7 minute read
Source responsibly and provide management services that reduce carbon emissions
Source responsibly and provide management services that reduce carbon emissions
We are phasing out disposable plastics
In the beginning of 2019 we announced Sodexo Nordic´s commitment to phase out disposable plastics as an additional step towards a sustainable planet. Our goal is to eliminate single use plastics in the Nordic region and replace them with more sustainable- and environmental friendly alternatives. We acknowledge that waste is one of our planet’s biggest collective challenges. Through our “Better Tomorrow 2025” corporate responsibility roadmap, we have committed to eliminating avoidable waste globally by 2025. As one of the largest service and food supplier in the Nordics, serving consumers in universities, workplaces, hospitals, schools, and so many other venues, we understand both the potential impact we can make by a commitment to reduction and the real benefit that some of these products bring to people every day. We believe there is tremendous room for reducing waste without having a single person who uses our services feel like they are being excluded.
This is what we have committed to:
Eliminate disposable plastic cups, plastic take out bags and plastic stirrers by the end of 2019 Eliminate plastic lids and plastic food containers by 2025 Reduce plastic straw use by adopting a ‘by request’ policy and shift plastic straws to more sustainable materials unless plastic is required for accessibility by 2019 When plastic needs to be used we will always use plastic that is possible to recycle
Continue to seek innovative practices and products to reduce or eliminate other single use plastics Given our expertise in ensuring quality of life services in cleaning, for people with disabilities, patients in hospitals, seniors, and people with food allergies, we are applying a targeted approach that will avoid the unintended consequences that could accompany full-scale elimination. Perhaps most importantly, we are continuing to work with supply partners on innovative and more sustainable product packaging for all customer facing retail products.
Source responsibly and provide management services that reduce carbon emissions
Reducing our environmental impact
As a major actor in the food sector we have a responsibility to take initiatives in order to increase the pace and find new sustainable and more environmental friendly solutions. Us removing disposable plastics is one of the steps we are taking in order to reduce our environmental impact. The outphasing work has started and our first goal has been to eliminate plastic bags and plastic stirrers within our Nordic business during 2019. It is a challenge but thanks to innovative collaboration with our suppliers we are on the right track.”, Per Liljedahl, Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Director Sodexo Nordics says.
Our Disposable Plastics Commitment is merely one step in our effort to reduce environmental impact, as we continue to research and introduce new innovations such as reusable materials, bioplastics and organic materials in our effort to eliminate fossil based material.
Per Liljedahl, QHSE Director, Sodexo Nordics
Did you know that…
many of the ‘single use’ items end up littering the environment or the world’s oceans, where they can cause significant harm?
plastic accumulates in seas, oceans and on beaches worldwide, due to ´single plastic´s´ slow decomposition?
plastic residues are often found in marine species –such as sea turtles, seals, whales and birds, but also in fish and shellfish, and therefore also in the human food chain?
animals may also starve to death when they eat plastic and there is no more room in their stomachs for food?
Fight hunger and malnutrition
Fight hunger and malnutrition
Stop Hunger –a global network A hunger free world is possible
Stop Hunger is a global non-profit network that has been working locally for those most in need to permanently escape hunger for more than 20 years. Stop Hunger has transformed into a global network of non-profit organizations working for a hunger-free world in 3 fields of intervention: Support to local communities in need, Women empowerment and Emergency assistance.
The United Nations has set a goal of eliminating hunger in the world by 2030. Stop Hunger with Sodexo, as a founding partner, want to contribute and act on the ground together and with the international community to end hunger in the world.
Stop Hunger Sodexo Nordics
Within Sodexo Nordics our main NGOs are city missions and similar local organizations that support people in need. We contribute with donations and food distribution through our dedicated employees.
5 898 meals
1 866 kilos of food
Click on the picture to read Stop Hunger 2019 Activity Report
Gender balance –the key to success - SheWorks Job Shadowing program
Diversity and inclusion is a given part of our business culture. Diversity creates dynamics and contributes to our employees’ engagement, creativity and our profitability. For us, diversity and inclusion are about respecting people's equal value regardless of gender, gender identity, ethnic affiliation, religion, disability, sexual orientation or age. Everyone should have the opportunity to contribute based on their abilities and conditions.
Our research shows that gender balanced teams perform better, and so we are working to have women represent at least 40 percent of our leaders by 2025. This important goal won’t be met overnight, so we have established a gender strategy to help us to do this Our global gender balance strategy is a key driver in ensuring that both women and men have equal access to growth and opportunities in our workplace. And we are investing in a number of initiatives to accelerate the advancement of women and spark progress towards gender equality globally. Why? Because when women are empowered, we’re all empowered. And achieving gender equality drives our performance and is critical to reaching a Better Tomorrow for our employees, our clients and consumers, and the communities we serve.
Introducing SheWorks Job Shadowing
In celebration of International Women’s Day in March 2019, we introduced the SheWorks program, a Sodexo’s global day of job shadowing. This will connect women in the community with Sodexo employees in a one-day program to learn about Sodexo’s business and job opportunities.
SheWorks is a great opportunity to support women in our local communities, but it’s also an opportunity for us as a company to gather insight from a new talent pool and identify potential candidates to fulfil future roles at Sodexo.
Job shadowing for growth
The purpose with job shadowing is to give women and men an introduction to job careers that they otherwise wouldn’t have considered.
Employees who already have tried this opportunity witness that it truly is a chance to contribute to someone else’s growth as an ambassador and also learning new things for yourself. Ambassadors also find that it’s very useful to be shadowed since you learn to look at what you do on a daily basis with fresh eyes giving feedback on improvement potential. The experience is described with words like fun, important and that it is with pride you do it. CASE
Christina Ydrauw, Bid Project Manager was Ambassador for Candidate Linda Backström, Operations Manager Transport and they have made a pact to keep in touch also in the future so Christina will continue to have the Ambassador role for Linda. Our candidates that shadows the ambassadors have similar experiences. They find it rewarding in having established new contacts, new ideas and inspiration in their work and future growth. For external students it’s a great opportunity to have some practical experience in an easy way, being inspired to work at Sodexo.
I’m a curious person by nature and really enjoy meeting new people for inspiration and also to build a larger network. At Sodexo your network is really important, no one can get the job done on their own. When an opportunity like this is being offered internally it’s well invested time to jump onboard.
Linda Backström