SVB Outlook - Dec 2021-Jan 2022

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December 2021 - January 2022

The magazine of the churches of The Sodbury Vale Benefice: Chipping Sodbury, Old Sodbury, Little Sodbury and Horton. 1

Our Team

The Rector


The Revd. Canon David Bowers 01454 313159,

The Revd. Jane Jones-Williams 07498 878164

Day off Monday

Churchwardens St John’s, Chipping Sodbury

St James’, Horton

Joy Gibson 01454 319288

Tina Hildick-Smith 01454 320380

Paul Jones-Williams 01454 324970

Richard Needs 01454 329890

St Adeline’s, Little Sodbury

St John’s, Old Sodbury

Linda Hurst 01454 319183

John Myers 01454 312223

Safeguarding Nominated Person


Hannah Saunders 07515 915976

Michelle Jenkins, Trish Gailey and helpers


Contact Hannah if you have a concern about suspected abuse of a child or a vulnerable adult

Volunteer required

Published by The Sodbury Vale Benefice, Church Office, St John’s Church Centre, Wickwar Road, Chipping Sodbury, BS37 6BQ, 01454 325160,, Open in school term time, Mon - Tue - Thu mornings 9.00 - 12.00. Editor - Michael Stephenson


A Word from David Dear Friends We look forward to a more “normal” Christmas celebration in our churches this year, although we are still being careful as we meet together as covid has not gone away. There are details in this edition of our Christmas services, as well as our other special events. I hope you will join us, either by coming to worship with us or by joining one of our online streamed services.

“The birth of Jesus is God’s greatest gift to us and he welcomes us into a relationship that can transform our lives.”

“We invite you to join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus in worship in each of our churches.”

For me, one of the most enjoyable aspects of Christmas is the carol singing and I always find that the message of these songs is as relevant to our age as much as when they were written. They help us to remember how God, through the birth of Jesus, came into our world and into human history to bring us new life, hope and peace. He didn’t come with a fanfare or with maximum publicity. He came as a vulnerable baby, born to a young couple far from home and staying in the humblest of settings in an occupied country. Jesus was born into a world in desperate need and that continues to be the case as we hear the Christmas story again this year. The carol, “See amid the winter’s snow” speaks of how Jesus came “from highest bliss, down to such a world as this.” The birth of Jesus is God’s greatest gift to us and he welcomes us into a relationship that can transform our lives. However you are feeling as we come towards the end of this year, the message of Christmas is for all of us. As with any gift, all we have to do is to receive it with joy and gratitude. In the words of another carol, may our prayer be that Christ may “be born in us today”. We invite you to join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus in worship in each of our churches. Judith and I, along with all of our ministry team, wish you all a happy and joyful Christmas and a peaceful and healthy New Year. David

The Donkey

By Will Parsons

There once was a donkey called Michael who lived in a field outside the city of Nazareth. He lived in the field with 20 other donkeys but it was quite boring as there was nothing to do other than eat grass. Michael had a best friend called Francis and he was a bird. He would always come along to the field to see Michael but also to eat some of the farmer’s seeds. One cold night the gate of the field swung open. All the donkeys were so fast asleep that they did not notice the low creak sound of the gate. Michael knew it was now or never the moment he had waited for he`d never get the chance again. He belted out of the gate like a bullet. His friend Francis shouted after him “Hey Michael waaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!” They ran and ran into Nazareth until they had to rest. They found some straw scattered around on the street and laid down to rest. Just down the street Mary and Joseph were getting ready to go to Bethlehem. God had told them that Mary would have a baby who was to be called Jesus and he would be the son of god. They needed a donkey to travel on. Joseph was going out to get some bread from the market when he stumbled across Michael. He woke him up and took him home. Michael liked it there he got food water and was cared for greatly. Finally the big day came were Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem. They set on their long journey travelling over hills and mountains but finally they reached Bethlehem. When they got there though there was no where to stay except for an old barn. That night Jesus was born and everyone in the world turned happy. The end

A Christmas prayer.

By Nancy Parsons

Dear God Thank you for Father Christmas and all his lovely presents which he gives us. Thank you for all the lovely lights that shine like you. Thank you for giving us your only son Jesus to help us on our way. Thank you for looking after all my family and friends. Please keep us safe at Christmas. Thank you Amen. Photo-Claudia Meyer - FreeImages


New Home Group David has asked me to start a home group in the New Year which will meet during the day, probably fortnightly. The main purpose of the group will be fellowship, prayer and Bible study. If anyone would be interested in joining, please contact me on 07904 500417. Steve Abbott

Yate Foodbank Yate Foodbank are looking for a lead volunteer to co-ordinate the Yate outlet. The Foodbank is currently overseen by North Bristol Foodbank. The role would not be as demanding as previously, as there is now only one Yate Foodbank session per week - roughly 3 hours on a Tuesday. Photo- Aaron Doucett Unsplash If you are interested in finding out more, please contact either or 01454 326395

Children's Society house box collection January 2022 I have received the box holder list and instructions from The Children's Society for the box collection in January. Last year, despite all the restrictions and hardships’ house box networks raised £760,000 to help the most vulnerable children. I am happy to collect your box from you as pre-covid, but if you would prefer me not to call on you, then please let me know. (01454 311515) I will also be happy to collect cheques from you, as this year, if you would prefer to make a donation in this way. I look forward to seeing you all again in January. With Blessings for a Peaceful Christmas

Hilary Hurley

A Children's Society Prayer Holy God You surprise us constantly with your insistent call of love - that boundless, sacrificial love that longs to give everything away. Move us to reflect that love and that longing into our communities and into our world, especially where there is poverty, fear and loss. We pray for children and young people whose resilience has been challenged by the restrictions and upheavals of the COVID-19 pandemic. Give strength and bright hope to those whose families have been pushed to breaking point because of financial shock, whose isolation has rendered them more at risk of abuse, neglect, or sexual and criminal exploitation, who have been hidden and excluded from systems of support. As research reveals a continuing decline in children’s happiness and wellbeing, we give thanks for the staff and volunteers of the Children’s Society as they campaign alongside children and young people for the government to prioritise children’s well-being , run drop-in centres to stop young people from reaching a point where they can’t cope and work in schools, giving training for staff and helping students to look out for each other during tough times. For you, God, all things are possible. Help us to trust you to rescue us from inertia and to do great things through us. Amen. 6

You can’t love like God without loving his creation

Katie’s Chocolate Crispies

Abby Button is a young Christian who wants to challenge us all to make small changes towards a greener life. “I remember beginning to feel overwhelmed by what was happening to the earth; feeling fearful about the future, and so ashamed about what we were doing to God’s beautiful creation. I felt I couldn’t possibly do any good as one individual. But I realised that it’s more Recipe about our hearts and our attitudes than anything we 150g dark chocolate can practically achieve. 50g butter “In my family, we’ve started making a lot of small 65g golden syrup lifestyle changes. We go to a refill shop for pasta/rice, 65g Rice Krispies buy loose fruit and veggies at the supermarket, have milk bottles delivered, and use reusable water bottles 100g crushed digestives and coffee cups. We’ve also made changes to our toiletries, such as bamboo toothbrushes, shampoo bars, bars of soap rather than ‘squirty’ ones, reusable feminine products, and makeup wipes etc. We’ve been trying to reduce waste by installing a water butt to harvest rainwater, having a ‘wonky’ vegetable box delivered, and buying clothes second hand. We’ve also been trying to be more nature-conscious in the garden, by building a wildlife pond, letting the grass grow long, planting native flowers, and providing food and homes for birds and hedgehogs. “The most encouraging posts I read about living sustainably are the ones that say you don’t have to do it perfectly or change everything about your lifestyle, but to do something little is better than nothing. “Thankfully we don’t have to fix this problem by ourselves, but in partnership with God, whose power is greatest in our weakness. An encouragement from Mother Theresa is that ‘not all of us can do great things, but we can all do small things with great love,’ and I believe that you can’t love like God without loving his creation.”

To decorate: Glacé icing or melted white chocolate & glacé cherries Line 6 muffin tins with cling film. Put chocolate, butter & syrup in a saucepan & stir gently over a low heat until melted. Leave to cool for 10 mins to cool then add Rice Krispies & biscuits. Stir well then divide mixture into muffin tins & press flat with a spoon. Chill for at least an hour. Take out of the muffin tins & place upside down on a plate. Drizzle each one with the icing or white chocolate & place a glacé cherry on top.

Benefice Christmas Greetings

With best wishes for Christmas & the New Year. From Joy and Andy Gibson

Wishing everyone a joyful Christmas, Followed by a happy, healthy 2022. Love and best wishes, Linda & John Rees X A very Happy Christmas. May it be a joyful and blessed time as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour. With love from David and Judith

Peter and Christine Stephens send their friends in the benefice their best wishes for a happy Christmas and peaceful New Year.

To our SVB Church Family, Wishing you all a Peaceful Christmas with your friends and loved ones. See you in 2022! With every blessing & seasons greetings. Hannah & Steve Kerner Wishing everyone a peaceful Christmas and a healthy 2022. From Karen, Stephen and Matthew Hunter

Merry Christmas from Michelle and the family, Thank you for all the love and prayers this year.

Wishing you all a peaceful Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. With Blessings, Hilary and Nigel Hurley


A Joyous Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to all. Michael and Diane.

Benefice Christmas Greetings

Peace and Joy to all at Christmas and for the coming year, and many thanks for your support and prayers for Reader Training. God bless, love from Tania Manners Happy Christmas and Best Wishes to everyone in the benefice. From Ann Gay

We wish all our friends around the Benefice a joyful and blessed Christmas. Rob and Chris Axford

We wish everyone a very Blessed and Happy time at Christmas. During lockdown we 'met' so many folk across the benefice via Zoom. We pray for better times in 2022 and opportunities to meet in 3D. Bev and Helen (Hope-Bell)

Christmas and New Year Blessings to everyone in our Benefice from all of us at St Adeline’s

Wishing you all a very happy and blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Jane and Paul J-W

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone in the Sodbury Vale Benefice to all our Outlook readers.

Children’s Christmas Art

“Mary with Jesus” by Daisy Kemp aged 4

A lovely nativity scene by Elyse, seen here holding her picture


Poem “Winter” by Eva aged 8

Poem “Snow” by Zoe aged 6

Eva’s Christmas Design

When you plant your Garden Plant three rows of peas Peace of mind Peace of heart Peace of soul

Water freely with patience and cultivate with love. There is much fruit in your garden because you reap what you sow.

Plant four rows of squash Squash gossip Squash indifference Squash grumbling Squash selfishness

To conclude our garden We must have Thyme for fun Thyme for rest Thyme for ourselves.

No garden should be without turnips Turnip for service when needed Turnip to help one another Turnip the music and dance


At the heart of Christmas

Photo - Randy Fath Unsplash

During Advent, getting some time to reflect, rest and be restored is so vital to enjoying the holiday period. Churches across the diocese will be offering a range of different services and events including: ● Christingle, a service where you decorate an orange with sweets and ribbons to think about Christian themes ● 9 Lessons and Carols (a church service made up of singing and reading from the Bible) ● Crib services with a dramatic retelling of the Christmas story ● Christmas tree and crib festivals ● Midnight mass, a late-night church service, starting around 11.30 pm. From Christmas Eve through to the Epiphany on 6 January, the national Church will be sharing At the heart of Christmas: 12 days of stories and meditations for Christmas. On each of the 12 days, a different person will share something that lies close to the heart of Christmas for them, bringing the theme to life through a mixture of personal story, Bible reading, reflection and questions to ponder. You can download the At the heart of Christmas app via the Church of England website from late November. On each Sunday of Advent there will be an online service broadcast on the Church of England’s YouTube channel 12

It Begins (again) In Bethlehem

Photo Bartok Ambrozik - Freeimages

Last year we realised we’d not be able to run our normal Christingle services on Christmas Eve at St John’s, Chipping Sodbury, owing to the numbers we expect and Covid regulations. Instead, we worked on an alternative event called It Begins in Bethlehem. Sadly, it became apparent we’d not be able to proceed with this in the form we’d planned either, but we were extremely thankful that Frank Gray was able to film a shortened version for us for our YouTube channel.

Come and join us from 3pm to 5pm on

Christmas Eve and enjoy the journey

This year, whilst we’re still unable to hold our usual Christingle services, we’re really pleased to be able to bring you

It Begins In Bethlehem, a crib event running from 3pm-5pm on Christmas Eve and taking the form of a journey witnessing the proceedings in Bethlehem leading up to Jesus’ birth. On the journey you will meet Angel Gabriel and other angels, shepherds, the innkeeper, the wise men, and of course, Mary and Joseph. The event is devised to ensure groups are able to distance safely from each other.

Further details will be available over the coming weeks but please do contact any of these for more information: Revd Catherine Coster, Revd Jane Jones-Williams Revd David Bowers .

Did you know? In Ukraine, spiders are considered symbols of good luck at Christmas. In Ukraine, families often add spider web ornaments to their trees as a nod to a lovely seasonal story about spiders once using their silky string to decorate the tree of a poor widow and her children.

Photo Gordon Beagley - Unsplash

Silent Night is the most recorded song We all know the same few handfuls of Christmas songs play at stores and on the radio in a loop all season long. But one of them has been adapted more than others. Silent Night earns the title, as the most-recorded Christmas song in history. It's had more than 733 different versions copyrighted since 1978.

The term "Xmas" dates back to the 1500s Contrary to popular believe, "Xmas" is not a trendy attempt to take Christ out of Christmas. According to “From Adam's Apple to Xmas”: "Christianity" was spelled "Xianity" as far back as 1100. X, or Chi, is the Greek first letter of "Christ" and served as a symbolic stand-in at the time. In 1551, the holiday was commonly called "Xtemmas," which was later shortened to "Xmas." The first Christmas card ever sent is now worth almost £22,500.

Photo Alain - Unsplash

Copy Deadline Please send all copy for the February - March issue to the Church Office by Monday

If you gave all the gifts listed in the "Twelve Days of Christmas," it would equal 364 presents.

Photo Donna Spearman - Unsplash

Hanging stockings started by accident Legend has it, we hang stockings by the chimney with care thanks to a poor man who didn't have enough money for his three daughters' dowries. Generous old St. Nick dropped a bag of gold down their chimney one night after the girls had hung their freshly-washed stockings there to dry. That's where the gold ended up, and the tradition stuck.

Front Cover:

January 17 14

Crib festival 2013

Christmas Services in the Sodbury Vale Benefice 2021 Sunday 12 Dec.


Carol Service at Horton

Friday 17 Dec. 7.00pm

Carol Service at Little Sodbury

Sunday 19 Dec.


Carol Service at Old Sodbury


Carol Service at Chipping Sodbury

Christmas Eve Friday 24 Dec. 3.00pm

Crib Service at Old Sodbury

3.00–5.00pm “It Begins in Bethlehem” – An interactive Journey through the Christmas story in Chipping Sodbury Church


First Communion of Christmas at Horton


First Communion of Christmas at Chipping Sodbury

Christmas Day Saturday 25 Dec. 9.30am

Family Communion at Chipping Sodbury


Family Communion at Old Sodbury

Boxing Day Sunday 26 Dec.


Holy Communion at Chipping Sodbury

Sunday 2 Jan.


Benefice Service at Little Sodbury

Photo Samuel Alves Rosa Freeimages Photo Willie Cloete Freeimages

The Extended Team Honorary Assistant Ministers Meet the members of the extended team who support our worship. They consist of retired clergy (perhaps not quite?) and lay readers, who help David by taking services and helping with other events around the benefice.

Revd. Steve Abbott

Revd. Pauline Green

Revd. Canon Rob Axford

Revd. Chris Mason

Revd. Christine Axford

Revd. David Powe

Revd. Canon Catherine Coster

Wully Perks (Reader)

01454 777745

Mike Swain (Reader)

This magazine is brought to you Free by the four churches of the Sodbury Vale Benefice. If you would like to make a small donation towards printing costs which are 65p a copy that would be most welcome. Thank you. 16

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