Soderglen Ranches Select Bull Sale 2019

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max The MAX program at Soderglen is a program we are

most profitable cowherds in our environment are crossbred

extremely proud of. We believe the success of the program

cows. Use these MAX bulls on straight bred cows to gain the

is due to the demand for the type of cattle we strive to

punch of heterosis you need or use them on crossbred cows

achieve with this MAX breed. Simply put, MAX bulls and

to keep that British exotic cross just where you want it. The

females just plain work. The two breeds we use to create

Max bulls are also an excellent addition to a 3 way rotational

this hybrid are unparalleled in our industry today for all

breeding system. Other crossbred cattle are increasingly

the relevant traits we are after. There isn’t one individual

being produced domestically as hybrid programs continue

breed in our industry today that can capture and pass on

to gain popularity in Canada. Some programs claim to be

the multitude of traits that MAX bulls can. Whether you are

producing MAX cattle but we urge buyers to be cautious. The

keeping replacement females to breed or sell, selling steer

MAX breed was created at Soderglen and only Soderglen

calves off the cow or backgrounding until spring, this breed

produces genuine MAX cattle. We very specifically select the

of cattle will fit your program. The biggest benefit producers

cattle used to create this breed and it goes much farther

receive in crossbreeding cattle is also the most intangible

than simply crossbreeding Simmental and Angus cattle. With

to measure, fertility. The MAX program offers you the chance

over 20 years of breeding Hybrid cattle you can ensure you

to own the most female making bulls in the business. The

are investing in the most elite hybrid program Canada has to offer.


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