Portfolio 2018

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MARCO SODANO Portfolio | 2018


sodano.mrc@gmail.com +39 3804612934 Architect and Structural Engineer Portfolio












Category: Master’s Thesis Project Location: wind data of Pisa Year: 2018 Tutor: Prof. Eng. Maurizio Froli, Eng. Francesco Laccone The thesis ‘Digital Biomimetic Morphogenesis of High-Rise Building’ presents the planning of a skyscraper through a method based on biomimetic, which is defined as the imitation of models, systems and elements of nature aimed to solve complex human problems. This particular planning process utilised in-depth analysis including parametric models which permitted the optimisation of the structural elements. The biomimetic analogies, including the mechanical and functional properties of bamboo stem, were transposed through a mathematical and analogic process, within the morphological and structural configuration of a high-rise building, in order to obtain advantages both in terms of static performances and optimisation of the use of materials. Comparing in fact, the bamboo stem with a high-rise building, it can be noticed how the performance of the biological model are similar to the chosen structural system. Therefore, an eventual shape of the tower, conceived through the differentiation principle of the bamboo laws, can provide an appropriate reaction to the lateral loads, which are preponderant compared to the gravitational actions. The parametric planning, integrated with new software and methods, gave the opportunity to face the complexity of the project and resulted fundamental for the planning management of this type of building.


A. wind speed data

1. search for biological system 2. abstract design solu�on

3. transfer the solu�on to biomime�c applica�on


set/modify design parameters


Concept desig

The methodological design process employs computational tools and techniques for the development of tall building forms based on structural performance criteria. It has been built on the generative capabilities offered by parametric modelling systems and the added potential of linking them to structural analysis tools, in order to bring performance-based approaches into design. It has been established a direct interconnection between a parametric modelling software, Grasshopper, and FEA tool, CSI SAP2000, so to obtain an iterative generative process through a bidirectional feedback’s link (offered by the plug-in Geometry Gym). Thanks to a simple integration of two different instruments, a closed design-analysis loop has been created, with the consequence of a simultaneous cross-referencing of shaping and structural inputs.

Search: mech



diaphram culm wall cavity

Abstract: bam












Adaptability The parametrization of the entire design has introduced the fascinating possibility of adapting the building concept to several different sites. All the structural tables, as well as all the other energetic sheets, are entangled with the various parametric models, with the result of an automatic connection able to define an optimal building configuration behind the introduction of certain boundary conditions; represented, in this specific case, by the wind site-characterizing parameters.

Li,1 = 2 Li,2 = 17

D Di,2

Transfer: the b

1) Stiffening ring

2) Tapering

3) Fiber different

gn | one

Concept design | two

hanical properties of the bamboo

Decentralization to increase overall building stiffness 1) Single core to multi-core


cellulose outer layer

middle layer

2) Wind carving

inner layer

mboo laws

3) Maximizing wind flow

Final design concept Number of internodes [%] Internode lenght Internode diameter

1) Internode lenght 25,13 + 4,8080xn - 0,0774xn2 (in the lower part) 78,84 - 2.3927xn + 0.0068xn2 (in the upper part)

2) Internode diameter Di,1 = 97,5 - 0,212xn - 0,016xn2 (lower part) = 157,6 - 2,868xn + 0,013xn2 (upper part) 2 Di,3 = 101,8e-0,022x (for the whole culm)

bamboo morphology to static principles

Bamboo Cage

Primary Structures

Horizontal Diaphragms

Turbine Insertion

Fluid dynamic shaping


windward direction

leeward direction

crosswind direction

The Grasshopper algorithm

gs system

Conception of Structural Elements


Diagrid Structure

ssi Tools

Geometry Gym

Numerical model


Stiffening Rings

Turbine | Final Structu

Analysis of horizontal displacements The analysis of the stresses was carried out using a finite element analysis model. This model was created according to a parametric process starting from the geometric model of Grasshopper. The geometric model of the entire building was created using the GeometryGym plug-in. Using GeometryGym, it was possible to assign materials, sections, external loads and create load combinations automatically, according to the Eurocode requirements. The model thus created was imported into the CSi Sap2000 structural analysis software, where it was possible to obtain the diagrams relating to axial stress, shear stress and bending moment for each element, in addition to the horizontal and vertical displacements of the structure, for each load combination.

Using the SAP2000 software, we were able to carry out a more detailed analysis of the wind load acting on the structure, using the calculation methods of the CNR DT 207 standard. The deformation limits under the load combination Q.P. are widely verified, both as regards the global displacement, and as regards the inter-stories displacement, resulting in: δ(i,max)=0.36m < H/500=0.64 m ∆δ(i,MAX)=0.004m < hi/400=0.01m



Category: Academic project Location: Ghezzano, Pisa, Italy Year: 2017 In collaboration with: Dario Castellani Tarabini Oriented by: Prof. Ing. Paolo Galantini

“The word loft is enough to make us dream: loft, in fact, is the dream of space par excellence, more than anything; loft evokes the image of an environment that thanks to the prevalence of the sensation of volume, rather than surface, refers to the concept of freedom.” Alessandra Ubertazzi The academic project “a Loft for an Artist” was born from the transformation/reconversion of a prefabricated industrial shed into a private home and studio (located at the edge of the city of Pisa, in a historically strongly industrial area). The Loft was conceived to stage the representation of life, aiming at total freedom of space. A representation that finds its essence in the open space, in which the private life mixes with the professional activity canceling the architectural barriers, but above all the temporal boundaries and the distances.


Interior view from the atelier

Axonometry | section

pre-existing load bearing structure

roof garden bathroom & laundry living room & kitchen twin room

double room entrance hall atelier

Ground floor plan | scale 1:200

Longitudinal section | scale 1:200

The configuration of the loft, thanks to the full-height open space and a light steel structure completely exposed, improves the sense of spaciousness and airiness inside this very compact loft. To implement this idea of open space, the solid steel structure of the loft has been designed to be as small as possible. The different levels of the loft allow for a very structured living experience where every living area has its own space. Living and working take place on the first floor, while the kitchen and the dining room take place on the ground floor together with the bedroom areas. The loft also has a garden on the ground floor, with a green wall, which together with a panoramic terrace on the first floor provide access to sunlight and fresh air.

Interior view from living room

Internal view of the bathroom on the first floor

Internal view from the bathroom on the first floor towards the roof garden


Category: Academic project Location: Diecimo, Lucca, Italy Year: 2016 In collaboration with: Claudia Brisighelli, Nico Cateni Oriented by: Prof. Arch. Pietro Ruschi

ÂŤRestoration is the methodological moment of the recognition of a work of art in its physical consistency, and its dual aesthetic and historical polarity, with a view to its transmission into the futureÂť Brandi, Teoria del restauro, 1977 In order to intervene to give the building a readability of the surfaces, it is proposed to perform a general cleaning of both the external and internal walls, necessary to eliminate factors that could degrade not only at the aesthetic level, but also structural. We propose to indicate one of the possible ways to face, reserving to remember that for a correct approach to the intervention would be necessary innumerable essays, tests and comparisons, verifications and repetitions, variations and adaptations. The following restoration project uses a method of approach that we have outlined based on knowledge. Although accurate from the stereometric and superficial point of view of the building, they are insufficient to create a complete picture of the building conditions that would require specialized and very accurate studies that go beyond the possibilities of a university project.


Current appareance render of the apse facade

General plan of the Romanesque Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta. Roof plan.

First floor of the Romanesque Parish Church: geometrical survey render. Detail of the main facade. Vault of the central nave: actual appearance.

Facing each others, a purely geometrical rendering of the main facade of the building, with all the decay signs lightly reported, and a photogrammetry based on the survey with

total station with a 1:10 precision give a syntactical report of Bigattiera exterior status. The final files which go up to several GBytes weight, are high resolution rendering of the

actual situation of the building, allowing a precise and deep study of all the process of decay in act.

Cross section of the altar. Geometrical survey drawing vs Current appareance.

Wanting to delude ourselves of the utopian possibility of a restoration that acts with the sole purpose of preserving a historical and artistic heritage, we intervened on the church through a critical restoration, pro-

posing a project that is a ‘’reading’’ of the monument to be preserved in its historical stratification , between image and matter, in the form in which it is received. Following Brandi’s guidelines in his

Theory we have carried out, from a purely technical point of view, a restoration in which there is the absolute prevalence of the historical instance, with the claim to leave the building at the state quo.

Longitudinal section of the main apse. Current appareance vs degradation abacus.


Category: Academic project Location: Cascina, Pisa, Italy Year: 2015 In collaboration with: Nico Cateni Oriented by: Prof. Arch. Luca Lanini

“Schools began with a man under a tree,who did not know he was a teacher, discussing his realization with a few, who did not know they were students. Student reflected on the exchange of ideas and how constructive it was to be in the presence of such a man. They also wanted their children to ascoltassere a similar man. Soon the spaces ere built and the first schools were born. the establishment of schools was inevitable in that they are part of the desires of man.� Louis Kahn


External view from the main avenue

Double facade | detail scale 1:25

1 2 3 4 5 6

Section AA’ | scale 1:100

7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23

Legend: 1. Aluminum box upright, 0.15 cm thick 2. Solar control polycarbonate sheet, 0.6 cm thick 3. Aluminum fixing 4. Box aluminum crosspiece, 0.15 cm thick 5. Metallic pattern 6. IPE 140 steel beam 7. Blackout roller blinds 8. Double glazing 0,4 + 1,1 cm, laminated safety glass 44.1 9. Thermal break frame 10. Box aluminum crosspiece 11. HEB 400 steel column 12. Sandwich panel type VELFAC, thickness 9 cm 13. Skirting board in PVC 14. Adhesive perimeter frame in expanded polyethylene, thickness 0.6 cm 15. Floor in synthetic resin 16. L-shaped closing profile, 0.4 cm thick 17. Acoustic insulation, 4 cm thick 18. Slab in corrugated sheet with cooperating slab, 12 cm thick 19. Countertop in natural fiber, 1.9 cm thick 20. Secondary order of IPE 200 steel beams 21. IPE 400 steel beam 22. Polyurethane foam insulation 23. Acoustic insulation, 4 cm thick

Elevation band | scale 1:100 A



Category: Academic project Location: Urban park of Cisanello, Pisa, Italy Year: 2014 In collaboration with: Dario C. Tarabini, Marco Perrone Oriented by: Prof. Arch. Giovanni Santi

“Into the Cube� is a project proposal that aims to contaminate the Urban Park of Cisanello with micro-architectures with the aim of impressing the visitor, which iterating with these will draw on the more emotional and playful part of himself. The cube was chosen as a structural space to be inhabited, altered, redefined. For the whole extension of the park and under the raised cycle path, small cubic installations have been installed, each with its own concept but all with the usual prefabricated steel structure. The steel structure of these micro-architectures has been designed in every detail to adapt them to different functions. In fact, the main themes of this design are flexibility and sustainability. The structure of these micro-architectures can be subdivided into necessary and optional, depending on the needs of the designer. The required one includes a prefabricated base (already equipped with floor and support structure), raised from the ground thanks to the use of an adjustable stainless-steel base equipped with a wheel. In the corners of the base steel cups were fixed by welding, necessary for fixing the square-section vertical tubes.The four vertical tubes will be joined to the upper ends by another four horizontal tubes by means of a snap lock, forming the supporting structure. This is combined with the optional one. It is possible to add other tubulars on each side to allow the fixing of external or internal panels.


Multifunctional | activity

#greenhouse #plants|owers #nature

Easy installation | prefabricated

#market store #shop #attraction

#exhibition space #artistic installations #urban design

#social center #meet people #reection

Axonometric Detail


1. 2.

2. 3.

12. 10. 12.



11. 9.

4. 5. 8. 7.

6. 4. 5.

1. Snap lock for tubular steel mounting. 10. 2. Tubular steel 9. 50x50x2750 mm, fixed by M8 bolting. 6. 8. 7. to the main structure for fixing uprights, 4 mm thick. 3. Glass in steel welded 4. Wooden flooring, 20 mm thick. 1. Snap lock fordry tubular steel mounting. 5. BetonWood screed slab, 20 mm and 18 mm thick. 2. Tubular steel 50x50x2750 mm, fixed by M8 bolting. 6. Steel sheet, 3 mm thick. 3. steel welded to the main structure for fixing uprights, 4 mm thick. 7. Glass Sheet in corrugated, 39 mm thick. 4. flooring,polyamide 20 mm thick. 8. Wooden Double rotating wheel on bearing. Nominal capacity 6000 N. 5. drysingle-component screed slab, 20 mm and 18 mmfoam. thick. 9. BetonWood Self-expanding polyurethane 6. Steel sheet, 3 mm thick. 10. L-shaped profile bolted through M8 bolts to the metal tube. 7. corrugated, 39bar. mm thick. 11.Sheet Quadrangular LED 8. Double rotating polyamide wheel on8bearing. Nominal capacity 6000 N. 12. Tubular steel 100x100x3000 mm, mm thick. 9. Self-expanding single-component polyurethane foam. 10. L-shaped profile bolted through M8 bolts to the metal tube. 11. Quadrangular LED bar. 12. Tubular steel 100x100x3000 mm, 8 mm thick.

#cube of silence A cube of mirrors surrounded by nature.


Inside the Cisanello Urban Park, this small structure with a camouflage look has been designed. Is a cube of three meters on each side externally covered with “spy-glass�, a glass that looks like a reflecting mirror from the outside, while from the inside it behaves like a normal transparent glass. Once inside the structure you will find yourself immersed in silence as the only vehicle for connecting with nature and yourself.




Graphic illustration of Cube of Silence

structure 1. Secondary structure of uprights and crosspieces in steel, square section 50x50 mm. 2. Internal wall cladding in plywood panels, 12 mm thick. 3. Acoustic insulation with polyester fiber panels inserted between the tubes by a metal guide. 4. External covering with Spyglass plates fixed to the structure by means of a special structural adhesive glue.

#cube of art Mirror Cube

Detail | Seek £ Hide Cube

It is an interactive structure in which the work of art is the same observer. The visitor will be projected into a new dimension, thanks to the clever game of reflections created inside the cube between two opposite sides. On one side the mirrors, on the opposite side themed screen-printed panels. The observer, seeing his reflection, will be able to draw from the deepest part of his consciousness. Seek £ Hide Cube It is an artistic installation capable of creating refined optical effects using few and simple compositional elements. The visitor plays with his body providing with his movements to put the installation in motion. It is an obsession with the kinetic movement. The movement, obtained through the physical oscillations of the LEDs, materializes in the luminous trail that is created at the passage of the visitor who, with his own body, allows the compositional elements to oscillate.

Mirror Cube

Seek £ Hide Cube

Exploded | Mirror Cube Reflection

Silk-screened PVC panels


Silk-screened PVC panels

Reynobond Mirror panels

sodano.mrc@gmail.com T +39 3804612934 www.linkedin.com/in/marcosodano “In compliance with the Italian legislative Decree no. 196 dated 30/06/2003, I hereby authorize to use and process my personal details contained in this document.�

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