural Center in Carabayllo and the Lois & Tomas Cultural Center at San Gabriel, Carabayllo (Jan 28-30) Meeting: SES Strategic Plan - 2015

(Jan 20 - Jun 30) New Volunteer: David Chen, University of Washington (Feb 9-13) Visit to Lima: Dr. Megan Murray, Director of Research, PIH



(Jan 5 - 24) Visit of 5 software development students from Harvard University, members of Tech in the World(www.techintheworld.org) to optimize our tools for managing medical and systems data for the monitoring of TB patients.

(Nov, 10-18) Marwan Sleiman, PIH, IT Team Manager.



(Nov, 27-28) Maria Julia Brunette, University de Massachusetts Lowell, USA: Discussion of the project Text4baby "Identifying psycosocial and cultural factors for the design of a mobile educational system that favors prenatal care among expecting mothers in Carabayllo"”. (Dec, 15-18) Dr. Molly Franke, Harvard Medical School, USA: Beginning of project DETECT-Niños. (Dec, 15-19) Dr. Carole Mitnick, Harvard Medical School, USA: Advances in the HIRIF project - "Triple-blinded, randomized clinical study with varying high dosis of rifampicin in new cases of tuberculosis and smear-positive patients". (Dec, 15-21) Dr. Silvia Chiang, Texas Children Hospital, USA: Advances in the TB-Niños project - "Treatment Results in drug-resistant pediatric tuberculosis: a retrospective cohort study." (Dec, 16) Matthew Feldman, Manager Strategic Comunications, AERAS, USA: Discussing projects related to new anti-TB vaccinations.


Socios En Salud Sucursal Perú


Socios En Salud


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